#niki lauda x fem!reader
profeyandere · 1 year
𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐈 𝐋. ─── ☾ 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄
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Masterlist || Daniel Brühl Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 2.8k
Pairing: Niki Lauda x Fem!Reader
Warning: Accident mentions, injury mentions, feelings of guilt.
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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Your recovery had been long and tortuous. There were times when you ever wished you had died in that accident, but watching television every day and observing the races you had participated in and in which you should have been, gave you that necessary push to be able to continue to improve day by day, even if there were times when your body was on the verge of collapse, and all it asked of you was a little rest.
With first-degree burns in various areas, including the face and head, with a fracture, almost broken, in one of your legs, and various wounds scattered throughout the front area of your body along with lung poisoning due to smoke, you decided to finish that recovery as soon as possible and continue the championship in which you had signed up. You had very bad days in which you simply couldn't even get out of bed, and you had other, less common days, in which you were completely prepared to continue improving and giving it all to return to racing as soon as possible. At first, it was very difficult, even the doctors doubted that you would survive, but once they verified your fighting spirit, and threatened the occasional professional, they finally decided to get down to work to make you recover as soon as possible and continue what you had left behind while you were in the hospital, and some of your rivals were still in Germany, you found yourself surrounded by love and emotional support, receiving the occasional joke and words of encouragement, but always missing the sarcastic and scathing comments from certain Austrians with whom you had such a good relationship.
Niki Lauda, known for being "The Rat" in F1 and a category jerk, was not the first to offer you his hand as a sign of friendship once you signed up for that world championship, but once he made sure of the potential you had in the races and how hard you worked even if you didn't get to the podium often, he didn't think twice about burying the hatchet with you. It was not very common to see you in the company of the other competitors, but it was a very pleasant surprise to meet Lauda one summer afternoon after one of the races of the 1975 season, both sharing a rather pleasant conversation judging by how that a subtle smile had settled on his face and your cheeks were pink from the laughter that came from you. People whispered about a friendship, maybe even a romance between the two of you judging by the looks you gave each other, but you both knew that this feeling that flourished in you had to remain hidden from the public eye and that it was not necessary to say anything to express what the other felt, you simply intuited it.
When you had that accident and regained consciousness, you expected to see Niki appear at the door of your room at some point, occasionally meeting James, Clay, and your team of technicians and mechanics while they were still in Germany, even though you were visited by some of the competitors you didn't have much of a relationship with, but Niki never went. He never visited you, and that, internally, destroyed you.
Now, that you had finally been discharged from the various operations for skin transplants and lung cleaning, you decided to continue supporting your team from the shadows. You had to take things easy. The grafts should not be exposed to the sun and, if they did, it should be for the shortest time possible you should not make great efforts to avoid hurting your lungs, in addition to taking care of the fracture in your leg so that they did not have to operate on it. Simply put, you had to take care of every little thing you did so you didn't suffer more than you had to.
"I thought you wouldn't come back to run."
That voice, slightly serious but with a joking tone made you smile. You turned your head to be able to see the tall body of the British driver, who welcomed you with the greatest of joys when he found out that you had traveled to Italy to support your team and the partner who would replace you from that moment until the end of the competition.
"And I'm not going to run," you admitted, extending your arms to reach the crutches you needed to walk, "but someone has to supervise a bit that their team is in good shape and in perfect condition to beat you."
James couldn't help but smile even more when he heard your answer, making a slight wince that went unnoticed when he saw you get up from the seat where they had forced you to be so as not to force yourself more than necessary. He was glad to see that you were still the same woman and, somehow, you didn't see the scars you had left from the accident as something to hide, but that you showed them without problems and any shame. He admired your fighting spirit and your way of making others understand that you didn't give a shit about their opinions.
"That is going to be complicated, the rat and I are leading the championship."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes before heading towards the blond, smiling in his direction again, showing him the result of your grafts for the first time. It was true that Hunt had seen your condition shortly after regaining consciousness, finding that your face was swollen and red, there were even parts that he couldn't differentiate, but now you were completely different. Your hair, if it was already short, was now completely flush and with a blackish tone very similar to coal, with areas covered by bandages that you had to change from time to time for cures. Your forehead, eye area, and part of the bridge of your nose had a more orange hue from the grafts, and while the operation didn't make you look as attractive as you did before, they were at least able to save your life and managed to rebuild an area that might have been lost.
"I know I'm beautiful, but you don't have to ogle me," you teased, snapping James out of his thoughts.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to seem rude," he muttered between his teeth, clearing his throat when he realized the mistake he had made by staring at you.
"You didn't seem like it," you denied back, shrugging. "I know I don't look good, James. I'm like a wrinkled walnut, half orange and hairless, but it is what it is, and it is what I have to get used to until everything settles down and improves."
Your tone of voice had dropped. James was able to feel in your words how you were hurt by what had happened, but he also knew that you were doing well, or at least as much as you could.
"Do you want to go for a walk? I have to rescue you from being prostrate in a chair for the rest of your life, and judging by the way your friends look at me, they're not too amused that you're standing up."
You couldn't help but laugh when you heard your friend's words, nodding your head gently before following in his footsteps to take a small tour of the room where your other rivals were.
Something that you liked about James was his spontaneous way of bringing up topics of conversation that were interesting or, failing that, that was funny enough to make you laugh a few times so you could forget about all the bad things in life. You hadn't realized how much you had missed the Brit until that moment.
You appreciated the walk with Hunt. In the background, you were able to hear the roar of various engines, and the talks of the different teams that were competing, and you could feel the fresh and soft wind from Italy blowing over part of your face that had not been affected by the burns. Once again, you felt like one more runner, for small moments you forgot the accident and everything that it entailed, but when you came back to reality, you felt a bucket of icy water fall on you, even more so when you saw the small flag of the Ferrari team just a few meters from you, also remembering the Austrian you hadn't seen in a month.
"And Niki?" You asked, drawing the blonde's attention. He didn't seem to understand what you were referring to. "I know he caused the accident, but nothing happened to him? He was good?"
James opened and closed his mouth, resembling a fish out of water.
"Yes," he said, seeing how you raised both eyebrows when you didn't understand what question he was answering to you. "I mean, nothing happened to him. No injuries, no fractures, or anything like that. The only thing he suffered was his car, and all he did was retire from that race."
"The blow was quite strong, yes," you confirmed, nodding your head gently. "But I know that he tried to help me, as did Harald, Guy, and Arturo. No one suffered from burns?"
"If they had burns, they were slight, nothing too important," he answered. "The rat was very worried about you."
"I guess," you muttered, stopping just a few steps from where Niki was supposed to meet with his team. "Why didn't he come to see me? I understand that we are not thick and thick, but I hoped to see him at some point like you or any of the others."
James' blue eyes settled on you and, with a gentle nod, he invited you into the Ferrari garage, the place you had avoided because of the man inside. You sighed and, with a quick thank you to James, walked slowly towards the entrance of the small space that the Italian team had for the improvement of their cars, then found yourself with a completely absorbed Niki who didn't seem to notice your presence.
Seeing that red jumpsuit full of stamps of the different sponsors that Ferrari advertised made you feel tickled in your stomach. Before, you hadn't paid much attention to how shiny his racing clothes were or how his tousled curls made him look even more attractive, even if his front teeth made many say otherwise; missing someone was never so clear to you until you finally had Niki Lauda before your eyes.
You must have moved instinctively, as the Austrian quickly turned to check that you were there, with him. He was just speechless seeing you, being the first person to have such an effect on him.
Your voice was like a breath of fresh air, and his heart began to pound so fast that he even thought that he might be suffering from a heart attack at that moment. For a moment, he imagined that his mind was doing its thing again, seeing things that weren't there or hearing voices when, in reality, it was an engine; he just couldn't imagine that he had you back, alive, in front of him.
"Hello," he answered back, scanning you.
The small smile that settled on your face caused a frown to appear on his. He didn't know exactly how to feel about your arrival and, although he had avoided meeting you as much as possible, he made sure at that moment that it was a matter of time before the dreaded reunion would take place.
"I know I'm beautiful, but you don't have to stare at me.
That joke of yours, even if you had previously used it on James to get his attention so that he wouldn't look at you too much more than necessary, it did not affect Niki because, in his mind, the only thing he was able to remember was the accident and then felt the weight of guilt fall back on his shoulders. It was as if he were going back to that happy race, remembering the same thing over and over again without getting tired, only to realize that he was to blame for what had happened to you.
It was all his damn fault.
That August morning he was afraid, it was reflected in the meeting with all the runners who were going to participate in the race, but it was his ego and his attempt to show that he was the best and not a coward that caused his mind to cloud over and he just wanted to beat James. He knew he was going too fast, and that the car might be damaged by his attempt to win, but he never expected to crash into the back of your car and set it on fire, thus taking away your chances of winning that championship and almost taking it from your life. It was the latter that weighed on him the most, seeing you engulfed in flames and not being able to save you from a mistake he made. From then on he behaved like a coward, mainly because he couldn't be able to visit you to realize what he had done to you, and now, in front of his eyes and looking not very pretty, he felt even worse than he would have imagined.
Hearing his name come from your lips, it was as if a switch had been thrown in him.
"Why are you here?" He questioned, surprising you by the dark and cold tone of voice that he was using, being the first time that he addressed you in that way. "You have come to blame me too, right? Just like everyone else."
You couldn't help but frown at that accusation.
"What are you talking about?"
Lauda felt insulted.
She had seen it in the eyes of others, and you, of all the people in this world, should know it better than anyone. Everyone had looked at him and pointed to him as the culprit of everything that had happened to you, and they were right, but he didn't need to be reminded all the time what a monster he had been when he involved you in the accident. The interviewers continually asked him about the same topic, your technicians and mechanics kept looking at him sideways, and even some of the runners stayed behind him in the races so as not to suffer the same fate as you; he wasn't stupid, people were afraid of him, and they described him as the worst human being in the world, but he didn't need you to remind him with your presence.
"I know what you're planning, and I'm not going to let you trample me too," he pointed out cheekily, annoyed, taking several steps towards you so that you could hear him better, leaning slightly to be at your height and intimidate you. "I know I was wrong to let anger blind me and keep me from seeing past my nose, but I also don't need you to appear here as Jesus Christ to argue with me. I know I should have listened to you and calmed down. I know I should have thought with my head and not let my ego win. I know I should have slowed down and not sought glory to show Hunt and his friends that he was the best. But I don't need you to come to martyr me any more than I already do to myself."
The harsh words of the Austrian left you frozen, speechless.
Not only you had suffered the consequences of the accident, but Niki as well, and he was not able to mention it to anyone because everyone blamed him, including himself. As he had spoken, his face had taken on a reddish color where anger and sadness had been the main factor in him. His hazel eyes had turned bloodshot, and his shoulders were shaking, trying to hold back from falling apart. He had always shown himself as someone strong who cared little about other people's comments and, in order not to show how hurt he felt, he behaved like an idiot to drive the other person away. You made sure then that you were trying to walk away so as not to suffer more than he already had, even if then it was too selfish to think such a thing after all he had done to you.
With one step of yours, you got your bodies to be a few centimeters from touching, and slowly, you delicately let your forehead rest on his chest. The sudden contact alerted Lauda, who for a second wanted to step back so as not to injure your burns or make you suffer from the grafts that were recovering and molding, but feeling how you seemed to seek his touch more ended up relaxing him and calming the stress he was experiencing. He had subdued for the last month, allowing him to let out all the air he seemed to have been holding since the moment he saw you in his garage.
You knew Niki wasn't one to show affection for physical contact, but seeing him not pull away made you understand that he was fine. From that moment, you would show him that everything would be fine.
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f1yogurt · 2 years
Snapshot in the Fast Lane - Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
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Chapter Summary: It’s race day, and it turns out that the involvement of one James Simon Wallis Hunt acts as a catalyst to kick off the romance between you and Niki.
Chapter Rating: M
Relationships: Niki Lauda x fem! photographer Reader
Chapter Tags: F1 Journalists, Photography, Ferrari being amazing, Luca di Montezemolo, Niki Lauda, James Hunt, James causing chaos, First Kisses, Awkward Romance
Word Count: 3.9k
Chapter Warnings: none
A/N: This update took a bit but it's a longer chapter, so enjoy!
Tags: @cazzyimagines / @rookie-ofthe-year / @laura-naruto-fan1998
Add yourself to my Taglist
Just as you had promised, you showed up five minutes before eleven o'clock at Niki’s trailer. The door was already open, and a few official looking men in Ferrari shirts were already walking inside. You saw Clay lining up too, and you greeted him.
“Hey,” you said, giving him a wave. “I was told to be here at eleven. I guess there’s a meeting happening?” Clay nodded, and he gave you a cordial kiss on both cheeks.
“Yes, Niki told me you would be coming. I don’t think that you should encounter trouble with the other officials, they were all briefed that you would be present. Plus, there are only a few people.” You nodded, glad that you wouldn’t have to explain anything to disrupt their meeting.
The meeting went very smoothly, and you were able to take a few photographs from your position outside of the group circle. The team would have never allowed a journalist to be inside an important strategy meeting like this, but because you only had your cameras instead of a tape recorder, your presence was tolerated.
Luca did most of the talking, but every once in a while either Clay or Niki would say something. You also noticed that Niki would glance at you every once in a while, as if he was ensuring that you were still there and that you were alright.
Soon, Daniele Audetto concluded the team huddle, and everyone was walking outside again to prepare for the race. You waited until most of the men had left, and intentionally held back so that it was just you and Niki alone inside.
You walked over to where he was sitting on the small sofa. He was changing into his racing boots, and you were suddenly struck with how intimate it felt to be alone with him like this. You watched as Niki shrugged on his racing overalls over his fireproof turtleneck, and he looked up at you with a small grin.
“I hope that wasn’t too boring,” he said, zipping up the front of his uniform. “Not many exciting things were happening.” You waved off his words, shaking your head.
“No, it was great. Thank you for inviting me. Especially so close to race time,” you said. Niki nodded, still looking up at you pleasantly, almost as if he was waiting for something.
“Well, good luck in the race,” you told him. “I’ll be cheering for you.” With a quick glance towards the trailer door to ensure that the two of you were alone, you leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was short, and sweet, and it could easily have been brushed off as something between friends if either of you wanted it to be.
However, as you pulled away, Niki didn’t look as if he wanted to brush it off as something only between friends. Instead, he gazed up at you with a very intense yet sincere expression. It looked as if he was eager to accept anything you were willing to give.
Before you could lose your nerve, you leaned down and gently pressed your lips to his, cradling his cheek as you gave him the kind of kiss you had been waiting ages for. Niki surprised you by kissing back with just as much desire, and even though it was relatively tame, you could just sense the buzz of passion underneath.
When you drew back this time, you were pleased to see that Niki looked just as flustered as you felt. You knew the flush in your cheeks probably matched his own, and you could practically feel your heart beating out of your chest. Damn. After a moment of silence, he spoke up.
“I should invite you to more meetings, if that means all of them can end like this,” Niki teased, and you laughed away some of your nerves.
“I can’t make any promises, but if we see each other alone, there may be more of this,” you said, chuckling. You suddenly heard loud voices, and you realized again that the trailer door was still open. You had to get going, and so did Niki, or else there would definitely be gossip about you two based on how long you had spent in his trailer.
“Sorry for holding you up. I have to get back to the paddock anyways, and you probably need to as well,” you said, stepping away. Niki rose and caught your arm before you could leave.
“Wait,” he called, causing you to turn. The Austrian walked over to you, and he gave you a kiss on the cheek, mirroring the one you had given him earlier. He grinned, looking happier than you had ever seen him. Which was unique, especially for Niki.
“I will see you soon,” he said, smiling at you and displaying his adorable overbite. You nodded and grinned, watching as he shifted on his feet. You stepped down out of the trailer, and you looked back to find him still watching you from inside, leaning against the doorframe with his hands stuffed in his pockets. You barely stopped yourself from waving, suddenly aware of the presence of other media and cameras that were scattered about the paddock.
