#ninjago elemental fusions
champmorado · 1 year
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elemental fusion!!!! heres vapor, the fusion of kai and nya. theyre self deprecating but in a "cool" way
im kinda surprised that elemental fusion isnt a thing in ninjago, i think its an easy to market gimmick
balance (garm and wu) and kronos (krux and acronix) are coming up, if you have any requests for fusions, feel free to send them ^_^
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A what if..? An AU!
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" Well then, inform the others. This may just be our best hope. "
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toastingpencils37 · 5 months
Shit. Imagine how Geo was feeling when the Wolf Mask Warriors randomly got the power to break his fusion, something only he should be able to do.
Also that's kind of terrifying to think that the wolf mask warriors can just neutralize elemental powers like that as if they have Vengestone on them all because of the gong being hit.
(Especially since things like Fire and Heat are shown to not have any effect on them either after the Gong is hit, as shown in Episode 2)
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strangermask · 20 days
Okay so, as you know (or now know) the first master of plasma was a serpentine hybrid who sought help from the spirits of fire and lightning. That connects both fire and lightning associations
But with ice and earth it might seem a little hard. Because ice is associated with demons and earth is associated with death. HOWEVER I REMEMBERED SOMETHING
Momo, the emperor of the underworld, is a ruler of the dead. And while yes, he is canonically aroace, he does end up marrying someone to give her benefits as his wife (like a gay marries lesbian situation)
See there’s this spider demon lady whose father is trying to marry off to high power. Why? Because he wants to continue the family name and power. However, spider demon has fallen in love with her friend. A woman who dances for a living. The father disapproves because the woman has no status and wouldn’t be able to bore children with the spider demon.
So the father says “if you cannot find a man who is of high status and can give you children within three days, then I will choose your husband.” And this causes spider demon to run away. She ends up in underworld, trying to figure out what she will do. That is when she is found by skulkins and taken to Momo.
Momo asks what spider demon is doing here, and she explains her situation. He asks about what kind of high status she needs, and she says she needs someone who is an elemental master or above. And Momo thinks for a moment. He offers that he could be the husband since he is both a former elemental master and ruler of the underworld.
She questions if he could even have children, and he decides to rip out a piece of his rib cage. He tells her if she eats it, then she shall bear his child. She questions the logic, but he explains he was born from his father’s tooth that landed in a magic cauldron. If he can be born from a tooth, a kid can definitely be made from his ribcage. All he asks in return is to help raise their child. She can do whatever she wants after that. (Also marry the dancer woman the spider demon loves)
Spider demon then agrees, and she eats the rib bone. A skulkin is then sent to inform spider demon’s father of the news. He excitedly hurries to the underworld (cuz Momo can’t really leave) and the wedding is prepared. Even the dancer woman comes, which Momo explains to the spider demon’s father:
“As Emperor of the Underworld, there are chances of me having to deal with royal duties more than focus on my new family. So I thought it would be best for my future child to be raised by two mothers in cases of my absence.”
That was a big fuckin lie. But the spider demon’s father doesn’t know that.
So Momo marries spider demon, spider demon and dancer woman marry in secret, and a few months later pops out the future first master of avalanche. The elemental fusion of earth and ice
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beybladeninja · 2 months
Another Ninjago concept I came up with. Yes, inspired by Steven Universe.
Deep within the library of the Monastery of Spinjitzu, there lies a small scroll. It has no intricate clasp or delicate filigree along the sides to indicate that it is special, but it is nonetheless.
It was created several years ago, before Master Wu’s time, as the product of an ambitious idea. The Elemental Masters of the time had theorized that, if the Elemental Powers had once belonged to a single man, the First Spinjitzu Master, then they could possibly be brought together in a single body once again. The Elemental Powers are unstable and unpredictable without vessels to contain them, though, so in order to for the Elemental Powers to fuse, the bodies of the Elemental Masters would have to as well.
They referred to this fusion as the Ultimate Elemental Master.
The Master of Balance.
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This single body would, theoretically, have the ability to wield all of the Elemental Powers, either one at a time or possibly several at once. If possible, it would be the ultimate shield against evil in all of Ninjago and its sixteen realms. The closest thing to a god the people had since the First Spinjitzu Master. Such a glorious idea.
