#ningguang analysis
yuniemaki · 2 years
Character Study: Ningguang, the Eclipsing Star Part I
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The biggest secret in Liyue, is not a secret in of itself, but Ningguang, who herself knows all the secrets of Liyue.
Liyue knows her by many names: the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, the Lady of the Jade Chamber, socialite, ruthless businesswoman whose wealth is unsurpassed in all of Teyvat, Liyue's most beautiful and unsolvable enigma.
Fast-forward two years of Genshin, however, and while the titles still remain, we as her friends have witnessed her being more often than not simply "Ningguang". In this essay we'll attempt to chart her character arc over the last two years in chronological order, her relationships with her inner circle (most notable is Beidou, who brings out a lot of her character), and where this puts her now before the beginning of 2023 and our third Lantern Rite in Liyue.
A/N: Events will feature both EN and CN dialogue due to translation nuances. The Archon Quests, for the most part, were translated accurately.
Archon Quest Chapter I: Act I - III
When we first meet Ninggguang, she appears aloof, mysterious and cordial. Traveler observes that she certainly doesn't lack in ambition.
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We also get a sense of her power in Liyue - from the Jade Chamber to the intelligence network of the Liyue Qixing, and this is further reinforced by the way the scenes frame her face and body. Typically, high camera shots are used in film to evoke a sense of authority, danger, fear and tension, which is a good allusion to how the traveler feels about meeting someone whom they've heard only whispers about.
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Ningguang is the only character who uses a lot of idioms and metaphors in her Chinese lines - even Zhongli is more direct than her. In CN, she comes across as a very indirect person because of this, and one whose true motives are not clear from the start.
During the battle against Osial, we see a slightly different side of Ningguang - the side of her that is willing to sacrifice her life's work to protect Liyue Harbour. But Tianquan or no, there is a severity in her expressions after the Jade Chamber is destroyed, and a curtness in her tone that wasn't there before. She's clearly carrying on her duty and compartmentalizing what she's lost.
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The way this particular shot is framed (bottom) as Madame Ping speaks of how the Jade Chamber was constructed, Ningguang's eyes are not shown on purpose, although you do see the rather polite smile she still wears.
We're left to guess what kind of emotions danced across those eyes when Madame Ping was speaking, referring to her not just as a businesswoman but the "backbone of the Liyue Qixing". Through it all, Ningguang still wears that cordial smile - the mask that she has learned to wear through years of practice in Liyue's marketplace.
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We'll also see that although she still holds that smile, her eyes don't seem as vibrant as they were in her introduction to the Traveler (top - post-Osial, bottom - pre-Osial). Clearly the loss of the Jade Chamber has hit hard, but she has duties to a nation and to the people.
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We don't get to realise the significance of this loss until much later during her hangout, which we'll get to later. But notice how after this quest, Ningguang never speaks of the Jade Chamber or Osial ever again to us, even during Moonchase, not until it rises once more and survives Beisht.
Chapter II: Act I
After the events of Osial, we finally meet Beidou before we head to Inazuma, after seeing 10293890321 voicelines about her in Ningguang's profile and vice versa.
We are given our first look at a person Ningguang seems to trust, more so than the traveler, because she's told Beidou all about Osial. This is significant as we, as the traveler, are turned away by Bu'yun post-Osial when we inquire about Ningguang - who is "tied up with administrative tedium".
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As far as we know, Ningguang shut herself away after Osial, disappearing from public view - until Chapter II Act I, where Beidou mentions that she spoke with Ningguang about Osial. This is at odds with what we know of her in her introduction - the Liyue Qixing's primary focus is to lay low. But of all the Tianquans who have governed Liyue's laws, Ningguang is an exception.
Ningguang is a socialite; she revels in being the talk of the town, and yet after Osial and losing her Jade Chamber, she all but disappeared from the public limelight.
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The loss of the Jade Chamber hit her harder than we know, especially when we remember that she values the Jade Chamber more than anything else in her life - it was her life's work, it was designed to be infinite, it was a symbol of her wealth and power, but she gave it all up in a fleeting moment.
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To have her world views shattered by a single decision - this was most likely one of Ningguang's lowest moments. Zhongli describes her as someone who "always presses on" in his voiceline about her.
And yet, despite her relative seclusion post-Osial, she allowed Beidou to meet with her.
The Crux Fleet wasn't home to protect Liyue once, and it's likely that they set sail for home after hearing the news. We also know Beidou immediately went into Liyue Harbour from Guyun and didn't return for a long time - and the next time we see her, she has already spoken with Ningguang about Osial.
Ningguang doesn't trust easily, nor is she a direct person, but despite her disagreements with Beidou, the captain is someone she definitely trusts and confides in. We can only imagine the kind of conversations they would have had about what happened but it certainly plays a part in how Ningguang behaves later during Moonchase, when we next see her.
It's also the first time in-game that we know for sure Beidou and Ningguang do converse about other things apart from Beidou's unending list of fines to the Qixing. The severe expression on Beidou's face throughout this is up for contention of course, but I like to think it's because Ningguang confided in her about the pain of losing the Jade Chamber.
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Character Voicelines: Ningguang & Beidou
Before we move into the events that eventually shape Ningguang's growth as a character, let's first talk about the stories and two voicelines she has about Beidou, and vice versa. These tell us the history they share before the current events of Genshin Impact, before the traveler wakes up.
They view each other as opposites, agreeing to disagree - however, as we do know, Beidou and Ningguang are also a reflection of yin/yang (deep-dive here!).
And yin/yang is not about forces that complement each other: yin/yang is about opposing forces that balance each other. They will never complement each other like missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. They only balance each other, like a scale in equilibrium.
Beidou admits to this off-handedly in Moonchase when Paimon observes that she seems to have a good relationship with Ningguang, especially in CN:
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派蒙Paimon: 可上次看你们聊天,总觉得你们关系很好呢。 When we saw you talking the other day, it felt like you had a really good relationship.
北斗Beidou: 势均力敌也算是一种平衡吧。虽然我对她的开水白菜实在无话可说。 I suppose being evenly-matched is also a form of balance. Although I have no words for her plain cabbage soup.
The EN translation opted for "evenly-matched" as a translation for the word 平衡 Pínghéng. But it's also commonly used to mean "balance". The idiom for "evenly-matched" (势均力敌 Shìjūnlìdí) is usually used in context of a game/polls/tournament/etc. If you break down the etymology, it literally means "power/influence are equal (in a situation), (so our) strengths match".
Also worth noting is the fact that Beidou knows Ningguang's favourite food. From Ningguang's voicelines and Teyvat's Food Guide, a series of Chinese posts on HYV's official site, not many people know her culinary preferences, and would wrongly presume that she enjoys food befitting of her station.
In Teyvat's Food Guide (linked above!), the writer mentions this about Ningguang, having made Golden Crab (her least favourite food) for her:
I thought that a businesswoman like Ningguang would prefer some expensive cuisine, but Ningguang didn't eat that, and simply said: "I've seen people order "golden crab" at every banquet, but I have no desire for such frivolousness. If you want to treat me to such a dish, you might as well just give me the Mora. People sometimes have an inexplicable stubbornness. Though I think Ningguang will not change her opinions because of me, I'm confident that Ningguang will not think negatively of my craft because of this. My betting dice has been tossed down.
With Ningguang generally being a distrusting person, who keeps her suitors at arm's length to take advantage of them - there is someone she trusts implicitly after all, someone who just happened to be absent during the Archon Quest.
Moonchase: Moonlight Merriment
The next time we see Ningguang again is much later, during the Moonchase celebration in Liyue. And lo and behold, Beidou is back, too! Seems like she's stopping over at Liyue a lot more than she did before Osial.
We get our first glimpse of the dynamics between Beidou, a member of Ningguang's inner circle, and Ningguang herself here, when Keqing asks if there are any objections to her taking control of figuring out this big rock.
The conversation that follows gives us a first look into what Ningguang is like when she is among people she can trust, and also how she now behaves post-Osial. Enough time has passed, as well, that the shadow of Osial no longer hangs as heavy as it used to over Liyue.
She has let down her guard considerably more by the time of Moonchase, electing to engage in playful banter instead of remaining cordial and formal. Her somber mood from before seems to be gone and she's appearing in public once again. Clearly she has come to terms (on some degree) with her loss, although we're not privvy to what happened. But based on timeline and inference, we can assume she certainly did not manage to do this on her own.
Ningguang's playful side is most clearly defined in the original CN lines of this banter scene (my comments are in indents):
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北斗Beidou: 刻晴办事向来雷厉风行,交给你我就放心了。 Handing this to you, I can be at ease.
Of note here is how Beidou describes Keqing’s work ethic with this idiom: 雷厉风行 léi lì fēng xíng, lit. “strict/strong as thunder, moves fast like the wind” — they are swift to enforce policies and are decisive.
凝光Ningguang: 这话说的,是不放心我的手腕? That said, does that mean you don’t trust in my skills/abilities?
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北斗Beidou:哈?刻晴不管风吹雨打都在外面跑,跟你大不一样吧。再说,你又不在乎这事,计较什么呀! Keqing runs around whether it’s windy or raining, she’s very different from you. Also, you don’t mind these things, what are you fussing about?
