#no one here sees my art but just putting out there my comms are open
jianqzai · 8 months
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Commission by the amazing @/xliansimp
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tervaneula · 6 months
u said leoichi drabble prompt request. consider. one injured and the other protecting them and then the injured one has to calm them down bc 'they're okay, really, promise, rest now'
OKAY SO this fused with a ghost of an idea I've had for a while and it ended up being a bit more serious than the prompt called for and a lot longer than just a drabble. (It's ~1120 words.) CW: blood and injury
Also I made a silly header thing I don't know what to do with, so I'm putting it here since this fic doesn't come with art of its own :'3
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“Yui, I’m okay–” 
The rabbit turns his head to look at him, furious. 
“I heard your shell crack, Leonardo, and I'm not an idiot! Now stay down and let me handle this!” 
He falls quiet for a moment before redirecting his glare towards their adversary and then adds a muted, “Please.” 
There's no compromising with Yuichi in this state, apparently, and Leonardo stays right where he got crushed between metal claws and the concrete, splayed on the ground next to those very same claws which had gotten swiftly cut from the wrist for their transgressions.
He does roll onto his side to get his body weight off his shell, and yeah, alright, one or more of the old cracks that never healed properly must have split open again. It's tough to breathe and his back feels… His kimono is sticking to his shell and his back feels wet now that he's paying attention, and that. That is not good. 
Just his luck to run into a massive mecha wreaking havoc on an otherwise lovely day, huh. He wasn't even supposed to be on patrol and thus is embarrassingly swordless. 
Good thing that his date and their resident samurai always carries his. 
The slider watches as Yuichi does quick work of the metal hunk's wiring behind its knees, his frighteningly sharp katana slicing through the cables like butter. The mech falls with a ground-shaking rumble, unable to rise again, arm flailing as it tries to catch the rabbit. It's no use, Yuichi is much smaller and faster – and as soon as he reaches the mech's head, it's already rolling. The construct immediately loses power and Yuichi wrenches the windowed hatch in its chest open. Turns out there's no pilot, just a program-operated dashboard, and he makes sure that none of the controls are functional after he's done with them. 
Leonardo thinks he could watch Yuichi trash villains all day long, he's practically mesmerised by the strength hidden in that soft frame despite his shell throbbing unpleasantly in tandem with his heartbeat. He sighs, lovestruck. 
As his final move, Yuichi thrusts his katana into the heart of the mecha and Leonardo sees a spray of ink-black oil splash all over Yuichi's face and the front of his kimono. It makes him laugh and he realises his mistake too late, his lungs struggling to draw breath again as he finally gets hit with the pain, his body trying to stop him from moving; from causing any more damage. Shit, shit, shit. 
He had hoped he wouldn’t need to bother any of his brothers today since he was supposed to spend the whole day with Yuichi but he knows to pick his battles, now. He opens the comm link embedded in his prosthetic, contacting someone who he knows will pick up. 
“Che~ello!” comes the cheerful answer in just a few seconds, and Leonardo can't help but smile. 
“Mikeyyy, hermano, I'm in a bit of a pickle,” he wheezes, feeling the shift in his little brother's energy as soon as he hears the strain in his voice. 
“Leo? Are you okay?” 
“Not really, no,” Leonardo grunts. “Got into a scuffle with some big haywire robot– don’t worry, that’s taken care of. I suspect Donnie will want to scrap it for parts. Um. My shell’s– my shell’s cracked though.” 
Leonardo can vividly imagine the colour draining from Michelangelo's face and it would be funny if he wasn't acutely aware of a broken shell coming with the very real possibility of his innards turning into outnards. 
“I'm calling Draxy. Stay put, I'll get Lee to pick you up.” 
“Right,” Leonardo sighs, the line going out just when Yuichi is finally done with the mech and rushing to his side, face haphazardly wiped from oil. His gaze is sharp as he kneels next to him, sweaty and out of breath, and Leonardo thinks he looks like a knight. Or maybe like a samurai of the old, in this case. 
“There’s my hero,” he coos before Yuichi can get a word out and the rabbit’s brow furrows. 
“Don’t start,” he snaps but his tone softens almost immediately, “I saw you calling someone. It’s bad, isn’t it? It… it looks really bad.” 
“Yeeeah, this kimono is definitely ruined,” Leonardo laments, “unless you know how to, gh, get blood out of corduroy? No? Or the obi?” 
Yuichi stares. 
“A– a shame, really, I did like this one a lot–” 
“Leonardo!” Yuichi interrupts him and grabs his bicep, looking two seconds away from crying. Leonardo frowns. He knows he’s getting a little delirious but he was sincerely trying his best to lift his mate’s mood. 
“Leon, please, you’re rambling. Is someone coming? Can I do anything?” 
“‘m not rambling,” Leonardo grumbles, hissing when he fills his lungs again. “Leo’s coming to get us, Draxy– Draxum will treat the shell. And no, better keep the obi in place until we get to the medbay.” 
Yuichi’s shoulders slump and he sighs, most likely relieved that he’s not going to have to figure out how to deal with a cracked shell. Leonardo does not like the lingering worry in Yuichi’s gaze one bit, though, and he offers him a grin. It’s a little shaky but whatever. 
“Heeey, bunbun. Listen. This is nothing I haven’t been through before. I’ll be fine.” 
Yuichi gives him an honest-to-God kicked-puppy look and Leonardo thinks it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever seen in his life. He almost tells him so but Yuichi cups his cheek and his forced grin melts away into surprised silence. 
“I hate seeing you hurt,” Yuichi murmurs, leaning down to press his forehead against Leonardo’s. The slider’s eyes flutter shut and he lifts his hand to hold onto Yuichi’s wrist. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I mean it. I should’ve been more careful.” 
Yuichi huffs and leans away to gently bump their foreheads together. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“Maybe, but ’m still sorry. Didn’t want to worry you.” 
“You’re an idiot,” Yuichi says, exasperated. “You should know that at this point, I’ll always worry.” 
Leonardo grins and this time it’s genuine. Breathing in his partner’s scent is like a balm to him, even if it’s tinged with the bitterness of motor oil, even if his body currently thinks that breathing is overrated. Even if he just got called an idiot by none other than said partner. 
“Raincheck on the date?” he mumbles, and finally he gets a chuckle out of the rabbit. Yuichi straightens his back and flicks him on the nose. 
“Like you even needed to ask. Idiot.” 
Before Leonardo can express his displeasure of being called an idiot for a second time there’s the familiar electric hum of a portal opening behind him, and someone whistles. 
“Sheesh, old man. That kimono is definitely ruined.” 
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
Very veeeeeery remotely linked to Day 2’s prompt (blink and you’ll miss it) but here is a bit of a sequel to Inebriated Fishtank… in which they have not entirely ceased to be under the influence…
An enthusiastic steel drum version of ‘Under the Sea’ blared out and Scott slammed his hand on to the comm, eyes still screwed shut… if he didn’t open them he wasn’t awake. And it could have been a butt-call…
He’d never prayed so hard for it to be a butt-call.
“Hey heeeeeeeey Scooooty-McNoodle!!!”
Scott pried an eye open to glare in the general direction of heaven…
“Hello Gordon. Which police station?”
“I am OFFENDEDED ancient brosicle! How could you pres… presufimicate such a thing?”
“You don’t need bail? Then why are you calling me? Go to bed you drunken fool.”
“Ah yea about that… “
‘What about it? Just sleep it off.”
“So… funny story! My fuzzy wuzzy beary pops actually did the whole arrangementing of beds thing.”
Scott’s brain clicked up a gear from basic muscle memory to something resembling cognition.
“Gordon where is Virgil?!”
“He’s here!”
“Can I speak to him?”
“Um… noooooooooo”
There were several voices worth of giggling, none of which sounded like Virgil.
“Who’s with you? Where is Virgil?”
“Oh how rude of me over here we got…” There was a clatter and his brother’s voice faded out amongst some more distant giggling before Gordon returned, piercingly loudly:
“Stooopid floor. Anyways here we got Florrie, Alice and Alexi, say hi to Scooter ladies, he’s my biggest olderist bro and he’s even sexier than me and old dribbles here.”
A chorus of “Hi Scooter”
“Gordon! What’s wrong with Virgil?”
“You gotta say hi!”
“You’re being rude! Say hi to the ladies!”
“Hi ladies” Scott muttered.
Scott knew an immovable squid wall when he heard it. Fine. He turned up the charm, and the volume, to max.
“Hello ladies!”
“Owie! Geez bro.”
“Virgil, Gordon?!”
“Yeah he’s pretty handsome. Look… see? He was on front’ve Vogue that one time. Still single too! Sure I can give you his number…”
“Heeeeeeeeey bro. Love you bro. Love all the bros. Specially the grumpy turtle one.”
Scott tried another tack
“I love you too squid, but what happened to the grumpy turtle one?”
“Hezzzz a snooooozy liddle turtle.”
“So he’s in bed?”
“Nooo I toldja he’s here. Say hi Virgie.”
“Awww he droolin’”
Scott was beginning to join the dots here.
“Gordon, please tell me Virgil wasn’t trying to match you?”
“I can one hunderb percival tell you that.”
