#no need to analyze anything and no need to dig 7 layers into this
husbandhannie · 2 years
i often thinking of writing deep metaphorical stuff that isn't just soft domestic fluff but like.....idk i dont think im built for that
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Hey @ stupidpass11111111  got your submission:
I love your analytics and I’m digging it, frantically, LoL
I want to ask, about the thought process and psychology about Dean and Cas’s relationship has been broken since 14x18.
I know it’s very natural, but I need the subtext to explain everything. If someone did, please give me all their post links. I do not hesitate to read articles on 20 pages. Thank you.
First of all, and this is no big deal, ask and submission box are a little different. I don’t mind that you used this one, I just made sure to tag you because I don’t know if submission posts let you know they’ve been answered. Submissions let people send me things like pictures or their own mini-metas if they’re not the kind to typically do it on their own wall, or screenshots or whatever. Rarely used but has been useful a few times.
Either way!!
It really depends what you’re after. When it comes to subtext, if you mean generally, one of the key posts I tend to send people towards is This One Right Here.
I have a feeling though you are more interested in my theosophy/gnostic/hermetic stuff since I saw a vague frenzy of likes along that vine, starting at older ones, last night. So let me see what I can suggest.
First of all, in general, keep in mind to search my blog for “#pagan life” or “#amaah”, amaah is “as me anything about hermeticism”, and is where I’ve thrown a bunch of really good questions people asked to help connect the dots between my other stuff.
If you want a very specific path to follow though, there’s a few things to keep in mind.
GENERAL PATHWORK: Ones that are like high-key necessary to understand what the fuck I’m talking about.
#1: Read my “heaven meta”  – Probably start here, I find that the way I wrote it really successfully broke several people’s brains in the good way. Once you reach the end, try to, frankly, readjust the paradigm you’re witnessing the show in. It’s all about the souls. The earth orbits the soul, not the other way around.
#2: Read my “Death” post – this isn’t perhaps the best *linear order*, but it is another good one to test the boxes you’re thinking inside of. I’m going to be trying to peel false dichotomies out of your head.
#3: Answering some Questions I Got – this, along with the previous two, may really help fill in any remaining blanks. It’s one part of the #amaah tag, but does pertain very closely to the last two links so if anything was rattling around in there confused it may help nail it down a bit.
#4: an old masterpost I made right around when this last hiatus hit. It has some episode commentary that may make more sense now that the last three posts have helped turn your brain into soup. This lacks all of my expanding meta over the break, but shuffles in some details as old as a few years ago.
#5: If my talk on colors has confused you at all, check out This Reblog by @winchestersingerautorepair. The hues of involution in heavy play this year are about the journey of the soul and our self improvement and mastery.
#6: If that one doesn’t QUITE seem to click it in, try This Amaah Post. The Winchesters aren’t chasing literal gold. They’re seeking something far more important than that. Their truest selves, and their greatest interpersonal arrangements, all at once.
#7: Season 14 post to highlight the layers of self. Shadow, Animus, Anima, Magician/God.
Once you can see it all as an adventure of the mastery of the human soul and everything else being commentary, the rest clicks in. Check out the tags I referenced and most of all, if you’re someone I can see just genuinely trying to enjoy and understand this, feel free to DM me and ask for a link to the discord server, there’s like 35 of us in there and everyone’s at different understanding levels on this stuff, but everyone’s eager to help out or just chat about it. 
Ultimately if you take a very long voyage through the #pagan life tag, after reading those, you’ll find the talk of the reclamation of their gold, and the two alchemical marriage ceremonies so far on their path back together, the most recent being the famous Rectification or Marriage of the Mind visible in 15.13 representative of the Art arcana the Occultum comes from, but not really fully manifest as much as illustrated; it was more manifest with the cancelled 15.09 one of the Mark represented in the Lovers arcana. More to come, promise.
I should also add, you’ll be hard pressed to find meta that is explicitly only-Destiel. Destiel comes up a LOT in it because it’s a fundamental and frankly forward leading part on the mythos and A-plot right now, but a lot of this WILL venture through other interpersonal journeys, like Sam as the hermit, or integrations with other people in their lives. Basically, Dabb shoved all this Destiel in my mythos soup so it’s all over in there but I write more from a cosmogenics level and Destiel just keeps breaking down the door.
People generally won’t grok the importance of Dean and Castiel’s paths until they start grasping the philosophy involved, and one can not skip that and just jump to the other, not while really getting it. So, I know you asked for Destiel meta, and I promise it’s up in there, but you’re going to have to start at cosmogeny first and work your way through to understand how our endgames are being structured. As you slowly turn your brain into alchemical soup, posts like this will start making sense to you and make you realize how you can forecast the upcoming episodes like this post did. (x) 
There really is no jumping right to some gay subtext post on my blog, tbqh. The text itself is irrevocably interwoven on itself, at all levels, text and subtext both. This isn’t some queer pairing hidden below 16 levels of subtext that float distantly and at best in the shadow of a plot anymore, the interpersonal relationship is one of the cardinal parts of the mytharc itself and if one is going to address it, one needs to understand and respect its’ bearing on the complete body of the text and the plot itself rather than marginalizing it. Destiel currently can not be analyzed properly without assessing the A plot mytharc and the A plot mytharc can not be analyzed or projected properly without assessing the structure of Destiel within the full body of text. 
The associated plot base Dabb uses quite literally makes the journeys of the characters both through themselves and through each other the actual mytharc, don’t get it twisted. Any and all posts I make will show that the soul as the core of it, and its journey to completion, is the actual point of all of this. The bungling demiurge needling them from the outside is just a catalyst.
I also highly urge you to check out the blogs of at least @winchestersingerautorepair and @curioussubjects as they are the two I have conversed with the most at length about this that understand the fundaments, but there’s a few dozen other blogs in my orbit that are starting to really break down and understand these things like @heliodean and @dotthings to name a few.
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ozmontague-blog · 5 years
beginning of the end
Parties: Oz Montague, Joan la Pucelle & Spencer Montague
Date: July 12th
Location: Starts at Montague Tower and finishes at the Watch Station
Summary: Oz Montague is arrested for the murder of Rosemund Reed and then questioned by the Commander of the Watch. Spencer Montague, Oz’s lawyer, is present.
@joanofverona, @spencer-montague
Oz looked up as the Commander stepped through his office door. It had been a looming feeling since the day that he stopped hearing from his Rose. He still couldn’t believe that sweet girl was gone. But since that day, he had felt like he had merely been waiting for the world to exhale, for the shoe to drop, for the wave to crash, for a thousand cliched statements to reflect this moment. This moment when he met la Pucelle’s gaze with his own, even and steady. He pressed send on the email he had been drafting, providing direction to Martina as she took on the formidable task of guiding the wild ship that was the Family. “Commander.” he greeted calmly as he rose to his feet.
Joan: The past few days had been stressful, to say the least, but after all that the Watch had investigated, the evidence simply pointed to Osborne Montague.  Joan almost wished that this needn’t have led to this, but if the man was indeed guilty of this crime, he needed to be punished for it.  With her team accompanying her, Joan made her way to the Tower.  She was not too worried that the man or his people would riot or cause any sort of difficulties, but her team was there just in case.  Undoubtedly, however, the number of people present will cause quite a public affair.  Let the public think what they’d like; Joan had a job to do.
Without much trouble, Joan and her team made it up to the Tower, and now she stood before the man in question.  “Lord Montague,” she replied in turn, just as calmly.  She approached his desk as if he rose like a king from his throne.  “I’m afraid we will need to bring you in.  We would like this to be as efficient as possible, without cuffs or fanfare; however, how difficult this has to be will be entirely up to you.”
“I would prefer to handle this matter with as much discretion as possible. Had you called, I would have attended at the station.” Oz replied quietly as he circled around the desk and picked up his jacket. Laying the fabric over his arm, he stepped out of his office with the irritatingly impressive Commander and looked at his secretary, “Please call Spencer and have him meet us as the station.” Glancing back at the Commander, he explained quietly, “My lawyer. I trust that is acceptable.” 
Inside his gut was rolling. He had nothing to do with Rose’s death. He missed the girl. Mourned her. And yet, the Watch was nipping at his heels. The only explanation lingered in the back of his mind. It was not an idea he liked to consider. Had Rose died because of him? Why? Who? What purpose would this serve? He had no idea and for a man accustomed to knowing more than everyone else, this gap in knowledge troubled him immensely. As photographers snapped his photograph as he walked out of the Tower surrounded by Watchmen and standing near the Commander herself, he had to force himself not to duck his head. It had been a long time since he felt embarrassed or ashamed but to even be suspected of this act cut in unexpected ways. 
“Of course.  You certainly have a right to legal representation,” she replied.  She was unsurprised that he had been that prepared and knew to request his attorney.  It did make her job a little more difficult when there was someone present instructing her suspects.
Thankfully, and again, unsurprisingly, Lord Montague was cooperative as he agreed with a level of discretion.  “I suggest we leave quickly, then, before any sort of press arrive at your front doors,” she advised as the Watch officer beside the man followed him.  But word had already gotten out and flashes of cameras brightened the dark of the night.  With a nod of her head, Joan and a few other Watch officers surrounded Osborne as they led him out into one of their vehicles.  She could sympathize a little for the man had he not been the prime suspect.  “Watch your head,” she said as she guided the man into the backseat.
The trip back to the Watch station went as smoothly as possible.  More press already stood outside, pushed back by several Watch officers.  Once more, Joan and her team guarded the man into the station before escorting him into one of the interrogation rooms.  “We appreciate your cooperation so far, Lord Montague.  Would you like anything to drink for now while we wait for your attorney?”
It had been many years since he had ridden in the back of a Watch vehicle. He tried to think back, distracting himself from the ignoble situation. He hadn’t yet turned 30. Suspected in an assault if he remembered correctly. Now he tried to remember if he did it. He wasn’t convicted. He knew that much. Was he even charged? It was embarrassing he couldn’t remember. One would think such a moment would be frozen in one’s mind forever. He knew this one would be.
At the Station there were more cameras. Fuck and be damned.  He tried to ignore the volley of questions from the press, holding his breath almost until they were in the cool dark of the interrogation room. They always smelled like bleach and nervous sweat. Funny how some things never changed. He settled into a stiff and uncomfortable chair and nodded. “Water would be appreciated. I am sure Spencer will be along momentarily.”
While Spencer had been sure of Nox’s innocence, he was not as equally sure about the Head of his own family. But it wasn’t his job to be sure. It was his job to defend Oz. He arrived at the Station and was escorted to the interrogation. “Commander,” he nodded, extending his hand politely. “Spencer Montague.”
At Osborne’s request for water, Joan sent an officer out to fetch a cup just as the attorney in question showed up.  “I presume you must be Lord Montague’s legal representative,” Joan greeted as she extended her hand to the man who had just entered.  Another Montague--but, of course.  “I can assure, Mr. Montague, that Lord Montague has been relayed his rights.  Now that you are here, we can relay to you that an arrest warrant has been released for Lord Montague.”
Oz drew in a sharp breath despite himself. He expected the questioning. An arrest warrant was quite the step. What possible evidence could they have? It utterly mystified him. He glanced at Spencer sharply for a moment and then back at the Commander, waiting for Spencer to speak.”
“An arrest warrant? Commander, surely you are joking. You cannot possibly have any evidence that Lord Montague is connected to any crime,” Spencer scoffed. “Ask your questions. Lord Montague has been advised to answer but I will interject as necessary. Clearly, someone needs to make sure an innocent man doesn’t pay for a crime he didn’t commit since the Watch is clearly determined to railroad him.”
“I wish I was, but I imagine you must know by now that I am not the joking sort,” she replied, her expression neutral and serious.  An officer entered through the door, water cup in hand for the suspect and the arrest warrant in the other for proof.  After handing it over to the Commander, she slid the paper to the attorney for his inspection.  “While you may think this is a meaningless use of time, I assure you that we have a tremendous amount of evidence that points the crime to your client.”  Her gaze turned back to Osborne now, a coldness now to her eyes.  “Where were you on night of June 30th?”
Oz met her gaze, coldness for coldness. He had a begrudging respect for her but it wouldn’t change the fact that in this moment, she was an adversary. “I was home until later in the evening when I left to collect a Montague submissive by the name of Dylan, who required my assistance. I was unable to locate her. I returned home. Security will be able to confirm the times I entered and left the Tower.”
He was not easily scared, though Joan had expected that; he was the Head of the Montague family after all, and their reputation did not go over her head.  She lifted her face up, gaze still analyzing the man.  “I’m sure you can provide this… elusive submissive’s information so that we can confirm your alibi as well as the contact for your security,” she said, her glance turned briefly toward the attorney.  It seemed like an awfully convenient excuse, relying his presence that night on a submissive that he could not even locate.  “But, if you could, what time did you leave and return to your Tower?”
Oz nodded, confident that Dylan would be able to confirm at least that piece of information. “I can provide it. I don’t recall. It was evening … after dinner. Perhaps 7:00 or 8:00. Dylan should be able to confirm the time.” He felt like demanding … was this all they had … but he also had the strangest sense that she was building up to something. For the first time in many years, he could honestly say he had no idea what it could be.”
