#no more articles about a nobody like her please
kibblz-n-bitz · 7 months
Putting On A Show
Summary: After liberating a country, you and Luffy have some "fun" in front of an audience.
8k words
Tags: Exhibitionism (obviously), multiple orgasms, squirting, a hint of humiliation, creampie, oral sex, penetrative sex, biting
I've worked so hard on this fic! I hope y'all enjoy (I know I did😉)
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Laughter and joy filled the air. You let out a relieved sigh, turning to your captain sitting at the head of the table. Bandages littered his skin, reminders of their most recent battle. Despite them, he was laughing and clapping along to the music Brook was playing. 
It was a fierce battle on some random island you and your crew had managed to stumble upon. Some powerful pirate had taken over the land, and the people on it lived in fear. It was only a matter of time before your captain decided to defeat the other pirate, just because someone had shown him charity (All it took was a little girl giving him a sandwich). The strawhats were all exhausted from the battle, but ready to relax with a banquet held in their name. You smiled to yourself as you looked around at your crewmates. 
The king of the island approached your table. You were giggling and chatting with Nami about stealing when he cleared his throat, announcing his presence to the distracted pirates. 
“I cannot express my gratitude enough,” He began, “I never would have thought that pirates would be the ones to liberate my country as they were also the ones to enslave it. Please, help yourself to as much food and drink as you’d like. There’s plenty to go around.”
“We will.” Zoro and Luffy said in unison.
“There is another matter I would like to discuss with your captain.” He cleared his throat once more, trying to get the attention of Luffy, who had his mouth stuffed with food in a matter of seconds. “Walk with me, if you will.”
“Can I take this with me?” Luffy picked up the biggest bowl of meat he could find. The king chuckled with a “but of course.”
The king left with your captain and his food in tow, and the strawhats went back to their own plates.
“What do you think that was all about? Seemed kinda serious.” Usopp noted as he brought some noodles into his mouth.
“Maybe he’s giving us some treasure as a gift!” Nami squealed, her eyes practically turning into Beri signs.
“Or perhaps he’s lured our captain away so he could kill him while nobody was around.” Robin said. Usopp shouted “that’s not funny!” as Chopper and Nami stared at her with a shocked expression.
“Gimme a break. You think that old bastard could take out our captain?” Zoro huffed as he took a swig of his drink. His cheeks were a bit flushed, as he was well onto his 18th cup of sake. “He’s probably just thanking Luffy or somethin’. Nothing our captain can’t handle.”
You leaned back in your chair. Despite everyone’s dismissive behavior, you really were curious as to what the two were discussing. Like Usopp pointed out, the king looked rather serious. But Zoro was right, if he was a threat then Luffy could definitely handle it. Your captain was reliable like that, and it was one of the many qualities you loved him for.
Your relationship with your captain was relatively new. You had joined the strawhat pirate crew after they had reunited in Sabaody. It was a funny coincidence, actually. At that time, you had heard many stories about Strawhat Luffy and his wild behavior. Of course, most of your information came from news articles, so naturally he was painted as a violent criminal, untamed and extremely dangerous (As if his bounty wasn’t intimidating enough). But, the first time you had ever laid eyes on him, he was running around with some big ass backpack on, and a mustache- a poor excuse for a disguise. The marines were around and he looked frantic, unintentionally drawing more and more attention to himself.
You rolled your eyes. Was this really the guy who declared war against the world government? The same guy who fought at Marineford? Really? You decided to take pity on the poor boy as he ran around the archipelago like a chicken without its head. When he ran past you, you quickly grabbed the bag he had on his back and used its weight to shove him into a nearby alley. Surprisingly, the alley was wide enough that the bag fit. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You whisper-yelled. Luffy shook his head, as if he just now realized he was in an alley with you and not out in the open anymore.
“I’m looking for my crew. There’s too many marines out there. Stupid marines.” He huffed, crossing his arms. You fought the urge to laugh. He looked a little ridiculous with his disguise. 
“You’re Monkey D. Luffy, right?” 
“Yep. That’s me!” He grinned, before pausing and slapping his hands over his mouth. “I-I mean… Whoooo’re you talking about? I dunno that guy. He sounds kinda cool though.”
You laughed. He was such a terrible liar. It was almost… cute. The way he pursed his lips and refused to make eye contact as he pretended as if he didn’t blow his own cover a few seconds before.
“Don’t worry Luffy. I’m not gonna sell you out.” You snickered.
“Then why did ya help me?” He asked with a tilt of his head. You hummed to yourself, thinking. You weren’t entirely sure yourself. You just felt the need to help him when he was lost.
“I don’t know. I just figured you could use it. Your disguise is pretty shitty by the way,” You said as you stretched, considering your next words carefully. “I can… help you find your crew, if you’d like.”
The boy lit up. He jumped forward and grabbed your shoulders, his eyes shining like stars. You briefly regretted your decision, wondering if you’d made a mistake.
“REALLY? That would be great!!!! Thank you!” He practically shouted. You slapped a hand over his mouth as you noticed an officer nearby turn his head in your direction. There was no way in hell this boy could get around the archipelago by himself and not get caught.
“Could you at least try to be quiet? I’m doing you a favor here.” You chastised him and sighed, once again doubting your decision. “Do you know where you’re supposed to be meeting them?”
Luffy nodded and told you the grove he needed to be at. You weren’t too far away, but the minute you got closer to their ship Luffy took off, grabbing your hand and dragging you in the process. So much for leading him there, you grumbled to yourself in your head.
Once Luffy saw the Sunny he immediately catapulted himself towards it, taking you along with him. You didn’t expect him to take you with him. In fact, you weren’t even sure if Luffy was aware that he’d brought you along with him, because he never looked back once the Sunny came into view. You watched as his crew cried out and hugged him, feeling a bit out of place. You inched to the side of the ship, looking for a place to get off and back onto the ground. 
“Luffy, who is that?” a voice called attention to you. You blushed and pushed yourself to the rails, nervous under the infamous pirates gazes. This is it, you panicked internally, they’re gonna think I’m an intruder and try to kill me. Images of news stories warning of crew members like the hunter Roronoa Zoro and Nico Robin flooded your mind, and you swallowed. Your mouth was dry.
“That’s my friend! She’s the one who helped me get here actually.” Luffy chirped, running to stand next to you. The boy snickered, “If it weren’t for her, I would’ve been caught by the marines!”
“Okay, what’s her name?” Zoro asked, arms crossed and heads tossed to the side. God, he was fucking scary. Sporting a scarred eye and bulging muscles.
“It’s… uh...” Luffy trailed off, hand to his chin. He turned to you. “What’s ya name again?”
“STOP BRINGING RANDOM PEOPLE YOU DON’T KNOW THE NAMES OF ONTO THE SHIP!” Nami barked as she conked her captain on the head.
“It’s… Y/N. I didn’t know that I’d be meeting you all here, I just saw Luffy and it seemed like he needed my help, so…” You trailed off, unsure of yourself. You cursed yourself mentally. I’m making myself sound like a wet napkin, you groaned mentally. 
“Y/N!!! Welcome to my crew!” Luffy laughed and slapped a hand onto your back. You choked on your spit. What the fuck did he just say?
“LUFFY!” The entire group shouted in unison.
“Whaat? It’s no big deal. She’s really strong!” That much was true. You spent your days as an assassin and that required a lot of training. Luffy huffed and crossed his arms. “And anyways, I’m the captain and I want her on my crew!”
“Luffy, did you even ask her if she wants to join? She looks uncomfortable.” Nami let out a frustrated sigh, bringing a hand to her temples. “I have to apologize for my captain Y/N. He can be a selfish, reckless idiot most of the time. Would you like to join us?” 
You smiled. Of course he was. But the more time you spent with him, the more you felt drawn to him. He had some sort of boyish charm, wild and carefree. He inspired you, and you felt disappointed at the thought of leaving him and going back to your boring, repetitive life.
You looked at Luffy and met his gaze. He grinned at you. Maybe joining him was a good idea. Was it crazy to want adventure in your life? You weren’t sure, but you wanted to find out. Turning back to Nami, you nodded with a surge of confidence.
Smiling to yourself, you remembered your days with Luffy. You were both drawn to each other, and the crew noticed immediately. It didn’t take long for you to warm up to the crew either. They all loved you the way you loved them. And it didn’t hurt that you were quite attractive. Curvy and soft, you loved the way you looked and it was safe to say that others did too.
You were lost in thought when Luffy roamed back to the table, without the bowl. He had a weird look on his face, like he was thinking really hard about something. That was definitely a first for Luffy.
“Something the matter, buddy?” Franky asked. “What’d that old geezer want with ya anyway?”
“He told me somethin’ about me and Y/N,” He said as he scooped food onto a brand new plate. No clue where he even got it from. Your brow raised. “He said somethin’ ‘bout a tradition ceremony or somethin’. Has to do with me and her. He said there was free food! And treasure after the event ceremony thing!”
Nami squealed, fist bumping the air. You were still confused. “What event, Luffy? And what do we have to do with it?”
“Somfin abou a…” Luffy swallowed the food in his mouth he was trying to speak around. “Constipation… in front of an audience I think? He said it’s s’posed to be really fun for us though.”
Your face scrunched, you were even more confused than before. The rest of the crew looked at each other, equally as confused. They knew their captain gravely misunderstood something important the king had said, and it was up to them to decipher what he meant. They sat in silence for a minute before the king once again approached the table.
“Before those pirates had taken over our village, we had a tradition during banquets like these. A couple chosen for the night would feast, consummate in front of an audience, and be rewarded with riches and good fortune afterward.”
In a matter of seconds, Sanji spit the wine he was taking a sip of onto Zoro. You choked on your own saliva and, at the same time as Nami, cried out “WHAT?” Usopp flushed and Robin did as well, she brought a hand to her mouth with an almost scandalized gasp. Luffy looked around, confused. 
“Huh? What? What does that mean?” Luffy asked with a tilt to his head.
“Forget it! They’re not gonna do some weird sex show for you damn perverts!” Nami yelled, pointing at the king. His expression remained the same- a kind, seemingly warm smile.
“Oh it is certainly more than that. It is an act our ancestors have honored for a very long time. It is to honor the couple, to bring them good fortune. We see it as a tribute of sorts.” He tried to explain.
“Waow! Didn’t know this island was full of perverts.” Franky chuckled with approval.
“Well, it’s kinda too late to say no now, ‘cause I already agreed to it.” Luffy shrugged before shoving more food into his mouth. Your mouth went dry as another wave of shock passed over the group.
“YOU IDIOT!” Nami hollered at her captain. “Do you ever think about anyone other than yourself? Think about Y/N! What if she doesn’t want to do this?”
Luffy blinked, then turned to you. He hadn’t thought about that. Luffy didn’t really care whether or not people saw the two of you together. The captain lived without an ounce of shame in his body, so the prospect of food, sex with you, and treasure sounded like a really good idea. But the way you were staring down at the table told him you didn’t think so.
You were silent for a minute as the crew argued with each other. Looking up at the king, you asked, “How much treasure?”
The crew went silent as they waited for the king’s response.
“We have lots of gold and riches left from the old pirates.” The king stroked his beard in thought. “And since you’ve helped our kingdom, we are willing to give you half.”
Nami’s jaw dropped. She whipped her head to you, and you felt you knew what she was going to say. But instead, she sighed.
“Y/N… you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” She reminded you as she placed her hands on your shoulders. The navigator sat back down in her seat beside you as you stared at your plate once again, thinking. You could feel the crews’ eyes on you, waiting for your decision. 
You mentally weighed the pros and cons of actually going through with this. On one hand, you were a little embarrassed at the thought of showing such an intimate part of yourself to a bunch of strangers. But on the other, more convincing hand, there was a really big reward at the end. It’s not like you were going to see these people again anyways. Was an hour or two of getting plowed by your boyfriend in front of a crowd worth it for millions or beris worth of treasure? 
Yes, you decided, it was.
“I’ll do it.” You turned to the king. He nodded with the same smile on his face as before. 
“Very well. I will make preparations at once. Our servants will fetch you when the time is right.” With that, the king had left the room.
An awkward silence momentarily fell over the group. Usopp and Sanji stared at you with mouths wide, in shock. Nami was also surprised, if the look on her face said anything about it.
“Didn’t take you for a pervert either, Y/N!” Franky said with a chuckle.
“Y/N… are you sure you want to do this? It’s okay if you don’t want to… we’d all understand if you called this off.” Nami reached over to grab your hand, concern etched onto her face. “Don’t do this just for us.”
“Trust me, I’m not.” You reassured Nami and held her hand. “And I’m not a pervert either, Franky. I just figured that if Luffy doesn’t care, then why should I? It’s not like we’ll be visiting this island again. And besides- we’re pirates! I’d be damned if I’m letting all that treasure go to waste.”
“Well, if you say so. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you.” Usopp shrugged, his face a little flushed.
“Hm? What do you mean, Usopp?” You placed your chin on your hand and leaned forward a bit, a shit-eating grin crawling onto your face. You narrowed your eyes at him across the table. “You wanna watch?”
You laughed when he screamed, a flush blooming onto his face. He sputtered and the others joked around, falling back into their casual banter. You watched them resume their old conversation when you felt a hand lace through yours. You smiled, knowing it was Luffy. He was physically affectionate, and loved holding your hand whenever he could.
“‘M sorry I didn’t ask ya first.” Luffy said as he finished off his 4th plate. That boy could eat. 
“It’s okay. Besides, this should be fun, right?” You nudged him with your shoulder, giggling at his wide grin. He nodded eagerly.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You stared at yourself in the mirror, hands clammy and body cold. You were nervous, now that ceremony was moments away. 
Earlier, two maids came to collect you from where you were sitting with your crew. There was a small preparation ritual you needed to go through, they explained. They led you to some sort of spa-room, with various amounts of fruits and pastries on a table in one corner. They encouraged you to help yourself and relax. You took a warm bath, with sweet scented herbs wafting through the air and petals in the tub. After you had climbed out, there was clothing laid out for you. A white silk feathered robe, one that hugged your curves and felt smooth against your skin. Nothing else.
I guess they want us to get straight to the point, you thought to yourself. You rolled your shoulders, trying to shake the anxiety out of your bones. You wished Luffy were with you. He’d kiss your fears away and tell you that you’d be fine. He’d help you get out of your head and live in the moment. But he wasn’t here. The royal servants had you two prepare yourselves in separate rooms. A soft smile spread across your face as you thought of Luffy, who had probably eaten all the treats laid out for him and asked for more. 
Sitting on a cushy loveseat, you ate some fruit and anxiously awaited the servants’ return. Waiting like this would kill you, but it wasn’t like you could leave and find your boyfriend yourself. You would just have to sit here, just you and your brain, and wait to be called so you could have sex in front of a crowd. No big deal. 
A soft knock on the door saved you from your spiraling thoughts. The servant from before peeked her head through it. “Ms. L/N? The ceremony is ready for you now.”
They led you down a strange and looming hallway. You tried to psych yourself up. It worked at first, but started to lose its effect the more you walked.
“Y/N? HEEEEY!” You heard a shout from behind you. You didn’t get the chance to turn before a weight collided with your back, pushing you forward. Steadying yourself, you reached an arm back to pet through the soft, jet-black hair you knew you’d find. 