Personally I think “not giving a wooden Mora about this whole thing” is a little too harsh a translation for 不在乎 bùzàihū, it's more akin to "don't mind" or "don't quite care". Similarly, 计较 jìjiào is typically used to say someone is "kicking up a fuss".
凝光Ningguang:开个玩笑而已,你倒是打蛇随棍上,数落起我来了,把人家旅行者都给晾在一边。 I was merely joking. You often seize the opportunity to criticise my flaws while leaving others like the Traveler hanging.
Ningguang describes "seize the opportunity" with a Chinese idiom, of which there is no EN equivalent. This idiom is 打蛇随棍 dǎ shé suí gùn or lit. “hit the snake with a stick”, which is a modern version of the full phrase 木棍打蛇,蛇随棍上 Mù gùn dǎ shé, shé suí gùn shàng. i.e. “hit the snake with a wooden stick, and the snake will follow/creep around the stick.” This idiom was born from ancient times where a snake was very dangerous, but you could hit with a stick (bamboo at that time), and it would see the stick as a danger and follow it. It’s used to indicate a person who is able to act at a good moment (stick) to attack another person’s (the snake) weaknesses, making the situation very difficult for the other person. TLDR; Ningguang is telling Beidou: "You attacked my weakness and made it difficult for me here."
Let's go back to analysis for a bit - this whole section reflects how close they are on several levels:
Beidou has no issues "criticising" Ningguang, Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, in public. This is of course in part due to her nature as a law-breaking pirate, but HYV took great pains to show us the level of power and authority that Ningguang held in Liyue during her introduction in the Archon Quest.
Ningguang indirectly tells her, in Ningguang-terms, that Beidou has hurt her feelings. Beidou keeps quiet after this and doesn't push the issue, indicating she understands.
We know from Ningguang's way of speaking, and from Beidou's voice lines, that she is a very indirect person. So it does speak volumes that Beidou can grasp her hidden meanings quite quickly - a nod to Beidou's ability to easily understand people.
Fast-forward a bit, to where Ningguang asks the "great sea-faring Captain Beidou" to explain how this rock came about:
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北斗Beidou:这女人。。。哼,也好。Zhè nǚrén... Hēng, yě hǎo。 This woman… hmph, very well.
也好 yě hǎo is used to indicate that although this person’s request was not what you had in mind, you’re OK with it.
Fast-forward again, to after Ningguang describes her ideal food as precise, pure, and sophisticated, Beidou immediately retorts:
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北斗Beidou:到海上待几个星期,保证治了你这身富贵病。Dào hǎishàng dài jǐ gè xīngqí, bǎozhèng zhìle nǐ zhè shēn fùguìbìng。 Stay at sea for a few weeks, and you’ll be cured of your wealth disease.
I call 富贵病 fùguìbìng "wealth disease" for easy reference, but it's actually termed "diseases of affluence", and is commonly used to refer to illnesses that result from increasing wealth in society, such as poor digestion, obesity and bad posture.
This is the first look we have at anyone giving a damn about Ningguang as a person - before this, our eyes were on her as Tianquan, as the backbone of the Qixing, as a powerful businesswoman, but never quite as simply "Ningguang" until Beidou comes along.
Finally, we get to spy on them a while longer after this cutscene ends, where Ningguang addresses Beidou's little "wealth disease" jab - a relatively different line in CN than what was shown in EN:
凝光Ningguang: 你方才那番话有欠妥当。就算是我,每天也会在玉京台来回散步,道理月港内走走看看的。 What you said just now was inappropriate. I take walks along Yujing Terrace everyday and walk around Liyue Harbour.
北斗Beidou: 哈,只是不想发胖而已吧。 Haha, you just don't want to get fat.
Ningguang takes more offense at Beidou accusing her of not having good taste than "attacking her weakness" - the latter is something she's used to in Liyue's marketplace, while the former is more of a jab at what she likes.
Lastly, the ending of Moonchase Merriment - where Ningguang narrates a line of the cutscene speech (bolded):
风雨犹祝,山海同欢,是承天地之佑。 斗转星移,沧海桑田,烟火人间依旧。 功名在我,百岁千秋,毋忘秉烛夜游。 今古诸事,激荡中流,宏图待看新秀。
Zeroing on what she says as she looks out to the Alcor: 功名在我,百岁千秋,毋忘秉烛夜游。
"My glory will be remembered for thousands of years, but (what's important) is to cherish the time (I have)." Italicised line can actually be translated as simply "carpe diem" in English - to enjoy life while one can.
This is a stark contrast from Ningguang's original views that she will not be bound by anything finite. Seizing the day, living in the now - this is something new, something that is finite, that she cannot quantify in terms of Mora.
She has lost what was infinite - the Jade Chamber - and in turn, gained a legacy. She will be remembered for her actions for centuries to come, and her name will make it into the annals of Liyue's history.
That is infinite.
So, what now? It seems everything she loves can be lost at the whim of gods. If so, then there is only one way for her to stand strong - she must savour every moment of her life, lacking for nothing.
What's truly important, then, is not what comes after, but what comes now - to live every moment, to live in the now.
Ningguang says this while looking out at the Alcor in the ending cutscene (screw this 30-image-per-post-limit!!) - a small nod to the person who taught her to understand this.
Seeing Ningguang as a human instead of an enigma
So what does all of this mean? Moonchase tells us a few things about Ningguang's growth:
Ningguang has a sensitive and delicate side, which Beidou seems to know about.
Ningguang appears less guarded by the time of this event, likely because she now trusts the traveler, Beidou, Keqing and the others.
Beidou has access to the Jade Chamber any time she wants - she mentions she can go up any time for a game of chess during this event.
Ningguang appears to be quite enamoured by Beidou, what with her "great sea-faring captain" flattery and attempting to be direct (which is not in her nature).
Time has healed the wounds of losing the Jade Chamber somewhat, though she still does not appear much in public (not as often as implied in her introduction at least), instead sending guards to summon Keqing and only showing up in her capacity as a judge for the cooking competition.
There has been a shift in Ningguang's beliefs, now that the Jade Chamber, which she believed infinite, has been lost. Now she realises that she has left a legacy, that she will be remembered for ages to come, but what's truly important is to live.
This event is the start of what appears to be relationship developments in Ningguang's character growth. She is beginning to display attachment to Beidou, likely because of what happened in the Archon Quest, and is also displaying more trust in the traveler and by extension, the traveler's friends.
In other words, she is descending from the heavens - becoming less of an icon and an enigma, and becoming more human.
Part II will come soon because I hit the 30 image-per-post limit... 😭😭
Preview: We'll cover the following events in Part II, along with how they show Ningguang's exponential growth leading up to the last event she appears in:
Interlude Chapter: The Crane Returns On The Wind
Lantern Rite: Fleeting Colors in Flight
Orchid evening gown
Hangout: The Jade Chamber's Returning Guest
Event: Of-Drink-A-Dreaming
Beiguang masterlist LyurGG: Moonchase ss | AQ Chapter II ss Bluemeat: AQ Chapter I ss
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beiguang-resource · 11 months
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character design breakdown
there is a natural connection between lightning and the earth; the negative electrons of lightning are attracted to the positive protons in the earth. so during a storm, lightning is always drawn to the earth. this is likely why they're an electro-geo pair.
the negative-positive reaction in nature is another way they're represented in contrasts. they're opposites, but in a way that attracts them to each other, rather than pushing them apart.
see this post for other information on their designs.
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evelynpr · 2 years
How IN LOVE are the Genshin cast with the Traveler? An ANALYSIS of the cast's affinity for them based on voice lines, events and other media!
This goes for both Aether and Lumine, and even Paimon occasionally for the friendship/family tier! If there is anyone or smth I missed please feel free to add I love studying character relationships!!! Of course you are free to interpret these differently, or see it as "something more" if you wish hehe ;)
Lowest Tier : Friendly-er
These characters are here because they are not the type to have many friends, but traveler is special to them, not romantically
Raiden Ei - I interpret their relationship as one that is trying to build a stable friendship, but still recovering from past events slowly. Ei has done a lot of harm both directly and indirectly at the traveler, but has gone through the events of the quest to re-center herself in which the Traveler helped greatly. Deeply thankful is what I'm lead to believe, but casual is still iffy because of Ei's acts of cutting off all close connections in the past.
Shenhe - She is very protective of the traveler, because they were her earliest friends (yes Paimon too) and her story does revolve around her learning to fight for others (I find their friendship very sweet, but not romantic at all since Shenhe has a much longer way to go in understanding social relationships) (I'm kinda surprised I've never seen someone ship this romantically actually-)
Diluc - Definition of a Gentleman when it comes to the traveler. He always offers his support, gives his hand-picked grape juice to them for free, etc. He always sees them in high regard and trusts them greatly (but you could probably say he does the same for Kaeya, Jean, Adelinde, Elzer, basically anyone he sees as family)
Ningguang - She says herself that she keeps her friends few because of the dangers her enemies pose on those who are close to her, but as Liyue's protector she puts great trust in the traveler. Her hangout imo shows that she generally trusts us more than a business partner but as a friend (very wholesome, but nothing more than that and that's cool!)
