#nicole “sweetie” sweet
simquoya · 1 year
mind yours
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⚫ current chapter: growing pains
< previous chapter: its getting real (chrono)
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seramilla · 3 months
Okay so I loved the Charlie asks Carmilla for her blessing in the related to Vaggie AU.
So my idea is for the proposal that Charlie sings to Vaggie before kneeling and asking after she finishes singing.
One of my go to songs for Charlie x Vaggie is Safe With Me by Megan Nicole
Charlie would definitely sing to Vaggie when she proposes. No question. That one's a good one.
Charlie is so nervous in the hours leading up to her proposal to Vaggie, she can practically hear her own brain vibrating inside her skull. Will the mood be right? Is she being too presumptuous about this? Is Vaggie even ready for this type of commitment? Will her partner say no???
Charlie wipes sweat from her brow so many times during dinner, and has to hold herself down to keep from bouncing in her seat at the theater. She's able to get out some of her nervous energy when they go dancing, and the entire time that she's dipping, twirling, and gliding with Vaggie out on the dance floor, Charlie is reminded how beautiful her partner is. Every movement they share is fluid like a breeze over water, and it almost takes Charlie's mind off the stress about proposing within the next hour.
Eventually they make it back to the Hotel, and just as a treat, Charlie and Vaggie climb up to the roof, to their own secret spot. From up there, they can kind of get away from the smog of Pentagram City, and see a huge expanse of the Pride ring from their vantage point. Vaggie dangles her feet off the side of the roof, swinging them back and forth with excitement, like she's dancing all over again.
Charlie looks over at her, smiles, and bites her lip. She reaches for the little black box in the pocket of her suit pants. The pants to the white tuxedo that she wore specifically for this occasion, which complements Vaggie's golden dress so nicely. Charlie doesn't think her partner has ever looked so beautiful.
"Umm...Vaggie?" Charlie asks.
"Yeah, hon?"
Vaggie stops swinging her feet and looks at Charlie. The angel's expression is so serene, so fulfilled, like Charlie has already granted every one of her most cherished wishes in life. Charlie swallows hard. Maybe she has. But she hopes to fulfill even one more.
Charlie grips the box in her pocket again, biting her bottom lip.
"Vaggie...I want you to know how much I really, really enjoyed this anniversary with you. I can't believe it's already been 5 years since we started dating...and even longer since we met. I never knew on that Extermination day that my life would ever change this much. I feel like...from the moment I met you, you made me want to be a better person. Actually made me a better person. I don't know where I'd be without you."
Vaggie smiles. "Awww! Thank you so much, sweetie! I feel the same way! If you hadn't rescued me...Heaven knows where I'd be right now!"
Vaggie leans in closely to Charlie, giving the princess a sweet, lingering kiss on her increasingly chapped lips. Charlie's been licking them all night out of nervousness. They're pretty dry and gross by this point. If Vaggie notices, she doesn't say anything; just looks over at Charlie with the same affection and adoration, as always.
Charlie nods, rubbing the back of her head with the hand not currently holding onto the box in her pocket.
"Yes! Me too! I feel like you saved me, too, Vaggie! From my own self-doubt...and just me in general. I was such a mess before I met you."
Charlie fiddles with the box again, turning it over and over in her pocket, as if it will somehow fuel the bravery she needs to say what she wants to next.
"So...I'm...I really wanted to make this night special for you. Because I love you so much! And I want to have so many more nights like this with you. Every night. Forever. For the rest of my life. You're everything to me."
Charlie doesn't wait any longer. When it looks like Vaggie might lean in for another kiss, Charlie pulls the box out of her pocket, opens it, and shows Vaggie the ring she'd had custom-made just for her. It's beautiful, with a single white diamond embedded in a simple gold band, because Charlie knows Vaggie doesn't like excessively flashy gifts. If Vaggie's enraptured expression is any indication, Charlie had gotten it right with this one.
As the angel's eyes widen, realizing what's happening, Charlie proposes to her partner in song. Putting voice to all the ways that Vaggie was meant for her, that they were meant to be together, in the way that only Charlie can, when she's singing from her heart. Vaggie sits and listens patiently, eyes sparkling like stars. When Charlie is finished, and leans back down to kneel in front of her, she pops the question in her regular voice.
"Vaggie," Charlie starts, licking her dry lips one more time for good measure, "Would you make me the happiest woman by marrying me?...And if you have to say no -- which you are perfectly within your right to do -- would you let me down easy?"
"Charlie, wait..."
"I mean, I'm just really emotional right now, and that's not your fault, you're not responsible for my feelings, but I don't know if I could handle it if you--"
"Yes?! I'm sorry! What?!"
Vaggie moves in closer to Charlie, where she's kneeling in front of her on top of the Hazbin Hotel, under one of the most unromantic skylines in all the seven Rings. Vaggie takes the ring out of Charlie's little box, and puts it on her ring finger. It's a perfect fit, as Charlie knew it would be.
She leans in again to kiss Charlie's lips. Slowly and softly, like she wants it to last forever. By the time the two pull away, it's apparent to Charlie that Vaggie is crying.
"Yes!" Vaggie says, taking both of Charlie's hands in hers. "You are such a goofball! Yes, Charlie, I'll marry you! Of course, I will!"
Charlie's face goes from scared, to disbelief, to realization, to elation in a matter of seconds. Squealing and wrapping her arms tightly around Vaggie, she lifts the fallen angel off the roof, twirling her around like they're one of those couples on top of a spinning music box.
"Oh, thank you, Vaggie!" Charlie squeals. Then Charlie is crying, too, happy tears mixing in with the sound of her laughter. "Oh, baby, I love you so much! You make me so happy, Vaggie!"
Once Charlie has stopped spinning, Vaggie brings her dizzy girlfriend's lips back to hers, and whispers against her mouth, "Me too, Charlie. I am the luckiest person in Hell to get to be with you. Thank you saving me...and keeping me."
The two seal their proclamations with another passionate kiss, and then spend the rest of the night celebrating their engagement, in their own special way.
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kidstemplatte · 1 year
I need more dad terzo content. Everything you write is absolutely amazing!!!
the devil’s kiss (pt. 2)
pairing: dad! terzo x fem reader
summary: your daughter has a rough first day of school and is comforted by you and terzo.
song rec: ugly by nicole dollanganger
thank you so much! that seriously means so much to me. thank you.❤️ this is a continuation of this fanfiction i previously wrote. i recommend reading it before this one! i hope you enjoy!🥰
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Terzo, after a particularly boring meeting, walked out of the office with eagerness. Today was no regular day. Today was his stellina’s first day of kindergarten, and he wanted to hear all the details. His stride came to a sudden stop when he heard faint sniffling and the sound of your voice saying,
“No, baby… that’s not true at all.”
Was his sweet Violetta… crying?
After a brief pause in his tracks, Terzo’s paternal instincts kicked in as he instantly began heading in the direction of his daughter’s pained voice, desperate to fix the source of distress. As he turned the corner and headed towards the crying, he noticed your shadow, just barely visible beyond the doorframe of your daughter’s room.
“I think Papa’s here, sweetie. I’ll be right back.” He heard you say, stepping outside of Violetta’s room with teary eyes as the heart-wrenching sound of her crying continued.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Terzo frantically questioned, placing his hands on your arms, desperate to know what was making his sweet girl cry.
“She… the kids at school were mean to her. About her birthmark.” You explained in a choked whisper, rubbing tears from your eyes.
Your daughter, Violetta, was born with a red birthmark adorning the right side of her face. You two had discussed the struggles and judgement she may face when entering school, but were not at all prepared for the outburst you were witnessing.
Without thinking twice, Terzo entered Violetta’s room, and was faced with a tragic sight: his precious, perfect, beautiful daughter sitting on the carpet, bawling her eyes out.
“Papaaa…” she wailed, tears running down her face, holding out her arms so her daddy would hold her.
“Oh la mia stellina, come here, Papa’s got you…” he cooed, scooping her up into his arms and holding her against his chest.
A familiar ache began to grow in Terzo’s heart and throat, one that meant tears would soon follow.
“Papa… I’m ugly…” she cried against his neck.
His sweet, beautiful, perfect girl thought she was… ugly?
Who even taught her that word?
How could someone say that to her?
And why?
Terzo had never wanted to cry so much in his entire life. And he did. As he held his sweet baby girl in his arms, he couldn’t prevent tears from rolling down his face as well.
“They wouldn’t let me play with them because I scared them… They said I’m ugly.” she cried into his jacket.
Terzo was heartbroken. But that didn’t matter. What mattered is that she was.
From the moment Terzo layed eyes on his daughter, he knew he would make it his life’s mission to protect her from the cruelness of the world.
Her heart glimmered, like glass, but was fragile as well. He knew a heart as precious as hers was bound to be broken more than once. But he swore on his life he would always piece it back together somehow, no matter how much it hurt. No matter how badly the cuts from the shards stung, no matter how bloody his hands got, he would fix it. For her.
“La mia Violetta, la mia dolce bambina, tutto il mio mondo,” he began, taking a seat on her bed and holding her on his lap as you followed and sat beside them.
“You are not ugly. You are beautiful, la mia stellina. The most beautiful girl in the world.” He said, kissing all over her face. “You are the prettiest girl in the world. Do not let their mean and untrue words hurt you.”
Terzo continued to hold his daughter as you stroked her hair and rubbed her back, giving her words of reassurance and love. After the crying began to slow down and she had time to let out her tears, Terzo decided to enlighten her on a secret.
“You are a big girl now. You are… four years old now?” Terzo asked, knowing the answer.
“Five, Papa!” she said, holding up her little hand to show five fingers.
“Ay, five?!” Terzo dramatically said, placing his hand over his heart and drawing back in false shock. There is no way my little girl is five already! Well, if that’s true, I suppose you are big enough to know…” He contemplated, tapping his chin with his finger.
“Know what?” She replied enthusiastically.
“A very special secret.” He replied with a wink.
“Please, Papa, please!” Violetta begged, her eyes, similar to your own, gleaming with curiosity and wonder.
“Okay… between you and me-“ Terzo slyly looked to the left, and to the right.
“Your birthmark is what some would call the mark of Satanas.” He explained, leaning into her ear with his gloved hand cupping the side of his mouth.
“Mark of Sa…tan…as?” she struggled to pronounce, tilting her head to the side.
“The birthmark on your face is the devil’s kiss. That means you were chosen by Satan himself, you are special.” You explained gently.
“Satan chose me?” she beamed.
“Yes, you.” Terzo continued, gently pinching his daughter’s soft cheek to elicit a giggle.
Although you two raised Violetta Satanist, you knew she would not have any chance at making friends if the other kids were to discover this. You deeply valued your faith, but you also valued your happiness and safety.
“But remember, this is a secret. You are a very special girl, chosen by the devil himself, but the other kids may not understand this. So when somebody asks what’s on your face, you just tell them, ‘I was born with it.’ And you say it with pride.” Terzo advised her.
“I was born with it.” Violetta repeated.
“Yes, you were. And you should be proud.” he replied.
Terzo looked up from his daughter’s eyes and then into yours, exchanging a loving gaze with you, before you said,
“Your Mama and Papa are very proud of you.”
“I have the devil’s kiss!” She said excitedly.
“Sí, but remember, la mia stellina, nobody gets to kiss your adorable little face more than your Papa.” Terzo said, beginning to kiss all over his daughter’s face, as she erupted into a fit of precious laughter.
“No kisses for me?” you joked, raising an eyebrow at your husband.
“No. I already used all of them on my baby bat here, I apologize.”
This made Violetta giggle and kick her legs excitedly.
“Okay… Maybe I’ll give you one.” He said, planting a quick kiss on your cheek.
“No! No! Me!” Violetta squealed, insistently tapping on her father’s shoulder as the three of you laughed together.
To the world, it was a birthmark. To doctors, it was a diagnosis. But to you, it was something deeper. Something much greater. A gift. A dash of color in a monochrome world, another pigment in the portrait of your life, another shade of glass in your kaleidoscope. She allowed you to see the world differently and beautifully.
She was beautiful.
One day she would realize it.
With parents as amazing as you, how could she not?
☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓
thank you SO much if you’re reading this, it means everything to me ❤️
more of violetta is coming soon, so i hope you liked it!🥲
i love you!!
