#no i will not call her ishizu ishtar
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Happy very delayed Valentine’s day ^^’
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likeadog · 11 months
ishizu is like, really bad with the blame assignment shit. she believes everything bad forever is her fault for breaking the rules and taking marik outside, and that the only way to save her baby brother is by marching into the jaws of death. she even is fine with committing blasphemy knowing she'll probably be punished for it just to serve that goal. the only person she blames more than herself is yami marik, and she goes to great lengths to try and mentally separate him from marik (and avoid even calling him human) despite yami marik referring to her fairly respectfully as far as he goes, and clearly claiming her as his sister. she wants this dude DEAD, and thinks that getting rid of him is the way to fix things but like. heres the thing. yami marik could barely share cofront with marik prior to rishid v joey, much less exert influence. marik does a lot of heinous shit-- and he enjoys it. he does go mad with power and actively endanger even her life at various points for the sake of his revenge. and marik owns this. the marik + bakura v yami marik duel has an entire few pages dedicated to marik being like "yeah i blame you for killing dad but youre ME and i need to own up to what ive done. i killed our father". the point is clearly that yami marik is, in fact, a part of marik he has to own up to and deal with because hes the embodiment of his guilt and trauma and anger. and in a way, ishizu and yami marik both hid the cause of their fathers death from marik because they knew it would drive him to take his own life, albeit thats more because thats yami mariks very function on his end and not so much a conscious choice like it was from ishizu so ishizus narrative that everything bad forever is the result of yami marik existing just isnt….true. but the other characters buy it because its pretty convenient (and also i think takahashi as a writer was using him as a narrative device and did fail to avoid bad tropes around DID and also wasnt able to dedicate time and pages to a more comprehensive narrative), and its convenient for steadying her belief that things can even be fixed at all. i dont think they even blame their father at any point, which is a little fucked and so like, with the ishtars and thinking about postcanon, its like…okay yami marik cant be entirely destroyed like a ghost. hes still part of marik. maybe more integrated but at some point someone is going to have to sit ishizu down and explain how DID works because shes poured so much stock into hating this psychological concept to the point of her entire plan going into battle city being "kill him even if it kills me" and hes not even a full on guy. and shes going to have to reassess how misplaced that anger is and evaluate what that means for her internal narrative
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enneadau · 4 months
What are your current HCs (that you can talk about) for Jurai and GX?
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Yuki Jurai, will be a powerful Duelist and Mage. However, as of the current moment in time, she's only about 6 years old and hasn't grown the strength to harness her full strength, or had any training.
She looks up to Mutou Yugi, the Queen of Games, who takes an interest in her after meeting her just after the Battle City finals, when Hanaq, the dark wrath of Ishizu Ishtar given life, defeated Kaiba Seto by kidnapping and using his brother against him, and stole the souls of everyone in the theme park who wasn't protected from the Shadows.
Yubel protected Jurai, who then met up with Yugi and got her number. The Queen of Games protected Jurai by sending her to V.I.P. Box One, where she met up with the Kobayashi triplets, whose older sister was the reincarnation of Kisara and whose dragonic form protected the children until the situation was resolved and she could return to her parents.
Jurai will meet up with Yugi again before she leaves the island and again after, but I won't give details here other than to say that Yugi gives Jurai permission to stay in contact.
During his recovery from the incident on the island, Kaiba will launch his competition to 'teach aliens to duel' and Jurai will take part. She will design cards that get sent to space. However, because Yubel is jealous of Yugi's mentoring of Jurai, she destroys Jurai's phone in a fit of rage, cutting her ties to Yugi and accidently hurting Jurai, leaving her unconscious.
While she's out cold, Jurai's parents take Yubel's card and sends it with the other cards, to protect their daughter, and when Jurai wakes up, she's concerned but believes her parents when they say it's for the best. That removes the danger from the household, but after a couple of months, Jurai starts having nightmares that can't be calmed down.
However, due to a later incident in Ennead, magic isn't exactly a secret, just ignored by those who choose not to believe, so instead of taking Jurai for the brain surgery that her parents do in canon, her parents instead show up on Yugi's doorstep and ask her if she can help.
Yugi, who at the time is a student studying Game Design in Tokyo, agrees to teach Jurai and when Jurai is allowed to apply Yugi's teachings, she doesn't get nightmares, but Jurai's parents don't like magic at all and don't want it in the house. So they don't always allow it and the severity of the nightmares scare them until they drop Jurai on Yugi's doorstep for good.
And Yugi takes Jurai in as her daughter.
Jurai gets raised, from age 8 to age 14 by Yugi, her husband and the family she's built around her, with her mother, aunts and uncles teaching her a lot.
The day she goes for the Duel Academy test is the first day she calls Yugi 'Okaasan' or Mother.
When she goes to Duel Academy, it's under the name Yuki Jurai, not because she's embarrassed to be a Mutou, but because she both doesn't want to embarrass her mother by being a failure and an Osiris Red, and because being known as a Mutou will make making friends hard.
There she meets Marufuji Shoko, the little sister of Marufuji Ryu, the Kaiser of Duel Academy and makes friends, as well as earning the respect of others and when the Shadow Rider/Seven Star Assassins start throwing magic around she steps up.
I have more headcanons and events based within GX, but I'm about to go to bed, so if you're interested let me know and I'll post more tomorrow.
Part 2 here
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mixelation · 2 years
millennium items: yugioh lore for people who aren't into yugioh
i know some of my readers follow my yugioh fics despite not really being into the fandom, so here's a cheat sheet on the millennium items.
General notes:
There's seven of them.
If you collect them all, you can open the "door to darkness" and destroy the world. Yugi also has to collect them all to get Yami Yugi (Atem) to the afterlife.
They were made by order of Atem's father in Ancient Egypt by murdering Bakura's entire village and melting their bodies into the gold.* LET BAKURA END THE WORLD
Each item has a unique power, but they can all: initiate shadow games; subsequently dole out magical "penalty games" to the losers; do some amount of splitting and sealing and stealing souls, although this ability is poorly defined and only bad guys do it. There's also a scene in the anime where Bakura and Pegasus shoot beams at each other, and this is never explained or brought up again.
The items:
Puzzle - Is supposed to grant a wish when solved. It takes him eight years of work, but Yugi claims his main character status by being the only one in 3000 years to solve it. Yugi's wish is for friends because he is the sweetest boy in the world. He gets the soul of an undead teenaged Pharaoh (Yami Yugi/Atem) with memory problems instead (it's fine they're besties). The puzzle's special ability is a bit of a debate within fandom-- some people think Atem IS the unique ability, but others argue that Atem uses the puzzle's magic to bias games in his favor. Atem has also a few times used an ability called "mind crush" which is very poorly defined and might be putting an opponent into some sort of magical coma? It might just be a lazy penalty game. Who knows!
