#nijiko writes
kiennjio · 7 months
here's a little snippet of the fanfic i've been working on
The first thing Akito noticed about him wasn’t his perfect form as he leapt across the room, or the way his feet were so en pointe as he twirled on the floor, or his elegant movements as he danced, although all those observations did come later. It was his eyes, a clear grey that commanded the room, that drew in his gaze like gravity, making it impossible to look away from him. He didn't even falter a single step when their eyes met, although a look of surprise did flit across his (decidedly very pretty) features. 
In fact, he seemed to revel in the undivided attention, moving confidently in time to the music, flawless execution only possible due to being honed by years of practice. Akito even caught a glimpse of a small smirk on his face as he danced past.
Just like that, Akito was a goner.
i'm not sure what to call it and how long it'll take to finish it since school started and it's already draining me but it'll be up on ao3 eventually
if you have any questions on this AU do send me an ask!!
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CC!NextGen: The Kids In Total
Ok, this is just me and Mimi spitballing, you may do with this as you will. First ACTUAL kids, then spitballing and musing. Please note that not ALL THE KIDS need to be involved. (Mimi: “Honestly, it makes more sense for the ages to be a bit staggered, so you’ve got the core kids involved, then all their sibs and cousins. Also, if you try to make ALL the kids involved, then you’ll just have a U.A. class of the kids, no other new students, which can limit some of the kinds of characters you can have.”) 
(we also both recognize that actualy writing and coming up with this many characters is a LOT. So, it’s just thoughts and opinions, which may be discarded!)
Tell us your thoughts!
Izuku/Shoto/Eijirou/Ochaco/Katsuki - Umi, Miku, Miyuki. They have at least one more kid, probably adopted. We headcanon that, as much as they all LOVE Miyuki, Ochaco had a horrible time being pregnant, just really awful, and is NOT down to do that again. Next kid after Miyuki would absolutely be Deku fulfilling everyone’s predictions about bringing a kid home.
Hanta/Tenya/Mei - Gumi. K, this is just us, but me and Mimi both see Iida as the kind of guy to have SO MANY KIDS. It’s not anything PLANNED, he just really loves his partners, so it KEEPS HAPPENING. The only reason he doesn’t have some insane number, like 15, is that neither he nor Sero have a uterus. Order would be Kid1, Kid2, Gumi, Kid3&4 (twins), Kid5 (which Mei swears is the LAST ONE, she’s got MECHANICAL BABIES to work on!).
Momo/Kyoka/Denki/Hitoshi - Kanade, Kaname, Hibiki. This … Actually seems fairly perfect, if they aren’t all the same age. Mimi wants to argue for a bio-Shinsou kid, but I argue he’s going to take after Dadzawa and just semi-adopt a bunch of underdog teens with shitty home lives.
Eimi/Tsuyu - Akiko. So, interesting fact. Twins can be genetic. If you are a twin (either fraternal or identical) you are more likely to have twins later on. So, yup, give these suckers a pair of twins. I’d lean more into the Frog thing. Wait, make it shadow frogs, ninja frogs, let’s get Greninja up in here.
Mezo/Fumikage - Nijiko. Mimi and I both agree that these two wouldn’t try for bio kids. That’s a lot of work neither really have time for, not to mention, considering their extended family, could get complicated real quick. They were just planning to be the responsible uncles, but then Nijiko happened. We can see them POSSIBLY adopting another kid (Mimi is really attached to Nijiko having a little baby brother with a squid or general cephalopod Quirk), but they wouldn’t go out of their way.
Hawks/Toya - (eventually) Hirokazu. This was kind of weird, cause like. BEFORE Hirokazu, these two were like “nopenopenope, no kids, not happening”, but AFTER Hirokazu, we could see them wanting kids of their own (that they actually PLANNED FOR AKAMEI). Mimi really wants the Future Heroes Program to, like. Akamei is pregnant when everything goes to shit, after she’s arrested, they test the baby, it’s Hawks, he and Toya adopt it when it’s born, but like. I also want to give Hawks a BREAK, so. Maybe they adopt a kid through a mission later. But I could possibly see them looking into adoption or surrogacy later. Maybe they wouldn’t go through with it, but I see them looking at it.
Himiko/Tooru - so, you didn’t put anything for these two, which has caused Mimi to go a little feral. She came up with a Himi-Tooru kid who, rather than straight up invisibility, is a proper camouflag-chameleon type, “can change colour to match background”. Then she showed me the Mimic Octopus, so now she posits they have a kid that can change shape, colour, and texture to imitate objects, animals, and so forth, but it isn’t proper “shape-shifting” like Himiko does - kid can’t BECOME the objects/people/animals, but she can look real dang close. Look up Mimic Octopus, it’s actually SOOOOO COOL. Anyway, Quirk called “Flattery” (based on “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”). We also had the thought that, while Mimic kid would be Himi-Tooru, they could have another kid by more traditional IVF, ie, get a friend to help, so Sato donated for a Sato-Himi kid, who drinks blood to power-up.
Mina - I know we’ve joked, but I seriously see Mina as a badass single mom of 2. One adopted, one bio. Whoever the bio-kid is, dad is around, but is more of a fun uncle. He’s involved, but he has his own life.
Monoma/Tetsutetsu - Mimi, direct quote: “Let’s be honest, Monoma’s that guy who says he HATES kids, and never wants any, and Tetsu’s just kind of made his peace with the fact they’ll never have kids, then Monoma’s going to save a baby from a house fire, they’ll be all alone in the world, he’ll get super attached, and call up Tetsu like ‘Hey, do you want kids? Cause we have one now’.”
Me: “….that was real specific, did you…..have a character in mind?”
Mimi: “Not really. Maybe a solid mutation type, there aren’t enough of those. Or just. Living crystal.”
So, those are, I THINK, all CC canon pairings? (please tell us if we missed anyone or got anyone wrong!) So, here are Mimi’s fan hopefuls!
Koda/Pony - The two are shy and adorable. They have a small army of animal themed kids that can all talk to animals, some better at one species than others.
Ojiro/??? - Ojiro’s Mimi’s favourite character, so there are a few options here:
1) He marries Setsuna (girl who can detach her body into pieces from 1-B) and they have a bunch of kids with Quirks that let them detach their tails/grow multiple tails
2) He marries a lovely Quirkless girl, who works as like, an accountant, and they have many tailed children.
3) He marries Mimi’s OC, Jun Hanayama, who’s Quirk gives her plant control, and plant-based biology (looks like a tree nymph, pointed ears, Hero Name: Persephone), and all their kids look like fae creatures. Total number of kids, 3. (Note: Jun would go to one of the other hero schools, and we made up an older sibling, Aoi Hanayama (Non-Binary), same Quirk, Hero Name: Dryad, who would’ve been in Toya’s class, to continue the joke, of “that year, everyone was "Ele-MENTAL”, badumtish.“)
Again, all are opinions and just thoughts to be shared, feel free to pick, choose, or discard at your leisure!
Okay we’re going through the list!
Izu/Ocha/Kats/Sho/Kiri - Honestly yeah I could 100% see them getting another kid because they were RIGHT and Izuku just. Yoink. /technically/ you can count them picking Nitaru up by the scruff as ‘adopting another kid’ but idk on that (I feel Izuku would feel responsible for him due to the biological relation, but wouldn’t be sure if this family is ‘right’ for him). Could be a different kiddo though in which case I say one younger than LM.
Hanta/Tenya/Mei - honestly that’s hilarious and I WILL need to retcon some things because my only note is that Gumi has to be the same age as LM.
Momo/Jiro/Denki/Shinso - yeah just about. Shinso is good with no bio kids but he’s always on the lookout for kids who need help out of bad situations.
Eimi/Tsu - Honestly I go back and forth because on one hand I think Tsu would be more down for just a singular kid because like. She loves her siblings and she loves her parents, but she does have some negative feelings over being parentified as the oldest daughter and she doesn’t want to accidentally do that. But also twins aren’t exactly planned, and it’s hard to parentify one if they’re the same age.
Mezo/Fumikage - Yeah they didn’t really plan on kids they were kinda in the ‘well we’re not actively trying and it can’t happen accidentally so 🤷🏻‍♀️’ but then they pick up Nijiko and whoops our daughter now.
Hawks/Toya - Oh yeah I’d 100% say give them a break and any further kids should be something they want and plan for with no fuckery and/or obligations. But yeah they were very much ‘nope! Never!’ until they found out about Hirokazu. Which is a whole mess ofc. But they only have him for a short while (he’s already 15-16 when they get custody so that’s about 2 years tbh). But they do a decent job which is what they were so scared of beforehand and it just clicks in the parental instinct for them so they might look into other kids. (Toya: Wow I really am just like my dad only starting to be a good father in my late 40s.)
Himiko/Tooru - honestly I knew I’d want them to have a kid but I hadn’t yet gotten around to planning out said kid but yeah no I love this Quirk idea!
Mina - Hell yeah single mom vibes!!
Monoma/Tetsutetsu - that is entirely on brand tbh. I will say i’m banning the crystal thing because I have plans for that sort of Quirk(althoguh it’s still in this family lmao)
As for the suggested ones:
On one hand I get where you’re coming from on Koda/Pony on the other hand I feel like they’re gay in opposite directions. But consider Pony/Kinoko for ultimate cottagecore lesbian vibes. (tempted to give them a kid based on The Last Unicorn tbh).
Ojiro darling I NEED to give this boy more attention. Honestly on Quirk alone I’m seeing the potential in the Setsuna one of their kid just being some kinda funky tails that work like a hydra situation. Not sure yet on him. I feel like I need to swing over to him and focus on him and developing a friendship/relationship instead of yeeting random characters together.
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Okay. I am sorry for requesting so much, but I need a Karaku and Nijiko vore? It can be where he found Nijiko's hideout accident and sees that Nijiko has no way to escape the sun from the few trees he has as cover? Nijiko looks like a child, but is physically and emotionally an adult.
Please take your time! There is no need to rush!
(Hello writing buddy! No need to worry about how many requests you send me. I wanted to start requests so I’m happy to do them! I hope you like the fic! For others, the info on Nijiko is here.)
Saftey From The Sun
(A Karaku soft vore fic)
Warnings: Light swearing and soft vore
“Now where is this ram demon?” Karaku mumbled to himself as he ventured through the forest. He and his brothers had been sent by Tanjiro to try to track down Jackyll’s hideout. The ram has been stirring up trouble and he needed to be stopped.
When they got to the forest, the clones decided to split up and search the forest on their own. Sekido told Karaku to search the southwest quadrant and that’s where the pleasure clone was now. He had been searching for the past half hour and he found nothing. No hoof prints, no blood trails, nothing.
“Damn, this ram is clever.” He thought to himself as he searched through the greenery around him. Then, a glimmer of shiny light caught Karaku’s eye. “What was that?” Karaku wondered. He looked up to see a hole in a tree that lead to an unknown area. “That ram might be in here!” Karaku smiled to himself and he marched onward. Directly into the mysterious hole.
Inside the hole was a small paradise. It looked like a grassy cavern that was brightly lit by the sun. The sunlight reflected on the flowing waterfalls, causing rainbow lights to shine. Karaku stared at the cavern in amazement. “This is incredible..” He murmured. “I don’t think my brothers would mind if I explored here!” He laughed to himself as he jumped from ledge to ledge.
“This is fun! I’ve never been in a place as beautiful as this!” Karaku yelled as he jumped across the ledges. That was until a soft whine hit his ears. “Huh?” Karaku stopped dead in his tracks and looked around. His eyes scanned the environment until he saw a small figure hiding under a cavern ledge.
“Oh Who’s this?” Karaku hummed as he approached the little figure. “Get away from me!” It hissed as it tried to swipe its claws at him. However, the sunlight burned its hand and it drew its claws back, wincing in pain. “Oh, you must be an unconverted demon.” Karaku stepped closer to the figure and crouched down.
The demon’s breathing was heavy and it held its body tightly against the ledge wall. It stared back at Karaku with dark red eyes, but then its eyes changed to dark blue. “Why are you not burning up?” The small demon asked curiously. “Oh, I’m a half demon. Half demons aren’t affected by the sun.” Karaku chuckled.
The small demon shifted its eyes and they changed back to dark red. “What are you doing here?” It growled. “This is my place!” Karaku was taken aback by how quickly the demon changed its emotions. “Jeez calm down. I came here by accident. I’m on a mission to search for a ram demon. Have you seen him?”
The little demon shook its head as it retreated further into the ledge. “I’m Karaku.” The clone tried to sound gentle. “Nijiko.” The demon whispered. His eyes changed to a dark purple as he hid. Karaku felt sympathy for the small demon. “Do you need some help?” Karaku asked kindly.
“No!” Nijiko hissed. His eyes changed to red, but then they changed to brown. “Yes..” He winced. Karaku smiled to himself. “Great! I can get you outta here!” Nijiko’s eyes changed to a dark blue. “And how do you plan on doing that?”
“Oh, I know how I can carry you.” Karaku chuckled. He carefully took Nijiko by the shoulders, making sure not to bring his body into the light. Before Nijiko could react, his head and shoulders were shoved into Karaku’s maw.
“Wha- Hey! Let me go!” Nijiko struggled to break free, but it was no use. Karaku was a lot stronger than he was, so he was able to keep Nijiko inside his jaws. The clone then started to swallow the small demon. Nijiko’s struggling ceased when he reached Karaku’s throat.
The clone’s throat held his body tightly, so Nijiko couldn’t move around too much. It was oddly plush and warm, but Nijiko didn’t let himself relax. Karaku put a hand to his throat, so he could hold Nijiko still. He wanted to get him to his stomach as fast as he could.
When Nijiko reached Karaku’s belly, he tried to claw through the soft flesh. “Let me out!” The small demon yelled. Karaku held his belly tightly. “Hey! Calm down! You’re gonna be fine!”
