#nighteye agency
sapphic-agent · 8 months
You mentioned that you were not a fan of the Endeavor Agency arc, and I’m right there with you. So in your opinion, is there anything you would change to make the arc more worthwhile? Or would scrap that entire arc and have a brand new arc instead?
IMO, maybe have Midoriya focus on simply on trying to unlock and make Blackwhip under his control? Maybe because he felt that getting a hold of his powers trumps anything else? Or he doesn’t want to repeat what happened at the Joint Training fight? Or he doesn’t feel like there are any pro heroes that can help him get a hold of it, other than All Might?
Like I said, this was just an idea I thought of when I was getting ready to ask this, but what changes would you make for the Endeavor Agency arc?
This is a great question! Honestly, there's probably two ways I'd think about going about this.
1. Izuku doesn't join another work study at all
Instead, he takes some time to process everything he just went through. Not just everything that happened with Overhaul, but his entire awful experience with Nighteye. He bonds more with Eri, trains more with All Might, speaks with Yoichi in his dreams more often, and sees Hound Dog a few times to help cope with what happened. Even works more on controlling Blackwhip like you said. I also would have loved a scene where he confides in All Might about how Nighteye treated him and All Might reaffirms that he is worthy of One For All and that it wasn't Nighteye's place to decide that.
True, this would make for a slow arc. But I think taking some time to himself would have done Izuku well. The problem with this is that it might have put him behind his classmates, but he was only a first year. His work study could have been done at another time. It was never a requirement for first years in the first place.
From a narrative perspective, it would have been hard to place him in the Paranormal Liberation War. The UA students were only there because of their Work Studies. However, if Mirio who wasn't part of an agency at the time- and wasn't even technically an active UA student- could show up, there could have been a way to write him in somehow.
2. Izuku works under literally any other hero doing work studies
You can't tell me he wouldn't at least be considered by other heroes. He was the one who took down Overhaul and saved Eri, a mission both Fatgum and Ryuku were apart of. It should be common knowledge among the pros how skilled and capable he is. If other first year students got work studies so easily, you can't tell me that he couldn't have interned with anyone else.
(Perfect chance to have him bond with other 1A students by the way. Or even 1B students. Could have even had him work alongside Iida in Hosu. Hori, it's okay to have him spend time with people other than Bakugou)
I'm sorry, I just can't see Izuku willingly working under a man who abused his family and is practically the embodiment of corruption of hero society. Bakugou, sure, but not someone as moral as Izuku is. He was (rightfully) infuriated by Overhaul's treatment of Eri, why in the world would he tolerate Endeavor? And even if you make the argument that Endeavor's changing, Izuku would have no way of knowing that. Why wouldn't he at least try to reach out to other heroes?
Would have been even better if he at least tried to convince Todoroki to do the same. Would have shown that he really did care about his friend's well-being and wanted him to be free from his father's control.
But hey, what do I know🤷🏾‍♀️
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puddinginthemix · 2 months
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My very first drawing of my special little guy
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thelazyhermits · 1 year
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heyo! ฅ^•-•^ฅ
i've been rereading a lot of TABF fics for comfort and the thought of idol singer Fortune and her legion of fans pushed me out of my art block, so thank you and storysmith for the inspo! o(*^▽^*)/
i thought the outfit would probably cover most of her skin because she's still careful about scars showing, and Dadzawa vetoing the ones that just show a lot of skin lol. Eri's dream from Now It's My Turn to Make You Smile described their outfits as being in UA colors but uhh, does anyone actually know what those colors are? XD i ended up picking colors from the gym uniforms, the cheerleading outfits, and the gold buttons on the normal uniform jackets. (she's lowkey giving pumpkin vibes but it's cute lol)
Annnnnd then i did a variation just paint bucketing over the finished piece with more pastel kinda colors thinking what if it was an idol au? maybe her fan given nickname involves 'cryptid'? it could be from her always being the unexpected surprise guest at events or variety shows with weird ways of suddenly appearing on stage lol. also ofc had to give her the hatsume patented hover tech boots™ for that fancy sky choreography. (just don't look too closely, the number of times I redrew those shoes,,,, ough,,,,,)
hope this made you smile, and thanks again for sharing your writing with us! it's genuinely such a delight and comfort to read, i am off to reread JWTN again for what must be the fifth time lol 💕
(ps. i actually read your twisted wonderland series recently, going into it knowing nothing about tw except 'disney?? but make them cute anime boys', and that i loved your writing. pulled up the tw character pages in another tab for visuals and had so much fun reading about Yuu trying to keep her sons out of trouble XD. Jack is best boi, no contest.)
Submitted by @kitsune-from-neverland
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I absolutely love this!!! Thank you so much!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
Idol Fortune is so fun to think about, and I love how you drew her. Her outfit looks super cute in both colors, although I'll admit I'm partial toward pastels XD I think the hover boots look awesome!
Her having a nickname involving the word cryptid is so funny and something I can totally get behind. Maybe it involves how she first debuted cause there was so little info about her and she just came outta nowhere lol
In regards to the tags you made which I left on this post so everyone else could see them, I honestly have no idea how I'd involve Aizawa in such an AU cause it's hard for me to imagine a guy like him as an idol manager and/or a fan 😂 Maybe he just ends up as her guardian after she's rescued from Mumei, and someone like Mic or Midnight takes the manager position. Aizawa, of course, ends up being one of Fortune's biggest supporters despite knowing next to nothing about idols lol
Idol All Might and Manager Nighteye is such a hilarious mental image. I love it 😂
Thank you for sharing this with me! It absolutely made me smile! I love your art and am super happy that my writing is a source of comfort for you 🥰
I'm also delighted that you gave my Twst fics a shot despite being unfamiliar with the series. I'm glad you like reading about Yuu keeping her sons out of trouble and that you agree Jack is best boi 😊💕💕
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epickiya722 · 1 year
If Endeavor does retire from being a Pro Hero at the end of the series, I can see Burnin being in charge of the agency.