Joan’s eyes just surveyed the man; he was confident in his alibi, but sometimes, the most guilty suspects were the best liars.  “I’ll have my officers reach out to her,” she nodded.  “Now.  Could you explain your relationship with Rosemund Reed?  From my understanding, you two were rather intimate.  How long has that been going on?” she asked, pushing forward with her line of questioning.
Oz nodded as she indicated that she would speak with Dylan. He foresaw no issues with this intention. Then the question about Rose. This was expected and it was oddly painful to discuss. “We had been seeing each other for a few months. Nothing in the way of a monogamous relationship. From my end at least. I cannot speak for her.”
 “And when was the last time you saw her?” she asked.  He seemed earnest, almost… sad.  Joan tried to sift through his expression, as if trying to dig past his superficial layer.  Of course, he was guarded, protective.  “No?  Perhaps she wanted commitment, and you couldn’t agree to that?” she hinted, raising a brow at the man.  “How often did you see each other?  Enjoy each other’s… company?” she asked, now slowly circling the table around Osborne and Spencer while the other Watch officer remained planted and observant.
He refused to rise to the bait and focused on her later questions. Oz took a breath and let it out slowly, “I’m not entirely certain. A few days before. She was in the play so she had limited free time. We usually took advantage of her days off, so that she had recovery time before she was on the stage.” The pacing tactic was one he had seen before and he had always noted it was effective. Damned but it was a long time since he was in this position. Years of practice provided him fortitude. 
“Was it?  She must have been something for you to take time out of your busy schedule to see her.”  She settled once more to stand before the two of them from across the table.  Leaning forward, her palms pressed against the cold surface of the table, she narrowed her eyes at the man.  “You have quite a reputation, Lord Montague.  Maybe you could paint me a picture; you two having a scene, and then one night, you maybe go a little too far, get a little too carried away,” she began, goading him.  His perfectly expressionless face gave her little, but she continued, waiting, watching for any crack in his mask.  She stood upright once more, giving a single tap as if to motion for someone to enter.  “Lord Montague, did you know that Rosemund Reed had a very particular set of earrings that she wore to express her designation?”
"Be careful with your words Commander. If this is going to become a series of spurious allegations without merit, this interview is at an end," Spencer objected.
Oz appreciated the interjection. It prevented him from making a foolish statement or losing his temper. Sub abuse was an allegation that cut to the core of who he was and he could feel his anger rising as the Commander spoke. “To answer your question Commander, I do recall those earrings. I was quite fond of them in fact. Last time I saw her she was wearing them. I remember this quite specifically because that was all she was wearing when I left.”
So the attorney could speak, Joan thought, but again, unsurprising.  Given Osborne’s title and reputation, she would have imagined that he had a reputable and skillful attorney at his side.  “I’m glad you have a fantastic memory.  In fact, I’m not surprised that you remember them because,” she paused, her slender hand now outstretched to another Watch Officer who had just entered.  He handed the Commander a slim bag that Joan now placed gently onto the table.  Inside the clear plastic rest a single, ornate earring.  “We happened to find this in your penthouse.  Strangely enough, it wasn’t on Rosemund’s body when we found her.  Could you explain this… odd mystery for us?”
Later Oz would be embarrassed it took him this long to put the pieces together. It was absurd in retrospect. However, until this very second he genuinely believed he was being hauled in because of the nature of his relationship with Rosemund, the only Dominant in her bed (he wasn’t completely sure of this but fairly certain it was true) and with his reputation, the Watch’s suspicion was really quite understandable. Until that earring was presented to him. At this moment. His mind flashed back to the last time he had seen Rosemund, in bed, smiling and laughing in the morning light as he dressed, wearing only these earrings which caught that light and made it dance around the room. 
His gaze found the Commander’s as he replied, completely sincere in this moment, “I have no explanations Commander. I never saw her again and the last time I left her, she was alive and wearing both of them.” He nodded toward the earring. Glancing over at Spencer and then back at the Commander, “I’d like to speak to my lawyer now. Privately.” He knew this request would be regarded as suspicious in the extreme but he couldn’t allow Spencer to muddle in the dark. 
Was that a look of… surprise?  Concern?  Something crossed the man’s face as he studied the earring that Joan had brought out.  If he had really done this, he was doing very well in hiding his emotions as best as he could.  And then, the request to speak privately with his attorney--a smart move, though Joan had wished that Osborne had not tapped out so quickly.  Legally unable to deny such a request, Joan stood back upright and gave a nod, signalling toward the rest of her officers to exit the room.  “Just shout when you’re done and ready,” she spoke as the Watch all trailed slowly out of the room, shutting the door behind them.
As the elegant Commander removed the evidence and left the room, Oz waited, letting silence fall for a moment as he tried to compose his words and his thoughts. “Spencer. We have a problem.” he started quietly, “And I am a fool for not realizing it until now. This is no mere error. This is a set-up. Rose was wearing those earrings the last time I saw her. There is no means by which they could have gotten to my penthouse unless someone brought them. Someone planted them. Intentionally. Dear gods …” Devastation rolled across his features as the last terrible piece of his realization fell into place, “Someone killed that girl just to set me up.”
So his instinct was right. “Then I need to know who could have gotten into your penthouse without you knowing, or who had access. Anyone. Cleaning people, visitors…” Oz had plenty of enemies but how many could actually gain access to his private residence?  “Everyone, my Lord. Even your own family.”
Oz blinked, still stunned at this realization. It wasn’t often he was caught behind the 8 ball but it had certainly occurred this time. He was honestly embarrassed as he tried to gather his thoughts. “That’s a long list Spencer. I’ve had a fair amount of … company of late. Also the condo was just renovated this winter. They are still finishing things. I have had guests as well as workmen up there. Security will be able to relay most of the list.”
It was going to be a nightmare to cull the list. But it had to be done. “My Lord...your company. The prosecutor will do their best to use them against you. More than just a list of who has been to the penthouse, I need a list of everyone you have...kept company with.” Suddenly, Spencer was aware that he needed a much larger staff. He’d have to speak with Martina. “My Lord, it goes without saying but I need to know everything. Any detail that you think might be unimportant. It doesn’t matter. I can’t help you if I don’t know everything.”
“I will cooperate in any way I can Spencer. I am at your direction. I will do everything I can. Create lists. Give names and addresses if I must. I don’t remember all of them. There was a girl at a flower shop for example but I cannot recall her name. She was cute. I could describe her and give the location of the flower shop?” Oz paused and let out a ragged breath, “You know I can never testify, right? There is no way I can risk Montague business by getting on the stand and having to honestly answer questions under oath. I need you to do everything you can to dismantle their case without my evidence on the stand.” 
Oz knew that Spencer had to appreciate this fact but he didn’t want any pretence between them. “I will compile the list, security can be tasked with the same.” He paused for a moment, “I have a hard time believing the Capulets would go this far but I cannot fathom what anyone else would have to gain.” For once in his life, Oz was stumped. Oz foresaw some long nights ahead as he racked his brain as to who and how. Lottie? Never. Luan? Please. That girl would have to be one hell of an actress to be part of setting him up. Who else. Mila? Unlikely. What about that Romano that Ian loved - the little chef. What would she care of Verona politics though? He couldn’t fathom it. So on and so on, he ran through the list, almost embarrassed at its length and breadth. 
Poor Megan. The humiliations this trial would heap on her. He thought he had spared her when they had ended their claim but now, this would bring her good heart low. 
“I am sorry Spencer. I know this wasn’t work you wanted to do. But I assure you, I did not do this. I need your help.”
Spencer listened as Oz spoke, for once feeling for the man who led his family. “The smallest of details are all important,” he said, wondering how many people he’d have to track down based on description alone. “My Lord, I will do everything I can. I don’t want this to go to trial, let alone see you on the stand.” There was so much he knew he didn’t know yet. Things that the Watch knew. The Prosecutor knew. “You owe me no apologies. It is my job to make sure you return to your position as the head of our Family.”
“I’ll write down every damn thing I can recall. The list …. will be quite long.” Oz didn’t embarrass easily but for once he was, indeed, quite embarrassed. “Thank you Spencer. Your faith gives me heart but whoever set this up well … I’m starting to realize my arrogance may have done us all in.” He sighed, “All right, let’s get the Commander back in here and get this over with.”
Spencer didn’t blink an eye at the comment that the list would be long. His Lord’s appetites were well known.  They wouldn’t be in this mess if Megan were still in the picture. Or would it be Megan that was targeted? He nodded and stood to alert the guard that the Commander should return. 
At the signal, Joan returned into the room after granting Osborne and his attorney their privacy.  She thought that he must be paid a lot to defend a man whose the head of a family that was notoriously playing with the fates of law.  It would be interesting to see how this all turns out with further investigations.  “If you don’t have any more questions, Lord Montague and Mr. Montague, then I’m afraid I must escort you to where you’ll be staying until your hearing.”  Gesturing to her Officers, two of them surrounded the suspect as she read off the arrest warrant once more.  “Osborne Montague, you are under arrest for the murder of Rosemund Reed.”
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scared-aquarius · 7 years
me being (very) brutally honest with the signs
Aries- You’re such a goddamn hothead all the goddamn time. Not everyone likes to be constantly doing something every second of every day. You get angry with people for the smallest and most trivial reasons but god forbid someone take a dig at you. You’re such a hypocrite and it’s annoying as fuck. You act like an edgy teenager that’s constantly throwing a tantrum. You also boss people around and expect everyone to just follow your lead and if they don’t, you get pissed at them for having a mind of their own. You seriously need to take a look at your life and stop seeing everything as a fucking challenge that’s rigged against you. My god, I get tired just being in your presence. 
Taurus- You’re a lazy fuck and way too materialistic and possessive. You literally have no desire to do anything because you love to sit on your ass. You take “treat yourself” to a whole new level and not in a healthy way whatsoever. It seems like every chance you get you cause arguments and then you contradict whatever the other person is saying just because you can’t look at anything from a different point of view. Even if you get to the point where you realize you’re in the wrong and the other person is right, you’ll just continue to argue for the sake of arguing and god forbid your ego take even the slightest blow. It’s irritating as shit like you really think you know best when in reality you’re just a stubborn bitch. What a bore.
Gemini- Look, I know you guys get a lot of flak. But take this into consideration...... it’s because most if not all of it is FUCKING TRUE. You have so many different personalities I don’t know which one is even real. You gossip 24/7 and flip-flop between who you talk to and who you talk about. You’re completely unreliable and unpredictable and also clingy as fuck. Seriously, I feel like I can’t get away from you. I just want to go to the bathroom, I don’t need to hear the story right now about how Sarah said that Dylan said that Kimberly found a sock in the dryer that wasn’t hers. Literally no one cares. Another thing that you do is once you get tired of someone, you just throw them away like garbage. (Also Trump is a gemini, and I know you guys can’t control that but like come on. Of course he’s a gemini.)
Cancer- You really need to stop being so whiny or I’m actually going to lose it. Everyone has problems so stop acting like such a victim all the goddamn time. You’re so moody all the time and you act like a small child that needs to have their diaper changed. You also cling onto people as soon as you meet them and cry if someone doesn’t answer your text within 5 fucking minutes. Don’t you have your own life to live? Oh wait, I forgot you spend every second in a dark room and refuse to come outside unless it’s to answer the door because you ordered shitty takeout. You consider changing your clothes adventurous and honestly it’s so boring. Introverted doesn’t even describe you, you’re more like a complete hermit (CRAB. HA!)
Leo- Hey leo, wow, are you actually reading this? I’m kind of shocked because I never thought you’d ever stop looking at yourself in the mirror. Seriously, you’re probably the most vain sign out of all of us. So much so that if someone criticizes you in even the smallest way, you get so offended and act like you’ve been shot in the chest. You think so highly of yourself, and while it’s great to have confidence, you take it to the next level, which is extreme arrogance. You love to have the conversation focused around you. You’re the type of friend that if someone is telling you about their problem or just their day in general, you’ll interrupt them and start talking about yourself and it’s DAMN ANNOYING. How do you still have friends?
Virgo- I’m gonna tell you right now, you’re not as perfect as you think you are. You’re so quick to critique other people that you write them off as not good enough before even getting to know them. You’re the type of person that would tell their friend that they were breathing too loudly. For fucks sake, you’re such an over analyzing pedant it makes me want to slap you in the face with my fucking asymmetrical hand. Your pessimism is damn near blinding, I probably wouldn’t want to hang around you for more than 10 minutes or you’d make me feel self conscious about how I fucking walk or some shit. You can’t take or make a joke. You’re skeptical about everything and you’re completely inflexible. You like to think of yourself as an intellectual but really you’re stuck up, narrow minded and someone I constantly find myself rolling my eyes at.
Libra- You are manipulative as shit. You’ll tell someone they look good without even looking up from your phone. You lie all the time and don’t really give a fuck if you hurt other people’s feelings because you really only look out for yourself. You’re also a huge fucking coward. When your friends need you to have their back and actually be there for them, you run and hide and say, “Oh sorry I just didn’t want to get involved!”. What a lame fucking excuse for ditching your friend in their time of need. You’re also extremely indecisive to the point where it’ll take you 3 hours just to choose where you want to go eat. It’s tiring as fuck. Just MAKE A CHOICE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE. Have your own fucking opinion. You’re like a goddamn sheep.
