#kaeya will always act for other people but he has a hard time acting for himself
kaeyachi · 11 months
The heavy lore post will be posted later! These ones are just more on his personality, likes and dislikes, and brief history hehehe
I'm doing things in bullet point form coz wow there's a lot
Was the gentle and polite child! Also frequently got sick. Addie frequently took care of him in those times hehe. Is it possible that this is because of his experiences prior to getting to Mond? Travelling as a child would have made him vulnerable to tougher weather and rapidly at that. I doubt that food comes easy too. Additionally, HE WAS LEFT IN A STORM. I still think Kaeya is gentle and polite, though he definitely gives the face of charming and sly (if it benefits him and it works then might as well keep it going!)
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Kindness is so inherent in him that he automatically does kind acts. He only acts like he has an ulterior motive, and tbh? I bet that act is only to keep people away. I think I made a oneshot about this saying his biological father may be worried about this tendency? Or something similar. Worryingly enough, Kaeya clearly has a hard time accepting words of affirmation from literally everyone. Heartbreaking to see in action.
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Diluc is a menace, asking Kaeya to help him in his mischief, tsk. Kaeya apparently also helps Diluc in the punishments he receives. Kaeya ended up doing the most of it :( (what are the odds of Kaeya also doing Diluc's paperwork while said redhead was out on the field? What if the reason Kaeya wasn't with Diluc and Crepus during that one fateful 18th birthday because he was covering for Diluc's shift...). Tbh? Kaeya never stopped covering for Diluc. Even now, he is still covering for Diluc (DKH).
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This one set off alarms in my mind. Kaeya was apparently not a very good liar when he was younger. I now definitely think that Crepus knew Kaeya lied about his origins. The question is, did Diluc know Kaeya was not a strong liar before their fight? Or did he remember afterwards and was immediately faced with even more guilt?
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He might actually have a sweet tooth! Dear god look at the number of desserts he ordered. Do note that Death Afternoon is a mixture that lessens the bitterness of Dandelion Wine. Additionally, Kaeya wasn't interested in wine when he was younger, he only grew into it because it reminds him of home after he left :( The Cider Lake drink is also sweet! And I'm guessing plain chicken mushroom skewers weren't sweet enough, so he decided to add fruits to it. I THINK CREPUS ACCIDENTALLY GOT HIM INTO LIKING ALCOHOL AFTER CREATING THE CIDER LAKE DRINK LMAO. Crepus suceeding in preventing alcohol intake from one child and ended up giving it to the other
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Fairly sure he was being flirted on here by an entire group of mercenaries and just didn't realize which would make things extremely funny. They saw him and immediately went "we need to see that body in the dance floor ASAP". What if he doesn't realize he is being flirted on until he is slapped in the face with a confession? It's also funny if he flirts up a storm and not realize people are flirting back lmao
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So I was right... he was not kicked out. He moved out on his own. Diluc is fine with him frequenting Dawn Winery, expects it even (lol my short 1 shot makes sense now). The staff keep asking him to come back and visit more frequently. Adelinde says that Kaeya is always part of the family. They become so happy when Kaeya comes back, it's like a weight is lifted off of everyone's chests. IT'S KAEYA WHO KEEPS SAYING HE'S A GUEST AND SEPARATING HIMSELF OUGH. He's the one trying to stay away after all :((( Let's summarize this: Kaeya was the sickly, quick to bruise, kind, gentle, and polite child who everyone in the staff (and Diluc) adores and still treats like he is their baby, but said baby of the family KEEPS LEAVING. Go home Kaeya!
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Klee keeps looking for Kaeya! And Kaeya reads her bedtime stories!!! Hearing her voice ask where Kaeya was broke my heart, I think I'd like that used for angst purposes. Kaeya is once again letting a mischievous pyro user get away with causing mischief. Kaeya you enabler lmaaaoooo. Kaeya frequently rescues Klee from solitary confinement, done so enough times that Klee now does the same for him (I bet she thinks Kaeya is in solitary confinement whenever he's busy doing paperwork). Not to Kaebedo/Albekae you guys (I am Kaebedo/Albekae-ing you guys), but I'm fairly sure Kaeya and Albedo spend so much time together with Klee. Again, frequent enough that Albedo has tons of drawings of Kaeya (the 3 brushstrokes is a popular meme, but it actually is just a way to say that he has drawn Kaeya a lot. Bet he could draw Kaeya with his eyes closed haha). HE GOT THEM MATCHING GIFTS THATS ADORABLE
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Speaking of gifts, he's a great gift giver! He really listens to people's needs and wants. What a thoughtful man (Diluc was right in his letters in hidden strife though. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF KAEYA). Speaking of, I'm guessing Kaeya is rich? Because I'm fairly sure the gifts were bought with his own pocket money and thus the huge amount of travel funds remaining (the gifts are expensive, surely it should have put a dent to the said funds had he used them)
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332 notes · View notes
erikatsu · 8 months
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ᥫ᭡ SUMMARY: Life was a show, and you refused to make a final curtain call– that was until you met the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide and found yourself falling off a tightrope for him without a safety net to catch you at the bottom.
ᥫ᭡ PAIRING: Wriothesley x Fem!Reader
ᥫ᭡ WARNINGS: [N]sfw. Prn with plot. Reader is skeevy and manipulative and has a personality. Reader is half-Khaenri’ahn like Kaeya. No physical description minus the primo shaped pupil. There are two OCs. Propositioning. Virgin!Wriothesley implied. Oral (m!receiving). Unprotected sex. Somewhat explicit near the end. Let’s act like there is foreplay, the word count is already wild to me sorry. Implied creampie. selfship coded.
ᥫ᭡ WC: 7.7k
ᥫ᭡ NOTE: The OC Aurélie belongs to @dottores and the OC Thalie belongs to @neuvillettes . Thank you both for letting me bring them into this.
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── ❝ READ ‘EM AND WEEP, BOYS, ❞ you flaunted, showing your hand to the group you had been playing card games with for the past hour. “Haven’t you learned by now that you can’t beat me?”
Laverune and Cuistot both groaned, knowing that it was a losing battle. They always tried, but every time they lost 500 credit coupons– if not more– each. Though, they tended to not complain since they were in your pocket and they could easily make it back running errands for you. A card game or two wouldn’t set them back much anyway with all their hot gossip– some of which was fed to them by you. Whether the information you gave them was true or not, they always ate it up and would boast about it to anyone who will listen. 
In the Fortress of Meropide, it was pretty much every person for themselves. Some things like petty gossip, ways to get contraband, and wealth made you someone around here. The better the criminal, the higher on the underworld’s totem pole they’d be. You had no issue figuring this out, and you quickly climbed what little social ladder there was. You didn’t think it was hard, but then again not everyone had the same skill set as you. 
In all honesty, it was something worthy of even the Warden’s attention. 
You were an enigma to him. It wasn’t everyday that someone from the outside world came to the Fortress in a self-proclaimed exile, but he supposed that it did make sense given the nature of the place. Criminals came here to be reborn and start anew, so why couldn’t ordinary people? Although, ordinary is not how he would describe you. Your file– despite being very well put together– was full of false information from your date of birth to your legal name. He had his suspicions as to who you truly were thanks to his talks with Neuvillette and his sources in the overworld. With how quickly you worked your way up to the top of the food chain, he became more certain.
It wasn’t enough for the Fatui to begin bribing his gardes. Now, they were just waltzing into his fortress and doing as they pleased. He couldn’t complain too much though, you didn’t seem to be causing any trouble. Although there was one thing that did bother him, a lot more than it would others. He could not read you. Wriothesley, the Warden– or the Duke– of the Fortress of Meropide, prided himself on his ability to discern behavioral patterns in the criminals that came here. While you were seemingly carefree, you were too watchful. You had a flair for the dramatic, yet got serious about work. You never broke the rules, but you did push them with your snooping about. You walked a line he was not familiar with– one that teetered on edge normalcy and shady. Of course, he couldn’t let this go unchecked. After observing you for a while, he decided it would probably be in his best interest to speak with you one on one. 
Your card game was now over, and once Laverune and Cuistot left– grumbling to themselves about how you never went easy on them– Wriothesley wasted no time approaching you. You leaned back in your seat, folding your arms over your chest and watching him with what seemed to be amusement, “His Grace wants a word with me? Oh my, what an honor.”
He stared for a moment before replying, “I thought I might extend an invitation for you to have some tea with me. There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”
Your expression didn’t change, and he wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. Most would be put off by such a sudden invitation, especially when he’d never taken an interest before. Although, he was sure you knew he’d been keeping an eye on you and your lack of reaction could simply mean you didn’t have anything to hide. You simply smiled and told him you would be delighted. You even hummed to yourself during the short walk to his office, appearing unbothered. It annoyed him. When the two of you walked up the stairs to his office, he made note that you immediately began glancing around as if you were searching for something. It should have come as no surprise that you would immediately stop following him and walk over to the books he had on the shelves behind his desk. You ran your hand along the spines, glancing at the titles before pulling one at random off the shelf. He watched as you flipped it open, skimming the contents before closing it.
“Would you mind if I borrowed this? Books are hard to come by down here,” you asked, confusing him even more. 
Was your search for entertainment? Or was this just a ruse? He nodded, pouring the tea he had made into two small cups. You walked over to the desk, setting the book down before taking the cup from him. You took a sip, the bitter earthy flavor not agreeing with your tastebuds, yet you drank it nonetheless. Afterall, you were invited and you didn’t think telling him your distaste for the drink would go too well. 
“I believe it was over a year ago when the security system sucked you in here,” Wriothesley immediately got down to business. “You chose to stay and work, and have been on good behavior. Though, I do have one issue with this. In order to make you a resident and give you an actual job here, I do need to have legal and accurate paperwork for you.”
You rose an eyebrow, taking another slow sip of your tea, “Fascinating. Surely, it hasn’t taken you this long to figure it out. But, you’re suddenly interested in my identity now? All due respect, Your Grace, maybe your focus on me has diverted your attention from what’s really happening in your fortress. I do think I’m the least of your concerns.”
Maybe your focus on me has diverted your attention from what’s really happening in your fortress. Your words dug deeper than you had intended– or maybe you had meant to get under his skin– twisting in his stomach and wounding his pride. He knew everything that went on here, and you had just told him he really didn’t. 
“One of your night guards, Marcel, is a Fatui spy. On the three days of every month that the pipes are cleaned, he’s always volunteering. Have you ever asked yourself why that was? He uses it as an opportunity to send word back to the Harbinger he works for,” you revealed to him, walking back to the bookshelf to see what else he had that may catch your eye. 
“And how exactly did you come to learn this?” 
You laughed, delicately covering your mouth as you turned to face him, “When I was a child, before ‘Father’ found me, some of the only kindness I’d ever known had come from the Fatui. Growing up in the cold heart of Snezhnaya alone wasn’t easy. If I wanted to survive, I had to pick up on everything to find them. The way they dress, talk, move. They’re easy to spot once you know what to look for.”
Wriothesley’s eyes narrowed, committing the details you were giving him to memory. An orphan from Snezhnaya. He didn’t know what to think. If you were truthful, you easily could’ve been recruited as a child into the House of the Hearth. What didn’t make sense was that you were implying that you would help him find the spies. The Fatui never sold out their own. So if you weren’t Fatui, then who were you and why did you seem so suspicious to him? If you were, what were you gaining from this? 
He was growing more irate the more you spoke. 
“What else do you know?” The frustration was clear in his tone despite trying to remain level headed. The secrets and information you held could be bad for the system he’d created, and you withholding it simply because you could was infuriating. 
You picked up another book, skimming the contents again before setting it back down. You spun on your heel, your expression still just as playful as ever, “Your Grace, I’m sure you’re well aware with how exchanges of information go. Unfortunately, I don’t think you can offer me anything I’d be interested in. Credit coupons are easily earned, mora means nothing here, and I do believe I am free to leave at any given time.”
“Then why don’t you?” He finally sat down, taking a drink of his tea as if it would help his rising blood pressure. 
You sighed, finally growing serious, “I believe you know what it’s like to have nowhere else to go, correct? I don’t blame you for being wary, but you don’t need to be so tense, you know?”
You walked behind him, placing your hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze as if you were reassuring an old friend. He froze under your touch, not knowing how to take the invasion of space. His hair stood on the back of his neck as you leaned down and hummed, “There are… other ways to buy information, Your Grace.”
You gently cupped his cheek with your free hand, turning his head in your direction. He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, his gaze steeled when you lowered your voice, “My identity, who among your men are frauds, or even what lies beneath the depths of this fortress. Anything you want.”
Before he realized what you had said, you took an abrupt step back and grabbed the book he allowed you to borrow. You thank him for the tea, leaving him as he questioned what the hell just happened. 
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Wriothesley had always heard stories of the Goldstein Montrer from when he was younger and up until last year. It was a performance that showcased being different is okay– a circus. It had been ran by a woman named Clymene before her protege took over after she’d passed. The odd story or two he heard about the circus had nearly doubled in the first year of the new ownership, mainly from inmates who had been arrested there for public intoxication, fighting, or attempting to touch one of the show’s animals or cast members. It was a sight to behold, according to others, how a group of outcasts could find joy in each other. He’d never been– having spent his life in foster care then abruptly followed by the Fortress of Meropide– but he had always want to go.
Imagine his surprise when he’d heard the Goldstein Montrer was all one big cover for organized crime and that the young ringmaster had been pinned for extortion, money laundering, bribery, and murder. From that moment he found himself looking forward to meeting her. But, that day would never come as she decided to fight to the death for her honor instead of standing trial. He believed those with the biggest secrets chose the duel to keep them from coming out. It was not necessarily a sign of guilt since it could also be seen as a precaution. Sometimes things that could be brought to the surface were better left buried, things that are worse than the crimes they were accused of. Though, he wasn’t sure what was worse than murder, and he definitely didn’t think he wanted to know. 
After discussing more details of the duel and the former ringmaster with the Chief Justice, Neuvillette over tea, Wriothesley was almost positive that’s who you were. But there were still questions that lead to more questions. The most obvious answer was you had faked your death but how? Thousands of people were watching, there was no escaping in front of that many eyes. There was also why? What or who were you protecting? What was worth giving up any semblance of a normal life? He guessed he wasn’t one to talk, given his own situation. 
Whatever the case was, your true identity was now the least of his concerns. Getting rid of the Fatui and handling whatever issues there were outside of that was now at the top of his list. But he couldn’t do that without your help and that left him at a decision that he shouldn’t have to make. He’d been ill prepared to talk to you. He didn’t realize what cards you held in your hands, and he absolutely didn’t expect to be propositioned in his own office. You had a lot of nerve, he’d give you that. He would have laughed if not for the fact that he was heavily considering. He needed to get to the bottom of cleaning out the weeds here, and he was already at a dead end. 