❤️, alice
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fodlansbestmom · 3 months
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"Hmm...You're pretty lovely, aren't you? I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of meeting someone like you before."
Long, beautiful verdant hair...Ornaments of exotic, yet alluring design...Nicole had to admit, she couldn't turn her gaze away from the shorter woman. That outfit, and all of those accessories, had to be worth a veritable fortune.
But, yet...There was something else drawing the coral-haired woman's attention. Her features...Her beautiful, yet pointed ears, the dress she wore...Even her emerald-hued eyes...It felt almost otherworldly, fascinating even. And that...Got Nicole Demara's attention more than anything else, enough where she decided to try introducing herself in a rather...Unorthodox way.
Carefully, she'd take the other's right hand and kiss it, a mischievous glint in her eyes...Before pulling away and smiling, giggling to herself. Surely, the other wouldn't mind such a bold greeting, would she? ...Well, even if she did, somehow, Nicole would think of something to make up for any offenses.
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"I...Hope you don't mind that little greeting just now too much. I just felt like you might enjoy some attention, sweetie. Anyway...My name's Nicole. Nicole Demara. And you are...?"
Bright emeralds peered at the woman before her. A stranger, yes, but a beautiful one. She was awfully fond of pink anything, primarily hair, as it was not so common such as brunet. It was pretty. And she had a matching voice!
A smile curled at her lips when her hand was taken, and a kiss was planted on the back of her hand. The contact was too short, in her opinion, but she couldn’t complain much. Touch was fleeting, such as the blooming of flowers. In a way she nearly yearned for more. Delicate, sweet touches.
“No, I do not mind at all. I find the more bold a greeting is, the more memorable.” Her smile widened. “Are you generally so bold in your introductions?” A light teasing but it’s lighthearted, completely. Ah - Nicole. A name not common in her world. It seemed.. Modern? Much unlike her own. “I am Sothis. But you are correct. I always crave attention.”
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aishnico · 11 months
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#𝙅𝙊𝙃𝙉 𝙁𝙍𝙐𝙎𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙀: 𝘶𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴
summary: your daughter and your ex-husband planned to spend weekend together but their plans changed because of the weather
word count: 3.1k
warnings: fluff, some ex-couples drama (?) because i feel like a bitch :P exes toooooo... 🌚 grammar issues ‼️
a/n: i haven’t write anything for a while so i think my writing gets bad but i tried my best :)
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“did you prepare your bag?” you asked your daughter while checking the refrigerator. you heard a yeah! with a cheerful tone. she then came down from the stairs and stood near you.
“will you come with us?” there was hope in her voice and was looking at you with insistent eyes. you just smiled. “honey, it's your weekend. spend some time with daddy.”
“but i want you beside us! why can't i spend my weekend with both of my parents?” she pouted and looked away. you sighed and squeezed her shoulder. “baby, we spent time every weekend of the past month together. i'm pretty sure john wants to spend time just with you and nicole.”
she stood before the window, checking the outside. “i don't want to see her.” she muttered. you frowned. “what do you mean? she treats you badly or something?” she didn't answer or look at you. “i'm not letting you go unless you answer me, young lady.” you stricted your tone.
“it's not that; it's just... every time i tell her what we did three of us together, she gets kinda... hurt and mad. it makes me not want to talk to her. i think she dislikes me.”
you didn't know how to answer, honestly. you and nicole had nothing against each other. she was just the second wife of your ex-husband, and you were his stepdaughter's mother. you and your ex-husband also had nothing against each other. you weren't jealous or something. it was his life, his happiness.
that was something you were saying to yourself all the time.
but deep down you wouldn’t lie if you said you missed him. not only his presence on weekends, you romantically missed him too. the more he was at your side, the more you caught these feelings. but he wasn’t yours, not anymore.
you separated your ways in a good way when your daughter was only six. it didn't cause anything bad to her, though. although by law, he could spend time with her on weekends, he would still come on some days of the week.
“maybe she feels like that because she misses you and wants to be with you too? people can get jealous.”
“but she's not my mother. i want you and dad by my side all the time. a couple of days isn't enough for me. why can't we always be together? why did you two separate anyway?”
you sighed. “sweetheart, we've already talked about this many times. sometimes pe-“
your words were cut off when you heard the ringing bell. your daughter immediately rushed to the door and opened it. she gasped when she saw your ex-husband opening his arms to her. she then jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “daddy! i missed you!”
“i missed you too, princess.” he responded with a sweet tone and kissed her cheek. it made her laugh. “it tickles!”
“did you miss me too?” you teasingly asked him while leaning to the doorframe. he smiled. “of course i did. it's nice to see you, [name].”
“same, john. are you hungry? i think you should eat before the trip. she was waiting for you.”
“yes, he's hungry! now let's get inside!” she got off him, held his larger hand compared to hers and started to drag him inside. you chuckled and closed the door before going to the kitchen.
“and then she just wrote an F on my paper while the teacher wasn't looking.” john gasped dramatically and looked at her with shock while lifting his eyebrows. “no way she did that...” he then rolled his eyes playfully while taking a spoonful of soup. “she did! she just hasn't liked me since i caught her taking a pencil from a girl forcefully, and then i returned it to her. her name is lindsay by the way.”
“eat your meatballs, sweetie; they're gonna get cold.” you smiled at her and leaned your head onto your palm. she nodded and after eating a couple of them, she continued. “then i told the teacher what happened but she said i was just mad because of the result. and then lindsay stood up and told the teacher what she saw. she grabbed my paper from her and checked herself.”
“and what've you got?”
“a B!!”
he kicked his hand and stretched out his arm toward her. when she understood what he wanted to do, she did the same. and when they had struck their fists, they opened their hands while moving their fingers and then stretched their hands backward, saying ''ba la la la'' to each other. they laughed and you smiled at them for understanding the reference. it was a scene from an animation named big hero six. you remember the day when this movie came out. you and john took her together after school. she was hyped about it for months and was completely joyful that day. she loved the movie and was glad that you two took her together there. after the movie, they went to his house, spending the weekend together and with his wife.
after the meal, your daughter went to her room to check on something while john was sitting on the couch, playing a riff on his acoustic guitar. you smiled and sat next to him, listening to him without saying anything. after a few seconds, he put the guitar in the case.
“it sounds lovely; is this a new song of yours?” you asked with curiosity. he shook his head as no. “not really. i don't plan to work on it seriously or release it. i just thought what can i play on the camping night tomorrow.”
“i bet she would fall asleep in seconds.” you chuckled, thinking of your daughter. when she couldn't or didn't want to sleep at all, john would play one of his calming songs and soon she would fall asleep.
he laughed at your comment. “yeah”
there was a silence between you two. not an uncomfortable one. you remember what your daughter told you before he came. so you decided to ask him this.
“so, how's going with nicole?” you didn't want to rush immediately.
“oh, very good. i took her to the camel concert on wednesday, she loves them now.” he replied with a cheerful tone. i thought she wasn't into progressive rock, you thought inside. “i'm glad she loves them now.” you replied.
he nodded. “if we're talking about love life, is there someone you're interested in?” he asked. you chuckled and shook your head. “i don't have time for it. i'm so busy these days. coming home later than usual. i'm glad that she understands my situation and is patient about it.”
“you can leave her at our home if you worry about her.” he suggested. “thanks, but no need. i don't want it to seem like i drop her off at your house like i don’t care about her.”
“we wouldn't think like that.'' he said while furrowing his eyebrows.
''oh yeah, then what about nico—“
you didn't finish your sentence when you heard the heavy sound of rain. you both looked outside the window.
"oh shit..."
"this is not good..."
then your daughter came down from the ladder. "i'm ready!" she cheered. 
"um, sweetheart..."
"what? did something happen?" she asked. you both stood aside from the window so she could look outside. she rushed next to you and her face dropped. "oh no!"
"i'm so stupid, i should've checked the weather earlier." john muttered and palmed his face. you caressed his shoulder. "it's not your fault."
"what are we gonna do?" your daughter asked worryingly. he caressed her hair. "we'll think about something. i'm not going anywhere." he then planted a kiss on the top of her hair and she wrapped her arms around his waist. you couldn't help but smile at the sight. you turned your head to the coffee table and saw a bunch of CDs of disney classics. “hey, how about watching a disney classic until the rain stops?”
your daughter got excited immediately and smiled widely. “yeah! i wanna watch the ariel!” she turned her head toward her dad. “daddy?”
he returned the smile. “sounds great, angel. but only if you let me braid your hair while watching. i learnt a new style.” she giggled and then nodded.
it was almost 9 PM. you were knitting while john was unsuccessfully braiding your daughter’s hair. she wouldn’t complain about that, though. instead, she would appreciate that. but for now, she’s busy reacting to the movie.
you looked through the window. you hoped that it would finish like an hour ago but no, it’s raining like cats and dogs. tomorrow is gonna be sunny in the afternoon, they say. they probably would go camping tomorrow.
at the end of the movie, when the mermaid and the prince get married on the large ship, your daughter made an “aww!” sound.
“in the future, i want to marry like that too!” she added with a cute voice. you and john looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. she then turned her face back toward you.
“how you did get married? i forgot.” she suddenly asked and managed to catch you two off guard.
“um well…” john started shyly, “we didn’t do a big and fancy one. we did a small and a cute one in our backyard where only our close ones joined. it was a both hilarious and wonderful day for us.” after he finished his sentence, he looked at you, smiling sweetly.
“wait, you mean this house’s backyard?!” she asked with wide eyes. you nodded, laughing at her reaction. “wow..."
“great memories happened there and inside the house. the first day we bought this house together, the first time we decorated here, marrying here, announcing my pregnancy when your chili pepper uncles were here, making a nursery, the first day we brought you home from the hospital, your first words, first walk…” you lowered your head and smiled to yourself like an idiot.
neither of them said anything. they just looked at you, surprised. your face flushed. “ahem! i guess i talked too much. young lady, you better prepare for sleep. weather reports show that tomorrow’s weather will be better than today’s. so you two can probably go outside. sleep early, wake up early!”
“but it’s only 9 PM!” she protested. “honey, you’re not an adult, you’re only ten. it’s not good for you to stay up late. and daddy is not going anywhere.” you reassured her caressing her back. she looked at him worryingly. he just smiled at her and kissed the top of her head.
“what if i would sing and play some songs that i haven’t shown anyone yet to you?” he suggested. she clapped her hands quickly and giggled. she hugged you and planted a wet kiss on your cheek. “good night, mommy. i love you.” you chuckled and did the same to her. “good night, sweetheart. i love you too.” he then took her into his arms after hanging the guitar case on his back, kissing her cheek and making her giggle again. her hair loosens and finally the braid disappears.
you watched them climbing upstairs. you deeply exhaled, got up from the couch, and started to tidy up the room. your face even flushed more for saying those things minutes ago. john must thought that you missed him and wanted him back. it was true though
you sighed and sat on the couch again. you bent your knees and buried your face on them. after sitting there for minutes in silence, you heard someone’s footsteps coming close to you. you knew it was john.
“feeling tired?” he asked while sitting next to you. you straightened up and fixed your hair. “not at all,” you replied.
“putting her in bed gets harder and harder.” he sighed and playfully rolled his eyes. you chuckled at him in return. “imagine how i deal with her every night.”
he laughed and you two remained silent for a couple of seconds. not sure what to talk about. you remembered your conversation about how busy you were recently and were coming home later than usual.
“so, we were talking about…”
“you were saying something about nicole.” he finished your sentence.
“yeah, today our daughter told me something. something that makes nicole mad, hurt, and indifferent.”
he furrowed his eyebrows. “and what makes her like that?”
“… every time she tells her something we three do, she becomes like that. is she… jealous or what?”
his eyes got wide open and lifted his eyebrows. he didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds. “i, don’t know what to say…”
you remained silent again, but an uncomfortable one. you both knew you were hiding something from each other. your feelings for him were developing and hurting you since you started to see each other more than usual, spending time like the real family you were. but you weren’t sure how he would react to this. he probably would take your daughter to his house and spend time with her and his wife at the weekend. and wouldn’t want to see you unless it was necessary.