“Why did you just eat me?!” Nijiko growled as he stopped struggling. Karaku huffed when the small demon stepped. “Well I don’t have a box or anything to carry you in! You needed to get out of the sunlight.!”
Nijiko sighed as he relaxed against the soft plush walls. “I guess you’re right.” The warmth from Karaku’s belly felt oddly comforting. “Where do you plan on taking me anyways?” Karaku gently rubbed his belly. “I’m just gonna take you back to Lord Tanjiro. You’ll be safe there.”
“Fine.” Nijiko huffed. He curled up against the stomach walls and fell asleep. Karaku felt the small demon sleeping and sighed. “Enjoy your stay.” The clone then walked out and headed back to meet his brothers.
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Prompt time 😌
Hwan and Tegan + cooking
Ahh, thank you for the request, Kly! I had fun writing this tidbit! This probably takes place off-screen.
However, just know this also includes some mentions of a misunderstanding. . . in a comical manner. :p
send me a prompt? for any oc, dynamic, fandom characters, concepts.
Word Count: 788
T.W/C.W: food since it's a main topic
Packets and containers sprawled over a row of counters. Consisting of spices, some ingredients, vegetables, and some grains.
Hwan opens a cupboard, taking a pressure cooker and pan out. She puts them on an empty spot near the sink.
"I didn't think you'd also show up here," Tegan says while her pulse insists on racing.
Hwan adjusts her glasses, her expression slightly vacant. "Um, my sister invited me over, so yeah. She'll be too tired to cook anything after work. And I'm here to prepare some for her."
Ah. Great. Tegan nods, darting her eyes onto the ceiling.
Somehow, Nijiko managed to roped Tegan into visiting her place. Via a text message. Only to learn that her sister, Hwan, happened to be there instead. And she isn't even here.
So, she can probably help Hwan prepare dinner for Nijiko before she gets back.
But a little part of her had a sneaking suspicion that her best friend ditched her on purpose. With some intentions to nudge them into hanging out together.
Maybe it's to just keep her sister company.
After all, why would Nijiko have set Tegan up for that? Especially since she told her that Hwan's straight and wouldn't be into her.
Right? As a sister, Nijiko probably took it as a duty to encourage her little sister to get along with her best friend. No homo. Pure platonic reasons.   Nothing more, nothing less.
So, she clears her throat and braces herself.
"Well, I can help." Tegan tries smiling. "Considering there are some stuff I'm familiar with."
"Wait, you cook for her too?"
"Sometimes, whenever we both have a day off, we do that. Since we have utterly different culinary styles, I cook some Indian food that she hasn't tried. And she does the same for the Japanese and Korean food."
"Ah. Makes lotta sense."
"Hey, so, do you think you can tolerate spicy food?" Tegan asks, picking a moong dal packet.
Hwan arches a brow. "All have you know I've lived in Japan. And I can definitely handle anything with an abundance of spices. And I've eaten tons of kimchi soups and stews before I went there."
"Huh. Nijiko knows how to cook some mean kimchi soups."
"Yeah, wait until you try mine. In fact, I'm gonna prepare some while you cook your curry."
It might be her imagination yet Hwan's mouth quirks up at a corner. Just a fraction yet visible all the same. Kicking up her heart rate into high gear a little bit.
Tegan averts her eyes, rummaging through ingredients gathered at the counters.
Oww. She just had to be cute, huh?
"Okay then. I hope you can eat this Parippu curry. Once I'm done cooking it, of course."
Hwan just watches her, tracking her movements as she proceeds with the Parripu curry. Getting it's ingredients. Cumin seeds, asafoetida, turmeric powder, coconut oil, dry red chillies, chili powder, mustard seeds, mung dal, grated coconut, curry leaves, pearl onions, and garlic.
She rinses one cup of mung dal into a bowl, putting turmeric powder, asafoetida, and two cups of water into the mix.
After setting a pressure cooker on the stove, she lifts the lids. Then pours the moong dal from a bowl, filling it up. She switches it on at medium and steps back.
"You're gonna have to wait for it to boil," Tegan explains as Hwan raises her brows. "And I gotta make some coconut paste to add into it."
"Got it. I'll go ahead and start with my kimchi stew."
Hwan flips a chopping board then settles it onto a counter. She whips up a knife out of a drawer. She rolls a batch of napa cabbage over it.
Tegan's jaw slacks at how she chops it into bite-sized pieces within two minutes. Somewhat like a ninja, who's got mega fast reflexes.
As the pressure cooker goes off at it's first whistle, it sends a jolt into Tegan. Snapping her back to her current surroundings.  
Darn it. She can't get carried away by this. Her poor brain would be tricked into thinking it's some date or something. And she can't let that happen.  
With a grimace, she squeezes her eyes shut.   Maybe her best friend set out to torture her with this. Showing her on who she can't be with.  
Oh, well. She's gotta manage, somehow. Especially when Hwan throws an expectant look at her.  
For whatever it has to be. . .  
Tegan blinks and smacks her forehead. She turns the stove down and the fire goes out. She removes the lid, instantly greeted by a waft of steam.  
Gee, right. She has to work on the coconut paste before she fully cooks the parripu curry. So, she gets a blender jar.
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advnterccs-archive · 3 years
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@nijiko-hons-pejis sent; 💾 {{ Rick ad Morty }}
{ headcanon } So, obviously with the whole Diane situation. That's a big one I scrapped. Originally, before the fabricated memory turned out to be not fabricated, I bought into the idea that Rick and Diane divorced. Which made sense to me because of Rick's views on marriage as a whole. His whole speech in that one episode where he tells Morty to not get married. And the fact, during Birdperson's wedding, he said. "I couldn't make it work and I could turn a black hole into a sun."
So it made me really believe that Rick and Diane divorced. My whole headcanon went into that she couldn't deal with his science/inventing stuff. So, she gave him an ultimatum. It's either us or your science? And he chose science, leaving Diane to divorce him and giving him shared custody of Beth.
Though, canon happened and I decided -- yeah, I'll just scrap this idea because I like the thought of Rick being sad about his dead wife rather than bitter from a failed marriage. Though, I do have my headcanons that it wasn't a perfect marriage still but that's a different post to make.
For Morty, though, one that I ended up scrapping was actually a small headcanon. It wasn't developed enough, yet, in my head. Something about video games and which kinds that he liked. It wasn't really developed, yet, I still need to think about it. But, originally, I headcanoned he only liked Minecraft, but then I realized -- oh, wait, actually it makes sense if he likes more than just Minecraft.
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crowemaiden-writes · 6 years
Anon asked, "How would each bully react to being given a flower?"
A shy, awkward student comes walking up to Mihime while she and the rest of her clique are sitting on the bench behind the school.
"N... Nobuki-senpai, I saw this pretty flower in the garden, so-"
Mihime cuts him off immediately, furrowing her eyebrows and turning up her nose in disgust. "Is that for Momo-chan? I don't like sappy bullshit like this, she does."
The boy nervously scratches the back of his head and fumbles for words. "Ah. Um, t-then I guess I'll j-just... Throw it away, I suppose."
Mihime quickly snatches the flower and pushes him away with her foot. "Shut up and give me the flower, dumbass."
The student walks away as Mihime turns back to her friends, a slight blush spreading across her face.
"Momoko-san!" a voice calls.
Said girl, who'd been walking and gossiping to her friends, turns around waiting in front of the school gate. A boy around her age jogs up to her, a large bouquet in his hands.
"You look beautiful, as always! I brought you this bouquet of peonies, I know they're your favorite."
Momoko immediately starts tearing up (because she is a literal crybaby) and takes the flowers from the boy. She touches a petal and looks up at him, a gentle smile crossing her face.
"The restraining order says 50 feet away, loser. Don't make me call the police again," she says, the warm smile still set. She turns and joins her friends as they walk into the school.
A young girl, possibly a first year, comes running to catch up to Mihime's clique. As mean as they are, she thinks it's worth giving her gift to her senpai Kageya!
Maybe then he'll actually notice her. She's had a crush on him for the longest of time. They were in junior high together and she was much too shy to say anything and was sad when he went on to high school. Now might be her chance.
"Kageya-senpai!" she calls out. Out of breath she hands him a single rose. "Here, I picked this flower out especially for you!"
He was quiet. Staring at her with his cold, critical eyes. She looked at his friends. They looked bored with her, awaiting her absence. She felt defeated.
She was just about to lower the rose and walk off when he grabbed it from her, examining the petals.
"Can I smoke it?"
Nijiko opened his front door, hearing the bell ring and numerous knocks. But no one was there. He looked down and saw a large bouquet of red carnations.
He blushed and looked at the tag to see who had sent them but what he saw confused him. A card with a bunch of writing, yet it wasn't in Japanese. He recognized some words but not enough to understand. Then it hit him.
"Chinese...?" a small smile appeared on his lips. "Song, Lishen.. You little devil"
Despite her friends telling her not to get revenge, she knew she had to. This was the third time! She's sick of it and sick of that weirdo!
She turned the corner and spotted him. He was turned around, talking to his friends in front of their club room. Perfect.
She stomped up to him, grabbed the strap to his camera, and spun him around. She kicked as hard as she could in between his legs. The poor boy fell in front of her, crying and whimpering.
"Stop putting flowers in my locker, or I'll make sure you won't see the light of day! You got that, collar-boy?!"
Mihime likes being given gifts even if they aren't to her liking. She actually really cherishes them.
Momoko likes gifts, but not from people she doesn't know and will get a restraining order against the giver.
As long as you can smoke it or eat it, Kageya doesn't mind. Otherwise he'll throw it away. Right in front of the giver.
Kiyomi hates getting gifts and will tell the giver to leave her alone. If they don't, she will use physical violence against the giver.
Nijiko loves receiving gifts and would personally thank the giver! He would possibly give them something back!
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rebelliouslala · 3 years
A Man Who Plays Volleyball.
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happy birthday my beloved little anime boy, Ushijima Wakatoshi!
summary and warnings!: OC!Yuri-Chan (they are there as you, the reader!) x Wakatoshi, fix it fic! Shiratorizawa wins to go to the Nationals; angst, descriptions of parental abuse, descriptions of anxiety, flashbacks, a form of s/lf h/rm, accidental cause to injury, unwanted touching, a creepy guy, divorce drama, this story describes the suppression of men’s mental health, a good spoonful of fluff at the end
word count; ~10k words
a/n: this was SUPER rushed. but, i love him. you have no idea how much i saw myself in satori. in wakatoshi. i love shiratorizawa. may this alternate universe make the original ushijima wakatoshi smile :)
The Shiratorizawa volleyball player, Ushijima Wakatoshi walked home. He carried his volleyball clothes in a duffel bag. He wore a white hoodie with a purple outline. It said, printed, “Ushijima #1” on the back. He walked in silence. Because he preferred it. He felt tired.
The Miracle Boy felt tired. The crickets in the warm farm fields began to buzz with the swift wind that came from behind. He closed his eyes and stopped. He softly smiled as he looked up at the cloudy autumn sky. The sun was setting.
How long has he waited for this day; His eyes, to anyone else, would be dull. But that day, after his battle against Karasuno, they sparkled like freshly oiled olives. His hairdo was gently ruffled as a train passed by to his left, and he took a deep breath. He pumped his fist as a tear went down his cheek.
“I won.”
Once the Miracle Boy arrived home; He placed away his uniform in a laundry machine, and gently sucked on a popsicle. He blinked a few times, watching the machine churn and churn and churn and churn and churn and churn and- His lower back ached. He leaned against the wall, continuing to gently bite the tip. Satori once called him insane for biting ice cream.
“Doesn’t it hurt?!” Satori cried during their summer training. Wakatoshi had offered his land to use for training. Coach Washijo had taken the offer with happiness. He had bit his thick popsicle in response. “No.”
Wakatoshi turned to a sob from the threshold. There sat on its diaper ass one of the Ushijima twins, Kazane, who blinked. She had a straight bob and palm green eyes. She whined.
The boy sighed. He gently bent down and picked her up. She babbled stupidly and gripped at his hair, then whined more for his popsicle. “No.” He continued to bite it and he frowned as Kazane started to whimper. Wakatoshi now began to bounce her and he looked at his uniform as it continued to wash. She stopped making noises and instead clung onto him.
“Wakatoshi? Wakatoshi have you seen—?” He let his mother find him as she sighed. She had straight black hair, one that was in a messy bun since she gave birth to the twins.
“Hello Oka-san.”
“Wakatoshi, you know she can’t have ice cream!” She said, exasperated.
“I know that. She is trying to take it.” He continued biting it.
“Here, gimme,” Ms. Ushijima took Kazane, and let her soft cry in her neck. Wakatoshi simply continued to look at the swirl of his clothes. “I called your father.”
Wakatoshi turned, and he blinked. Once. Twice. His eyebrows furrowed, but he straightened himself up. “Is he not busy?”
“Yeah, but you know, it’s nice because you‘re going to Nationals-, isn’t that what you wanted, Wakatoshi?”
The boy sucked on the stick as the machine stopped. He went down to take the uniform, and began to fold. “Yes.”
She sighed, “Stop acting dramatic. I know you’re happy. Oh- I also invited your girlfriend over.” Wakatoshi now walked past his mother, and his baby sister as he went to his room. He hung his shirt and pants. Ms. Ushijima followed him, “I suggest you wear some nice formal wear, got it? And I want you both in the family room.”
“I was thinking of a nice berry bush, a purely platonic meeting. In the back—?”
“Ugh, fine. Whatever. Sure. Remember to change Mayumi’s diapers.”
Yuri had met Wakatoshi at the side door of his house. Yuri hopped up and gave him a kiss to his jawline. “Good afternoon, ‘Toshi-Chan!”
