#no i feel so sad for seon jae
katierosefun · 2 years
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remember when i said “tae seok and seon jae <3″ as a joke but now it’s not a joke and now i’m actively feeling so sad for them
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its-chelisey-stuff · 27 days
I love your meta about lovely runner, can you talk about Sol and the depth of her love for Seon Jae I feel like everyone is so busy fangirling about him that we don't really talk much about Sol in that regard and just how much she loves him too at first as her idol and then as a person? I feel like she loves him just as much as he loves her and we'll see it in the upcoming episode even more but maybe I'm wrong
oh, anon, thank you! And omg yes, I would love to talk more about this!!! So prepare yourself hahaha
You're right though. I feel like people are way more invested in SunJae's feelings for Sol because his side of the story has always been sad lol especially on the OG timeline. And boy, does tumblr love their tragically in love sad boys. I feel for him because he was just a giant 18 year-old with a HUGE crush on the tiny girl next door, who was too shy to say hi to her and well, it ended very bad because of it.
Meanwhile, Sol was just a teen with her soul and hopes crushed, depressed, ready to give it all up, when this guy on the radio told her the words that saved her life. And then she devoted herself to him because he gave her strength and happiness. And I love that. I know people cry about it (because of Sunjae's POV) but I loved that moment in ep one, when they encounter each other on the bridge, and she just had a super shitty day but all of it was worth it once she saw her idol. She was sooooo happy.
And yessss, I love that the Sol from the very first eps, wasn't in love with him (number one reason why I adore fangirl Sol: she's not delulu), but did love him in a way. And she knew what it was to be so broken and hopeless, so she was heartbroken to think that Sunjae had felt that way and taken his own life. Boy, little did she know...
In the first 2 trips to the past, Sol wasn't really trying to save his life, but his spirit. And in the process got to know the person behind the idol she dearly loved for more than a decade, just to see that the guy was genuinely a nice person, a good son, a good friend and a dork lol
I truly hope SunJae gets to find out about everything she's done, because while he loves her and saves in every timeline, Sol has crossed time and space to save him and make sure he's happy, even if she's not by his side in the future. And what better definition of true love is there? Also, I bet Sunjae would combust of happiness, knowing the girl he can't ever forget, not even for 15 years, has risked it all, for him.
Sol is THE definition of a romantic heroine. No question about it.
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myechoecho · 1 year
Super enjoying Crash Course in Romance.
I love the chaotic mess that is Haeng Seon and Chi Yeol. The bickering, the pettiness, the gradual support and getting to know one another.  Also the random meeting each other in weird places (camping!).
Still fully on team Geon Hu x Hae E. I like that Geon Hu is really paying attention to what she’s teaching and following through. Their little play fight when he ate the last piece of food was cute (and I think he was not expecting her actions. Sorry not really sorry Sun Jae. At lease he recognized his jealousy was childish
I have a feeling that Hae E will regret telling Sun Jae about the tutoring. It’s something about how she says she trusts him and how he said “I tell you a secret so you are telling me one” makes me think this way. Though in exactly what way I’m not sure since it seems like moms are finding out about the tutoring. But at this point I kinda don’t fully trust him.
Also, Su A is so jealous - it’s none of your business what Hae E is working on. You already got her kicked out of the all care program. Secondly, who just follows someone’s car just because they know them and want to know why they are in their neighbourhood?!?
I’m coming around on the murder plot since it actually seems to have a point (they don’t always in romcoms). It seems like the focus will the on the pressures that parents put on their kids and how it can break them. The girl student who committed suicide, her brother accused of killing their mom or Sun Jae’s older bother.
We got more of Chi Yeol’s backstory which remains sad. No wonder he keeps people at arms length. Betrayed and fired by his boss for wanting to do the right thing (we see why he’s always been a sticker for fairness), zero support and everyone hates or blames him.
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mctna2019 · 10 months
Seon-ho and Yeon relationship(1)
My country has lots of relationships ,thats are healthy or unhealthy and so, actually the bromance between Hwi and Seon-ho is main relationship that make the story of series. For me it was very beautiful and sad and I never forget it but my mind And my heart can't ignore relationships between Seon-ho and yeon,and also Seon-ho and Sung-rok. They aren't main relationships But they are strong enough to be as precious in my heart as Seon-ho and Hwi's bromance(or maybe more).At first I have to say I never see Seon-ho and Yeon as siblings.
About Seon-ho:He loves Yeon, but it's really a brotherly love and not a superficial love like the others who support his sister because of their friend. Yeon is very precious to Seon-ho separately from Hwi (like the scene of Hwi’s father burial that Seon-ho said him not to cry because of Yeon). and if we look more closely, Seon-ho took on Yeon's responsibility to protect her or else he would have given her to Hwi if Hwi was more important to him. Anyway, after getting amnesiac, Yeon inevitably has no one but Seon-ho. They become closer to each other through this situation. (They actually live in the same place) Seon-ho's sense of brotherhood and responsibility is much more than before and he is now her protector in a way.But something has changed that Seon-ho either doesn't notice or denies. If you pay attention to the way Seon-ho looks at Yeon in the scene when she comes down the stairs to go with him and meet Hwi (the scene where Yeon talks about Seon-ho's shoes for his birthday), you will understand that deep look doesn’t belong to a brother. We see this deep look more in episode 9. Seon-ho pushes her away to protect her or because he has a guilty conscience (because of the nonsense that others including Hui-jae says when it has nothing to do with them and they never understand his intentions.)He is willing to give up everything and even his life to keep her safe and yes he wanted to go with Yeon until he find out that Hwi was alive and decides to leave her to Hwi no matter what. It will be difficult and he will be alone. Anyway, Seon-ho realizes his feelings when he sees that embroidery, it shakes him like a bolt of lightning and throws him back to reality. It's so painful and I hate that he found out about his feelings like that. he hold onto these feelings until his death (although to me he became the walking dead after he saw the embroidery).
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aczhang777 · 1 year
just watched ep 15 of “crash course in romance” and holy shit. holy shit. spoilers!
i like how the murder subplot was resolved though i am a tad miffed that we don’t get to see the police definitively say that dong-hui was the murderer. that bit of justice would’ve been so. nice. but tbh i think dong-hui was meant to be a tragic figure, almost like romeo or juliet, because he clearly was never going to see reason. he sees a chi-yeol who finally is able to open up emotionally, make meaningful connections with other people, and find a life outside of work and immediately tries to kill them. he feels like the only good thing in his life is slipping away because he is unable to fathom what it means to be happy and well adjusted so tbh, his resolution was i think incredibly fitting for his character.
also i’m glad that chi-yeol didn’t do something stupid. i was terrified that dong-hui was gonna catch him at his apartment and then go crazy.
i want to kill su-a’s mom and hae-e’s biological mom. they can both suck it. i was almost giddy at the scene where su-a’s like “hey let’s all eat here, my husband really liked the steak here!” because i just knew a confrontation was coming lol.
also v glad that hae-e didn’t end up with either boy! i liked both and i liked how they both generally kept their jealousy in check (was sun-jae perfect at it? no, but he at least didn’t try to dictate hae-e’s actions or act really passive aggressively towards her. i’m also just generally more inclined to be more forgiving of a 17 year old boy as long as he learns, which i feel like he did). the friendship between sun-jae and geon-hu was really nice, too! and i’m glad that hae-e was just like, nope. don’t wanna date anyone. and the guys both handled it well, too! top tier.
ngl i feel like she wants to live with her bio mom because she thinks this is the best way to get her bio mom to leave and not ruin haeng-seon and chi-yeol’s relationship. which is. on brand. but also SAD. NO HAE-E. 
excited for episode 16. hae-e STAY IN KOREA. STAY IN SEOUL. 
also i am so intrigued to see what happens next with sun-jae’s family.