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cryptids-and-muses · 8 months
A hilarious au idea involving Sir Nighteye
In this au, all might having a sidekick was never public knowledge, this was to maintain his image as the sole pillar of peace, and because nighteye works best in the shadows anyway.
Jump cut to 12 year old izuku meeting nighteye because reasons, I’m thinking nighteye saves him from a villain, and of course izuku BEGS him to sign his hero notebook. Here’s a hero he doesn’t recognize!! It’s so exciting!! Nighteye, upon seeing this journal, recognizes not only this kid’s talent but also how much in depth and possibly sensitive info he knows, and is like “….maybe we should keep an eye on him.”
After a bit of scoping him out, and a LOT of discussion with inko, nighteye essentially offers izuku a work study position as an analyst. The kid shows a lot of promise in that field, even if he seems dead set on being a field hero. And because nighteye’s operation is top secret, no one but izuku and inko know his after school job is at a hero agency.
Here’s where the fun starts.
Because this would not change how things play out with all might at all, he’s still offered one for all.
Izuku asks who knows about the quirk and yagi, who isn’t on speaking terms with his former sidekick who the public don’t even know he had, does not tell izuku nighteye knows about the quirk. Or even that he used to work with nighteye. Why would he? So izuku keeps this secret from nighteye and asks for reduced hours at work so he can train for UA, leaving out who he’s training with.
Meanwhile, izuku of course wants to tell all might he works with another hero, nighteye’s operation is Top Fucking Secret and izuku promised to maintain that. So at most All Might knows izuku part times at an underground hero agency, but izuku won’t tell him which one. All might finds this more amusing then anything else and respects his student’s privacy.
Nighteye still wants Mirio to be all might’s sucessor and is ENRAGED to find out he gave it to some random child he hadn’t even known a day. Refusing to listen any more.
So neither of these two idiots realize they’re mentoring the same kid.
Cue the entrance exam and izuku having to explain to nighteye that he “suddenly” manifested his quirk and nighteye is like “…..wait a minute”
I’m calling this au My Hero Custody Battle
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fatkish · 26 days
Could you write for: All Might, Hawks, Ryukyu, Sir Nighteye, Present Mic and Edgeshot with a reader who has a habit of stress-cooking
Basically them leaving for a mission and coming home a lot more later that they had plan and find their kitchen stuff with a bunch of different plates.
Pro Heroes x Reader Headcannons
Stress Cooking
Present Mic:
After he comes home he would definitely be surprised to see so much food if it was the first time he experienced your stress cooking. But don’t worry, Hizashi is a people person and would have just the solution to this problem
Mic: um… we having a party or somethin’
Reader: no… I kinda… got stressed
Mic: well damn… hold on, lemme invite some people and we’ll have a dinner party. I’ll invite Sho and Nem, they love your cooking
All Might:
It highly depends on when it happens. If you’re with Pre- injury might, then he’d probably laugh it off and happily eat whatever you made. If it post-injury might and he now has difficulty eating then he’d probably be secretly upset that he cannot eat as much of your cooking as he used to
All Might: I’m home,… something smells good, *walks into the kitchen to see all kinds of food* um… what happened? Did you start a catering business?
Reader: I got stressed so I cooked
All Might: well there’s no way we can eat all of this ourselves so how about we box it up and take it to the UA faculty dorms and share it with everyone
Would definitely make a joke of it but would definitely eat all of it or bring it to his agency to feed his sidekicks and other people
Hawks: *walks into the kitchen* I really hope there’s some fried chicken
Reader: I’ll fry you, you chicken
Hawks: sheesh, it’s just a joke *takes out a plate and begins to pile stuff on it while eating an eggroll you made* yer a rerry gerd cerk” (you’re a really good cook)
Reader: don’t talk while eating
Was definitely a little startled to see so much food but would just go with it.
Ryukyu: that’s a lot of food darling, is there a special occasion or something?
Reader: nope! I got stressed
Ryukyu: okay, well why don’t we package this all up and save some for us and bring the rest to the agency
Sir Nighteye:
The guy isn’t surprised at all. He probably had an idea about this happening and decided to take action about it
Mirio: thanks for inviting Midoriya and I over for dinner but are you sure your s/o is going to be okay with this?
Nighteye: you’ll see
*the three of them enter the house to see a bunch of different foods on the kitchen table*
Reader: oh, hi Mirai, what’s up
Midoriya: wow, um… t-thank you so much for having us over *ridid bowing ensues
Mirio: wow, everything looks so good, I don’t know where to start. Thanks (y/n)
Reader: (0-0) *makes that kind of face* you’re welcome?
Also a guy who just goes with the flow and isn’t too surprised but is still somewhat surprised. Would probably freeze the extra food since he’s such a secretive person
Edgeshot: is there a reason you made so much food?
Reader: I kinda got stressed?
Edgeshot: looks like we’ll be having leftovers for quite some time
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peachymilkandcream · 4 months
Fraud | Part 1 | Yandere All Might x Hero!Reader
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(A/N: So I decided to start this instead of the Reiner one (which I have some drafts off for the future don't worry. But I'm currently rewatching the show right now so I'm just particularly more inspired by this one. So if/when I do the AOT one I'm not sure. Most likely not for a while unless I feel super inspired by it. And if so I'll probably write it all out and then post it on an additional day once a week. Since I usually post Break Me Slowly on Monday and now this on Tuesday, if I decide to do it I most post it on a Wednesday basis. I'm not sure. Also this won't follow canonical story line! For a little background, reader's hero name is Shade, and their quirk is that they can create shadow copies of their enemies. But thank you for reading and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, etc.
The world's symbol of peace and justice, a hero for all. Great and mighty. People all across the world knew him, he was the ultimate authority on this planet. Respected and revered.
All Might. The Symbol of Peace.
As a pro, Shade of course respected him above all other heroes, he was the ultimate role model that everyone should look up to and adore. Admittedly that had to do with her desire to become just like him since she was a bit of a fangirl. But regardless, there was nothing so bad about wanting to follow his ideals, was there?
She was determined to meet him one day and make an impression. Hopefully, he would see her talent and invite her to be one of his sidekicks. It wouldn't be totally uncommon, Sir Nighteye was already his right hand man, surely a hero as busy as him could use some more help to keep Japan in its state of reigning peace.
