#ninja shadow eduard
trickster-kat · 2 years
Ninja Shadow Masterlist 1
Part 2
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Part 2
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princessphoebe-art · 2 years
My doodle of the day are the first three members of the beloved Nagasaki Vigilantes
It's been a really long time since I last drew any of the vigilantes and I really miss them! I'll try and keep at it! I hope you all like!
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funkytimeoats · 1 year
Things I wish were more present in SWD?: Ninja Shadow (PART 1)
So this is just a word blurb from me just spewing out my thoughts. Some of it may not make sense, but I'll try to keep my thoughts as concise as possible.
Topic: More Sibling Interactions (especially b/w Makoto and Toru)
We kinda got this b/w Saori (MC) and her brother Kaname in that one Spin Off where either they go to the Nagasaki Vigilantes together or you pick the other story route (I can't remember the contents of that storyline, but I remember it being cute).
I thought it was really cute and nice seeing their sibling relationship.
I just wish we got spin offs like for the other siblings in this game (Seiji-Seiya, Kunihiro-Nobuyoshi, Kaede-Amon, Yugiri and Ritsu with their unnamed younger siblings, the puppeteer brothers, even Ukyo-Eduard who are more like adoptive siblings). They didn't need to be non-canon, they could've been anecdotal stories from their pasts.
I know it's meant to be an otome game, but getting more character back story would have been so cool.
I especially wanted to see more sibling interactions b/w Makoto and Toru. They are a main pair of siblings in the series, so I wish we could've seen them more, specifically without Saori being there (because yeah, it is an otome game).
Toru is shown to love his little brother very dearly. It's one of his major reasons for trying to "destroy Nagasaki and build it back up". Because it's "the city Makoto loves". His dream also spreads to completely reconstructing Japan, but his main focal point is Nagasaki because that's where his baby brother is.
Makoto does love his big brother too, but he has resentment toward him as well. Toru has always been better than him at everything, Toru has always been the golden child of the Nakagawa family. Now even then at most Makoto was just a bit envious.
The real resentment begins when Toru just up and leaves one day leaving Makoto to clean up after his mess.
Now, I say he just leaves out of the blue because while in the early original routes, Toru was said to be a founding member of the Nagasaki Vigilantes, however, in one of the later canon spin offs called Back to the Beginning, which I'll consider to be the actual storyline, Makoto says that Toru just kinda disappeared one day without any warning and without telling Makoto or Shintaro anything.
I guess Toru just had an epiphany about his ideals. I don't really know and I'm not sure/don't remember if it's explained anymore. I honestly don't know lol
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Anyways, that's where Makoto actually seems to gain resentment towards his brother, because when Toru leaves Makoto has to take care of stuff Toru left behind. And of course the Nakagawa family, specifically the branch family, love to beat down and berate Makoto because he was the "lesser" brother. Literally calling him the stain to the Nakagawa name (which, holy shit, is really fucking mean and evil, holy cow).
If I remember right, Makoto didn't even want to really take up becoming the next head of the family, he just wanted to become painter, but because Toru left now he has to, which I think is really sad, poor Makoto.
As for what happens to Toru, depending on the route he's either captured and then escapes (usually with the help of his pal Tsubaki) or he's just captured, or he turns into a traveling merchant(?) (I honestly can't remember everything that happens in his route, I think he becomes a merchant though).
And if he and Makoto aren't really involved in the route, ig he just kinda dilly-dallies and runs around doing whatever.
I think it would have been interesting if we were able to get a spin off where Toru and Makoto have a deep and meaningful conversation about why they chose the choices they did, how they were feeling, how they felt about each other's choices and decisions. It would be a very emotional and vulnerable moment for the two, especially Makoto who tends to hide his true emotions. I think it would've been interesting to see Makoto open up more to Toru about how the Nakagawa elders treated him, obviously Toru generally gets the idea, but Makoto could tell him in detail and how that made him feel.
I wish we could've had an emotional spin off like that. Though I might be biased sense I find the sibling dynamic of the two to be most interesting out of everyone's.
Like I said Toru loves Makoto so much to the point that he would cause some hurt and pain to his baby brother to keep him safe. He even tries multiple times to get Makoto to join him in his rebellion and becomes quite hurt when Makoto doesn't take up his offer. I mean just look at this bit of text from the Ninja Shadow Tropedia/wikia page
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When he's beaten in Makoto's route he's extremely distraught as he was so sure he win.
He was so sure he was going to win because he has such a strong deep love for his brother.
Toru wanted to protect one of things his little brother held so dear to him.