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SPOILERS FOR EP 12 of Crash Course in Romance
my idiot babies trying to find a way to talk to each other after that "fight" is so sweet. they want to tread lightly and give each other space but they miss each other too!
OMG YES SOMEONE RECOGNISED THIS ASSISTANT. surprise surprise it is who we suspected all along.
i wish sunjae would just throw a fit and fight his mother. come on!
seo geon-hu so damn sweet for actually admitting he took hae-e to the ice rink because he wanted to show off.
YAH you bitchass ji dong-hui, keep your hands off chiyeol's phone.
nooo sunjae's pain is breaking my heart.
CHOI CHIYEOL, THE MAN YOU ARE! ahh they're so cute. and i'm really glad they compared the chat windows and didn't let that dumb misunderstanding grow (you know how it's like in the western shows).
ohho mr. assistant trying to be extra sweet. i don't trust you one bit. i don't want them going on a yacht together. but chiyeol's "thank you, oppa" was very funny xD
ugh teenagers are so stupid, just give her the present instead of this incriminating evidence of cheating. sunjaeeeee D:
yeongju and jaewoo does feel forced. sad that loneliness made yeongju put herself in this awkward position.
lmao haeng-seon wanted to skedaddle because she wasn't sure where the night would lead them but the moment he said "stay with me", my girl just went for it. I LOVE HER. and tbh it wasn't even a deep wound or anything but these absolute LOSERS IN LOVE. IDIOTS.
oh no sunjae and hae-e realising they've been fucked over.
very glad hui-jae talked, now i just need sunjae to utterly defy his mother as well.
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spndaemon · 1 year
With Crash Course in Romance finally ended, I truly enjoyed the show and themes they touched on. Ultimately, a solid A from me as a drama though with some mixed feelings on certain things. 
Some truly awful people in this show got a happy ending that I’m not quite sure they deserved but I suppose that even if they were super awful, half of them were only doing what they felt was right for their kids based on the society they lived in. Ultimately, them getting a happier ending means a happy ending for their kids. 
Donghui being, essentially, another victim of awful parents like Sua and Sun Jae’s mom and doing what he did to protect Choi Chi yeol because of the fixation he had on his sister and all of the trauma surrounding it was so sad to watch and I hoped it wouldn’t end the way it did for him. I wish the writers didn’t go in that direction, especially considering the somewhat happier endings the mom’s got. 
Speaking of moms, not sure how I felt about the introduction of Hae Yi’s mom and the drama she created that kinda didn’t get resolved? Haeng seon and Hae yi never had the conversation about WHY Hae Yi was willing to go to Japan. That seemed necessary to me to resolve that drama they introduced and really show that Hae yi and Haeng seon chose to stay with each other without Haeyi’s birth mom making the decision on her own to leave them. 
Regardless of my mixed feelings, this drama is definitely one of my favorites. It’s so rare for shows to end in a way that I’m satisfied with so honestly, these are mostly nitpicks. I loved the way they handled the romance of the two main leads as well as the teens (though I gotta say that I preferred Geon Hu over Sun Jae but it’s all good). I also respect that Hae Yi basically left that boy hanging until she was ready to date. 
Choi chi yeol and Haeng seon’s romance was believable, mature and interesting. I loved their chemistry and how it grew over the course of the show. Really well done and probably the most well written aspect of the drama. 
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lilmartita · 1 year
Reactions as I watch the last episode of Crash Course in Romance:
‼️‼️Spoilers Ahead‼️‼️
+Sua's dad is a really piece of shit. I AM SO SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF THESE MEN WHO ARE SO CASUAL WITH THEIR CHEATING and have the fucking nerve to think they can just go back to their home and still have a place there. Don't get me wrong Sua's mom too was a real fucking piece of work but God damn that man infuriates me. 😤😤😤😤
+SunJae's family having dinner together made me happy. I want them to heal. Is his mom crazy? Yes. But I want them to heal.
+Haesun leaving. Good. Leave. Idgaff that she all of sudden grew a conscience. She came back to exploit her sister and get as much $$ as she could. She didn't give HaeE a real single thought at first.
+'do you think she's pretty?' Automatically answers yes. Oo boyy, you have fucked up 😂😂
+HyoWon becoming Chiyeols new assistant is the best thing ever. The way she was helping him with his speech was so funny and cute.
+omg she proposed first!😭😂
+"My beam of sunlight runs towards me again."😭😭😭😭😭
+My babies is college and looking so grown and beautiful😭😭
+I 100% ship Sua and Geon-Hu. I would've been happy with Geon-Hu and HaeE too or him with SunJae🤭 but I think Sua's a better fit for him.
+Sua's mom becoming counselor of the pride academy has me dead. I dont know if thats a good decision 🫣
+Jae-Woo and Yeong-Joo and babyy!!! So sad it's not Chiyeol and Haeng-Seon also with baby but I'll take what I can get.
+ I'm so happy that it was a happy ending but I feel robbed of a wedding scene.😭😭😭😭
+In retrospect still mad that Dong-Hui off'd himself instead of the families getting justice for what he did.
+HaeE's mom should've never come back. It added nothing to the story.
9/9.5 out of 10? For good happy feels and a loving family that adopted a stray puppy and it was just 🤌🏼🤌🏼🥹🥹
Now what do I watch? ☹️
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tlshfkthroxld23 · 1 year
시라노소개팅 어플 후기 채팅 만남 사이트 앱 리
시라노소개팅 어플 후기 채팅 만남 사이트 앱 리뷰
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시라노소개팅 어플 후기 채팅 만남 사이트 앱 리
시라노소개팅 어플 후기 채팅 만남 사이트 앱 리
시라노소개팅 어플 후기 채팅 만남 사이트 앱 리
시라노소개팅 어플 후기 채팅 만남 사이트 앱 리
시라노소개팅 어플 후기 채팅 만남 사이트 앱 리
On December 8, 2019, 'Kim Nam-gil's Strongest Show in the Universe - Winnie Dew' was held hosted by Gilstory. The Strongest Show in the Universe, held for the first time this time, is one of Gilstory's public art campaigns, and is a donation event held at the end of each year. It is a donation show sponsored by all cast members participating in talent donation. For about 4 hours, they performed 15 songs and danced and rapped, which is not normally shown. Ju Ji-hoon, Park Seong-woong, Uhm Jung-hwa, Eum Moon-seok, Lee Sang-yeop, Ko Gyu-pil, and Kim Min-sik were present as guests, and the host was Hwang Je-seong, and all proceeds from the performance were donated to Gilstory and will be used to support public art campaigns. 2019 Kim Nam-gil's strongest show in the universe, revisited in pictures
On December 3, 2022, Gilstory's signature donation show, 'Kim Nam-gil's Strongest Show in the Universe - Gillibus' was held. Due to COVID-19, which started to become popular in 2020, it was held three years after 'Winney Dew' in 2019. Im Si-wan, professor Kwon Il-yong, Jung Man-sik, Seong-jun, the drama Thief: The Sound of a Knife team, Baek Jong-won, the movie Guardian team, and Man Pictures CEO Han Jae-deok participated in the donation as guests. Jang Seong-gyu was in charge of the progress, and Kim Nam-gil and guests conducted a mission together with the goal of collecting 10 million won in donations, and donations were accumulated according to the results. It is rumored that the ticket price was not a waste at all as the stage was filled with a total of 7 songs, stories and events for 4 hours and 40 minutes. All proceeds from this performance will be used to spread animal rights awareness for animals appearing in the media and to treat and protect abused animals. Donation articles, campaign related articles Kim Nam-gil worked really hard on the set. Usually, other actors are done when the camera passes by, but Kim Nam-gil was acting more desperately, making use of that emotion from behind. An actor must have a deficiency. Kim Nam-gil also had a deficiency. He had the problem of having to go to the military this year, and there was also anxiety about being forgotten by the public after he did. During the first filming, Kim Nam-gil injured his foot. He was wearing thin shoes and running down a hill covered with small stones, but his foot broke. I need a few more scenes, so I asked him if he could play, and he said yes. "I'm in the 31st batch of MBC public recruitment, and I've been feeling the sadness of being unknown for 7 years." I really gritted my teeth and acted.