“Hi Luffy.” You smiled. You could feel your anxiety melting away in his presence.  You could feel the warmth of his smile as he tightened his arms around you and nuzzled into the back of your neck. This is what you loved about him. The way he was able to calm your nerves and make you feel so safe and warm just by being near him. “You excited?”
“Hmm? For what?” Luffy unraveled himself off of you so he could lace your fingers together. The two of you kept walking, following the royal servants. They claimed you two were nearing the ceremony’s auditorium. You raised an eyebrow at Luffy before realization dawned across his face. “Oh! That?” he shrugged, “I dunno. I’m more excited about bein’ with ya. I don’t really care if people see us, so it doesn’t make much of a difference to me.”
You blushed at Luffy’s boldness, but you had expected an answer like that from someone like him. With a squeeze of his hand, the two of you approached two large doors.
“Beyond these doors is the entrance to the stage, where you two will be conducting the ceremony. We wish you the best of luck and we thank you for all that you have done for us.” The servants bowed their heads and opened the doors.
You and Luffy looked at each other and you took a deep breath before nodding and stepping through them together.
You and him walked onto a stage. A large bed was placed in the middle of it. White sheets, a couple pillows, and a small nightstand with two water bottles were the only things there. You swallowed, mouth dry. You heard a few cheers as the two of you made your way to the bed. Luffy looked at you. He had a feeling you might be nervous, so he squeezed your hand before lifting his other to your face and pulling you in. His lips met yours. It was… surprisingly gentle. Normally Luffy is fueled by passion lit deep in his stomach. But when his face pressed against yours, he was sweet and soft.  
“Don’t think about them,” He murmured against your lips when he pulled back. He brought the hand that held yours to the other side of your face, cradling your head between his palms. He felt so warm. “Just focus on me, yeah?” 
You nodded and sighed into his mouth when he pulled you in once more. You were so wrapped up in your lips moving against Luffy’s you didn’t notice you were moving, until Luffy pulled away to sit back on the bed. His hands slid to your waist, pulling you onto his lap. He pulled his hat from where it hung against his collarbone to place it on the bed. His garments were similar to yours in that they were silky white, but he only wore baggy parachute pants held up with a drawstring. You assumed he was also bare underneath, if his half hard length had anything to say about it. You whined into his mouth as you straddled him, one hand buried in his soft jet-black hair. The other trailed down his neck and over the X-shaped scar on his chest. Luffy gasped into your mouth, his scar tissue sensitive. His hands tightened on your waist and he pushed you onto him, trying to garner a bit of friction against his rapidly hardening member. 
“F-fuck, Y/N…” It was Luffy’s turn to sigh into your mouth. With a shudder, he brought up a hand to undo the belt that held your robe closed. When it fell open, Luffy grabbed your waist- underneath the robe this time. You whimpered when his hand gripped your flesh and squeezed, his palms igniting fires against your skin. When he went to pull the robe off of you, you stopped him.
“Not yet.” You whispered against his lips when he tilted his head at you in confusion. He seemingly understood because he went back to wrestling his tongue with yours, your kisses becoming more and more heated as time passed. You swayed your hips against his, reveling in the whine that escaped from Luffy’s mouth. He seemed to get a little more restless, because he suddenly stood, giggling when you gasped against him. He turned around with you in his arms, before tossing you onto the bed. You yelped.
“L-Luffy!” You looked at him, scandalized. Luffy shrugged it off with a laugh, kicking off his sandals and crawling after you. He had a dark look in his eyes as he situated himself between your legs. The two of you laid together on the bed with your sides facing the audience. You figured Luffy did it this way so you wouldn’t have to face them directly, and your heart swelled with love for the man in front of you. He could be considerate when it really mattered, and it made moments like these all the more special. Your hand twisted into his hair and pulled him back down to you. He groaned into your mouth and rutted his hips into yours. He was hard, painfully so, and you wanted to help him the way you knew how. You locked your legs and rolled him over. He grunted in surprise at the position change, blinking up at you with wide eyes. You pressed a kiss to his lips playfully and pulled back to sit on top of him.
“Let me take care of you right now, m’kay?” You leaned back down and pressed kisses to his neck. Luffy groaned, head falling back against the pillow. His breath came quicker as you trailed kisses down his chest, pausing momentarily to suck on a nipple, before continuing downward. He was full on panting by the time you reached his navel. “Luffy… Look at me. Watch me.”
He brought his head up from the pillow and blinked his eyes open to watch you. You pulled back momentarily to undo the drawstring of his pants. You slid the silk down his hips, eyeing down his length as it slapped against his lower belly. He pushed himself up onto his hands to watch you move your hair out of your face and grip his length, hissing through his teeth as you gave it a few pumps. You brought it to your mouth and kissed the tip sweetly, before locking eyes with your captain again and dragging your tongue up the underside of his dick. He hissed as you traced the vein running along his dick, and grunted when you finally sealed your lips around his tip
“Fhh- Y/N… stop teasing,” Luffy whined, his hips squirming to try and get you to take more into your mouth. You grinned as much as you could and pushed his hips down against the bed. Deciding to have mercy on the poor boy, you tightened your lips around him and sucked gently, taking him deeper into your mouth. He groaned as he watched you bring a hand to stroke his dick, using your spit to help your hand glide easier. You whined at the feeling of his weight on your tongue, bobbing your head. Luffy was shaking, bringing a hand to card through your hair. You could tell he was trying to be patient and not fuck your throat the way he wanted to, so you decided to reward him by swallowing him deeper. He let out a cry before whimpering, “C-can I? Please?” 
“Please what, Luffy?” You pulled off of his dick with a pop and stroked him as you waited for him to answer. He squirmed and whimpered as you gripped him tighter. “Use your words.”
Luffy let out an exasperated sigh as he held your face, forcing you to look at him. “Can I fuck your throat? Please?”
You hummed and nodded, kissing his tip before opening your mouth, the flat of your tongue pressing against the underside of his dick. Looking up at Luffy, the two of you locked eyes as you sucked him deeper, deeper down your throat until your nose nestled in the coarse hair at the base of his cock. He threw his head back and groaned as his hand tightened in your hair, holding your head in place. His hips ground against your face. Drool spilled out of the sides of your mouth, your chin sloppy and messy. You tried to hold your breath as your throat constricted around his cock. When he finally loosened his grip on your hair, you pulled back to catch your breath. You didn’t take too long though, because after a moment you dove forward again, pushing yourself past the tears that slid down your cheeks. You hummed as Luffy used his hold on you to build up a steady rhythm, alternating between bobbing you up and down his length and stuffing himself down your throat.
Luffy was panting and whining, and you could tell he was close before he stuttered the warning to you. This made you double your efforts, sucking him down and swirling your tongue around his cock. Luffy let out a broken moan, and that was all the warning you got before he pushed you as far as he could go. You held yourself still as he released down your throat, swallowing as much as you could. Luffy always came a lot, so even when he released you and you pulled back you still had enough cum in your mouth keeping it full. You blinked up at him through teary lashes and swallowed, panting and finally taking the chance to catch your breath. Fuck, you looked absolutely wrecked. Teary-eyed, flushed, and face covered in drool and cum, you sat back on your haunches. At some point, your robe had slipped off your shoulders, revealing your gasping chest. 
“Fuck Y/N.” Luffy cursed as he pulled you in for a kiss. “Ya felt. So. Fucking. Good.” He gasped in between kisses. You whimpered into his mouth, shrugging the rest of the robe off and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. His hand found your waist as the other cradled the back of your head, deepening the kiss. You loved his hands. They left scorching trails in their wake, seemingly lighting up your body from the inside out. You wanted him so badly, the crowd of people watching you far from your mind. Your thoughts quickly vanished from your mind when Luffy swiped a finger through your folds, sighing at how wet he found you. He kissed down your neck as he slipped a finger inside of you. You sighed and humped his hand, twisting a hand into his hair. He smirked from where he was sucking a mark into your neck. He surprised you again by picking you up and turning around, laying you against the pillows.
“My turn!” He chirped against your lips as he began kissing down your body. He stopped to leave a few love bites, sucking on your neck and collar. When he reached your chest, he sucked a nipple into his mouth, bringing up a hand to play with the other. His other hand dove lower. You whined, squirming as he toyed with your clit and pinched your nipple at the same time. He kissed and nipped at your chest, delighting in the marks he left behind. He gave equal attention to your other breast before continuing his descent, groping and squeezing your body. He loved how soft you were. It made you really fun to cuddle and he loved the bruises his fingers would leave behind from grabbing your hips too tightly. He looked up at you when he finally reached your dripping cunt. He moved your legs to rest over his shoulders as he pressed kisses to your plush thighs. Using his hold on your legs, he spread them a little more, smiling as he gazed down at your wet pussy. He licked his lips, suddenly giddy. “Ready?”
He didn’t wait for your answer before he ran his tongue through your folds. Your gasp turned into a whimper as his tongue lapped over you more, flicking your clit. He groaned into your cunt at your taste on his tongue. Luffy continued with his languid swipes before pushing his tongue a little deeper, ducking past your entrance. This is where his devil fruit came in handy! His tongue stretched into you, flicking at your walls before retreating, only to repeat a mere second later. Your hips twitched and you whined out into the air before gasping for breath. Your hand reached down to run a hand into Luffy’s hair. The other grasped the pillow. Luffy looked up at you as he plunged his tongue deeper and deeper into you, playfulness shining in his eyes at your reaction. You moaned and writhed against him out of your mind with pleasure.
“M-more… Luffy,” You mewled as you clenched around his tongue. He switched up, pulling his tongue out of you and replacing it with his fingers. He huffed against your cunt, taking a moment to catch his breath. It didn’t last long though, because soon enough he nosed his way forward, sealing his lips around your clit. He sucked the bundle of nerves into his mouth as he dipped two fingers inside of you. Slick, wet noises filled the air. You cried out and writhed against him, causing Luffy to grunt and use his grip on your waist to pin you to the bed. “‘M so close Luffy please.”
You were mindless. Rolling your hips against his face, chasing your peak. It was clumsy but slow, with no real rhythm, but growing greedier by the minute. Your thighs began to quiver around Luffy’s head. This didn’t go unnoticed by him, as he doubled down on his efforts. He alternated between slow and fast licks against your clit, while stretching his fingers to reach and curl deep within you. 
“Mmf- Fuck! Luffy,” You gasped, voice wobbling. “I’m s- hnngh… S-so close I- haah… I’m gon-na -!”
Your hips lifted off of the bed, trying to twist out of Luffy’s grasp. He lifted your lower body up a little in his arms, mouth still slotted against your folds. This way you couldn’t hide from the overwhelming pleasure electrocuting your body. You often fought for your orgasms, but Luffy refused to let this one go. He held you tight as you moaned his name. A groan vibrated against your pussy as your release flooded his mouth. You gave up your thrashing, body bouncing a little as you slumped against the mattress. You moaned as you rode out your orgasm on Luffy’s tongue. He kept his mouth on you until you were twitched from oversensitivity. Running a hand through his hair, you gently pulled him away from your shaky thighs and spasming cunt. 
This boy was a mess. Your fluids covered the lower half of his face, glistening against the lights shining onto the stage. His jet-black hair was tousled from your pulling. He smiled at you as if it were just the two of you, seemingly ignoring the cum dripping off of his chin. 
“Y’taste so good Y/N,” Luffy pulled your face forward for a sloppy kiss. You whined at your taste on his tongue. He shuffled forward a bit before pushing you back against the bed. Before he threw himself onto you Luffy slid a pillow under your hips. Your legs slotted against his hips as he made himself comfortable on top of you. “I wanna… be inside of ya so bad… Can I?” He whimpered in between kisses.
You hummed, cradling his face in your palms as you pressed light kisses all over his face. He giggled before burying his face into your neck, his hips rutting against you. Like some kind of mutt, all slobber and excitement as he humped against your folds. You chuckled before shifting a little, angling your hips towards Luffy. You pulled him away from your neck and kissed him deeply. He seemed to get the message. Luffy lined himself up before pulling away from the kiss, a strand of saliva connecting your mouths together. He looked down to watch himself push his way inside of you. You threw your head back and whined at the feeling of him filling you up. 
A hiss turned into a groan as he finally bottomed out inside of you, pubic bone pressed against yours. His dick was long and thick, and he stretched out using his devil fruit powers, growing til his tip kissed your cervix. You expected him to start fucking you right away like he normally did. But when he didn’t, you blinked your eyes open and looked up at him in confusion. He smiled at you lazily and looked down to where the two of you were connected. You tried to grind down on him, to gain some sort of friction, but he used his body weight to pin you to the bed.
“Wh- Luffy?” You gazed at him, confused. “What are you-”
“How bad do ya want it?” 
“What?” You blinked at him, not believing what you’d heard.
“I said,” Luffy leaned forward, eyes dark and flickering with mischief. “How bad do ya want it?”
“Luffy, don’t do this, please. Not now,” You pleaded. “I can’t, it’s s-so embarrassing.” You seemed to remember now. You were in front of an audience. One that was eerily quiet, might you add. Your face burned with shame. He wouldn’t make you beg in front of them, would he? You shuddered, slowly turning your head to the audie-
A rough hand grabbed your face, turning you back to look at the man currently inside you.
“Don’t.” He growled. “Look at me and tell me what you want.” He ground his hips into yours for emphasis, delighting in your needy mewls.
You sniffled, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. God, of all the times to tap into his possessive, demanding side, he had to choose now. What happened to the sweet, docile Luffy who begged to put his hands on you? The boy who was happy just using your mouth? You couldn’t find him in this suddenly commanding man, who twitched inside of you at your distress. It wasn’t often he got like this, all assertive and dominant, but when he did you basked in his authority. He always fucked you a little bit deeper, a little bit harder when he was in this mood. You were happy to indulge him, to beg and submit to his every whim.
But not like this.
This was humiliating.
You whined and squirmed as you thought over your next words carefully. You decided to beg for mercy once more.
“I-I can’t.”
“Fine, I guess ya don’t want it.” Luffy sighed discontentedly. He pulled away from you, shifting to pull himself out of you before you stopped him. You wrapped your legs around him and pulled him back in with a small yelp. Your hands gripped his arms caged around you. Luffy looked down at you, a smirk pulling at his lips. 
“Please, captain…” you sniffled, tears of frustration spilling down your face as humiliation boiled within your veins. But you couldn’t deny the way you clenched down on Luffy as your resolve crumbled into pieces. “Please fuck me. Cum deep inside of me, please. Please. I need it so badly, fuck.”
He blinked at you.
“Fuck. Fuck! I need you to f-fuck me, captain. Please.” You sobbed, writhing on his dick. Luffy laughed, shifting on his knees and hooking his elbows into the crook of your legs. His trademark grin beamed down at you as shivers wracked your body.
“See? That wasn’t so hard!” Luffy snickered. He wouldn’t call himself a sadist, but he did find you crying and begging for him to fuck you kind of funny. “Okay, okay, fine. I gotcha.”