“the truth is,” he started. “i lied to you. we’re not good with her. indeed, we broke up with her months ago. now i’m trying to divorce her. and she didn’t like camel. we’ve been fighting for a while. and day by day, our relationship continued to collapse. both of us couldn’t make it out to work anymore. she started to dislike things i adore, disrespecting me, my talents and my projects, talking behind my beloved angel. saying things that actually would make her feel hurt. this was the last straw for me. no one can say bad things about her. she’s my everything.”
“what about me? don’t i mean anything to you anymore?”
he jumped from his seat and got closer to you. “no, no that’s not true! how could you not mean anything to me? you’re the mother of my daughter, after all.”
you looked away and smiled sarcastically. “yeah, it’s just th—“
“and my real love,” he held your hands. “the only real person who can understand me completely. knows me inside and out. knows what i want, what i need. knows to when giving me a space and when to hold me while i cry on her shoulder. is sweet with words but does not always say them to everything i work on. when i work on a project, she can say the part she didn’t like or the part that needs to be worked on more. or she would just love it.
when our relationship got more serious, i knew you were the right person that i would spend my entire life with. i knew that you were the only woman who i wanted to have children with. you know we divorced over something stupid. i was prideful, thinking that i was the right one. didn’t think about my own mistakes and choices. then i thought i found love again. but it wasn’t the real one. i didn’t feel to her what i felt for you. i was still prideful, not wanting to admit these… but i guess i couldn’t hold these so much longer.”
he gulped and lowered his head for a second. then looked at your eyes again. “i still love you, [name]. i still love you like the first time i saw you in a record shop while i was looking for king crimson’s records and you were geeking about how steven wilson was a genius to the shop owner.”
“oh, john…” you felt that your eyes got filled with tears and started to leak out rapidly. he smiled and wiped them away with his thumbs. “i hope you feel the same way, but i think you lied to me when you said you had no interest in someone. there’s someone for you, right?”
you nodded and smiled to yourself. “yeah, there is someone for me. someone who’s been for a lonnngg lonnngg time. i think you know the answer.” you looked at his face again with a smirk. with realization, he grinned and you two just laughed.
“i started to catch these feelings from the time we would spend together more than usual. i just couldn’t get you off my head.”
he played with your hand, caressing it gently. he then took your arm to his cheek. placed his head on your palm.
“i believe this time we can make it out work. after i deal with this divorce things. do you know how much she wants for alimony?”
you furrowed your eyebrows. “how much?”
“almost 70k!”
“the hell?? you don’t even have a child or something?”
“i’m saying like! i’m not paying this amount of money to her every month.”
“we’re gonna deal with it together, i don’t care.” he chuckled at your words, then lifted your hand and planted a soft kiss on it.
suddenly you heard your daughter’s footsteps from downstairs. “mommy, daddy, will you sleep with me tonight, please?” she pleaded. you and john looked at each other sweetly. “of course we can.” he said while standing up and stretching his arm for you. you smiled and gave your hand to him. you three went to her room while he was holding your hand.
she was lying in the middle of the bed between you and john for about a couple of minutes. you looked at your beautiful daughter. she got her brown, wavy hair from her dad while she got your eyes.
“mommy wants you to tell something about tomorrow.” john said to her with a grin.
“about what?” she asked. you could feel she soon would fall asleep.
“tomorrow, you’re going to camping. and i’m coming with you.” you replied to her question with an excited tone. her eyes were almost closed but she smiled widely.
“yay! i knew mommy would go with us after all.” she yawned and you looked at each other with john. you both nodded and kissed your daughter’s cheeks at the same time. “good night, angel. we love you so much.” he told her before she completely fell asleep. she smiled wider. “i love you two so much too. i feel so happy and peaceful right now.” finally her eyes shut down.
“you always will feel like that.” he whispered in her ear then looked at you. grinning like a little child.
“so, are we dating or..?”
you shook your head. “we can’t date until you two divorce. she can cause a drama like you’re cheating on her or something, you know.”
“yeah, but our relationship ended months ago.”
“and you didn’t tell me about it…”
“well, i didn’t know your feelings about me and didn’t know how you would react so…”
“we’re gonna talk about it later. now, good night johnny.” you smiled and closed your eyes.
“good night, love.”
love… the nickname you’ve been wanting to hear for a long time. only by him.
you knew things weren’t gonna be easy from now on. but at least you both know how you feel about each other and want the three of you to be together.
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 50. brb x oc
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a/n: it's a few minutes before midnight but I can already say that IT'S MY BDAY!!! and idk how to feel about it cause im 30 and i think im having a midlife crisis already. HAH, anyway, this chapter was sweet and it helped contain the horrible thoughts in my mind uwu.
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: pure rotting fluff of Rooster being a dad.
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi
“Okay so, I left milk in the bottles in case she gets hungry,” Beatrice explains while gathering her things for work, “And you know, you can call me if you need more I’m sure Penny would understand.”
Rooster is leaning against the threshold that separated the kitchen and the living room, hands in his sweatpants pockets and chest bare as he watched her talk about everything with hearts in his eyes, “Oh!” she stops suddenly, “Almost forgot, there are extra diapers in our bathroom’s cabinet, I left it there because I didn’t want to–...but you know that already.”
“I do,gorgeous.” he understood her worrying and while it was adorable to see, he helped her put those things away when they bought it, “Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours, gorgeous.” he steps closer to wrap his arms around her waist, “Me and Nikki will be just fine.”
“I know, you are a good dad.” and his eyes twinkled over those words, and she was sure it made his whole night already, “And she loves you…I just don’t want her to cry when I leave.”
“Maybe she’ll be a bit noisy, but you know, I don’t think it’ll be that bad.”
“...okay…well,I’ll tell the guys why you stayed behind.” she smiles, then looks down at her phone, “Oh,shit,I gotta go,Roos. Walk me to the door?”
The repeated question from this morning made him grin, “Of course,” he leans down to pick Nicole from her bouncer, luckily she wasn’t asleep yet, and they walk to the garage door as Beatrice puts her bag strap on her shoulder, “Call me when you get to the bar.”
“I will.” Beatrice told the dogs goodbye by scratching each of their heads, then leaned closer to Nicole to kiss her cheek - her daughter just touched her face with her tiny hand as if she wanted to stay, “I have to go,sweetie,I’ll be back soon, okay? I love you,you’ll have a good time with daddy.”
Nicole whimpered a bit, but Rooster kissed her head to calm her down, “She’ll be okay,” Beatrice’s worried eyes turned to him and he grinned, “She will be, don’t worry.” he uses his free hand to cup his wife’s chin up so he could kiss her gently, three quick pecks that make Beatrice laugh against his mouth, “Tell everyone hi for me, I’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Okay,” she hesitated a bit before walking down to her red jeep, keeping the two of them in her line of vision until her back touched the car’s driver’s door and she jumped a bit startled, being snapped out of her thoughts as she looked back at the car with a slight frown, “Well,I better go.”
Rooster smiles at her, waving Nikki’s hand much like she did earlier that morning, and that makes Beatrice’s face relax even if her brows are still a bit furrowed. They all watch Beatrice back away from the garage and towards the street, Rooster walks down the steps to keep his eyes on her as she drives off, making sure there was no one outside that could prevent her from leaving the house.
“Well,” he begins once Beatrice is gone, looking down at Nikki, “It’s you and me,birdie, I know there’s not much you can do yet but hey, we can make do.” he turns back around after closing the garage to where the dogs were, Eleanor sniffing the closed door while her brother and mother got back inside with Rooster.
He left the door that led to the garage open so Eleanor could come inside whenever she’d like to, he knew she was the most guard dog of the three of them and she had to sniff around for a few minutes before going back. Meanwhile, he looked down at Nicole, who now was dozing off a little bit, “Listen, birdie, daddy has to have a talk with you.”
It was comical how serious he sounded knowing that his daughter wouldn’t understand it at all, “Mommy has work at night,okay? And daddy goes with her because one, I love her, and two, I want to make sure she’s okay…so here’s the deal,” he walks up the stairs to her room, turning the light on with his elbow, “We leave you at your grandparents and pick you up when mama is done, is that fair?”
Nicole just blinked at him.
“Huh,well I’ll take that as a yes.” he chuckles, placing his daughter inside her crib, seeing her little body stretch over the mattress with her eyes slowly falling shut, “Alright, listen, take your nap, daddy will be downstairs with the monitor close by.” Nicole was already asleep when he finishes speaking, making him grin and lean back from the crib to close the curtains since the sun was still out and he didn’t want her to wake up because of it.
It was exciting to him, it was the first time he’d be alone with Nicole.
“...Holy shit it’s the first time I’m alone with Nicole,” excitement turned into pure raw panic as he started fearing he wouldn’t be able to handle it. He could call his in-laws - who were absolutely understanding about them wishing to keep Nicole home that night, Beatrice’s talk really changed their mindset - or Bea, but he had to be prepared.
So he wandered to the bookshelf they kept in Nicole’s room - the one that looked like a tree trunk with flowers on top - running his fingers over each colorful book until he found the one he was looking for. He did read it during Beatrice’s pregnancy, but it wouldn’t hurt to give it a read again.
‘The First Time Dad Manual: A Step by Step to Fatherhood!’ with a drawing of a father holding a baby, surrounded by stars, looked up at him. Rooster walked back until his knees touched the rocking chair, grunting quietly as he sat down and tried to fit his shoulders in it, “Fuck we might need to buy a new one.” he mutters, “Just so I can fit,I should’ve checked the size when I ordered it.” and after a few more wriggling he finally finds himself in a comfortable position.
He sighs, deciding to reread the whole book again because what if he missed something? So what if he somewhat remembers every line because he read this book every time before bed and even before going to work?
It was always good to check.
“Is this your first child- yes or else I wouldn’t be reading this book,” he mutters after reading the greeting ling, “I’m the author bla bla, I’ll just skip ahead.” and he flips the pages for a while until he find the one he’s looking for.
“Things to do for the first time you are alone with your baby.” the options were pretty much what he and Beatrice talked about earlier, they had planned everything in case Nikki needed an emergency change, she had the bottles saved up and she was also happily asleep in her crib.
Maybe he was overreacting.
He looked over to where Nicole was peacefully asleep, with her tiny fists by her sides, chest rising and falling slowly and he reminded himself that maybe, just maybe, he could relax. He was doing a good job so far, Beatrice thought so, he liked to think so and so did everyone else.
Mav often teased how Nicole had him around her finger just like Beatrice did and he was very right. He’d do anything for either of them, and he had to admit he had his own doubts every now and again.
It wasn’t easy, even if his mother raised him well and the little contact he had with Mav helped him figuring out how a father could be…he missed his dad, he wished he could’ve ask him things, maybe even question him about how do things with Nicole just like he did when he was just a baby.
His mother always said that his father often carried him around the house, always telling him what was happening, what he was doing and…he wished he had more memories to compare. He knew his father would love it, wherever he was he’d love to know he was thinking about him.
“...damn,dad.” he mutters, rubbing his hands up and down his face, “I wish you could’ve met her, you and mom…she’s so precious and so…so sweet. She’s my little birdie,” he smiles softly, huffing out a soft laugh, “...I just want to do a good job, and I’m trying but–”
There’s always that fear, the one he often tried to ignore when he was dating Beatrice and now it came often, too often for his own liking. He looked back at Nicole, at her tiny little hands and her cute face, seeing bits of himself and Beatrice already taking shape on her face and only feared that– what if?
What if it happens again?
What if it does?
He had no control over things like this, but he had to admit that he was more alert than before, ever since the close call back in December from last year he just…put a lot in thought.
He loved what he did but he also loved Nikki and Bea and the thought sometimes haunted him. Well not sometimes, most of the time. He knew he had to be extra careful, check everything, double check it and then go to work as normal as he could. It was hard but it wasn’t impossible.
“I shouldn’t be thinking like this,” he mutters, standing to his feet and placing the book back in the shelf, “Maybe I need to distract myself a bit.” he looks over to where Nikki is sleeping, smiling at her as he leans over the crib’s railing, crossing his arms on top, admiring his daughter’s adorable sleeping face.
“How can someone so small be this adorable?” he questions no one but himself, brushing the side of her cheek with his knuckle and then pushes himself up and out of the room. The dogs were already there, well,Jolene and Jack, Eleanor was boofing and growling downstairs, probably at the neighbor’s cat that often trotted by the house.
