#no one in hateno village knows who he is!
samglyph · 1 year
I’m cool with Zelink and I will ship on occasion but it is a bit funny to me all of the shippers being like “aww they live together and sleep in the same bed” when my base reading of the text is that Link gave the deed to his house to Zelda since her former home is no longer osha compliant and immediately fucked off to go do adventuring shit. And he’s now buying a different house.
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amiharana · 1 year
au where link runs a daycare and one day as he's waiting with all the kids during pickup, this guy he's never seen before comes in asking for a kid, and the girl runs up to the guy and is like "uncle revali!!" all happily but link is like "you're not the parent that normally picks her up, how do I know you're not trying to kidnap her 🤨" and revali gets all pissy like "duh, I'm her uncle and I'm just picking her up this one time bc her parents are busy🙄" and so he has to show like id verification and confirmation from the parents that he's authorized to pick the kid up from daycare but whatever, link is just glad that this was a one time thing and he doesn't have to deal with the guy again..
until! revali keeps coming back to pick up the kid (I still dunno why so don't ask me). and link and revali keep talking to each other, and revali realizes how well link works with kids and link realizes that revali is just very protective of his niece and he loves her a lot 🤭
ok but have you ever seen ted lasso because revali is LITERALLY roy kent like.. idk how to describe it if you haven't seen the show but roy kent curses a lot and has a bad attitude, but it's just out of love and what his circumstances required, and he's sooo sweet with his niece!! anyways that's 100% revali idc
crow this au is so cute 😭🤍🤍 i have not seen ted lasso but i will take your word for it bc that sounds very revali-like 💪💯
do you think link would want to have initially pursued childcare as his career? i feel like he wouldn't have even considered it as a possible career choice until having a Awakening™ like imagine link is a nursing student at first because he knows that the job brings in good money, and he's doing clinicals in a pediatric ward for a shift when a crying kid and her very anxious father come in. turns out, she's broken a bone after a nasty fall and link's clinical instructor assigns link to work with her. at first, link is nervous because this is the first time he's ever worked in the pediatric ward and he's never really worked with little kids before so he's not sure how to approach the whole situation.
but then link gets to talk to her 🥺 her name is aster, she's seven years old, and she wants to become a dancer! the reason why she's in the hospital in the first place is because she was trying to do a dance move she learned in her classes, but she spun too hard and landed really badly on her wrist 🥺🥺 link nods because he relates, he too loved to dance as a child, and he still dances a little in his free time (while admittedly is not a lot because nursing is kicking his ass). he shares this with aster (minus the getting his ass kicked), and the whole conversation calms her down enough for his instructor to start leading them over to the x-ray room to get a proper diagnosis of the broken wrist. the whole time they're doing the x-ray, link and aster just keep on talking about what kind of music they like to dance to, their favorite dance moves, etc. and they get through the x-ray with no issues!
the injury ends up not being too severe and they won't need to do any surgical procedures (aster's father medda is very relieved at this point), but they do have to realign the bone in order to put it into the cast and have it heal properly. dr. deku (link's instructor) says they'll have to use a local anesthesia, and when aster asks what that is, he explains that they have to inject her with a needle and the poor girl pales.
internally, link facepalms (dr. deku isn't very good with dealing with kids, is he?) and he tells aster, "hey, it's gonna be okay! you wanna fix your wrist so you can go back to dancing, right? but we have to give you the anesthesia so that your wrist won't hurt too much when we put it back where it's supposed to be." it comforts her a little, but she's still quiet and wide-eyed about the needle, so link kneels in front of her and keeps talking. "i know it's scary, but i promise, the needle will hurt less than when you hurt your wrist. you're so strong and brave, it's gonna be like nothing! and if you let us fix your wrist, i'll teach you one of my favorite dances when you're all better. how does that sound?" slowly, aster physically relaxes, nodding quietly. and link smiles. "that's it! i'll be here to hold your hand if you get scared, okay?"
so they inject the anesthesia, correct the bone position, apply the cast, and it all goes smoothly! aster squeezes link's hand once during the injection, but she puts on a brave face and link tells her he is very proud of her :) dr. deku finishes up the procedure and talks to medda about at-home treatment, insurance, etc., while link talks to aster telling her she was very brave and that she's going to heal in no time :> before they leave, aster gives link a hug (with her non-broken wrist arm lol) and tells him, "thank you for holding my hand mr. link. i was scared for a little bit, but you helped me not to be!"
and that's kind of the moment that link is like. Wow! That was really cool and i think i would like to work with kids! he ends up really enjoying his time in the pediatric ward and he eventually graduates with his nursing degree specializing in pediatrics, but when it comes to actually getting a job... link doesn't want to do nursing anymore 😳 he wants to work in childcare 🥺
so after graduating, link looks into how he can open his own daycare but there's. a lot going on. you have to get certifications, go to orientations, get licensing and look into zoning if you open your own facility, not to mention the supplies and resources he would need, it's just so much :(( so link decides to get a job at a local daycare first, that way he can save up money and get the experience working with kids to make sure this is what he wants to do and it is ✋😭 he has no more doubts, this is for sure what he wants to do in his life, he just luvs taking care of little kids he is so hashtag mother
link spends a couple years working to save money to build his own daycare and one day he does! he finally opens the 'second sunrise' daycare on hateno street. his sister zelda becomes the manager/receptionist, while her gf mipha ends wanting to work there because she loves kids too! she loved raising her younger brother sidon so she has a natural affinity for childcare which is exactly what link needs to run this place >:] it all works out and the daycare becomes moderately popular with many families leaving their children at the second sunrise daycare, their children always well taken care of <3
now. here's the actual revalink part. HAHAHAH sorry i got super invested in how link would have gotten into childcare
molli is one of link's favorite kids to take care of at the daycare. she's a very sweet sleepy kid and likes to sit with link to tell him all about the stories and fairytales her grandfather used to tell her about before he passed. her father harth is the one who drops her off and picks her up and at first, the dude was kind of standoffish and quiet. over time, link was able to break the ice with harth and now they chat and catch up every time he comes to drop off and pick up molli ^^
there's one day where harth comes in the morning to drop off molli, but he doesn't come at the normal time that he picks her up, and link is starting to get worried. this is very not like harth at all... but molli doesn't give a shit tho she's peacefully sleeping in one of the naptime cots LMFAOKDJHFJD until finally a stranger that link has never seen before enters the daycare looking disgruntled and disheveled. he talks to zelda at the receptionist desk but she looks over to link with a somewhat nonplussed look, so he looks over to make sure mipha is handling everything in the main room before going over to the front.
"hi, is there a problem here?" link says, looking over at the stranger. he's taller than link with white streaks in his dark hair, narrow green eyes, and a furrow in his brow. he's kinda hot...
"yes, there is a problem," the man says through gritted teeth. "i just need to pick up my niece and your receptionist won't allow me to."
link raises a brow. "your niece? what's her name?"
"molli," the man replies. somehow, link thinks he hears his voice soften, but it doesn't negate the biting tone in his next words. "her father sent me to get her as no one else could and i see myself as a good enough person to run such an errand."
link crosses his arms and leans against the desk. "molli's father usually picks her up at 4pm sharp. why would he send you to come get her? do you even know his name?"
the man rolls his eyes. "of course i do, his name is—"
"uncle revali!" comes a little shout, and link turns to see molli waddling over to the man, her hair still messy from her nap. he looks back at the man, now identified as "revali", but his eyes are only molli, his shrewd green gaze softening as he crouches into a squat, extending his arms as molli throws herself into hugging him.
he wraps his arms around her and returns her embrace gently. "hey sleepyhead," revali says. "ready to go home?"
"where's papa?" molli says instead, and the man sighs. he lifts molli up easily with her arms around revali's neck.
"your dad's a little busy right now, darling, that's why i'm here to come get you today." revali looks back at link and zelda expectantly. "well? it's clear she knows who i am. are you going to keep interrogating me?"
"i'm afraid we have to at the very least verify your identity," zelda says. "it's protocol, since you're not the parent that normally picks her up and neither did we receive confirmation from the parent who does that someone else would be coming in. it would be a safety violation if we let her go with you without verification."
"oh, for hylia's sake," revali growls, rolling his eyes. "do i need to call harth for you right now?"
"that would be preferable," link says, giving revali a once over. "for all we know, you could be stalking their family and have been manipulating molli." revali shoots a glare at him, but pulls out his phone and taps at it a few times before they hear the ringing. after three rings, the call takes and revali puts it on speaker.
"revali?" comes harth's voice. he sounds tired and pained, and it instantly puts link on high alert. "did you get molli yet?"
"i could have, if your daycare would let me leave with her," revali grumbles. "they said i have to get my identification verified because it's a safety violation."
harth snorts over the phone. "yeah well, you aren't exactly the most friendly looking guy. can you hand the phone to one of the staff?"
"you're on speaker."
"mm. hey link? you there?"
"i'm here," link says, leaning towards the phone. "is everything okay, harth? why weren't you able to pick up molli yourself?" he glances at revali, who's still glaring at him.
harth sighs, a tinny breath through the speaker. "i would have, but i got in a car accident on the way over. i'm in the hospital right now." link's eyes widen and zelda gasps, covering her mouth with both hands. "i'm mostly okay, but my arm's fractured so i'm gonna be off for a couple weeks and i won't be able to drive... but since i'm the only who takes care of molli, i'll probably still have her over at sunrise like normal since i can't really take care of her like this. she likes it there anyway... she tells me all about how you're her favorite caretaker, link."
link smiles for a moment, but it turns back into a frown as he remembers something. "wait, how are you going to get her over here if you can't drive?"
"that guy who's with you there right now is an old friend of mine, revali. molli will call him 'uncle' but we're not actually related, it's just what she calls him. i don't have any friends who can actually babysit molli themselves, since teba and saki are gonna be covering my shifts at work and amali's got her hands full with her own kids. revali works, but he can at least take molli to and from sunrise at the normal times i do drop offs and pickups. you can take care of her still, right?"
"of course we can," link replies softly. "we're just worried about you too, you know. how bad was the fracture?"
"they said it was a transverse radial fracture and that it'll take about six weeks to heal. don't feel too bad, it's not like you were there to fix me up with a splint or something. i'll be fine. insurance is taking care of the crash and the injuries."
"okay," link says. "we'll have to register revali in our system as a confirmed parent for molli's file for our safety protocols. that okay with you?" he gets a hum of confirmation over the phone. "okay. i'll take care of that here. you rest up, we'll try to come visit you soon. take care, harth."
"you too. thanks, link." the call ends and revali pockets his phone again, adjusting his grip on molli in his arms.
"is papa gonna be okay?" molli says looking up at revali. link's heart cracks in two at the quiet, sad tone of the child's voice, and watches the way revali's eyes soften as he looks back at molli. interesting...
"your dad's going to be just fine, darling," he says softly. "he's a very strong and brave man, he can get through anything, don't worry."
"can we go see him?" she says.
revali pauses for a moment before responding. "sure, sweetheart, we can go see him." and link's heart just shatters.
they have revali sign a couple things for the confirmed parent paperwork and verify his identity with a government-issued ID, and let him go, link and zelda waving at molli as she waves back and snuggles into revali's hold. revali nods at them in silent acknowledgement and turns, leaving the daycare with zelda and link at the desk.
"he was kind of attractive once you get past the prickliness, don't you think?" zelda says, breaking the silence. link rolls his eyes and walks back into the main room with mipha. (he won't admit that he agrees 😄)
this shit is so long now LOL but revali coming in every morning and afternoon to drop off and pick up molli every weekday for the next couple of weeks. he mostly doesn't say anything and just nods, a surly look on his face when he interacts with link and zelda but the softest look in his eyes when he hugs molli goodbye or in greeting when he picks her up. it's so interesting to link, how someone this much of a pretentious dickhead could be so tender towards one of the sweetest children ever.
he tries striking up conversation with revali, just small talk, but revali only gives him short cold answers. it reminds link of how harth used to be when he first started coming to the daycare, and link wonders if he can get through to revali eventually. (he hopes he can; he does think revali is kinda fine 🤑 especially since one of his fav kids loves revali so much)
"your earrings are beautiful," link says one day when revali is dropping molli off. he's wearing little jade green hoops; they're simple, but they're elegant.
and the compliment catches revali off-guard. he reaches up with one hand to touch one of the hoops gently. "thank you..." he murmurs. "they're... a family heirloom."
link smiles at him. they're making progress! "they're beautiful," he repeats. "see you later?"
