#niel flores
444names · 2 years
scandinavian names + american and german forenames
Aabel Aagar Aandt Abill Ablund Acreyr Adogren Aeva Agne Albren Alin Alla Almfrit Alvar Amunda Anfina Ansgard Arilla Arnade Arnka Arnot Artina Arvi Arwig Asgar Ashorn Asmund Astr Atlesen Audbjörk Audni Auth Aðalster Bald Ball Bast Basteind Beate Becca Bekke Beng Bengsen Bentz Bergh Bert Berthe Berthr Bertjof Bertson Bessen Birgh Birke Bjarna Bjerg Bjoe Bjorgen Blegerdr Bogene Bony Borkeby Boroline Bost Bred Brekt Breth Breve Brie Brielson Brik Bryndin Calvi Camily Camineta Carlstad Cassen Chele Chris Chriskar Christ Claud Claug Coranca Corieder Curtine Dagberg Dagman Danie Dary Daryan Deleah Dellst Dian Didrich Dolborge Dolph Dore Doren Dori Dottsson Earls Edmar Edwig Egel Eirid Eithildr Ekvaldr Elia Ellian Ellin Ellison Elstremy Elvirger Emelby Emilla Emilynur Emme Englan Enstracy Erica Eritt Erlen Erlin Erman Ermine Eskelle Eskilli Estur Eunild Evans Evar Evard Eystrom Filippa Finsson Flore Floren Florene Fold Ford Forsen Frand Frit Fritsen Fulker Gabrian Gabrith Gens Gerdi Gierson Ginn Gonner Greg Gren Gudman Gudricky Gudro Gund Gunilde Gunna Gunneth Gust Gustad Gustan Gutto Guðjon Göranch Haala Hage Halbria Halmberg Halve Hann Hannove Hara Hegstrom Heido Hein Heith Helen Helger Helgrete Hellson Helma Helmin Henne Hennie Herlen Herma Hermaine Heth Hild Hildrin Hildson Hillias Holmluna Holstad Hrun Hunthony Hyerd Hylda Ingerdr Ingja Ingmari Ingvild Jacob Jacque Jamilo Janesen Jarlberg Jena Joanner Johann Johannet Johannie Johnni Jonsen Jonssen Jose Josen Juane Kardis Karius Karolaf Katrid Katrín Kender Kittlest Kjeldr Kjellie Klaug Korend Kris Krist Kristi Kronda Kronnie Kyler Kylerina Kysten Laer Lage Lambert Lando Larstina Leka Leonatal Lient Lindborg Lindis Lindo Line Lisby Liskette Lode Loree Lovia Lovis Lundsen Manssen Marcelie Marilyn Marilyne Marin Marta Martina Matha Mathi Mattir Medal Megare Melie Melin Merek Metten Mich Mine Minn Mollene Mone Monicolt Morkman Morte Nanne Neil Neilson Nice Nicolan Niel Nilsea Niva Njorg Norbjorn Norder Nordi Nordo Norlidi Nygar Oakenson Olene Ollert Ollice Orance Oscarry Otheleah Otherea Othy Ottosse Overa Patt Pede Pederly Perner Peterwig Phild Phylling Prister Pristeve Pustian Ragne Ragnús Ramberg Ramonly Rasminar Reid Rhond Rich Ringren Rithr Roberg Rosally Rose Rosen Rost Rudo Rustie Rúnard Sand Sander Saralp Seansson Seas Sebonya Selin Selleroy Selmedar Seven Sevenson Sheil Sheleah Sheritta Shersen Shora Sigefrid Sinn Sissen Siversen Sjody Sjold Sjurhuus Skaas Skadhaug Skjalte Skjolf Snaeva Snar Snofritt Soling Sorence Sten Storlen Stram Streen Sude Sundsen Sungrene Svensen Sverson Sylvig Tabin Tamie Tanborg Tedt Terra Ther Thew Thorela Thorian Thorlin Thorm Thorn Thorsson Thorum Throna Tobin Torberg Torgeni Torke Torken Tranz Tren Turik Turith Tycholge Tyrbjörg Tyrvid Unnun Utney Utte Vadet Valde Valte Vand Vanhvit Vermak Vetles Victordi Vira Vithryn Vithur Völund Völundin Walbert Wallcup Wence Wench Westahl Westhir Wideborg Widem Widhugh Wilmarl Wiltrud Wulla Yggenson Ylways Yngve Árnar Åradley Órarren Óska
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics Belgium roster
Dylan Borlée (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert)