Your offer was tempting for more reasons than one. He could get the information he needed from you, and he was a man after all– one who’s rarely felt a woman’s touch. Taking you up on your suggestion would go against every moral he had, but doing so could lead him to all the answers he wanted. The decision was clouding his mind. He was unable to keep a simple, watchful eye on you without thinking about what you said. Sigewinne was filling in on watching you, but had nothing serious to report back. Wriothesley didn’t know how one person could be so insufferable. You acted as if nothing happened, politely saying good morning or good afternoon to him in passing. He wondered if you knew what you were doing to him– that a few words and touches had been driving him mad. There was no doubt you did. While your words to him were kind, there was always a smirk that tugged at your lips every time you greeted him. 
It was as if Celestia heard his woes and then laughed in his face. 
You walked into his office, the heels of your shoes loudly clanking against the metal flooring and the stairs. You waved the book before placing it exactly where you’d gotten it from, then headed to the opposite bookcase for the other one that had caught your eye a few days ago. You turned to ask, but he already wagered you would ask to borrow another one. He was behind you, taking the book from your hands and walking back over to his desk. 
“Sit. We need to talk,” he motioned towards the chair across from his. You did as you were told, sitting and folding one leg over the other. You cleared your throat, waiting for him to continue. After a moment of him trying– and failing– to gauge your reaction, he mustered the courage to say, “I’m not sure what you were trying to achieve when you propositioned me, but that’s not how we do business at the Fortress of Meropide–”
“I beg your pardon?” You interrupted, quickly rising to your feet and looking utterly appalled by his words. “I meant material things like books, trinkets… wine! Did you not get the hint last time? I asked to borrow your book, and I told you information not only about myself but the Fatui invasion of your gardes.”
Wriothesley could feel his own embarrassment, heat rising to his cheeks while he stopped to gather his thoughts before spouting out word vomit. He’d been so sure, only to be wrong. He truly couldn’t read you and he hated it. He couldn’t stand not being able to tell what your intentions were. He felt like such an ass, but you didn’t even give him the chance to explain or apologize because suddenly you began to laugh. 
“Oh my, is that why you’ve had Sigewinne tailing me for the past week?” You questioned, walking around his desk. Another fit of giggles left you before you stopped in front of him and sat on the edge of his desk, “Since our conversation topic is already here… Tell me, Your Grace, did you really think about that for seven days? What it would be like to be with me?”
He didn’t know what to say. You weren’t exactly wrong. He had been thinking about it– more than he had been thinking about accepting or declining what he thought your offer was. In fact, he didn’t know how he’d been so off. Your laughter died down, and you purse your lips, “Your grace, you’ve quite captured my curiosity. I know the Fortress can be a lonely place. May I ask just how long it’s been since you’ve felt an intimate touch?”
You leaned forward, hooking a finger under his chin before lightly tilting his head up. He held his breath with how close you were to him, his heart racing when you barely ghosted your lips across his. Mere centimeters separated you, and you muttered, “How long has it been since you’ve kissed someone?”
The small gap was filled when you finally pressed your lips against his, and to your surprise he even reacted. But you pulled away too quickly, lazily staring into his blue eyes. You opened your mouth, ready to speak when he pulled you back into him. It was more rough and fervent than the small kiss you gave him, and answered the previous questions you asked without him having to say anything. It had either been a long time, or never at all. He knew that was probably apparent, but you didn’t seem to mind– with the way you were nibbling at his bottom lip, biting down just a bit harder than you had been to get him to open his mouth. You wound your hands into his hair, your tongue darting into his mouth before he was pulling you off the desk and into his lap.
You straddled his hips, absentmindedly grinding against him. Wriothesley groaned, hands flying to your waist to keep you pinned. He could feel you smirking against his mouth, pulling him back to reality. He broke away from you, eyes wide as if you had him under some sort of spell. 
“Interesting,” you hummed out, giving him a look he couldn’t describe. “When you stated this wasn’t how business was done here, which head were you thinking with and which one are you thinking with now?” 
He had no chance to respond, eyes closing and a huff of air leaving him when you rolled your hips again. The grip he had on you still hadn’t let up, and he knew if he said anything you would call him out on it. He needed to let go, to push you away from him, but he didn’t know how to. His mind was spinning and he couldn’t suppress the urge to have more. He thought he was going to lose it when you began kissing on his neck, mumbling sweetly, “I’m not a prisoner, and it doesn’t have to be business– just pleasure.”
His next breath was shaky, your lips trailing from his neck to his chest while your fingers quickly worked at his vest then his belt buckle. He could hear you teasing him– telling him all he had to do was tell you to stop and you would– and it registered seconds later what you were talking about. He’d been so lost in the way you’d been making him feel, he didn’t even realize you were moving to get on your knees in front of him. You peered up at him through your lashes, as if you were tempting him to shut you down one last time. When he didn't move– except to slide his pants down– you smirked. 
You kissed down his chest, lightly nipping at him until you reached the base of his cock. Wriothesley grunted when you wrapped your hand around him, pressing your lips against his balls and gliding your hand over his skin. He swallowed thickly, having never experienced this before. Even if you were teasing him– slowly sucking and moving your hand– he couldn’t help but savor it. The way you let your tongue snake along his shaft and swirled it over his leaky tip made a low moan slip from him– getting louder once you fully took him in your mouth. 
Wriothesley was even dizzier than before, eyes closing tightly. You brought up a hand, grabbing his balls and squeezing them. For a moment, he was positive he was going to black out– his vision briefly clouding over due to how overstimulated he was. He was getting close, he could feel it however he found himself unable to speak a word of warning. but before he could finish, you were pulling away from him. 
His eyes flew open, seeing you standing up. You straightened up your clothes and dusted yourself off. You gave him a small smile that held a hint of mischief before you made your way to the stairs, “Consider us even, Your Grace. Your accusation took a lot of balls, so naturally, I had to see them for myself.”
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You were never a fighter. While you could, you preferred to use your wit to outsmart others instead of weapons or fists. You didn’t see the point in violence if it could be avoided. But there were some battles you had to face head on, especially when there was so much on the line. You had to save the one person you could rely on– the only person who you had ever considered family. Even if it got you killed. 
It was raining again. The third time this week since Callas of the Spina di Rosula died fighting in the ring you were about to step into. Despite knowing what the outcome of this fight would be, you had one last show to put on. You’d be fighting Clorinde, who you’d seen in action dozens of times. All you had to do was side-step her every move until you found an opening. While others may fear the sharp crackling and sizzling of her blade, you welcomed it with open arms. Though if the rain didn’t stop you’d be in a lot more pain than you initially thought. At least it would be over quickly since anyone had yet to defeat the duelist. 
But, the person who appeared before you was not Clorinde. You sharply looked towards  Neuvillette who avoided your gaze and you swore that the rain began to pick up the second your eyes landed on him. Your heart began to race when your opponent stepped into the ring, but you kept your head high and quickly recomposed yourself. You walked forward, a dramatic cackle leaving your lips, “How grand, ladies and gentlemen! Who knew sororicide would be in the lineup today! Tell me, Thalie. Did you come to die, or did you come to kill me?”
“Leave it to you to put on a performance,” Thalie glowered. “Drop it. I’m not here to fight you, I’m here to get you to stand trial.”
You held out your arms, shaking your head, “Look around you. ‘Father’ is watching. We even have a special attendee, you know. Perhaps you wouldn’t recognize her since you’ve been disconnected from home for so long. I’m sure you’ve heard of Aurélie, no? A big name here amongst Fontaine’s Five, and honored guest of the Doctor. I think a duel is far more theatrical than the court, don’t you?”
You held out your arms, shaking your head, “Look around you. ‘Father’ is watching. We even have a special attendee, you know. Perhaps you wouldn’t recognize her since you’ve been disconnected from home for so long. I’m sure you’ve heard of Aurélie, no? A big name here amongst Fontaine’s Five, and an honored guest of the Doctor. I think a duel is far more theatrical than the court, don’t you?”
Thalie was quick, but unfortunately for her, you knew her all too well. You sidestepped her attack, clicking your tongue in disapproval. She was angry– you could see it in the way she moved. Too aggressive, sloppy. You could dance around her until she ran out of breath but there would be no fun in that. This was a duel, and the victor did not matter. Entertainment did. 
“Father taught you better than this,” you sneered when she swung her sword, flames flying off the blade. You parried with your staff, sliding it up the metal edge before getting a few jabs in before taking two large steps back– knowing full and well she was going to rebound quickly. “You don’t seem to get it, Thalie. We could be here for hours. I know your every move. There’s no way out of this for me, but I can keep stalling if you don’t not hone in your anger and fight me like the duelist you claim to be.”
Arlecchino watched from the crowd like a hawk watching its prey. She was disappointed more in you than in Thalie. Thalie had gone her separate ways. You were still one of her children even if you had grown up and were on your own now. She would’ve helped had you asked. But, with the way you were dragging the fight on plus the Doctor’s… companion sitting right next her, she figured you may have had something up your sleeve. Perhaps more on the prophecy that you could not risk getting out. Afterall, the downfall of the Spina di Rosula’s leader led to the downfall of the organized crime ring that you ran– and the judicial system of Fontaine never wasted time delivering a verdict. Suddenly, she’d never been more interested in a cat toying with a mouse.  
She wasn’t quite sure what you said, but it seemed to get Thalie to straighten up and then the real duel finally began. It was a mess of fire and steam– your hydro delusion smothering any flames that came near you. It was close– both of you bloodied from wounds that you had inflicted on each other and nearly drained from injuries and exhaustion– until Thalie had taken your only defense. With the delusion now in her hand there was no way you could keep up with her. Still, you pushed yourself off the ground with what little fight you had left. 
You didn’t think she’d steal your delusion as a way to get you to back down. You just needed her to deliver a final blow now. She had to. Black spots we’re dancing across your vision, your arms felt like lead weights, and your legs numb. But, you refused to let this end in anything other than your death. 
“Kill me, Thalie,” you gritted out, pushing yourself off the wet concrete. “Or else Father will. Either way, you’re going to end up alone just like I was. Death is not a punishment. It’s freedom.”
Thalie knew what she had to do but she didn’t want to– you could see it with her hesitation and the way her eyes began to cloud with tears. With a cry that was heartbreaking for everyone listening, and one final swing of her blade, your life flashed with the oncoming flames. 
The past was something you wanted to leave buried. But, after you’d given up the Fatui that had wormed their way into the Fortress, Wriothesley still had unanswered questions. Other inmates had begun to notice how often he was calling on you or approaching you. It was bad for business, and you needed him to stop it. Just his presence was enough to run people off, leaving less credit coupons in your pocket, meaning you would soon no longer be living the high life. Excuses of him buying information from you wasn't an option, as it would make both of you look bad. So, you simply settled with telling people you were helping him solve a case from your past. While they were a bit unsettled, it kept you in the clear and them in your pocket. 
But in order to put a pin in what he had started, you needed to come clean. He was surprised when you had requested an audience with him– neither in the room you had taken up residence in or his office– but some place where you could come forward without any chance of someone overhearing you. A poorly lit glass hall that had been closed off with the Abandoned Production Zone. You’d come across it while snooping about, long before Wriothesley had ever set his sights on you, and often found yourself here when you were missing the parts of your life that you had given up. 
You replayed that day as you waited for the warden, watching the fish swimming outside of the glass. The day you’d destroyed the girl who was like a sister to you, in order to give her a future. It wasn’t something you were proud of, but it needed to be done. When you discovered the Primordial Sea Water was connected to one of Callas’ partners you knew your secret business would be blown wide open. You fenced Sinthe, despite working with Callas to figure out what exactly was in the popular drink. And when the two of you did figure out what was in it, he banned the drink from his town and opened an investigation into the vendors. It was only a matter of time before the Gardes found out the circus was just a cover for organized crime. 
“How did you even find this place?” Wriothesley’s voice cut through the thick silence, breaking you from your thoughts. 
You smiled, gaze trained behind the glass, “I snooped around a lot when I first came here. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you’re not a prisoner.”
“Sounds like I need to keep a closer eye on you then, huh?” He joked, watching your smile fade. 
You shook your head, “Your Grace, you are bad for business. Which is why I figured we could come to an agreement. I tell you the answer to the question that’s been bothering you since my arrival: who am I? In return, you are going to allow me on your secret project team. Any other exchanges of information will be done here, in private.”
He knew better than to question how you knew that. So he just nodded and allowed you to tell your story. While he had his suspicions, he was still surprised to hear that you were who he thought you were. The way you talked about the past, up until the duel was a side to you he’d never seen before. You thrived in the spotlight, letting the original crew of the crime ring run that half of the show once you had started solid trade between several ports owned or controlled by the Fatui. Between money laundering, extortion, smuggling Fatui weapons, and fencing Sinthe.. you had to get out before the truth of your show had come to light. It all made sense to him in that moment– your theatrics, your tactics, and the best hiding place of all. But he wasn’t sure what that had to do with the project he’d been working on for the past year. 
“Callas and I had found out that Sinthe was made with diluted Primordial Sea water, it was not only the start of my downfall but a piece of the prophecy ‘Father’ and I had long been looking for,” You folded your arms over your chest, almost as if you were hugging yourself. “The prophecy will come true, Wriothesley. I have seen a man return to the water, and your project… I would simply like to secure a spot. Not for me but for my adoptive sister. As someone born of the Abyss, I have nothing to fear.”
The Warden was not only shocked by your seriousness and sincerity, but the use of his name and your word choice. It was a lot to take in, given everything that you revealed to him. First and foremost he was awed by your sacrifices– even if you did evade the law– along with putting someone else before you. He always had you pinned as selfish and greedy, especially with the stunt you had pulled months prior. Now that he knew your history he knew the act you put on was to keep yourself from further being hurt. 
“Well, you’ve shared your secrets. I suppose it is only fair to introduce you into the project. Can I ask why the Fatui is interested in the Primordial Sea and the prophecy?” He questioned, attempting to understand more about what you had said. 
You finally turned to face him, “The truth of this world. Thanks to the Knave and the Jester’s findings we now know that the Abyss is connected to the Primordial Sea. I’ve theorized multiple times what it could mean, and I dare not speak it in fear of Celestia’s wrath. The only thing I can say with certainty is that the skies of Teyvat are fake and that this world is not kind to those not from it.”
He could see it now, the pupil of your eye different from any he’d seen before. Suddenly, he found himself fascinated by you, and he couldn’t help but say, “It’s not too kind to those from it either.”