Wakatoshi blushed. He held his cheek. “Afternoon, my flower.”
The wind that messed up Yuri’s hair passed, and Wakatoshi with no hesitation helped them fix it, after a soft question if he could. He gently petted their hair back.
The couple sat peacefully in the bushes. Yuri, after the wind, then went to the strawberry bushes and started to pick. They hummed as they put them in a small bucket, as Wakatoshi instructed them to, and rinsed them in a bucket his Grandfather made. After that, they handed the small fat berry to his hand, as he cut off the top part of the berry.
“The leaves are edible, but are annoying to the throat. It’s better to mush them together, since they have good properties for the body.” Wakatoshi explained. Yuri giggled in response, continuing to pick a few more, with a here and there bite to the smallest one.
Yuri might even turn around, and coo, “Look at this, ‘Toshi-Chan! Aw, it’s no bigger than my thumb!” At which Wakatoshi leaned over, uncomfortably on the small blanket his Mother gave him, before nodding. “Do you want to name it? Like a child?”
“Oh great idea! How about, hmm, Plate!”
“Because strawberries, and plate berries!”
“Ah.” Wakatoshi nodded, and he gave them a small side of the mushed leaves. “This should be enough for both of us. Do you think so?”
“Mhm! Oh, how are the twins?”
Wakatoshi leaned back and took a deep breath. Kazane cried so much he had to wake up Grandmother Nijiko for it. She complained loudly, but went over and in a few hours the silence was gone. Mayumi singlehandedly ate the rest of the prepared milk bottles his Mother made. Wakatoshi lost approximately 3.26 hours of sleep. “They are well.” He said.
“Oh! They’re the cutest!! With their little soft lettuce cheeks-! I can’t wait until I can feed them little berries!” Yuri popped one in their mouth.
“Mayumi-tan loves blueberries. Especially playing with them. Kazane-tan prefers spitting the strawberry seeds in my hair.”
“No wonder you take so many showers, Wakatoshi-Chan!” He ate a bit of the mush, and he looked above at the clouds. Yuri laid next to him, and dipped their finger in the mush.
“Satori-kun told me- you- uh, you got mad. I was wondering where you were after the game.”
“We had to celebrate. Besides that, I could not charge my phone. The TV crew took up all the outlets.”
“Aw, bummer! But still, Wakatoshi-Chan~,” Yuri poked his side. He twitched in response. “You got mad. It was a close game.”
Wakatoshi ate another strawberry dipped in mush. “I won. Do not worry. I am okay.” Yuri laid on their stomach and pouted. “Promise?”
“I would never lie to you, Yuri-Chan.”
“Good. Then critique me on my violin, okay!”
He nodded, as Yuri brought out their violin case. Being best friends with Satori, all sorts of little stickers were on it, especially a large Pokémon one. Wakatoshi crossed his legs as Yuri took their violin out, and their bow. They hummed quietly, tuning the violin and hastily rubbing rosin on the bow. They used the bow on the violin, once- twice -the first made Wakatoshi fear the twins would wake up from their nap- before Yuri played.
The Swan.
Wakatoshi laid back. Yuri closed their eyes, leaning into their instrument, and played. The wind picked up again. And Wakatoshi closed his eyes.
Yuri and he met in freshman year. Wakatoshi saw Yuri come in, shy.
“I am so sorry! I thought this was the auditorium.” Wakatoshi had just worked out. He assumed in their vision, this would be attractive and more romantic. To him he felt more comfortable and relaxed.
“It’s a few more blocks down. But I believe the Coach will not allow music.” Seeing Yuri’s jolt of embarrassment, Wakatoshi added, “But I believe outside is a perfect place to play. I would help you, but I know the plants shall tell you what to do.”
And here, as the wind guided Yuri’s fingers, their bow, the soft and intimate touches to the strings, did Wakatoshi hear how his advice had really counted. From Day 1 to Day Now, their improvement let him smile quietly in pride. They were perfect.
After a few days of waiting for a response from Wakatoshi’s father, it was settled and official. He would join them that night for dinner.
Yuri held onto Wakatoshi’s arm, their middle finger writing characters he could not decipher. He looked around at Grandmother Nijiko holding the twins. Kazane was in a little blue robe and Mayumi in red. His mother opened the door to the wardrobe for Wakatoshi. He wore a tight white shirt, and black sleek pants. He observed a royal purple kimono.
Yuri gulped as they watched his mother gently pinch his ear, “Nuh uh, do the Atlantic Blue.”
“I believe it is Pacific Blue.” Wakatoshi responded as he took that instead, and dawned it. He helped Yuri with their kimono.
“Wow, your family is like, really traditional, Wakatoshi,” they said quietly, looking at Wakatoshi.
“It’s my father’s arrival. Oka-san likes it like this.” He paused, before he continued to help them put it on, “and Oba-san, of course.”
Wakatoshi could not admit it, but he did appreciate it too. The clan was well, they just valued the importance of continuing to be perfect. It was only in their strict rules he did not want his new siblings to be subjected to. Wakatoshi glanced at his left hand. as he tied Yuri’s pink clothes together.
“‘Toshi, remember to smile.” Ms. Ushijima reminded him.
Wakatoshi grimaced. “Yes Oka-san.”
Yuri squeezed his hand, and looked up at him. He gently smiled back.
“Yuri-kun, make sure Wakatoshi doesn’t go on about volleyball again!” Grandmother Nijiko said. His smile faded.
His mother went from the twins, to going to him and attacking his stance.
Ms. Ushijima went on her tippy toes, muttering and complaining about his height, then how his hair was so dry, how he needed to use lotion more, and how filthy he was.
Yuri only stared at their feet. The Ushijimas stared at Wakatoshi, having his mother flick his ear and pinch at his stomach. “Stop eating so much rice! Obviously this sport isn’t putting off enough weight, eh?”
The doorbell rang. Finally, Wakatoshi took a gulp of fresh air as his mother went to the door.
It opened. Wakatoshi couldn’t stop smiling.
Everything seemed to blur and fade into each other. Wakatoshi took his coat. Yuri was taken away. The twins began to cry and whine for food. Ms. Ushijima said nothing.
The dining room in the Ushijima home was tiny. The dinner table was small, made of driftwood from Wakatoshi’s great grandfather. The clinking of dishes were mixed in with the twins crying. Yuri sat uncomfortably. Wakatoshi only ate as he looked at his father.
Mr. Utsui Takashi barely had hair- he was balding. He had a curly like stubble though, and he had developed an annoying, wheezing-like cough after inhaling any sort of food. It seemed his vision got worse, since he had thought the twins were identical. He had to take a double take to Yuri and Wakatoshi before laughing and embracing him tightly. His hands were disgusting. He smelled of fish and B.O.
But Wakatoshi put his face in his neck, and embraced him thrice as tightly once he had seen him minutes ago. Wakatoshi nearly lifted his father from the ground. Now, as Wakatoshi picked at his small serving of possibly 382 pieces of rice and steak, he watched his father talk to Yuri.
“Ah, Wakatoshi, she is so cute! Ooh~,” he pinched Yuri’s cheek who giggled and thanked him, a little awkward. Wakatoshi ate his steak, a little curve on his lips from their interaction.
“Utsui-san, I am so excited! I cannot believe you came all this way, because ‘Toshi-chan is going to nationals!” Yuri smiled.
Wakatoshi’s grandmother stopped feeding the twins and sighed. “It’s not why he came.”
The young man felt the steak he swallowed start to froth in his mouth. He forced it down, and turned to his father. “What is the news that you have?”
“I got fired from my job.” Mr. Utsui said, a little weak. “Well, they laid us off—,”
Ms. Ushijima stood up and gathered the plates. “Your father is coming back to live with us until he finds something good. Hopefully in Tokyo so he can move out again.”
“Y-yes...” Mr. Utsui slouched, but he continued to eat his rice.
Wakatoshi ate his steak, and he quietly let his mother take it as he looked at Yuri’s hand. “Will you be taking care of the twins, then?” he said.
Mr. Utsui opened his mouth, a little confused, but he only sighed, “Ah- well yes. I will. I am also discussing that matter with your mother.”
“Do you need to go to court for it?” Wakatoshi continued to sit as Yuri held onto him, adjusting their feet from the long period of sitting on them.
“No, Oba-san will handle the matters.”
Wakatoshi nodded, and quietly asked his grandmother to be excused. Once she nodded, she eyed his left hand as he helped Yuri up.
“Your lover cannot go. I need to ask them some things as well.”
“Oba-san.” Wakatoshi bowed his head, “they need to stretch out their feet.”
“I don’t care. Sit by me, Yuri-tan.” Yuri looked back, and shooed Wakatoshi off. He bowed, only slightly, before sliding open the doors, and going outside.
The Ushijima Land stretched for only a couple of square acres. Wakatoshi sat down awkwardly by the lake.
It was technically a marsh but his mother never liked him calling it that. He fondly remembered how he invited his team here to train. Goshiki nearly passed out in the fields further West, if Grandmother Nijiko had not taken care of him. Wakatoshi smiled remembering how she pinched his cheeks and cooed, “Goshiki-Bo.”
“Wakatoshi.” He turned, slightly, and Mr. Utsui sat down next to him with a bit of difficulty. “Ah, what a nice night, hm?” he tried to hide his cough.
“Yes.” the young man said.
Mr. Utsui sighed, tapping his fingers and looking off at the side, towards the stars. “H-How is Shiratorizawa?”
“We won against Karasuno a few days ago. My team and I are going to nationals.”
Mr. Utsui smiled. “Ah, perfect, perfect, good for you. I’m happy that it makes you happy.” Wakatoshi looked down. He did not feel anything. The dream that had woken him up this morning has scared him. He had no idea why. “You trained hard for this, hm?”
“I’m glad my son has come all this way. You’ve gotten so big and strong! Tell me, do the twins bother you? I hope the farm work isn't too much either. But you’re 18 now, and-,”
Wakatoshi stood up. He took a deep breath. He simply took off his kimono.
Mr. Utsui blinked. “‘Toshi?”
“I’m going for a run.” The boy ran without a word to his father. He was glad Mr. Utsui didn’t follow. Because Wakatoshi began to cry.
After a good ten minute run, Wakatoshi took yet another shower once he got back. He now wore his pajamas. A big shirt he had been gifted once from Mr. Utsui, and Pokemon themed pants he got from Satori a year ago.
Wakatoshi went to the entrance of his home, holding Yuri’s hands. It was time to say goodbye to Yuri-Chan. “Your Grandma is so weird.” they giggled, trying to hush their voice. That made no sense to him, really. Grandmother Nijiko heard everything.
“She is my blood. I got it from her.” Yuri giggled and kissed him softly, and he did in return. “You’re so weird~,”
“Yes.” He wanted to go inside already. He needed to think of what the matter was with his father. But he needed to also stall for Yuri to feel safe.
“Heh, okay, tomorrow is my practice.” They pulled him close and cooed, “I’ll see you?”
“Of course.” He stared at their features. He remembered hearing a few opposing volleyball players try to bully Yuri. He made sure they lost within two sets. For Yuri was like a flower to Wakatoshi- they had a timeless beauty. He loved staring at the shape of their eyes, how their nose scrunched ever so slightly when they smiled, and especially, when their irises dilated. He never felt such an intense feeling pull himself toward her.
They hugged him tightly. “Love you, ‘Toshi-Chan.”
“I love you too.”
After another kiss, Yuri-Chan’s aunt pulled up in her car. With another wave, Yuri had disappeared from his grasp. Wakatoshi was all alone.
The Last Set. Wakatoshi took his stance as one of the outer blockers. He watched the ball be served by the Karasuno Crows. The Samurai Crow, Asahi, paused before spiking, causing Wakatoshi to miss his timing on the block. On the next turn, when Kenjiro sets, Wakatoshi returns his point as he spikes against the block. In games, he lets Satori do the blocking, since he is better. Wakatoshi is smart, he has no doubt about that in this sport, but he knows his teammate’s instinctual guess is better than anything. When Satori went left, Wakatoshi followed and blocked it correctly. He quietly nodded as Satori beamed with pride.
After another few more scores, Wakatoshi blinked at the sudden point Karasuno took. His eyebrows were raised as he drank his water. He was surprised by the new attack Karasuno made. Never in his years of volleyball research, of play, did he believe it could work against his strong team, or actually score. They were extremely fearless.
Wakatoshi frowned at himself when Reon missed. But now he can make a point to honor him, and also win back the lead. As he spiked, he spotted the little short Libero, the Lightning Bolt Crow Yu. He frowned, and he spiked quickly to his left. It was quick, causing a jolt of pain to his shoulder, but it did the trick for them to get a point.
Despite that, the Blond Crow, Kei, tried to go against him. Which made him annoyed. This tiny blocker, tried to go against his immeasurable strength? Wakatoshi huffed quietly. 
Wakatoshi hated how Kei knew how to one touch, how to time his spikes perfectly. But he didn’t even have the strength like Satori did. He was just a wannabe Satori. And no one is like Satori. And such thoughts, that the young man had, made his strength greater with the stress of the Blond Crow. Kei made a grave mistake. Pissing off the Miracle Boy.
With the next point to be made, and with his new power up that Kei unknowingly gave Wakatoshi, the Miracle Boy then, out of pure anger, made sure he could not play. Using his entire body weight, he made sure that Kei was out. Against Kei’s perfect block, Wakatoshi had spiked so hard to Kei’s right fingers, he heard the crack.
As Wakatoshi landed, he turned away. He had scored. And Kei would be gone.
After Karasuno’s kerfuffle of Kei’s condition, now Wakatoshi could serve. Now that the Blond Crow was gone, just a few more points were made by him and Wakatoshi could see Father.
“Bring it!” Karasuno yelled.