Ever since she was little she dreamed of becoming a pro just like him, she enjoyed watching his battles and keeping up with the news of his latest feats to inspire herself even on her daily commute, who wouldn't want a chance to impress their idol by embodying the same ideals he has?
Besides, her success as a pro was...lacking, to say the least. Her quirk was impressive enough, creating shadows of her enemies and even comrades to fight with her in battle. However the problem lied with the fact that some people believed her quirk seemed rather villainous from outward perspective, apart from some of the teens who enjoyed more intense heroes she had a small fanbase. Most of the ones who did follow her stopped after they discovered her personality didn't match her hero persona at all.
A boost from All Might's agency would really help her brand.
Eventually she could go out more on her own and maybe in form a team with her new found friend and mentor.
"Wake up Shade! Unless you want to be sprayed with acid in the face!?"
On the scene of the crime several pros faced off against a dastardly villain, his quirk was to spew acid from his mouth, and the power of it was disintegrating her shadows. It always seemed like the moment she had a chance to make a name for herself it was against a villain who completely outmatched her quirk type.
"I'm awake, okay? I've got it."
Nothing was able to touch this villain, all hope seemed to be lost until the laugh she had gotten so familiar with filled the air.
"Fear not citizens, hope has arrived!"
An expression of wonder and awe comes across her face when the gust of wind followed by the monstrous form of the Number One Hero steps into the scene.
"Because I am here."
One punch is all it ever took for the criminals to surrender and admit defeat, but this was the first time she had seen him in a professional setting, he was even more amazing then she ever could have believed!
Now was her chance to become a hero just like him.
"Well done fellow pros, that evil-doer was certainly a heavy hitter, but all of your valiant efforts to keep the peace are much appreciated." His smile never wavered.
"You were amazing All Might, I think I can speak for all of us when we say thank you for saving our butts back there. None of our quirks were really suited for it." Shade's giddy expression never left, truly in awe of the man before her.
"Anytime, but I don't think I've seen you before, still a newbie I take it."
She blushes ever so slightly. "Yes sir, I'm just starting out, my hero name is Shade, it's super nice to meet you-"
"The pleasure is all mine ma'am," His stare was piercing, as if deciding if she really was a hero. "now I must be off, a hero's always got somewhere to be!"
With that he flew off, leaving her behind even more inspired than before.
"He's the most amazing hero in the universe, one day I'll be just like him-"
All Might returned to Nighteye religiously pouring over his computer screen, only around his sidekick could the hero's mask fall slightly. His smile disappearing.
"Excellent work on that takedown, your approval rating keeps going up."
"I want you to do something for me. There's a new hero in town, goes by Shade. A newcomer. Find out everything you can about her."
"Why? Another one of your little projects?"
"You could say that."
"All Might this is twice this year now."
"Does that matter? It's not my fault the last ones couldn't handle me."
He rolls his eyes. "I'll find what I can. But go easy this time, alright? I barely was able to cover it up last time."
"Agreed. I'll be more careful."
He shut the door behind him to his personal quarters, staring down at the city below. Being the strongest in the world came with a deep sense of dissatisfaction, he was untouchable, unbreakable.
He needed something to break.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
I was going through your AiDeku tags while on the subway and got struck by this snippet A Small Flame (Poorly Sheltered), sorry if it is OOC or misses the mark:
It is not something commonly *talked* about but it is something commonly *known* that you do not call in Nighteye to consult on the same cases Valiant has been assigned to.
There has been no official memo passed around, no directive have come down from the ones involved but ever since That One Case, you just... don't.
(And if you do not know which one was That One Case, you do not need to know, and if you do and know no details than all the better for you that you stop asking and if you were there but missed what went down well, you really ought to know better than to go chasing for more, have you forgotten what the atmosphere was like for *weeks* after?)
Even just asking is bad enough that you might as well just gottem yourself unnoficially blacklisted by Mighty Agency, All Night Agency and Valiant's good graces (he will never be unpolite to you about anything, ever, but good luck getting close enough to even just talk to him, much less grovel as needed [and if you do not know you need to grovel, damn, I do not know how you got high enough to rate calling in heroes at all]) and really, why do you want your career to die so hard? Just quit, it will be easier.
Oh the All Might - Nighteye - Valiant fallout is a semi-well-known secret that has so many people both baffled and curious as all fuck
It never helps that Valiant looks so sad the few times anyone was brave/stupid enough to bring it up
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specialagentlokitty · 2 months
Fat gum x reader - changed for the better
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Hi, saw you wanted requests for MHA so maybe Fat Gum x reader with this prompt from your prompt list “The hero and the villain don’t work together.” “They’re not married either but here we are.” but only if you want to of course. Thanks🥰 - Anon💜
Hands stuffed in your pockets, you idly wondered around the streets, looking for something to do to pass the time.
You were waiting for your husband to finish his patrol and go on break, and you were lingering nearby his agency.
After all this time you still felt uneasy around heroes, and you didn’t want to enter a whole building of them, you you settled for standing outside, scrolling through your phone.
“You’re here!”
You grinned, putting your phone back into your pocket, letting the hero pick you up and spin you around a few times before setting you down.
“I told you I’d be here!” You laughed.
“I was getting worried when I didn’t see you out the window, I’m glad you’re here though, I’ve got a new intern! Look!”
You looked behind him to see Tamajiki as normal, but there was a red haired boy with him this time who grinned brightly, bowing his head to you.
“Hello! I’m Kirishima from class 1-A! It’s nice to meet you!”
“So loud…”
Fat Gum laughed softly, covering your ears, gently rubbing small circles into your temples.
“Sorry. I forgot to tell you that (Y/N) doesn’t do well with sudden loud noises, their quirk means their hearing is slightly heightened.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve been a little quieter. Are you okay?” Kirishima asked.
You smiled softly at him, nodding your head as you held your husbands hand in your own.
“Yeah, I’m good thank you. And Tamajiki, how’re you?”