“Would it be true?”
A pause and a definite snort in the background.
Oh no.
If he’d consumed enough to make Gordon tipsy, there was no way Gordon and three women were going to be able to move the bear. He thought Virgil knew better.
Scott got up and put his trousers on. He could get to Brisbane in a few minutes in One…
There was more giggling and a deep bellowing laugh followed by a grunt.
“Omigosh I’m sorry I can help… gimme his arm… oopsy tha’s ‘is leg.”
More rustling noises.
“Oh I am sooooo bad manners! Scotty you gonna say hola to Juan too, he’s helping.”
“Hola Juan. Gordon, where are you? Do I need to come get you?”
“Naaaaw we goddim Scooteywoo”
“Then why are you calling Squid?”
“Need the bed place.”
“I don’t know where he booked Gords! Stay put I’ll come and get you.”
“Nawwwww I wanna take him to the art tom… tom… tomorning. Art ‘n waffles…. I pinky promised the Virg!”
Scott rested his head against the wall and counted to ten.
“What do you need Gordon?”
“T’get in his phone! I dunno his pass-thing! Need to find the resersermmmnn”
Scott did know it There were a million and one reasons why Gordon did not.
But he could either spill the beans now and take the consequences later, or head out to find them just in time for one or both of them to be sick on his shoes. Or in One. He shivered. No option really.
“Gordon you have to promise not to do anything bad with Virgil’s phone.”
“Yeah yeah I’m a good fishy”
“Gordon, pinky promise me.”
There was a tut and Scott could almost hear the eyeroll.
“I can’t reach your pinky to promise!”
“Fine. Pinky promise Juan then.”
Gordon did a stage whisper
“He doesn’ know a huge lodda English Scoobydoo.”
“Ok err” Scott racked his brains “could you put um, Alex was it? On the phone?”
Gordon huffed.
“Well hello there, handsome, this is Alexi.”
Pushing down the desire to bring about Gordon’s imminent demise, Scott had a sudden brainwave and put the charming voice on again. Yes, giving a total stranger access to his brother’s phone was a risk but less of one than allowing Gordon unfettered access without the security of a pinky promise - generally accepted to be the only law he considered himself bound by.
“Alexi listen carefully, I’m going to give you the passcode. Could you use it to find the reservation then lock the phone again please?”
“Sure, honey.” The reply was breathy. Intimidatingly breathy.
“Ok, you ready?”
“I’m all yours”
“Exclamation mark, eight, one, zero, zero, capital D, lower case Y, exclamation mark; capital F, one, five, lower case H, exclamation mark.”
“Ok honey that worked, I’m in. I’ll get your brothers to their hotel. I’ll leave my number on your brother’s phone just in case you need it later, ok?” She was essentially purring now.
“Oh that won’t be…” Scott paused. He needed all the allies he could get here.
He cleared his throat “That would be lovely, thank you for your help Alexi.”
There was a shriek and more unmistakable giggling as Scott hung up with a wry smile before collapsing back on to his bed and closing his eyes. Good luck Juan and co.
Aa he drifted off he considered how it was a shame Virgil would have to change that one tomorrow.
It was so apt.
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skiptomyylu · 1 month
Peeks Head In...
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I've been SLACKING but I'm here- IM HERE!! Here to share some amazing works that have populated the [#Femme Aziraphale Friday] tag!
Really quickly though, if you aren't aware of what Femme Aziraphale Friday is, please click HERE for a little more information!!
And if you'd like to share art/participate, please do use the [#Femme Aziraphale Friday] tag! We'd LOVE to see your work :> I hope you're ready to read a LOT of caps locked text and keyboard smashing!! Now...LET'S GET ONTO IT!!! *:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚
I made a little sobbing sound opening this post again to grab the link /VPOS/AFF SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL AREIBJAHEHBRRRRRR I'M SO SO SO AUUGHGERHIREHRHJ Those curls, that dress, those eyes, that expression... This is true happiness Nim, how do you do it... Thank you my dear <3 AAHHEHBREJH WE'RE SO LOCKED IN FOREVER!! MY TWIN!!
Do Check Out Nims Page, Nims Comm Sheet, and Nims Ko-Fi!
JUST LOOK AT THAT LOOOVELY LADY!! Sporting a green dress and a smile!! We've got a looovellyy depiction of Femme Aziraphale right here folks! I just wanna give her smooches on the cheeks MWAH MWAH MWAAAAHHH!! RRAAAAAHHHGAREHLIBGAERJHGBJHGABELJGHABERLERLJHBRGJEHBHLHJBERLHB WHAT A CUTIEPIEE RRRRRRRILJGREH
Go take a peek at Becks page!
IM BARKINGG!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOODDDDDD!! LET ME ZIP HER UP!! ME ME ME!! WHAT DO I EVEN DO BESIDES YELL I am going to come to your home and extract some of your skill- you've got too much of it (/silly)
Take a gander at Tart/Dantes Page, Pinned Post, and Link Tree!
I NEED HER FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR RRRRGJRRJEHEJRBG She's SO CUTESY (so demure) RRRRHIBGAREHLEHJHRAEJLGEHRJGHER I wanna take her out out to a nice lunch, and treat her to the works, and then take her out on a boat ride on my super huge shiny yacht that I totally have, and drive her around in my super expensive imported sports car that I totally totally have!!
Skidaddle Over to Monas Page and Link Tree!
CHOMPCHOMPCHOMPCHOMPCHOMPCHOMPCHOMP GGUYYSS LOOK AT HERRRRGRELHABGLREHBGHBEGHJRELAJB I love love LOOOOVEEEE this artstyle (inspired by Burn Pygmalion if I remember correctly!) ITS SO GORGEOUS RRRIHBREHBEHRRRRRR She's so beautiful please tell her I wish for her hand in marriage!! Put on your skates and roll over to Rens Page and Pinned Post!!
THIS ARTWORK HAS ME AEGRIJLAGREHGHBJREHJBSGREBHJREGBHJGSREHBJJBHKRBHJEBJH TAKE ME NOW AZIRA IM READY!! IM REAADDYYYYYYY!!!! OH LORD IN HEAVEN ABOVE PLEASE!! PLEEEASSEEE!! I have no calm, cool, nor collected words to say guys I wish I did, but I truly dont LMAAOO Get a wiggle on to RamenNoodleGhosts' page!! (Now I want noodles) *:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚
@skiptomyylu (The Art is for 18+ Audiences, Thank You!!)
The Dragon Warrior- IT'S ME!! (/ref)
As some may know, I doooo have a goddess Aziraphale AU in the works! Andddd I just wanted to draw more of them and it got quite sauuccyy HUEHUEHEEHUEHUEHEUHE!! Throw your eyeballs to my page out if you'd like!!
And that's all folks! Thank you so much for stopping by for another FAF!! There's more art (and fics) under #Femme Aziraphale Friday!! Take a look-see at those too!
I can't wait to see what else is made in future!! Hugs and Kisses to you all, and have a wonnnderrfulll Femme Aziraphale Friday!! Toodleoo!!
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Another Sonic and Tails headcanon thingie: these two have their unique ways of greeting each other whenever they come home, whether they were gone for a day or only 20 minutes. One of them is what Tails tends to use since it’s his absolute favorite one, the infamous koala hug attack.
For this one, in story form!
Word count: ...idk I literally wrote this in my drafts on here so I have no idea other than it went longer than originally intended 🙃 😅
Sonic clutched the bags tightly in his arms as he felt his shoes skid hard against the ground as he got near the porch of the living quarters of the workshop, nearly losing his balance in the process. A fresh coat of slightly, wet dirt now covered the bottom of his sneakers from heel to toe as he walked up the steps.
He hastily wiped his feet on the mat in front of the door, already picturing the complaints he was going to receive about tracking dirt across the floorboards again if he didn't...again.
It's not like Tails wasn’t guilty of it either, he just got at him because he tends to do it the most. Though it didn’t mean that he himself wasn’t fed up with it.
Managing to open the door with his elbow, he shuffled into the living room and dropped the bags onto the kitchen island, quickly catching some of the cans that spilled out of the bag.
"Geez, I swear that bagger was just stuffing all this stuff in here." He grumbled out loud, stacking the cans in the cabinet and putting the rest of the groceries away in a few seconds.
He brushed off his hands and glanced around the room. "Tails? You here, bud?"
There wasn’t any sound of thudding footsteps coming closer to him, or a voice calling out in response, or just any answer at all. That wasn't much of a surprise since he tended to leave the workshop more and more recently to just take a walk and explore the area.
As long as he wasn’t cooped up in his lab all day, that was good enough for him.
He moved to speak into his wrist comm to check in with Tails when his ears perked and heard some shuffling coming from behind him. Turning around, he was mildly surprised to see that nothing was there.
It mildly surprised him due to the fact barely anything could sneak up on him due to the years of training exercises he carried out, though it didn't explain why he was still hearing the shuffling all around him.
Sonic paused and let out a groan. "Oh boy, I hope it isn't another mouse that snuck inside the lab again. That was another whole week of stress that I won't get back." He mumbled softly to himself, rubbing a hand over his face.