I just love the two so much, they deserve the world
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Well that's the end of this word blurb (part 1) lol. I hope what I said makes sense and maybe some of you might agree.
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Sharing a bed (Eduard, Kagura)
Two of my followers requested something with Kagura but as for Eduard, I threw him in just because! I didn’t include any spoilers for Kagura’s route. If anyone wants any other characters to be added in, let me know!! I would love to add Ukyo or Makoto in this.
“Come on, Kagura.” Saori demanded for the umpteenth time that night.
Again, Kagura shook his head. “Even if this is the only bed in this inn, it would be improper.” His cheeks had a dusting of pink and Saori slowly realized he saw her as a woman.
“We’re really good friends, you know that.” Saori reminded.
“I can’t deny that.”
“I’m basically one of the guys when we’re on our vigilante missions.”
“I won’t deny… you’re strong.” Saori sighed at the fact they were talking in circles.
“Why are you so calm?” The hue of pink didn’t leave his cheeks.
“Because I trust you! You’re my coworker, instructor, and most importantly, my friend. I know you wouldn’t try anything funny.” She smiled and dragged him to the bed. Kagura mumbled something inaudible.
“Beg your pardon? I didn’t quite catch that.” Saori looked back at her instructor. He shook his head.
“It’s… nothing.” All of this was bad for Kagura’s heart, but Saori had no clue.
“Good night, Kagura.” They fell asleep one after another in the peaceful autumn night.
“I should have never listened to you.” Saori sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I can’t believe we had to cut the mission short because of the rain and to top it off, the closest inn only has one bed available.”
“I can’t predict the weather, Saori. Besides, you’re making it awkward.” Eduard said. She mumbled a ‘sorry’ and replied,
“I know you’re my instructor and we’re friends but I just feel uncomfortable, you know.” She laughed humorlessly.
“I understand that but if one of us sleeps on the floor, we’ll be tired for the mission.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Saori hummed in agreement.
“I won’t try anything, I promise. Even though you’re a woman, you’re Saori.” He teased as he climbed in bed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Saori asked, offended but hesitantly followed suit.
“Nothing.” Eduard softly laughed. The only light now was the moon shining into the window.
“Aren’t you a little close, Eduard?” Saori asked the man dozing off beside her.
“Just a warning, I hug my pillow when I sleep and you’re as soft as one.”
By morning, she’s entangled in Eduard’s arms. Needless to say, Saori would have been better off on the floor.
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portervirus · 7 years
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Ok so how am I going to sleep tonight with this?
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otome-silvynne · 7 years
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Finished both of Eduard's endings!!
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yeetmeintothe-abyss · 4 years
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Eduard, you absolute charmer. 😏
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polaristarqueen · 8 years
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That’s precisely what you’d call an EPIC BATTLE ENTRANCE! This comes from Shintaro’s route in Solmare’s Ninja Shadow otome game. It’s the first time we’re able to see them fighting all together!
BTW I will not tell who when where why in order to avoid spoilers. And all Nagasaki’s Vigilantes dressed in their black and oh-so-tight ninja clothes are damn hot!
Bonus: preparing to attack! (their enemy ...and my heart too!)
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rosirah · 4 years
A dance. [Eduard x reader]
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reader is a somewhat shy bab
The end of the year dance was approaching quickly, and the Dutch club was responsible for it. They had the flyers all around, and Hades was more than excited to show others how well he could dance. Cerberus on the other hand have been sleeping the whole time, except for waking up every 15 minutes to hang a balloon, or a ribbon and then get back to his sleep. 
Griffon and Eduard were the only two serious about teaching other students how to slow dance, foreign style, and you were one of the little students that knew the basics of slow-dancing. So, when you stepped into the room after school, the hall was pretty busy with other students who were waiting to be taught. Eduard had been holding a girl pretty close, and the blush on her cheeks was pretty evident as she giggled and said something you couldn't hear, but ignored. 
He was your crush, yes, but you two weren't a thing, therefore you had no right to push that girl off of him. Yet, it hurt so badly in your chest when you saw her snuggle up to him and dance with him. 
You quickly cast your gaze aside, trying to ignore the pain as you looked for a dance partner. Thankfully, it wasn't long, before Griffon walked over to you and gave a small smile.
"Ah, Y/n!" he said "Are you here for another dance practice?" 
You nodded eagerly and he held your hand in his, before placing his other hand on your waist. The two of you started dancing slowly to the rhythms of the playing music on the stereo, swaying as you gave him the lead.