But the theory quickly hit a snag. The Elemental Powers could easily find balance, but it would be a different matter for their vessels. For such a physical union to be possible, the minds and hearts of the Elemental Masters would have to be in perfect harmony with each other. With so many differing ideas and personalities, such harmony was considered to be impossible.
And then it turned to a matter of the mind. With so many mindsets in one body, it would be difficult to determine where one personality ended and another began. It was quite possible that the fusion would begin to think of itself as a single entity and forget ever being separate individuals. The Masters would lose their former personalities and be bound together for eternity.
The glorious idea soon turned into a nightmare scenario, and the idea was scrapped, collectively sworn to never be attempted. Problem is, oaths can be forgotten, and ideas can be rediscovered. And with just the right circumstances, maybe such a feat could be possible…
But will they think of the consequences first?
I’ve had this idea of the “Ultimate Master” for a while now. I just think it would be really cool if all of the Elemental Masters fused together into this ultimate warrior, that no villain could possibly stand against. I would love to see that boss fight!
The physical appearance of the Master of Balance fusion would probably change with each new generation, but I feel it would look something like this:
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unfindable-author · 2 years
Ninjago but all the elemental master(and the ninja obviously) can make fusions like in Steven universe
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i-m-art-ix · 5 months
More Headcanons about FSM family
As a child, Lloyd resembled his father, only he had a different hair color, but as he grew older, he began to look less and less like his father (seasons 2-7). In seasons 8-15 he started to look more like his grandfather when he was Lloyd's age until in season 16 he looked identical to FSM (When FSM was a teenager, of course) (apart from the eyes, FSM had one purple and the other gold)
In some flashbacks we see FSM wielding a sword, so I say that FSM is a master swordsman, and considering that Lloyd became the second master of spinjitzu (The Ultimate Spinjitzu Master) in total and was supposed to learn FSM's fighting style, which brings us to the fact that Lloyd is a master swordsman, because in the series we only see him using a sword (I don't remember him fighting with any other weapon), so the best sword master was FSM (no one can match him then or now) and right behind him in second place is Lloyd.
After season 10 and "Lloyd's death", Wu has nightmares that Lloyd didn't wake up, that they really lost him, every time he is terrified and goes to check if Lloyd is okay, Wu can't lose the last member of his family. One time when Wu went to check on Lloyd, he wasn't in the room and Wu almost had a panic attack, he searched around the monastery until he found Lloyd in the kitchen as soon as he saw him he ran to Lloyd and hugged him and didn't want to let go, while Lloyd was completely confused and a little scared, later they talked about it and from then on, Lloyd began to be more careful during missions so as not to give his uncle a heart attack.
Lloyd, due to his heritage and elemental powers, is strongly connected to ninjago, if something threatens the land he can feel it, when all dimensions merged Lloyd felt great pain due to the ninjago lands being torn apart. After the fusion, he realized that because of this event he had scars on his chest that looked like cracks.
Lloyd's golden power hurt him when he fought the Overlord, he didn't feel it because of the adrenaline, but later it turned out that the golden power was too powerful for Lloyd's body (mainly because of his human part) so after the fight he realized that it was on his hands (from his hands to his shoulders) scars appeared that looked like they had been struck by lightning, they were golden in color and when Lloyd used his power they began to glow. Lloyd, of course, didn't tell anyone and he just started traveling around ninjago to learn how to control it better and see if his body gets used to it. Lloyd still has those scars to this day and come on the golden power is gone the scars still glow when he uses his elemental power but this time in green.
After becoming the Golden Ninja, Lloyd received many powers and improvements, for example, his healing became faster, he had greater endurance and improved senses but one of the strangest changes was that the blood turned gold, yes Lloyd had golden blood.
Lloyd is literally the reincarnation of FSM, he has his powers, he can do what he does and he is a perfect hybrid (a combination of Oni, dragon and human) same as FSM (only FSM wasn't human but still a perfect hybrid).