Ring - The Ring's ability is to find things. Its second ability is that it houses the vengeful spirit of the King of Thieves (Bakura). Bakura mainly uses the Ring to find other Millennium Items, but his host has used it to find his way out of an underground maze. Some fans might argue the Ring was simply guiding him to another Item in the area, but I prefer to interpret this as the Ring being able to find anything.
Eye - Held by first season villain Pegasus J. Crawford/Maximillian Pegasus, AKA inventor and distributor of the Duel Monsters card game. The eye has to physically replace an eyeball in your head to be used. This giant caveat is important because its special ability is mind-reading, which is sort of plot-breaking if anyone after season one tried to use it.
Rod - Easily the item with the funniest name, the Rod gives the user the power of mind-control. Malik uses it to be the season 2 villain, and is shown to not only be able to control minds from a huge distance away, but to also be able to control multiple minds at once, and also re-activate his control over people from far away. If that isn't OP enough, the Rod can be unsheathed (lol) to become a knife. Malik also has a darker alter ego, but it is NOT a spirit within the Rod -- he split his own soul in two as the result of traumatic event in his childhood.
Necklace/Tauk - Worn by Ishizu Ishtar, this item allows the wearer to see the future. The exact distance into the future that Ishizu can see is never made clear, but she's able to see future events-- including events she is not there to witness herself-- in great detail. Ishizu considers the future predetermined and immutable for all her tenure as the Necklace's wielder, right up until Seto Kaiba manages to change his future after declaring he's going to face god and walk backwards into hell defeat god. It is unclear if Kaiba could do this due to his own stubborn personality, or because he has his own innate magic as the reincarnation of a powerful ancient Egyptian priest.
Key/Ankh - This item allows the wearer to enter the "soul rooms" of other people. Soul rooms are sort of like ~mind palaces~, a place inside your soul that appears as a room decorated to suit your personality. Redecorating the room can change your personality. This item is worn by Shadi, who is a mysterious person that mostly just shows up to reveal exposition and cause problems. Shadi is associated with the Tomb Keepers (that's Malik and Ishizu's family), although his exact connection to/role among them is not super clear. Shadi is also shown to have a bunch of random powers in the anime (such as appearing out of a bad warp filter on the ground), which the wiki page attributes to the Key.
Scales - Also wielded by Shadi, the scales allow the user to weigh a person's heart against a feather for ~purity.~ Evil hearts get fed to a crocodile.
*EDIT: to clarify, Atem's father commanded the items be made but did not do the murdering himself, or even know about the murdering. his brother was like "do you know what is definitely a good idea?" and then just didn't mention the magic items are infused with human bodies
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shachou · 4 months
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@universestreasures asked: ❝ could you just think about anyone other than yourself for once? ❞ (Ishizu)
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❛  Hmph. ❜ She was late. So much so in fact that he had almost begun to accept that perhaps he miscalculated the likelihood of her arrival. But of course, whether sooner or later, it was only a matter of time before one of the Ishtars decided to stick their noses into affairs that did not concern them. Her, in particular. Surely word had already reached her of not only his current business there, but the underhanded means that had secured him unlimited access to this area without the aggravating interference of bureaucracy.
❛  You're even more delusional than I thought if you think you're in any position to make demands of me. ❜ He stepped forward, purposely applying a force to his foot as it was brought down. A thud, followed by a cloud of dust that was raised into the air. The movement itself was symbolic to his control over these collapsed ruins. An unsubtle way of rubbing salt into the wound, and a clear message that until he decided otherwise, he owned this place.
❛  A sacred place ? I don't care what you call this, it's only sand and dust to me. ❜ The pause that followed was nothing short of menacing, because he was not about to let anyone step between him and his goal. ❛  I'll stop at nothing until I've retrieved what I'm looking for. This is your only warning, Ishizu: don't get in my way. ❜
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himevampirechan · 1 year
Vanishipping fanfic: Duat
Week of revo is coming soon. But any time is the right time for write fanfiction for my favourite ship: Atem and Anzu.
English is not my firts languaje and i used an web translator to help me with this chapter. Soo sorry if you found any mistake.
A glass shatters shrilly against the floor.
"Ukht?" Marik asks from the sofa with a confused expression, Ishizu Ishtar stares in shock at the photographs on his desk.
Weeks ago, her colleague in London had asked for her help in translating a, newly discovered, manuscript. Now that the young woman knows its contents, she does think she isn't capable of revealing the information to Dr Carter.
"it can't be," whispers the woman, attracting the curiosity of her brothers.  Marik rises from his seat and Rishid picks up the pieces of glass from the floor.
"The papyrus... It speaks of Atem!" The Egyptian woman points with trembling hands to one of the translations. A hiss of pain, make them to jump in surprise, Rishid watches the blood fall from the cut on his finger. 
In the background, the phone rings. A bad feeling.  
"HELP ME!" She shouts, pushing the door once more. It won't open, it won't move. She can feel the flames, coming closer, through the wood "PLEASE!" 
A creaking sound above her head makes her instinctively run to the far wall; the ceiling collapses and its beams, blocking the only way out of the room.
Frightened, she can see smoke coming from under the door. Coughing, her eyes filled with tears, she huddles between the wardrobe and the mirror where, before each performance, she applies her make-up.  The young woman gropes the floor for something that might help her, but her fingers stop when she finds her ballet shoes.
"I..." she whispers, her voice hoarse from the smoke "... I'm going to die".
The thought loops inside her head until the words stop making sense and her body feels numb. And just like that, the fear disappears.
"It's a shame." She says resignedly, lowering her gaze and fondly touching her attire. The walls behind her back have begun to burn.
"I would have liked the others to see me dance..." Her head spins. The mirror, to her right, explodes into shards showering her with glittering glass.
She can no longer breathe, her skin hurts. Something thunders, something falls? It's impossible to tell exactly, the heat is too much.
"Atem" She closes her eyes, with a small, sad smile "I'm sure he won't be at all amused to see me so soon."
The sound of ambulances and screams, it's too loud.
"MY FRIEND IS STILL IN THERE!" He repeats in a desperate voice, trying to break free from the fireman who is pushing him by the shoulders. His strength pushes him back a few steps.  
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" shouts Jonouchi in the distance as Otogi tries to reason with one of the policemen blocking the way. Behind them, Sugoroku Mutou looks terrified at his grandson and Bakura holds Shizuka's hand since she is crying against his shoulder.
Honda punches one of the officers who is holding him. Feeling free, he runs desperately towards the theatre but three men, pinning him brutally to the ground.
"YUGI!" Someone calls out to him above the melee. Mokuba runs in his direction pointing skyward, in his hand a smartphone and an earpiece in his ear "KCorp emergency team is coming!"
"Where is she!" shouts a female voice, Mai Kujaku approaches with a distressed expression. In the sky, the sound of engines approach.
"Mai..." whispers Yugi feeling everything crumbling in front of him. Numb with pain, he turns his head towards the burning building, as if to answer the young woman's question.
With a gasp, the blonde holds him by the neck, glaring angrily at him with tear-drenched eyes.