Your expression was soft, but your eyes held a gleam of mischief, “I have one more thing to tell you but it has a… heavier price.”
Wriothesley nodded, as if telling you to continue even though you did not mention what the price was. You stepped closer, him watching you in apprehension. 
“Though the skies may be fake, the destinies that lie in the stars are set in stone,” you brought up your hand and cupped his cheek– much softer and less distasteful than before. “Tell me, Your Grace, do you believe in fates and how they can intertwine? Your answer is the price.” 
It was as if your voice was pulling him in, like a siren to a sailor out at sea. He found himself leaning in first this time, pressing his lips against yours. The truth was he didn’t know if he believed or not, but what was the harm in finding out?
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It did not take long to progress in your research of the Primordial Sea. You had been sending letters and samples to Aurélie in Snezhnaya, handing them over to the Epsilon segment. Aurélie was what you would consider a companion. You’d met her when you were young, just starting out in the circus. She’d found you after the show and asked you more about events like these and if you thought they were worth seeing. She’d made it her mission to visit every festival, celebration, or fair in Teyvat and since the circus traveled, the two of you had become at least a bit closer than acquaintances. She even tried to get you to join the Iridescence Tour back when it was first being discussed in Fontaine. 
Imagine Wriothesley’s surprise when he learned that his childhood friend was also a friend of yours. Of course he’d heard a while ago through Neuvillette that she had left Fontaine and joined the Fatui ranks under the Doctor. He was even more dumbfounded when he learned that she had helped you pull off faking your death. One special concoction cooked up by the Number Two Harbinger, and a very specific set of instructions from someone who knew the system well was the only way you could do it. He began to wonder just how small the world really was. If nations could fit into ships, then maybe it certainly wasn’t as big as everyone thought. 
You didn’t care about things like that. 
After adjusting to working on the project during the day, and colluding at night instead of wasting your day in the Production Zone, it became easier to establish a new routine for your ring. You continued to help Wriothesley with the Fatui sneaking in as Gardes, knowing it was vital to keep them from finding you out on top of keeping the project a secret. Afterall, news that the prophecy is real and that the water levels of Fontaine have been rising would incite unrest and eventually lead to chaos. The Fortress was right on top of the gate, and the residents would be the first to fall victim. 
While this routine had gone on for nearly a year, things began to change as well. You had gone from running an intel ring to merging it with a hand in Pankration funds. You set odds, accepted bets, placed them, and paid out with a portion of the earnings going into your pocket. Of course, you had to keep it Meropide legal, but it raised some spirits and kept illegal gambling away. Since you were banned from fighting, you still wanted some form of entertainment from it. The more you spent working, the less time you spent around the Duke. 
You hadn’t spoken much to him outside of picking off the Fatui and the odd meeting about the project. You could blame this on the super conflicting schedules you two had, or that if you had free time he was busy and you shouldn’t bother him. But the truth was you had been avoiding him since you came clean. You were never so open or vulnerable in front of others. The life you had lived didn’t allow for it. If the prophecy came to fruition the Hydro Archon would not be crying alone on her throne. You’d be crying with her at the bottom of the sea. You couldn’t allow what little was left of your broken heart to be shattered further. If you didn’t avoid him, that’s the road you would end up on. 
Of course, you could blame everyone but yourself. Sure, being abandoned by your family in a bitter cold hellscape wasn’t your fault, but your loneliness was. When one of the agents that you had constantly turned to for help as a child had brought you to the Snezhnayan location for the House of the Hearth, everything had started to look up. “Father” brought you to Fontaine to start your training, making the judgment that you could suit the nation’s flair for theatrics. But, you had pushed the other kids away until you had met Thalie. She had been your only friend, your only family until she left it all behind. You were shy, a bit broody, and she was bright and eager to befriend you. It was funny how the two of you had adopted each other’s mindsets near the end. 
Thinking about the past had you unable to sleep, down in the Forbidden Production Zone doing what you could on the ship to try and distract yourself. You didn’t know the time, but you knew most of the guards had fallen asleep at their posts. Running the big machines wasn’t an option, but rechecking all the work that was done today could make less work for tomorrow. Even if Sigewinne did end up giving you that strange food she gave to people who were working too much. 
Unfortunately for you, the head nurse would not be the one to lecture you on that matter. 
“You know if you don’t report in for overtime you won’t get paid for it.” 
You’d recognize his brand of sass anywhere. You held back a sigh, glancing over to the one person who you didn’t want to see, “I’m not interested in the money.”
Wriothesley frowned as he approached, taking the clipboard you held in your hands away from you. He gave you a pointed look when you turned to glare at him, “Then this can wait until tomorrow. Why don’t I make you some tea and we can talk about what you’re doing up at this ungodly hour?”
You went to protest but he walked away, heading back inside the Fortress. You scoffed, following him because you knew it wasn’t a suggestion. He went upstairs, opening the door across from the elevator. He led you into what looked like an apartment, telling you to make yourself at home while he walked towards the kitchenette. You awkwardly sat on the couch, patiently waiting for him to come back with the tea he’d promised. 
It didn’t take him long, but he warned you that it was hot before sitting beside you. He took a deep breath before diving right into it, “You’ve told me your whole life story, but I still feel as if I barely know you.”
“Good,” you told him pointedly. “It’s foolish to get close to others in a place like this one.”
He shook his head and let out a huff, “Is it a foolish thing, or a scary thing? I do recall a few instances where you acted as if that wasn’t the case.”
A foolish thing or a scary thing? You laughed in disbelief, tears filling your eyes before you met his, “An undeserving thing for someone like me. For a sinner.”
He frowned, “The Fortress of Meropide is not damnation, but a chance for rebirth. Everyone here– myself included– has started anew. You’re not undeserving. Though you may not have been charged with your crimes, you still ended up here. If that’s not proof of fate, what is?”
He couldn’t mean that… could he? An answer to your question and what he said about starting anew? But that didn’t completely squander any doubts you had. If anything, it only made you worry more about the others. You didn’t know if you could handle loss again, the pain of separation that you had felt in many different forms. You weren’t able to get a good read on him. You didn’t know in what sense you should take his answer, and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself for a third time. 
So you sat there, staring at nothing in particular and not saying a word. You’d never felt like this before, and you weren’t sure that you liked it. As much as you wanted to act, you couldn’t bring yourself to move. 
You didn’t have to. 
Wriothesley placed his hand under your chin, gently turning your head to look at him. He looked a little dazed, eyes slowly falling to your lips for just a brief second. Your heart was racing, your body refusing to react until he closed the gap. Once his lips met yours, you couldn’t help but melt into him and lost sight of the reality around you. 
The tea he had made was long forgotten, sitting on the small table in front of the couch while the two of you moved the party into his bedroom. A trail of clothes lead up to his bed, the two of you sitting on top, touching one another and drinking each other in as if you were both dying of thirst. He’d never done this before, and was too nervous to ask if you had. But, he followed your lead– his mind clouded with the need to have you after how long it had been since you first gave him a taste of something more. 
“Are you sure?” you asked breathlessly between kisses, rolling your hips against his hard on. “We can stop-”
He cut you off, breaking away from you, “The only thing that needs to stop is your talking, darling. Unless you don’t want to.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, because you did. You had wanted to for some time now, and while he’d easily been putty in your hands you knew you were not going about it the right way. You toyed with him, baited him, got him where you wanted. But you had let him go because you knew him being a special interest or a new play thing was just a cover for what you’d been craving for years. Warmth, love, a place where you belonged. You just didn’t know how to get to it without pulling all the strings, and you wanted to be sure this wasn’t something you had somehow manipulated. 
Instead of answering him, you gave him one more kiss before sitting up and lining him up with your entrance. You sank down, gasping as you bottomed him out. You grabbed his hand, pulling slightly to get him to sit up as you rocked your hips. You cupped his cheeks, your mouth molding to his while one of his hands grabbed at your waist and gently pulled you closer. 
Wriothesley reacted instinctively, still unable to wrap his head around what was happening. One minute you were on top of him, and the next you were under him, squealing at the sensation of the sudden movement. While he had never taken this step with anyone before, and he had a feeling this wasn’t new to you, part of him knew that this sort of softness was foreign to you. It would be as much of a first time as any, even if it was the first time you were being treated the way you should be. 
He’d lie with you like this for hours if he needed to, placing kisses all over your exposed skin, rolling his hips until he met resistance and your toes curled. He may not get it right, especially off the bat, but he would certainly try to make moments like these as memorable as possible. You seemed to be enjoying it, his name rolling off your tongue acting as words of encouragement– suddenly it was all too much for him. 
Then you were clawing at his back, legs wrapping around his torso in an attempt to get him to reach deeper than he actually could. He was losing control of the rhythm he’d set but it didn’t seem to matter with you whimpering and shaking underneath him. Your breaths mixed with his– hot and uneven– until he was grunting. He had no time to react, but you didn’t say anything when he came to a stop. 
Part of you was ready to get up and leave like you were used to, but apparently Wriothesley knew you were going to try that. When he pulled away from you and lied down, he threw his arm over you and pulled into his side. You gave him a bewildered look, and he simply chuckled and placed a gentle kiss against your lips before saying, “I know better than that now, and you’re not getting away this time.”
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aesthetevolans · 1 year
what genshin ships i ship because i want to rant about them
disclaimer if you don't ship these that's totally cool please don't attack me ok
kaebedo - agh like so first of all: the pining. like i bet these bitches were staring at each other in the halls of the favonius building and every time kaeya would drop off klee with albedo they would just stare at each other a little too long and klee would be like "uh guys?"
established relationship i feel like kaeya's love language is gift giving and albedo's love language is acts of service. they leave each other little flowers or notes by their doors/on their desks during their days <3
kaeya's really touchy but respects albedo's space and knows he doesn't like a lot of that. but when albedo initiates the touch kaeya goes fucking bonkers
chili/tartali/zhongchi - ok so childe fell first and MUCH harder than zhongli did. but zhongli did catch feelings after a bit and was like "of course it had to be the rascal from snezhnaya. of course." established relationship: zhongli gives childe massages a lot because he's always sore from fighting :> and at first childe was self conscious bc he has a lot of scars (i also headcanon childe has moles/freckles all over his body) which he was nervous about zhongli seeing but zhongli just like completely affirmed him that he was beautiful <333
childe's love language is physical touch and zhongli's love language is gift giving :)))
heikazu/kazuhei - so like. hc heizou intentionally pretended to not figure out kazuha's case when he was a fugitive because he was too pretty to be arrested :pleading eyes: and like after the vision hunt decree is over they start to talk and theY PINE SO FUCKING HARD. VERY HIGH LEVELS OF PINING ALERT ALERT
i think kazuha would confess first through a poem and despite heizou being smart he can't get this poem through his dummy thicc skull and didn't even realize he was confessed to until months later lol. yada yada yada they confess they kiss and they date. and despite their relationship being long-distance because kazuha's still a traveler, they always cherish the moments they do have together :> (both of their love languages are quality time)
thomato - these gays. THESE GAY PEOPLE. so like. they both fell hard but i think ayato fell first tbh. but he was like in denial about it cuz yk "oh he's my housekeeper" but he just couldn't stop thinking about thoma and gave in to his feelings heheh established relationship: thoma calls ayato by his name in private and "my lord" in public, but has slipped up once or twice and the other maids at the estate were like wtf lmao. hc thoma is even more caring and devoted as before and ayato makes sure he takes care of himself and rests properly :) and when thoma gets sick, ayato forces him to stay in bed and just spoils him with love and care eheheheeh
ayato's love language is physical touch and thoma's love language is acts of service. ayato's may come as a surprise but i feel like this man is so unbelievably touch starved that as soon as the two of them are in private ayato immediately goes to hug/cuddle with thoma lol
kavetham/haikaveh - and they were roommates.
so. alhaitham originally hated having kaveh around but eventually got used to and even enjoyed his company (he'd never admit it, of course) but they both have their routines - kaveh makes coffee in the morning for the both of them, and despite alhaitham never allowing anyone else to make coffee for him, he lets kaveh because kaveh knows exactly how he likes it. one morning when kaveh had to leave early, he left alhaitham's coffee on his nightstand for him :> hc they confessed in the middle of an argument, like "IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY?" and hilarity ensues.
alhaitham's love language is acts of service and kaveh's love language is words of affirmation. haitham will write "i love you" super small on the bottoms of kaveh's sketches just to see if he notices ehheh
cynonari/cynari - these two. cyno definitely fell first and has been pining since like their akademiya days lol. cyno kept visiting tighnari constantly in avidya and it got to the point where tighnari asked him why he visited so much and cyno simply said "because i love you" and that was that lots of sleepy cuddles together, late night chats, long tcg games ~
cyno's love language is words of affirmation and tighnari's love language is physical touch. tighnari just always wants to hold cyno's hand or let him touch his ears/tail. tighnari will randomly say "i love you" whenever they're doing literally anything together, and it always catches cyno offguard lol
thanks for reading my massive long fucking rant lol
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neuvistar · 1 year
hi hi is it okay if i req kaeya with a reader who has a habit of bouncing her leg all the time and one day he just puts his hand on her thigh and gently rubs to stop her and she just gets really flustered and it leads to bedroom activities <33
MHM! OF COURSE yk what they all say, you ask and you shall receive! (I am so sorry this took longer than it should have, I did not mean for it to do so ૮꒰ྀི ⸝⸝´٥ ˋ⸝⸝ ꒱ྀིა and i kinda added a few things hope that’s fine) IM SORRY IF THIS IS SHORT OR NOT AS GOOD I WROTE IT A FEW DAYS AGO AND FINISHED TODAY IM V TIRED 😓 AND IM SORRY ITS NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED I HAD A BIT OF TROUBLE
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— featuring . kaeya alberich x fem!reader
— warnings / content warnings . nsfw. slight semi-public sex at first, fingering, she/her pronouns, thigh riding,, use of nicknames, not proofread, mm i hope this is fine i don’t write a lot for the tall males and know a lot about their personalities so i hope this is fine, overall suggestive content, please let me know if i missed a few ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა || 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
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meetings. ah, meetings. to be honest, you weren’t quite fond of them especially if they were hours long, listening to Master Jean and all the other knights talk, giving their own opinions on topics they discuss about, coming up with ways on how to protect monstadt and all those boring things! it was bad enough you were dating the calvary captain, kaeya. every now and then he’d drag you along to meetings with him, he’s always ramble about “missing you” or even ridiculous things such as he wouldn’t be whole without you by his side, so sweet of him yet so ridiculous! though you never really pay attention to anything master jean says, but oh well.