Due to his heritage and being the next incarnation of FSM, he has perfected Spinjitzu and uses it often in his fighting style (I don't know if it's just me, but Lloyd seems to use Spinjitzu more than the others)
Due to the power he has and his connection to Ninjago, Lloyd when angry can cause cracks in the ground or mini earth tremors, which are usually harmless but still need to be careful, that's why Lloyd has the best composure of all the ninjas (well, except Zen)
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spinjitsuburst · 1 year
alright gang i've watched dragons rising up to episode 18
gonna infodump my thoughts, spoilers from up to ep. 18 under the cut!
sooooooooooooooooooooo holy shit this season's incredible
the idea that master wu took care of the ENTIRE monastery is so laughable. lloyd a huge chunk of wu's screentime is snapping at the ninja to do THEIR chores
mr. frohicky is so funny and him and zane are dating now i dont make the rules
on a serious note! i love frohicky and zane's dynamic
pixal..... i miss her
lloyd understands why wu never told them shit now. "why didn't you tell us you were the grandson of GOD" "eh never really came up"
lloyd and arin are so special to me, lloyd really did adopt this kid huh
nya working sora through her self-esteem issues!! their dynamic is particularly sweet and i really love that they got paired together
wyldfyre is slowly but surely becoming my favorite dragons rising character
like her and kai's dynamic shifting as he helps heatwave was so sweet
plot twist i freaking LOVE arrakore he's just sad in a cave
i didn't expect them to go into nya's trauma in this episode cuz like hgjkdfshjgk not plot relevant but the bitterness in her voice when she talked about the djinn having a thing for showmanship. hmm.
that creature was just a shiny ditto
cole in general was incredible, andrew francis continues to do an incredible job voicing him
him FEELING the very earth crying out and screaming, it hurt :( i love when they go into the physicality and connection of their elements but mannnn :(((
the administration is the stanley parable
zane jumpscare of him just sitting in the mailroom AHAHHA
he was giving off bitchy villain energy please ninjago please please give him a villain arc please please
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pretty sure i fucking busted @rottedsoulx 's headphones when i let out the loudest scream when jay showed up like. hooooooo man i'm so sorry dude HAHAHGKJFDH
lord ras and beatrix lore..... innnnnteresting also beatrix' twin having an elemental power is WILD
"you know how i taught you patience and stuff" "yeah?" "fuck that go ham" thank you kai
in conclusion i'm ecstatic my crops are cleared my depression is gone i'm in love with this season
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rottedsoulx · 2 years
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evil,,, :>
Kai- Took Chen’s place, killed him for the staff and is slowly collecting the powers of all the elemental masters he can locate.Corrupted by the staff, he rules over Chen’s island. Skylar does her best to keep his mind in tact but her efforts lately seem to be more and more useless against the staff.
Jay- Overthrew Nadakhan’s ship and crew. Had his mind twisted by the abuse he faced from the retired crew members. Probably keeps Nadakhan’s teapot on his hip at all times. Maybe talks to it every once in a while, or throws it against a wall when he’s angry.
Cole- He just wanted to learn more about his mother.
Zane- S11 but it’s in an isolated corner of Ninjago instead of the neverrealm. Maybe a Two Moon village/neverrealm fusion. A man who wandered the world without direction settles in the village. Vague instructions in his mind telling him to protect. He finds the staff early on, it having thought to be disposed of long ago. It seeming to be harmless by non-elementals. He gets a hold of it and keeps it. The village will be protected, whether they want it or not.
Lloyd- It’s his duty to reunite the elemental masters. Somehow.
Nya was long gone, taken with her parents when Kai was abandoned. :>
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fetching-sketching · 2 months
long-ass post ahead so i'll put it under a cut but basically this is a ninjago superhero au with drawings explaining stuff because i couldn't get it out of my head ok lets go
it's kind of a fusion between regular ninjago, movie ninjago and superhero elements. the ninja work as a protective force of ninjago city and are in some sort of superhero training program where the dr kids are the underclassmen and some of the other realms are basically rival training programs. the main six ninja are essentially on a work study (the costume designs are very first pass here, i just wanted to get ideas onto a page and i'll work on them from there).
we'll start with zane since he was the first one i drew. when he activates his power it slows time down for him and speeds up his cognition, so he's essentially moving at 2x speed and thinking at 4x speed compared to everyone else. he can't activate it for long, however, because it very rapidly drains his body heat. his costume is designed to keep him warm and there's heating pads in the coat he can turn on and off. he's the best guy for time-critical crisis situations, but he can hold his own in a fight, too.