He left the door open, even if he had the monitor downstairs he still would like to hear his daughter’s voice in any case, it was better than closing it all the way too. “Anyway, time to distract myself,” and not miss Beatrice. It was the first time in a long while either of them were separated. Hell, he was always at the Hard Deck during her work nights and he…already missed her a lot.
“Silly isn’t it?” he asks the dogs, who look up at him when he walks downstairs, checking the baby monitor he left close to the TV, seeing that Nicole was just the same as before, “It’s not like I won’t see her later,I am just…I just love her a lot.Anyway,” he flops down on the couch withe a pleased groan, whistling to Eleanor to get back inside - smirking because the dog was so used to this she closed the door with her back legs much like a horse kick - and the other two lied below his legs as he propped them on the coffee table.
With the house so weirdly silent, he just turned the tv on in hopes he could ease his mind of the worries that often scurried by, deciding to finish the third season of Golden Girl one more time. He was so thankful for Beatrice showing him different shows, because not only he was tired of everything his friends talked about but he also liked having something light to watch, something that showed four elderly women living their lives in Florida while discovering their love life and dealing with subjects people still have issues talking about today.
And he really liked Sophia.
She wasn’t his favorite just because Beatrice said how much she reminded her of her nonna, but only because he wanted to be exactly like her when he reached that age. As the show was running, his eyes flicked between the TV and the baby monitor not too far from him, seeing that Nicole was still fast asleep without any plans of waking up, sometimes he’d see a huge snout sniffing the crib’s bars and knew that one of the dogs was checking on her for him as well.
So, it was going well so far.
He knew it was going to be okay.
He ended up napping on the couch, arms crossed and head leaned back against the backrest as he snored, Jack and Eleanor were sleeping under his legs while Jolene was next to him on the couch, her head on his thigh, the four of them sleeping soundly, so much so he couldn’t hear the TV anymore.
Four episodes went by and he didn’t even notice. Honestly he was so comfortable there it was hard to imagine two hours had passed and his daughter was now awake but not crying, however she was moving a bit in her crib. It’s Eleanor, whose huge head lifts from the floor when she hears the quiet whining coming from the baby monitor, that lets him know by nosing the back of his knee.
Rooster jostles awake, curling his leg up to his chest in surprise, trying to understand where he was, “What?” he blinks hard, rubbing his hands from his scalp to his chin, trying to rub the sleep off when he hears Nicole’s gentle whimpers coming from the monitor, “Oh,shit.” he jolts to his feet, almost tripping over himself.
It wasn’t that intense, honestly she wasn’t even crying yet.
In fact, even Nicole looked surprised when her father showed up, breathing heavily and leaning over the crib’s railing to look down at her, “What’s wrong, birdie?” he asks, “Hungry?” but by the smell it was something else but hunger, “Ah.”
That’s fine, he just had to wake up a bit more.
“Sorry,birdie,let daddy just,” he yawns as he drops his forehead to the inside of his arm, as if it was too heavy for him to keep it up. Nicole just watched, intently, to her father’s antics, even her whimpering diminished as she too tried to understand what he was doing.
He snatches his head up, “Okay!” followed by quick slaps to his cheeks, “I’m awake, now come on,missy, time for your bath.” he gently picks her up, holding her to his chest with one arm as he opens her dresser with the other,grabbing a pink onesie that left her chubby legs bare, closing it with his foot, ‘There, now, we can go.”
Nicole just looked around a little bit more as they entered the master bedroom, another whine leaving her lips. Rooster looks down at her and then back at the room with a frown, “Mama isn’t here, birdie,I know.” that only made his daughter’s little cry get louder, “I know,I know,I miss her too. I miss her too.”
He placed the pink bathtub inside their actual bathtub - something Rooster called ‘bathtubception’ everytime they gave Nicole a bath - and checked the water’s temperature. Luckily, after tossing the diaper away and giving her a bath she seemed calmer…for a little bit. 
As he buttoned her onesie up and adjusted her on his arms again, she whined one more time, the same way as before, “Baby girl, I know,” he felt so bad because she looked so sad, “I know,I know you miss mama, but it’s okay, we are going to have some fun tonight, yeah?”
Nicole just pressed her head to his trapezoid as he carried her out of the room, “Let’s get you something to eat…and honestly, I need to eat too because it’s already dinner time.” yes, his stomach agreed with that as well.
As he placed Nikki in her bouncer to warm up her milk, he heard his phone ping from the living room. He quickly grabbed it and grinned once he saw who it was.
Bea (20:01)
Roos!How’s everything? How’s Nikki? Are you two okay?
Roos (20:03)
We are fine, gorgeous, she just woke up from her nap and I’m heating up her milk and warming up some leftovers for me :) How are you though? How’s the bar?
Beatrice sent him a picture of the bar and in fact it was packed with people, he laughed when he saw the Dagge Squad looking back at Beatrice from their corner, throwing thumbs ups and victory signs at the camera.
Bea (20:05)
It’s nonstop, Roos. Penny said this is the biggest influx of people she had seen in a long time. So we are all taking quick breaks :3. So I decided to message you and see how you guys are.
Roos (20:06)
Well, aren’t you sweet ;) but we are fine. I just woke up from a nap too so I’m a bit…groggy
Bea (20:06)
Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw? Groggy? That doesn’t seem real. 
Roos (20:07)
Keep saying my full name and I’m just I can be quite alert by the time you get home gorgeous ;)
Bea (20:09)
!! stop it. That’s mean, you can’t tease your wife from far away…but really, you don’t have to wait for me if you are tired, you know I get home around midnight.
Rooster frowned once he read it, he knew that and knowing he wasn’t going to bring her home only made this thought pop even harder in his head. He leans his lower back against the counter as he types his response
Roos (20:10)
Gorgeous, I’m going to wait for you outside the house. There’s no way I’m sleeping without seeing you walk through the door. Also, maybe someone can follow you to the car…ask Hangman or Payback to go with you, they can wait.
Bea (20:11)
Roos,Shells will stay behind, you know she’s worse than a Malinois when she needs to be. I’ll be fine. I promise. <3 
Roos (20:12)
I’ll still stay up, gorgeous. And I’m going to wait for you.
Honestly,Beatrice brought the romantic out of him every time they spoke. The power that woman had on him and how willing he was to have that magic wrap around his heart was incredible, but like he always said Beatrice was pretty much like a fairy. He turns the stove off and checks the milk with the tip of his finger - just like his mother in law taught him - and pressed to the back of his hand, “Perfect.”
Bea (20:15)
Roos,I’ll have to go back now.I’ll talk to you later okay? :) 
Roos (20:15)
Okay,Gorgeous.I love you, a lot.
Bea (20:16)
I love you too!! <3 
And she was gone then, so he had something else to worry about. Thankfully, he just reheated some of the lasagna his mother in law was so very kind to cook for them - even if Beatrice always told her mother there was no need - and grabbed the bottle with Nicole’s milk on it. Since he had to feed her first, he just left his plate in the microwave and smiled on his way over to the baby, “Hi, pretty thing!” he coos, “Hi!Come here, time for your dinner.”
Nicole’s eyes crossed when he held the bottle above her lips, her brows furrowing a bit, “It’s milk,birdie, come on.” It takes a few seconds, Nicole looking amazingly suspicious of whatever this thing was and Rooster had to think of something, looking around for an idea…and he sees one of Beatrice’s coats hanging close by, “Aha.” 
It’s a bit weird to see, but he wraps the bottle with Beatrice’s coat in hopes that her mother’s smell could make Nicole finally eat…and it worked! “...maybe someone did this before.” he comments to himself, sitting on the piano bench with his back against the closed keys, legs stretched in front of him, “I don’t know, it’s all about instinct, birdie.” Nicole was too busy eating to pay attention, barely peeking one eye open at him, “You’ll know when you are older.”
He smiled down at her because he still couldn’t believe that this little girl was his. She was showing changes already, she was still a bit baby but the main ones were her hair length and the characteristics that reminded her of her parents.
She had Beatrice’s nose as he knew she did, his chin and he wasn’t sure if her lips were more his or Beatrice’s, but they were rosy pink and absolutely adorable to look at. Especially when she smiled, that she got from her mother too, “Oh you are so hungry, holy shit,” very few times they had to bottle feed Nicole so seeing how fast the milk was leaving the bottle was astonishing, “You’ll have some strong bones growing up. Don’t be like your dad. Don’t break them.” he looked back at the piano with a wistful look, it has been a long while since he played honestly and he felt his fingers tingling, begging to have the ivories under his spell one more time.
But he had other things in his mind right now, that feeling could wait. His eyes then slowly traveled up, up and up until they stopped at the three frames hanging above the piano: the one with his father and himself wearing a cowboy hat, the one in the middle with both of his parents just as his dad got back from deployment - still wearing the suit - and in the left corner it was the signed Jerry Lee Lewis record.
Beatrice suggested they did this, because it’d be a lovely homage to his parents - not to mention the other pictures she decorated the walls with - to have them where he remembered them the most…and how cathartic to him was to have his baby daughter in his arms and see his parents looking down at him? 
He felt his eyes sting, quickly wiping them with his bicep since he couldn’t stop feeding Nikki, sniffling quietly, clearing his throat to regain focus of the task at hand. He had this warm feeling all over him, like a blanket that just cocooned him from the world and all its problems, like his mother used to do.
You did so good,Brad. I’m so proud of you.
Your mother is right,you did really good, son.
He’s brimming with emotion, trying his best not to cry on top of his daughter who by now finished her bottle and was booking up at him. Bradley just sniffled again, finally using his hand to wipe the one tear that slid down the corner of his eye, “Anyway,” he laughs tearfully, “Daddy’s fine, let’s,” another sniffle, “Let’s just get ready to burp you, yeah?”
As Rooster places the jacket away and puts a towel he brought along on his shoulder, tapping Nicole’s back to help her burp, he hears her make little noises close to his ear. He at first thought it was just discomfort, but they didn’t seem like the usual noises she’d make, so he turned to check on her only to see those bright eyes locked on the piano.
He slows the tapping on her back, flicking his gaze from the piano to her several times…until a smile shows up, “...I think it’s good to keep that in the family, huh?”
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a-fundie-bunch · 30 days
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"Hey, Nicole... have you ever thought about working out?"
"Uh... not really, no. I'm not really a workout kinda girl..."
"I know, but... maybe you should be! I mean... since you had baby Noah, your... figure hasn't been what it used to be."
"Naomi agrees with me! Don't you, Naomi?
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"Absolutely. Nicole, sweetie... our husbands want us to stay fit and trim for them! Just think of poor Jonathan. You don't want him to be ashamed of you, do you?"
"No... never!"
"Then let's get you some workout gear, and then you can come exercise with us."
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"Uh... OK, then! Thanks, ladies! You're... really sweet..."
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The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas
Part Seven: We Three Kings of Everything, Jack and Johnny, and Jim Beam
Square: Whiskey ~ @spnchristmasbingo
Song: All I Want for Christmas is Whiskey ~ Dan Rodriguez
Pairing: Dean x Nicole {Nico/Nic} OFC
Summary: Previously withheld information comes to light and leads to a titillating compromise. Nicole is a lightweight.
Warnings: Fluff; Bit of emotional turmoil; Sexually suggestive flirting; Implied sex; Mild language; Drinking-getting drunk; Canon divergence; POV switches-indicated
Word Count: 4,276
Beta: @princessmisery666
Credit: @talesmaniac89 made the wonderful title card and dividers
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Series Master Post
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Nicole leans back in the chair, legs stretched out in front of her, sipping a glass of water as she admires her sleeping beau’s face. Striking good looks is an understatement, but when he sleeps, really sleeps, it’s like seeing a rapturous union with the divine. And no, she’s not exaggerating; Dean’s face is the epitome of da Vinci’s Golden Ratio. She knows. She’s had the pleasure of seeing that face nearly every day since they met and has memorized every angle and curve, every wrinkle and freckle. Plus, she verified it by overlaying a picture of Dean with the ratio mask diagram. 