Kevin Borlés (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert)
Alexander Doom (Roeselare)
Jonathan Sacoor (Namur)
Eliott Crestan (Namur)
Tibo De Smet (Aalst)
Pieter Sisk (Leuven)
Ruben Verheyden (Tienen)
Jochem Vermeulen (Kapellan)
John Heymans (Rossem)
Isaac Kimeli (Brussels)
Michael Obasuyi (Bastogne)
Elie Bacari (Leuven)
Florent Mabille (Brussels)
Robin Vanderbemden (Seraing)
Bashir Abdi (Ghent)
Koen Naert (Roeselare)
Michael Somers (Leuven)
Thomas Carmoy (Charleroi)
Ben Broeders (Leuven)
Philip Milanov (Bruges)
Timothy Herman (Oudenaarde)
Jente Hauttekeete (Brussels)
Chloé Herbiet (Brussels)
Marine Jehaes (Liège)
Elise Mehuys (Leuven)
Rani Vincke (Gistel)
Liefde Schoemaker (Brussels)
Vanessa Sterckendries (Leuven)
Delphine Nkansa (Paris, France)
Rani Rosius (Brussels)
Imke Vervaet (Ghent)
Cynthia Bolingo-Mbongo (Uccle)
Helena Ponette (Ostend)
Elise Vanderelst (Mons)
Lisa Rooms (Brussels)
Hanne Claes (Hasselt)
Paulien Couckuyt (Antwerp)
Naomi Van Den Broeck (Antwerp)
Hanne Verbruggen (Brussels)
Camille Laus (Tournai)
Nafi Thiam (Brussels)
Noor Vidts (Vilvoorde)
Julien Carraggi (Brussels)
Lianne Tan (Bilzen)
Elise Ramette (Ypres)
Laure Résimont (Mechelen)
Bethy Mununga (Zellik)
Becky Massey (Ostend)
Billie Massey (Ostend)
Ine Joris (Boom)
Antonia Delaere (Antwerp)
Emma Meesseman (Ypres)
Kyara Linskens (Bruges)
Maxuella Lisowa-Mbaka (Charleroi)
Julie Vanloo (Ostend)
Julie Allemand (Liége)
Vasile Usteroi (Brussels)
Victor Schelstraete (Ostend)
Oshin Derieuw (Roeselare)
Artuur Peters (Hechtel-Eksel)
Lize Broekx (Neerpelt)
Hermien Peters (Hechtel-Eksel)
Hannes Van Duysen (Brussels)
Pierre De Froidmont (Battice)
Ruben Gommers (Wuustwezel)
Remco Evenepoel (Aalst)
Wout Van Aert (Herentals)
Jasper Stuyven (Leuven)
Tiesj Benoot (Ghent)
Tuur Dens (Rotselaar)
Lindsay De Vylder (Wetteren)
Robbe Rhys (Hasselt)
Fabio Van Den Bosch (Ghent)
Jens Schuermans (Genk)
Margot Vanpachtenbeke (Lauwe)
Julie Nicolaes (Boorsem)
Emeline Detilleux (Brussels)
Aiko Gommers (Wuustwezel)
Justine Ghekiere (Izegem)
Lotte Kopecky (Rumst)
Julie Van De Velde (Bruges)
Nicky Degrendele (Knokke-Heist)
Gilles Thomas (Brussels)
Wilm Vermeir (Lummen)
Domien Michiels (Oud-Heverlee)
Jérôme Guery (Namur)
Flore De Winne (Geraardsbergen)
Lara De Liedekerke-Meier (Uccle)
Tine Magnus (Brussels)
Larissa Pauluis-Naslin (Etterbeek)
Karin Donckers (Hoogstraten)
Neisser Loyola (Brussels)
Field hockey
Arno Van Dessel (Antwerp)
Thibeau Stockbroekx (Brasschaat)
Arthur Van Doren (Antwerp)
John-John Dohmen (Ittre)
Florent Van Aubel (Ghent)
Gauthier Boccard (Uccle)
Nicolas De Kerpel (Wilrijk)
Alexander Hendrickx (Wilrijk)
Félix Denayer (Edegem)
Vincent Vanasch (Evere)
Arthur De Sloover (Kortrijk)
Antoine Kina (Ghent)
Loïck Luypaert (Edegem)
Victor Wegnez (Brussels)
Tom Boon (Brussels)
Nelson Onana-Alima (Brussels)
Hélène Brasseur (Brussels)
Camille Bélis (Brussels)
Justine Rasir (Sint-Genesius-Rode)
Daphne-Delphine Marien (Antwerp)
Charlotte Englebert (Sint-Genesius-Rode)
Judith Vandermeiren (Antwerp)
Emma Puvrez (Sint-Genesius-Rode)
Emily White (Waterloo)
Alix Gerniers (Ronse)
Vanessa Blockmans (Waterloo)
Michelle Struijk (Antwerp)
Barbara Nelen (Ghent)
Stéphanie Vanden Borre (Brussels)
Lien Hillewaert (Brussels)
Elodie Picard (Antwerp)
Ambre Ballenghiem (Brussels)
Thomas Detry (Dubai, U.A.E.)