"WE MUST GET HER OUT OF THERE!" She demands shaking the boy. A cracking sound makes the world move in slow motion.
There is an explosion, fire rises against the night sky. What's left of the building shakes and with a noise, echoing in the hearts of those present, it collapses.
"BEWARE!" shouts a fireman pushing people away from the scene. There is a second explosion, the helicopters manoeuvre to avoid impact.
Jounnochi falls to his knees screaming desperately. Honda, with blood trickling down his chin, stops struggling against the men holding him down. Behind him, Yugi hears gasps, screams and sobs. 
"No..." he whispers feeling his chest tearing with pain "¡¡¡¡¡ANZUUUUUUU!!!!!"
"Aibou!" Atem wakes up with a gasp. Bathed in sweat, he throws the sheets away and walks, with numb steps, towards the balcony in his room.
"That was Yugi's voice," he declares, feeling a lump form in his throat as he remembers the scream in his dream.
The kingdom of Kemet, or rather, its copy that remains within the Duat; Immeasurable in its grandeur and immovable to the passage of time, stands proudly under the starry sky.
A light suddenly illuminates the firmament. It approaches from afar, like a shooting star, and as it passes over the temple of the god Osiris, it swirls over its obelisks, illuminating the palace esplanade and the village.
"What is that?" whispers Atem with a frown. Below, in the gardens the guards begin to stir with alarm and in the streets the inhabitants of the kingdom emerge from their homes in confusion.
Like a bolt of lightning, the lightning strikes and its impact shakes the earth so badly that Pharaoh must cling to the balcony with his hands. The cries of the people and the creaking of the walls flood the night.
Alarmed, Atem turns towards the exit but the sound of his name, whispered in his ear, stops him in his tracks with a shrinking heart.
"Atem" it repeat. His body fills with a strange emotion. A feeling of shuddering sadness makes him turn his body and gaze intently at the temple still glowing in the strange light.
His heart knows immediately: someone has arrived and, whoever it is, is waiting for him in the sanctuary.
"Your Majesty!" Siamun shouts, almost crashing through the door, as the young man rushes out of the room and down the stairs. Behind him several people call out to him.
 "My horse!" Atem exclaims, in an authoritative voice, once through the garden gates. The guards and servants watch, wild-eyed, his sudden entrance.
"NOW!" he orders in a snarl and the frightened people present spring into action. The enclosure is flooded with the sound of animal whinnies and the creaking of straps and metal. As he waits, a group of people rush in, surprised by the impatient look on his face. 
A frightened servant hands over his horse, which, ready to go, snorts and snorts. Atem checks the reins in a swift, expert movement; satisfied he approaches to mount but a hand on his shoulder releases him from his frantic state.
"Your Majesty!" calls Mahado, catching up with him at the stables. With a gasp, the young pharaoh looks around him and, becomes aware of the people waiting restlessly for his orders. His eyes follow the hand that holds him until he meets the confused face of his cousin, Seto.
"Seto..." he whispers, after a few minutes of meditation "...Inform my father of what is happening and gather the members of the council in the throne room for dawn."
 "Mahado..." He continues, giving no chance for interruptions "...You will mobilise with Shada the guards inside the city. Investigate the possible cause of what happened in the sky tonight and make sure the villagers are safe."
"Anknadin" He adds, jumping on his horse and holding the reins tightly "You and Karim must go to the temple of Jedhu to confirm that the bas of the Egyptian gods were not harmed."
 "Yes, my Pharaoh!" reply the aforementioned with worried expressions but without going against the orders of their king. Light footsteps catch the boy's attention. 
"Temmy what's wrong?" asks Mana looking up at him from the floor with a distressed expression, the Pharaoh bites his lip trying to think over the sad voice that continues to whisper in his ear.
"Mana..." he exclaims after a few seconds, moving his horse to stand directly at the garden gates "...Find Isis, gather a group of hekas as soon as you can and await my return."
"Where will you go?" asks the mage walking at his side. Atem watches, from his mount as the doors to the stables are being opened by the servants. 
"There is something I must check at the Temple of Osiris" replies the young man, as he checks his horse's saddle one last time. Silently, the rest of the priests and servants watch the exchange with trepidation.
"You can't go alone! We have no idea what is going on!" exclaims the sorceress, surprised by the determined expression on his face.
"My Pharaoh, please..." begins Siamun between altered gasps "...If you could just wait for the guards...."
 "Someone is calling me" sighs Atem looking at them out of the corner of his eye. Without another word, he pulls on the reins and gallops away, swiftly, on his horse.
"I'll go with him!" announces Mana, summoning her staff to reach the pharaoh with a spell.
"Mana, wait," a voice stops her. With confused expressions those present see Isis approaching, wearing her characteristic calm expression.
"The Pharaoh will be fine" declares the brunette, stopping in front of everyone "I propose that we follow Pharaoh's orders, while we await his return."  
"What did you see?" asks Anknadim and the priestess looks sideways at him with an enigmatic expression.
"I do not yet fully understand it" she confesses, lightly touching the golden necklace she is wearing "But I know that the Pharaoh must go."
Resigned and silent, those present walk away to do his bidding. Mana remains still in her seat, worried and more confused than ever. Before walking away Seto sends a meaningful glance to Isis, warning her in a simple gesture that he owes them several answers.
"The wheels of fate have turned, again, in that direction," Isis whispers softly enough for no one to hear. A smile tugs at her lips as she gazes into the distance at the gleaming temple of Osiris.
Atem gallops astride his horse; snorting, the animal races swiftly across the desert. The boy's knuckles turn white as he tightens his grip on the reins.  
"Atem" whispers once more in his ear.
"I'm coming..." he thinks spurring his agitated transport "...I'm close."
The animal's hooves skid as it forces him to slow down on the spotless tiles of the entrance. He hops down, then hurries towards the building.
Panting, he reaches the main hall of the temple; it is a room that closely resembles the shrine of the shadow duel: huge in its expanse, its walls are covered with hieroglyphs recounting the resurrection ritual of the god Osiris.
In the centre, under the moonlight, lies the mummified statue of Osiris; Atem gazes at the green of his skin and the bandages that lovingly cover his reborn body, brought to life by his wife, the goddess Isis.
Cautious, he picks up a torch and paces the room; his body stands alert, his scarlet purple eyes greedily scanning every corner in the huge room.
"Atem" whispers faintly in his ear. The pharaoh is petrified for a second in place; confused he raises the torch, directing the light around him in an attempt to better illuminate his path.
And then, he sees her on the ground: naked and unconscious, her face hidden in long dark hair, there is a woman at the feet of the god Osiris.
The young pharaoh approaches, glancing at the woman's pearly skin, her limbs stretched out on the ground are thin and seem fragile; the pharaoh feels a weight in his chest at the implications of the lack of clothing on her body. 
 "Atem" sighs one last time in his ear, the soft almost loving sound delighting the boy. Afterwards there is only silence.
"Are you alright?" he asks aloud, leaping the distance between him and the woman. Wasting no time, Atem takes her in his arms.