“my top priority is to put a stop to anyone or anything who may pose a threat towards monstadt, I expect you all to take this to heart and keep in your minds. this nation is ours, barbatos gave us freedom to live and fight for ourselves with him by our side, we mustn’t throw that all away. have we all got that?” she spoke with her head up high, a determined expression on her face. goodness she was always so hard working, you wonder.. does she ever take any breaks from all this difficult work on her plate? your eyes sparkled in awe, you were so caught up on all your other thoughts and wonders about the acting grand master you didn’t even realize how much your leg was bouncing from anxiousness, fingers shaking. the calvary captain by your side glanced at you, eyes then fixating on your leg.
he brought his hand down to your side slowly and gently caressing your thigh. “you alright?” you flinched, face heating up as your body got even warmer as well. “y—yeah!.. i’m just not used to big huge meetings like this, i’m just nervous” you stuttered bringing your voice down to a whisper, squeezing your thighs closer together. “you sure? because we can leave this meeting if you want to” he whispered to you tapping you with his index. “nono! don’t worry about it, i’ll be fine” the bouncing of your leg began to slow down by the second as you felt more wayyy calmer now that you were talking with kaeya, although.. this didn’t last too long now did it?
all of a sudden, a gasp left your lips. kaeya’s hands moved up further into your skirt as he stared at you, rubbing your thigh once more as if he was asking for consent, in which you nodded. oh boy, you shouldn’t have. kaeya used his hand to lightly flip your skirt, revealing your soaked panties to him. “apologies for this babe.” “whatever! just get this over with, we’re still in a meeting you know? atleast try to be qui— mnn!” the calvary captain took your word, shoving your panties aside as he plunged his fingers inside your wet cunt feeling it clench around him already. “you want me as much as i want you, hm?” “mmh! fuck you kaeya, just be quick with this theres people aroun—“ two fingers, then three. you prayed to the gods that no other knight can see what you both were doing, trying your absolute hardest to hold back the moans that threatened to leave your throat, god.. kaeya’s such a jerk sometimes!
his thumb rubbed the softness of your thigh, licking his lips. fuck.. it was not only you that struggled to focus, it was also him. he slightly bit his lip at the sight of red blush forming on your cute little cheeks, swallowing a lump in his throat as he wonders how cute your mouth would look around his cock, cheeks hallowed and taking him so well like the good girl you are.. his fingers continued to pump in and out of you until your pussy spasms around his digits, reaching your orgasm as you came on his fingers.
what a bold jerk. bold as ever.
— buuuwwep !! ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ꒱ྀིა
“yeah? yeah.. you like that? you like how good your pussy feels when you rub yourself against my thigh like this?” you exhale sharply with teeth clenched and pressing yourself closer against kaeya’s chest. your hands latched onto his shoulders for dear life, fingers pinching the soft fabric of his clothes as you rolled your hips. rubbing your core harshly against his thigh you pant and groan greedily wanting to feel more of him, moaning his name ever so gently against the shell of his ear. “you like it when i fingered you with people surrounding us? you poor little thing would’ve been caught if i fingered you even further..” he reached for the hem of your shirt lifting it up swiftly off your head before taking a tit in his mouth, sucking and licking at it desperately, pinching and pulling at the other. “you like it when i touch you like that during meetings? getting flustered over me doing things to you, hm? you want people watch me break you next? fuck your brains out until you can’t do it no more, sweet thing?”
he grabbed your hips, strong hands helping you rub yourself even more against his thigh feeling heat pooling down from your legs already reaching another orgasm, gripping his shoulders even tighter as you rode him even more desperately, body jolting at the sudden slap on your pussy from him, squirting on him before creating a mess on the sheets and on your boyfriend. “that’s three, you cum a lot do you? and sometimes my dick isn’t even inside you when you do, that’s impressive.. don’t you think?” “there are days where i want to slap the hell out of you, y’know” “aww.. don’t be mad babe. can you still handle another round? haven’t came inside that pussy of yours yet, gotta help me with that too”
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etsuven · 1 year
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rating: fluff cw: none includes: childe, kaeya summary: the month of love has just passed, but i still can't help but wonder what type of kisses fit these genshin men...
note: was this supposed to be a valentines day thing? maybe... but its out now! just a tadddd bit later than originally intended... this was ALSO originally supposed to include venti and kazuha as well as four others but i really need to force myself to post since its been over 30 days and get over this awful writers block please someone tell me HOWWWWW this is awful im so sorry ill try to do better in future posts
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Childe: I Miss You Kiss
you're waiting for him at the docks of snezhnaya, your heart pounding in your chest as the sound of the ship horn reached your ears. bouncing on your toes, you rubbed your hands together, trying to preserve some kind of warmth in your already numb hands.
the ship is getting closer, and you can only feel yourself getting more and more worked up as time went on. why were you so excited? you were able to finally see your fiance after weeks of sending letters of love back and forth. it was a coincidence that the ship was coming back right on valentine's day, it wasn't something you were complaining about.
you watched in excitement as the ship docked, a bridge laying out in preparation for its occupants to walk out. and walk out they did, but one seemed to be a bit more eager than the others, his ginger hair standing out from the pale white you had quickly gotten used to.
before you knew it, you were enveloped in his arms, his signature scent reaching your nose and making you inhale sharply. he was finally home... a gloved hand found its way onto your cheek, and you were quickly pulled into a kiss that made you let out a silent sigh. it was a sweet kiss, something that told millions of words without actually saying anything at all.
how are you? how have you been? i've missed you.
though you couldn't say anything right now, you were more than willing to do so later- however many times it took for him to truly understand it. you were going to spend your whole lives together anyways, ten thousand more 'i miss you's' wouldn't be that hard of a thing to achieve.
Kaeya: Tension Kiss
you and kaeya had a strange relationship, something bridging on the gap between friends and lovers. the tension between the two of you wasn't normal, and you've always hoped that behind those teasing words- were actual feelings.
kaeya was a naturally charming man. a fan favorite amongst the citizens of mondstadt, he indulged in the attention, though he never seemed to take it further than a few sweet words. at least, that's how he was with everyone else.
he was different with you... light touches that made your heart flutter in your chest, teasing words that made you retaliate back with words of your own. you weren't the only one who noticed how the (in)famous cavalry captain acted around you. in fact, one of those people was his own brother.
having grew up with the man, diluc wasn't a stranger to changes in his brothers' behavior. under the guise of wanting to keep kaeya from coming from him once more in a drunken rant (that's the reason he used to explain why he was doing what he was doing. it was a lie.) diluc decided to subtly reveal to you how strange he thought kaeya was being.
"he seems to be different around you, but i can't seem to figure out why. perhaps you should ask him." those were the words he told you, and while you did feel that there was some sort of ulterior motive as to why he even mentioned that, you still decided to listen to his advice.
and that brings us to tonight. kaeya was walking you home after a long night at the bar, and his reason as to why he wanted to do this was, "you had a few drinks, it would be improper of me to let you walk home by yourself, no?"
you initiated small talk, the conversation flowing smoothly between the two of you. eventually you made it to your front door, a small sigh leaving your lips once you realized that your time together was almost done. but you still had one more thing to do.
the question left your lips slowly, almost as if you were scared that he would shut you down the second you spoke. perhaps you were scared. you asked if there was a reason as to why he seemed so different with you. kaeya's uncovered eye widened with every word, eventually settling on looking to the side as you finished speaking.
you gave him time to process your words, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in your chest as you closed your eyes. seconds later, you were startled by the feeling of a slightly cool hand on your cheek. peeking an eye open, you watched as kaeya leaned in, a slightly flustered look on his face as he glanced down at your lips.
oh. so that's why he was acting this way.
"may i?" he asked, a slight tremble in his voice. you nodded slowly, taking the initiative and leaning in to kiss him. his lips were soft, and it almost seemed like they were made to perfectly fit yours. you shivered a bit, both because of the cold and because you were a tad bit nervous. but still, you didn't dare pull away.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Just read your post on Kaeya being a menace, and not only do I fully agree, but to elucidate on it a tad further: Kaeya is definitely on a personal mission to fuck the reader in as many places in Mondstadt as he possibly can. We can agree on that, right? Basically any accessible place that has a decently-flat surface is free game, but he does have a preference for the riskier spots. Specifically riskier of getting caught. Makes it all the more thrilling, y’know?
a list of places i absolutely think kaeya has fucked reader:
Jean's office. That goes without saying; when he was standing in for her as Acting Grand Master during her illness, he had to take advantage of it somehow - and you were so cute as you looked around it and mumbled about how the two of you were going to get caught, even as he bent you over her desk and pounded you so hard you saw stars. It still counts as working; he occasionally let his eyes wander to the paperwork he was supposed to be reviewing. You were just there to help him . . . concentrate.
The library, when Lisa was on one of her tea breaks - you had to be very quiet as Kaeya pulled you onto his lap and let his hand whisper up your thigh, because there's no telling when she'll appear out of nowhere - and if she heard the noises you usually made? Kaeya's certain he'd be barred from the library for far longer than would be preferable. He needs to do some research sometimes, too!
The Angel's Share. Upstairs, whilst Diluc is behind the bar; when he's gotten you into a dark corner and all of the other patrons are too drunk to notice anything, he's started kissing you and pushed you against a wall and told you not to give the game away. Everyone will think you're getting a little too into the kiss, yes - but they'll never guess that Kaeya's three fingers deep inside you whilst his mouth catches your whimpers.
More alleys than he'd care to expound on; at this point, it's harder to find an alley that you haven't had a little nightly exploration within. You always tease Kaeya that one night the Dark Night Hero is going to find what the two of you are up to and steal you away, punishing him for corrupting a poor innocent of Monstadt - but for some reason, that thought just makes him fuck you a little rougher.
Several abandoned Treasure Hoarder camps, out in the wilderness, that he's been sent to have a look at - Kaeya and the Treasure Hoarders have a kind of agreement, yes, but he still needs to assert that he's the one in charge . . . so when they leave behind maps or books or crates, he figures the best way to do this is to fuck you on every single one of them. Don't question his methods.
Dragonspine, the few times he's had to go there; don't worry, the cold doesn't bother Kaeya at all, and he's willing to warm you up when you need it.
Windrise, far too close to the statue of Barbatos for your own comfort - people come there to pray and reflect, you tell Kaeya, as he bites into the soft flesh of your inner thigh and your hands tangle in his hair. Kaeya raises the eyebrow of his visible eye. "I'm praying too," he tells you, with a cocky grin. "But my altar tastes far better than any statue--"
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kittiwrites · 2 years
Genshin Guys as Yanderes
just a little ramble about a few genshin impact guys as what type of yandere they might be towards the reader.
tws: Typical Yandere stuff, Unhealthy relationships, angst, stalking, violence, etc.
Kaeya is a very Jealous yandere. Whenever he sees you talking to anyone, he gets jealous. It doesn’t matter who it is or it’s just friendly talk, he can’t help the jealousy and anxiety deep inside him. He tries his best to keep these feelings hidden deep inside and keep up his cool act. If the person tries to flirt with you or tries to get you to leave him, he might just have to step in. Often times he’ll sling his arm around you and butt into the conversation, looking them in the eyes. His words are friendly but there is darkness in his eyes. If he thinks the person is trouble, he may just have to…talk with the person alone. Kaeya deep down just fears you leaving him, especially for someone else. He wants all your love and attention to go to him. Of course, he would never actually admit this.
Diluc is a Protective yandere. He is always worried about your safety. He doesn’t want to loose you, so he will go to great length to ensure your safety. He can be a bit overbearing, always wanting to go with you wherever you go, and trying to get you to stay with him when he has things to do and can’t go with you. The more far gone he is, the worse this gets. At some point he may demand you stay near the winery unless he accompanies you, and when he has to go out alone, he will have the maids watch you. He tries to justify this by saying it’s for your own safety, but deep down i think he knows it wrong, but just can’t bear to let you go.
Dainsleif is a Conflicted yandere. He didn’t want to fall in love because he knew it would only lead to disaster. He didn’t want to fall in love with someone who he would outlive. Dainsleif had already been through so much grief and outlived many of the people he already knew. It must be some cruel joke to fall in love while suffering the curse of immortality. But still, he can’t help how he feels even if he tries so hard to deny it and suppress his feelings. He is protective, always watching you to make sure no harm comes your way. He always “conveniently” appears when you need him most. He won’t hesitate to “take care” of anything and anyone bothering you.
Childe is a Violent yandere. He is more violent than most yanderes on this list. The targets of his violence are those who hurt you, those who flirt with you, those who try to get you to leave him, those who insult you or him, etc. He won’t hesitate to “take care” of anyone who gets in the way. At first, he may try to hide this side of him. If you are nice and you actually like him, he will try to hide his violent side as to not scare you away. However...if you try to leave him, he will reveal his true colors to you. He really doesn’t want to hurt you, but he might if there is no other choice. As a punishment, he may force you to watch him “take care” of those that try to take you away from him. He didn’t want to do this, but you made him do it.
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lucluvr · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you can do a kaeya x reader high school or collage au
AHHH HI !!! so erm i got a little carried away with this one......i apologize, im just a sucker for highschool aus. i might write a college one later, but childhood friend/high school sweetheart!kaeya has me by the throat. anyways enjoy !!!
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you and kaeya have been in the same class for years. youve seen his horrible hairstyles, youve seen him flunk tests, youve seen him shine in class, youve seen how people are drawn to him. that includes you. there’s this aura about him that draws people to him.
maybe it’s his good looks, his charming personality, or maybe it’s the fact you have a massive crush on him. ever since he helped you put on a band aid in the nurse’s office when you guys were 5, youve been crushing on him hard.
your heart flutters at the sound of his voice, you give him shy smiles everytime he waves at you. he always relies on you to help him and in return he’ll buy you gifts and small snacks as thank you. he often comes up behind you and wraps his arm around your shoulder, acting like this is normal. he calls you doll, especially in front of childe. 
you sometimes wonder if kaeya feels the same. jean has said he talks about you a lot, you guys are always seen together, you know everything about one another, so maybe there’s a chance?
jean and amber eventually convince you that you should confess to him. youve been in love with him for over 10 years, maybe it’s time. reluctantly, you pull out a box of chocolates from your bag. you hold the box in your hands, tracing the gold lining on the edges. 
your chest is tights. your throat is dry. should i really do this? he probably doesn’t even like me. he thinks we’re just friends. you sigh and thump your head on the desk, closing your eyes.
you think about every fleeting moment youve had together. from him helping you up when you fall in gym, to you guys making out in the janitor’s closet when you got locked in together, you feel anxious. i can’t do this. you shake your head and place the box on your lap. 