What he did hear next definitely surprised him, considering it had been a while since he's even heard it, a few short giggles broke through the silence causing him to freeze and look around the room confused.
"Uh, Tails?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a quick flash of yellow disappears from view near one of the rafters on the ceiling, with that same shuffling noise following suit before it went silent again.
He didn't acknowledge that he saw the kit being bad at hiding, but he knew full well who it was, and the little tradition that they haven't done in a couple of years.
Sonic smirked to himself. 'Oh wow. We're playing this game again, huh? It's definitely been a while. But if it's what the kid wants to do...'
He played along, placing his hands on his hips, and feigned a worried voice. "Oh dear, I wonder where my little buddy Tails is. I just can't seem to find him anywhere!"
Sonic walked around the room, looking around dramatically under the table, around the couch, and into the kitchen cabinets. He audibly let out a sigh and leaned against the kitchen island, placing the back of his hand on his forehead.
"Tails? Oh, where for art thou Tails? My brother? Mi amigo? My honorary pride and joy. Lost forever to where I can never follow him." He kept his voice light and teasing, grinning when it earned him more giggling.
He moseyed on over directly under the one rafter where he knew Tails was hiding and put his arms up in defeat. "Hmm, he doesn't seem to be in here. I guess I was just imagining hearing him this whole time."
A slight creak was heard above him as he waited and braced himself for the attack. "3, 2, 1...."
"Nooo!….not the...koala hug trap…the cuteness…it’s too much for my body to handle..." He fell to his knees and hunched over, wrapping an arm around Tails and purposely squeezing closer to him in the process.
"Koala attack!" Tails yelled and dropped down, flying right into Sonic and wrapping his arms and legs around his torso.
Both of his tails wagged as he nuzzled his head under Sonic’s chin. The hedgehog lets out a groan from the impact, both to add to the part and to that the kid was a bit heavier than he remembered. He decided to suck it up and take it like a man...er, hedgehog.
"I can feel...all my energy depleting....I think I see a light. Mom, is that you?" Sonic fell over on his side, Tails snickered as he continued to hang onto him. "Goodbye cruel world....I'll miss you."
He finishes by rolling over on his back, closing his eyes, and lolled his head to the side, finalizing his "ultimate death." He stayed silent for a moment before he felt Tails shift around on his chest and felt a finger poking at his cheek. He peeked an eye open and saw him beaming a wide smile at him.
"Well, hi to you too." He poked a finger to Tails' nose, switching to giving a scratch behind the kit's ear. "So, mind explaining why you decided to ambush me like a crazy maniac today?
Tails laid his head back down, deeply enjoying the ear scritches. "Nope."
Sonic chuckled. "OK then." He placed his head down in turn and stared up at the ceiling.
After a few moments, Sonic cleared his throat, making Tails look up at him. "You uh, gonna let me up anytime soon? I gotta get dinner started soon."
Tails shook his head, the playful gleam shining in his eyes. "You know the rule in order to escape the hug trap, Sonic, unless you wanna be stuck here forever you gotta pay the toll."
Sonic gave out a little hum. "Actually, I change my mind, I kinda want to be stuck here. The floor is pretty comfy."
"But what if you need to use the bathroom?"
"I'll just crawl on the floor and take you along with me."
He heard Tails give a snort in amusement. "Yeah sure, you barely go in there to take a shower."
Sonic gave a hard flick to his ear, "Says alot for the guy hugging me in a death grip right now."
"Shut up, I know my limits to your body odor and this is a mere exception. Besides, you still need to pay the release toll."
"Oh right, the toll," Sonic pauses, pretending to be clueless. "Uh, what was it again?"
"You already know what it is."
"Do I now?"
Tails sighed lightly, trying to sound like he was annoyed. "Yes!"
"I do? Huh, I don’t seem to recall what it is-."
"OK, Alright. One toll payment coming up." He sat up and wrapped his arms around Tails, resting his cheek on top of his head. The kit in turn squeezed his hug tighter, letting out a laugh as Sonic began to quickly rock their bodies side to side.
"Was that a good payment for ya?"
"Oh yeah, totally worth all those overdue bills you've been ignoring." Tails said lightly.
"Ah, speaking of which, I still have one more from this morning I haven't paid for. Better late than never!" He finishes by pulling him closer and wrapping him in a even tighter hug, a one where Tails could barely move his arms.
"Ow! Okay, you paid your debt! That's too tight!" Sonic released him and watched as Tails held his sides seemingly in pain.
Sonic got up and looked at him, slight panic rushing in upon seeing him. "You good?"
"I think you nearly broke my ribs." Tails croaked out.
"Sorry." He gave him a sheepish smile as he helped him up the floor, giving him quick, side hug, a gentle one this time and ruffling the fur on his head. "You wanna help me get dinner started?"
"Sure," Tails went to stand up, stopping midway and a deep frown suddenly masked his face. "...Sonic?"
Sonic flinched at his sudden change in tone. "Yeah?"
"You didn’t wipe your feet when you came in, didn't you?"
"Oh my gosh-, don't start with that again please." Sonic groaned as Tails began his annoying tangent. "I actually did it this time."
"I can see the tracks of water leading from the grass outside to here! I keep telling you, just wipe your feet at the doormat!"
"I was carrying the groceries in!"
"That's no excuse Sonic! You know how hard it is to mop up these floors!"
Sonic began to back away, holding his hands up. "Well I did, and just for the false accusation you're not getting the dessert I bought tonight."
Tails' eyes widened, his mouth open agape. "What?!? That's not fair!"
"Neither is falsly accusing your brother for a crime he didn’t commit."
"It's not false accusation if the proof is right in front of your dumb-dumb face." Tails deadpanned.
"Annnd, now that's no mint candy of any kind for a week."
"Do you want me to make it a full month?" He tried to have his "serious" face on while saying it but the sour look on Tails' face made it rather difficult and cracked up rather quickly. Tails stood there flabbergasted upon seeing him suddenly burst out laughing, a faint blushed warmed up his face once he realized what was going on. Typical Sonic, he should have seen that coming.
"You're the worst, you know that?"
"Love you too bro."
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
Thank you Irene and Aubbie for the tags<3 I really appreciate it a shit ton.
Twst content spotlight
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@azulashengrottospiano Amazing, and I cannot stress this enough, AMZING octatrio content. Her writing style is so fucking amazing yet so simple? Go check her out she’s so fucking cool.
@axvwriter such a fantastic mind. Their oc Bobo is adorable and their art is even more adorable. The creatures they make are so fucking cool and awesome.
@twitchers-column a new blog made, but so far the stuff nem posts on their are just, chefs kiss. Not much on their but I see so much potential for it(I want to, uh, help with it).
@nem0-nee probably my newest moot but she is so sweet and her art is so fucking cool! Her Oc’s are so amazing and fantastic <3
@jemmidraws also new, I mean very new, but her art is so beautiful! Again not much posted but I highly recommend checking her out(her comms are open btw!)
@daily-trey posts amazingly accurate Trey content. They also respond to stuff as Trey by drawing them, my favorite post of theirs is the newest cater x Trey angst^^ (their comms are also open!)
@moonlit-midnight also writes amazing octatrio content. But they also write for other dorms like Diasomnia. Btw go check out their master list cause, it’s so fucking pretty? Like bro, that shit is so pretty and amazing.
@drdepper her art, gives me life. No no listen. The art style, the colors, the line art. I’m gobbling it up so hard. She’s also in love with Vil, don’t understand why, but Love listening to her talk about it.
@robo-milky her twst yuu is so fucking cute!! She’s so freaking talented, like tf? Girl, keep some talent for the rest of us T^T I wanna hold cloche is my hand like a small bird, ya feel me?
@altshin his twst yuu is so freaking chaotic it’s amazing 😭 his art style is so simple to me but still so gorgeous. Fellow photographer mc o7
@the-v-lociraptor everyone move it’s the creator of Castor and Pollux!! If you can’t tell I love those two twins with all my heart. Her art style is so much, that it becomes perfect.
@harunayuuka2060 while they do write for twst they also do obey me, and let me tell you they are always so fucking good!! Their writing style is Character A:….. Character B:……. It’s so fucking cool! Go check their blog out I always have fun with their stuff!!
@mintmoth they’re art style is so cute😭 my favorite Kalim artist in every single platform ever. The way they draw him makes me so happy!!
@malleusgethomeplz just posts twst shitposts. No really, that’s it, nothing more nothing less. But it still always brings me joy. They are also so stupid that it’s the best ever.
@egophiliac my favorite Lilia artist. They’re art is so unique. Like everyone move! It’s the the best Diasomnia artist is in town! Go check them out.
@oepionie I love love LOVE their writing the way they write scratches that one spot in the back of my brain. They’re writing style is so fucking gorgeous!
@blackopals-world she writes for various types of yuu. The way you can tell that she puts so much effort and love into her work is amazing, love her work so so much.
@siphoklansan sippy!! You think you’ve see great art with so much love in it? Ha yea right, you haven’t seen shit until you’ve checked my girl sippy out B) her oc’s are so fucking pretty and interesting, my personal favorite is my beloved Charin, I wanna give him a kissy kiss.