With that, he drove his hips forward. Luffy grunted as you clenched around him, your walls so warm and wet. His length hammered away at that spot inside of you, blurring your vision. You moaned, head rolling back against the pillow. He felt so fucking good. Your mind short-circuited and you couldn’t focus on anything other than Luffy’s length pounding you. With a loud groan, Luffy looked down to where you two were connected. He watched his cock pump in and out of you at an erratic pace. His mouth hung open, drool dripping down his chin and onto your belly. 
That’s when he saw it.
When he’d bottom out, a slight bulge would poke out of your lower abdomen. He wanted to see it again. He pushed into you as deep as he could, staring down your body as your back arched off the mattress. Luffy gasped and sat up a little more, lifting your hips with his hands. He used his hold on you to thrust deeper, harder, his tip knocking against the walls of your with each thrust.
“Ngh- Look, Y/N…” Luffy grunted and whined as you lifted your head, almost delirious but willing to obey him. “You can-ah! You can see me inside ‘f ya.”
You watched as he fucked you like an animal, desperate to bury himself within the deepest parts of your body. Your hands scrambled for purchase against the bedsheets, your eyes squeezing shut as you cried out into the air. Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more overwhelming, your captain pressed the palm of his hand on your tummy, feeling himself slide in and out of you. 
You couldn’t speak. Your body was alight with pleasure, and you felt your peak rapidly approaching. The coil wound deep inside of you tightened. But this orgasm felt a little… different. You could feel the waves of pleasure intensify, like a dam fit to burst.
“L-Luffy I’m-” You were unable to finish your sentence, his length knocking into you just right. You practically screamed and threw your head back as you finally let go. Pleasure ripped through you like a tsunami, your vision spotting, hearing nothing but the pounding of blood in your ears. 
You heard it before you saw it. Your release squirting out against Luffy’s abdomen as he fucks you through it. Loud, wet squelches filled the air, mixing with the sound of your cries and Luffy’s groans. Luffy let out a loud moan, dropping to his forearms and hovering over you. He slowed down a little, opting for grinding his hips into you to catch his breath.
“Fuck Y/N… You’ve never… mnhh- done that before.” Luffy heaved, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into your neck. You had squeezed so impossibly tight around you when you came, and even now your pussy flutters with the aftershocks of your orgasm. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, petting his hair.
“Luffyy…” You whined, your words slurring together. You warbled something about feeling good before kissing his neck. Everything else had faded away. All you could see, think, feel was him and how good he was making you feel. You wrapped your legs around him, caging him in. Luffy’s moans and whines rose in pitch.
“Y/N! I- hff- ‘m gonna-!” Luffy ducked his head into the crook of your shoulder and moaned, hips stuttering as he came. You moaned at the feeling of his warm seed filling you up. Luffy pushed in as deep as he could go and stayed there. He always preferred being deep inside of you whenever he came. He didn’t care about getting you pregnant, but he loved the way you twitched and whined whenever he came inside of you. With a sigh, he peeled himself away from you, sitting back to admire the mess between your bodies. He laughed.
“Wow, look at the mess ya made!” Luffy snickered. You pushed yourself onto your elbows, face flushed. You’ve never cum so hard before, and you hadn’t even realized you’d squirted until you saw the damage. Luffy’s abdomen and thighs glistened with your cum. His cum dripped from your cunt onto the soaked bed sheets beneath you. Luffy snickered, then brought a hand to grip your thigh. Using his hold on you, he flipped you over onto your stomach. You yelped and shot a confused look over your shoulder. “What? ‘M not done with ya just yet.”
His hands gripped your hips, pulling them upward, your back bowing into an arch. Luffy groped at your ass as he watched the last of his cum ooze out of your cunt. He didn’t like that, so he collected the fluid that threatened to drip down your thighs and pushed it back into you.
“L-Luffy! Just get on with it already!”
“Shishishishi! Sorry Y/N. I jus’ can’t help but play with ya.”
You yelped once more as you felt a hand collide harshly with your ass. Your head whipped around to look at him over your shoulder, face flushed.
“Wh-what the hell was that for?!”
Luffy shrugged with a snicker. “Dunno, just felt like it.”
“Well, give me a warning the next time you decide t- aahn!”
Luffy interrupted you by pushing inside of you in one swift movement. He shifted forward on his knees, leaning forward and nipping at your ear.
“Sorry, were ya sayin’ somethin’?”
He began to pump in and out of you, hard and deep. This position made it easier to hit the deepest parts of you, tip of his cock knocking against your cervix with each thrust. Fuck, any semblance of coherence you held onto slipped from your mind, Luffy’s cock fucking you dumb. You drooled onto the pillow beneath you, moans flowing freely from your open mouth. Luffy whined, driving into you faster. His hips snapped against your ass.
You squirmed and whined as his length pounded away at your g-spot. Your thighs quake, you can feel yourself fluttering around his length. You were reaching another orgasm rapidly, trying to stop it or slow down was futile. Luffy was going to fuck you through your orgasm whether you liked it or not. The repeated stimulation against your cervix and the barely-there stimulation of his balls slapping against your clit drove you closer and closer to the edge.
“Hff- I can feel ya tightening up ‘round me like a fuckin’ vice, baby.” Luffy groaned, his words breathy. He angled his hips, rolling his hips, trying to get you to cum. His arm reached around you, index finger circling your clit. You cried out and clenched down on Luffy. He moaned and you came, gushing around his cock. It wasn’t as intense as your last orgasm, but that didn’t make it any less euphoric. Fireworks danced behind your eyelids as you trembled and cried out in mindless pleasure.
“Atta girl!” Luffy huffed. Your thighs quivered and gave out, crumbling against the bed. Luffy fell with you, sweaty chest pressed against your back. He slowed down, letting you catch your breath for a moment, but still wanting to stimulate himself. He nipped at your ear. “S-so fuckin good f’me baby… Gimme one more, please?”
“Luffyyy,” you whined, words slurring together. Talking was no easy feat. Your tongue felt thick and too heavy to move. Your vision blurred and your face was wet from the tears staining your cheeks. Honestly, you weren’t sure if you could cum again. It’s not like the drag of his cock through your oversensitive walls was helping you, either. “I dunno…  ‘f I can- nnh.”
“C’mon princess, please? For me?” He pressed fleeting kisses against the side of your face and neck, desperate to feel you squeeze him tightly again. Your cunt fluttered and he groaned, wanting so badly to resume his previous pace. But not without your permission. “Please, please?”
Bringing your arms to hold the pillow underneath you, you ground your hips back against your boyfriend. Your nerves alight with oversensitivity, you moaned and squirmed on his cock. It was hard to speak, but you tried your best to show him that you were willing to try, were giving him permission to fuck another orgasm out of you. Luffy seemed to take the hint. He let out a soft chuckle and kissed your face tenderly, he was so in love with you. Nibbling at your ear, he sped up, thighs clapping against your ass. The sound of him fucking you mixed with his overstimulated whimpers in your ear made you whine and clench down on his cock. 
Luffy brought a hand underneath you to rub at your clit, delighting in the way you cried and writhed on his length. You were close, still basking in the aftershocks of your previous orgasm, he just needed something to push you over that edge and into euphoria. A lightbulb went off in his head at the same time that you fluttered around him. He just needed to press on you the way he did before, right? The heel of his palm pushed against your lower abdomen as his middle finger stretched to stay pressed to your clit. It was an awkward angle, but he was determined to have you gush all over him like you did before. You sobbed, practically screaming as your hips bucked, but you had nowhere to go since his hips kept you smothered against his hand and the bed. Your mind went completely blank. Stars burst behind your eyelids. 
“LUFFY! ‘M ssoohmygod ‘m gonna cum- ‘mgonnacumsofuckingh-”
Your legs kicked out as you squirted once more, your screams muffled against the pillow you bit into. Luffy was at the end of his rope. He kept fucking into you, your orgasm bringing him to his own. He bit down on your neck as he came, buried as deep inside of you as he could go. He growled as his cock throbbed and pumped wave after wave of his seed into you. Your forehead pressed against the pillow you had scooped into your arms, gasping for breath. Mentally, you were blissed out. Warmth spread through every part of your body, tingling with pleasure. Your thighs trembled even as you came down from your orgasm. 
Luffy was in a similar state. He slumped against you, chest heaving. His hands caressed the sides of your body as he came down from his orgasm. He licked at the deep bite mark he left on your neck. It wasn’t deep enough to draw blood, but definitely enough to leave a mark for the next few days, a week if he was lucky. Knowing that you’d be walking around with a mark left by him made his dick throb. 
“You okay, baby?” He whispers in your ear, hand rubbing at your back soothingly. You gurgle a response, physically incapable of forming words while you were still coming down. Luffy chest vibrates from where he’s pressed against you as he chuckles. When he pulls away from you, you whine at the loss of his warmth. You’re finally starting to regain consciousness, though your words are slurred. “Luffy… ‘m tired.”
“Aww, are ya? I can take ya back to the ship if ya want.” Luffy sat up, drinking some of the water that was sitting on the table next to the bed. You seem to perk up at that, and he grins, setting the water back down before rolling off the bed. You seemed to forget about the crowd watching you, and though Luffy was aware of their watchful eyes he couldn’t bring himself to care. He picked up his hat from where it’d fallen onto the stage, placing it back onto his head. He didn’t bother with the pants. He nudged you to sit up, as you already started drifting off to sleep. “C’mon, Y/N. Sit up fa me.”
Luffy pulled you into his arms, lifting you up off the bed. You grumbled and wrapped your arms and legs around him, not unlike a koala. He giggled as you buried your face into his neck. He knew that when you woke up you’d probably flush with embarrassment at your lack of self-awareness, but he didn’t mind. You were so cute when you were all flustered. Even now, the way you drooled a little bit onto his shoulder was adorable. Luffy sighed with content as he carried you through the doors exiting the stage and down the hallway. 
The captain of the strawhat pirates was so in love with you it even startled him sometimes. The way you kept a level head when he was flying off of the handle. You helped rein him in without smothering him or cramping on his way of life. You balance him out. His heart did little jumping jacks when he met you, and the minute you offered to help him he knew he had to have you on his crew. So he didn’t mind carrying you all the way back to the ship, not at all. You were his, and he’d carry you for miles if it meant he could wake up next to you in the morning.
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Thanks for reading! I may include an epilogue (or a part two) if I feel like it >w<
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intersex-support · 1 year
hello! i newly figured out i am intersex, however i haven't been able to find much content talking about intersex experience, history or community, when i first realized i was queer originally i found a lot of content like that and found it helpful, and i was wondering if there's any recommendations you might be willing to give about any content on being intersex or intersex creators who you think people should know about!
This ask honestly made me really happy, because when I was searching for people and resources to share with you, I realized how much stuff has been created in the past 5 years. When I was diagnosed as intersex, I felt like there was so much less stuff than there even is now, so it makes me really happy to know there is more stuff, even if it's still hard to find.
Some of the things I've put on this list are outdated or might include perspectives that I don't completely love, but might include important historical context. It is also a very US centric and English language centric resource, although I have linked to organizations in other countries and would love if people added on recommendations to intersex resources in a variety of languages. As always, take what resonates with you and leave behind the rest!
Cripping Intersex by Celeste E Orr
Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex by Elizabeth Reis
XOXY: A Memoir by Kimberly Zieselman
Intersex (For Lack of a Better Word) by Thea Hillman
In September, Alicia Weigel is releasing her memoir Inverse Cowgirl.
In August, Pidgeon Pagonis is releasing their memoir, Nobody Needs to Know.
Fiction books:
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
Intersex #ownvoices books, collated by Bogi Takács
Every Body directed by Julie Cohen is in theaters right now, and will eventually be on streaming services.
Ponyboi directed by River Gallo
Intersexion directed by Grant Lahood
Articles + misc:
Hermaphrodites with Attitude newsletter-content note for h slur and some other outdated language. Very important history though <3
Jazz Legend Little Jimmy Scott Is a Cornerstone of Black Intersex History by Sean Saifa Wall
What it's like to be a Black intersex woman by Tatenda Ngwaru
9 Young People on How They Found Out They Are Intersex by Hans Lindhal
Teen Vogue's series of intersex interviews
After years of protest, a top hospital ended intersex surgeries. For activists, it took a deep toll by Kate Sosin
Intersex Awareness Day: A Demonstration that Inspired a Movement
Normalizing intersex: Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics
Music-Ana Roxanne
Youth&I-intersex youth zine
Juliana Huxtable-Visual Art
Youtube channels:
Emilord-videos about AIS and surgery.
Jubilee Intersex video
Hans Lindhal-videos on a wide variety of intersex topics.
What's It Like To Be Intersex? | Minutes With | UNILAD
What It's Like To Be Intersex As/Is
Pass the Mic: Intercepting Injustice with Sean Saifa Wall
Intersex Organizations:
Link to org list
People/orgs to follow:
Sean Saifa Wall
Alicia Weigel
River Gallo
Hans Lindhal
Justin Tsang
Intersex Awareness (fabulous direct action organizing in the US-keep an eye out cause we're gonna do more this year!)
Liat Feller
Crystal Hendricks
Mari Wrobi
Intersex people, please feel free to add on more resources, art, writing, and people that you like!!
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sleepykyupid · 3 months
original callout post is by @menheratic !! if you want more info, please ask them. i am merely reuploading the original callout post of ezaki. please do check out the link of the jp community calling him out in 2019 ^^ https://togetter.com/li/1327770
! The following post talks about the various bad things that Menhera-chan's creator, Ezaki Bisuko, has done.
Here a japanese summary of all the shit he did so far, including but not limited to:
• registering Yamikawaii as trademark
• sending his fans after gyaru YouTuber Usatani to harass her into a suicide attempt over unknowingly buying a shirt with stolen PPG fanart he drew
• himself buying products with stolen art, even promoting their sales, because it’s totally ok when he does it
• the reason why Usatan’s original design was changed aka it was a ripoff of Cult Party’s iconic rabbit mascot that was designed by their artist Maromika-chan
• wrote a whole guide on how to legally get away with sex work as child
• proof of him tracing art for the more detailed MCH artworks
• how he attended the Menhera Exhibit only to smear misogynist bullshit with blood on maxipads
• complaining about how anime for little girls are evil feminist agenda TM because ain’t nobody need men to be saved anymore
• boasting about being a fashion designer only selecting the finest fabrics for his merch when it’s actually made by the japanese equivalent of Redbubble
• “parody” works featuring child characters like Chibi Maruko-chan prostituting themself, the message being all women are whores regardless of age for the right amount of money
• the small “terms and conditions” shield he has at his con booths where you agree that you need to buy anything you touch
• how he setup an earthquake victim fundraiser only to keep the money
• telling his english fans they are not allowed to use any of his art for private use, like as icon, unless they pay him
• how he wants to move to the US when he turns 30 because of all the evil haters TM in Japan
• copyright claiming everyone left and right
• japanese Menhera speaking out about he keeps hurting the community
In regards of the maxi pads:
TW, CW // nooses, misogynistic text in red on maxipads
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Our favorite being the second row second one, “Abortion is murder”.
Some more recent event: When he started harassing and hating on disabled people after Tokyo Fashion translated a Tweet of his because being disabled is discriminating yourself.
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It’s like a trainwreck that refuses to end, now with 100% more crypto on NFT while shitting on those who warn about the dangers.