Razor - Traveler is Lupical. Razor is inherently very protective of the people he cares about because of feeling like he failed to protect his lupical in the past (I believe that's the story behind his vision). So obviously it is not romantic, but his interactions with the Traveler, Paimon, his family and friends are just so special and heartwarming especially in his latest event (SO SWEET I LOVE FOUND FAMILY)
Scaramouche/Wanderer/babygirl/whatever you named him - He clearly doesn't have that many companions (or even any at all), even less those who he shows any sign of vulnerability to. Personally I see it as one of the most interesting traveler relationships in the game yet because they both do not fully trust each other, nor fully accept the other as a friend, but because of him revealing his trauma and past to him, and also the traveler also revealing a part of their own mind and longing, they have an understanding of each other like no one else does. (I do not see this as romantic, but more like a camaraderie which may lead to a deeper connection in the future)
Side note: Most of the playable cast are friends with the traveler, I point out these people specifically because they don't show vulnerability often, or already have other of friends so these relationships have another level of importance to the character.
Middle Tier : Flirty~
These guys are sweet talkers, may or may not be into the traveler
Kaeya - He kinda just talks like that if you ask me. He genuinely cares for the traveler and the other Knights and his family, but his language is just one of the ways he puts on his persona (As Razor would put it, his "fake smile")
Lisa - "Hey cutie-" makes me feel things, ok. Other than that though, nothing tells me she's into the traveler any more than a flirty way? I mean she appreciates them for their skills and support but I think it ends there?
Kazuha - man is a sweet talker honestly. Of course he also cares for the traveler deeply, but his poetic and colorful language is from his own nature, and the traveler generally has a special presence (His language IS very pretty if you ask me haha) (I feel some would say its more *suggestive* than others so that's up to you already lmao)
If there's anyone else you think has a rather *flavorful* way of speaking to the traveler, please do let me know :> If you think these have deeper meaning though, that would be interesting
Above Average Tier : Very sweet, could be something more?
Pseudo-canon material (the comics and hangouts are great man)
Thoma - You give him flowers in his hangout, and in another ending he gives you his omamori which is very sentimental to him. Thoma is generally an incredibly sweet person, so interpret it as you please haha <3
Heizou - This is pretty romantic if you ask me (depending on your taste). He keeps saying how much he wants you to be his "partner" (technically in the investigation sense), and has dialogue about how he feels comfortable around you, it's very sweet and has potential. Not to mention "Traveler, you are so dreamy~" (I swear this guy is 80% fanservice but do you see people complaining?)
Noelle - Her hangout was really adorable, it had a very innocent and young long vibe throughout it and it's just cuteness overload :> (What I would call a babyship)
Childe - Chilumi (not counting Aether) is basically canon in one of the side comedy comics, but in game, it's implied they do battle for fun, traveler does still keep their guard up around him, but his story quest shows he puts great trust in the traveler despite their differences.
Highest Tier : VERY interested, in love even
These are all in game, and pretty canon events (Teapot lines may still be questioned on how canon they are, but further reinforce the mindsets and affinity for the traveler these characters have) (of course it still has headcanon and my own stupid simp heart but bear with me okay?)
Albedo - He always talks abt how interested he is in you (not just scientifically anymore lmao), and suggested for you to live (totally not with him) in Dragonspine. He also trusts them more than others quite explicitly. He is, I believe, deeply enamored by them because of their kindness, strength, intelligence and reliability because the traveler is the person he is most comfortable with. They are the reason he wants to interact with others more as well (Shadows Amidst Snowstorms +Teapot highlights this). The teapot lines are just the icing on the cake, man is making a MOVE on the traveler for REAL by asking him out and showing how he wants to spend more time with them.
Xiao - I feel like despite how common this pair is, it's quite overlooked just how much Xiao trusts and admires the traveler. Xiao is very sensitive about people calling him by his name to use it to control him (that is what his old master did to him) so the fact that he tells only the traveler (not just suggest mind you) to call him anywhere anytime using HIS NAME, are massive displays of vulnerability, trust and protectiveness. (I believe that protection is his main way of showing affection because others are currently an anomaly to him) Xiao also both literally and emotionally feels a calming presence around them because of their healing ability and kindness. He also just can't say no to them, and wants to understand the traveler more even if it means in partaking in "dumb human activities"
Ayaka - She sees so much freedom and beauty in the traveler it is so sweet, and it's quite obvious how much she wants to spend time and be closer with the traveler emotionally (maybe I am just a simp but please she is so tender and sincere) It is also mentioned repeatedly how much she talks about them in very high regard. Once again the teapot lines are just the sugary coat on top with "May I...hold your hand?" being one of them (I screamed like I just won 50/50 in one pull with that line)
The old lady of the Kamisato Estate also mentions how thrilled Ayaka is every time they're around, and also talked about how talented and admirable they are. She also implied that they are Ayaka's "Knight in Shining Armor" and that she talks about them all the time. Idk if you need anymore convincing at this point of how much Ayaka likes the traveler after that.
SIDE NOTE : I find it refreshing and fascinating how the genders actually seem quite mixed and what relationships characters have with the traveler are varied. I really appreciate the writing team for the amount of detail they put into them!
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ymechi · 9 months
i saw an amazing analysis post on ningguangs constellation and how that correlates with her character growth (link here) And that made me think again about @theearthisalie ask which is here
This gave me a new idea, the first time the creator summons you can see the constellation but the different parts of the constellation (points) aren't shinning, one option for them to shine is either by the acolyte's own hands where they grow as a person do the other points shine or by the creator pulling them again which causes events/fate (get it Intertwined Fates) where they grow as a person. So getting C1 could be the first character/personal growth for the character.
so my conclusion (so far? it might change) is when the creator pulls more than once we are making a fate where said character undergoes personal change due to certain events and that causes them to get abilities that reflect that
I hope my ramblings made any sense lol ToT
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funniestbusiness · 6 months
Genshin Impact: The Magnus Archives AU
or How to Mix Media With Wildly Different Vibes Because They Have This One Thing in Common
You wanted to know! There's an audience for my thoughts! I shall inflict them upon you!
So we have the Archons in Genshin, inflicting benevolent or neutral concepts upon the world. We have the Fears in TMA, inflicting, well, fears upon the world.
*approaches blender*
(Be warned, this is probably rather superficial, no deep character analysis here, literally just "Which Archon could be which Fear?" Also, I'll use the Archons' common names because I like them more, except for Focalors for obvious reasons)
1. Venti - The Vast
Well, first of all, it fits elementally, but that alone does not make a Fear. Venti's major topics are those of being untethered, lost, small in comparison to everything. The thing is, he's not inflicting those on anyone, unless him abandoning Mondstadt counts. For the time being, let's consider this to be enough.
2. Zhongli - The Buried
In comparison, this one is easy. There has been very literal use of stone and earth to bury his enemies (just ask Osial). The Buried's more metaphorical manifestation are obligation and debt, especially financial debt, and the God of Contracts and Mora seems tailor-made for the position.
(We also have a rather obvious pick for a devoted avatar - Ningguang)
3. Ei - The Lonely or The End
A very strong case can be made for both.
The Lonely: She closed off the country and divided its people, abandoned Kunikuzushi and eagerly isolated even herself.
The End: She started the Vision Hunt, where deaths of ambitions metaphorically or literally meant deaths of the people themselves, chased the kind of eternity that is identical to death in its stillness, and is famous for how her Musou no Hitotachi is an unavoidable strike.
I like The End more, but take your pick!
4. Nahida - The Eye
Another easy one. It's knowledge, knowledge, desire for knowledge all the way down. Additionally, through the Akasha Terminal, she was able to execute surveillance, and currently is capable of reading thoughts. And yes, we have an archon who may not want to ever execute their power maliciously - but who definitely could.
Being assigned the colour green is only a nice bonus :D
(Two avatars quickly come to mind - Alhaitham and Cyno. I want to see them and/or Nahida "ceaseless watcher"ing someone. Badly.)
5. Focalors - The Web or The Stranger (with Furina as an avatar)
See, this gets complicated because this duo leans in different directions. Focalors herself is more of The Web, masterminding a grandiose plan to deceive Celestia, for which Furina would need to deceive all of Fontaine, spinning a lie for hundreds of years. But the fact that she's specifically an imposter, together with the general theatre and performance theme, brings Furina closer to The Stranger. You could say it's now the fear of "archons, but not quite" instead of "humans, but not quite", hehe.
(For either Fear, I feel like Arlecchino is a good avatar candidate? Jury's still out on how many layers there are to her)
Murata would likely be The Slaughter or possibly The Desolation, and the Tsaritsa could of course be The Web but I have no idea at this point.
Finally, we have another divine being in Teyvat who deserves an Entity of their own. I decided to get a little edgy with it~
6. Neuvillette - The Extinction
...or is he?
He could have been, that much is true. He could let the people of Fontaine be eliminated due to "their sin" (at best becoming Oceanid hiveminds and at worst vanishing entirely) and Fontaine itself be destroyed in a catastrophic flood.
Which he did not do - the only thing he wants to eliminate is Celestia.
And Celestia itself is much more realised as The Extinction. It has once laid waste to the world order, replacing the inhabitants with humans, and later, repeated this on a smaller scale, casting down environment-warping Divine Nails and destroying civilizations it deemed full of hubris.
If Neuvillete is Extinction, he only is, for lack of a more elegant way to say it, their personal Extinction.