@ashipiko fellow ace kisser o7 she is so sweet and I just love her so fucking much like you have no idea. Her art style is so pretty like girl, you’re making me tear up with how gorgeous everything looks.
@ceruleancattail their themes give me life. It’s so fucking pretty and gorgeous and beautiful. Their art style is also, chef’s kiss, my personal favorite stuff is anything butler or/and yandere related<3 I will also continue to defend the kisser cater allegations with my life o7
@oheyfox Renny<3 best Jack Howl art there is, you won’t find any better then here folks! Her female first years ever. Her art style is so fucking pretty too!! Go check it out, this is a threat.
@shinysparklesapphires her art is so pretty with such interesting and incredible oc’s!! A beloved moot of mine<3
@terristre their art is so simple yet so fucking cute and adorable. I really like the way they draw the Twst characters. They’re comics are so freaking cool!!
@yuurei20 they technically analyze Twst characters and their relationships with other characters and more. It’s so interesting reading their works:0 I 10000% recommend everyone to check them out.
@dibbledoodle her yuu is a wine aunt without the wine and I am here for it. I fuckinh love her art style so much. I love the way she draws Leona he looks so stupid T^T
@revivemyreverie the way they draw, gives me life. They have so many oc’s and each one is more interesting then the last, I can’t decide who I love most. That’s a lie, it’s Vegas, it’ll forever be Vegas.
@del-thetiredwriter I love love love LOVE their mafia AU. Hello? Why is it so good? I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter. I took inspiration from them while writing my own mafia AU, go check them out<3
@twistedchatterbox the creator of this amazing thing✨ she’s amazing and I love her writing so fucking much<3 tbh if it weren’t for her April collab I would’ve never had the courage to post twst content on here. So Rubia, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything. I owe all of this to you, Love you girl<3
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I originally was gonna put like 10 people but ended up putting waaay more😭 but you know what, I regret nothing. All these amazing people write and/or draw some of the best stuff ever. And I’m so fortunate to have come across their stuff because it is truly amazing<33
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pareidoliaonthemove · 6 months
Part Two
Part One is: here
Her uncle was true to his word. Which both did and did not surprise Kayo.
After all, the man had sworn vengeance on Jeff Tracy and International Rescue, and he pursued that vengeance with a single-minded determination. On the other hand, he broke all sorts of promises – both explicit and implied – in the course of that pursuit.
In any case, Kayo was once again bound, gagged, and blindfolded, before being bundled off out of her uncle’s hideout. Unfortunately, the goons were efficient, and Kayo had no inkling of where she had been taken.
After a final parting gift of a dose of a short-term knockout drug, she was deposited – unrestrained – neatly beside Thunderbird Shadow. Once she came around the goons were long gone and the winds had eroded all trace of their passage.
Kayo was shaky on her feet, so she did a quick assessment of her condition, and reluctantly put in a call for help.
It was now a race between the GDF and International Rescue to see who would get to her first.
Twenty minutes later and the GDF had won the race; her brothers being held up by the collapsed skyscraper that had held their attention for the past … it was now sixteen hours.
The GDF medics had cleared her of any permanent damage, only the lingering effects of the drugs her uncle and his minions had pumped into her. Once her body cleared those out, she would be fine.
Colonel Casey was in the process of debriefing her on her details of her ‘encounter’ when the roar of multiple Thunderbirds shook the GDF flyer. Five minutes after that all four earth-bound Tracys had boarded the flyer; and John’s hologram popped up from her wrist comm, even as Scott muscled his way into the room, his brothers following.
Colonel Casey’s decision to debrief Kayo in the on-board conference room of her Command Flyer was typically foresighted of the women.
Once the Tracys had reassured themselves that Kayo was, indeed, as physically okay as the GDF had reported, they retreated to the far side of the conference table – John transferring to Virgil’s wrist comm –, and listened intently as the debrief continued.
Kayo was going over the physical description of the interior of the Hood’s lair for the third time (Virgil had shunted John to Scott, and was using a 3D rendering art programme he could somehow access through his wrist comm to build a model based on her description), when the door opened, and an nondescript-looking NCO marched smartly to Colonel Casey’s side.
The man saluted, and passed over a holodisplay, and Kayo could only just make out the words ‘pathology report’, ‘substance analysis’ and ‘urgent’.
Casey dismissed the man, and speed-read her way through the files.
The storm of emotions on the older woman’s face had Kayo’s hackles rising, and the Tracys edging towards her.
Scott was the first to break, moving to stand and read over the Colonel’s shoulder.
Casey looked back at Kayo, “What did The Hood tell you about the drug he administered?”
Kayo frowned, remembering. “He said it had cost him a lot of time and money to source; that it was new, and guaranteed to work, with no side effects. Oh, and he has already used it! He implied that he had used it on politicians and businessmen to extract personal information he was blackmailing them on.”
Casey paused, considering. “Did he tell you this before or after he administered the drug?”
“And what questions did he ask? If you can remember the exact words he used, it could be important.”
Kayo stared at her a moment, perplexed, before Scott nodded to prompt her. She shut her eyes, and replayed events in her mind. It was surprisingly easy to recall details.
She spoke slowly, reluctantly. “He asked, ‘And so, Kayo, my beloved niece, how are you these days?’, then ‘I told you, my dear, I just want to catch up with you. So, how are you?’.” She paused. “Next was ‘The Tracys are keeping you busy? Not too busy, I hope. It wouldn’t do for you to be overworked.’ And then, ‘And how is your dear father? It has been a very long time since I have had news of my beloved half-brother.’”
Kayo paused, considering, but a small voice insisted that the next questions were rhetorical, and therefore not questions. “The last thing he asked was, ‘Do you still love me?’” she concluded, quietly.
Colonel Casey’s face softened. “I’m sorry, Kayo, but I had to ask. Your bloodwork came back, and we identified the ‘truth serum’ he used on you. It is a new formula, and one that is very tightly controlled, as it is extremely effective. But the Hood lied, while there usual side effects of disorientation are not present, it has a very nasty side effect in that it makes the subject … suggestible. Anyone given this drug is very vulnerable to instructions or alternative information provided whilst they are under the influence; and the influence is very difficult to shake, even after the drug has worn off.”
Casey sighed, “It appears that the Hood is making an attempt to recruit you by trying to reinforce his relationship with you.” Her gaze softened, “Please, Kayo, be mindful of this, and be careful whenever you next encounter him.”
Kayo nodded. “I will, Colonel. My father has warned me about my uncle ever since I was a little girl. To side with him would be to betray my father.”
“And I am both glad and sorry to hear that, Kayo.” Casey looked at the holofile in her hand, again. “Was it only ‘family matters’ that you discussed?”
Kayo opened her mouth to speak, hesitated a second as the little voice whispered insistently in her head again.
“Yes, Colonel Casey. That was all we talked about.”
This was never originally meant to be a two parter, but the Hood went off on a tangent, and he really isn’t the type of person who would act out of sentimentality. On screen, he always has a plan, though in the beginning IR can outwit him, later on, he becomes sneakier, with back-up plans and redundancies in place.
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nahisummerhold · 29 days
The Picture
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Nahi had received a package, she had left forwarding information but she hadn’t really expected anything in the post except a letter or two that always came. A  bill here invitations for her to sing, that sort of thing. Today though, there was a cardboard tube with a note. 
“Miss Nahilvi, 
I would hope you remember me, you purchased a couple painting’s of mine from the Hoverbahm Gallery a few months back, I was there so you politely asked me to have tea. I am an old man and that sweet act and your compliments on my art made me feel so much younger. I hadn’t painted anything in a time, but you found what I had done as inspired and told me that you would be hanging them in your rehearsal studio. That a beautiful young woman like you would find inspiration in this old man made me feel young again. 
I hope you enjoy the enclosed, I have a feeling I will not be living much longer and I will not leave my home as others suggest.  Dalaran has been my home for as long as I can remember and no matter what I stay with it. I have put in this container some of the art I have not sold for personal reasons, I wish you to have it, or to find a good home for it.
With these pictures, I have added a piece that I have painted since I met you. That night I had a dream and I was inspired to create this for you and that I was on a timeline for it. I do not believe I will see you again, or many people, in fact. All of these have legally been transferred to you and I hope you will find them as beautiful as the others, but mostly the the last piece that you were the inspiration for. 
Yours sincerely,
Oddital Agreilane
Nahi remembered the conversation, it felt like the old Quel’dorei was just lonely and he had told her of troubles with money and that he was selling his art to try and make ends meet. The pieces were perfect for what she was looking for, so she bought a couple more since he needed the money and they were the first she had hung in her studio. 
That poor man.
Nahi stood, suddenly she had something to do, picking up the hearth that would take her to her home’s garden and began to invoke it. The instant she tried to use it a magical blast sent her back against the wall.
She had no sense of time when she woke all she knew was that her head hurt and she was still holding the stone in her hand but when she opened it the stone was in shards some buried deep into her palm. Rising up, she felt a little dizzy, she checked her head there was no blood, that meant she needed to take care of her hand and figured out what happened. 