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His NFT sales can be found here: https://foundation.app/@bisuko_ezaki
For some reason, after 7 years, he also decided to re-release the infamous wrist-cut bracelet to sell at events. The leader of the Neo-Decora group bought one for example:
TW // Bracelet that imitates sh, includes blood
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Also keeps doing collabs with “Tokyo Uragawa” under Yamiko so Seigi (Mental illness is justice), which focuses on self-harming girls as fetish objects.
TW, CW // drawn sh
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Recently, he also wrote a long-article on his definition of Yamikawaii:
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Still not sure where overseas people got “this is about mental health awareness” from, might be based on mistranslations because the word for mental health and illness is one in the same, and his definition is about glorifying mental illness. In fact, this is why he was banned from Tumblr because he kept posting other people’s self-harm photos to his aesthetic blog Menherabusu.
Next up: Made suicide baiting posts over his following decreasing in the hopes of getting attention, fans sent him photos of cute animals to cheer him up, and he decided to post about destroying the pictures.
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Tbh, this list could go on forever as he does this kind of bs on an almost daily basis now, but apparently people don’t care enough to stop throwing money at him.
Meanwhile the Japanese community made a whole Wiki for tracking all of his drama considering how much it is by now.
TW // mention of shotacon
Decided to nickname himself Shotabi, the name being a combination of Shotacon and Bisuko, while using nsfw anime edits of male child characters in sexual situations as decor for his selfies.
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Is it ok to still like Menhera-chan?
Sure, the problem is really only Ezaki himself and his increasing problematic remarks fueled by his ego, the manga is a lot older than him being like that.
Fun fact: Ezaki actually hates Menhera-chan because it's the only thing he ever gets approached for by the media, he constantly rants about this on Twitter. If you have noticed, he barely makes new MCH content anymore (unless he gets paid for it) and mainly reposts old artworks and fanart (without permission) instead because it's the only way he can still get attention as his other works, like the misogynist Manapisu, which is just him hating on women as "dumb wh*res" as a manga, flopped badly.
Just try to not fund his bs by buying new goods.
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pantheresssy · 12 days
In The News (Art Donaldson/Reader)
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Hi there!
First fic and also first smut in a long time! I didn’t remembered that it was so complicated to write, but I think that’s pretty good (not in the end tho). Hope u guys enjoy.
Summary: You make an article not very favorable to Tashi and Art's marriage, and he just has to show you how well they are; by fucking you while talking about how much he loves her.
warnings: smut, +18 only, kind of dom!art (even when it doesn’t look like that, power play, r is a smart bitch, quick fuck, and art talks about tashi less times than I expected.
The marriage of the two biggest tennis stars is on the verge of collapse! Art and Tashi Donaldson share only two things in common: their profession and a daughter, since love is not equal.
Tashi seems very unhappy with where she lives and, to escape, she hangs out in the middle of the night with a loser named Patrick Zweig to have something more.
May be Art losing his so loved wife?
And just like that his morning was ruined.
This article was the first of many that would come, Art was sure. With those words, he would become even more the center of attention, this time bringing the worst part of his marriage to the surface. Nothing but perfection was what Tashi taught him to show when it came to that union, with that matter, everything she took care of, even the smallest detail, fell apart. Everything would turn into a snowball because of a few words and a photo of her leaving in the middle of the night.
Even though he didn't want to see anything else, Art picked up his phone and quickly looked for the name signed. Y/n Y/l. The first to really bother him. He just had to take matters into his own hands.
That's how he ended up in front of the door of your house, ringing the bell without stopping.
When you opened it, the look of surprise on your face almost made him smile. You were prettier in person than in the photos on the internet, not that he would really care about that. "Sir. Donaldson, what a surprise."
He rested his shoulder on the hinge of the door and looked at you. He had a serious expression, but his eyes sparkled with something that you guessed was amusement. "I can say the same. The news earlier today were quite a shock to me, you know,"
"Oh, you read it." The shock weighed on your face. You were using it to confuse him and play innocent, and it might actually be working, if the way he moved was any indication. "I'm sorry you find out this way, but a good story just need to published."
He clenched his jaw and gave you a tight-lipped smile. "I understand that, but you might have misunderstood the real situation. And I would like to clarify things to you."
Your smile brightened. "An exclusive interview? This would be wonderful, Mr. Donaldson. Come in, please." He hummed and passed by you when you took a step back.
Art sat in an armchair facing you, with the coffee table being the only thing separating the two of you. "Tashi was trying to convince Patrick to let her be his trainer, no date's like you said."
"But she was trying to convince him at 2 am? It's quite a anormal time for a job meeting, don't you think?"
He wanted to rip out all the quick answers you had and throw them away before it led to a more tragic ending. You weren't worried about anything other than having something fresh to say and you would wrap him in a web until you pulled the answers out of his mouth. "She didn't want me to know about it. Him and I have a hard past."
You nodded understandably and looked at him with sad eyes. What is she doing. "I know. You took his girl, but not before he took her from you."
Frozen in place. That's how he was. Frozen and looking at with quite scared. Nobody knew about what happened in Stanford, he didn't have anyone to tell, nobody was paying attention to Art Donaldson. "And how you assume this?"
Your eyes shone as if he had made the one million question. "Nothing better than have a history from the ones who experienced everything." And when your smile became more malicious, he finally realized.
"Patrick were never good on telling things," He affirmed, trying to put the control back on his lap. "But the lies he tell must be pretty convincing."
You agreed. "They were, if you being here is an indication."
Art felt fucked. He didn't know how to convince you. You were a journalist, even when publishing those things. It was your job to check the facts and not being fooled easily.
So he appealed for his best quality; his seduction.
He wasn't by far the ultimate guy on flirting, but he could do one thing or other. And, if he was being honest, it wouldn't be the worst thing trying to do it with you. After all, you're a pretty, fucking bastard woman, who he just wanted to make take back your own words.
Art rested his elbows on his knees and placed his hands in fists under his chin. This way, he would look at you underneath. "You know how to do a pretty number out of people,"
Again, your smile. "I would be worried if I don't. This is my job, Mr. Donaldson."
"You're good at it," He corresponded your amusement and ran his eyes on you. The way you're sitting didn't let much to look for, but it was enough to make him flinch.
You got silent for a little, waiting for him to take the lead. When it didn't happen, you took the ball back. "Well, you never told me how you felt about you ex best friend going out with your wife."
He dismissed the question. "I didn’t because there's nothing to feel." It wasn't as convincing as he thought, but it was a will-do answer.
You got up and went to a table behind the couch you were sitting, giving him the opportunity to drop his shoulders and close his eyes. "I could be more convinced if you had told me that you already know and didn't care. Tashi doesn't love you, does she?"
And again, he was fucked. "Of course she does. She wouldn't be with me if she didn't." And he wanted to believe his own words.
"She can't play anymore, Mr. Donaldson, but you can."
A glass of whiskey is given to him and he took without thinking twice. The first sip burned his throat, but the second seemed softer than the look you're throwing in his direction. "She's not with me for it, Y/n. Trust me." The amount of times he had justified himself was getting out of his math.
You sit on the center table, mirroring his position so you would be closer to his face. "If she's not then why she didn't let you retire? To live the the peaceful and easy life you desire?"
Art blinked and took a deep breath while thinking about what you asked. It was a hard question since he knew the reason why, but he wouldn't let you win. "She wants to see me go higher,"
The laugh came out of you easily, so much that you didn't even made any effort to put it out. "You know I'm right, Mr. Donaldson. Just say it." His eyes locked with yours and he stopped breathing.
No second passed before he putted his lips on yours, letting the cup on the floor to wrap his hands on your neck. And for the first time he was happy to have something from your mouth.
You were pulling him by his shirt, bringing him up so you could take off his clothes without success. His breathing was hot against your check and he was devouring you as if you were the last meal he would have. Maybe you were, who knows.
The steps you took backward led you to the drinks table, where he pressed you back with his pelvis, making you feel how hard he was just for that little moment. "Mr. Donaldson,"
Art tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled your head back. You sucked on his lip as you were forced away from his mouth and he groaned. It was something low and hoarse that made you grin.
"I don't wanna waist no time." He whispered.
You pushed him away, not too much, and took your clothes off. First the shirt, the jeans, your bra and underwear. All of this under his eyes. "Won't take yours off?"
He quickly got as naked as you, giving you a pretty view of his trobbing cock. Art pushed you on the table, your ass beating against the tray with the drink bottles and shaking everything out of the place. You loved the silverware but at that moment your mind was running with the idea of him.
His lips were making their way to your breasts, his tongue flicking your nipple sending a shiver to your back. Your hands were os his shoulder, your nails digging into his skin leaving red trails on it's way. "I I underestimated you."
He squeezed your thighs, his thumb rubbing against the Inside. "Why?" His lips kissed your belly and he kept his way down.
"I thought you were Tashi's pretty doll, that she could control and play anytime." You pulled his hair when you felt his tongue close to your pussy. "But here you are, about to fuck me against my table,"
He only shaked his head in agreement, still more focused on what his mouth was doing. His arms went around your knees and opened your legs wider. "I love Tashi," He said and licked a line in your slit.
You closed your eyes and dropped you head behind, smiling. "You do?" A hum.
"I fuck her every day. Not him. She carries my ring, we have a daughter."
His fingers caressed your clit, his tongue now going inside your opening. The moan that came out of your mouth were the most pornographic you ever gave. "Then why you're here, Mr. Donaldson?"
Art left his spot making your hips clench with a sharp spasm. His lips quickly went to your neck, letting small kisses that burned like fire in each part of your body. "To tell how much we love each other."
Your hands went for his cock, "Do it then, tell me."
Art stepped between your legs and he let your hands guide him. Reaching your entrance, his cock twitched as he felt the heat, and his hips went forward with a impulse. He was against your g spot.
His noises were the best thing you've ever heard. "We've been together for years, no fights, never breaking up. But you just had to put something to make us fight, don’t you?”
Art's hips moved away and came back, knocking against yours making a loud noise. The table became unstable beneath you. "I have to give people a good run for their money, Donaldson."
You clenched around him, pulling him tigh. Art looked to were you both were together and stared to go faster. Your smell was in the air between you. "Tashi is my wife," He whispered in your ear. "The one I put a ring on."
Your hands went down to his ass, squeezing and help him with his moves. "And look were you are now."
He could feel the angry again. Not even when he was pounding on you hard you stopped the smart mouth. The way you always knew what to say to let him lost.
Trying to put you into silence, he grabbed your knees. Now, your back was against the wall.
“When I end with you, I’ll be back to her. I might fuck her just like i’m doing to you.” The pleasure in your face made him go harder.
You placed your hands in the table and stretched your back, giving him a better view of your breasts. You could feel him everywhere inside you. “Same position too, Mr. Donaldson?”
Art didn’t respond, just kept his rhythmic, feeling he could cum anytime soon. But he won’t do it before you, he wanted to see you underneath him looking well fucked and sweating. And he would.
Everything was becoming too much. His touch, his smell, the way he pounded on you, his moans. Art was a sign for the eyes, and him being so concentrated on not coming just did it all better. His frowned eyebrows gave him a tougher expression, ruined only by his blue shiny eyes. How good he looked that way.
Tashi was a lucky mother fucker.
Your teeth pulled his lips, chin and cheek. You were biting all the places you could reach, digging hard when you got into his neck. Art’s moans were full of pain, but they were also carried by lust. The sensations were getting stronger as the time goes, you could feel that you would come anytime, so you took your fingers to your clit. The moves were fast and tight, following his owns.
You were lost.
“Cum for me,” He said in your ear and you felt your body shiver. So you did it. You were higher than you expected, feeling the waves of your orgasm hit hard on you. The sensation got stronger when he came deeper inside you.
Art didn’t take long for get out of you, stepping back and watching you squirm with barely disguised satisfaction. Being mother fuckers was a couple thing, as you could see. “I was hoping to have an exclusive interview.”
Art smiled and helped you get down, “Wasn’t that better?”
You raised you eyebrows and shook your shoulders. Your clothes were everywhere on the floor, so you took them and started to get dressed again. “It might have been.”
And he was convinced that nothing would come out about his marriage again.
After stealing his best friend’s girl and being cheated on, Art Donaldson wants to have the word time!
Not happy about Tashi sneaking in the middle of the night, he decided to give the pay back but in a different way: in the middle of the day! This time, who could possibly be this girl? Her best friend from Stanford time?
This was a ride!! Hope it all went good! My english isn’t the best but I tried to do it without google translate every word since I really don’t trust it’s ways of doing it. Please I’m sorry if it all went a mess.
See u in the next one!
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
I was thinking of requesting a silly scenario.... like fem!MC is part of a newspaper club at RAD and their director assigned her to make a note about one of Beel's games in campus. <3
(They ended fucking in the lockers room after everyone left)
Hello, anon!
This ask brought me so much joy lol. Anyway, I tried to incorporate all the elements and included them being in a relationship already, as indicated by your follow up ask!
Hopefully this turned out okay... I'm kinda going through a phase where my confidence in my writing is lacking so it's hard for me to tell, honestly.
Thanks for submitting a prompt!
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fem!MC x Beelzebub
Warnings: female anatomy and female clothing described for MC, also MC is described as shorter than Beel, semi-public sex, penetration (reader receiving)
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You held your D.D.D. up in your hand, the voice recording app running as you asked questions of RAD's winning Fangol team. The demons on the team were in a celebratory mood as they had just crushed the competition in that day's game. As a member of the newspaper club, you had been chosen to attend the game and interview the team members afterward. They lounged around the locker room, most of them letting their coach do the talking.
Every once in a while, you couldn't help looking over at Beelzebub. He was standing near the coach, as one of the star players. He blushed every time your eyes met. Every other teammate seemed to know what was going on. One of them would inevitably pat Beel's shoulder whenever they caught him looking at you.
It wasn't exactly a secret that you and Beel were in a relationship, but you weren't often here in this capacity. Your newspaper club endeavors were more likely to send you to school festivals than to Fangol games. But nobody had been available this time and you were up to the challenge. It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that you knew you would see Beel there, too. Definitely not.
You were glad that the team had won the game. It made this interview a happy, boisterous one. Even so, you were glad when it was all said and done. The other teammates filtered out of the locker room one by one. Eventually it was just you, the coach, who was still prattling on about defense, and Beel, who was still in his uniform.
At long last, the coach finished his speech, thanking you for your time. He clapped Beel on the back and asked him to close up the locker room when he was finished for the night. Beel agreed and the coach left, leaving you and Beel alone in the locker room.
You stopped the D.D.D. recording and put it in your bag before smiling at Beel.
He came over to where you were standing.
"Congratulations on winning the game," you said. You pulled him down so you could give him a quick kiss.
"Thanks, MC," Beel said. His hands went to your waist, pulling you closer. "The best part was seeing you here after we won."
You blushed a little, but it wasn't like you weren't used to Beel saying sweet things like this. "I just happened to be the only one available to write the article about it."
"You'll write an amazing article," Beel said. He put a hand on your cheek, tilting your face up so he could kiss you again.
You tugged on his jersey. "Why are you still in your uniform?"
Beel looked at you seriously, but you saw the blush that spread across his face. "I was waiting until you could help me take it off."