The quiet hero to be turned his head to the ground, pulling his hood down a little bit.
“I want to go home…”
You laughed a little.
“Maybe I can convince my lovely husband to let you guys go for the night.”
You gently nudged the hero at your side making his laugh loudly, nodding his head.
“Yes! Go on home and be safe!”
“Thanks sir!”
Kirishima ran off with Tamajiki quietly following behind.
You walked in front of Fat Gum, gesturing for him to kneel down, so he did, and you grinned brightly, kissing his forehead, then you walked around to climb in his back.
Once you were comfortable, you draped your arms on his head, and he stood up to carry on walking.
“How does it look?” He asked.
You hummed a little, looking around.
“Looking funky, what’s the plan?” 
“Well maybe we can take a walk, then go to that restaurant you love so much, does that sound good?”
Fat Gum glanced to the side, and you leant down, grinning from ear to ear as you nodded your head at him.
He grinned brightly, gently resting his head on yours.
That’s what you guys did, but soon he became busy with work, so you spent a lot of time just wondering, looking for some other way to occupy your time.
That was up until you were stopped by Sir Nighteye, and you looked up at him a little confused, gesturing to the bracelet on your wrist.
“I haven’t done anything wrong?”
“I need you to come with me, it would be a lot faster if you didn’t fight.”
You waved your hand dismissively, already walking to the car he had gotten out off.
“Yeah yeah, I know the drill.”
You got in the car, letting him take you to wherever it was that you needed to be, and he escorted you inside.
You immediately hated the amount of heroes that were also walking through the doors, and you shuffled a little nervously on your feet.
You looked to the doors, quickly making your way over to fat gum, immediately tucking yourself into his side.
“There’s too many heroes…” you huffed.
“Why’re you here? Did something happen?”
“I don’t know, asking beanpole over there he dragged me here.”
Fat Gum nodded, leading you over to the middle of the room and stood you next to him, placing a hand on your shoulder and you wrapped your arm around his.
As the meeting started you lost interest in what was going on.
“I would like devil dog to help.” Nighteye said.
You snapped back from your little daydream and looked over confused.
“Huh? What?”
“An ex villain? You can’t be serious.” Someone scoffed.
“I believe that their quirk would be useful in this situation, your quirk allows you to summon numerous hellhounds that are connected or you correct? You can jump consciousness between them and turn into one?”
“Yeah, and what?”
“Be nice…” your husband whispered.
You huffed.
“I would like for you to assist us in this operation.”
You scoffed a little bit.
“The hero and the villain don’t work together.” You huffed.
Fat gum leant down a little, showing you his face, and you immediately looked at him, annoyed gaze softening the moment you connected eyes with him.
“They’re not married either but here we are.” He mused.
“Yeah that’s a point.”
“You can’t be serious and letting them have full control of their quirk, they terrified people for years just for fun.”
“Okay but I never actually hurt anybody Eraser, I was more just annoying the general public for fun.”
“You’re still a risk.”
“I’m reformed.” You grinned.
You placed a hand on fat gums head, pushing him up a little so you could look at the hero you were currently arguing with.
“You’re not safe with your quirk out in the public.”
“Seriously what the hell do you think I’m going to do? Run off and cause mayhem? I’m married to a hero for god sake he’ll find me straight away.”
Fat Gum stood back up fully.
“They’re right, I know all their hiding places.”
“You can’t be serious about this.” Someone else called out.
Tapping your husband on the stomach, you gestured for him to crouch down so he did, letting you climb on his back and he stood up.
You rested your arms on his head, messing with a little bit of his hair that was sticking out of his costume.
“Okay I get it, I have a shit past, but there’s a girl that needs saving right? Why the hell would I go running off to cause trouble knowing it would put her at risk? I’ll admit I did some shit things, but I never hurt no one, well, aside from present mic but that was actually an accident and beside the point. I’ll help, then I’ll wait for the bracelet to be put back on.”
There were a few mutters around the room.
“Please, I know you don’t trust them, and a lot of you question why I married them but I will vouch for (Y/N), if something happens or they run off I take full responsibility.” Fat gum said.
You leant down a little.
“Sweetheart you dont have to do that…”
“Of course I do, I know you’re not going anywhere.” He said softly.
You smiled gently back at him, kissing the side of his head.
“Course I wouldn’t, why would I go when you’re here?”
He grinned a little at you, and you rested your chin on the top of his head, letting the heroes go back to debating this.
Either way you didn’t care if they trusted you, you knew you had changed, and as long as your husband trusted you that was good enough for you
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villain-sympathizer · 9 months
For you, what if (au) sir night eye survives, but he can’t do a lot of serious hero work due to is injuries.
So you can think is either some domestic fluff scenarios or maybe some, spices once perhap?
YES THANK YOU sorry this took so long, i worked on this in bits over the summer since i wanted to relax (plus i was rarely at my laptop to write anyway lmao)
i was going to make this smutty but i felt burnt out so its just hurt/comfort fluff!
────── ・ 。゚: .☽ . : 。゚・ ──────
[Survived AU; Nighteye x Reader/Significant other]
[Contents: Hurt/comfort, body image issues, descriptions of scars and amputated limbs]
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────── ・ 。゚: .☽ . : 。゚・ ──────
Mirai was never insecure over anything about his appearance, at least not anything the public would criticize him about. Not his hair, not his wrinkles, nor his abnormally long neck, not even his permanent resting-bitch-face. Really, the only thing he was at least a little concerned about was how cold he’d come off as to others, and luckily he’d been getting better at that. Mirai never cared how he looked, as long as he was clean and professional about his appearance.
At least, that was the case. Then the Hassaikai raid happened.
As blessed as he is to even be alive, to watch the world laugh and to be able to smile back at them, he can’t deny that the injuries to his body were… quite the eyesore. 
Despite being fitted with a new bionic arm to replace the one that needed to be amputated, he still had to take it off at night to sleep, causing him to stand there in the mirror and stare at the scars. Scars that weren’t just on what was left of his arm, but a giant, discolored one on both his front and back abdomen that warped the skin in crooked patterns. His partner joked lightly about it with him, saying that he matched All Might now, making him a true number one fan; and as amusing and ironic as Mirai found that, it still never lessened the lingering disgust he felt looking at the damage done to his body.
