#nigel stanford
transhumandreams · 11 months
AUTOMATICA - Robots Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford
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metamorphosis-000 · 11 months
AUTOMATICA - Robots Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford
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ramenjunkie · 1 year
Music Monday - Science-ish Edition
Let’s see how long I can manage to keep up a vague theme for these posts. This week I wanted to throw out some videos with some fancy “science-y” themes. I use that in the vaguest since, because at least one is kind of a stretch but it’s certainly nice to look at. Also, it’s a bit “Music Monday-ish” as well, since it’s Tuesday, because yesterday I posted about the Alanis Morrisette Concert.…
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spacewalker-aa · 1 year
Nigel Stanford - Crystal Skies
(Song of the month 2)
[Full Playlist]
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monirulknowledge · 2 years
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waxscentedcandles · 1 year
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slowlyvaliantmoon · 1 year
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Bonus for the Stanford Pines as NileBlue I just made:
Right after Nigel (NileRed) destroys the abomination in the video, his brother gets startled... meaning I had to draw Stan being startled by Ford too.
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princessanneftw · 2 years
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RDA President, HRH The Princess Royal paid an important visit to three North Midlands RDA groups at Wenlo RDA in Loughborough last week, where Princess Anne formally opened their track on behalf of RDA Wenlo.
Glenmuir Lorna Doone, registered highland pony and the RDA Driving pony Strathwillan of Stanford received their long service awards that were presented by The Princess Royal during the visit.
The Princess Royal was also watching some fantastic riding and driving demonstrations from participants from Ashmount, Ruddington and Wenlo RDA groups despite some wet weather but full of smiles for many people who came to witness such a special visit together!
📸 Nigel Kirby
@North_Mids_RDA | 25 October 2022
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isabel3710 · 1 year
Water torture
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Alright! Our second prompt. Let's do this.
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Prompt: Water Torture
David watched as across the room his top torturer shoved Mason Pines’ head down into a tub of ice-cold water. The man kept one hand on the back of Mason’s head and the other on his shoulder, keeping the prisoner in place. The young man tried to struggle and free himself but David knew he wouldn’t succeed. 
The torturer (Jeff, if he remembered correctly) kept Mason’s head fully submerged in the tub for about sixty seconds before pulling him out. The man gasped for breath. 
“Really to talk?” David asked. 
“Don’t… Know… Anything” Mason gasped. 
David gave Jeff a nod and he shoved Mason’s head but under, this time keeping him under for longer. Hearing the sound of high heels clacking David turned to see his second-in-command, Constance, approach. She looked over the proceedings with a disinterested, cold look. That’s what David liked about her, she always remained professional and didn’t let her feelings get in the way. 
“He hasn’t cracked yet.” Constance observed. 
“Hmm” she said “it’s almost impressive. Most would have given in by now.”
“Most don’t make it one round with Nigel” David said “and if that doesn’t get them, the isolation does.” 
Constance looked over at Mason who was currently out of the water, gasping for air. As soon as he recovered he was shoved back under. The look on her face was that she was analyzing something. “He’s had training.”
David looked at her, surprised “you think?”
“Yes” Constance said “he must have, to have lasted this long. At the very least he has an idea of what to expect.”
“I looked him up,” David said. “One of his relatives is a scientist and the other was a low-class criminal before his death.”
“Is that so?”
Yes, I thought I recognized the prisoner’s last name.” David said “Stanford Pines is mostly known as a scientist, but he has quite the connections to the shadow government.” 
“Mason must work for them” Constance said “that’s why he was poking around, to find evidence against us.”
“I think so too,” David agreed, “but we can’t know for sure until he confesses.” 
“Jeff” Constance called and the man looked over at them. “Pull him out for a moment, we don’t want to give him brain damage.”
Jeff nodded and pulled Mason’s head out of the tub and dropped him to the ground, the man spluttered and gasped for breath. Coughing water out of his lungs and shivering from the water and the cold air being pumped into the room. 
David went back to the conversation, ignoring the prisoner. “Did you take care of the family like I asked?” 
“Yes” Constance said “as of right now Mason has been marked missing but it’s assumed he’s dead. Would you like me to have some evidence to confirm it?”
“Not yet.” David said “I think we can use the family to our advantage.” 
“You think they know something.” 
“I do.” David said “Mason’s Great-Uncle has connections. And not with some lackeys, but with higher ups. People who could make our lives very difficult if they were to find out about us.”
“Yes” Constance agreed “must be a family thing. So what’s the plan?” 
“Break’s over” Jeff said gruffly, interrupting David’s thoughts. The man grabbed Mason by his collar and positioned him over the tub. 
“No please” Mason begged “please any-”
Jeff didn’t give him time to take a breath before shoving his head back under. Mason struggled, trying to hit or kick Jeff but the man held him down. David watched as the scene unfolded in front of him. And turned back to his second-in-command.