Near perfection, from any viewpoint, alluringly tousled hair, an unfair amount of thick, down-soft lashes, the slight uplift at the corners of those insanely lush pink lips framed by that sinfully seductive scruff. It’s hard to believe he was—well, she supposes he still is—one of the most feared men in the universe and not gracing the covers of magazines as everyone speculates if he has discovered his own fountain of youth because damn, he’s aged like a fine whiskey. Her perusal hasn’t even made it to the exquisite form, barely covered by the sheet, when her toes curl, and her teeth sink into her bottom lip.
“Like what you see?”
The honey-coated, whiskey-graveled voice—fully immersed in the purple prose this morning, I guess, but honestly, there’s no lie in any of it, so why not go with the flow—ripples over her like a heatwave in the Sahara, and Dean is the oasis. Laughing silently at her over-the-top sentiments, she takes another sip of water before setting the glass down.
She slinks over to the bed and knees up onto the mattress. “Yes, I do like what I see,” she hums as she crawls over him, “I adore what I see.” Dean chuckles as he rolls onto his back, and she stretches out over his body. “I lust after what I see.” Laying her head on his shoulder, she nuzzles into his neck. It’s her favorite spot in the whole world—resting on top of him, strong arms holding her secure, hearts mere inches apart as they beat together. Nipping at his ear, she whispers, “I ordered breakfast with extra bacon and two pots of coffee.”
A deep chuckle vibrates through his chest. “Such a sweet talker. You really know how to rev me up, don’t cha.” 
“Well, I certainly hope so.” Slipping a leg between his, her fingers trace along his collarbone and down his pec to tweak a nipple. A knock at the door and a muffled call of ‘Room Service’ has her slipping from his arms as he growls in disapproval.
“Hey, you’re not going to answer the door like that, are you?”
Looking down her body at the oversized t-shirt she’s wearing, she shrugs, then twists to look at her backside in the mirrored closet door. “Everything’s covered,” she laughs. “I’m sure they’ve seen a lot more.” 
Dean’s brow furrows as he puckers his lips. “Well, don’t bend over.”
“Oh, don’t worry, sweetie,” she turns and bends forward, mooning him as she slaps her ass, “this is all yours.”
“Son of a-”
With a laugh, she exits the bedroom and crosses through the living space of their suite to answer the door.
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“I could get used to this.” Stretching out his legs, crossing them at his ankles, he leans back in the chair. It’s still early enough that the heat isn’t oppressive yet, but he can see a shimmer over the sand in the distance. “But, three nights here? The camera equipment. That’s a lot of money, Nic.” 
He knew that her work was gaining traction—he reads all the reviews on her site—but he hadn’t really thought about what that meant financially. When he asked her about it last night, she’d brushed it off, saying she’d been earning passive income from selling stock photos and had taken extra jewelry commissions for the holidays. He feels guilty for not knowing just how successful she’s become, for not supporting her more, but he also feels like there’s something else.
“I get that you don’t wanna stay in the crappy motels we usually do, but a cheaper hotel would have been fine. Or you should have put it on the card.”
She reaches over to squeeze his hand in hers. “We talked about this. I wanted this to be from me, something special for you …for us.” He bobs his head, and she continues, “It’s not a big deal. I had a lot of sales because it’s the gift-giving season. It’s already started to slow down. After the holidays, I’ll be back to being a starving artist.”
“Exactly. That’s why you should save your money and not spend it on this.” 
Her coffee cup hits the table with a thud, and he cautiously watches as she rises to skirt around it and stands in front of him. Planting a foot on either side of his calves, hands on her hips, she challenges, “Since when are you worried about money and how it’s spent?”
Straightening, he reaches for her hips to pull her closer. She resists at first, shuffling forward when he persists, but remains standing as he looks up at her. “Because it’s your money, Nic. You earned it. It didn’t come from hustling pool or the magic credit card or some other fraudulent means. You worked for it.”
Gripping his wrists, she removes his hands from her waist, dropping them as she steps back to lean against the railing. Dean shifts in the seat, squinting back at her as her eyes seem to bore into his soul. He knows that she’s shoveling through the layers of his crap. Sometimes, it scares him how well she can read him. When the corner of her mouth curls upward, he knows she’s uncovered the smoking gun he hadn’t really been trying to hide.
“I know this isn’t some bullshit neanderthal thinking that the man should be the breadwinner. You don’t think that way. Which leads me to believe there are some misguided feelings of guilt and doubt about what you deserve being stirred up by the uncertainty you're experiencing regarding your future.” 
Dean gulps. On the one hand, he loves the comfort and immediate understanding that comes from the bond they share, the trust they’ve built over the years, and the give and take to accommodate the others’ needs. On the other hand, it can be very disconcerting, especially when he’s the one in need. 
 “Well, okay then, Dr. Phil.” There’s a twitch of her lip, and then she clears her throat, her stern face slipping back into place.
“Dean, you know that if you want to talk more about that, I’m here whenever you need me. Right?”
“Yeah, of course. And you know that you can talk to me about anything. Right?”
A slight nod and the pucker of her lips as she briefly looks out at the landscape indicate she knows he isn’t gonna let it drop that easily. “This is supposed to be a vacation,” she says after a few moments. “We’re supposed to be enjoying the things we never had a chance to enjoy before—having fun. Debating finances is not my idea of fun.”
“Who's debating? I'm just saying ...”
Pushing off the railing with a hum, she closes the space between them, straddling his lap as she crawls into the oversized deck chair. “Fine, but it’s not a big deal. So don’t turn it into one.” She fiddles with the hem of his shirt sleeve while the other hand rests on his chest. “I got a year-long photography contract with a national magazine for a series of articles and online posts they’re going to run.”
“Whoa. What?" He grips her shoulders, holding her at arm’s length. “How is that not a big deal? And why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was going to tell you last week when I got the first check. Take you out for burgers and pie to celebrate. But then …”
She tucks her chin, biting her lip, shifting nervously in his lap, and it hits him. “But then I blew up about all the Christmas stuff. Sulking like a jerk.” He feels like such an ass. She put everything on hold to make him the center of her focus, and he hadn’t even bothered to check in on what was happening with her. “Shit, I’m sorry for making you feel like you couldn’t share that with me. There are two of us in this relationship. You matter, too.”
“I know,” she looks up with a soft smile, “but relationships aren’t always fifty/fifty either. Sometimes, it’s about one person's needs more than the other. There’s always a give and take. I’ve lost track of the number of times you ignored everything to take care of me.  Right now, your needs outweigh anything I have going on, and I have no qualms about putting you first.” Her knuckles graze over his jaw, palm coming to rest on his cheek. “I want to focus on you.”
Placing his hand over hers, he cages her warmth and croaks, “I hit the jackpot with you, didn’t I.” Overcome by the reverence and adoration he feels for her, he leans into her touch and closes his eyes.
She gives him a moment to try and sort through it all, flattening her other hand over his pounding heart, grounding him. Once again, ignoring her exigencies to tend to his. 
Dropping his hand as he flicks his eyes open, he gushes, “I am so proud of you, Nico,” and pulls her into a hug.
“Dean, you-“
“Don’t,” he says, releasing her. “It is a big deal. We-”
“Stop,” she exclaims, covering his mouth with her hand. “Can I finish my sentence?” He winks. “Don’t you dare lick my hand,” she laughs, pulling it away as he parts his lips.
She growls at his laugh but then steals a quick kiss, which shuts him up. 
“You’re the reason I got the contract.”
“Uh, how?” He’s thoroughly confused. He doesn’t remember taking part in anything.
“Do you remember when I first mentioned that I was kicking around the idea of whether to offer images as stock photos?”
“Yeah,” he draws out the response as he recalls the conversation. “You were worried that no one would like your subject matter.”
“That’s right. Then you went and did a bunch of research on it. You sent me links to sites about finding one’s niche, determining prices, what pitfalls I should watch for, and which stock photo sites you thought would work best for me.” Draping an arm over his collarbone, her fingers play with the hair at his nape. “You also sent links to photography assignments. Along with a note telling me that you believed in me and if people didn’t like my photos, they could piss off.”
Laughing, he rubs a hand over her forearm. “I don’t think those were my exact words.”
“No,” she smiles. “They were a little more colorful but also sweeter. My point is that in those links was the application for this job, and your note gave me the confidence to apply. So, you earned this as much as I did.”
“You did the work, Nic. I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done for me.” The piqued expression and displeased tilt of her head say more than any words, and he reluctantly surrenders. “Fine, but we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. We should still celebrate. Anything you want to do.”
Chewing on her lip, she takes a moment to think about it. “Anything?”
The suggestive smile should have been his warning, but he would do anything to make her happy. “Anything,” he repeats with conviction.
“Alright. No more talk about money, where it came from, how much is being spent, or who it’s being spent on. Since you still seem to believe that it’s solely mine, then I should be able to spend it however I want. So …for the duration of this trip,” eyes darkening, the pitch of her voice drops, “you will be a kept man, Dean Winchester.”
“Whoa, uh,” fingers digging into the sides of her ass cheeks, he sucks in a breath, “that’s, uh, not where I expected this to go.”
Cheek resting against his, palm sliding up the back of his head, her fingers tangle in longer hair, and the upward cant of his hips is unpreventable when she tugs his head back and whispers, “Show me how you’ll earn your keep.”
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Exiting the bathroom later, she hears Dean in the other room talking to someone and stops in the bedroom since she’s currently only wearing a towel after their shower. When there’s no audible reply to his question, she assumes he’s on the phone. Stepping into the doorway, she finds him staring out the window, phone to his ear, wearing nothing but his boxers. It’s a glorious sight, and she reclines against the door frame. Eyes gobbling up the feast presented to her, she only catches snippets of the conversation, letting it fade into background noise.
“Just put it away somewhere, and I’ll look at it when we get back.” Running a hand through his damp hair, the sculpted muscles of his shoulders flex and extend beneath smooth, freckled flesh as he listens to the other person. “I don’t know. I don’t even know where we’re going.” There’s another pause, and then, “Uh, the first day was kinda rough, but it’s all good now.”
When his tone changes, she realizes that he’s getting ready to end the call, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll text ya in a couple of days,” and quietly makes her way over to him. Slipping her arms around his waist, she presses her lips to the dip between his shoulder blades. “Hey, I gotta go. Thanks, man.”
Dean lifts his arm, and she ducks beneath it as she slides around to face him. “Sam? Everything okay?”
“Uh, yeah. There was a package for me in the mail, and he was checking to see if it was something I needed.”
“Do you? I could text him, give him the address of our next stop where he can send it.”
“No. It’s, uh …it’s just a spare part for Baby. Nothing needed at the moment.” He seems distracted, deep creases marring his brow. Before she can press further, he deflects her attention by dragging a finger along the edge of the towel, then hooking it over the fabric and gently tugging. “So, where are we off to today?”
“Oh, you’re going to like it.” Turning, she lets the loosened cotton fall to the floor, putting a little more sway into her step as she saunters toward the bedroom. The hiss of his indrawn breath makes her giggle as she throws over her shoulder, “I just need to check something first.” 
“Is it your plan to kill me on this trip?” Dean challenges, following her into the room, ogling while she makes a show of putting on her underwear and bra. “You keep that up, and we won’t be going anywhere today.”
Opening her laptop, she finishes buttoning her shirt, waiting for her emails to load. Seeing one from the distillery, she excitedly clicks it open, shrieking in delight as she reads the message. Dean is instantly at her side, and she quickly flips the device closed.
“What? Everything okay?”
“Better than okay.” Grabbing his wrist, she twists it to view his watch. “Oh. We need to get going, though. Get dressed.”
Dean’s eyes widen as they pull into the parking lot of the whiskey distillery, “No way,” and the excitement he radiates sends her heart soaring. “We doing a tour?”
“Yep. Plus, we get to be on the bottling crew! That’s what the email was about this morning.” 
“You mean we have to work?” he pouts.
“Yes,” she lightly pats his cheek, “but you’ll still get to sample plenty at the tasting, and we each get to take home one of the bottles of whiskey we bottled!”
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“Oh, this is some damn good whiskey. I think this one is my favorite.”
Sitting on the floor, back against the couch, with Nic sitting between his outstretched legs, Dean’s laugh is free and easy. The tour of the distillery had been fun and informative, and even though being on the bottling crew had been serious work, he’d thoroughly enjoyed the tasks assigned to him. Doing physical labor, working alongside the master distiller, and learning about the whiskey-making process energized him in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. The weight that’s been dragging him down became a little lighter. It had been a good day.