You looked at him in surprise. It wasn't exactly unlike him to tell you exactly what he wanted, but you still hadn't been expecting it. You smiled. It was so cute the way he was so serious about it.
You obliged, pulling the jersey up in an attempt to get it over his head. Beel helped you, removing it fully and dropping it on the floor.
You had to work a bit to remove all his pads and gear, but it was worth it when he was standing naked before you. You were pleased to see his cock was already hard, your own arousal pulsing through you.
Beel kissed you, pulling you into himself. He turned and pushed you up against the lockers. You could feel your back pressing against hard metal, but it wasn't too uncomfortable because you were still wearing your uniform.
Beel lifted you and you instinctively hooked your legs around his hips. You gasped as he kissed your neck, your heart racing, your hands gripping his back and shoulders.
You clung onto him the best you could, but you wanted to feel him. His name came out of you in a pleading whine. "Beel…"
Beel put his hand up your skirt, reaching between your legs to push your underwear aside. He circled a fingertip over your clit, making you gasp at the sweetness that ran through you. Then a couple of his fingers went inside you, gently pumping in and out, preparing you to take him.
You squirmed against the lockers and tugged at Beel a little. He responded right away, pulling out his fingers and repositioning himself. You moaned as Beel carefully pushed his cock inside you, his lips still on your skin.
You tightened your legs around him as much as you could, holding on as he set a fast pace. The lockers clanked quietly behind you in a regular rhythm. You let your head fall back against them, creating a slight thud. Beel pulled away from you, pausing to hoist you better, putting a hand behind your head.
You were about to protest, to say that you were fine, to tell him to please keep going, but he had already begun thrusting again and the words fell way to moans. The angle of his cock inside you was so perfect, hitting the right spot every time, over and over. The bursts of pleasure shot through you until you could feel yourself tightening around him.
You cried out his name as you came, your hand grasping at his bare shoulders, running up the back of his head, fingers in his hair.
Beel mumbled your name over and over as he came inside you. Then he was kissing you all over, your cheeks, your eyelids, your nose, your lips, as though he just couldn't help himself.
Since you were already in the locker room, it was easy for you to clean each other up. Beel was attentive to your every need, even checking to make sure the metal of the lockers hadn't hurt your back.
When you finally left the locker room holding hands, everybody else was long gone. A few days later, you received an abundance of praise for the article you wrote about the Fangol team's victory that day. Any time Beel brought it up, the two of you would look at each other and blush.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname @libidinous-weeb
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alonetimelover · 10 months
pairing: Andrew Garfield x actress!reader (fc: Florence Pugh)
summary: Actress, YN YSN is spotted at the park with Andrew Garfield. It was one time, but the fans and detectives on the Internet know better, don't they? It all comes to the small details and then big articles.
masterlist taglist another andrew post
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liked by andrewgarfieldlasagna and 19 302 others
andrewgarfieldupdates ANDREW and YN YSN spotted together on a walk in YN's hometown!!
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andrewspiderman we haven't seen him in a while and that's how he decided to show up????
⤷ andrewsmylove idont think he planned on being seen
ynupdates after all those years of yn praising andrew for his work, it's good to see that she got to meet him
ynshands well, I could really seen them together
⤷ user49 isn't he like much older than her?
⤷ ynsmymama she's an adult, he's too. i think they can make their own decisions
user93 im so here for it!
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liked by ynsmymama, andrewgarfieldupdates and 14 492 others
ynupdates MORE OF YN AND ANDREW out in her hometown!!!!
view all 2 201 comments
ynsmymama the second photo the second photo the second photo
ynsmybestie OH MY GOD OH MY GOD
andrewgarfieldlasagna i love to see it, they're so cuuuuuute
ynshands my parents, im just going to put that out there now
andrewspiderman love it! absolutely perfectly looking couple (i hope so, at least)
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liked by ynupdates, andrewgarfieldlasagna and 18 301 others
ynsmymama please tell me im not the only one who heard ANDREW FREAKING GARFIELD in the background of tonight's 'cooking with YNN'... RIGHT? like the moment after she was like 'where the hell are wooden spoons in this kitchen?' and then 'im sorry guys, im not in my usual set up. for today im using my friend's kitchen' AND RIGHT THERE YOU CAN HEAR HIM 'they are right behind you, next to the stove, love'. RIGHT? IT WAS HIM?! or am I delusional?
view all 1 302 comments
ynupdates I think so too!!
andrewgarfieldupdates it did sound like andrew, especially the 'love'
andrewsmylove i can recognise that bitches voice anywhere. if i ever heard andrew, that was andrew. and let me tell you, I've heard andrew.
⤷ andrewbtch i love your confidence
ynshands they are sooo together
⤷ user87 cannot they be friends?
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liked by ynupdates, andrewgarfieldupdates and 25 302 others
andrewandyn YN AND ANDREW behind the stage of their Oscar's announcing duty!!!
view all 2 402 comments
ynupdates oh, she looked so beautiful
ynsmymama okay, it's been more than a year since we've seen them together for the first time. they are together, right?
⤷ andrewsmylove right??? it's been 1,5 years
ynsmybestie the way she looks at him, LOVE EYES
andrewsbaby find yourself someone that looks at you the way yn looks at andrew
ynshands why is nobody talking about the way HE look AT HER??? the way he was helping her up and down those stairs, keeping his hand on he rower back?? the check-ins, whispering in her ear??? im goooone
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liked by ynupdates, andrewgarfieldlasagna and 34 492 others
view all 3 302 comments
ynupdates that's why we didn't see yn in the last couple of months!!!!
⤷ ynshands i was getting really worried out here
andrewgarfieldlasagna MILF & DILF THATS FREAKING RIGHT
ynsmybestie they were waking right out of the hospital!!! probably a checkup or something
user45 andrew garfield a father? im so here for it
user92 can't wait to see the internet breaking
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liked by user45 and 103 492 others
celebrityupdates BREAKING NEWS Actress YN YSN went into labour at the parking lot outside of the grocery store. Her rumoured boyfriend, actor Andrew Garfield, accompanied her to the ambulance . People from the scene said it was a very dramatic and nerve-wracking experience for both parties (YN and Andrew and the watchers). For more photos from the scene and more insight, check our website!
view all 19 302 comments
ynupdates you should be disgusted by yourself 'dramatic and nerve-wracking'?! try getting into labour at the public place yourself, you moron
andrewgarfieldupdates two parents-to-be being scared to death and anxious and you're out here writing AN ARTICLE ABOUT IT?! are you out of your mind?
ynsmybestie you really cannot respect their privacy, can you?
andrewspiderman you really have nothing better to do?
user56 that's a new low for gossip magazines
user67 funny how your photographer was literally walking behind them, taking photos even though Andrew asked not to. I hope you'll face consequences
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liked by ynupdates, andrewspiderman and 12 201 others
andrewgarfieldupdates ANDREW walking to the hospital today's morning!
view all 1 101 comments
andrewspiderman he's driving a mini???
ynupdates I hope everything went smoothly and they welcomed a healthy baby!
ynsmybestie he looks so good but distressed
ynsmymama congratulations to two of my favourite people on earth
user45 aren't you the one being mad at the article about the labour?
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liked by andrewgarfieldupdates and 15 502 others
ynupdates YN VIA HER IG STORIES!!!
view all 2 303 comments
andrewgarfieldupdates ohhhhhhhh, i love them so much
ynsmymama she's the sweetest person on earth, even her remark on paps was light and gentle (i would take them to court or smt)
ynsmybestie i hope they can appreciate this time as parents to the fullest! it really is a magical time
ynsmybestie also, cannot wait to see her at the premiere!!!!
user45 i very much understand taking a break. i can't with people calling her selfish??? like, she just gave birth, has a newborn. of course she'd like to take a break!
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liked by yourinstagram, ynupdates and 341 201 others
vanityfair We are at the London premiere for Oppenheimer! The biggest appearance of the night (despite having a little to no screen time) was made by a new mom, YN YSN. YN welcomed her first child just two weeks ago, and today is her last day of work for the near future. 'Wanna spend time with my man and my baby,' said the actress during one of her on carpet interviews. But when one of the people asked her, 'Where did you leave your baby, aren't they just few weeks old?' Despite being told by her publicist to walk away, she accepted the question. 'My baby has a father that knows how to take care of them. Why are you bothered by a mother working or being away from her child for a few hours?' And we stand with this statement made by YN.
view all 10 301 comments
ynupdates I just knew someone was going to ask her that question. People really forget that some good part of newborn babies ha e a father or grandparents to take care of them when mum needs to work
⤷ user45 needs? she's an actress she can say no
⤷ ynupdates there is something called a contract where she is told what she is expected (needed) to do to get paid. being an actor is not only about acting but the promotion and more.
andrewspiderman THE MOTHERS THE MILF
andrewgarfieldupdates she looks sooooo good
ynsmymama i love her answer about hair 'why the drastic change? Well, it's easier to manage in the morning or in the middle of the night. also, my baby doesn't pull at them! a win win situation!' SO TRUEEEE !!! my little sister used to pull the shit out of my hair when she was a baby
ynsmybestie 'Andy, well, my partner, ah you already know about him!' the way she wanted to cover saying his name!!!
andrewspiderman absolute cutie
a/n: I neglected my promise on making a fic for Andrew, so sorry. but i hope the wait was worth it??
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little-emerald-snake · 3 months
Free use - Leander Prewett X F!MC
Warnings: free use woman, alcohol use, multiple random sexual partners in one night, public sex, protected p-in-v, voyeurism, exhibitionism, au
1.8k words
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Leander anxiously pulled at the sleeves of his shirt. His best friend Garreth had dressed him up in a button down with the sleeves rolled above his elbows and added a sweater vest over the top with some black slacks.
He did admit that he looked good but the anxiety still flared to life in his chest as they stepped over the threshold of the doorway into the living room. Bodies pressed together and the smell of alcohol infiltrated his nose, thumping music that vibrated in his chest.
He wasn’t one for parties but Garreth had insisted he start coming out to parties with him. He needed to ‘loosen up’ and ‘live a little’. He didn’t exactly know what this meant since all Garreth did was go to these parties and hang out with the same people he always did, letting the alcohol flow and dancing with his friends.
Leander rarely drank and didn’t dance and usually had little to no friends at these parties beside Garreth. So what was the point?
They’d been there ten minutes, Garreth already having left him to ‘get drinks and be right back’ but Leander spotted the curly red hair bobbing on the dance floor. Leander secured himself a red solo cup that smelled of fruity juices and vodka, sipping it liberally.
He slid his way through the crowd to a smaller room less packed with people. He wasn’t fully aware of everyone in the room when he plopped into an open armchair off to the side. He sipped from his cup and allowed his eyes to sweep over the room and take in if maybe this was his crowd. The friends brought by their more party inclined friends and just wanted somewhere to hide till it was time to leave.
Leander’s somewhat judgmental perusal swept across the room, stopping on a couch across the room where a girl his age in a black crop top and green skirt bounced in some guy's lap. He blinked in confusion. It was clear what they were doing but the other people in the room either acted as if this was normal or casually sat watching from their own spots.
Leander’s eyes flicked back over to her, taking in her curves that the man she rode held on to. From what he could tell from where he sat she was doing incredible at pleasing him.
Leander’s cheeks flushed as arousal crept up inside of him, moving blood south and causing his heart rate to spike. He let his eyes linger on the details, noticing the words ‘free use’ written on her lower back and possibly her stomach where the top didn't cover.
He’d seen the term in porn before but didn’t exactly know what he meant. Pulling out his phone and glancing around to make sure nobody was watching him he googled the term. What mostly came up was a relationship dynamic where one or both partners are allowed to engage in sex with each other whenever their partner desires.
His eyes widened but he read another article on free use women. Alternatively a free use woman was someone usually in a public setting who was available for any person to engage sexually no matter what they were doing.
He swallowed nervously, tucking his phone away and letting his eyes drift to her again. She was now sliding off of the one man and bending over the couch just as another man came up behind her. Both men were wearing protection which made his logical brain relax a bit. He was still a bit surprised to see how everyone was so casual around this.
A hand clapped down on his shoulder and he startled, looking back to his ginger friend. Leander blushed, having been caught in the worst possible situation to this date. “Hey Lee, didn’t think this was you’re scene but I’m glad to see you found something you’re into.”
Leander’s eyes shot open and he frantically began stuttering and waving his hands. “W-well…n-no I…it’s not like that! I just came in here to sit and I…I didn’t know…”
Garreth shrugged, not seeming to care much about his friend's choices. “No judgment here man. She’s been at parties before and she’s a total smoke show. Apparently she’s got a crazy good pussy too. Tap it if you have a chance.”
Leander was shocked. Garreth had never been a prude but this was a new level of comfort he’d never seen from his friend before. “Y-you’ve seen her before at these parties?”
Garreth nodded. “Oh yea. She comes all the time. She’s a self proclaimed nympho maniac. She’ll let just about everyone fuck her as long as they wear a condom. She’s a cool girl too. I’ve talked to her before and she’s got a killer personality.”
Leander nodded, biting into his bottom lip and watching her again. She looked lost in pleasure as the current guy drilled into her from behind. It made Leander’s cock twitch in excitement and he debated that maybe, just maybe he would try to hook up or talk to her. It was just the fact that they were in public that would cause him anxiety.
Garreth pulled out his wallet, fishing out a condom and sliding it into Leander’s hand. “Looks like they are about done mate, come on. Its first come first serve, go over there and wrap up. I’m sure she’ll be plenty eager to slide on.”
Leander looked flabbergasted (been waiting to use this in a fic for so long). “S-she’s already taken two cocks Gaz. You think she could really take another back to back like that?”
Garreth laughed a bit too loudly for his liking. “Mate she takes more than that at every party. She’s probably been here since it started. She’s a machine in the sheets. I’m telling you. Go get some. I’m gonna go back to dancing. Have fun.”
Leander watched his friend leave, anxiety spiking up again. He thought about Garreth’s words. What if he did just walk over there like his friend had said and take what he wanted.
He shook his head and the twitch in his trousers had him standing up and crossing the room before he could overthink it further. Cup in one hand and condom in the other, he sat on the couch and made eye contact with her. She smiled and sauntered over, licking her lips mischievously.
He set his cup aside and held up the condom. She nodded, taking it from him and proceeding to go for his trousers. He swallowed nervously, watching her delicate fingers pull his cock free before opening the condom and pinching the tip closed, rolling it down his length.
He couldn’t believe how incredibly hard he was even as people watched her climb into his lap and slide down his length. He sighed in satisfaction, feeling how tight she was. He couldn’t believe she was this tight after having taken two cocks right in front of him. Her pussy spasmed around him and his head tipped back.
She didn’t even know his name and she was bouncing in his lap as if it was her job to get him off. She leaned in close to his ear, taking both his hands and putting them on her thighs. “You can touch me, you know. I like it.”
She sounded so sweet and breathy it had him twitching. He reached around under her skirt and held her round ass in his hands, getting lost in the feeling and helping her bounce.
Her appreciative moans got louder and it seemed she was getting lost in the feeling too. He chanced a glance over their shoulder where her silky hair hung. Most eyes were on them now and his cock twitched again. He couldn’t believe he was getting off on being watched fucking this girl.