Your mind was racing as you started down the line of garages towards where you saw Emerson Fittipaldi chatting with a few other drivers. A romance with a Formula 1 driver wasn’t the most intelligent decision in the world, with all of the publicity and gossip that would likely follow, but it wasn’t impossible. You decided that whatever it was that you and Niki were going to embark on, you would just need to be honest with him about what you wanted. No bullshit. Not with the media around the two of you.
As you drew near Fittipaldi’s garage, you greeted some of the Brazilian journalists who were scattered around. Already, there were a few cameras pointed in the dashing Brazilian’s face. Emmo was handling all of the attention like a pro, grinning his wide smile and jovially answering interview questions. Well, it was time for you to get to work.
As you had promised, you positioned yourself in the Ferrari garage for most of the race. Niki was on pole, with James in second and Clay starting in third, and there was no way you were going to miss this battle.
Fortunately, the light was shining on the Italian team today, and three quarters of the way into the race, you began to experience some of the incredibly passionate emotions from the Ferrari team. The mechanics would cheer every time Niki passed the pits, and you could only wait in apprehension, hoping that he was able to hold his lead.
With three laps to go, you pulled out your camera again, because Hunt had dropped back in the positions, which meant that Clay was now second, just trailing Lauda. Luca started to go crazy in the garage, and you laughed in excitement as you watched him dash around, mumbling to himself anxiously in Italian. You knew Luca was one of Niki’s good friends, as well as his manager, and watching the man get so excited each time Niki drove by was absolutely thrilling.
Finally, the drivers were on their last lap, and you ran out with the Ferrari team to crowd the pit wall. Luca, ecstatic and insane as always, actually ran out on the track along with a few other Ferrari mechanics and waved his arms in delight as Niki approached the finish line. Your camera shutter was flying as you watched the checkered flag drop, Niki in first and Clay trailing him to finish in a close second.
You could have sworn Luca jumped ten feet in the air as Niki’s car zoomed past, and you had no doubt that he would be congratulating the Ferrari boys ecstatically after the race. After you had taken a few shots of the Ferrari mechanics celebrating, you hurried off to the podium.
With a Ferrari 1-2, the Italian fans were ecstatic. Your own emotions for Niki were running wild, but you had to smother them for the time being as you tried to shove your way through the Tifosi mob who had raided the track. The Italians flooded to the podium stage, eager to fight for a spot close to the front so that they could celebrate their heroes.
You were barely able to jockey your way past a few other photographers towards the front of the media area which offered a prime view of the podium stage. After waiting for the drivers to do their parade lap, you finally were able to see them climb onto the podium and accept their trophies and champagne.
You couldn’t keep the grin of elation off of your face as you watched the drivers stand for their national anthems, with Niki at the top. After the music had finished, the champagne battle was fairly tame, with Clay and Jody Scheckter doing most of the spraying. Niki turned his own bottle towards the fans, and he sprayed the bubbly drink outwards at the hundreds of people, who cheered wildly in delight.
You managed to capture several photos of Niki pouring the golden liquid out over the Tifosi, and plenty of pictures of Clay and Jody spraying each other. Clay did a sneak attack on Niki and funneled a good amount of champagne at the Austrian’s back, which made Niki turn around and spray him in revenge. You couldn’t contain your laughter at Niki’s mischievous expression, and you decided that you would process that photo and keep it just to show to him the next time you saw each other.
Soon, you were ready to reload the film in your camera, and you figured that the highlights of the day were fizzling out. You watched as a few of the television commentators climbed on the podium to interview the drivers. Sure enough, you saw Heinz walking around with the Austrian television crew, ready to interview Niki. Well, you would get back to the pits and look for any drivers who had stuck around after the race. You started walking back, and you heard a familiar voice.
“Bloody incredible race, don’t you think?” You turned and were pleased to see Henry walking up beside you, along with another journalist who was jotting down a few notes on a notepad. You grinned and nodded, glad to see him.
“Yep, and what did I say about a Ferrari win?” you teased, winking at him. “I was right.” Henry rolled his eyes and nodded.
“I daresay you have a talent for predicting these things,” he said, looking at the cameras you had strapped over your shoulder. “Did you get some good photos? Including the one of Emerson that I requested?” You nodded. Even with all of the Ferrari excitement, you hadn’t forgotten about your friend’s request.
“Yes, I got it,” you said, brandishing your camera. “I’ll process the film in the next few days, and I’ll call your editor later to chat more about the pricing.” Suddenly, your conversation was interrupted as you heard someone calling your name.
“Lads, it’s about time I caught up with you!” The three of you turned to find a breathless James Hunt jogging out of the McLaren garage and towards you. Henry grinned.
“James, what are you up to now?” Sutton asked, raising an eyebrow. “Is it something with girls?” When James looked directly at you, you gave him a suspicious glare.
“James, may I remind you that I am not doing a photoshoot of you with a woman for Playboy magazine, no matter how many times you request it,” you told him, only half joking. You loved the bastard, but he was always up to something. James waved off your comment and instead gestured for you to follow him.
“No no, nothing of that sort, I promise,” he said, reaching out a hand for you. “But I do need someone to witness an elaborate scheme that I have developed, and I think you would enjoy it the most.” You rolled your eyes and apologized to the other two journalists before you followed James through the paddock.
“Alright, Hunt, you better tell me what’s going on,” you said as soon as you were out of earshot of the other men. “Shouldn’t you be celebrating your fourth place finish right now?” You noticed that James had turned away from the garages and was now heading towards the trailer area.
“Yes, in a few moments I will go console myself with a few lonely women and probably have far too many drinks in the process,” James said, making a beeline for Niki’s trailer. “But for now, I need to give Rattie a proper congratulations.”
You had no idea what that meant, but it was a bit late to back out now, and there was no way you would miss James pulling a prank or whatever he intended on Niki. You suddenly remembered the kiss that you and the Austrian had shared earlier, and you fell silent. James noticed.
“Niki talked about you yesterday,” Hunt said, and you almost tripped over your feet in surprise. Dammit.
“He did?” you asked, unsure where this was going. James nodded, grinning at you.
“Somehow you’ve managed to work your way into that complex brain of his,” Hunt said, pushing his long golden hair out of his eyes while the two of you continued to trek through the grass. “I daresay you’ve managed to distract him. But clearly, not enough, because he won today. And that is absolutely unacceptable from my point of view. More distraction is needed, I think.” You rolled your eyes at his teasing, but on the inside, you were glad to know that Niki was thinking about you.
“To be honest, I have no idea how the two of you haven’t just…gone at it yet, if you know what I mean,” James said, giving you a devilish smirk as he made a crude and more than suggestive hand gesture. You shoved him playfully, feeling your face burn as James laughed.
“James, not all relationships work like that. I don’t exactly move at Mach 10,” you scolded him, but your heart raced at even the suggestion. James just shrugged innocently.
“Well, from the way I see things, I would barely know that the two of you were interested in each other at all! I mean, all you do is stare at each other longingly in the pits without saying a word.” James stopped as you finally arrived at Niki’s trailer. A red scooter was parked outside, and you figured that Niki had used it to make it back here much quicker than the two of you did after the podium.
“But fortunately, that’s why I’m here. To break the ice and move things along.” Without knocking, James opened the door to his friend’s trailer and stepped inside, gesturing for you to follow. James didn’t announce his presence, and you remained quiet as you looked around for Niki. He didn’t seem to be in the main area of the trailer, so you glanced at James in confusion.
Your curiosity was answered a moment later when the side door to the restroom opened and Niki walked out. Your jaw dropped as you saw him, and you suddenly knew the reason James had dragged you in here without an announcement.
Niki was only half dressed, shirtless with his racing overalls bunched at his waist. He was in the middle of toweling off his hair, which was damp from champagne. After a few seconds of you unabashedly staring at the Austrian’s lean form, Niki finally saw the two of you standing there in the middle of his trailer.
He jumped and let out a yelp of surprise, immediately using the towel as a shield in front of him. Any apologies that you were going to make died in your throat. Taking him by surprise like this wasn’t exactly how you wanted to make a good impression.
“Scheisse! James!” Niki said, immediately glaring at his friend after he recovered from his initial shock. You looked away in panic and tried to back up, but James had strategically placed himself between you and the door. He was pretending to look innocent and casual, as if he had nothing to do with this.
“Oh no, look at that. Sorry for bursting in here unannounced, Niki, I had no idea you would be undressed,” James said, not sounding the least bit apologetic. You finally managed to elbow your way past James, and the Englishman opened the trailer door for you as you stepped out.
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle this, love,” he said, giving you a wink.
“James, you absolute fu–,” Hunt closed the door, cutting off whatever Niki had been about to say. You let out a shaky sigh. What had just happened? You paced back and forth on the grass, listening to the muffled shouts and arguing from inside the trailer.
Honestly never knew what to expect when you were around James Hunt, but you supposed you had him to thank for giving you that surprising sight of Niki. Why did the Austrian have to look so good, especially when he was sweaty and soaked in champagne? Part of you ached to see more of him, but the other part was afraid he would be angry after what had just happened.
After a few minutes, the trailer door opened again and James peeked his head out, a sheepish smile on his face.
“Ah, you can come in now,” he said softly, stepping aside to let you through the door. Tentatively, you walked inside again, still unsure of what you would see. You were slightly relieved, if a bit disappointed, to find Niki fully clothed in his usual outfit of sweater and jeans.
Niki still looked angry, and he stood with his arms crossed, glaring accusingly at James. Fortunately, it was obvious that none of his rage was directed towards you. You could practically feel the tension between the two friends, and you cautiously took a seat on the sofa, watching them as they looked at each other.
“Apologize, to her, James,” Niki said, jerking his head slightly at you. Hunt sighed and raised his hands, looking truly apologetic this time.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought you in here this way. I knew he would be changing when we came in here,” he said. “Any anger Niki has should be directed at me. Anyways, I’ll make myself scarce after this.” James’s words were short but sincere, and you nodded at him, acknowledging his apology. Honestly, you weren’t that offended by his actions, but you knew Niki had to be a bit embarrassed at being surprised like that.
“Thank you,” you said, giving James a smile that told him you were alright. Niki remained silent, still glaring at James. Hunt must have decided that it was time to leave, and he stepped towards the door.
“Well, you two have a lovely evening,” he said, hopping out of the trailer. “See you later, Niki.” You watched as James clicked the door shut, and you saw him saunter away through the window. Niki was still glaring at the door, his arms folded. Well that wouldn’t do.
“Niki, it’s alright, I promise,” you said, standing up next to him. You placed a hand on his shoulders, and you could feel the tension in his muscles. It was endearing to see how he was ready to defend you, and to make his best friend apologize for putting you both in an embarrassing situation.
“Niki, please, I’m not too bothered by it. James was being stupid,” you reassured him again. You placed your hands on his crossed arms, and you gently coaxed them open so that you could step closer. You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him, pressing your cheek against his. It felt so good to be so close to him like this, and you immediately knew that you would have to hug him more often. Niki surprised you by embracing you back, and he let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry he’s such an idiot,” the Austrian said softly, his hands making awkward but soothing motions against your back. You chuckled.
“As I said, I wasn’t too bothered,” you told him, letting one of your hands drift up to the nape of his neck so that your fingers could play with his curly brown hair. “I’m sorry we surprised you. But honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing you shirtless more often.” You grinned as you heard Niki suck in a breath, and you pulled back to gaze at him.
“Really?” he asked, and somehow he managed to look innocent and cocky at the same time. His charm made you laugh.
“Yes, really,” you joked, and you grinned as he leaned forward to give you a playful kiss. His hands drifted down to cup your ass, and your fingers drifted through his hair, scratching gently along his scalp as he kissed you. He smelled like sweat, champagne, and petrol, plus something else that was just so uniquely…Niki.
Your embrace turned heated, but before you could lose your head, you regretfully pulled away. Niki chased your lips for a moment before he let go of you, looking adorably confused. You felt bad for cutting this short, but also, you needed to get back to the hotel. You still had to get your photos processed before tomorrow, and you couldn’t spend all night with him in his trailer.
“I’m sorry, Niki,” you said, giving him an apologetic smile. “I have to get back. A few editors are expecting photos by tomorrow, and I promised I would have them ready. I need to send them in to be processed tonight, which means I can’t stay.” You watched Niki’s face fall at the thought of you leaving, but then he quickly masked his disappointment.
“Ok. You do what you need to,” he said, giving you a nod. With anyone else, you would have thought he was insulted, but Niki’s direct words were simply honest.
“Thank you for understanding. And go celebrate your win tonight,” you said, giving him a playful pat on the jaw. Niki cracked a grin, and he looked at you proudly.
“You know I don’t party,” he said, watching as you gathered your things. You just leveled him with a knowing look.
“Right,” you said teasingly. “But I also know that you can enjoy a whiskey and coke as good as the rest of them. Plus, I’m sure James would like to see you there. I think he’d like to make up for this afternoon somehow.” You watched Niki contemplate the idea before giving a reluctant nod.
“Fine. I will go because you want me to,” he said, walking with you out of the trailer. You laughed.
“Alright. I’ll be thinking about you,” you told him. Niki grinned and looked down shyly at his feet, kicking distractedly at the dirt.
“You too,” he said, and you smiled.
“I’ll see you next Friday at practice. Then you can tell me all about it.”
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
kinktober day 4 — innocence kink
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kink — innocence kink     pairing —dark!niki lauda x fem!reader   warnings — DARK FIC WITH SMUT; MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLEASE,  smut, dark!niki lauda, blowjob, degradation, forced blowjob?? degradation, innocence kink, that’s all i think?? word count — 1,446 words
masterlist | kinktober masterlist
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“Oy! What are you doing here?”
She froze as she carried the car designs and alterations her father asked her to bring over, seeing as he rushed over to his doctor’s appointment, the important blueprints escaping his mind and hold. And like the obedient daughter that she was, she complied with her father’s orders.
Turning around, she was faced with the infamous Austrian driver who was currently bringing victory and pride over at Ferrari. Though with the way her father talked about his brass and blunt attitude made celebrating Niki Lauda a bit more unexcitable.
Her bottom lip shivered in surprise and hesitant with how to explain that she was not a thief or something along those lines. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Niki walked towards her and grabbed one of the rolled up blueprints in her arms, his eyes bulging in surprise upon seeing she had one of the draft blueprints for the new adjustments in his car; his eyes snapped back to her with venom as the worst possible scenario came into his mind, “Are you trying to steal our plans to give it to that bastard Hunt?”
Tears immediately threatened to spill from her eyes as she shook her head vigorously, the several other blueprints on the floor as she frantically waved her hands around to convince him that wasn’t the case, “No! I won’t be giving them to Hunt! I don’t even know him,” A bright idea came into mind as she fished for her wallet, nervously sliding her driver’s license off from the sleeve and handing it to the decorated driver, “I’m the daughter of F/N. He’s at the doctor’s right now and was supposed to head right into work afterwards, but he realized he forgot the blueprints at home  so he asked me to bring them here.”
Taking the identification card from her, he looked at the full name  and picture first before taking her in, his gaze softening, “Well why didn’t you say so early on?” She shrugged her shoulders as she bent down to pick up the fallen blueprints; Niki’s eyes drifted further into her id as he looked at the other information presented there, “So you just turned nineteen?”
Standing back up once she has gotten all of the blueprints and nodded at the racer, “Yeah, this past weekend.” With that information in mind, he took a good look at her and bit his lip, “How about a tour of the garage then? My birthday gift to you.”
Her eyes gleamed up at the sound of that, nodding her head excitedly. Niki took some of the blueprints from her hands, this gave her the opportunity to wipe her eyes off the few tears that were let out. Hastily placing the important documents on the table, Niki’s calloused hand rested on her lower back as he guided her throughout the garage.
Showing her the current car they were working on, the different tools and equipment they use in order to work on the vehicle, as well as the little nook they transformed into their eating area — but on the long nights that were hard on the whole team, it also became their drinking spot.
“And this is my private office,” Niki opened the door for her but ushered for her to get in first so he had the chance to display the little “Do Not Disturb” sign he had against the wooden door that he often used for when he had important meetings with the brass.
“What would you need an office for if all you do is drive?”