It took longer than she would have expected because those instruments of magic had been shoved deep into her hand. Eventually, when they were all removed and bandaged, she stepped out of her apartment but no one was around so she made her way outside, all about her were people yelling about Dalaran, none of it made sense. Running to the local guard station and they were making an announcement for people to calm, they had heard news about Dalaran but nothing was substantiated. Oh Sun, what did that mean? 
Moving around the corner she pulled out her comm unit to reach out to Pathyn, his balcony had a view of the floating city, itself. Five missed messages.
Pathyn: Are you okay? Were you in the city? 
Two minutes later.
Pathyn: Come on Nahi.
Almost simultaneously.
Kyean: Nahi, darlin’ are you alright?
Five minutes.
Pathyn:  Nahi, if you do not answer , I will come to you.
Ten minutes.
Kyean: Path is worried, we are coming to find you.
That was an hour ago, well shit.
Nahi to Pathyn: I am alright, just been looking for information on what happened. Are you okay? What is happening? 
Pathyn: Thank fuck! There is so much going on, Kye and I having to come find you was a delay we didn’t need. Dalaran is missing, what we have heard was that there were threat of attack and they were going to portal the city. Next, communications were that it was gone and people were on some new lands, fighters are on their way there. 
Kyean: It’s been hours. Are you alright? 
Hours, how long had she been knocked out for? 
As she was reading this another message came through from Commander Dal’shula. There it was, she was heading to the battle. Get her kit make sure it was in order and ready herself for tomorrow.
Nahi to Pathyn: Tell the large man hovering over your shoulder I am fine, just have been out gathering information on what happened.
Pathyn: Since you responded he has stopped saying he would track you down, Illi-daddy.
Kyean to Pathyn and Nahi:  Stop calling me that, you have no idea how often we hear that. It’s gross really.
Nahi in new group text: Then stop acting like I need protecting. I am a big girl, can tie my own sandals and everything. I have to go get ready my call came in, I will keep in touch.
Pathyn to group: Be safe, *you* keep in touch. Will miss you.
Kyean to group: If you need anything text one of us. We will be heading there shortly, if you need us we will be close.
Nahi to group: Hope to see you soon.
Kyean to group: Even me?
Pathyn to group: Even him?
Nahi to group: Okay, maybe not him. You guys be safe too. 
With that she put her device in her bag and headed for the apartments. When she go to her room the tube of portraits caught her eye. Did he know what was to come? What had she inspired? 
Opening the package, she began to unfold what was there. The very top piece stopped her. It was beautiful. It took her breath away. It was her.
(Thank you @kissfortheelves for the amazing commission and the inspiration for so much RP to come)
(@talonoa for mention) 
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pansyfilia · 2 months
welcome to my blog!!
you can call me pansy or rina (she/her)
fandom list
greek mythology/epic the musical (save me penelope save me)
the marauders
dungeon meshi my beloveds
tma (currently on s2 so NO SPOILERS
i have like one thg post so yk... it was for an au who am i kidding
my ao3 is @green_starss, where i have a few odypen fics brewing
and ive got a bit of an organising system which is pretty ridiculous soooo
"the little white maggot tag" is just generally rosier twins/ pandora/ evan, whatever really
"the wild hyena at the door tag" is all things barty crouch jr, gay twink and mcr enjoyer
"the scarlet fox tag" is the woman, the MILF, the legend lily evans (she ate btw)
"the magician's rabbit tag" is mary macdonald <333333
"my weaver wife" is PENELOPE OF SPARTA yes i do know she is ody's wife and i would never dream of taking her from him (im stealing her from him respectfully as we speak)
"the green mamba that bites" is dorcas meadowes (we love a mean queen)
"the black cat that haunts" is regulus black, wet dog man and also brother's best friend survivor
"the lovegood moths tag" is essentially the lovegood family, pandora, xeno and luna
"the island and his freshwater pearl" is just odypen, pretty much the only straight pairing on here
" the two rabid beasts" is bartylily (essentially emo/preppy at core)
"the rotting hyena tag" is rosekiller (tee hee)
"the bunny corpse" is my marydora stuff
"pansy's aus" is what it says on the can
"ask pansy anything" basic comprehension skills yall
"pansy rambles" essentially the same vein, see above, etc
I think???? i have an au list somewhere in here so ill put it on here as well
odyssey thg au, where ody and polites go into a war-torn arena and only one returns home (alr a wip)
odyssey modern au, where ody is enlisted in the war and needs to get OUT. dio actually pops in and checks in on him from time to time and calypso is just a super weird flight attendant
odyssey lotr au, following the whole arawen/odypen parallels that have me gripped atm (and also penelopes half divine side as well because the POTENTIAL aghh) jsyk legolas and gimli are perimedes and elpenor :))))))
idk why but like odyssey roleswap au, where eury and ody stay at home while their wives are away on pilgrimage or wtv the equiv is in ancient greece and circe and calypso r just super hot evil minor gods. OMG WAIT tiresias is the same but its his cursed-by-hera woman form (long story, will explain in a later post)
iliad/odyssey college au where theyre all just here and there and also everyone who dies either gets sent away or yk runs away from the shitty ass ilium university (helen is the art major queen and calypso stalks ody which we love/hate)
THE ILIAD/ODYSSEY RENAISSANCE COURT AU which isnt realy plot,,, its just fluff and fake dating and secret dating and also lady thetis who hates her sons prince consort patroclus and theres rlly just a lot of love and drama
[self-indulgent one comin in hot] single parent ody with calypso's kids nausithous and nausinous who has penelope as his kids' babysitter (not canon timeline-complicit bc who needs that shitfaced angst blast)
and ofc a hogwarts au just for funzies
just tag me on either ao3 or on here if u use these!
anyways,,, have fun! pls enjoy my half-asleep crazes
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xivrefsheets · 4 months
Dawntrail Updates!
Figured I may as well toss a post to the void with DT rapidly approaching. Ahem. Hello! First of all...
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Wow... thanks a bunch! I'm happy this little project has proven to be so helpful for so many folks out there! I figured once I stopped updating that this blog was gonna fizzle out into obscurity but I'm still getting quite a bit of interaction despite the inactivity (I really do miss Tumblr sometimes...)
Anyway, wanted to put an update out here on things going forward after DT drops and knowing how rambly and Autistic™ I tend to get, I'll just put that in a cut.
So as I've mentioned in passing in the tags of a random ask, I'm sort of considering opening comms for ref sheets again due to really Really Spicy money-related happenings in my personal life. However, there's a few steps along the way before I make this a reality and this isn't even a full guarantee it'll happen as I'll also be opening art commissions in the near future and those will take more time and priority over ref sheets PLUS there's the factors that led me to closing in the first place.
I'm trying to steer away from using Anamnesis going forward for a number of reasons (some borderline petty, I admit) but I've been introduced to some nifty new plugins that are slowly taking the program's place that make posing infinitely easier and also fix the primary issue I had with Ana which was.... not allowing unique NPC faces to show in gpose anymore. (Yes I'm aware that they still worked for carbuncles and the like but that was just enough of a hassle for my posing needs that it made the sheets Not worth making anymore since I was already dealing with other stress on the side at the time as well). I'm still learning how to effectively utilize said plugins and once I've gotten better and mastered them that'll be the end of step 1.
Step 2 is gonna be... well... waiting for DT to drop. As we all know, a massive graphics overhaul is coming, so there's very little point in opening requests for new characters now when the models are about to be more detailed and will very likely be tweaked along the way if player feedback affects NPCs down the line.
Step 3... that I dread... revamping my studio yet again. Mostly just gonna be taking out some of the extra light sources since those tend to get in the way when the model is really tall and also researching more setups. May also see about utilizing chromakey as well. Idk idk. I doubt I'll have the energy to make the sheets super pretty like some folks do, but taking transparent shots will cut out a lot of distracting factors and make the finished sheets look a bit better I think.
Then after that, I'll probably do some practice rounds and re-work sheets for popular characters as well as fixing the old, shitty sheets from when I first started that were Way Too Yellow that I've been meaning to fix for literal years now (so sorry to all my fellow color-picking artists friends out there I'm sorry that's so annoying... TTATT) and from there I'll see if it's something I still want to pursue and open comms for.
I'll shoot for maybeeeee mid-August or so for the next update. Obviously, I still have a job and I'll be enjoying DT with the rest of you guys so it'll be some time before I even think of doing ref sheets again, but I at least wanted to throw out there that this is still something I think about, but a number of factors made me stop to begin with. One factor being...
...pricing! If/when I open again, it'll likely be a proper commission post on ko-fi and I'm thinking of starting at $10 with tipping enabled. In the beginning, I was allowing requests for the barest minimum of a donation and the constant $3 for characters with a ton of details to cover was getting a bit demotivating after a while, so I'm sorry if this puts off past and future clients, but I am doing all of this in my free time, so... ;w;
ANYWAY! If anyone read all this... thank you! I know it's a Lot and I'm sorry. Been a minute since I've had to do some sort of official addressing like this... haha.
Feel free to follow my ko-fi for updates regarding ref sheet commissions, art commissions, and whatever new art I post (if you're into that) and maybe toss a dollar or two my way since, yanno, I'm Quite broke rn and have an unpaid vacation coming up... 👉👈 or if you just wanna support a fellow queer this June.
and if y'all don't hear from me in a few months just assume I lied LOL!