Some people might say that actor Kim Nam-gil changed because of Bidam's popularity, but the Kim Nam-gil I know is not that kind of person. He must be scared. Historical drama actors cannot realize their popularity because they are confined to the set during filming. It's scary when you go out. If you can't control yourself when you're up like this, you think you might collapse. Kim Nam-gil is a smart actor. He is also a good person. His mother underwent a major surgery in the middle of the drama, and I know that because of her mother's medical care, she remained silent even after the drama ended. Kim Geun-hong (PD, Drama 《Queen Seon-deok》) Kim Nam-gil values loyalty, and he was a good actor and decent man who didn't boast about being popular. During his interviews, he was also a man with a blank space who would throw out jokes while talking seriously about acting. Marie Claire Editor As soon as the filming begins, he turns into a different person from him. He is very focused and takes good care of his co-stars. He usually jokes around a lot and is a mischievous person. He is the complete opposite of me. I put a lot of effort into maintaining that feeling from the day before shooting. Like Mr. Nam-gil, if only the camera is turned, it cannot change 180 degrees. I envy that concentration. Hwang Woo-Seul-Hye (Actress, Movie 《The Night Before the Storm》) On the set, Kim Nam-gil was like a vitamin, and he devoted all his passion. He is an actor who exudes passionate energy even in silent times. Cho Chang-ho (director, movie 《The Night Before the Storm》) First of all, Nam Gil-hyung is an actor who is very good at acting, so when I was filming on location in Japan, I always went to see his brother filming even when I was not filming. There are so many things to learn, and we talk a lot while filming. But he's a bit of an unpredictable person, so he's very serious, and then he suddenly jokes around, so it feels like he's holding a time bomb when he's with him. Oh, in a good way. (laughs) Kim Jae-wook (Actor, Drama 《Bad Guy》) Kim Nam-gil does a lot of research before filming his scene. I have a headache because I prepare detailed performances by analyzing the script more than the director. Kim Nam-gil is an actor who has an indefinable feeling, a strong feeling regardless of good or evil. Kim Nam-gil, seen through the screen, is truly the best. I think Kim Nam-gil will probably become the best actor in Asia. Lee Hyeong-min (PD, drama 《Bad Guy》)
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katierosefun · 2 years
june has come and gone (no idea how that happened), so once again: an unasked for list of things that i watched/read/listened to/whatever + my unasked for thoughts on them. fair warning, there’s quite a lot of stuff because the escapism was hitting hard this month:
my country: the new age 
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i’ve never actually seen dramas about the goryeo dynasty (i feel like i’ve seen many more dramas about the joseon dynasty), but upon learning some family history, i grew more interested in it. that led me to watching my country, which . . .  oh boy. basically, this show is about two young men named seo hwi (yang se jong) and nam so heon (woo do hwan) who come from different families and different social statuses but still wind up being close friends. this mostly has to do with the fact that even despite their different social statuses, they’re both very much so outcasts in regular society (ie. seo hwi being the son of a famous swordsman whose reputation was tarnished after death, nam so heon being the illigitimate son of a high-up government official). as the goryeo period becomes bloodier and bloodier, these two find themselves constantly opposing one another over the course of the next ten years. 
my country is def. one of those dramas that you really need to be sitting down and paying attention to fully appreciate the story. don’t watch this while going to the gym or doing chores or whatever--watch this show fully seated with no distractions, because i think that’s honestly the best way to watch this show. (and you really can’t get away with being distracted in this show, just because, like a lot of saeguks, there’s so much happening.) overall, i really liked this drama. i loved hwi and so heon’s relationship (and cried a lot of tears for them)--and like. i dunno what else to say except sun + moon/red + blue pairings really are the pillars of society, huh.
less than evil 
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i watched a nice edit on twitter of less than evil, and so i immediately started the show. while i’ve heard of less than evil before, i was always a bit hesitant to watch it because i heard so many mixed reviews, largely from luther fans--because less than evil is based off luther. so while i’ve never watched luther and therefore can’t really say anything about whether it’s a “good” or “bad” adaptation, i can say that i really loved less than evil.
basically, this show follows a notorious detective named woo tae seok (shin ha kyun). i say notorious because he’s known for being insanely ruthless when catching criminals, often choosing either legally questionable or outright illegal methods to catch people. we learn a bit more about why he’s become so ruthless and bitter once looking into his past, when he was just a patrol officer in a small town--where an awful death occurred, one that he still blames himself for. now 13 years later, tae seok’s still angry about never managing to catch the person who he knows was the killer--but his life starts to become more and more disentangled once he meets reporter eun seon jae (lee seol), who may or may not be connected to the death that’s been haunting tae seok for so long. 
so like. god. this show was so good. it was def. much better than i’d anticipated, mostly because the acting was fantastic and the plot’s brutal (one reason why i don’t always like crime dramas is that there’s a lot of Macho Detective Man vibes + a Lot of Sad Female Victims . . . unfortunately, less than evil kinda follows along those vibes, although i will say it feels a little more different given seon jae’s character, and i do think tae seok’s a pretty fleshed-out character, as far as typical macho detective types go). but what really carried the show, i think, was tae seok and seon jae’s dynamic. it’s delicious, an absolute must for people who are fans of any kind of cat-and-mouse dynamic. insane. i never thought i’d like another cat-and-mouse-esque type duo since lee dong sik and han joo won in beyond evil, but i think woo tae seok and eun seon jae actually come up as a close second, and that’s saying a lot. so i would recommend this in a heartbeat!
mr. back 
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goddammit, the things i watch for shin ha kyun and jang na ra--the THINGS I WATCH FOR SHIN HA KYUN AND JANG NA RA--but weirdly, it only took me like . . . five episodes for me to actually  .. . . . unironically . . . .like this kdrama? which i’m mostly going to chalk up to the fact that jang na ra is adorable + shin ha kyun is very attractive in this drama. the costume + makeup department really made up for the fact that they gave us 80 year old ha kyun and made sure that he would Always Look Absolutely Hot in Every Single Frame After. 