Adrien Dumont-De Chassart (St. Johns County, Florida)
Manon De Roey (Antwerp)
Noah Kuavita (Antwerp)
Luka Van Den Keybus (Lokeren)
Glen Cuyle (Izegem)
Maellyse Brassart (Ghent)
Nina Derwael (Ghent)
Jorre Verstraeten (Leuven)
Matthias Casse (Morstel)
Toma Nikiforov (Etterbeek)
Gabriella Willems (Brussels)
Tim Brys (Ghent)
Niels Van Zandweghe (Bruges)
Tibo Vyvey (Sint-Andries)
William De Smet (Brussels)
Jan Hueninck (Sitges)
Lucas Claeyssens (Brussels)
Yannick Lefèbvre (Brussels)
Eline Verstraelen (Brussels)
Emma Plasschaert (Ostend)
Isaura Maenhaut-Van Lemberghe (Bruges)
Anouk Geurts (Ghent)
Lucas Henveaux (Liège)
Valentine Dumont (Liège)
Florine Gaspard (Bastogne)
Roos Vanotterdijk (Bree)
Table tennis
Martin Allegro (Brussels)
Cedric Nuytinck (Gand)
Sarah Chaâri (Charleroi)
Zizou Bergs (Neerpelt)
Joran Vliegen (Maaseik)
Sander Gillé (Hasselt)
Jelle Geens (Heusden-Zolder)
Marten Van Riel (Wuustwezel)
Jolien Vermeylen (Leuven)
Claire Michel (Brussels)
Nina Sterckx (Sint-Denijs-Westrem)
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naran-blr · 6 months
Suzette Catherine Holten (de soltera Skovgaard, (1863-1937) pintora y ceramista danesa.
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Nacidd en Copenhague, fue el tercer hijo del pintor Peter Christian Thamsen Skovgaard y su esposa Georgia. Como sus hermanos Joakim y Niels, se convirtió en pintora. Después de que su madre muriera cuando ella tenía solo cinco años, fue criada por su padre en el próspero distrito de Østerbro de Copenhague. La cuidó mucho, introduciéndola en las obras de los pintores daneses del Siglo de Oro, gracias a sus amistades. También fue el primero en animarla a dibujar.
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Después de su muerte en 1875, se mudó a la casa del pintor Thorald Læssøe, donde continuó teniendo contactos con la comunidad artística.
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Estudió dibujo con Carl Thomsen, Laurits Tuxen y Frans Schwartz, pero como pintora fue esencialmente autodidacta. Continuó sus estudios en París junto con sus amigas Elise Konstantin-Hansen , Edma Frølich y Sofie Holten. También estableció una estrecha amistad con la escultora Anne Marie Brodersen.
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En 1894 se casó con el comerciante Hans Nicolai Holten (1871-1937). Tuvieron un hijo, Aage Holten.
Además de paisajes, cuadros florales y retratos, creó y decoró cerámica y también trabajó como bordadora.
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En 1895, fue directora artística de la recién creada Kvindernes Udstilling (La Exposición de Mujeres), donde expuso varias cerámicas y pinturas. Diseñó una de las habitaciones, instalando los muebles verdes que ahora se pueden ver en la Casa de Michael y Anna Ancher en Skagen.
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Pero como mujer, no pudo alcanzar el mismo nivel de aclamación que su padre o sus hermanos. 
Después de una estancia prolongada en los Estados Unidos, Holten regresó a Dinamarca en 1910 para trabajar con cerámica en la Royal Porcelain Factory (1910-1914) y en Bing & Grøndahl (1915-1918).
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Pintó principalmente paisajes, pero también creó pinturas de figuras, retratos y pinturas de flores, todos con un enfoque bastante ornamental. Sus obras tendían a ser más abstractas que las de la Edad de Oro, y a menudo mostraban una combinación de tonos azules y dorados. Se inspiró en el art nouveau y el arte japonés.
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También practicó muchas otras formas de arte, incluida la ilustración, la decoración de muebles y el bordado. Uno de los manteles bordados del altar de la catedral de Roskilde es obra suya.
Pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Copenhague. Sin embargo, viajó bastante. Siendo adolescente visitó Alemania, Austria, Suiza, Italia y París, y en 1886 viajó a Egipto. Después de otras estancias en París, de 1889 a 1893 pasó los veranos en Noruega. En el siglo XX viajó a Londres y los Países Bajos. De 1906 a 1910, vivió con su marido en San Francisco y Seattle en 1906, y regresó a Dinamarca en 1910. Siguieron más viajes por Europa y el norte de Noruega.
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Murió en Copenhague y está enterrada en el cementerio de Solbjerg.
Le ponemos cara.
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stateofsport211 · 2 years
ITF M25 Loule D R1: Sidane Pontjodikromo/Niels Visker def. Yshai Oliel/Juan Bautista Otegui 6-1, 6-3 Match Stats
🎥 ITF Media
One of the day-ending doubles matches in Loule was Sidane Pontjodikromo/Niels Visker against Yshai Oliel/Juan Bautista Otegui. Knowing both pairs, while this was thought to be a close match on paper, the flow on the field was rather straightforward.
Bautista Otegui caught double-faulting for him and Oliel to be broken 3-1 by the start of the match before Pontjodikromo/Visker held at 4-1. Another 2 break points were subsequently made as a result of Oliel's misfire (with an unfavorable angle to begin with), followed by Pontjodikromo/Visker's volley to break at 5-1. Even if Oliel had a successful forehand winner to minimize the gap to 15-30 afterward, it was not sufficient for them to stay in the set, as the Dutch pair served the breadstick 6-1 in the opening set.
At the beginning of the second set, Oliel/Bautista Otegui had a chance to break by having 2 break points, only for them to be fumbled for some reason before Pontjodikromo/Visker held to 1-1. However, several points after Oliel's failed volley, they got broken 2-3, and Pontjodikromo/Visker did not look back since. Even if there were several notable forehand winners from Oliel/Bautista Otegui to hold their service games, it was not the case in their last service game, as they fumbled a game point for the scoreboard to force it to deuce, with Bautista Otegui's forehand error as a cherry on top to the second set that ended in 6-3 for the Dutch pair.
In the second round, Pontjodikromo/Visker will face Diego Fernandez Flores/Adria Soriano Barrera, who took out the second seeds Goncalo Oliveira/Jason Taylor 3-6, 6-4. [10-6]. This could be quite a quarterfinals battle, but it is worth seeing what is going to happen here!
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rzproduction · 2 years
CROOKS - Heart Of Vengeance from Snorre Ruhe on Vimeo.
The story of a scientist inventing the key to eternal life. A couple of thugs steal his invention and leave him and his daughter for dead. In order to come back to life he sells his soul to the devil. Armed only with a heart of vengeance, and an Axe, he hunts down the crooks one by one. . . . They picked the wrong man to kill!!
FARVEBLIND Crooks feat. Sebastian Monti
Starring - Christoffer Svane
Director & Writer - Snorre Fuglsang Ruhe Producer - Jens Formann Production Company - Hobby Film Assistant Director - Laura Hancock Director of Photography - Kristoffer Engholm Aabo Editor - Ogi Curcic
Set design - Mathilde Juul Ipsen Stylist - Fredericke Kellberg Sound design - Kevin Koch Props Master - Louise Lindstrøm Art department/props/spacemother - Susse Riber Props/Spfx/location marshall - Niels Erik Bjerg Makeup artists - Susana Flores Make-up spfx Assistent - Kenneth L. S. Jeppesen
1st AC - Nis Birk Christensen Second unit Dop / Spark / DIT / Bad Guy no.4 / Drengen - David Draad Gaffer - Joe McCrae Spark - Phillip Sacht Spark - Alexander Jacobsen Spark - Mikkel Kappel Persson Steadi - Kim Jensen Stunt coordinator - Frederik Nemo Precision driver - Kenneth Hansen (Komo Rally) Sound Recordist - Joachim Nyholm Epic Sax - lui franch SFX - FX Team Choreographer - Louise Mochia
Production assistant - Sine Vangsgaard Production assistant - Helle Kjærsgaard Production assistant - Maximilian Auken
VFX by HITCH CGI artist - Simon Dunkan Colorist / Cameo Film - Nurali Kushkov Post coordinator - Emma Engberg VFX artist - Jonathan Wendt VFX artist - Mike Harris VFX artist - Adam Zejlund Jessen Graphic designer - Svlstg
Cast: Afshin Firouzi Sebastian Lydolph Søren Højen Benjamin Stender Vida Aya Huntley Frederik Ferslev Jan C. Juhl Paw Vikjær Andersen Nikolai Dobson