(Also he just doesn't go with The Vast, he has no vibes of it beyond his element. Even The Eye fits better)
So, here are my thoughts on this AU! Feel fre to add (please do add). I currently have no other avatar ideas in mind other than Childe being very obviously Slaughter-coded.
People who expressed their interest (thank you SO MUCH for enabling me): @hawk-in-a-tree @smokinghotcrow @ninthfeather @paxoculi @thejoespooky
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moonsaver · 4 months
Introductory post.
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hello, please call me moon, or moonsaver
I now have a blog on AO3 – my user is Moonsaving.
As my name suggests, I like the moon. But to be honest, I like the sun more, which is why my blog is more gold and black themed, haha.
I use she/her pronouns, and am cis-female. I am an INFP, 4w5 and phlegmatic. My favorite food is ice cream. My favorite color is payne's grey. I write, but also sometimes draw. I tend to like reading about evolutionary species of humans. And also any character analysis. My favorite animal is a Manta-ray. My favorite artist is Mitski. I tend to like characters that are INTJ or ISTJ. Of course, some exceptions apply.
my favorite characters :
- genshin - dainsleif, neuvillette, zhongli, alhaitham, thoma, ningguang, candace, dehya
- honkai - stelle, welt, jing yuan, sunday, dr ratio
Fandoms i write for, so far:
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- [Maybe] Twisted Wonderland
Rules for requesting
No nsfw. Suggestive is fine.
Yandere x reader is welcomed here.
only character x reader. Unfortunately, I am not interested in character x character.
child reader and child characters can only have platonic requests. No yandere can be requested for these.
Incest, step-cest and age gaps are not allowed here. I know, what a surprise Im picky about it, right? But I have my limits even while writing yandere stuff.
I mainly write gender neutral and fem reader. Please specify, or i may assume it myself.
I will write how i please if not specified. Hcs, scenarios, drabbles, imagines.. anything is welcome.
i take time. Im just lazy.
feel free to send prompts, although i may not be able to implement it well.
i will automatically assume it is romantic if not specified between platonic or romantic request.
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syre-stane16 · 5 months
First thing first...
Crystallise is similar to swirl, in that it's an almost universal reaction. Collecting the elemental crystal gives you a shield.
Contracts are an interesting association, however I believe it's due to how contracts are in theory rigid and sturdy, protecting the agreeing parties.
This is another element I can see with the concept of knowledge due to fossils, preserving history in a way.
I can also see loyalty and stubbornness, with rocks remains unmoving for years.
Rocks are hard and reliable, and protects us from weather. Which is why we normally house ourselves in structures made from rocks.
Precious ores and gems being products of the earth allows for an association in elegance, beauty and wealth. Already you can associate geo with a certain rich mommy.
The earth is also old AF. But that doesn't apply to any of our playable vision holders. :/
She's the leader of Liyue, and she's rich.
Born into poverty, she has a rags-to-riches element to her story.
Interestingly, she's not as controversial of a character that I thought she would be, but that's not what you're here for so :p
If she fails her knight exam again, forget Albedo, forget whatever plans the Fatui or the Abyss Order is hatching, I WILL DESTROY MONDSTADT MYSELF.
Noelle's a hardworking, strong ,reliable, dense sweetheart of a shielder. I ship her with The Traveller so hard.
These traits makes her feel perfect for the element.
I am giggling as I write this, she's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
It's heavily implied Albedo is made from Chalk.... which is a mineral.... earth
That and like Sucrose, he's also an Alchemist.... so the universal crytalise reaction... yeah...
He's a reliable character, and he's loyal. Rock
Itto and Paimon have similar characterisations now that I come to think of it.... anyways.
hard headed
protects his found family
An argument can be made for elegance, but I feel I should give a Doylist reasoning for her specifically.
You see... Genshin kinda gets away with a lot of China's censorship laws [we still get femboys] because the CCP see's it as an opportunity to showcase China's rich artistic culture to the rest of the world.
Which is why 'Devine Damsel of Devastation' slaps so hard and why we're getting another vision holder that showcases another one of China's art forms.
While dance may work with flowing elements such as hydro and anemo, maybe even pyro for dances like flamenco, peking opera may seems to align with geo more aesthetically compared to the other elements.
So yeah.
Anyone else planning to pull for Gaming?
She's such a sunshine lab FFS she makes me so happy!!!!!!
A reliable character, who's pretty strong. This girl summons canons in her burst, heavenly principles protect this woman from any more sadness, gods bless.
She has the desire to help and protect people.
She once again feels like she could be associated with gemstones, like, if you take a gem in sunlight and see the colourful refractions in the light, that feeling, you know. She feels like that feeling, you get me?
I don't know how to explain just how happy she makes me feel.
my words can't word how the feeling me feel.
I feel obligated to pull for her since we're in the same field... ALSO TLDR at the end of hers if you're not that interested in fashion.
Fashion is a large umbrella term that gets a lot of bad rep in media, specifically Haute Couture, Avant Garde sets or the artisanal fashion sub branches , you know, the ones that are not meant for regular wear and is meant to be new and never seen before or to make a statement.
But you're not here for the essays I have to write on fashion , you're here for Chiori and here's my analysis on a character we know about from just one quest.
She's shown to be reliable, and is well-connected which is necessary if you wish to thrive in creative fields.
I was gonna talk about how she has to be commissioned for an outfit and how this makes her brand closer to that of a luxury brand, until I realised that Teyvat doesn't seem to have fast fashion brands... and then I realised that she owns a boutique and not a tailor shop, which DOES make her a luxury brand owner. so...
She made Kirara's outfit, she states that she used her as a walking advertisement for her brand, so its probably not quite luxury, something closer to Gucci where you can see and recognise the logo. but at the same time, it could just be that she expects Kirara to say her name if anyone asks about the outfit, since there is no major design element that's repeated in Kirara's and Navia's outfit.
[I finished typing the above and realised that all that matters is whether she has a luxury brand or not, and not which type but im not deleting all that brainpower I put into that.]
she also designed the costumes Lyney and Lynette wear for their shows.
So, her works are specifically decorative pieces, she does put enough thought into her designs, however, making the front of Navia's dress open to allow for more freedom in movement.
rich [luxury]
gemstone association [decoration]
Compared to Anemo, Geo seems actually have noticeable standards in who worthy of wielding it.
Which may mean that anemo is the Hermes Cabin for vision holders that don't fit the ideals of the other elements, which feels about right.
As long as you do what you love to do, then you get the anemo vision because YOU give yourself the freedom you need to what you love, and no-one should take that away from you, you can't be defined by the other elements but what makes you different fits with what freedom is about.
so... electro next... see ya!
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autumn-may · 4 months
21, 10, 8
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate __ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I never talk about him and probably never will but we need more love for xaldin he’s way too interesting of a concept for canon to do one thing with him and then shelve him. Like this whole thing with love? And how he doesn’t want it, he WANTS to be a nobody!! And I’m really Interested in seeing how he might be portrayed in kh4+ also he’s cool as frick he has like 12 spears and they float around him in the wind with his hair like that’s sooo cool he’s sooooo cool looking. I want his lore I want to know why he hates love and I want people to think about him outside of ‘lexeaus pt2’ 
10. A blog ( mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter!
First of all I LOVE MY MUTUALS 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 YOU ARE ALL SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INCLUDING YOU OKARU!! 🫵🫵🫵
For people I follow though I need to take a second to hype up lightandfellowship (don’t know if it’s ok to tag lol) they ALWAYS have the best tags on all my Khdr stuff they reblog like they GET it. I always feel so excited when I see a paragraph of tags by fellowship they alwaysss get the things I’m trying to depict and the symbols and stuff. Like the #1 understander ever. also their independent analysis of Khdr and  bbs is always fantastic 
21. A fandom you’re not really active in anymore but you still really like.
Idk if this counts because I’m kinda neutral on it, but outside of the fandoms I mentioned in previous asks i still have a soft spot for some of the genshin impact characters 😅 I don’t really know much about the new things that go on in the game (I think they’re in the France place now? Fontaine?) but chongyun xingqiu ningguang and Ayaka I miss you soo much, (I think my team from what I can remember was ayaka, xingqiu, Mona, and Bennett, I was doing pretty good and was f2p but got bored of the story structure after progressing past the inazuma stuff) 
Thanks for the asks!!!!!! 💛💛
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rfaromance · 9 hours
Genshin AU - Vision Theory
Infodump about Vision theory below the cut!
"Visions" are gifts bestowed by Celestia and The Seven Archons (the gods of the 7 nations of Teyvat) to people who demonstrate a certain level of ambition. Sometimes it's a near-death experience that will earn a person their Vision; other times, something less drastic. As long as the ambition and willpower are strong enough, a person can receive a Vision.
There are 7 different elements, which correspond with the 7 nations. It's not a one-to-one scale, though; not everyone from Mondstadt receives Anemo, not everyone from Liyue receives Geo, etc. But each Archon (god) has their own domain over an element and over a nation, so certain patterns are noticeable.
That being said, here's my following theory of how Visions are distributed. This is based on both in-game content and personal extrapolation and analysis, so please take it with a grain of salt! I'll also try to avoid hyper-specific Genshin terms where possible, so non-players can understand too!