"yes..." revali says, blinking. "see you later..." link and molli wave goodbye as revali leaves the daycare, subconsciously reaching up to touch his earrings with his other hand.
it goes like that for a while; simple compliments about accessories or clothing or hairstyles (revali came in once with his hair in braids and link internally swooned a little, but kept his friendly facade up).
"...do you know any good coffee places nearby?" revali says, another time he's dropping molli off. it catches link by surprise since revali never initiates conversation, but he quickly turns it into a thoughtful look.
"hm... the east wind cafe is just down the street from here," link says. "they also have some food if you need a quick bite. tell pruce and ivee i sent you and they'll give you a discount for your first order." link winks. "i recommend their caramel macchiato."
"i will... keep that in consideration," revali says. he gives link a slight nod. "i'll see you later." he pauses, looking like he wants to say more. "have a good day."
link smiles. "you too, revali."
i talked a bit about this au to my irl who i've converted into revalinkism (but hasn't played botw yet 😒) and they were like This has so much potential for a slow burn, and they're SO true for that. it takes 15 conversations like this before revali and link even imply the idea of going out with each other in a romantic context
"have you always been a part of molli's life?" link asks when revali picks her up on one of those days.
revali hums as he picks molli up and holds her with one arm. "i was in the waiting room the day she was born," he said. "i felt as though i was in the actual hospital room as well, with how anxious i was."
he rubs molli's back as she snuggles drowsily into his hold. "there were complications during her birth, and i'm sure you're aware that she tends to be frequently drowsy like this, yes?" link nods. "molli has some health issues as a result of the circumstances of her birth, and i took part in caring for her back then when harth and her mother were struggling." revali presses a kiss to the top of molli's head. "she's like my own daughter, too. i would do anything for her."
once, revali comes in a little earlier than 4pm to pick up molli. zelda isn't at the receptionist desk because she's helping out mipha and link in the main room; the kids just had a little costume-and-tea party today! they've just finished and are in the middle of cleaning up, so revali just leans against the receptionist desk with his arm atop it, watching them do so.
link is sitting in the middle of the group, clapping his hands to a beat and singing that one barney clean-up song, leading a sing-a-long that the rest of the children are beginning to follow as they pick up their toys, give their costumes to zelda, and their plates to mipha. once they finish cleaning, link erupts into applause and cheers, causing the rest of the children to clap and cheer too. a couple of the kids, including molli, come to link for hugs, which he gives freely with a huge smile on his face telling the kids how they did such a good job of cleaning up and how he's proud of them.
he's a natural at this, revali thinks as he watches link continue to smile and cheer. it's like he was made to do this. he would probably make a really good parent...
suddenly, link meets his gaze from the main room and his cheeks flush pink, his eyes wide. and without really thinking about it, revali just gives him a small smile and an equally small wave. link blinks but smiles shyly, waving back.
the day that harth finally recovers from his fracture is the saddest day of link and revali's lives. can you believe they still haven't gotten each other's numbers or something at this point. they just keep kind of talking to each other twice a day when they see each other like complete losers. ✋😭
link gets a text from harth being like Hey, my arm is finally healed up. I'm heading back into work, and I can start taking Molli over again. See you again soon. and he shuts his phone off, puts it facedown, and just sits down at the receptionist desk with zelda. she rolls her eyes at him.
"you should just ask revali out already," she says, taking a sip from her tea and scrolling through her computer. "it's been how many weeks now?"
"i don't even know if he likes guys, zel," link says. she glances at him, giving him a look.
"even if he wasn't gay, he seems to really like you," she points out.
link presses his forehead against the desk. "don't give me hope. he just loves molli a lot."
"believe whatever you want to believe," zelda says, rolling her eyes again and going back to her work. "he looks at you like he loves you too."
when revali finds out harth is healed up and ready to go back, he doesn't even know how to respond. seeing link those two times of the day had been like. the highlight of his entire life for the past couple weeks. it's not like he can just randomly visit the daycare now that harth is going back to picking up molli. he should try to convince harth to let him continue taking molli under the guise that he just really loves his niece and harth needs more time to recover, or—
"stop making that face," harth says gruffly, clapping a hand on revali's shoulder. "you look scarier than i do."
"shut up," revali wrinkles his nose at harth. "not even a mask could conceal the ridiculous unsightliness you're bringing into the world."
harth snorts. "if i'm 'unsightly', what does that make molli?"
"a very pretty young lady," revali says primly. "are you sure you're her father?"
harth smacks revali's shoulder in jest, but continues. "tell me what's actually on your mind, old friend."
"nothing of particular relevance," revali lies cleanly. "just that i'm surprised you're willing to go back to driving so soon after recovery, when driving is what caused all this mess in the first place."
harth raises his brows. "so not about link?"
revali blinks rapidly, furrowing his own brow. "what?"
"molli keeps talking about how you and 'mr. link' have been getting along real well when you come to the daycare," harth says. "says you look happier talking to him."
"that's not true," revali sputters, flushing, "i'm just being polite since they're taking care of her after all and—"
"you're saying my little angel would lie?" harth says, amused. "she's more perceptive than you give her credit for, you know." then his expression becomes more serious. "you're one of my oldest friends, revali. i'm always going to encourage you to pursue what makes you happy and if it's my childcare provider that's doing it for you, then you should go for it."
"no, wait, that's not," revali chokes, but harth shakes his head, chuckling. "i'm not, i don't like him, he's—"
"you can go pick up molli for me since you want to see him so bad, it's almost 4," harth says, waving him off and turning to walk away. "link's a really nice kid, i get why you like him so much, so go ask him out already."
revali is left there, completely flabbergasted that he's been seen through. is he really not that subtle about it? (yes the closet is made out of glass babe you are NOT slick)
so revali goes over to the daycare, sullenly wondering if this is the last time he's going to see link ever because it would be weird if he showed up not to drop off or pick up molli, and when he enters, link, molli, and zelda are already waiting at the desk. zelda greets him, link waves, and molli waddles over latching herself to revali's leg.
"harth let us know that he was going to be able to start taking molli again," zelda says, as business-like as usual, and revali's heart begins to sink at the reality of it all, until— "but i forgot to ask him if he'd like to keep you on molli's file as an emergency contact? i'm not sure if he had someone else in mind, but seeing as you're his close friend and we already know you, it would be convenient for both of us."
"ah," revali says, blinking. "yes, just keep me as an emergency contact. if harth has problems with it, he'll let you know, but i doubt he will." he pats molli's head. "i'm the only other person he trusts to take care of her."
"perfect! i'll update that on her file then." zelda goes back to typing on her computer, and revali doesn't know where to look because if he looks at link, he doesn't know what he's going to do or what to say or—
"will this be the last time we see you?" link says and revali can't stop himself from meeting the blond's gaze. something about his voice seems sad, disappointed, but it can't be, why would he be sad or disappointed? he stares with wide blue eyes that keep revali rooted to the spot, almost lost in their own little world, until revali forcefully tears his gaze away.
"well," he says, swallowing, "if harth will continue taking molli, i don't have much of a reason to come back here anymore. it would be strange, wouldn't it? coming to a daycare with no child to leave or take with."
"i guess," link replies softly. and they fall quiet, the only sounds in the air being zelda's typing, the faint echo of children's' laughter in the main room, the soft music in the reception room.
"are you gonna miss mr. link?" molli asks suddenly, looking up at revali. his eyes widen and he opens his mouth, trying to scramble for an excuse, but zelda answers for him.
"i bet he's going to miss mr. link so much," zelda says, in a very matter-of-fact tone. "they're the bestest of friends and now they can't see each other anymore! your uncle and mr. link must be so sad, molli." link shoots zelda a glare but she only smirks back.
"no!" molli exclaims. "i don't want you to be sad!" she pulls on revali's pant leg. "you're gonna come back to see mr. link, right? because you're friends and friends always play see each other and play. don't be sad, uncle revali!"
"what if they had a playdate, molli?" zelda says, almost deviously. link whisper-shouts at her, blushing, but she ignores it to continue. "do you think mr. link and uncle revali would like to have a playdate together?"
"a playdate!" molli shouts. "uncle revali, you and mr. link should have a playdate! please? i don't want you to be sad, uncle revali, you're gonna miss mr. link if you don't see him anymore!" she pulls at his pant leg again, give him puppy-dog eyes. "you'll come see mr. link again, right?"
revali looks back up at link, who's blushing and leaning over the desk, telling his sister off, who's giggling behind her hand. he looks back, meeting revali's gaze and straightens, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. he's pretty, revali thinks faintly.
"i... wouldn't be opposed to a playdate with mr. link," revali says softly. and link's eyes widen, face flushing darker. zelda looks even more devious behind the desk.
"yay!" molli cheers, dancing in a circle. "mr. link and uncle revali playdate!"
"yay for playdate!" zelda cheers, raising a fist. "you'll have to exchange numbers for the playdate, though. how else are you going to plan it?" she smiles expectantly at revali.
"don't you already have my number on molli's file?" revali says, finding the voice to speak as shrewd as he normally does. "you could have just gotten it from there."
"it's a privacy violation to give out or use the contact information of our children's caretakers' for non-work or emergency uses," zelda replies cheerfully. "but you giving your number to link in a personal context isn't. hope that helps!"
"you and your safety and privacy violations," revali grumbles, but he turns to link, who's still pink in the cheeks. "well? do you want my number so we can... plan our playdate?"
"s-sure," link whispers, eyes so blue and wide. "yeah, what's your number?" he pulls out his phone to open his contacts, and looks back up at revali. pretty, revali thinks again.
so they exchange numbers and revali and molli leave the daycare, molli cheering and skipping around. "bye mr. link! bye miss zelda!" she shouts as they exit.
"bye molli! bye revali!" zelda replies, waving. "see you next time!"
and when revali looks back, he meets eyes with link again. the blush has mostly died down from his cheeks now, but link as a whole glows warmly. he gives revali a small, shy smile and waves. just this once, revali allows himself to fully smile and wave back.
#revalink#loz#botw#loz botw#legend of zelda#amihan's revalinkverse#ask#cryiling#daycare au#ok the reason why i asked u to pick a letter was because i was trying to pick a kid from hateno for link to work with#medda is one of the farmers in hateno and aster is his daughter who loves dancing#i'm not a nursing student i'm just making up scenarios don't quote me on the accuracy of this KJDFHKJDF#harth has a broken arm because when u first meet him at rito village he has a wing injury from medoh#link's nursing student instincts flared up the moment harth mentioned he got a radial fracture#for whatever reason the tattoo/flower shop au was still in mind when i wrote this#so i just kept imagining link with tattoos even though i was actively like. Wrong AU!#i think i wrote revali a bit ooc in this one but that's ok#this is self-indulgent fic now teehee#i know you guys like when i write really fucking long because i Get Into It#but i feel bad because (1) there was so much i felt i didn't get Enough Into#like continuing link's journey into nursing and graduating and figuring out how and why he wants to do childcare#you know me i Love a little dialogue moment because i like being able to speak through my characters#and just really expanding into these little moments here and there#but also (2) i'm always gonna feel bad about posting such long shits KJDFJKD#anyways. where do you guys think link and revali went for their “playdate”#zelda is so over link and revali being disaster gays#you already know she's chismising with mipha about her idiot brother and the hot guy who keeps picking up link's fav kid to work with#u think mipha minds her business but she loves to gossip tewwww#i said caramel macchiato because alexa play coffee by bts#baBY BABY GEUDENEUN
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Apple Merchant [BOTW!Link x Isekai!Reader] (Part 5)
You spend more money. And Link becomes a local legend.
I was intending on working on a different piece tonight, but the continuous notifications for Apple Merchant keeps reminding me of how much I want to write on it. And then the self-indulgent whispers start seeping into my brain and here we are. Enjoy your ill-gotten gains, Lurkers.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Alternate Extras: Embrace
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Lurelin village. A beautiful little coastal town southwest of Hateno with just the right amount of sun and water to make any would-be visitor green with envy. Except no one ever mentioned the humidity (enough to drown someone in their sleep, you swear by it), the lizalfos infestation (something the game got right in concept, but wrong in scale) and the sand. The Goddess forsaken sand. The damned (neverending, grit in your teeth, tears in your eyes, gravel in your lungs) sand that got into everything.
So, no, Lurelin was beautiful and you'd thought once that maybe you'd get a house there (or maybe just plan a vacation). But you'd quickly been rid of the notion the moment you'd stepped foot onto the warm, picturesque beachfront property. Taken a deep, appreciative breath of the fresh, salty air. And then was promptly tackled out of the way of an oncoming spear by Skims (bless that man) as Adino put a pair of arrows into a lizalfos' hissing, gaping maul.