“[name]! there you are, i’ve been looking for you!” amber exclaims, running over to you. you lift your head up and give her a small smile. jean follows closely behind her. 
“are you ready?” amber whispers as she pulls a chair next to your desk. you sigh and shake your head. you’re not ready. you’re not even sure if kaeya feels the same way!
“[name],” jeans breathes, “it’ll all be okay, i promise. you can do this,” she encourages. he rubs your shoulder, reciting more supportive words. jean and amber know something you don’t. well, more like everyone knows. kaeya’s crush on you and your crush on him was obvious to everyone, except for the two of you. 
amber had enough. she stands up abruptly and pulls you by the arm,
“alright, enough! get up, [name]. you’re doing this right now!” you try to retaliate, but jean holds the box of chocolates and aids amber in dragging you out the classroom door. they catch kaeya turn around the corner and push you in that direction.
“he’s right there, [name]! you can do this! good luck!” amber smiles sweetly. that same smile is plastered on jean’s face. they’re right. you’re just in your head about it! you take a deep breathe and turn on your heels, pursuing kaeya. 
you turn several corners before you see the silhouette of kaeya against a wall. there seems to be someone in front of him. you walk a little further to get a better view of the boy. 
to your surprise, he was not in fact talking to someone. his lips and arms were entangled with another. your stomach sinks. your heart stops beating. your eyes sting, and there’s something wet on your face? by accident, you drop the box of chocolates, causing a loud thud. the pair pulls away from each other and make direct eye contact with you. 
kaeya’s eyes seem to widen at the sight of you and the girl in front of him clings onto his waist, hiding herself in his larger frame. 
“[name]...” kaeya mutters out. his heart is racing. you weren’t supposed to see this. 
“kaeya...im so sorry, i’ll um...i’ll leave,” you point behind you and start bolting in the opposite direction. you hear him call out your name, his feet scuffling against the concrete. you turn left, going towards the staircase. 
“[name] please wait! i can explain,” kaeya calls your name numerous times. you ignore his calls and stare at your phone. right, i have to clean the classroom today. you open the door to the janitor’s closet and step inside. kaeya grabs onto your wrist, pulling your fist to his chest.
“doll, please listen to me!” he cries. you realize you’re crying too. you sob in front of him. you can’t control it. why are you even crying? you knew he didn’t like you. he was too good for you. you’re so stupid for thinking that someone like him would be into you. you’re so fucking dumb. 
you retract your wrist from his hold, and turn around. your eyes scan the shelves in front of you, looking for the broom. your eyes are stinging. 
“i don’t like her.” kaeya says suddenly. he doesn’t even know why he said that. it makes no difference to you, but it does to him. he’s making sure you know that you’re the only one in his heart, but he’s doing a terribly job at showing that.
he pauses for a moment, following your hands as they grab chemicals. he makes a rash decision. he pulls the keys out of the hole, throwing them in his pocket. he shuts the door of the closet. the two of you are left alone.
you jump at the loud sound. kaeya looks at you. you realize just how crowded this closet is. your feet are almost touching. you’re so close you hear almost how he’s breathing. he’s panting. 
“can we please talk?” he begs. his voice is small, a drastic difference from his bold voice. there’s a small quiver in his lips. he looks like he’s about to cry. 
“what’s there to say? you needn’t explain yourself, kaeya. we’re not even dating! it’s fine, i’m fine,” your voice trails off. 
“you’re not fine,” he whispers. his hand cups your cheek. it’s so warm. his thumb brushes your tears away and his arm wraps around you waist.
“i’m not fine, kae,” you mutter, holding back sobs. the tears keep flowing down your cheeks. “i like you so much, you know that? i know you don’t like me back, but i’m so hurt. im so not okay right now. i want to cry so bad. why wasn’t that me? why didn’t i get to kiss you? i wanted that,” you voimit your feelings out to him.
“i like you too, so much. i love you, so much, [name]. do you know that? i was trying to get over you,” he confesses. “when i saw you with childe at that party last week, i thought i lost my chance. i thought that was it. i thought we would never happen. i’ve been trying to get over you, but no one compares to you, doll. no one does,” your lips are so close.
his hot breaths fans over your lips, your noses brush slightly. his moves your hair out of your face. you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“you’re so stupid, you know? i love you too. but me and childe, we’re nothing. there’s nothing between us-” he doesn’t let you finish. his lips finally meet yours and he kisses you. one hand softly cupping your cheek, the other resting at your waist. 
kaeya’s been waiting since the first day of kindergarten to tell you he loves you. he’s always loved you. seeing you walk in with childe at diluc’s birthday party broke him. he wanted to dance with you, he wanted to protect your drink, he wanted to be by your side. he was supposed to drive you home, not childe.
you didn’t talk to him at all that night either, so he assumed the worst. everyone before who he’s loved had walked off and left. he had faith that you would be different, you never gave up on him, yet when he saw that you didn’t say hello to him, he thought that was it. 
kaeya’s always loved you, and you have always loved kaeya. that’s how it’s always been. and it will be like that forever. you two are inseparable. nothing will break this bond. 
you push kaeya back slightly. you both gasp for air. a long awaited kiss. one that fixed everything. you both assumed things that weren’t true and you both made impulsive decisions because of them. you promise each other you’ll work on that, communicate if someone ever feels hurt or upset. 
“i love you, my sweet girl,” kaeya sighs against your lips, diving in for another kiss. he won’t let you every leave him. you’re stuck with him forever, and he is all yours for eternity. even in your next lives, even if your located on different parts of the teyvat like adam and eve, you’ll find your way back to each other. kaeya is certain of this fact. 
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zhongli-whore · 2 years
Kaeya x Reader x Diluc smut
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CW: use of the word "whore" and "slut". Threesome, cunnilingus.
Disclaimer: this is not a Kaeluc fic.
You had been 'seeing' the Cavalry Captain for upwards of 6 months by now; he'd never made it official, preferring to keep his personal relationships out of the public eye. You weren't sure if his reason for doing so pertained to his line of work-- which you were certain did not presently involve cavalry whatsoever-- or perhaps it was due to the fact that he of all people was somehow embarrassed. He was always like that; so taciturn on what information he would divulge during idle conversations with anyone other than you. At the end of the day though, you were the one he'd come home to; you were the one who could make him moan aloud in pure ecstasy-- almost loud enough that the whole of mondstadt could hear as he made love to you in the comfort of your home.
Today however, he was acting odd; unusually agitated-- no, not agitated.. Excited? He took every opportunity to whisper dirty sentences into your ear, so vulgar it caused your entire face to envelope in unrelenting heat that would simmer no matter how hard you tried to play it off. The way he'd 'innocently' brush against your back with his bulge pressed against you as he was just 'trying to get by' while you were between the bookshelves in the Favonia Library. 
"You know.." Kaeya started as he mindlessly flipped through the pages of a book he'd picked up off of a distant shelf, "This Library used to be a bath house belonging to the Lawrence Clan.. That was until many centuries ago during the founding of the Knights, Dawn Knight Ragvindr overturned it and re-purposed it into a Library. It's not the Library we see today though; unfortunately the original burned down in the tragedy of the 'Great Fire of Fall Equinox', and had to be completely rebuilt." 
You chuckled to yourself, then turned to him and smiled, "You sure know a lot, I really would have never guessed." You kneeled down to set the pile of books you'd been sorting for Lisa on the ground.
He smirked and set the book that had been occupying him back on the shelf. "It truly is fascinating, is it not? To think that our Diluc is a descendant of that very Ragvindr." 
You looked up at him, puzzled momentarily as you try to decipher why exactly he decided to bring this up; he never did anything without having a motive for doing so. You stood back up on your feet and brushed the nonexistent dust off your knees; there was no place for dust in the Library as long as Noelle had anything to say about it, but the action was subconscious. 
"It's funny you mention Diluc actually; when's the next time he's supposed to come back to town? I heard he was away talking to investors from Liyue." You ask, eyeing him for clues as to what he was thinking. 
"Hmm.." He hummed gently. You saw a moment's hesitation in his eyes before he answered; it was subtle, and to most would have gone completely unnoticed, but you saw it. "I don't know when he will be back.. He's always so secretive, never tells me anything. He could have died weeks ago and I'd be none the wiser!" He cracked, laughing at his own jokes in a way you could only describe as strangely alluring. 
You clicked your tongue at him, amused at his claim because you knew it was so completely far from the truth; he may not show it, but you knew that on some level he still cared deeply for Diluc and his well being. You sorted through the pile and set the books in their corresponding sections on the shelf; any slip-ups and Lisa would have your head for it. 
"What say you we pay a visit to the winery tonight? Adelinde has always greeted me with great hospitality, and after all these years Diluc has never unfurnished my old room." He asks you as he held his chin in his thumb and index fingers. 
"Diluc isn't even back yet, are you sure he wouldn't mind? I'd hate to intrude, much less accidentally offend him." You reply with doubt in your voice.
"Nonsense! Diluc seems to have taken quite a liking to you. He's nicer to you than he is to me. If I didn't know better, I'd say he wanted you for himself.." Kaeya raised his visible eyebrow in a feigned expression of surprise, despite having been the one to propose the idea in the first place. 
"Kaeya.." you say sheepishly as you look to the floor. You felt thankful that the Library was closed to visitors today due to the fact it was being organised under your supervision. If anyone were to hear even a word of what had just been said, it would be the hot topic in all of Mondstadt-- word would likely even reach the ladies in the church.
"Well, what do you say? Care to join me this evening?" His question was posed as an invitation, to which he knew you were inclined to say yes.
"If you're sure it will be alright, I'll accompany you.. I've been meaning to stop by and say hello to Adelinde for a while anyways." You cringed at yourself because you knew that last bit was just you rationalising your decision aloud. What made it worse is you knew Kaeya was aware of it too. 
"Excellent! Then it's a plan." Kaeya clapped his hands together and smiled softly, "Let's finish up your business here, and we'll make our way to the Winery before dusk."
The vinyards of the winery always smelled so pleasant, and the scent was strangely reminiscent of simpler times. Having been close with Adelinde and her family since childhood, you'd come to see her on many occasions while she was on duty retaining the manor. She was a funny woman; always very secretive as to the entirety of what her job entailed, but you hardly paid it any mind. She did not ever seem to have a worry on her mind, and her put together attitude had a way of setting a troubled mind at ease. 
You walked up the steps to the manor and were greeted by none other than Adelinde herself.
"Maste- I mean.. forgive me-- sir Kaeya, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Adelinde asks him as he she bowed in respect.
"No need to be so formal, Adelinde. I'm just here to pay a visit for nostalgia sake. You wouldn't mind if I stayed the night, would you?" Kaeya queried confidently. 
Adelinde pondered the question before promptly agreeing to his request, "This isn't the first time you have lodged here, I'm sure Master Diluc would not greatly mind." Adelinde turned her attention to you, "Hello dear! I haven't seen you in quite some time, are you accompanying sir Kaeya this evening as well? I can prepare a separate room for you if you'd lik-" 
"There's no need, but thank you for the offer." Kaeya politely interrupted. Adelinde did not appear phased by it and simply nodded understandingly, seemingly already aware of your relationship despite you never having told her directly. Perhaps Kaeya was right; maybe Diluc did harbour some kind of interest in you, so much so that he'd confided in Adelinde? 
You shook the thought from your mind and proceeded to make small talk with her; you always enjoyed conversation with her, and she always had the best outlook on nearly every issue she was presented with. She escorted you both inside and did her best to make you both feel comfortable. Everything was normal; you ate dinner, talked with the staff about various things, and even helped with mundane tasks when time would allow for it. There was nothing unusual, nothing at all.
Until evening hit, and Kaeya escorted you to his room.
 "After you~" he gestured to the door he was holding open chivalrously. You giggled and did a curtsy, which gained a chuckle from him. He followed behind you and shut the door swiftly, startling you as to how sudden it was. When he turned around to face you, he eyed you hungrily like a starved beast, his mouth upturned into a mischievous grin. 
"I'm going to fuck you." He stated very matter-of-factly. He wetted his bottom lip with his tongue, and he undressed you through his gaze. It was hard to ignore the tent that you could see was quickly growing in his tight pants. He reached down and palmed himself, letting out a quiet moan from the slight friction it caused. Your mouth opened slightly, and your eyes fluttered involuntarily while you imagined all the dirty things he was about to do to you.
He stepped closer to you and took your face in his hand, leaning in slowly to kiss you. His breath fanned over your lips for a few seconds before he pressed his mouth to yours. 
"Mmm" he panted as he parted from you briefly, "you are so intoxicating.. No wonder Diluc can never keep his eyes off of you. But it doesn't matter what he does, you're mine." He stated, quickly latching himself back onto you before you could protest his statement. He traced his tongue along your lower lip and pushed gently, gaining access to you and drawing ever closer to his secret lover. He kissed you passionately; it was gentle at first, but it quickly became intense. He made no effort to be quiet as he indulged in your taste. He pressed himself against your leg; you could feel how hard he was and you shuddered in anticipation for when it would inevitably be buried deep inside you. 
You leaned into him as you made out; his hands that were wrapped around your waist coyly trailed down your hips. He cupped one hand on the round of your ass and squeezed it firmly, earning a pleasured yelp from you. You could feel him smirking against your lips, and he took it as incentive to do it once more. His other hand found its way to your eager cunt. The way your shuddered when his hand pressed gently against it. His thumb found its way to your clit, while his middle and index prodded teasingly at your entrance despite you still being clothed. You yearned for him to be inside you. 
He removed his lips from yours, and peppered kisses down your face, to your jaw, and finally stopping at your neck. He waited there for what felt like an agonising amount of time. His hot breath lingered above your skin, sending chills down your spine. The hand that fondled your ass trailed it's way up your stomach and to your breasts. He'd hardly even touched you yet and you were already turning your head to the side, inviting him to delight in your neck with his tongue. He rubbed the under side of your breast tenderly with his thumb; he followed along the curvature of your breasts until met with your nipple. Ghosting above it gently with his thumb and barely applying pressure, he rubbed it in rhythmic circles. He relished in the way it hardened under his doting touch. He took it between his two fingers and pinched it gingerly. The subtle stimulation he was giving you as he rubbed your clit through your pants was enough to make you mewl. 
"There's no need to be quiet; If I make you feel good, don't hold back." He said lowly while still drifting above your neck. He could feel your pussy pulse as he said this, which told him exactly what he needed to know. You were fine with being heard. He pressed his tongue to your collar bone and licked up to your ear, biting softly on the lobe. All you could hear was his panting and your heart thumping madly in your chest. He licked carefully before settling at the spot he knew drove you mad. He knew he'd found it once you leaned into his touch shamelessly. He kissed the spot you adored so greatly with astounding diligence. He was so good at focusing on your stimulation while simultaneously pleasuring you with his fingers. 