Camera equipment - Sidney Plaut Lighting equipment - GAFFERS Extra Light and camera gear - Bifrost Productions Catering - Brendon Lou Mochia
A special thanks to: Bødstrup Gods - Nicolas Bernhoft Frank Omø Andreas Kragh Jacobsen Nanna Fuglsang August Hancock Freddie smith Danlas FX Team Tinnus Lulu Lückow Kasper Notlev Keld - Shur auto Advice Amanda Formann Joanna Fuglsang Ruhe Hancock Fam. Fuego Formann
With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds and Ruhekassen's money tree
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artwalktv · 2 years
The story of a scientist inventing the key to eternal life. A couple of thugs steals his invention and kills him and his daughter. In order to come back to life he sells his soul to the devil. Armed only with a heart of vengeance, and a Axe, he hunts down the crooks one by one. . . . They picked the wrong man to kill!! FARVEBLIND Crooks feat. Sebastian Monti Starring - Christoffer Svane Director & Writer - Snorre Fuglsang Ruhe Producer - Jens Formann Production Company - Hobby Film Assistant Director - Laura Hancock Director of Photography - Kristoffer Engholm Aabo Editor - Ogi Curcic Set design - Mathilde Juul Ipsen Stylist - Fredericke Kellberg Sound design - Kevin Koch Props Master - Louise Lindstrøm Art department/props/spacemother - Susse Riber Props/Spfx/location marshall - Niels Erik Bjerg Makeup artists - Susana Flores Make-up spfx Assistent - Kenneth L. S. Jeppesen 1st AC - Nis Birk Christensen Second unit Dop / Spark / DIT / Bad Guy no.4 / Drengen - David Draad Gaffer - Joe McCrae Spark - Phillip Sacht Spark - Alexander Jacobsen Spark - Mikkel Kappel Persson Steadi - Kim Jensen Stunt coordinator - Frederik Nemo Precision driver - Kenneth Hansen (Komo Rally) Sound Recordist - Joachim Nyholm Epic Sax - lui franch SFX - FX Team Choreographer - Louise Mochia Production assistant - Sine Vangsgaard Production assistant - Helle Kjærsgaard Production assistant - Maximilian Auken VFX by HITCH CGI artist - Simon Dunkan Colorist / Cameo Film - Nurali Kushkov Post coordinator - Emma Engberg VFX artist - Jonathan Wendt VFX artist - Mike Harris ​​VFX artist - Adam Zejlund Jessen Graphic designer - Svlstg Cast: Afshin Firouzi Sebastian Lydolph Søren Højen Benjamin Stender Vida Aya Huntley Frederik Ferslev Jan C. Juhl Paw Vikjær Andersen Nikolai Dobson Camera equipment - Sidney Plaut Lighting equipment - GAFFERS Extra Light and camera gear - Bifrost Productions Catering - Brendon Lou Mochia A special thanks to: Bødstrup Gods - Nicolas Bernhoft Frank Omø Andreas Kragh Jacobsen Nanna Fuglsang August Hancock Freddie smith Danlas FX Team Tinnus Lulu Lückow Kasper Notlev Keld - Shur auto Advice Amanda Formann Joanna Fuglsang Ruhe Hancock Fam. Fuego Formann With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds and Ruhekassen's money tree
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Got back into digital art somewhat.
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happyclown · 5 years
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♫ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐞𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐰 ♫ — 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 @raiichuu'𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫!
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equatorjournal · 2 years
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The women of Flores weaving their dark 'ikats' against a background of white foam and blue-green sea. Inset: Winding homespun thread. From "Tanah air kita: a pictorial introduction to Indonesia" by Niels A. Douwes Dekker, 1963. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-Ac8XNju_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maxbernini · 4 years
Top 5 underrated Skams mains and top 5 overrated Skams mains ✨😌✨
this is such a shit stirring ask so i’m going to make it worse and also do ‘top 5 overrated skam mains that people want’ 😁
top 5 underrated skam mains
1. eva eskam. anyone who admits to skipping s1s are exposing themselves, and this is a very kind and fun attempt. also eva v simultaneously has #1 straight ally energy AND chaotic bisexual energy and i love her for that
2. megan flores. i find her one of the more relatable evas and i hate the ‘austin is cringy’ agenda. julie rocha is a great actress, the scene where she and her parents argue + she finds out about shay are some of my fave scenes in the entire skamverse. all the scarlet letter motifs in her season are so fun. austin was fun!