The face full of sand you'd gotten after being pile-driven into the ground just added to the experience. In the worst way possible. It had taken days for your mouth to feel clean of the unpleasant grit of sand grains and your eyes to stop tearing and burning in irritation. If not for Skim's constant care and Adino forcibly holding your hands away from your face when the pain became too much, you could have walked away with far worse than bad memories and a new distaste for sand.
That was the day you decided Lurelin would not be a place you'd be spending any significant amount of time in. No matter how friendly the locals or tasty the food or beautiful the ocean views. It just wasn't worth it. Not to you, at least. Maybe in another lifetime, it would have been a dream to strive towards. But not here. Not now.
You still had moments of unease when you think of what could have happened had Skim's not been so close (as he's always been, and as you'll hopefully always have him). And those moments were more potent when you were in the small village. Keeping you ever on edge and always within sight of your trusted guards.
So, one might ask why you'd chosen to go to that very village when you could go anywhere in southern Hyrule. In fact, (in those whispering moments of weakness) you'd ask yourself that very same question. Especially as you trudged miserably through the thick, muggy afternoon heat with Adino at your back and Skims on point (who knows where Red went. but it wasn't your business and so you dismissed the thought entirely).
The answer? Shock arrows. An unholy amount of shock arrows. Enough to break the purse of the average merchant three times over. And possibly put their children in debt too. And possibly their horse.
It's a good thing you weren't a common merchant.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Mubs." You called in friendly greeting as you set foot onto the dock, casting away your (unease) irritation and slipping into your business persona effortlessly. "Fair weather on the seas I hope?"
Pleasantries were exchanged, the latest information traded (Adino was feigning irritation as he eavesdropped, but you could see the way his eyes and ears flickered with amusement and surprise at the appropriate times. Skims was window shopping, eyeing some of the more exotic fish with open curiosity) and you ended up selling several thousand rupees worth of product to the woman. Fresh produce mostly, but also quite a few ores. Such things were always in high demand in Lurelin. Ores especially, as most coastal deposits were notoriously difficult to mine with the lizalfos infestation so prominent.
More workers died mining along the beach than to storms out at sea. And that's a very unsettling thought, given the ratio of miners to sailors in a seafaring village (of all places). Crunch the numbers, and becoming a miner in Lurelin was equivalent to a death sentence. And the general population knew that.
(It explained why crime rates were so low in Lurelin, when mining was the manual labor criminals were made to do.)
Passing off the last of Mubs' purchase to her, you waited patiently for the woman to finish storing away her newly acquired goods before speaking. "I have a large order request." You said, letting a small, costumer service smile slip onto your lips. And maybe that kind of smile was something that transcended worlds, or maybe Mubs just knew you, but she immediately looked wary (by the way she narrowed her eyes, it was probably the former. maybe).
She gestured for you to continue, and you did with cool (pained) confidence. "I need as many shock arrows as you can afford to part with." She started to gesture towards her arrow display, but you shook your head and she paused. "I need below deck inventory. Everything you've got."
Her brows shot to her hairline, incredulous as she cautioned. "Quite the order. Surely not even The Apple Merchant would part with so much rupee." You kept your smile (even and blank and you were quietly screaming inside), and she sighed. "'Course you would." She sighed again, harder, wiping the sweat from her brow before gesturing for you to follow. "Come on then. Lets see if we can't break yer infamous smile a bit, ya?"
You kept that smile. All through the walk across the rickety old docks, the bustling harbor and straight down into the musty bowels of a weathered looking ship. One guarded by no less than five full grown men. All through the talks with the big boss you kept your lips steadily pleasant and upturned. Right on through the exchange of rupees (even Mubs looked ill at the quoted amount, casting you a questioning, pitying glance as she clicked her teeth), and all the way back to shore.
Right up until the moment you collapsed into your (extra, super soft, not for you Adino you prickly jerk) inn bed, rolled over so your back was to Adino and Skims (who looked expectant and amused and far too smug for your liking) and stared at the wall with that same smiling, blank expression.
And then, slowly. You put your face into the sinfully soft pillow. And screamed.
"Damnit Link! Why do you cost me so much money when you're not even here?"
Skims laughed with his entire belly at your outburst, and Adino smirked, hiding his face to the side as a few rouge chuckles escaped him.
A wordless, muffled bellow was all they got back in exchange.
Link stared at the truly mind-boggling number of shock arrows that'd appeared in his inventory. 6800, to be exact. Which to some may not seem like an especially outrageous number, but to Link (who usually found items in the single digits) it was a truly unfathomable number to comprehend, let alone contend with. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to take full advantage of his (thoughtful, kind, wond-) generous AM's meticulous foresight to destroy the local monster population. With feeling (so much intense, pent up feeling).
He'd take every ounce of his frustration (his blood boiling, fist clenching, teeth grinding anger) and pour it all into destroying his enemies. His worry at AM's absence from his side. His displeasure at Ms. Blue's condescending and secretive (and kind too, for all she was withholding information from him. information he'd bleed for) smiles.
And especially his rage at those Goddess forsaken, Ganon worshipping, traitorous Yiga who ruined his chance to thank AM properly for their presence in his life (because he doesn't know where he'd be if not for them. and honestly, he never wants to find out).
He'd take all those emotions and channel it into something productive. Something beneficially destructive.
So, destroy the monster population he did. And how generous of the Goddesses, to have brought him to a land of eternal rain to begin his crash course in violence-fueled stress relief. With shock arrows.
It is said amongst the general Zora population (the more outspoken poetic ones at least) that when the Returned Hero of Hyrule made his ascendance through the Domain, night became day and the land was cleansed of all things foul that would stand before him. A miracle in the flesh. He who brings the light and sun to the land of rain.
And really, they weren't wrong. For the most part.
But for those who saw this supposed miracle for themselves. They all had but one thought.
'Thank the Goddesses it's not me he's pissed at.'
Back to the shadows to rest.
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I really like the decision to set TotK a few years after BotW, as opposed to the few months we’re used to in direct Zelda sequels. It gave the world a substantial amount of time to change. Hyrule is livelier. In the years of relative peace since Calamity Ganon was vanquished, it’s been allowed to grow and thrive. Hateno Village, the largest Hylian settlement, is becoming economically significant as a tourist destination and food supplier. It’s especially cool to see Riju, Tulin, and Kass’s kids mature into their adult/teenage years, respectively.
Building on that, I think it’s neat that Link is in his early twenties now. This is the oldest Link we’ve ever played as (Skyward Sword held the previous record at 17.5 y/o). He’s had time to adjust to life post-calamity. His traumatic mutism seems to be all but gone. You ever notice just how much he talks in this game? Dialogue options galore, he’s constantly explaining things to other characters, all that. And he’s more expressive, too. He outright laughs when he fuses weapons.
Link’s relationship with Zelda has also had time to grow. Guys. Fellas. Broskis. They live in the same house. In which there is only one bed. They are together. The implication here is that they share most of their meals together, and remember, it’s key to his characterization that he opens up emotionally when he’s cooking or eating. That means there has been a lot of quality bonding time between them.
Before and during the Calamity, Link served as Zelda’s royal bodyguard because the king demanded it of him. Given how he went mostly mute from the pressure of being entrusted with the princess’s safety and being chosen as the Hylian Champion (at age 17, mind you), I’d wager he didn’t particularly like the assignment until he started bonding with her. He looks downright sad when she snaps at him in that one memory at the shrine. Hell, he doesn’t smile once in the memories.
But you know what? I get the feeling that Link protects her now not out of duty like he used to, but out of love. That’s powerful because “love conquers all” and all that, but also, there’s no external pressure to be her bodyguard. Until the Upheaval, he was done being a special little hero. He was just a swordsman, but he still went where Zelda went to protect her. So instead of being crushed by that pressure, protecting her is an expression of his love for her. It’s a choice and he’s doing it because he wants to, not because it was forced on him.
That’s a lot of growth to go through, and it was paced over several years. He doesn’t appear to have aged much, but enough time has passed that Hudson has a daughter who can hold a mature conversation. That’s what, 5 years old? Yeah, Link is in his early twenties. Fucking finally, the task of saving the world falls on the shoulders of an adult (although speaking as someone entering his mid-twenties, that honestly isn’t much better).
I’m starting to ramble here so I’ll leave a parting observation of Link and Zelda’s house in Hateno. Zelda has redecorated a fair bit since moving in with Link, replacing his weapon racks with photos of her horse and various Hyruleans (her subjects who she cares deeply for), but the photo of her, Link, and the Champions is still up. And that’s really cute.
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mastercucco · 5 months
Hateno Boy - Part 1 - Link x Reader
The Calamity is gone, but so is Link’s purpose. He feels completely lost in post-Calamity Hyrule where everyone but him seem to have found their new place.
It certainly doesn’t help his restless nights that you, a young Hylian whom Zelda has hired as the new teacher at Hateno School, are slowly taking up more and more of his headspace with each conversation you two have.
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom Pairing: Link x fem!Reader Raiting: Mature (might go up, might go down, let's see) Contains: feel-good, slow burn romance; platonic Link/Zelda; Link being an angsty retired hero Chapter Index | Read on Ao3 A/N: Very excited to write something possibly disgustingly cute. The story takes place after the events in BotW but before the beginning of TotK. All characters are adults! I hope you enjoy the story! xx
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Chapter 1 - Purpose
Contains: Link being an angsty retired hero; Zelda being embarrassed by Link's inability to talk to girls (or other human beings in general) Word count: ~1,3k A/N: Please look past any weird sentences, English isn't my first language :p
A breath of warm air blows from the sea, gentle on skin and smelling of sea salt. The wind hurries over the hills of Necluda, tall grass bowing before it like waves on an emerald green ocean. Once it reaches Link sitting on top of the hills, it gently tugs on his hair and pushes his hood down.
He has been sitting there for quite some time now – so long that the tips of his ears are starting to redden from the wind, as gentle as it is. The sun that was high up when he arrived at the hills, is now hanging low over the horizon. It is soon time for him to go; Zelda asked him in the morning to stop by the school before sundown.
He is alone, as he is on most days nowadays. There isn’t much for him to do: Zelda is busy rebuilding Hateno, the recently finished village school her new pride and joy. And when she isn’t mingling with the villagers, she’s kept busy with her research at the Tech Lab. She doesn’t require an escort anymore, not after Purah hired a young researcher to assist them decipher ancient Zonai texts anyway. The man rarely leaves Zelda’s side when the two of them are together – which is often. Very often.
Link was jealous at first. After all, he is the Princess’ appointed knight, and he is the one who wields the Master Sword, and he is the one who saved Zelda’s life – not some overly excited, self-proclaimed explorer with a stupidly tall frame and an apparent distaste for wearing upper garments that hide his muscles.
Eventually, his jealousy morphed into loneliness – something he did a terrible job of hiding from Zelda. She asked him if he wanted to return to Hyrule Castle to help the Royal Guard in training new soldiers. Link said no, that he likes it here in Hateno.
“I wouldn’t mind if you go,” Zelda said, gently placing her hand on top of his, “I can see how lost you are here.”
Somehow, Zelda seeing straight through his lies and offering him kindness hurt more than her asking Link to leave in the first place. After that, Link couldn’t help but feel even more uncertain and disconnected. Everyone had seemingly moved on, everyone but him. While he still remains close with Zelda, honoring his duty, accompanying her whenever she travels outside of Hateno, even living with her, he knows deep down that she doesn’t need him anymore. The Calamity is gone, and so is his purpose.
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The sun hangs low when Link arrives at Hateno School. The sky is flaring in shades of red, reminding Link of a cozy fire under a cooking pot – somewhere he would much prefer to be. The school’s front doors are open, but the playground is silent and the windows are dark, all except one. It has been a while since Link last visited the school. The children adore him, which is exactly why he prefers to stay away. Their looks of admiration and curious questions make him uneasy. Ever since moving to Hateno, all he has wanted is to lay low, going as far as to hide his head-turning Champion’s tunic in the bottom of his drawer. He wanted to throw the tunic away, but Zelda wouldn’t let him.
He can already hear Zelda’s excited chattering when he reaches the open doors and quietly steps inside. Zelda is having an eager conversation with a young Hylian woman – you – whom Link doesn’t remember seeing before. He does remember Zelda telling him about a new teacher she hired a few months back, and he figures it must be you.
You notice Link arriving before Zelda does and give him a polite smile in greeting. Only when he lightly taps on Zelda’s shoulder does she stop talking and turn around.
“Oh, Link,” she smiles. “You have impeccable timing. We were just talking about you!”