"Ka-KAEYA!" You yelped when he bit down, almost certain he'd drawn a little blood. 
He growled to himself, "I love it when you scream my name like that for everyone to hear. It turns me on knowing I can make such a sweet little thing like you a desperate whore in seconds." He teased before continuing his attack on your freshly bruised neck. You couldn't contain yourself any longer, wildly moaning his name and bucking your hips against his hand, grappling for more friction. 
"Tsk tsk… So impatient." He scoffed, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. Your eyes were hazy and cheeks so warm they radiated heat. "Such a slut, and all for me. I'd love to watch Diluc fuck you, knowing that he could never have you the way that I do." You bit your lip and rolled your eyes back at his words. He laughed, "You'd like that, huh? To get fucked by Diluc as I watched? Such a whore. Who knew you were into such dirty things?" He pulled your pants down to you ankles and slipped his long fingers past your panties; you were so wet that they'd become translucent in areas. 
His fingers worked to your entrance where your excitement pooled. He got his fingers wet and slowly dragged them back up to your clit, pressing softly and rubbing slow circles against it. 
He removed himself from you and you whined slightly from the loss of his touch. "Sit on the bed." He demanded. You did as you were told and sat down at the edge of the mattress. "Now lie back and close your eyes." You obeyed his orders.
You felt his finger hook on the waistband of your panties and gently pull them down. He looked in awe of you for a few moments, as if you were a luxurious meal that had taken hours to prepare. "Delicious~" he spat against your clit, his word vibrated against you, causing you to wrap your legs around his head. You tried so desperately to pull him closer, to get him to eat you out sooner. He flicked his tongue against your sensitive bud and indulged in the way your whole body shook from how over stimulating it felt. You grew impatient and grabbed a fistful of his dark blue hair and pressed him into you. He wrapped his lips against your clit and pushed his tongue in it a few times before switching tactics. One of his hands went to your entrance and pushed in slowly. His other hand found its way back to your breasts once more and played with them. You leaned up slightly to watch him as he ate you out so longingly. His visible eye was shut closed and he hummed happily as he lapped up your arousal. He pressed his tongue flat against your clit and swirled it in every direction until he found the rhythm that made your back arch in pleasure. His fingers that had been lying dormant in your wet hole began to thrust in and out. You threw your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans, but he swiftly pulled your arm back down and held your hand firmly against the sheets. 
He released himself from you for a moment, "Moan for me, don't hold back." He warned. You loved it when he got like this; he was so imposing and threatening and it never failed to make you crumble. You threw your head back and moaned so loudly it almost drowned out the wet noises of Kaeya lapping up your cunt.
Unbeknownst to you, Kaeya heard the faint voice of an unexpected visitor. He narrowed in to listen to what was being said.
"She's here? With Kaeya? Adelinde, are they in his room?" It was Diluc's voice resounding through the main hall.
"Yes, Master. I hope you do not mind that I allowed them to stay here." Adelinde replied courteously. 
"Ah, it's no bother. I'm not concerned about her, it's Kaeya I worry about. Thank you Adelinde; you are dismissed for the evening." Her faint footsteps could be heard departing from the main hall, as a heavier set of steps approached the bedroom door.
You were too busy becoming dumb on his fingers and moaning wildly to hear, but Kaeya heard it and decided to take that opportunity to slam his fingers into you at an inhumanly fast pace.
"Kaeya! KAEYA! haah~ right there! Oh! By th Archons! Ahh~" you screamed as he continued to perform the most assiduous cunnilingus of your life. 
Kaeya heard the footsteps cease at the door. He knew Diluc was outside listening to everything that transpired in the confines of the thin walls. Just as you were about to cum on his hands, Kaeya pulled out suddenly and propped himself up away from your soaking pussy. It nearly startled you and you sat up to see if something was wrong. All you were greeted with was his usual cocky smirk as he stared directly into your eyes. 
"Diluc, is that you I hear? Don't be a stranger in your own home, why don't you come in and say hello?" Your eyes widened as Kaeya said this and you tried to hide your face out of sheer humiliation.
His question was met with silence, and the timid clearing of Dilucs throat. 
"Well? Are you coming in or not?" Kaeya asked once more. 
Finally the door creaked open and Diluc's tall frame became visible to you from your spot on the bed. He surveyed the situation before him with eyes wider than you'd ever seen before; you were convinced it was impossible to fluster Diluc, but it turns out you were wrong. Kaeya was still between your legs and you were weakly leaning back on your elbows. You avoided eye contact with the redhead simply out of fear; fear he would become angry any moment about what was transpiring in his own home. Your eyes couldn't help but wander though, and you found them settling on the large mound in his pants. 
"K-kaeya what is going on?" He asked turning his body in hopes it would hide the 'problem' that had just formed. 
"We're just having a little fun; this poor thing has been so horny since we arrived earlier this evening. Would you care to help me take care of her?" Kaeya could be so evil. His words were dripping with lust. If Diluc didn't know any better, he'd think Kaeya was trying to trap him. 
Diluc gulped and took a step forward, shutting the door behind him. If you were in your right mind you'd protest Kaeya's proposition. But you weren't in your right mind, and you wanted Diluc so badly it ached. You loved Kaeya of course, but you couldn't help the lust that overwhelmed you in this moment. It didn't help that Kaeya was the one instigating this entire thing in the first place. Kaeya stood up and approached diluc, whispering something in his ear that you couldn't quite make out. Diluc's mouth formed into an 'o' shape at whatever Kaeya had just told him, and he began removing his gloves. He swallowed hard and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to you and putting his hand on your thigh. You look at him with glossy eyes, and back at Kaeya for approval. Kaeya simply winked at you and sat back in the chair that was facing the bed.
You didn't even exchange a word with Diluc, there was no need to. His lips found yours, and you found yourself melting into his touch. Diluc supported your lower back with his strong arm and he kneaded the your thigh with his palm. Your own hand reached to grab his dick through his pants, which surprised him for a moment and caused him to buffer slightly. His hand snaked it's way under your shirt and began to lift it up over your head. He stared in astonishment of the beautiful tits before him, his mouth was nearly watering at the sight. He had a feral look in his eye and his mouth went to cling to your nipple like a magnet. He licked and sucked at it relentlessly, you moaned from his ministrations. Out of curiosity you looked over to Kaeya to see what he was doing, only to discover that he'd freed his cock from his pants, and was fucking his fist while he watched Diluc indulge in your body. You felt heat rush to your core and moaned gently. Seeing Kaeya's dick only made you crave more, and you shuffled carelessly to unzip Diluc's cock from its own confines. He decided to help you and kicked the pants off the rest of the way to some forgotten corner of the room. 
Wow. His dick was incredible. It was so thick, and it took everything in your power not to try and ride it right then and there. Diluc continued sucking on your tit, and brought his hand to play with your pussy. 
"So wet.." he remarked as he brought his finger drenched in you to his tongue. You couldn't take it anymore. You pushed him against the mattress, swung your legs to either side of his hips, and straddled him. His cock sprung up and rested against your stomach. You wrapped your hand around it and pumped it a few times, watching as his face contorted in pleasure. You lifted yourself up and positioned it so the tip was right at your entrance. You squeeze your eyes shut and slammed down on his dick. He let out the most desperate moan you'd ever heard from any man you'd slept with before. He brought his hands to grip onto your hips, and he aided you in riding on him. He hoisted you up and pushed you back down so hard you swore you were seeing stars. The slapping of your skin against each other filled the room and your moaning became erratic. 
Kaeya enjoyed the show and pleasured himself furiously; he found it hard to find gratification from just his hand alone most times, but this time he was so aroused he found no trouble bringing himself to the edge. To see Diluc losing his mind over the woman whose heart belonged to him set off a spark or burning lust he never knew could burn so intensely. He spread the precum that leaked from him around dick and continued to stroke himself, gripping the armchair slightly to brace himself. The wet sounds of your pussy as it wrapped around Diluc's cock and enveloped him was like a potent spell to Kaeya. The slaps resonated in the room, echoed in his ears, and sent him wild. He pushed himself to the brink of ecstasy before stopping himself despite his vision becoming blurry. He couldn't take his eyes off of you, and thought it was about time he joined in.  
Diluc couldn't even think straight, he was drunk on your pussy and couldn't get enough. His thrusts were sloppy and untimed. He recalled all the nights he'd gotten off on the idea of you on top of him just like this, all while he was in the comfort of his own room with no one to pry into his deepest thoughts. He thought he'd done a good job concealing his desire, but unsurprisingly Kaeya saw right through him just as he always did. The way you shined so radiantly above him; you were like a goddess-- a goddess being subdued with the pleasure his dick provided with every deep thrust, and every moment your hips met his. Kaeya approached from behind and kneeled on the bed behind you, embracing you with your back to his chest. Unlike Diluc, Kaeya was completely naked. He started to lick and suck at the back of your neck like he had been before, just to send you over the edge. 
"What say we switch up the position a bit, huh Diluc?" Kaeya asked as he jerked himself off against your back. Diluc grunted in agreement and helped to lift you off of him. He sat up at the end of the bed, and Kaeya helped to sit you on his lap. Kaeya made sure you were facing his position and he knelt to the floor. Diluc positioned both his hands under your knees to hold up your legs, and re-entered you swiftly. You shouted out at the sudden feeling of bring filled again without warning. While you were disoriented Kaeya took it upon himself to go back your eating you out. He devoured you, feeling how you tensed each time diluc thrust into your throbbing hole. He loved to look up at you while he sucked on your clit, just to see your cute expressions at the feeling of being pleasured by two men at once. 
"What a whore.." He whispered against you. His hands went to the backs of your thighs to push them back even further. Diluc-- as if in sync-- aided him in this. You were a blabbering mess, hardly even able to form a coherent sentence as the two men gratified you with such care and passion.
Diluc was becoming sloppy, he was panting against your neck and grunting intensely. You could've sworn you heard him growl from time to time as well. "Haah~ ungh- I'm about to.." 
Kaeya picks up on the hint. "Darling, do you want him to cum inside of you?" Kaeya asked you, reaching to grab your hand and giving it an assuring squeeze. You nod your head frantically, gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles became flushed. 
Kaeya decides to take it upon himself to fuck his fist for a few seconds longer because he knew he was also close. He didn't stop attacking your clit with his warm tongue. Diluc slammed into you in a frenzy, so desperate to cum in you that his eyes rolled back into his head. With a few messy thrusts, you felt warmth flood your pussy, and his release leaked out from your entrance. Kaeya kept licking your clit until he felt that familiar spasm that told him that you'd came. 
He pulled back and wiped his chin, admiring the combined mess of your cum, Diluc's cum, and his saliva. Your tongue was sticking out of your open mouth and you gasped for air. A few more strokes and Kaeya also came all over your stomach. 
Diluc collapsed backwards and you rolled over off of him. Diluc's chest rose and fell quickly as he tried to catch his breath. You looked so exhausted that you could fall asleep any second, so Kaeya laid down next to you on the bed and kissed you lovingly.
"What a good girl you are~"
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thinking about tha bunny cafe series from @jade-parcels, particularly about Kaeya Alberich, of course.
you were one of those people who thought it's like a cat cafe with cute fluffy bunnies only to walk into the shop and be welcomed by first-seat sight of Kaeya's pecs. You almost passed out.
After the misunderstanding is fixed, you are offered a drink on the house as an apology, and you can't stop eyeing Kaeya from your spot at one of the tables. Your eyes meet and you look the other way, tugging on the strand of your hair in embarassment. Cute.
he walks right up to you and you're practically evaporating in your chair from embarassment. Kaeya places one hand on the table, leaning closer to you and asks if you want to order anything. He's there, right next to you, giving you complete bunny boy experience and you just want to die. Without looking at him you point at one thing at the menu. He's not put off at all, more like excited about the shy bird that he caught in his paws. When he brings you your drink, he makes sure your fingers brush. You almost jump off of your chair.
You quickly finish that second order and basically run out of the shop with very amused Kaeya resting his elbow on the counter and waving you goodbye, thoroughly enjoying your embarassment.
It's almost a month before you visit cafe again, and Kaeya thinks you've forgotten about them. When one day you walk in with your friends and he almot drops whatever he was holding.
You keep coming to the cafe, either alone or with friends, but every time without fail, he catches you staring at him when you think he is not looking. He doesn't have to, he can feel your simping all across the bar and it's adorable, even little appeasing to his ego. To have someone so smitten with him, makes him want to stretch it out, want to enjoy your attention little more.
he loves flustering you. He loves when you get all flustered from his teasing. although he knows when you're too uncomfortable and when he overdos it he makes sure to apologize.
Not to say he hasn't done any staring of his own. You're usually fixed onto a book or writing into your computer, so you don't notice him. Which is another thing that frustrates him. Your attention should be on him and him alone, simping over him like any other of his customers. You're always come order, sit there and leave. You don't even request him specifically. "We're cafe, Kaeya. It's what people do." Ningguang reminds him, but that's not the point. He knows you love him, you should talk to him more, flirt with him too.
Instead he watches you become good friends with Diluc. Sure, you don't flirt with him at all, but all the more annoying. He acts more like your brother than he does to him.
It's slow and torturous, and almost frustrating, to the point where he's asking himself if he's the one teasing you or you teasing him. And you only exchanged like five sentences! He likes people who play hard to get, but you're just mean. He's right there!
Although he wouldn't lie if he said there wasn't any progress. You've become more relaxed around him, even complimented one of his earrings. He made sure to wear it every day he works at the bar.
you're suprised he remembers your orders and has a good guess on what you may want that day. of course hedoes! it's his job to tend to his every customers need. he winks at that and you wish for the ground to open and swallow you whole.
he call you sweetheart, mostly to get your attention, “Sweetheart, pay attention to me” he’ll whine, leaning over the table so you can get a good view of his chest “I haven’t seen you all week! I’ve missed you so much~”
you scold him about his flirting. there could be someone who would get the wrong message and think he's serious and get their feelings hurt...like you, but you won't ever admit that.
once a customer was a little too touchy and pushy and was making Kaeya uncomfortable. You tried to resolve things peacefully without getting security involved. That is, until the curstomer said some very...entitled and nasty things to you. The speed at which your attitude flipped could only be rivaled by the speed the customer found themselves with their ass on the sidewalk. Kaeya will never admit that, but he swooned a little that day at how you protected his honor. Whenever he gets a chance he brags about it to customers while you bury your face in your hands.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 24, 26, 38, 37, 41, 53, 58, 60, 63, 95, 99, 106, 111
(3. When did you get together in your shipping canon?)
oliver met both boys at around the same time, but met childe first ! (id say about a month before meeting kaeya)...so maybe 10-12 months? oli had her heart closed off for a long while, its a miracle they made their way into it in just that amount of time &lt;//3
(6. Who made the first move?)
the boys did !! obviously. oliver avoided them when she realized she caught feelings (she fell first, and fell way too hard <//3). it took her younger sister setting her up to be cornered by the boys for her to get her shit together
(7. What was your first date like?)
kaeya took them both on a little date that consisted of walking around mondstat, then they went out for drinks to a restaurant before heading home !
