#no he was not
theonewiththevampires · 2 months
I really don't get the people who are so sure that Armand is erasing and changing memories all over the place because not only does it not make sense, but it would also make the story much, much worse.
Why would you look at a story about memories and the stories will tell ourselves with nuanced and interesting characters that have complicated inner lives and think, 'you know, that's nice and all, but what if this could all be the one bad man's fault?'
Why would you actually want to roll up to season 3 to discover that the show you invested hours, days, *years* into was all lies and none of the characters or stories you got to know existed or mattered?
How would that be rewarding? Why would you want Armand to be a one dimensional villain? Why would you want to rob Louis and Lestat of all their agency and character growth?
This isn't even going into the level of flat out bad writing people are hoping the show will pull. I've seen people certain that we're going to find out that Claudia's diary was faked and... why? Why would you want that? What would the the point of any of this if it's all going to turn out to be fake?
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algumaideia · 1 year
Nico and I sat next to each other. He dropped his sword next to mine and tooka shaky breath. “That sucked,” he said, which I thought summed things up pretty well. “You saved our lives,” I said. Nico wiped the dust ohis face. “Blame the girls for dragging me along. That’s the only thing they could agree on. We needed to help you or you’d mess things up.” “Nice that they trust me so much.” I shined my flashlight across the cavern. Water dripped from the stalactites like a slow-motion rain. “Nico . . . you, uh, kind of gave yourself away.” “What do you mean?” “That wall of black stone? That was pretty impressive. If Kronos didn’t know who you were before, he does now— a child of the Underworld.” Nico frowned. “Big deal.” I let it drop. I figured he was just trying to hide how scared he was, and Icouldn’t blame him.
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
No evidence, but we felt the lie.
Feelings are often wrong
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sadclowncentral · 4 months
the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him
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wolfythewitch · 4 months
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jesus in the hades art style
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scramratz · 3 months
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
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okay okay I know the point of this is “White people need to put as much effort into learning how to pronounce Black people’s names as they do foreign European names” and 100% I totally agree, absolutely good point
but this tweet becomes hilarious in the context of this clip:
anyways, absolutely put effort into learning how people pronounce their names. just don’t feel bad if it takes you some time to get it right 😅
(also in case you didn’t watch the video it’s “N-SHOO-tee” not “SHOO-tee”)
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dsmsix · 4 months
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thought I was muted and just had this exchange with a coworker on a zoom call
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princehendir · 4 months
I also think that all the "um okay knives out & glass onion were good. Wrap it up now" posts are so funny. You're tripping if you think there's not going to be at least five Benoit Blanc films lol
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girldraki · 4 months
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fangs-4-fags · 4 months
remembering the time i drunkenly told a stranger i was a trans man and he started going off about alpha sigma and beta males and how each one was equally important no matter what anyone says and that i shouldn't feel pressured to be a strong alpha male because emotionally intelligent beta males were just as important
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ourlordapollo · 11 months
The zoo in my hometown posted this picture of one of their cheetah cubs and I'm obsessed
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
touch-starvation needs to be written with emphasis on the starving part. you are hungry to be touched. so hungry that even the very taste of it makes you nauseous. it has been long since anything has ever touched you, ever fed you - that your body has grown more used to that gnawing emptiness more than anything else. it's better for you to be held, to eat but it makes you sick to try. you know
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awittylemon · 5 months
kabru is so fucking funny. he’s out here playing 15 dimensional manipulation mind chess with a guy whose hobby is barking like a dog
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longsightmyth · 5 months
People are so stupid about snakes. If there's a little black racer chilling outside just leave it alone, you don't have to kill it, it's probably dealing with all your pests for you, jesus christ
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