Link furrows his brow. Great, just great, he thinks, already feeling the tips of his ears growing warmer.
“Only good things,” you assure with an awkward laugh. “The Princess told me you made the apple pie she brought the other day.”
Link hopes that the dim light of the oil lamps is enough to hide his red ears. He clears his throat, though not even intending to say anything.
“I don’t think you two have met before, have you?” Zelda says, giving Link an encouraging nudge.
Even after all the years spent in royal banquets practicing formal pleasantries with Hyrule’s nobility, Link still feels awkward having to introduce himself. Nonetheless, he extends his hand for a greeting. When you offer him yours, he brings it to his lips and gives your knuckles a polite kiss. Your skin feels soft and pleasant, he thinks, now horribly self-aware of just how sweaty his own palm is.
When he looks back at you, even he can pick up the awkward tension in your smile and words as you introduce yourself. He feels his whole face heat up, not really understanding what he did wrong but knowing he must have, because even Zelda has the same tension in her smile as you do.
“He is very accustomed to his formal greetings from his days at the Castle,” Zelda says with a forced smile and gives Link a look. Only then does he realize that a hand kiss, though adequate in greeting a noble woman, is not something you, a village school teacher, was expecting from a Royal Knight. He would apologize, but his mouth is dry and no words come out.
“And, well, you probably already know of Link,” Zelda breaks the uncomfortable silence after it becomes clear Link isn’t going to introduce himself.
“The Hero of Hyrule,” you say, knowingly. “We have actually met before.”
We have? Link thinks, the heat of embarrassment getting unbearable. All he wants to do is run home and hide under his bed covers for the rest of eternity. This is why he rarely leaves their home or willingly socializes with the villagers. He would cringe if he wasn’t too embarrassed to move his face muscles.
“You have?” asks Zelda out loud, her disapproving eyes boring into Link’s.
“It was years ago,” you are quick to add. “He took refuge in our family home once. I wouldn’t blame him for not remembering.”
Zelda doesn’t appear quite as understanding when she shoots another scolding look at Link, the pink in her own cheeks deepening as well. “Please,” she says as she turns back to you, “accept my apology. Link can be awfully forgetful sometimes.” She gives him a final glare that, at last, makes him drop his head. He’s not sure if dying of embarrassment is a real occurrence, but if it is, then he must be very close to leaving Hyrule for good.
“It’s quite alright, Your Highness,” you say with a slightly uneasy laugh that fails to fully mask your discomfort. “I don’t mind it, really. Like I said, it was years ago.”
There is an uncomfortable silence between the three of you. Then Zelda claps her hands, and the tension breaks like a taut rubber band. Link sighs, relieved.
“Well,” Zelda says, “now that we are done with introductions, perhaps we can show Link the curriculum we’ve been working on? I’m sure he can give us his opinion on the section about monster parts and their usage in elixirs.”
When you turn to look for something from your writing table’s drawers, Link grabs Zelda’s sleeve and gives her a pleading look. Zelda narrows her eyes and shakes her head.
“Do not even think of fleeing” she hisses in his ear before she hurries over to you to help you with a pile of scrolls close to toppling over. Link lets out a silent grunt and looks longingly at the open doors. The sun has gone down, the sky now the same shade as embers cooling down under a cooking pot – somewhere he would much prefer to be.
Chapter 2 - Heromania »
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love-toxin · 5 months
ELLIE!! SO happy that totk finally released bc there's a chance you might hyperfixate and give me the yandere link content that sustains my life force. oh and uh, cuz we waited so long for this game too, of course!
prrrrr i really do love yan Link! so many potential avenues! i was replaying totk recently (bc i was so excited for it i literally blazed thru the whole gam 8 days after release LOL) and some gems really cropped up:
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1. Link makes you a little dream house in Tarrey Town to keep you safe and to take advantage of your inherent housewifery. He's so feral you don't even think about leaving even when he's gone for long stretches of time, because you know he'll track you down and drag you back home because you're not the hero silly! :) you stay home :) where it's safe :)
2. Yiga clan member reader who is constantly being hunted down and "rehabilitated" by the Hylian hero. Which is incredibly frustrating to you because a.) ur trying to kill him and b.) the other yiga quickly lose respect for you/shun you when they find out you're practically Link's little playtoy. Especially when he goes x2 as feral on the other yiga in battle when you're around cause he's bricked up at the very sight of you, and you end up getting chewed out by Kohga for letting him hit it and just escape afterwards.
3. You work at one of the stables or the little inn at Hateno village and Link falls so hard for you he's downright creepy. He's constantly hanging around and bringing you gifts and stuff you didn't ask for but you can't just tell him to go away cause...he's the hero. So you kinda just have to deal with his awkward stare and the fumbled kisses he steals behind the barn and try not to hurt his feelings because what are you gonna do if the hero of time decides to quit saving Hyrule because he got rejected?
4. You're part of the Gerudo/live in Gerudo town and Link is undeterred in his attempts to woo you, even though he can't step foot in town or he'll get locked up. So he either dresses up in the vai outfit or just lies in wait for you to leave the city for one reason or another, and then ambushes you and follows you around like a weird little stalker until you love him. Bonus if he scares off another suitor or saves you from a Molduga or--my personal favourite--your sand seal gets spooked and takes you far out into the desert and strands you by accident, and you're forced to accept Link's help when he comes to save you. And now, you owe him.
5. Much like Link, you're a fellow adventurer/wanderer/merchant/etc. and bump into him out in the wild. Maybe you share a campfire for a night and swap stories, or you give him directions, or you just wave at him in passing, and now Link is completely obsessed with you. He stalks you through the wild areas of Hyrule and never lets any harm befall you, be it monsters or gloom pits or pools of malice or just general unluckiness, and while you don't realize it's him you slowly feel less and less alone when you're out in the field. You swear you can even feel some kind of warmth when you lay down in your tent to sleep, like someone's curled up right next to you....
6. Link kidnaps you and takes you to Hyrule castle where he forcibly makes you pretend to be a princess. He dresses you up in pretty gowns and kills all the monsters lurking around so you'll always be safe, and he acts like you're his damsel in distress that he's constantly saving even though you're just some farmer girl he picked up off the side of the road and fell in love with. You're the pretty princess, he's your loyal knight, and if he does a really good job at "saving" you, maybe you'll let him stay in your room for the night when he keeps watch...?
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Hey rome could you maybe do alpha link x omega male reader headcanons please and thank you
Absolutely my friend
⭐link was a force to be reckoned with, he was a very protective alpha
⭐ He was more than happy when you wanted a quiet life in hateno village to start a family with him
⭐ He would be more than happy to let you work somewhere in the village, wanting you to have that independence
⭐ Whenever he goes to the capital be tries to bring you if possible if not he always brings back nesting materials and things he knows you like
⭐ He would definitely teach his pups how to use a sword (wooden of course)
⭐ He likes to be the cook, the provider and let's you focus on the pups and not worry about those things
⭐ He wants a big family, he for some reason longs for the feeling of siblings, not aware his past incarnations had siblings
⭐ He waited till he knew it was safe and Hyrule was safe till he mated you
⭐ He took you to lanayru sea, a small cabin to share your heat and become mates
⭐ Zelda adores you and helped link get a proper Omega collar for you as the Alpha was a bit clueless
⭐ Link never interacted with many omegas so he was a bit clueless all around but had the Spirit none the less
⭐ Male Omegas are very rare so expect him to be with you when outside the village all the time
⭐ He takes the role of fatherhood well, taking a break from what he's doing to care for you and the pup/pups for the first few months.
⭐ Zelda constantly tries to convince you two to move to the castle, wanting another Omega who didn't work for her nearby
⭐ Though being an alpha, he doesn't act like one very often and has and will wear his gurudo outfit if asked by you and only you
⭐ He would like if you wore it for him please and thank you
⭐ He's extremely territorial during ruts or your heat
⭐ He has and will lock you and the pups in the home till it passes
⭐ He specifically wears clothes that show his claim mark because he knows he's handsome and wants everyone to know he's a taken alpha.
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notgonnaedit · 2 months
Fading Scars
Summery: After the Chain meet Twilight's family and friends, a portal takes them to another Hyrule
Focus Link: Wild
A/n: Art isn't mine, it belongs to @gia-d
I really enjoyed writing this one. There's a reference to the BotW overworld music in there too. Takes place after BotW but before TotK
Master list
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Wild turned in his makeshift bed as he tried to fall asleep. The day's events should've left him exausted. Playing with the children of Twilight's village, exploring as much as he could, but no matter how much he tried, the Champion couldn't find sleep.
He had been waiting for Twilight to return. The Rancher had left suddenly a few hours ago, and hasn't returned. Wild worried for his friend. What if the Shadow creature found him and hurt him all over again? Not being able to stand it anymore, Wild got pushed his blankets off, and walked to the door. He made sure to be quiet as to not wake his comrades, and opened the door and stepped outside.
Wild took a breath of fresh air. He found that the smell of grass calmed him. Maybe it was because it reminded the Champion of his own home; a wilderness that cried out to travelers like him to explore. 
A sigh escaped Wild's lips as he thought of his own Hyrule. In his own time, Hyrule was undergoing restoration. Princess Zelda had wasted no time in preparing to fix the ruined kingdom. A small smile came across his face at the memories of Zelda seeing the house he bought.
The Princess had almost cried at the thought of living in Hyrule Castle again. So when Wild offered for her to stay with him in Hateno Village, she was overjoyed. The children of Hateno loved her, and Zelda had taken to teaching them about the local wildlife. Her new role as an educator earned her the name "Miss Zelda" from the kids, and "Flora" from Wild himself, stemming from Zelda's love of flowers.
The soft sound of footsteps turned Wild's attention back to the present. He looked down from where he stood above the ladder on Twilight's house to see Twilight and Ilia walking from the path that led to the Spring. The two were smiling, and upon a closer look, Wild saw they were holding hands. A small smirk played across the Champion's face when he saw them, he knew from the moment they were reunited that the Rancher and his friend had feelings for each other. It had confused him, though. From the way Twilight had talked about Midna, the Champion was sure that was who he loved.
"How long will you be staying for?" Ilia asked. They were in Twilight's yard now.
The Rancher sighed. "I don't know. The portal that took us here was random, so we might be here for a while, or a few days." In truth, Twilight hoped they could stay for a while, like they did with Malon. Not only did he want to spend time in his home, he also wanted to show his friends his world. He could show them the Resistance and how they were working to help Hyrule, or maybe even Snowpeak and take Wild sledding.
Wild watched Twilight and Ilia, hesitant to make himself known, but also uncomfortable with eavesdropping. Sure, he listened in on people's conversations before, but that was to get information on the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab.
Deciding on showing himself, Wild acted like he'd just walked out and yawned, a loud, drawling sound. Twilight and Ilia looked up at him immeaditly. "How long have you been standing there?" The Hylian asked.
Wild shrugged. "I just came out. Nice night, isn't it?" The Champion could've sworn his mentor's cheeks were tinted pink.
Ilia smiled and looked at Twilight fondly. "Yes, it is."
The Rancher's blush deepened at her words, and Wild jumped down from his perch, avoiding the ladder. 
Ilia looked between the two. "Well, now I know you're the same person. Only Link jumps off ledges like that."
Wild looked at his friend. "You told her?"
Twilight shrugged. "Kind of. She figured it out."
Ilia chuckled at them, and the Rancher and Champion couldn't help but join her. But suddenly, the earth seemed to hold it's breath. Twilight's senses were put on edge, and before them, a portal appeared.
"What is that?!" Ilia asked as Twilight stepped in front of her.
"A portal," Wild said. He turned to his mentor, who looked solemn. "You know what we need to do."
Before Twilight could answer, the door to his house opened, and the Chain tumbled out, all half dressed and bleary-eyed.
"What's happening?" Time asked.
Four gasped. "Another portal?"
The Links began to discuss among themselves and grab their things. Twilight did the same, saddling up Epona. As he secured their bags to her saddle, Ilia walked over to him. 
"So I guess this means you're leaving, huh?" She said softly. She stroked Epona's neck, running her fingers through the mare's white mane.
Twilight sighed. "Yes. And I don't know when I'll be back." 
"I'll tell everyone what happened, so don't worry." She said. Twilight took her hand and took a step closer. He moved in to kiss her, but Legend called him.
"Rancher, you ready to go?"
Twilight sighed. He looked down at Ilia and squeezed her hand. "I'll be back. I promise."
He let go of her and led Epona through the portal with his comrades.
This time, the portal was more pleasant. None of them landed face first in the dirt, but rather a grassy plain. Wild looked around, wondering where they could be.