3. i promise not to pick every eva but hanna. again with the bisexual energy, mianna deserved to be endgame, and the druck writers screwed her over imo
4. nora grace and everything eskam did with s3. like do i need to elaborate. this is essentially a noorhelm call-out post but in visual form. i love it here
5. which brings me to: i don’t think viri is underrated in the fandom but i don’t think eskam did a very good job with her ‘season’, so like...underrated in their eyes maybe? bc there were so many ways it could’ve been improved
top 5 overrated skam mains
1. it’s less him and more the fandom but robbe, bc i hate that take that he’s a better isak because he’s the ~softest~ or ~kindest~ or whatever. like what a terrible take on multiple levels LMAO
2. okay not isa herself bc i love my gross queen but skam nl is not as revolutionary as everyone thinks, and a lot of s1′s story proves this. kes and isa didn’t even get that iconic final speech??? hello???
3. lucas lallement bc axel auriant is my enemy 
4. arthur. i don’t think he’s actually overrated bc the whole skamfr tag hates him but it’s more the idea of his season. alexia deserved s5 
5. italian isak. i can’t remember if he’s niccolo and martio? are those their names?? but either way i do not vibe with him at all. smth about the actor...
top 5 overrated skam mains that people want/ed
1. lucas vdh bc i have yet to see a compelling reason for why we needed his season so bad, and skam nl s3 getting more support than austin s3 is my villain origin story
2. eliott bc i don’t think ppl realize that s6 IS what an eliott season would’ve been like under david & niels, just with a different mental illness. like, everything lola was crucified for saying and doing are things eliott would’ve done too, so do you actually want mental illness rep or did you just want an elu season (and/or do you just hate women)
3. if they weren’t going to do yasmina for s4, then moyo should’ve been main over kato, but i remember in the lead up to s4 before we even knew yasmina wasn’t going to be main, there was support for moyo > yasmina, and i feel like a lot of that was just wanting to see more sobbe? so moyo but the pre-s4 moyo hype train
4. whoever people want/ed italia s5 to be about
5. i don’t think i’ve seen anyone say they wanted a dani season but i will take any opportunity i can to hate on dani
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444names · 2 years
the entire article on alternate forms for the name john from wikipedia + american surnames
Abbotts Acostley Adkinn Alvarabic Antana Anton Armer Armerry Armond Arner Atkinn Avilly Ballarks Ballarson Bally Bardin Barner Barreton Barris Basey Bauerr Bauerrett Beacher Beller Benjame Bennacham Benney Bents Besta Besteph Bester Blace Blackson Blacruz Booney Boyers Bradler Brencis Bridd Briddlett Bride Browlan Buchamb Bucknapp Bucknight Bulliver Bullo Burge Burkers Burkins Burner Burtin Cabreton Cabrett Calhouse Callese Camacia Campson Campton Cards Carlang Carpers Carris Carrish Carthy Carty Carvey Catherry Cervannan Channish Chapmane Chard Charris Charro Choan Chulliams Claird Clard Clarson Clemiley Clemond Cleving Cohensen Collo Collough Contgomez Cookes Coole Coopez Croatiago Curton Daller Dally Danian Davez Davilarks Delazquez Delez Dickman Dicks Dillan Dilliam Donas Donner Doughn Duffman Dyers Dyerson Edward Emender Ericker Erickner Espie Estana Esteveler Estokee Evanc Evanya Evedo Farlanch Farles Farlowan Farrince Ferriley Field Figuez Fince Finnedy Fischelps Flore Forber Fordonney Forean Fowles France Franch Frankent Franson Freed Froman Fullenna Fullis Galin Galina Gamblese Garian Garrez Garring Gentest Gillanes Gioanni Gions Goffman Golder Gonza Greeman Greenez Griff Gutier Guyen Hales Halley Hambert Hannish Hardina Hardner Hardson Harperez Harrish Harty Hatfiels Hayde Hayer Hayner Haysian Hendez Henshield Hermanner Hernard Herrell Herresta Hodes Holdez Holmery Holton Honado Hovan Howanson Howarro Howelly Howen Hubbarley Hubbarton Huffy Hullis Huntes Iaine Indsey