Bring it? Wakatoshi thought. How amusing. He will. He threw the ball up, jumped, and struck it hard. The Samurai Crow hit it in the air, his skin turning red from impact. Typical. Karasuno was playing yet another synchronized attack. But Wakatoshi saw how Satori eyed Sugawara’s shoes, and jumped immediately. The Captain relaxed at seeing Satori’s correct guess, and watched. He watched Satori glare down at the boy, a blush blooming on his pale cheeks. Wakatoshi could not help but smirk to himself as well.
The Eagles were soaring far above the Crows.
The Last Set. Wakatoshi, being a not loud person, clapped for Satori as the rest of his team screamed. Satori’s blocks were always one to be celebrated. His skills were amazing, and were an important asset to the team.
After switching sides, Wakatoshi served. But he can feel himself getting tired, as he jumped he got a blurry vision and hit the ball to the net. He makes a genuine apology, deciding to let his team do some more of the heavy lifting. After all, the Blond Crow was gone.
But seeing the Chibi-Chan, Shoyo Hinata, Wakatoshi stood taller. He scowled at the boy. Kenjiro sensed his anger, and set the ball to the Ace. Now he spiked it down. But no. As if the boy was blessed only with his speed, he saw, in awe, how the boy caught the damn ball with his face. Satori missed his spike, the two comrades tched at the boy. Wakatoshi could feel his and Satori’s hatred at the boy’s talentless smile. Even more so, what made Wakatoshi steam further was that Shoyo still scored points. Not only was he reckless, he always just went for his head. It made the Ace sick to his stomach. Ungrateful runt.
Wakatoshi had not doubted he wouldn’t win, but now he wanted to crush the small boy. He wanted to win just as bad as he did.
After the next loss, due to Satori’s overthinking, Wakatoshi tried not to chuckle at seeing Satori get yelled at by the Coach. Despite the hilarity, now the Captain had to make up for Satori’s lost concentration. Right now he couldn’t depend on him. Right now he needs to win. Even if Satori can’t pick up his slack.
The first years’ reckless quick attack. Wakatoshi hated it. Speed was all he had. Nothing like the great rival Wakatoshi had expected him to be; no, just Stupid, Small, Sly Shoyo.
Wakatoshi can hear Yuri-Chan cheer loudly from the bleachers with his school. He heard his school cheer proudly after Eita’s no touch serve, only to find Karasuno's ridiculous cheering. Now he turned around, to his team, and he furrowed his brows. He looked upon their glistening faces. “We Shall Finish This.” Now all of Shiratorizawa sang aloud. Perfect. A traditional song. A traditional strength of his. He will beat all of Karasuno, if he has to, to the ground.
Wakatoshi watched as Shoyo reflected his spike, and made what should’ve been his point, theirs. He never wanted anything more than to crush Shoyo as he did to Kei. He clenched his fists and turned away.
Goshiki talked. Gushed about the Shrimp. “Can you believe it, Wakatoshi? It’s like his speed can power through your strength!” The Ace said nothing in response.
Stupid Shoyo....he shouldn’t have done that at all.
Goshiki was trying to prove himself, to help Wakatoshi’s previous loss- Wakatoshi felt like he was trying to watch paint dry.
In retaliation, Wakatoshi hit hard against the New Crow despite the Samurai Crow’s time block that he copied from the Blond Crow. But now he felt his arm throb. Store. He would need to wait until he can use all of his strength to beat them. To finish this. But first, Wakatoshi needed to calm himself down.
He needed a replacement.
Wakatoshi turned to the smaller, youngest member. He put his hand on his shoulder, and made strong eye contact. “Goshiki. Do not panic, you have much talent. Let us finish this.”
Wakatoshi moved out of the way, and he caught his breath. Goshiki made a great point. As he planned. As he should. So he can finish beautifully. It was often like the paintings his Uncle Hideaki would make, little colors mixing in, adding up to the pine forests next to the Ushijima Acres. What Goshiki did was pure art. With a serve to get them back in the lead. With Goshiki’s now flared ego, Wakatoshi knew he could lead this. He had successfully stored up enough energy, and calmed himself down- 
A tie.
He noticed Coach staring at him. As Captain, as Ace, as a Volleyball Player. He needed to win for him as well. He lowered his stance. Kenjiro made the set to, The Traditional Wakatoshi, The Traditional Strength, The God, spiked hard to the Libero Crow. The ball flew past.
One More Point. Wakatoshi heard. One More Point. Because they are stronger.
But who came running back? Just as they were winning, for one more point. The Blond Crow had flown back to the game.
The Last Set. 15 Shiratorizawa. 14 Karasuno.
Wakatoshi wanted to crush his dreams, and now his other fingers. Yunohama came in, but Satori read failed on a part of the play against Tobio. Wakatoshi wanted to say something to the Blond Crow. But he realized he did not despise him like Shoyo. Only found him as an obstacle to crush.
Wakatoshi reminded Kenjiro. “Use me mercilessly.” He had enough stamina. He needed to be ready to beat the dreams of these foolish crows. As Reon made the ball go up, Wakatoshi struck Kenjiro’s fake set, right at Kei. He stared him down during their fall. He felt himself puff out his chest. He talked with his glowing eyes, as if saying, I can beat you.
Wakatoshi needed to serve again, but at the stupid Libero. He felt his thighs shake as he readied himself. He leaped up high, and hit the net to fool them.
But it didn’t work.
Satori couldn’t block the return attack. And now Karasuno was in the lead. Despite how hard Wakatoshi used his strength to get through the Blond Crow. During Coach’s timeout, Wakatoshi squeezed the pouches the twins had packed for him. Every game. Every practice. The twins packed him a little juice pouch.
He relaxed. His legs really needed to sit. A lot. Despite how tired he was from that run, he caught his breath. Kenjiro asked if he can still be used. He saw his teammate’s red, exhausted faces. This game was worrying them. Karasuno was in the lead.
Wakatoshi agreed with a warm smile. Because now he can win, with real, strong teamwork. Everyone depended on him. “Use me.”
On the court, the Libero saved it from the Samurai crow’s attack. Meaning he can serve, and he- It didn’t count. He tried to push it far. But his shoulder ached. Stupid Shoyo. Too late. He was too quick. Wakatoshi felt his muscles ache, like quiet screams.
This time, he spiked inside. Stupid Shoyo.
Wakatoshi was breathing heavily. But, he looked up, and grunted out of happiness. Stupid Shoyo!! He thought to himself.
Reon served. But, Shoyo made the next point.
Stupid Shoyo.
Wakatoshi smiled though, when Shoyo tried to quick attack, and Satori blocked it. But he didn’t grimace out of disappointment. He only kept thinking.
Stupid Shoyo.
Wakatoshi watched the ball on the next attack. He watched Hinata not jump. His legs froze. Stupid Shoyo. He congratulated Goshiki on the new point, with a nod as he went to the net.
He watched the ball slowly fall as a new play began. Another point-
The Libero. Wakatoshi felt the ball slip through his block. He hated the feeling as he grimaced at the passing and quick sting to his pinky. Wakatoshi stood and watched the Blond Crow figure out their attacks, he couldn’t help but now feel the same sense of annoyance as with Shoyo. He needed to truly show them who was going to win.
The Last Set. Hinata served. They do a minus tempo back attack. Shoyo spiked at Taichi. When he failed, Wakatoshi picked it up and yelled at his server. It’s time. Merciless Attack.
He wanted to hit. He wanted to hit Stupid Shoyo’s face so hard. Kenjiro noted Wakatoshi’s burning fury. Goshiki whimpered under his breath as he ran. But Wakatoshi flew up, and he spiked it to three blockers. But he spiked it right at their setter.
No point. The ball went up.
His nose flared, and he grunted underneath his breath.
Those crows.
Those damn crows.
This time, Shoyo flew up in the all out quick attack. Wakatoshi saw the ball. Where it went. Down. On his side. He felt his throat being choked, by someone.
Beneath him.
Wakatoshi saw it. He shook Shoyo’s hand and walked away. His face was grim. He saw Coach;s face staring at Shoyo. He noted how Satori was painted, with a tear falling down his face. How Goshiki sobbed. Reon staring at his hand. The Libero panting, his face a bright red.
Wakatoshi heard it. A flat thanks. No one spoke. Except the single mutter, “I thought we couldn’t lose.”
Wakatoshi smelled the salt, he saw the youngest shake and cry, hugging his broad body. A single, disappointed turn from the Coach. A flat, “hit 100 serves when we get back.”
“Wakatoshi, didn’t you get mad?” Satori asked.
Wakatoshi felt his body relax. His inner thigh was being stretched out. He paused. “I wanted to say I am stronger than them. Isn’t that childish? I wanted to say it.”
“Childish reasons are what drives us. What a great game.” A pause. “I’m quitting volleyball. I’m going to watch you on TV and brag about how we were best friends.” Satori giggled. “It’ll be fun to be interviewed about you when you get big and famous!”
21 Karasuno. 19 Shiratorizawa.
He turned away to the bright smiles of the first year duo. The Great Eagles had lost their feathers.
Wakatoshi woke up with a gasp as he held his throat. He panted, beads of sweat dripping down his bare chest. He groaned quietly, and he held his head.
It was a dream. A Dream.
Stupid Shoyo...he had invaded his dreams. And Wakatoshi looked at his left hand. He held the trophy.
He had held the trophy. Not the Karasuno Crows. He did. He touched it. And no one else could ever take that feeling away from him.
Wakatoshi turned on the bath again in his personal restroom, and got in. He sat in complete silence, and he filled the bucket with water. He dumped it upon himself. It was cold. He let his body shiver. He let himself sink as he weakly washed himself.
He heard his dad snore a few rooms down. But the worst thing that Wakatoshi did that night was cry.
Wakatoshi knocked on the door to Coach Washijo’s room. “Wakatoshi-kun, come in.”
The boy walked inside, and blinked softly. He wore his school uniform, freshly ironed. “Coach Washijo. May I sit down?”
“Of course.” Wakatoshi pulled out the chair, and sat, he looked at his feet. Coach Washijo sighed, and he looked to the windows. “You know it, hm?”
Wakatoshi nodded. “We do not deserve this trophy.”
“I am already surprised you finished your punishment. I am extremely disappointed by the fact you brought the Chibi-Chan on our school grounds before. And for the game itself, Captain.”
Wakatoshi moved the chairs aside and he got on his knees, bowing his head. “I do not deserve the title as Captain.”
“Neither does anyone else on the team, son. But, I was the one who called you in here,” Coach Washijo went to him, and tapped his back. Wakatoshi slowly got up, and looked down. “I am proud. Don’t tell the others this, Wakatoshi-kun. That was a close game. I need you to practice with everyone. Get everyone ready for the Nationals. You deserve it.”
Wakatoshi bowed. “Thank you, Coach.”
As he left, his mind became fogged. How, how could he have even let himself be seen like that? Coach knew. Coach and he are the only ones, only ones who know the Karasunos were so, so so close to becoming the winners.
Wakatoshi turned to the restroom quickly, and he began to breathe heavily. He loosened his tie as he stared into the sink. That close. Two points away from his dreams, his father, everything he had known into the sink, washed away because of Shoyo. 
With the force of thunder, he punched the mirror. He panted, and looked at his reflection. The mirror didn’t shatter. The boy sighed as he turned on the sink, and washed his face. He rinsed it, as the water turned hot. Hot. Hot. Hot-
He held onto the sink, gasping for air. He remembered it. He remembered his mother scrubbing him fiercely with a wood scrubber. “Wakatoshi you need to start scrubbing!” She picked at his hair. “You need to start getting off those dead skin cells!” She ripped off anything that came off him. “Or else no one will like you! You wanna end up like your Dad? I married him out of pity! He was supposed to give me money!”
Wakatoshi held onto the sink, panting again as he washed his face. No. No he did not want to be like his father. Injured. No, that's why he ate well. He treated his body well. Run no less than five laps around the acres. Avoid the tree stump to the right. He could never, ever end up like his dad. 
He threw his head up and panted as he stared at himself. His skin was pink. He felt nothing on his skin. He only sighed. He grabbed the paper towels and wiped his face. He started to cry.
He was so close to ending up like his Dad. Like Tooru. No. He is strong. He got to Nationals.
He’s living his true, and only dream.
Then why is The Miracle Boy panicking?
The lunch room was bustled, filled with happy and chattering students from the game that happened a week ago. The chefs served sushi today. Yuri was away in the auditorium for practice.
Wakatoshi ate with his team. Satori smiled. “Wow! Did Yuri give you good luck concerts for their concert, Wakatoshi-kun?”
“No.” he responded, eating a salmon roll after.
Eita sighed, “Well, I hear they’re playing with that new transfer, Choboyo-kun.”
Wakatoshi looked up, and scowled. “Oh.”
“Ooh, Eita-kun you’re going to get Wakatoshi-kun so angry!!” Satori laughed. 
Wakatoshi continued to eat, and he frowned as he looked down. It was one of his worst flaws. Jealousy. Shoyo. Tooru. Despite how they collapsed, how they looked up in anger, he knew they still probably had nice days. Tooru probably was nice with his nephew. Shoyo had hugged his best friends. Wakatoshi had his teammates and the twins. Yuri and he had been dating for a year, four months, and 27 days. The thought of Yuri being with another boy, of course it was rational he would get upset.
Besides, Yuri never told him of anything remotely close to the concert for that night. He continued to eat. He would tell them later.
Wakatoshi slammed the ball against the ball in a beat. One two, one two three. He remembered the beat from a lullaby his Uncle Ushijima Hideaki sang to him. He threw the ball up, and ran, staring at the ball. He wanted nothing more, like Left Handing Hideaki, than to show his strength. He hit the other side of the net.