basically. this show is about an 80-ish (maybe late 70s, i forget) old man named choi bo gong (shin ha kyun), who’s kinda like scrooge in that he’s wealthy (running a hotel business) + stingy. he has a crappy relationship with his entire family (which is somewhat understandable, considering they’re also all wealthy vultures) + his son, choi dae han (lee joon), who has an awful reputation (ie. fooling around with girls). meanwhile, eun ha soo (jang na ra) is a new intern at the hotel, who mostly just wants to like. make a living. when suddenly, she crosses paths with choi bo gong + winds up getting in a freak accident with him--and while ha soo gets out fine, the accident makes bo gong de-age so that when he wakes up, he’s suddenly a man in his mid-thirties (except he’s still mentally 80). now in this new state, choi bo gong tries to figure out who might have set up the accident . . . and in the process, inevitably falls in love with ha soo + also starts to mend his rather broken relationship with his son. 
tbh. if you’re still with me despite that rather bonkers summary . . . this show surprised me in that yup, there are literally so many questionable moments, but weirdly enough .  . . i don’t know if it’s shin ha kyun’s insane acting or lee joon’s usually rather unimpressed face suddenly turning warm and excited or jang na ra’s bright personality, but i found myself actually caring about the characters and somehow finished this show in like. 3 days. which. uh. maybe part of it really is to do with shin ha kyun having actually genuinely good chemistry with everyone in the cast (and also . . . fine, i’m not above admitting i made eyes at shirtless shin ha kyun), but like . . . hey. if you’re willing to sit through (or just skip through) some awkward moments, you’ll find that the characters are at least interesting. (even if . . . everything’s a bit questionable. listen. just focus on the actors’ faces, okay. just focus on them.)
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you know, i’m not the biggest fan of medical dramas at all (the only even remotely medical drama i watched was perhaps descendants of the sun, and oops, i actually wasn’t a fan of it)--but in case it wasn’t obvious, i was (am) on a huge shin ha kyun kick. this drama is about a very determined, very intelligent, very asshole-y surgeon named lee kang hoon (shin ha kyun). he’s on his way to becoming the top neurosurgeon. along the way, he bashes heads with people up on the med world’s social ladder, as well as doctors in training (i have no idea what to call them . . . are they doctors in residence? idk?) like yoon ji hye (choi jung won). 
like . . . i think i started off liking this drama, and there were def. some strong character moments (shin ha kyun won a daesang award for this show, i believe, and it’s very obviously well-deserved, bc he plays an EXCELLENT asshole who actually is equal parts obnoxious and annoying and punchable as well as oddly pitiful and like . . . you might want to sock him in the face, but you also want him to win, just because you very slowly see the kinds of obstacles he’s up against). that said though . . . . did i really enjoy it? eh, not really. i kinda skipped around some scenes tbh (mostly the surgeries, i am so sorry shin ha kyun u are a very sexc surgeon but i cannot deal with people poking inside someone’s brain i really really can’t). there were some tropes that i wasn’t the biggest fan of. this drama is honestly pretty romance-light, although when there’s romantic scenes, they really do hit, even if i still think that yoon ji hye deserves someone better than kang hoon (but also, weirdly, i want kang hoon to be happy? and ji hye to be happy, and she apparently likes kang hoon so??? it’s so complicated guys)
but idk, if you dig medical dramas, then maybe this is worth the watch? just because i do think it’s interesting that this show covers a lot of different themes and hey, for a drama from 2011, i think it presents certain themes with a touch more nuance than i expected. and also. shin ha kyun wears multiple suits in this show and he looks very hot. that’s all. 
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so @hanjuwonsupporter​ actually recommended this show to me, and i am very glad she did, because i feel like these are one of the shows that really proves just how . . . insanely healing the fantasy/supernatural genre can be. like, i always knew that the power of the fantasy/supernatural genre, particularly in kdrama, can be incredibly powerful and healing, but tomorrow really just reminded me even more so of just how insane and lovely it is to use ideas of the afterlife and etc. to create a story that can so personally touch the lives of so many people. 
in short, this series is about a group of grim reapers whose jobs are to keep people from committing suicide. so yes, right off that one-sentence logline, you already know that this show is going to touch on a lot of sensitive topics, so do be aware of that if you feel you’re not in a good place to consume content related to this ordeal.
but that said: it is also perhaps the most healing series i’ve ever watched in a while. you’ll fall in love with all the characters--the dumb of heart, brave of ass choi joon woong (ro woon), who becomes a grim reaper after falling into a coma, the badass grim reaper who came from hell koo ryeon (kim hee sun), the seemingly detached lim ryung gu (yoon ji on) are personally my favorite trio in kdrama history now, just because they are the perfect mix of SUNSHINE and SUNSHINE PROTECTORS squad. they are truly the perfect team, and by the end of this series, i guarantee that your heart will be at least five times bigger.
move to heaven
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i started this show a long time ago, but i finally got around to finishing it this month, and i’m really glad i did, because this is one of those incredibly special shows that, like tomorrow, covers a lot of different topics related to death, only it’s right in the coming-of-age/slice-of-life genre. essentially, this drama is about a neurodivergent young man named han geu ru (tang jun sang), who, with his father, runs a trauma cleaning business. for those who aren’t familiar with the term, trauma cleaners are people who come to clean out someone’s home after they’ve passed. 
things start to change when han geu ru’s father suddenly passes away, leaving geu ru’s estranged uncle cho sang gu (lee je hoon) as his new guardian and co-runner of the business. along the way, geu ru’s friend na mu (hong seung hee) comes in to help, and we watch these three come to some sort of rhythm in this trauma cleaning business. 
this show is just . . . it’s really lovely, and i’m very glad that i got around to watching it. move to heaven truly covers a series of different themes and handles them each with care, and at the end of the day, this show is about the difficult ties that one has with the ones who might no longer be here anymore. 
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i started this show way back in late april/may, but i didn’t get around to finishing it until this month. this series is about a young ballerino named chae rok (song kang) who, while struggling in a slump, finds himself teaching ballet to the 70 year old sim deok chul. 
this drama is just so . . . there are some stories that you just know are going to move you the older and older you get, and i think that’s exactly what navillera meant to do. because to be honest, i think a lot of us have some sort of dream or something that we want to pursue or always meant to pursue but either felt that we had no time or competence and etc. and then there are a lot of us who simply don’t know what our “dream” is yet--some of us just feel like we’re going through the motions. and then there are a lot of us who might be currently pursuing our dreams, but it’s actually a lot harder than we anticipated, and maybe we feel like we’re on the verge of giving up before something really beautiful happens. 
that’s basically all that navillera is about. a lot of stuff related to dreams and what it means to pursue them, what it means to want them, what it means to have a dream to begin with--how no dream is quite too big or quite too small, and that they’re all incredibly worthy of wanting and following and how you are never out of time. never. which, i think is something that i know i personally needed to hear--so i’m sure there are plenty of people out there who just as badly need that message. so really, this show was fantastic, and i have a funny feeling that i’ll appreciate it more and more the older i get. an absolute fave and a must-watch for everyone!
obi-wan kenobi 
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i mean, is anyone actually surprised? the kenobi series has been my most-anticipated star wars creation for years, so of course i was going to keep up with it. like, seriously. i haven’t been this in love with star wars since the clone wars season 7, and that’s saying a lot. i feel like i can’t really elaborate much more on this show just because everyone’s probably already witnessed me lose my mind, but i do genuinely think that this show is one of the best things that have come out of star wars because it somehow balanced out character + plot in such a beautiful way. 
