wosohours · 1 day
i missed you - alexia putellas x reader
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Alexia arrived at training in a sour mood with a pout on her face, the same pout that had been seen on her face frequently throughout the last three weeks.
“What’s wrong Capi? Your girl still hasn’t come back yet?” Mapi teased when she saw Alexia’s face. Alexia roller her eyes slightly shoving Mapi out of the way to get to her locker, “No, she will be there for four more days.” she sighed.
You had been gone for almost a month on a business trip out of the country. This is the longest you and Alexia have been apart since you two got together four years ago. Even when Alexia had to travel for major tournaments or national camp you would always try to be present at the games. Although this time it was you who was away and Alexia could not just ditch training and games to be with you.
Hence the reason for the almost permanent pout being stuck on the Catalan woman’s face for three weeks. Of course this is not the first business trip you have ever been on or the first time you and Alexia have been away from each other for a while, but being gone for more than a couple of days started to take a toll on Alexia. Little did she know it was starting to take a toll on you as well but with being constantly busy working you tried not to think about it as much.
Alexia did not want to seem clingy, obsessed, or act like she was heavily dependent on you, but to go from being attached to the hip everyday with someone to them not being around at all kind of threw her off a bit.
She did not realise how involved you were in each other’s daily lives and routines. Going to sleep and waking up alone sucked. Brushing her teeth alone was boring. Showering alone, of course, sucked. The first week you were gone she kept accidentally making two cups of coffee. She even tried to make the breakfast you make for her the same way, but it just did not taste right.
“The days will pass by soon, just think of it as…four more sleeps,” Patri chimed in across the room. “Yeah, four more ‘sleeps’ alone,” Alexia sulked, lacing up her boots.
“Okay Ale no more pouting, time to train,” Mapi walks over pulling Alexia up from her seat.
During training, Alexia was usually able to turn her brain off and do what she needed to do, but since her normal routine has been flipped upside down all this time and the anticipation of seeing you again weighed heavy on her might, she could not help but get distracted.
So much so that the amount of passes, easy shots, and penalties she was missing earned her concerned glances from her teammates and staff. Alexia understood their concern, they had El Clásico coming in two days, and messing up on easy drills was not looking good.
So she pushed through the rest of practice, showered, did her recovery, and left towards her car so she could get home and call you.
When Alexia arrived home she immediately jumped in bed and called you on FaceTime, “Hola bebé, I miss you so much.”
“Hola mi amor, I miss you too. How was training?” You asked her while propping your phone up so you two could see each other better.
Alexia groaned and smashed her head into your pillow before she looked up again, “It was terrible bebé I was missing everything, and on one of the set pieces I kicked the ball at Mapi’s back, and this time it wasn’t on purpose.”
That got a loud laugh out of you and Alexia thought about how she could not wait to hear it in person again. After you stopped laughing Alexia asked you about your trip and how work was going. You told her how great it was, how much fun you were having, and how special it was for you to be in the leadership position of the project.
“ I am very proud of you mi amor no one deserves this more than you and clearly the company thinks the same,” she told you with a small yawn.
“Thank you, baby. I appreciate it. Though I thought about you a lot, and it also made me think that maybe we needed this,” you said, causing Alexia’s eyes to shoot open.
Before she could respond you continued, “I know you are about to jump to conclusions but I mean that it is a good and healthy thing for our relationship. You know the saying ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder.’ It made me stop and think about how much I love and appreciate you and the love that we have for each other.”
“You’re right, I didn’t think that far into it. I just thought about how much I miss you and that I can’t wait to have you by my side again.” Alexia replied, fighting to keep her eyes open.
“I’m going to let you sleep now, I love you and see you in a couple of days.” you told her. Alexia blew you a kiss through the phone, “I love you too, see you in four days.”
You had told Alexia the truth about how you had been thinking about her a lot. You two were very independent people when you first started dating and even now four years later, but in the last couple of months something had shifted between you and now you could not get enough of each other.
Now where you did not correct her was when she said “...see you in four days.” You were already at the airport staying in one of those convenient airport hotels waiting to get on your flight leaving for Barcelona in just a couple of hours. You texted Alba and Eli and told them your flight information letting them know what time you would be landing. Alba had agreed to pick you up and Eli would be sort of distracting Alexia from thinking of you all day.
The plan was to get to Barcelona a day early and stay with Alba so you could rest and the next day you would be attending El Clásico with the plan of surprising Alexia.
Checking the time on your phone you realize that you should get some sleep to prepare for your long travel day.
“Hola hermanaaa,” Alba cheered as you walked out of the airport with your luggage. “Hola Alba,” you laugh, letting go of your suitcases to give her a big hug.
“We have all missed you so very much, mami is making us all have dinner together at her place tomorrow so that we can all catch up and you can tell us about your trip,” she says, grabbing one of your suitcases and putting it in her car.
“That sounds great. I missed you all as well, your mama's cooking even more though,” you laugh as she rolls her eyes.
You both finally sit in the car and start the drive to Alba’s apartment, where you will be catching up on some sleep until the game tomorrow.
“Do you need a shirt or did you already pack ten for your trip?” Alba joked as you two started getting ready for the game. You were texting Alexia your usual, “Good Morning,” so that she would not get suspicious when you looked up hearing Alba speak.
“Haha, you’re so funny, but no I already have one,” you say, showing her the jersey with Alexia’s name and number on the back.
“Ouu and a special game worn one at that. I should’ve known, you are never without one,” she teases, shaking her head.
“I’m done getting ready. Are you ready to go now?” you ask, making Alba nod and grab her bag and keys so that you two can leave.
As you two were making your way to the entrance of the stadium you spotted Alexia and Alba’s mother and uncle already standing there waiting for you two. Everyone exchanges greetings and hugs before heading to their seats.
While you and Alexia’s family made small talk waiting for the game to start, Alexia was sitting in the locker room getting ready thinking about how this was the first El Clásico you would miss since you two got together.
“Are you ready Ale?” Mapi asked. Alexia looked up and gave her a nod and a small smile. Before Alexia could tie her boots she received a text notification from you.
“Don’t worry I’m watching. You’ll be great. I love you.”
She texted back, “Thank you. I love you more.”
This relaxed her a bit. Knowing that even though you were not physically here you would always support her no matter where you were. With that small boost of reassurance, Alexia stood up and clapped to get her team’s attention so that she could give her speech before the game.
When the girls started walking out you and everyone else stood up and started cheering. You were hoping to get Alexia’s attention but you know that she was focused on the game. The start of the game was entertaining as usual with both teams doing their best to score early and gain a lead, but with both teams holding their own it was 0-0 by the time half-time came.
As the girls were walking back to the locker room you and Alexia’s family tried once again to get her attention since you knew Alexia usually looked up at the family section when half-time was called. Sure enough, she heard her name being called and looked up to see her family there with you standing and cheering right next to them like you always did.
She could not believe that you were here when she was sure that you still had four more days of work in a whole different country. After she shook the disbelief off of her face she waved at all of you and slyly blew a kiss in your direction, which you pretended to catch.
In the locker room, Alexia could not hide the smile on her face. “Did you see your girl in the stands Capi?” Patri asked, grabbing her shoulder slightly, shaking her. “Looks like she couldn’t wait to see you either, Ale,” Mapi said, making Alexia blush.
After the half-time break was over the girls went back out with a little more fire earning them a goal from Frido, Aitana, and Caroline. Two goals being assisted by Alexia. Ending the game at 3-0.
Since the game was over the team did their rounds taking pictures and signing autographs. Alexia looked up at her family and nodded her head in the direction of the tunnel signaling them to make their way down there. Once Alexia was done she made her way to the tunnel and met with her family and she gave everyone hugs and kisses until she got to you.
“Oh mi amor I missed you so much, I can’t believe you here right now,” Alexia says pulling you into a tight hug laying kisses all over your face and the side of your head. “I also can’t even believe that you kept a secret from me, usually you spill faster than Mapi,” she teased, tickling your sides.
You laughed moving away from her a bit just for her to pull you back in, “I know it took a lot of willpower for me not to just give up and tell you, but when have I ever missed an El Clásico?” you asked her, holding her face in your hands.
“Never,” Alexia answered with a big smile.
“Okay, we know you too are in love and all, but Ale please go take a shower so that we can go eat,” Alba tells her. Eli softly slaps Alba on the arm and pulls her away.
“Yea go shower you stink, I will wait right here,” you tell her. Alexia rolls her eyes and nods before laying a soft kiss on your lips before going back into the locker room to take a shower.
You ended up riding back to Eli’s house with Alexia where you let her tell you all about the game, even though you were there. Her hand on your thigh the whole ride, you both stealing kisses at every red light. She thought she was slick taking the long way there but you had noticed and you were okay with it.
When you finally made it to the house, Eli was still finishing dinner so everyone sat around the kitchen and talked to keep her company while she finished. As dinner was served you started telling them all about your trip and the project you were working on. The whole time Alexia was not able to take her eyes and hands off of you, but it did not bother you because you were acting the same.
After dinner you all sat around the living room talking some more when Alexia whispered in your ear, “Are you ready to go home?” You nod your head and kiss her cheek.
When finished making your rounds to say goodbye to everyone and thanking Eli for the delicious dinner, you and Alexia head home.
When you two walk through the doors of your shared home Alexia pulls you into her arms and says, “I am never letting you out of my sight again.”
“I am so okay with that,” you reply, shoving your face in her neck to lay small kisses.
“Now let’s go to sleep, I know you miss me laying on top of you like your personal weighted blanket,” she says, making you laugh and follow her to the bedroom.
note: not sure i really like this 💀
also, i fight for my life not to say “yall” at least 20+ times
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tpwk-formula1 · 2 days
OK, BIG order here! Lando Norris (frat Lando if you're up for it), gluten-free, red sauce, artichokes, cilantro, sausage, sweet tea, lemonade (reader giving), pink lemonade, and no aftercare. In my mind, this is a college scenario and y/n absolutely can't stand Lando, cuz he's a cocky player who gets all the girls, but he somehow wins her over, and when he gets her, he absolutely dominates and humiliates her. Sorry, I just want to think about Lando completely owning me and being so arrogant about it lol
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
Gluten free Enemies to lovers red sauce rough sex artichokes "Imagine your father saw you now. On your knees like a proper trained slut" cilanto "stop crying and fucking take it" sausage "better not waste a drop" sweet tea dumbification lemonade body worship (reading giving) pink lemonade degrading kink
TW - MEAN Lando, degrading (like a lot), slight mention of dumbification, rough sex, face fucking, multi orgasms, cum swallow, spitting into mouth (once at very end), NOT PROOF READ
WC 2600+
AN - Okay so I am writing this more in USA ideas of fraternity and sorority as that is all I know about.
"Literally go away Lando," I rolled my eyes at the boy in front of me. Lando and I had met on our first day of freshman year where he proudly told me he had never been told no by a girl before. From that moment on I hated him. I always seemed to find him on campus with his tongue down another girl's throat. It has never been the same girl more than once or twice really playing into his Playboy persona. Now in our senior year of university, he was still trying to get with me.
"Y/N just give me a chance. I'll have you cumming on my cock within minutes," Lando replied back still following me through the sorority house that he happily invited himself into. No one bat an eye as he was the president of our "brother" fraternity and being the president of the sorority it wasn't all that weird to see us talking.
"Lando, I have no issues cumming with literally anyone else," I reply back before walking into my room hoping to close the door in his face. I could hear Lando scuff softly at the lie I had just told. Lando had other plans because instead of staying on the other side of the door like I had hoped, he was pushing his way into my room before closing the door and locking it with a soft click.
"Get out," I tell him trying to make my way to the door to unlock it and open it but he quickly moves in front of me blocking the door before he roughly grabs my hips and turns me around so my back is pressed against the door and we where now facing each other face to face.
"Lando, please stop," I whisper not trusting my voice to stay stable if I talk any louder.
"Y/N come on. We have been going at each other's throats for years. Just one night. Let me destroy every wall you have built between us for the past four years in one night. Let me fuck you, please," Lando replied back not making any movement just staring into my eyes waiting for an answer.
"Why?" I ask with a raised brow. I had thought after our freshman year Lando would drop the idea of getting into my pants but as the years went on and the rejection kept coming for Lando it only made him more persistent. I won't lie and say I haven't been curious. I had heard the whispers of how big his dick was, how good he fucked, and the biggest rumor of all how deliciously mean he was.
"Y/N be real with me. You're the president of the top soroity on campus, your father is the dean of the school, and you're still the only girl to reject me. You're the girl every single guy on campus wants. You have won every battle between us but today, I need to finish this war. I need you to let me fuck you," Lando replied back essentially begging to let him in. I knew if right here and right now I told Lando no he would walk out and go back to his house but the part of me that has been getting weaker recently wants him to stay and wants to put the rumors to rest.
"One night? That's all this is," I reply back and the second the words leave my mouth Lando is on me like prey.
His hand was instantly tangled into my hair and pulling me in for a heated and rough kiss. Teeth clattering against each other and tongues fighting for dominance. It was rough and messy but god did it make my knees grow weak with need.
I think Lando and I both knew one day it would come to this. I would finally break and let him ravish my body like it had been his for the taking all along, and truthfully I think it has been his all along.
"Get on you fucking knees now," Lando pulled back saying while pushing my head down. I instantly drop to my knees looking up at Lando almost waiting for him to tell me what to do next.
"I hear some of the brothers talk about how good you are with your mouth. It's like you intentionally let them fuck you so they can talk about it letting me know all about the things I've been missing out on for the past four years. So don't be fucking dense with me, out that mouth of your to use," Lando snapped at me when I didn't do anything. I was instantly clawing at the fly of his jeans trying to get it zipped as quick as possible not wanting to piss him off more than I had previously.
When his pants were unbuttoned and zipped down I softly tugged them down his legs where Lando finally helped by kicking them off the rest of the way discarding them somewhere across my room.
"It's big," I whisper while keeping my eyes trained on the hard bulge under his briefs. While I still can't fully see just how big he is I can tell he's fucking massive he is because the tight white briefs leave far too little to the imagination.
"I'm sorry what was that? I need you to speak up a bit more," Lando says with a smirk written all over his face. It was clear he had heard me but enjoyed the praise far too much.
"I said it's smaller than I expected," I replied back with false confidence. Something in Lando snapped in that moment because one second I was on my knees getting ready to suck Lando off and the next I was being dragged by my hair towards my bed where he roughly through me onto it before positioning me so my head was hanging off the side of the bed upside down.
I was dizzy from how quickly the mood had shifted from two rivals arguing and bickering to me being upside down waiting to get my face fucked by said rival.
Lando made quick work of pulling his briefs down before he roughly shoved his massive cock into my mouth. Lando gave me hardly any time to adjust to his length that was filling my throat leaving me a gagging mess under him.
When Lando starts thrusting into my mouth I can feel his balls starting to slap my nose making this moment all that more embasrrassing. How I had ended up with Lando fucking Norris's cock shoved down my throat and his balls hitting my face will always amaze me.
Suddenly I feel Lando lean down slightly making the angle all the more rough before he was tugging at my tight tank top pulling it up to expose my lacey bra too him. I could feel his big hands gripping and pulling at my tits all the while still fucking my face in such a brutal pace I could barely breath.
While one final rough thrust down my throat he holds himself there for a few seconds cutting off my airflow completely before he roughly pulls out and steps back to see me slightly rolling to my side gasping for air and coughing from the brutal attack.
"God, you're such a fucking whore. Took that so well," Lando says with a smirk before shoving two fingers down my throat to watch me gag again. I can feel Lando whiggle his fingers around slightly making me gag more before he rough pulls them out to watch me struggle for fresh air again.
"You know, I'm happy to know that your mouth isn't just good for talking," Lando says before roughly taking a handful of my hair and turning me around slightly so my head was no longer dangling off the bed but rather my legs where dangling.
I was still fully dressed but that didn't last long as Lando completely pulled my shorts and thong down in one go before pulling off my tank top so roughly he ripped it slightly. I feel Lando reach under me before unclipping my bra and roughly pulling it off my body. I had gone from completely clothed to naked as the day I was born within 30 seconds or so.
I watched as Lando fulled his shirt off leaving me to gawk as the tanned 6 pack he was sporting. While I had spent my years trying to avoid him I still had eyes and could see how hot he was.
"See something you like," Lando asks with a smirk making me wanna roll my eyes but I reframe not wanting to piss him off.
"Ya," I just whisper back too embarrassed to admit the thoughts I was thinking. Cursing myself for making him wait all these years when I could've had him all along.
"God, you're a fucking whore. I haven't even touched you are you're already starting to soak your sheets," Lando announced making me trail my trail my eyes down where I can't see much but I could tell how soaked I was just by the way my pussy lips where coated.
"Lando fucking do something," I snap not having the patience to be stared at like I was some kind of artifact on display.
"Hm, I wanna hear why you want it so bad all the sudden. For years you were adiment I would never bed you but here you are begging for it," Lando replied while slowly running his fingers up my thighs and stomach where he landed on my left nipple which he took between his fingers and gave it a tug making me moan at the pleasurable pain.
"Lando, please I just need you to fuck me," I reply with a face still covered in tears and spit and I hadn't had a chance to wipe it off.
"You beg like a proper slut you know, but I still wanna know why," Lando replies still teasing my nipples having moved his attention to my right one now.
"Fuck you, you're fucking hot. You're one of the hottest guys here, I want you to fuck me and ruin me for anyone else," I finally submit to Lando being too weak to continue to try and fight.
"Oh, so all along you've been wanting it. God, you really are a slut," Lando mutters before finally slipping into my tight pussy with so much for I'm left gasping for air.
"God you're so fucking tight. Tighter than I would've thought given everything I've hear," Lando groans once he had filled me completely. He gives me just a few seconds to gather myself before he start thrusting his hips.
"Oh fuck, Lando," I whine and moan out not really sure how to act. I had been fucked before but I have never quite been fucked like this.
I can feel Lando's pace picking up in speed and roughness leaving me gasping for air. He was getting to a point where he was being so rough it was making tears well up in my eyes.
"Stop crying and fucking take it" Lando groans when he sees the tears starting too form.
"Too much," I gasp before digging my nails into Lando's chest making him hiss in slight pain.
"It's not too much, you can fucking handle it. I can feel your pussy clenching around my cock wanting more," Lando says while delivering slow yet painfully pleasurable thursts hitting my G-spot each time.
"Lando I'm close," I whisper knowing if I talked any loud I would stutter given how much pleasure was coursing through my body.
"Do what all good sluts are for and cum," Lando says while picking up his pace sending me into a blissful land where all I can think about in the orgasm that is leaving me shaking on Lando's cock,.
"Oh, fuck," I whine starting to come down from my orgasm but not fully being able to as Lando is still sending brutal thrusts keeping me overstimulated yet still edging towards another orgasm.
"God, you just fucking came and you're already clenching for another," Lando teases out clearly being able to read my body far better than he should be able to.
"Fu-ck n-o Lan," I'm whining and trying to get away but not being able to form full sentences as the pleasure is mounting far too quick.
"Awe did I turn you into a dumb whore norm," Lando says with a smirk before sending down a rough slap right on my clit throwing me straight into another orgasm. I just scream, thankful that none of the other girls were home.
"No," I whisper coming down from my orgasm while Lando is slowing his thrust slightly.
"can't" I whine.
"Speak up and use your fucking words," Lando says clearly getting fed up with the dumb slut under him.
"I can't cum again," I finally force out a sentence once I've come down from the orgasm mostly.