"That was much better!" Sky said. 
"This place looks like Hyrule Field." Four said looking around. Several of them nodded in agreement. There were ruins scattered here and there, and several broken automations that caused Wild to grab his Sheikah Slate.
He opened his map, and it was working again! They were in Blatchery Plain, just got west of Fort Hateno.
"We're in my Hyrule." Wild said, turning to the group. Everyone looked at him.
"You're sure?" Hyrule asked.
Wild nodded. "Yeah. Just over there is where I died."
"Uh, okay?"  Legend said. But Wild couldn't stop smiling. They were only a short distance from his house.
"C'mon," The Champion said. "We can go to my house." He led the way as he walked. Epona nickered at the wild horses.
"Whoa." Wind looked up at the wall of Fort Hateno. "What is this place?"
"Fort Hateno." Wild said. "It's where Hyrule made it's stand against the Guardians. A bunch of fleeing farmers held them back here."
"A bunch of farmers?" Twilight asked. "What about the army?"
Wild sighed. "They were at Akkala Citidel, but they were overpowered. They say that it wasn't until Akkala fell that Hyrule was truly lost."
"The Guardians you mentioned." Time said as they passed through the woods. "We'll we see any?"
The Champion looked around the road, keeping an eye out for Yiga. "You already did. All those broken machines out there."
"How did they break?" Hyrule asked. "You make it seem like they were unstoppable."
A small smile played on Wild's face. "Zelda. She unlocked her power there and destroyed them. But I helped a little bit. I managed to take a few out before they got me."
"What is your Zelda like?" Sky asked. 
Wild pursed his lips. Sometimes it was hard to describe her. After losing his memories, the Champion had to practically watch his old life, and with that the old Zelda. But she was much different now. She smiled more and laughed. She wasn't burdened by the coming of the Calamity. "She's very smart and kind. But she also isn't afraid to tell people exactly what she thinks.
By now they were walking under the Cliffs of Quince. They walked in silence for a bit, taking in Wild's homeland. It was strangely quiet, save for their footfalls and a few birds. It was nice almost, the other lands they'd been to seemed to be loud, and bold. Boasting their adventure with the sounds around them. But Wild's home was quieter. There were still sounds, but it's silence allowed them to really take in their surroundings. The ruins of a once boasting kingdom. They were walking through what was left, and the sounds around them seemed to know.
Soon they saw a tall tower that has the Sheikah symbol on it. Time looked up at it in interest. It seemed that in this time, the Sheikah were thriving, as compared to his own time when Impa was the last one. 
Up ahead, a windmill could be seen, and a few houses as well. Wind brought his hand to his forehead to block the sun. He was riding Epona to get a better view. "Is that your village?"
Wild nodded. "Yep. I bought a house there. They're starting to put wells in too."
Time grimaced inwardly. He hated wells. It was bad enough having to navigate the haunted well under Kakariko Village, but fighting that...thing. Very few things scared the Old Man, but Dead Hand was one of them.
They walked along the part between Ginner and Midla Woods until they reached the front gate. A man familiar to Wild but not the rest waved. He had a straw hat and a pitchfork. He smiled when he saw Wild.
"Hey, Link! You're back? The Princess is at your house. She's been waiting for you to return."
Wild grinned. "Thanks, Thadd. I'll see you around." He led his companions up the hill and to the right, crossing the bridge over Firly Pond.
"Nice place, Champion." Warriors said surveying the property. "But the Princess lives here?"
Wild nodded. "Yeah. The castle is still undergoing reconstruction, so she stays with me. I am her appointed knight after all."
He opened the door. "Zelda?" He looked around, but no one was inside. It was a small house, she couldn't be far. "She's probably out back." He walked behind the house, and found the one he was looking for.
Zelda was sitting on the grass with a notebook and pencil in her hand. She had taken up the hobby of cataloguing the wildlife around her. At the sound of Wild's footsteps, she turned around. Her green eyes were as bright as ever. "Link?"
Wild gave her a lopsided smile. "Hey, Flora. It's been awhile."
She stood up and walked over to him, giving him a hug. "Where have you been?!" Her royal accent seemed to incenuate her words. She looked over his shoulder and saw the Chain. 
Flora pulled away from her knight. "Who are they?"
Wild scratched the back of his head. "It's a long story."
Inside, all the Links were sitting at the table. Legend was looking at the pictures on the walls, and Four was examining the weapon mounts.
"Fascinating," Flora said. "So you're all the same person, yet not. And even more interested, you're all chosen by the gods to save Hyrule."
"Well, not me." Wind said as he fiddled with his sleeves. "My sister was kidnapped by Ganondorf, and in order to save her, I had to undergo lots of trials. Only then did the gods recognize me as the Hero."
Flora smiled. "You're all so different too." She looked at all of them as she spoke.. "From what you told me, you're from the forest, you're a captain of the Royal Army, you're a blacksmith, a sailor, a rancher, a knight in a new kingdom, a traveler, and you're..." She looked at Legend.
The Veteran shrugged. "Let's just say I'm a Jack of all trades."
Sky looked at the Princess. "You're so different from my Zelda, but so similar at the same time."
Flora brightened. "Really?"
The Chosen nodded. "You're both strong willed and powerful. But you're also kind and forgiving." He sighed at the thought of his Zelda. He longed to be with her once again.
Twilight shrugged. "I don't really know my Zelda very well, but you do have the same air of leadership, Your Highness."
Flora chuckled. "Please, there's no need for formalities."
"You don't know your Zelda?" Four asked, to which the Rancher shrugged. "I've known mine as long as I can remember." The Smith thought back to his loud friend, how her father and his grandfather had been old friends.
"I've known mine since childhood as well." Time chimed in. "But we went our separate ways long ago. I still see her sometimes when I'm delivering milk to Castle Town, but that's it really."
Warriors rapped the table with his knuckles. "I never really knew mine. But when the war started, I fought along side her. She is a powerful ally."
Wind grinned. "My Zelda hates being called Zelda. She prefers to be called by her middle name and lead us through the seas."
"How about you, Traveler?" Legend asked his friend. "What's your Zelda like?"
Hyrule had to think about it for a moment. He had two Zeldas. One that was captured by Ganon, and the other whom he awakened from a deep slumber. The former know lived in Hyrule Castle and was repairing her kingdom, much like Flora. But the latter was living on a small farm run by her and Hyrule, having chosen to lay low and live the life of a commoner.
"She working on helping my Hyrule, too." The Traveller said, choosing the Zelda from his first adventure. "What about you?"
Legend shifted. "She's the ruler, and a kind one at that." He wasn't lying, but it wasn't the whole truth. The Veteran didn't want to get into the whole scandal.
"Well, it sounds like you have very interesting versions of me as well." Flora said.
Wild nodded. "It really makes you wonder if there are more of us."
The group was silent as they thought about that. Could there be more of them. More young men with a heart of a lion, and more princesses with the blood of the goddess?
The setting sun shone through the windows, casting a golden light on the group's faces, and even making Wild's scares dance. Legend moved up the stairs and observed more pictures, but one caught his eye in particular. 
It showed Wild and Flora in the middle, but both held expressions of surprise. There was a Zora girl who was thrown forward and just as surprised, and a bird man, a Rito as Wild and Wind called them, who seemed to be sqwaking in shock. A Gerudo woman was smiling playfully, and a Goron with a mischievous grin was pushing them all together.
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"Who are they?" The Hero of Legend asked. They obviously held some significance in Wild's, and possibly the Princess' life.
Wild and Flora's faces saddned slightly at the picture. "Those were the Champions." Wild explained. "Like me, they were chosen to help in the fight against Calamity Ganon."
"Were?" Time asked.
Wild sighed. "They fell in battle, but they weren't as lucky as me. If I had been faster...
Flora stood and looked at Wild. "Link, you know just as well as I do that it wasn't your fault. You were protecting me, you were doing your duty."
Wild scoffed. "Yeah, and some job I did with that. Tell me, how long were you in the castle fighting Ganon while I slept?"
"A hundred years, Zelda." Wild said standing. "And how much longer did you wait as I ran around Hyrule, just trying to remember who I was. Not to mention how long it took me to free the Divine Beasts." He scowled. "I wasted so much time as you were on your last legs. Some appointed knight I am." He opened the door and left.
"Link–!" Flora tried to go after him, but the door was shut in her face. Twilight rose and rested his hand on the Princess' shoulder. Was he overstepping his boundaries? Maybe. But at that moment she wasn't the princess, she was a girl who needed comfort from someone Wild knew well.
"Don't worry, he be okay."
"How can you be so sure?" Flora sniffed. Wild had expressed very little to her, an old habit he was trying to break.
Twilight sighed. "A few weeks back, I was mortality wounded and was dying. He had a moment like this, but after some time alone he calmed down and was able to help the situation."
Flora looked at the Rancher. While she may be older in years, 118 to be exact, the young man was still older physically and mentally. Not to mention he had spent months traveling with her Link. She let out a sigh. "I'm going to speak to him." She walked out the door.
Wild sat at the summit of Ebon Mountain where Heartbreak Pond called home.
Heartbreak. That seemed to be the theme in the Champion's life. Doomed to fail and live with it. Sometimes Wild wished he had died a century ago, then he could at least be at piece with his friends. Or even his father and sister, who would have died by now anyway, even without the Calamity.
Wild didn't remember much of his family. Only his father's strong hands, and his sister's laughter. He had no recollection of his mother, but Zelda had found records at Hyrule Castle of each knight and their families. It seemed that his mother had died when his sister was only a baby due to an illness that swept over Hyrule.
Wild looked down at his gloved hands. Only his fingers showed, and the ones belonging to his left hand had scars on the tips. The scars. Each one a reminder of the pain he endured fighting for Zelda. His only goal to usher her to the safety of Kakariko Village. 
It was strange to think about how much he had changed since that fateful day a century ago. Once a silent, dutiful knight, loyal to his king, he was know a rambunctious wanderer, who didn't trust as much as he used to. Random travelers turning into banana-crazed assassians will do that to a person.
A sigh escaped his lips as he watched the sunset, and another sound was heard. Footsteps. Wild turned around to see Zelda walking over to him. Her blonde hair looked like a waterfall of gold and amber in the day's last light.
"I've always wondered what caused this pond to have such a shape." She said sitting down next to Wild. "I've heard of another pond like this on Tuft Mountain. Maybe I'll go and see it soon."
"It's nothing much." Wild said. "There's a few fairies that come out at night, but that's it."
Flora hummed. "It doesn't sound like nothing to me. I'd like to take up painting, and that could be an excellent way to start."
"The people of Lurelin might recognize you." Wild said. "You've mentioned how you want to keep a low profile."
"Then I shall have to wear a disguise then. How well do you think I can wear a false mustache?" She grinned at Wild, and he couldn't help but chuckle.
"Not very well." He replied honestly. "Not with that long hair of yours." 
Flora looked at him. "I've been thinking about cutting it. It gets in my way when we're traveling. We are headed to Faron to explore the Zonai ruins when you find out what's causing this mysterious portals. The climate there is humid and hot, so I don't know how well these locks will suit me. What about you? Have you given your hair any thought? It's rather long."
Wild felt his hair. The mane of gold reached down to his belt, but he didn't mind it. "I haven't thought about my hair in a hundred years." 
The centenarians shared a laugh. Wild looked down at his hands. "Flora, I'm sorry for my outburst inside. I just–"
Zelda put her hand on his. "Link, it's okay. I myself have felt the same way. But you must remember what Urbosa told you to tell me. "No one need carry blame." "
Wild smiled at her, stretching his scars upwards. "Thanks, Zelda." 
The two stared off into the sunset in silence. Wild turned to look at her suddenly. "You really think I should cut my hair?"
Flora chuckled, touching her fingers to her miumo as she so often did when laughing. "Well, it may help you sneak into Gerudo Town easier."
Wild gaped at her as she burst into laughter. "Fine. I'll remember that when you need someone to escort you to the Lost Woods."
She shoved him lightly. "I can navigate my way through the Lost Woods just fine, thank you very much."
Wild gave her the side eye. "Sure you can."
Now it was her turn to gape at him. "I can too! Honestly, Link, I'm surprised you even found your way through at all."
Wild smirked. "It was easy. Especially when you–" He stopped suddenly. "Oh, you almost got it out of me." 
Flora sighed. "It was worth a try. Why won't you tell me?"
"The Lost Woods is the only thing protecting Korok Forest." Wild explained. "I'll teach you when we go to get the Master Sword back from revitalization. It needs to be kept secret."