“That’s what you said about the last one, and the one before, and the one … “
She slaps his thigh, giggling. “Shut up. It’s this one, for sure. I like the toffee finish. Oh, and that drink made with this,” she lifts her tasting tumbler, “and the prickly pear syrup …yuuuummm! You liked the boulevder, white bole …bullevarder, right?”
“White Boulevardier.“ Dean corrects with an amused shake of his head. “Alright, you lightweight. I think it’s time to go to bed.”
“Wait, nooooooo …It’s still early.”  
“Yeah, and you’re already drunk.”
“I’m not drunk; that’s just a hard word to pronounce,” she pouts.
“Yes, it is,” He concedes, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head when she leans back.
Nic sighs, “That place was so cool!” 
“It was. Thank you for taking me there.”
“Hey,” she downs the last of her drink and clumsily sets the glass on the table, “what if we made whiskey in the bunker?” There’s a hiccup and then a soft snort. “Could call it Surpu …Supernatural SpiritsTM. ‘Cause we deal with ghosts and stuff, and alc’hol are spirits, too.” She slaps his thigh. “Get it?”
“I get it.” Laughing with her as she giggles and gives her an affectionate squeeze. “That’s actually not a bad name,” he hums.
“I know,” she states, head flopping back onto his shoulder with a sigh. 
Content in the moment, he rests his cheek on her temple and thinks about what she suggested, contemplating the logistics of such a venture. Obviously, they couldn’t start a distillery at the actual bunker, but maybe a location nearby. Preoccupied, she nearly gives him a heart attack when, in a surprise move, she jumps from his hold and whips around to sit on her knees, bumping into the table in the process. Dean quickly reaches around her to save the open bottle from tumbling to the floor. 
“The festival is tomorrow, right?”
“Uh, yeah.” He’s gonna get whiplash trying to keep up with the subject changes. “About twenty minutes north of here, the guy said.”
“Marcus.” She nods her head. “He was a great tour guide and a kickass bartender.” Poking him in the arm, she declares, “That’s where we’re goin’ t’morrow.”
“Let’s see how you feel in the morning,” he smiles, grunting when she aggressively backhands his chest.
“You don’t wanna go ‘cause of the tree light …ning.”
“Well,” he laughs, “trees and lightning are a bad combo.”
“Of course, they are, silly, but what’s that got to do with anything?” She throws her hands in the air with an adorably perplexed look, and he has to tilt his head back to keep from getting socked on the chin. “Only CRAZY people would stand near a tree when it’s lightn’ out.”
“Alright, that’s it.” Pushing off the floor, he stands, bending to slip his hands beneath her arms to pull her upright, holding onto her to keep her steady.
Once her feet are under her, she shakes him off, though. “I can walk on my own,” she grumbles. Wobbling as she spins, she throws her hands out to steady herself and giggles, “Ooopsie.” Dean offers a hand, and she bats it away, striding toward the room. 
Throwing his hands up in surrender, he chuckles, “Go for it.” He follows, ready to catch her if she stumbles. She makes it to the bedroom doorway without incident, but as she turns with a gloating smirk, his warning, “Watch out!” registers a second too late, and she runs into the wooden casing. 
“Owwww!” she giggle-whines, face scrunching in what he assumes is supposed to be anger but looks more like a sad, grumpy cat. ”Why didn’t you warn me?”
“I-” Knowing it won’t do any good to argue the point, he shakes his head in defeat and guides her into the room, reluctantly but obligingly stepping back when she pushes him away again.
He leans against the wall, arms and ankles crossed, still within close proximity. She starts to ramble as she undresses, muttering under her breath. Denim and purple cotton land at his feet after she shimmies out of her jeans and underwear, kicking them away. 
The flutter in his heart as he keeps an eye on her catches him off guard. It’s not the stirrings of lust but something less tangible. It’s been a while since she’s drunk this much, the last time being several months ago after a rough hunt for the both of them. The copious consumption was meant to block the horror rather than celebrate any win. He’d forgotten how carefree they could be when the buzz came from enjoyment. They have a chance at a life filled with moments like these ...if he could just accept that.
His thoughts are interrupted when Nic’s angry cry draws his attention, and he chokes back the laugh at seeing her aggressively flap her arms in front of her, trying to untangle them from her shirt. As he reaches out to help, it lands on the floor in a flurry of fabric and air. Popping the front clasp on her bra, she wiggles out of it and whips it across the room with a whoop. 
“Hate wearing those.”
“Well, I’m not opposed to you never wearing one again,” he mumbles, eyes drifting downward. This time, the stirring he feels is definitely lust, and it ain’t in his heart. Clearing his throat, he woefully but resolutely suppresses the desire. While he would always take the opportunity to appreciate the shapely form of the beautiful woman standing before him, he would never take advantage of her. 
She stamps her foot with a huff, and his eyes quickly travel up her body. Arms raised above her head, her plush bottom lip protruding in a full pout, he realizes she’s been waiting for him to put her sleep shirt on her, and this time the burst of laughter comes unbidden. He quells the laugh to a low chuckle when she whines.
“Oh. Sorry.” Snatching up the garment, he helps her into it and then guides her to sit on the edge of the mattress after pulling the bedding down. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” She huffs but nods in agreement.
Quickly finding the bottle of aspirin in his bag, he taps two into his palm, then fills a glass with water. Squatting in front of her, he holds out the painkillers, “Here, take these,” and helps her drink from the glass, setting it on the nightstand when she’s done. “Good girl.”
“You’re the best boyfriend ever,” she hums, a finger nearly taking his eye out as she tries to tap his nose. “Except … “
Nic waves her other hand in the air, and he swiftly grabs both her hands, laying them in her lap and holding them there to prevent any bodily injury to himself. “Except?”
“You’re not really a boy friend.” She twists her mouth in dismay, and her brow furrows like she’s deep in thought.
“No?” Curiosity gets the better of him, and he patiently waits for her to continue.
“No.” She shakes her head. “We’re obviously more than friends. I mean, we are still friends, but we’re more. Sexy more,” she slurs. “AND!” she practically shouts, making him rock back on his heels in surprise. “You are NOT a boy. Well …techanickally, you are a boy … ” Pulling a hand free, she holds it above her head but lowers her gaze to his crotch with a giggle, tongue brushing over her lips, “a very big boy,” and he has to bite his tongue to remain silent. When her hand lands heavily on his shoulder, she looks at him solemnly and matter-of-factly states, “And you do not have cooties.” 
Damn, she’s adorable.
“You’re HOT!” 
“I am?” The grin plastered on his face since they left the living room makes his cheeks ache.
“Yeah,” she vehemently nods, “smokin’ …noooooo …ssssizzle …in’.” She licks a finger and presses it to his shoulder, hissing. “Smokin’ and sizzlin’,” her eyes suddenly widen, like a light bulb flipped on above her head, “like bacon! I could eat you up, just like b’cn.” 
Nic cackles hysterically, and he barks out a laugh, causing her to squeak in alarm. “Sorry,” he says, smoothing a hand over her hair to soothe her. Gripping her shoulders, he gently pushes her back. “Why don’t you lay down?
Without warning, she jerks forward and, with a stinging slap of her palms to his cheeks, tugs him closer, pressing their foreheads together. “Dean…”
Her eyes begin to gloss over as they roam his face, and he gently prompts, “Nico?”
“I love you.” Throwing her arms around his neck, she sniffles, “Soooooooooo much.”
“I know, honey. I love you, too.” Shuffling her up the bed, he tucks the sheet around her. 
Eyes falling closed, she sighs, “G’night, Handsome.”
“Night, Gorgeous,” he whispers, brushing the back of his finger over her cheek.
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Love Me Some Pie tag list:
@akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 // @deaneverafter // @deans-spinster-witch // @deanwanddamons // @flamencodiva // @idreamofplaid // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @justrealizedimmascifygurl // @ladysparkles78 // @michellethetvaddict // @mvdeanw // @shawnie74 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix
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wolfanddragon98 · 1 year
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Nicole, sweetie, just you wait. Scarlett is going to mangle up your face. No one is going to disrespect our sweet Tatum and her memory.
I'm just picturing Tatum cheering for her bestie. <3
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lunalillyhbhb · 2 years
Lea's home
Chapter 5
It's a pleasant Saturday, a gentle breeze brushes past my face. I wake up late with no intention of over exerting myself today, not in the slightest.
I don't have classes on Saturdays and the head maid has given me the day off. I intend to use every second of it to rest. God knows every fibre of my body could use it, given how frequently I've been pushing my heart of late. Most days it's Lea who pushes it, sometimes Mirin when she's feeling extra sweet, and on special occasions Mrs. Nicole would relish it. Almost every other day seems like gym training. I'm not complaining though, I just really want to rest for now.
The afternoon passes by lazily. I live by myself in a small apartment, equipped with a simple kitchen/dining room, a small hall room and a loft above for sleeping and studying.
I lay on my bed with my books and steth sprawled across, passively going through my notes for an upcoming CVS exam. The evening rolls around. I get tired and decide to treat myself to a small power nap.
I sleep for what feels like barely a minute. All of a sudden I wake up to my clock displaying 5:00 PM. Oh no, I'm late for work! The head maid is gonna kill me!
I quickly make myself presentable and run to Lea's home, heart pounding from the sudden overexcitation. I barely reach on time and get changed and begin my chores. I see Lea at home. Strange. She's usually never back home this early. She looks upset. Maybe I'll cheer her up later with her steth, I decide. She sees me from the corner of her eyes and whips to head to look at me, now looking even more upset. She motions to her room and angrily stomps inside, asking me to follow her in. I want to ease her thoughts but not in the middle of my work, that'd be too risky!
No I can't be like this. Lea is a very important person to my heart, if I can't risk this much for her then I'd be ashamed of myself.
I put aside my chores and step inside her room quietly, carefully closing the door behind so no one hears, and lock it. I turn around and am met with a weird surprise: Lea and Mirin looking ready to have a go at the other, standing in opposite corners of the room. Just what happened here? Did Mirin not do her chores well? I really can't think of any other reason. Lea points to her sofa directing me to sit there. I sense she is very impatient and close to exploding any moment now, and I don't want to be in the receiving end of that. I quickly plop down and sit in silence, watching my two heartbeat muses staring at each other.
Lea finally breaks the silence, looking directly at me like she's about to cry, "Was my heart not enough for you? What did I do wrong, was it my fault?"
I am genuinely confused now. "What do you mean Lea?". Mirin decides to join in, saying "Of course you weren't good enough. That's why she chose me! She chose me over you, why can't you just get over it??"
Mirin??? What's gotten over her? Does she want to get fired??
"Mirin, sweetie, pipe down a bit. Lea, explain to me what's going on? Help me understand!"
Lea slams her palm into her chest and cries "MY heart! I thought my heart was all you wanted and needed. But turns out I'm wrong, you're pampering Mirin's heart as well? Why? What more do you want me to do? You could've asked me anything and you KNOW I would've done everything in my power to give it to you, why go to HER???"
Ooh. I get the situation now. Lea and Mirin are jealous of each other.
Oh no, what do I do? I never thought it would play out like this, what should I do, what do I say? I want to hug Lea and cup her face, I want to stroke Mirin's head and tell her to calm down.
Mirin decides to become a smartass and throws oil in the fire- "You don't understand, you can never compare to my heart! Stop trying!!"
The sweet voice is no where to be found, Mirin now acting like a spoilt brat. Lea marches towards Mirin, grabs her hand and pushes it to her apex hard. "Feel that? My heart is 10 times stronger than yours! You can't even begin to compare!" As she says this, Mirin and I see her hand jumping with such amplitude I get jealous I'm not in Miri's place.
Mirin's face shifts and from previous experience I know she's amazed by it. But then she abruptly switches up, grabbing Lea's hand and pushing it into her small breast. I see Lea's hand jump slightly but quickly, pattering away to Mirin's pulsating heart. A few seconds of silence passes and I see Lea and Mirin pay close attention to each other. Lea starts getting agitated as apparent by her increasingly stronger heartbeat heaves and looks resolutely in Mirin's eyes.