Lando pulls his cock out without saying anything. He leans over placing a soft kiss on my lips throwing me off slightly before he's roughly gripping onto my hair and hauling me off the bed and back onto my knees.
"You know what to do," Is all Lando tells me while he watches me slowly grip onto his dick which is absolutely soaked in my pussy juices before bringing my mouth to his cock.
"Imagine your father saw you now. On your knees like a proper trained slut," Lando says while I start bobbing my head on his dick making sure to take him as deep as I can without gagging too much.
Lando grips the back of my head before he starts to face fuck me. I can feel the tears streaking my face, my spit rolling down my chin and all I can hear is the sound of my gagging and Lando's groaning ringing out through the room and if I'm being honest, I have never been more turned on in my life.
Lando finally releases the grip he has on the back of my head letting me do all the work now. I was thankful as it was becoming increasingly more difficult to breathe.
I pull my mouth off of Lando's cock making sure to keep jerking him off, while looking up at him. He was already staring down at me watching me like a hawk.
"Thank you, Lando," I whisper softly.
"For what," Lando groans clearly getting close to blowing his load so I slow it down slightly wanting him to cum in my mouth.
"Fucking me so good," I whisper while trailing kisses around the lower part of his toned abs and into his trimmed pubes before taking Lando back into my mouth and bobbing my head so rough that I am consistently hitting my gag reflex.
I feel Lando starting to tense letting me know he was close before he gave one final rough thrust into my mouth and held my head there before unleashing his massive load into my mouth and right down my throat.
"Better not waste a drop" Lando groans when he pulls out of my mouth watching me as I swallow his cum. When I'm done swallowing I open my mouth and stick out my tongue showing him I had swallowed it all. Lando just leans down slightly before spitting right into my mouth and walking away to find his clothes.
Once Lando was fully dressed I was already comfortably in bed too exhausted to do anything but melt into my pillow.
"We will do this again," Lando says matter a factly before placing a kiss on my forehead and then lips and walking out of my room presumably to go back to his house.
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evnseokz · 3 days
☆ anniversary sex with eunseok
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pairing: bf! eunseok x less experienced! f. reader
contents: first time (with eachother), p in v, kissing, making out, eating out, finger sucking, cum eating(?), eunseok has more experience than reader, pet names: baby, princess, darling, reader is kind of a pillow princess but only because eunseok makes her be one, cockwarming, and honestly has fluff too!
this is not proofread, sorry if the ending was kind of short i never know how to end these things… (w.c. 1.9k)
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you and eunseok moved slowly when it came to intimacy in your relationship, mainly because of you having very little experience. eunseok didn’t want to push you, he never forced you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with and was always more than happy to stop if you were. at this point in time you have been intimate with eunseok before but you two still hadn’t actually had sex. you were nervous you weren’t going to be good enough for him in bed and even with constant reassurance from eunseok that you could never not be good enough, you just weren’t ready. and he didn’t push you further than that.
tonight was different however, it was your official six month anniversary and you really wanted to do something special for your boyfriend. you guys decided to stay in and celebrate your anniversary with a movie and cuddling on the couch. you were cuddled into eunseoks side, his arm draped around your frame. a blanket covering the both of you. eunseok was too entranced in the movie to even notice the way you kept shifting nervously, or the way your heart rate was higher than usual. you kept looking at him, then the screen, then your hands on repeat.
when the movie finally came to an end your nerves picked up even more. eunseok shifted so he could look down at you, he smiled and tucked some hair behind your ear, bringing your face up to meet his at the same time. your eyes widen and you chew on your lip as you look up at him. “what’s the matter baby?” he cocks his head. your mouth runs dry before opening to speak. “um, i was thinking about what i could get you for our anniversary and i-i think im ready.” his brows furrow. “ready for what?” he asks puzzled at your confusing words. you gulp “you…” you look down at your hands again. a light bulb goes off in eunseoks head finally realizing what you mean. a light blush spreads across the apples of his cheeks as he chuckles slightly.
“are you sure y/n? you shouldn’t only do this for me, you should want it too.” he says firmly. you nod your head and flash him a quick smile, “i’m sure”. eunseok wastes no time throwing the blanket off the both of you and gathering you in his arms. carrying you bridle style to your shared bedroom. you cling to your boyfriend giggling slightly as he sets you down on the edge of the bed. he’s standing in front of you. a light blush paints the both of your cheeks as you look at eachother. you both smile before leaning in for a kiss. it starts off slow, his hands on either side of your face, yours on his waist.
the kiss becomes more intense by the second, his tongue swiping your bottom lip begging for entry, which you grant. your tongues fight for dominance and eunseok starts to lay you down on your back, his body following yours. you back up till you hit the pillows at the headboard and eunseok isn’t a beat behind. he breaks the kiss to trail kisses down your neck and onto the exposed part of your chest. quiet moans leave your mouth as his mouth works expertly on your skin. he separates his mouth from your skin for a moment, his finger tips trailing along the hem of your shirt. “can i take this off?” he scans your face for approval. you nod, and he begins to peel your shirt off your body, you sit up a little making it easier for him.
once your shirt is off, eunseok gawks at the sight of your unclothed chest, licking his lips as he takes in every detail of your plump breasts sitting perfectly in your bralette. you hide your face in embarrassment, and eunseok chuckles slightly at you. he peels your hands away from your face and tilts your head to look at him. “nothing to be embarrassed about princess, you’re perfect. how did i get so lucky?” he smiles. your cheeks are flaming hot at this point, eunseok returns to marking up the skin of your exposed breasts, hand reaching around to fiddle with the clasp of your bra. you giggle at the way he’s struggling with it you decided to help him and reach behind yourself to unclasp it. your bra slips from your chest and eunseok doesn’t waste another second, attaching his lips to your nipple, kneading the other breast in his hand. you moan, the sensation being all too much. your hands fly to his head, and you rake your hands through his hair. he groans at the action before pulling away from your chest to free himself from his own shirt.
leaning back on his knees, you admire his toned chest and stomach. taking this opportunity to reach forward and run your hand down his body, you go to reach your hand into the waistband of his pants but he stops you. “ah-ah not yet princess” he shakes his head. “i want this to be all about you tonight”, he caresses your face. he’s obsessed with the way you’re looking up at him, big sparkling eyes, listening to his every word. he leans back over you peppering kisses down your torso before placing a kiss over your clothes heat. you gasp and the light, unexpected pressure. he looks up at you from where he’s at, as if to ask for permission to take your shorts off, you nod granting it. he slides your shorts down, and then comes back to where your underwear lays against your body. he leans down, and grabs the waistband with his teeth, and slowly drags them down your legs, making sure to not break eye contact the entire time. you whine at the action.
once your underwear is off he shoves the garment into his back pocket. and trails kisses on your thighs as he makes his way back up your body. he stops right in front of your heat, and you can feel his breath fanning over it, making you squirm a little. he presses a light kiss to your core, before starting to kitten lick you between your folds. your whole body shudders with please, his movements become more intense by the second and at this point he’s fully making out with your pussy. your hands are pulling at his hair, making him groan into your sweet cunt. your moans get louder and louder as you become closer and closer to cumming. eunseok starts to suck on your clit and that’s what sends you over the edge, hips bucking, and legs shaking. you’re a panting, moaning mess as eunseok helps you ride out your first orgasm of the night. his face separates from your cunt, and you can see your juices smeared around his mouth. your cheeks flush in embarrassment, he takes his thumb wiping up the mess around his lips before taking his thumb into his mouth and swirling his tongue around the digit a few times. you stare at him in awe.
he takes his thumb out his mouth, a string of spit connecting it to his lips. he reaches his other hand out towards you and places it at the base of the back of your neck, before moving you forward, “open your mouth darling” he says sternly. you comply no questions asked, and he places his thumb in your mouth, you close your lips around it on instinct sucking slightly on the digit. “good girl” he coos, arousal still pooling between your legs. he removes his thumb from your mouth before going to unbutton his own pants. pulling them and his underwear down at the same time. his cock sprang free, hitting his stomach. you bit your lip as you stared at his member, tip glistening with pre cum. you’d seen his dick multiple times before yet you still were always amazed at what he was packing underneath his garments.
eunseok reaches into the drawer of the nightstand and grabs a condom, you stop him before he opens it. “i-i started on the pill not too long ago” you say looking up at him through your eyelashes. he drops the condom back in the drawer before coming to hover over your smaller frame. “you’re too good to me baby, you know that?” he kisses your forehead, then your nose, cheeks, and finally your mouth. you giggle as you melt into the kiss. you feel eunseok positioning himself in between your legs, the weight of his cock resting on your heat. the feeling makes you shudder slightly into the kiss. eunseok breaks away to look you in your eyes, “i’m going to put it in now, okay?” he tells you, you nod, chewing on your lip in anticipation and nervousness.
he grabs his cock in his hand, and aligns himself with your entrance, his tip prodding at your cunt. he slowly guides himself inside you, hand leaving his cock and going to hold your hand beside your head. you cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure, eunseok is panting at the feeling of your tight cunt around his thick cock. he bottoms out and stills himself completely, giving you time to adjust to him. his head falls into the crook of your neck. “your cunt was made for me baby, you feel so good” he says while placing kisses to your neck. you moan in response, the feeling of being full driving you insane.
eunseok starts to move slowly, not wanting to surprise you or hurt you. but those thoughts are pushed to the back of his mind once he hears the beautiful moans slipping past your lips. he decides to pick up the pace, hips smacking against yours as he pulls out and then thrusts back in, bottoming out again. you cry out, moaning curses, letting a “feels so good” slip out every once and while. eunseok grabs your hips and fucks you deep. you feel your resolve slipping away from you and eunseok can tell. he reaches down and starts circling his fingers on your clit, making your body jolt as cries of pleasure erupt from your throat. “that’s it baby, cum for me” he says, his pace never faltering. that’s all it took for you to come completely undone underneath him. cunt squeezing his cock as your whole body shook, your eyes squeezed shut in please as you moaned loudly. your tight cunt clenching around eunseok sent him over the edge, him cumming shortly after you did. you both riding out your highs at the same time. his thrusts slowed before he dropped his head into your neck again. you wrapped your arms around him holding him close. not quite ready for him to leave your body.
he goes to try and get up but you stop him, “can we just stay like this for awhile? please?” you look at him with your bright shiny eyes and he can’t say no to you. so he switches your positions slightly, moving behind you while you both lay on your sides. his cock still inside you. his arms wrap around your figure holding you close. you cherish the feeling of having him inside you as your breathing finally starts to slow down. you both end up falling asleep, in each others arms, eunseok still inside you. it’s the most comforted you’d ever felt.
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abswhore · 3 days
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Part one and two.
Pairing: college!fwb!abby Anderson x reader
A/N: I have a proofread so please excuse any mistakes - and thanks for all the likes and follows I’ve gotten so far 🩷 and don’t be afraid to comment!
Come over I miss you the text message that came through your phone read, you bit your lip tapping your thumb on the screen, you were swarmed with work but you arching to see her. You slid off the bed , quickly putting on your shoes and jacket.
You told your roommate that you would be back later, once you got a notification that your Uber had arrived . The trip to Abby's was brief since her apartment wasn't too far from campus. You quickly texted her to let her know you were downstairs.
She sent you the access code to her apartment. And As you arrive at her door, you nervously fidget with the rings on your fingers, anxiously waiting for her to open up.
She smiled at you, saying, "You look good." As she ushered you inside, she nestled against you and planted a kiss on your neck before helping you take off your jacket.
“Why you acting like that?” Abby questioned raising her eyebrows
“Acting like what.” You approached her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter while watching her as she moved around .
“All nervous like you never been here before.” She responded while leaning against the counter, her arms crossed over her chest.
“You make me nervous.” You joked with a little bit of truth mixed in, she hummed nodding “I do have that affect on people.”
“Whatever.” You chuckled lightly and rolled your eyes at her, enjoying a the silence that came over as you both kept eye contact. She pushed herself off the counter walking towards the fridge, grabbing a container of ice cream and two spoons.
“Tell me something about you.” She finally spoke breaking the silence between the two of you.
“What do you wanna know ?”
She shrugged pulling the spoon out of her mouth “whatever you think is important.”
You hummed while nibbling on your lip, contemplating what might be worth sharing with her. Eventually , you ended up discussing your family and a few other little details.
“You just gonna stare or say something?” You asked her once you finished sharing as she just looked at you with a grin.
“Open.” She told you putting a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth pulling out the spoon slowly “you’re cute.”
You turn your head as a smile slowly appeared on your face, your smile faded as you notice Abby’s phone glowing on the counter, the name Jade flashing brightly on the screen. Your gaze locks with hers as she turns her phone face down.
“You can answer, it seems important.” You told her As her phone chimed a few times, you felt a strange sensation wash over you, causing your chest to tighten.
“It’s nobody important.” She assured you and you responded with a hum while spinning the spoon around your fingers.
“C’mere.” As you moved around the counter towards her, she extended her arms, lifting your chin gently and brushing her lips against yours a few times.
“I’m with you right now.” She mumbled into your neck as her hands gripped your ass pulling you closer.
Abby leaned in, planting kisses along your neck. “Good morning, beautiful,” she whispered, her voice warm and affectionate. You shifted your position, stretching your arms out before finally turning to face her and saying, " morning."
You felt her face press against your neck as she playfully nibbled on it. You let out a groan and gently shifted her face, asking, "are you not tired from last night?"
“I can’t get enough of you.” Abby’s lips curled into a playful smile as she began to pull you closer to her . “ I just want to lay with you.” She admitted as her fingers began to rub her thumb over your side
Wrapped in each other’s arms under the warmth of each other, the world outside of seemed to fade away. And Despite the rules you both had set no strings attached, no falling in love you couldn’t help but want more. You craved to be more than just friends you wanted Abby and all of her.
Out of the blue, your roommate asked, “So, are you and Abby still together ?” This made you look up from your laptop.
“Yeah, something like that,” you answered, feeling uncertain about where this was going.
“It’s nothing serious, I just came across something and wasn’t sure if you knew,” she said, reaching for her phone.
“Her ex-girlfriend posted something a few days back,” she mentioned, passing you the phone. The image showed Abby with another girl after one of her games—the one you couldn’t attend due to work. Abby looked happy, her arm around the girl.
“Oh,” was all you could manage as you glanced at the username before returning the phone. “Thanks for letting me know.”
A tightness formed in your chest as you browsed through the account. Abby wasn’t very active on social media, but every picture had likes and comments. You tried to shake off the feeling, but it stuck with you.
You went to Abby’s contact your thumb hovered over the phone icon, deciding against it you deleted her contact throwing your phone to the side. You wanted to protect your feelings the ones that you had left.
A few weeks had gone by since you promised yourself that you were finished with Abby, and it had been the toughest week of your life. You struggled to resist the temptation to respond to every message and call she sent your way.
However, it was at the homecoming party that you realized avoiding her would be nearly impossible. You knew you would cross paths with her at some point during the night.
As you stood next to Ellie and Jesse, you downed the shot that Nora had bought for you. “Might wanna take it easy,yeah ?” Ellie asked, you concerned .
“I’m fine, Els,” you replied, your words slightly slurred. You had drunk more than you planned, trying to keep pace with Jesse. You set the empty cup down and moved toward the group where Nora and Dina were, secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of Abby.
Then you spotted her. She was laughing with Manny and a few others you didn’t recognize, and you made your way over, your eyes fixed on her.
“Can we talk?” you asked nervously. She glanced at you, then at her friends, before handing her beer to them and grabbing your wrist, pulling you through the crowd.
She led you into an empty bathroom and leaned against the door. “What is it?” she asked, her tone sharp.
“I-I miss you,” was the first thing that came to mind as you looked at her. She opened her mouth to respond, but everything faded away as you moved closer and pulled her into a chaotic kiss. You both struggled for control, but she overpowered you, pushing you against the door and gripping your clothes tightly.
You don’t remember how you ended up from the bathroom to your room, both of your clothes were tossed around the room. Tugging on Abby pants you pulled them down, rubbing her throw her boxers as your felt the strap she wore
“You want this ?” She asked you lowly unclipping your bra, as she rubbed your boobs aggressively, you nodded your head backing up onto the bed.
“Words, tell me you want it.”
You exhale, "I want you," as you lean in for a kiss, but she pulls away, turning you around and gliding the silicone between your folds.
Abby reached for behind you grabbing. Your neck as she pushed the tip of the strap inside causing your to grasp her grip on your neck tightly as she pushed the entire strap inside of you pounding inside of you roughly, each stroke harder than the last .
“You feel me ? You feel my dick inside of you.” She whispered into your each slowing down her pace , pushing on your back making your arch.
Abby began to speed up her pace , her hips slapping against your ass as she thrust into you. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, mixing with your moans. She reached around, her fingers finding uoue clit, rubbing it in tight circles. Your moans grew louder, as you moved back matching her thrusts.
“You like how I fuck you.” Abby growled her grip tighten on your hips “don’t you? I’m the only one to make you feel this good.”
You could only nod as you bit on your wrist feeling your orgasm approaching, “ I wanna look at you while you fuck me.”
Abby smirked flipping you over slapping the black strap, on your clit rubbing it up and down causing you to whine. As she slid inside on you her chest met yours as she kissed on your neck.
her hands sliding up your sides to grip your boobs as she thrust harder into you. Abby squeezed at your chest as she bent down kissing you. Pulling back you stared at her face the confession fought to slip out as she hit your spot over.
“I love you.” You whispered lowly only for you to hear, she slowed down grinding into you “I can’t hear you baby speak up.”
“Fuck! I love you.” You busted out in a moan, Abby movement stopped her eyes widen as she looked at your face But she still doesn’t move, the tip kissing your cervix. Moving your body a little, feeling a tad uncomfortable at the position.
Her hand tightens at your hip, “Stop” she says, quietly moving your hand away from her hips But then, pushing past the weight of the words, she resumed her rhythm. Bring you to your climax and with a few strokes she came after you.
You both collapsed together, your chests pressing against each other as She gently brushed her hair away from your face, holding your jaw as she kissed you deeply.
“Abby.” You called out her name as she moved off of you wrapping her arms around you. The feeling was back in your chest . You had messed up the three words you spoke could run her away.
She hushed you kissing your back “let’s sleep.” Tears filled your eyes bitting down on your lip fighting to keep your emotions together.
And when you woke the next morning Abby was gone. You reach over grabbing your phone and no text or call. You had ran her away.
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shariasweet · 2 days
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ long hours
enha.hyung.line 𝒙 f.reader | this piece of fiction contains suggestive content ⟡ STILL mdni.
wc ::: around 0.3k per member sharinote ::: a little something until I can wrap up my jakehoon fics :p
after a tolling day of work you come home to your sweet boyfriend who spoils you rotten — soothing the symptoms of your long hours.
heeseung noticed the way you'd lazily kicked off your shoes as you stumbled into your bedroom.
'y/n..?' he called your name from the living room and as expected , there was no reply. your boyfriend didn't bother calling out for you again before walking into the room. 'hi , baby.' he cooed with a gentle smile etched onto his lips.
'hi , hee...' heeseung absorbed your facial expression: eyelids heavy and lips in a pout as you rolled over and sat up. 'long day , sweet girl?'
you nodded. 'yeah... h'can you tell?' he'd plopped down beside you on the bed , slowly inching closer. his hand came up to cup your cheek. 'you look tired.' a small peck graced your temple as heeseung kissed you... then your cheek and finally your lips.
with his hands holding your face , he deepened said kiss.
heeseung's lips molded against your own as you two moved together. you could feel the wet muscle of his tongue poking out , swiping over your bottom lip. as your tongues wound themselves up , you pushed yourself further into him.
but suddenly , he pulled away and you were left chasing his lips , frustrated.