were there things that could have been better? probably, yeah. but we got to see obi-wan genuinely struggling with his trauma, and we also see him slowly heal by the end of it, and that’s what i signed up for, and so rarely do i get to see what i genuinely want from star wars.
the inside outtakes 
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so earlier this year, i watched bo burnham’s the inside special and absolutely loved it, even if it was a trip and a half. and also rather sad. and also maybe persuaded me into thinking that maybe i should just cut off my hair. (tbh, there was a lot leading up to it, but the final tipping point was listening to all eyes on me for the first time and watching bo burnham lose his mind and reacting normally to it. ie, going “lol me too” and then deciding now would be a great time to saw off half my hair. it’s grown back now though! no harm no foul)
so anyways, imagine my pleasant surprise at learning that bo burnham uploaded the inside outtakes on youtube! and like, i dunno--i think i actually liked this film better (is it even a film? unsure). there’s some new songs here (although i use the term “new” loosely--like the title says, these were all songs that were outtakes/didn’t make the cut of the original special). they feel like a fever dream. there are bits and pieces that just make this collection of film absolute gold, and mayhaps i’m just a bit obsessed with it. (and as always, there were a lot of pieces, esp. towards the end, that made me feel like. oh. yeah. i get it.) 
a frozen flower 
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y’know, i think that if this were a different year and we were much more starved of queer + steamy content, maybe this movie would have been considered actually rather compelling, but tbh, i felt mostly . . . “eh”d out by it. maybe it’s the fact that the dynamics of the male/male romance were . . .  insanely . . . uncomfy, but i think i can say the same of the male/female romance because it’s pitched as some True Love thing but in actuality, i think it’s just that both parties involved in that particular mess were just horny as fuck. but that’s just me. 
basically. this movie takes place during the goryeo dynasty. the king (ju jin mo) is gay and so doesn’t want to sleep with his wife the queen (song ji hyo), except they need to produce an heir ASAP because court politics reasons. now, the king sends off his lover/guard hong rim (zo in sung) to sleep with the queen so that she can get pregnant. only, oopsie, now hong rim and the queen are in love, and now the king’s jealous, and now this whole thing is a mess of a mess of a mess.
so um .. . was it any good? tbh, not really. maybe it was the overwhelming amount of sex scenes (i mean, i knew that frozen flower was meant to be pretty steamy, but if we wanna compare movies: empire of lust (2015) was considered steamy, and it had i think 3 sex scenes total. frozen flower had at least 6, although there honestly felt like more because we sure did see a lot of stuff happening in each scene)--or maybe it was the fact that i just could never buy the romance happening whatsoever (do y’all even like each other? or are you guys just horny? which, like, understandable, but pls give me a reason outside of the sex to understand y’all genuinely love each other)--but like . . . . the costumes were neat. the music was neat. i did feel at least a touch sad for the characters by the end, but not by a whole lot. baby yeo jin goo was cute in this movie though, he really stole his 3 minutes worth of screen time.
emergency contact by mary hk choi 
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so during april, i read yolk by mary hk choi and promptly fell in love with her writing. her writing’s just so addictive somehow, in that her characters’ voices are so witty and yet don’t manage to sound too similar to one another. her characters are also so deeply flawed in ways that are actually believable. and so of course, emergency contact was no exception. i started off the book pretty slow because i was busy with finals, and then when i actually sat down with it again, i’d somehow flown through 110 pages in an hour. so.
this book is about penny lee, a korean-american girl heading off to college to pursue writing. along the way, she meets a young man named sam, who once dreamed of becoming a documentarian but due to financial troubles, dropped out and is now working at a cafe. they connect, and the story takes off from there. it’s a beautiful story, and tbh, i thought it was going to be cliched at first, but this book turned out to just be so rich and complex. the characters are so multifaceted, and they show so many of their flaws with each other, and that’s part of the appeal. 
one last stop by casey mcquinston
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i started this book a long time ago, but i only got around to finishing it this month, and i’m really glad i did! this book is a cute sci-fi-esque/coming-of-age romance following august landry, a young woman who’s moved out to the big apple to finish up her college education. things get a little bit more interesting when she meets jane, a mysterious punk gal who seems to almost always be on the q train as the same time as her. pretty quickly, august discovers that jane is actually stuck on the train . . . and has been somehow frozen there since the 1970s, only she’s still miraculously in her 20s and has no memory of who she actually is. so of course, august puts it upon herself to help jane get her unstuck from the q, while also maybe falling in love just a little bit (or maybe a lot) with this person out of time.
i personally thought this was a really cute book. it does have its slower parts, but the writing is so . . . i don’t know. cozy? it feels cozy. the atmosphere is totally vibrant, and everything feels warm somehow, although maybe that’s just the really lovely setting of a diner in the background as well (seriously, i’ve always loved pancakes, but now i crave them extra after this  book). i thought it was cute, and i mean, haven’t we hopeless romantics at least somewhat wondered of having some magical connection on public transportation?
rewatch list: 
beyond evil 
empire of lust
reread list: 
six of crows by leigh bardugo
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enterenews · 1 year
Go Woo-rim "Marriage with Yuna Kim, he told me not to be discouraged"
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Forestella Go Woo-rim revealed about her marriage to former figure skater Kim Yu-na.
In tvN's 'You Quiz on the Block' (hereinafter referred to as 'You Quiz'), which aired on the 28th, a scene in which Forestella (Hyeong-ho Kang, Woo-rim Go, Doo-hoon Bae, and Min-gyu Cho) appeared as guests was broadcast as a special feature of 'Along with the Gods'. .
On this day, Yoo Jae-seok said, "Mr. Woo-rim, congratulations more than anything. It's been a while since you got married."
Jo Se-ho asked about Yuna Kim's reaction, saying, "What did you say when I told you that I was going to 'You Quiz' today?" Go Woo-rim confessed, "I really liked it when I heard that the invitation came in. Because they like our Forestella activities so much, they are very happy when they are invited anywhere."
In addition, Jo Se-ho hinted, "Forestella covered Jang Ki-ha's song, and it felt like Lee Sun-kyun." Go Woo-rim said, "When Jang Ki-ha's song 'I'm not envious' became a hit, let's sing it with our vocal mimicry. I remember doing it," he said.
Go Woo-rim not only mimicked Lee Seon-gyun's voice, but also imitated Kim Dong-ryul and Jang Ki-ha. Yoo Jae-seok wondered, "Is Woo-rim good at 'Saebin'?", and Go Woo-rim showed off his extraordinary dancing skills with Zico's 'Saebin'.
Yoo Jae-seok trembled, saying, "I would be sad if I didn't do it. Have you seen Yuna?" Next, Yoo Jae-seok admired, "It is rumored that the four of you are very good. Among the fans, it is rumored that they are high school girls. They are friendly, they are happy to be with each other, and they stick together 360 days out of 365 days."
Jo Se-ho said, "Don't you come home early after you get married after playing together?" Kang Hyung-ho replied, "I keep doing it a little earlier."
Yoo Jae-seok sympathized, saying, "It changes when you get married," and Go Woo-rim said, "Sometimes I feel that there is someone waiting for me at home, and I also think that I have to jump out as soon as it is over." It's the same. It seems like you've worked hard," he confessed.