Satori, Goshiki, and Kenjiro were across Wakatoshi. Taichi and Eita were with Wakatoshi. He watched as Satori took the first hit, giving Kenjiro time to serve to Goshiki. Wakatoshi moved with Taichi to go for a block. Wakatoshi jumped early, but blocked Goshiki’s spike.
“One touch!” Taichi yelled. He jumped down, as Wakatoshi quickly caught the ball and moved it up. Eita made a pretty decent set. Wakatoshi did not want to upset him by saying it was much too far from the net, but he jumped.
Satori jumped perfectly. A great timing block. 
Wakatoshi froze. He saw Satori’s crazy blood red eyes flash into the Blond Crow. Wakatoshi smacked down the ball.
The game stopped, and everyone went to Satori’s hand. He winced quietly, and he flexed his middle finger. His comrades gasped out of grotesque. “Wakatoshi-kun! Shit-, you do scare me!”
“Sorry.” Wakatoshi panted. He was sweaty. He was sticky and sweaty. He wanted to shower.
“Is everything—?” Coach Saito started.
“Let’s put Hayato in while we practice.” Wakatoshi grabbed the ball, walking over. “We need to make sure we win the next game.”
“Captain, we did win.” Goshiki gently took Satori close, wrapping his fingers with a tape.
Wakatoshi scowled. He didn’t want to admit to his comrades they barely won. Stupid Shoyo almost took away their name of the Great Eagles. But he turned away. “One more game, then Eita and I shall take Satori to Nurse Yui.”
Everyone gave a hesitant agreement. Wakatoshi sighed, he banged the ball against the wooden ground. He looked across the net.
Six players in black and orange uniforms. Goshiki’s hair had faded to the Captain Crow. The foolish Lightning Libero Crow. Kenjiro looked so much like Tobio.
Wakatoshi twitched. He threw the ball up. Not again. Not again. He leaped into the air, and he felt- no he saw Goshiki move. Shoyo. He spiked hard, past Hayato, past Goshiki’s defense, so hard the ball had flown to the ceiling, and had gotten stuck in a beam.
Wakatoshi panted, his muscles spasming, and he looked at Goshiki with anger. He showed him. He showed him he is the strongest. He showed him no matter how hard he would train like Tooru he would not—
Satori gripped his arm. Wakatoshi stopped breathing. His best friend frowned. “Wakatoshi. You won.”
Yuri smiled and they held Wakatoshi’s hand. They had been wandering the neighborhood for awhile, and now Yuri was just beginning to look at the music stores and babbling about their new deep desire for something about a gem. They said it would make the music sound crystal clear.
“Is it not clear already?” The boy asked.
“Silly! No!! It needs to be perfect for the concert!”
The concert. Wakatoshi followed them around, and after the eighth story about how they loved little stuffed animals, he asked, “Who is Choboyo?”
“And- huh? Oh! Choboyo-Senpai! He’s in university, so he offered to play with me! He’s a little bit much though...”
Wakatoshi went closer as Yuri continued in telling their story. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Yuri looked over and sighed. “Because look at you! Wakatoshi-Chan, you’re slouching. Don’t worry, he’s only in the background of my performance for tomorrow. Now come on! Chin up~! I need to pick out a good outfit for tomorrow! I wanted you to help!”
Wakatoshi was too tired to disagree, despite him having promised his mother to babysit the twins. That morning. He knew Grandmother Nijiko would tell Ms. Ushijima, and he knew he would be subjected to the marsh cleaning, but, seeing Yuri’s smile as they picked out a strawberry shirt for their suit, was enough for him to think;
 “Who cares?”
Wakatoshi was benched. Coach Saito had explained to Wakatoshi that he had to maintain his speed before he could be put back on the court. Which was perfect. During lunch, privately, he practiced. It was better for him then.
No more Karasuno Crows.
But tonight, the concert hall had changed. However, Wakatoshi's face was non wipeable of his scowl. He wore a hand me down of Mr. Utsui’s suit. It smelled horrible. It was stiff.
“Ah~, Yuri-kun!” Choboyo was indeed a young man, with a stubble, messy and sleek white hair, his eyes a never-ending black.
Wakatoshi scowled as he watched Yuri hug him. Yuri wore a lovely green suit, their hair pulled back.
They were so beautiful.
“Choboyo! This is my boyfriend, Ushijima Wakatoshi. He’s a volleyball player- He’s going to the National Championship!”
The young men stared at each other. Wakatoshi nodded. “Good luck.”
“We say break a leg, actually.” He only despised him even more, now. “Come on, Yuri,” Wakatoshi eyed his hand. His right hand lingered on Yuri’s waist, on their shoulders, and on their hands.
Wakatoshi sighed to himself.
Yuri turned. “Is something wrong?” Choboyo also looked, raising a white eyebrow of his. Wakatoshi gripped his fists and he scowled at Choboyo.
“You like Yuri-Chan. My partner.”
“I won’t lie.” Choboyo took his hands off Yuri, “They’re very attractive.”
Wakatoshi widened his eyes. He didn’t expect the man to just admit it. It was almost like he was trying to be a pervert.
“E-excuse us,” Yuri put a hand to Choboyo’s chest. “I-I’ll be right there.” Yuri sighed as Choboyo smirked to himself, kissed their hand, and walked away.
Wakatoshi stepped closer. “Do you not see this? He’s a pervert.”
“It’s one performance,” Yuri said, rubbing their arm. “Don’t you realize this is why I’ve been asking you to be with me? W-why I’ve been playing more around you, and not practicing here? I know.” 
He blinked. He wanted to say something. Anything. He gulped. He blinked. “Yuri-Chan. I do not think you should play with him.”
Yuri looked up with teary eyes. “If you’re not going to be here to support me right now, I-I want you to leave. I can’t do this right now, ‘Toshi. I want to take a break.”
He gulped. “Yuri, perhaps you should think straight. D-don’t—.”
“I’ll see you around.” They turned around, and just like that, Wakatoshi again, was alone.
Wakatoshi locked the door behind him. He sat on his bed. It creaked. Across the hall, he heard the twins.
The twins.
He got up as fast as he could, and he went to their room. Everything in the room was painted pink, and had little birds that twittered happily with the characters of bird songs next to their beaks. The room was split into Mayumi’s play space, and then Kazane’s.
Wakatoshi squatted down. 
The twins were on the floor, Mayumi’s foot was in her mouth. Kazane was trying to climb back in her crib. Her left hand was on the crib. Wakatoshi picked up Kazane, and started to hum.
Before he had heard his mother and father fight, he actually wanted to sing. He remembered seeing his father’s sisters all perform and sing. It made him stare in awe. The twirling of their batons, of their voices, their silks. Wakatoshi adored it. He once thought of himself there, dancing.
It was Grandfather Ushijima Touma who frowned at catching him. “Nijiko.” he had stated firmly. “He is pretending to be a daughter.” Wakatoshi had never felt such pain as he did that evening.
But being an artist was worse. That was when they discovered he had a tendency to write with his left hand. Just like the exiled Uncle Hideaki. He was supposedly in Germany.
“You had let him draw?!” cried Ms. Ushijima. Her parents stood next to her. She gripped his hand. “Does this look right to you? Huh, Takashi?!” 
It was only his father. Little, nothing for brains, Mr. Utsui, who stood in front of his son. “He’s just a boy! He’ll use it for-for something great! You just wait!”
Wakatoshi picked up Mayumi as well, and began to hum. He began to quietly sing the lullaby. An old song. It was about change. About the discovery of an island. About how the tide changed with each roll onto the warm sand. Yes, everything to the nude eye was the same, but change happened. With tradition, came slow, but sure, change.
He lifted his baby sisters above him. He teared up. “This forbidden, new world, on a summer day we meet.” Mayumi was the only one awake now. He hummed as he knelt beside her. “On a summer day, we will meet again, Imoto-san.”
“Wakatoshi?” The boy turned, with teary eyes as Mayumi drifted into sleep. Mr. Utsui stood there, his mouth slack open. He closed it. “I didn’t know you sang.”
“Me either.” Wakatoshi stood up.
Mr. Utsui looked away, “Ah- well, Wakatoshi, why don’t we go outside?” He nodded and stood, awkwardly following him outside.
The sun was setting to the west of the Ushijima Acres. Wakatoshi sat on an old swing. Mr. Utsui sat next to him. Wakatoshi made sure not to look at his father; for he smelled horribly.
“Son, I- well, I have some news about you and your sisters.” Wakatoshi looked at him. Mr. Utsui had gained many splotches of white on his face, and wrinkles.
“I got a job out of Miyagi Prefecture. I’m taking the twins with me. You will continue to live with your mother.”
Wakatoshi paused. He looked out at the sunset. “No.”
Mr. Utsui wheezed out of his age, “I beg your pardon?”
“You have not been here for the divorce. You were not there for Oka-san when she gave birth. You were not there to take care of the girls. You were not even here for me.” Wakatoshi looked at the sun, and it disappeared.
“You do not deserve the twins.”
The boy got up, before he stopped. His shirt was caught on something. He tugged. To no avail. He tugged and he- Wakatoshi had stumbled, back, he was trying to regain himself.
But everything flashed.
Mr. Utsui.
Ms. Ushijima.
Grandmother Nijiko
Grandfather Touma.
Wakatoshi had fallen into the marsh, and he had passed out into the water.
Wakatoshi awoke, to Kazane biting his finger. He gasped, and he groaned. He began to gently flex his body, and groan again. “O-oka-san-?”
“Hold still.” Ms. Ushijima scrubbed his body. “You nearly drowned in the lake. Ugh, look at the water! Oka-san!” she cried. She wore a bra- she never wore such things. Sweatpants?
Were Satori’s theories true? Did alternate universes exist?
“Oka-san- agh- I-I cannot-,”
Ms. Ushijima smacked his face. Satori was wrong, alternate universes did not exist. “Still, I said! You banged up your knee pretty badly.”
Wakatoshi sat up, practically leapt up, but he moaned loudly in pain. “N-No, no. No-  O-oka-san- please- I can’t-!”
“Shut up, you’ll heal if you sit still!”
Wakatoshi looked up, and started to cry. “I-I won’t win. Oka-san,” he hugged her, he cried in her neck. “I-I won't a-able to play! I’ll fail at nationals! Tell me!!” He held her tightly as he looked at her.
Ms. Ushijima stared down at her son.
Wakatoshi had clear snot on his upper lip. His tears were salty, and stained his cheeks as they dripped down into the tub. He was only in his bare underwear. The water was marshy. He had a rose colored bruise blossom on his knee.
Ms. Ushijima took his chin. “Listen to me, Wakatoshi. If you sit absolutely still, I’ll see what I can do. Just,” she heard the baby whimper.
“O-oni. . .” one of the twins started to cry.
Wakatoshi sniffled, and he looked at Kazane. Ms. Ushijima gave the baby to him. “Kazane-kun, go comfort your Oni-tan.”
“Oni~!” Kazane wrapped her chubby arms around him, then Mayumi as Ms. Ushijima placed her on him. Mayumi, adorably, finished her sister’s sentence, “tan!”
Wakatoshi smiled, and he softly cried, as Ms. Ushijima lifted up his right leg. “It’s alright, Wakatoshi-tan, I’m here.” She held it with care, and repeated, quietly as she wet some rags, “I’m here.”
It was the night of the concert. Wakatoshi wore his school outfit, despite it being the weekend. He told his parents it’s on school grounds. They did not argue.
Goshiki found out about his injury. He had gotten the word out. Wakatoshi had been numb the entire night. He went to bed the night before, sleeping with his sisters in their room. He had awoken to their stuffed animals on his face.
Mr. Utsui chuckled about how their first word was for their elder brother. Grandmother Nijiko spoke nothing as she ate breakfast with him.
Satori sat next to Wakatoshi, wearing a hoodie, and he smiled. “Yuri-kun looks awfully pretty today, huh Wakatoshi-kun~?”
Wakatoshi said nothing. He only looked down. Strangely, he did not want to get up this morning. He did not want to do anything. He felt as if he should retire from life.
The Miracle Boy was supposed to be strong.
Never to get hurt.
And yet, here he was. Pathetically existing next to his family. He did not even mention to them that Yuri did not love him anymore. He did not tell anyone, either, of his sisters moving away from him.
They sat on his lap though, pacifiers in their mouths.
“Wakatoshi-kun, your sisters are so so so cute!” Satori laughed as he picked up Mayumi. She began to whine, aher pigtails bouncing as her blue eyes stared at Satori in fury. She fussed before Wakatoshi gently put her on his lap.
“She does not like to be held from under the arms. Only by her stomach, Despite her being ticklish there, she loves it.”
Satori smiled softly. “You love them a lot. Were they there for you when-?”
Wakatoshi nodded. “Yes. They were born right after. Oka-san was tired. They kept me company.” He paused. “I do not know what to do without them.”
Satori sighed softly, “I understand.”
The lights dimmed. A hush over the audience. The auditorium was huge and packed.
Yuri, and Choboyo came out. Yuri was so uncomfortable. Their eyes looked down at the ground. Choboyo grabbed the microphone. “Thank you, everyone, for our performance tonight! I gotta say- Yuri has something great planned out!”
The two turned to the middle of the stage. Yuri nodded. They held a different violin. It was not theirs.
Choboyo went to his grand piano proudly, and he looked at Yuri’s body, then at their eyes. They both looked at each other, finally, nodded and looked away. After a few seconds, Choboyo started off.
Wakatoshi hated it. He pounded a key, then followed it as if he was trying to sing a love song for Yuri.
Despite the famous classical song, it was still the one Yuri had played what seemed like eons ago. The Swan.
Here it went by the Carnival of Animals.
But Wakatoshi knew what Yuri was trying to replicate. But their music, their bow, the sound made Wakatoshi cringe.