'slow down , baby.' the male chuckled. 'breathe... there you go.' he left you with another peck on the lips. 'hee... I want more. 'need you now.' whining , you leaned into his chest with your arms flung around his neck. 'i know , I know. how about this.' he trailed off.
'i'll run us a nice bath yeah? and you can tell me all about your day while I help you... relax , hm?'
'sounds good.'
(this is the shower-sex scenario... it's such a hee thing ♡)
jay squeezed you tighter as you continued to sink into his arms. 'aw... angel girl had a bad day?'
'yes.' you frowned. 'it was awful , jongie! they worked me like a dog.' groaning , you fell back into him , feeling the warmth of his shallow chuckle spread from chest to your face. 'my baby doesn't deserve that. what'd they make you do?'
his hands traveled up your back. before you could even comprehend what was happening your boyfriend had unclasped your bra and his hands were working at the knots in your back. 'i-i...'
'take your time , angel.' jay planted a firm kiss onto your forehead. his hands continued to massage the expanse of your back as he sensually kissed a long your neck. 'i did s-so much paper... work...' you melted like putty in his hands.
'is that all?' teasingly , he questioned.
you shook your head , stumbling through your words as jay kept pressing. 'i want to hear all about it , okay? that way I can make it better later. but first I got to loosen you up , right?'
whilst trying to focus on spewing out lines of words , you hardly noticed his knee creeping up between your thighs — snug against your clothed and aching clit that is.
(ends in him gently rutting his knee into your cunt until you come from the friction ♡ / thigh riding ???)
'what's wrong , princess?' jake's fingers intertwined and played with your own as he sat between your thighs. 'nothing , jae... 'm just tired.'
he frowned , hand taking your own. 'no , no... 'tell me! I want to know what's on your pretty mind.' jake groaned before diving into your lower stomach — nuzzling into your heat. 'jake!'
you playfully giggled.
'tell me.' your boyfriend suddenly glanced up. 'baby... come on!' your fingers ruffled his hair. 'nuh uh...'
jake began peppering kisses along the insides of your thighs. 'tell me.' he'd say before diving into your plush skin each time. 'tell me.' chu. 'tell me.' chu. 'tell me!' your simple answer of being tired wasn't enough for him. 'c'mon..! 'want to hear about your day.' the man nipped at your thigh — teeth softly sinking into your flesh.
'enough , enough!' you giggled. 'don't want to bore you.'
your boyfriend sprung up as if he'd seen a ghost. 'bore me!?' drama queen. he smiled before jumping on you. 'you could never bore me , sweetheart.'
'but... if it's boredom you're worried about...' that mischievous glint sparked in his eye as a cheeky grin painted his lips. 'i can find a way or two to entertain myself while you talk...' he cheesed , slowly sinking back down to level with your cunt as he eyed you.
(this ends in him eating you out while you yap about your day by the way ♡)
you quietly stood in the mirror looking at the result of your long workday. a sigh ran past your lips as you changed into your home attire — grateful to be in the comfort of you and your boyfriend's shared flat. 'hi , honey.'
sunghoon had snuck up behind you , arms snaking around your waist as you softly breathed. 'hi.' you forced a smile , glancing into his eyes from the mirror. 'are you getting ready for bed already?' he mumbled against your shoulder — gently kissing your skin. 'mhm... 'long day.'
you took note of the way his fingers knitted together lying on your tummy... that was before they moved closer and closer towards the hem of your shorts. 'can I help you?' sunghoon whispers , kissing behind your ear.
pop! he pulls the hem back , listening to it snap against your waist. 'really , baby?' lazily you smile , and he nods — allowing his hands to venture into your pants.
(where sunghoon finger-fucks you in the mirror ♡)
{ on another note } this is lazyyy :( I've been so tired and really out of it ! I hope you can still enjoy my half assed efforts hehe.
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lokisfirecracker · 2 days
toxic, older man!price x reader
summary; you catch price flirting with someone else when you’re out on a date together, you argue but price manages to plant seeds in your head that you were overreacting. this is you coming back to him, because john is always right, and he would never hurt you, right?
warnings- toxic, abusive relationship, smut, public sex, voyeurism, humiliation, boot humping
it had only been 2 days since your argument with john. you’d thought that he was in the wrong, when you caught him chatting up a pretty blonde whilst he waited for you to be done in the bathroom at the local pub.
you’d thought he was in the wrong when he’d denied their conversation being flirty, saying that he could never want someone that wasn’t you, even though his hand had been awfully close to her ass.
you’d started being confused about who was in the wrong when he’d complained about you always picking holes in every little thing he did, that he felt like he was being suffocated by you, before storming out, leaving you to find your own way home.
now, 2 days later, you knew that he was right, you had been more clingy than usual lately, and you had been tending to tell him off when really, the things he’d been doing weren’t that bad. you shouldn’t have complained about him looking down the waitress’ top last week when you were on another date, he couldn’t help that his eyes were at the same level as her tits! it’s not his fault that his chair was the perfect height.
you were missing him desperately, wishing that you’d just kept you mouth shut so you could be with him right now. you’d been on the fence about calling him, not sure if he’d even want you anymore after your spout. so instead, you decided that the best course of action, was to get absolutely plastered and pretend nothing happened.
admittedly, it wasn’t the best plan you could’ve come up with, and you were slightly regretting it now that you’d found yourself stood on john’s doorstep, in the sluttiest outfit you had, hand hovering by the door because you were too scared to knock.
luckily for you, he opened the door, unlit cigar in one hand. your eyes welled up immediately at the sight of him, feeling overwhelmed with relief from how much you’d missed him.
he sighed heavily, not looking at all surprised to see you and leaned up against the door frame, “you come to apologise for your behaviour?”
you quickly looked down, tears streaming down your face and cooling your warmed cheeks. now that you were here, you were unsure what to say. how could you ever make it up to him, what could you do to repay him for being so mean and inconsiderate to your poor boyfriend.
“you gonna answer me? or did y’come just here to yell and embarrass me again?”
his words only made you cry harder, wishing you could go back to before and have your john back. you swear that you’ll never complain about him again if he forgives you, you’d do anything he asked.
“no i-,” your own sobs cut you off, and you scrambled to find the right words, eyes lifting to meet his. “i’m so sorry, i was so cruel, i didn’t mean to.”
“so you just meant to upset me then, just didn’t mean to do it so publicly?” he sneered, titling his to the side a little. the floor beneath him creaked as he pushed off the frame, stepping closer to you.
you rushed to shake your head, doing it so quickly that your head swarmed, stumbling a little.
“don’t be so pathetic, it doesn’t suit you baby,”
you whimpered quietly, “i didn’t want to hurt you at all, i promise. please, i need you, please don’t leave me. i promise i’ll be good. just tell me what to do and i’ll do it, please.”
your breathing was laboured, and your heart felt like it was going to pump out of your chest. you waited whilst he considered, hoping that whatever he chose, that it would be enough for him to consider forgiveness.
“on your knees,” he commanded, finally lighting the cigar and taking a pull.
you dropped down, feeling the twang in your knees that you knew meant they’d be black and blue later. you looked up at him, waiting patiently for his next order as tears continued to fall, “hump my boot.”
you moved to do as he’d asked, not wanting to be seen hesitating and he change his mind. you carefully lifted yourself up, and placed your weight down onto his leather boot. your tears finally began to dry up as you loosely wrapped your arms around his strong leg.
going slowly at first, you rubbed your cunt along his shoe, trying to avoid the laces. you tried your best to put on a show for him, wanting to make him pleased at your actions, but the feeling of the leather grinding against your clit was disturbingly good.
just as you were getting lost in twisted pleasure, you heard a long whistle from down the street behind you. your head whipped around, stunting your movements on his shoe. a couple of men had gathered around to watch, and you hadn’t even realised. had they been there the whole time? did you know them? it was too dark to be able to recognise them, but the porch light above john made you very visible to them. you only hoped they couldn’t see the way your swollen cunt was glistening against the leather.
you felt a rough tug to your hair, and squealed as he said, “did i fucking tell you to stop?” you shook your head again, knowing that any words you said would only anger him further at this point, and john didn’t tolerate prolonged disobedience.
resuming your movements, you tried not to think about the strangers, and focused only john and your quickly approaching orgasm.
you’d never felt so humiliated in your life, but you knew you deserved this. after all, this is how he must of felt outside that pub bathroom, with all those people around, watching. really, if you thought about it, you were quite lucky to only have a couple people watching you. john had been very generous with his punishment, and you’d happily take it like a good girl if it made him happy.
legs shaking, you moaned into his thigh, calling out his name like a chant. pleasure flowed through you as you released your cum onto his now shining boot. you collapsed against him, feeling exhausted and embarrassed. he gently pulled you up and into his arms, pressing his hard bulge into you as you tried to recover.
before you could realise what he was doing, you felt him flip up the back of your skirt, followed by a sharp burn against your ass check. you gasped, trying to move away from the source of pain. he shushed you as you began to cry again, rubbing your back and discarding the rest of the now put out cigar onto the floor.
“did so well for me, sweetheart. you’re forgiven, been such a good girl, haven’t you? how could i ever stay mad at that pretty face of yours, hm?”
he picked you up and walked around back into his house, slamming the door shut with his foot behind him.
your body continued to tremble as he placed you down onto his bed, lovingly tucking your hair behind your ears. he moved back to undo your laces and take off your shoes, focus moving back over to your face every once in a while. next, he unzipped the side of your skirt, and pulled your top off, leaving you in only your soaked underwear.
he admired the view, smiley softly when your eyes met and crawled up the bed to lay beside you. you always craved these moments with him, where you knew he loved you, where you knew that you were the one he wanted right now. you’d go to much further lengths than you had tonight on the porch to make him happy, if it meant that this is what you got in return. nothing felt this good.
he pulled you closer, his hold on your body tight, almost uncomfortably so, before his face turned serious, “you ever embarrass me again, and i’ll fucking kill ya, you hear me?”
you sniffled, eyes widening a little but refusing to squirm from his arms, “i won’t ever, i promise john,”
“good, that’s good,”
and just like that, he was his happy self again, like you’d never argued, like he hadn’t just threatened to take you life, like you didn’t know that he meant it. everything was good again, just don’t you dare say a word when the next week, you catch him sending pictures of his dick to his “doctor”.
any feedback in the comments is massively appreciated <3
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blood-smiles · 3 days
You organized various assortments of products on shelves, placing each product perfectly, the name of the item fully on display,
While stepping back to admire your work you heard the squeaky shoes of a little kid, suddenly a small body crashed into your side and landed on the floor with a sickening crack,
“Jimmy! Jimmy! Oh my god! JIMMY!” The frantic voice of a woman called out, you instantly turned around, seeing the little boy wailing on the ground, his arm twisted in an uncomfortable direction,
You crouched down next to the child, trying to get him to calm down as you inspected his arm,
The same woman ran in your direction and pushed you off her child with a rough shove, tears welling up in her eyes,
“YOU! YOU DID THIS TO MY CHILD!” She shrieked, holding the kid in her arms,
“I-I ma’am! I swear it’s not that, your child was running and crashed into—“ 
“I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT! I AM GOING TO SUE YOU FOR THIS!” She screamed at you, her spit landing on your face as you stepped back,
A burning pain splattered all over your face, the woman’s purse making a harsh contact with your nose bridge, 
Small red droplets dirtied your white uniform polo shirt, 
She scooped up the injured boy in her arms and ran outside the store, yelling profanities and curses at you,
Suddenly a loud crash was heard as the woman kicked the large shelves, causing the tall shelves to come down on you, one by one alike to dominos,
You can’t remember what happened next, as you woke up in a hospital.
So. You have a huge law suit over your head now, a metaphorical guillotine over your neck, just waiting to be brought down on you, decapitating you and your clean record,
You stood in the waiting room, the fresh smell of floor cleaner wafting into your nostrils, helping you distract yourself momentarily,
“Mx (Y/N)?” A deep voice rings out, pulling you back into reality,
You glance up at the source of the voice, your (e/c) meeting with scarlet red hues, sharp eyes encased behind glasses,
You slowly got up, using your crutches to stabilize your footing, the man waited for you, his eyes inspecting your form as if calculating your every move, he stared at you for longer than needed but you ignored his eyes and kept acting as if nothing was happening,
He politely opened the door for you, giving you enough room to limp inside the office, after you successfully sat down, the man stood in front of his desk,
His ruby eyes were drilling into your own, as if memorizing every single detail of your iris, you looked into his eyes too, trying to seem confident,
If you looked close enough you could see the slight color difference under his eyes, you recognized that gaze— of exhaustion and pulling all nighters, but he did do a good job minimizing the eye bags!
You didn’t get to look at him properly but he was very well dressed.. the classic black vest along with black dress pants and a white dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his forearms,
Pretty purple hair gathered at the back of his head in a ponytail, two tresses framed the sides of his face, bringing more attention to his sharp features, he was attractive.. Very attractive.
After another round of continuous staring the male finally cleared his throat, breaking the suffocating tension in the room,
“I am Alejandro Ortega, your defense in the court.” He stated clearly, sticking his hand out, asking for a hand shake,
“Oh. I’m (Y/N), thank you for your time sir.” You politely stretched out your arm and gently shook his hand,
His larger one enveloped your own hand, giving you a steady and firm handshake, slightly squeezing your hand in his,
His touch lingered, hand still tightly held around yours, he stared into your eyes, unwilling to let go,
You half smiled, trying to pull your hand away from his, slightly becoming unsettled when he didn’t let go,
He coughed, letting go of your hand and sitting down on his own chair,
He crossed his legs under the desk, taking out a paper and a pen, tapping the opposite side of the tip on the paper sheet, he discussed with you the phases of how he was planning to defend you in this case, giving you a bit of a background check on him,
“Well then, please tell me how everything happened, miss (Y/N).” 
You started retelling the events of the store, your hands coming in play and moving around to emphasize your actions and feelings,
A soft smile bloomed on the man’s face, sometimes even chuckling quietly at your exaggerated gestures,
Alejandro liked—No, adored your company, you were so charismatic and lively, your energy was so contagious that even his hard exterior had began to show cracks,
The buzzing in his chest wouldn’t stop, his hands were sweaty and his face felt warm, just what was this feeling? He is supposed to maintain a poker face and not show any favoritism with his clients.. Oh but you.. he couldn’t help but show contentment around you,
Unfortunately you soon had to go home and rest, he felt truly pity for you, being all bruised up and injured— on top of that you were in the process of being sued, 
Such a sweet soul you have, he would make sure that you would be well protected under him, he would hate to see you in harms way,
Alejandro finished helping the janitors cleaning up, he waved everyone off as they left, with suitcase in hand he leaned against the wall,
Ever since your appointment with him he couldn’t stop thinking of your face and voice, perhaps he could use your files for some.. private research.
He opened the doors of his home, his wife, Ume, peeked into the hallway as if already knowing it was him who entered the manor,
Her long white hair flowed behind her as she sped walked towards him, she brushed her bangs out of her beautiful face as she approached him,
“Honey! Did you get off work early?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a loving peck on his lips,
Alejandro grunted in response, peeling her arms off his shoulders and neck, he despised physical contact from Ume, he hated her voice, to him it sounded like nails scratching against a chalkboard, it irritated him, greatly so.
Ume was not at fault, for she had done no wrong to him, she was what any man would wish for, she was obedient, beautiful, loving and skilled in every aspect,
He just hated the intent behind his marriage with her, ever since he had slipped out of his mothers womb and brought into this world he had no control over his life, for it had been decided for him,
What he was going to be, who he was going to marry, where he was going to study, who his relationships were and even how he should feel,
He had no control over his life, he had never had any control over his own livelihood, his parents had controlled him even beyond the grave,
He hated his life. He hated Ume. He hated his parents. He cherishes you. He hated everything but you.
You had brought excitement to his life somehow, you came into his office and sparked something in him with your attitude and personality,
Maybe his life wasn’t so bad.
He stared at the knives in his kitchen, his hand itching to find something— someone to slice into ribbons with the sheening blade of the knife,
When did he become so violent? Was he this savage all along?
He shook his head lightly, taking off his glasses momentarily as he cooked dinner for his self and Ume,
He flipped the chicken and rice in two plates, as he brought the food and placed it down on the long hall table,
Ume awed at the perfectly cooked food, she dug in immediately, complimenting him and his cooking skills every time she spooned food into her mouth,
Alejandro subconsciously clutched a napkin in his hand, his knuckles turning a ghost white from sheer force,
“..Thank you” he muttered, his hand shakily cutting off some chicken and inserting it into his mouth,
His mind wandered off to your beautiful eyes, those beautiful (e/c) gems twinkling under light enamored him so much..
Alejandro noticed how your eyes would wander off sometimes, looking at him intently, as if you were listening to the most interesting thing in the world, it just made him feel so bashful..
How long had it been since he had seen you? 5 hours? 5 days? 5 years? God, he can’t remember anymore, just being away from you felt like an eternity, it was driving him insane..
Maybe next time the both of you meet you can go out for a drink together.. he smiled a little at that, perhaps he could invite you to a garden and talk to each other and learn more about you..
“Dear? What are you smiling at?” The gratingly annoying voice of his wife chimed in, anger rose inside him, taking most of his willpower to keep a calm mind and most importantly of all not to lash out at her,
“It’s none of your concern, Ume.” He answered coldly, glaring at her, a small vein sprawling across his temple in irritation,
She looked taken aback by her husband snapping at her, her smooth caramel tinted skin draining of color, her wonder turning into a fear in a flash,
Just as she was going to open her mouth to apologize Alejandro cut her off, 
“—I’m going to go take a shower, I’m finished with my diner, wash the dishes please.” He instructed as he left but not before giving her a pointed look,
Alejandro shut the bedroom door behind him, huffing as he sat on his and Ume’s shared bed
Ume wouldn’t understand, she would break down if she ever found out he had developed romantic feelings for someone else,
As soon as he makes developments in yours and his relationship he will make sure to get divorce papers signed immediately,
He wouldn’t want you to think he was unfaithful, because he isn’t.
His marriage never worked out anyway, he can only imagine the beautiful domestic life you would have with him,
He wouldn’t have to come into office, he could be your stay at home husband! He knows how to cook, clean and overall good spouse.. He spent most of his childhood honing these skills by taking care of his little sister,
He simply goes into work to avoid having to see his insufferable wife, even a minute away from her made his life expectancy slightly increase,
He opened the water, staring at his reflection before stepping into the shower,
Cold water ran from the shower head, landing refreshingly on the tall males’ back and body,
He sighed, relaxation seeping into his body slowly and steadily, he leaned his body weight onto his forearms,
His forehead rested on the cool shower walls, cleansing his thoughts for just a moment, his long hair stuck to his forehead and shoulders as water slipped off in small droplets,
 as hard as he tried he couldn’t fend away certain thoughts, all of them being of You. You. You. Ý̵̯͙̰̾Ô̸̱͉̖̣̾͝Ú̷͎͍.
Look at what you have reduced him to.. A lovesick fool.. craving nothing more than you— It has only been five days, yet you live in his brain and heart like maggots, digging deeper and deeper into him..