Ingston Ioaney Ioannon Ionalds Italas Italls Ivanklina Ivann Ivannon Jacosters Janixon Japane Japanis Jarver Jefferg Jennedy Jennish Jhones Jhony Johane Johanson Jonian Juhannell Justill Justilly Jóhan Jóhancock Jóhanner Kerson Kname Landally Langlic Larkers Larks Lates Lawren Levins Lewington Linson Litts Lover Lowell Lyonna Lyonney Maloneil Marson Marty Mayers Mayerson Mcdanian Mcfaddox Mcgoway Mcinter Mcker Mckins Mclarry Mcleon Mcmahoney Mcmiley Mendright Ments Meyes Middley Milian Milline Mitch Molivings Moodard Mooreal Moores Morgas Morington Morrish Morsen Muell Muelley Mulley Mullock Munoza Murrin Namerce Naship Navage Newmanes Nickman Niels Nzuela Ochroe Oconnett Olison Oneillo Onese Onesian Orrilly Orrison Osborner Owers Pachonza Parke Parsen Paters Patts Paulkner Payner Paynes Pecketty Perkish Peter Peterald Phelton Polliams Polliott Porton Pottis Powen Provino Pruiz Puckner Quial Ramson Ratter Reeman Reevens Reillar Reyer Rhodge Rhodgers Richart Richoa Ricknight Riggins Right River Roberrist Roble Rodge Rodgera Rodges Rodricker Rosalamb Ruitt Russey Salaysian Sandley Sanfore Santers Savare Sawyers Schmiddle Schmonroe Schurch Schward Scotton Shafform Shally Shansen Shard Shell Sherr Shorn Simmercer Sings Sington Sionalles Skins Skinson Slation Smallen Snide Solin Solina Sould Spanis Spark Sparker Speard Spenna Stantosh Stensen Stron Stuarez Suart Suttoney Swedina Sweene Thoman Thompton Thorn Tilland Tradition Trado Tradshan Tradshaw Trand Trane Trell Trero Turker Turks Undez Vales Valey Varez Velan Veler Vilark Vilarritt Walliam Wally Walston Walstout Warden Wards Warreno Wartiz Warty Watkinson Weavenson Weavez Wheelen Wheelez Whitake Whiter Whitfiel Whitle Wigginson Willacruz Williott Willish Winguez Winter Winto Wittley Wongold Woody Woote Wooth Yanna Yatel Yatton Yohand Yohander Yonney Yuhanner Zuberoke Zubers
same thing but lesser order
Abarks Abbalin Abrayer Achater Alson Anglater Apton Atewan Bains Bairkinie Balair Banesexan Banko Bannas Bannicks Bannolf Bappats Barkenter Barpett Barrel Barrez Barrig Barvinni Basquer Baught Baunn Beackes Beall Beling Bennin Bentonnald Benza Beramidd Beran Berson Bervingley Beston Blacharton Blackman Blani Blash Blaymon Blealdsh Bleoretona Borry Borsoan Bowedenez Bowensence Briquerson Brosboodsa Buckmahan Buley Bullipic Bullittles Bullove Buradan Buraiñe Burlsong Burne Burnes Burry Butch Callo Camoanart Camon Candann Carre Carrilkes Carsence Cashodger Catal Chankan Chantler Charkers Charton Chebentes Chers Chews Clairkids Clazier Cletch Cobbsonas Colan Colcharry Coldwayer Colferris Colion Comay Conyater Coodse Coody Coton Crosendels Cummort Curne Daley Dallambick Daney Dauelaz Desull Dicish Dicks Ditarts Dithyanx Ditioney Dones Dough Drish Dudleon Dudson Dunty Ealva Earkmach Ellitt Emahy Ercian Esexton Evick Fadis Fadittyrd Farrer Filerson Fillovanx Fingrez Fison Flowlarron Forter Forts Forturt Fradonguer Fradsons Frady Frers Froves Gadkine Galey Gardnese Gasquense Gerrye Giand Gillow Gilmerson Gjohan Glisham Glivey Golmant Gongarlery Gosauez Gosbyrd Grannic Grick Hafter Halarroan Hamos Hanadales Hancever Handon Hardanton Haree Haretnane Healdse Heard Heblan Heell Herande Herguarkin Hewmace Hiopiter Hitton Hodrivo Holierson Hollington Hommona Hompor Hooddele Hopeado Hovana Hovishitts Hunnerson Hurnanes Hurnez Hutles Hutlewee Huvald Iffosby Inciander Inesepaton Irwels Itevena Ivaguelles Ivard Jaane Jacharrose Jackburp Jamer Jandeckey Janianfowe Japollavin Jeffis Jenzams Jholick Jhovand Jimes Joand Joanksonza Joathy Johamb Johancian Johathitz Jorks Joycerger Juhanan Juhankines Juharens Jushinesed Jóanson Jóhalaws Jăvallo Kanian Kaught Kellish Kerriguian Kersosbyrd Kinles Kirkidson Klesimmil Knoedgee Kratez Labbastez Lacianness Laker Lanest Lanforney Larks Lashapton Lawricks Lazquel Liash Lingtones Listessey Loges Loquia Lowerez Lurles Lynas Lynnostuce Maneles Manes Mannas Mannis Matts Mayands Mccal Mccan Mccarich Mccatth Mcclamill Mccoffy Mccombs Mccras Mccrowlan Mcgen Mcklian Mclash Mcmani Mcneton Meaco