ALSO, I am not fully caught up in the game. Presently, I am in part 1 of Sumeru, which is the 4th nation. Any developments AFTER this point are not known to me. But 3 nations' worth of lore and characters, plus my rabbithole research neurodivergence and analytical obsession, hopefully are reliable enough. :)
The Visions
Anemo - the element of wind, whose Archon rules over Mondstadt, the City of Freedom. Characters with Anemo tend to be drawn towards freedom in some shape or form, perhaps due to a stifling upbringing or life experience. For instance, Kazuha Kadehara suffered under the oppressive regime of the Raiden Shogun, who closed the nation's borders and began hunting down Vision users. He escaped and takes refuge with pirates. Another example is Wanderer, a puppet who was rejected as a "faulty" creation and subsequently used by others for his skills and cruelty. He's still a rude brat (lol), but he is starting fresh on his own path without that baggage. A more literal example is Jean, the acting head of the Knights in Mondstadt, who uses her Anemo vision to defend the safety and freedom of the citizens. (Notably, several Anemo Vision holders have suffered from the death of a close friend or loved one, including the archon Venti himself.)
Geo - the element of Earth, ruled by the Archon of Liyue, land of contracts. Geo holders tend to be reliable and sturdy like the earth (rocks, stones), if not a bit immovable. The Archon is quite unyielding when it comes to the terms of contracts and possible breaches thereof. For example, Noelle is a knight who works tirelessly to be helpful and become stronger. Gorou is a general who leads much of the resistance army in Inazuma, and he manages many affairs due to his strong battle prowess and his reliable nature. Ningguang is the head of Liyue's government, and her love of money and treasures is fairly justified considering how she poured her life's work into building her skills, her reputation, and her business. (She actually tried selling her Vision at first, but Visions don't work for other people... lol)
Electro - the element of lightning, whose Archon rules over Inazuma, the land of eternity. Electro is simultaneously the easiest and most difficult element to pin down. There is a clear trend towards "beautiful, powerful women," but why? How does that tie to eternity? My acting theory is that "eternity" can also be described as loyalty. A willingness to follow a person, goal, or dream to the ends of the earth is its own form of "eternity." The strict general Sara Kujou will follow the Raiden Shogun, and her loyalty to the Shogun surpasses her loyalty to even her own clan when she found out her clan betrayed the Shogun. Beidou is the pirate captain of The Crux, whose lifelong dream of sailing the high seas and smiting beasts came to fruition when she slew a vicious leviathan; her unwavering pursuit of her dreams and her treasure, and the kindness and loyalty she shows to her crew, was recognized. Then there's Fischl, a chuunibyou whose Electro Vision allows her to create a sentient familiar of pure elemental energy named Oz. Her convictions to her persona and residing in the world she created can be called a form of "eternity" too.
Dendro - the element of plants, whose Archon rules Sumeru, the land of Wisdom. I am least familiar with Dendro, as we didn't get any playable Dendro characters until Sumeru LOL. But I do see a trend of characters who pursue wisdom, whether in the form of academics, a trade, or more worldly knowledge. Take Baizhu, the pharmacist who wants to unlock the secret to immortality. Take Tighnari, a stoic young man who wants to uncover the secret behind the Withering that's harming the forest and its creatures, despite pleas from Akademiya scholars who want his brain back in the city. But also take Collei, a chronically ill girl who just wants to learn how she can be helpful and make others smile as a friendly Forest Ranger. Be warned: relentless pursuit of knowledge can come at a dangerous price to one's "wisdom."
Hydro - the element of water, whose Archon rules Fontaine, the land of Justice. Justice is not always literal, but for many Hydro characters is an embodiment of what THEY believe to be right & wrong. An internal moral compass, if you will. For example, Barbara is a deaconess of the Church and will do whatever she thinks is best for the archon she follows... but she's also an idol. Kokomi is a divine priestess who looks out for her people, but she also leads the resistance army against the Raiden Shogun's oppressive rule. Childe is a literal war criminal as one of the top ranks of the Fatui (which lowkey are like the mafia but also military???), but he always takes time to look out for his family and will cheer up kids whenever he gets the chance. He doesn't even care about the Fatui, but they give him an opportunity to fight a lot and satisfy his bloodlust. Oops.
Pyro - the element of fire, whose Archon rules Natlan, which I believe is a nation of War? A Pyro holder doesn't mean a war-mongering arsonist, though! Pyro often goes to people with burning passion. For example, Xiangling is an incredible cook who travels in pursuit of funky ingredients to make the next hit dish. Xinyan is a musician who wants to ignite hearts with her rock & roll tunes. Bennett is a wannabe adventurer who has the worst luck, but he still keeps his head high. Then we have Diluc, who seems stern and unapproachable as a rich winery owner... but he's passionate about vanquishing evil and avenging his father. He's uh, actually banned from one nation (Snezhnaya) because he went in there and just started slaughtering a bunch of Fatui grunts, so there's that.
Cryo - the element of ice, whose Archon rules Snezhnaya. We don't yet know the "ideal" of Snezhnaya. What we do know is that the Archon, the Tsaritsa, rules over the Fatui. She has been described as someone who is too kind, and that's why she had to make herself cold to protect herself and her people. Many Cryo characters are undeniably lonely. For instance, Shenhe is a human girl who was raised by mythical beings because she was cursed with insatiable bloodlust; while she now has that MOSTLY under control, her social skills are severely lacking. Ayaka Kamisato was born into a prestigious clan, and after her parents passed, that made her and her brother the effective representatives of the clan. She often laments her inability to go out and enjoy festivals, to speak to people, and to make friends; her every action reflects upon her clan, and many find her unapproachable or treat her overly special because of her status. Then there's Kaeya, who... you know what, you're just gonna have to trust me on Kaeya because that's spoiler city. Let's instead look to Qiqi, a literal zombie child.
I hope this helps! Thanks for coming to my indofump. :)
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
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Fruit Juices II
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Faithfully Yours 💐
You Fell First 💐
In Your Way 💐
Add to Cart 💐
Fall For Me 💐
They're So- 💐
Hear Me Out 💐
Meant To Be Yours 💐
Two For The Show 💝
You Too? I Hope 💐
Through The Glass 💐
Get Lucky 💐
A Love Like Yours 💐
Lab Partner 💐
Give Me Your Attention 💐
In Your Way 💐
Fall For Me 💐
They're So- 💐
Hear Me Out 💐
Meant To Be Yours 💐
Two For The Show 💝
You Too? I Hope 💐
Through The Glass 💐
Get Lucky 💐
A Love Like Yours 💐
Lab Partner 💐
Give Me Your Attention 💐
Add to Cart 💐
It Started Out With A Kiss... How Did It End Up Like This 💝
Fall For Me 💐
They're So- 💐
Hear Me Out 💐
Faithfully Yours 💐
Character Analysis 🍄
Character Analysis pt 2 💐
Two For The Show 💝
You Too? I Hope 💐
Through The Glass 💐
Get Lucky 💐
You Fell First 💐
A Love Like Yours 💐
Lab Partner 💐
Dumb Ways To Fall In Love 💐
Give Me Your Attention 💐
R1 At Least 💐
Dumb Ways To Fall In Love 💐
Add to Cart 💐
It Started Out With A Kiss... How Did It End Up Like This 💝
Tiddie Pillow 💐
Faithfully Yours 💐
Dumb Ways To Fall In Love 💐
R1 At Least 💐
In Your Way 💐
It Started Out With A Kiss... How Did It End Up Like This 💝
Fall For Me 💐
Tiddie Pillow 💐
They're So- 💐
Only For You 💐
Hear Me Out 💐
Meant To Be Yours 💐
Two For The Show 💝
You Too? I Hope 💐
Through The Glass 💐
Get Lucky 💐
You Fell First 💐
A Love Like Yours 💐
Lab Partner 💐
Would You Still Love Me 💐
Give Me Your Attention 💐
Tiddie Pillow 💐
It Started Out With A Kiss... How Did It End Up Like This 💝
Tiddie Pillow 💐
Faithfully Yours 💐
Character Analysis 🍁
You Fell First 💐
Dumb Ways To Fall In Love 💐
Would You Still Love Me 💐
Add to Cart 💐
In Your Way 💐
Add to Cart 💐
It Started Out With A Kiss... How Did It End Up Like This 💝
Fall For Me 💐
They're So- 💐
Hear Me Out 💐
Meant To Be Yours 💐
Two For The Show 💝
You Too? I Hope 💐
Through The Glass 💐
Get Lucky 💐
You Fell First 💐
A Love Like Yours 💐
Lab Partner 💐
Give Me Your Attention 💐
A Love Like Yours 💐
Faithfully Yours 💐
You Fell First 💐
Would You Still Love Me 💐
Dumb Ways To Fall In Love 💐
Would You Still Love Me 💐
Streamlined 💐
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yuniemaki · 1 year
Character Study: Ningguang, the Eclipsing Star Part II
Part I
Alright folks, as promised - here's part II! (and there will be a part III send help)
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At the end of Moonchase, Ningguang is learning to live in the moment, to grasp what's truly significant to her now that she has lost everything she once loved. She's also still not quite back to her old socialite self - if we were to slot her into one of the five stages of grieving, she's probably hovering between the depression-acceptance stages. Not quite angry anymore, not quite bargaining, but also not quite accepting the loss entirely... yet. Luckily, there's someone in her inner circle named Beidou, whom she implicitly trusts and has become enamoured by, perhaps because Beidou is simply so different.