Yet he didn’t care, he would allow you to do so because he knew that he secretly liked it, he liked having someone to obsess over and follow like a lovesick puppy,
he had been saving his love for too long, and now it seems that you pulled the trigger on his heart, for this dangerous love ridden russian roulette has just started.
He now understands why he suffered for so many years, he sees now that it was all for you, it seems that god has gotten tired of torturing him and sent you, as his savior— his light.
If he knew things would come to this he would have chosen to suffer again and again, continuing what appeared to be an endless cycle just to be able to meet you and reach zenith.
He is holding his heart in his hands for you, it was you awakened feelings he never thought were real, now assume the consequences of your actions, won’t you, love?
Ume stalked the halls of the huge mansion, her heart feeling heavy after she upset her beloved husband,
She smoothened down her dress as she shakily opened the bedroom door, seeing that the room was empty she sat down on the bed,
Staring at the bedroom door longingly she decided to slightly peek through a crack in the doorway,
The water landed against the shower floor, helping muffle out the small whimpers and moans that were heard from Alejandro,
His hand fisted his cock rapidly, his hips bucking into his soft hand to feel some kind of friction, the sound of his hand clapping against his skin being audible even with the drizzling water ambients,
Ume’s eyes widened, never had she though her husband could ever make such.. Sinful sounds, it seemed he was saying something between the strangled sounds of pleasure..
“—N).. (Y/N).. Mmph! (Y/N), please..” 
(Y/N)? Who was this (Y/N)? Why was her husband saying that name? Was he cheating on her?
Her green eyes zeroed in on his body, watching as his back would arch and tremble whenever he would get close to climax,
Ume had tried a handful of times to get some kind of intimacy going on with Alejandro, going as far as getting some.. Aphrodisiac products, however it seemed that even under the influence of such hard core drugs he would rather deal with it himself than come close to her,
His free hand roamed his body, soon reaching up against his chest and starting to play with the soft muscle, 
Delivering soft and hard squeezes, soft groans muddled with mutters of “I love you”s slipped out of his lips,
Dampened hair fell over his eyes as he pressed his cheek against his shoulder, gentle sobs mixed with the sound of water running,
His thrusts slowed down as his thighs pressed together, with a final cry of your name the knot in his stomach came undone,
Loads and loads of white semen painted a section of the tiled shower walls, he kept thrusting into the air, riding out his high.
Ume closed the door quietly, sitting on the bed she placed her hands over her face, her well manicured nails digging into the sides of her soft face,
Whoever this.. (Y/N) was she was going to speak to, and it’s not going to be pretty.
Alejandro was her husband, hers only, and she was willing to fight tooth and nail for him,
The bathroom door opened, showing the ruby eyed man walking out with a towel wrapped around his waist, delicate beads of water dripping off his hair and rolling down his skin abdomen,
“Is there something wrong?” He asked with a raise of his eyebrow, eyeing her down menacingly,
The pretty woman but her lips while smiling, kicking off her shoes and spreading her legs open, an idea popping into her head
“Well.. perhaps, I’m feeling awfully.. Hot down there, help me will you?”
It had been 3 months precisely, it was your court date, you dressed up as best as you could afford, brushing your hair neatly and ironing your clothes to perfection,
You arrived early, looking at the huge court with furrowed brows and crudely covered dark circles, you weren’t able to get a wink of sleep last night,
Your mind couldn’t stop thinking of all the worst possible scenarios— What If you lost and went to jail? What if you were forced to sleep with a crazy cell mate? Sentenced to death? Having to use forks as hair brushes for the end of your days?!
A hand gently fell on your head, softly caressing your hair, you met scarlet eyes, beautiful eyes, the same shade as blood,
“Everything is going to be alright, I can assure you that, so please don’t worry your pretty little head over whatever you are thinking, will you promise me that?” You knew that voice, that was your lawyers voice, it was always so soothing to you, never was his voice rough or hoarse, it was always so warm and gentle..
You nodded, your worries calming down slightly, you weren’t expecting it but it sure was meaningful to you, you knew he was very.. Stoic most of the time, you liked to think he might have a soft spot for you, although the probability of that is probably non existent, oh how you were so so wrong.
The both of you entered the court, you were sweating buckets of sweat, pulling at your collar once in a while to try and freshen yourself up,
“Defendants please rise.” The judge called out, her voice strong and authoritative,
The both of you stood up, you were so nervous in the moment that you totally ignored Alejandro’s hand clasped around yours, his fingers intertwined tightly in between yours,
Alejandro was right, he was good, good was a massive understatement, he got evidence from places you didn’t even recognize, you had no idea if some of the documents had been falsified or not due to how legit they looked,
By the end of court you weren’t the one in cuffs, but the mother of the little boy, who had been taken into custody,
She yelled profanities at you, kicking and screaming at the police men to let her go,
Alejandro stood in front of you protectively, eyes narrowed into a glare, gaze as sharp as knives and glass shards,
You were so happy and relieved, weight had been lifted off your shoulders, you felt as if you were going to cry or happiness,
Your chest felt light as you hugged Alejandro, thanking him a million times over and over,
Had you overstepped boundaries? Maybe, Would Alejandro normally flip out and do something unseemly? If you were someone else, yes.
But it’s you, how could he deny you of something he had been wanting to do for a long time? How? So he wasn’t.
He deserved this too, he had gone through so much trouble to fake so much evidence to get that dirty bitch in jail, and you were willingly giving him his reward,
He basically threw himself on you, his arms over your head, he adjusted your arms on his waist, letting you hug him as close as you desired,
His face was close to your hair— so so close to you, he just had to smell you, just one second, please please please please please please.
He breathed in your scent, his eyes threatening to roll back into his head, you smelled so good, he knew his wife was in the audience but he couldn’t give less of a fuck,
Let her watch, let her see how he loved you so much more, he didn’t care anymore, he wasn’t going to hide it anymore, because it was true he had become so intimately infatuated with you he couldn’t even stand being a moment without you,
He had all he ever wanted right in his arms, and he didn’t care what he had to do to make you his, 
He didn’t care if he had to frame innocent people over and over again, he didn’t care if he had to make shady deals with hackers or mafia men, he will do crazy shit and get away with it!
If he had to let the world burn for you he would turn the world ablaze until only ash and cinder was left, only to light it on fire again over and over just to prove how much he loved you.
His eyes met his “wife”’s emerald like gaze, her eyes shining under light with jealousy, he knew she wanted to tear the both of you apart,
But he wouldn’t let her, as he would be the one ripping her to shreds this time around,
He will do anything and he means everything for you. 
He would do it all in your name. ♡
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azzibuckets · 3 days
attitude [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: paige catches attitude and azzi keeps her in check
a/n: basically the nyfw and ny liberty game fic yall requested. @makethemhoesmad to thank for the prompt!!!!
Paige had never been a big fan of side parts, but that was before Azzi Fudd.
Now, as she stared at her girlfriend, her soft curls tossed to the left and framing her doe brown eyes in just the right way, Paige wanted to tangle her fingers in Azzi’s hair and kiss her and kiss her.
But knowing Azzi likely wouldn’t take kindly to messing up her makeup after hours of sitting in her chair, Paige settled for merely inching a little bit closer to her best friend on the couch where they were sitting. Azzi’s cheeks turned a faint red when Paige brushed her pinky against hers. “I’m not gonna lie, you look hot as hell right now,” Paige said lowly, voice thick with want.
Azzi’s blush turned fiery. “You sure know how to woo a girl,” she said sarcastically.
Paige leaned in closer. “Is it working?” she asked, her lips only a few centimeters from Azzi’s mouth. Azzi’s eyes flicked down before she inhaled and scooted back. “You’re gonna mess up my makeup.”
Paige looked wounded at the distance between them. “You weren’t saying that last night,” she quipped, earning a smack to the head. “Yo, you’re gonna mess up my hair,” Paige complained, turning to face the mirror and adjust some strands.
“Good, maybe all the bitches will back off,” Azzi joked lightly.
“At least those bitches would kiss me,” Paige grumbled, eyes glazing over as she stared at Azzi’s lips.
“Control your face,” Azzi chastised, though her heart warmed at how Paige looked more in love with her every time she saw her. “Especially in front of the cameras later.”
“I know, I know.”
Paige was not controlling her face.
She had done a pretty good job at the beginning of the event. Hell, she’d been beaming and shit seeing the crowd she was intermingling with, filled with celebrities she’d never thought she’d meet in person.
That was until that same redheaded slut kept approaching her girlfriend and smiling at her in that slinky way. It didn’t help that she was unable to secure neighboring seats with Azzi, forcing her to sit across the room and burn holes into the ginger’s head as she laughed at everything her girlfriend was saying.
“Remind me to play poker with you some day,” Brittany piped up from next to her. “I would walk away a millionaire.”
Paige clenched her jaw. “You think this is funny?”
“You really think carrot head holds a candle to you?”
“Her boobs are sticking out and shit in that dress she’s wearing,” Paige gritted through her teeth, completely ignoring Brittany’s words.
Brittany smiled, enjoying the show unfolding before her. “Maybe you should do something about it,” she goaded.
“Fuck this.” Paige slid out her phone, hoping to distract herself by scrolling through Instagram. Her grip tightened, almost cracking her phone when the first post she came across was a picture of her and Azzi posing from the hour before, and all she saw in the comments were people thirsting over her girlfriend like animals (Aka me). “People have no civility these days,” she decided, shoving her phone back into her pocket.
Brittany only smirked.
As soon as the runway ended, Paige leapt from her seat and started making her way towards her girlfriend. All thoughts of wayward cameras left her mind as her vision tunneled in on the way the redhead’s acrylics scraped lightly over Azzi’s bicep.
“Hey,” she said lowly, hands tracing down Azzi’s sides before settling at her hips. “Who’s this?” She nodded at the girl but kept her eyes on Azzi.
Azzi’s eyes furrowed in confusion at Paige’s carelessness, her hands subtly covering the blonde’s and gently pushing them away. “This is Odelia. She’s one of the interns coordinating New York Fashion Week!”
“That’s nice.” Paige’s voice dripped with fake enthusiasm as she leaned her chin on Azzi’s shoulder, arms going back to circle her waist. “I bet you’re an amazing intern.”
Azzi shifted at the condescending way Paige emphasized intern. She stepped away, causing Paige’s hands to drop. From the way Azzi’s eyes glared daggers into her, Paige knew she was in for it later. Oh well. The look in Odelia’s face had been worth it.
“I’m hungry,” Azzi announced as soon as she slid in the back seat of her car.
Paige stared out the window, her neck stiff. “Maybe you should’ve eaten that redhead bitch.”
Azzi stilled, only halfway into the car before she realized her surroundings and climbed fully in, shutting the door behind her. “That redhead bitch?” Azzi repeated, mocking the same tone Paige had used.
Paige slumped low into her seat, pulling down the drawstrings of her hoodie that she’d replaced her sweater with. “Fucking looking at her like she was a four course meal,” she muttered under her breath, her gaze stilled fixed on the buildings whirring past outside.
Azzi decided to ignore Paige, not wanting to have a conversation like this in the backseat of the Uber. “Can you make a stop at McDonald’s?” she asked the driver, who nodded and started to shift lanes.
“Bro, let me just go home,” Paige complained.
“Drop the attitude,” Azzi warned, her tone deadly. Paige glowered even more but immediately shut up.
“You want anything?” Azzi asked as they pulled up to the drive through.
No response.
“Paige Madison Bueckers.”
“A cheeseburger and fries.”
When they were given their food, Paige made sure to start munching loudly, knowing Azzi’s pet peeve was loud chewers.
Azzi set down her burger and rubbed her temples. “So you’re gonna keep being a brat?”
Paige chewed louder.
In one quick motion, Azzi snatched the fries from Paige’s hand and dumped them into the bag. Paige immediately reached over to grab it back, but Azzi quickly menauevered it, putting the food between the door and her body. “Act like a kid and get treated like a kid,” Azzi said, her voice hard.
If Paige had been mad last night, she was furious now. After they’d got home, they’d had a little fight before Paige had stubbornly went to the couch for the night. With the business of their trip, they hadn’t had time to talk about it since, and it was killing Paige not being able to hug and kiss her girlfriend for the entire day.
Did Paige know she was being bratty and stupid? Yes. But Azzi was always so sexy when she was worked up.
Paige did have a tactic. She was trying her hardest to not let her gaze settle, but for the tenth time in five minutes she found herself staring at Azzi again from across the arena. Her girlfriend’s hair was up in a bun now, slut strands framing her face. With the sunglasses she was wearing and the gum she was chewing, she looked perfectly poised, but Paige knew Azzi was still tense from their argument.
In all honesty, Paige wanted to be in Azzi’s lap, not sitting here watching the game. She’d tried to take her mind off Azzi’s long legs by striking up a conversation with Klay Thompson, who sat next to her, but as soon as the NBA star opened his mouth to respond, her thoughts returned to Azzi Azzi Azzi.
After the game, Paige tried to rush through all the pictures, but Azzi, who seemed to know what she was doing, merely smirked and took her time. She must’ve said hi to every single person on the Liberty and Aces roster before joining Paige at the exit.
“Someone’s in a rush,” Azzi noted as Paige sped walked to the car.
“Shut up right now.”
As soon as the door clicked behind them, Paige’s mouth was pressed feverishly against Azzi’s, her hands roaming across every single part of the younger girl’s body. “Looked like such a good fucking girl in this outfit,” she panted. “Got everyone fooled, but I see right through it.”
Azzi pressed Paige’s hips against the wall, holding her there. The blonde squirmed under Azzi’s stare coming from half lidded eyes. “Let’s talk about last night,” Azzi jabbed back. “Acting like a little fucking brat.”
Paige raised her hips, trying to roll them against Azzi’s, but Azzi’s grip was too firm. “You gonna punish me?” she breathed out, hands going up to Azzi’s shoulders to steady herself.
“I know your game,” Azzi husked, teeth dragging over Paige’s earlobe. “You think you’re so smart, huh?”
“Want you,” Paige whined, fingers hiking up Azzi’s shirt. “Need you.”
Azzi tsked, backing away from Paige. It took all of her self control not to take her right then and there, with the blonde slumped against the wall, eyes glazed over and hair a mess as she pouted. “No touching,” she said lowly. “Keep your hands to yourself.” Azzi slowly dragged her thumb down Paige’s jawline, relishing the heat of her skin and the way the older girl trembled under her touch. “Gonna make you regret all your attitude.”
Paige’s eyes fluttered shut. She fought back a smile. Azzi didn’t know it, but Paige had won.
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pretty-sparkle-bomb · 6 hours
Guys I'm gonna pass out. He spoke to me this morning. Rahhh😭
"I dunno, girls. This is Bakugo we're talking about, Mr. 'I don't have time for your feelings'. What if he laughs at me when I tell him? I'm gonna be the laughing stock of the school!" You whine, burying your head into Jirous shoulders as she hugs you tightly.
"Well he'd have to be an ass to want to spread your name like that." The girl concludes, patting your back softly.
Suddenly, Mina is behind Jirou, using dainty fingers to lift your face up. She fixes the loose strands and tucks them behind your ears and whips out a tube of lip gloss.
"Pucker up, buttercup." She whispers, and you pout as she applies a layer of shiny pink to your lips. "Fix your posture. Your man is coming up the steps." She giggles, and you immediately stiffen, smoothing out your skirt while shooting her a glare.
Cautiously, you turn around, and sure enough, Kirishima is chatting up a storm to an obviously annoyed Bakugo. Your face heats up, and a shy smile meets your lips as the rest of them giggle behind you.
"Y/n, tell him good morning!" Mina whisper-yelled to you, almost laughing loudly at the horrified expression you have on your face.
"Me?! Why can't you do it?" You cry silently.
"Because I'm not into him! You are!"
You stood there, heart hammering in your chest, frozen as Bakugo and Kirishima approached. Mina and Jirou had fallen suspiciously quiet behind you, their earlier teasing replaced with expectant silence. You desperately wished you could disappear, every second feeling like an eternity.
Kirishima, all smiles and sunshine as usual, waved enthusiastically. “Morning, ladies!” he greeted cheerfully, stopping just in front of your little group.
“Hi, Kiri,” Mina returned with a grin, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say a word. Instead, you kept your eyes locked on the ground, hoping maybe—just maybe—you could get through this without embarrassing yourself.
Bakugo stayed a step behind Kirishima, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. His usual scowl was fixed on his face, and the sight of him only made your nerves worse. He looked as irritable as ever, clearly annoyed to be dragged into this situation. You didn’t dare say anything, your throat tightening with every passing second.
Kirishima’s gaze shifted between you and Bakugo, catching onto the awkward tension. He gave Bakugo a not-so-subtle nudge with his elbow, grinning like he knew something the rest of you didn’t, which he did.
Bakugo clicked his tongue, shooting Kirishima a sharp glare before looking back at you. His crimson eyes narrowed slightly, and for a moment, you thought he might just ignore the situation altogether.
But then, in a voice so low you almost missed it, he mumbled, “Morning.”
It wasn’t enthusiastic. It wasn’t friendly. But it was something. And coming from Bakugo, it felt like a monumental effort.
Your heart skipped a beat, the words catching in your throat as you struggled to respond, but all you could manage was a small, "Hi".
You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole. Who in their right mind says 'hi' to their crush?
Behind you, Mina and Jirou exchanged glances, but they didn’t push you this time. They stayed quiet, sensing that you were too shy to say anything. The silence hung in the air for a moment before Kirishima laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Guess we’ll see you around! Class starts in a few.” he said, tugging Bakugo by the sleeve to move him along.
Bakugo huffed in annoyance but didn’t resist, glancing back at you for the briefest moment before following Kirishima down the hall and through the doors of 1A.
You stood there, still unable to speak, replaying that one word over and over in your head, with your cheeks rivalling Kirishima's hair.
He said "morning."
To you.
Pt 1
Taglist : @vant3hell @succulent-momma @minkyungseokie
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zxoaii · 2 days
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fem! reader x Kento Nanami
Summary: Nanami gets even after a tease.
WC: 1.7k
Find this and more on my wattpad!
Wattpad: _Bolter
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[ Y/n ]
The crash of glass shattering on the floor startles me awake. My hands instinctively reach for the drawer next to the bed. As I fumble fearfully in the dark, a curse comes from the kitchen.
I get out of bed and make my way to the doorway. Nanami stands in the kitchen with his back to me. "I just broke something. Don't come over here barefoot."
I turn the kitchen light on for him. "I didn't want to wake you." He awkwardly moves to avoid looking at me. "You didn't want to wake me because you didn't want me to know you left the house or because you wanted to let me sleep?"
It's not a well-kept secret he's been sneaking out. Only it doesn't bother me as much as it should because I know he's working as a jujutsu sorcerer on the side.
"I thought you said you were done with all of that."
Nanami sighs and finally turns to face me. "Oh my god." My hands instinctively cup over my mouth. He's covered in blood.
"Not all of it's mine... And really it's just a superficial wound. It's just bleeding a lot."
He sweeps the glass up and dumps it into the trash. "It's not a big deal." I trail behind him as he makes his way to the bathroom.
I would ask but he wouldn't tell me. "Stop it. Sit down." Nanami stops digging through the cabinets and sits on the edge of the tub.
The first aid kit isn't even in the cabinets. It's in the closet. I grab it from the shelf and check the contents. Really, how am I supposed to treat him with this?
I set it down on the counter and wet a washcloth. Nanami can't hide the guilty look on his face. It would probably feel good to chew him out for this incredibly stupid thing he's doing.