"I know her heart the best, let her decide instead, right here, right now, between us both." And without waiting for Mirin to reply she marches up to me, grabs my head and smashes it into her pounding breast. I immediately close my eyes, letting the sound of her majestic heart thud deeply and fast in my ear, and I know it is beating for me. Before I can lose myself entirely, Mirin huffs and joins me on the sofa on my other side, leans into my other ear and arches her back, pushing her heart directly into my head.
My head fills with the cacophony of hearts, each thudding away uniquely, fighting against each other. I feel their hearts beating strongly against my face. I lose myself entirely, my mind fogging up and lip biting down, trying not to moan. My heart instantly starts pulsating so strongly, as if someone injected epinephrine into my veins. I am unable to think straight, and I know from the way my chest is rocking back and forth that my pump is begging to be touched, to be held. Lea and Mirin see my left breast vibrating more than before, and they are entranced by it. Lea reaches for my apex, and grabs my whole boob in her one hand, squeezing it firmly. The euphoric feeling of my heart fills Lea up and she grabs Mirin's hand as well, pushing it into my PMI, sharing in my rhythm. It's almost like in this moment both are working together, almost like they forgot this was a competition. I feel my pussy becoming increasingly warmer by the second, and my nipples pleading to be released from my shirt. Sensing my need, both my muses work in unison and unbutton my top, unhook my bra and throw it aside, and pull my skirt up to reveal my damp underwear.
Lea starts attacking my apex, digging her fingers into my chest as if trying to dig out my thumping vessel. Mirin focuses her efforts on my nipples, pinching and flicking it. They both start breathing harder and fast, my pants becoming mixed with their moans.
Suddenly we three hear a knock on the door and our eyes whip open in unison. I hear Lea and Miri's hearts thud with fear and anticipation, and their thudding is defeaning me.
The door opens and in walks the sexy Mrs. Nicole. She enters the room and closes the door behind her, locking it. Wait, I thought I had locked it earlier?
All 3 of us look anxiously at Mrs. Nicole, who's foxy eyes have narrowed into thin slits behind her glasses, her face a stern expression, turning me on even more. With her large tantalizing breasts visibly bobbing, she breaths in deeply and sighs out.
She walks slowly to me- "How dirty, what kind of shameful madness is this..... and how dare you do this without me?" her voice drops low and with quickness in her fingers her blouse and bra are off, her breasts out in the open. Lea and Mirin's heart kick up even more, and they watch Mrs. Nicole as they continue to play with my apex and nipples.
Mrs. Nicole bends down to my level, takes my hands to hers on either side, and aligns her nipples to mine and leans forward, initially rubbing the tips of our erect sensitive nipples against each other. I suck in a deep breath and whimper, shuddering breaths leaving my mouth in between haggard moans. My torso quivers and I'm finding it hard to hold my position.
Mrs. Nicole leans further in and now I can feel her heart hammering directly above my sternum, forcing my heart back into it's cage, trying to dominate me.
I am now a small prey being cornered by 3 beasts, all hungrily staring me down, hunting me, ready to eat me.
"You've been wet down there a while now, haven't you? Let me help you with that." Mrs. Nicole breathes huskily, she releases one of my hands and slips into my underwear, wet and dripping with pleasure. My heartbeat is felt in my pussy and my clit is so sensitive. Mrs. Nicole starts rubbing the lips slowly, coating her fingers through and through. My heart bangs hard and my chest starts hurting. I feel Lea also slip her finger into me, her other hand into herself. I can feel Mrs. Nicole and Lea inside me, both rubbing all my pleasure spots. Mirin joins in, her fingers finding their way into my slippery wet lips and into herself, her tongue hanging out like a dog panting after a run. My chest burns and tightens, my heart no longer making sense, as if someone stabbed epi directly into my cardiac muscle. I am being eaten alive by these carnal monsters and I am enjoying every second of this euphoric sensation. Mrs. Nicole brings her lips to mine and kisses me with a fiery passion, pushing her tongue down my throat, her breasts heaving heavily on me, nipples still furiously rubbing against each other. Mirin gets jealous and leans over and kisses Lea above my head and I feel all our hearts skip messily and sloppily. All four of us are a sweating mess, bodies tangled with each other. A wave of orgasm rolls over all of us, our hearts finally joined as a symphony of music in my ears and on my chest, haggard panting and heat filling the air:
Lea with her strong heart, thudding forcefully like a machine gun in my ears and moaning as she feels her heartbeat pounding in her wet mounds;
Mirin with her heart beating fast and deep like a caged butterfly, struggling to break free from its confines and her high pitched moaning;
Mrs. Nicole, her large breasts directly on mine, merging our bodies as one, her heart beating steadily with a deep bass as the mature strong woman she is, her low pitched moans sultry and erotic.
My heart gives out and starts beating erratically all over the place. I feel my sternum bounce and it hurts so bad. I feel the hot release of pure desire over and over again, all of us coming in unison.
I am sooo so close to reaching my climax, when I am suddenly pulled away from it all and my breath knocked out of me. Everything vanishes in a split second and I am surrounded in darkness.
In a moment of desperation I reach my hand out and-
My eyes open. Directly above me I see a familiar ceiling. The bed underneath me is wet and drenched in my sweat, my pants are soaked through and my breathing is staggered and short. My heart, as if still in the moment, continues beating painfully fast and irregular.
I quickly grab my steth and finish by myself on the bed.
It was all a dream.
The sensation of 4 heartbeats, simultaneously coming together..... it still lingers in my ears and body. This dream will consume my thoughts for a while, mourning the loss of what could've been.
And here I thought I wouldn't over exert myself today.
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simquoya · 1 year
spill the tea, sis
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shoutout to @shanisims for blessing my universe with spill the tea, sis. may p&d rest in peace. also, shotout to you for blessing my game with jamal and nicole. they've been a hoot ever since they landed. 🤣 fun fact: jamal has a twin running around HFL somewhere. 👀
⚫ current chapter: growing pains
< previous chapter: its getting real (chrono)
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Playlist of memories
Pairing: Bianca Belair x Fem reader
Description: Bianca finds you in a loophole of memories while listening to your old playlist
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You are in awe when you go through your old belongings and find your mp3 player that somehow still worked. After charging it you connect to your computer and soon you are dancing and singing around the living room to many songs you downloaded on it and grew up with when you were graduating high school and early on in your career, starting with Hey ya by OutKast followed by Cry me a river by Justin Timberlake and Umbrella by Rihanna and Jay-z, the memories kept coming and flooding as you dance and sing to each song that played through the living room not hearing the car outside pull in and park or the front door down the hall opening and closing shut not noticing your girlfriend Bianca in the doorway watching you dance and sing carefree "TAKE ME AWAY A SECRET PLACE A SWEET ESCAPE TAKE ME AWAY TAKE ME AWAY TO BETTER DAYS TAKE ME AWAY A HIDING PLACE" she records you as you sing quietly laughing until finally she bursts out laughing on the floor after posting the video. You jump when you turn to see her laughing and smiling on the floor as you pause the music with a beet red face "Baby! When did you get back?" she catches her breath as you hide your face in embarrassment "Sweetie you were so cute! God this is the biggest I've smiled and the hardest I have laughed in god knows how long" she kisses your nose before the two of you make and have dinner, your eyes widen when you see comments on the video of you dancing that bianca tagged you in "BIANCA NICOLE BELAIR!" she laughs from the bathroom hearing your screeched yell from the bedroom and laughs even more reading each comment from friends.
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moonlight-phobia · 1 year
... *awkwardly steps back into the scene*
Ok let's just ignore that I literally found your intro post for Sugita not even a minute after sending the first ask
Sometimes it would be helpful to turn on my brain before bothering people
But!! Then I'd just like to take the chance to ask for more information on her (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
I promise I’m not crying. Okay maybe a little bit I am also I rolled on the floor for a solid five minutes listening to FightSong by Eve because I was happy 🥹
Anyway onto Sugita! She’s my lil sweetie but I probably dump a lot of emotional stuff on her oops! Anyway let’s get started!
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❄︎ Sugita is a winter child, she does have a slower heartbeat due to being raised in grueling temperatures so hot weather isn’t her thing at all
❄︎ Takes medication for this: really it’s just a potion made from a certain people in Ahtohallan. Cools down the body so it can handle warm temperatures.
❄︎ Sugita’s favorite flowers are Snowdrops!
❄︎ As all students are given a magical pen she has one but prefers to use her Sovnya - it’s a type of spear in her personal view she thinks it’s easier to use.
❄︎ Crowley took it away from her though because he was worried she would stab someone- a certain someone needs to tell him that Malleus’s staff is just as dangerous.
❄︎ Favorite Food? Salmon.
❄︎ In a fight she’s rather crude- doesn’t care about where your from or your background. In a magic battle one is just another target to be frozen over
❄︎ How she got into Pomefiore? The mirror of course but this choice was also based on her rather timeless seeming appearance. Though Vil also harshly announced he was going to be taking the snow fox before she even got to have her turn!
❄︎ Her eyes are a storm grey and she’s been mistaken as blind a few times because of this- growing up with little sunshine has caused this. Her regular eye color would be purple in a better setting.
❄︎ Floyd bothers her for being short as she’s 5’3. This has caused her to smack him with her magical pen. Gave her the nickname “Cichlid” after the Ram Cichlid as they can be territorial but get along with peaceful fish that don’t pose a threat.
❄︎ Epel and Sugita have a book of roasting Vil. It’s in a lock box so he can’t get too it or else they’d both be in big trouble
❄︎ Sugita is in the Bakery club but she’s the Vice for the Sewing Department in Pomefiore by making sure everything goes on schedule.
❄︎ She’s got a fear of small spaces but also over her memory, her memory skills are kinda poor
❄︎ Sugita lies sometimes about knowing how to read- news flash she barely does. Basics are easy but a full on 10 and above paper or essay don’t ask her to review that for you. Girl has magical glasses for that.
❄︎ Her familiars are snakes - one day I’ll draw them lol. Their names are Shuten, Shuele, and Shutwe they are triplets- you would rarely see them though because they drain a lot of magic.
❄︎ 𝙵𝙰𝙺𝙴 Parents: Brhadvisa and Hitori Yoko (No Relationship)
❄︎ 𝙵𝙰𝙺𝙴 Elder Brother: Subuki Yoko (Neutral Relationship)
❄︎ Some Backstory: Sugita was born to a pretty ruthless family life- there was no such thing as settling down and they were always moved due to her parents beliefs. Being seen as the lag behind due to her rather poor health. A child born of ice and snow. Would be the easiest way to describe Sugita- hot weather is something she can’t handle for long periods of time or locked rooms. Hidden child. The elder brother was seen as a successor to everything whilst her being born was more seen to them as a curse. Arriving in the more mountain regions is where she was dropped off at the tender age of four- a wild child. While she may have a rather tender and sweet looking face she’s as feral compared to a fox being caught in a net. The body has attuned to the cold settling and growing the power of her own magic- she’s rather easy going with animals.
❄︎ Voice Headcanon:
Horie Yui - Japanese
Nicole Gose- English
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jxrm · 10 days
book log - 2021
party of two by jasmine guillory
the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins
one to watch by kate stayman-london
the boy at the door by alex dahl
little cruelties by liz nugent
followers by megan angelo
the three mrs. wrights by linda keir
those other women by nicola moriarty
the affair by sheryl browne
influence by sara shepard
this won't end well by camille pagan
slay by brittney morris
the midnight library by matt haig
pretty little wife by darby kane
love & gelato by jenna evans welch
the prenup by lauren layne
firefly lane by kristin hannah
when you disappeared by john marrs
one year of ugly by caroline mackenzie
when no one is watching by alyssa cole
providence by caroline kepnes
the other couple by cathryn grant
musical chairs by amy poeppel
by the book by amanda sellet
all the good parts by loretta nyhan
the end of her by shari lapena
simmer down by sarah smith
there's something about sweetie by sandhya menon
over my dead husband's body by etta faire
what if? by shari low
the accidental beauty queen by teri wilson
searching for coach taylor by mindy kaling
bridal boot camp by meg cabot
the tenant by katrine engberg
meddling kids by edgar cantero
kind of hindu by mindy kaling
the last time i saw you by elizabeth berg
unscripted by nicole kronzer
dial a for aunties by jesse q. sutanto
lila by naima coster
big shot by mindy kaling
single asiactic male seeks ride or die chick by eddie huang
within these wicked walls by lauren blackwood
five total strangers by natalie d. richards
help is on the way by mindy kaling
love & estrogen by samantha allen
a touch of jen by beth morgan
instamom by cahntel guertin
second first impressions by sally thorne
the minders by john marrs
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty by lauren weisberger
undercover bromance by lyssa kay adams
the last mrs. parrishby liv constantine
if the fates allow by rainbow rowell
sweet virgina by caroline kepnes
less by andrew sean greer
the soulmate equation by christina lauren
crazy stupid bromance by lyssa kay adams
watermelon by marian keyes
graceful burdens by roxane gay
the last flight by julie clark
fly away by kristin hannah
isn't it bromantic? by lyssa kay adams
the rest of the story by sarah dessen
0 notes
atangledfate · 1 year
Sangria's feeling cheeky and so gives Nicole and Sally kisses on the cheek, one each. Fully expecting retaliation from the latter.