Looking respectfully away from her nakedness, he lets her head rest on his shoulder. He shakes her gently, still talking to her.
"Oi, wake up! Are you okay?" He can feel the soft breath against the skin of her neck, her body warm and seemingly uninjured.  
"Guards!" He shouts hoping someone will help. He tries to stand up holding the young woman, she moans slightly burying her face a little more against his shoulder; a scent wafts from the long strands of hair interrupting the Pharaoh's actions.
"Peach?" Atem's heart gives a start, his knees tremble even and if the girl weighs nothing in his arms. Incredulous, and careful not to hurt her, Atem shakes his body.
The pearly face falls from its position, uncovering him from the annoying brown hair: rounded profile, full lips of soft colour. Long eyelashes, small nose. Atem could recognize that face and scent in a million people.
Duat/Amenti/ Necher-Jertet: The underworld of Egyptian mythology, the place where the trial of Osiris was held, and where the spirit of the deceased must wander, avoiding evil beings and other dangers. His heart is judged in front of 12 Gods and, if worthy, he arrives at the final gate where he finds an exact copy of the living world free of poverty, disease and pain.
'Ukht: From Arabic: Sister.
Heka: Sorcerers.
Ba: soul
@revolutionshipping @chocolapeanut @week-of-revo @itsmechmech
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lemusegallery · 2 months
Anzu had managed to find Ishizu's contact information after digging up information from when she hosted the exhibit at the Domino museum. Opening the video call, Anzu politely bows her head. "Sorry for bothering you Ishizu. You were the only one I could think of to ask about this." Anzu held up a card, a familiar card depicting a large red serpentine dragon. "Somehow, I found this God Card. It just wound up in my room. Can you tell me of it's real or fake? And if it's real, how did it get out of Atem's tomb?"
Ishizu lifted an eyebrow over the ringing sound of her cellphone to find a message from Anzu. In it, she read what the other had sent her and to her surprise the card of Osiris, the Heavenly Dragon appeared. That didn't made much sense. She was certain they left after Atem left to the afterlife. Unless, the recent events involving a former pupil of Shadi in the form of Aigami and his duel with Kaiba, when Seto managed to bring Obelisk, the Divine Soldier was the result of it.
Still, she couldn't make a confirmation, to which the Ishtar woman replied typing the following:
"If it's real, the best possiblity is due to Seto's awakening of Obelisk whoch caused the Divine Card to reappear. Still, I will attempt to investigate this. Thank you for letting me know about this."
And sent it.
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incestousduo · 3 months
( From the Starter Call! - To Darla as Ishizu Ishtar. )
"I thought I was the only one in here. Who might you be? You certainly don't lack shame if you're approaching whilst I'm not exactly fully dressed."
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( @sinfully-divine )
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"Ah, well, this is a beach, so." She mumbled. Darla was a bit annoyed by her attitude, but decided to let it go for now. "I go by Darla. Who are you exactly?"
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sesshy380 · 1 year
For the ask game! Feel free to answer all or whichever you desire: 🌙, 🧠, and ✨!
Thanks for the ask! Honestly, I forgot I reblogged an ask game before bed (buzzed me after a long day shouldn't surf social media platforms lol)
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
I do a lot in the later evening because that's usually the only time I have, but I prefer earlier in the day when the house is empty...which isn't something that happens as often as I like.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
I'm gonna be frank. I failed a lot of my language arts classes because labels for words in sentence structure was a hard thing to grasp (and still is to a point). I literally have to google the definition of an adjective.
Then I have the issue of I can't see my own writing from a PoV that allows me to do much beyond critique it. Give me someone else's writing, no problem! It's amazing! The flow, omg! Insert crazy fangirl screaming! My own? OMG typos! What is my obsession with ellipses??? Noooo! You can't take them away!! They are my emotional support ellipses!!!
(I'm sorry...yesterday was hell and wtf am I replying to asks at 4am???)
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I have one that I have no idea if I will ever flesh out beyond what I have. It was thought up during one of those 'what if' brain moments, where I wondered 'what of my oc was the bad guy?'
it's 4am. I'm just gonna copy/paste what I have in my bunny doc below a cut. Just shy of 500 words.
Takes place 2 years after the Ceremonial Duel. Starts off with Ryou attending a benefit event hosted by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities to commemorate the restoration of Pharaoh Atem’s name to history. He is there for only two reasons: His father, and Marik. He and Marik have secretly become a ‘casual thing’, with Ryou understanding that he's a 'surrogate' for the one Marik really wants. Yugi is there as well with his grandfather.
Both Yugi and Ryou are introduced to the newest member of the Antiquities Council, Doctor Kanika Sat’anpu (OC under a different name). She has heard the stories from the Ishtar’s of what happened during the events leading up to the Ceremonial Duel (Memory World RPG). She thinks that it is important to know the true name of the Thief King that made the dark pact with Zorc Necrophades, and believes that it is unfair that TK has been forgotten, while Zorc is remembered. She even has Marik on her side, pointing out the similarities between TK and Marik where both made extreme choices because of horrible acts against them.
Marik is acting strange, following Kanika like a puppy on a leash. Ishizu points it out, and expresses her concern about her new colleague with Yugi and Ryou.
Meanwhile, Marik is struggling. He’s being paraded around like a puppet…and he’s aware of it. Kanika has him under a mind control spell, similar to how he had once done with the Millennium Rod with his ‘subjects’. She wants to bring back TK, and while Marik wants this more than anything, he doesn’t want it in the way she does.
In ancient times, TK had encountered Kanika. She had hidden him from the Pharaoh’s guards, and he had explained what the Royal family had done to his people, converting her to his cause. She became a loyal ally, devoting herself to him, and was devastated when the Pharaoh sealed him away. Something TK never knew about her was that she was the demigod Daughter of Anubis.
Kanika needs someone with a strong connection in this era to TK to bring him back. She uses her Marik puppet to convince Ryou to aid her and Marik’s ‘cause’, offering to bring back Dark Marik in exchange (why idk?). Ryou agrees, becoming another puppet. Kanika isn’t finished. She wants vengeance for what Atem did. She uses her new puppets to try to convince Yugi to ‘help’ bring back Atem. Yugi wants nothing more than to see Atem again, but believes that coming back isn’t something Atem would want.
Kanika becomes furious. She WILL have her vengeance. She wants TK back. She’s secretly harbored her feelings towards him throughout the millennia, and has vowed to stop at nothing to bring him back.
Not sure about the details after this.
Kanika Sat’anpu is the primary villain (surname roughly translates to ‘Daughter of Anubis’)
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
Whats your favorite lore in the fic thats not likely to ever come up?
I'm picturing this fic as an animated series in my head and there are certain visual elements I can only sort of work into the text (because a veiwer of an anime would notice but someone living in-universe would not) but:
-Anubis and the other Gods are always portrayed with only one side visible to the viewer, and flat/without shading, like they're hieroglyphics. At least until they decide to affect the Material plane and suddenly they become much better rendered and 3-Dimensional.