"I suppose you're right." Flora admitted. "You're counterparts..." She said changing the subject. "You seem to be close to the one you call 'Rancher'."
The Champion looked at her. "Do you remember the wolf that shows up randomly?" Zelda nodded, and he continued. "Well, that's him. Except younger. He didn't know me until this journey, but I know him because he helped me in this time, but he doesn't know that. Does that make sense?"
Flora nodded. "Yes." She looked out at the sunset. "But this whole thing is extraordinary. What could possibly be driving the Hero's Spirit together?"
"I don't know." Wild admitted. The sky was nearly dark now. The Champion looked over to his charge. She still had her hand on his, and he enjoyed the feeling. It reminded him that someone living remembered him, unlike so many of the people of Hyrule. Some exceptions were Kass, Riju, Yunobo, Teba (though he took some convincing), and the entirety of Zora's Domain.
But Zelda was there when it happened, when Hyrule fell. When he died. She has been with him since the beginning of his journey as a Champion, and Wild treasured that more than anything. He was her knight, and would give his life all over again for her.
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fatefulfaerie · 2 months
“Link!” Penn exclaimed, wings outstretched in excitement. “What a great sense for news you have! Here I am chasing a new lead on the Princess and my partner appears before my eyes!”
Link hadn’t seen Penn since they finished chasing all the leads they had on the Princess’ whereabouts. It was at least a month since they went from stable to stable, Link almost believing the Yiga’s tricks and getting barely a wink of sleep until all twelve were dead ends. He was left just as lost as when he started until he found Impa and sunk himself into the mysterious geoglyphs that dotted the land. Link hadn’t yet found the courage to admit to anyone the truth about Zelda, so he pretended the best he could to be the eager, young reporter Penn knew him as.
“I’ve heard that Zelda has a homestead here in Hateno,” he continued. “Villagers tell me it’s across this bridge, but I’m afraid I’m at a standstill. You see, investigating her home for clues seems to go against my morals as a journalist. This may have to be a story we leave be.”
It was public knowledge that Princess Zelda lived in Hateno. That was no news story.
“What’s the lead?” Link asked. “Was she seen here recently? S-since her disappearance I mean.”
“It may be hearsay but rumors have been circulating that the Princess is married,” Penn said. “The villagers here have no idea what I’m talking about, so I’m thinking it’s no more than gossip. Traysi wanted me to check it out nonetheless. I’m thinking we at least find the may–”
Link averted his tear-filled gaze.
“Link, are you all right?”
“I…I’m fine,” he stammered. “Just…allergies.”
“Where,” he began weakly, but forced his voice to be stronger. “Where does the lead come from?”
“An old Zora at the Domain,” Penn answered. “He’s losing his memory but tends to spout some random things about his long life in an effort to keep a grasp on it. His niece heard him talking about marrying the Princess to someone, but he didn’t specify who. She was so excited about the prospect that she sent word to Traysi.”
Link looked notably nervous as he hugged his arms close.
“Don’t…don’t run the story,” he said in a hushed voice, no longer meeting Penn’s gaze at all. 
Penn looked confused.
“Link…what do you mean? Do you know something?”
“It just…it paints her in a bad light.”
“Link, I know you care about the princess’ public reputation. Your work at the paper honors that gleamingly. Your search for the absolute truth is inspiring to the whole team. You service our kingdom and our princess well.”
Link steadied his nerves with a deep breath and a slow blink of his eyes.
“It was me,” he admitted, quietly at first.
Penn blinked, shocked. He assumed he heard wrong.
“It was me!” Link finally burst out pointing at himself. “All of it, everything. The mysterious hero who came out of nowhere and saved Hyrule from the calamity, me. I brought Zelda here and we built a life, and it was a good life. I married her because I loved her. We didn’t tell anyone because goddesses the Yiga were trailing her everywhere and everyone was looking at her to rebuild but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore because she’s gone, okay? She’s gone! That’s it, that’s your story. She’s a magic, floating dragon in the skies because I failed her again. She sacrificed herself for this kingdom and no one will ever know because there’s no proof! Nothing! No one else sees the dragons but me, so that’s what I have for you, absolutely nothing! I have nothing!”
Link panted and Penn stared. He blinked his eyes once, twice. Link expected him to call him crazy. Instead, he pointed his white-feathered wing at the house across the bridge.
“That’s your house?”
Link’s disbelief was shown in his face.
Penn looked at the house for a moment, letting the breeze sift through his feathers.
“Link I think in a time like this Hyrule would quite like to hear a story like this about their Princess,” Penn said. “I don’t think your story paints her in a bad light in the slightest. In fact, it may be the heartwarming tale people need right now.”
Link’s gaze angled down and pondered the suggestion.
“And no, they won’t believe that she’s turned into a dragon,” Penn continued. “But they will believe as I do how much you loved her, and how she must have loved you.”
Link nodded.
“If you don’t mind I’d like to interview you,” Penn admitted. “In the house you built together. You’ll get final approval of the story I send to Traysi.”
Link looked up and over at the house. It felt like he hadn't been there in ages, like it was a lifetime ago that he went in scouring for clues, hoping she'd just be around the next corner. Waiting for her was like waiting for a sunrise that would never come.
“No, I don’t mind.”
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I saw your post and I think to ask you for a Yandere! Wild but Imagine this, isekai! Reader doesn't know anything about him or his game, is only a confused person who doesn't know how he got to this place.
Anyway, thanks for read this and sorry for my bad English, My first lenguaje is spanish and I'm not very sure for my English.
Order up!
I genuinely really like this idea so this was a lot of fun to write.
Tw: Yandere, obsessive, mentions of murder
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Long past were the days Link would protect anyone but himself. In the aftermath of the calamity, villagers were weary of those who traversed the land and of good reason. Many who did were simply were insane with the thought of leaving their inconsequential little hamlet to see the shattered world. Hatred for fellow man ran rampant, but the crazed look in the eyes of few who’ve lost themselves to Hyrule, Link couldn’t blame people’s cautiousness. Besides, it simply wasn’t within in his best interest being a protector anymore. There wasn’t much to really speak about the issue— Zelda probably would have if she were here, but she wasn’t, so blissful silence stood. He held no love in his heart for the people of Hyrule, much as they had none for him. They turned their backs on him, and so he does similarly to them. But you… you weren’t of Hyrule. So it was only natural to him that you’d be the exception.
Sent to him by strings of blue light, you awoke confused at first. You knew nothing of the lands nor people he spoke of, and eventually reached the conclusion that, you too were out of place in the world that now was. He couldn’t simply leave you at Hateno —they were cautious to accept him, they would never accept you as you are— so, instead, he just had to keep you. He played knight once before, so had hard could it truly be. So while you attuned yourself to your reality —while still ripping away for a chance back home, one he simply couldn’t permit— all he had to do was kill what turned their blades on you. It was rhythmic and mindless. But, as it turns out, He found it oddly more enjoyable to play knight when there was someone to kiss his wounds better after busting ass so you’d be safe. In reality it was you that made it worthwhile, not the work. You’d brush his hair and braid it so it wouldn’t mat, whispering stories of your home. Stories that much resembled myths with how far they were out of his hands. Stories you spoke through tight lips as he smiled. Stories that filled his head long after you stopped speaking. He’s never been much keen on people —or were they never keen on him?— and yet he couldn’t grapple if it was normal to feel this much over your friends.
His devotion to you was rooted deep within him, stiff and unwavering. It wound through his battered heart, patching it whole. As time passed and the roots grew deeper and deeper, lodging themselves more and more, he found his line of work expand. Monsters caused a threat, sure, but that begs the question— what really is a monster? That man who was following you? No way to tell what was going through his head. But it was better you’d be safe rather than him being alive. The mean shopkeep, patronising you for not fitting into a tunic? She’d ought to be nicer now she has no tongue. Homeless man lunging at your ankle? Can’t beg if he has no hands. All in the matter of keeping you safe. Hyrule was a very, very dangerous place. But you were lucky to have the Hero at your bidding. He waited on your call, on your order. Especially since you always made it worth it in ways of food and whatnot. He’d have given you his heart unseasoned if it meant you’d give him a kiss on the cheek. He’d forge the ring if it’d mean you’d marry him. He’d build a house where no man nor monster could find it so you’d live safe. He’d kill ganon a million times over so long as he could fall into your arms afterwards. You must understand how much he loves you. The time and care he’s put in, the blood he’s spilt in your name, he loves you. So much. Too much. Too much to let you go home to your stories. Your home is with him now.
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When director Hidemaro Fujibayashi said that Zelda in TOTK is “going through growth, experiencing things, and ultimately figuring out what kind of a person she’s going to be,” how would you say that is reflected in the game? What kind of person do you think she realizes she wants to be? What scene(s) reflect her overall growth?
Zelda’s growth in this game is all about choosing her role, becoming a leader for a freshly healing Hyrule, and about finding her place in the past. For so many, I think we misinterpret growth and development, as Zelda’s main growth in BoTW was directly tied to her magic and her narrowed outlook on life.
In botw, Zelda disregards the reason she needs a knight, naively travels by herself for research purposes, cannot understand the magic supposedly within her, detests the magic, and ultimately detests herself. She’s constantly bottling up her emotions, to the point that she lashes out and it is even commented by Daruk that she “can’t quite see the ranges” because she was incredibly sheltered and stubborn as a result from the constant pressure to do as she is told, not as she thinks. We do see Zelda working on this, as a result of finally seeing Link for who he is, rather than what she has assumed of him. On top of that personal development, she is pitted against a prophecy that TELLS her what she has to do. And when she finally unlocks her magic, in a moment of pure love and selflessness, she is forced to adhere to the prophecy, to do as the sword’s spirit says, to play her part in this prophecy.
I think so many people think Zelda’s development is shallow or barely there in ToTK because we don’t see that personal development piece we get with Zelda and Link’s relationship. And the reason for that is simple— Zelda is now an adult, she has matured and grown from the development we got to see in botw. She’s at peace with herself and with the fact that her magic is basically gone.
The thing she spent the entirety of her life focusing on— it’s gone. Zelda no longer has that pressure on her shoulders. There’s no prophecy to live up to. There’s no kingdom to protect.
But there is one to rebuild.
*spoilers for totk and the ending*
We see through Princess Sightings side quests how Zelda has truly traveled the world of Hyrule and gotten to know her people. She is beloved by all— she did NOT immediately reclaim a throne abandoned for a century. She did NOT make it a priority to rebuild castle town and the castle. I have seen people actively BASH these things, but it makes so much sense when you consider who Zelda is.
Zelda is this legendary Princess that has been holding back Calamity Ganon for a century— everyone knows of her (which is confirmed by talking to NPC’s, one of the most notable being Manny from Hateno). And from ToTK, we see that she has formed research teams, a Guard, presumably (with the shared opinion of Robbie and Purah) cleared nearly all traces of Sheikah tech from Hyrule, built a school to ensure education is properly taught, and invigorated Hyrule’s kingdom through COMMUNITY and CULTURE. Zelda could not just sweep away the rubble on her throne in the Sanctum and start ordering shit around from the castle.
She integrated herself back into Hyrule, learned the people of NOW and grew to love them. Zelda acted as a symbol for a long time and she finally got to show everyone exactly who she is. A kind, compassionate, incredibly smart girl who lived in a village just like everyone else. She put the focus on healing the kingdom and rebuilding it. Which brings us to the world we see in ToTK.
One question in general helps us pinpoint Zelda’s development in ToTK: What is her purpose of being in the past?
This question is first introduced through Rauru, who posed it as a “why”. Why did Zelda’s magic bring her back to this point in time? Why is she here, at the moment in time where Hyrule is currently under the rule of its first King and Queen. Now let’s take a look at this— Zelda went back in time. A newly developed kingdom. The first King and Queen. So that + that = fuckin parallels PEOPLE!!! PARALLELS!!!! Ooh man do I love parallels.
ANYWAY. This introduces Zelda’s main development in ToTK. Whereas in botw her character constantly expected to act as she is told, do as is prophesied (is that a word? … I have a degree in professional writing but that word looks so incorrect… sorry, carry on), and ultimately accepts that the thing she vied for her entire life has been drained, her character in ToTK is now given the chance to DO as she wants, to find her own role, to make her OWN choice.
It’s foreshadowed with Zelda unlocking her magic in botw by way of her own, deliberate, selfless choice to love and protect Link that grants her a path to save everyone else. Zelda’s entire CHOICE is a key focus in her journey.
Zelda chooses to train her magic, to learn about the Zonai, to befriend the sages, to immerse herself in the culture of a Hyrule long forgotten by time. There was no one telling her what she HAD to do. Instead, she was guided. Zelda is supported by Sonia and Rauru in ways she was never granted as a child.