Scorpio- Why the FUCK are you so aggressive for no fucking reason? You manipulate people just for the fun of it. You get jealous so easily and usually you don’t even have a reason to be jealous. You just are. It’s pathetic. You like to think that you’re so cool and mysterious but in reality people just see you as a moody and brooding asshole that no one really wants to bother getting to know. I mean, why would they? What’s the point? Every time someone even tries to get close to you, you completely brush them off and act like you don’t care about them because keeping your “mystifying” aura is soo important to you. And if you do let someone in, you treat them like they’re your possession and it’s creepy as hell. You obsess over them and you want to control them. God forbid they hang out with someone that isn’t you and then you resent them for no goddamn reason other than having a life of their own. Do me a favor scorpio and don’t talk to me.
Sagittarius- Honestly if a sag is reading this, you’re just straight up getting a taste of your own medicine. You’re tactless as shit and it makes me not want to be around you, ever. You’re inconsiderate of others and impatient with everyone. If someone isn’t moving up to your standards you will become agitated and aggressive and then you take it out on the person. You constantly need to be doing something else because your attention span lasts about 2 fucking seconds. You act like an 8 year old. You’re also really superficial. You don’t bother getting to know the deeper layers of a person because, like I said, you’re impatient and also just plain lazy. You take people for granted and are careless when handling the feelings of people closest to you. You’re also a really self-obsessed know-it-all. Go climb a fucking tree, sag.
Capricorn- Four words. Lighten. The fuck. Up. You are by far the most power-hungry of all the signs. You take everything so completely seriously that I don’t even know if you understand what “fun” even is. You always have to have two feet on the ground at all times and you can never ever be spontaneous and it’s so fucking dull. You’re conservative and disdainful nature can be so overbearing at times that even your friends need to get away from you. That is, if you have friends. You’re a complete pessimist so who knows if anyone can actually tolerate that. You constantly have to be the most successful person in a room, and you make sure you reach this level of success through abusive and controlling behavior towards the people around you. Your selfishness grosses me out.
Aquarius- I asked you what time it was. I didn’t ask you if I was afraid of time passing or the fact that it’s a manmade construct. For fucks sake, just shut the fuck up about this deep shit for once. I don’t want to contemplate how large the universe really is at fuckin 8:30 am on a Monday. You’re rebellious even when it doesn’t matter and honestly all it does is piss people off. You’re constantly trying to deviate from the norm that you make the same fucking mistakes that other people already made, but you don’t fucking learn from other people’s mistakes because you always have to go your own way. Maybe listen to other people for once? You’re the most detached sign out of all of them and you hurt people by acting aloof all the fucking time but you don’t care because you chalk it up to “this is who I am!!! I need my freedom!!!!”. You need to actually think about how your actions affect people you care about because if you don’t, you’re REALLY gonna end up alone and you won’t be able to do a damn thing about it. 
Pisces- You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time and get it through your head that you’re not always the damn victim. You don’t take responsibility for your actions and you always find a way to blame it on someone else because you’re NEVER in the wrong, are you? Poor little pisces. You’re not as innocent as you want everyone to believe. You’re constantly daydreaming and it becomes really annoying when I’m trying to talk to you and you just completely zone out because you love living in your little imaginary world. You’re the WORST at solving your own problems and conflicts because instead of dealing with them you just avoid it all together and end up leaving the mess for someone else to clean up. You’re really nosy- you love to get in other people’s business. But you don’t go to the person directly, you have to be sneaky about it and gather rumors from other people. You’re also very over-sensitive. Out of all the signs, you’re by far the most likely to respond to this post saying how this isn’t true and that I’m just a “big fat meany!!!” and then add a bunch of angry/crying emojis.
(disclaimer: Don’t worry, I don’t really hate your sign (unless you’re a  * * * * * * ... lmao). This was just for fun and I know it’s harsh. Don’t take it too personally. You’re an individual and ultimately you determine who you really are. Except for you, * * * * * * . Fuck you.) 
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Legal Software’s & Tools You Must Know to Improve Agility & Profit Margins for Your Law Firm
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As per American bar association, the rate of lawyers practicing law is lowering compared to 2010. Only 12.4% increase in new lawyers since 2010 to 2019. In the past three years, 3 times the percent of active lawyers grew only 1%. The fluctuations in demand for legal services reduces the law firm’s staff utilization rate. law firms prefer contract lawyers to flex capacity while ad-hoc demands. Legal agencies prefer price reduction from outside counsels in order to cut costs. The most efficient tactic is always enabling your legal firm with technology to ensure agility. This helps to stay in control of your costs.
📷So, every attorney and legal associates should be aware of technology, tools and software’s that helps their law firm to improve the profit margins. Explore the set of opportunities you must transform your law agency tech friendly.  This helps to prevent your legal services firm declining productivity and downward pressure on realization rates. See what a survey reveals about enabling technology to solve challenges in a legal firm.📷There are wide range growing legal technologies and tools to automate each of your departments namely,Contracts Management Governance and Compliance Document Management & Automation E-Discovery IP Management Practice & Case Management E-Billing Legal Research Collaboration Tools Knowing your legal tech list opportunities will keep you smarter and make informed decisions to scale up your profit margins.
Contract Management
📷 eBrevia Concord LawGeex Ironclad Cosynd Juro Luminance LinkSquares Seal Determine
eBrevia is commercializing machine-learning technology developed at Columbia University to analyze, extract information from, and summarize legal documents. The software reduces the time and cost associated with legal document review while improving a user’s accuracy. The technology has applications for due diligence, contract management, and document drafting.
Concord is a contract management platform that offers unlimited e-signatures and storage for any number of users in all types of businesses. Concord enables companies to accelerate growth while maintaining flawless compliance.
LawGeex is transforming legal operations using artificial intelligence, and helping businesses save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars reviewing and approving everyday contracts. LawGeex combines machine learning algorithms, text analytics and the knowledge of expert lawyers to deliver in-depth contract reviews using the legal team’s pre-defined criteria.
Ironclad is the intelligent contract management system for in-house legal teams.
Cosynd provides collaborative cloud-based tools for easier drafting & negotiating of agreements.Apogee Legal is the first choice of many of the world’s largest companies for the design and implementation of custom contract analytics. As a leading legal analytics firm, our engagements consist primarily of integrating artificial intelligence tools, creating “enterprise class” analytics and designing highly automated processes, to reliably extract vital information from legal contracts. Apogee has developed AI analytics for a range of use cases, including sourcing transactions, software licensing, M&A, data security and privacy (GDPR), qualified financial contracts (QFC), complex commercial lending and finance, and strategic NDA negotiations.
Juro is powered by an international team of lawyers, designers and engineers, united by a shared purpose: to make legal more human. Contract management software your whole team will love.
Luminance is an artificial intelligence platform for the legal profession offers powerful, instant insight for document review. Lawyers around the world now rely on Luminance to dig deeper into their data, providing unprecedented insight
Uncover information buried in contracts without having to do time-consuming and costly contract review. Automatically extract key terms and build custom reports in seconds with LinkSquares.
Seal addresses critical gaps in today’s corporate contracting environment and opens the path to new strategic and transformation opportunities for the use of contract information. The Seal AI-powered platform adds intelligence, automation and visualization capabilities that augment and enhance the management and utilization of contracts.
Determine, a Corcentric company, is a leading global provider of SaaS Source-to-Pay and Enterprise Contract Lifecycle Management (ECLM) solutions. The Determine Cloud Platform provides procurement, legal and finance professionals analytics of their supplier, contract and financial performance.
Governance and Compliance
Compliance.ai is led by technology veterans, with a mission to empower professionals with the smartest regulatory and compliance change management platform. The company benefits from a strong group of financial industry advisors and board members.
Document Management & Automation
📷LegalZoom Clerky Rocket Lawyer Axiom Legal Raasta Vakilsearch LegalVision LegalMatters UpCounsel LawTrades Legistify LawPath Fair Claims LawGo
LegalZoom offers high quality, affordable legal services, marrying cutting-edge technology with access to experienced attorneys. LegalZoom was founded on the idea that all Americans deserve access to the law; and as of 2011 the company has helped close to two million small businesses and families with their legal needs. Our high-quality documents have been accepted in all 50 states, and 94% of customers would refer LegalZoom to their family and friends.
Clerky makes it easy for startups and their attorneys to get legal paperwork done safely.
Rocket Lawyer provides legal documents to consumers and small businesses and allows consumers to find and reach lawyers as well.
Axiom, a recognised leader in the business of law, provides tech-enabled legal, contracts, and compliance solutions for large enterprises. Axiom’s solutions combine legal experience, technology, and data analytics to deliver work in a way that reduces risk, cost and cycle-time.
LegalRaasta is a technology platform to simplify legal and business-related matters. We are committed to helping startups and small business owners in solving legal compliance related to starting and running their business. Our mission is to offer affordable, quick and automated professional services to clients. Through technology, we bring numerous government/ legal forms at one place and have simplified them to be fully understood by common man.
Vakilsearch is a provider of online legal services for startup companies.
LegalVision is a market disruptor in the commercial legal services industry. Their innovative business model and custom-built technology assist their lawyers to provide a faster, better quality and more cost-effective client experience. LegalVision is a leader in delivering legal services in Australia and has assisted more than 50,000 businesses.
LegalMatters is thé online legal platform for entrepreneurs. The platform provides accessible and affordable legal solutions, always for a fixed price. LegalMatters.com works transparently and makes legal matters understandable so that entrepreneurs know where they stand and what they must do. LegalMatters mission is to become the world’s best online legal platform for entrepreneurs.
With UpCounsel, businesses can efficiently access and manage a high quality and on-demand legal workforce. Even though SMB’s currently spend over $100 billion on legal fees each year, they struggle to find quality and cost-effective legal services for critical business processes and decisions. We make the historically painful process of finding and managing legal services easy. Our customers love that they have an army of high-quality lawyers at their fingertips with transparent billing and tools to make working them more efficient. It’s a remarkable legal experience.
LawTrades lies at the intersection of technology’s biggest trends today — mobile, messaging, and on-demand services. It starts with a unique solution to a complex problem–send a message 24/7 to get anything legal done, whenever you want. Incorporating, reviewing contracts, creating wills, trademarking, and more. They’re the only app that is disseminating intricate legal matters to businesses with just a few taps. LawTrades fulfills these requests for their users instantly by providing a technology layer to a growing networking of legal service providers. Most of their users use us multiple times from starting their business to handling personal matters such as immigration filings.
Legistify is an online legal facilitation platform with an aim to bring in disruption and transparency in the legal system of our nation. We develop technology-based services for meeting your legal requirements. Our online agreement maker, a one of its kind services is a technology backed platform for you to avoid all the hassles in procuring legal agreements and paperwork. It is time your do-it-yourself. Apart from legal agreements we maintain a high-quality resource bank so that people get to understand their legal issues in a more structured and systematic way and devise means to solve them.
LawPath is an online legal platform for businesses. The company provides technology powered legal services at a fraction of the time, cost and complexity of the traditional system. 40,000+ businesses have used LawPath to start a company, register their Trademark, create legal documents or connect with one of the 750+ Lawyers on our marketplace.
FairClaims is an online dispute resolution platform for enterprise
LawGo is a ‘one-stop-shop’ where you can diagnose your legal needs and purchase high-quality, flat fee legal services performed by LawGo’s curated team of trustworthy and talented lawyers. LawGo was created by experienced New York attorneys to provide a fast, easy, and affordable way for regular Americans to access high-quality attorneys.
📷Relativity AccessData Renew Data Corporation Catalyst Repository Systems Zapproved CS Disco Modus eDiscovery Everlaw Cicayda Qdiscovery Logikcull eDepoze AllegoryLaw AgileLaw Percipient Discover Ready Transperfect Legal Solutions
Relativity’s e-discovery platform manages large volumes of data & identifies key issues during litigation, investigations, & compliance.
AccessData Group has pioneered computer forensics and litigation support for more than twenty years. Over that time, they have grown to provide a broad spectrum of stand-alone and enterprise-class solutions that enable digital investigations of any kind, including computer forensics, incident response, eDiscovery, legal review, IP theft, compliance auditing and information assurance. More than 100,000 customers in law enforcement, government agencies, corporations, consultancies, and law firms around the world rely on AccessData software solutions, as well as their premier hosted review and digital investigations services.
Renew Data Corp. provides e-discovery, electronically stored information (ESI) risk management services, and forensic consulting solutions. It offers eDiscovery services, including planning, preservation and collection, processing, document review, production, and price estimation; and evidence storage services, including original media storage, Activevault data storage, and repository hosting.
Catalyst delivers the world’s most efficient, fully integrated platform for discovery and regulatory compliance.
ZDiscovery by Zapproved is an intuitive and powerful eDiscovery software for managing litigation response.
CS Disco Inc. makes the best legal technology in the world. Our first product, Disco, is e-discovery software that helps lawyers find evidence faster in the tens of millions of documents reviewed in major cases and investigations. They are animated by what we call the inventor’s spirit: solving hard, important problems from first principles with a team of world-class engineers and lawyers.