It was pretty enjoyable, dancing that is, but your joy couldn't be fulfilled as your eyes kept trailing back to a certain blond. Your expression turning gloomy, unbeknown to you.
"..Are you okay?" Griffon asked, and you were quick to bob your head up and down.
"A-Ah! Yes I am!" you grinned up at him "Why wouldn't I be?" 
He looked to the side and shrugged a little, before casting his gaze on Eduard "It seems like there is someone else you'd like to dance with." he then looked at you and smiled.
"W-What..!?" your cheeks couldn't turn redder as you found yourself burying your face in his hard chest, as if to hide yourself from embarrassment "T-That's not true!" 
Griffon's laugh rumbled through his chest and you puffed your cheeks looking up at him "H-Hey, stop teasing me..!" you huffed and pulled away, crossing your arms over your chest. Ever since he knew about your tiny crush a couple days ago, he wouldn't stop teasing you at every chance given. 
"It looks like Hades rubbed off on you!" You retorted, to which he immediately clutched his stomach
"Ugh, Y/n .. not him ..!" 
As you bickered playfully with Griffon, you failed to notice the vibrant purple eyes gazing at you through quiet golden lashes. 
"..Y/n..?" a deep, but soft voice called out for you as you packed your bag after the dance practice. You supposed that there was no one around at this time, therefore, hearing that voice call for you made you almost jump out of your skin, turning around sharply.
"E-Eduard-?" your cheeks turned soft pink, and you tucked a strand of hair behind your hair, smiling up at him "W-What are you d-doing here at this time??" you were growing pretty nervous, fidgeting under his calm gaze as that unpleasant image of him dancing with that girl pained your heart. 
"..I just came to give you this." he pulled his hands out to reveal a small box. "I wanted to give it to you at the night of the dance," he looked to the side, his tan cheeks turning the lightest shade of pink as he stammered out, which was pretty unusual for him "a-after asking you out, I mean.." 
Your eyes widened and you blurted "Ask me out!?" 
He shook his head and gave you the box, before placing a hand on top of your head "But, you will go to the dance with Griffon. I will just be happy if you wore this in the party." 
You slowly opened the beautifully packed box, to find the most beautiful jewelries your eyes have ever fell upon. A black lace choker with a purple gem, and matching earrings, the colours of the same shade as his wonderful eyes.
"E-Eduard, you got this wrong..!" you quickly spoke up, walking over to him, your eyes glittering as he looked at you with wide purple eyes. 
His expression turned a little confused as he muttered "..Wrong..?" 
"I am not going with Griffon!" you declared, hugging the small box to your chest, biting your lower lip and tucking your hair behind your ear "I was .. actually hoping I would g-go out with you.." 
His cheeks quickly turned rosy as he said in his usual quiet voice "A-Are you sure??"
You nodded your head happily and fiddled with the box "B-But I .. I was just, I thought you weren't .. I don't know .." you didn't know what to say, or how to say it, so, you settled with playing with the edges of the box quietly.
Silence fell over the place, before Eduard's angelic laugh escaped his lips. A large, warm hand landed on top of your head top and your hair was ruffled. 
"E-Eduard..?" you asked quietly, looking up at him with wide eyes, even more shocked by this adorable gesture.
He cupped your cheek and tilted his head, his smile warm and sweet on his lips as he spoke up "Let me do this properly." his thumb ran over your cheek, running shudders down your spine "Will you go to the dancing prom with me?" 
Your shoulders rose and you darted your eyes around the room, blushing deeply and furiously as you blurted out "Y-Yes..! Yes, I will..!"
Eduard couldn't help but start chuckling softly at how cute you were. He clasped his hand on yours and gave it a soft tug "Can I walk you home?" he smiled. 
"M-Mm!" you nodded and turned to pick your bag, before holding his hand "L-Let's go..!"
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trickster-kat · 2 years
Eduard's Preview
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cookidoughlilac · 6 years
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Part 1 of the best scene in Ninja Shadow history
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Ninja Shadow
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swdburdy · 6 years
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Our 2nd Anniversary - Eduard & Shintaro
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portervirus · 7 years
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Well, yeah, you made a good start walking around with the two you’re not supposed to know.
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silverprincess33 · 7 years
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Okita is my fave guy, but this picture is also precious because of the background characters ☺ And wow, Ukyo is such a good friend, friendship goals right here xD Ukyo: Yes, my OTP is canon!❤Kiss 😆 Eduard in the behind is also glad that his ship is sailing ❤ Yuzuki and Kagura have mixed feeling xD The other 2 guys disagree but they have their own routes.
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