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" aww missed you to sweetie... "
She really did enjoy these sweet affections from him.
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Sally shoved a lemon into his mouth when he tried
" kinda handsy isn't he..."
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Wrong victim
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Pure comedic self indulgence because we all need a funny break before shit starts to really go down in To bargain for immortality. Set quite a few years after the game events, around 2025, and is pure ridiculousness so enjoy.
Her response to being unceremoniously shoved in the back seat of a car that looked like it's seen far better days was merely an annoyed grunt. It turned into an eye roll when the man that climbed in after her pulled everything out of her pockets. 
"Wouldn't want you calling anyone," he said with a toothy grin while waving her phone in front of her. 
"Trust me, that won't be necessary," she replied in a deadpan voice. It's not like she would call the police, she wanted them involved even less than her kidnappers probably did. As for other people she could reach out to, a phone call would be redundant really. "Do be careful with it, I'd hate to lose the photos of Daniela sleeping upside down." 
After maybe ten minutes of driving down the barely illuminated outskirts of the city, and having her pockets emptied, dagger included, the burly man driving pulled up inside a parking lot. It was large and overgrown with weeds and vines reclaiming spaces that had been left without human activity for who knows how long. The lamp posts were nothing more than useless concrete pillars as they provided no illumination, resulting in her pitiful captors having to use flashlights as they made their way into the dilapidated factory. 
Nicole sneered at the sight of collapsed walls and rusty metal walkways, reminding her of the one particular Lord she couldn't stand the sight of. She decided a distraction was needed from unpleasant memories. 
"Abandoned factory?" She whistled. "How many cliche movies have you guys watched?" 
She let out a chuckle when the man that had previously taken her phone shoved her ahead. Hopefully they wouldn't tape her mouth shut, there was so much fun to be had by mockery alone. 
It didn't take long before all three of them entered a dimly lit room, numerous candles placed all around, either on desks or candle supports nailed to the walls. The three more people inside were wearing long black robes and white masks covering their faces. Nicole had to laugh. 
"Oh so you're that kinda crazy." 
"Shut the fuck up and stay put," the man holding her hands behind her back said while pushing her into a chair. 
He then moved to a table and Nicole couldn't help but scowl at how unceremoniously her beloved dagger had been thrown on the wooden surface. Afterwards, he put on a mask not unlike the others, except with red streaks going down from the eye holes, and started to prepare something in the middle of the room. The others joined in on the task, all but the one man that had been put in charge of making sure Nicole stayed put. Because of course she could easily escape five people much bigger than her at any given moment. 
She decided to take a look around, at the various dusty books opened on pages she couldn't quite make out from where she was sitting. A few pages were laying around, either with diagrams or with scribbled notes. Had she really stumbled upon a cult? She couldn't wait to have a laugh about it with her family. 
"So," she started, craning her neck a little so she could see her captor's face. "Who you gonna sacrifice me to huh? I wanna know before you slice up my throat or whatever you're planning on." 
A confused and suspicious look was thrown her way, surely due to the complete nonchalance she spoke with about what would surely be her untimely death. "The… the devil," was his unsure reply. 
Nicole let out a small laugh. "Oh trust me, you do not want to meet her. Though devil is not quite the word," she continued despite a few other pairs of eyes landing on her. "Maybe a pissy fungal overlord with an unhealthy obsession for crows. Yes that's more like it," she finished with another chuckle. 
The man with a slightly different mask, who seemed to be their self appointed leader, got up from where he was nailing something to the floor and walked up to her in a few long strides. His eyes were barely visible, but anger was clearly distinguishable. 
He pulled out a knife, old, rusty and with a black worn out handle so typical of a kitchen utensil, and so incredibly ugly compared to the beautifully ornate daggers that decorated her home. She had to laugh when the dull blade got pressed to her throat. 
"Will you shut up for one minute?!" He raised his voice slightly, as much as someone who was doing something they didn't wish to be caught doing would dare to. It didn't deter her though. 
"Oh sweetie this is just what foreplay looks to me," she started with a grin that made her wish she had fangs like the better part of her relatives. "But please do me a favor and stay quiet, there's no fun in hunting if my darling finds you within five seconds due to you screeching like a broken squeaky toy." 
The man blinked for a few seconds, taken aback both by the words and by the apparent passivity towards having a knife at her throat. He stayed like that until one person that was working with some ropes behind interjected. 
"Of all the people you could've taken, how did you find this unhinged bitch?!" 
"I'll take that as a compliment," Nicole said, bending slightly to the side so the person that had spoken up would have a clear view of her sickly sweet smile. 
After that exchange, her captors seemed happy to move things along quicker, working in silence and begrudgingly ignoring any remarks she would throw their way, including an observation on the downright dreadful quality of the rope they had. Quality that she regrettably got to experience when her wrist and ankles got tied to the nails in the floor, having her lay down in a starfish position. It kind of reminded her of sprawling on the bed she shared with Cassandra simply to annoy the brunette. 
After loudly reciting something in latin, the leader bent down, same rusty knife in hand, and tipped her chin upwards to expose the neck. She did let out a wince when the blade sunk deep in her flesh and got dragged downward, towards her chest, leaving behind a choking sensation and the taste of copper in her mouth. The knife however only made it to the base of her neck, before the sound of metal crashing caught everyone's attention. 
"What the fuck," the man whispered, thankfully pulling the blade out so her skin had the time to begin stitching itself back together. She still had to turn her head around and spit some blood that made its way into her mouth. 
Before anyone else had a chance to speak up, the door was kicked open, one of the rusty hinges breaking completely, to reveal a rather angry Cassandra with her sickle in hand, ready for bloodshed. 
There were a few seconds of stunned silence before the blade was unceremoniously thrown into the first person's skull, spinning through the air for only a few meters before getting embedded into the bone with a sloshing sound. Anyone else trying to escape through the one door was met with a similar fate. One person had their knees kicked inwards before a knife held at the same belt as the sickle came down to slash their throat. Another had their head smashed to bits against the nearest wall in the blink of an eye. And last, the burly man that had driven and kept an eye on Nicole, had his heart ripped through the bottom of his ribcage when Cassandra shoved him against one of the tables, scattering the books and papers that were by then stained crimson. 
The remaining man, the leader, got grabbed by the shoulders and forcefully shoved into the same chair she had been sitting in not too long ago. 
"Stay put and I'll let you live," Cassandra spoke, all the cruelty polished over decades upon decades of sporting the title of the family's most sadistic coming through those few words. 
He gulped and nodded, eyes glossed over by the pure human terror now so unfamiliar to both of them. 
She then turned around, expression softening like a switch had been turned behind golden eyes. "Nicole," she started, barely an edge of concern and irritation at the sight of her wife's bloody skin. 
"Hi babe." The self satisfied grin almost had the brunette chuckling while she retrieved her sickle and Nicole's things. 
The weapon was used to cut her free, a grimace pulling the corners of her black lips downward at the same quality observation her wife had priorly made, no doubt. A hand was offered to Nicole to pull herself up, while the other presented the familiar dagger that was gifted to her so many years ago. 
"Will you do the honors love," Cassandra asked, with that beautifully sadistic smile. 
"Of course," came Nicole's reply as her hand wrapped around the leather covered handle. 
With some of the wretched ropes gathered from the ground, Cassandra made quick work of the man's hands and legs, securely tied to the chair and voice frantic. 
"You said you would let me live!" 
Cassandra laughed, a low ominous sound, while grabbing the mask and throwing it on the floor. She did love to see the terror in her victims' faces after all. 
"Unfortunately my wife made no such promises," she finished with a forceful pull of hair that kept his head in one place as she moved to the back of the chair. 
Nicole approached with the dagger already out of its holster and tapped the blade's point against her lips in thought for a few moments. She could simply slice his throat and be done with it, or stab him and leave him to bleed out, choking on his own blood. A hum made its way past her lips. No, no that would not do. 
She grabbed a fistful of the man's shirt, pulling it up almost to the neck. After a few mental measurements and approximations were made, the tip of the blade finally found its way into muscle, drawing thin trails of blood and pained screams. It took a good five minutes to carve all the intricate details she wanted to, the swirling patterns cutting cleanly through skin, courtesy of her wife keeping the blade sharp and in top condition. 
After she was content with the level of detail, and screams subsided to pathetic sobs, she took a step back and, with a hum, looked at Cassandra for a reaction. 
"Oh dearest," the brunette said, looking over the man's shoulder and down at the bloody cuts on his abdomen and chest, forming a crude yet not unfitting replica of the Dimitrescu crest. 
At the adoration that made its way past the cruelty in her wife's eyes, Nicole smiled and gingerly took a hold of her unoccupied hand, bringing it close to her lips and leaving a small kiss and a barely visible blood imprint on each knuckle. 
"I take it that you approve of my… design choice," she asked with another glance down at the jagged lines that formed their family's symbol. 
"It's wonderful," Cassandra replied, fangs shimmering slightly in the low light, exposed from the proud smile that tugged at her lips. 
A gorgeous smile, really, that made something swell inside Nicole's chest no matter how many times she saw it. Truth be told, her rendition of the crest was quite lacking, never having had the artistic skills to quite capture the intricate details that formed it. Nevertheless, if it brought a smile to her wife's lips, she was more than content with it. How unfortunate that it had to be ruined. 
She let out a sigh, still holding Cassandra's hand. "Too bad those pigs at the BSAA would quite disapprove of us leaving such things behind. Oh well," she shrugged, bringing the hand she was holding over to the man's abdomen. "Better it be ruined at your hands." 
The next second, claws dug deep into flesh, slicing the muscle and everything underneath all the way up to the throat. It left five deep gashes over the fine cuts of her dagger, but the satisfaction did not dwindle. On the contrary, when the gurgling sounds finally stopped and the body went limp, her smile was still there, turning into light laughter when Cassandra licked her fingers only to visibly cringe. 
"Say what you will about the dungeons, but at least we feed our livestock well," she spat, taking out a napkin from a pocket and wiping her fingers clean. "But with that disgusting thing out of the way, let me help you with that," she continued, grimace morphing into a sly smile when her eyes landed on Nicole's still bloody neck. 
She gave her no time to disagree, not that she would, before she pushed her backwards slightly into the edge of a table. Nicole wasted no time in lifting herself up on the wooden surface, bringing their faces just a tad closer to being on the same level. 
Cassandra dipped her head down, lips leaving teasing feather-like kisses on her jaw before lowering even further so she could drag her tongue up the length of her neck. It made a shiver run down Nicole's spine, that turned into an impatient tug of her wife's hair when the motion was repeated again and again, until no traces of blood could be seen on her neck, save for the crimson stains that made their way to the hem of her shirt. 
Their lips met in a hungry kiss, full of fangs and smeared lipstick and the taste of copper so familiar to the both of them, albeit for different reasons. When Nicole's hands went to the first buttons of Cassandra's blouse, their kiss was broken with a sly smirk. 
"This is such a dreadful place for such things, don't you think," the brunette said, all too amused by her wife's exasperated sigh. 
"You started it," Nicole complained, but before the words were fully out of her mouth, she was tugged off the table and on the way out, ready to get back home and have a laugh about the irony of her capture. They would have to pick up where they left off at a later time. 
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