It was not the joy, peaceful, calm song Yuri played in the land. Here, mixed in with Choboyo’s romantic noise; was their song of sorrow. They focused, as if on the music, and not on their own play.
Wakatoshi looked down. Two birds. One defeated. Another attack for more.
The song ended.
Wakatoshi clapped, his hands smacking like thunder, and Yuri looked at him, just for a moment. They went backstage, and the next duo came out. The song was the infamous Clair De Lune.
He looked at his dad beside him. Mr. Utsui showered the night before due to falling in the marsh to save Wakatoshi. He had done his hair. He had also shaved.
“Your mother and I talked, we decided that I’ll live here. After my first paycheck I’ll get a good car, so I can drive in and out of the Prefecture. And, son?” Mr. Utsui moved in closer.
Wakatoshi suddenly teared up. When he was little, he remembered exactly how his father smelled when he protected him from the traditional rules that had ached his once frail bones.
Like hot sand.
Mr. Utsui, in that moment, murmured into Wakatoshi’s ear, as the song had ended, “I am so proud you got into Nationals. Keep working hard. Keep getting stronger for us.”
As Wakatoshi’s hot tears fell, he whispered, looking at his father, “T-Thank you, Oto-san.”
Wakatoshi had bounced the ball. He stood firmly on his right leg. He breathed in deeply. He eyed his friend across from him, and Mr. Utsui who held the twins. Mayumi was on the sand, babbling and trying to eat it.
“Imoto-san, do not try to eat the sand, okay?” Wakatoshi looked across to his sister.
“Oni~!” Kazane cried with a laugh.
Wakatoshi chuckled, and he gently bounced the ball. The sand underneath his sneakers. His deep and panting breath. He looked at his friend with a soft smile.
Satori panted himself, his red hair sticking to his forehead. He only smiled widely with happiness.
Wakatoshi breathed deeply, and calmed himself.
Satori and he, underneath the midnight moon.
Wakatoshi served. Satori dived under and threw the ball up, before spiking. Wakatoshi, with great speed, blocked and Satori read him. Satori gathered himself again to throw the ball, set, then spike. Now Wakatoshi served it to himself, and he quickly set it. He now went to the left, and spiked hard right. Satori tried to follow for a moment, before he watched the ball slam beside him. Satori, however, blocked enough to make a dump. Wakatoshi nodded.
A great defense.
Satori smiled with a small breath of relief, “Wakatoshi-kun, I love playing with you, but you scare me.”
The young man smiled as he went underneath the net to get it. “I try my best to be a Strong Monster as well.”
“How scary!” Satori gasped, and Wakatoshi took the ball. He spun the ball as Mr. Utsui cheered happily.
“Go Wakatoshi-kun!”
“Are you okay? I know your dad is back.” Satori said quietly.
Wakatoshi turned around. “It’s okay. I-I’m not happy he is back.”
Satori widened his eyes. “Oh?”
Wakatoshi sat beside him against the barn. The Ushijima space was so peaceful now. Not in a flash as he usually saw it. Wakatoshi took a deep breath again. “He came to announce he lost his job. He told me he was happy and I was happy. Not that he was proud.” Wakatoshi began to practice throwing the ball up and setting, as if it was instinct. “I was thinking. I am not happy. We nearly lost, Satori.”
His friend looked up at the stars. “I wanted to quit after that game.”
Wakatoshi stopped. He looked at his friend. “But you have so much—,”
“Those memories won’t stop flowing. Once we win nationals, Wakatoshi-kun, that’s when I’ll stop. Seeing your smile hold that big, big trophy, that’s when I’ll quit. Because then you won’t need me, and I won’t need you anymore.” Satori smiled. “I love you.”
Wakatoshi opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He closed it. He closed his eyes, before he looked at Satori. “I love you too, Satori. Thank you for being by my side.”
They both, slowly, turned to gaze at the stars.
“So, you’ll recommend me for a movie interview, right Wakatoshi-kun?”
Snow drifted down. It fell against Yuri’s umbrella.
Yuri stopped walking, and took out their earbuds as they turned around. They widened their eyes. “Wakatoshi-ch-? What are you- Why are you running?” Yuri started.
Wakatoshi winced, and he sighed. He hid a huge dandelion bouquet behind his back, with a small box.
“Yuri-Chan.” the young man panted, “I-I am not the strongest. I lost a lot of things in the past few days. I gained some of them back.” He showed the bouquet, and the box.
“I should have focused on you, my flower. On your music. I went to your concert. You did not practice, did you? It is alright. I do not want to jump back to our relationship if you are not ready. I believe we should go back to the beginning, Yuri-Chan. If you like, we can go back to my farm, and I can listen to you play, and play, and play until we fall asleep.”
Wakatoshi, after a moment, opened the box. There was Yuri’s dream sapphire blue rosin. One swipe, said the ad on it, and the bow is brand new.
“I will always love you. But I was not okay. Now, if you take me back, I will be. Then I will never break that promise.”
Yuri looked at his big tearful eyes. “I love you, stupid!” Yuri cried and they jumped on him, tackling him. The couple held each other, with laughter and deep chuckles as they cuddled close in the soft winter wind. In an act of warmth, Yuri hugged. In an act of love, Wakatoshi kissed. 
The couple was late for their classes that morning.
Wakatoshi rinsed his face in the sink, lightly with cold water. Goshiki stood beside him by making faces. Reon patted the youngster’s back, and laughed. Eita instructed, but also listened to Kenjiro. Satori sang to himself.
The clinking of the lights above the young man began to go into a rhythm. His eyes tilted up, and he blinked. Once. Twice. And again.
He, and his teammates, were in a full purple volleyball outfit. The Number One on his shirt was bold white. His muscles flexed gently when he looked at his short olive hair. His eyes glimmered seeing where he was. How he was there.
The young man smiled to himself.
“Great Eagles.” The young man who played volleyball said, “Let’s finish this.”
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devinescribe · 3 years
Stay High
Karube Daikichi × Reader
Based off this song
No, because It's a three am sad thought that should have been kept in my head. This is totally not based off of my deepest darkest feeling and fears. Anyways, ignore that. Um... yeah.
Warnings: Episode 3 spoilers, Manga spoilers, weed, smoking, suicide (this went darker than I intended, ok?), and another terrible attempt at angst :)
"Karu! For the last time, we're not getting a freaking parrot!" You scolded. "Aww, why not babe? They're cute," he said, pouting. You smiled kissing him quickly. "... I'll think about it," you said, before heading out. "I think that means we will have a-" "Don't push your luck babe. I'll see you after work."
"And here is my attempt at trying to be nice. Happy anniversary!" You chirped, sliding a rather large gift his way. It had a draped cover over it, so he couldn't see inside. He looked at you suspiciously, slowly taking it in his hands. You had a camera in your hands, and we're smirking. He didn't trust that smirk. "Why do you have that camera?" He asked, nodding to it. "Just filming. It's a special day babe," you said, hiding your smile. "Can i-" "Don't you dare shake it-" He raised his hands in mock surrender, before slowly lifting the sheet.
You saw the smile that spread across his face. "I said I'd think about it," you said. He stood up, pulling your waist into him. He kissed you softly, making you smile in your head. "I'm guessing this means you like your gift?" You asked, a smirk on your face. "It's a fucking parrot, hell yeah I like it," he said. You laughed, pressing a kiss to his temple.
Tears blurred your vision, falling onto the screen of the camera. Had it really been a year since then?
"Ok, now I get to film you! Welcome to day 1 of our roadtrip, I don't know where we're going, but we'll find out soon enough," Karube said, turning the camera to face him. He then turned it to face you. You were putting your luggage into the trunk of your car, and looked up with a smile, giving the camera a peace sign. The parrot, who you two decided to name Nijiko after much deliberation due to its coloring, squawked on your shoulder. You smiled. "Yes, you'll be going to day care  for a while Nijiko," you spoke to the bird, petting it's beak softly. The bird shivered. "Day care? Nijiko day care?" It squawked, tilting it's head to the side. You nodded. "Yes, smart bird. Nijiko is going to daycare," you praised. "I sometimes wonder if she loves the bird more than me. The answer is yes. Yes she does," Karube said, laughing as you spoke to the bird.
"Update, it's been 4 hours, and we are in the middle of no where. The child(the bird) has been dropped off at day care... well boarding? For the week. The music's pretty good though, and this angel next to me is still here, so we're all good," he said. He was really serious about filming this. "Babe, why are you filming this again?" You asked, reaching to grab his hand on the center console. "Because memories baby girl," he responded, kissing the back of your hand as it was intertwined with his. You laughed, blowing him a kiss, turning your attention back to the road.
"Day 3 of our roadtrip, (Y/N) is deciding on what to wear, but as I've told her, she looks great in everything," he stated. You flipped him off, picking out something to wear finally. "Wowwwww, I can really feel the love," he said sarcastically, holding a hand to his chest dramatically. "Shut up, you know I love you," you said, rolling your eyes. "I know you do. Who wouldn't love me?" he joked. "I don't know babe. Watch it though, 'cause you're mine~!"
"Ok, it's a few hours later, (Y/N) is getting snacks, and I'm super nervous, because of this," he said, talking to camera. He pulled out a small box, showing the ring to the camera. "I've been documenting this whole thing like a maniac, because I didn't want her to be suspicious. But anyways, yeah... I've been thinking about it for a while, seeing as we've been together since high school. I am terrified, in all honesty," he rambled, running a hand through his hair. He put the small box back to where you wouldn't find it, but he wouldn't lose it. He saw you walking back to the car, and smiled. You opened the door, giving him a weird look. "You're filming again?" You questioned. He nodded. "You love the sound of your voice don't you?" You asked with a smile. He laughed, "Not as much as I love yours."
He placed the camera was on a nearby fence post, facing you two, close enough to see and hear both of you. He started recording, and gave a thumbs up to the camera. You looked out to the water, admiring the hues of blue. The water crashed into the shore, spraying you with water. "You know when we get married, I'm definitely going to take you here again," he said. You kept looking out at the water, not noticing him. "When we get married? You already have this planed?" You laughed. You turned to face him, not seeing him at eye level. You looked down, and your eyes widened. "As I was saying, when we get married-" he started, getting interrupted when you jumped onto him, throwing your arms around his neck. You both fell to the sand, and you two couldn't help but laugh. "Are you serious? Like, really?" You asked, tears in your eyes. "Yeah, I'm serious. (Y/N), you've been with me for what seems like forever. I love you so much, and I want to be yours forever. Just as much as you'll be mine. So... would you do me the honor, and marry me?" He asked. He might have sounded confident, but he was shaking on the inside. The tears in your eyes fell, and you laughed nodding. "Yes, a million times yes," you said. He laughed, letting out a sigh of relief. You hugged him tightly, your head in the crook of his neck. "Forever and ever?" You whispered. "Forever and ever."
You looked down at the ring on your finger, crying even harder. His side of the bed stayed empty, no one would ever be able to sleep there. Not even you. His side of the room stayed untouched. The same way it had been left that morning. Before the accident.
"(Y/N)... I know you're sad, but this isn't healthy for you... just... call me back once you get this," Arisu sighed. "No answer again?" Usagi asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He shook his head. "She's been with our group as long as I can remember. And she's been... she had been... with Karube even longer. If it's hard on me, I can't believe how hard it must be on her," Arisu explained. Usagi pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'm sure she's fine. All people cope with things differently. Just give her space."
You were most definitely not fine. The grief that filled you everytime you saw Arisu's name on your phone, when you looked at anything that once belonged to Karube.  For the first time in the past few weeks, you wandered into the kitchen, and saw the binder filled with the ideas you two had for the wedding. You looked away, tears filling your eyes once more. You couldn't escape the sorrow that had filled your life. It seemed like he was everywhere. Even when you turned on the damn TV the news was talking about the incident. The names of the victims would pop up with pictures, and you would quickly turn it off. You grabbed the folder, ripping up all the papers in there, shredding them to bits in a fit of sadness. You dropped to your knees, holding the final piece of paper. You sniffled, wiping your eyes, looking down. It was in Karube's hand writing, and you took a deep breath. Eventually, you would have to read these things. Eventually, you would have to clean up his side of the room. You decided to start off small. By reading whatever this was.
'I may not be good at expressing my feelings, and this is not going to be the first time you've all heard me tell you how wonderful this woman is, and how much I love her. It certainly won't be the last, if I have any say in it. To which I do. If I could go back to the day we met, and you told me I would be marrying her, I would believe it. Because I've loved you from day one (Y/N). And now, I'll have you. Forever and ever.'
- Karube (rough draft, don't let (Y/N) find this)
You whimpered, holding the piece of paper to your chest. This was too much for you. You needed a distraction.
"Eh, just give me the money, no one will ever know," the woman said. You gave her the money, and she passed you a bag. "I promise it gets better dear. And be careful with that," she said sweetly. You nodded, your face so devoid of any emotion, it was hard to tell if you were still alive. Your world felt so numb to any emotion but hurt.
The burn of the smoke in your throat was satisfying. For the first time since his death, you felt something. Your eyes lazily looked up, staring at the ceiling.  The smell of the weed filled up the room and you rolled your eyes. For once the pain was gone. You couldn't think of anything in the moment other than being hungry. The first time in weeks that had happened.
That was your new routine. Wake up, lounge around, look through the videos and pictures of both of you, get high of your mind. It was the only way you'd forget. Was it healthy? No. Did you care? Also no. You started ignoring Arisu's calls, messages, and voice mails. Leaving them unseen, and unheard. He was worried, and Usagi had gotten worried as well, even though she'd only met you once at the hospital. You seemed like a pleasant person, and according to Arisu, you never left someone in the dark that long. You would usually respond quickly if you weren't at work. But, do to the incident, there wasn't work for a few weeks. That made him worry.