And in this, she learns that even having EVERYTHING she was deprived of in botw, they will fail. They couldn’t save Sonia. They won’t stop Ganondorf.
Zelda, through all of this, develops as a LEADER. She acts as a Sage and ultimately finds herself confused at Rauru’s steadfast determination. She knows he will die if they face off with Ganondorf. He knows he will too. But.
“Maybe so. But it is my duty to try.”
Rauru is the King of Hyrule. He made the choice best suited for his kingdom, to be the sacrifice in order to let the world continue on in his absence. He did what was best for the kingdom— not what was best for him as a person. He was secure in his role as the King of Hyrule, he knows the type of leader he is and wants to be.
Zelda… has not yet figured that out for herself. She is beloved, known to the people of Hyrule for his compassionate deeds and lovely personality, but she has yet to cement herself as the Queen of Hyrule. Naturally, she was born a Princess and remembered to be, but she is not a Queen. She is the Princess of a newly developing kingdom, one being rebuilt from rubble. But she is not the Queen. She is the only royal family member left.
Zelda’s character in ToTK develops to be a QUEEN.
Her actions and assured choices speak VOLUMES over the ones she took when she was listening to the words of others. Instead, she CHOSE to TRY. She embraced the duty to her kingdom, even if it took EVERYTHING she had to offer. Her sense of self and her life. Gone. She expected to NEVER wake up as she does in the end of totk. She knew precisely WHY she found herself in the past, in that era, and with Sonia, Rauru, and the sages.
Zelda chooses to have faith in Link, to heal the sword, to lose herself… all for her kingdom. The one she was rebuilding. The one she was healing with. Zelda becomes her own, mature leader in ToTK. And this is even FURTHER established at the very end, with the extra cutscene of Zelda, Link, and the new sages. They vow to support ZELDA.
The last vow was the serve the King of Hyrule. Zelda now finds herself in the same position, albeit different circumstances and new people.
Zelda’s development in ToTK is establishing the leader she WANTS to be, the person she matured TO be, and ultimately the Queen she WILL be.
Zelda’s story is so emotional and there are so many layers to dig through that I am so so thankful to have the opportunity to discuss this. She is absolutely PRECIOUS and I am so proud of her and the journey from botw to the end of totk.
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batrogers · 4 months
If you want the short version of "Which Link's pay their taxes?", here's my LU headcanons going off the excessively long post here:
Sky = He's telling people what taxes to pay because he's helping Zelda build the city on the surface and in Hylia's name, he's got way more sympathy for Gaepora now that he's had to deal with it himself.
Four = He's enjoying immensely that his grandpa handles it for him, and he has NO intention of seriously dealing with it himself if he can ever avoid it. (He has indeed been sat down and taught how, and he is fond of insisting that he is *fourteen*, you are NOT dying, stop making me do this--)
Time = Zelda gave him lands as a gift for his military service and the whole knighthood thing, but she was sensible enough to give him lands that manage themselves, so he only "owns" Lon Lon Ranch. Talon incessantly teases him about this fact that technically he owes him tax, not Zelda, and Time groans every time it comes up. (Talon just pays the Castle directly still.) Malon, when she's especially annoyed at the cows or horses on any given day, will tell him that *his* livestock are acting up, but otherwise politely does not remind him.
Wind = Tetra has never paid a harbour duty tax she could avoid, but she HAS been caught and narrowly escaped several times. There's a few ports they can't legally visit anymore because of this, and Wind finds it hysterical. (I imagine the rest of the Chain is not looking forward to bailing him out of jail if they wind up in one of those cities.)
Twilight = As a resident of Ordon village, he's not really responsible for his own taxes because they're paid by the village as a whole. Mayor Bo handles it, and he hasn't legally established himself in anyone ELSE'S census so he's free of worrying about it. Mayor Bo does bug him for money once in a while, but overall it doesn't come up.
Warriors = He's a conscript who's not really asked if its legal for him to not be a soldier anymore, but hey! He's only paying some taxes which he likes because taxes pay for his food and lodging. He's vaguely complained about it a few times and rapidly realized the others have no idea what he's talking about, so he sticks to the simple stuff: he's a Captain now! He only pays a few nominal taxes. Better than the rest deal with, right?
Legend = His uncle and grandfather both are still around and so he's safe from having to pay his own taxes for a while, although they live elsewhere. That doesn't matter, though, because as a knight's son as long as they claim they're covering him the royal family doesn't much care what he does. Ravio has definitely stated this is fantastic, and Legend has been treated to some exhausting stories about the process to rebuild Lorule. He's holding out hope his uncle lives a very long time so he's not going to be stuck dealing with it himself, thank you VERY much.
Hyrule = He's living in Castletown and working with his Zeldas at this point, so he's paying whatever's normal taxes for the city. He's a nice enough kid he probably pays other people's taxes too, and does his best to keep up with things so his Zeldas have the best chance of rebuilding possible. Definitely ducks out of any labour calls though, so he doesn't draw monsters nearby and they all know why not.
Wild = He's paying Hateno taxes like everyone else, although I imagine he's had a few extended debates with the mayor about what's the most useful thing to pay in. The mayor sometimes has a hard time processing the fact there's options, nevermind what the options ARE. Zelda would mostly like him to stop trying to plant durian in the yard.
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syndxlla · 11 months
best friends don’t look at each other the way we do
A low stakes, high reward, and self-indulgent Zelink fan fiction. Canon-compliant. takes place between BOTW and TOTK.
chapter four: I’m better than ever
Read chapter three here
My masterlist
Song: Landscape with a Fairy by aspidistrafly
Summary: Link and Zelda start to get back on their feet, local problems in Hateno Village start to arise.
Warnings: PTSD, dealing with trauma
Word Count: 3.3k
Authors Note: sorry this took me so long to update! This is unedited so pls be kind haha. I love you all! Also I’m working on getting this uploaded to Ao3!
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A few days go by, and Zelda finally starts to feel like herself again. After three days of laying in bed, drinking broth that Link makes for her, and falling into deep, dreary sleeps, she can finally get herself out of bed.
She walks downstairs, not feeling dizzy or nauseous, to find Link passed out against the table. His mouth is slack, and the smallest amount of drool dribbles out onto the cracked wood. His eyelashes are long and thick, and he has an old scar through one of his eyebrows, causing a clean-cut line of no hair. He looks so gentle when he sleeps, soft and peaceful. You would never guess he was the threat he was.
Zelda knew how badly he needed to sleep, he had spent days restless over her. She knew he got some rest here and there, but never enough to really help. She notices his shoulder shake, he isn’t wearing a shirt. She swears he never does at home. It was cold, despite it nearing summertime. Zelda goes to grab one of the wool blankets he keeps on a bench against the wall. Before she carefully drapes it around his shoulders, she examines the scars on his back. It’s littered with cuts and bruises. Some had healed well, and were only suggesting an injury. Others were a pale shade of tissue, some were still red and pink. One even still had his make-do stitches in it. She wondered who did them for him, and what battle caused the injury. Link still had bruises on his side and bicep from the fight with the calamity. They were starting to turn a jaundiced yellow and green, his body slowly healing them. Zelda’s stomach turns at the memories of the beast.
She shakes her head and sighs, placing the blanket over his bare skin and positioning it over his shoulders. Link stirs and his breathing shifts, he closes his mouth, swallowing before continuing his dreams. His hair is out of his hair tie, and it lies loose around his shoulders and face.
His face and look is so alluring, there's something about him that’s so comforting. She could sit with him all day, just with him as he slept, knowing that she’s safe.
She uses the washroom, taking her hair out of the old braid and letting the soft waves fall over her shoulders and cascade down her back. A pit churns in her stomach as she looks at her long hair. Her hair was always a part of her identity. Something she never cut, never damaged. It was beautiful, even after the years of divine wear and tear on it. She never had a choice with her hair. She didn’t get to make hardly any choices for herself. He runs her hands through her hair, sometimes she wished she could just rip it all out. Have a fresh slate.
She changes her clothes after searching for something fresh to wear, she would eventually need some of her own clothes. Zelda does all of this being as quiet as she can be. She doesn’t want to wake the sleeping hero at any cost. She finds an old pair of green pants that hit her at the knees, they’re comfortable, but tight to her skin. She finds the matching blue tank top that goes with it, and pulls it over her head. It feels nice to have some clean clothes on. When Link wakes up, she’ll ask if there’s a clothing store nearby.
The princess starts on breakfast, pulling some bird eggs from the cool inventory and a bit of goat butter. She has no idea what she’s doing, and very quickly realizes that she’s burning the eggs. In a panic, Zelda attempts to fix her mess, but somehow makes it worse. She quietly swears and before she knows it, Link is standing behind her, wrapping his arms around her body and replacing her grip on the skillet with his own calloused hands.
He engulfs himself around her, resting his chin on her shoulder as he pulls the burnt egg away from her. Her heart flutters, skipping a beat. She wonders how he was able to do an act that was so simple, so domestic. Did he think about it the same way she did? She felt safer and warmer in his embrace, wanting to linger there forever, feeling his bare chest against her back, but it's over all too soon. He steps away and fixes her mistake.
“I-I’m so sorry.” Zelda sighs. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothings wrong with you.” Link assures, “Open the windows.” He nods to the glass. Zelda goes to push them open, and they must not have been opened in years because they creak open with a tired groan and dust falls from the frames. Her breaths are quickly followed by coughs after the fact, and she scrunches her nose.
Almost immediately, Link is making a perfect omelet, and it smells wonderful.
“How do you do that?”
“Years of practice.” He smiles. “Grab some plates.” She follows his request again, his voice is still gruff and gravely from his sleep. Zelda places the plates on the table, facing across from each other. Link carries the pan over to the plates, cutting the omelet in half with his spoon and then placing each half on the plates, being sure to give Zelda the bigger piece. Zelda sits after thanking him, and instead of Link sitting across from her, he drags the plate for himself across the table to be next to hers, taking his place right next to her on the bench, legs pressing up against one another. Zelda begs her thoughts not to be too ambitious.
They eat mostly in silence.
“Is there a clothing store nearby?”
Link nods, “Yup, two of ‘em actually.” He looks at her, his eyes still sleepy, “I can go get you some if you like.”
“I would like to go with you, if that’s alright.” Zelda nods.
“Are you feeling well enough?” He asks.
“Mhm,” She hums, “I would really like to get out of this house.”
“What, you don’t like my house?” Link asks, pretending to be hurt.
Zelda giggles, chiding him, “I love your house.” She sighs, those words came so easily. The word ‘love’ lingers in her mind. “Will you teach me how to cook?”
Link laughs, “Oh no you can’t fix that.” He teases her in reference to her antics this morning. She frowns, unamused, and he sighs, “I’ll teach you, but in return I want you to teach me something, too.”
“Anything.” Zelda smiles.
“Teach me how to be brave. Like you.” He asks after a beat.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about it… and I’m terrified. All the time I am.” He swallows, scared to open up like this, proving his own point. He glances at the princess who stares at him with her beautiful, green eyes which inspires him to keep going, “I know I’m the courage guy and everything, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid of things, like I’m not afraid to beat up monsters or jump headfirst into a well, but I’m filled with this… this dread. Like something bad is going to happen and no matter what I do, I can’t stop it.” He explains, never being this vulnerable with anyone anymore. He used to be with Mipha back in the day, but she was gone because of something Link couldn’t stop.
“Link… courage and bravery are two different things.” Zelda states, taking a risk and placing a dainty hand on his, the touch is electric, they both feel it. “Bravery is the ability to walk into an enemy camp with a decayed weapon and two apples. Courage is the strength to keep fighting when it feels impossible to.” She explains.
Link looks at her, and he realizes how easy it would be to just lean over and kiss her. Her lips are so soft, so pink, so inviting. He glances at them a few times. He decides not to.
“I just… I just don’t want to lose you again.” He pulls his hand away, looking down at the empty plate dejectedly.
“Hey.” She pulls his gaze again, their eyes meeting once more. “You got me. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” She reassures him, and then rests her head on his shoulder. They needed one another.
He’s worried sick about her the entire time they’re in town. He can’t quit watching her, and she’s enthralled by the stimulation of the world around her. She almost gets plowed over by a kid running through the street, and she just laughs when it happens, the brightest smile on her face.
She takes a deep breath, feeling the sun on her face. The warmth of early summertime makes her cheeks a soft pink and eyelashes flutter.
“Did you have to bring that with you?” She asks, referencing the legendary sword that was strapped to his back. “It’s safe now, remember?”