-Funny Bunny is animated relative to Pegasus *exactly* the same way Rodger Rabbit is relative to Detective Valentine.
-It's mentioned a bit but Ammit is constantly shape-shifting which parts of her are Lioness, crocodile, or hippopotamus. Anubis and Thoth both Shift from Dog/Bird to Human-With-Animal-Head formats as needed for DRAMA. [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS] who also has appeared on page changes sizes based on how much trouble they think their Votary is in.
-TK is animated at a higher frame rate than everyone else, because he's had 5,000 years of practice being a ghost, and Yami is animated at a lower frame rate than everyone else for a while while he learns. Both of them ignore conservation of mass and shape when they're ghosts, mostly manifesting in "wearing what their host is, but longer/floatier and trailing off into aesthetically pleasing shapes, rather than anything fabric would realistically do" and "Floating along with minimal effort like they're kites being dragged along by the Items."
-Yugi literally has to take two steps for every one of Seto's.
-Both Shadis have extremely symmetrical faces. Like. Uncannily symmetrical. But they don't have the same face, because each is a mirror image of the half a face they grew back from.
-People do the Himuro Arakawa thing where they turn into minimalist blobs when something stupid happens, and the JJBA thing where their faces suddenly over-render when the situation gets serious.
-Everyone else has Black pupils but Bakura's are always extremely dark blue-green because even in normal lighting his tapetum lucidum are always a bit visible.
-Odion's face markings are white/pale pink because they're the result of ritual scarification (like Marik's back markings), not tattoos. Even though they're in Hawai'i right now, Marik always keeps his back and shoulders covered, and Odion always keeps his arms, legs and upper back covered as well.
-All three Ishtar siblings have substantial crimp to their hair. Odion and Ishizu braid theirs- Odion has thicker braids with beaded caps at the ends and Ishizu has thinner ones with spiraled ends. Marik wears his hair in twists most of the time.
-Tristan's hair looks like a thicker, brunette version of TinTin's from the 3-D animated movie. Téa has a Phyrne Fisher 1920's bob. Joey has somehow developed a reverse mullet in much the same way one develops a septic infection. Bakura has what the kids are calling a "Wolf Cut" but it's really a "tried to trim the split ends and bangs out of his face in the bathroom mirror at 3 AM with kitchen scissors and NO instructions" cut.
-Yugi's hair is straight-up anime bullshit where I've decided that humans have mutated a new type of stiff guard hair follicle like you find on bears and boars. It's very stiff but smooth and weirdly pettable.
-I don't know how this deviated into hairstyles but there you go.
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mbg159 · 3 years
What Your Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh DM Girl Says About You
[Main Girls Only] [GX]
Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardner (reposted): Decades of her being called “the friendship slut” have hardened your skin into diamond armor. You’re something of a purist for DM, and have almost definitely read the manga. You probably enjoy shipping her with some stripe of Yugi or Atem. You’re very prideful of the fact that she technically has a perfect win record, and mention this fact at every opportunity whenever someone makes fun of her. You have a wary relationship with yaoi shippers.
Mai Kujaku/Mai Valentine: You are very defensive of Mai's win record. Mai is the coolest and nobody else can fight you on this. Whenever she's mentioned in post-DM material, you feel an immense sense of vindication. It sometimes gets on your nerves that she's the most overtly "sexy" character in the original series, but you've learned to live with it. You have very complicated feelings about the Doma arc. You are probably a Polarshipper, but you can go a lot of ways.
Ishizu Ishtar: You think this show about Egyptian stuff needed more Egyptians and consequently were very happy. You either really like or really dislike Kaiba, but no matter what, you definitely laughed when she pushed his shit in. Mostly, you just think she’s really pretty. Someone put the brainbug of her ending up with Mai in your head and it won’t leave. You appreciate a character who acts like an adult, and really want to give her a hug. 
(Note: all of the above also applies to Isis, except you also like Millennium World.)
Shizuka Kawai/Serenity Wheeler: You empathized with her a lot growing up. You actually like the filler arcs, but you weren’t big on the love triangle subplot. You’re very angry when people dismiss her. There’s roughly a 70% chance you have considered Silentshipping at some point. You’ve created some very elaborate AUs. You were very mad when you discovered the scene where she dives into the ocean was an anime addition.
Kisara: You desperately want to know her real backstory. You’ve read and watched her scenes exhaustively to work out every minor facet of who she is. You sometimes pull up artwork of her and just... stare at her. You wish Millennium World had been about twice as long. You’re very insistent on the differences between Blueshipping and Mizushipping. You’ve read or written at least one fanfic where she shows up in the modern day.
Mana: When the truth came out that an actual, human version of Dark Magician Girl existed, you were giddy for about a week. You know she’s not around a lot, but you don’t care. You really wish Millennium World hadn’t been cut short, because you want to know the deal with her getting the Millennium Ring was. You’ve read or written at least one fanfic where she shows up in the modern day.
Miho Nosaka: You are a Toei/Season Zero purist without shame. You heard that there was a whole other girl character in the show, and your head danced with possibilities, and then you found out she was an airheaded, childish mess of a person, but that just made you love her more. You know that 40% of her reason for existence is to be a girlfriend, but disagree on whose girlfriend she should be.
Aileen Rao: You are to Miho fans what Miho fans are to everyone else. You heard there was a cool Indian lady villain and that was that. You’ve talked someone else into playing Raijinhai. You are probably very happy I acknowledged she exists.
Rebecca Hopkins/Rebecca Hawkins: You’re not too happy that her first appearance gives a lot of people the worst impression of her. You’ve had to defend the later DM filler arcs on a number of occasions. You’re not against her and Yugi, but you really wish that the love triangle had been left out. You find American characters in anime really funny. 
Vivian Wong: You know she makes people mad, you know she’s arguably the least popular girl, you don’t care. In fact, that drew you to her out of spite. You really like Chinese girls and martial artists in any media. You saw that the final shot of the anime’s last ending is her and Mai teaming up, and a thousand fanfics danced before your eyes.
Sera: You read the absolute hell out of Transcend Game before DSOD came out, and actually understood what was going on. You’re disappointed she wasn’t in the movie that much, and that her badass avatar didn’t stick around. Still, anyone who tries to beat up Kaiba inside his own brain has your vote. You were immensely happy when she showed up in Duel Links.
Dark Magician Girl: You made up a whole personality in your head for her, and weren’t satisfied by Mana. You really liked the Doma arc. Even you aren’t sure how it works when you ship her with Yugi, but you don’t care; you’ve had a crush on her since February 8, 2003, and it will never die. You own at least one copy of her card in real life.