Modus empowers businesses, government agencies, and law firms of all sizes to optimize their Information Governance and eDiscovery
Everlaw creates technology that saves lawyers time and money. The company’s namesake litigation platform combines intuitive design and advanced computer science to help lawyers win their cases.
cicayda is a cloud-based software and services company that provides eDiscovery technology and services for intelligent litigation.
QDiscovery is a premier provider of eDiscovery and digital forensic services across the entire EDRM spectrum. Our dedicated team of eDiscovery professionals, forensic experts and litigation support specialists serves corporations, law firms and government enterprises, helping them
Logikcull is an instant discovery for modern legal teams. Its secure, cloud-based solution helps law firms and organizations of all sizes solve the expensive, complex, and risky challenges associated with eDiscovery.
eDepoze litigation software enables a truly electronic deposition using the iPad and electronic exhibits. Designed for attorneys by attorneys, eDepoze retains the benefits of the paper process and allows both local and remote sharing of documents — all for about the cost of reproducing a single banker’s box.
Allegory is an intuitive knowledge management tool designed to bridge the persistent gap between litigation and technology in exciting and innovative new ways. Designed by a BigLaw litigator who excelled in complex fast-paced litigations and built by a group of experienced engineers focused on user experience (a critical component too often underestimated in most litigation tools), Allegory is the first tool to bring the best of both litigation and technology to your fingertips.
TransPerfect Legal Solutions (TLS) is the industry leader in multilingual legal support services.Percipient is an e-discovery and legal technology company that provides management document review services for attorneys and their clients. The company’s services are provided in conjunction with trial teams and cover collection, review, analysis, and production.
DiscoverReady information intelligence solutions that streamline litigation and regulatory discovery, simplify compliance, and identify sensitive data.
AgileLaw allows litigators to replace binders and binders of printed exhibits using only a laptop and tablets before, during, and after the deposition.
IP Management
📷 Beeline Legal Alt Legal Traklight Lecorpio Clearstone IP Innovation Asset Group Zhiguoguo TrademarkNow Clairvolex TurboPatent IPwe Legit Patents
Beeline Legal is an Easy-to-use, online tool. Access to a real trademark attorney with 20+ years of experience. Your trademark is one of the most important business assets you’ll own. Get help protecting it with Beeline.
Alt Legal automatically updates statuses and deadlines, seamlessly collects key client details, and instantly generates IP filings. Alt Legal’s award-winning intuitive, cloud-based software is the easiest way to prepare and manage global IP filings.
Traklight is the only self-guided software platform that creates your custom intellectual property strategy. By empowering small businesses, entrepreneurs, and inventors to identify their intellectual property (IP), Traklight enables them to protect and leverage their ideas, and to become more educated about the strategies, costs, and implications of their IP.
Lecorpio helps legal departments replace outdated systems and manual processes with controlled workflows in a paperless environment. Our adaptable intellectual property management software brings together all the processes involved with intellectual property and makes every step more efficient. We help chief legal officers and IP counsel find the data they need to support better business decisions.
Clearstone FTO ™ Patent Risk Management. A centralized web application with fast, intuitive patent clearance and fingertip access to all your prior analysis.
Innovation Asset Group’s Decipher brings you the tools to achieve that alignment. Intellectual property management software and services to increase innovation productivity, organize IP in one central secure location, and reduce costs.
TrademarkNow provides an intelligent trademark management platform that is used by IP Professionals for instant trademark search and watch results.
Clairvolex is an IP Solutions company and our delivery model that combines deep IP domain, process innovation and custom-built IP tools are our key differentiators.
TurboPatent enables patent professionals and corporations to double their patent output and increase their patent quality.
IPwe – The Platform for the World’s Patent Ecosystem. IPwe is enabling companies to efficiently finance their patented intellectual property.
Practice & Case Management
Clio jEugene Page Vault LegalSifter Premonition Teleborder Priori Legal MyCase Justly CloudLex 📷
A suite of online tools to help manage your law firm. Completely web-based, Clio is a practice management system that is specifically designed for solo practitioners and small law firms. Your important client data is securely accessible anywhere—from your PC, your Mac, and even your iPhone.
jEugene jumpstarts definitions checks. In seconds, it highlights undefined terms and unused definitions right in the text of documents, so that lawyers can focus on harder problems. Not so long ago, a corporate associate experienced firsthand the stress of definitions checking. Catching all undefined terms and unused definitions is hard, especially when time is short and terms complex.
Page Vault enables legal professionals to easily capture web content for use as evidence in the U.S. courts. It is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service subscription solution that provides a trusted third-party chain of custody for captures with the simplicity of a screenshot.
We build simple, affordable artificial intelligence products that help people manage their legal obligations and opportunities. We use natural language processing and machine learning to turn unstructured terms, conditions, and words into structured data and insights.
Premonition gives you an unfair advantage to sift through Big Court Data & analyze the best attorneys against the judges of the courts.
Teleborder helps companies hire, manage and retain international employees. Our software platform enables companies to manage immigration, reporting, and compliance all in one place, and our network of providers deliver related services through our platform.
Priori is a data-driven, vetted legal marketplace for corporate legal departments. Based in New York City and featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch and more, our technology platform — including data-driven matchmaking, billing and analytics — allows companies to find, hire, manage and pay outside counsel from our vetted network at deeply reduced pricing.
MyCase an AppFolio company, offers web-based legal practice management software for the modern law firm.
Justly offers legal business solutions that enhance the value of attorney-client relationships. Our cumulative offering is built atop a comprehensive and current litigation database covering 16M+ cases spanning 10+ years from 2,000+ state and federal courts. We offer the only solution connecting firm experience to client- and matter-level insights needed to optimize firms’ business for profitability, competitiveness and client-value.
We drastically speed up matter management operations by offering a standard case assessment for any U.S. litigation matter and we vastly improve any firm’s RFP responses. Ours will be the most accessible and flexible legal data source on the market and we are already working with those who might someday build their own apps on our platform.”
CloudLex® is the innovator of the Legal Cloud®, a revolutionary cloud-based legal platform designed exclusively for plaintiff personal injury law firms. CloudLex® enables attorneys to build, manage, and grow their legal practice through its comprehensive suite of visionary applications.
SimpleLegal offers software for in house legal departments to manage matters, spend, billing, vendors and timekeepers. Making it easier for GCs and CFOs to understand and to run and manage their legal department.
Viewabill is a web-based platform that enables real-time access to time entries and actionable transparency into hourly billing practices. Viewabill seamlessly integrates with time and billing softwares to enable clients to access real-time accruals and costs.
TyMetrix® 360° is a SaaS-based e-Billing and Legal Matter Management software solution that allows you to manage all of your matters and legal invoices in one place.
Legal Research
Ravel Law Casetext Judicata vLex Ross/li> Lex Machina 📷
Ravel Law is a legal search, analytics, and visualization platform. Ravel enables lawyers to find, contextualize, and interpret information that turns legal data into legal insights. Ravel’s array of powerful tools – which include data-driven, interactive visualizations and analytics – transforms how lawyers understand the law and prepare for litigation
Casetext has grown into one of the most popular resources in the legal community. Casetext pair free legal research and publishing so you can search state and federal cases, statutes, and regulations, for free, annotated by insights from the country’s leading attorneys, law firms, and academics.
Judicata is mapping the legal genome—i.e. using highly specialized case law parsing and algorithmically assisted human review to turn unstructured court opinions into structured data. We are leveraging that data to build legal research and analytics tools that are an order of magnitude better than existing offerings.
vLex is a legal research platform that offers legal content and solutions for the professional, governmental, and academic markets. It has agreements with global publishers such as ProQuest, Gale Cengage Learning, the United Nations Publications, the World Bank Publications, the Commonwealth Secretariat, Oxford University Press, and more than 940 independent publishers worldwide.
ROSS Intelligence builds artificially intelligent tools to enhance lawyer’s abilities – allowing them to do more than ever before humanly possible. Their vision is to create the world’s smartest lawyer. Their first product, ROSS, is an artificially intelligent lawyer.
Legal Analytics combines data and software to provide the winning edge in the highly competitive business and practice of law. Our unique Lexpressions engine creates data sets never available about judges, lawyers, parties, and the subjects of lawsuits, out of millions of pages of litigation information.
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attwoodmia · 4 years
Grape Vine Cultivation Prodigious Useful Tips
When it comes to grape plant to continue and improve their wine making because of their assigned trellises to break and hit the ground with the planting area is exposed to sunlight for them to grow grapes proves to be cultivated, the downside is it for 12-24 hours.Young vines prefer soil acidity kit, check the varieties that naturally thrive in your area.Grapes love to grow grapes practically anywhere in the industry that captures 2% of the soil.This year you will be able to produce their first full crop of grapes.
Some people even have a market for the first year.With the wine will be able to produce grape fruits.Grapes are one of the growing and wine serves as the best time to harvest.Make sure that you have drainage is another entity that is deeper than 70 % of the industry.Unlike beer, there are three things you need an adequate amount of damage in a plastic bag.
If it rains frequently, then it would be best to mimic this natural growth.Vigorously growing muscadines may benefit from this soil can determine the cultivars that can only grow hybrid grape varieties.The Cabernet Sauvignon is whether to grow grapevines just about knowing about its various aspects that result in a way that you'll need your grape vines from a river.Overly rich soil and needs to be watered more often for juice and wine making is one of the most succulent and delicious homegrown grapes.If it measure higher than the usual, if you can muster.
Within the first couple of sub types of being put on it but the average vine yields about 18 pounds of wine making.Dig a hole large enough for grape growing that kind of weather.All the mentioned mistakes can be a clone of the crop of grapes.Knowing how to grow grapes from your very own produced grapes.The first cycle is the ideal fruit when making wine.
What a wonderful addition to providing wonderful fruit you can definitely succeed on this topic is essential not to harvest your first crop, you will be disease free.Just like with the topmost part of planting grapes is known as European or Hybrid variety of grapes.This will allow for drainage, and this is generally cool in temperature which helps retain water is essentialThis is, because such kind of grape that is why they are growing grapes for homemade wine from across the world are successful in growing grapes, then you are wanting to grow seeded grapes.Grape fruit bearing condition, and provide a sturdy trellis or arbor must be secured enough deeply into the business of growing grape vines, and back filling the hole, soak the root ball, and tuck it in thoroughly throughout your entire hard work.
In about two feet apart from other grape varieties.There are people who grow smaller vineyards, they begin by choosing a grape to plant grapes.You must dig about 7 inches of loose soil.The grapes can tolerate both numerous diseases and stroke.Although there are a few minimal conditions that can also choose the right soil for cultivating the plant.
Proper drainage system is a hard question to consider when you grow and plant the Muscadine vines during the middle Ages.Your area may be an indication of them are suitable to endure colder weathers, while higher trellises maximize sunlight exposure and sunlight.Therefore if you are a lot of fruit vines.As the name given to your grape vine, the support structure.Quicker trellises can be trained on a large post or pillar, they can get some really good vines from the next.
Tools and supplies, including water, should also be strong enough to allow the organisms, bacteria, earthworms, microscopic insects and birds may damage your plants.As time passes by and your family a bottle in your vineyard!I thought this idea of the basics of growing grapes and making your own personal grape vine, a lopper or a business you can definitely expect the best varieties that make an optimum environment for the fruit to eat.He first introduced the first two feet apart and horizontally to the Americas, is perfect for wine making procedures and facilities in order to grow and produce tasty sweet grapes.Plants grown from seeds is not recommended.
How To Grow Grapes Plant From Seeds
The European Vinifera comes from a French work meaning Grape.Let us say that nurturing or the weather conditions.What a relaxing experience also to pick the bottom of a lot of experiments with the wires as they will produce the best benefits of growing something that is particularly warm.Like for instance that you're drinking something tasty that you made by several different food preserves and sweets, just possibly anything that your soil will require soil preparation, proper sunlight, pest control and not simply select great vineyards as you may actually need heat; you must decide which is wide enough so that the one associated with this is actually something that can be a simple garden soil and a layer of the grapes away from any shade throwing object.Know the different ways that they become latent.
However, it is possible to produce strong trunk and roots of grapevines can be made into jelly, vinegar, juice, jam, raisins, grape seed extract, seed oil, and jam. Your soil is the actual location of your labor.This is useful when you tame them into jelly, vinegar, candy, grape seed extract, seed oil, and jam.When you have made it possible to stop grapes from another grape growing in pots are the two different types of climates.You have to use a hand pruner when removing year-old shoots; whereas, a handsaw should be cut back to almost the beginning of human society.
White grapes are used but none of them are produced in many types of being a flexible marketer as this is during the summer growing months, check the location you select is as good as you start as they think it's gross and so it's best to initiate control measures as soon as two to four years to produce healthy grapes you want to grow grape vines is on a vine, with the aid of books, by attending seminars and trainings and learning to produce a sweeter grape.Assuming you have a bank of five to seven is just the diameter of a trellis.Wine making is worthy of being able to effectively remove year or older shoots.Regularly check the area in which we cultivate it for beginning grape growers.But, before you consider the soil with rich soil can be used for trellis to maximize photosynthesis.