So innocent, he thought as he smirked and rubbed his thumb on her cheek lovingly, “Well, my swan, when I need to meet with important people, I need a private room for that, don’t you think?”
Feeling suddenly ashamed of her earlier question, she just turned away and took in the minimal appliance and furniture he had in the office. “Do you have an important meeting you need to go to, Mr. Lauda?”
“You can call me Niki, my swan,” His one hand grabbed onto her smaller hand and presses a kiss  on the back of her palm as he sat down on his leather chair, smirking at her once again as the lower height he was in gave him the perfect view of how beautiful her legs are, “And you know what? I do have an important phone call in a couple of minutes.” He raised the little post it note that contained the information about the said phone call.
Nervously glancing at the door, she then asked, “Do you want to leave me for the time being, Niki?” Her sweet-tempered eyes widened in shock when he shook his head no, his dirty blonde curls moving along — making him look even more handsome than he already is.
“How about you keep me company, little swan?”
Nodding eagerly at that, she then headed towards the couch but was pulled back by her hand, “But you’d have to kneel on the floor in front of me.” She nodded as she followed his instructions without hesitation.
While doing so Niki unbuckled his jeans and fished for his cock out from his underwear; once his cock was out, Y/N was on her knees as she was levelled directly with his cock, “To help me out with this meeting, I’m gonna need you to suck on my cock like a lollipop, okay?”
And like the obedient swan that she was, she leaned forward and sucked slowly on the tip of his cock as she slowly placed her hands on his thighs to hold on to as she slowly moved her head lower, taking him deeper.
“Such a natural at sucking cock aren’t you?” He teased as he brushed her cheek that was bulging due to how thick he was, “My innocent swan, following the big bad wolf and obeying my orders.” His remark sounded like music to her ears, hearing it as praise and not as a degrading observation.
Niki lifted the phone, pressing it against his ear, “Fuck, you took it halfway with no difficulty, little swan,” He breathily let out. Lucky that after saying those words, the investor on the other end of the phone call began their monologue which consisted mainly of information about the budget and other important details.
Every now and then however, Niki would have to remove the phone and cover the speaker with one hand as he threw his head back, pushing her take all of him as he places his free hand at the back of her head, “Fuck, little swan! You and your pure mouth have me so close.”
Curious eyes look up at him, wondering what that meant. “Niki? Are you still there?” Niki then returns his attention back to the call — as best as he can, anyways — while he smiles down at her, taking it as a hint that she was doing well and the words he said were compliments.
Niki talked on the phone as if he wasn’t getting his dick sucked beautifully by his swan; with shallow pants, he brought her head all the way until her nose was pressed against the skin that was slightly exposed when he moved his underwear down, “Take all of me in your sweet, innocuous mouth,” He ordered sternly, as he promptly ended the phone call and haphazardly slammed the phone as he continued to thrust his hips against her awaiting mouth.
Her hands were now lightly tapping his thighs, telling him that his throbbing cock matched with his thrusts were now too much for her. “Take all of me, my little swan,” He demanded her as he shoved his cock in her, feeling his cock twitch, “Be a good swan and drink up all my cum alright, baby?”
Despite the tears that were partially clouding her vision, she nodded and her eyes widened upon feeling his warm cum spill in her mouth. Being known to not do a sloppy job, Niki kept his cock in her mouth until he was sure that his cum would remain on her mouth, “Don’t let a single drop come out of your mouth okay, swan?”
She nods, opening her mouth to show that she took all of him — pleasing the driver when she did so with a smile. His thumb rubbed the outline of lips, “Now swallow it all down, little swan.”
The cum felt salty, yet with just the right amount of sweet, went down her throat and she smiled at him once again, “Did I do well, Niki?”
Smirking darkly as he leaned forward, he tilted her chin as promised her, “Oh my swan, you did so well that I’ve decided I’m going to completely ruin you and your innocence.”
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scuttle-buttle · 2 years
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WC: 1232
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: mentions of kidnapping, descriptions of injuries, mild angst, flufffffffff
A/N: I live for the parallels okay i've been plotting it since like chapter 3 (which may or may not have been 8 months ago oof). Thank you all for sticking with this story, I know it took me forever to finish it but life got in the way and I had such writer's block. Many blessings to you and to our favorite sassy Austrian man ❤
You shuffle quietly into the gallery. There weren’t many people around, it being a Monday morning and all. The weather was so nice that the tourists were out and about today instead of inside. Tomorrow they would flock here when the weather was grey and gloomy. But for now you enjoyed the peace. You enjoyed the quiet.
The serenity of the near-empty Uffizi puts you at ease. So much had gone on during the last month of your life - from going undercover, to being kidnapped, to the few weeks you spent recovering in the hospital. It wasn’t all that bad. Sure, you ached still. Yellowing bruises littered your skin, some worse than others. The few spots where you’d needed stitches were healing well. Your ribs were already feeling much better and you needed less of the pain medication they prescribed you. Looking in the mirror was a foreign sensation to you, having the mottled colors peak through and swollen spots distort your features. You avoided it where you could. Being alone in the gallery meant less stares; you could enjoy the art without people asking why you looked like you were hit by a train. 
Footsteps echo through the high-ceilinged chamber. She watches as you approach; her gaze as piercing and intimate as ever. You wonder if she truly is embodying her delicate femininity, her innocence, from her pose. Or if she embraces the passion, the fire, within her own fingers’ embrace. The painting makes you ponder if everything was worth it. If all the pain and fear you experienced in catching Lombardi was worth it. All for a collection of brushstrokes. 
You meet her eyes again. Maybe they hold the answer to your question? Maybe they hold the answer to life itself. Venus stares back unblinking. 
It was. It was worth it.
A quiet set of footsteps come from behind. They stop. It’s silent again. 
You don’t turn around. You know who it is already, the gait that’s become so familiar to you. A minute passes by. You shift your weight from your left to your right. “How did you know where to find me?” Despite how softly you ask, your voice bounces around the gallery. 
“I know you.” His answer is too easy. You hum. “I heard from Garnier this morning, he said you were discharged to the hotel. I only came to say goodbye. When I knocked you didn’t answer. I figured …where else would you go? So, I realized you get out of the hospital and the first place you go is here - to see Venus.” He shrugs out of the corner of your vision. Niki knew it was against your wishes for him to find you, but above all else he desperately needed to hear from your own lips that you were alright, otherwise he would never find peace. 
Your eyes remain locked to hers. “Am I that obvious?”
“No. I just hoped I was right.” You can hear the smile in his voice. Finally you turn to look at him. 
The first few days in the hospital you were barely conscious. Doctors wanted you to rest and gather your strength, so you were heavily sedated. Few memories remain from it. The only constant you can remember is the soft, sweet smell of fresh cut flowers every day. You knew it had to be Niki. 
You refused visitors. Only the doctors, nurses, and once Garnier, were given permission to visit while you recovered. 
As much as you wanted to see Niki you couldn’t. You were a reminder of your own screw up - of his too. Seeing you in pain and bruised and bloody would no doubt make everything worse. He didn’t need to carry that weight; it was your own fault. You had insisted on going out. And you had willingly gone with Lombardi. There was no reason to remind Niki of that. So no visitors. 
That didn’t stop Niki from coming though. Every day he came and waited. You knew he was there, too. Sometimes nurses would come by and speak of him, their expressions pitying for the poor man in the waiting room. Whether it was the cracks in your ribs or keeping the man outside your door that hurt your chest worse, you weren’t sure.
The stay in the hospital gave you time to think. Think about your life, what you wanted, where you could go and the things you could do. You had your father’s inheritance - the sky's the limit. Perhaps you would travel more, see the sites and visit different cultures around the world. Expand your knowledge of art to include more than just what you saw here in a stuffy museum. Anything you wanted; you would live life by your own rules. Damn what anyone else thinks. 
Here and now, standing in the little gallery, you hold Niki’s gaze. You must be a sight to see. Bruises and cuts and bags under your eyes still. You’re so far from your usual put-together self. And yet Niki doesn’t look at you with pity or disgust. He never even flinches. He looks at you like he always does, like you hung the stars. Like you're Venus.
“Where will you go?”
“I don’t know. Wherever I want, I think. I may try to see the sights beyond just this,” you gesture up to the painting before you. "There's no rules I have to follow. I can be who I want and where I want."
He steps closer to stand directly next to you. His finger brushes against yours. “She is beautiful,” he admits, “I don’t think I said last time.” Niki peers around the empty room. “But….” he licks his mismatched lips once. You turn to face him fully as he looks at you. “I think you are more beautiful than any of the paintings in here. All the time, even now. Especially now.” His accent is thick and his expression earnest as he tells you. 
“Niki,” you sigh, your eyes closing and you bite your cheek to stifle a grin. When they open again his dark eyes are still on you. 
“I had to tell you in case... I don’t see you again. You are the most beautiful thing here." He brings his hand up to rub at his jaw. "The most beautiful thing that I’ve ever known in my life, really. Gott, du bist so schön.” Niki gives a light chuckle at his admission.
Your heart races in your chest at his words. At how much you’ll feel alone and empty if you leave him. At how much you truly have come to love this uptight, curly haired and buck toothed man. At how much you never want to be without him. 
At how after everything, and if you wanted to, you could stay.
"Niki?" You lean into him, your eyes flickering from his own to his lips. He gets the hint. His mouth meets yours in a whisper of a kiss, the press so delicate, so careful of the bruises that are healing as he cups your cheek. 
And just like that it clicks. 
You want to stay. 
Niki breaks away first. He licks his lips. “I wanted to ask...” he continues after a beat. His words sit heavy in the air between you, something of great importance in his mind. 
“Would you like to get a cup of coffee?”
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @mymagicsuitcase @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @whatawildone @metalbreakfast @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @marchingicenotes7 @mysticalexpertdaze
@loliissmut @fandom-princess-forevermore @lorna-d-m @zemosimp05 @hungrhay 
@everythingbeginsineternity-blog @danielbruhlswife @i-am-dead-inside-666 @libsybum @linkpk88 @hardlyinteresting @xourownsidee  
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adaodinson · 3 years
Thank you
I got the inspiration for this since I watched Rush again (one of my favorite movies). I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it :)
And well my obsession on Daniel Brühl makes no sign on leaving any time soon, so I’m putting that to good use.
Summary: Niki notices his new neighbor the second she moves in next to him, will you notice him?
Warnings: swearing, assholes and Niki being a little shit that knows what he’s doing.
Relationship: Niki Lauda x fem!reader.
You sighed as you carried the last box into your new house. You had started taking everything inside with a rather positive energy, but after four hours you were exhausted. Everything was now inside, but as you closed the door and turned to look at your small living room, the sight made you want to cry. Sure, everything was inside, but it was still packed up.
-You know what- you talked to the air- I´ll do that tomorrow, I´m gonna treat myself cause this was fucking exhausting-.
You walked towards your new kitchen. Of course, the only things that were unpacked were your writing tools and cooking tools. As you walked around the counter a sudden feeling of tired happiness filled you. You had finally found a job you adored, and at the need, you didn´t hesitate in moving out from your country into this new, small place. It was perfect for a person or two; or as your case happened to be, one person and two cats. You were starting, doing what you loved, and you knew it was going to be tough, but you weren´t expecting anything else.
Almost automatically, you started settling all the ingredients for spaghetti bolognesa on the counter, and since you knew the recipe by heart, the only thing you used your phone for was to play your favorite music. As you danced and sang around, you moved gracefully, working with the stove, chopping what was needed and mixing expertly. You had always loved cooking, and you were pretty good at it, if you said it yourself. But you never saw it as a career. Your thing was writing.
As you waited for the pasta to cook and the sauce to simmer, you looked outside the window when a sudden light in the next-door house was turned on. It was pretty close, so you had a good sight of the inside. It looked cozy, but it seemed whoever lived there didn´t spend most of their time inside. Curiously, you waited to see if you could get a glimpse of the person, but after a few minutes passed, you gave up and went back to the kitchen.
Niki was just arriving to his house. He was, as usual, exhausted. All he wanted was to finish the phone calls he needed to do and go to bed, but an amazing smell that he immediately recognized as bolognesa caught his every action. He headed for the window, and that was when he saw you. You were wearing a pair of dark blue pants and a purple hoodie, and even though your mother would have said you looked like a homeless person, Niki thought you were insanely cute. Of course he always kept that kind of thoughts to himself, but he couldn´t help but staring as you danced around the kitchen, checking on the pasta and mixing up the sauce. He could get a rather low volume of your so inspired singing, but what he managed to hear was beautiful.
-Huh, she´s pretty, dances, cooks, and sings… what a sight I get from here- He said to himself, allowing his mind to take you in and think of you, not only in a bit of a sexy way, but in a cute one as well.
From that day on Niki caught glimpses of you many times, doing different things. He learnt so much about you, but at the same time, he knew nothing. It was obvious you had two cats, and that they loved you as much as you loved them. His heart had ached the first time he saw you laying on your small garden, with your back facing up, and with both of your cats cuddled on top of your back as you slept. For those moments, he allowed himself to feel, knowing it wouldn´t lead anywhere. But it was only for those few minutes that he saw you that he let his mind find somebody so cute and not try to find something wrong with them. He never expected people to know who he was, but he thought someone like you wouldn’t have gone unnoticed at the races, not just by him, but by the other drivers as well, so he knew you probably didn´t know him for his career.
You had seen your new neighbor a few times, and God wasn´t he attractive. You swore you had seen him somewhere, but couldn´t quite place your finger on where. You knew nothing about the guy, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to stop making fake scenarios in your head; ones in which he would look at you for the first time and fall for you, but you knew it was normal to fantasize that way. The day you finally talked to him though, was a... weird one, to say the least.
You had bought a new couch but forgot to specify in the delivery form that you needed help taking it inside, so when you saw the huge furniture, you felt like screaming.
Niki was arriving from a morning of work with Clay. It was one of those rare days in which he got an afternoon for himself. After parking his car, he walked towards his house, and as he reached for his keys he stepped on something and fell on his ass with a hard smack.
-OUCH- he whined as he tried getting up. The second you felt something hit your foot you knew something was going to go wrong, and when you turned to see your cute neighbor (that happened to have an Austrian accent) on the ground with an angry face, your fear came real.
-What the hell was… watch out next ti…-He yelled but couldn´t finish. The second he saw you on your knees holding the wrap around the couch, he realized he had stumbled with your foot, and his angry face immediately changed into a soft one.
-I´m sorry, is your foot okay?- He asked, feeling stupid at the second the words left his mouth. You looked at him with a confused and embarrassed look.
-What? No, don´t you apologize, I´m sorry, I should have been more careful as to where I was sitting. Please don´t apologize, are you okay?- You said as you stood up and offered your hand to help him get up.
-Yeah, I´m fine, do you need help with that?- Niki knew there were first times for everything, but he cringed at the words that were coming out of him, they seemed to make you happy though, so it didn´t bother him for that long. He wasn´t always an asshole, but he definitely wasn´t used to being nice either. Around you it seemed to come out automatically, and he hated it but loved the way it made you smile. He had so many mixed feelings that he was actually feeling nervous. What the hell is wrong with me, he thought.
-Oh yes please! If it´s not too much trouble, I´ve been trying to take this inside for 40 minutes and well, you can see how good that´s going- He chuckled softly and you felt your heart skip a beat at the sound.
Without another word, he headed for one side of the couch as you grabbed the other one, but before you could lift it, about three people with shirts that spelled “James Hunt” interrupted.
-Hey rat face- a tall, dark haired man said as the other two behind him laughed- hey cutie, is the asshole bothering you?- He said looking at you. Who the hell does this idiot think he is?
Niki´s face was serious, just serious. He didn´t even look at the guy, almost as if he was used to that type of thing happening, and he made no sign to want to do anything about it. It impressed you how it seemed like he genuinely didn´t care about this guy, but you weren´t taking any of it, so before any of the idiots said anything else, you spoke.
-No, actually, the ugly assholes bothering are you three shitheads, so if you could walk on and leave us alone, I would mostly appreciate it- You said with a harsh tone and a serious grin. Niki dramatically turned his face with a shocked and amused expression towards you. The three guys didn´t seem to have any clever response, but their heads were too filled with ego to actually leave.