She's descending from the heavens, becoming less of an enigma and more of a human. And this is where we pick back up.
A/N: As always, events will feature both EN and CN dialogue due to translation nuances. I will use English screenshots where the lines were translated accurately with no lost nuances.
Interlude Chapter: The Crane Returns on The Wind
After the heartwarming tale of Moonchase, we leave Liyue for several months to get screwed over by Inazuma's puzzles and whatnot. The next time we do return to Liyue is when we hear the news that Lady Ningguang is rebuilding the Jade Chamber.
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Hold on - rebuilding?! The last we saw of her, she was still coming to terms with what she'd lost. That's a red flag right there, and as we later find out, the announcement is sudden for a reason.
Ningguang seems rather cavalier about rebuilding her life's work, hosting a competition to see who can get her the materials she needs to complete the chamber's reconstruction. We're reminded once again that Ningguang doesn't need Mora to motivate people - her only reward is to impart knowledge, and merchants are already flocking to Yujing Terrace. After all, Ningguang is second to none in the marketplace that is Liyue Harbour. Her knowledge and time is worth more than the Mora she can pay.
But, Ningguang herself mentioned, when we first meet her, that the Jade Chamber is constructed with the best craftsmen and artisans that she can find. Madame Ping says she has been setting aside portions of Mora she earns since young to build the Jade Chamber. That speaks of love and attention, quality over timeliness. This seems at odds with simply "hosting a competition" to speedily acquire materials.
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We find out why Ningguang seems to be contradicting herself when the Jade Chamber finally rises - it is nothing more than a bait, to lure out Beisht.
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What was once her life's work and her ambition is now just a pawn to protect something greater - Liyue Harbour. It has become something she can readily sacrifice. After the fight, she declares:
"While the position of Tianquan remains mine, I will always ensure Liyue's safety."
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This is the culmination of what was first seeded in Moonchase - the realisation that her Jade Chamber is no longer the thing she loves most in the world. No, after losing it, she has found something else worth loving: the people she governs as the Tianquan.
This is also Ningguang reaching the final stage of grief - acceptance. She has accepted that she lost the original Jade Chamber, her old friend, her old self. It will not come back, but she has found new friends, new joys, and a new goal. She will build and throw as many Jade Chambers as she needs to defend the nation, for it will live long after her bones have withered into dust.
Does she still see people as pawns? Yes. Is she learning to care for these pawns outside of their use to her? Also yes. This shift in mentality is further explored in her hangout, which we'll cover later.
On the personal front, we learn from Ningguang that Beidou had warned her of Beisht "months ago", and we're reminded once again that Beidou is someone she implicitly trusts.
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Imagine receiving this tip off from a law-breaking pirate, however renowned she may be, and having to talk the entire Liyue Qixing into preparing for this god-tier assault that may or may not happen. If Beisht did not attack, it would be a case of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Imagine the trust Ningguang must place in Beidou, to use her authority to convince the rest of her coworkers to act on the captain's warning. Those modified ballistas, the entire plan, the gathering of medical supplies and the Millelith's training didn't happen overnight.
And as Ningguang admits herself, she doesn't trust easily.
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What does this mean? This suggests even after Moonchase, Beidou and Ningguang remained in touch while we were off solving Inazuma's problems and exploring Enkanomiya.
Maybe they continued talking through her grief. Maybe they discussed the nation's next steps, now that Morax is gone. Maybe they talked about politics at large over chess. We don't know, but we do know they forged a bond with each other, enough that Beidou - who is sensitive of heart - trusted her with the warning that Beisht is coming.
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And perhaps, in part, Beidou was driven by guilt, having not been here to defend her home against Osial; having to witness Ningguang's lowest moments in private. It speaks of her trustworthiness that Beidou, for all the gripes she has about Ningguang, has never, ever spoken about the loss of the Jade Chamber to the traveler or anyone, as far as we know.
Whatever happened during that meeting is between her and Ningguang only, as it should be.
Lantern Rite: Fleeting Colors in Flight (2022)
With Beisht down, the next time we return to Liyue is during Lantern Rite. There are some hints of character development even before we reach that iconic cutscene - the first is Lady Ningguang seems to have no issue appearing in public once again.
We catch her only because she happens to be instructing her secretaries at Yujing Terrace. It's the first time we catch her by "coincidence", so to speak - all of her other appearances after Osial have been official in some capacity, either to make an announcement (like rebuilding the Jade Chamber) or to attend to matters like a giant rock sitting in Yuehai Pavilion.
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From Ningguang, we learn the Qixing still remain under significant pressure following the events of Osial, which is also why Ningguang envisions a grander Lantern Rite this year with fireworks involved.
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Mini-Quest: Petal-Lit Ships Fish For The Moon
While we figure out how to convince Keqing to take a break, we also visit Ningguang in the Jade Chamber - where she's staring at, lo and behold, that vase with a mother-of-pearl sheen that's gifted to her from The Crux. It is the only item that appears to have been saved before the last Jade Chamber crashed, and Ningguang has added some flowers to it now.
Clearly, she treasured this gift enough to salvage it and decorate it even before she asks Beidou to fish up the rest of her stuff.
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This is the first time Ningguang opens up to us about the Jade Chamber's loss, speaking of its valuable artifacts and documents. It's taken this long before she's willing to speak to us about the chamber again, and only after it has survived Beisht. Only now does she dare to think about retrieving anything that belonged to the previous Jade Chamber, too.
Having accepted the loss, she can now speak freely of it without appearing weak.
We also learn that Ningguang and Beidou have an arrangement of sorts, comprising mutually beneficial agreements and compensation in other ways...
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And here's where we take a look at the original CN text, where there are some nuances that might have been lost in translation to EN, starting from where we find Beidou stressing over this on the Alcor:
Beidou北斗:那个麻烦的女人… That troublesome woman…
EN translates this as "trying my patience" but a direct translation would just be that Ningguang is being "troublesome".
Beidou北斗 那座群玉阁在海上撞了个粉碎,里面的东西肯定也都被撞坏了,怎么可能捞得上来… That Jade Chamber was pulverised at sea, the things within are definitely all wrecked/shattered, how can I possibly fish for anything…
In CN, Beidou is a lot gentler about this, she is reflecting more on the challenges of having to retrieve something intact from the old Jade Chamber rather than dissing the job. The way she approaches this implies she knows it's important to Ningguang, despite the whimsical nature with which Ningguang brought it up.
Beidou北斗:反正就是凝光又突发奇想,要我帮她到海上打捞藏品,作为交换她会支付一大笔劳务费。Anyway, Ningguang suddenly came up with a wild idea again, she wanted me to help her salvage her collection. In exchange, she will pay a large business fee for my services.
In CN Beidou says Ningguang came up with a wild idea again, which means... she's done it before. Ningguang, the mover and shaker of Liyue's mercantile spheres, whose words can move mountains, openly shares wild, whimsical ideas with Beidou - further reinforcing the level of trust they share. With Beidou, Ningguang has no need to worry about defences and games - she can be honest to some degree, at least.
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Later, when we do find Ningguang's stuff being stolen by treasure hoarders, Beidou gets mad. She already dislikes treasure hoarders, but we know she can be merciful to them as well - since she did agree to take in some of the younger hoarders as potential members of the fleet.
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When we think about how Beidou must have felt about Osial, the guilt she might carry and whatever knowledge Ningguang entrusted her with - it's safe to say that her anger likely stems, in part, from what happened to Liyue Harbour and Ningguang in her absence. Not to mention Beidou, being a keen observer herself, would definitely have noticed that Ningguang salvaged her gift, of all the things she's ever owned.
When we go back to Ningguang with a preliminary report, she expresses nothing but confidence in Beidou's skills - that woman didn't even know Beidou was fretting over how she'd deliver results just a while ago.
Ningguang凝光:你们回来了,如何,北斗���捞得可还顺利? You're back. How is it? Is Beidou's salvaging going well?
Ningguang凝光:盗宝团也掺和进来了啊,确实有些麻烦。 So the treasure hoarders have gotten involved. That is indeed a little troublesome.
Ningguang凝光:不过,这件事就交给北斗吧,她擅长对付这些人。她的报酬,我也会准备好的。 But leave this matter with Beidou. She is an expert in dealing with these types. I will also prepare her remuneration.
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Ningguang's faith in Beidou's ability to deliver is absolute, just like how she implicitly trusts Beidou to keep her secrets.
Back to the main quest - now for the iconic cutscene at the end of Lantern Rite:
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Beidou北斗:你这是穿的什么啊,很新潮嘛 What are you wearing? That’s clearly trendy
Beidou uses the particle “嘛ma” here at the end. There’s no direct equivalent in English, but it implies a tone where she is “stating the obvious”. I’d interpret this to mean Beidou is familiar with all of Ningguang’s dresses, and she recognises that this one is new - again, the fact that she can recognise a new outfit of Ningguang's indicates a deep sense of familiarity with everything she likes and owns. Ningguang doesn't trust easily and we already know she trusts Beidou, but bit by bit we are being shown the depth with which she trusts the pirate captain - it runs far deeper than simply business partners. How many of our coworkers or clients know us on such an intimate level?
Ningguang凝光:能令见多识广的北斗船长赞叹,这身衣装也算有面子了 To make Captain Beidou, who is so well-travelled and knowledgeable, admire (me), (I suppose) this garment also has prestige.