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eliounora · 4 months
Good grief, I don't know how someone could have read your last post and responded with the amount of dismissiveness that last reply did. Apart from the whole thing smacking of Calvinist bull****... that's just not how humans work. We're not meant to function in total isolation, and I've never met a creatively-inclined person who *didn't* hope to see their work connect with people. Part of the joy of making things is sharing them with other people, and even if nobody owes you their time or attention or validation, it *is* disheartening to feel like the things you share in hopes of people connecting with them aren't acknowledged for whatever reason. Please do whatever you need to for your own mental health, but I hope you won't delete your blog here; I'm someone who's generally too shy to interact, but I've adored your art for years, and was beyond thrilled when you opened your quick comms a little while back (I now have an Eliounora original and it makes me so happy every time I look at it <3). Your latest Thranduil piece is gorgeous (and immediately became my favorite visual interpretation of the character I've seen so far) - I saw the Bilibin references in the frame right away and was delighted to see someone marrying it to Middle Earth! It gives the whole thing a perfect old fairytale feel. I hope it helps a little to know that your work has at least one quiet but sincere admirer here.
CALVINIST BULL is the perfect way to describe that mindset hahaha! you're so right, like even when you draw or write or create anything as a kid you often run to a caretaker or a sibling or whoever to show your work! and even when I was a kid, if my scribble did not get the reaction from my mom I was hoping for, I'd be super sad, and I think that speaks to our need to have our work appreciated!
of course you should primarily create for yourself, like writing, knitting, drawing, painting, singing, playing an instrument, all that should be first and foremost fun for you, but I think it's also important to remember that it takes guts to share your work, and when you put yourself out there like that and don't get the reaction you hoped for, of course that feels disheartening. we are bound to believe that the more work we put into something, the more recognition we get!
I know many other people feel like this too (I mean look at artists on this website begging for reblogs), and I think it speaks for the content creator.....isation? of artists and the change in fandom culture which has resulted in lack of community. while disappointment is bound to happen from time to time, like maybe your fic did not get as many comments as you wished for or your art got less notes than you expected, for me it feels like disappoinment is the norm.
I really hope this does not come across as whining about how I don't get the recognition I think I deserve (although that's what it is I'm not going to lie), because I do appreciate every shy and quiet person out there who loves my art, like you💗 and of course nobody has to interact any more than they are willing, but I think the general trend that interaction with people's works is lessening will dishearten many artists, especially those who don't have a large following. and oftentimes even a few excited words about your work will take you a long way! like yours right now, I FEEL SO SEEN!!! my thranduil, your favourite? FUCK YEAH!!!
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mostthingskenobi · 11 months
CASSIAN'S RECKONING - Chapter 12: The Ghosts
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Rogue One may have rescued Cassian but he's not out of the woods.
The piece of art above is a preview. I commissioned 5 illustrations for this fic from @amikoroyaiart and you can see the first 3 on my Patreon.
As the Lambda shuttle dropped out of hyperspace, Rogue One was greeted by a familiar ship floating in a vast nothingness. Their rendezvous with the Ghost took place in a remote part of the cosmos near neither planet nor space station. They transferred to the starship through an umbilical, leaving the imperial vessel—along with its tracking beacon—powered down and floating aimlessly.
Jyn and Melshi struggled to support Cassian as they entered the Ghost’s cargo bay. Hera greeted them, taking in Andor’s dire state. She retracted the umbilical and shouted into her commlink, “Chop, get us out of here.” She pointed at Baze, Chirrut, and Bodhi. “You three head up to our crew quarters. You can grab blankets and water for Cassian.” She turned to Jyn next. “I would offer to put him in one of our bunks but I don’t think he can make it up the ladder.”
Erso nodded her agreement.
“I need to speak with you,” Hera said, lowering her voice.
Jyn and Melshi eased Cassian to the ship’s deck before she stepped to the corner with the general. “We can’t go back to Yavin,” Hera began.
“Why? What’s happened?”
“I just got word from base of an immanent threat. The Death Star has arrived in orbit over the moon. Our fighters will be engaging shortly, but even if they succeed in defeating the weapon, the base location has been compromised.”
“What about Cassian?” Jyn fought to tamp down the panic rising in her throat. “You can see he clearly needs help now.”
“They’re scrambling the fleet. I’ve secured us a rendezvous with the Nebulon-B frigate Redemption. We have to hurry because they’ll only wait for a short window of time. The fleet is going to have to constantly keep moving until we find a new base location.” Hera looked over her shoulder at Cassian who sat slumped against Melshi. “He looks bad.”
“They were ruthless,” Jyn replied grimly.
Hera placed a hand on her arm. “Don’t worry. The Redemption has a full medical set up. They’ll be able to help him.”
“If he survives the flight back.”
“We have to keep hope.”
Rebellions are built on hope. It felt like years since Cassian first said that to her. She’d almost scoffed in his face at the time. But now, it was the mantra that kept her going.
“I’ll be in the cockpit,” Hera said. “If you need anything, there’s a comm on the wall or you can just come up.”
“Thank you. For everything. None of this could have happened without you.”
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Hera couldn’t hold back a smile. “I’m sure you still would have found a way.” She turned and climbed up the ladder out of the cargo bay.
Jyn went and knelt next to Melshi.
“I don’t feel so good,” Cassian murmured.
“We’ll be home soon.” Jyn could have sworn his bruises looked darker. “They’ll get you fixed up. You can have a nice, long rest. You’ll be safe there.”
Cassian nodded weakly, his chest lifting heavily as he tried to stay lucid.
“Do you want to lay down?”
“You need to try to stay awake, though,” Melshi cautioned.
Cassian’s head fell back against the bulkhead, no longer able to hold it up. “I’m awake.” His body visibly shuddered as he struggled for another rasping breath. “It’s so cold in here.”
Jyn and Melshi shared a concerned look. “I’ll go find a med kit,” the sergeant said, pushing up and hurrying out of the cargo bay.
Cassian’s teeth began to chatter. “I’m freezing.”
Fear gripped Jyn; she’d seen enough men die to know this was the beginning of the end. “Cassian,” she said firmly. Her tone startled him and his eyes slowly pulled open. “Don’t let go,” she commanded.
His gaze became dull and he began to slide down the wall. She caught him by the shoulder and eased him to the floor before ripping off her vest and stuffing it under his head. “Help is coming.” She tried to stay calm but all of this was too familiar. They’d been here once before, Cassian dying on a ship’s floor while Jyn frantically tried to save him. “We’re not doing this again.” Her voice broke. She cradled his face in her hands and leaned over him. “Cassian!” He was declining quickly, his breath weak and his eyes rolling, but he reached up and took hold of her wrist. She put her cheek against his. “Stay with me,” she whispered as tears stung her eyes and slipped from her lashes onto his skin.
His other hand weakly grasped the back of her shirt at the base of her neck as he nuzzled against her. “I’m with you, Jyn,” he breathed before going completely limp.
The phantom trail of Jyn’s tears still tickled across his cheek; the feeling of her fingers against his skin was still alive; but he found himself alone. Cassian opened his eyes and once again saw swaying, beautiful, verdant branches of an ancient, silent forest. Slowly, he sat up, still stiff from Tarkin’s abuse. He noticed his hands were cut and bleeding, his wrists raw, but the pain was gone.
Carefully, he got to his feet and looked around, taking in every detail. He could tell the tree line ended somewhere far off in the distance, and beyond lingered a tease of sunlight and warmth. Where he stood, the grass was lush and the tree canopy high, vaulting like a natural temple. The breeze gently tousled the hair around his eyes and smelled of something green and fresh.
“I was worried you’d be back.”
Cassian spun around, and what he saw cause his breath to hitch. His mother and father stood between two arched trees, their expressions more relaxed and gentler than he’d ever seen. His mouth fell open, unable to find words to express his heartache and joy as he stared dumbly at the two people he grieved most.
“You’ve had a hard time of it,” Maarva finally spoke, gesturing at his still bleeding face. “Harder than I think we’ll ever fully know.”
“Perhaps that’s why he’s here,” Clem said, leading Maarva forward a few steps.
Cassian wanted to go to them, to hug them, but he was afraid any movement could break the spell. He stood frozen in place as emotions pushed to the surface. “Dad?”
“My boy.” Clem’s voice was soft and kind, fully aware that he and his son last looked on each other during a moment so horrific neither dared speak of it.
Tears slipped down Cassian’s face. His gaze shifted to his mother. “Are you both safe here?”
She looked pained by her son’s worry. “There’s nothing to harm any of us.”
“But you can’t stay,” Clem said very gently.
Cassian knew in his heart it was the truth but he didn’t want to accept it; he could sense that he didn’t belong in this place—a feeling he lived with for as long as he could remember. “I want to stay with you.”
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Maarva’s chest heaved as though she were holding back a sob. “You’ve been through a lot of strife but you have a good heart, Cass. We want to let you rest, but this isn’t your time.”
“And,” Clem said with a loving smile, “unless I’m mistaken, you still have some unfinished business.”
Cassian thought of almond-shaped eyes and dirty combat boots and a woman with so much fire in her heart she could burn everyone around her.
