#no comment on any of this tbh
paperbackwriiter · 27 days
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john & paul rehearsing two of us in let it be
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existennialmemes · 3 months
Mansplaining: thinks the problem is you
Works from the assumption that I know so much more than you, and you could simply never comprehend This Topic on your own, so I must explain it to you, for I am so wise.
Neurodivergent Over-Clarifying: thinks the problem is me
Works from the assumption that I am a trainwreck and am doing a terrible job of expressing myself, so I must continue to explain what I meant, hoping to successfully convey the thought in my head.
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redysetdare · 10 months
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kuyenshino · 5 days
Just a friendly reminder that even when there are some theories going on about Asa and Yoru merging together into one, they are currently NOT the same individual, even when Asa's feelings for Denji are permeating into Yoru somehow (well they share the same body and brain).
Clearly Yoru gives a damn about Asa, including her body autonomy (and you can say that Asa was sa'd by Yoru too bc she didn't consent). I'm saying this bc a lot of ppl thought Asa and Yoru were acting like friendly lately...
The reality is that Yoru doesn't really care about Denji's feelings (and Asa's by extent). She wants to fight with Chainsaw man and doesn't care about anything else. And, well, she's a devil after all.
What happened in this chapter can potentially not only destroy whatever genuine relationship Asa and Denji could have, but Asa and Yoru's alliance too.
I think we will finally see some seeds of a conflict inside between Asa and Yoru once the trust they developed has been broken. This internal conflict can be decisive for the climax of the manga.
Of course, Denji is a SA victim here, but Asa is one too! So I wonder if Asa will have an emotional breakdown and reveal the truth about her and Yoru... Or if shit will get even worse and both will think that the other abused/used them and nothing will be cleared up bc Asa will close herself off from Denji and Denji will distrust her even more...
Anyway, I just don't see any point of still keeping Yoru as a secret anymore since what happened in this chapter is probably the climax of their misunderstandings and bad communication that will define their relationship from now on. In my opinion, it would be more interesting, from a narrative point of view, if Denji will finally have to deal with the whole picture about Asa, "her mood swings" and all it implies for their fragile relationship: the ugly, the bad and the good... And what HE will decide about that. Or maybe its just my wish for Denji to finally have some kind of iniciative or consent about his own life...
I'm very anxious of what will happen next chapter because Fujimoto is such an unpredictable author...
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[TW: grooming] Gentle reminder that Luke castellan was a 19 year old adult going after a 14 year old Silena, emotionally manipulating her and basically grooming her into giving him information. (Luke was said to have recruited Silena sometime after he left chb, which is basically the ending of TLT and Silena was 14 in TLT while Luke was 19) and continued to do so for 4 YEARS (the time between TLT and TLO is 4 years, and Silena only stopped falling into the trap after Charlie died, which was in TLO)
I hope the pjo timeline is an eye opener for the naive as fuck fans defending and justifying Luke's behaviour and having the audacity to deny that Silena was indeed groomed.
There's a difference between appreciating well written complex characters vs actually glossing and meat riding their problematic and questionable behaviour. A huge fucking difference. I think Luke is a good written character, but seeing the amount of fans justifying him being a creep scares me.
"Grooming" (I took the definition straight out of the internet for the detectives that will probably scrutinize and chew on my post lmao) is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.
Luke took advantage of Silena to BOTH manipulate AND exploit her for information.
Don't even get me started on the "he had a terrible home life, he was traumatized as a kid, what else can you expect?" yeah he was, but how was that Silena's fault? She shouldn't have to be taken advantage of , suffer without even realizing it, and pay the price to Luke's insanity, just because Luke had internalized issues like other demigods did?? How is that a fucking excuse??
Look me in the eye and tell me that Luke was "so hot because of how crazy, messed up and unhinged he is"
I dare you.
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mrstargkonnen · 22 days
I think people are focusing way too much on the s*xual side of things with Noa and Mae.
Like…stop 🛑
I’m going to assume no one here needs anything explicit to happen between them to ship them. If that’s the only way you consume ships, then that’s on you.
But by ‘certain’ logic, then shipping Noa, Soona and Anaya means you like to watch animals getting it on irl. Is this true? I doubt it.
Thankfully, I’m capable understanding that shipping the fictional characters we were given is easy because of their human-like qualities and relatable dynamics. The CGI helps to suspend our disbelief a ton too, and of course, the great chemistry the actors delivered IRL. They did a fantastic job!
Because let’s be honest, if these characters behaved or resembled irl apes 100%, NO ONE WOULD GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THEM and these movies would not be what they are.