She moaned louder now, louder than he’d heard her with the other guys as he helped her move higher till just his tip was inside before letting her slam down on him. Her pussy quivered and he groaned against her neck, burying his face there in an attempt to ground himself.
She felt so good, smelled so good and she felt so tight and wet even with a condom on. This was by far the best pussy he’d ever fucked. He was just starting to get lost in it when her hips stuttered and she cried out, tightening around his cock.
He stopped, thinking maybe it was over but she regained her breath and kept sliding her body on his. “I-I haven’t seen you at these parties before have I. I-ah! Is it your first time?”
He could feel the pleasure and heat pooling at the base of his spine and he fought the urge to bury himself inside of her and blow. The fact that she wanted to keep going was driving him wild. He tried to focus on her words. “Y-yes. I’ve never…never done anything like this.”
She moaned softly, causing his hips to stutter. He was so close, fighting off the impending orgasm because she felt absolutely incredible. A pang of jealousy rang through him when another guy was getting ready behind her. He wanted her all to himself and mentally cursed for getting so attatched in only a matter of minutes together. “Y-you feel so good. P-promise to come see me again? Please.”
He drove himself up into her, moaning as he emptied himself into the condom. He was vaguely aware of her tightening around him and crying out her second release with him. This girl had really just asked him to come to another party to fuck her again and then proceeded to cum on his cock. He was smitten and that meant trouble. But he nodded anyway and helped to steady her as she got up off his lap, taking a few gulps of his drink before handing it back to Leander and allowing the next guy to lay her down and take his turn.
Leander looked away, peeling the condom off and tossing it before tucking himself away and booking it back out to the dance floor to find Garreth. His heart pounded in his chest like the music that blared through the stereos. He finally found his friend and pulled him from a mass of bodies.
Garreth was about to go off on him before chuckling and reaching up to fluff a hand through Leander’s messy hair. “Damn mate. Railed so good she even mussed up your hair. Must have impressed her.”
Leander vaguely recalled her fingers sliding into his neat hair and holding onto him that way. He shook the thought away and glared at Garreth. “We need to go. Now.”
Garreth looked a bit taken aback but nodded, turning to signal to his other friends that he was leaving. The whole walk home Garreth tried pestering Leander for what happened to upset him so badly but Leander remained tight lipped. Mulling over his new infatuation with the self proclaimed nympho maniac who seemed to be quite popular as a free use woman at these parties.
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southofeerie · 1 year
modern west wing social media hcs
i feel like charlie would have the most normal social media acct and following, like maybe an instagram where he posts pictures of himself (mostly for family), and like a twitter where he occasionally retweets his friends or bartlet. he likes making fun of other people (especially senior staff) for being too stuck to their devices, and a large online presence would take away that ability
CJ’s twitter is less incendiary than she’d like, since she’s the face of the bartlet administration, and so a lot of it is discussing policy or clarifying briefings. she does retweet a lot of good edu sites or interesting articles she finds. she herself trends a lot, she’s pretty famous online as a political icon ala AOC or bernie sanders, and she gets a lot of edits made online from press conferences (which she enjoys bragging abt to the other staff, while making fun of them for being out-of-touch). CJ also has a private instagram that hogan had her make, but she only posts extremely blurry pictures of coffee and her goldfish with captions like “hogan said to post to remind people that im alive”. toby always replies with “sending the pictures to MOMA. breathtaking” and danny replies with “breaking news. press secretary reveals she is still alive. more at 7”.
leo does not have social media because he still has a flip phone and a brick laptop. he says he prefers hearing bad news out loud or reading it on physical paper, but really, he just can’t figure out how to work it. im talking types “google” into google, then types “hello find me a map of the united states of america” in the search bar. margaret tried to help but seeing him type google into google physically pained her
josh is banned from twitter (after he pissed off three midwestern states, basket weavers, and most hollywood producers in the first week in office). cj regularly checks to make sure he hasn’t made a new account. he has a public instagram, but cj looks over captions before he posts (he once tried to ask the president for permission to get a new account but the president sided with cj). most of his posts are about encouraging people to vote or be more politically active. he is also not allowed to reply to comments on the instagram, so he reads them out loud in a mocking voice to donna. unbeknownst to him, there is a white house deputy chief of staff twitter page run by donna (with cj’s permission) that discusses white house initiatives and shares fun anecdotes abt day to day work. anytime someone tells josh they love his twitter account he assumes they mean instagram, and nobody tells him until bartlet is two years out of office
donna, like charlie, has an instagram mostly for her family back home, but also has a twitter where she talks about tv shows she likes and her hobbies, that has a decent following. she might have a tumblr but again it would be abt tv shows and hobbies she has
toby is on goodreads and instagram (but only to leave sarcastic comments on his friends’ posts). he hates twitter’s word count limit and how it’s owned by elon musk, and rants abt it often. he leaves lengthy reviews on any political commentary article in the comments section. this has been brought up in the briefing room, to the point where cj has a recording of herself saying “toby ziegler’s online rants are not indicative of president bartlet’s views. if you have any questions please direct them to ziegler himself”
president bartlet has facebook </3. there’s a white house twitter page run by an intern, but he’s not involved with that. he posts fun facts about national parks or ancient latin novels, but each fact starts with something like “joshua lyman, 🧍‍♂️deputy chief of staff, 🇺🇸doesn’t understand the true beauty of yellowstone national park 🙄🏞🏜🤦‍♂️”. most people think it’s a parody account and cj doesn’t want to correct them
abbey does not have facebook, despite her husbands insistence that it’s better than twitter. on the rare occasions she uses her account it’s mostly to discuss important medical breakthroughs and her daughter’s work
sam has a really popular instagram, where he posts selfies and pretty pictures of the white house and captions like “having a great day at work today!” or “white house at sunset.. gorgeous”. he posts on his story a lot, and comes off as very relatable to the public. he’s cj’s dream social media user
will bailey runs campaign social medias pretty well but his own twitter account is mostly for promoting the campaigns. occasionally he retweets stuff his friends post, or tweets out funny jokes he hears.
margaret is tumblr famous, but never posts abt her job. her posts regularly wind up on other sites. she hasn’t told anybody and doesn’t plan to
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diaperedautistic · 1 year
finding diapers as a continent/semicontinent autistic
(This essay is not in Plain Language. Please tell me if you want a Plain Language version and I will write one.)
I was slow to toilet train: I routinely came home wet from kindergarten and was still wetting myself occasionally in third grade and later. This was mostly an executive function problem; I usually knew I had to pee, but didn't have the executive function to stop whatever I was doing to use the bathroom.
I didn't get much in the way of help for this: I was kicked out of diapers before entering kindergarten. In kindergarten and first grade, I was 'on a schedule', which meant staff would pull me out of class to take me to use the bathroom periodically, hopefully before I'd wet myself. As early as kindergarten, my parents yelled at me for wetting myself, and past first grade, yelling was all the help I got. No one suggested diapers as a way to avoid the shame and humiliation of accidents; it was apparently better for a third-grader to wet herself in front of her classmates than for her to wear diapers.
Eventually, like some autistics, I 'grew out' of it: I learned to absorb the executive function cost of interrupting myself to go pee, or the pain of holding it because I didn't want to interrupt myself, and I stopped wetting myself.
At some level, though, I always understood that diapers were something I needed: when I hit puberty, they became a fetish object; when I transitioned in my late twenties, they shifted to a non-sexual emotional comfort, and I started wearing them more often. As I worked through some of my childhood trauma in therapy, they shifted again, to a radical way of 'rewriting the story' for my younger self who'd needed them, and I started wearing them full-time.
(I want to stop here and acknowledge that I was privileged to be able to make this change in my life: I can afford to live by myself to avoid judgmental family or housemates, and I can afford to buy disposable diapers out of pocket. Many people can't, and I'd love to see diapers as a voluntary adaptation for autistics destigmatized and covered by insurance.)
Once I was wearing diapers full-time, something magical happened: my brain settled back into those same patterns from elementary school, using my diaper when I'm hyperfocused and using the toilet when I'm not. I find focused tasks easier and less stressful, since I don't have to interrupt myself to go use the bathroom in the moment or cope with the ongoing sensory and executive function cost of feeling and knowing that I have to go to the bathroom eventually. I don't worry about burning something on the stove, forgetting important context while programming, or losing the plot of a movie or TV show I wanted to watch. I can get what I wanted to get done more easily, and have more energy and cope left for other things.
Despite the obvious benefits, I still felt ashamed when I found myself wet after a period of hyperfocus; I wasn't 'supposed' to wet myself, and I wasn't 'supposed' to wear diapers.
A couple weeks ago, as part of a larger effort to find better accommodations for myself, I found @endeverstar's wonderful article "Finding AAC as a verbal/semiverbal autistic". It talks about how xe found speaking with mouth words difficult and stressful but was nonetheless forced into a bunch of speech therapy as a kid so xe could be considered "speaking"; nobody offered xem AAC as a kid because xe didn't 'need' it and it was stigmatized. Xe discovered AAC as an adult, quickly realized it was easier and less stressful than mouth words, and is at this point mostly-nonspeaking.
This was me, toilet training, and diapers. Everything suddenly made sense.
I found toileting without diapers as a backup difficult and stressful, but was nonetheless forced to so I could be considered "toilet trained"; nobody offered me diapers as a kid past the 'normal' age because I didn't 'need' them and they were stigmatized. I rediscovered diapers as an adult, realized they were easier and less stressful, and decided to wear them all the time.
Overnight, that last whiff of shame disappeared. Diapers aren't just a fetish object, an emotional comfort, or a way of 'rewriting' my trauma. Diapers are a valid adaptive choice for autistics, even those who are technically capable of always using the toilet!
So, to paraphrase endever*: if you're a continent or mostly-continent autistic person and you're wondering whether diapers might be useful for you -- consider this your permission slip! You're allowed to try them if you think they might help, and you're allowed to keep using them if you find them helpful. Toileting works for abled people, but isn't inherently superior; don't listen to anyone who says you're 'not allowed' to use diapers unless you 'need' them or that you should force yourself to always use the toilet if that doesn't work for you.
Everyone deserves access to the full range of communication methods that work for them, and likewise everyone deserves access to the full range of toileting strategies that work for them.
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ya-what--ya-erster · 4 months
How to Dance in Ohio thoughts for y'all
The red flags durring Slow Dancing asdjfhaksjdfah YES
Shoelaces? Books about Pangea? 10/10 flirting
I cried when Mel's boss yelled at them, I cried during Nothing At All, I cried durring Waves and Wires
I believe every actor in the show will continue on to do great things
THE ARTICLE I was gonna punch someone at that point I was so angry
Person in front of me: it's a show about autistic kids Me: The Police: so can you tell me what happened? Me: they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times.
Sad that I will probably never see this show ever again
When people cheered for Mel or Remy ever my mom got all angry and tense and it was funny
I found it in myself to cheer for kings and queens being heteronormative right there in front of my mom and she hated me but whatever
The whole performance of Nothing At All, lighting and everything, was so perfect and I loved it
Sorry, sorry, not sorry <- reminded me of Six
It was so sad/funny/lots of emotions when Drew showed up to the dance that nobody else could make it to
I am a MAN (jk I am a minor) but I would so dress like Caroline like dying my hair pink right now
"You really want to dance with her that bad?" "YES"
The disco ball was beautiful
I related hard to Mel feeling abandoned by Ashley cuz I've had those experiences before
The part Mel and Remy sing in Butterflies after kings and queens are mentioned, sort of says to me that they feel like they don't belong in the conversation, because the idea of a king and queen excludes them (im not messing this order up in my head am i?) like I just wanted to scream "AND AN OVERLORD" cuz like yes there needs to be another option
Mel and Ashley should have kissed at the end of Reincarnation
Drew's e-mail to Dr. Amigo ashfjhadf I laughed so hard like the different ways of reading it uh yes please (that's what my brain does w/ everything lol)
I wanted to hug every single actor in the show with permission but unfortunately I was too scared to ask lol so I just stood awkwardly
I got to see the real-life Caroline at stage door and it was really cool!
I am so so grateful for the existence of this show, and I want to say thank you so much!!! I felt so seen and understood, even if only for the time I was in the theater.
I was so happy about the signs by the bathrooms (though of course I still used the ladies restroom) that said to go where you feel comfortable.
All honesty, this show showed me the good in my world. All the way around.
I have officially typed way more than I should have but let me say one more thing which is that I am about to spiral into my fanfiction phase for this story so prepare yourselves guys my Ao3 is micah_loves_sweaters if you want it lol
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The Ghost (1990 movie) au nobody asked for!
“Argh! What the fuck? You’re here?” She shrieks. Before Steve can answer, she shakes her head as she begins to pace back and forth in front of the couch. “No. No. You’re not. You’re not here at all,” she babbles. “This was bound to happen. Overactive imagination. That’s what they all say. I’ve been watching too many movies. Concentrating too much on my script. It’s starting to bleed into real life and you’re just a figment of my imagination because I’m tired. Yup. That’s it,”
“I need your help Robin. I-“
“My help?” She laughs mirthlessly. “Oh no. No, no, no,” she’s shaking her head again. “I’m no help to anyone. I need to cut my hours at the video store…and I need to give the writing a break. Maybe go back home to Indiana. That sounds good right now…”
“I’m not a figment of your imagination,” Steve replies gently. He’s been so caught up in the fact that he’s finally found someone who can hear him, he’s forgotten how terrifying it must be for Robin. “I really wish it didn’t have to be this way, trust me, but you’re the first person since I died that’s been able to hear me,”
“Since you died?” Robin blinks. She’s still shaking her head in disbelief. “I can talk to dead people. Like some weird superpower or something…I couldn’t write this shit if I tried…” she slumps down on the couch and puts her head in her hands.
“You’re a writer?” Steve asks.
“Trying to be,” Robin replies, looking up. “Between taking shifts at a video store and an ice cream place to make ends meet,” she sighs. “And now I’m talking to you, as if I wasn’t having a mental breakdown right now. Who are you anyway?”
“My name’s Steve Harrington-“
“Uh huh. Do I know you or something? I don’t remember any Steve Harringtons…” she thinks for a moment. “Wait, were you the guy in my media class? The one who was always leaving his muffin crumbs all over the classroom floor?”
“No. I’m…well, I was a banker. Working near Tribeca-“ Steve answers.
“A banker?” Robin says incredulously. She rolls her eyes. “Why the hell would I make that up? I know nothing about banking!”
It’s obvious they’re getting nowhere but Steve needs to do this. He needs her to hear him so he can save Eddie from Jason.
“I’ll prove to you I’m real! Do you have last week’s newspaper?”
Robin narrows her eyes at him but she dutifully stands up and disappears into the small kitchen. A few moments later, she comes back with a crumpled newspaper, obviously rescued from the garbage. She sits back down and throws the paper onto the coffee table in front of her.
“Turn to page fifteen,” Steve says.
“Can’t believe I’m doing this…” She mutters to herself as she unfolds the newspaper and rifles through it until she reaches the right page.
“Left column, near the bottom,” Steve instructs.
He watches as Robin’s eyes dart across the page and stop when she reaches the article. Her eyes widen.