When he went back to being a jujutsu sorcerer I thought he'd take it easy. After you almost die and decide to retire you usually learn a lesson. I guess he didn't.
The cloth cleans the blood off of his face. Did he really think he could hide this from me? I tilt his head to wipe blood out of his hair.
"It wasn't supposed to be this bad."
"You don't need to explain yourself."
It's hard not to be incredibly pissed at him. And at the same time, it's hard to not find him incredibly sexy sitting here while I fix him up.
I drop the cloth into the sink and open the first aid kit. He'd probably be better off with stitches. Instead, I grab rubbing alcohol, antibiotic cream, and some bandaids.
I search around the bathroom for our cotton pads to clean the wound with. "You're killing me in that dress." He should be used to a slip and some underwear by now.
I grab the box of cotton pads and bring them back over to him. "It might be easier if you sit on my lap." He isn't actually making moves right now, is he?
"Stop it."
I drench the pad in the alcohol and tilt his chin up. "I'm serious." His hand reaches up to grip my hip as I start cleaning the cut. He's pushing it.
"Hold still." I pass over the cut several times until it looks mostly clean. The bathroom light isn't great for looking at these things. "Sorry, you were just the closest thing to me." Nanami's hand falls off my hip.
I take the cream and apply it over the entire cut. There's more than he needs but hopefully, it will negate anything I missed while cleaning it out.
"Sweetheart, come on." Nanami runs his hands down my waist and hips while I find the largest bandaid we have. "Don't do this to me. Just give me something." The rip of the package replaces the response he wanted from me.
I place the bandaid on his forehead. My hands cup his face, caressing his cheeks gently. It's too hard to not give him anything.
He holds my ass as I lean in to kiss him. My hands slide back into his hair. There's no rush to the way he kisses me. Nanami's mouth is dangerously addictive.
It's almost painful to pull away from him just as he starts to take it further.
"What?" He looks up at me from his seated position. This punishment is equally bad for me. "You're not getting anything tonight." His hands fall to the edge of the tub as I walk back to the bedroom.
"And you should shower too," I add as I shut the bathroom door. If I caught a glimpse of him showering after I told him we wouldn't be having sex, it might actually kill me.
The bed welcomes me back. I can hear Nanami mumbling curses in the bathroom. It just has to be this way.
.  .  .
"I'm back!" The door shuts behind me with a click. I carry the groceries to the counter by myself. Usually, Nanami takes a couple of bags for me when I get home.
He walks out of the bedroom with his tie in hand. "Where are you going?" I ask as I start grabbing things from the bags. "Nowhere."
"Really?" I put my things down as he approaches me. "It's for you." My brows furrow as he holds it out. "What?"
"Put your hands out."
What's his point? I hold my hands out for him, palms up. Nanami closes my fingers into fists and then starts tying the tie around my wrists.
He presses a kiss onto my forehead and then guides me back to our bedroom. Is this happening? "Do you enjoy teasing me?"
The pieces click in my head. He's still mad about the other night. Oh... I'm so in for it.
"Do you?" His fingers work away at my shorts while he speaks. "I couldn't reward bad behavior." Nanami pulls my underwear off with my shorts.
"That's not an answer. Open your mouth."
He holds two fingers up to my lips. I open my mouth and he places them inside. "Good. Now suck them. You're going to want them to be wet." I suck his fingers shamelessly until he removes them from my mouth.
"I'm going to ask you again. Do you enjoy teasing me?" It's hard to focus with the sexual tension in this room. "Yes." The word falls from my lips once, twice, and then a pathetic third time.
Nanami wipes some spit off my chin with his thumb. He nods. My breaths come rapidly. I can't take this. My legs spread further across the bed.
I choke out a moan as he presses his fingers into me. My hands pull at the restraint. "Look at me." My head is turned to the side, my eyes are squeezed shut. "Look at me." Nanami coos tauntingly.
I force myself to look up at him. His fingers pump in and out of me at a steady pace. Still, it's not nearly enough. "You're so desperate aren't you?" There's no point in not giving him what he wants.
I want it too.
"Oh god, yes."
Nanami pulls his fingers out of me. A frustrated sigh is all I can respond with. My body reacts to every minor touch. His fingers grab the collar of my shirt.
His arms flex as he tears it down the middle. His lips meet my neck and then my collarbone. All I can do is lay there and moan desperately. I need more.
His name comes out as a breathy sigh. It hurts to not be able to grab at his hair his shirt or his pants. I squirm as he kisses down my chest to my stomach.
How is he not going insane right now with me?
My lust starts to turn to desperation. I can't handle any more of this. "Just fuck me." Nanami raises his brows at me. "Sorry?"
Hot blush rushes across my cheeks. "Please just fuck me." The hunger in his eyes grows wilder at my begging. "Well..." He unbuckles his belt and drops it onto the floor.
I can't see as well as I want to but the sounds of him undoing his pants drive me just as wild. He leans over me on the bed. "And your shirt."
"My shirt?" I reach up and grab at his shirt. Nanami stands up, pulling away from my grasp. He takes his time unbuttoning his shirt.
I take in what I can. I hate the way being a jujutsu sorcerer almost kills him. But I have to give it credit for keeping him so fucking fit.
His muscles tense and flex as he leans over me again. "Say it one more time." Our eyes lock in a lustful trance.
"Please fuck me."
Nanami gives a small nod and grabs my hip with one hand. The way he does that drives me crazy. He doesn't waste time starting slow.
My moans echo through the room as Nanami thrusts into me relentlessly. His free hand grips my thigh. It will bruise tomorrow and he'll kiss me there. That thought drags another moan out of me.
"Don't stop." With nothing else to do my nails dig into my palms. Nanami's gruff moans start to mix in with mine.
One of my legs wraps around his hip, allowing him to hit a different angle. He adjusts too. Nanami slows his pace slightly and thrusts deeper.
I watch as his head falls back. His moans and curses turn me on in ways no one before him ever has. He drops my thigh and grabs my hand, pinning them above my head.
Nanami leans in closer while he holds my hands. His lips tease mine for a moment before finally kissing me. I drink up his taste like it's the only thing keeping me alive.
My stomach begins to tighten with overwhelming pleasure. Nanami continues to his me as I moan louder. My wrists are pressed harder into the mattress.
"That's it." He presses desperate kisses along my neck as I give in to my orgasm. "Good girl." Nanami drops my hands and sits back up.
"Good girl, just one more minute."
My head digs back into the mattress as my back arches up. His moans become more and more strangled with each minute that passes. I watch as he presses a hand against his forehead.
"Fuck, Y/n... Goddamnit." His hand falls onto my stomach as he finishes. The room falls silent except for our ragged breathing.
After a moment Nanami brushes his hair out of his face. He licks his lips and looks down at me.
"I enjoy teasing you too."
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lilacgaby · 2 days
Firstly I wanna say I love your writing and although I’m very new to your page I’m OBSESSED 🤩
This is my first request ever so I hope I’m doing this correctly. ANYWAYS- I was hoping for like an ice hockey au where it’s like bakugou playing midoroya’s team and bakugou doesn’t like the way deku is looking at reader in the stands even though bakugou and readers relationship isn’t public and they fight and all that good stuff.
Thanks I totally appreciate you! Hope you’re well and have a great day!!
title: iced out.
pairing: hockeyplayer!bakugo x girlfriend!reader
"he'll need an ice pack when i'm done with him."
note: my love you're so smart omgg, i loved this au! ty for the support i hope this is a good read <3
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it was the match up of the season.
everyone knew of the rivalry between bakugo and midoriya, every match they'd have would end in shoves, bloodied noses, bruises, and cards called. the audience was thankful for the dividers that kept them safe from the confrontations that would always break out in corners, bakugo usually pushing midoriya away forcefully into them just to get control of the puck.
you were there at that match for katsuki after the matches, waiting outside the locker rooms to drive home. you knew first hand just how much he wanted to win against midoriya. he'd confessed to you how they used to be close friends, but after midoriya 'lied' about getting excepted into an overseas junior team, he had been ostracized from katsuki's life.
they hadn't faced each other since last season, the bracket hadn't allowed for it. until today.
you, katsuki's girlfriend since before he got drafted into a team, were pepping him up before the first interval. his teammates already knew about you, but the public didn't.
katsuki preferred in this way, he thought. saying "those damn publicists would shove cameras and mics down our throats if they knew." you didn't mind either way, the bile of jealousy at every woman who thought they had a chance with katsuki going away after multiple times of him cursing them out.
katsuki had never had to experience that though, not until today.
you were in the stands, the front row of one of the many sections in the rink. it was a full house today, but you stood out because of your limited edition jersey given to you by katsuki himself.
while the practice period was going on, he was calming himself down. his coach had told him that a clear head is all he needed to beat midoriya into a pulp, or something like that. 'easy shit.' he thought.
but like a shark who smelled blood, his pupils dilated severely as he saw him throwing a puck to you. you caught it, raising your hand to thank him and you let an appreciative smile, flipping it over to see his number on the back of it (how did he even write that?). at your shocked expression, he laughed.
and he had the audacity to make a phone sign with his hand after?
oh, he was gonna need to call someone once bakugo was done with him, he was sure of it.
the promise of calm was gone as fast as it came, an impossibly angrier katsuki coming back as he finished warm ups.
at the sound of the timer, katsuki played aggressive. the first 20 minutes was full of this mentally. he was rushing in and hitting, shoving anyone in his way. he 'accidentally' launched the puck into midoriya's helmet at the fifteen minute mark.
the teams managed to stay even though, but katsuki was scoring a majority of the points for his team. the only thing in his way was midoriya, like always.
midoriya, who kept his eyes locked on you while the puck wasn't in play. who kept waving to his fans, but sending winks to you.
katsuki had decided to murder him. or rather, his team.
he hit another puck in easily, already having the game be the highest scoring one in the league for the year. midoriya managed to match one up again, barely keeping on his heels.
the score was now 5-5, katsuki wanted to finish it in this interval. going into a sudden death overtime would just be too tiring.
they were tied again with only 2 minutes left on the clock. all it took was midoriya to eye you again, that was enough to spite bakugo.
with a minute left he finally got control of the puck, as midoriya got in his way. katsuki predicted a fake out, and sent the puck flying with a curve.
as the keeper missed, and with 3 seconds left.
he scored.
the arena cheered, the cameras caught on midoriya's smirk and small claps, the pissed off looks from midoriya's teammates, and the celebration of katsuki's team.
they had to play again to let the puck slide for 3 seconds, out of courtesy, but katsuki took a victory lap, looking straight at you.
the second he was free he walked straight through the rink, much to his manager's dismay. this caught the attention of the media, who had all eyes on him. he saw none of it, passing by fans without a care in the world as he grabbed your face and kissed you, making you drop the puck.
midoriya was seen with an 'ohhh' expression on his face as the rink went crazy, flashes all in your faces as katsuki pulled back, hips lips now smeared with your lip gloss. you two were on the jumbotron, and you awkwardly waved as the attention was focused on you two suddenly.
"didn't i tell you so? these losers are breathing down our throats."
"yeah, oh my god kats' your eye!" you gasped as you saw the bruise starting to form over his eye.
he wore a stupid smirk on his face as you fussed over him. his eyes squinted as he saw the rival team give themselves 'good luck next times' and 'we'll get em back's. midoriya in particular was being the captain as always, cheering up his team though occasionally looking back at you. katsuki sneered, he won the game and the girl! take that deku.
"why do you have that dumbass look on your face?"
"hah?! my face isn't dumb woman!"
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lilacmingi · 2 days
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. And please don’t spam-like!
Pairing: Dr. Facilier!Mingi x fem!reader
Word count: 8,130
Note: I was rereading over this while drafting it here from my Wattpad and I totally forgot how much I loved it 😫
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The sound of the front door being slammed shut echoed throughout your home, followed by the sound of keys being dropped into the glass bowl kept in the foyer.
"You're not gonna believe what just happened." Your brother, Wooyoung, hissed angrily as he stormed into the living room.
"What?" You asked, rolling your eyes.
"I went to that voodoo guy and he screwed me over."
"You what?" You sat upright, giving him a sharp glare. "You know those people are quacks."
"I was curious." He defended.
"What exactly did this guy do?"
"He did some card reading to predict my future and it was horrible."
"I don't see what the problem is. You paid to have your future told."
"He was all upbeat and excited saying that he saw a bright future for me and then when I paid him and pulled cards, he told me I was gonna lose all my money and die alone."
"Seems pretty accurate to me."
"Hey!" He huffed, slapping your arm.
"It's the truth! You lost money on that reading."
"Don't you get it? He made me think I was gonna get a good reading and I didn't. I was tricked."
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"I don't know. Something."
"Do something, Y/n." He whined, shoving your shoulder.
"Cut it out."
"Not until you do something."
"You can take care of it yourself. If you're not satisfied, go talk to the guy."
"If I go back, he'll recognize me. Plus, he has a sign up that says no refunds."
You stared up at the purple and green sign that read: Dr. Song's Voodoo Emporium. There were two torches up on either side of the sign, casting an orange glow on the letters.
You didn't even know why you were there. Maybe you did care that Wooyoung got scammed or maybe you knew he wouldn't quit complaining about losing money if you didn't do something.
"It's now or never." You muttered to yourself before pulling open the creaky door and stepping inside.
"Welcome." A deep and somewhat husky voice greeted you from somewhere in the shadows. "You know, I always say fate brings people into my little shop."
Suddenly, the room was illuminated by many candles and lanterns, all being set aflame on their own and all at once. Stepping out from the dark shadows was a tall, slim man with silvery hair pushed away from his face. He donned an outfit consisting of a vest, an animal print suit jacket, dark trousers, and boots. In his hand was a cane with a gold skull on the end.
"So, darling, do you think fate brought you here?" He asked, extending his hand to you.
"I think you ripping off my brother brought me here." You answered.
He retracted his hand, his strong brows tugging together. "What ever do you mean?"
"You scammed my brother."
"I don't know your brother." He stated.
"You told him you saw a bright future for him and when he got a card reading, you told him he would lose all his money and die alone."
"Sorry to inform you, but I can't control that."
"Yeah, right."
"I swear. It's not me. It's the cards."
"The cards?" You scoffed. "Please."
"It's true. I don't decide people's futures."
"I knew it. You're just a scam artist." You hissed, stalking towards the exit.
"Woah, woah, woah, woah!" The man hurried to stand in front of the door, his hands up as he tried to stop you from leaving.
You sighed, crossing your arms as you waited to hear what he had to say.
"I'm a man who likes to make bargains. So, how about this? I give your brother another reading for free if you let me give you a reading right now."
"You scammed my brother and you think I want a reading from you? No thanks. I'm not interested in your tricks."
"No tricks."
"You're lying. I know how con men like you work."
"Fine. I guess you don't want to help your brother."
"You know that's not true."
"Oh, but it is. If you really wanted to help your brother, you would take this simple deal."
"Why do you want to give me a reading so badly?"
"Can I not give a pretty lady a free reading?"
Your eyes narrowed. "If I do this, you'll give my brother another reading?"
"Of course." He grinned, extending his hand. "What do you say?"
"Fine." You give in, shaking his hand.
"Wonderful." He smiled, gesturing to a round table in the middle of the room. "Have a seat."
I can't believe I'm doing this. You thought to yourself.
"I don't want any funny business, Dr. Song."
"Please, call me Mingi. And I can assure you, no funny business."
In a flash, a deck of tarot cards appeared in his hands. He shuffled through them before fanning them out across the table, three of them sticking out from the rest.
"Oh." Mingi gasped. "It seems fate has already picked for you."
That's weird.
You didn't even see him touch the cards. They just moved on their own.
Mingi flipped the cards over, humming to himself. "Interesting."
"What?" You inquired, leaning forward to get a look at the cards.
"You're lonely, aren't you?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're lonely." He looked up at you, his dark irises boring into yours.
"No. I'm not."
The corner of Mingi's mouth twitched as a breathy chuckle left him. "You are."
"I'm not. I'm content."
"Are you?"
"I..." You trailed off, swallowing.
Were you lonely? You didn't feel lonely. Not all the time, anyway.
"You've never been one for relationships, have you?" Mingi inquired, tapping on the first card.
"How do you know that?"
"I know all. Past, present, and even the future. And it seems to me that you've always been hesitant of getting into relationships. You say you're content now and, while that may be true, you're unhappy." He tapped on the second card, most likely indicating the present.
"I'm not unhappy." You denied.
"Deep down, you are. I see it clear as day." His sharp eyes stayed focused on you.
You didn't like the way he was looking at you. It felt like he was staring right into your soul, reading your every emotion.
"Let's see your future, shall we?"
He glanced down at the third card, his brows raising in fascination .
"Seems like you're going to find love in an unexpected place." Mingi's head tilted, a strand of silvery hair falling over his forehead. "A very unexpected place."
You blinked a few times, waiting for him to continue. "And?"
"That's all."
"That's it."
"What will he look like? Where will I meet him? How long will it be until I meet him?"
"I don't know."
"But you said you could see the past, present, and future."
"To a certain extent. I don't know all the details."
You pressed your lips together, feeling slightly peeved. To your disappointment, you couldn't exactly be mad at him. The reading wasn't a bad one, it just wasn't as detailed as you'd hoped. Part of you wanted to hear more, but the other part wanted to leave that place as quickly as possible.
"You seem rather interested for a person who thinks I'm a scam artist." Mingi smirked.
You immediately backpedaled. "I'm not interested. I just expected more detail."
"That's not how my readings work. In fact, that's not how any readings work. You don't always get what you want."
"Well, I let you give me a reading, so a deal's a deal. You give my brother another reading for free. No tricks."
"Of course." He placed one hand over his chest and raised the other. "I assure you, I'm a man of my word."
"We'll see about that." You turned on your heel, ready to leave the establishment.
"Wait. I never got your name."
"You don't need it."
You reached for the doorknob only to have the lock turned by some strange shadow that resembled Mingi. The sight was unsettling and caused you to step away from the entrance.
You glared over your shoulder at Dr. Song.
"Unlock it."
"I'd like your name first."
"It's Y/n."
The door unlocked in an instant.
"That wasn't so hard, now was it?"
You abruptly pulled the door open, ready to leave. You had only taken one step outside when Mingi called out for you again.
"One more thing."
You huffed out a sigh of annoyance as you turned towards the fortune teller.
"Here's my card." He held a small business card between his middle and index finger, offering it to you. "In case you ever need me."
You took the card from him, knowing you'd never use it.
"I'll see you around, my dear." He waved as he watched you leave the shop.
"I get another reading?" Wooyoung asked.
"Yes. No charge."
"Will it be a good one?" He questioned, skeptically.
"He didn't say."
"What if I get a bad reading again?" He whined.
"You should just be thankful he offered you another for free."
"You're right. Thanks for going down there."
"You're welcome."
"So, should we go down there tomorrow?"
"We? No, no, no, no. There is no we. You're going down there alone. I'm not going back there." You denied.
"Why not?"
"He's annoying."
"That's not a valid excuse."
"I don't see why I have to accompany you."
"What if he tries something? Any tricks, I mean."
"He promised no tricks."
"I still want you to come with me."
And that's how you ended up back at Dr. Song's Voodoo Emporium... again.
"I don't wanna do this." You groaned.
"It won't be that bad. We'll be in and out in no time." Wooyoung assured you.
You highly doubted that.
Your annoyingly optimistic brother stepped inside, pulling you with him.