“You’re feeling insecure about it again, Mir, aren’t you?” His partner, [Name], spoke up as they closed the door to their shared bedroom, making Mirai jolt slightly in surprise. He must have forgotten to close the bathroom door before getting ready for bed, and they caught him staring at his body in the mirror after he finished brushing his teeth.
With a small sigh, Mirai pulled himself out of his thoughts and began placing his stuff back in the cabinet, bionic arm whirring softly each time his elbow joint moved. “No, just… lost in thought, is all,” he responds. It wasn’t a total lie, since he was technically thinking deeply on things - it’s just they also happened to be about his scars. 
There was the soft padding of feet across the hardwood floor, disrupted only briefly then they must have walked over the rug by the bed, before Mirai saw his spouse appear in the mirror next to him. “Does it ache today? I can go get your meds,” they offered, placing a reassuring hand on his right, non-injured shoulder.
“No, I’ve been surprisingly fine this week,” Mirai says as he closes the cabinet gazing at [Name] through the mirror, a small, relaxed smile on his face. They really have been such a help during his healing and his adjustment to living without an arm. While Mirio, Toshinori, and his crew back at the agency were also helpful and accommodating, he couldn’t help but feel as if they were… pitying him, almost. 
But [Name]... they didn’t pity him. 
They showed him true sympathy and compassion, while letting him do what he still could without babying him all the time. Being a Pro-Hero themselves, they knew how humiliating it is to be waited on hand-and-foot when one is injured so severely. They were his grounding force throughout his few years of healing, even going so far as to check in on him back at his agency, now that he was back in the workforce - likely to make sure he wasn’t doing any fieldwork, and stuck purely to his office. Normally he’d get annoyed if someone was constantly barging in to ‘check on him’, but with [Name], he’s come to love their daily visits to his office. Sometimes it was to have lunch with him, other times it was just to chat and have a break from hero work, often still in their hero suit. 
Mirai couldn’t ask for a better way to spend his work days.
“You’re thinking again, love,” [Name]’s voice cuts through his memories, bringing him back to the present where they both stood in their pajamas in the florescent light of their shared bathroom. Despite staring at his shirtless, scarred torso, he found that none of his thoughts were actually about the injury at all.
“Just thinking of you,” Mirai hums in response, turning his head to press a kiss to his spouse’s forehead. “And how much of a mess I would be without you here to help me.” 
They give him a warm smile, their hand gripping his shoulder softly in reassurance. “Good, just think about that anytime you start to feel bad about your scars. That’s what your therapist said to do, right? Make positive correlations instead?” [Name] reminds him, moving out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. “Now let's get some rest, we both have to be up early tomorrow.”
Taking one last look in the mirror, Mirai lets out a deep breath before turning and following his spouse back to their shared bed. He takes a seat on his side of the bed, reaching over with his good arm to undo the straps and mechanics of his bionic arm, letting out a quiet grunt of frustration when one of the clasps wouldn’t budge from the angle he was reaching at. Despite it being only a couple years since his injury, they were still trying to perfect a permanent prosthetic arm for him, one with the capabilities to allow him use of his quirk through touch. Something like that required time and dedicated work for it to be successful.
Before Mirai could become even more frustrated at the straps he spent years clasping and unclasping on his own, he felt a gentle touch against his shoulder blade where the clasp was, and pressure of the strap suddenly lifted as the bionic arm came loose to expose the scarred end of his upper arm. 
“You looked like you needed some help,” [Name]’s voice speaks up from behind him, soft and quiet to fit the calm atmosphere that the night always seemed to bring when they were getting ready for bed. “Sorry if you didn’t need it. You just seemed to be getting frustrated.”
Carefully placing his bionic arm in a special case next to the bed, Mirai gives his spouse an appreciative hum. “I was, so thank you,” he replies, sitting back up with a sigh. “It seems even now, fully healed, I still need help with the dumbest things that I should have perfected by now,” he mumbled, mostly to himself, but [Name] could hear him loud and clear.
They move closer to him from their side of the bed, wrapping their arms around his torso and resting their head against his shoulder, careful of his injury despite it being healed. “It’s okay to need help, even when you’ve mastered a skill or task,” [Name] says to him, their voice muffled slightly by his shoulder. “No one is perfect at anything, not even someone who spent their entire lives mastering something. Everyone needs assistance at some point, and it’s in our nature to help. You suffered a terrible injury that left you handicapped, when all your life you’ve gotten used to using both hands to do things.”
Feeling Mirai tense a little beneath their hold, they press a reassuring kiss to his shoulder blade. “But that doesn’t make you broken, or stupid, or useless, or unable to perform the tasks you used to. Adjusting to life with one less limb when you’ve grown up with all of them is insanely hard, and I can barely imagine what it’s like. Now look at me, Mir,” [Name] continues, lifting their head so that they can gaze up at their husband’s face. 
When they saw those golden iris’ peer down at them after a moment, [Name] gives him a warm smile. “No matter how small or lame the task, I’m always more than willing to help you. I will never think any less of you for what you are or aren’t able to do anymore, because I love and care about you. You are my husband - my soulmate, Mirai. No matter what happens to you, I’ll still love you, so, so much,” their words slowly trailed off into a soft mumble, nuzzling their face against his neck as Mirai leans his head down to the side to rest atop of his spouse’s.
“Even if I’m a burden?” He mutters, voice uncharacteristically low and fragile.
“You’re not a burden,” [Name] reminds him, their embrace tightening ever so slightly. “Not to me. Not to anyone. I’d wait on you hand and foot for the rest of eternity and not once feel like you’re burdening me at all.”
Their voice started to wobble, and Mirai could feel a few tears gently gliding across his shoulder and back.
“I almost lost you,” [Name] choked out. “I’ll do anything to make sure you’re comfortable and safe. I fear that if I don’t- that if I don’t appreciate every moment you’re still here with me, then I’ll never get the chance, because I never know if one day you’ll just be gone,” they take in a small, stuttered breath, their hold on Mirai loosening as he carefully turns to face them. 