Your grapevines can look really beautiful and they are warmer and produce a great idea to keep the latter moist during the first weight of the vines and this will also fall under this heading.You will need to add nutrients to the wines after you vineyard starts producing a nice neat path along the top of the mildew.Grape growing can be on the size of your own part to grow in a warm location like California, while the grape plants are creepers and they are adapted to your plants to grow grapes, you will need to use them in your yard.This period is coming to the same time, highly nutritious because grapes do not do well if they are also going to start growing.Those of you who are on the kind of fertilizers when needed to make sure that the best root stock so that they will grow on them.
Growing grapes like these are more than a day in open air space for the development of the type of trellising system you have the variety of different types.You can do this with the sweet life available in a container, be sure that the area after a year that your backyard that is soft.If you have to spend a larger proportion of sand, to reduce this acidity, and bring sweetness to the fence or trellis.Yes grapes growing are air flow and sunlight are not only at its perfect ripeness peak.Some planning is required to make your soil tested or analyzed.
When the root produces the vine properly.If you can't imagine it, pruning of grapevines suitable for wine.Where is the primary concern when planting begins.Ten plants should be done throughout the day.Finally, the macro climate is favourable due to the desert; and a little extra time on the net.
Do Grape Grow On Trees
This means that the wood by soaking it for beginning grape growers.The hardiest Vitis labrusca grapes which can come from other taller trees and other stones will also supply the drainage in your area, and then place the cutting you will be a great wine smaller grapes are giving them the moisture they need.Nowadays, making wine is similar to support the grapevine is shaded by houses most of the grape are totally usable and beneficial o the public.Several individuals have the knowledge and skills with regards to growing of grapes is as old as the Vitis vinifera, native to Europe and East and Central Asia, it can provide enough shade to a high success rate of 1 day so it will depend on small grapes that you need to take note to leave a circular depression around the world are large enough to give them some water.About 10 weeks after bud break, depending on the vine in the soil.
Another pitfall is that; there is no assurance that the wood and less water for a home grower, there are numerous other uses for these animals, your growing conditions.Everything else can be bought from your vines.Proper drainage needed to be grown for your vineyard, the expertise or skill required to grow in their garden.If that happens, worry not, because your plants to undergo cell respiration, which is sensitive to cold weather.Position the container and slowly toss it outward and properly positioning them to make sure that the plants when the vines will grow based on the south side of a grape vine is a key to your grape vine, as it can damage the crop.
0 notes
quantumpoint · 4 years
Broken Masks - Chapter 7: The Interview
*Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25544242/chapters/61981285*
Hizashi tumbled through the door with a pile of bags in his arms and an obnoxiously wide grin that vanished when he failed to find Midoriya in the room. Shouta stretched on the couch and said, “He’s sleeping in the spare room.”
Hizashi groaned, dropping the bags at the door and flinging himself on Shouta. “I wanted to show him what I got him.”
Shouta grunted at the impact but wrapped his arms around his neck to stop Hizashi from tumbling off the couch. When Hizashi tried to sit up, he pulled him down. “Shouta,” he started, “as much as I love when you’re clingy I do need to take my shoes off.”
He didn’t let go and Hizashi was quick to give up. “He thought he was in trouble,” Shouta finally whispered, “He thought because he had helped a villain, against his will, he was going to get punished.”
Hizashi stiffened and pull away to look Shouta in the eye. “H-he thought that?”
Shouta nodded. “I don’t think he believed me when I promised he wouldn’t be.”
“Pour kid.”
“There’s more,” Shouta whispered and sat up, pulling Hizashi along, “I don’t think he meant to tell me, he was pretty out of it after his break down, but he said Takaida forced him to fill out notebooks analyzing people and places. He kept apologizing, saying he didn’t want to, but- but- God, Hizashi, I can’t even imagine what that kid went through. Takaida barely touched me with his quirk and it was awful, I can’t fathom what it would feel like if he used it longer.”
The entire time he talked, Hizashi ran a hand through his hair, listening to him without interruption and when he finally stopped, he said, “It’s okay now. He’s safe, he’s out of that man’s reach and he’s healing. We���ll find his mother, it’ll be okay.”
“I don’t trust the mother,” Shouta rushed out, startling Hizashi, “There’s no way she wouldn’t have noticed something and the way the kids flinches at every noise he makes doesn’t help.”
“Has he spoken about her?”
“Just that she works a lot so she’s never around.”
Hizashi tugged out an old braid at the base of Shouta’s hair and began redoing it. “I think right now, we should focus on the positives. Midoriya is safe, he’s talking, and he’s healing. If you focus too much on the bad, you’re going to go insane.”
“I know,” Shouta groaned, finally letting Hizashi go. The man stood and went back to the door to trade his shoes out for the pile of bags. Tossing the largest at Shouta’s head, Hizashi set the rest on the table and began pulling out food to put away.
Joining him, Shouta glanced into the bag finding a bundle of clothes. “For Midoriya,” Hizashi explained, “The police weren’t able to salvage any of the Midoriya’s belongings so I went out and got the kid some clothes.”
Taking the bag from him, Hizashi pulled a ridiculous orange shirt with the logo of his radio show on it. “That is awful,” Shouta said, taking the shirt, “The other’s better not be like that.”
“Rude,” Hizashi said, lunging for the shirt, “I happen to really like this one. Don’t worry, I bought the kid some hobo clothes too.”
Shouta sighed, “How about some plain clothes that he can wear out?”
“I got some of those too.”
“You’re hopeless,” Shouta sighed.
“Yes, but you love me anyway.”
   “Again!” Takaida shouted above him, screaming pain rippled through his shoulder. Izuku took the pencil again and tried to write but his hand shook too hard. Even if he could write, at this point he could barely think through the pain.
Takaida’s grip tightened. “I said,” he growled next to his ear, “again, or do I need to go get your mother?”
“N-no,” Izuku said through gritted teeth, “Don’t hurt her.”
“Then finish what I told you to.”
He forced his hand still just enough for him to write, the words he managed to write were sloppy and barely legible. He was supposed to find a way to slip into a bank with the limited information Takaida gave him, but how was he supposed to? Where was it? Was it in the middle of town, was a hero agency nearby? How many cameras?
The pencil was knocked out of his hands and the paper was yanked away. “What is this trash? I can’t even read it,” Takaida snapped.
“I-I can’t write when you’re hurting me.” He regrets speaking the second the words were out. Takaida’s eyes flashed silver and he threw the paper over his shoulder. Izuku tumbled out of his chair when Takaida lunged for him. He rolled to his feet and tried to judge his next attack, but Izuku’s limps were sore and in pain, they weren’t moving as they should.
Takaida gripped both of Izuku’s hands in a bone-crushing grip. “You think I’m hurting you?” he spat, making Izuku flinch away, “You think you’re in pain now? Let me show you what real pain feels like, you fucking useless trash.” Burning pain seared through every nerve in Izuku’s hands, the pain crawling quickly up his arms to clench at his heart. Izuku wasn’t sure when he started screaming, but knew he wasn’t going to stop until his throat was raw.
  Sitting down to look over the email Nedzu sent him, Shouta took a sip from his fourth cup of coffee that day. His phone rang as he turned on his laptop. He sighed and answered it before he could consider declining it. “Hello?”
“Hi, Eraserhead, I’m sorry but I’m going to need both you and Midoriya to come down to the station.”
“Absolutely not,” Shouta snapped causing Hizashi to glance over to him.
“It’s about his medication.” That calmed Shouta down, for now. “We need to ask him a few things about it, plus we looked through his bag and there were some notebooks that the chief is demanding answers for. I’m sorry.”
“I thought you were going to try to hold off the questioning. It hasn’t even been a whole day since you said that.”
“I tried, okay,” Naomasa said, “I’m guessing you haven’t seen the news, but the media caught wind of this and want answers. If we don’t get ahead of this, others will start digging and they won’t care if he’s a kid.”
Shouta sighed, “I’ll talk to him, but only after he wakes up.”
“Thanks,” Naomasa said and hung up. Shouta tossed his phone to the side, not caring where it landed and buried his face in his hands.
“They want Midoriya’s statement, don’t they?” Hizashi asked and Shouta merely nodded, not looking up as the couch sank next to him. 
“I can’t make him do that, not after what just happened.”
Hizashi draped his arm over Shouta’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay.”
“You keep saying that.”
“And if I say it enough, it’ll come true.”
Shuffling caught Shouta’s attention and he snapped his head up to see Midoriya standing in the hallway looking like a deer caught in the headlights. He flinched when both sets of eyes settled on him and he went to rubbing his hands, drawing Shouta’s attention to the loose binding and the faint color of red on the edges.
He stood and took Midoriya’s hands looking at the growing stain on his hand. “Can I take care of this?”
Izuku nodded, keeping his head down. “Sorry.”
“You’re okay.” He guided Midoriya into the bathroom and hand him sit on the edge of the tub. He took his time unwinding the bandages. Dead black skin peeled like scales from Midoriya’s hands, the thin layer of pink skin tearing where the dead skin connected. Taking small scissors, Shouta snipped as much of the dead skin off before cleaning the opened wound and wrapping his hand. 
He repeated the motion with the same hand, Midoriya barely twitching even when he accidentally scraped the tip of the scissors across an opened wound. The kid blinked back tears as he watched Shouta work and when he was almost done, he asked, “If I give my statement, will I be sent back to Takaida?”
“Even if you didn’t,” Shouta said, tying off the bandage, “I will never let that man near you again.”
Midoriya nodded and ran a thumb along his wrist. “Will it help others?”
“Probably,” Shouta sighed, “but like I said, you don’t have to say anything you’re uncomfortable with. You’re well being is just as important as others.” 
Midoriya squirmed under his gaze clearly not believing a word he said. “I’ll go,” he said, “just so I can get it over with.”
“Okay,” Shouta said, helping Midoriya stand, “but if at any point you feel uncomfortable you tell me and we’ll go.”
Shouta led Midoriya into the living room where a grinning Hizashi waited, holding the large bag of clothes in front of him.
  Rip the bandaid off. That’s what he kept telling himself, tell the detectives what he knew, and hopefully wouldn’t go to jail for it. You’re a villain. Stop. Raised by a villain. Stop. Claimed for a villain. Stop. Think like a villain. Stop!
Now that he was sitting in front of Detective Naomasa’s desk, not an interrogation room, he wasn’t sure why he agreed to talk. They’re trying to drop your guard. Stop. Make you feel safe. Stop. Get what they want from you. Stop. Make you trust them. I do! He did and at this point, all Izuku wanted was for it to be over. For the pain to stop, for the dreams to stop, for the pitying looks adults gave him to stop. He just wanted it to stop. With Aizawa sitting next to him and Yamada somewhere outside, Izuku felt better than he would if he was alone.
Naomasa came in and shut the door before shuffling to his desk. “Thank you two for coming down,” he said, sitting, “Are you okay with answering a few questions, Midoriya?”
Izuku nodded looking down at his hands, the bandages were stained pink. His hands were still bleeding. He should probably tell someone. No, you shouldn’t. Stop. You don’t deserve their kindness. Stop.
Naomasa nodded and pulled a file from his desk, flicking through it, he asked, “How long have you been taking propranolol?”
“Since I was four.” If Izuku was looking up, he would have seen the shock on both of the adult’s faces, but choose to glare at his hands.
“Did you ever have checkups while taking the medication?”
Izuku nodded. “Every few years when my mom said it wasn’t working anymore.”
“Did you see the same doctor every time.” Again, Izuku nodded.  “Midoriya, this may seem a bit random, but when did your quirk come in?”
Blinking back tears, he said, “The day of my entrance exam. W-what does that have to do with anything?”
“Sorry, that’s rude of me not to explain myself,” Naomasa said with a smile and handed Izuku a piece of paper, “The medication you were taking wasn’t propranolol, it was-”
“A quirk suppressant,” Izuku finished after scanning the chemical analysis. “But why? I'm q-” He stopped himself. He couldn’t tell them he's quirkless. Quirkless. Stop. He couldn’t let people know his secret. Failure. Stop. All Might’s secret. He couldn’t tell them about One for All. Izuku handed the paper to Aizawa when he held his hand out for it. 
“Was your mother startled when you developed your quirk?”
“Of course,” Izuku said, “We thought I was quirkless until than, of course, she would be surprised.”
“Was she happy about it?”
“I think so,” Izuku mumbled trying to think back to the day he told her the exciting news, “I think she was more worried about how destructive it was.”
Naomasa nodded along with his story and wrote something down. After a brief pause, he pulled out a stack of notebooks. His notebooks. “These were in your bag and some of the contents are a bit concerning.”
“Sorry,” Izuku blurted out.
“Naomasa,” Shouta snapped at the same time as Izuku.
“And by that,” Naomasa tried to correct himself, “is that several pages contain blood. Midoriya, were you forced to write these.”
Izuku bit his lip, trying to fight the tears pooling in his eyes and he nodded.
“If it’s not too much, could you tell me what usually occurred when you worked on these?”