Meninni Mesed Mider Miley Minne Mollson Moott Moratever Morazier Mormatley Mosbolf Mulland Munnix Muson Māord Māorton Niggstons Nistes Noley Nollivand Nover Nzubead Nzuellann Obborelder Ochioanks Odeross Odgendon Olince Ollemance Olsonez Onatt Onguy Pallick Pandavan Pannun Pardox Paris Parms Parnangh Patehel Paters Pathouston Patioand Patkinson Patosanslo Patrusins Peckayerce Penchench Pentletth Persens Petez Picer Pieved Pingomb Pitley Polcook Porton Poslez Postandall Pothyd Pottson Prewsonnis Pring Pucklian Pught Quirer Ramose Ranew Ranis Ravins Rennes Rhamook Rhoodger Richewill Rickson Rievelu Ringto Rison Rittmacks Roacterrey Robera Robler Rochrish Rodavanner Rosby Roston Rostoner Rovint Rowee Rowns Ruiast Ruill Rujianforn Rutch Salla Saller Sance Sarandran Saull Schren Scoovally Scoss Scoyder Sennix Shamins Shicks Siamitin Sianowela Silis Simpton Sinetes Sioton Sking Skire Slenett Snianciann Sonan Sonapto Sonoren Sonza Sottmarkle Spater Spinglavin Stewil Still Stratkine Suageekson Sulle Sumpton Suson Sutles Sutlives Sylers Sylouhan Teron Tholister Thyan Toketne Trado Tuage Varlay Vartile Vaught Walins Wangs Watephe Watfinn Weett Wegoull Welannon Welles Wellever Wentiang Wermer Whicinas Whison Whith Whitt Wilackan Wilinguy Wilvarbin Wines Wishaner Wison Witter Wittson Wolacols Woldery Woottonne Wriserge Wynes Yanez Yohameris Yohns Youhan Yuhan Zielu
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luz--de-luna · 4 years
la 10: cancion que te trae buenos recuerdos
Haré una lista 😇, lo curioso es que no son las típicas motivadas
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hndrk · 5 years
Nineteen of ‘19
This year’s list is being slightly overshadowed by various end-of-decade efforts, such as me counting down my favourite songs of the decade on this blog and of course the big OWOB-gang essay special on Popscenery.com.
But even aside from that, to me this did not feel like one of the stronger years of the 2010s in terms of its musical output. But maybe that’s also just where my mind is at these days, gravitating towards brief pop song sugar rushes in-between work and travel. Of these, here are this year’s songs I liked the best…
1. Hot Chip, “Melody of Love” 2. Sharon Van Etten, “Seventeen” 3. Taylor Swift, “Cornelia Street” 4. Lana del Rey, “The Greatest” 5. Charli XCX, “White Mercedes” 6. Pépite, “Monte Carlo”  7. Requin Chagrin, “Soleil Blanc” 8. Tierra Whack, “Only Child” 9. Weyes Blood, “Movies” 10. Vampire Weekend, “This Life” 11. Roméo Elvis (ft. Damon Albarn), “Perdu” 12. Angel Olsen, “Chance” 13. Big Thief, “Not”  14. Clairo, “Sofia” 15. Thom Yorke, “Dawn Chorus” 16. King Princess, “Watching My Phone” 17. The Tallest Man on Earth, “Hotel Bar” 18. boy pablo & Jimi Somewhere - “Never Cared” 19. Alex Cameron, “Miami Memory”
Bonus tracks:
Niels Frevert, “Brückengeländer” Gazelle, “Polynesia” Angèle, “Oui ou Non” Taylor Swift, “Cruel Summer”
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1. Taylor Swift – Lover 2. Pépite – Virages 3. Weyes Blood – Titanic Rising 4. Clairo – Immunity 5. Lana del Rey – Norman Fucking Rockwell 6. Requin Chagrin – Sémaphore 7. Whitney – Forever Turned Around 8. Helado Negro – This Is How You Smile 9. Flore Laurentienne – Volume 1 10. Angel Olsen – All Mirrors
Exiting the decade on a career high… what a year! Great people, great travels, smooth sailing all around. More of this, please. 8.3
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Oh hey what’s this?! Could it be art from me for once?! Yes it is! Was able to take a couple of hours to relax at work after clocking out and decided to redesign Niel. Nothing big just didn’t like his hair so I made it not as poofy and tried to make it look curly/wavy.
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happyclown · 5 years
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🚀 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧' @raiichuu​‘𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤 🚀
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