-Hey, you heard her! Go away assholes!- Niki finally said. They walked looking at each other. They clearly weren´t expecting any of you to talk back.
-Thank you- Niki said with an almost inaudible tone.
-Don´t thank me- you said with a smile- the idiots only wish they were as handsome as you are...- That last part came out without you wanting it to. You immediately covered your mouth with your hand and tried to ignore the surprised but hugely amused grin on Niki´s face.
-I´m sorry, I´m sorry, I didn´t mean to say that I…-
-Do you really think that?- You would have liked to say he was genuinely asking, maybe he was, but now it was pretty clear he was teasing you because of the stupid smirk that covered his face.
-Maybe…- You said as you looked to the floor.
-I´m Niki- He said as he took his hand from the couch and placed it for you to shake. That smirk was still plastered in his face.
-I´m Y/N…- You said hesitantly as you shook his hand, not looking at his face.
-You´re beautiful, you know?- Niki stated with a proud tone. Oh he knows what he´s doing.
You weren´t even able to answer, your face was redder than the apples that were hanging from the tree in front of your house, and as much as you wanted to, you couldn´t come up with any way of teasing him back.
-So, let´s take this inside- He said as he lifted the couch. You only nodded and followed. Niki was dying. He found it so insanely cute and amazing how just a few seconds ago you were being a badass against the assholes that bothered him, but when he complemented you, you couldn´t even bring yourself to answer.
You had no stairs, but it was a relatively long trip, so you really appreciated his help. As you settled the couch on it´s place, both of you fell dramatically into it and sighed at the effort.
-Let me make dinner for you, as a thank you- You said shyly but with a little bit more confidence.
-I´d love that, gorgeous- He said as he winked, and you felt your insides melting. Once again, he had you wrapped around his finger, you both knew it, and you both loved it. You led him to the kitchen and as you pulled out the ingredients, you felt two hands hesitantly grabbing your waist. Hesitantly not because he wasn´t sure he wanted to place his hands on your waist, but because he didn´t want to overstep.
You leaned into his touch and he got the answer he wanted. All afternoon you spent dancing with Niki behind you, talking with you and complementing how amazing everything smelled. You secretly thanked your past self for forgetting to ask for help on the couch, since that mistake led to one of the best things in your future: Niki Lauda.
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
Temporary Fix
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Pairing - Lewis Hamilton x Reader (fem!F1 driver!reader)
Fandom - F1
Summary - You're the only female F1 driver, and you're damn good at your job. Oh, and you also have a friends with benefits relationship with a certain 7x World Champion.
Warnings - smut, best friends -> lovers, slight exhibitionism
A/N - you have the second merc seat in this, so Valterri isn't here : (( not proof read
Sometimes, you hated yourself for following your passion. Driving a F1 car had been your dream ever since you could remember. The long process from karting to F1 had been a difficult one. When you were seven, you had a go kart track manager that you couldn't race there because you were a girl. That had cemented your will to be the best you could be, and you had done it.
You had made it into a Mercedes F1 seat after spending two years in Williams. It was safe to say that you were one of the best drivers, with killer instinct and an excellent eye for overtakes. The likes of Mika Hakkinen, Niki Lauda, Jacques Villeneuve and others had praised your skills, naming you one of the best talents in the current driver pool.
But the glory, the fame, the praise, sometimes you wished you could just evaporate into thin air. This was one of those times. Press conferences sucked, they really did. Reporters and journalists thought they were entitled to ask you the most sexist of questions, brushing them off by saying it was 'just a simple question'. Sometimes the drivers you were paired up with defended you, like Seb or Pierre or Lewis or even Kimi. Sometimes people didn't want to say anything, or they just laughed it off or answered for you.
This was not one of those times. Charles was supposed to be your partner for the press conference, but he wasn't feeling too great so you were on your own. It had started off fine, with the usual questions like 'how are you feeling about the race?' 'is it gonna be a good weekend for Mercedes?' and then it had gone to 'Do you think you being the only woman here, you should have a special suit?' or 'Are you sure it's a good idea for you to continue another year in F1?' that's what had irked you off.
With a roll of your eyes and a shake of your head, you bit back the cutting response that had sprung to your lips, opting to simply look disapprovingly in silence, speaking more words in the quiet. Eventually, the conference was over, and you made your way out of the hall, deep in thought, so lost in your own world, you didn't notice when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into one of the nearby storage closets.
Your protest of "Hey!-" was cut off by a pair of lips pressing to yours, strong arms wrapping around your torso. "Heard you had a bad day with the press" Lewis mumbled against your lips, brow furrowing when you sighed and let your head drop onto his shoulder. "Yeah they're such fucking jerks" you replied, closing your eyes. "I'm sorry you have to deal with them every time" he continued, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Eh, I mean I'd rather not talk about it" you continued, letting your fingers trace a pattern on his chest.
The silence in the room was disturbed by the ringing of Lewis's phone, making you jump softly. "Bono" he answered, looking down at the screen. "Pick it up"
"Lewis, we're waiting for the meeting? And is Y/N with you?" Bono's voice rang through the tiny closet, as you turned to look at Lewis with wide eyes. Shit, the debrief. "Yeah, I'm coming! Oh, and I'll see if I can find Y/N" he replied, making you suppress a smile. The moment he put the phone down, the both of you burst into giggles, before he leaned down to press another kiss to your lips. "Well, we should go" he said, biting back a smile when you sighed, and cuddled into his shoulder. "Fine"
"But I'll make it up to you tonight baby" he continued, as a shiver ran down your spine. Oh yeah, you two had a friends with benefits situation going on too. No biggie
Except, well, you know you couldn't tell anyone, and you were definitely in love with each other, but I mean, of course it was better to be stupid and just simply refuse to acknowledge those feelings for each other.
It had happened, when Lewis won his championship in Turkey. The team had thrown a (socially distant) party, and you had gotten just a little more drunk than you should have, but the champagne was flowing, tequila shots were being taken, beer was being chugged so you just jumped in and had a few more glasses of wine than you should have, and participated in a few rounds of shots.
Before you had known, a pair of hot lips had crashed onto yours, and your arms had tightly held onto a broad pair of shoulders, as the pair of you had stumbled up to your hotel room, crashing backwards onto the bed. Your drunken mind had been sober enough to recognise the 'Still I Rise' tattoo across his back when he tugged his shirt off.
At the same time, Lewis had recognised your face, heart speeding up ever so slightly because holy shit he was making out with you, and he really, really liked you. Before he knew it, your dress was down to your knees, and his shirt was a rumpled mess on the floor, your friendship gone far beyond repair, but only in the best way possible.
The next morning, you had let out a groan when the sunshine had flashed into your eyes, rolling over to find Lewis lying next to you, his arm wrapped around your waist as he slept peacefully. Your heart rate had sped up, and you had shot up, scaring the living day light out of Lewis. He had awoken with a start, confusion present in his brown eyes, before realization had sunk in, and he had shot out of bed, wrapping one of the towels around his lower body.
But before the two of you could get awkward, he had strutted over to you, grabbing your face in his hands before pulling you in for a kiss that made you feel weak and light headed.
And then the both of you came to the conclusion that you two wanted something loose and flexible, something fun with no commitment.
But was it what you wanted?
Sometimes debriefs could drag on. And on. And on. Eventually, the engineers left the room, leaving only Toto, Lewis, Bono, Angela, James and yourself in the room. Over the years, it had become like a family for you, and you loved them to absolute bits. The mood in the room had changed, as you all joked around for a while.
Watching from the other side of the room, Lewis couldn't help the smile that etched itself onto his face, when he saw you throw your head back with laughter at something Toto said, inhaling sharply when your neck came into clear view, a sudden urge to mark you up settling in on his body.
It was a thrill, to think of how many times you had come undone on his fingers and his tongue, how many nights you begged for him to fill you up with his cock. It was a thrill to think of all the times he had cried your name out in ecstasy while your tongue worked wonders around him. And yet, here you were, acting as if you two were just best friends, not two people who could barely keep their hands off of each other.
Just two nights ago, he had made you scream his name so loud, the person the next room, who just happened to be Daniel, had not let him hear the end of it. Thankfully, the Aussie hadn't realized it was you in his bed. Two nights ago, he had made you see stars, and after that you had rewarded him with the performance of his life to Nights Like This by Kehlani.
Snapping back to reality when a slight poke was applied to his shoulder, Lewis looked over to see Angela looking at him with a slight smirk on her face. He strongly suspected that the woman definitely had some sort of inkling about the both of you. How ? No idea. But she was a crazy smart woman, and was bound to have figured out that he was seeing someone.
It didn't help that atleast half the people on the grid had at some point teased him, telling him the both of you were made for each other. It was like the universe was pushing the both of you to be together, and he kept pushing it away
"So are we feeling confident going into this weekend?" Toto asked, grabbing his attention from the smirking blonde.
"Yup!" Your cheery answer elicited a smile from everyone in the room. "Yeah I think so" he said, watching as you flashed him a quick smile. "Okay, then, I think we're done for now. Any questions?" Bono asked, scanning a data sheet in front of him. "No, i'm good" you replied, reaching over to grab your phone. "Yeah me too" Lewis said, far too concerned with what was going to happen later that night to pay his full attention to Bono.
"Okay then. We'll see you tomorrow"
And with that they departed. Before Lewis could follow you, a hand grabbed his and he turned to see Angela, Toto and Bono looking at him expectantly. "So whose got you all distracted and flustered?" Angela asked, earning a smirk from Toto. "What? No one" he replied, slapping himself mentally for being all day dreamy during a meeting. "Oh really? I'm willing to bet you didn't hear anything I said during the meet except the last bit" Bono said, smiling when his driver got visibly flustered.
"So do we know her?" Angela continued, watching him closely for any giveaway reactions. "How would you know her if I don't like anyone?" Lewis said, hoping to God it didn't come across as awkward as it sounded.
"Never said you liked anyone. I'm saying you're in love with someone" Angela said, watching as her friend's eyes widened in shock, and he shook his head profusely. "Okay are you on something? I'm just gonna head back to the hotel now" he murmured, confused, and somewhat taken aback by her bluntness.
Ignoring the looks on the others faces, he made his way out to the paddock, trying his hardest to make sense of his feelings. Was a casual relationship with you what he wanted? He wanted so much more than that.
Lewis knew, deep down in his heart, that he wanted to hold your hand in public, and kiss you right on the lips in front of everyone when you shared a podium. He wanted to be able to call you his, to not just spend the night with you, but to spend all his days with you. But you didn't want that.
Or so he thought.
Back at the hotel, Lewis busied himself with working out, trying to push all his frustrations out via the workout. He knew that you were going to turn up in the night, and he looked so damn forward to seeing you each night, but god, he hated it when you left in the morning. Every morning when your warm body slipped out from under the sheet, his arms would tighten for a moment, before your giggle would bring him back to reality and he'd hastily draw back, smiling at you. His favourite moment was when he came to your hotel room in Spain. In the morning, he had woken up before you, and before leaving, he had pressed a little kiss to your forehead. The most gorgeous smile had curled onto your lips, and his heart had melted into a little puddle when you rested your cheek on his hand
And then in Monaco, when he had taken you to his apartment, you had woken up before him, and he had woken up to the sight of you bringing a tray of pancakes and fruits, followed by a soft kiss to his cheek.
It was those moments he cherished, but it was those same moments that confused him.
His train of thought was broken when a knock echoed in the room, as he walked over to the door, opening it to find : you
"Hey" you greeted him, walking in and shedding your jacket. "Hey" he replied, reaching for a towel to wipe the sweat off of his body. "Wow um, is this a bad time?" You asked, eyes trailing down his abs, watching as his body glistened in the fading sun light. "No its fine, I just finished my workout. You hungry?" He continued, biting back a smirk when he saw your eyes roaming his body.
"W-what? Yeah, i, um, suppose - yeah" you murmured, mind already far down the gutter.
"For food darling, not for sex" he said, making you blush and let out a small gasp. "Lewis!" You chided, shoving him softly. "You know you were thinking it" he mumbled, pushing you up against the wall. "Yeah I was" you whispered back, yanking him forward by his shoulders, slamming your lips against his.
Lifting you up from the waist, he pressed his body further into yours, one of his hands wandering down to your ass, squeezing harshly, earning a moan from your lips. Taking the opportunity, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, groaning when you let your core grind against him.
Leading you towards the bed, he stopped in confusion when you stopped him, maneuvering him towards the balcony. "Want you to fuck me against the window or in the balcony" you gasped out, earning a moan from him.
"Right where anyone could see us, hmm? Didn't know you were into that baby" he growled, grabbing your earlobe in between his teeth, earning an airy gasp from you, as the wetness threatened to seep down your legs.
"Mmhmm" was all you could muster, your mind so clouded with desperation you couldn't form a single coherent thought. The only thing you were aware of was that only Lewis could make you feel the pleasure you wanted to feel, only he would take you to that little piece of heaven, only he would hold your hand and fuck you into oblivion, and he would still be there to clean you down with a sponge softly.
"If you insist"
Grabbing you roughly, he slammed your body against the massive hotel room window, ripping the mercedes team shirt you were wearing off of your quivering form, letting it drop to the floor, before he hooked his fingers into the material of your jeans, tugging the denim down your legs
With a soft groan, you pulled his nike shorts down his legs, moaning when his cock came into view, the throbbing in between your legs making you whimper, arousal and need growing tenfold in your tummy.
"Please" you whispered, meeting his eyes, so he could see the pure desperation in your eyes. "Please what?" He said, a certain roughness you hadn't heard before creeping into his voice
"Please fuck me" you moaned, gasping when he brought his hand up to your neck, squeezing ever so slightly. "Oh trust me doll, i will. But first, i want to have you dripping wet and ready for me. I want to make you cum on my fingers, so you're wet and ready for my cock. Do you want my fingers princess?" he continued, feeling his arousal grow when you whimpered and whined.
"Words baby girl. Or I'll just leave you here with your pathetic fingers. I bet you can't even reach all those spots inside you that make you scream, when your tiny little fingers try to please yourself. I bet you just feel like sinking into yourself, but the thought of my fingers keeps you awake. Do you do that, sweet girl? Do you pretend your fingers are mine when you're touching yourself, hmm?'
When you didn't answer, he delivered a smack to your ass, groaning when you moaned at the pleasurable sting. "Yes" you whispered abashed.
"Don't be shy baby. Its okay. I know you feel so good when I love on you. I can see it when you scream my name" and with that, his pointer finger began circling your clit, rubbing circles around it before shifting so he was rubbing the sensitive bud directly.
Your moans of ecstasy were music to his ear, a smile gracing his features, as he let his middle finger slip into you, thrusting it in and out of you. Your soft cry of "fuck" cracked when he shoved his pointer into you as well, scissoring them in and out of you
"Oh fucking hell Lew-" "Shh my darling, i didn't say you could talk, did I?" He said, fingers working at an indescribably quick pace, as the knot in your tummy tightened and threatened to loosen. "I'm gonna-" "go ahead baby" he murmured, using his pointer and thumb to pinch your clit roughly, as you came around his fingers with a scream
"Good girl. You wanna put that pretty little mouth to use somewhere else?" he asked, watching as you dropped to your knees eagerly, (just like I would do irl) reaching up to rest your hands on his hips.
"Someone's eager to suck my cock hmm? Be a good girl for me, and don't waste time" he ordered, a shudder running down his body when your nails traced the veins on his cock, and then as they reached downwards, your thumb circling his tip, collecting his pre cum on your finger. Then you shoved your thumb in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it, before sucking softly on your digit, rolling your eyes back. You were snapped back to reality when Lewis roughly yanked your head up, pure arousal clouding his pupils
"You better use your mouth right now, or i swear i will leave you here alone to pleasure yourself" he threatened, moaning when you took his tip into your mouth at once, sucking softly before swirling your tongue upwards.