(8. When did you first say "I love you" to each other?
i feel childe was the first to say it to both kaeya and oliver, and he says it a lot! it didn't take long for kaeya to follow after, but it did take quite some time for oliver to even say "love" to either of them..."some time" as in a few months (unspecified amount), much to the boys' disappointment. but, she did end up saying she loved them eventually--as a shy little slip. they were ecstatic (especially because of how embarrassed she was afterkjkdfj)
(11. First impressions of each other?)
oliver hated childe LMFAO enemies to lovers !! they met through the traveller, and she immediately hated him upon finding out he was apart of the fatui--a harbinger no less. always glaring at him, being aggressive (not passive-aggressive. just aggressive.), always trying to put him down, absolutely demolishing him if he got too close or touchy... childe, being him, took this as a challenge to get under her skin a lot more >:)) especially because of how strong she was??? ma'am.
oliver waltzed into kaeya's office and (at first, nicely) demanded for information the knights were gatekeeping, and eventually got fed up with his kaeyaness and tomfoolery and stole the documents lol. he didn't find her til about a week later when she acted like she had no idea who he even was (average oliver girlbossing activities)
(14. What initially attracted you to them versus what they were attracted to?)
shes convinced shes into dumbasses/j LMAO but no fr, for childe; it was how stubborn (never gonna get this out of her yourself) and family-orientated he was. she puts her family above everything else, too, willing to do anything it takes for them, and it's not so often she meets people who do the same for theirs. especially not a harbinger of all people. perhaps she's made judgements about his character too soon?
and for kaeya, it has to be just how deep his character actually is. not only that, but, like childe, he reminds her some of amethyst and her character...except he's more closed off and masked. it was something in her that wanted to get to know him behind to mask, rather than what he showed. she didn't know or understand why, she just did.
as for what attracted them to her, for childe; it had to be how "hard-to-get" she always was -- especially around him. not only that, but, of course, her strength. he finds her as someone worth fighting, and always tried to get her to spar with him every chance he could. he was surprised when she gave criticism the first time, even though she was pretty mean with it, practically insulting his every move and breath. still, she somehow managed to help him improve, so why wouldn't he be attracted to her?
as for kaeya; i feel it had to be how mysterious she actually was on the inside,, just like him. he knew, when he first met her, there was more to her than meets the eye--more than just some strong, stoic woman playing hard-to-get with everyone she came across that tried their luck. it was like the hurt little boy inside him felt the presence of a hurt little girl deep inside herself, and wanted nothing more but to reach out to her, even though it would be a tough fight to get past the impossible walls she's built up over the years.
(15. How do you match up with your first crushes?)
i dunno what this means 😔
(19. How publicly affectionate are you? Is it cringe, embarrassing, or do you love PDA?)
oliver is a touch-starved baby, and secretly really enjoys pda...but prefers to not initiate the first move. she'll find herself reaching out to link pinkies with one of her partners, only to shyly link her hands behind her back as soon as she reaches out. she's pretty frustrated by how shy and embarrassed she gets so easily,,, it's not that she thinks pda itself is embarrassing--she just cant bring herself to ever bring the first move. but whenever her partner does it for her (like, all the time), her face does heat up quite a bit, but she lets it happen, and even sighs a little sigh of relief when it happens.
(24. What's a gift that you've given each other that means a lot to you?)
okay okay, so, oliver being the little indoors kid she was with her siblings, learned a lot of things! one of those, being making bracelets for people she deems worthy of such affections/hj. when she got more comfortable with kaeya and childe, she spent her time making bracelets for them, and put their initials on them (k + o, a + o, and k + o + a for herself, because she wanted them to match). she approached them with her head down, and shoved the bracelets in their hands, and very quickly walking away right after. they had to chase her down just to thank her <//3 its something they all cherish SO much, especially the boys :33
(26. What's 'your song' with them? Does it remind you of each other, or have special memories attached to it?)
i dont do too good with linking songs to characters unless it involves something that'll help me stir up the angst in their lore, i apologize
(38. What is a guilty pleasure/something that you'd be embarrassed to tell them about, but want to share?)
whenever she knows that they'll be gone for a long while, she wears their clothes all over the house, and if they're, like, out of mondstat, she'll wear a piece of their clothing when she's going out...the townsfolk dont say anything though <3. she refuses to sleep on her own pillow when they're gone, instead sleeping on one of their pillows, while holding the other. uses their cologne when they're gone. (except, in contrast to the ask, she'd die before she shares any of this with them)
(37. If you're away from each other, what do you prepare for each other? Welcome back gifts, setting time aside, etc.)
i dont think kaeya would be gone for as long as childe and oliver would be, so; whenever it's kaeya and childe waiting for olivers long awaited return, they clean up the house beforehand, prepare a bath and food (because they both know damn well oliver has NOT eaten for as long as she's been out. if she was out for like a few weeks to a month or two, chances are she's only eaten like three times the entire time), or, they'll plan a date: if oliver's too tired by the time she gets home, then after she eats and bathes (nothing but princess treatment), she goes into their bedroom where there is rose petals all over the sheets and three bottles of wine on the nightstand + candles. she murmurs about how dramatic they are while cuddling w/ them, and it makes them happy :>
as for oliver and kaeya; they definitely cook for childe, which was, surprisingly, olivers idea. just because she hardly eats, doesn't mean she can't cook !! they make his favorites, even though it takes a while. but seeing his tired little freckled face brighten up at the smell of whatever was brewing up in the kitchen was always worth it :D. they talk for a bit while childe eats, but if childe wants them to eat too, then they will (they make oliver eat, but only if they know she hasnt eaten all day). then childe gets to decide what else they wanna do for the rest of the night, and they'll gladly oblige! (an immediate no from oliver if it has anything to do with fighting)
(41. What are your names saved as in each other's phones?)
modern au lesogoOOOOIGHjbns aight so, oliver probably changes their contacts based on how much they irritated her last, and, chances are, childe's nickname 80% of the time is "Ginger. Do not answer." but by default? "Ajax 💚" or "Kaeya 💚". or "Manchild(e) + Kaeya/derogatory" because that is something i would do
kaeya has her down as "My Princess 🩵" and childe as "My Prince 🩵" probably
as for childe i have no clue. its a wild card. guess.
(53. What do your sleeping arrangements look like? Do you sleep together, or in separate beds?)
ever since oliver asked them to let them move into her house, they're always sleeping together. it used to didn't matter where they slept, but oliver would wake up on the floor or under the bed so they put her in the middle so she wouldn't accidentally kill herself with how messy a sleeper she was <//3. childe is such a blanket hog istg. now, kaeya can probably sleep without blankets (psychopath), but if oli doesnt have anything covering her, he'll have to take the blankets back from childe and make him share,, childe does half-wake up with an eepy little apology and covers oliver though, and its cute it gets both of them a kiss on the forehead from eyepatch man <33
(58. When you go shopping, who takes the longest? Who's the worst to shop with?)
oliver and childe are s t a c k e d with mora, so they prefer spoiling each other + kaeya. between the two, it's a race to see who can steal/hide the other's wallet before they leave the house to see who gets dibs on paying for everything. its so amusing to watch omg <//3. if childe has to suffer not paying for anything, then. oh my god. him and kaeya take the longest time in the store. checking every outfit and every little accessory, both for themselves AND oliver. literally drags her around to find as many matching items as they can. they're lucky she has money and loves them (she guesses) or else she'd tel them put EVERYTHING back istg
if it was oliver that couldn't bring her wallet, she wouldn't get much, really. she'd help kaeya and childe shop around, and accept whatever they pciked out for her, but other than that, she herself doesnt buy much. to make up for that, she lets them shove her into the dressing room multiple times just to try on the outfits they think she'd look good in (they're convinced she looks good in anything but she doesnt believe it fr)
(60. When you take pictures together, how do you pose? Do you like taking pics together?)
oliver doesn't like pictures, and tries to cover herself whenever one is on her. and the boys, of course, takes this as a challenge to sneak up on her as many times as they possibly can >:) but she honestly doesnt mind it when they mush her next to them for a picture, and, while she wont admit that, the way she ""SUBTLY"" looks at them so softly in the final picture is enough for them to know. i feel like its mostly selfies, but when they do do silly things, they have to quite literally beg oliver to partake in the silly activities, because she will refuse otherwise <//3 they have to plead for her to even do the thing with her hair where you pretend to have a mustache (childe i kid you not cut off a piece of his hair just to do this, oliver slapped him). they probably all use kaeyas long ass hair to give all three of them the same blue mustache hehe. you wont catch oliver dead sticking her tongue out in a photo
(63. Do you take care of each other when you're sick? Who's an absolute mess when they're sick?)
i feel that they're all pretty stubborn when it comes to letting the other take care of them, but eventually they give in and lets them coddle them for as long as they're sick !! oliver's definitely the most stubborn about it, and can hide it for probably days until it gets so bad she's ready to die (then gets scolded by the boys like there's no tomorrow). that is- if she's not caught redhanded before it gets bad (probably gaslights her way out of the situation)
CHILDE. when he gets sick he's fucking m i s e r a b l e. dont ask me why i just know. and then, he acts like the BIGGEST. BABY. when sick. if oliver or kaeya isnt spoonfeeding him he wont eat the damn soup point blank period. both him and oliver have it in common when it comes to literally hiding away from their medicine though <//3
if either of the boys refuse to take their medicine or listen to oliver, the glare she gives them is enough to keep them in bed for at least two days dfhdgk
(95. Who is the most supportive of your relationship?)
both oliver and childe's side of the family, and secretly diluc shhhh. only oliver knows that though because they're besties, but he does make subtle comments whenever kaeya's around (not childe. childe can suck it)
olivers mother supports it entirely; she watched kaeya and his brother grow up for a little until they moved to liyue, where oliver and her siblings stayed until adulthood. so she's pretty happy about that! she had mixed feelings with childe at first, but honestly, as long as her princess is happy, she's content with what they have. it takes a while for olivers siblings (i mean ALL of them. her younger sister was already supporting it before they were together) to support either boys,,,skldfjkf especially childe <//3
(99. What's a common misconception about your relationship?)
that the love isn't actually "all there". let me explain;
childe and oliver already practically hated each other at first, and even now she acts as though she can't stand him, but thats only when they're not behind closed doors. in all honesty, she acts like that with pretty much everybody, but its...different, because that's her lover.
personal hc !! kaeya wasn't in any kind of relationship before this one, and only flirted and hit on people every now and then. oliver doesnt really care what either guy does because she wouldn't date them if she didn't put her trust in them at all. so when she acts indifferent to kaeyas flirting (that has toned down a bit, since he's in a committed relationship now), people tend to think she doesnt care at all, and that she wouldnt care if he "cheated" (something i doubt kaeya would ever do in any universe). which is...untrue. entirely. same case scenario for childe??
or that childe is literally a harbinger. with someone who's known to hate anything having to do with the fatui in any sense, and a captain of the knights...this by itself is self-explanatory, but none of it is trueeee
im almost certain that they would absolutely put their lives on the line for one another, and love each other more than words can even express. so even if they did know about this misconceptions, i doubt they'd pay ANY mind to them, because they know how untrue they are. the audacity for someone who doesn't even know about the depths of their love and make assumptions about it anyway is amusing. irritating, but amusing bc they dont care lol they love each other and THEY know they love each other, that's all that really matters :shrug:
(106. If you could give advice to yourselves when you started, what would you say to each other?)
"What they make us feel has been, and will always be much more stronger than any fight with a strong enemy ever's made us feel. Eventually, you'll learn that you have to start picking fights carefully, not only for your own sake, but theirs. They're more important to us than any adrenaline rush will ever be. They are the rush. Except it never goes away."
"Stop being so scared to trust your heart. You don't always have to listen to your head, you know. It's okay to love them. It's perfectly fine to love. You'll have to let down your walls eventually. It took us way longer than it should have to do just that. So stop running away from your feelings and just love them like we know we want to."
"There's no need to be so afraid of making the right or wrong choice. You'll know which one you've made, as long as you've still got them with you through and by the end of everything. Remember; they're our choice, our decision, at the end of the day. Always has been. It just took a while to figure that out. Don't worry about hiding who we are. Not with them."
(111. What does this self-ship mean to you?)
a lot. its a huge comfort ship, and it's helped me get through a bunch. i love them like i would do a real person, and that itself should say a lot about how i feel about them as a character. i absolutely adore them, and i hope i always will 💚
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kaeyats · 2 years
 ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ dating modern au kaeya, fluffy headcanons ! !
[ warnings: cursing (from me, not from kaeya) ]
[ reader's gender is not specified, as with most of my works. requests and imagines in my ask box are appreciated, but will take a while. :D ]
⍣ fun-filled shopping sprees, kaeya would be absolutely supportive of your choice of aesthetic. although he is the most encouraging boyfriend in the whole god damn world, he isn't afraid to give you some straightforward criticism about what looks and what doesn't look good. he has impeccable fashion taste after all. time spent on mall trips are usually split equally between the two of you, with kaeya taking just as much, sometimes even more, time trying out clothes as you.
⍣ expect this man to sling his arm over your shoulders affectionately as you walk from store to store. walks are never silent or tense, they're always filled with laughter as kaeya jokes about something in the background and you two share back-to-back teasing banter. and they're filled with affection too, of course. if he isn't holding any bags, expect to be smothered with hugs from the back. if he is carrying bags, again, expect an arm over your shoulder or his arm hooked with yours. and yes, he randomly says 'i love you' out of nowhere or just lovingly stares at you in the middle of talking, like you're the shiniest mora in the bunch.
⍣ when you two have to stop for quick snacks together, he'll absolutely order for you. most of the time he gets the order right because he's an attentive boyfriend and loves it when he can do things for you (acts of service, ehem). when he gets the order wrong, he'll secretly get disappointed at himself and feels absolutely motivated to get it right the next time. i'm pretty sure he'll be able to laugh it off with his charms, but something about it feels off. you try to reassure him that it's fine, that a small mistake wouldn't make you love him any less.