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likeadog · 11 months
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my itemswap ishizu! i decided to indulge myself and bring back "naomi"-- i definitely wasnt the first person to come up with a yami ishizu, but when i was 12 i decided to call her naomi because of the one yugioh game that called her that, and she proceeded to live in my head rent free for a couple of years
story + design run down below cut
naomi is the product of itemswap ishizu using the rod on herself to chisel off inconvenient emotions (see: how the rod can be used to split mariks soul across hosts and rip ka monsters out of people by set) like guilt or pity or indignation in order to protect her brother and the pharaoh (ie using the ability to control minds in heinous ways). eventually all these little scraps are Not So Little and form something akin to a consciousness of her own. im not entirely sure how/when to do the emergence but unlike yami malik or the ghosts she takes a name of her own as an act of self-determination and wants to assert herself as a person through a variety of means ranging from claiming the tombkeepers birthright because shes the eldest (ishizus envy of marik) to turning on tkb (resentment of duty) while similar to ymarik in that she can be a bit of a loose cannon, i think the circumstances of her existence greatly soften the blow in the sense that she also carries ishizus sympathy for others and altruistic willingness to die for those she loves. that being said, she can also be a lot more contradictory and conniving than he is.
naomi is not responsible for their fathers death. she wasnt "born" yet. ishizu did that after he took the last piece of the puzzle from marik after he defied his punishment of odion, in order to retrieve it and give it to him. the guilt and conflicting feelings about it are what ishizu first scrapes off her own brain like burnt cheese on a stove that begins forming the basis for naomi
design wise her outfit takes elements from canon + priest set (since isis now takes that role) and the hair looking like wings 1) resembles the rod 2) resembles obelisk 3) resembles wings a la the myth of isis the goddess bc i want to tinker with isis / osiris / anubis symbolism w the ishtars she took off the hair bangles as a way of lashing out at the past and being forced to assume the role of her mother. lots of tradition conflicts in this one. hence also why she assumes the kohl of the heir-- asserting her birthright as the eldest
her fixation on personhood comes from "you cant just make me and treat me like scraps when i never even asked to be alive" & a desire to prove she doesnt need someone else to give her the right to live. which of course correlates to. well. coughs abd looks at the panel abt ishizus birth jungian shadow ahit
and unlike ymarik who was destroyed as a representation of letting go of the burden of anger and hatred the conclusion to their little arc is about reunification and acceptance but thats wip
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enneadau · 8 months
Based on the current disasters they are facing as part of their own actions (and quite a growing amount of lies from Hanaq alongside that Ishizu did NOT mention the soul-poisoning of Yugi to either brother), is it safe to guess that the Ishtar siblings' previously unbreakable trust in each others have…gotten a rather serious crack? I mean, Ishizu is the oldest, and have always been a protector of her brothers, so them facing this amount of pain and suffering from both others and themselves asa result of their own actions must be….a rather unpleasant wakeup-call about the siblings themselves to some degree?
Yes and no.
Yes they're more likely to double check each other's actions now. But also no, it's more they blame themselves for allowing things to get this bad. If they'd been watching properly, the warning signs have been there.
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pussyandpetrichor · 2 years
I have a version of yugioh canon in my head that is not what happened in the manga or either anime, but it did fish all three of those for parts
Joey and Yugi are both trans, and Joey used to bully Yugi because Yugi didn't pass as well and Joey was redirecting some secondhand/internalized transphobia back at him. But then when Yugi stood up to Ushio even though he knew he was about to get his ass kicked, Joey realized that that protecting what you care about was manlier than the toxic masculinity/kick anyone's ass that looks at you funny, that he was trying to live up to.
Yugi's black tanktop he strips down to when the dueling gets serious is his binder.
Honda was clueless and didn't know either of them were trans until one of them mentioned it during the Duelist Kingdom arc because they had to go to the bathroom in the woods.
Anzu is not trans and was Yugi's friend before he transitioned. She was an ally, but didn't quite actually see Yugi as a man. It wasn't until she encountered Atem while blindfolded that she really started her path to seeing him as he really was. Yugi has had a crush on Anzu since before he transitioned.
Mai is a trans woman and that's why she was so helpful to the dweebs during Duelist Kingdom.
Miho is another friend of Anzu's, but she didn't realize the two Yugi's (pre and post transition) were the same person and thought that when Anzu talked about being attracted to the "other Yugi" (because even though we didn't see it, people talk about their crushes) that Anzu was telling her she was a lesbian and was into "girl Yugi"
I use Joey instead of Jounuchi because Joey is an immigrant to Japan from Brooklyn (where his mom still lives with his younger sister after the parents divorced). Joey's dad is a business man who doesn't pay much attention to his children or family, but he didn't want to keep custody of the sick child, and yet didn't want to give up the status of being a father. Mr. Wheeler is a negligent parent.
Serenity is still waiting on an operation through Battle City, but it isn't to save her vision necessarily -- it's to save her life. She has intraocular melanoma. If it goes untreated she could die, but it has already progressed to a point where she has to lose her vision. And even though their father could probably afford to save her, he doesn't want to waste his money on a girl who's been sick her whole life anyway, so Joey feels like it is his duty to save his younger sister, since his mom can't and his dad won't.
Joey and Yugi are both Jewish. Yugi's grandfather is (in English) named Solomon and he lives with his mother and grandfather implying that this grandfather is on the mother's side. Also, that bandana Solomon wears is a kippah now.
Also, we don't know where Yugi's father is, but we do know Yugi didn't freak out super hard about suddenly losing time, especially in situations where himself and his friends were in danger, and having people tell him he did stuff that seemed super out of character. So I think he already had DID and the thing was it took him a long time to figure out that Atem wasn't just a protector alter. But also, it's probably for the best that Yugi's dad is not in the picture.
Also, Malik Ishtar canonically has DID (not a headcanon) and Yami Malik is an introject of the unnamed Pharaoh from his years of being raised in a cult devoted to the Pharaoh. This is why he thinks it is his birthright to control the Egyptian Gods.
Ishizu is re-named Isis. Odion is renamed Rishid.
Shadi and the Ishtars are cousins. Their families within the Tombkeeper Clan split specifically because of the Ishtar's father being a vile piece of shit.
Also Slifer is called Osiris again because that executive producer can get fucked.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
TOS violations by Yugioh Characters that, Unfortunately, got them Banned from Twitch.
Only two people asked for this and I have a stomach ache and can’t do much else, so here you go:
Joey Wheeler: Did a burger eating contest to try and gain subscribers. It was so many burgers that it was considered ‘bodily harm.’
Maximillion Pegasus: drawing slutty fanart of Kuribohs but as a BDSM style Princess Peach, the infamous “Kuribette.” An ill placed and somewhat poorly drawn pink scapegoat tattoo was misinterpreted as a nipple.
Mokuba Kaiba: Tried to get around an illegal gambling loophole by filming in International Waters. Honestly he would have never been caught by the police if his streaming gambling ship hadn’t been abducted by pirates (while on stream, which was a whole other violation in itself).
Noah Kaiba: Got banned for streaming the process of how to turn dogs into far superior robot dogs. Also tried to use the loophole of filming in International Waters by doing this in the basement of Mokuba’s floating casino pirate-bait ship.