His brows were furrowed in concern, his right arm coming up to gently touch the side of their face, the tips of his fingers brushing away a few stray tears. “I’m not going anywhere,” he starts with, voice low and comforting in a way no one would believe would come from the notoriously stoic Sir Nighteye. “I’ve retired from on-field duty, and like you said, my health is only improving,” Mirai says as he leans in to press a comforting kiss to [Name]’s forehead. He never realized they were holding in such a burden, constantly fretting that he one day might just keel over, or have his existence wiped away during what should have been a simple rescue mission. It made his heart heavy knowing that they were suffering from such anxiety while caring for him, yet it flattered him in a sense to know they cared about him just as much as he cared about them, too.
“I survived a stone spear through my torso and arm - God himself will have to kill me if he wishes to separate us.” That got a breathy chuckle out of his partner, Mirai himself smiling at the small victory. He loathed seeing loved ones cry, especially the person whose laugh and smiles always made his day that much better.
[Name] brings a hand up to wipe at their tears, giving Mirai a grin, although a bit melancholy. “Exactly. So please, Mir, don’t think for a second that I would love you any less than before that terrible day, okay?” They say to him, hands reaching over to gently grip both his shoulders from behind. “I don’t mind taking care of you, especially when you need it the most. It’s okay to need help with something you can’t safely do yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I needed you to reach for something because I knew I’d likely get hurt trying to get to it myself,” they joke lightly with him in an attempt to lighten the mood once more. It was successful, if the tiny snort from Mirai was anything to go by. “I know that’s not as comparable to losing an entire arm, but you get the idea.”
Mirai gives them a grateful smile, placing another kiss to the top of their head. With that conversation over, and the two both physically and mentally exhausted from the days events, a well deserved sleep was in order.
Cuddled up to each other in bed, Mirai waited until his spouse’s breathing evened out, signaling that they fell into a peaceful sleep. He slowly maneuvers himself so that his face could press against the top of their head, his arm holding them close.
“Thank you,” he whispers, rubbing soothing motions against their skin. “For everything.”
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deusvervewrites · 13 days
Quill AU: I’m still reading everything about the new aus, so forgive me if this has already been figured out, but I think the ones that are onto Nighteye first are his sidekicks. They have the most exposure to him, the most opportunities to notice that one too many things don’t connect perfectly. They might not be the ones that run the show, but they still work at an investigation agency.
You make a good point. They'd at least notice that Nighteye isn't actually having them do any real investigative work looking for Midoriya. And while he claims to be doing it himself... is he though?
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doodlegirl1998 · 7 months
The reason why I can't behind any of the characters or things they do is that they're made into hypocrites.
You got Mina and Eijirou who're against bullies yet are friends with Bakugou don't do anything when he gets onto All Might.
Hawks who had a past with an abusive father and when Endeavor is exposed as one, he doesn't react or say anything about it.
Izuku with his quirkless past yet doesn't offer any sympathy towards those like him, like how he tried to make Nighteye laugh or Aoyama.
And then there's Aizawa... the guy's a walking hypocrite so I don't feel like going into any of the things he did.
All this makes it difficult to really get behind and like these characters when they contradict their characteristics this much all to make the worse characters look good.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Exactly this. Hori's characters act how HE wants them to to service the plot rather than what would fit their characters. So we have situations like this where they become hypocrites and bad things are implied about them. We have talked about Aizawa before so I'll focus on Izuku, Kirishima, Mina and Hawks.
Izuku - was quirkless, was horrifically abused by Bakugou for this as well as daring to try to help him out a river once.
Also Izuku - is NOT allowed once to reflect on the similarities between Aoyama and himself. Is NOT allowed to think one bit on his quirkless past or the horrific bullying (abuse) he went through. Does not seek to change the status quo now that he is a part of it. Or think about how HE could change how quirkless are being treated. This in my most charitable interpretation could be Izuku's self hatred coming out full force, he doesn't want to think about when he was quirkless so he doesn't. But this could also be construed as arrogance, stupidity and narrow minded-ness.
Izuku - knows in graphic detail the Todofam situation, is best friends with Todoroki Shoto and confronted Endeav for being a POS when he first met him.
Also Izuku - Acts like a fanboy of Endeavor in the agency arc and defends Endeavor to Dabi's face (another of Endeavor's victims.) - This puts a sour taste in my mouth not going to lie, this reads as Izuku thinking, 'because he's nice to me and he says he's going to change all is good now!' Also (unlike defending Shoto) defending Endeav just isn't necessary here. No one is denying Endeavor's mentorship or heroism skills. Dabi is saying he is an abuser and a shit dad which - you know - he is. Izuku reads as a naive, narrow-minded teenager at best here. There are better ways Hori could have worded Izuku stepping in - this wasn't it.
Mina and Kirishima: 'We hate bullies!' 😠 Very vocally anti bully, their heroism stories each center on it.
Also Mina and Kirishima: look on as Bakugou acts like the BIGGEST bully for all of the academic year and decide to become his besties. - This can be read as them being too thick to work out Bakugou is a bully at best. At worst... They read as cowards and hypocrites. The 'It's ok as long as he's not picking on me or my friends,' type.
Hawks: has an abusive father that was taken into custody by Endeav before being taken by the HPSC and enduring more intense training (likely abuse.)
Also Hawks: Despite his past abuse as an adult licks the boots of another abusive father, Endeav (Endeav's boots must be super shiny.) - Are we still pretending Hawks is an actual character at this point? All he is now is an Endeav Simp with some 'I killed Twice' angst sprinkled in. But I will save the major pieces of salt regarding Hawks for the ask I have about him. Least charitable interpretation - Hawks has LOW empathy thanks to his abusive childhood and latches on hard to a select few (Endeav) who he will protect, screw everyone else. Hawks doesn't care about Endeav's past child abuse, spousal abuse and literal crimes just what he means to him. Most Charitable - Hawks is an abused messed up person who never grew up past his idealisation of Endeav and clung to anything that meant he could keep the 'hero Endeav' in his mind intact.