The shop was lit up better than the previous day, allowing you to see all the strange doodads inside: jars lined up on driftwood shelves, bottles of of every shape and size filled with multicolored liquids, books with foreign symbols on the spines, even animal skulls.
"Well, look who's wandered back into my shop."
You rolled your eyes as Mingi stepped from the shadows, making yet another dramatic entrance.
"It wasn't by choice." You stated.
"I'm here for my free reading." Wooyoung spoke up, stupidly unaware of the tension between you and Mingi.
"Ah, yes. Wooyoung, right?"
Your brother nodded.
"Come. Have a seat. Since your last reading for the future was bad, I'll give you a redo for it."
"Sounds good."
You stood off to the side, giving the two some space. From there, you watched Mingi, making sure he didn't pull any tricks.
He pulled out his deck of tarot cards, shuffling them around before presenting them to Wooyoung.
"Pick three cards and we'll see what your future holds."
Your brother's hand hovered over the cards laid out across the tabletop until he selected his first card, then the second, then the third. Each selection was made carefully, as he didn't want to get another bad reading.
"Alright. Let's see what we have here." Mingi hummed, flipping over the first card.
"Oh. This one is good. It means that you'll have some luck."
Mingi then flipped over the second card.
"Mhm." He hummed, with a nod. "This one could mean that there will be a rough patch for you at some point."
Wooyoung frowned.
Mingi flipped over the last card, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Well, it seems that you'll get through that rough patch and be content in where you are in life."
"Really?" Wooyoung asked.
Mingi nodded.
"What about getting rich? You mentioned that last time before you got me to pay for a reading."
"Ah. Well, I can make that happen for you if you still want it."
Your brows furrowed as you watched their exchange, feeling unsettled by Mingi's words, as well as his shifty behavior.
"Yes!" Your brother answered, enthusiastically. "Is that even possible?"
"Of course it is, Wooyoung. I have friends on the other side that can help me to change your future around."
"Woah. Seriously?"
"Of course. I can make your dreams come true. What do you say?" Mingi extended his hand out towards Wooyoung.
As your brother reached towards Mingi's hand, you saw that shadow from the day before reaching towards Wooyoung. Sensing that something wasn't right, you jumped into action, lunging forward and pulling your naive brother's hand away.
Wooyoung looked at you with wide eyes and an expression that said, 'What's wrong with you?'
"Are you insane?!" You shrieked.
"No. I'd say I'm the complete opposite actually. I'm about to be rich!"
"No you're not, you idiot. He's trying to trick you. Are you not even the slightest bit worried by these so-called 'friends from the other side'? There could be some serious repercussions to this."
"Uh..." He trailed off.
"Are you seriously going to trust the guy who scammed you?"
His jaw dropped in realization.
"You!" He pointed at Mingi. "You we're trying to trick me again."
"You almost fell for it." He muttered under his breath.
"Unbelievable." You scoffed. "We're leaving."
Wooyoung stood up and the two of you started to walk out.
"Don't be like that." Mingi called out.
"Look, my brother got his free reading and that's that. We're done here."
You didn't allow him any more time to speak as you and Wooyoung left the shop, slamming the door behind you.
"Now do you see why I wanted you to come with me?" Wooyoung asked once the two of you were outside.
"I do. I'm glad I was there, but that doesn't mean I wanted to be."
"You're right. He's a total scam artist."
"I know. Good news is, we won't have to deal with him ever again. You got your free reading, so everything is settled."
Wooyoung gave a nod of finality as the two of you walked away.
You scanned the shelves for any snacks that caught your eye. Wooyoung was in "desperate" need of honey butter chips and annoyed you into going to the convenience store. You figured since you were going out of your way to get his snacks, you might as well get something for yourself.
"Well, would you look at that."
Your brows furrowed at the familiar voice. Turning your head, you spotted someone you didn't expect to see.
Mingi stood at the end of the aisle with one hand resting on his cane and a shopping basket over his other arm, a smug grin on his face.
"You've gotta be kidding me." You muttered.
"What was that?" He asked, walking over.
"Why are you here?" You questioned, ignoring him.
"What does it look like?"
He chuckled. "Just because we happen to be at the same place at the same time doesn't mean I'm stalking you. You know what I call it?"
"Well, I call it annoying." You remarked, walking away.
"Ouch." Mingi hissed. "Those are harsh words."
"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have shopping to do."
You left the aisle you were in, not wanting to share the same area with that fraud. You relocated to a different aisle, perusing the snacks there, picking up a couple things. To your disappointment, Mingi had followed you.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"Because I have no interest in speaking to you. Nor do I have a reason to speak to you."
"That's a shame."
"Yeah. A real shame." You remarked sarcastically.
You tried, yet again, to get away from him, but to no avail. No matter where you went, he followed.
"Why don't you tell me about yourself? Do you have any hobbies?" He inquired.
"Is that your way of flirting? If so, you're doing a terrible job."
He had that same shameless smirk on his face, letting you know that he didn't care that he was annoying you to no end. You already have Wooyoung harassing you at home, you didn't need another one.
"Come on. I wanna know more about you, darling."
"Don't call me that."
"Why?" He asked, leaning over your shoulder. "Does it make your heart race? Hm?"
"No, it makes me want to throw up."
"You are merciless." Chuckled Mingi. "Don't worry, though. I'm a very persuasive man. I'm sure I could get you to change your tune."
Your patience was wearing thin. You didn't know how much more you could take. This man's incessant questions and flirty remarks were beginning to drive you to madness.
"Look," You started, placing a bag of snacks into your basket. "I'm not interested, okay? Nothing you say and nothing you do will change my mind, got it?"
Mingi's brows raised at your harsh words, but you could see that he wasn't affected by them. In fact, he actually had the audacity to smirk.
"We'll see about that."
Weeks passed and every time you left the house, you ran into Mingi. It didn't matter where you went, he was always there. He had somehow found a way to be exactly where you were every single time—and it was annoying.
Mingi's shadow slipped underneath the front door of his shop, slinking across the walls until it got to the office located in the back.
"Ah. There you are." Mingi greeted. "What have you found out?"
His shadow moved close to him, leaning in, telling him something in a hushed voice.
"What's that?" Mingi asked, leaning closer so he could hear better.
His shadow whispered in his ear, a smirk tugging at Mingi's lips as he listened to the information his shadow provided him.
"Ah. So, she's going to an art festival? Perhaps I'll pay her a visit."
You walked along the sidewalk, browsing the tents set up on the street. There were many different artists selling a wide variety of wares. From uniquely-shaped vases to colorful works of art—they had it all. You enjoyed going places alone every once in a while, so when you heard about a nearby art festival, you knew you had to check it out.
Your fingers ran over a canvas painting, feeling the texture of the pigment. Bright colors were spread across the surface, layered and mixed to make different hues and shadows in the artwork.
"This is a really nice painting." You told the vendor. "How long did it take you?"
"Around 48 hours."
"Woah. That's a lot of work."
"It is." The vendor nodded. "But, I enjoy it, so I don't even realize how much time passes."
You smiled softly.
You loved hearing about the interests and hobbies of others, especially how they enjoy it so much it doesn't feel like work or that they get so immersed in it that they lose track of time.
"Fate just keeps bringing us together."
The soft smile on your face fell immediately.
That better not be who I think it is.
You slowly turned towards Mingi who stood behind you, propped on his cane that he constantly carried with him.
Every time you saw him, he was wearing some sort of vest and jacket, each one with a different pattern or color. Today was no different, except that there were round glasses perched on his nose. You had to admit, the spectacles made him appear softer in a way.
You paused.
The mere thought that Mingi looked softer put you back in your place. You quickly reminded yourself that this man was a scam artist (and a stalker, apparently) and shook away any thoughts about him being remotely soft, pushing them away to the deepest corners of your mind, hoping they wouldn't resurface.
You told the vendor goodbye and wished them luck on their sales before approaching Mingi, your expression cold and void of any emotion except anger and annoyance.
"If you don't quit stalking me, I'm going to call the cops."
"The cops? I'd like to see them try and do something." He chuckled.
"Why can't you just leave me alone? I only visited your measly little shop to right a wrong for my brother. The deal is done. I have no business with you any more, so I don't know why you keep following me around."
Mingi tilted his head to the side, an amused expression plastered on his face.
"What do you want from me?" You asked flat-out, not cutting any corners.
"I want you, Y/n."
You weren't expecting that answer at all. You tried to cover up the fact that you were caught off guard, responding in a cold voice.
"You can't have me."
"Is that a challenge?" He raised a brow.
"No. It's a statement."
You turned on your heel, leaving him standing on the sidewalk. You didn't care that you had ditched him. After all, he's the one who encroached on your day out.
A nearby tent caught your attention. The vendor had many intricate wood carvings on display. They were so beautiful that you stopped for a moment to admire them, complimenting the man on his incredible handiwork. You chatted with him for a moment, asking how he makes such complex creations. You ended up purchasing a small keychain with a carving of a skull hanging from it.
You continued down the street, taking a few moments to check out anything that caught your eye. One of those items was a medium-sized canvas with multicolored neon shapes painted on the surface. The background was black, making the vibrant hues stand out. You loved it and you had to have it.
Greeting the woman running the booth, you immediately picked up the canvas, mentioning how much you loved it. After glancing at the price, you decided you would purchase it. You looked down only for a moment, digging through your wallet to retrieve some cash for the lady. You had just counted out the money when a hand extended past you, neatly folded bills held between two slender, ring-clad fingers.
"I got it covered."
The lady took the money, thanking the person. You turned to see Mingi behind you, his tall form leaned over you slightly. You had to keep it together long enough for the vendor to hand you the canvas which had been placed in a plastic shopping bag. You gave her a friendly smile and wished her luck on the rest of her sales before walking away so she wouldn't hear you scream at Mingi.
As much as you wanted to think he bought that for you out of the kindness of his heart, you knew he didn't. He had something up his sleeve.
"Aren't you gonna thank me?" Mingi asked before you had the chance to say anything to him.
"Ah. Well, I suppose that's fine. However, you do owe me."
"I beg your pardon?" You asked, stopping in your tracks.
"You owe me." He repeated.
"I don't owe you anything."
"Oh, but you do. I just paid for that painting."
"That was your choice. I had nothing to do with it."
"You still owe me."
"You know what?" You muttered, digging through your wallet. You pulled out enough money to cover the cost of the painting, shoving the cash into his chest. He stumbled a bit, placing his hand over the money to keep it from falling.
"I paid you back. We're square now." You told him.
"Did you?" He raised a brow.
You narrowed your eyes at him as he showed you an empty hand. You looked in your wallet, then began patting down your pockets, reaching into one of them, pulling out the wad of cash you'd just given to Mingi.
"Wh-what? How did you—"
"Like I said, you owe me."
"You... you..." Trailing off, you tried to find the right words to describe the man in front of you. "You snake!"
He seemed unfazed by the attempted insult.
"Whatever it is you're wanting me to do, I won't do it." You snapped.
"Spend the day with me." He told you.
"You really think I want to spend the day watching you scam people? No thanks."
"Would you rather do something else? I'm sure I could think of other ways for you to make it up to me." He told you, his eyes looking you up and down.
Your mouth fell open. "You sicko."
"That's not what I meant." He huffed. "Look, I just want you to spend the day with me, that's all. Come hang out at my shop with me."
"I'm not interested." You told him, sternly.
"Excuse me, young lady." Someone called out, catching your attention.
You turned towards the voice to see where it was coming from. A man in a black coat wearing many odd necklaces made of bone stepped out into the street.
"Me?" You pointed to yourself.
"What is it?" You inquired, stepping towards the man's tent, noticing all the unique and odd jewelry he sold.
"You are quite a stunning young woman."
"Oh. Thank you." You responded, thrown off by the strange and sudden compliment.
"I think you'd look lovely wearing this necklace." He grabbed a black velvet box from behind the table, opening it up to show you the product.
The chain was silver and on the end was a unique pendant, one that you'd never seen before. An iridescent stone was encased in intricate, silver designs. The gemstone is what really caught your attention. It changed colors in the light, looking purple from one direction, then a green-ish teal color from the other. But, if you looked at it straight on, it was a mix of colors—it was enchanting.
"It's beautiful." You commented.
"I made it myself." The man told you, removing it from the box. "Go on. Have a look. You can try it on if you'd like."
You stepped forward, your hand reaching for the necklace. Just then, Mingi's hand shot out, grabbing onto your wrist before you could even touch the pendant. You turned to him with a questioning look on your face.
"Sorry, but we're not interested." He told the man in a stern tone, his voice dangerously low.
The vendor gave Mingi a hard glare as you were dragged away.
"What was that about?" You asked once the man was out of earshot.
"There was a bad energy surrounding that necklace." Mingi responded, his face solemn. "It's probably cursed."
"Cursed? Why would someone try to sell me a cursed necklace?"
"There are dangerous people in the world who love meddling with the lives of others."
"Isn't that what you do?"
"No. I help people. Sometimes I have sneaky ways of doing it, but it's nothing like what that man does."
"You both trick people. I don't see the difference." You stated.
"That may be true, but at least I don't try and sell people cursed items."
You were about to tease him for admitting that he indeed scams people, but you knew all along, so there was no need to joke about it.
You did feel a little touched by the fact that he stopped you from getting a malediction from a cursed necklace. You honestly didn't think he had it in him.
"I'll spend the day with you." You spoke up.
"What?" Mingi turned to you, his normally sharp and narrow eyes now wide in surprise, glimmering with hope.
You had to stop yourself from fawning over how insanely adorable his eyes were.
You cleared your throat before repeating yourself. "I'll spend the day with you."
"Really? What made you change your mind?"
"You just saved me from catching a curse. I guess I owe you for that."
The very next day you found yourself standing in Mingi's voodoo shop again, this time on your own volition. You walked around the room, getting a good look at everything inside. If you were going to be there all day, you might as well make the most of it.
He had all sorts of strange knickknacks, trinkets, and novelties. One of those being lucky rabbit foot keychains. You figure that was typical for a voodoo shop. On the driftwood shelf, besides all the strange liquid-filled bottles, there appeared to be elixirs and bath salts, some promising good luck, while others just promised a boost of energy. In a basket under a wall of ominous-looking masks were dozens of voodoo dolls.
"Do people actually use these?" You asked.
"They sure do, my dear." Mingi answered.
"Seriously?" You turned towards him. "Do they work?"
"Would you like to test one and find out?"
You recoiled your hand, not liking how confident his tone was. "No thanks."
"Very well. The offer is still on the table if you change your mind." He hummed, straightening his jacket and smoothing his hair out.
The door to the shop opened, catching your attention. A customer stepped inside, looking around the small building.
"Ah. Welcome." Mingi greeted. "Is there anything I can help you with on this fine morning?"
"I was told you do card readings." The young man spoke.
"I do indeed. Have a seat."
You watched as Mingi's shadow moved across the floor, pulling the chair out for the customer. Every time you saw his shadow move, you got a shiver down your spine. Something wasn’t right. It may be Mingi's shadow, but it seems to have a mind of its own and is beyond his control.
"Am I interrupting something?" The man asked, noticing your presence.
"No. She's just watching me work, that's all." Mingi brushed it off. "So, what would you like to know? Your future? Or maybe there's a certain someone you have your eye on and you want to see if you'll win them over. Hm?" He raised a curious brow.
"Y-yes! How'd you know that?" The man questioned.
"I know everything. I can see right into your heart and soul." He responded, shuffling his tarot cards.
Mingi then began the card reading, holding them out to the customer. He selected his cards and Mingi begin interpreting each one. He shook his head, making a tsk sound.
"Seems like you won't ever get with this girl."
"What?" The man frowned.
"Yes. The cards are telling me that she'll find someone else."
You crossed your arms, upset by the man's reading.
"Aw. Don't look so down." Mingi cooed, placing the end of his cane under the man's chin, using it to lift the his head. "I have something that'll help win her heart."
"Really?" The man's face lit up instantly.
"Of course." Mingi stood from his chair, striding over to a cabinet. He retrieved a small box, carrying it over to the table. He open it up revealing a beautiful necklace with a heart- shaped charm.
"That's beautiful."
"It's powerful too."
"The necklace is charmed. If you put it on her, she'll fall in love with you."
"For real?"
Mingi nodded.
"Hm." The man hummed. "Do you have anything else?"
Mingi seemed disappointed, but turned up the charm, smiling brightly. "Of course."
He strode over to the shelf of bottles, retrieving one of them. "How about a love potion?"
You rolled your eyes.
Yeah, right.
"A love potion?" The customer parroted.
"Yes. If you give her some of this, she'll fall for you instantly."
"Really? How do you know?"
"I got it from my friends on the other side. They can make all sorts of magic potions."
Friends on the other side?
He's said that before. As far as you know, you've only seen his shadow, so who are these friends of his?
"How much?" The man asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
You cleared your throat, grabbing Mingi's attention. You stared at him intently, shaking your head no, silently telling him not to trick that man.
"Excuse me a moment." Mingi walked over to you, making sure you were both far enough from the man that he wouldn't hear.
"What are you doing?" You whispered harshly.
"Business." He responded, plainly.
"No you're not. You're scamming. What's the truth behind that necklace? And that so-called love potion?"
"Well, they both really do work. If he uses the love potion, he has to be the first person she sees. The necklace only works when she's wearing it. And as soon as the necklace is clasped around her neck, her soul immediately belongs to my friends on the other side."
"What?!" You whisper-yelled trying not to completely freak out. "You're gonna let him sell this girl's soul without knowing?"
"If he chooses the necklace, yeah."
"How can you be so nonchalant about this? Do you not have any remorse?"
"I have to please my friends on the other side."
"You see, doll. I have these friends—beings, if you will. They help me make things become a reality for people, but they need something in return. I do the bidding for them and give them what they want, and in return, they give me something I want."
"That's sick." You spat.
"It's just business, dear." He brushed you off, returning to his unsuspecting customer.
"So, what do you say?" He asked, taking his place back at the table.
"How much for the necklace?"
"Free of charge." Mingi smiled. "All I ask is payment for the card reading. That's it."
The customer was enticed by the offer and was ready to accept.
Knowing what you know now, you didn't want the poor guy to get caught up in a bigger mess. You stared Mingi down, shaking your head. He stared back, his eyes not leaving yours for a long moment as he reconsidered. Then, before the customer could answer, he spoke up.
"Actually," Mingi started. "Forget the necklace, the potion too. There's another way you can possibly change the outcome of all this."
"Really? How?"
"What you need to do is take her out. Ask her on a date and see where it goes from there."
"Are you sure?"
Mingi nodded. "I can't guarantee that it will work, but it's worth a shot. The sooner you do it, the better. That way no one else snags her before you."
"Okay. I think I can muster up the courage to ask her. Thank you so much." The man smiled, pulling money from his pocket. "I'll definitely try that."
Mingi took the cash from him. "Before you go, take this." He grabbed a rabbit's foot keychain, placing it into the man's hand. "Good luck."
"Wow. Thanks a lot!" The customer beamed, leaving the shop.
As soon as the door closed, the fortune teller turned to you.
"Are you happy? You probably screwed me out of a customer." He grumbled, counting the cash.
You saw his eyes widen before he began to frantically recount the bills in his hand.
"He paid me extra."
"He paid me a few dollars more than what I charge." He gaped.
"Yeah. He must have really liked my advice." Mingi smiled, shoving the money into his pocket. "I'm a genius."
"You wouldn't have given that advice had I not stopped you from completely ruining his life."
He pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes. "Fine. I suppose you have a point."
Throughout the day, you watched Mingi give readings to people and try to sell them items that you knew had a twisted backstory to them. Somehow, you were able to get him to rethink things and give his customers an actual solution to their problems rather than scamming them into purchasing something that would possibly ruin their lives.
All in all, you'd say your time spent with Mingi wasn't all that bad and you were glad that you were able to possibly save the souls of a few people during your time in the shop.
"Well, today was... enlightening to say the least." You said. "I should go now."
You prepared to leave until Mingi stopped you.
"Would you like something to eat before you go home? You've been here all day and neither of us have eaten. I'll pay."
"You won't use it as an excuse to say I owe you again, will you?"
"No." He shook his head. "Promise."
You were pretty hungry and you couldn't turn down free food, so you agreed. A delivery order was called in shortly. You assisted Mingi in tidying up his shop after a long day while you waited for your meal to be delivered.
Half an hour passed and you found yourself sitting at the round table in the middle of the shop chatting with Mingi while the two of you ate.
"So, what did you think?" Mingi asked, grabbing a large bite of ramen.
"Well, I didn't like how you tried to trick people. I did, however, like what you told them after you chose to be honest."
He couldn't help but feel proud of himself after hearing your words. At first, he was angry that you made him feel guilty for attempting to scam people, but as the day went on, he realized it wasn't so bad. He'd have to find a way to make up for it when he contacts his friends on the other side later, but he wasn't really worried about that at the moment. He was having a wonderful time with you.
Mingi's shadow was agitated that you managed to get in his head and talk him out of striking any deals. The shadow knew you were bad news from the start. You deterred Mingi from doing many tasks, which caused his friends on the other side to become impatient. What happened today would be the cherry on top. They would show him no mercy if he continued this behavior.
"So, the voodoo dolls do work?" You questioned.
"Of course."
"I bet you sell those to people without warning them of the consequences." You commented.
"On the contrary. I actually do warn people before they buy those. I don't want anyone to do something they'll regret."
You looked at Mingi's expression and the way his eyes stared into yours. He was telling the truth.
"Hm. So you do care for your customers." You teased playfully.
He let out a chuckle. "Of course I do."
"This food is great, by the way. Thanks for buying."
"It's the least I could do. I know you didn't exactly want to be here today."
"Actually, if I'm being honest, it wasn't all that bad. Also, I appreciated the way you protected me yesterday when that weirdo tried to sell me a cursed necklace. I felt like I really did owe you."
"I just didn't want you to get yourself in a messy situation. Truth is, I care about you a lot." Mingi admitted.
His words surprised you and made your heart melt at the same time.
Before you could process what was going on, Mingi's shadow lunged for you, knocking you from your chair, pinning you to the ground.
You let out a yelp, struggling to pull yourself off the floor. You couldn't help but wonder how a shadow was so strong.
"Hey!" Mingi shouted. "What are you doing?"
He got up from his seat so fast, his chair nearly fell over. "Get off of her!" He roared, his voice so gravelly and threatening that it sent a shiver down your spine.
Then, you felt the ghostly grip on your wrists disappear. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, your heart pounding violently against your rib cage.
"Y/n." Mingi panted. "I'm so sorry. I... it's never done that before. I swear I had nothing to do with it."
"I need to go home." You responded, your mind in a haze.
"Wait. Please—"
"I can't handle this." You told him, heading towards the door. "I'm sorry. I need to leave."
That's the last time Mingi saw you.
You were in the middle of cleaning your room, tossing things you didn't want into a donate box and throwing away invoices from past online orders and other paper junk into the trash.
There was a knock on the front door, but you paid no mind to it, assuming your brother would answer it since you had your hands full at the moment.
However, the knocking persisted.
"Wooyoung! Can you not hear there's someone at the door?" You shouted down the hallway.
"Yeah." He called back from the living room.
"Are not gonna answer it? I'm kinda busy."
"You do it. I'm in the middle of a drama."
You let out a long sigh, stomping into the living room.
"Can you not pause it?"
"No." He responded, his eyes glued to the TV.
"You're unbearable." You said through gritted teeth, going to answer the door.
The person on the other side was not who you were expecting.
Mingi stood at your doorstep, his head hanging low. You would have told him to go away had you not noticed he wasn't wearing his usual getup. Instead of his customary vest and cardigan or suit jacket combo, he had on a white dress shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks. It was much more toned-down than the outfits he usually wore.
Before you could open your mouth, he spoke.
"I'm done."
"I cut ties with the shadow realm."
"For you."
"For me?" You parroted.
He nodded. "This crooked and shady life I'm living isn't the life I want. Especially if it ends up hurting you."
"This isn't a trick... is it?" You inquired.
He shook his head.
"So, let me get this straight. You cut ties with those friends of yours for me?"
"I did."
"And what about your...shadow?" Your eyes trailed to look at the shape cast along the concrete walkway behind him.
He followed your gaze, noticing your uneasy behavior. "It's gone. Just a normal shadow now. Cutting ties got rid of all the abilities I had."
"I see."
"I'm really sorry about what happened that evening at my shop. I had no control over my shadow. It just attacked without warning. Truthfully, I think it's because it knew—"
"Y/n! Who's at the door?" Wooyoung shouted from the living room, cutting Mingi off.
You let out a sigh, rolling your eyes.
"None of your business!" You shouted back before turning to Mingi. "I'm sorry about him."
"It's fine. Maybe we could just stand outside and talk." He suggested. "That way we have some privacy."
"Good idea."
You stepped outside, closing the front door so Wooyoung wouldn't try to eavesdrop.
"Alright. You were saying?"
"Right. My shadow... I think it knew that I was going soft."
"Going soft?" You inquired.
"Yes." He nodded, taking in a deep breath like he was preparing to say something extremely important. "Y/n, I was drawn to you from the start. I got my shadow to follow you around after you first came to my shop. That's how I always knew where you were. I just wanted to see you any chance I got. Then, my feelings began to get more serious and I wanted to do things to make you happy. I wanted to protect you. I guess my shadow realized that I was becoming soft and drifting from my old ways. It tired to hurt you because it thought you were getting in the way."
There was so much information to take in. Mingi had his shadow follow you? But, he likes you and obviously cares for you. Not only that, but he's changing his ways for you. He cut ties with the shadow realm for you. That's a pretty big commitment.
"You were right for calling me a stalker. In a way, I was. I'm sorry." He apologized.
"Actually, it's okay. Technically, it wasn't you following me. Also, I can see that you've changed drastically. You're not the same voodoo shop owner I met a month ago."
Mingi's heart soared hearing you say that. Knowing that he had, at the very least, earned your trust was a big accomplishment for him.
"So, would you maybe be willing to give us a chance?" He asked, softly, his hands finding yours.
Your eyes landed on your joined hands, looking at the way his large ones encased your smaller ones.
"I think..." You trailed off, looking back up at Mingi. "I think I'd be up for that."
His eyes became wide, looking rounder and more innocent, sparkling with hope.
"Yeah." You nodded.
Being caught in the moment, Mingi started to lean in, only to catch himself before he got too close.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, softly. His voice barely above a whisper. He didn't want to do anything you weren't okay with.
"You can."
Mingi then closed the narrow gap between your faces, his full and plush lips pressing delicately against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed immediately, melting into the kiss. His large hands let go of yours, holding the small of your back, pulling you against him. The closeness had your heart racing. You had never experienced anything like this before. You were feeling emotions and feelings you had never felt in your life. A rush of heat flooded your body and it felt like butterflies were running rampant in your stomach. All these new feelings were overwhelming but so amazing.
The feeling of Mingi's hands running up and down your back sent tingles up your spine, making you feel warm from the inside out.
Your fingers latched onto the ends of his silvery hair, grabbing at the long strands in the back. Based on the sigh he let out against your lips, he liked that.
After a while, you pulled away, feeling short of breath. You and Mingi stared at each other for a few moments, both of you panting, trying to catch your breath. Mingi's partially exposed chest rose up and down with each huff as his hooded eyes stared into yours. Your arms were wrapped around his slim waist, holding him tightly, not wanting to let go.
"You were right." You spoke up, still breathless.
"What do you mean?"
"About finding love in an unexpected place."
You could see Mingi's cheeks tint pink.
That's exactly what he said to you after your card reading. At the time, Mingi could see into the future, but even he didn't know who you would end up with. He had no idea he would be the one.
"I guess I found love in an unexpected place too." He admitted.
"Why do you seem so surprised? I thought you knew everything." You teased with a smirk.
He couldn't help but grin.
"As much as I hate to, I'd better get back inside. You know, before Wooyoung comes out here and starts harassing me."
"Right." Mingi chuckled.
"I'd like to see you again." You told him as you went to open the front door.
"You have my card. Just give me a call." He winked. "We'll sort something out."
Hongjoong: Hades ⟡ Seonghwa: Maleficent ⟡ Yunho: Captain Hook ⟡ Yeosang: Evil Queen ⟡ San: Cruella de Vil ⟡ Wooyoung: ⟡ Jongho:
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz @laylasbunbunny @iammeandmeisiam @delulu18
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 days
Hi gorgeous how you doing? I have a request for a few things so just hear me up on this. I just had this in my mind by the way jey uso x reader Rhea and Damian has been friends with the reader since NX T but when the Yeet master comes along they started to be friends but the reader gets hurt  badly not so good judgement day ( i’m sorry to say that but the new judgement day nah) and who comes out and saves them terror twins and jey
jey uso x reader (romantic) / terror twins x reader (platonic)
likes, comments and reblogs are always welcomed !!!
‼️ a little angsty, fluff, the new judgment day being awful (just like they are)
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forever my girl
the bond between you, damian and rhea was unique. you’ve been friends since the old days at nxt, where the three of you tried to make it up to the top in the company. if you had any problem, any doubt, any question, you knew that you could count on rhea and damian, the same way they could count on you.
you all made it big, being drafted from nxt to smackdown and raw where you all gained more respect and success.
being on the big rosters meant that you all got to make more friends and so a few people started hanging out with you.
rhea and damian got lucky that they got paired together for being a part of the judgment day while managers thought of giving you a solo push. it was working really good for you as you have been both raw and smackdown woman’s champion. you won your matches at wrestlemania and summerslam, so everything was really working out for you.
even if you were all pretty booked, you never stopped seeing each others outside work. a few people joined you too, especially jey uso who couldn’t stop teasing and annoying rhea. you thought it was funny and you pranked her a few times together.
jey was nice to hang out with. he was kind and funny and never fail to make you laugh. you were all like one big happy family, the judgment day members too. but when the judgment day broke up at summerslam you knew that rhea and damian were going to be alone. jey was busy with the whole bloodline mess again and you knew that you had to pick a side.
so you went ringside at bash in berlin and stopped finn when he tried to ruin the match for rhea and damian. you helped rhea when her leg got stuck over the ring and you were ringside again when, much to your surprise, jey joined damian in a tag team match.
but now it was you facing liv morgan. one on one. and it was an easy match as you were basically destroying her. she wasn’t as strong as you were and it was easy for you to pin her down quickly. she was mad that she lost and of course, in judgment day style, she started hitting you. she hit your back while the ref held up your arm as you won the match. your back immediately feeling an intense pain, you tried to get up but she shoved you on the ground. finn, dom, jd and carlito circling the ring, so now you were trapped. live kept hurting you and it felt like hell.
suddenly, rhea’s music echoed in the arena and she tried to run as fast as she could to help you inside the ring.
but she was alone and hurt so she was an easy target for the group. only a few minutes later both damian and jey ran out and followed rhea’s lead.
as rhea tried to stop dominik from running away, finn and damian began fighting. jey ran inside the ring and liv, as the coward that she is, ran away and tried to save dom from rhea.
you were laying there, hurting.
jey kneeled next to you, trying to see if you were still conscious “y/n…” he softly whispered “are you still with me love?”
you wanted to answer but no words came out of your mouth, instead you nodded but the slightest movement made your head pulse.
“medical staff is coming…we got you, i got you love” he gently whispered, moving some hair from your face.
“everything hurts…” you whimpered, a few tears rolling down your cheeks. jey’s heart broke, he couldn’t stand to see you in pain.
he didn’t understand why. it’s not like you were dating but the idea of seeing you hurt and crying made his blood boil. he was so mad and at the same time so conflicted because he couldn’t do anything to help you.
medical staff got there immediately and when they tried to move you, a soft scream left your lips that made jey shiver.
“i got you love…” he whispered “let me carry you backstage okay? the stretcher is too uncomfortable for you…” you nodded at his proposal and even though you felt like your whole body was in flames “hey shh…i got you, you’re safe with me” he gently whispered leaving a kiss on your forehead “i got you” he kept repeating, mostly to himself because he needed to be sure that you were okay.
once he brought you backstage, rhea and damian followed along, both worried about your condition. jey followed the staff instructions and he gently laid you down over the stretcher waiting for you in the medical room.
“she will be okay” one of the nurses tried to reassure the trio but non of them dared to leave the room.
rhea and damian were pissed. it wasn’t fair for you. you won your match without cheating and yet they cheated and doing so, you ended up badly injured. jey was stressing out, he couldn’t really understand what he was feeling. he always thought that you were beautiful and kind but he never thought about you in a romantic way so why was he so angry? why was he hurting? he hated seeing you barely conscious on that bed, doctors working on you. you shouldn’t be there, no, you should be backstage happily celebrating your victory with your friends and family.
“is she okay?” jey asked, pacing back and forth around the room.
“we are still checking her out…she has a concussion from the hit on the head she got when liv attacked her from behind…probably a few broken ribs but she should be fine…we still need time to finish all the tests” one of the doctor spoke and jey felt like fainting. he was beyond mad.
rhea and damian watched how stressed jey was and they couldn’t really understand why.
“uce” damian called him “what’s going on?”
“what you mean?” he pretended everything was fine.
“we mean, why are you so stressed? rhea stepped up.
“why aren’t you? she is your best friend and you’re here without saying or doing anything…” he said, passing a hand over his hair.
“uce you gotta stay calm…” damian tried one more time.
“i can’t…” he whispered, trying not to break.
“what is going on jey?” rhea was confused. she never seen jey so agitated and uneasy.
he took a chair next to them and shook his head “i don’t know…when i saw her in the ring and she couldn’t move, i felt like someone was ripping part of my body off…i don’t know how to explain it but it hurts seeing her like this…and when i brought her backstage she was softly crying in my arms…and i couldn’t do anything to help her…”
damian was still confused but rhea immediately understood why jey was acting like that. a smirk appeared on her face, shocked that none of the men were able to understand the situation.
men - she thought.
“you have feelings for her jey” rhea said, a little smile appearing on her face.
“what?” he was shocked. he knew he had feelings for you but hearing someone saying that out loud made him unsure.
“you like her and it’s pretty evident. you can’t even stay sit for five minutes, always checking on her or what the doctors are doing…you have feelings for her and that’s okay…she’s my best friend and if you hurt her i’m gonna kick your ass, but you like her and that’s normal…” rhea tried to reassure a very confused and scared jey uso.
he looked at rhea with a confused look. maybe she was right. he couldn’t understand the sudden pull towards you. but all the time you’ve spent together, pranking rhea, flying together, watching movies and training together, he never realised how much he actually liked you and now, seeing you hurt, laying on a hospital bed made him feel so helpless. he wished he realised it sooner, he wished he could tell you how much he likes you.
“she needs to rest…at least one month at home, no wrestling, no training, just rest so she can get better” the doctor said to the three adults. all of them nodding their heads before medical staff left the room, leaving them alone for some privacy.
“do you wanna stay alone with her?” rhea asked jey. he nodded, moving the chair next to your bed while the duo left. you were still unconscious. jey didn’t know if you actually fainted or if the doctors gave you some painkillers to ease your pain and to calm you down, but anyway, both cases sounded bad to him as he wanted to see you awake and smiling.
he gently stroked your cheek, his calloused hand moving delicately on your face “you’re so pretty y/n” he smiled to himself “i wish i realised sooner what i feel for you…”
you, on the other hand, woke up when the doctors explained that you had a concussion to the team. you heard rhea talking with jey, you heard him confessing. you didn’t know what to feel. you’ve always had a little crush for the twin but the idea of him actually being in love with you never crossed your mind.
your body was still on fire, your head hurting but you needed to let jey know that you were there, that it wasn’t his fault, that you were in good hands and that you were going to be okay.
“jey…” your broken voice caught his attention.
“hey…” he whispered, a soft breath escaping his lips, relaxing a little bit.
you coughed a little before opening your eyes. they were burning, meeting the strong and white light of the room. it took you a few minutes to get adjusted to the ambient light and temperature “by the way, i think you’re very handsome…” you took him off guard and you saw it by his embarrassed face.
“how much did you hear?”
“pretty much everything” you tried to laugh but you coughed more and jey, trying not to panic, handed you a glass of water “thanks…”
he smiled “so you weren’t sleeping uh?”
“i was but you all couldn’t keep your mouth shut and you woke me up” you made him laugh. that’s what he always liked about you. your sarcasm and funny personality, the way you always tried to find the good in bad situations. you were so similar and yet so different at the same time.
“everything i said it’s true…i like you, i should have realised it sooner…but i really, really like you…” he confessed once again, making you smile. you tried your best to not to laugh but he was jey uso, always trying to be funny and sarcastic, so a few laughs escaped your lips “girl, im trying to be serious”
“sorry sorry…” you smiled, making him chuckle “but i think you’re pretty cool too…”
“just cool?” he teased you.
“cool, funny, very good looking…” you were playing his game and he loved it. you were making him go crazy “and i think i like you too…fuck, i’ve had a crush on you since rhea introduced us…”
“oh wow, you’re good at keeping secrets uh?” he winked, making you laugh again “would you like to be my girl?” his voice got a little bit too serious now “i’m serious when i say that i like you, a lot…i’m probably just too stupid because i could have realised it sooner…but i promise you that i’ll be here for you, i’ll help you heal and you’ll get stronger than ever…”
“this means a lot to me…it sucks not being able to be at bad blood though…i needed to see liv crying after she loses the title” you faked being disappointed, earning a laugh from the uso.
“i’ll take care of you girl, my girl, forever my girl if you let me…” he whispered, looking into your eyes.
“how can i say no when you look at me like that?” you matched his serious tone, making him smile.
“then say yes…be my girl” he moved closer to you, sitting on the bed instead of the chair next to you. his hand gently caressing your cheek, brushing delicately over your lips.
“yes…” you whispered meeting his smile.
he felt relieved that you were okay. probably not okay mentally and definitely not physically but you were there with him. comfortable in his touch and that was enough for him.
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vid-writes · 3 days
Choso x F!Y/N
This story is not for anyone under the age of 18
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Contents: Choso as a close friend, spontaneous sex, crying during sex, forced orgasms, cursed manipulation to keep him erect
"Don't you owe me a drink this time?" You asked Choso as he settled underneath the blanket of the kotatsu table in your living room. He arched an eyebrow at you as he sipped his water.
"No idea what you mean," he muttered as the introduction to the movie started. You made to grab the remote, but he snatched it up before you got to it. On instinct, you dove over the table to take the remote back, but he held it higher. You were oblivious to how your long shirt hiked up as you stretched to reach the remote.
He pushed you away with a hand on your cheek as you tried to stand and gain the high ground over him. This motion resulted in you bent over backward on the table as your hips pushed against his abs. Heat filled his cheeks as you writhed against him, still trying to get the remote. Frustration boiled in your veins until his hand slid down your throat and then between your breasts. You stilled as his pale fingers skimmed over your stomach as you held still.