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next is nya! she can turn her body into water, fully or partially. when she's in full water mode, she can travel through regular water as well. one of her signature moves is turning a single arm into a water whip. she also uses her water form to evade attacks as well. her suit is pretty similar to that of a scuba suit for ease of transporting and getting back into her suit when she goes in and out of her water form. she can't control water that isn't 'her', but she can move it around if that makes sense? like how we can move water with are hands but if our hands were also water. anyways she mainly works around the shoreline but can help in a lot of other situations as well. her favorite trick is instead of taking the stairs, she'll jump from a roof and turn into water before she hits the ground so she doesn't get hurt. (i'm not the most pleased with her suit since it is basically just a scuba suit, so i'll revise it to something more interesting).
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onto lloyd! he can draw energy from any living thing and turn it into an energy blast. it's really simple, almost a bit too simple so i'm more open to changing it in the future. idk, if it works it works i guess. he can draw energy from things other than himself but he's paranoid of hurting others so he strictly draws energy from himself. he can blast the energy like he does in the show or he pop it when he's still holding it to maneuver himself when he's in the air. with enough concentration he can even double jump. he's kind of a generalist, working wherever he's needed, acting as a sort of comfort figure for people whenever they see him. i felt that if any of the ninja could have a costume reminiscent of their show gi, it would be lloyd.
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jay's turn! whenever he generates static electricity, he stores it in his body until he releases it as a single bolt. the amount of electricity he can store is theoretically infinite, but he can only release the electricity all at once, so if he stores up too much its no bueno. periodically throughout the day he has to release whatever he's built up, which is rather annoying. once he learns how to control his output it's over for everyone, he'll be unstoppable. he used to have his regular combover hair but when his powers came in it got all curly and wild. no amount of water, gel, or brushing can tame it. his powers come with a rather neat immunity to electricity. he's a generalist like lloyd, although he skews a little towards more fights than anything else. one time the local hospital lost power and he spent three hours powering the backup generators before they got the power up and running again. he hates it, but one of the fastest ways for him to build up a charge is to rub his hair with his gloves on. he thinks it makes him look stupid. he can have a stereotypical hero costume. as a treat.
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kai's turn! his is pretty basic too, but i feel like it fits him. he can light himself on fire. that's pretty much it. once the fire catches on something that isn't him he can't control it anymore, so he has to be careful about it. he has a flamethrower he uses mainly for combat, so he doesn't always go out with it on. the most useful part of his power is his immunity to fire and heat, so he responds to a lot of fire calls. however, he's not immune to smoke, so he keeps a face mask in his pack with him to combat that. since breathing fire is more of a european dragon thing rather than an eastern dragon thing, he has some knight elements in his costuming as well. tbh i'm not sure if i'm gonna keep it, ninjago is obviously very eastern-inspired and there's probably other motifs i could explore rather than medieval knight, but it was the first idea that came to mind and my main goal, again, was just to put pen to paper and get stuff down.
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last and most certainly not least is cole! he can cover himself in a rocky outer skin, where the strength and durability of whatever areas that are covered are boosted. currently, he can't cover much of his body, his maximum is just about enough to completely cover both of his arms, but he's working on upping the amount. he works a lot of disaster situations, such earhtquakes, building collapsses, and other similar situations. his costume is based a lot on early 20th century mining uniforms, and same as nya it doesn't offer a lot more, so i'll do more with it in further revisions. cole is the one i've thought the most about with the story. his mother was a very well-known hero who protected ninjago city as well, but she sustained and eventually succumbed to an injury she sustained on the field. cole wants to follow her footsteps, but lou is pretty opposed to him going into the same field that killed his mother. he's being allowed to do the work study, but just barely, and it's an unspoken rule that lou will pull him from the work study if he gets injured whatsoever.
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obviously i'm still working out a lot of the kinks but the powers, which are the most interesting part to me, are pretty much done and dusted! i have so many characters thought out you wouldn't believe. pixal and morro should be next, but after that i'm not sure. lmk if there's any specific character you wanna see done next because chances are i've thought them through!
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champmorado · 1 year
ive only posted 1 elemental fusion (vapor) so far but ive created an entire army of them now
and i love them all equally. especially taser. youll never guess who taser's a fusion of
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thecatundertheladder · 4 months
The Elements - Overview
This is a much more in-depth respond to @maakujiten's question on my this post. That being said this canon to both my FSM lives au and my Wu and Garmadon ToE au.
Also, I'm excluding the Source Dragons in this explanation because I don't know enough about them yet. I may or may not rework this explanation when we find out more depending on how much I care.