In particular, Go Woo-rim said about marriage with Yuna Kim, "Actually, you can see it as a very big issue. There is no need to die or feel burdened at all. All you have to do is congratulate yourself on your happy days,” he said.
Not only that, Kang Hyeong-ho said, "I met good members and won the championship, but even after that, I had no choice but to worry about 'what if this doesn't work'. I saw the members and thought, 'I can go with this.' It became mine. I have no regrets at all," showing off his affection for the members.
Cho Min-kyu boasted of teamwork, saying, "On the last day Hyung-ho left the company, we gathered the company's family and performed together in the auditorium." Go Woo-rim added, "Thank you for sending Hyung-ho."
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jimilter · 2 years
Hello ashh! I read the new jimin fic which is the hottest Jimin smut I have ever read 🥵 and the funniest too!! You didn't lie about "filth on crack" 😂 all the dialogues and reader's thoughts had me rolling 😂 love the fic, hunny! 💜
Although I did have a question! I notice your works lean towards the angst and crack side and not much fluff. Which I really appreciate coz so many writers wrote only fluff and soft fics and that stuff gets boring pretty fast 😶 I need me some fun and you serve it 😉💜 even your establishment relationships fics have so much crack, I absolutely love it!
at the same time, I was curious to know if you ever plan on writing something stereotypically fluffy? And also, what is the softest fic you have written?
Have a good day/night, dear 🤗
helloooo, sweet anon! ajsjdkdk the "hottest" pls 😭 thank you so much, you saying that means a lot to me! <333 oof, yeah, i was right abt it being filth on crack, right??? bestie, idek what went wrong w my head 💀
ooh, your question! okay, soooo – basically, you're very correct. i tend to steer clear of stereotypical fluff, mostly sticking to angst and/or humor. no specific reason why, i guess i just like writing the latter two more. portrayal of fluffy romance makes things kinda cringey for me a lot of the times, and it starts to feel unreal, which is one of my biggest pretty peeves. romance has to be realistic, or it just puts me off 😭
so it gets kinda hard to flesh out a fluffy story which comprises real people. as you said, even established relationship fics i've written aren't nearly as fluffy as one would think. :( i'm working on figuring out a way to write such stuff without having to push myself away from relatability, though! let's hope i will generate pure fluff some day 🥺
the softest fic i have written has to be reflection, ft. namjoon. it's a soft, soft story of a writer falling in love with a girl with sad eyes. the vibes are kinda like the song she will be loved by maroon 5? 🥺 i just really love joon's character in this story! it's partially inspired by ji changwook's jae-won from lovestruck in the city, minus the tears bec oc is not as heartless as seon-a. 😭
you have a good night/day as well, bubs! sending u love. 💗💗💗
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mctna2019 · 10 months
Seon-ho and Sung-rok relationship(2)
About Sung-rok: He seems to be a rough and hard character, he doesn't get caught up in his personal emotions (although those emotions are somehow responsible for his death) and perhaps his most important and best trait is his loyalty. He is a person who acts more than talks. He got to where he is through difficult circumstances, I think the Jurchens were also a people who were looked down upon a lot so it's not nice for him to see someone like Seon-ho rising at such a young age (it's not about jealousy, he thinks Seon-ho is a selfish and spoiled kid who hides behind his father) but he isn't and Sung-rok doesn't know, he humiliates Seon-ho for that. his perspective changes when Seon-ho offers him to work for him.His pride won't allow it, but I love that scene both (Seon-ho's authority) and how Sung-rok quickly makes his decisive decision and shows his loyalty to him from the very beginning.Of course we lose a lot about the two of them after that sequence (how they got closer) also that two years they spent with jurchens.He has a grudge against Hwi (because of Liaodong) but Seon-ho forces him to spy on Hwi (and Sung-rok knows that it's not actually spying but Seon-ho's way of protecting Hwi) and I love the scenes that how he got angry at Seon-ho's behavior.(Among all the characters who considered Hwi a hero, he was the only one who didn't have a good relationship with Hwi, and this is interesting, on the other hand, it shows how much he cares for Seon-ho) Seon-ho is a fool (I love him, but He was really stupid by following and having some sort of dangerous addiction to Hwi, even though I love their bromance the truth doesn't change) Sung-rok keeps warning him about the consequences of following Hwi, but what's more interesting It’s that Sung-rok follows such a person. He can leave Seon-ho over and over again (I don't mean that Seon-ho deserves to be abandoned by him, it's what we expect him to do considering the character he has) but he doesn't leave Seon-ho. He fully consciously and voluntarily sinks into that pit slowly and mostly with Seon-ho.From one point on, no matter what Seon-ho does, Sung-rok is always by his side. I don't know his moral principles, but Seon-ho wanted to build an equal country in which there was definitely a place for Sung-rok's people too(Jorchens), on the other hand, Seon-ho couldn't fulfill his promises and failed. And that's another reason why Sung-rok could let him go (I'm so thankful he didn't). You know, I think he saw Seon-ho's intentions when others didn't (as I always say, him and Yeon) I don't know if it was just that or something else, maybe he saw someone who was very lonely and fragile and needed to be protected, like a younger brother . All this breaks my heart even more.Someone wrote that Sung-rok saw the truth in Seon-ho. Hwi has three friends who like his father, he also has Hui-jae and Bang Won to support him and lift him up whenever he failed, but after Yeon's death, Seon-ho only and only has Sung-rok.Sung-rok wants to do all those things alone and fill the place of all the people Seon-ho doesn't have and be his family. Yes, Hwi was Seon-ho's best friend, Hwi and Yeon are his country and in a way his family, but Sung-rok is definitely a family to Seon-ho all those twelve years and supported him, trusted him and never leaved him alone. That's what makes him so precious to me, no matter what his principles were, he really fought honorably.I'm glad he was able to tell Seon-ho that being with him didn't feel bad for him and reassured Seon-ho. I can't forget his eyes whenever Seon-ho was hurt. He had a kind heart and opened it only for Seon-ho. I'm glad that Seon-ho also noticed and was aware and appreciative of all his work. And it calmed me down so much that Jeong Bum (I loved him so much) treated his corpse with respect and even buried him instead of Seon-ho who was injured. Although his death was very sad, the way he looked at Seon-ho, the words he wanted to say and couldn't, breaks me all the more.
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
Kim Jun-ho and Kim Ji-min are said to be like uncles...
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Comedian Kim Jun-ho went on a diet for his lover Kim Ji-min.
In the SBS entertainment program 'My Little Old Boy', which was broadcast on the 12th, Kim Jun-ho, Lee Sang-min, and Kang Jae-jun's adaptation period to the fasting center was broadcast.
Actor Shin Dong-wook, who appeared as a special MC on this day, drew attention by revealing that he had a relationship with Shin Dong-yeop's wife, Seon Hye-yoon, PD. In the past, he worked with Sun PD on two dramas. He said, "I was with 'Soul Mate' when I was young. He has a good personality and is fun. Dongyeop senior is really pathetic." Shin Dong-yup said, "Hey, don't talk like that. People don't know that you're a pathetic wife." Then, along with actor Choi Soo-jong and singer Sean, Seo Jang-hoon was said to be one of the three greatest lovers. Shin Dong-wook said, "When I was filming the drama, he sent me a coffee truck first. There was also a phrase saying, 'Sun Hye-yoon, fighting. I love you'".