"I've never seen you like this," he said softly. "So riled up you don't even notice the incredibly lewd position that your actions have put us in." Choso's fingers stopped just above where your shirt had ridden up to showcase your pink granny panties. "I guess it's lucky for me that I forgot our bet from last movie night," he continued. "Now I have the very woman who made me learn what my cock was doing sitting on my lap, showcasing her very adorable panties to me."
"Choso," you whimpered as his fingers trailed along the hem of your shirt.
"Should I stop?" He asked. You shook your head as his eyes stared into your soul.
"Please keep going," you nearly panted as his fingers skimmed along the hem of your panties. "I've wanted this for so long, Cho- please don't stop."
A feral grin graced Choso's face as his fingers pushed into your panties. A gasp left both of your lips as his fingers grazed over your bare pussy. You shaved once a month because the hair down there always bothered you, and as luck would have it, last night was your designated night to whack the weeds.
His calloused fingers grazed down your slit as his gaze remained fixed on yours, studying your every reaction to what he was doing. When a moan slipped from your throat as you writhed on the table beneath his hands, Choso spoke, "I know real sex is nothing like porn, but I did watch some, and I read books, so I have a pretty good idea of how to make you feel good."
"You studied up for me?" You asked.
His response was to circle his finger over your clit in slow and lazy circles. Your hips bucked up into his hand as he idly toyed with the bundle of nerves. Pleasure burst through your nerves as his other hand pushed your shirt up your body. Your breasts, free of a bra, spilled out right away, and his eyes lit up like you'd never seen before. He shifted himself forward and flipped his hand around to continue to stroke your clit in those agonizing circles as his mouth closed around one of your nipples.
As Choso continued to pleasure you, your fingers found the bands in his hair that kept it up in those silly pom-poms you loved and tugged them out. His fluffy hair spilled into your fingers as his tongue laved over your nipple slowly.
"Choso, that feels so wonderful," you drawled as his mouth moved to your other breast. Your fingers threaded into his unruly curls as his fingers picked up their pace on your clit. Raw need throbbed through you as his languid speed was starting to drive you mad.
"I'm going to make you feel wonderful over every inch of your body," he purred as he slowly kissed up your throat. His free hand traced down the inside of your arms, spreading goosebumps in its wake.
Your fingers tugged at his hair more as he slid one finger down to your entrance and slowly pushed it inside. You moaned louder as his finger moved in and out of you slowly as his other hand continued to graze up the insides of your arms alternately. His lips finally collided with yours as an orgasm finally snapped from all of the taunting. The odd taste of iron and heat filled your mouth as his tongue pushed between your lips. You knew his curse technique would make things different about him, but his taste wasn't one you had expected.
He sat back long enough to pull off his shirt, and the sight of Choso's delicious abs made your mouth water. Your fingers grazed over them slowly as he leaned forward to claim your mouth with his again. As his tongue explored your mouth, you allowed your fingers to dip below the waistband of his loose white pants and were greeted with the heat of his bare skin. You gasped at his smoothness against your hand, and he growled. His teeth tugged your bottom lip through them slowly as you palmed his length.
His lips left yours to trail down your neck as his cock twitched and grew longer in your hand.
"You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?" you asked as Choso licked slowly back up your neck.
"Maybe I am," he whispered in your ear as his cock twitched and grew again. You could barely fit your hand around it and could tell without looking that the tip was peeking out of the top of his pants.
"You can't possibly think all of that will fit," you gasped out as his teeth tugged at your earlobe.
"It will," he purred as he pushed a second finger inside of your soaked hole. You arched up into him as much as you could, being trapped between him and the table. His hands grabbed your hips and pushed you up onto the table until your ass rested on the edge closest to him. You whined as his cock left your reach and his fingers left your pussy.
"For now, I need to know how you taste. It's been torture being able to smell when you're aroused but not being able to devour you. Now I'm rectifying that situation," Choso said before tugging your panties down and off in one swift motion.
Choso's strong hands gripped your thighs almost hard enough to bruise and pulled your legs open wide. Heat flared in his eyes as that thick black line across his nose and cheeks changed shape. Before you could fully register the new form of his markings, he leaned forward and ran his nose up the length of your slit while inhaling deeply. He groaned with hunger before licking up your slit deeply and slowly like he wanted to relish in every moment between your legs. His fingers palmed your breasts as his tongue wasted no time in finding your clit. Choso licked slow and deep into your folds as his fingers rolled your nipples between them.
"That feels amazing, Cho," you moaned out as your fingers found purchase in his unruly curls again as he sucked your clit into his mouth. Keening sounds erupted from your throat as he bit down on your clit and sucked harder. You pulled his hair harder as he tugged on your clit and nipples at the same time. The building pleasure in your stomach snapped, and you nearly screamed as you came on his face. His tongue continued to flick your clit as wave after wave of the orgasm rattled through your body.
"Holy fuck," you managed to say once you finally came down from the high of orgasmic bliss. He chuckled against your folds as he pushed his tongue into your soaked entrance and started to fuck you with it. Choso's tongue continued to fuck into your pussy as he scratched down your stomach slowly. When the pleasure snapped for the second time, you felt tears well up in your eyes as your come spilled onto his tongue.
Choso hauled you into his lap before he stood up to carry you to your bedroom. His mouth trailed wet kisses up your neck as he moved the two of you through the apartment. Painful pleasure sparked from your clit as the throbbing head of his cock brushed against your sensitive clit.
When your back hit the bed, Choso wasted no time removing the rest of your clothes and his. When his naked body was flush against yours, anxiety bubbled in your stomach. The size of his cock resting between your thighs and against your stomach made you nervous because you weren't sure if it would fit.
As if he could read your mind, he whispered in your ear, "I will take my time making it fit."
His hips pulled back, and then the massive head of his cock pushed against your aching pussy entrance. Fear was replaced by pleasure as he pushed in the first inch and claimed your mouth with his own again. His unique taste of iron mixed with your come made you moan as his tongue invaded your mouth. Choso pushed forward another inch as his hands palmed your breasts again.
Pleasure sparked up your spine again as you felt him throb rhythmically, thanks to his curse technique. All of the overwhelming allowed for him to push over halfway in before you realized it. One of your hands grabbed his bicep as the other tangled in his hair again. You enjoyed playing with his messy curls as he pulled back out almost to the tip and groaned loudly in your ear.
"I lied," he groaned again. "I cannot take this slowly."
With that, he pushed inside of you in one slow, continuous thrust that felt like a small eternity. When he settled against you, he stilled. Choso slowly pulled back out until only the head of his cock remained inside of you.
And then he set his pace of fast but gentle thrusts that had your fingers curling into his hair and biceps more. His mouth closed on your right breast as his hand squeezed the other. Pleasure built tighter in your stomach as his cock felt like it was pushing into the spot where it built.
"Harder, please, Cho," you whined as his teeth and fingers pulled at your nipples.
He obliged as he drove his cock harder into your cervix. When the third orgasm exploded through you, a scream escaped your throat. Choso pounded you through the orgasm before he stilled and spilled his load inside of you.
"I probably should have asked first," he panted as he stayed still.
"It's fine, I have an implant," you croaked out as he kissed your cheek. His hips slowly pulled back before slowly driving in again.
"Can you take more? My erection won't stop until I will it to," he said as he pulled out again.
"I'll take as much as you decide to give to me, Choso. I've wanted this from the moment you showed up on my doorstep half bloody from that fight," you murmured as you traced your fingers down his back.
"That's so good to hear," he replied.
His hips pulled back again, and then he resumed his original pace. Choso's cock pounded into your cervix as one hand gathered your wrists and then pinned them above you. A feral grin graced his face as he fucked into you harder and faster. The punishing pace on your cervix made you tear up before you came again. You let out a sob of pleasure as he fucked you through your orgasm yet again.
"Cry for me," he crooned. His other hand slid down to your clit and began rubbing it in deep and fast circles. Another orgasm ripped through you before you could fully come down from the first one, and tears ran down your face. The dots on his nose shifted into a thicker line across his cheekbones as he came in you again without stopping his relentless pounding.
"Cho, that hurts so well," you sobbed out as his hand left yours on the pillows and closed around your throat instead.
"That's a good, pretty girl," he purred. "You're such a beautiful fucking wreck for me right now." His hips picked up speed yet again, and you came yet again.
The tears flowed freely down your cheeks as he continued to punish your cervix and torment your clit. You had never felt so free as you did right now. Choso squeezed the sides of your throat a bit tighter, and your head swam from the lack of oxygen. Pleasure continued to build and snap as you came unexpectedly over and over again. When he came again, he stopped moving to wipe the tears from your face and then kiss where the trail had been.
"I've had enough for now," he panted. "Let's take a break, and then I'm going to pound your brains out again."
"That sounds like a good plan," you sniffled.
He pulled out, and you watched as his cock shrank back down quickly and slowly stopped glowing red. With ease, Choso hauled your back to his chest and pulled the blanket over the two of you. His mouth trailed kisses along your shoulder as you settled into his warmth.
"Can we do this as often as possible?" He asked.
"Fuck yes, we can," you giggled.
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Buy me a coffee?
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linnitheo · 2 days
The Speed of Love
Max Verstappen X Y/N
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The hum of engines filled the air, vibrating through my chest. The sun beat down on the streets of Monaco, casting long shadows between the narrow alleys and gleaming off the luxury yachts moored nearby. The Monaco Grand Prix—the crown jewel of Formula 1. A perfect blend of speed, glamour, and danger.
I adjusted my lanyard, the one that read VIP with Max Verstappen’s name under it. It still felt surreal being here, not just as a spectator but as someone close to Max—closer than the world knew.
I wasn’t just here for the race; I was here for him. The reigning world champion, Red Bull’s finest. But to me, Max was more than that. He was Max, the guy who made me laugh after long days, the guy who called me at odd hours from different time zones just to hear my voice, the guy who looked at me like I was his entire world even with millions of fans screaming his name.
Our relationship wasn’t public. Max wanted to keep it that way—out of the spotlight, away from the media frenzy. And honestly, I didn’t mind. In fact, I preferred it. It was a lot easier to be “Y/N” rather than “Max Verstappen’s girlfriend.”
I slipped into the VIP lounge, a little early for the race, the excitement thrumming in the air. The usual suspects were all here—other drivers' families, sponsors, and some celebrities. But my eyes kept flicking toward the pit lane, where I knew Max was getting ready for the biggest race of the year.
As I watched the screens showing the chaotic energy in the paddock, my phone buzzed.
Max: “You in the lounge?”
Me: “Yeah. All set for your victory?”
Max: “Always. Want to see you before the race starts. Meet me near the garage?”
I felt my heart skip a beat. Even though we tried to keep it low-key, moments like these made it clear how much he cared. Glancing around to make sure no one would follow me, I made my way through the crowd, passing the Red Bull hospitality area and the rows of sleek, gleaming cars.
As I approached the garage, I spotted him—leaning casually against the wall, helmet in hand, looking like the calm before the storm. His eyes lit up when he saw me, that signature crooked smile spreading across his face.
“Hey,” he said, his voice low but warm as he closed the distance between us.
“You shouldn’t be distracting yourself before the race,” I teased, though my heart was racing.
“Couldn’t help it,” he murmured, eyes tracing my face. “You’re my good luck charm.”
“Really? Haven’t I been around for a few races you didn’t win?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to keep it light.
He laughed softly, his free hand reaching up to brush a stray hair behind my ear. “Maybe. But today feels different.”
There was a fire in his eyes—one that spoke of more than just his love for racing. There was something unspoken between us, the weight of his words lingering in the air.
“Good luck out there,” I whispered, resisting the urge to kiss him. There were too many eyes, too many cameras nearby.
“I’ll see you after the race,” he promised, voice husky as he pulled back and slipped his helmet on, instantly transforming from Max to Verstappen.
The roar of the crowd was drowned out by the sound of the engine beneath me. Monaco. There was no room for mistakes here. One slip and it could be all over. But that’s why I loved it. The adrenaline, the precision, the danger. It’s what made me feel alive.
But even as I steered through the narrow streets, threading the car through barriers with millimeters to spare, my mind kept drifting to her. Y/N. She had this way of grounding me, of making the chaos of F1 fade into the background, even if just for a moment.
She was my escape, my reason to keep pushing harder, to keep winning. Because when I crossed that finish line first, it wasn’t just for me—it was for her.
The race was tight—Ferraris and Mercedes breathing down my neck, the pressure building as the laps ticked down. The walls seemed to close in, but I didn’t waver. I couldn’t afford to.
Lap 67. A yellow flag came up—some debris on the track after a crash behind me. I could hear my engineer’s voice crackling through the radio, but I barely registered it. My focus was singular. I could almost picture Y/N waiting in the paddock, her wide smile the moment I stepped out of the car.
The last corner approached. My tires screamed, the G-forces tugging at my body as I navigated the final hairpin. The finish line was in sight.
I punched it, every ounce of power surging through the car as I crossed the line first. Victory.
The explosion of noise was deafening as Max’s car crossed the finish line. He did it. Again.
The rest of the world erupted in celebration, but all I could think about was seeing him. I hurried down from the lounge, making my way through the throngs of fans and team members. The Red Bull garage was a frenzy of high-fives and champagne, but I stayed on the outskirts, waiting for him.
And then I saw him. Helmet off, sweaty, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Max was enveloped by his team, but his eyes scanned the crowd until they locked onto mine.
Without thinking, he pushed through the crowd and grabbed my hand, pulling me into a corner, away from prying eyes. The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine—fast, hungry, full of adrenaline. I could taste the sweat and champagne on his lips, but I didn’t care.
When he pulled back, his forehead rested against mine, and he was breathing hard—not from the race, but from the intensity between us.
“I told you,” he whispered, still catching his breath. “You’re my good luck charm.”
Her lips against mine—it was the only thing I needed after that race. I could feel the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, but it wasn’t from the win. It was from her. She had this way of making me forget everything. The noise, the pressure, the world outside. When I was with her, it was just us.
But there was something more tonight. Something I couldn’t put off any longer.
“Y/N,” I started, taking her hand in mine as I led her away from the chaos, toward the back of the paddock. “I’ve been thinking…”
She raised an eyebrow, clearly curious but also a little cautious. “About what?”
“This,” I gestured between us. “I don’t want to hide it anymore. I don’t want to keep you a secret. You’re more than just someone I care about. You’re…” I hesitated, trying to find the right words. “You’re everything.”
Her eyes widened, and I could see the emotions warring inside her. But before she could say anything, I pressed on.
“I know it’s a lot—the media, the pressure. But I don’t care about that anymore. I want the world to know you’re mine.”
I was speechless. Max Verstappen, the man who had kept our relationship out of the spotlight to protect me, was now saying he wanted to go public. I knew what it meant—the scrutiny, the paparazzi, the endless questions. But looking into his eyes, full of certainty and love, I realized something.
I didn’t care either. Not anymore.
“I’m in,” I whispered, my voice barely audible over the distant cheers. “I’m all in.”
Max smiled, that rare, genuine smile that made my heart skip a beat. “Good,” he said, pulling me close once more. “Because I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.”
As the night of celebrations continued, we slipped away from the crowd, the world beyond the paddock melting away. Max and I walked down to the harbor, the twinkling lights reflecting off the calm water.
“Race you to the end of the dock?” he teased, that competitive glint back in his eye.
I laughed, already running before he could finish. Max caught up to me in seconds, his laughter mixing with mine as he scooped me up, spinning me around.
In that moment, there was no pressure, no danger. Just us.
And for once, it felt like I had won the race.
The End
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starfxkrreloaded · 3 days
blurb for when unclefaux!jj pops her cherry??
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your dad would kill him if he found out. jj was treated like family and here he was with you ass up in his bed like a slut. and at first he thought he pushed it too far--the porn in the dvd player was just supposed to shake you up a bit, not scare you. and at first that's what he thought he did.
you spent the whole movie stiff as a board, taking large swigs of beer like it'll soothe your nerves as your mind kept flashing back to the video. the actress looked like you. that was something you couldn't unpack yet, not with jj's thigh pressed against yours as you watched a movie.
"you alright?" he had nudged you softly, but you still couldn't look him in the eye.
"can i go lay down? i don't feel well."
jj let you up without protest, but you could see how worried he was from the corner of your eye.
fuck. he was content to give you some time, but he heard a soft whimpering from his room and he was worried he shit the bed big time, so he went to check on you.
"look princess i'm really sorry i- oh shit."
you were on your stomach with your face was buried in one of his t-shirts as your fingers circled your clit, clearly it wasn't going how you wanted because you looked up at him teary eyed, "what the fuck i wanted to be alone!"
"nuh uh. my house, my room, what are you doin?"
curling in on yourself you sob, "fuck i don't know! it's all your fault you left that stupid porno in the dvd player and then you act like nothing happened and-"
"hey hey hey, i was comin in here to say i'm sorry. but you're playing with your pussy in my bed mind you. you're lucky i don't fuckin ccall your dad." that sent you into hysterics, whining and pleading for him to keep it between the two of you, "lucky for you im a reasonable guy and i'd feel worse if i didn't fix it."
finally he steps into the room, sitting next to you as he rubs his hand over your soft thigh, "we'll just keep it between us okay? no harm, no foul."
with a sniffle you flip over, bringing your hand from between your thighs, and jj has to stifle a groan when he feels the damp pads of your fingers ghost his arm, "promise?"
what he wasn't prepared for was for you to be a virgin. you had always skirted around the topic, and jj figured your shyness was due to shame about your sexual escapades, not a lack thereof.
"jj it hurts."
"you're okay, look i'm almost halfway in, you're doin fine sweetheart."
it felt like he was tearing you in two, but you tried your best to relax, when you reached underneath you could feel where you were split open around him and shuddered when he bottomed out.
"goddamn, that's what i been wantin." if he was a better man he'd go slow, he would take you on your back and kiss the tears off your damp cheeks.
but jj was greedy and impatient--setting a harsh pace as quickly as possible as you squirmed underneath him. you were too good, all he could focus on was that tight, wet heat sucking him in as his hips crashed into your ass.
and you were a blubbering mess, "p-please, hurtshurts-"
"shh, don't worry. i got you. open your mouth." jj's finger's did little to alleviate the pain, but it mingled with the pleasure perfectly when he yanked his spit soaked fingers out your mouth to toy with your clit, feeling you clench around more and more.
groaning, he pushed you flat on the bed, keeping you pinned as he fucked you harder from this angle, pressing hard against that sticky spot inside of you making you squeak with each thrust, "look at you takin my dick, always knew you'd be a slut but fuck."
by now you were damn near incoherent, muttering, imaslutimaslut, over and over as you tried to throw your ass back against him in the tight position. heat rushed to your cunt, and you were wet to the point of obscenity while you moaned beneath him.
but your sobs reach deaf ears when he hooks an arm around your throat, biting down hard on your cheek as he pulses inside of you. when you cum it's like you want to keep him trapped inside, choking him off at the base making him groan. you whimper at the feeling of him, hot and sticky in your cunt as he pulls out, collapsing next to you with a hand on your ass.
"shit, m'sorry i got carried away c'mere." jj scoops you up into his arms, kissing across your cheeks, focusing on the blooming bruise right at the apple, " lemme make it up to you."
"but i'm sore."
he huffs, kissing you square on the mouth this time, "well, let me make it better."
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