This is the first time Ningguang uses this term, 见多识广 jiàn duō shí guǎng, to describe Beidou, and it is not the last. The idiom means "well-traveled, knowledgeable" - it's technically an upgrade from what she describes Beidou as during Moonchase. Between Moonchase and now, Ningguang's impression of Beidou has only been further improved. She also speaks of the garment having prestige. I translated 面子 miàn zi as prestige as I feel it bears the closest meaning in English, but a literal translation of 面子 is actually "face". "Face" is something like a mix of reputation, honour and prestige in Chinese culture. It's almost like an invisible "currency" that can be given and lost. For example, being publicly ridiculed, called out or facing public disagreement makes us “lose face”, while being complimented in public, receiving gifts, makes us “gain face”. It’s a social recognition of your prestige, status or influence in that sense. We will end great friendships over "losing face". Enemies are made like this. Familes have disowned children for making them "lose face". We'll revisit this later in Ningguang's hangout, as she holds a public auction for her lost items to make selected merchants "lose face". If you have a good “face”, you are likely to receive many gifts; people want to build relationships with you; people invite you for meals bc your social status and influence is high. Ningguang herself has very high “face” — she is introduced as the Tianquan, whose “words can move mountains”. We know she doesn’t care for the gifts she receives and the dinners she’s invited to; these are actions that supposedly give her more "face" among the people. But enter Beidou - whose simple act of noticing her and admiring her dress - makes her say that the dress itself has gained "face". She values Beidou's opinion very highly, and if you do Ningguang's hangout after finishing Lantern Rite 2022, she will say that the dress is "one of my favourites" - precisely because of this.
(left: her dialogue post-Lantern Rite; right: her dialogue pre-Lantern Rite)
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Interlude: The symbolism of Orchid's Evening Gown, a poetic translation of her growth
Let me digress a little on her outfit here. It's called Orchid's Evening Gown or 纱中幽兰 shā zhōng yōu lán. But actually, the CN name loosely translates to "orchids concealed in the midst of gauze".
It falls in line with her CN title, 掩月天权Yǎnyuè Tiānquán (Eclipsing Star in EN) - which loosely translates to "(The) Tianquan (who) conceals (the) moon".
She is always hiding things, from the start to the end, and she is an enigma, a woman of many mysteries. But this time, in this gown, she is concealing something else - orchids.
Orchids, 兰花 lánhuā, are one of the four noble plants in China. They are associated with feminine beauty, delicateness, a pure heart and spirit. Chinese scholars love the flower for it represents integrity, nobility, humility, and self-restraint. 
Confucius likened the orchid to the spirit of a gentleman who will not desert his principles even in destituition, as the orchid grows in remote forests where its beautiful fragrance is admired by none. It is interpreted as a flower that can withstand loneliness without losing its grace.
I'd like to draw your attention to the orchid representing humility in particular, as our first impression of Ningguang is that she is cold, aloof and arrogant ("This Tianquan does not lack for ambition...").
But by the events of Lantern Rite, she has this dress specially tailored and named it after the flower that represents humility, nobility and in modern times, love. The orchid can be used to represent love and loyalty in a married couple.
In short, she has been "humbled" by the events that have transpired, yet conceals it once again under a facade to the common people (as we'll see in her hangout).
To us, to Beidou, to the people of her inner circle, however, the orchid is a quiet admission that Ningguang now acknowledges no man can truly be an island.
Lantern Rite: Epilogue
Back to Lantern Rite. Our Lady Tianquan here has gone from aloof and powerful icon, to appearing very much human, and now to the other extreme of the spectrum - attracted.
Perhaps it's the fact that Beidou stayed in Liyue Harbour for an extended period after Osial (according to Juza). Perhaps it's the fact that Beidou reciprocated her trust by warning her of Beisht. Perhaps it's the fact that Beidou stations the Alcor at Guyun Stone Forest, watching for danger, which is also a place that the Jade Chamber has a clear vantage point of (as compared to Liyue Harbour itself). Perhaps it's Beidou constantly expressing concern for her ("take care of yourself"; "fix your wealthy disease!"). Perhaps it's all of the above.
But Ningguang has fallen for Beidou, the one woman who has, time and time again, seen her as nothing more than a human saddled with the responsibility of leading a nation. No one else shows us the human side of Ningguang as clearly as Beidou does, who reminds us that Ningguang is very much mortal, with human emotions and needs, as immortal as her feats and Jade Chamber might make her seem to be.
They stare at each other until the fireworks draw Ningguang's attention first, before Beidou looks as well when she does. That's a lovely little nod to how engrossed they are in their little moment, that even fireworks can't distract them until the moment is over.
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We'll hop back to their developing relationship in a bit, but first - their individual hangouts are released after Lantern Rite, so let's follow them on their little journey.
Hangout: The Jade Chamber's Returning Guest Teaser
We learn a lot about Ningguang in her hangout. She opens up to us about many troubles ranging from the loss of the Jade Chamber to her feelings about her position. But why now, after such a long time? We have assisted her time and time again, and she has always referred to us as "honoured guests".
Why only now, after that special moment between her and Beidou during Lantern Rite?
It could be because Beidou has given her the confidence to be more open now, to expand her inner circle beyond just the captain. Now grounded and treasured by one person, Ningguang no longer fears the unknown, and dares to take risks beyond her business ventures.
We see this development most clearly in the description of her Lantern Rite outfit, Orchid's Evening Gown (extracted relevant quotes):
Ningguang, the great mover and shaker of Liyue's mercantile spheres, always seems to have a confident, steady smile on her face. But even she cannot escape the vagaries of depression, reluctance, loneliness, and other anxieties that trouble the ordinary people of Liyue. Once, when Liyue Harbor teetered on the brink of a crisis, Ningguang was forced to sacrifice her Jade Chamber — the sky palace she had built up for many years through much sweat and tears. All the memories of her past, sweet or bitter, were cast into the ocean with the Jade Chamber, and there they sank. Even one such as Ningguang could nary bear the loss. Even after the dust had settled and the opportunity to rebuild the Chamber came, she still spent much time in troubled consideration. Many things happen in this world — who could say when great loss might loom? Each time she thought on this, she would feel depressed.
Time flies, but the mountains and seas remain. "The mortal world is fleeting, but there are things that will not change so easily." "A hundred years from now, perhaps, all things might be different. But then, my beauty would have faded, my body reduced to withered bones." "This garment, too, will by then have grown dull, no matter how opulent it may have been in its prime." "But so long as I live, riches uncounted shall be at my disposal, as shall the Tianquan's authority, so vested in me." "I will live this life to the full — lacking not at all for power, wealth, or friends." "Was this not what I resolved to do from the beginning? If so, then how could I simply allow myself to fall into this pit — to lose my wits because of a moment's emptiness?" "Life must be treasured precisely because it is fleeting." "But a thousand, even ten thousand years from now, those who come after will remember this name — Ningguang."
Does this ring a bell? This dress is an expression of Ningguang's acceptance - of what she spoke back in the ending cutscene of Moonchase, while looking out at the Alcor:
“My glory will be remembered for thousands of years, but (what’s important) is to cherish the time (I have).”
Beidou taught her that. And finally, during Lantern Rite, she fully embraces the idea of living in the moment, of treasuring life precisely because it is fleeting, of living this life "to the full — lacking not at all for power, wealth, or friends."
The Tianquan, who once kept all her partners at arm's length, who was once an enigma (still is to the common people though), has come far and acknowledged that she has been too distant in the past. The fall of her Jade Chamber brought her back to the ground, and through this, she has learned the value of connection and the infinity it carries.
It is the people who will carry on her legacy, long after she has passed on, and therefore it is the people she will learn to love, befriend, and protect.
And that is why she opens up to us only now, committing to her new resolve.
In Part III, we'll cover the rest of Ningguang's hangout, Beidou's hangout and the iconic Of-Drink-A-Dreaming event because I hit the 30-image-per-post limit again 😭
Read Part I here Part III tbc
beiguang masterlist Interlude Archon Quest (ss) Liyue Archon Quest (ss) Lantern Rite Quest (ss) Ningguang hangout (ss)
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beiguang-resource · 11 months
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analysis of their symbolic design motifs.
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beidou's childhood village is accessed by the dragon's head statue (waypoint), further cementing her connection to that symbol.
if you use a geo construct on the dragon's head, you will spawn a treasure chest.
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sheep-from-rad · 2 years
I saw your Hamilton and Legally Blonde sagau stuff, I just want to request something like that with Chicago (Cell Block Tango or We Both Reached For The Gun would be cool) I imagine sadistic or cruel characters for both Roxie and Velma, I just don't know who would fill the bill, the casting is of course up to you. Love your work btw
SAGAU Musical AU x Cell block Tango Notes: I looked at my inbox and around 98% of it revolves around musical and music and I know I reached my target audience. More SAGAU musical aus in my masterlists and Requests are open 24/7 (all ask not just musical and music related) Warning: murder (this is Chicago musical so yeah murder) Masterlist 
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Recap before I start. Basically this is just a normal SAGAU setting. Reader was a player, their game became self-aware and then for some reason the next time they woke up they were in a different place. They got isekai-d to Teyvat. The only difference this one makes I think it’s the fact that the reader is focused more on entertainment such as musicals and makes characters act in plays. The first part of this series (not really series because it’s a mess at this point and my masterlist is a mess) is here: SAGAU x Hamilton: The Schuyler sisters ft Ningguang, Jean, and Barbara. 