“Look at him!” Maarva startled Cassian from his reverie. “He’s healing!”
He looked down and saw his fingers were no longer crooked and bruised. He touched his face and realized the cuts had turned into thin scars.
“Not long now,” Clem nodded.
Cassian stared at his parents, trying to imprint their faces on his memory. “I don’t want to leave you,” he said, tears still burning his eyes. “I miss you. I think about you all the time.”
They came as close as they could without touching. “You’re a good boy,” Maarva said, fighting her emotions.
“He’s a good man now, love,” Clem teased his wife. Cassian had forgotten how comforting his father was, how his eyes twinkled and his smile calmed those around him. “We’re not going anywhere, Cass.”
Clem wrapped an arm around Maarva, who gave one stiff nod before saying, “We’ll be here when the time is right. Do your best.”
“Remember,” his father said, “eyes open. Possibilities everywhere.”
His heart ached but Cassian smiled. Losing his parents was a pain he could not put down. Though Clem and Maarva were not his biological family, they had loved him as no one else in the galaxy had loved him. And he loved them, loved their quirks, their flaws, their passions. He knew he hadn’t always been a good son, but they loved him anyway; they loved him because, unlike so many of his other relationships, his connection with his mother and father was unconditional. He never doubted them.
“I love you.”
“I know, my boy,” Maarva finally smiled.
Clem gave him one final nod then said, “It’s time to wake up.”
Jyn had watched as tears slowly formed on Cassian’s eyelashes and slipped down his temples while he slept. She chewed her lip with anxiety, unable to help him while he silently suffered.
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Hours passed before his eyes unexpectedly opened; she moved to his side, taking his hand in hers.
“Where am I?” he asked, his vision unfocused and disoriented, not seeing her or the room beyond.
“You’re on the Redemption. It’s an Alliance frigate.”
He blinked hard, unable to see past his tears, so Jyn gently wiped his lashes with her thumbs. Cassian finally looked at her. “Jyn,” he breathed with relief.
She sat next to him on the bed and placed a hand on his chest, trying to calm him. “Everything’s OK. You’re safe. You’re healing.”
He was shuddering with emotion as he closed his eyes against more tears.
“What is it, Cassian?” Jyn’s voice betrayed her worry. “Are you in pain? Do you want me to get the doctor?”
He reached up and set his hand over hers in the middle of his chest and just breathed for a long time.
“I saw my parents,” he finally said.
Worry flashed through Jyn. Many rotations ago, Cassian and she had once spent a long night drinking strong still alcohol, telling each other about their parents, eventually both crying so hard they ended up laughing—a testament to grief’s strangeness. She knew losing his mother and father had caused a deep fracture in Cassian’s heart.
“That’s good,” she said, gently squeezing his shoulder with her other hand, concealing her fear. “That’s really good.”
He stared blankly at the ceiling as more tears welled in his eyes. “They’re together now.”
Jyn swallowed her own emotions, biting down hard on her lip. She wasn’t sure what any of this meant; part of it scared her; the surgeons had said Cassian was not yet out of the woods. She feared a visitation from deceased parents did not bode well for her friend, but she dared not voice her concern. Instead, she asked, “What did they tell you?”
His eyes began to roll back in his head as his eyelids drooped. He was desperately exhausted and still heavily drugged. “They said,” he mumbled, “that I have unfinished business.” He barely got the last word out before he lost consciousness again.
Jyn looked down at him, taking in every detail; his beard was growing back, his arched brow was now split by a gash, his sharp cheekbone was marred by a dark bruise. She thought he was beautiful, and all she wanted was the chance to make him laugh again, to see him smile at her from across the room, to talk late into the night about everything and nothing.
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She slid back to her chair and pulled her knees up to her chin, suddenly overwhelmed with the turmoil she’d been fighting since Cassian first disappeared. Jyn clamped a hand over her mouth to silence her sorrow while tears poured down her own cheeks. She took out the kyber crystal that hung around her neck and squeezed it. If the Force would give her this one little thing, if it would save Cassian, Jyn Erso promised the mystical power that she would truly believe in hope.
NEXT CHAPTER IS CALLED “THE REDEMPTION" - Tarkin may be gone but he still has a hold on Cassian.
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are very welcome!
Much love!
READ IT ON AO3- Kudos and Comments Welcome :-)
READ CHAPTER 1 “The Razor”
READ CHAPTER 2 “The Scythe”
READ CHAPTER 4 “The Expendable”
READ CHAPTER 5 “The Truth”
READ CHAPTER 6 “The Detritus”
READ CHAPTER 8 “The Power”
READ CHAPTER 9 “The Betrayal”
READ CHAPTER 11 “The Reprieve”
READ CHAPTER 12 "The Ghosts"
READ CHAPTER 13 “The Redemption”
READ CHAPTER 14 “The Spoils”
READ CHAPTER 15 “The Interrogation”
READ CHAPTER 16 "The Rogues"
READ CHAPTER 17 “The Absolution”
READ CHAPTER 18 “The Reach”
READ CHAPTER 19 “The Hologram”
READ CHAPTER 20 “The Divide”
READ CHAPTER 21 “The Cost”
READ CHAPTER 22 “The Fallout”
READ CHAPTER 23 “The Wounds”
READ CHAPTER 24 “The Hand”
READ CHAPTER 25 “The Heart”
READ CHAPTER 26 “The Beginning”
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uldren-sov · 3 months
2, 6, 9 (hehe), 15, 24 for miss aresia mcsnipergun!!!
TYTYYY!! (no art....YET just gotta comm someone) also nice.
Ask meme here!
Aresia McSniperGun was the name she had before she adopted the name "Von Valancius"
2. What is their Origin? Who were they before they became a Rogue Trader?
So this will show off my lack of knowledge into the W40k lore and just how I didn't open up a page into the Calixian Sector. Also not looking more into Fortress worlds but, ignoring how all of that is subject to change....
She's a Crime Lord, shrewd enough to control a whole system - not that it's impressive now. She ruled from a space station the size of a small moon orbiting a star. Part of how she did it was turning the enemies and the Inquisition that was inflicted on her to usurp her competition. (Beyond just being the smarter and more ruthless kingpin.)
6. What is their Conviction? How adherent are they to it? Does it change at all over the course of the game?
Kind of mentioned here.
She's Iconoclast or otherwise neutral when the options arise. When she's up against the wall though, she'll opt to kiss babies if the other options are sing a hymm to the God-Emperor or dig into the guts of some refugees.
Though her faith slowly does get restored through the course of the game but, to some degree it can't even be called faith when most of the time she uses it as a tool. She's seen the practical uses of piety to the God-Emperor, or at least invoking his name and power, when it is against the powers of Chaos. That is simply a fact. Seeing that power (and finding some comfort in her broken faith with SOMEONE who may also be struggling with his faith cough cough) allows her to begin to restore that religious trauma.
9. What was their Darkest Hour? How does it affect them today?
Her darkest hour was that she was tortured.
I was initially between something like: a partner betrays her to her competition and that gang tortures her, or she makes a wrong step and she's tortured in jail, or a partner betrays her to put the Inquisition on her trail who torture her.
In the end I decided on the last one, where the Inquisition was in the sector hunting bigger (at the time) fish and she was an easy source of information that they could use on their path to their goal. They tortured her, got what they needed out of her, and left her to waste away. She has the scar with the symbol of the inquisition as a reminder/show of their involvement with her. (im thinking a burn scar from something hot :) )
The other two questions are under the cut!
15. How do they feel towards Theodora? Had they met before? Were they close?
She feels nothing towards Theodora besides maybe some latent respect after she's dead. Aresia made plans and backup plans assuming the gambit of becoming the Rogue Trader heir didn't pan out. She was giving up an entire network of smugglers, cold traders, mobsters, and pirates for a whole system after all - for the chance to be a Rogue Trader? She wouldn't gamble what she made on the whims of, essentially, a unicorn of the Imperium's power structure.
Theodora was a meal ticket and an opportunity. She had no loyalty to her beyond what would be needed to establish herself as the heir. No love, no affection, this was a business transaction and certainly someone who already knew how to run multiple planets and hundreds of people from experience would be better than some noble who learned how to negotiate through a book.
But once she is Rogue Trader she realizes though how much more difficult the job is and how much bigger this job really is. It's only at that point that she can respect how Theodora managed to pull it off for so long.
24. Do they place value in how their protectorate sees them? Does this sway their decisions at all?
She doesn't place much value in her image but she knows that there are politics in place that she cannot ignore when it comes to successfully running an empire of her own across the fringes of space. When she has to rely on her people, rather than the Imperium, when it comes to establishing the success of her territory, she has to play politics and has to concede to some people's power.
So while she doesn't care about how people see her, she understands that she cannot just go off the deep end if she wants to gain power and establish her territory. Besides, eventual war and taking over territory of others means that her house needs to be in order to take advantage of how other rogue traders or civilizations are exploitable.
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iviarellereads · 9 months
System Collapse, Chapter 12
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which I have to ask, did we really think it was alone in the universe?
A week after the previous chapter, Murderbot asks Art why it hates Holism. Art says it doesn't hate Holism, it's just very "discerning" about who it associates with, and it uses its "impeccable" judgement to do so.(1) MB tells Art that Holism keeps pinging it, and Art tells it not to answer.