When he found out why you weren't answering, he was shocked. Your apartment wasn't exactly a mess. There were a few papers scattered in the kitchen, and uncollected mail, but other than that, your apartment was clean. He was so confused, hearing you giggling and talking to yourself in your room.
He knocked on the door, opening it slowly. "(Y-y/N)?" He asked hesitantly. You looked up, your eyes lazy and red. The smell of weed in your room was strong, the smoke going out of the window. How long had you been doing this? Had it become self destructive? These were questions he asked himself before seeing you doze off to sleep.
"What the hell were you thinking (Y/N)! You can't- you can't destroy your life over it! I- I was so worried! I've already lost two friends, I can't lose you too!" He scolded. It was a few hours later, and your high had passed. "Why do you care?" You snapped, the conversation being boring to you. The hurt you hadn't felt in weeks came back. He was back in your mind, not as your wonderful fiancé, but as the man you had lost. The man who you had to bury in the ground. It was horrible. Your mind hated the images of his body, lifeless and devoid of his usual smile. You hated it. Absolutely despised it.
"Because you're my friend! You've been my friend since high school! I know it hurts (Y/N), believe me I know, but you can't destroy your fucking life and mental health!" He scolded. It was so unfair to you, in your head. That he was saying something like that. "You want to know what's really destroying my mental health?! Not having him anymore! The fact that he's dead, and I can't- I can't-" you couldn't finish your sentence. Arisu felt bad, but this was an intervention. He had to be a bit forceful for you to stop. "Karube wouldn't want you to do this," he said softly. You felt more tears fall. But you didn't know how to deal with this. "How do you know what he wants?! He's dead!" You screamed. "H-hes dead," you whispered, your voice breaking. Arisu hugged you tightly as you cried. "Can I just know why?" He asked. "He's gone, and I have to stay high all the time to keep him off my mind. Gotta stay high... all my life to forget I'm missing him," you whispered. It was true. It was the only way you could feel something other than pain. The smoke made your mind hazy, and your sadness drifted away. But it wasn't healthy. And it would never be. "It gets better (Y/N)... please, just... stay with me for a week. So I can have peace of mind?"
2 years later
You sat on the sand of the beach, the waves crashed onto the rocks nearby, and a breeze blew the salt water into your face. You looked down at the ring on your finger, sighing at the sight of the shiny gem. You smiled sadly, pressing a kiss to it. "Soon my darling... soon we'll be together again. Forever and ever."
Because the high kept him off your mind, you didn't learn how to cope any other way. The only way was to feel any other pain. You had tried to meet other people, but no one was ever as good. You couldn't even talk to other guys without feeling guilt. It felt wrong. It was like whatever you did, you couldn't get over it. At all. In fact, it had gotten worse over the years. Especially on the yearly anniversary of the incident. Reporters would go to your home and ask you questions, seeing as people had asked you while you were in the hospital. How we're you supposed to get over it when you were reminded constantly?
So there was no thoughts in your head as you walked into the water. It was cold, shocking you. If you didn't drown, you'd die of hypothermia. And that was fine with you.
Forever and ever, no?
Ok, ok, ok.... wow, wowowowowow, this was a three am sad thought that did not have to be written, ok, um wow... that was darker than I intended, holy shit-
I promise I'm done with the terrible attempts at angst, and I promise I'm working on the my other oneshots/books. It's just that when I have an idea, I need to write it before I forget.
Remember that people love you, even if you think no one does, I promise you they do. If you really need help, please find it, and if you would like, I'm always glad to talk to people if they need my help.
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nijikato · 4 years
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Name: Nijiko Kato
Pronunciation: Nee-Jee-Ko, Kah-To
Nickname(s): Niji (preferred name)
Age: 25
Date and place of birth: August 20th, 1995 & Newark, New Jersey
Astrological sign: Leo
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Japanese
Occupation: Middle School Music Teacher
Education: Bachelors in Music Education from the University of Michigan
Religious beliefs: Roman Catholic (2009-2011), Presbyterian (2013-Present)
Height: 5′5
Weight: 123lb
Body Type: Slight with some curves
Hair: Black (naturally), Brown (dyed)
Eyes: Dark Brown
Clothing Preferences: Skirts that are pleated usually to the knee and ironed, button down shirts with a sweater vest or blazer over it, knee high socks and oxfords. Sometimes heels if she feels in the mood to be out of her usual.
Defining Features: Slight overbite, chubby cheeks.
Voice Tone: Soft voice often peppered with laughs and giggles. Speaks rather quick and loses her breath often.
Blood-Type: O+
Allergies: Peanuts and Tree Nuts (was more serious when she was a kid, but has since mellowed out. her throat still swells, but typically an epipen can do the job without a hospital visit.)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
Do they have a type: Niji prefers women who are older than her and have a more serious outlook on life. To her, a partner that is direct and honest (even if that means blunt) is valuable.
Pet peeves: Hiding secrets. She’d rather just be open and honest with her partner instead of dancing around issues.
Likes: cats, music, horror movies + novels, mechanics
Dislikes: math, veggies, disorderliness, snow
Ambivert, introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Siblings: Hanayo Kato (22), Mimi Kato (17)
Birth order: Eldest
Parents: Torashi Kato (56), Rima Kato (53), Rev. Thomas Claymore (45, father figure), Maryanne Claymore (45, mother figure)
Children: N/A (Does her cat, Dusty, count?)
Do they want kids: Yes, through adoption assuming her partner also wants to adopt.
What language(s) do they speak: English and Japanese, though she has trouble reading and writing the latter
What are they talented at: From an early age, Niji was gifted with music and with percussion in particular. To her, this is her defining talent. People tend to be shocked by her aim and accuracy.
What is a hidden talent no one knows of: Niji is skilled with a wrench and a hammer. She took mechanics classes throughout high school and worked on cars with her dad while she was close with him.
What are they worst at: Niji is very bad at keeping things organized and sticking to a schedule. If her job didn’t force her to do so, her whole balance would be out of wack.
What is their relationship with their family like?:
For Niji, it has been strained since she was sixteen. At the time, she was hurt most by being kicked out due to her sexuality. Now, she isn’t sure what hurts more: being kicked out or the breach of privacy when her parents looked through her journals to find out. 
She keeps in contact with her little sisters from time to time, willingly taking calls whenever they need her. After all, they are her little sisters. It’s her job to be there for them and they have never done anything to hurt her. 
Her parents, on the other hand, haven’t contacted her since she was kicked out, and since has been estranged from her. 
The pastor and his wife for the church she went to for food and clean clothing while she was on the streets took up the mantle as her father and mother figure, respectively, since she was about seventeen. To Niji, they are her current parents, despite never calling them that, and are the closest thing she has to a real family.
Describe their personality:
Nijiko tries her best to stay optimistic, especially around her friends. Even if she is not feeling well, she will put on a good face for others. If anyone needs something form her, Nijiko is willing to give whatever is needed to help out.
But, her opinion of herself is rather high. When she is good at something Nijiko is very cocky about it. Quick to talk about her achievements and let everyone know about it
Yet, if she fails, she dwells on it four days sometimes, thinking over how she could have been better. To her and for herself only, she expects perfection and nothing less. Nijiko can sit for hours trying to to get something right, starting and restarting it until she’s frustrated.
Are they happy where they are in life:
Her stance in terms of her happiness is a bit turbulent. On one hand, she enjoys her life being free and able to express herself. She loves her job and working with kids who love music as much as she does. Around her is a a group of friends who sees her for who she is. Unlike when she was in New Jersey, Niji can fully be Niji and like what she likes without constant judgement.
On the other hand, she is disconnected form her family and barely talks to her little sisters. Niji would love to talk to Hanayo and Mimi, but she feels the rift between them is deep not because they have done anything to her, but because of the emotional baggage that comes from her being kicked out of the house. There wasn’t much for them to do since they were only 13 and 8 respectively. Her parents never let her explore herself and when she started to come into her own, she was cast out. While she is upset with them for this, them never reaching out and ignoring her contact with them has hurt the most.
What is their dream:
Her long term goal is a bit more difficult. Someday she wants to reconnect to her family. If that cannot happen, she wants to start one of her own and give the freedom and expression to her children that she never had. As much as she wishes to make amends with her parents, forgive them, but not forget what they did to her, them not wanting contact is proving that they don’t feel much remorse for what happened.
Niji’s short term goal is much more simple. She wishes to keep working hard and get her students on a musical level that allows them to achieve multiple awards. Each year she is learning better techniques and ways to connect with her students and not above being critiqued on what to do better. To her, the classroom is for both the student and the teacher. In order for progress to be made, both need to be listening to one another.
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thechasehr · 4 years
Name: Chase Saebyul McHenry-Reed
Pronunciation: Cheis Say-Beh-Yul Mukh-Hen-Ree Reed
Nickname(s): Chase, Peanut (by her dads and siblings)
Age: 22
Date and place of birth: December 5th, 1998 & Seoul, South Korea
Astrological sign: Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Aquarius Rising
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Nationality: American-Korean (dual citizenship)
Ethnicity: Korean
Occupation: I.T Support at Geek Squad, Philosophy Student
Education: Associates in Technical Information (2018), Bachelor’s in Philosophy (2020), Masters in Philosophy (Incomplete)
Religious beliefs: Undefined
Height: 5′2
Weight: 115lb
Body Type: Very petite. Boyish build with sharp shoulders, athletic from working out and a good diet
Hair: Black (naturally), Always dyed a different color
Eyes: Dark Brown
Clothing Preferences: Over-sized sweatshirts and t-shirts. Large coats. Layers. Rolls up loose pants. Combat boots and sneakers. Lots of beanies and dad hats.
Defining Features: Sharp eyes, snaggle tooth, facial mole
Voice Tone: Speaks very slowly with a small up-speech as if her sentences are questions. A lot vocal fry.
Blood-Type: A-
Allergies: Pollen. Dogs. Criticism.
Sexual Orientation: Prefers not to label, but a preference towards women / feminine presenting individuals. 
Romantic Orientation: Prefers not to label, but a preference towards women / feminine presenting individuals
Do they have a type: Chase needs someone who can calm her down and keep her on track. She can get frazzled and overwhelmed really easily, so she needs a partner who is very grounded in reality. She likes people who are pretty, so gender doesn’t matter too much. Not that she won’t date someone who’s handsome, she just leans more towards feminine beauty.
Pet peeves: Not being taken seriously, being made fun of, people who aren’t gentle.
Likes: art museums, being praised, poetry
Dislikes: criticism, being looked down on, carrots
Ambivert, introvert or extrovert?: Ambivert, leans introvert
Siblings: Tristan McHenry-Reed (30), Parker McHenry-Reed (24) 
Birth order: Youngest
Parents: Felix Reed (56, called Dad), Theodore ‘Theo’ McHenry (52, called Papa)
Children: N/A
Do they want kids: Maybe. It depends on where she is in life.
What language(s) do they speak: English.
What are they talented at: Chase remembers nearly everything she reads. Her mind is a trap as long as she’s read it. She’ll often write notes for herself for that reason.
What is a hidden talent no one knows of: Up until she was twelve, she was a running back for the local youth football team. While she was much too small and could get really hurt if tackled, she started to be a kicker and played as the first string kicker for all 4 years of high school as the only girl on their team.
What are they worst at: Emotional management.
What is their relationship with their family like?:
She wishes she wasn't so babied by her dads and her siblings, but at the same time she likes that they are always looking out for her. In general, the McHenry-Reeds are very close knit and Chase always thinks of how fortunate she is to have a strong relationship with boths of her dads and her older sister and brother. While she wishes they would take her more seriously, without them, especially her siblings, she would be completely lost. Niji, it has been strained since she was sixteen. At the time, she was hurt most by being kicked out due to her sexuality. Now, she isn’t sure what hurts more: being kicked out or the breach of privacy when her parents looked through her journals to find out.
Describe their personality:
Nijiko tries her best to stay optimistic, especially around her friends. Even if she is not feeling well, she will put on a good face for others. If anyone needs something form her, Nijiko is willing to give whatever is needed to help out.
But, her opinion of herself is rather high. When she is good at something Nijiko is very cocky about it. Quick to talk about her achievements and let everyone know about it
Yet, if she fails, she dwells on it four days sometimes, thinking over how she could have been better. To her and for herself only, she expects perfection and nothing less. Nijiko can sit for hours trying to to get something right, starting and restarting it until she’s frustrated.
Are they happy where they are in life:
Chase wishes she can do more. She knows her emotional turbulence stops her from being able to enjoy life how she wants to with such high high and low lows, but she tries her best to make the most of it. Working with computers is something she is interested in, but it really isn't her passion. Right now, she feels lost, which doesn't help with her anxiety and poor emotional control. Chase thinks content is a better word. She is not happy, but she is not upset either. She is more so confused on where to go next.
What is their dream:
Chase has no idea what shes going to do with a Doctorate in Philosophy once she gets there, but she feels working at a University as a professor could lend itself well. Right now, she is a proud academic, and maybe that will never change. A part of her wants to travel around the world to experience the differences in thought and culture. Short term, though, she would like to, someday, make contact with her birth parents just to know who they are and what they are like. There isn't much judgement with them putting her up for adoption. They did what they needed to do because they loved her. The most she could give them for that is to meet them and show them she is okay and thriving.
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kiennjio · 8 months
hi! i'm nijiko and i write stuff which you can find on my ao3 @kiennjio or snippets here on my tumblr! i also have twitter/X with the same handle
you're more than welcome to ask me anything about my fics/AUs/analysis here, or request anything
fandoms i'm in: project sekai, jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu, hunter x hunter, boku no hero, one punch man, kuroko no basuke
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migila · 5 years
7 Seeds Week, Day 2!
Theme of the day: Hard Day of Work
Starring: Various characters
Note: I actually had a very different idea for this theme, but then I checked one thing from youtube and realized that the joke wouldn’t work in English... or at least, I didn’t come up with a way how to make it work. But if I do at some point, then I’ll write a one shot about that idea as well.