The feel of your tongue on him made him buck his hips into your mouth, the unexpected movement pushed him quite far back in your mouth, looking up at him, you hollowed out your cheeks, taking more and more of his cock into your mouth, the sounds he was making above you fuelling you. You took him as far back as you could without gagging, as a strangled moan of "Fuck Y/N!"left his lips. He grabbed your hair, tugging upwards, the tingling on your scalp sending shockwaves of pleasure through you. "Fuck baby, you're gonna have to stop now, I really want to fuck you now" he growled out, pulling you up before pushing you towards to balcony railing
Lining up with your entrance, he watched as you let out a shaky breath, eyes falling shut, as you clenched in anticipation.
"Are you sure you want this Y/N?" he asked, eyes searching your face for any sign that he was being too rough, or that you didn't want what was coming next
"Turning your head around to face him, you pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "I've never been more sure baby" was your affirming reply.
Kissing you back with the same fervour, he slowly pushed into you from behind, the both of you groaning in sync when your walls enveloped him. "fuck you feel so good darling. So fucking tight" lewis moaned, making you moan as well as the pleasure coursed through your veins.
Reaching around you, Lewis rubbed your clit while he continued to snap his hips against yours, making your breasts bounce against your chest, your hands gripping the balcony railing for dear life. Thank god it was dark.
He continued to rub and pinch you clit, before swiping his fingers through your wet folds. Then he shoved his fingers into your mouth, prompting you to suck on them
"Be an angel and suck on my fingers for me" he growled, moaning when your mouth eagerly closed around his fingers, sucking them with fervour.
Snapping his hips into you desperately, his hands encircled your waist, pulling you back to meet his thrusts, swishing his fingers around in your mouth. "Fuck baby thats it, i'm gonna cum" he groaned, capturing your earlobe in between his teeth, moaning when you clenched down on him again
"Oh fucking hell-" with a moan, he came into you, pulling his fingers out of your mouth to rub your clit again, sighing with satisfaction when you came around him with a scream of "Lewis!"
Panting, he dragged you back to the bed, both of you collapsing into the covers.
Your chest rising and falling rapidly, you curled up into his chest, letting your head droop onto his shoulder, as his fingers traced his initials onto your hip.
"Well princess, we seem to have a problem here" he said, as you snapped your head up to look at him in confusion.
"I think i'm in love with you"
A/N - part 2? Also feel free to drop a comment, i'd really appreciate it 🤍 thank you so much for reading 🤍
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mysoftboybensolo · 3 years
Love Looks Not With the Eyes
A/N: I started writing this one day when I got pretty angsty and had also wanted to write something with Niki for a little while. This is an AU where he doesn’t meet Marlene and also, I corrected what was supposed to be the proper translation of the courthouse wedding scene. Link to the scene in question here (x). No use of Y/N here.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35125366
Pairing: Niki Lauda x Fem Curvy/Plus Size Reader!
Summary:  What if Niki fell for someone after his accident but felt unworthy because of the scarring, and the reader feels she is unworthy of Niki because of her weight?
Warnings: Description of burns, childhood bullying/fat shaming, implied age gap (but doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it), smut. 
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He barely remembered much from the crash, just that it happened. He blacked out, the smell of burnt skin and rubber filled his nostrils, voices of people, everything too hot. Lying on the hospital bed, he was fighting for his life, though, what kind of life, Niki couldn’t say. There wasn’t anyone waiting for him when he finally got home, just a crew that were loyal to him, fans, but no one special. Niki was not the most sentimental of men, but when he felt something strongly, he went all in for it.
Chances of finding said special one had gone down to lower than zero percent. He didn’t care what he looked like, people had always made fun of him for his looks, pointing out his overbite, calling him a rat. But it didn’t bother him then, at least he looked like a normal human being. Now, he had a face that frightened people, made them not be able to stare for very long. That was what hurt.
It was a jarring sight, all his hair gone along with his eyebrows and replaced with red veiny burns, his ears were misshapen, and in the beginning, there was still skin that were dark and burnt, reminding Niki of a burnt marshmallow. Everyone who had come across him had stopped in their tracks when they saw him, their faces disbelieving, horrified. He knew it was bad when Hunt himself even looked at him with shock, horror, and despair, and bitterly Niki blamed him for allowing the room to be swayed which led to the accident, but he knew that Hunt was also the reason Niki got up and fought. And fought he did. He would show everyone that despite this accident, despite how he looked, he could still be Niki Fucking Lauda, the best Formula 1 driver there ever was.
But even he knew he couldn’t always drive, so he started to become interested in the business of private jets, and when he wasn’t driving, he was beginning to work on his own business, but he’d need some help with the venture.
You were new to this, new to working with the big shots and you couldn’t believe your luck. At last, something to make the parents proud. That was harsh, you knew that your parents were proud of you always, but your deeply rooted insecurities made you think otherwise. You were the good kid, the quiet kid who was more than content with a good book. This also meant you were the easy target kid, the kid who bullies loved to torment endlessly. It wasn’t just that you were quiet, it also because of your figure. You were never skinny, you knew this, and in your childhood years, it never bothered you, people used to say how adorable you were that you still had your baby fat and Granny always said that you were the best cuddle bug she ever had because of it. But, once puberty started, you noticed that your baby fat didn’t melt away into a womanlier shape like most of the girls in your school did. You were still baby faced, round, unshapely you and that was when it all began.
You sometimes wondered if your insecurities were what prevented you from having a boyfriend, or maybe what everyone said was true, that you were too fat and too ugly for anyone to love. You tried diets, you tried exercise, but nothing seemed right for you, nothing seemed to be working the way you wanted, and you were just left with trying to accept this figure you had. Making the best of it was the only way to move on, finding styles to accentuate the better parts of you, finding the confidence to feel proud of yourself. But as the seventies came, the style changed and it suited the skinny, small breasted women best, leaving you to feel out of fashioned and out of luck.
Luckily, your talents and hardworking nature allowed you to shine, and move on up from a non-paying intern to secretary to one of the biggest F1 drivers out there, fresh from his return from the hospital. You knew what happened, everyone did, and you felt nothing but empathy for this man, knowing how he must feel that his life has completely changed. You met with one of Niki’s team members, who was very nice and help show you around, even gave you a heads up on how Niki’s behavior might be. You heard that he can be a bit demanding, harsh even, but his crew was loyal, and he did know what he was doing.
When Niki walked into the room, you felt a surge of nerves. Not because of his face, but because now it suddenly felt so real, that you were here, secretary to the Niki Lauda. Putting on your brave face, you waited until Niki went up to you and introduced himself. “So, you’re the new secretary? I am expecting a lot and it won't be easy. Still want the job?" You nod and he shrugs his shoulders and said, "Welcome to the crew.”
“Thank you, sir,” you say, smiling, offering your hand. He stared at it for a moment, as if surprised, then took it, giving it a firm but quick shake before he went off. Did you do something wrong, were you not allowed to shake hands with him? He didn’t seem upset by the gesture, but still, it was odd.
Niki sat in his office, feeling a bit out of sorts. It had been a long time since he had been in the presence of a woman, and none have since the accident been comfortable in his presence and sought his touch. It made Niki realize, how much he missed having the touch of another. He sighed, shrugging it off. At least she didn’t look terrified.
In the following months, you found that most of what you heard of Niki was true; he was blunt, hardworking, demanded perfection in his work, and was brilliant. You had been helping him pick up his business of private jets, and you couldn’t help but to admire the way he went about these things, how much he knew of not only the business but the technological part of it. But there you also saw a side of him that most people didn't see, which was someone who cared deeply, was good to his crew, and was even a little awkward in an endearing way, like a shy teenager trying to talk to a girl he likes. It wasn’t hard to admire the man, even grow a crush on him, but you had to remind yourself, he is your boss, and you are, well, you. It could never happen. What you didn’t know, was that Niki was feeling the same about you.
Niki found you to be a comfort to him. You took his moods steadily, but somehow managed to win him over, killing him with kindness in a way, and he felt there was no one he could trust more than you. Unlike what his first impression of an unexperienced secretary, you were smart, observant and did incredibly well with people, a skill he still struggled with. He was amazed how often you were able to stand to see him like this, how you sat and watched him tend to the burns while he rambled off something about a meeting or investment and not look at all disgusted or horrified. Maybe it was because he was lonely, maybe because of how much time he spent with you, but he felt certain that he was falling for you. What a tragedy that would be. Here you were, young, beautiful, full of promise and a life ahead, and he was just old, ugly Niki, the guy that no one liked.
It killed him to see guys at the office flirt with you, even Hunt did at one point, and while it did please him to see you politely put him in his place, Niki knew that if not Hunt, someone else will eventually win you over and he’ll have to stand by and watch you love another. It was his own fault really, for daring to believe it could be possible, but he knew, every time he caught his reflection, there was no chance of anyone loving and wanting him in return.
It all came out one day during an interview, when some prick of a reporter had the gall to ask how Niki’s love life was going. “You’ve been doing great on the track but heard you haven’t had much luck in your romantic life.”
“I wasn’t aware that you were interested in what goes on in the bedroom,” Niki quipped, making a few reporters chuckle.
“I mean it. Do you honestly think you’ll find anyone willing to be with you now after the crash?”
The words stung you and you stared at Niki, now knowing his micro expressions well enough to understand he was not only angry but deeply hurt by those words. How you wanted to shout out to all those reporters that it was possible, because you loved him, with or without the burns. But Niki spoke first in his usual blunt and short manner, telling the man to fuck off and that this interview is over.
You followed Niki close by, all the way to his hotel room, where no one had been allowed in except you. Once you had closed and locked the door, you turned and saw Niki pacing around, rubbing his mouth, a tick when he was emotionally uncomfortable. “Assholes,” he murmured in Austrian, and a few other choice words that you learned through Niki’s constant use of the language.
“Don’t listen to those jerks,” you say, understand what he feels, “They just do it to get a rise out of you.”
“Well, then I guess they did a fucking good job of it!” Niki spoke with agitation, “Is that all anyone will see? This face? Does nothing else I do matter? Why can’t they let me forget my own face, even for five minutes? Why can’t I?”
Your heart went out to him because you knew how that felt as well. Trying your best to help, you shared, “Did you know that when I was in school, I was the top of my class for six years straight, that I got to be valedictorian for both high school and college? But all that anyone saw was this,” you gestured to your figure, “This blob of a body, at least that was what everyone called me. ‘Careful, the Blob is heading your way, let’s pinch and poke her to see if she’s fat enough for the spit, pull at her clothes to see what size she really wears’,” you recall in painful memory, not noticing the pained look on Niki’s face to hear what you suffered. “No one saw me, saw what I did. But to those who matter most, they’ll see you as you are, what you are capable of. I see you.”
You don’t look him in the eyes when you say this, feeling as if you gave away more than you wanted, but you did not see how Niki looked you, the same way he had been looking at you these past months. “I um,” he cleared his throat, trying to find the best way to express his feelings, “I am sorry about your past. You deserved so much better; you deserve much better now. Someone that can see you as the brilliant, kind and beautiful woman you are.”
You shake your head and blow a raspberry in amusement. “Beautiful? Sorry, you got the wrong gal.”
“No, I haven’t. You are beautiful, everyone knows that. I am surprised you don’t know.”
You can't allow yourself to be flattered, or else you fall for him even harder. “Mr. Lauda, you don’t have to be kind, I didn’t share because I wanted compliments. I said it to let you know I understand what you are feeling, that you are someone who deserves someone who will truly appreciate you for you, and who will never make you feel undeserving. And if I was your girl, there would be no way I’d ever let you feel that way ever again.”
Blush came to your cheeks as you realized what you had just said, what you just gave away, and you couldn’t bear to look at his reaction. If you had, you would have seen him look at you with hope, uncertainty, and love. He steps up to you, placing a tentative hand on your shoulder, and makes you look back at him, looking you in your eyes, which were filled with tears.
“Maus, why are you crying?”
“Because” you sigh, you might as well get it out, “I love you. I know it’s unprofessional, and I know that you could never see me that way but-” You’re cut off by him placing a quick but firm kiss to your lips, making you stunned for a moment. “Mr. Lauda?”
“I-I’m sorry, but I had to stop you. You were wrong, because I do see you that way, for the longest time I have. I just never thought you would because how ugly I am.”
“You’re not! I mean, the burns are bad, but I still think you are a very attractive man.”
He looks at you surprised and disbelieving. “Really? I wasn’t exactly the handsomest fellow before, a rat, as I recall some said.”
“Ok, so maybe you aren’t a Hunt type of handsome, but not every girl is interested in that kind of guy, with long hair and shirt open down to here. Personality and a beautiful pair of eyes go a long way,” you say, admiring how his eyes looked in this light.
This caught him off guard and his eyes glistened before he wiped them. “I don’t think anyone has called me anything but ugly since the accident.”
You cradled his face in your hands, making him look at you. “Well, if you’ll allow me, I’ll be sure to say it to you every day.”
He doesn’t say anything at first, as if trying to find the right words, then admits, “I’ll not be perfect at this, remembering birthdays, flowers and hand holding, but if I am going to do this with anyone, only with you.”
A tear falls down your face and you chuckle, “My goodness, what a poet!”
You see him inch closer, and you accept his kiss, which is gentle and long. You feel him wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close, and he moans, making your heart race. Niki was your first kiss and was he pulled you closer to the bed, you knew that he’d also be the first you’d sleep with. It scared you, thinking that he’ll be turned off by your figure, once he sees that it isn’t all attractive curves, but belly rolls, wide thighs, and stretch marks. But you don’t have it in you to stop him, not when he kisses you like he needs you to survive, when his hands run over you like an artwork to admire.
It had been a long while since Niki had went to bed with anyone, and it became more pitiful than enjoyable when he’d get himself off in the privacy of his room, that he just didn’t have the urge for it, but to have you here beneath him, the feeling of your soft warmth, your perfume engulfing him and your moans and sighs in his ear, he can’t imagine not wanting you. He is careful to remove your clothing, not only because you told him he’d be your first, but because he wanted to give you time to stop and say no, to say you don’t want to sleep with a disfigured man.
He sees the stretch marks, he sees the belly rolls and the thick thighs, but he refuses for you to see it as something ugly, something to wish away. He buries himself between those thighs to lick and kiss at your core, his hands rubbing up and down your limbs, and when he is done, he kisses up your belly, kissing every stretch mark as his hands run across the curves and speaks about how you are a goddess, an angel, perfection itself. “Just like Aphrodite herself, soft and round, perfect. Love itself.”
You cry, no one had ever said beautiful things like this to you before, and you want to believe them, and in that moment, you do, you truly do. You are careful to undress Niki, the burns still are sensitive and the last thing you ever want to do is hurt him, but you see him falter when you remove his shirt. The burns primarily were located on his face, but there were some bad burns on his shoulders and upper back, and you reach up to place tender kisses to those areas, letting him know that it doesn’t bother you and that it will never bother you.
When you make love, it feels as if there is no way to tell where you ended and where Niki began, as if you were meant to fit together, belong together and you both felt, for the first time in a long while, honest to goodness beautiful and loved.
The press had a field day when you both stepped out for the first time as a couple; people wanting to know why someone like you be interested in a disfigured Niki, and then there were the others who, due to jealously, thought that Niki deserved someone “prettier” than you, aka skinnier. It wasn’t always easy, you both had your insecurities, and it could bring you both low sometimes, though when the moment came, you both were able to help each other up to the point where it was easier to accept each day. Niki always had a more “no fucks given” attitude with anything he did, and he had been used to people calling him ugly, but it would sting when he thought how you deserved someone better.
“Niki,” you told him one day, “There has never been a man who has ever made me feel as happy or as beautiful as you have made me feel. There couldn’t be a better man than you, so don’t go on thinking that there is. I'd rather be with you who makes me feel beautiful than someone Like Hunt who'd probably make me feel totally unworthy of him just by standing next to him. Be kinder to yourself, please. You deserve to be loved deeply.”
You continued to be Niki’s secretary, his right hand in his business ventures and there was a growing feeling of confidence that the job offered but you never forgot how you looked, mostly because the press didn’t. Some were kind, even praiseworthy of how you seemed to own your body, but most, they shamed you for not looking like the typical form of the modern woman, and those days hit you the worse. It felt like school again, people overlooking your accomplishments for how you looked. During your tour in America, Niki made sure you two went to the museum in Chicago, saying he wanted to show you something important.