Lee Sang-min, Kim Jun-ho, and Kang Jae-jun enjoyed a Last Supper with pork belly before visiting the fasting house. Lee Sang-min, who was in the midst of a mukbang, pulled out a photo of Kim Jun-ho when he was in his twenties and drew attention. Kim Jun-ho took off his shichimi and said, "Isn't that the male Joo-hyuk?" In the picture, Kim Jun-ho boasted a handsome visual with a sharp atmosphere.
Kim Jun-ho, referring to his lover Kim Ji-min, said, "They say that I look like an old man. So I have to lose weight. Snoring is a physiological phenomenon, but they told me to try a diet. I want to take a picture when I go to a fasting center and send it." He also said, "If I actually lose weight, I think I'll be able to capture my heart. (Kim Ji-min) I think he's going to propose to me."
Eventually, the three of them arrived at the fasting center and spent the night. As soon as I woke up, I started to feel hungry early, mistaken for earplugs for sausages. Still, he made up his mind and raised his diet morale. Lee Sang-min expressed his disappointment, saying, "There is a sadness that I can't wear the clothes I like."
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rye-views · 2 years
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Hospital Playlist. 슬기로운 의사생활. Season 2. 7.8/10
I would recommend this season to my friends. I would rewatch this season.
Friends have told me this season isn't as good as the first. I can get it, but I think both seasons are great.
Jae Hak is such a positive energy. I don't know any guy like that. His bothering Jun Wan is so amusing. I love that Jun Wan cares for him back. Gyeo Ul and Jeong Won are goals. Watching them is all I need. Episode 4 tteokbokki scene is a fav. I'm enjoying Seon Bin and Song Hwa's relationship. Girls who support girls. I still love Jong Su and Rosa's relationship. I enjoy Gyeo Ul and Min Ah's friendship. Song Hwa singing in English is the best thing. Min Ha talking/confessing to Seok Hyeong is the best thing as well. Min Ha being so happy is lovely. It's such positive energy. Her dating reactions are me. I love Rosa being so happy that Gyeo Ul visited her. I love how Song Hwa and Jun Wan love food so much. I love how Song Hwa becomes so happy with Ik Jun. I love that Gyeo Ul's brother is Ga Eul. Seok Kyeong reacting to Song Hwa and Ik Jun dating was just wonderful. I love love love all the first kisses. I feel so giddy. I love how there's something to like about the entire main cast. You could date any one of them. I love how Song Hwa loves camping and nature.
Seon Bin is pretty.
The Men in Black reference was funny. The humor in this show, phenomenal. Ik Jun really is the funniest to me. Lol me recognizing Eun Mi as that BTS stan in CLOY.
Min Ah taking herself on a date on Christmas. Respect.
The two mothers with children subplot got me. Eunji's mom is so supportive, and it was so sad to see her break down when she was always her pushing strength.
The goodwill and selflessness in this show make me cry.
Memorable Quotes: "밥 먹자."
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sadviper · 3 years
Woo Do Hwan: Interview with Kankoku TV Drama vol. 97 (Aug 2020)
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Once again, much thanks to @staidwaters​ for graciously reviewing and correcting!!! This was a really hefty interview, hope you enjoy~
Woo Do Hwan
Sword, bow, and horseback riding for the first time
A “Monstrous Newcomer” in a career-making, historical drama debut
In 2016, in the movie “Master”, Woo Do Hwan played the role of Lee Byung Hyun’s subordinate. Even though he appeared onscreen for just three minutes, he left a strong impression, attracting attention. Since then, he starred in “Save Me” (2017 OCN), taking on the nickname of “Monstrous Newcomer” and setting out on a brilliant career path. The next step he takes will be his first historical drama “My Country” (2019 JTBC).
Tackling a historical drama is an ideal chance for young and promising actors to grow; they have a rare chance to study in depth with multiple superb veteran actors over the long filming period. Woo Do Hwan did not miss this opportunity. His new work “The King: Eternal Monarch” (2020 SBS) leverages 120% of what he learned from “My Country”, and his popularity is surging.
Struck by a midwinter waterfall, the most dreadful and frigid opportunity to showcase yourself
--What kind of work is ”My Country”?
WDH: Each of the characters clash with the others for the sake of their personal convictions. This drama depicts their love and friendships. The country they are each reaching for … in a way, you could say they seek the same goal. Everyone wants a country in which they can live happily, but each person has a different path to that goal. This work skillfully depicts the conflicts that arise in the midst of this.
--Please introduce the role that you play.
WDH: Nam Seon-ho is an illegitimate child born to a family of nobles (yanban), and he has suffered greatly because of his birth. The poor guy is only able to relax his guard and laugh when he is with Seo Hwi (played by Yang Se Jong) and his younger sister Yeon (played by Jo Yi Hyun). However, even under such circumstances, he holds onto his ambitions. He doesn’t want other people to experience the same kind of pain that he has endured, so he strives to become the right-hand man of Yi Seong-gye (played by Kim Young-cheol), the future founder and king of the Joseon Dynasty. However, it doesn’t go as expected and I end up in opposition to Hwi, my dearest friend.
--What things did you pay attention to when creating the role?
WDH: Since it’s a period drama, it was difficult to get used to the way of speaking and tone of voice. It took me a while to get the hang of it. Now  I have the opposite problem, I’m doing my best to shake off the historical tone (laughs).
--The gorgeous hairstyles and clothing were a sight to behold.
WDH: Honestly, at first I thought “Long hair probably won’t suit me…” (laugh). So early on, I participated in many concept meetings and tried out different hairstyles. Even with long hair, there are many different hairstyles that can be made, such as wearing with armor or tying it up. I collaborated with the director to choose the most suitable style according to the situation in the drama. I was able to try on as many outfits as hairstyles, but I really enjoyed being  able to wear the special costumes such as the armor and the inspector’s garments; things we normally don’t get the chance to wear.
--How did you practice horseback riding, swordsmanship, and archery?
WDH: Before filming started, I studied martial arts for about two months. Filming lasted nine months, so in total I was focused on this work for a whole year. While filming action, it’s important to skillfully capture the scene, but the most essential thing is to not to get hurt. For that reason, the cinematographer, my co-stars, and I always had to be in perfect sync. It took time to match movements for the sword fights.
--You became the topic of much discussion when you revealed your magnificent physique in a waterfall during the opening of the drama. What are your secrets for managing your fitness?
WDH: I train on a regular basis. If I only started working out when I knew there were going to be scenes with skin showing, it’d be stressful trying to build up my body in a short period of time for shooting. After all, I don’t know when or where I will have to strip down for a scene! (laugh) Usually I play a lot of soccer, and I’ll go to the gym to train if I have time. If I take care of myself properly as a habit, then I don’t need to worry if my body looks good or if I should put in more effort during acting; I can just concentrate on my performance.
--Was the director’s reaction a good one?
WDH: He was extremely happy, hahaha. They keep trying to make me take my clothes off, so I was like, “Come on, give me a break!” The road to the filming location for the waterfall scene was rugged and steep and it was incredibly cold; it was the most difficult scene. Se-jong even said “I never want to go into water that cold again”.
--A lot of viewers said that “Nam Seon-ho is the most pitiful man in the world.” How do you personally feel?
