#no i love sansa
coldprism · 4 months
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"You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you."
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seilnakyle · 2 months
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One thing abt Tullys…they will not hold their tongue no matter what lizard u flew in on 🖤
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muadweeb · 1 month
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sometimes i love asoiaf twitter
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mizandria · 5 months
people make fun of the "oh you only hate her because she's a WOMAN" crazy feminist mentality but yeah actually you guys do only hate her because she's a woman a lot of times. for every hated female tv character there's ten male tv characters who are a million times worse and still given at least the "intriguing morally grey character" treatment if not straight up praise. for every hated female celebrity in real life there's one hundred famous men who have done worse and don't get half the hate she does. for every hated female politician, for every hated female historical figure, for the women you know in real life and on and on.
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reneewalkersknives · 10 months
one egregious thing the game of thrones show misses out on is that the stark kids are CONSTANTLY thinking abt each other!! there isn’t like a single POV chapter from any of them where they don’t long for their siblings!! Jon wants to have a son and name him Robb!! Bran wants to be a bird so him and his siblings can live in a nest together!! Sansa prays for her siblings every night and makes the Winterfell castle and then gets upset bc there’s no one to throw snow at!! Needle IS Jon!! Arya’s list is her own prayer for her siblings, she doesn’t care that Joffrey is dead bc Robb is too!! Every single one of them believes that their big brother will come to save them!! there’s sm love and tenderness there and GOT missed out on lots of it bc it tries too hard for the grimdark angle without realising that the center of the stark’s story is their love for each other. anyways.
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rose-of-red-lake · 1 month
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acertifiedmoron · 2 months
my one and only sansa opinion i think is that everyone within the story who has repeatedly told her that she's stupid and wrong to have dreams and want good things for herself, then made this 'naivety' out to be the reason for her victimisation by the selfish ambitions of men and women around her and the readers who interpret her character like this, are wrong. that is, i don't accept the premise of a young girl being punished for her innocence and idealism and said qualities being something that needs to be crushed to give birth to a more hardened mindset because the world is a cruel place etc. like that message might belong in a nihilistic series but asoiaf is not that. sansa to me, is a character defined by her idealism and that needs to be cherished. i don't want her to end the series as a skilled player of 'the game' or as a schemer or a stone cold competent manipulator or whatever, i want littlefinger to be proven wrong. when he told her yes, it's all lies and lies and lies (except for you and me of course!) and that she was wrong to dream of a better world. he was lying.
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catofoldstones · 5 months
GRRM did AFFC so good actually. Flipped the male-centric series on its head with majorly female PoVs and then started the book with our resident paranoiapilled Cersei Lannister convinced that her killer is hiding in the walls of the Red Keep. He introduced the first true knight of the series, keeping an oath to a dead woman. No chance, no choice. Asha fighting centuries of patriarchy to fight for her throne. “Balon let her believe she was a man.” “Your father made the same mistake with you.” Sansa and the whole Vale arc? Arya’s Cat of the Canals arc?? Hello? We have been served female characters on a platter here and I for one am eating. it. up. He truly snapped here tbh.
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puppeteerpoet · 3 months
Sansa stark they’ll never make me hate you
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i just wanted to draw head accessories but it turned out prettier than i expected lol
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brucelinas · 1 year
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Sansa doods
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It sounds like a wolf, thought Sansa. A ghost wolf, big as mountains.
So a few days ago I decided to start learning how to do digital drawing. Now, I don't think art is anything I have a huge passion for, so who knows if I'll pursue it, but I had a ton of fun making this.
A few disclaimers:
-i was using a reference panel from a manga as the base pose bc how do bodies work?? And I was mostly just trying to figure out how to use the art program/pen. Unfortunately, I was clicking through lots of pages/images and cannot for the life of me remember what the manga was or where I got the image. I almost didn't post this because I wouldn't be able to credit them, but I will say, it's only the pose & hair shape that I used, everything else I did on my own. You can tell by how sloppy it is :)
-dont @ me about the shaky lines and poorly drawn bricks. Idc I had FUN and that's all that matters right? RIGHT?
-the wolf shadow is free clipart lol. I tried to draw my own but ya girl is NOT there yet
-why is Sansa in a sky cell?? Who knows. Trying to hide from LF probably. She's also growing out her hair in defiance bc why not
-ooh or maybe it's an au/future fic where sansa is put in the sky cells for something. and maybe a ghost wolf comes to get her out. who knows
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ladyofthevalley · 27 days
People who don’t understand the Arya and Sansa sibling bond obviously didn’t have WWE style brawls in the middle of the living room floor with their sibling.
You can hate each other, say heinous things, full on battle until first blood.
But you’re still siblings,
all the Arya-antis and Sansa-antis are placing too much weight on the events of kings landing.
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murmel-malt · 7 months
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decided to do a redraw of one of my Sansa pieces from 2 years ago to see if and how my art has changed and hopefully improved.
link to the original post: x and a repost of the old one under the cut
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alemoncakelife · 10 months
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If Sansa Stark has no supporters then Yohn Royce is dead. If Sansa Stark has no one to hate other houses with then Yohn Royce is dead. If Sansa Stark has no one to go to go into battle with then Yohn Royce is dead. If Sansa Stark-
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eternalvoidseeker · 9 months
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-Something in Robb’s tone troubled her. She smoothed out the paper and read. Concern gave way to disbelief, then to anger, and lastly to fear.
“This is Cersei’s letter, not your sister’s,” she said when she was done. “The real message is in what Sansa does not say. All this about how kindly and gently the Lannisters are treating her… I know the sound of a threat, even whispered.
They have Sansa hostage, and they mean to keep her.”
-Lady Mormont took her hand and said, “My lady, if Cersei Lannister held two of my daughters, I would have done the same.” The Greatjon, no respecter of proprieties, lifted her off her feet and squeezed her arms with his huge hairy hands. “Your wolf pup mauled the Kingslayer once, he’ll do it again if need be.”
-Robb's fingers brushed the pommel of his sword. "If I could I'd take his ugly head off. Sansa would be a widow then, and free. There's no other way that I can see. They made her speak the vows before a septon and don a crimson cloak."
Catelyn remembered the twisted little man she had seized at the crossroads inn and carried all the way to the Eyrie. "I should have let Lysa push him out her Moon Door."
Like what the hell are they even talking about anymore. Hopefully Sansa antis wake up one day and realise that nobody but them, will think that a 13 year old willingly married into the family that killed hers. If northern lords believed that women should totally attach themselves to their captors they wouldn't be marching against the Bolton's and trying to save "Arya". None of them are talking how "Arya" probably willingly married Ramsey. They wouldn't hold any judgment for Ramsey forcefully marrying lady Hornwood.
-And do you imagine the Hornwood men have forgotten the Bastard's last marriage, and how his lady wife was left to starve, chewing her own fingers? What do you think passes through their heads when they hear the new bride weeping?
Remember how they think that 15 year old Lyanna willingly ran away with 23 year old Rhegar. Oh wait they don't. But no they definitely will think that 13 year old Sansa willingly married to 26 year old Tyrion+ all the bad things they believe about him.
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