Balance - The First Spinjitzu Master's essence. It is the balance and very fabric of the Sixteen Realms. He is the incarnation of it and the only being to truly possess it - though his children can manipulate it to an extent. If another dragoni child was born that wasn't his descendent, they would not possess it.
I've been associating the element with dark red, partly because red is green's complementary colour, partly because I read a fic that mentioned Lloyd got his red eyes from his grandfather, and partly because I like red and think it's cool. But you can imagine whatever.
Destruction - A primordial essence that has been around since the beginning. While all Oni are destruction made living and can use it, the only ones who specialise in it's essence are Garmadon and the First Oni, both of whom are stronger in this specific essence than the First Spinjitzu Master.
Creation - A primordial essence that has been around since the beginning. While all First Realm Dragons are creation made living and can use it, the only ones who specialise in it are Wu and Firstbourne, both of whom are stronger in this specific essence than the First Spinjitzu Master.
Energy - Lloyd's essence. It's derived from the essence of balance. While Lloyd and his Grandfather can both use it, Lloyd is the one who specialises in it, and is stronger than him for in this element in particular
Darkness/imbalance - Ninjago Wiki calls the Overlord's essence Darkness, and this made sense when it was introduced back in season 2 as an opponent to the First Spinjitzu Master's light and creation. However, since then, FSM has shown to more likely be balance than light, so the Overlord's essence is now imbalance; the absence of balance. The Overlord doesn't actually balance out FSM (they balance out themself) but just kind of exists independently.
Elements of Creation:
These are the elements that are derived purely from creation - i.e. if you combined them you would get pure creation. Dragons that possess these cannot have another element as they are too powerful, though not as powerful as essences. The elemental masters who carry these elements are stronger than other EMs.
Elements of Destruction:
These are the elements that are derived purely from destruction - if you combined them you would get pure destruction. The Oni that possess these cannot have another element, again because they are too powerful. The elemental masters who carry these elements are stronger than other EMs.
Associated with Creation:
These are the other elements dragons can wield. Being less powerful than those derived straight from creation, dragons can sometimes possess muliple of them at once. The masters of these elements cannot possess multiple and will be weaker than the elements of creation and destruction.
Associated with Destruction:
These are the other elements Oni can wield. Being less powerful than those derived straight from destruction, Oni can sometimes possess muliple of them at once. The masters of these elements cannot possess multiple and will be weaker than the elements of creation and destruction.
Form - While an element in terms of elemental masters, form isn't an element when it comes to the Oni, and is rather an ability that all Oni possess, regardless of what element they have.
Wojira’s Elements:
These are the elements that didn't come into existence with the First Realm, but rather when Wojira, the incarnation of the realm that the continent of Ninjago is in, came into existence. That's why the First Spinjitzu Master cannot wield them.
Wind - The mortal form of the element of storm. Morro is it's the first user, which is why Wu thought Morro might be the green ninja.
Water - The mortal form of the element of wave.
In addition to working out how the elements work I've also worked out some lore for Wojira and the First Spinjitzu Master. Which I'll write an actual post about sometime.
Other Elements:
Amber - An artificial element created by a mortal a few thousand years after Ninjago's creation.
Time - Time is an element created in the First Realm, but unlike the others, it is neither a element of creation nor destruction. As such both Oni and Dragon can possess it. Like the elements of creation and destruction, any dragons and Oni that possess will not be able to use another element.
While this makes sense to me, I'm not sure how much sense it will make to others, so please ask any questions you might have!
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galvatream · 1 month
 So, Kai and Nya, these two have more to their pre-war backstory then the others largely due to their involvement in the lead up to the war, anyway, unlike in the show, they are twins and emerged from the Well of All Sparks sharing a split spark, for those none transformer fans, a split spark is a concept from the Aligned Continuity, specifically from Transformers Prime where a spark splits in two, creating twins.
Anyway, when they emerged from the Well, they were given the designations K41 and N42 and assigned to word in the Mines of Kaon where it was their job repair malfunctioning and broken mining equipment, during their time there, they learned the intricacies of machinery and befriend one of the miners who went by the designation D16.
The two agreed with D16’s views on Cybertron’s current political environment and how unjust the current system was, you see, Cybertron operated under a class system before the war, and both Kai and Nya were members of the low class. Though they agreed with D16’s views, they did not think it was possible to bring about any change.