Seto Kaiba: Turns out all of those space ships he said he was building were just very large and overly-complicated bongs.
(read more under the cut)
Gozaburo Kaiba: After starting a new career by purchasing Twitch, his investors banned his twitch account once his dazzling personality ruined his stock prices virtually overnight when he started hooting and hollering about putting all your sons in Orbs.
Mai Valentine: Said she was going to Murder Joey Wheeler just one too many times (it was 485 times.) To be fair, Joey Wheeler was not aware she had a Twitch Account at the time.
Yugi Muto: Took his shirt off mid-stream when phasing into Yami mode. Although he is a man, this upset so many people (just 3 people, all of which were the Kaiba brothers), that he made a 40 minute apology video and banned himself, although he was never asked to do this.
Yami Muto: After starting a successful second gaming account under Yami’s name of PHARAOH420BLAZEIT, Yami didn’t realize that when you “block” accounts it doesn’t mean you literally phase users into actual literal blocks.
Tea Gardner: Got too greedy and faked her age to get paid through an onlyfans account. Was blissfully unaware that most people use it for porn. Even when this was clearly explained to her, she doesn’t understand why that was a terrible idea.
Grandpa Solomon Muto: Destroyed public property by claiming it was lost history and trying to dig it up. It was an Arby’s. A skeleton under a very bad Arby’s. A skeleton under a very bad Arby’s that came to life and tried to rule the world. His last words on stream were “not again!”
Tristan Taylor: Stole copyrighted music like the basic bitch he is.
Duke Devlin: his makeup channel got banned after a bunch of very viscous reports that his makeup palates were not vegan like he had claimed. After searching far and wide to find the source of these rumors, he discovered that the angry redditors spreading these malevolent lies were in fat the very jealous cultists that live in Pegasus’ basement. For, as it turns out, the palates he was selling through Pegasus’ company, were made of people.
Despite that, his friends still buy the eyeliner because it freakin sticks to you like a godsdamn second skin.
Marik Ishtar: His crafting channel made Etsian crafts that not only looked exactly like a bong but were entirely bongs. But,TBH, he got banned not for the bongs themselves, but for copyright strikes for making bongs that looked waaay too much like a more popular bong maker on twitch. His bong reputation has never recovered from the shame and now he just makes glass bangles.
Ishizu Ishtar: She was just so good at poaching popular streamers’ streams, even when they tried to stream on a 30 minute delay. It was always a different game in which she would appear too--if it were a large match of PUBG, or even a small match of Among Us, there IshizuSeesYou would stand--seemingly loaded into the game before the server room would even be created. Eerily, she would always win, every time her ghostly account would appear. So, she got banned for hacking when, in fact, she never hacked--not even once.
Odion Ishtar: Odion had an excellent show of being a Minecraft streamer, up until he got banned for electrocuting himself with his own streaming equipment by accident and scarring a lot of little kids who just wanted to see him dig deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and dee.
Ryou Bakura: his generally pleasant and peaceful British-Bake-Off inspired cooking streams got banned because every lovely loaf of bread and every carefully decorated cake he made had the terrifying cross-section of a headless corpse screaming “YOU, TOO, SHALL DIE.” Not once did Ryou ever notice said cross-section, as he showed it to the camera, full of smiles and sunshine. Not once did he seem to notice his chat also screaming, their fingers turning to acid as they typed.
Yami-Bakura: After his kinder self was removed from twitch, Yami Bakura decided to do the job that his other self could not do. So he started a new account under the name BakuraSpiceAndEverythingNice but unfortunately he got too angry during a fortnight match and decided to call upon the powers of darkness to make him win. But, when someone stabbed Bakura in the game, it also stabbed him in real life, and both Twitch and Epic Games banned him before the game could finish. Ryou Bakura awoke in his gamer chair covered in gamer blood, unaware of who stabbed him or how.
Slightly-Eviler Marik Ishtar: After Marik’s cancelled crafts career, Sightly-Eviler Marik attempted to launch himself into stardom by doing lifestyle streams to launch a political career...unfortunately, he was shut down for trying to influence the American Election. More specifically, to try and put himself on the ballot for President under a third party (the Green Party, as he figured they wouldn’t bother kicking him out). It was his unwillingness to show a proper birth certificate to clear his age (which couldn’t possibly be 4000 years old), that did him in.
Bandit Keith: Got swatted and arrested by the FBI on stream for trying one too many times to make Slightly-Eviler Marik’s ill timed candidacy for President a thing. Weirdly enough, the people who swatted him? Russian bots.
Weevil: Arrested for inventing a new type of gambling called “bug fighting” while sailing in international waters on Mokuba’s ship.
Rex Raptor: Got into Dartz’ streaming house but forgot to do the laundry and was promptly kicked out. So really it was just a human decency violation, but it was enough to contractually keep him from creating another twitch account.
Dartz: Made a streaming house where everyone freakin died.
Everyone except for Freakin Rex Raptor because he couldn’t do the godsdamn laundry.
The part of Bakura that lives in Yugi’s Necklace: After Yami’s account was blocked, the part of Bakura that lives in Yugi’s Necklace decided it was up to him to make a mark on internet history, so he started a somewhat successful account called BetterLateThanNever, but it got banned once he stabbed some random guy in Fortnight and, according to the ban report--stabbed him in real life?
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Hanahaki disease and Star tears head canons Part 3 of 3
Since i already wrote hanahaki headcanons for Bakura here , i will be replacing him with my girl Mai Valentine
Hanahaki Disease: An illness born from one sided love, where the victim's throat will fill up with flowers. They will then begin to throw up, or cough up the petals. In serious cases the flowers themselves. There are only two ways to get rid of the said disease. If the person the victim loves loves them back (strong friendship isn't adequate enough) or through surgery. If neither work the victim will suffocate on the flowers resulting in death.
Star Tears: The Sparkly star-like tears, accompanied with twlinking sounds. It's a disease that is caused by unrequited love. The only cure for these glimmering tears is for the love to be returned;  however, if they are not then the light from the shining stars will blind the victim. 
Flowers mentioned: 
Tulip: Love and, Confidence 
Sunflower: Adoration, Loyalty 
Hydrangea: Emotion, Understanding 
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~Mai Valentine Stars tears:
~If she got the disease
Since she was little Mai knew she was meant to be alone. Her parents didn't want anything to do with her so what made her think anyone else wanted anything to do with her?
 Yugi, and his friends that's what made her believe otherwise. She grew so attached to the group, and to you. You guys were what anchored her to earth when her thoughts took over, and she will always be thankful to them for that, but you ….you were different. 
From the moment the two of you made eye contact she knew she wanted to be closer to you.
At first she thought it was because she wanted to be friends with you, but as time carried on and she spent more time with you she felt her heart race whenever you smiled at her, she noticed her eyes wonder to you when you guys hung out with the group.
She was in love with you and that alone terrified her. That fear turned into tears, and those tears turned into stars.