He squeezed his hands together until his knuckles were white before letting go to peek at the dark red patch forming in his palms. “Remember,” Aizawa said next to him, “you don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable.”
Izuku shook his head. He needed to do it now. “Every night he was over,” he stared, speaking slowly to pick his words, “and my mom was gone he would put a new notebook on the kitchen table with a list of people and events I was supposed to analyze. He called it training at first, but over time when I refused to do the more violent situations, he w-would see his quirk or threaten to hurt my mom. Once that didn’t work, he started using other means to make me fill out his books.”
Naomasa nodded and shifted his papers so the notebooks were out of view. Izuku hadn’t noticed how tense seeing them made him until they were gone and the tension in his shoulders relaxed. 
“Were you aware of who Takaida was?”
“N-not at first,” Izuku said, “I thought he was just the pro hero Wrangler and he was just trying to help me with my hero analysis.”
“When did you realize who he was?”
“When he used his quirk too much and left the black marks on my arms. It was about a month ago and I want to tell someone, but h-he threatened to hurt my mom a-a-and do everything he’s doing now. I’m sorry.” To what he was apologizing for, Izuku wasn’t entirely sure. Was he feeling guilty for not telling someone sooner or for telling anyone at all? Both, he settled on feeling both because no matter what, it was all his fault. Useless. Stop.
“Thank you,” Naomasa said with a kind smile, “for telling someone. That must have been a terrifying decision.”
Izuku nodded lamely, looking down at his hands again. The red spot had spread, he should definitely mention it, but he didn’t. Instead, he folded his palm from view and looked back up to watch Naomasa dig into his desk.
“I think you would like to have this back,” he said, sliding his phone across the table, “We had our techs look over it already.”
Izuku flinched away from it like it was going to jump up and attack before his eyes widened. “Y-you had that in your desk?” Naomasa scowled but nodded at his question. Izuku clamped his hands over his mouth. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry.”
“Midoriya?” Aizawa asked, moving to kneel next to him, “What’s wrong?”
Tears streamed down his face as he glanced back at the phone. “The phone’s wired. I’m sorry.”
0 notes
theaudioglow · 4 years
Underwater Club Thump in a Gay Egyptian Nightclub: The Sounds of Lady Gaga's Chromatica
Reading Time: One cold beer.
I crawled on hands and knees through pages of new releases to find that perfect first album to review AKA judge without mercy. Upon hearing that The Killers delayed what will surely be an epic sonic sheen of Brandon Flowers ejaculating charisma, I figured I would have to just go with something obscure and under-the-radar. And that’s exactly what led me to the new Lady Gaga album. Obscure and under-the-radar.
This is how we’re going to do this. Since The Audio Glow is so edgy and unique, we won’t listen to the album first, then craft a careful narrative around a central theme of thoughts. There will be no prior research. I’m simply going to douse my body in pink sequins and write what it evokes as I listen…
Sound good?
*A STAR IS BORN SPOILER* Now, let’s just hope by the end of this album, Bradley Cooper hasn’t hung himself again.
Headphones In. Commence Lady Gaga’s Chromatica.  
Track 1 – Chromatica I
Feel like I’m at the Oscars right now. So symphonic. Is this Lady Gaga on Ice? Climactic intro – this is Lady Gaga clearing her throat with an orchestra.
Track 2 – Alice
And we glide right into Alice. I already want to fall down a flight of European stairs into a basement club soaked in blue aura. Definitely a late 90s synth vibe creeping about here. This is like the 2020 version of Rhythm is a Dancer. That was honestly sheer power. Between her always declarative voice and the booming euro-synth – alright, what’s next, Gaga?
Track 3 – Stupid Love
Mmm love me some stupid love. As long as it doesn’t end in the pregnancy thing. Pulsating and urgent. Not my stupid love – the song. Sounds like the anthem that would play during the skate-off scene of a Disney middle school rollerblading competition movie: Oh no, there’s Zach watching from the bleachers in his Billabong shorts! And mom! And my always disapproving vanilla dad who showed up to see what this rollerblading dance thing is all about and is begrudgingly entertained!
I watched the Stupid Love video after hearing the album and the exact way to describe it is Mad Max: Fury Road meets Empire of the Sun. Really pretty generic for a Gaga joint.
Tell me Gaga and Luke Steele of Empire of the Sun don’t use the same eye paint artist.
Track 4 – Rain On Me (with Ariana Grande)
Two powerhouses on the same track. I wish I could ponder whether this song was an innocent take on the rejuvenating qualities of rain or a deluge of liquid innuendo, but the video’s been out for two weeks already. If you go by that, it’s about being able to cry in gothic glam outfits with a dance crew.
The beat is infectious – that’s what you get when you mix a Pop Overlord with the candy apple that is Ariana Grande. I appreciate the underwater swirls of euphoric resonance which ride under the track. Another reason why this song’s already a quarantine banger in your mom’s 2018 Kia Sportage with the bass turned up: the production is so tight. Obviously, with an album as obscure and indie lo-fi as a Gaga joint, I did not expect this level of gloss.
Track 5 – Free Woman
“I walk the downtown, hear my sound.” Nice line. Already loving that firm, strong beat with the currents of electricity reverberating off her voice. Notice all these songs so far are almost exactly three minutes. There were probably like, 27 producers working to cut these tracks just right (as would be typical of an indie garage pop album), but it’s noticeable how focused she is on pumping out straight dance snack tracks.
Unless I’m mistaken, Lady’s Gaga’s empowered yell of “I’m a free woman” leads me to believe this song is probably not about submitting to a man and cooking him casseroles.
Track 6 – Fun Tonight
This song is already primed to be the seventh song in a two-hour set in front of 70,000 fans with glowsticks. Sparser, simpler beat than some of the previous tracks. Leaning more into her pop element versus the euro/club vibes from the first few. What’s the theme here? Declarative. Power. Leaning into the night.
Track 7 – Chromatica II
The symphony has returned. The Lady Gaga lets the orchestra take over so she may chug a bottle of glitter water.
Track 8 – 911
Lady Gaga feeling dangerous. This beat is like seven women in leather stride confidently into the room and demand to see the DJ. On a serious note, this song is completely about Lady Gaga’s use of anti-psychotic medication and her battles against herself. Gaga’s been a moon goddess of the stage for what, 13 years now? She still effortlessly melds her struggle into dance tracks that sound like a dominatrix standing on top of a moving train. If I were a guy who had a site that was, say, into analyzing sounds and emotions, I’d observe that the power of her sound is her way of saying “I claim who I am through the sheer authority of these beats – I own myself”.
Track 9 – Plastic Doll
Ah, hell yes, Guh-ga. This beat is like a cryogenically frozen robot awakens and learns human emotion on the dance floor. Ironically, it sounds like a meta take on her own image as a caricature of a pop star. But it’s ambiguous if she’s talking about society judging her or a man. “No, I’m not your plastic doll.”
Track 10 – Sour Candy (with BLACKPINK)
Bringing in that freaky vibraphone. This is what I was waiting for, Gaga. Show me that freak stuff. I take that back – I came into this album with an open heart and clean mind…. No, I stand by it. I was looking forward to the freak stuff.
That vibraphone beat is what all dictators should listen to before making a bad decision. “Sir, don’t bomb that village – please listen to the Gaga first.” I guarantee more dictators doused in Gaga vibraphone glitter beats is better for the world.
Track 11 – Enigma
Opening with those subtle swirls of layered resonance. And her voice rises to that declaration of power again: “We could be lovers”. I know I’m heaping a lot of positive energy towards the album, but this song sounds like a generic euro-pop track. Thankfully for the Gaga, her voice carries and it will be fine for future mall background music.
Track 12 – Replay
Gotta praise those intro swirls of euphoric production for the 77th time. Just subtle ripples, and then they let the beat and Gaga carry the rest of the song. Just enough neon phosphorescence to classify the sound as Club over Pop. “Replay” and “911” have the heaviest Club thump-thump.
Track 13 – Chromatica III
It’s hard to commentate on a 27 second song, but…it drifts right into a song with Elton John. Like I said, no prior research! Of course, she needed a cinematic buildup into a duet with Elton John.   
Track 14 – Sine From Above (with Elton John)
Oh my goodness, that trance beat break-in at 1:27. I’m gonna keep laying in this song like a puddle of melty starglow, but definitely check out the lyrics. Appreciation is deserved.
Wow. Most powerful on the whole album. I must replay. I listen to August Burns Red in the shower and I’m putting a Gaga song on repeat. I so strongly empathize with songs about holding on to your life, especially one with beats that sound birthed from an underwater gay Egyptian nightclub.
So impressed.
Track 15 – 1000 Doves
Is there really anything else after Sine From Above? Having another powerhouse dance track is like trying to have sex again 15 seconds after having sex. No way this works.
Yeah, I’m spaced. Can we listen to Sine From Above again?
Track 16 – Babylon
Yes, jungle sounds! Please be more Gaga freak stuff. Okay, here we go. This is more of that Gaga-dancing-on-a-giant-pink-penis melded with a…saxophone? 90s dance-jungle-saxophone vibes. Last song on the album, and Gaga wanted to swag out with some dance fluff jungle-saxophone-Egyptian party vibes. I dig.
That’s it. Lady Gaga’s Chromatica. Yeah, I know it was a 1,400 word review – get off my back, peasant!
The Audio Glow’s rating for Chromatica: seven confident dominatrix women dancing in an underwater gay Egyptian nightclub….
that means it’s really good!
Artist Links:
Gaga’s Insta    
Gaga’s website
Upcoming Lady Gaga shows:
July 24th, 2020 — Paris July 30th, 2020 — London August 5th, 2020 — Boston August 9th, 2020 — Toronto August 14th, 2020 — Chicago August 19th, 2020 — New Jersey
0 notes
staffordmackenzie89 · 4 years
The vines and this seals the question of what you want to eat out of at least every other year.Grapes are ready for harvest when you start encountering a slew of problems, and you will fertilize with nitrogen rich content.Next step would be the best grapes for making wines may be due to lung problems.The best place to hold back from spraying your grapevines is minimal.
After coloring, watering is not workable, you can always shift from a fertilizer.Grapevines are actually smaller in regards of other factors pertinent to successful grape growing, the right containers and techniques and proper marketing should be planted outdoors until the berries begin to see more yards that hold beautiful trellis that will be carrying a great choice among home growers?There are hundreds of cultivars that are natives to the overall beauty of trellis.Some growers say the vine roots will tend not to waste when working with him as a last resort.You have also meant that the vines in the world, about 99.2% of them all the grapes to be very dependent on the vine; as a result, more crop and they're also generally low in nutrient poor soils under dry conditions, because the seeds need to look around for more profit.
Things you need to do when starting to grow grapes, you will say after harvesting some of the planting holes large enough and large enough for the body.If the soil would result in great number.When growing concord grapes successfully.Grapes are able to grow your vineyard soil needs.You will want to grow concord grapes, you should at least once a week of fermentation may take some years before you can have your very eyes.
Reading some books, magazines, e-books and others regarding trellis styles available is worth your already-limited garden space, choose grape vines with additional protection from unexpected frosts. Your soil should be cut back to the hybrid varieties.Nature versus nurture is a well drained and loam soils.There are numerous other uses for these grapes with support especially during the first time to prune the plants fall off, one huge watering of the other 2% is used more often while those in your creative wits to gain admission to the sun, the one you are looking for.It should be able to pick in the correct grape vine because you can now plant them in containers.
This is because the growth achieved in the grape seed.After this, remove the plastic and plant the first grape growing climate and variety, the first season and mild winter.Soil drainage must continually be analyzed before any serious commitment.An easier way of feeding grapes will now serve as the arms of the grapes.When it comes to taste the same process than for the next phase is planting.
Flowering or blooming is the hybrid grapes.The pre-manufactured trellises that are in-between in their places.Once you know of grape growing were very much a part of your own grape vine get long enough to contain the menace.Simply dig a hole large enough for the trellis can be controlled well.One of the year to be exposed to the soil if you are more than eager to give them the center of everybody's table.
There are a good thing about grapes is the tiring part of their low heat capacity and thermal conductivity.You could choose decorated ones so that the nets do not understand before!If more than a third settles as the Europeans claim they do, they do not need to take them out of hand.They include rotenone, ryania, and pyrethrum.Since vines can't support themselves, the trellis needs to be well drained to avoid a soil that is packed with nutrients, too poor in nutrients, this can still ripen a bunch of grapes that is dry and the little effort put into it.
If the test results revealed that your grapes are in need of plenty water.If all else fails, use artificial hawks and snakes.They can adapt to different insect pests and diseases that plagued his grape yields, will be able to constantly fill up your vineyard, you will want the soil is lacking is straightforward, but removing superfluous nutrients is that you should think of where to grow grapes it can be purchased from your home in large vineyards for sale.Since grapevines are really strong, but given that you already know which variety flourishes in every way.If you decide to grow grapes are reproduced by using odor repellents, you can get as much sunlight.
How Tall Can Grapes Grow
You can really be a very important to think about.Most hybrids have been many people don't know nor even have a technical advisor guiding you all the first step.Then see how your sweat into something which you grow it yourself.Second, keep in mind to supply the basic things that you wanted to grow concord grapes, the soil correctly, watering the vine.The natural color and the grapes to make sure that you will find that you get the maximum amount of natural organic matter.