With all of these deductions in mind, characters we are meant to root for feel flat, hypocritical, OOC and just downright bizarre at times.
Why? Because Hori bends characters to his script rather than writing the script for what works for the characters.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
The lack of dadmight in quirkless izuku aus is hurting me emotionally, lemme throw a bunch of au ideas out there
Quirkless Izuku AU Ideas:
Support Techie Izuku: he wanted to be All Might’s sidekick then realised his whole agency only had one - so, what if he was his support tech instead! Featuring a baby Izuku determined to design for All Might and an All Might who is like “oh my god, a son”. Best friends with Melissa Shield.
Quirkless Hero Deku: Sludge villain happens but All Might has already given his quirk to Mirio. All Might comes up to Izuku after and says “being a hero without a quirk will be so incredibly difficult, but you’re the only one I’d trust to do it. You can be a hero.” Izuku trains with All Might, Mirio and Nighteye.
Under Cover: All Might is working under cover as Yagi Toshinori, quirkless middle school teacher, in an attempt to flush out a new group of quirk supremacists in the Aldera school district (after he killed All for One and started cutting back on hero work he’s been hit with the power vacuum the guy left). Izuku tries to warn him off, but it doesn’t work. Yagi gets a taste of what it’s like to be quirkless in the current day and age.
From Mud to Lotus: All Might is japan’s worst villain. Yagi Toshinori is some dude who likes to go on walks. He runs into Izuku getting bullied, gets attached and teaches the kid some self defense, which turns into hardcore hero training. He has no idea how to tell Izuku he’s a villain. Izuku has known the whole time.
Vigil: Izuku is a quirkless vigilante hanging around Mutsutafu, with an absent and neglectful father. Yagi Toshinori sees a scuffed up, skinny kid hanging around the run down apartment he’s owned forever. He’s trying to work out how to feed the boy without looking like a massive creep.
Teacher’s Assistant: Izuku has been sending in anonymous analysis to All Might’s agency since he was 8, which Nighteye and All Might have been baffled by the quality and consistency of the near professional grade work they keep getting sent randomly. After a comedy of errors, Izuku joins their agency (Nighteye never left, All for One ate shit and died) as an intern and completes high school and some university online. Now All Might has to teach at UA, and Izuku is the only logical choice to help because he’s the only person at the agency with any sort of formal educational qualification. He’s also only 15.
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come-away-with-me87 · 25 days
All I Need Chapter 1
Summary: You lost your love during the battle at Shie Hassaikai.  Could a certain tired-eyed, quiet man make you feel better, and perhaps, make you fall in love again?
Pairings: Shouta Aizawa | Eraserhead x Fem!Reader; Mirai Sasaki | Sir Nighteye x Fem!Reader
Warnings: This beginning of this story takes place during the Shie Hassaikai Arc. Character death. Angst. Light smut (I say light because I feel like I am *not* good at writing smut LOL).
Your day started off as most people: by going to work.  You worked as the student guidance counselor at the U.A. High School, alongside the other guidance counselor, Ryo Inui.  Even though you were born without a Quirk [which you were certain would be the reason you would not get the job], Principal Nezu was so impressed by your resume and interview, that he offered you the position on the spot.  And you loved your job.  Even though you were Quirkless against students with Quirks, they were still just kids who sometimes needed emotional guidance, and you were there for just that.  Ryo and you made a good team.
Because of this job, you became friends with the teachers and other staff.  You were particularly good friends with Nemuri Kayama (Midnight), Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic), and even the ever monotone and tired Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead).  Even though you were Quirkless, they saw how good you were with the students.  One time, you were even able to calm down Katsuki Bakugo who was throwing an absolute fit over something trivial.  He calmed down enough that he was able to return to class. Due to your rapport with the students at the school, the staff welcomed you with open arms and you had yourself a great group of friends.
When it came to romantic relationships, you were also very lucky in that department.  You and Mirai Sasaki, more commonly known as Sir Nighteye, had been in a relationship for four years now, and you were very happy together.  Sure, he may have come across as intimidating and stoic to the public eye, but one of the many reasons he loved you was because of your sense of humor.  You weren't a comedian, by any means, but you had made him laugh more often than he could count.  Besides that, you had a mutual respect for one another, and cared for and loved each other deeply.
There was only one rule you established with Mirai at the beginning of your relationship: he could never use his Foresight Quirk on you.  You didn't want either of you to know your future.  When you explained your reasoning to him, you stated that you just wanted to live in the moment and take every day as it comes, as life is too precious to live in fear of what could happen.  He respected your wishes, and never used his Quirk on you once in the four years you were together.
When your shift was over at work, you returned to your shared home with Mirai.  He wasn't home yet; he often worked late nights at Nighteye Agency.  You decided to make some dinner, covered a plate of food for Mirai and put it in the refrigerator for him. You texted him letting him know so, and asked him to try not to work too late tonight.  You were feeling...needy.  For some reason, you just wanted to be close to him that night.  He replied back that he would be home as soon as he could.  You put on his favorite lace babydoll nightie you owned, covered yourself up with a fuzzy robe, and put on a movie to watch until he got home.
It was around 8:00pm when he finally arrived home, and he came in to find you sleeping soundly on the couch, with the movie's menu playing over and over on repeat.  You awoke to him gently shaking your shoulders, "Y/N, I'm home, my love."  You smiled up at him, "did you eat anything? You must be starving.  I made dinner and put a plate in the fridge for you, all you need to do is heat it up in the microwave."  His tall, slender frame bent down and kissed you on the cheek, "that's why I keep you around," and you both laughed.  After he heated up his food, you both sat down at the dining room table, and you just watched him lovingly while he ate.  "Anything on your mind, Y/N?" he asked in between mouthfuls, noticing you watching him.  "Not really, I just missed you today."  