“We need to find out what Mason knows about us and our operations. If he’s been sent to gather evidence against us, we need to know what he’s found out.”
Constance nodded, “Agreed. We’ll continue with the interrogation.”
“I have another idea,” David said, “but it might be risky.”
“I think we should send the family a little… Gift” David said. 
“You want to threaten them into giving us information” Constance said “you are right, it is risky.”
“But one that might work.”
“And if the family tries to form a rescue plan?” Constance asked.
“I’m not too worried,” David said “I doubt they will be able to find us and if they do our men will take care of them.” 
Constance nodded, “very well, I will go start the preparations.” 
She gave him a curt nod before walking away. Mason had been pulled out of the water again, gasping for air. David could see the fear in his eyes, but he also saw something else – determination. This kid wasn’t going to break easily.
David walked over and Jeff forced the prisoner into a kneeling position, holding the man’s arms behind his back. Not like it mattered, Mason was too weak to fight. 
“I don’t know why you keep refusing” David said “you are only making things harder for yourself. Just tell me what I want to know and all of this will stop.”
Mason glared up at him, teeth chattering from the cold. “S-s-screw you!”
David gave Jeff a nod and Mason was shoved back under, the sound of water splashing filled the room once again. David watched as Mason struggled and thrash about, trying to break free from Jeff’s grasp. But it was futile, he was too weak and Jeff was too strong.
Mason’s struggles grew weaker and slower before stopping altogether. Jeff pulled him out of the water and layed Mason down. 
“Is he dead?” David asked, his voice devoid of any emotion. He was already planning on killing the man but not before getting what he needed. 
Jeff checked Mason’s plush “no boss, he’s still alive.”
“Good.” David said “put him back in his cell and we’ll check on him in a few hours.” 
Jeff gave David a nod and left the room, dragging Mason behind him. The young man was strong but they would break him, just like they did with all the others.
Author's Note:
I will be nice and share one lil fact with all of you. David is the Guy-In-The-Suit from Isolation. I'm telling all of you this because I don't think it will come up latter.
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nosuchfuture · 1 year
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford
This Nigel Stanford video is essentially a "greatest hits" of physics-based audio visualization: Chladni plates, Hose pipe, ferro fluids, Ruben's tube, tesla coil lightning... 
You’ve probably seen at least some of them before, it’s nicely done.
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AUTOMATICA - Robots Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Sounds of Space Project - Sunconscious - meditative album of cosmic drones (based on space “sounds”) and voices
This is the third album by the Sounds of Space Project a collaboration between Dr Nigel Meredith, Diana Scarborough and Professor Kim Cunio. Ten new tracks have been created for this project featuring music inspired by and including space 'sounds' from the Sun, Like their previous albums 'Aurora Musicalis', and ‘Celestial Incantations’, this album is a fusion of art and science and a type of dreaming of how art and science can tell the great stories of our time. The album includes liner notes and new artwork and T-shirt designs from Scarborough.
The album begins with an awakening on Earth with a track featuring the 'sounds' of space as recorded by the Halley VLF receiver on the day of the first sunrise following the long austral winter. We then move out into interplanetary space and encounter tracks inspired by and including the 'sounds' of plasma waves in the solar wind as captured by the Fields Experiment on the Parker Solar Probe. In amongst this intriguing mix we include tracks featuring the Sun's natural vibrations as detected by the SOHO Michelson Doppler Imager and a type III solar radio burst recorded by the Radio Wave and Plasma Science instrument on the Cassini spacecraft. The album ends back on Earth at Halley VI, with recordings from the VLF receiver on the day of the last sunset before the long austral winter.
This is a non-commercial album that is freely available for all. We would like to thank the institutions and people who provided the audio data used in this project including the Johns Hopkins University, the British Antarctic Survey, NASA, the University of Iowa and A. Kosovichev, at the Stanford Experimental Physics Laboratory. Nigel Meredith would like to acknowledge funding from Natural Environment Research Council grants NE/V00249X/1 (Sat-Risk) and NE/R016038/1.
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doodlee-a · 2 years
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford
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eclec-tech · 2 years
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
I'm tagging @apocalyp-tech-a, who sent me the same ask.
My taste in music is all over the place. Some are songs I like to have on while writing and some are obviously not. (My name isn't Eclec-Tech for nothing, you know!) "Numb" by Linkin Park "Solar Echoes" by Nigel Stanford "Dance Monkey" by Tones and I "Stressed Out" by twenty one pilots "The Long Construction" (Future Mix) by Chris Tilton
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rahulvaste · 18 days
CYMATICS Science Vs Music - Nigel Stanford #mindblowing #awesome
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tuneseclectic · 1 month
AUTOMATICA - Robots Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford
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