You couldn’t imagine what it was until he stopped you both before a statue of a woman kneeling, her body rolls on full display. “Alright,” you say, confused, “What is this?”
“Do you know who this is, Maus?” You shake your head, the face on the statue was a little worn and it didn’t look like anyone you knew. “This is a statue of Aphrodite, goddess of Love. See her body? Whose does her body remind you of?”
You feel yourself fighting back tears as you admit, “Me.”
“That is why you look like this,” he says firmly but full of love, “Because you were built for love.”
Built for love. Indeed you were, you both were built for love, for no one but each other.
Tagging: @arizemo @scuttle-buttle @cazzyimagines @rumblelibrary @violetmuses @flutterskies @thetempleofthemasaigoddess​
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
good luck charm || niki lauda x fem!reader
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summary: after costing niki his win in the race, he takes you home to teach you a lesson
pairing: niki lauda x fem!reader
word count: 1,148
warnings: degradation, overstimulation, possessive niki, smut smut smut smut, seriously like all smut and a crumb of plot, minors dni, 18+, nsfw
a/n: i wrote this as i was coming down from my high so i hope this makes sense and you guys enjoy!!! i will be catching up with all requests tomorrow and tagging people for this.
He was taking you from the back, his hips thrusting up while you laid on his lap, legs tangled with his as he laid on his back. You were between his legs, moaning into the duvet, your palms gripping the material tightly.
You were so close, clenching around him with every other few thrusts up into you. He would grunt and slow his thrusts, slapping your ass once before squeezing, spreading you apart and watched as his cock would disappear into you.
Whenever he would smack your ass, you’d only clench more around him, eyes rolling back into your head while your mouth fell open, drool rolling down your chin.
“That duvet was very expensive,” He scoffed, his ass clenching with each thrust up, his body coming up as he went deeper into you. “You’re so drunk off my cock, aren’t you? Don’t have a clue what’s going around you?”
He slowed his thrusts into short quicker ones, his right hand moving up your ass and back until his hand found your neck, gripping down to move your face so that you were at least attempting to look back at him.
“Look at you, making such a mess. And for who’s cock?” His left hand gave your ass another good snack, squeezing the flesh before picking his pace up again.
“Yours…” You whined, tugging your face away from him, your breath quickening when your orgasm began to rise again.
You couldn’t remember how you got to where you were. Laying on your stomach in between Niki’s legs while he fucked into you, his knees locking into your side to make sure you stayed in your place.
It didn’t take long to remember - you had pissed Niki off by talking with James Hunt before the race. James teased and played with your hair, claiming that you’d fit better on his team. Niki wasn’t too pleased with that comment and made sure that both you and James knew that.
If it weren’t for how hot he looked when angry, you might have been frightened of him when he snapped. His nails digging tight into your arm, his face only centimeters away your own.
“What do you think you’re doing? Talking with him? Before the race? Do you want me to lose?”
You didn’t, heavens - you wanted more than anything to see him win, to get up on the stage and accept his trophy, the celebratory flower necklace, and the large bottle of champagne that you’d certainly finish that night. All you wanted to do was get him riled up and teach you a lesson after the race when he “just hardly won”.
And when he did it, when he actually lost, you felt your heart drop down to your feet, knees buckling as you stumbled forward, catching yourself on the table before gaining your balance, standing back up only to stumble back seeing Niki storm in, seething.
You could hardly get his name out before he was gripping onto you, pushing you out with him and into the lift. The ride home was silent, the only noise was the faint music from the radio and the wind outside.
When you got back to your home, you heard Niki thank the lift driver before coming into the house, slowly making his way over to you while you stood, waiting for him to finally approach.
He finally did, his boots scuffing against the hardwood floor, his suede pants dancing above. His white shirt tucked tightly in his pants with his tan jacket on.
You watched as he brought his fingers to his chin, rubbing it while licking his lips. When his eyes caught your feet on the floor, he stopped, dropping his hands to his side, looking down at you.
On the outside you looked innocent - pouting to pretend you didn’t know what was wrong or what you had done. But on the inside, you were grinning wickedly. Everything falling so smoothly into place.
And that’s what led to the next hour or so of Niki fucking you in every position he could think of. Denying you of every orgasm he had. He was up to nearly twelve and you didn’t know how it was even possible, or how much more you could humanely take.
His back arched forward, biting down on your ass before trailing up your back with kisses and bites. You felt him grip your neck when you lulled forward again, whining as you pulled back, falling into his chest with your face pressed into his neck.
Both of you were on your knees, Niki back slightly to keep an angle where he could fuck you at. His arms were wrapped around you, his left hand gently running against your stomach while his right hand squeezed at your breasts.
Your knees were shaking and you felt lightheaded, unable to control the moans that fell from you. You weren’t sure how much longer you could take, feeling his teeth sink into your neck again, your shoulders buzzing from the ghost tickles of his bites.
“You’re my good luck charm, you can’t be running off to the competition. You’ll rub off on them.”
You nodded slowly against his face, forehead pressed against his cheek while he continued to rut inside you. He began to kiss you slowly, over all the love bites carefully - as if healing the bruises with his lips.
“I think you’ve learned your lesson,” He moved his hand from your breasts and caressed your face, “Go on, cum for me.”
And you did, finally you did. Your eyes kept locked on his, staring up at him while you came around his cock. You were so built up that it began sliding out and rolling down and into the small bush above his cock. He was only seconds behind you, cumming deep into you until he stopped, catching his breath before finally pulling out of you.
You fell back with him, leg entangled with his while you stared up at the ceiling while you caught your own breath. Your left hand was over his stomach and your right above your heart.
When you both finally caught your breath, you looked up at him and rolled, scooting up the bed a bit until you came face to face with him, your head resting on his pillow.
“I’m sorry for making you lose the race.”
At your apology Niki shook his head, running his left hand over your right shoulder, running his knuckles along your skin.
“Let’s not dwell on that any longer. You’ve received your lesson, yes?” You nodded and he nodded back, “Good. Then you’ll be a good wife, yes? No more disobeying?” You bit down on your lip and smirked, watching his own lips curl into a smirk.
“Ah, so I see my pretty wife still has to learn. That’s okay, I don’t mind repeating lessons.”
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You Talk Too Much | Niki Lauda x fem!Reader
A little Niki Lauda x fem!reader story. Modern AU. There’s probably going to be a part two to this, but not until tomorrow or the next day most likely.
Enjoy! This is just nonsense I've written out of thin air.
You were in the middle of your explanation when you were interrupted by Lauda.
“Are you always such a Schwätzer?” he inquired, sardonic amusement flitting through his voice.
You paused, cocking your head to the side as you placed both hands on your hips to assess his observation of you.
Eyes narrowed, you silently searched his face for traces of any real condescending tone or whether this was Niki Lauda’s idea of poking fun at you.
You weren’t completely sure. You still didn’t know Lauda well enough to get a good read on him.
After a beat, you decided to play it off. You were too exhausted to go another 12 rounds with him from your earlier argument. He was really insufferable sometimes; yet you could never truly bring yourself to feel upset with him.
“Did you....just accuse me....of being a chatterbox Mr. Lauda?” you drawled out somewhat defensively, but your eyes glinted with mischievousness.
You removed your hands from your hips and crossed your arms in front of you. You took a decidedly more playful stance, as you awaited his response.
Niki appeared surprised by your reply; he didn’t seem to expect this response to his ribbing. You watched as he reached up to scratch the back of his neck and give a quick glance to Hunt, who was standing with us.
Hunt was oddly quiet. He seemed quite mystified and curious about how the conversation had shifted so quickly.
You could have sworn Niki Lauda almost looked anxious, but you dismissed the notion. Whatever expression was on Lauda’s face vanished as swiftly as it appeared.
“If the shoe fits,” Lauda shrugged with one shoulder. That haute confidence returning to him.
You heard James gave a hearty chuckle at Lauda’s reply, which in turn, earned him a glare from you.
You were unamused he was taking Lauda’s side. Weren’t they rival’s for Christ’s sake?
You huffed in exasperation. Why did this man drive you up a wall? Sure he was an asshole most of the time, but there was something else about him too that made you crazy. He clearly has a sense of humor, albeit a dry one. And okay, he was attractive in his own right, but he didn’t parade around like James does. And he’s always honest to a fault, which is something you have always respected about him.
Well shit.
This was worst possible time to start realizing you might actually have feelings for Niki Lauda. Especially with James standing next to you to.
Worried you had been silent too long, you cleared your throat and rolled your eyes at the two of them.
“You’re hilarious Lauda! A regular riot!” you said flatly.
You started walking towards the exit, at a faster than normal pace, as you caught sight of the valet who had your car ready. Seeing your way out, from possibly embarrassing yourself in front of Lauda and by extension Hunt, you took it without hesitation.
“See you two later!” you waved in an exaggerated motion, relieved to get away from the two drivers momentarily.
Just as you got to your car, you heard someone call your name. You turned your head towards the voice to see the manager of Ferrari jog up to you.
You wanted to bang your head against your car. Please, you just wanted to get back to the hotel.
You put on a smile and address the manager with as much energy as possible.
“Hey, I saw you’re leaving. I was hoping I could get you to do me a favor?” he asked.
Confusion crossed your face, as you have no idea what the manager of Ferrari could want with you. Though your interest was piqued.
“And what exactly can I do for Ferrari this early evening?” your keys jingled nervously as you respond in kind.
“We ran into a snafu with our transportation, and was hoping you’d be gracious enough to take Mr. Lauda and Mr. Hunt back to the hotel with you.”
As the manager was speaking, you saw James and Niki crept into your peripheral vision.
This was not how you planned for this to go. You fumed internally, which boiled over outwardly.
“Do I look like an Uber to you?” you snarked back.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you rubbed a hand across your face. The agitation warming away at you. Taking them back wasn’t an issue. The issue was your brain finally figured out you’ve been crushing on Niki Lauda and you needed space to digest.
Too bad the universe was working against you today.
You inhaled deeply before addressing the manager again, who had wisely kept quiet.
“Fine,” you grounded out.
You heard the manager mumble his thanks to you as he walked away. You saw him give a thumbs up to Hunt and Lauda as he past them. You shouted you’d be sending an invoice for services rendered before waving the two drivers over.
Hunt appeared to be fairly jubilant over the whole thing and Lauda’s expression was much more wary.
“Fate keeps finding us together, eh?” Hunt said.
“Like gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe,” you deadpan back to him.
“Shotgun?” Hunt pointed, excitedly.
“Not a chance,” Lauda said, quickly darting in the front seat of the car.
You laughed to yourself. A competition in everything between them.
“Thanks for the ride. It was so kind of you to drive us back to the hotel. Please feel free to jump right into my vehicle,” you mumbled irritatingly to yourself.
You sighed and opened the driver’s side door when you heard James start speaking.
“You think I could drive?” Hunt questioned, a hopeful tone lighting his voice up.
“No!” you and Niki said at the same time.
“Just get in already,” you stated exasperated.
You rolled your eyes as James finally gave in and got into the back seat.
This was going to be a long trip back.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Birthday celebration summary
Hello everyone,
So, I needed to give closure to this round of prompts, I had received some late requests and I will answer them! But here is the summery of all the love that has been spread during the two weeks after my birthday. I thank you from the bottom of my heart everyone that took part of it and inspired me <3
Ernst Schmidt 
“This isn’t what I had in mind when I yelled fuck you” with Ernst Schmidt x Fem!Reader
“How many times can you look at me in the eye and lie to me” - with Ernst Schmidt x Fem!Reader
Ernst Schmidt x Female Reader (the kinky apocalypse)
Daniel Brühl
Consensual filming with Daniel Brühl
Baron Helmut Zemo
Colonel Zemo x EKO!Soldier
playfully flirting and hating each other and someone else flirting with them and you getting jealous and realising how possessive you are of them
(Zemo x Fem!Reader)
Jan (The Edukators)
Jan x Fem!Reader (sexy stuff)
Jan x Reader “i’m not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
Number 47 - "We could run away" (Jan x Reader)
Tony Balerdi (Burnt)
Tony Balerdi x Reader (Fluff)
Tony Balerdi x Reader (more fluff)
Modern Laszlo Kreizler
Modern!Laszlo Kreizler on Your Birthday
Modern!Laszlo Kreizler on His Birthday
Modern!Laszlo Kreizler with pets
Niki Lauda
Niki x Fem!Reader kisses
Sebastian Zöllner
Sebastian Zöllner x Reader “you’re lucky you’re hot”
Loki x Fem!Reader - “were you masturbating?”
Loki x Fem!Reader “louder, i want them to hear you.” - “after that little stunt? you’re not getting off that easy.”
Sylvie x Reader
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief @thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved @fictionlandslanddreams@charistory @greeneyedblondie44 @apparrio @hb8301 @whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme  @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl @obsidianlaszlo @alindeluce @zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahling
Let me know if you want to get tagged to my publications too <3
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thesunflowersutra · 3 years
Hey, It is I, the crazy Hungarian Niki Lauda simp...😎🔥
So... Again, these lists are so good, it's always so hard to choose just one thing 😂 but... "flirting with your lover from across the room" sounds real fun with Niki... I think...😂 Can you do fem!Reader, please?🥺 If not, I'm completely okay with gender neutral too😊 ILY❤️❤️
Hungry Eyes - Niki Lauda x F!Reader
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Notes: HELLOOOO, queen of the Niki simps! 🥺 It is actually a honor to write something for our dear angry pilot and for you too! hehe I hope you like it as much as I liked writing this! <3 Thank you so much for keeping the Niki ship alive! ❤️❤️ (feel free to request anything you want ever!) Warnings: Female!Reader. Light teasing. Something is implied in the end but nothing graphic happens.
There was something slightly exciting about seeing that even in a crowded place like an important Ferrari press conference, Niki's gaze remained fixed on the journalist. Sometimes he would divert his attention for a few seconds when the next reporter asked a question about the race course, or when his teammate, Clay Regazzoni, quoted him in an answer. However, it didn't take long for Lauda's attention to come back to you. 
Your relationship was not necessarily a secret to anyone, and initially it had attracted some frowns and suspicion - Niki was not one to sleep around and you certainly had a reputation as a great journalist to maintain. It was, however, that ambition on both sides that seemed to have drawn you to each other, and in a way you managed to separate your professions from the relationship - although from time to time you used your position to ask pertinent questions at press conferences like these, asking about car improvements or driver spirits for the next race - which was always welcomed by Niki, who was constantly irritated by the questions about sex life and the nonsense the journalists chose to ask.
Lauda blamed James Hunt and his antics for this, and although you were amused by the rivalry between the two, you agreed with him.
One of the local journalists was asking about the after-party that would take place after the circuit the next day when you noticed that something had changed in Niki's eyes. Hunt was chattering in the background when Lauda's brown eyes narrowed briefly in your direction, moving down your body to your knees covered by the thin pantyhose you were wearing under your dress. 
Although that particular attention was enough to bring a certain blush to your cheekbones, you had no intention of letting Niki win that duel so easily, and with a short smile at the corner of your lips, slightly mischievous, you returned Lauda's gaze, running the full length of the driver's body from a distance, before returning to stare into Niki's brown eyes - winking into your own, making it clear that you were willing to play the same game Niki had started.
Soon, the reporter next to you asked Niki a question about Ferrari's new engines - it was common for the driver to be vocal about his dissatisfaction with some of the modifications the engineers had made to the cars. However, his attention was focused on... something else. In the middle of the silent dispute between the two of you, a louder "Mr. Lauda...?" seemed to snap you both back to reality, and with a low laugh of victory, you looked away to your notepad.
The last sight you had seen by the end of the press conference had been Niki shifting in his seat and getting up with a certain rush, heading in your direction. It was certainly a curious race eve night in the hotel room you two had rented in the city.