She knew what these stars were; she witnessed them first hand from a maid that worked in her parents' mansion.
She hated this, the feeling of fear and the blinding stars. So she decided to do the one thing she could do to get rid of the star. She was gonna confess her feelings for you.
Ever since she was a little girl she knew she was meant to be alone, and since the last thing she saw before the darkness took over  was you confessing to another she knew these words to be true.
She never felt so alone in the darkness she now faces.
~If you got the disease:
You knew the world was a beautiful place, even when dark forces try to take over the world the beauty always seemed to shine through.
It especially got brighter when Mai came into view, to you Mai was something that walked out of your dreams, and you felt lucky enough to know her.
The more she hung out with the group however, the more you came to have feelings for the woman. Everything about her called out to you, and you would be stupid to refuse the call. However, that wasn't in the cards for you.
You werent the one she had eyes for, she had eyes for Joey, and as much as you wanted to steal her attention away from the blonde you couldn't bring yourself to do it. 
You could tell from the looks of both of them that it was mutual, and you couldn't take that away from them or push your feelings on to her.
So instead you acted unaffected as their relationship escalated from friendship to more, but that tough act only lasted so long before the tears came into effect and your ability to see started to leave.
You never went to the doctor to find out why these tears were there because they helped not see the love that flourished between Joey and Mai. So when you finally lost your sight due to the tears you found it both a blessing and a curse. 
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~Yami Bakura Hanahaki disease:
~If he got the disease:
The Thief King remembers what his village was like Before it was destroyed, he also remembered you. The person who despite his mean demour went out of their way to befriend him.
He thought nothing of you at first, but as time continued he despised your company less and less till he eventually looked forward to it.
Your smile was more dazzling then any stone he has ever seen, you sparkled like the star at night, and your beauty rivaled the queens. 
He knew he was in love with you but didnt know how to approach such a subject. He was used to the roughness of the streets, not your gentle caress. He didn't have much time to think on how to approach it until the flowers started growing in his lungs.
He didn't know what he hated more, the fact that he was in love with you, or the flowers growing in his lungs.
He didn't try to beat around the bush, when they first started growing he seeked you out immediately. When you greeted him with your bright smile he felt the flowers growing more.
“(y/n)” he gruffed ”….i think i love you”  you surprised that the tall rough man was the first to say it.
The only thing you could do was jump into his arms, and hold him close.
Bakura didn't know why he thought of that memory when he saw the (h/c) walk past him,but he suddenly felt the flowers once again.
~If you got the disease:
Growing up in a small village you knew everyone, well almost everyone. So you made it your goal to get to know Bakura. I took a lot of time and effort to befriend the gruff man.
He made it difficult to get close to him, but eventually you did. Even though he hated when you got close he never pushed you away, even though he hated when you talked to him he never asked you to stop, and even though he said you were the most annoying thing he has ever come across he protects you wherever you get in trouble.
You fell for him, and you fell for him hard. As much as you wanted to avoid him you couldn't. You were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. 
Even as the flowers began to grow in your lungs you couldn't stay away. You got better at hiding the flowers from Bakura, but not from the others.
The local healer noticed the flowers spewing from your mouth as you hid in on the many alleys, but she wasn't the only one who noticed.
When you told Bakura that you had errands to run he became suspicious, so he followed you to check on you. Him and the doctor rushed to your side. The doctor sat you down so you could get your breath back. Mindlessly the doctor told you and Bakura what the disease was and what could happen. Bakura looked at you upset and worried. 
“Who is it then (y/n)?! Don't let this take you from me!” you looked at him with tears in your eyes. “Its you,” you whispered. 
The doctor excused herself as Bakura grabbed your wrist  and pulled you to him.
Bakura was a rough man, but he has never been so gentle as when he held you like this, and here you knew that no matter what you were safe with him.
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~Yami Marik Star Tears:
~If he got the disease: 
Yami Marik didn't have the time for feelings, he had a plan set in motion. However fate had other plans for him. When he saw you at Kaiba’s side during battle city, he knew he had to have you at HIS side.
He tried everything to get you, but everytime he tried it was either foiled or you were surrounded by too many people. He didn't know how to go about this, and this frustrated him more than anything.
That's when the tears appeared. They fell endlessly from his eyes and it irritated him more that he didn't understand how to stop them.
While the others were in the virtual world Marik stayed in his room trying to get rid of the tears. That's when you walked in.
You walked calmly to his side “star tears..” he side eyed you as you explained the effects of the disease. You kneeled down to his level, and put his face in your hands. “The future Pharaoh can't go blind.”
Slight confusion came across his face before it was replaced with a smirk “The heal your Pharaoh” the two of you shared a kiss as the tears faded. Now it was time for him to take over the world with you at his side.
~If you got the disease:
You have been friends with Kaiba brothers for a long time, and that had some perks. Like getting into the battle city finals without dueling, and getting to see this demon named Marik.
As you watched him fight Mai something in you felt a fire that you never felt before, and you knew then that you wanted to follow him into whatever pits of hell he came from. 
The problem with these new affections was the tears that soon followed. You knew what these tears were, and you knew how to stop them
Or so you thought When Noah called all duelists to meet with him that unfortunately meant you as well. So you end up in their little charade as you slowly lose your sight.
When you finally did lose your sight in the virtual and real world you distanced yourself from everyone until you eventually faded from everyone's memory. 
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~Marik Ishtar Hanahaki disease:
~If he got disease:
Marik has known you for years due to your loyalty to his family. He was close to you, closer then he has ever been with anyone.
Even after he ran off vowing to take down the pharaoh you stayed by him, and acted as one of the rare hunters.
With the more time he spent with you the more his affections grew for you, and he came to realize how much he loved you.
However before the flowers grew Ishizu warned him of the future he had with you, he ignored her warnings but never forgot them.
So when the flowers began to grow in his lungs he knew why, and thus he sent you on less missions just to keep you at his side. 
The flowers grew more and more until he couldn't take it anymore. So one night he pulled you aside away from all ears.
When you went to question him he stopped you with a kiss “I want…..no i need you (s/o) only you are worthy to stand by my side.”  Though you were surprised you accepted his affections and hugged him tightly. “You forever have me my Pharaoh.”
~If you got the disease:
Working for the Ishtar family was never easy, but you enjoyed the company of your younger master Ishizu and Marik. They both treated you like one of their own, and you couldn't be happier.
However Marik was the one you longed for, but you knew you couldn't be with him. You were but a simple servant and nothing more.
When he left the tomb to start his hunt for the Pharaoh, despite Ishizu’s wishes you followed him, and that when the flowers began to grow.
Because you became a rare hunter you were able to hide the flowers from not only Marik, but the rest of the followers. 
It stayed this way until you couldn't take the flowers anymore and you eventually went to the hospital, the doctors told you of the disease, and your options. Instead of taking the first option you got the surgery to remove the flowers.
You may not have feelings for your master,but you can at least still be loyal to him, and that's all that matters to you.     
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