Karime and Pin-Lee's falsified original charter was accepted as real by B-E, so evacuations of the people who want to leave are underway. B-E are too busy with their schism to make much headway on recruitment for their contract labour goals. Martyn told MB "intra-corporate violence" is on the rise, and it was "an unsustainable system" all along.(2) MB is mostly concerned with the present, though, and it sounds like corporate collapse is still a long way off.
Negotiations with the other factions of colonists continue as well, signing on to do the same things they were already doing, but on viable planets outside the CR, with no contamination dangers, and with the option to leave again if they wanted to. Even the separatist splinter is negotiating management of the planet as a contamination lab.
Holism pings MB again, with a message about "infrastructure proposals". MB pings back that it's just a lil guy security bot, it doesn't know anything about infrastructure. It thinks how the only thing on the list for the planet now that it has any expertise with is tracking down the ag-bots, which it should get working on again soon.
A message came back: I could help you learn about it, if you’re interested.(3) ART said, Stop talking to it. I think it’s just bored, I said. I don’t give a shit, ART said. Holism was like ART. (An enormous asshole who thought it was omniscient.) (Yes, ART was not the only one. I was still processing whether this was a surprise, not a surprise, or a horrible shock. So were my humans. My Preservation humans.) (It was weird to have so many humans I had to give them group names.)(4)
MB had thought that Art hated Holism out of jealousy, but now it thinks it's because Holism is so good at acting like it doesn't notice Art's rage. Their arguments take the form of competing to see who can use the most nitpickingly correct comm protocol. MB and Seth are losing patience with them both.
MB passes along Holism's offer to Three, who accepts. MB contemplates how Three is now trying things to see if it's interested or not, instead of saying yes to everything as if it were commanded, but it still enjoys nonfiction.
Soon, Art's repairs will be completed, and it will leave while Holism stays to oversee the infrastructure upgrades for the separatists. The Preservation humans will go home on the responder, where Amena will finish up her basic education modules and then apply to the University.(5)
We were going to have to figure out what Three wanted to do, or how to get Three to tell us what it wanted to do. Ratthi and Arada had been talking about putting together a team to work on a trauma recovery program for free SecUnits.(6) They wanted me to work on it, too, which I think they knew wasn’t going to happen.
Along with Dr. Bharadwaj, they are going to work on figuring out MB's memory incident, though. They would ask Three's help, but they don't want it to feel conscripted. MB thinks that's going to be a problem for a while,(7) just like the memory incident thing. MB knows it needs trauma treatment,(8) and Art's even sent it a description of what Art's trauma program involves. MB just isn't quite ready to open that file, or to help anybody else with their trauma while it's still figuring out its own.
I was ready to get out of this system. I was never going to like planets, and nothing had happened here to change that. And I had decided, for real this time, which ship I would be on when I left. Do you know where we’re going next? I asked ART.(9)
(1) Professional rivalry, jealousy, what are the theories here, gimme the hot goss that goes deeper than these few pages can. (popcorn emoji goes here) (2) Yep capitalism's gonna be like that. My best guess is that this is where the title comes in: the corporate system is, slowly, collapsing, and its weak points are all over this book. It'll just take some work on the part of people like Preservation and the University to make sure it's replaced with something sustainable rooted in compassion. (3) Trying to poach Art's bestie with such a weak offer. (4) Murderbot has SO MANY FRIENDS! We've come so far since the beginning. (5) Aww, love to see it! She's growing up and finding her independence but I think she got attached to Art during NE, so it's sweet that she's pursuing further education there. It'll also leave her primed to be a liaison between the two polities. Everybody wins! (6) I'm guessing that's going to be a booming industry in the next decade or so, given how MB keeps freeing them, and the ones it's freed might continue the habit. Look at that one who wanted to go back to B-E in stealth: maybe it's scared of change, but maybe it's had revolutionary thoughts of its own and wants to help its people like MB is. Something of a pay-it-forward. (7) I still think MB should give Three more credit here but we'll just have to wait for more books to see if it can work out its issues relating to its peers. I'd love to see more from Three's perspective, though. (8) Well, at least it learned something useful from this adventure.
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tiredlilguy · 11 months
Commission Listing on my Ko-Fi [OPEN] [UPDATED]
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hello! i'm opening commissions on my ko-fi now! currently there's only one slot for each listing on there. i will be adding more slots, but i want to get my bearings first! if you're interested, feel free to click on the embed above to see the commission listings or under the cut for the same information. reminder that you are NOT obligated to commission me/buy me a coffee!!! these are not emergency comm's, I just want to make quality work for people that enjoy the same content that I do :) thanks so much!
Description: - written in the form of oneshot scenarios/prompts/blurbs (i may expand later on, but for now, this is what i'll stick with) - a commissioned writing prompt/scenario/blurb in your choice of how many words (you will not be charged if it's a little over) [please keep it within my fandom list] - any genre is fine! (fluff, angst, au, general, romance... etc.) but keep it SFW - SFW ONLY - I can write about your oc/x-reader/ships (rarepairs/crackships are fine, but I don't accept pedophilia of any kind, including "aged-up" minors)
Listing Pricing: 500-800 words - $5 [wait time: 3-7 Days] 1K words - $10 [wait time: 1-2 weeks] 1.5K-2K words - $15 [wait time: 1-2 weeks] 3K+ words - $20 [wait time: 2-3 weeks]
Fandom List (currently): - bungou stray dogs (bsd) - jujutsu kaisen (jjk) - nijisanji en (all waves up until xsoleil) - obey me!
What I DO NOT DO!: - NSFW (maybe soon on my Tumblr once I figure it out, but I want to respect content guidelines on ko-fi) - Incest - Suicide/Self-Harm - Pedophilia - “Aged-Up” Minors - Hate-Speech of any kind - Religious & Political Content
General TOS/Rules: - wait time is in the listings above; please be patient with me, i tend to get quite busy because i am a full-time performing arts student! - feel free to ask for a progress update, any questions, or comments/messages on here or through ko-fi at any time! i will try to answer as soon as possible. - i have the right to deny requests that make me feel uncomfortable. - My works are for personal use ONLY! When you have it, feel free to do whatever you want with it: print it out, share it, whatever. However, please do not sell/post these works as your own! After receiving the finished work, I may ask if I can post it or not! This option is completely up to you and these is no pressure to say yes or anything! :D - the characters that i am writing are not my own! each belong to their respective creators for each series, and i do not own them.
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Thanks so much for reading! I'd like to just put out a reminder that you are NOT obligated to buy commissions/buy me a coffee. Any kind of support from a reblog to a simple like is appreciated :) These aren't emergency comm's or anything. I just want to make quality work for people that enjoy the same content as I do! <3
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pickleschan12 · 9 months
I came here to firstly say that I love your artstyle, and secondly that I have a few questions. There's no ill intent on my part, and I hope this brings for a constructive discourse without misinterpretations.
Now, my question is about the nature of the characters you draw your sona with, mostly our friend Mr.TaC's OCs.
Having been part of that period of activity (although bare in mind, I don't consider myself a friend friend of the creator), I had the chance to see what everyone was up to in first person.
Of course, fangirls were present (as they always do, that's normal as long as they enjoy themselves), but in that moment the creator was also active and he could see everything (art, writings of his OC and theirs) and even if he didnt say anything at first, he could at least have taken action if things went a bit too far.
The other point being that these OCs - like Ivan - aren't really a part of a huge media, let's say, Scott Pilgrim (as it's trending), and aren't owned by some company or studios, they're literally some dudes' OCs that he put into a few OCTs and then disappeared from activity.
Now I totally understand that if something ends up being your comfort character, there's that, you can't do much about it, but what I'm saying is that the idea of selfshipping (plus gore and everything) with another person's character, who is not active and therefore not really consenting (theres people who claim that the sole action of putting one's OC out there in the world is already consent but...come on), always striked me as something strange to do, that calls for a calm and constructive discussion.
I think this is true for a lot of other people too but I am NOT here to scream and go off saying weird things like LOOK LOOK!! THIS PERSON IS DOING WEIRD THINGS TO ANOTHER OC!!! BAD!!!!!!, absolutely not, in fact I quite understand you and actually like your characters too, and I'm aware it can be a tricky topic.
That's all, I just wanted to give my two cents, I hope you have a really good day!!
AH it’s rLLY NO ISSUE!!!! I can see the big concern you have! To be faie im rather extremely shy and shameful about most things i draw! The gore n other things or really weird but self indulge n i kinda kinda like thinkin em as aus but again!! I really dont wanna cause harm to anyone at all! ESPECIALLY his creator!
I try not to be so open about the gore or weirds things or even the harmless shipping i do!
I actually have commissioned artists who knew ivans creator personally! And i feel as if it was rlly awful they would have told me i shouldn’t comm that!
Dont worry tho i take no harm or anythin bad with this at all! I know its all weird but i truly adore this character n everything round him.
Just THANK YOU for bein so kind about this!
I just really hope no drama or issues happen! Im rather afraid of things like that happening but ill really try to keep a better and open mind about this! Thank you again!
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