WDH: I wanted to present Seon-ho as a tragic figure, so I was glad that the audience saw him the same way; it encouraged me to put in even more effort and I worked hard to build up his character. Seon-ho constantly stands on the boundary between life and death, living a life where he might die at any moment. He never manages to accomplish any of his dreams, and it is only at the very end that he realizes what is most precious to him. However, even though Seon-ho is a tragic character, if we just focused on the sadness the drama would be hard to watch and it wouldn’t be interesting at all. Therefore I wanted to show many things with him, such as him being a powerful figure, and the loneliness his power hides.
He was able to finish the drama because he was with Se-jong, his co-star of the same age.
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--At what points did you sympathize with Seon-ho?
WDH: There is always a conflict in Seon-ho’s life in that he always has to sacrifice something in order to get something he wants. Seon-ho’s situation is an extreme case, of course, but I think that in our lives there are many moments like his, even if they are small and trivial. Moments when we desire what we can’t have, or throw away things we shouldn’t throw away. There are also moments when we all have to give something up for the sake of a goal that we are reaching for.  In the midst of that, I worried about the things that I should protect, so I deeply sympathized with Seon-ho, whose ideals and emotions were in conflict with each other.
--Your portrayal of the character’s emotions was well-received. When was Seon-ho the most emotional?
WDH: It would be when he heard that Seo Hwi was alive. I had a deep rapport with Se-jong in all my scenes with him. From a certain point onwards, the events in the drama truly felt real, and I fell more and more in love with Se-jong (laugh). I deeply empathized with Seon-ho’s emotions, which made me want to perform even more intensely in this work.
--Concerning expressing emotions, are you the type to do a lot of preparation beforehand? Or are you the type to perform what you feel on the spot?
WDH: I think I am half-and-half. Beforehand, I’ll think, “So we’re filming this kind of scene today”,  why is this happening, and what was the situation before this scene? However, it’s difficult to continuously hold onto emotions because there are rehearsals and blocking out our positions with the director. So I will concentrate on creating the emotion in the moment when acting.
--And what about your mutually dependent relationship with Yang Se-jong, who played the role of Seo Hwi?
WDH: I believe it would have been very difficult if Se-jong hadn’t been there. I relied on him a lot. The make-up room was set up in a large van onsite, and while our hair was being done, we would go over our lines. If one person said their lines, then the other person would just naturally respond with their own lines. We are the same age, not just in the drama but also in real life, so in both the Goryeo and modern eras, we were always communicating well, back and forth.
Se-jong always helped me, and even though we were together on location for very long periods of time, not once did we fight or have a conflict of opinion. We spent our time together as good friends, always being considerate of each other.
--There were many scenes of Seon-ho and Hwi’s friendship that brought out tears, but was there a particular scene where you especially felt the friendship between the two?
WDH: All those scenes where we rescued each other. Especially that scene in the latter half, where Hwi took Seon-ho out of Yi Bang-won’s (played by Jang Hyuk) house; that was memorable. Then in the first half, during the massacre of the Liaodong Punitive Expedition advance party, there’s a scene where we cross swords in the midst of combat and I recognize my dear friend Hwi. That scene was very good and had a big impact.
--What is your impression of Seolhyun (AOA) as Han Hee-jae?
WDH: Seolhyun was truly a “celebrity” to me (laugh). She is one of Korea’s top idols; I’ve seen her movies. When I heard that she would be co-starring with me, I was very much looking forward to it. Once we were actually performing together, I was amazed that her acting was even better than I expected. Seolhyun was the youngest on location, but she had a very mature attitude during filming. In front of a large crowd of her seniors, she played a bold and strong woman. I was impressed.
--The antagonism between Seon-ho and his father was one of the highlights of the drama. How was it like to co-star with Ahn Nae-sang, who played the role of your father?
WDH: Ahn Nae-sang sunbae was like a real father, a very interesting person. Although he’d say “Seon-ho is an impertinent son” (laugh), he worked well with me, and did a lot for me. During breaks, he tells jokes and lightens the atmosphere on set, but once filming starts, his gaze radically changes and he becomes a terrifying father. He’s not someone who hands out advice left and right to juniors, rather, he is a person who reacts kindly and looks after us. 
Extremely jealous of Se-jong’s Japanese fanmeet
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--What are your thoughts on successfully wrapping up your first historical drama?
WDH: I wore hanbok, long wigs, and armor--I got to experience all of these things for the first time. I’ve also never done things like swordsmanship, archery, or horseback riding, so each one of those was a new challenge. Because I have never lived in that time period, I worried about how I should portray it. Despite that, I enjoyed everything. The remote locations that I visited were very beautiful, and during breaks it was a wonderful experience to enjoy the scenery and watch the seasons change instead of sitting in the dressing room. I’ve heard from my seniors that once you’ve done one historical drama, you’ll want to do another, and now I know what that feeling is like for myself.
--What was the most memorable location?
WDH: In the opening scenes, I often went to the countryside, but first I filmed the waterfall scene and the cliff scene. That cliff scene was absolutely terrifying. I scaled the cliff and did the action scene, but I thought...I might actually die if I fall (strained laugh).
--Watching the behind-the-scenes footage, you seem the quiet type but at the Japanese fanmeeting, I feel that you were skilled at speaking onstage. What is your actual personality?
WDH: Do I look like someone who doesn’t say much? I’m definitely not the talkative type, though. Hahaha. I talk a lot when I’m with Se-jong, but the interesting thing is, how much Se-jong and I will say changes depending on the day. On some days Se-jong speaks more than I do, and on other days I won’t shut up (laugh).
--Since filming continued for about a year, was it difficult to break free from the role of Seon-ho?
WDH: Honestly, I wouldn’t have thought about Seon-ho without today’s interview. However, Seon-ho’s sword is in my living room, so whenever I see it, I’m going to remember (laugh). But because I can’t use historical speech in the drama that I’m currently filming, I try to forget as much as possible.
--Currently you’re in the middle of filming the drama “The King”, right?
WDH: In “The King”, one person plays two different roles. The show depicts parallel worlds. In one world, Lee Min-ho sunbae plays the emperor and my character, Jo Yeong, has been by the emperor’s side since childhood and is the captain of the Royal Guard. In the other world, I am Jo Eun-seop, a social service worker whose personality is the complete opposite to Yeong’s. I’m having a lot of fun filming this, so please look forward to it.
--What does “my country” mean to you?
WDH: I believe it’s the people around me. I have family, I have friends, and I also have colleagues. A life where I can live happily with all of them, that is my dream country, I guess. No one goes on without desire, so I want to live together while caring for each other.
--You’ve been called the “Monstrous Newcomer”. With this kind of recognition, do you feel pressured?
WDH: I’m always under pressure. However, I tell myself I can’t lose to it, I have to work harder to overcome it.
--Finally, a message to your Japanese fans.
WDH: 2020 was the year I definitely wanted to meet all my Japanese fans, but filming for “The King” started earlier than expected and hasn’t finished yet. I was incredibly jealous when I heard that Se-jong held a Japanese fan meeting at the end of 2019. When “The King” finishes, I would like to meet you all. Until then, please take care of yourself and be happy. I will do my best to finish my work and greet you in good form. If you haven’t seen “My Country” yet, I definitely invite you to watch it.  I also hope you look forward to “The King”.
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