They’re shippable because of their dynamic, because of the themes and narrative devices they are using, because of the idea of two opposing worlds coming together through the kindredness of two unlikely heros, because of their relatability in the face of fear, prejudice and the unknown, because of the Shakespearean tragedy of it all-
NOT and I repeat, NOT because they might have s*x 😒
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I think one of the reasons that kaladin can deal with actively killing as a soldier but not with accidentally (passively) letting someone die as a surgeon is the sense of failure (plus of course the obvious protection aspect and the whole me-vs-them mentality he only really starts to question when Shin joins bridge four, and he starts interacting fairly regularly with a light-eyes he can genuinely respect). dalinar himself said that he "love(s) taking responsibility for things", which is especially clear in the way he still can't quite blame amaram for tien's demise (because he feels like this is his failure, too).
like we can see in the first book that the deaths of the people he swore to protect weigh on him not only because of the dying people per se, but also (and I would argue: especially) because of his FAILURE to keep them alive. he always makes this connection to himself, thinks of their demise in relation to HIS own person and HIS role and HIS failure (cue the whole "stormfather cursed me specifically" thing). like, besides tien and the bridgemen (who we know because they are active current characters), can we truly say much of anything about the people he failed to protect in the past? the only thing we really know is how HE feels about it and how it messed HIM up. but the people themselves??
kaladin just has insane main character syndrome, and everything happening to him (first dark-eyed to have the rank of a light-eyed, one of the only surgebinders, guy able to survive multiple fights with actual shardbearers, etc etc) do the opposite of helping him dissuade the notion. I feel like I lost the plot of my own post. Kal is honorable and a good guy and everything but he is also pretty self-centered? which I actually find really cool because many times people who do objectively good actions are still kind of demonized if they don't do it for the "right" reasons (aka purely 1000% selflessness), but Kal explicitly starts helping the bridgemen not because he actually cares about them but because he needs a reason to not commit suicide. and when he loses bridgemen (especially in the beginning where he barely knows them) he always immediately thinks back to the other people he FAILED to save. he isn't devastated because that person in particular died, he is upset because he is very bad at dealing with his own failures and also terrified that the wretch will use this to lure him back onto the ledge. i mean, he loathes failure so much he was resigned to never see his parents again (who he clearly loves a lot and who he knows would welcome him back with open arms; it's his own shame that he can't confront)
he helps people primarily to try to make up for the failures of the past, an attempt to dissuade the guilt and shame eating him alive 24/7 (which of course never works because guilt is a very unreasonable emotion and as long as he doesn't change his mindset and confronts his own beliefs about himself and the world it will never go away.)
"do the fire sprin create the flames or are they attracted by them?" of course syl was compelled to follow kaladin around. dude keeps actively (even if semi-unconsciously) putting himself into the same role and situation over and over again in the hopes that if he can only succeed one time it will somehow redeem him for his past failures. literally every single thing Kal does and thinks and believes is rooted in the fact that he blames himself for tien's demise. he needs to somehow redeem himself in order to be able to live with himself but at the same time he can never be redeemed because letting tien die is an unforgivable crime and yet he needs to make it up somehow because the wretch is always in the back of his mind and he's actually terrified of it but he is equally scared of actually somehow managing to get over this sense of guilt and failure because wouldn't forgiving himself mean he thinks tien is less important than his own stupid (and, in his mind, deserved) feelings?
that guy is so not over his brother's death it actually isn't funny anymore 💀 please get that dude some fucking therapy 😭😭
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maxsix · 3 months
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tethered-heartstrings · 4 months
i am not on any other social medias besides tumblr, but a mutual showed me a screenshot of someone on tiktok asking for hannibal fic recs and someone replied not with just one of my fics but recommended all of my work and i am at a loss for words and trying not to melt into a slobbering pile of goo. whoever you are, THANK YOU SO MUCH <333 AHHH
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psybrepunk · 6 days
Sometimes I like to remember back in 2020 when I fell HARD for Nick Valentine and was reading every NSFW fic I could find and anyways there was this one smut one-shot where Sole undoes Nick's trousers and he's got an LED LIGHTED CYBERDICK and I've just never really gotten over the shock and mental image of that
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paimonial-rage · 10 months
23 for heizou, albedo, xingqiu, and most importantly, KAEYA!! -- @milkstore
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
Heizou Headcanons
With a talent for deduction and an enthusiasm to match, Shikanoin Heizou is a whirlwind not to be messed with. However, it is often due to this unceasing drive that a few things often drop beneath his radar, one of which being his health. It’s not that he doesn’t take care of himself, he truly does. He makes sure to eat healthily and tries his best to keep to a set sleep schedule when not on duty. However, when he is sick, it’s difficult for him to truly realize just how sick he is. It often takes an irate Sango to force him to rest after being notified by his worried fellow doushin.