“Ok so….that doesn’t prove you’re real,” she says after a minute or two. “If anything, it proves my overtired theory. I clearly read about you and now my subconscious is manifesting you,” she explains. “Yeah, I took psychology in college,”
“Please Robin,” Steve says desperately. “I know this is a really shitty situation, OK? I’m dead. I was murdered actually and I’ve been taken away from the love of my life and it just so happens you’re the only person I know of that can hear me. Do I wish it was different? Fuck yeah I do. If I have to…be dead, then why can’t it be my boyfriend who hears me y’know?”
“Your boyfriend?” Robin suddenly looks interested. “You’re gay?”
“Yeah but-“
“Huh.” Robin replies. She opens her mouth as if there’s going to be more, but shakes her head again. “So…why do you need my help?”
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rubberduckyrye · 18 days
I really wanna hear your thoughts on the racism with Angie, I may not have been in the fandom for like 5 years now, but I have ALWAYS been so bothered by how she and Gonta are treated by the narrative and fandom back then but nobody wanted to talk about that back then too, so it's been refreshing seeing it brought up by you.
Honestly I've been screaming about Gonta ever since I got into the fandom--like, back in 2018? Angie I've known for a while her story was a bunch of racist stereotypes but as a pastey pastey white person, I wasn't sure how much I should speak on it. I started talking about it more casually on my blog at first, and now I'm just screaming it into the void because everyone keeps ignoring or dismissing me about it.
I'll start off by saying that the extent of her racist caricature was really brought to my attention by my partner Celest, and she pointed out the initial stereotypes that lead me to further researching on Pacific Islander cultures, Indigenous cultures, and the stereotypes that are associated with them. Even the use of "Atua", while at first glance seems to be more accurate and inclusive, is incredibly inaccurate at best, and racist at worst.
But I'm getting ahead of myself--time to wipe my hands of this once and for all and talk about the thing that the fandom doesn't want to talk about--how Angie is a racist stereotype of Indigenous and Pacific Islander cultures.
I'm gonna need a lot of resources for this one.
So the biggest problem with Angie is how she is characterized/heavily coded to be Native Hawaiian/an indigenous Polynesian young woman. While I can't find any specific articles about specifically Indigenous Polynesian stereotypes regarding it, I know for a fact that the "Merciless Indian Savage" applies heavily to native/indigenous Polynesian cultures just from the horrible media I was subjected to as a child by my own father. Of course I was never taught about how racist it was until I learned it for myself, but I've seen many a movie where Pacific Islanders, specifically indigenous, were portrayed as savage, violent subhuman cultures that horrifically sacrificed human lives and blood.
I can't tell if this just, isn't well documented or I'm bad at finding research material, but I have first hand experience seeing this stereotype in modern media, so I know it's a thing. Like in King Kong movies--I remember those older movies being especially bad about it. This movie was made in 2005 and is one of the most racist depictions I've ever seen and be warned this is quite disgusting to watch with the context of this being incredibly fucking racist.
(Please remember that King Kong's island is, well, an uncharted island called Skull Island. It's an island in the middle of the ocean. Do I need to say any more as to why this is a huge problem.)
The top comments on this video are also incredibly fucking racist too:
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"The natives are scarier than the big scary monster" "I would be scared of directing this scene" like Jesus fucking Christ do you people even hear yourselves.
Anyway. Yeah this movie's depiction of natives is incredibly racist and I'm sorry to subject you to this scene. I just want to specify what I mean though when I say I've seen this shit so much in media and yet I'm struggling to find people talking about it. Like, I'm not going crazy, right?
The fact that in Angie's FTEs, she bluntly describes blood and even implies human sacrifices is enough to invoke such horrible cringe from me, but the fact that her "native island" is referred to as "strange" with fauna that attack humans is also reminiscent of the racism presented for specifically Pacific Islander stereotypes.
This specific instance is especially telling, because--
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If this "DeepSea" shipping service can ship just about anything--including organ meat, children, and blood--then what on earth is Angie talking about when she says they don't stock "Offerings"?
The likelihood is that she's referring to adult humans--as these children from this "shipping" company are clearly trafficking human children, blood, and organ meat. Since we know blood offerings are something from "Angie's culture", it can't be blood offering's she's referring to. Since it only lacks those two things according to Angie, that's the only thing that can be really inferred/implied--adult human sacrifices.
This is also shown here in Kaede's second FTE with her:
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Angie is having a nightmare about the blood/human sacrifices necessary for her "culture" and "island", and is clearly struggling and horrified with it. This also plays into the racist stereotype in that Angie is Not Like the Other Savages and condemns her people's practices, even if only internally/privately, and portrays her as a victim of something almost cult-like--which from the clip you saw above, is still a heavily racist stereotype of indigenous cultures due to how the "Merciless Violent Savage" appears cult-like when you involve human sacrifices.
So let's talk about Atua.
This is very much only in the english version, but the use of Atua to replace "god" in a more singular fashion is incredibly inaccurate. From my understanding, "Atua" more so refers to the gods of Māori mythology. The way Angie refers to Atua in canon is more like how one would refer to a singular god. The Hawaiian Kupua, something that wikipedia seems to suggest is the Native Hawaiian version of Atua, also expresses polytheistic customs.
So yeah. the English dub made it worse.
But wait, there's more!
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Now I have. No idea where this "custom" came from, as when I looked it up I just got a whole lot of nothing--but notice how Shuichi is reacting to it. The custom presented is supposed to be extremely weird and even terrifying, invoking the reader to see Angie as strange/abnormal. She continues on talking about her "island's customs", and--
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The sexuality presented here is very obvious--presenting the fluidity of sexuality one might see in Pacific Islander cultures as abnormal, bizarre, or down-right wrong. A small article for this one because I cannot find the other one I originally read: 1 but the general idea is that Christan/Conservative ideology has oppressed the gender and sexuality of a lot of Polynesian cultures. To express that Angie's culture is "exotic" and "strange" for its fluid sexuality is inherently racist in nature. I don't think this is an intended character flaw--this is blatantly the bias of the writers for V3.
Now for this specific one, I've completely lost the article I read it on, so take my words with a grain of salt. However, a big stereotype of Polynesian cultures is that they are extremely carefree--something that we see Angie being in canon without her FTEs. This is portrayed as a mask by the fandom, however, so it's a bit of a sketchy one to include. Still wanted to mention it though.
Anyway--these are all things I've learned from doing research, and I still can't find a lot of information about it. Pacific Islanders/Polynesians/Native Hawaiian people are often incredibly silenced and spoken over, which is why writing this post up was so incredibly frustrating to me.
I know these stereotypes exists for these cultures--but I cannot find many resources on the subject matter.
As someone who is trying their hardest to be racially aware and sensitive, it is very frustrating to try and comb the internet to find resources to reference, and the best thing you can find is a god-damn Wikipedia page. No, really. I could not find any reliable sources on anything outside of Wikipedia. Again I could just be really bad at finding research material/it could also be that the internet is getting so much worse about finding articles on subjects like this, but I digress. The fact that it's this difficult to find things--and then to re-find things, as I mentioned earlier, some of the articles I found are just, gone now--is a testament to how much of a problem this really is.
And it's so frustrating that I keep getting silenced/ignored about the matter because I want to learn. I want to learn what stereotypes to avoid for this demographic of people and their culture. I want to learn how I can fix a character like Angie--who I DO like, by the way--and make her much less of a stereotype in my own AU. I want to learn if the Atua and the Kupua are interchangeable words like Wikipedia suggests. I want to learn for my own Native Hawaiian OC so I can write him correctly. I, as a white person who doesn't have access to this culture, want to learn about it so I can accurately portray it and help fight against the negative stereotypes that people 5 years ago thought was "great storytelling."
But I can't learn anything if the fandom keeps ignoring me because they're too afraid to acknowledge the racism is there at all, in fear that them liking a racist caricature of a character makes them racist.
And to that, I say: Please stop ignoring me. I want to learn. I want to talk to people about the subject. I want to find someone willing to talk about the culture and educate me. I can't do that if I am constantly ignored.
So. Yeah.
Sorry if this is a little haphazard, my brain died halfway through making it because finding the research materials to showcase my points was incredibly difficult. Literally have been here for hours.
I hope this can be spread around though--so people understand why it's important to have this discussion, why it's important to acknowledge the racism, and why it's so frustrating to feel silenced/ignored when all you want to do is better yourself and your own knowledge.
So... let's talk. Let's talk about the racism in Angie's character--and how we, as a fandom, can address it.
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autistic-fandom-trash · 8 months
jongerry incorrect quotes
*Jon and Gerry skipping stones on a lake* Jon: It’s such a beautiful evening. Gerry, whispering: Take that you fucking lake. --- Jon: Where are you going? Gerry: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there. --- Gerry: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? Jon: Oh, I’m always running. The question is from what. --- Gerry: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Jon: I wake up at 4:30 AM. Gerry:...I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives. --- Jon: Gerry and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Gerry: Sentences. Jon: Don't interrupt me. --- Gerry: You love me, right, Jon? Jon: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it. --- Jon: Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this. Gerry: What did you do, Jon? Jon: A MISTAKE. --- Jon: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Gerry: What did you do? Jon: Nobody died. Gerry: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?! --- Jon: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? Gerry: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially. Jon, desperately, as Gerry bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE! Gerry: Oh! B positive. Jon: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE! --- Gerry: Here's some advice. Jon: I didn't ask for any. Gerry: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me. --- Gerry: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Jon, not looking up from their book: Spear. Gerry: BLOCKED. --- Jon, about Elias: I prevented a murder today. Gerry: Really? How’d you do that? Jon: Self control. --- Gerry, tending to Jon's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Jon: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend. --- Gerry: Jon, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Jon: Well of course I have. Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring. --- Gerry: How petty can you get? Jon: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about. --- Gerry: Whaddya call a fish with no eyes? Jon, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons. Gerry:...fsh. --- Gerry, in a beach shirt: So sue me, it's October and I'd like to be on Island Time for a day! Jon: I have Spotify open right now on my computer, do you want me to blast you? Do you want me to put you on blast? Cuz I've got your history right here on the sidebar: Take it Back by Jimmy Buffet, Nautical Wheelers by Jimmy Buffet, Jolly Mon Sing by Jimmy Buffet, Steamer by Jimmy Buffet, trEAT HER LIKE A LADY BY JIMMY BUFFET, MAÑANA BY JIMMY BUFFET, WHEN SALOME PLAYS THE DRUMS BY JAMES BUFFET, HAVANA DAYDREAMIN BY JIMMY BUFFET- What the FUCK happened to you?! Gerry, laughing: I HAD A CASE OF THE MONDAYS! Jon: ARE YOU HAUNTED?! ARE YOU FUCKING POSSESSED?! YOU USED TO BE MY FRIEND! Gerry, cry-laughing: ᴵ ᴴᴬᴰ ᴬ ᶜᴬˢᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴹᴼᴺᴰᴬʸˢ --- Jon: This is a mistake. Gerry, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day! Jon: But not today. Gerry, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess. --- Gerry: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Jon: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself. --- Jon: You often use humor to deflect trauma. Gerry: Thank you. Jon: I didn't say that was a good thing. Gerry: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny. --- Jon: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. Gerry: You and me. Jon, tearing up: Okay. --- Gerry: So what’s for dinner? Jon, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
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grimbluesins · 1 year
din djarin shouldn’t be in a relationship
and here’s why
i’m just gonna put it out there: i think bo-katan/din djarin shippers are reaching.
they’re basically never intimate beyond good friends in the show? i literally saw a tiktok saying how bo was concerned about djarin when he was first going to help nevarro in the pirate raid and how that was cute. like romance-cute.
that’s also just friend things.
the other part was just them sitting with their arms touching.
jesus christ. PLEASE chill out allos for once oh my god.
also read an article about how djarin, bo, and the armorer would be a cool power throuple. now idk but that seems kinda weird.
the armorer is more like an… almost motherly figure to djarin. she’s likely way older than him (based on context clues from the show, i’d guess her age to be in her early-mid 60s), and again, BO IS MORE LIKE A FRIEND. bo and the armorer? i can see that, sure. but din has the vibe of a teenager compared to those two very jaded (and older) women. idk i think it would be kind of weird. i much enjoy him being a single dad running around the galaxy with his wizard goblin toddler.
the only piece of evidence actually supporting this is the “these are the reasons i serve you lady kryze” quote. but again, that definitely feels really disconnected from romance. the way he said it was no different from basically any other line, leading me to believe he literally just wants to help her as a friend. bo’s got a whole new planet to rebuild and rule after all.
as an aro-ace dude myself, i really enjoy good ships. but fans need to learn to leave some characters alone. smh. can we have this ONE GUY PLEASE.
often times, i will hc a certain character as aro-ace (shadow the hedgehog, batman, and gray fullbuster come to mind) but still enjoy a certain pairing. din djarin is one of the few characters who i absolutely do not want to see in a romantic or sexual relationship.
so, allo fans: i understand the ship zone. but please leave some guys alone for the sanity of your aspec friends.
not to mention, in the finale, he literally was just a single dad watching over his kid playing in the yard. he never ended up with anyone. not bo, not the armorer, not luke or boba, nobody. it was just him and his silly wizard goblin toddler. as it should be. stop forcing allonormativity on everything.
tl;dr, leave din djarin to the aspecs.
🧡💛🤍🩵💙 🖤🩶🤍💜 💚💛🤍🩶🖤
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escapismqueen · 6 months
I can’t believe anyone has to say this in 20 fucking 24, but NOBODY owes you their ‘coming out’ just because you suspect something. Yes, this is in reference to Taylor swift and do you know what ? I am coming after gaylors, because I’m so sick of you all trying to force this woman to come out. Now before you all go off on me, I would in no way have a problem with Taylor being gay, or bi or whatever else, I’d be a sick fuck to have a problem with that. I’ve questioned my sexuality for years and had crushes on men and women; I’m no homophobe so you can stop your accusatory typing right now.
It doesn’t matter wether you have speculations or opinions about what Taylor’s sexuality is. Fair enough, everyone has their own opinion. But for the love of god, please stop splashing it everywhere online in attempts to make her come out. And stop saying that every man she dates is to ‘cover up’ who she really is. Do any of you actually understand how fucked up and disrespectful that is ? For one, if it’s true and she is closeted, it’s nobody’s fucking business but her OWN when and if she chooses to share that information. And if she’s not, you’re hating on people that she’s choosing to be in a relationship with because they make her happy, purely for the fact that it’s not what YOU want. You’re hurting not only her, but the people she chooses to be with when you do that.
And finally, I think a lot of gaylors seem to forget that there’s more to sexuality than just ‘straight’ and ‘gay’. I see so many of you saying that if Taylor has ever been with a woman, then she can’t possibly like men and that any man she dates is ‘a publicity stunt’ to cover it up. You wanna be all forward thinking and inclusive and celebrate people in the queer community, and then you go and erase so many because it’s not what YOU want for Taylor. Stop analysing every minuscule thing that she does and twisting it so that it fits your agenda. Taylor shares a lot with us, and if her sexuality is something she would want to share, she would.
Stop. Forcing. People. To. Come. Out. May I remind you all of the 1989 tv prologue. Girly literally basically said ‘it makes me uncomfortable when you do this’
Get over yourselves and let Taylor be happy. Wether that is with a man or a woman, or nobody at all, that is not YOUR choice. Honestly I’m so sick of you all thinking this woman owes you all the little details of her personal life and not allowing her to just live life in the time and way she wants to. And the New York Times was disgusting for posting that article. And you all should feel the same.