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f1yogurt · 2 years
Snapshot in the Fast Lane - Masterlist
70s Formula 1, Rush (2013)
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AO3 Link
18+ explicit chapters are labeled with **
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Series Summary: You're a Formula One photographer in the golden age of the sport. Amidst all of the glamour, you find yourself attracted to one of the best drivers on the grid, Niki Lauda. The media portray him as a coldhearted bastard, although you see him as something more. Niki can't deny his own attraction to you, and it isn't long before the two of you are embarking on a controversial romance in the heart of the glamour, chaos, and danger of 70s F1.
more tags under the cut
Relationships: Niki Lauda x fem! photographer Reader
Characters: Niki Lauda, Reader, Clay Regazzoni, Heinz Prueller, James Hunt (Formula 1 RPF), Luca di Montezemelo, Ronnie Peterson (Formula 1 RPF), Emerson Fittipaldi, and more eventually
Tags: Formula 1, Formula One, 1970s, Action & Romance, Slow Burn, Awkward Flirting, First Dates, Marlene doesn't exist in this AU, Journalism, Photography, Fast Cars, Eventual Smut, so many driver cameos, Racing, taking artistic liberty with Heinz's character, Niki is cute and shy, reader is too, But it gets better I promise
Warnings: Cursing, Eventual Smut, slowwww burn!!
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
no other ; niki lauda x fem!reader
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warnings —cursing, fluff??? angst??? ooc!niki??
pairing —niki lauda x fem!reader
word count — 2,128 words
a/n — this is set after niki’s accident. cried a little when i worte this... i think the concept in my head was much better than what i wrote. feedback is appreciated!
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“Niki?” Upon hearing his name, the driver looked to his right where his wife just entered his hospital room with a duffel bag in her hand. Almost instantly, he thought of the worst thing. He knew the accident would have changed his life forever — but he never imagined that it would take a toll on his marriage and would cause the love of his life to leave him. Instead of showing visible concern and distress at the thought, he put on his usual poker face and nodded for her to sit beside him in the bed.
“What’s the matter, liebling?” His hands grabbed for her shaking ones, his thumbs rubbed her skin soothingly — as if he were trying to gently coax him into telling him she was leaving him just so it wouldn’t hurt them both more than they both expected.for some, holding hands wasn’t really considered as that big of a deal, but Niki was reserved and the silent brooding type, so when they both went out for their fourth date in the carnival and her hand was picked up by the Austrian racer as he led them into the bump carts, she understood that it was his way of displaying love and affection. With a shaky sigh and encouragement from him, she then breathed out, “There is something I’d want to tell you and give you, but I’m just afraid of how you will react. So just, I don’t know, bear with me as I prepare.”
This was it, she was going to give him back the wedding ring and tell him that this wasn’t what she signed up for when they both got married. With a shaky exhale of his own, he half-heartedly smiled and nodded, “It’s okay liebling, I won’t be mad.” A nervous chuckle of her own erupted from her dry throat as she said, “I hope not, I just brought you your helmet, anyway.” At the mention of his racing gear, he tilted his head to the side, his helmet? Why did you have it with you? Was that the memorabilia from your marriage you’d like to keep?
“My helmet? What about it? Would you like to keep it?”
It was her turn to be confused as she shook her head no; she removed her hands from where it was intertwined with his and reached for the duffel bag, grabbing the helmet and giving it to Niki. “Truthfully, I don’t know what’s going on in your mind — I don’t know if there’s a part of you that is doubtful on whether or not you should continue with the season, or with racing in general given the trauma you probably endured after the accident — but I would like for you to know what’s going in my mind. I would not mind it if you got back on the track to finish what you started.”
Not knowing what else to say, all the world champion could let out was a shaky “What?” As his glossy eyes looked at her with love, though he was grateful she wasn’t looking at his vulnerable state as her her one hand was tracing his printed surname on the helmet while the other held onto his rough hand while she spoke, “It occurred to me that no matter what hobby or profession you pick up, you’ll always find yourself back on the race track. You’ve been dabbling on flying planes, yet you still end up driving a car over a hundred miles per hour,” It was hard for the man not to replicate her chuckle at the end, but he got a feeling she was not intentionally being comedic at the moment as she continued on a more serious note, “You could take after your family and be in business or politics, but would trade three-piece suits for an oily overalls.”
“Where are you getting at, liebling?” He understood what she was trying to say, but feared that where she wanted to go was something that would upset the both of them. Her nervous rambling was not new to him — in fact it was one of her quirks that made him fall in love with her — but he wished she would just go straight to the point to ease both of their worries.
“I’m saying at the end of the day, you will always choose racing — above everything. And I know that you would choose racing over me, and I’m fine with it,” The smile she plastered on was a genuine one, which scared Niki with how happy she looked as she said such a sad statement. “Why would you even say that? You’re, I love you.”
“I love you too, Niki,” She placed a quick, chaste kiss on his lips before looking at him with her own glossy eyes as she explained, “But even you have to admit that that is true, racing will be the only permanent fixture in your life. And I’m simply replaceable,” He opened his mouth to argue with her and tell her the opposite until she beat him to it, “You have to admit that is the truth, Niki. Had Marlene left the party before I did, she would have probably driven you home and you two would have clicked, you two would have gotten married instead of with me.”
He remembered that party. Clay had dragged him someplace and when he refused to be friendly, the other Ferrari driver simply left him outside of the house. She was just exiting the house after delivering the pastries and baked goods for the party when she saw the Austrian driver and offered him a ride home. As the two drove off the compound, in the rear view mirror they saw Marlene hastily exiting the party as well. Early on in their marriage she made a comment about how timing was a funny thing, that if Marlene was the first one to leave then Niki would have probably married the businesswoman instead of a simple baker like herself. And in true Lauda fashion, he called bullshit on her theory then placed a kiss on her cheek.
“It’s a harsh thing to think about — you will always choose racing and you may not always choose me — but I have made peace with it,” She pushed the helmet further into him and blinked the tears back, “You were meant to be a racer and I love supporting you every step of the way. I’m going to cheer you on when you decide to get back on the track.”
“Usually wives forbid their husbands a lot when they make reckless decisions, no?” He tried to lighten up the mood for he already felt heavy and despair for her. Here he was thinking that she wanted to divorce him, but the thought of her underestimating how much she meant to him and dismissed herself as replaceable was much worse than his earlier assumption about what this conversation would be about. With a grin, she shrugged and said, “Well this isn’t a reckless decision, it’s a calculated risk you always take — and I trust your judgement.”
Putting the helmet on the side of the bed, he lifted her in his arms and planting her on his lap, cuddling her against his chest as he sighed out in relief, “I thought for a second that you were telling me that you were going to file for divorce and give me back the wedding ring.”
Looking up at him, her eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, “Now why in God’s name would I even do that?” He pointed to the burns on his face, “This isn’t exactly a museum-worthy face, liebling.”
“How superficial do you think I am that I married you for your looks and not your personality?” Without even noticing it, her wit and humor was a lot like Niki’s — which was another factor as to why the driver fell hard for his wife — making the two of them a perfect pair. “Besides, it’s not like you need a pretty face to drive, just the right foot anyway.”
The Japan Grand Prix was the final race for the season and it did not look like the typical race day since the rain was pouring. Niki turned to her, smiling briefly, “It’s pouring out there.”
“Stay safe, love,” She kissed his lips firmly, holding on to his overalls, “I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time.”
“I don’t think my face could burn even more than it already has,” His joke was met with a swift swat on his chest, “Please don’t joke about that. I love you and I want you to come back to me in one piece.”
“I promise to come back to you, I love you,” He promised after pressing another searing kiss on her lips before pulling away. She gently lowered the helmet over his head before waving goodbye; she watched him walk towards the car and began praying for his safety.
It was a shock to all when after a few laps, Niki pulled into the pit. She hung back when her husband was being swarmed by the pit crew, their eyes briefly met when he was being questioned if there was something wrong with the car, “Nothing’s wrong with the car. I’m not finishing this race. No, you don’t need to lie to the press; just tell them the truth.”
Walking in front of her with his helmet now discarded, he held out his hand and she grabbed onto it firmly. Niki then led the two of them into a secluded area so they could talk, “What happened, Niki? Was something wrong?”
A serene expression adorned his face as his curls bounced when he shook his head, “Everything’s perfect, liebling.” A hand wrapped around her waist as his eyes were focused on the small television screen that showed the race. “Then why did you forfeit the race?”
Pursing his lips, he sighed before looking at her dead in the eye, “You were wrong, you know.” She moved her head away from where it laid on his shoulder to look at him, head tilted in confusion, “Wrong about what exactly?”
“When we were at the hospital and you gave me my helmet — you told me that I would choose racing over you,” Both his firm hands were planted on her hips as he stared into her with such intense devotion and love she had never seen before that it almost caused her to melt into a puddle, “That is far from the truth. I love you and only you. I could win a hundred races, fly all over the world, or become the richest businessman in the world and it all would pale in comparison to the feeling of knowing I get to come home to you, that of all the people in the world you chose me as your husband and lover. I will always choose you above racing, above anything else; for there are many other races, but there won’t be another one like you, liebling.”
A few stray tears now escaped her eyes upon hearing his heartfelt speech — this was better than the vows he spoke at their private ceremony. “Fuck, I love you so much, Niki Lauda,” Her hands held his cheeks as she surged forward and kissed her passionately. The Austrian could not hold back the smile upon feeling her lips against his. “I thought you weren’t going to be good at this?”
“I am a world champion liebling, I have to be the best at everything.”
Now that joke was something she laughed at as she pecked his cheek once more before cuddling at his side while they continued to watch the rest of the race.
Once James Hunt was proclaimed as the winner of the race and the brand new world champion, Niki then nodded and pointed at the helicopter awaiting them, “Time to go, liebling.”
With their hands entwined they walked on over to the helicopter and once settled in, she turned to him, “You could have easily won, you know.”
“Maybe,” Came his gruff reply as he gulped down the pressure building in his ears. “Do you regret not finishing it? You could have been the world champion once again.” Despite his proclamation of love to her, she could not help the anxiety and doubt she had.
“No regrets at all, do I have to repeat my speech from earlier?” He jokingly said as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. Her chuckle sounded like heaven’s choir welcoming him; and he assured her once more, “Besides, I have been the world champion ever since we got married.”
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Scuttle-Buttle’s Masterlist
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Tags/TW are listed at the beginning of each fic/chapter. All works available on AO3 under @ scuttlebuttle. Sadly I do not own the characters - I just needed a hobby.
If you want to be tagged in anything please let me know!
G - general audiences
T - teen & up
M - mature audiences, 18+
E - explicit, 18+
Zemo x Plus Size Female Reader
No One But Me
Summary: When you received a call from Sam and Bucky to help them catch the Flag Smashers you didn’t entirely know what to expect. As a lonely PhD student studying the effects of Hydra on shaping modern history, the duo thought you could be useful in finding leads towards the case. What you didn’t know was that a certain incarcerated Baron would be working alongside you stirring up trouble, and in more ways than one. 
                 Rated: E         Word Count: 4.7k 
Baron on the Run series
Young Folks
Summary: Zemo takes you shopping and you decide it’s time to have a little fun with your Baron. 
                Rated: M          Word Count: 1.3K
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
Summary: You and Zemo do a little dance.
                Rated: T            Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: The morning after No One But Me.
Rated: E Word Count: 2.2k
Beard Burn
Summary: A beard is the best disguise.
Rated: M Word Count: ~600
Man Size Meatballs
Summary: QVC is dangerous.
Rated G Word Count: ~600
What Are Those?
Summary: You buy your Baron some new shoes.
Rated: G Word Count: ~500
Summary: Zemo keeps the holsters on.
Don't Let Go
Rated: E Word Count: ~2k
Niki Lauda (Rush 2013)
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Sleeping With The Enemy masterlist
Pairing: Niki Lauda x fem!OC Catherine Sinclair/Reader
Summary: Catherine Sinclair is the younger, estranged half-sister of renowned F1 driver James Hunt. Things get a bit complicated when she decides to reenter James’ life and ends up meeting his rival - Niki Lauda. Engines ignite as Catherine finds herself caught between her feelings for Niki and the rivalry that the two men share. Will she pump the brakes or let herself crash in the inferno?
Rating: E for smut
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SWTE One Shots Masterlist
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The Heist masterlist
Synopsis: Niki Lauda and James Hunt are complete opposites. With their careers on the line as International Agents for Interpol, the two get paired together to solve the case of a small underground black market art heist. The introduction of an American, a woman no less, into the team only complicates things further as the trio goes undercover. There's more than just art that is at risk of being stolen on this mission. 
Pairing: Niki Lauda x Fem!Reader, some James Hunt x Reader
Rated: E 18+ for eventual smut, language, and violence
Dr. Laszlo Kreizler (The Alienist)
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The Interpretation of Dreams Masterlist
Pairing: Laszlo Kreizler x fem!Reader
Summary: Modern AU. Professor Laszlo Kreizler is a pretentious ass - that's the only way you could possibly explain the man. That being said, you needed a job to help pay for grad school, and the position of being his TA was the only thing available. You'll suck it up and deal with it, but the last thing you'll do is let this man get inside your head in the process.
Enemies to Lovers
Rated: E for smut & descriptions of trauma
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Psychopathia Sexualis Masterlist
Sequel to The Interpretation of Dreams
Pairing: Laszlo Kreizler x fem!Reader
Summary: After experiencing a whirlwind enemies-turned-lovers romance with the imposing Professor Laszlo Kreizler, things have been wonderful for you. Your studies are coming along, work is enjoyable, and you are in a stable relationship with the man you believe to be the love of your life. Suddenly,  everything threatens to come crashing down with the arrival of a face from the past. Will jealousy and desire consume you and destroy the love you finally found?
Rated: E for smut & dark themes
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Peri Psyches masterlist
A one shot series to follow The Interpretation of Dreams & Psychopathia Sexualis fics. Oneshots vary in rating, tags will be listed at the beginning of each fic. Also posted to AO3.
Other Brühl Boys Oneshots & HCs
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Two Stars Miles Apart
Pairing: Andrea Marowski (Ladies in Lavender) x GN reader
Lingonberry Schnapps
Pairing: Laszlo Kreizler (The Alienist) x GN reader
Sweater Weather
Pairing: Alex Garel (Eva) x GN reader
Up In Flames
Pairing: AU firefighter Zemo x fem!Reader (smut)
Breakfast in Bed - drabble request
Pairing: Zemo x pregnant wife reader
Promises Kept
Pairing: Dark!Thomas Fischer (My Zoe) x afab!Reader
Ernst Schmidt with a baby - HCs
Modern! Andrea Marowski- HCs
Voyeurism Kink Daniel Weltz - HCs
Brühl Boys & how they would help you on your period Alignment chart
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adaodinson · 3 years
Don´t you want me
This fic has in it the song “Don´t you want me” by Human League. Let´s just imagine it came out before 1976 (it came out on 1981) because I got inspiration from it and the idea got stuck in my head so I had to write it.
I do recommend to listen to the song while reading or at least before, especially if you have never heard it. But if you have, then you´re good.
(Here’s the YouTube link for the song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uPudE8nDog0 )
Summary: You have a difficult relationship with your boss, will a song smooth the tension or create more?
Warnings: Swearing.
Relationship: Niki Lauda x fem!reader
-I said I needed this finished for today! TODAY! Do any of you assholes know what that means!?- Niki had been yelling at your team for about 10 minutes (time that you could have used to continue working) because according to him, you weren´t fast enough to finish changing the parts of his car for when he needed them. Of course, the day wasn´t over yet, and you knew for a fact that you and your team were more than capable of finishing even before nightfall. But the asshole decided to load his anger of having lost the last race onto you, and you all knew better than contradicting him right now.
You wanted nothing more than shutting him up by just showing how fast you could all work together, you wanted to tell his pretty face to fuck off and let you finish your work, and if by the end of the day you hadn´t finished, then he could yell all he wanted. You had been a pain in the ass for Niki since you had started working for him, but he hadn´t been a beautiful angel for you either. Being a woman in this type of job meant you had to know how to stick up for yourself, so you were usually the first one to talk back to him, to shut him up with clever responses and to show just how capable you were. He knew you were one of the best at what you did, that´s one of the things he hated most about you: he knew he can´t fire you, but he knows how hot-headed you are. He had been trying to hide his attraction towards you, and so far, he was doing fine.