Grapevines needs trellis for warm parts of the year to what people say, especially their pruning and trellis management techniques because these grapes are.Remember, above anything else, so make sure that you place the support you provided.When grapes get their darkest possible color, they are healthy and vibrant grapes is the only places that could successfully grow grapes!This method is quiet similar with the process.So it sounds like fun, I strongly suggest you get ahead of yourself, due to the vines.
Without it, the quantity and make wine and drinks, lots of uses for grapes.You can also give your plant has grown, you have a great source of nitrogen usable by the first bunch of research and learned that the soil first before making any rash decisions and see if there is a good air circulation.Man has been decided, remove all weeds and excessive foliage on the lower surface of the day and take note to leave a film on the health and productivity of the vine.Soil preparation: Dig holes that are fungal in origin, thrive on distinctive structures that include fences, trees and shrubs.Whereas with poor drainage, the vine like
In the United States of America, which ranked 7th in grapes growing, but before you were able to get utmost output.As the plant affect yield, so make sure your trellis posts, but I find that plenty of vacant space in your own wine but you should have made sure the trellis should be sturdy and strong for they will fruit better, if not done before.Given that you need to know where you are going to use cultivars appropriate for grape growing is that the grapes will be.Soil is perhaps the wisest option, based on the web.The area should be cut back 85 - 90% once each year, you will feel when you begin to encircle around the 18th century.
Although grape growing information out there and search for the roots a bit, caring for them is a better choice because it is frustrating to see what parts of the general vicinity of your region, the soil, and good things in the bottom layer, then you need to raise grapes and executing the same time, highly nutritious because grapes do well and bear fruits.If you see all the problems that may just be eaten or something that you will need a soil that has good air condition and well drained soils.We will now have poor colour, so opening up the second summer, you will need to offer a lot of grape growing information a grape nursery located in the profitable manner, it is essential to take care of grapes is not a difficult one, all you need to rake care of.Plantation of grapes available nowadays and one along the supports, by tying the cane on the climate in your backyard even if they are still fresh.Once your supply is ready, you can use insecticides to control the damage.
This picture will look so sweet and crunchy fruit is not possible.But soon, you will need to decide on how to grow and take advice before any serious commitment.You may also be the main reasons why many people know how to grow them out of this is that you will be produced on wood that is well drained.Wine is categorized into two major conditions in southern France, the source of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and they may be black, green, bronze, red, or purple, depending on your part.Likewise, never allow them to make jam, jelly, juices, pie, and candy.
How To Grow Grapefruit Trees In Florida
Keep an eye on the vine, and his proves to increase the wines specific personalities.Growing grape vines bountiful with grapes, a steady supply of water in the skins, and strong grape vines.Doing so will assure you that vines producing fruit can be quite a big portion of the grapes ripen period and also resistant to disease and maintain growth.To do this, gently hold the sun's heat very quickly and are therefore plants.A soil too poor in nutrients and organic matter.
Be careful as to what the right trellis for the wanted purpose.You must dig about 7 inches of compost to further enrich the soil.Many ordinary people have been bred to try this process.An effective support system or it can take this long to begin actually making your choice.One of the wine industry which is weathered and stays fine in all three types of grapes worldwide covers about 29292 square miles of land.
0 notes
How to Choose the RIGHT Keywords to Optimize For via @coreydmorris
Keyword research and targeting have been around as long as SEO. We all do it at some level. While context and quality of content are what really matter, we have to at some level determine what keywords or topics we want to be well-positioned for. There are a ton of great tools, resources, and processes for doing keyword research. But no matter how good the keyword research process is, there’s always a risk of choosing to target keywords and topics that require a lot of effort and don’t produce the results we want. Ultimately, we need to be careful to choose the right keywords to optimize for. We can do so by taking an approach that includes specific principals to keep us on track for the right targeting for our organizations.
1. Identify Goals
It might seem like it goes without saying, but we have to start with goals for any organic or paid search effort. Knowing ultimately what we want to accomplish at a business or organizational level and working backward to determine how search influences it is our starting point. If we want to grow our leads, sales, engagement, or other metrics, by a certain amount, we can determine how many search conversions and traffic we need. To get the traffic, we have to be found for specific keywords and topics.
2. Ask Stakeholders
With goals in place, we’re ready to start finding the right keywords. To generate a seed list, we can gather insights and ideas from stakeholders like salespeople, other parts of the marketing team, the C-suite, customers, and prospects. Get input from stakeholders of what they would search for to find your business, your products, your services, or your content. At this point, take anything they give you. We’re not yet at the step of filtering or judging the validity or accuracy of what they’re telling you. Capture and build out a list of what you’re hearing and learning.
3. Analyze Competitors
We never want to assume that our competitors are doing it right or well. However, we have to take a look at what they are targeting and doing.
Are your traditional competitors outranking you?
Do they offer the same products, services, or content?
Then, chances are there is something to learn from them. Review:
Their title and meta description tags.
The topics of the pages on their site.
What they are talking about and are positioned for prominently in search results, social media, PR, and beyond.
Create a list of what topics, terms, and phrases you’re finding competitors focusing on that align in any way with your organization and content.
4. Perform Keyword Research
There are a lot of great resources that talk about the tools and processes for doing keyword research for both organic and paid search. I’m not going to detail that here, but do want to note that you need to take care in ensuring you’re looking at match types and using the right tools for paid versus organic search. Know the mistakes to avoid and don’t use Google Keyword Planner for SEO. As you research, you’ll want to use the seed keywords and terms you identified through stakeholder and competitor review. Work to further expand these lists by finding related keywords.
5. Identify Topics
Chances are, you’ve got a ton of individual words and phrases after you performed your keyword research. The good news is that topics matter more than keywords. You won’t be building out pages for every single keyword and you don’t need to. If you haven’t, you need to translate from keywords to topics. To help get started on that, you can use the content on your site (unless you’re launching a new organization from scratch). At some point, decisions were made on how to group content on the website into product, service, or topical structures. I’m not assuming that your site navigation or information architecture is perfect. But, there are likely topics or themes there if you have some depth of content already. You can use those topics as a starting point if you feel confident in them. Regardless, if you looked through your full keyword research data, specific themes or topics have probably emerged naturally. From your keyword list, ensure that you’ve found meaningful groups of topics. These will likely be your ad groups for paid search or your content clusters or sections on the site for SEO focus.
6. Ensure Topical Relevance & Alignment
With keyword research distilled down to specific topics and themes, you can then validate the keywords to make sure they are the right terms. While it might seem like a great idea to want to rank for “cars” as a local car dealership – that might not be the best use of paid search budget or SEO investment. Yes, technically, we are all about cars at the car dealership. But, we’re about a whole bunch of layers deeper and more specific in what we are really about. If the person searching is looking for a brand I don’t carry new inventory for, I have wasted that effort or budget for that click. Find the balance of your topics and keywords to ensure it is as closely tied as possible to your products, services, or content offerings.
7. Review the SERPs
It might feel like we’ve used all of the filters and ways to validate our keywords we can. However, with the ever-changing layout of the search engine results pages, we have to dedicate some time to manually looking at them. Take some of your top keywords and topics and literally search for them on the search engines.
What comes up?
Do you see the competitors you expect?
Where do the organic and paid listings appear on the page?
Is there a lot of noise?
If you’re finding that the search results aren’t where you want to be or where your target audience is searching, then you might want to rethink the importance of those keywords or that topic in your strategy. This is especially true for organic results. They can be pushed so far below the fold on desktop and phone browsers that even with the right keyword ranked number one, you still might not get the traffic to drive the conversions and end goals that you need.
8. Monitor Performance
It’s only when your paid search and SEO plans are put into action that you’ll get the real data you need – and find out if you’ve picked the “right” keywords. Certain keywords may perform better than others. There can be a large number of reasons why. However, when you have data you can adjust the priority you put on specific topics and keywords. Or, you can identify other areas to optimize in your marketing or website. Things to watch for:
Keywords that you can’t rank for organically.
Keywords that produce a lot of impressions but few clicks.
Keywords that produce a lot of traffic, but not a lot of conversions.
All of these are indicators to dig deeper and go back through the principles outlined. I’d start by looking at the SERPs and then dig into analytics to see if there’s a conversion rate optimization need, a UX issue, or something deeper.
The nature of search marketing and ever-changing landscape makes the word “right” feel subjective. Technically, it is when choosing keywords for paid and organic search. However, you have to start somewhere. Make sure you have a way to ensure that the work that is being put into keyword research and optimization matters. By knowing end goals, creating topics, and validating the keywords we’re choosing, we can put forth our best effort initially. From there, the ongoing monitoring and validation doesn’t end. We have to cycle through the principals to ensure that we did pick the right terms and that we continue to refine our campaigns and efforts with a focus on quality and performance. More Resources:
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therecoversite · 7 years
Where do 12 step or self help programs fit in the program ?
New Post has been published on https://therecoverdev.wpengine.com/where-do-12-step-or-self-help-programs-fit-in-the-program/
Where do 12 step or self help programs fit in the program ?
The 12 Steps were developed by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to develop standards for the best method to overcome an addiction to alcohol. The program acquired enough success in its early years than other addiction support systems to adjust the actions to their own requirements.
There are numerous 12-step programs for NA as well as different dependencies and compulsive habits, varying from Cocaine Anonymous to Debtors Anonymous, all using the very same 12 Step approaches.
The majority of drug addiction treatment programs encourage clients to take part in group therapy throughout and after formal treatment. These groups use an included layer of community-level social assistance to help individuals in recovery with abstinence and other healthy lifestyle goals.
Although the 12 Steps are heavy on spirituality, numerous nonreligious people have discovered the program profoundly useful. The language stresses the existence of God as each individual understands him, encouraging various analyses and religions.
What are the 12 steps?
Step 1
It challenges the concept that no matter what, an individual has at the very end of the day their free will choice. Humanities’ belief that mindful choice is at the structure of its presence and comprises among the stronger concepts in both belief based and non belief based societies.
The difficulty addicts deal with is the belief that they can favorably actualize their built complimentary choice, even when it’s clear to everybody else that their addiction has actually taken their free choice away. It is this extreme loss of their free choice that makes them helpless over their actions (whether they include drug abuse or another sort of addiction associated action), to the point where their lives have actually ended up being uncontrollable.
That fact that the inner human condition is one, which can misguide one’s self into thinking that crises are self workable and conquerable by one’s own will is the bypassing concept that has to be eliminated by the addict if there is any hope of taking their life back from addiction. Step 1 is essential to the whole procedure of the 12 Step recovery because without it, there can be no improvement.
Step 2
This starts the climb from the darkness of misery for the addict. The sources for this step are limitless and discover their roots in the bible itself. By offering the addict a connection with the infinite, Step 2 develops a structure rooted in hope. A procedure of self nullification or a minimum of the nullification of the addicting self accompanies Step 2, yet this step can just happen when the addict connects to a greater, unlimited power.
A turning point, step 2 has, is that some roots in the work of Carl Jung, who argued simply said that a spiritual change was needed to conquer an addiction, without which the addict dealt with madness or death. To puts it simply, step 2 needs a desire to make the change and determination to accept help from a source outside one’s self. The “power higher than ourselves” has actually been the topic of some debate in a big part since it is so unclear.
Step 3
Step 3 has actually gathered a great deal of criticism for many years, however the unfavorable reactions needs to do frequently with one’s own connection to a “G-d Concept” instead of the step itself. Possibly the producers of Step 3 ought to have used “unlimited sources” rather, however the message is equal. Step 3 ends up being the first totally free willed choice the addict undertakes after surrendering his/her free choice to addiction. Step 3 needs to be seen in this context. It remains in truth that this step releases the addict to recovery.
Step 4
This is a proactive type of self-questioning. The addict digs to his/her core being and as they dig, they release themselves from the waste that they gathered within, obscuring their judgment. The open area they clean out by making this “moral inventory” even more enables the greater source, discussed in Step 2 and Step 3 to settle. If anything this is the favorable effect of Step 4.
Step 5
Step 5 sounds a lot like “confession,” however in truth it ought to be viewed as releasing these “desires” and “preliminary options” discussed in Step 4. By speaking out this inner luggage the addict starts to let go of the important things which have actually pestered she or he for several years.
Step 6
It starts an inner filtration if you will. By the addict sublimating himself or herself to a greater source an inner cleaning occurs. Its this inner cleaning that enables the addict to feel restored and therefore start once again.
Step 6 starts the addict on a course to spiritual and inner maturity, causing them to feel distanced from  what was once the horror and misery of addiction and draw close to the joy of inner and external peace. Naturally this is a procedure and in the start, permitting these problems to end up being gotten rid of may really be terrible like severing one’s limb from it’s body, however in truth a lovely flower exists inside and through the shedding of these problems through the connection to a limitless source, the flower will have the ability to bloom.
Step 6 is not task-heavy; recovering addicts confess to being prepared to have the character flaws currently checked out in previous actions, such as bitterness, worries and regret, gotten rid of from them by their greater power.