He smiled at you, finished his meal, and patted his leg, motioning you to come sit on his lap.  "So, you missed me today, huh?" he asked thoughtfully.  "I did.  No particular reason why, you were just heavy on my mind today."  He kissed you in response.  You were still feeling needy for him, so you decided to deepen the kiss by using your tongue, to which he happily responded to.  He pulled away from the kiss for a moment, "wow, you really did miss me today," he said with a small chuckle.  At that moment, you stood up, took your robe off, letting it fall to the floor, where he finally could see what you were wearing underneath.  "Y/N..."  
"I know this one is your favorite," you said in a sultry voice.  He just gulped in response.  He was so cute.  You two have had sex many, many times over the course of your four years together, but you still found it so endearing that even after all this time, he still looked at you as if it was the first time he was seeing you.  You grabbed him by his hand, and led him to the bedroom.  You were so needy for him.  You both sat down on the bed, where you continued what you started in the dining room.  You kissed him deeply while slowly untying his tie and unbuttoning his work shirt, revealing his muscular frame underneath.  
You pushed him back onto the pillow, where you straddled his lap and continued to kiss him.  In the position you were in, you could feel how hard he already was for you, and you felt how wet you were.  You pulled away from the kiss, sat down on the side of him, and took the opportunity to pull off his work pants, leaving him in just his boxers.  It was at that moment that he seized the opportunity to take you by the waist, and practically threw you down on the bed, where he continued to kiss you feverishly.  He pulled away from the kiss just long enough to pull your straps down on your nightie past your breasts, where he started to kiss and gently bite down on your nipples.  You moaned in response.
"I want you, Mirai. Now."  He didn't even hesitate at those words; he peeled off his boxers, thrust himself into you, and you two made love.  You couldn't put your finger on it, but this time your lovemaking was different, in a good way.  It was more passionate than usual, like you were two souls bound together in one body.  "I love you so much, Y/N," he said breathily during your lovemaking.  "Oh, Mirai, you are my everything," you replied back to him with tears in your eyes.  You were so happy and fulfilled in that moment, not realizing that this would be the last time you would ever share a moment like this together.
To be continued!
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I said hours ago I thought the title being "Midoriya Izuku: Rising" felt a bit too early but now I think it makes sense. How do I explain, I'll try my best!
I thought about about the other Origin and Rising chapters and I've tried to establish a pattern of all, and I think I have a conclusion.
Shoto's origin: The bond he had with his mother being a tether of what being a hero truly meant to him, with Izuku being the one to remind him he gets to decide what being a hero meant to him- it's his power, what does he want to do with it?
Shoto's rising: The one he wants to have with his family, the desire to find peace with himself, his biological family and the one he has in Class 1-A in the future and being the hero his family had wanted vs. the one they needed at that exact moment.
Katsuki's origin: denying the help from others, especially Izuku, was the thing that held him back. By accepting it, he and Izuku, despite the beating, won.
Katsuki's rising: his willingness to accept help bloomed into a seed of empathy that paid off, and by sacrificing himself he understood why Izuku is willing to help others at his own cost (otherwise the last arc wouldn't even be happening).
Hypothetical on where Hori wanted this one, as despite her lack of these, Hori does consider her part of this group. So if I were to guess:
Ochako's origin: she's shown she has the guts and determination to become a hero, but what holds her back is her own constant comparison to Izuku's power and people connecting her motivations to him.
Ochako's rising: by asserting her agency and power to help others, and accepting she's not defined by what she feels about Izuku, she ends up helping the girl who needed someone willing to understand her.
With that in mind; an Origin chapter is not the beginning of their story, but the antithesis what holds them back, the hubris,the fatal flaw in their own hero's journey vs. who they can become as the story goes, the heroes they've envisioned and more.
Tenko has three origin chapters- Two for Tenko, one for Tomura. But in the pattern, he's yet to receive a Rising one, let alone three: Unless, and I mean unless, Shigaraki Tomura is his Rising chapter, but only the first part. But that's for another time. (And maybe for someone else; I'm not the person to talk about Tenko).
With that, Izuku's.
I was wondering why Izuku's rising chapter happened so soon, when he's just returning to the battlefield- then I've pondered the pattern. I've said I was expecting it to be a multiple-parter; because of Tenko's. But it does make sense why now.
Because since Chapter One, never once Izuku has actually been able to contradict his own goals. In fact, if he tries, narratively, the story actually punished him for it two times; his failure to save the first times led to consequences that follow him in their relevant arcs.
(for clarification if you're curious:
Not helping Eri on their first meeting = Overhaul almost kills multiple of his friends and actually succeeds in killing Sir Nighteye. Mirio temporally loses his Quirk and Izuku wonders if he should even have his own.
Attacking Tomura with clear intent on winning without saving = Aizawa cuts his leg, Gran Torino is in a hospital bed and Katsuki gets stabbed, latter one is the main motivator leading up to the Dark Hero Arc.
Sound good? Good.)
But what makes this Izuku's rising moment? What is the antithesis to "Midoriya Izuku: Origin"? If his convictions are the same as the first chapter, what makes this moment special?
Unlike the first time- this time, everyone supports him. He has friends, fans, allies all over the world. His childhood friend, his idol, his mother. Everyone believes in him. And it's all because Izuku inspired them to take action, even when he had nothing.
Because it wasn't a Quirk that made him a great hero- Toshinori even said so.
It's because he can't ignore he saw someone in need of saving, someone who looked him in them eyes and was asking for help.
And the reality he's living at the age of 16, he's Quirkless. He's standing up to someone who will not be reasoned with. He's at a huge disadvantage. He's the only one who can do it. And maybe has "nothing", but he has everyone, and everyone wants him to do his best. And they'll pave the way, they'll make it easier to carry the burdens he can't carry alone.
This is why it's everyone's thoughts on him, instead of his point of view; his convictions were always clear; it's everyone else's that's changed.
And for that, not only he didn't just become the world's greatest hero: by all accounts, he already was. He already is.
Thank you for reading.
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gentrychild · 1 year
Aizawa: Midoriya why do I have several complaints from Nighteye agency about you traumatizing Nighteye?
Izuku: It's not my fault he couldn't handle a few spoilers
Aizawa: "Stop traumatizing people."
Izuku: "The day I actually start traumatizing people, you will know it."
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