As sweet as he is, don’t expect to not get roped into odd situations if you choose to date someone like Heizou. As a doushin, it is his job to crack even the toughest of cases. And how lucky he is to have you help with that! With a charming smile, don’t be surprised if he asks you to try to stab him with a rusty knife while wearing a kitsune mascot costume. The outcome will provide key evidence in solving this latest case, after all! With your help, you will be able to solve the puzzle together. Aren’t you lucky?
Albedo Headcanons
When the Knights of Favonius are in need of something alchemy related, it is often that they will go to Sucrose or Timmaeus first. Not that they can be blamed, of course. For small and often weird requests, who would ever think about going to a captain for help? Little do they know is that Albedo is much less likely to turn down a request than the other two. While he will delegate if it does not fall within his realm of area of expertise, Albedo, at his core, is both helpful and curious. Therefore he sees no harm in helping if he has the time. 
Relationship Focused
It isn’t that you didn’t expect much when you first agreed to date Albedo, it’s just you didn’t expect… what exactly? The way he pauses his studies whenever you come by? The way he takes your hand so naturally without batting an eye? The way he weaves his plans to spend time with you so effortlessly in your conversations? He catches you off guard every time, and you know it’s on purpose. You hate how he is such an unassuming natural romantic.
Xingqiu Headcanons
Though many people have heard of the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, revitalizer of the famous Guhua Clan, most would not be able to point him out in a crowd. This is a conscious decision on Xingqiu’s part for two reasons. First, it is certainly not chivalrous to give into such boastful activities. Secondly, as a whole Xingqiu is happy the way he is. He does not want a prestigious position as the Guhua prodigy, nor does he need more duties to the guild. All that matters to him is to become a chivalrous hero like the stories he holds so dear. 
Anyone that is close to Xingqiu knows that he loves to tease. One would think being in a relationship with him would make it easier, but it’s only made him worse. How he adores seeing your face heat up into a flustered blush. Really, he is the worse. So it’s safe to say you really did not expect the reaction you got upon giving him a taste of his own medicine. Not only did he turn away to hide his pinkened cheeks, but did he just stutter too? Hmm, perhaps he is as easy to tease as you. 
Kaeya Headcanons
For someone as seemingly confident and laid-back as Captain Kaeya, many would not pin him for having weaknesses or insecurities. How could they? He is always giving of his time to patrol, assist Jean with her duties, play with Klee, conduct business trips… Even when not on duty, he can be found gathering intelligence at Angel’s Share, surveying possible abyssal hotspots, reporting his findings to the Dawn Winery… Kaeya always gives his time for others, but on his own, he will never take for himself. 
Even if you are able to catch someone like Kaeya, do not be so foolish as to expect his heart will be yours. Try as you may, there will be a wall. You will not be able to trust the words that come from his lips, no matter how sweet. He will lie about his wants, needs, insecurities, troubles, and more. This isn’t because he hates you or wishes to play with your feelings. He doesn’t know how to open up. He doesn’t know how to be honest. You’ll have to prove yourself a person he can trust.
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stardust-falling · 2 months
If you enjoy my fics, please consider reading my original xianxia novel, Ghosts of the Heart! The first three chapters are currently available to read for free on patreon (the whole first arc will be free there eventually), and having more engagement with this would honestly give me a little more ammunition against my current bout of writers' block 〒▽〒
Also I just like the little guys who originated from my brain & also want more people to know about them.
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togo--mimori · 27 days
I have a LOT of feelings about kaisers backstory. Mostly positive? My opinions on his character have only really gotten better tbh. Like, he's not a good person. But he is definitely a product of his environment.
I think he does care about Ness in his own twisted way. But he doesn't know how to recognize positive emotions. He doesn't know how to form lasting relationships without manipulation and insults.
Kaiser never got therapy, or even really a trustworthy adult (that we know of yet) to sit him down and try to break through the shell he formed after all those years. It's all he knows, it's all he has to work with. He has no frame of reference for friendship and love. New emotions and feelings are scary, they feel wrong sometimes. So he sticks to what he knows and does it the best he can.
The only thing that's changed is we know WHY Kaiser is how he is. I don't have it in me to hate him now that it's confirmed he's incredibly mentally ill due to his fucking awful and unstable formative years. He's a bad person, but he hasn't always been. But he's not beyond hope or help, like anyone is.
Not supporting anything he's done, just appreciating a well written character. Seeing bits of my broken past mirrored on a fucking rat tail anime man has been an experience.
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plulp · 1 year
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maplesleep · 1 month
Hey pssst
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I know a lot of you followed me for monkie kid stuff so is there anything y'all would wanna see?
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biteress · 2 months
Which fictional characters 👀👀👀
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