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youcouldmakealife · 7 months
LBTE: Jared (130-131)
In which Erin and Bryce go viral, and The Article is born.
If you'd like to follow along, series page is here.
130. Grapevine
Jared manages to get through training camp and one preseason game before Bryce’s reputation spectacularly implodes, along with his personal well-being, and Jared’s personal well-being, and the Marcus Mathesons well-being as a whole.
He was just trying to be NICE. Anyway, the First Twitter Thing. Which was needed for the Article, and The Blanket Duel, and The Other Twitter Thing. First domino falls down.
Jared shuts his eyes. “The Sun’s a right-wing rag,” he says. “Nobody with a brain believes the Sun.”
“Tons of people believe the Sun, Jared,” Bryce snaps. “A lot of Flames fans read the fucking Sun.”
Both of them are correct.
“What’s Summers say?” Jared asks.
Bryce mumbles something.
“Bryce,” Jared says.
“He left a voicemail,” Bryce mumbles. “I haven’t called him back.”
Bryce always regresses to a teenager with Dave. Dave treating him like he’s still a teenager doesn’t help that.
“Okay,” Bryce says a little more firmly. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise for the media being fucking stupid,” Jared says.
“I’m really sorry,” Bryce says. “Jared.”
“Stop it,” Jared says. “I love you, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong. Stop apologising to me.”
It’s really important that nobody is mad at Bryce about this (I mean, other than Dave). He did a nice thing! He could not have anticipated these consequences! But man does this feel like deja vu in other ways to him, so Jared not being mad at him for even a second, and Don and Susan and Erin not blaming him, that’s honestly important.
Jared texts Greg to give him a call, ditto to Erin, who’s almost certainly still asleep, then tackles his mom first. Partly because his dad might be out on a job, more because he really, really doesn’t want to tell his dad. Hopefully his mom will do it for him.
“Can you tell dad too?” Jared says.
“No,” mom says.
“Mom,” Jared says.
“No, you’re telling your father,” mom says.
“Please?” Jared says.
“Jared, my priority right now is to call my daughter and explain the situation to her, I don’t have the time to tell your father because you’re afraid he’s going to be mad at you,” she snaps. “Tell him yourself.”
Susan knows better than Jared that her eighteen year old daughter in a bikini hitting media is not going to lead to a good time, so her focus is pretty exclusively on letting Erin know at the moment, which I think is understandable.
“I’m not mad at you or Bryce, I’m mad at the situation,” she says, softening.
Nobody’s mad at Bryce!
“But I really do need to call Erin right now,” mom says. “And your father needs to know. And not from the Sun.”
“He doesn’t read the Sun,” Jared says.
Don has better taste than that, thank you.
His dad is like — dangerously quiet as Jared sums up the situation.
“If you haven’t called your mother yet, call her now,” he says finally, voice so even it cuts through Jared, and hangs up. Jared’s assuming the hanging up is so he doesn’t say something he regrets.
Nobody’s mad at Bryce! But Don is, you know, still currently furious.
Jared goes to make coffee, hovers over the machine until he can retrieve a cup, spends a solid ten minutes of pacing and debating whether or not he should check twitter — it’s hard not to, but he also knows it’d be a huge fucking mistake —
It would be such a huge mistake, Jared would be beside himself about the way people talk about Erin.
(His focus is pretty heavily on Bryce right now, and very tunnel-vision-y, but yeah: Erin’s half naked image is being shown without her consent, with the implication that Bryce is cheating on a spouse with her. There’s some vile shit getting said. There always is, on twitter)
Summers has an idea. It’s not a terrible one. Probably the best one available.
I mean, it probably is the best idea available, but it is also a terrible idea.
Stephen answers the door, looking concerned, which doesn’t suit his face, then even more concerned by whatever Jared’s own face is doing.
Stephen being concerned about Jared and Jared’s response is basically ‘ew what's wrong with him'.
“Hockey or Bryce?” Stephen asks.
“Bryce,” Jared says, and follows him in, sits heavily on the couch, Gabe coming in and sitting down on the other side, Stephen cramming himself in the middle. He has pointy elbows.
“I know,” Stephen says when Jared mumbles that. “I use them to get my way a lot.”
So concerned he gets right in there with the elbows. He’s about the same as Jared on the touch front (not a big hugger, will make some exceptions for loved ones, and a massive one person exception), so this is big from him.
“What particularly queer advice do you need?” Stephen says.
“Steve,” Gabe says.
“It is kind of particularly queer,” Jared says, hating the triumphant sound Stephen makes.
“Come to me with your gay problems, my child,” Stephen says.
But not so concerned he won’t crack a joke or three. (Levity is helpful, Gabriel.)
“How old is she?” Stephen asks.
“Eighteen,” Jared says.
“Oh, so older—” Stephen says.
“I am fully prepared to sleep in the guest room if you finish that sentence, Stephen,” Gabe says.
Stephen does not finish the sentence.
Not always the time for levity, STEPHEN.
“Well,” Stephen says. “This is not going to help his reputation. And it wasn’t great already.”
“Stephen,” Gabe says.
“I’m being honest!” Stephen says.
He’s not levitating this time, Gabe!
“Summers says ‘fuck’,” Jared says. “And apparently called Bryce an idiot a lot. And suggests we do a thing about how the Marcuses and Mathesons are long-time family friends, do some heartwarming feature about friendship across divisional lines or whatever, provide some pictures me and Bryce together and our families together for evidence our families have been close-knit for years. My family’s okay with it. Or like. They’re willing.”
Reminder that Gabe did a profile and REALLY didn’t hide the fact Stephen lived with him and the reporter said him and Stephen were ‘like brothers’. So they know it’ll work.
“Can I suggest something?”
Jared eyes him.
“Stop wearing your wedding ring before you do that article,” Stephen says. “And maybe for a while after.”
“No,” Jared says.
“Jared,” Stephen says.
“No,” Jared says.
Stephen blows out a breath. “You want to be stubborn and out? Because that’s how stubbornness gets you outed.”
Stephen on Jared’s shoulder, less an angel and just Jared making logical rather than emotional decisions.
“I don’t care,” Jared snaps. “I’m not going to pretend I’m not married to him.”
“You do it every day lying by omission, how is this any different in practice?” Stephen asks.
“You literally get to fucking live with your boyfriend full-time don’t you fucking dare—”
Stephen is saying things Jared objectively doesn’t disagree with but they’re landing a little too hard right now. And Jared misses his husband.
“I don’t get to live with him full-time,” Stephen says.
“Stephen,” Gabe says.
“Well, I don’t,” Stephen says, shoving off the couch and disappearing down the hall.
He IS away 41 games a year.
“I’m going to call Dave Summers,” Stephen says from the hall.
“Why?” Jared says.
“Know the business, know you both socially,” Stephen says, leaning on the door frame now. As dramatic sulks go that one didn’t last. “It’s a perspective he probably needs for the action plan.”
Stephen’s concern fights Stephen’s desire to dramatically flounce, and what wins is his shrewdness, which recognizes he can help in a way that doesn't involve antagonizing Jared into yelling at him.
“But I know you’re a stubborn ass who won’t listen,” Stephen says. “Which Summers should be aware of.”
Jared gives him the finger.
“I’m going to talk to Summers,” Stephen says, then disappears again.
“That’s Stephen for ‘sorry for being a dick, I will never actually apologise but I will try to make it up to you’,” Gabe says. “For the record.”
Accurate translation from Stephenese.
“And according to one of Stephen’s sisters you look like an angel, which doesn’t hurt with fans,” Gabe says. “You can imagine how much it pained Stephen to hear Beth say that.”
An angel is probably the most chill way Beth has described him.
“I didn’t mean that,” Gabe says. “You’re opening a door that you can’t close again. And if people start looking more closely — you guys don’t hide it well.”
~foreshadowing. Except not really because it’s just any logical person’s take after the witnessing the mess that was Jared and Bryce pretend not to be married (featuring extra eye-yearning).
“I do not offer these lightly,” Stephen says seriously. “And offering one right now does not mean this will become a trend. It will not.”
Jared blinks at him.
“Would you like a hug,” Stephen says flatly.
“Absolutely not,” Jared says, just as flat.
Stephen holds a mute arm out, and Jared sinks into it, because he kind of would, in fact, like a hug right now.
Steve hug!!!
“It’s going to work out,” Stephen tells him, the words tucked against Jared’s cheek. “It might be a bit before it is, and there might be a shitshow somewhere in there—”
“Stop helping,” Jared mumbles.
I love them both.
131. Verisimilitude
Well, they are a family, this is true. A family feeling varying degrees of unhappiness right now; dad and mom are pissed, Elaine concerned. Erin thinks it’s funny. Of course Erin thinks it’s fucking funny.
Erin having a sense of humour about this is very much for the best. Also, she's not reading the comments. Articles, yes — they’re hilarious. Comments, absolutely not.
I said the words ‘they instantly clicked’ today. Raf texts the group chat after his phone interview. I was honestly expecting God to smite me the spot.
Raf saying this while viscerally remembering Jared's tantrum about the temerity of Bryce having a whistle.
im up next in getting struck down by god Chaz says.
That’s true friendship — risking smiting for your bros.
By all accounts she’s treating it like a puff piece, not asking any leading questions, just basic ones and letting people fill in whatever, so it’s hard to tell if she honestly thinks she’s doing an article about a heart warming friendship, or if she’s figured out something’s up.
She honestly figures this is meant to get ahead of something, but her bet would have been something like Bryce IS cheating with Erin, or him being in the process of a divorce, since there’s no wife to be seen. She did not think ‘secretly married to one another’. They’re both acting weird, but she already thought something shifty was going on, and also hockey players are often awkward interviewees anyway, so.
“How’s school?” Jared says.
“Fine,” Erin says. “Only had one dude walk up and ask me if I’m Bryce Marcus’ girlfriend.”
She’s in her first month of her first year of university, this was not ideal timing. Only one dude approached her, but he's not the only one who's recognized her.
“Stephen said — you know, that there might be more attention,” Jared says. “After the article comes out. And that it might be a good idea for me to take it off for a bit.”
“I think you should do whatever you think you should do,” Bryce says.
“That’s really helpful, thanks,” Jared snaps.
“J,” Bryce says, sounding tired. “Just — it’s up to you.”
Jared twists his ring around his finger. Even from a distance you can see how similar it is to Bryce’s, and yeah, they’re traditional rings, plenty of people have the same ones, but —
“Can you help with my chain?” Jared asks, and he doesn’t know if it’s disappointment or relief on Bryce’s face, a blink and you miss it flash, before Bryce helps him undo the clasp. Jared strings his wedding ring on it, clinking against the engagement one, and ducks his head to let Bryce put it back on. Bryce presses a kiss against the nape of his neck, murmurs, “Done,” and Jared straightens up. In more ways than one, it feels like. That’s a bad joke even in his own head, all bitterness, no humour, so he doesn’t say it.
Like I said, Stephen was really only saying what Jared thought himself. This is also sort of screeching ahead out of their comfort zones right now, so a few backward shuffles are understandable.
Jared runs through the script in his head while they walk in, find the media room, wait for Weber to arrive, sitting a scrupulous two feet apart. It was more lines to take rather than an actual set script, ‘like family’ and ‘a lot in common’, ways to deflect a question without outright lying.
Andreas has worked a lot of overtime writing basically a choose your own adventure, in the form of ‘if they ask this, you may say this, this, or this, NOT this’, etc. It is exhaustive and he is exhausted.
“He’s my best friend,” Bryce says after a lot of other fluff, laying it on thick. There’s nothing but honesty in his voice as he says it, but then — he is being honest, Jared knows. It’s not the whole story, but it’s not like he isn’t Bryce’s best friend. Like Bryce isn’t his. “Some people you just know are supposed to be in your life.”
Bryce genuinely believes they were fated to be together. Jared doesn’t believe in fate, but he thinks that’s a nice thought.
“I don’t know about best,” Jared says quickly, because Bryce is getting like — too honest now, skirting towards something they shouldn’t be. “I have a lot of friends.”
“Jared,” Bryce complains.
If they’re such good friends why don’t you MARRY them, Jared.
Jared grins at his sullen face. “He’s my best friend too.”
Bryce goes pink
How. How does Bryce Marcus always do this to me. Just going about my day then boom, punched in the gut, having feelings about Bryce time.
Someone said Jared ‘gave OJ a personality’, like Julius doesn’t have one of his own, like anyone’s entitled to it. Julius has a personality. It’s a mean one: he’s been laughing his ass off about this article since Jared told him.
Love that Jared sounds super protective and supportive of Julius right before it switches to ‘yeah he has an identity, it's called being a DICK’.
“I just want my private life to stay private,” Bryce says, and this Jared thinks is actually scripted, that Summers gave him a real script, because Bryce is saying it like it’s been rehearsed. “Marriage is between two people, and it’s something that other people aren’t entitled to. I don’t really want to discuss it with the fans or the media, because it’s not really any of their business.”
So carefully factual without giving a single iota of information. Dave making sure this shit is as carefully worded as a contract.
“It’s cool,” Gabe says, shaking Jared’s shoulder. “You’re good, man.”
“Thanks,” Jared says.
“You’re good?” Gabe says, a question this time.
Jared shrugs.
“You’re good,” Gabe decides.
“Your vocabulary is extraordinary,” Jared says. “I am astonished by it.”
Jared absolutely does not get to throw stones. And I like the three goods of Gabe Markson.
Jared skates over when the Canucks start eyeing Chaz with vague suspicion.
“You good?” he asks.
“I’m good,” Jared says.
All good.
“Shrewd,” Gabe says. “Good verisimilitude. Stephen would be proud.”
Jared blinks at him.
How dare you insult Gabe's vocabulary.
“I don’t understand half the words he says,” Dmitry says consolingly.
“I understood it,” Jared says, tilting his chin up. He refuses to commiserate with Dmitry Kurmazov.
I love Jared’s petty ass.
“What’s verisimilitude mean?” Jared hisses at Gabe on the bench before the anthem.
Gabe tips back his head in a laugh and refuses to tell him.
Verisimilitude: the quality of seeming true or of having the appearance of being real. The on ice stuff had a lot more of it than the article did.
The article drops. Jared doesn’t read it, but he’s assured it’s fine. He doesn’t read replies on twitter or forums or anything. It’s not his job. He can’t focus on it.
Probably for the best Jared didn’t.
Jared doesn’t know if it’s the Calgary media, or the storyline about their families, or just Bryce being the incredibly talented player he is, but the Canucks are mortified in a 6-1 loss, and Bryce has a hat trick and a four point game. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a preseason game and means nothing. In the smaller scheme of Jared’s life, he kind of wants to throttle Bryce. And only a little bit in a sexy way. They’ll see who’s laughing when Jared rides him within an inch of his life.
Yeah Jared, that’ll show him, he’ll definitely never try to do it again after that.
Riding him until he fucking begs is now in the cards.
Oh no whatever will Bryce do. Please have mercy, Jared Matheson, he’ll do anything.
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