Well, over the years, they watched as their superiors abused their power until they eventually witnessed D16 start a revolution when one of their guards executed a fellow worker, the two of them stood by their friend and as a result, were pursued into Kaon’s criminal underworld where they vanished.
So, they spent a bit of time running, and Kai and Nya begun understanding how weaponry worked, eventually, they found jobs at the local gladiatorial arena, and created many different weapons, D16 eventually entered as a combatant in the fights.
Anyway, after they spent years creating all sorts of weaponry and fighting in the arena themselves, a time in which they adopted the new names of Red Shogun and Samurai X, accompanied their friend, D16, now calling himself Megatronus, as his bodyguards during various meetings and rallies he held.
Anyway, skip forward a few years, they would be present alongside their friend, now having shortened his name to Megatron, when he confronted the council of his plans for change, they would gift him their greatest creation before this meeting, a heavily customised Fusion Cannon. Well, the meeting didn’t go well and the war began shortly afterwards with both Kai and Nya siding with their friend.
The two would earn a reputation as being formidable generals of the Decepticons, commanding their legions from Darkmount and lunching assaults on the region of Ninjago, taking control of vast swathes of land including Shintaro, Stix and Ouroboros. Well, about halfway through the war, the two, after a meeting with Garmadon, eventually realised that the Decepticons had fallen far from their original goal and defected to the Autobots, leaving their chief lieutenant, Harumi, to take over.
Upon their defection, they adopted the names Kai and Nya and put their skills as the Elemental Masters of Fire and at the time, Liquid Helium, to use for the side of good. They helped fight The Overlord when he was freed from his prison and helped upgrade the Bounty’s weapon systems. Now, the ninja initially assumed the two had trained under Garmadon due to their ruthless fighting style, you see, Kai and Nya fought as they did as gladiators, using their elemental powers and every dirty trick they knew to win a fight, different to the style used by the Ninja.
Well, when it was revealed that they were former Decepticons, such information revealed by Harumi, some mistrust did emerge, but it was largely Jay, Cole and Garmadon who vouched for them. Anyway, they helped fight The Overlord when he was released from his prison (I’ll explain this whole event in another post) and later fought him on Caminus, they also participated in many other battles with the Ninja.
So, when it comes to their relationships, more so their significant other, Kai and Cole took the longest to admit their feelings for one another, only doing so during their last battle against The Overlord on Caminus as opposed to Jay and Nya who hit off almost right away.
Anyway, a very significant thing to point out is that Kai and Nya are descended from Solus Prime and that Kai inherited the Creation Lathe, allowing to use the power of Creation, this also had the side effect of leaving him with a bunch of Camiens following him around and worship him like he was a holy being. (Will go into depth about this when I cover Harumi).
Anyway, this is the post for Kai and Nya, most character will likely be done covering one at a time, but since Kai and Nya were rarely apart for most of their story, it made sense to cover them both.
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strangermask · 23 days
God I wanna make fusion concepts for the FEM guys
Cuz like you have two humans, a serpentine, and a demon. Literally only one fusion duo would look normal to the citizens of ninjago while you got a fucking snake-demon fusion roaming around
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emerald-cloud23 · 11 months
Geo definitely is a character I'd like to learn a bit more of (partially because of lostshipping) but I find the way he talks about his elemental power so interesting.
He's like "I'm a munce colored like a geckle" and doesn't see that he's the result of, practically, a forbidden romance. They mention that "things fused by his powers can only be broken by him", aka the one who put them together.. yet he, master of fusion himself, cannot be "un-fused" of geckle and munce blood. He's a fusion himself. He makes sculptures out of trash, talking about how "taking two things and combining them can make them stronger" which is what the geckle and munce would've been in s13 against the Skull Sorcerer.
I hope we see some more of him as the show goes on, maybe finding his parents who remember him (which causes him to be able to leave the land of lost things), he finds out that geckle and munce aren't against each other anymore (thanks to Cole and the ninja- WAIT, DID COLE EVEN TELL HIM THAT OR NOT??)
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un-pearable · 2 years
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been wondering about people’s takes on the outfits lately bc they’re so much fun :] lemme know what you’re voting + why in the tags!! pt2 posted very soon with everything s8 and on (ran out of answer options)
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