⍣ you spend HOURS inside the mall, jumping from one store to another. just entering everytime you see anything nice inside. i can absolutely see kaeya basking at aesthetic accessories, your fashion sense feels inferior whenever he chooses to purchase something. your legs are sore after all the walking, it's sore every single time you go on a mall date, but kaeya's teasing and sweet remarks keep you going. he'll treat you like a fucking angel everytime you come out of the changing room, shamelessly showering you with compliments and flirty lines in front of other people. it doesn't help that when HE comes out of the dressing room, he looks like an absolute GOD in the button-ups he keeps buying and you know for a fact that all the salespeople nearby are drooling over him.
⍣ sometimes he takes you on a ride on his motorbike in the middle of the night, especially when he notices that you're upset over something. the fresh air hits you like a refreshing hot shower does and suddenly, all the awful things in life that once bothered you were nowhere to be seen. kaeya's muscular body feels snug against yours and you can't help but hug him tightly from behind, feeling the hardness of his back against your front and the firm abs on his front. he smells like kaeya, and the thought alone calms you. he smells like home and being so close to him makes you feel safe. as you zoom through the bright city lights, you sigh contently as you feel kaeya chuckle against you. you can't hear what he's saying, but you felt happy hearing him he so happy as he makes loud noises driving through the empty streets so late.
⍣ you realize something staring at the beautiful man, kaeya is home, your home. and the absolute thrill you feel when he takes you out for rides along with the absolute warmth you feel being with the love of your life is a blessing next to no other. it's just a lovely evening, over all. the beautiful night sky and the buzzing city underneath your gaze from the mountains he took you to were.. beautiful. not as beautiful as kaeya though. kaeya whose loose ponytail is messier than usual. kaeya who is handsome no matter what he does. kaeya whose leather jacket fits him so well, it's almost unfair. kaeya who stares at the view so happily, it makes your heart soar. you hug him at that very moment, no words needed as you realize something when he kisses the top of your head, you love this man and he loves you, more than anything.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
I am done! I’m sorry if the end is a little iffy. It’s late and I‘m falling asleep… (please feel free to copy this into a separate post)
- cryo anon
When Kaeya saw you following Klee, his heart nearly stopped. A thousand questions raced through his mind: What were you doing there? Last he checked, you were at Angel’s Share with his brother. He was supposed to notify him when you were about to leave so that he could make himself scarce. Did he forget? No, that was impossible. Diluc was a responsible man. He would never let anything potentially harmful near a guest, let alone the Creator themself. Which would mean…
He glanced at the alchemist beside him. As expected, he did not look at all surprised to see you. He also couldn’t help but notice the other man had casually positioned himself so that he could best act at a moment’s notice.
So that was it. The time of judgement has come.
Your heart sank the moment you saw your dearest Cavalry Captain freeze. His visible eye blown wide open, the colour drained from his face. He very clearly did not expect nor want you there.
You could’ve sworn you could see the gears in his head spinning. To flee, or to stay and face your “wrath”? There was no doubt in your mind that he had been actively avoiding you. With help from those around him, if their reluctance to let you see him was any indication.
Perhaps you should’ve declined Klee’s invitation.
Lunch went well, all things considered. Your meal was delicious as always, made just the way you liked it. Thanks to Klee and Albedo, Kaeya didn’t end up leaving (read: fleeing the scene). You had to hand it to him. The way he was able to hide his feelings and act normal, was nothing short of astounding. You could only hope that your own mask of normalcy was adequate. You didn’t want to bring down the mood.
The conversation was, as expected, largely driven by and revolved around Klee. Thanks to her, the atmosphere around the table was light-hearted. You even managed to express your concern about how much the Cavalry Captain was working when she brought it up.
What you really wanted to talk to Kaeya about though, was reserved for after lunch. You knew you had to act fast, or he will leave and you will never see him again, let alone talk to him. So when he stood up and offered to take Klee home in Albedo’s place, you gabbed his hand, effectively stopping him.
(I couldn’t think of exact dialogue so here’s an approximation)
- You asked to speak to him in private. He agreed, despite dreading what you’ll say.
- You reiterate your concern about how he’s overworking himself. Everyone, including yourself is worried about him and misses him dearly.
- You tell him that he seems to be on-edge around you (you didn’t want to assume), that if it had anything to do with the hunt, then you wanted to tell him that you never blamed him, nor anyone else for it. They were just doing what they believed was right. Sure, you were hurt and angry, but after having thought long and hard about it, you realised that if anyone was at fault, it was you. It was your arrival (willingly or otherwise) that threw Teyvat into chaos. The people of Teyvat are blameless.
- You end your little speech by asking him to consider taking better care of himself. He means a lot to many people. You tell him that you also hope he can be kinder to himself. He’s suffered enough as is.
- You thank him for his time and for listening to you.
this is great! thank you cryo!
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Hello! Could I get matchups for Genshin and Obey Me? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bi, but I'd like to be matched with male charas! I'm 5'4 with normal weight, and I have black curly hair that passes my shoulders just a bit. My skin is tan (eg: kaeya tan lol) and I wear round black glasses!
I'm an INFJ 5w4, I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion; but with the people I end up being more comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and rarely show my anger, but once I do everything just starts to spill out
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! Usually when making pieces, I really like to put a lot of small clues and symbolism/hidden meanings for the readers/viewers to piece out the whole lore. And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) oh, I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it
I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping <3
I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude for no reason ... For close friends it's fine because I get that it's a joke but for strangers to just suddenly start to criticize random people?? I also don't like it when people suddenly start to vent to me :') I don't mind people venting but I absorb emotions like a sponge and need to prepare myself before someone does it, or I'll get super moody too
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. And an introvert is preferable so that they wouldn't have to get tired of me just wanting to stay home all day without much interaction. Just spending time together in comfortable silence sounds like the dream <3 My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance! I hope I met all the criteria!
- 🌾 Anon
Hi 🌾Anon! No need to worry! You put a good amount of information. Thanks for your request! Hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Thoma is a good mix of introvert and extrovert. He's out and about almost all the time because of his job but when he has free time, I feel like he enjoys staying at home. That way no one can try and rope him into doing work on his day off.
Understands your tendancy to change your behaviour depending on who you're talking to. He needs to do that sometimes as well. But he makes sure you know that you can say your mind around him.
I see Thoma as a witty person. He's been in so many situations where wit has been used, so he's picked up a few things.
Also great at giving you a sense of security and spending quality time with you. He's busy with his work in Inazuma but he'll always make time for you!
Greatly appreciates your words of affirmation. He's faced a lot of negative opinions in Inazuma due to being a foreigner so kind words from someone he loves mean a lot to him.
You're both chronic over workers. Ayato steps in occasionally to force both of you to have a break. He can make do for a few days without his loyal housekeeper and he's already taking care of your work for the next few days.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Leviathan is the homebody of your dreams! This guy never leaves his room, you'll probably be the one dragging him out!
Loves playing RPGs and rhythm games with you. Gets pretty competitive but is also a bit proud when you manage to beat him. He's been playing these games for hundreds of years, beating him is no small feat.
Pretty good with quality time since he's in his safe space (his room) most of the time. But don't ask too much of him, he has to recharge his battery sometimes.
Words of affirmation are something that will take him quite a while to get used to. He's so used to talking down on himself that hearing someone actually praise him sounds like a foreign language.
Just be patient, he's learning to love himself and someone else (who's not fictional) slowly but surely.
This guy is the last person to judge you! Yeah, he might call you a normie and say the things your interested in outside of gaming are weird, but he never truly means it. Levi's like your personal cheerleader!
His mood can sometimes rub off on you, which makes him feel worse (and so the cycle continues) but if you give him a bit of time alone, he'll be back to his usual self. Even if he cares about the person he's hanging out with, it takes a lot of energy.
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ccaptain · 1 year
When do you usually do most of your writing?
Pet peeves?
What is on your wishlist?
nine your questions are always so fucking spotless. ily -- @ecleips
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When do you usually do most of your writing?
i do it either after lunch or when i get up from my afternoon nap! or if i get a good idea and its too long to type it on mobile i get up and yoink my laptop to write at least the bases of it down... sometimes i ditch my nap for that because my sleeping circle isn't even that remotely stable c: teehee (is in shambles)
What is on your wishlist?
kaeya being gently courted after a bad relationship with the person pursueing him treating him so gently and being patient about him? i would WEEP for this. worldbuilding of the abyss in my abyss!kaeya verse, kaeya eventually getting over his inazuma trauma after he addresses it properly. also, exploring kaeya's rage hidden under that thin layer of frosty ice that he has,,,,,,, chef kiss.
AND second close to kaeya managing to find love again it's me wanting to develope Herald, the fucker also living rent-free in abyss!kaeya's body. i just think that it's a funny, deranged little broken shit and the concept of how it merged with kaeya and their dynamic is fun to write. they're almost friends but for abyss!kaeya it almost feels like a babysitting job without an harness
Pet peeves?
putting this one for last so i dont slam a wall of text into people's faces!
sighs. cracks my knuckles on the same nail i always hammer about
wanting to ship with my kaeya for nsfw only,,,,, yeah. i will admit that im not the best person when this is the intent that you approach me with, and it doesn't put me in my comfort zone and i'd really have to force-fart out a reply if it's a consistent dynamic that we have. kaeya doesn't give himself willy nilly like that and idk how to phrase it without being a teensy bit maybe offensive about it… as long as it isn't assumed that kaeya might reciprocate immediately and could have a bad reaction to it we're chill, but otherwise it isn't the greatest interaction i want to have and it taints future ones,,, so,,,, yeah that's. not going to land.
NOT assuming that my kaeya may react realistically to different situations is probably what irks me more tbh. sometimes he's just not in the mood for sex or to be sexualized and flirted with all the time, sometimes he'll feel downright used if his paranoia acts up in the wrong moment. kaeya feeling like he's only a pretty object in a relationship is ABSOLUTELY a downer ending, because it means no more sex until the other muse manages to bring a good balance to romance, appreciation and sex. otherwise, while i desperately sit here wriggling to write shippy stuff/smut, kaeya's muse will just NOT allow me to and his dark thoughts will slip into my writing, making the whole thing unbearable to write and, i'm sure, read, if my partner wanted some passionate smut or light-hearted fluff.
one of my funniest (and realistic) rps i had a few days ago with @heincus and it was their lovely oc hokori being enlisted to help kaeya get over his fear of pyro aimed directly at his face, because he was tired of it affecting him so much and so kalpas wouldn't have to worry about it. the predictable result is that, after little time praticing it and a reaction that didn't bordered into a panic attack, he was filled with adrenaline and almost manic in happiness and thought he was over it, wrecked some shit with kalpas on the way home… and then he was a puddle of shaky sobs into kalpas neck, because the adrenaline wore off and he was actually scared SHITLESS of fire. 10000/10. laughed so hard at happy kaeya thinking that traumas can be ditched with this much ease… baby boy tricks himself so much it was SO fucking funny. he's SO delusional
im just like,,,,,, i REALLY dwell on kaeya's traumas and troubles to have a realistic portrayal of him, because it's part of his character. i understand and apologize if that's a turn off and why i put a detailed description of what it's to be expected of kaeya in my rules, so people know what to expect and plan ahead, or jus decide to not interact at all.
i might not be the shipping partner that you need if you're not into This Mess and i'll take some good distance from a ship we have in case i don't register a positive response to this realism until we either find a balance break the ship apart. i'm never going to string people along in something that clearly makes them uncomfortable. AND in return i expect to not be strung along if things don't land and transparency that the angst is becoming a little too unbearable so i can tone it down!
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elisexxq · 2 years
a glimpse of us (pt. 2)
genshin character's own ver. of a glimpse of us by joji:) [albedo] warnings: sucrose slander:( (a glimpse of us part one)
Albedo K.
Merely 3 weeks after albedo and y/n broke up, albedo finds himself walking on a path near dihua marsh accompanied by his assistant, sucrose. It's around 7:13 am and both of them are undeniably tired considering the amount of sleep they got in their stay in wangshu inn. They decided to wake up early to avoid going back to mondstadt late in the night. Rubbing his eyes while walking, albedo feels sucrose slowly getting closer. "Sucrose? you okay?" He asks, quite concerned knowing that his assistant likes to keep her distance. Albedo notices that sucrose is staring at something, wide eyed.
"Ah. Albedo and his new whore, I suppose?" Scaramouche asks with a smirk, head high. "Only three weeks and you already found y/n's replacement? or perhaps four eyes was always by your side, even when y/n was still around." Scaramouche adds, tone suggestive and hinting with suspicion. Hearing this, albedo furrows his eyebrows.
"I never cheated on y/n, if that's what you're trying to say. Sucrose is merely my assistant, and it has always been that way. If you'll excuse us, we'd like to get to our destination without having more problems with the fatui." Albedo spits in response, finding it too early in the morning to deal with scaramouche.
"You never had time for my sister. In fact, you never even defended her when people were calling her names for being a harbinger. I don't know why she would ever fall in love with you; a man who can't even make time for the love of his life, and puts his work above his significant other. Pathetic." Scaramouche says, voice laced with disgust. He finally walks away after one of the cicin mages calls for him.
Albedo feels an ache in his chest as he looks back at sucrose. "Forget about him. Let's continue walking, we need to arrive at Mt. Hulao by 10 am." Sucrose only nods in response.
Walking along side sucrose reminded albedo of the dates him and y/n used to do. Albedo tends to burry himself in his experiments and research a lot. Y/n was his first relationship, and she helped him with the whole "love" gimmick. Y/n enjoys spending quality time, as this is how she expresses her affection to loved ones. Albedo is a busy person, everyone in mondstadt is aware of that. Thus, albedo cannot satisfy y/n's need to spend quality time with each other, even if it is merely taking a stroll near windrise. This was not a problem in the first few months of their relationship, only affecting them when the information of y/n not only being the sister of the 6th fatui harbinger, but being a harbinger herself. This caused rumors and insults thrown around and some even directly expressing their disgust to y/n. Albedo then simply tells her to ignore them, instead of standing up for her. After 8 months of dating, y/n finally acted upon being ignored and thrown aside every time albedo cannot spend time with her. He now deeply regrets putting his research above y/n, finding it hard and unusual with her lack of presence in his life. Albedo realized that no one can fill the empty spot in his life like y/n can.
A/N: 554 words in total, this one is longer than kaeya's by a lot more LMAOO. please leave suggestions on stuff you guys want to read so i can create more for yall:)
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