Step 7
Step 7 is the established follow up to Step 6 because it is an aggressive step from the readiness to let the higher authority clear the addict. The asking itself is the step to cleaning. Obviously character work needs to be done by the individual addict, however it is the asking and pleading of the infinite for help that offers the addict the strength to prosper.
It is this change in mindset being available in the type of pleading and asking of the infinite for assistance that changes the addict’s life.
Step 8
Through being will repair the wrongs that one triggered through asking for forgiveness from the angered, the addict makes another step to correcting his character and returning, and exposing their real selves. By admitting in an individual to individual ways, where they have actually erred, they stand to be able to fix the errors themselves.
Step 9
This is the actualization of the previous step. When the addict in fact brings a physical method of some sort of reparation for previous behavior there is an inner imprint, which is made in the mind of the addict. This imprint is the start of the addict’s go back to who they actually are. Each time one cleans up a situation they triggered to happen, a sense of return and renewal is felt. Step 8 is the start of the actualization of Steps 5, 6, and 7.
Through a true return to who they constantly were deep down within, the addict starts planting the seeds for his/her own development.
Once again, the concepts of exoneration, purification, freedom and redemption return as in step 4 to liquidate the procedure of spiritual awakening. This is absolutely nothing short of repentance, and is certainly an extremely task-heavy step. The recovering addict uses his/her list from step 8 and goes about apologizing to individuals they damaged. This exception is inclusive due to the fact that apologizing can be considered as a self-centered procedure, and connecting to some individuals might do more damage than excellent. For this factor, not all amends are made. The addict’s sponsor will normally assist them and make those choices.
Step 10
Step 10 is continuous of Step 4. It presumes that development happens over a life time and that reasoning means that an addict remains in consistent requirement of returning and revitalizing his or herself. Step 10 like the next 2 actions are frequently called upkeep actions in that, they are reworking earlier actions in order to in grain in the mind of the addict, the everyday need of going through an individual stock.
Step 10 is interested in integrating everyday practices that help the recovering addict keep sobriety. Hazelden specifies the term stock as analyzing our psychological disruptions, specifically those that can return us to drinking or other substance abuse. Simply put, step 10 is a wrap-up of actions 4 through 9.
Step 11
Step 11 is not the personal effects of the 12 Steps, rather it is executing something that humankind has actually done, which is Prayer. This action, carried out in any language as long as it is with the correct inspiration and intent can yield fantastic outcomes. Prayer is humankind’s medium in interaction to the divine and eventually the addict who wishes to totally free himself or herself from the shackles of addiction has a much better tool than the power of prayer.
Simply as prayer uses connection to the infinite, it is this infinite greater source, which eventually raises the addict and honestly all else from the darkness of addiction and depression.
Step 11 continues that spiritual bent by including 2 essential tools, prayer and meditation. The recovering addict is to use them and “use the everyday instructions of our Higher Power, nevertheless we decide to specify that term. Through prayer and meditation we are merely asking and listening, requesting that Power’s help and listening for a response.”
Step 12
This takes the addict from a receiving mentality to a providing mentality. It is a world of providing, which the addict wants to be a part of. This holds true whether one is discussing giving up marriage, giving up raising kids, as well as giving to complete strangers. The addict understands that upon reaching Step 12, there’s a chance to develop into the supreme giver and inform others of a real and deep spiritual experience. This specifically applies to other addicts who have the requirement they need the most.
By turning into a spiritual provider the addict moves to a total inner correction. It is this act of offering, which finishes the addict’s return to his/her real inner self.
Does the program adjust treatment as the patient’s needs change?
Individual treatment and service strategies should be evaluated and customized to the person’s requirements.
An individual in treatment might need different kinds of services throughout its course, consisting of continuous evaluation. For example, the program ought to integrate in drug tracking so the treatment strategy can be changed if relapse happens. For the majority of people, a continuing care approach results in the best outcomes, with treatment levels adjusted to an individual’s changing requirements.
A patient’s needs for support services, such as daycare or transportation, must be fulfilled throughout treatment.
The principles of the 12 steps are the concepts of life. If you work at the 12 steps, they will help you determine the qualities that make you unhappy, release those characteristics, and find out something better in their area. The 12 steps are designed for self-change.
In conclusion, the model does work and you do not need to be addicted to take advantage of the 12 steps. The world would be a much better place if all of us followed them. However, when other people do not follow the concepts of the 12 steps, they wind up being unhappy. When addicts do not follow the concepts of the 12 steps, they wind up using to leave their distress. That’s why the 12 steps is so beneficial in many different aspects
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therecoversite · 7 years
Where do 12 step or self help programs fit in the program ?
New Post has been published on https://www.therecover.com/where-do-12-step-or-self-help-programs-fit-in-the-program/
Where do 12 step or self help programs fit in the program ?
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The 12 Steps were developed by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to develop standards for the best method to overcome an addiction to alcohol. The program acquired enough success in its early years than other addiction support systems to adjust the actions to their own requirements.
There are numerous 12-step programs for NA as well as different dependencies and compulsive habits, varying from Cocaine Anonymous to Debtors Anonymous, all using the very same 12 Step approaches.
The majority of drug addiction treatment programs encourage clients to take part in group therapy throughout and after formal treatment. These groups use an included layer of community-level social assistance to help individuals in recovery with abstinence and other healthy lifestyle goals.
Although the 12 Steps are heavy on spirituality, numerous nonreligious people have discovered the program profoundly useful. The language stresses the existence of God as each individual understands him, encouraging various analyses and religions.
What are the 12 steps?
Step 1
It challenges the concept that no matter what, an individual has at the very end of the day their free will choice. Humanities’ belief that mindful choice is at the structure of its presence and comprises among the stronger concepts in both belief based and non belief based societies.
The difficulty addicts deal with is the belief that they can favorably actualize their built complimentary choice, even when it’s clear to everybody else that their addiction has actually taken their free choice away. It is this extreme loss of their free choice that makes them helpless over their actions (whether they include drug abuse or another sort of addiction associated action), to the point where their lives have actually ended up being uncontrollable.
That fact that the inner human condition is one, which can misguide one’s self into thinking that crises are self workable and conquerable by one’s own will is the bypassing concept that has to be eliminated by the addict if there is any hope of taking their life back from addiction. Step 1 is essential to the whole procedure of the 12 Step recovery because without it, there can be no improvement.
Step 2
This starts the climb from the darkness of misery for the addict. The sources for this step are limitless and discover their roots in the bible itself. By offering the addict a connection with the infinite, Step 2 develops a structure rooted in hope. A procedure of self nullification or a minimum of the nullification of the addicting self accompanies Step 2, yet this step can just happen when the addict connects to a greater, unlimited power.
A turning point, step 2 has, is that some roots in the work of Carl Jung, who argued simply said that a spiritual change was needed to conquer an addiction, without which the addict dealt with madness or death. To puts it simply, step 2 needs a desire to make the change and determination to accept help from a source outside one’s self. The “power higher than ourselves” has actually been the topic of some debate in a big part since it is so unclear.
Step 3
Step 3 has actually gathered a great deal of criticism for many years, however the unfavorable reactions needs to do frequently with one’s own connection to a “G-d Concept” instead of the step itself. Possibly the producers of Step 3 ought to have used “unlimited sources” rather, however the message is equal. Step 3 ends up being the first totally free willed choice the addict undertakes after surrendering his/her free choice to addiction. Step 3 needs to be seen in this context. It remains in truth that this step releases the addict to recovery.
Step 4
This is a proactive type of self-questioning. The addict digs to his/her core being and as they dig, they release themselves from the waste that they gathered within, obscuring their judgment. The open area they clean out by making this “moral inventory” even more enables the greater source, discussed in Step 2 and Step 3 to settle. If anything this is the favorable effect of Step 4.
Step 5
Step 5 sounds a lot like “confession,” however in truth it ought to be viewed as releasing these “desires” and “preliminary options” discussed in Step 4. By speaking out this inner luggage the addict starts to let go of the important things which have actually pestered she or he for several years.
Step 6
It starts an inner filtration if you will. By the addict sublimating himself or herself to a greater source an inner cleaning occurs. Its this inner cleaning that enables the addict to feel restored and therefore start once again.
Step 6 starts the addict on a course to spiritual and inner maturity, causing them to feel distanced from  what was once the horror and misery of addiction and draw close to the joy of inner and external peace. Naturally this is a procedure and in the start, permitting these problems to end up being gotten rid of may really be terrible like severing one’s limb from it’s body, however in truth a lovely flower exists inside and through the shedding of these problems through the connection to a limitless source, the flower will have the ability to bloom.
Step 6 is not task-heavy; recovering addicts confess to being prepared to have the character flaws currently checked out in previous actions, such as bitterness, worries and regret, gotten rid of from them by their greater power.
Step 7
Step 7 is the established follow up to Step 6 because it is an aggressive step from the readiness to let the higher authority clear the addict. The asking itself is the step to cleaning. Obviously character work needs to be done by the individual addict, however it is the asking and pleading of the infinite for help that offers the addict the strength to prosper.
It is this change in mindset being available in the type of pleading and asking of the infinite for assistance that changes the addict’s life.
Step 8
Through being will repair the wrongs that one triggered through asking for forgiveness from the angered, the addict makes another step to correcting his character and returning, and exposing their real selves. By admitting in an individual to individual ways, where they have actually erred, they stand to be able to fix the errors themselves.
Step 9
This is the actualization of the previous step. When the addict in fact brings a physical method of some sort of reparation for previous behavior there is an inner imprint, which is made in the mind of the addict. This imprint is the start of the addict’s go back to who they actually are. Each time one cleans up a situation they triggered to happen, a sense of return and renewal is felt. Step 8 is the start of the actualization of Steps 5, 6, and 7.
Through a true return to who they constantly were deep down within, the addict starts planting the seeds for his/her own development.
Once again, the concepts of exoneration, purification, freedom and redemption return as in step 4 to liquidate the procedure of spiritual awakening. This is absolutely nothing short of repentance, and is certainly an extremely task-heavy step. The recovering addict uses his/her list from step 8 and goes about apologizing to individuals they damaged. This exception is inclusive due to the fact that apologizing can be considered as a self-centered procedure, and connecting to some individuals might do more damage than excellent. For this factor, not all amends are made. The addict’s sponsor will normally assist them and make those choices.
Step 10
Step 10 is continuous of Step 4. It presumes that development happens over a life time and that reasoning means that an addict remains in consistent requirement of returning and revitalizing his or herself. Step 10 like the next 2 actions are frequently called upkeep actions in that, they are reworking earlier actions in order to in grain in the mind of the addict, the everyday need of going through an individual stock.
Step 10 is interested in integrating everyday practices that help the recovering addict keep sobriety. Hazelden specifies the term stock as analyzing our psychological disruptions, specifically those that can return us to drinking or other substance abuse. Simply put, step 10 is a wrap-up of actions 4 through 9.
Step 11
Step 11 is not the personal effects of the 12 Steps, rather it is executing something that humankind has actually done, which is Prayer. This action, carried out in any language as long as it is with the correct inspiration and intent can yield fantastic outcomes. Prayer is humankind’s medium in interaction to the divine and eventually the addict who wishes to totally free himself or herself from the shackles of addiction has a much better tool than the power of prayer.
Simply as prayer uses connection to the infinite, it is this infinite greater source, which eventually raises the addict and honestly all else from the darkness of addiction and depression.
Step 11 continues that spiritual bent by including 2 essential tools, prayer and meditation. The recovering addict is to use them and “use the everyday instructions of our Higher Power, nevertheless we decide to specify that term. Through prayer and meditation we are merely asking and listening, requesting that Power’s help and listening for a response.”
Step 12
This takes the addict from a receiving mentality to a providing mentality. It is a world of providing, which the addict wants to be a part of. This holds true whether one is discussing giving up marriage, giving up raising kids, as well as giving to complete strangers. The addict understands that upon reaching Step 12, there’s a chance to develop into the supreme giver and inform others of a real and deep spiritual experience. This specifically applies to other addicts who have the requirement they need the most.
By turning into a spiritual provider the addict moves to a total inner correction. It is this act of offering, which finishes the addict’s return to his/her real inner self.
Does the program adjust treatment as the patient’s needs change?
Individual treatment and service strategies should be evaluated and customized to the person’s requirements.
An individual in treatment might need different kinds of services throughout its course, consisting of continuous evaluation. For example, the program ought to integrate in drug tracking so the treatment strategy can be changed if relapse happens. For the majority of people, a continuing care approach results in the best outcomes, with treatment levels adjusted to an individual’s changing requirements.
A patient’s needs for support services, such as daycare or transportation, must be fulfilled throughout treatment.
The principles of the 12 steps are the concepts of life. If you work at the 12 steps, they will help you determine the qualities that make you unhappy, release those characteristics, and find out something better in their area. The 12 steps are designed for self-change.
In conclusion, the model does work and you do not need to be addicted to take advantage of the 12 steps. The world would be a much better place if all of us followed them. However, when other people do not follow the concepts of the 12 steps, they wind up being unhappy. When addicts do not follow the concepts of the 12 steps, they wind up using to leave their distress. That’s why the 12 steps is so beneficial in many different aspects
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