All of your teammates stood in silence, already used to getting yelled at by the man. When he finished, you immediately walked towards the car, grabbed the tools you needed and expertly changed one of it´s biggest parts in less than five minutes. You didn´t say a word, but whenever your eyes weren´t focusing on your task, they were on Niki. He was watching you, feeling like yelling again, but this time only at you. He felt anger boil in his body, and he was using every fiber in his being to stop himself from being once again amazed by your skills.
He had finally left, you had all finally been able to finish working on the car, and as usual, you were now the only one left. You yawned and stretched as you felt the muscles of your back tense from how tired you were. You grabbed your things and headed towards your car, wanting nothing more than to get to your apartment, get changed and go to bed.
You walked through the parking lot, feeling the light breeze hit your face next to the smooth lights that were on and enlightening your path through the darkness of the night. A minute later you were standing in front of your car, but as you felt through your pockets you just wanted to punch the glass of it´s windows: your keys. The mental image flew in your head, remembering exactly where you had left them. You always kept them inside your pocket, but this time, thanks to the Lauda asshole, you had been forced to empty your pockets as a prove you weren´t carrying anything that would distract you from your work.
You headed back for the workshop, and as you made your way through the now dark hallways you had grown so familiar to, you heard a distant music and singing. You immediately recognized the song: “Don´t you want me” by the Human League. You didn´t recognize the voice that was singing though. It was smooth and nice, a little loud, but whoever was the owner of it sure as hell knew his way through singing.
You weren´t a bad singer yourself, sometimes it was hard to recognize it, but you knew you had a pretty voice, so the second you reached the door and looked through the window and inside the workshop, you decided you would give that pretty voice of yours a good use.
It was Niki singing. He seemed to be checking everything in the car one last time, and he was playing the song as he sang the lyrics.
It's much too late to find
When you think you've changed your mind
You'd better change it back or we will both be sorry
You were between shocked at how good he sounded and amused at the opportunity for embarrassing him you had just gotten. Just as he was about to enter the chorus, you gently pushed the door making sure he wouldn´t hear you enter and started.
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me? Oh!
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me? Oh!
The second Niki heard another voice he turned his head dramatically to face the door. The moment he saw you he felt his cheeks cover up in embarrassment, thing that was completely unfamiliar to him. You smirked as you made your best to keep your voice loud and sounding good. Niki was between embarrassed, mad as hell and amazed at your beautiful voice, but as soon as you started the next part of the song, he stood up, smirked at you as you sang and thought: Oh, so you wanna play, let´s play.
But even then I knew I'd find a much better place
Either with or without you
As you finished the woman´s part in the song and started the second chorus, Niki headed quickly towards you and grabbed your waist with both hands harshly, but you didn´t pull away; you weren´t going to give up easily, so you just stared into his eyes as you placed your hands on his shoulders and kept on singing.
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me? Oh!
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me? Oh!
Your voices sang in synchrony as you teased each other with your eyes and hands. There had always been a weird type of chemistry between you two, and sure, Niki was an asshole, but even you couldn´t deny he was handsome as hell. You had always thought that if he weren´t your boss you probably would have made a move on him before earning your place between the people that annoyed him the most, or that´s what you thought.
Niki noticed you since he laid eyes on you. It was hard not to, but he was a professional, and so were you. You were there to work on his car, not on him. He surely felt attracted to you; your stubbornness (so similar to his) was, as annoying as it was, quite appealing to him. He knew there were lines with you, you didn´t pull up with anybody’s shit, not even his, and he loved it.
As you sang and looked into each other´s eyes, you both almost felt a magnetic force that bonded your bodies together. With each new word from the song you felt yourself an inch closer to Niki, and what surprised you the most was the smile that seemed to want to exit his mouth. You decided to smile first, knowing he wouldn´t see it coming, but you sure as hell weren´t expecting what he did next.
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me? Oh!
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me? Oh!
You got to the end of the song, and the second the music stopped Niki pushed you closer into his arms, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours. It was a perfect mixture between a rough and soft kiss. Without any hurry, but with just the right strength.
You softly moaned into the kiss and you immediately felt his grip tighten and his tongue begging for entrance between your lips. You happily complied. Your breaths mixed perfectly, just like your voices while singing. You felt fireworks exploding in your head as you moved your hands up to his neck and hair pulling him even closer. It was now his turn to moan into the kiss.
You both soon remembered you needed air to live, so you parted at the same time and just looked into each other´s eyes for what felt like ages.
Against your desires, Niki lost his grip and started walking away. You suddenly felt panic. Had that been too much? Would he fire you? Would he yell at you?
He silently went to turn off the still on music, grabbed his things and walked back to you. He placed one of his hands on your back and led you outside, to the parking lot. For him, you were in comfortable silence, but you were dying for either running away, or kissing him again.
-Let me take you to dinner tomorrow- Niki said with that familiar grin on his face.
-Only If you give me another kiss- you answered playfully. It took him by surprise, but only a few seconds were enough for his other hand to run to cup your cheek and pull you into a sweeter kiss. You played with his hair as you parted and talked.
-Then sure, I´d love to have dinner with you- You answered. He smiled proudly and left you next to your car.
You were about to slap yourself for not grabbing your keys, which happened to be the original reason you went in, when Niki put his hand into his pocket and took them out.
-Don´t forget them next time, or I´ll have to take you home- He said with a huge smirk in his face. You took them from his hand with an annoyed laugh and got inside your car.
-Good night, boss- He chuckled at the use of his title.
-Good night, worker- It was now your turn to laugh. You finally started your engine and drove home with a little less of a sleepy feeling as you had before, and definitely a more excited one to go back to work tomorrow and see how things went with the asshole, your asshole.
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lorna-d-m · 3 years
Lights Out: Chapter Three
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Summary: Roxanne, recently graduated and unemployed, gets a call from her childhood friend and hero: her cousin James Hunt. In need of a social media manager after one too many scandals, he can think of no one better that Roxanne for the position. Excited about a fun job and getting to know more about her cousin, she jumps at the chance. However, amongst all the bright lights of both the circuit and the media, Roxanne falls in love with his rival: Niki Lauda.
Pairing: Niki Lauda (Rush 2013) x fem!OC Roxanne Hunt
Word count: 2181
T/W: language, and it's starting to get a little mature, language
A/N: Got back from vacation so here y'all go. the next one should be coming soon as well, but I've got college move in stuff soon (thinking of it makes me panic and then I avoid everything so this will be fun). Anyways, any mistakes are my own, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list, and if anyone is interested in being a beta reader or something let me know.
Tag list: @apparrio @scuttle-buttle
Previous chapter
Brazil, Interlagos Circuit
April 14th, 2020
Another race weekend passed without a podium for Niki. He thought he’d chew a hole through his bottom lip, even swearing when he tasted blood at one point. After qualifying fourth on the grid, he hoped a good start and a solid race would see him finish on the podium, but instead, he finished behind the podium placers and Clay. That was not where he wanted to be. He thought the car had more potential, and he thought he had more potential.
Niki was working late, unsurprisingly, with the data analysts. Their coffee cups were drained and their dinner plates picked over as they read through the hundreds of system reports. Niki heard the highlights on Sunday and Monday, but on Tuesdays, he preferred to dive deeper with the team. He believed there was always something more to learn about the performance and apply to the next race, and he was determined to find it.
“And then at turn seven, you braked early into the corner, which lost about three-tenths of a second as you came out just out.”
He nodded at that, remembering exactly what Gio was talking about. Niki had been shoulder to shoulder with Clay, but he backed out of the late brake when he realized his teammate was not backing out either. He obviously didn’t want them to make contact, but he didn’t like losing time or the position either. Niki had already spoken with Clay about the incident, exchanging tense words as soon as they hopped out of the cockpit on Sunday, and he was ready to move past it.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and kept buzzing. Niki quickly raised his eyebrows in amusement. Anyone who knew Niki knew to text him first. Curious, he checked the caller ID. Roxanne. He smiled and excused himself to the hallway with a muttered “pardon me” and a finger held up to indicate he’d be back soon. The team, surprised to see Niki taking a call, waved him away to answer it.
“Yes?” They texted a few times since Argentina, after exchanging numbers on the golf cart, but he didn’t expect a call.
“Niki! Thank God.” She sounded so relieved Niki couldn’t help but smile again. He licked his bottom lip and listened as she spoke at a rapid pace. “Are you still at the circuit? I got caught up working on something, James and almost everyone here already left, and my phone is about to die. Is there any way you can give me a ride to the hotel?”
There was no hesitation in his answer. “Yeah, give me ten minutes to wrap up here, and I’ll meet you at the Hesketh motorhome.”
Roxanne hung up the phone before it could die and studied the mess of her workstation. Her laptop sat in front of her with a million tabs open and flashing the low power notification, her notebook and pen sat haphazardly to the side, and the tablet in her lap threatened to fall to the floor. She packed everything into her black backpack, humming a tune as she did, and jumped at the sharp rap on the door. “Come in!” she called to him, putting away her multi-colored pen collection.
Niki walked in, and she sighed in relief. He clearly tried to fix his hair, but there was still one curl out of place that fell across his forehead. Absent-mindedly, he pushed it back and looked around the place. There were pictures of James and the car up on the wall, and a British flag pinned up on the wall. She must have been working in James’s room, he realized. “I’m surprised you’re still here.”
“What, I should be off at whatever party with James?” She grimaced at the thought which made him chuckle. “Not my scene. I can make sure he doesn’t post anything stupid from here. No,” she stood up and slung the backpack on, “I’ve been assigned a new side project and decided to dive in headfirst after stupidly forgetting my phone charger.”
He opened the door for her, definitely not to check out her ass as she walked past him. “What project?”
She started laughing before explaining, and he knew he was in for a good story on the way to the car. “Lord Hesketh thinks it would be beneficial for the team to be active on TikTok to ‘reach out to a younger, newer audience’.” Roxanne imitated his tone before returning to her normal voice. “I’ve been neck-deep in research all night to make it feel natural and not like a business preying on a new audience, which it definitely is.”
She rolled her eyes and Niki barked a laugh.
“I know it’s ridiculous! I think as a person it’s so cringy that they want the team on there, but I get it.” She sighed. The paddock was quiet at night with most people clearing out before the curfew. A few people walked back to their cars as well, their heavy bags loaded up with equipment. It was well lit and relatively safe, but she was glad he offered to meet here at the motorhome rather than the parking lot. “I mean, as a team, you’re always reaching out and staying active on social media, and there’s untapped potential there. But seriously? I went to college for this?”
“So what have you been researching?” Niki walked close to her with their arms brushing every now and then. “How not to sound like a corporate persona trying too hard to relate?”
“Of course,” Roxanne giggled and playfully hit his arm. “But more seriously, trending sounds and challenges, hashtags to increase visibility, and video formatting. Trends move surprisingly fast, and I’m not sure I can stay on top of it.”
“That’s stupid. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t do well with this.”
Was that a compliment? His words sounded harsh, but their meaning was soft. Roxanne froze mid-step and stared at him. “Thank you, Niki. For that and for taking me back to the hotel.”
He squirmed under her appreciative eye and muttered “of course” before walking again.
Roxanne bounced ideas off of him as they walked through the paddock. Niki didn’t mind being a sounding board. Truthfully, he enjoyed listening to her and watching the way her face lit up when she had an idea, or how it scrunched up when she rejected a thought. For instance, she quickly realized it would be difficult to stay up on trends without exhausting herself, so she tossed that idea to the side. He suggested she could show parts of the weekend that people normally don’t see or explanation videos about tyre blankets or race suits.
“Woah, nice car!” It was hard to miss the bright red Ferrari in the parking lot.
Niki opened the passenger door for her. “It’s alright, not my favorite, but they want me to drive it to the track and such.”
“What is your favorite then?” she reached for the buckle. “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
Niki walked around to the driver’s seat and sat down, the gear shift in the middle separating them. “It’s alright. I like old cars, and I’ve got a few motorcycles,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.
“Really?” She gaped at him incredulously. “I thought you’d be all about modern, cutting edge cars, the height of safety and technology. Not death traps.”
“Death traps?” He teased while sliding the gear shift into reverse, “I drive a race car for a living, and you’re worried about my choice of car in my free time?” Niki rested his hand on the back of her seat as he turned to look behind him. He was inches away from her, and the smell of his cologne made her heart skip a beat, but then he returned to normal.
“So what’s your favorite to drive then? The vintage, the motorcycle, or the race car?”
He pointed at her in mock accusation, “Now that’s not a fair question.”
“So tell me about it,” she coaxed, “or tell me about your favorites.”
Niki licked his lips again and glanced at her in the periphery. Roxanne wasn’t politely asking him knowing she wasn’t going to listen to the answer. She gazed at him curiously and expectantly. He started to explain the differences, why he loved old cars versus today’s, what it was like to be on a motorcycle, and the sense of control he felt when he sat down in the race car. When she didn’t understand something, or when she had a question, she didn’t shrug it off or brush it aside, she asked him, and she anticipated an answer.
The car idled in a parking spot by the front as he continued talking, persuaded by her happy smile and prodding questions. It was well past the time Roxanne expected to be back, but nothing could have made her leave the car. She found him so adorable when he talked: the excited gleam in his eyes as he spoke about cars, the careful and thorough way he answered her questions, and the cute way he couldn’t keep his hands from moving and gesturing even as he drove.
Roxanne put her right hand on his cheek and drew him in for a chaste kiss. It was quick, but oh so soft as he froze mid-sentence. She pulled away from him, admiring the dumbstruck look on his face. His cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his eyes widened in shock.
“Shut up and kiss me, Niki.”
He needed no further encouragement. Niki leaned over the gear shift separating them and carded one hand through her hair. His lips met hers, and she opened her mouth in surprise which allowed him to slip his tongue in, exploring her mouth. The hand in her hair moved down to her neck, and she let out a small gasp at that. Smirking, his lips trailed across her jaw and down to her neck, nibbling and biting every so often to tease her and listen to her reaction.
Roxanne’s hands moved into his hair, lightly tugging on his curls, and the moan that he elicited made her grin. His hands wandered down her chest and found their way under her shirt. The expensive smell of his cologne that she found so delicious earlier overwhelmed her now as he sucked a hickey on her neck. He practically pressed her back into the seat, and he was as far over the center console as he could be without climbing over it. Niki thought about it, to be sure, but he also thought about how soft her breast was as he cupped it in his hand.
“Niki.” He playfully nipped harder at the sound of his name. “Niki,” she repeated, more brusquely.
He pulled away for a moment, his lips still brushing the tender spot on her neck. “Yes, Schatz?”
“There’s no tint on this car, is there?” As much as she wanted, needed, this to continue, she was suddenly conscious of their public position.
“No, there isn’t.” He understood her point and reluctantly drew away. “If I’d known you’d do this tonight, I would have bought you dinner rather than my team,” he joked lightly, his blood still racing.
“Niki,” she chastised, shoving him lightheartedly. Roxanne fixed her hair and her shirt as much as she could in the car. She would have invited him up to her room, but it was right next to James’s and she didn’t trust herself to keep quiet. Not when he made her feel that warm and fuzzy from just a kiss. “I don’t want to leave, but I think I have to.”
“Can I take you to dinner sometime?” He would have asked her to his room, but he shared a wall with Clay and didn’t enjoy the idea of him hearing anything. Not when she could make him moan like that from grabbing his hair.
“Of course,” she placed another kiss on his cheek, her lipstick leaving a mark before she got out of the car.
Niki sat there for a few minutes, first to let her get into the hotel without him right behind her and raising suspicions, and second to let the bulge in his pants go down a bit before he walked through the lobby. Licking his thumb, he tried to rub away the lipstick kiss, but the color was persistent. The dark pink splotch would stay until he could wash it off properly, and he realized with a snort it was her payback for him leaving a visible hickey on her neck.
Roxanne quickly moved her hair to cover the mark on her neck. Niki. The last thing she needed was someone asking her about it. She sighed with relief when she entered her room and smiled giddily. She just kissed Niki Lauda. When she closed her eyes, she could still feel his lips on her jaw, his left hand on her breast, and his right hand creeping towards her jeans. If only his car had tinted windows…
Next chapter
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