Day 2: Hard Day of Work
“In all honesty, back in the day I would’ve never imagined my days would be filled with physical labor” Akio confessed as he was fixing a roof with Nijiko and Ran “Thought that I’d be in my office, only having to do anything physically taxing in my hobbies when I wanted to.”
“Didn’t we all” Ran says with a sigh “Now stop your whining.”
“Sure sure”
“Why would you want that?” Nijiko asks, not taking her eyes off of her work “Sitting all day is bad for your health.”
Akio and Ran looked at each other before chuckling, voicing their thoughts as one: “Summer A.”
Nijiko looks up at them, signs of irritation on her face for not getting an answer and the two marking her question as typical Summer A behavior, but she says nothing. Returning to her work, Nijiko knows there’s no point in trying to get answers from the two that they don’t want to give.
“Man, these are heavy” Ryuusei complained as he carried the day’s catch from the beach together with Arashi “I feel like some wrinkled old fisherman from a fishing village.”
“I suppose that’s something the both of us will eventually be” Arashi said with a chuckle “That said, I prefer this over being a farmer inland. Swimming is my thing, so fishing comes naturally.”
“Good for you” Ryuusei said with a sigh “As much as I’d like to say I’d prefer a less physical job, I’m stronger than I’m smart. I’m more useful this way.”
“We each have our place” Arashi said “And honestly, there really isn’t any brainy work out here aside from the position of a doctor. That’d definitely be too much for me.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Work work work, every day work!” Semimaru complained as he chopped up vegetables.
“Didn’t you nominate yourself for a cook’s position?” Botan asked, cutting the meat near the young man. Semimaru huffed, saying: “It’s not like I don’t like to cook, but I don’t like it that it’s pretty much the only thing I can do!” he groaned “When can we have some fun!?”
“We’ll have time for that once everything’s a bit more settled” Botan said. Thinking for a while, she added: “But since everyone’s worked so hard, I suppose we could suggest a day long break for everyone and some fun activities.
“Hell yeah!”
Aramaki smiled as he climbed up a hill together with Gengorou and Tsunomata. Working together with others like this, being useful, made him feel alive. He’d be even gladder if he had a special talent limited only to him, a task only he could handle, but being able to do what was asked of him was good enough. He wouldn’t have to let anyone down.
“Woah!” that was all the warning Aramaki needed, swiftly catching Gengorou as the younger man slipped on the slope right in front of him “Thank you, Aramaki-san.”
“Not a problem” it really wasn’t. Aramaki was just glad whenever he could help, no matter how big or small the task.
“Dinner time, guys!” Matsuri called out from the ship’s kitchen, the cooking duty having fallen on her. She wasn’t too sure about her abilities at first, with cooking always having been Semimaru’s job and all, but she’d gotten the hang of it “Good work today!”
“It’s not like we get anything done out at sea aside from maintaining the ship” Ango said, but added as an afterthought: “But thanks.”
“Hopefully you’re doing your share properly as well” Ryo said, casting a suspicious glance at Matsuri “You haven’t been fooling around, have you?”
“Rude!” Matsuri snapped, puffing her cheeks “I’m doing my work properly!”
“Is that so?” Ryo asked, not entirely convinced. Ango simply ignored them, helping himself to the first serving. If this was their way of relaxing after work, so be it.
If only Matsuri wasn’t so loud.
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keepforward · 5 years
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In my headcanon, Ryou is an aggressive, sort-of clumsy kisser. Being that he received no sexual education (beyond insert part A into part B, make babies), and it's implied that he's only had some experience fooling around with Nijiko, I like to imagine that the most experienced, social-butterfly Matsuri will have much to teach him in this relationship.
Also love how he goes “I’m not tight lipped >:c here, let me smooch you to prove it!”. He might not have shown it, but I also like to think that he was deeply relieved that Matsuri wasn’t turning her back on him (something he was evidently ready to accept, further ostracizing himself for Ango’s sake). Eh-- he might be an asshole, but certainly not a boring one. I need to get around to writing some fanfiction... eventually.
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floppydisk7000 · 6 years
finished my 7 seeds reread, up to the very last chapter (luckily including the side stories, bless the translator lisahey! whoever you are and wherever you are)<3 
(i’m so excited for the anime coming in june! hope it’ll do justice to the series!) read more cos i have a looooooot to say.
overall, wow. what a brilliant story. i cried so much (again, this is about my who knows what number reread, but this is the first time i read it all through like this in a couple of days with everything still fresh in my mind). the poetic yet miraculous weaving of fate throughout the story is always so well put together and is so beautifully done (even if it gets overused a little). her storytelling never fails to bring tears to my eyes.
i’m always awed at how she juggles so many characters’ stories and makes *every* last one intriguing, while keeping characters (mostly) marvelously three dimensional. the wide range of personality types, and how those types deal with things in their own ways, and how they grow...she nails them. the characters really become human to the reader. 
i’d say a problem was hana becoming an almost exhausting, flat character at some point because of how often the story revolved around her. tamura tends to fail when she places a character on a pedestal, and it’s painfully noticeable. despite all that, i do like hana! hana and arashi’s reuniting was me sighing out for them, lol- ahhhh, finally. the scene with them in black hugging on the hill was so cute, and the pages with their expressions changing too.
i really enjoyed the parts where the characters were stuck under sado and conversed through the machinery; tamura did a very good job of making sure we know nothing is black and white when it comes to people, and arashi’s struggle when it comes to ango was obvious in displaying that. i wish we had seen ango and arashi talk a little in the side stories. it was moving to hear how arashi, natsu, and semimaru stuck up for him (my favorite and BEST trio!) while also condemning his actions to help him realize himself.
i LOVE natsu/semimaru. my babies. my cinnamon apples. my adorable awkward couple. and NATSU! i was so proud of natsu, she grows so much! what a girl<3 she was a gem of a character. the GROWTH. i also really liked haru/koruri, the way they met was so cute. ayu and aramaki matched so well too (lol at ayu telling tsunomata he was a second candidate to have kids with)
hotaru and hibari were adorable. i love hibari, lol. her and hotaru’s dynamic reminds me of me and my sister’s. tamura does the family jealousies/feelings great although she hardly touched on them :-( 
maria’s ending and character were so touching. i love how tamura writes the women. all of them are amazing! kurumi, fujiko, chisa, nijiko, etc. all the women are so different and so so strong in their own ways. the giving birth chapter made me cry, oh the wonder that is a mother...
aramaki and ango’s backstory were definitely the ones that hurt my heart the MOST, i never cried so much in my life i swear. tamura was intent on making them suffer honestly...LOL...like their lives hadn’t been bad enough
i can’t say i agree with how ango was dealt with... his whole story is incredibly painful and until the end, i truly think i cried the most over his scenes because they were so heartbreaking. i honestly think it was a mistake on tamura yumi’s part to make one of his actions almost r*ping hana, it came out of nowhere imo. he was power hungry and spiralling into insanity sure, but i feel as if tamura used it as leverage to make hana the flawless, suffering heroine *unnecessarily*, and ango the outcast to the end (which i get that he deserved, understood and grew from, which was good). to me, ango’s sin of killing the innocent izayoi should have been enough without pulling hana into it to become an outcast. did the murder of an innocent soul mean nothing to tamura...
that and especially the romance drama was too much. hana’s crush on aramaki was useless.........yumi wrote aramaki’s reasons well though. haru’s crush on hana, again, useless....oran was set up with krita or whatever for what. ryo and matsuri, again unnecessary and made the characters flat. i believe ryo had the potential to bounce back on his own, he was a very strong character. matsuri was a lovely character, i love her SO much, but tamura just used her crush on ryo to expose her as a character (which is totally fine, but not when another character’s writing suffers because of it) there’s more i can’t think of just shoved in there lol- oh, ban and fujiko, gengoro and akane, chisa and akio (found em cute though). i’m glad it wasn’t expanded on because god tamura it’s not NEEDED
i think the basic problem was that tamura felt she had to use romantic love/an other as something to change a person, which is never the case imo- a person can help you change, but at the end of the day, you are the one who commits to the action of change because you allowed your belief system to change.
chimaki’s backstory came out at the end, so that tamura could make me cry one last time, damn it. tsunomata’s backstory made me cryyyyyy. i wish we saw him be able to thaw the capsule containing his kid...i guess tamura thought releasing 145 babies would be too much to add in hahahah
i love botan: a sentence of its own because i love her THAT much!
there were obviously questionable things in the course of reading, like how are their backpacks, clothes, knives etc lasting out over around 9 months but it’s fine i guess.....................
the artstyle grew on me for sure, it becomes almost charming. i love how she tones her blacks out with whites on the edges, and how she draws tears is particularly charming to me even if it doesn’t make sense hahaha. tones being blurred out to make a white pulsation is a staple in shoujos, but in 7 seeds it’s magical to me lol. she’s very skilled at using her drawings to tell a story. i super love how she draws water/people diving into water with tendrils of bubbles floating around them. 
i have more to say spinning around in my head, but here’s a rough spewing of my thoughts for now~ if anyone wants to talk 7 seeds with me pleaseeee doooo haha
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Watch It Unfold
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A/N: just a tale of three friends having movie night. and disclaimer, i didn’t see the movie mentioned. i’ve only researched it’s iconic scenes.^^
Word Count: 777
TW: only mentions of romance
"Get ready, you guys," Nijiko says, rubbing her hands together. She picks up a Blu-ray disk. "Ta-da! We're going to watch this for movie night!"
Examining a title on the cover, Tegan arches a brow. Okay, um. . . not what she expected from her best friend, to be honest. Maybe an action flick or a musical. Definitely not this.
"Seriously?" Cassie scrunches her nose. "The Proposal? Why do you want to watch this?"
"Because I've been waiting for it to be out on Blu-ray!" Nijiko slips her laptop out of it's case. “C’mon, it’s gonna be fun! A rom-com won’t hurt anyone.”
Tegan shrugs while Cassie stares at the Blu-ray disk with chagrin.
They’re both aware of her slight disbelief towards that genre. Tegan gets it, totally understands. She’s no good at writing scripts that balances both romance and comedy together. Still, she can’t deny she’s been interested in the movie’s premise. Two people pretending to be engaged, just so one of them won't be deported? A little bit up her alley, really.
It's a Saturday night, where they're in Nijiko and Tegan's shared dorm.
So, Nijiko presses the power button on her laptop while setting it on a desk. She plops the disk onto a slot then opens it up. She clicks at the menu, playing the movie.
When it begins rolling, Tegan fills buckets of popcorn for three of them. They sit down on the bed with her between Nijiko and Cassie.
It's been a while since Tegan had an opportunity to hang out with her friends. They've been busy with classes, doing their own thing. It's not as if it's simple to arrange a schedule, where they can spend time together.
Thankfully, they managed to figure it out. Even if it's only for tonight and they might be dealing with college stuff again later.
The movie starts with Margaret asking her secretary, Andrew, to be pretend to be her fiancé. Cue awkward moments, and scenes, where they're probably blurring between what's real and fake. And add in with a delightful grandma, so much hijinks ensue compared to an average rom-com.
It gets three of them to burst into laughter. Even Cassie, who usually doesn't laugh at rom-coms. Tegan's ribs squeeze as her breath wheezes.
They comment on their thoughts regarding on what's going on in a specific scene. And while eating their popcorn. She's so glad it has enough salt and butter on it.
Even a sitcom doesn't make her feel like this.
Before she can stand up for water, she gets a bit preoccupied by what's happening on screen. Margaret's outside talking on her phone while a dog barks. And an eagle suddenly decides to. . . cause problems.
Nijiko gasps in alarm and Cassie's eyes widen.
"This is getting so embarrassing," Nijiko mumbles, squeezing her eyes shut. "Somebody, hold me closer!"
"Did. . . did a damn eagle snatch her phone?" Cassie asks, her voice blank.
Tegan pulls a face. "Okay. . . okay, that's just. . . so weird."
Weird enough for her to want a drink other than water. She still gets her bottle, and continues watching the movie. It's duration's not too long, so they reach to the scene, where both characters confess on how their feelings have turned real. They get together and it finishes.
A light sensation settles over her chest. She claps in response once credits takes over the screen.
Nijiko smacks her hands together. "So, how is it?"
"It's not a bad rom-com," Tegan says, failing to contain her grin. "I guess they're a better straight pairing I've seen in any story. It's sure something, alright."
"I. . . I had fun watching it," Cassie admits. She crunches on pieces of popcorn. "And they're believable together, so I don't have much complaints."
"Really? That's good to hear!" Nijiko laughs with joy while turning her laptop off.
Tegan tilts her head to the side. "Didn't think I'd see you like a rom-com this much, pal."
"Actually, this is a rom-com that's more enjoyable than others for me," Nijiko says, munching on popcorn. "At least, the main pairing gets to know each other while having a mutual animosity. They didn't like each other instantly, they had to warm up before they have feelings."
"Yeah, it's why I like it too," Cassie replies.
"Anyway, we still have more hours to go," Nijiko says, pointing on her watch. "Do any of you have suggestions on what else to watch?"
The three of them proceed checking a stack of Blu-ray cases, searching for it. Being like this with her friends did help her to wind down from hectic stuff.
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mamodcs · 2 years
❤' + nijiko-hons-peji
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I can absolutely appreciate how long you've been here! And how kind you always are! I merely hope we can get to know each other better and that we write more in the future. Hey, I am also down for just having a friend to talk to! Especially when we got the same interest in a series! You are also passionate about it and that makes me super happy! You are a very amazing person! So don't change!
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