Anon, I’m sorry this one request became more on analysis rather than a fic because I don’t really know how to write the scene down. Also when I first read your request I mentally told myself, “hell I wish I can draw because this one request is better in pictures than in words”. So okay let’s go! SAGAU MUSICAL X Cell Block Tango!!
Rosaria as ‘Liz’ aka Pop!     "I took a gun and fired two warning shots—into his head."
Pop’s reason for murdering her husband is just pure annoyance. As we know Pop’s husband was very lazy and did nothing all day but to lay down, drink beer, and chew gum. Loudly. I’m not gonna cross out Misophonia here. I have Misophonia and honestly it’s not just loud sounds that gets my brain to erase all logic before diving to frustration then anger. It’s also the repetitive noises like water faucet, tongue clicking, finger tapping on desk (especially when they have acrylics and purposely doing it) and much more more. ASMR is fun but only the talking ones and not those that involve tapping etc. Mukbangs are also hell because of chewing. 
    Going back to topic I casted Rosaria as Pop because as we know Rosaria is a no nonsense person and you should never really bother her unless you guys are really close (like Kaeya for example) or something that threatens peace is afoot. Rosaria also doesn’t bother going around with people and likes to be on her own. I’m gonna be honest here, Rosaria is more likely to kill an annoying companion than an enemy. 
Ayaka as Annie aka Six!     "Single" he told me ``Single, my ass Not only was he married, Oh no, he had six wives!” 
    I want Yelan for this but I put Ayaka instead of the shit and giggles. Six tells the story of Annie Young who was courted by a man and later married. Turns out, the guy was not single at all, he had 6 wives even though he said he’s single. Annie then poisoned him with arsenic. 
I don’t have a reason for Ayaka to be here aside from the memes that rose when her banner was stuck on air for weeks and the tabibito memes. Yandere Ayaka memes count as well. Also, if you ever cheat on Ayaka, it’s not gonna be her to deliver justice to herself. It will be Ayato and his sword together with Thoma burying your body somewhere you will not be discovered. 
Eula as June aka Squish!
    “...and then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife 10 times.” 
Moving on to our third murderess we have June.  Based on the song, June was making dinner when her husband Wilbur entered the kitchen and accused her of having an affair with the milkman. Also based on the song, the accused got violent and June started stabbing her in self-defense. It’s not clear whether she had an affair or not though.  I casted Eula as Squish because Eula is not someone you should push around. Eula left her home to become rogue and becoming violent is probably not something that she bats an eyelash on. As we see on her story quest as well, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty. She’s also not afraid to out someone even if they are related. It’s the same with June who did not hesitate to kill her husband.     Alternative to Eula, we can also cast Shenhe for this role. Shenhe gets the job done (also because her lore tells that her homicidal tendencies are just being suppressed.) 
Sucrose as Hunyak aka Uh uh! 
    “Uh uh, not guilty!”
    I don’t really know who to add here so I added Sucrose instead. Ekaterina aka Hunyak aka Uh uh’s part of the song she insisted that she did not do the crime. It is said that she committed adultery but she is not a murderer. She was accused of chopping her husband’s head while her lover held him down (based on the song) and she was then thrown to jail. Unlike the other girls in the song, she waved a white handkerchief in her part making her innocence clear but she was still hanged and was the first one to be hanged. 
    So yeah, I don’t have a reason to add Sucrose here but I guess her tagline ‘Harmless Sweetie’ can count. 
Ningguang as Velma aka Cicero!~
    “It wasn't until later when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead”
    I originally wanted Signora for this but I have something bigger for Signora. In Velma’s part of the song, it was stated that Velma, her husband, and Velma’s sister travels around and performs acrobatic acts. One night while they are celebrating in Hotel Cicero, they run out of ice so Velma went out to get some only for her to come back with her husband cheating on her with her sister. Velma then killed them both and then pretended to have amnesia. 
    I don’t have a reason to cast Ningguang this and honestly I casted her as Velma because I want a La Signora and Ningguang showdown. Much like Ayaka, I don't think Ningguang will do the dirty deeds herself (That is Yelan’s job). We saw Ningguang fight when Liyue was in danger and then she fought again in her hangout quest. She only fights when it's threatening her or threatening her nation. 
Yae Miko as Mona aka Lipschitz
“He saw himself as alive and I saw him dead”
The last murderess that we have is Mona aka Lipschitz. Her part of the song tells that Lipschitz actually admitted to killing her boyfriend Al. She said that it was the artistic difference but  in reality she killed him because he cheated on her with different women and one man.     I don’t think Yae Miko will kill you though but she will make sure to scar you mentally (and maybe physically) for life if you ever wrong her. We know how loyal she is to Ei even though Ei locked herself and didn’t come out until things got cleared out. Aside from character, Yae’s loyalty is what makes her stand out and that loyalty is not something that you should test. 
La Signora as Roxie Hart
    La Signora my beloved. Like what I said in Ningguang’s part, I want to cast La Signora as Cicero but I think Roxie’s role will fit her more. Roxie was an aspiring actress who is a little too obsessed with fame and she is married to a dull-witted man named Amos. She frequently cheats on her husband and then a man named Fred Casely rolls in. Roxie hopes that having an affair with Casely will slowly raise her to stardom but in reality Casely was just using her. Enraged, she killed Casely and landed herself in jail. 
    Roxie then got herself a lawyer who taught her how to charm the public to get their sympathy. Roxie made a false story about Casely and then later when the media’s eyes were on her again, she pretended to be pregnant. 
    I casted La Signora here instead of Ningguang because I really think she fits the role. I won’t say La Signora is obsessed with anything but the same as Roxie, La Signora is focused on a goal even though it will get her hands dirty. Also, we know the Eleven Fatui Harbingers are based on La Commedia dell’arte right? In La Commedia dell’arte, La Signora is the wife of Pantalone and she is also a mistress to Pedroline. Also in La Commedia dell’arte, La Signora married Pantalone only for his wealth. Sounds very Roxie Hart to me. 
This concludes the casting for Chicago. I'm really sorry Anon if this is not something that you want. Once again, I still believe that this will look better drawn than written.
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Taglist @chihawari / @zuri-feather @tinandabin / @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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enigmatictypos · 1 year
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My Very Own Blog!!!!!
Hiiii I'm Sara!! Sooooo after a world of contemplation i decided to finally start my own sickfic, hurt/comfort blog!!!!! Woohoo (i know that was cringey 😭 but in my defence I'm excited) 
A special thanks to @pokemonispain for their amazing content and offering me my much needed inspiration and longing to be able to start this blog!
So starting off I mainly write emeto, fevers, faintings, injuries and stuff but I'm more than willing to delve into other genres and such! Feel free to put in your requests and I'll try my best to provide!!
Here's some of the fandoms and characters I'd be best at writing as per my current analysis of my capabilities!! 
Genshin Impact :: Aether, Scaramouche, Tighnari, Kaveh, Kaeya, Ayato, Childe, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Al Haitham, Beidou, Ningguang, Sara and ostensibly more!! 
Mo Dao Zu Shi :: Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng, Wen Ning, Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, Xiao Xingchen and I'm open to exploring more characters too!!
Heaven Official's Blessing :: Xie Lian, Feng Xin, Mu Qing, Hua Cheng, He Xuan, Shi Qingxuan 
My Hero Academia :: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Eijiro, Aizawa Shota, Jirou Kyoka, Todoroki Fuyumi, Dabi, Geten, Amajiki Tamaki and more!! 
Haikyuu :: Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Yaku Morisuke, Semi Eita, Hinata Shoyo, Yahaba Shigeru and more! 
Blue Lock (honestly a very high writing muse) :: Mikage Reo, Nagi Seishiro, Chigiri Hyouma, Bachira Meguru, Yukimiya Kenyu, Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin and more!!! 
Sk8 :: Kyan Reki, Chinen Miya, Sakurayashiki Kaoru, Hasegawa Langa, Kikuchi Tadashi
Fate Anime Series : Tohsaka Rin, Shirou Emiya, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Kingu, Ishtar, Ereshkigal 
Seraph of the End : Hiiragi Shinya, Ichinose Guren, Ferid Bathory, Hyakuya Mikaela, Sanguu Mitsuba, Jujo Mito 
Free!! : Nanase Haruka, Serizawa Nao, Matsuoka Rin, Tachibana Makoto, Hazuki Nagisa, Ryugazaki Rei, Kirishima Natsuya, Kirishima Ikuya, Hiyori Toono and more!!! 
(Red = Highest muse)
I write works for both romantic and platonic ships so feel free to request in any combination!! If I'm uncomfortable with writing anything I'll let you know!! 
These are honestly just some of the ones I'm highest musing right now ajdhksjfj so please do drop requests for me to work on. 
Feel free to text me whenever you wish and my inbox is always open for friendly faces!! 
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diludae · 2 years
Today my English teacher made us do a literary analysis on Ningguang fanfiction.
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
i'm doing a character analysis for my cytos family and it's turned into a character analysis for five genshin impact characters (xiao, ningguang, beidou, cyno, and shenhe).
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