Link frowns, “You can never be too-safe.” He just nods and she shrugs.
Zelda takes a hop-like step to the bulletin board posted in town to read the notices. One read that there would be a sale on milk up at the farm the next week, another was basic town hubbub, but one stood out to her. It was written by the hands of someone who isn’t very skilled with penmanship. It was a note asking for books, probably by a child. The note asked that someone would kindly donate a few new books for this young reader, leaving them on the bench outside of the mayor's home. She smiled, this was the type of kid she was.
A completely different note catches Link’s eye.
New monster spotted north-east of town. Killed two cattle. Please be cautious.
Link hums, turning the paper over to see if there’s any more information, but that was it.
“What is it?” Zelda asks.
“A monster. I would guess it's just a Moblin, but the note says it's new.” LInk frowns, perplexed. “I’ve fought every monster in Hyrule ten times over, there are only Moblins and Bokoblins in these parts.”
“Should we be worried?” She asks, her eyes blown-wide. She’s in constant fear of having to go through anything traumatic again.
Link shrugs, “I saw a destroyed fence the other day up there, I should probably go speak with the rancher.” He shoves the note in his back pocket, “Come on, let’s get you some clothes.” He holds his arm out for her to take, something he hasn’t done in a long time. He almost pulls it away in embarrassment but she gladly takes it, smiling at him as she does.
Both of their hearts threatened to burst out of their chests, but they each calmly forced themselves to stay composed.
Link leads her into one of the clothing stores, the door ringing from a bell as they enter. The shop was small, but had plenty of things in stock. Zelda pulls away from his arm sooner than either of them would have liked to start browsing. Link follows three steps behind, where he usually was.
“Link!” A woman smiles from the back of the shop. Ivee walks towards him, cheerful. “You’ve been gone for so long! I thought I heard you were back in town.” She says before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. Link is a little surprised by it and doesn’t really hug her back.
Link nods with a smile. “I’ll be in town for a while.” He states, being friendly but not too friendly. He and Ivee have some history.
“You? Never.” She giggled, stepping closer to him, she was a bit shorter than him, and had cute brown eyes that sparkled up at him. “You can’t stay put in one place for too long, you'll get bored!” Her body language was flirty, handsy, she thought Link was as handsome as everyone else did.
Zelda is made aware of the situation and tries to keep her cool. There’s no reason to get jealous. “Well you all better give me some work to keep myself busy.” He smiles, scratching the back of his head.
“Oh I would love to.” She sighs and Link awkwardly laughs.
Zelda steps in at that moment, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” She stands a little closer to Link than she normally does, not quite touching him, but close enough.
“Ivee.” She says to Zelda. “And who are you…”
Zelda takes a harrowing breath, “Who am I?” She asks, her tone increasingly offended, “Who am I?” She asks again laughing at Link, “Well I am the Pri-“ She starts to say and Link interrupts her grabbing her shoulder.
“This is Zelda, she’s from the west. She’ll be staying with me for a while.”
“Oh.” Ivee looks visibly hurt. She then looks at Zelda with a frown, “You know, it’s bad luck to be named Zelda. That’s what the Princess who killed herself a hundred years ago was named.” She sighs, glaring at Zelda. Her gaze softens when she returns to speaking with Link, “If you need any assistance, I’ll just be up here.” She smiles and turns around, “It’s great to have you back in town, Linky. I would love to walk up to the waterfall at Nirvata lake with you again. It was so fun last time.” She winks at him before returning back to her perch.
Links cheeks burn red.
“Rude.” Zelda mutters under her breath. “What in the name of Hylia does she mean by that?…Linky?” Zelda teases, scoffing at him. Link swallows, embarrassed.
He then signs to Zelda, ‘Ivee makes up stories’.
Zelda lifts an eyebrow, not believing it, ‘She’s not very polite’.
Link shakes his head, ‘She’s young. Times are different’. He pulls Zelda into a more secluded corner of the store, not wanting to embarrass anyone, ‘You can’t tell people you’re the Princess’.
‘Why Not?’ Zelda signs back, her expression frustrated and confused, ‘I am, aren’t I? I didn’t kill myself. Do they really believe that?’
Link nods, ‘Some people don’t even believe the Calamity happened’.
“What?” Zelda verbally exclaims.
Link holds his pointer-finger to his lips, hushing her, Conspiracy theorists or something.’ He signs, ‘besides, people won’t believe you if you tell them you’re The Princess’.
‘That’s absurd!’ Zelda angrily signs at him.
Link tries to calm her down, looking at her with his understanding eyes, ‘Until we can get the Zora to confirm for the Hylians that you are The Princess, It’s best to just lay low’.
Zelda frowns, wrapping her arms across her chest. ‘Fine’. She signs back.
Link nods, “Let’s get you some clothes.”
They leave the store with a good collection of items, some shirts and trousers, a hooded cloak, socks and a pair of boots for her. She was still wandering around in her goddess sandals. “Most ladies wear skirts these days, when you’re in town, you should too.” He explains as they walk next door to a nicer, more prestigious shop. Zelda was acutely aware that he did not offer her his arm when they left Ivee’s shop.
“So they’ve regressed?” Zelda asks, back in her day, it was becoming quite popular for women to sport trousers, even in formal situations.
“Very much, yes.” Link nods. “The calamity threw the world back, technology has been put on a complete hold, there have been little-to-no scientific breakthroughs since.” Link explains. It makes Zelda sad.
“That’s a real tragedy.” She frowns, “We were making so much progress.”
“I know.” Link says, “but now everyone just fends for themselves. If there's a famine or illness in a town, it's up to that town to solve it. There was a village in West Hyrule, before the canyon that had survived the Calamity. They were doing pretty well for the first fifty or so years. But then they had a bad plague, and were completely wiped out. There's nothing but a ruin there now.”
Zelda’s heart hurts, “It’s my fault.” She stops in her tracks. Link turns around, looking at her dejected composure. He walks back to her, taking her hand with his.
“Look at me.” He says, but she keeps her gaze set on the dirt road. Link takes his hand and gently lifts her chin to make eye-contact with him. “It’s not your fault. This is not on one person's shoulders.”
“I know but-“
“Zelda.” He stops her, “We can’t change the past. It happened. But we are both still here.” He takes both her hands now, “We survived, so let's look into the future. There’s only up from here.” He reassures her.
Zelda cracks a smile, and she desperately wants to lean in and give him a quick, gentle kiss on his lips. But she doesn’t, because she can’t guarantee he would kiss her back, and she would rather suffer in silence over her desires for him, but stay close, than jeopardize their friendship at all.
“Come on.” He leads her into the store, not letting go of one of her hands until they’re inside.
Zelda leaves with two dresses now, a soft, cotton dress that’s blue, and a white one with green and yellow details on the hem of the fabrics. “Thank you, Link.” She says as they begin their walk back home. “How do you have so much money?”
“Talus.” Link nods, not giving anymore context. Zelda shrugs, catching up with him.
They spent that evening cleaning, Link finally took care of all the junk he stored there, discarding old weapons and starting a burn pile outback to get rid of scraps and wooden bows. Zelda takes a big broom and dusts out all of the cobwebs, sweeping out piles of dirt, and taking care of the sand pile that had accumulated from his treasures found in the desert. She noticed how her heart twinged at the idea of the desert, the idea of Urbosa. She shakes the thought away, focusing on the task.
Dusk falls on them, and Zelda is wiping down the walls with an old rag while Link is sitting up in the rafters, dusting the wooden beams the roof is built on and trying to reach a bird's nest that had been built up there. He straddles a beam, shirtless, barefoot, and dusty.
As he sits up there, he peers down at the girl who kneels twenty feet below him, her long hair tied back into a bun and secured with a stick shoved through the center of it. Her feet bare and dirty, toes poking out from under her bottom as she sat on them. She couldn’t see him looking at her, couldn’t hear how his heart beat twice as fast when he thought about her, wasn’t aware of how his pupils grew at the sight of her.
She hummed, and he could hear it. Humming a song he didn’t know, but felt vaguely familiar, like he knew it in a past life. Link wondered if the past incarnations of the Goddess and the Hero ever loved each other. Surely they did, to some degree. Maybe platonic, or the type of love you have for someone you work alongside and deeply respect. He wondered if any of them ever loved each other the way he wanted to love his Zelda. Did it ever work? Had he been a king in a past life? Did their past selves ever have children? His stomach flutters at the idea of having a family with her.
She must have sensed his gaze because as soon as he begins to fantasize about Zelda having a baby with him, she looks up at him, and smiles. He’s so shocked by her sudden gaze, terrified that she could read his mind and almost loses his balance on the beam, falling his chest onto it and holding on. He smiles back and laughs. Zelda giggles at him.
“How’s the view? Up there?” She stands up and does a silly little dance around herself.
He sighs, and laughs, “the view is perfect!” He shouts down, “A little dusty.” Coughing a bit.
She asks, “Are you alright up there?”
Link smiles, “I’m better than ever.”
Chapter five
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spicyicetea · 8 months
HIIII, I love your writing!!! Like your my source of my alone time when not crying or crafting, or gaming! ( We have stuff in common :D). SOOOOO, I have a recommendation!! It would be pretty cool to have you do this sooooo Like Yeah! But could you do a part two to the Link x Milf reader because I loved that one ( Cuz im like that ;) ). And could you do Totk Link x cuddly reader.
Ps. My computer dosnt let me write question Marks :l
LOVE UR WRITING :D -Madisu Kulina
Awww you’re legit so sweet! Eeee it’s messages like this that make me wanna keep posting. I’m actually already working on a pt 2 for the Milf!Y/N and I’ll make sure to tag you in it once it’s done. So for now I’ll do the other request. I assume you’d also like this to be yandere themed as it’s kinda my main thing at this point. I’ll split this into bullet points and then a short imagine.
Usual warnings: Yandere behaviour, NSFW topics mentioned but no actual smut. MDNI.
TOTK Link x Cuddly, Fem! Y/N
Link has always hit me as the type of Yandere who loves a physically affectionate reader. Being able to be near someone and protect them is a big deal, especially with all the crazy things happening in Hyrule.
If this is before Ganondorf was defeated, he takes you everywhere with him.
Each Sage he recruited knows you are his priority and to protect you with their lives or face him in a battle. None of them wanted that, they knew better.
You were a Hylian woman he bumped into while visiting Hateno village. Watching you man the fields awoke something in him. A gorgeous woman like you shouldn’t have to work day and nights just to get food and a roof over her head. She deserves to be pampered. And he can do that for you.
He practically swept you off your feet and proclaimed he would marry you once he defeated Ganondorf. He plans to keep that promise.
You ride sitting in front of him on Epona so he can make sure you’re comfortable. When he jumps off to fight or explore on foot, you stay on the saddle, Epona prepared to run for the hills as her master has instructed should danger even look your way.
He was fully prepared to be the “bad guy”. Making sure you would appreciate his generosity and gentle handling when he could be so rough. He needed you to need him.
But, he figured out he didn’t need to rather quickly.
It was a cold and he had left to handle a monster infestation near where you had been camping. The rain lashed at the ground outside the cave you and Epona were hunkered in for safety. The oversized tunic you wore as a makeshift dress club to your form, soaked with water. Flint sparks as you tried to start up the fire, having moved some spare sticks into the cave. It just wouldn’t work. With a heavy sigh, you hunkered over, shivering while fiddling with the flint in your hands.
“Y/N… you’re cold.” A familiar voice rang.
Link stood behind you, soaked by the rain. He tossed his pouch aside, prepared to strip you so he could dry your clothes. With a sigh, he took his gloves off but when he went to grab you, he jolted to a stop. Your arms wrapped around him, your cheek nuzzling his chin.
“Link! I was so worried, I missed you.” You pouted up at him.
His face flushed red and he hugged you tightly back, peppering your face with kisses. You truly were his adorable little wife. He couldn’t wait to have you back at his home where you’d stay safe for him to come home to each day.
His day dreaming was interrupted as you tugged at his shirt and trousers. Your greedy hands couldn’t get enough of him, maybe he’d have to give you what you wanted. He had planned for your first intimate experience to be on your wedding day but he’s more than willing to jump the gun. Oh how he would love to fold you and abuse that tight pretty c-
“Link! You need to dry your clothes!”
Yes… he couldn’t wait to marry you. His touchy little princess.
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ihatelink · 1 year
Trust Fall (Revali X Reader) - Part 1
Word Count: 2,780
Pairing: Revali X Reader (Female)
Fandom/Universe: Legend of Zelda (Breath of The Wild)
Themes/Content: Romance (Slow Burn), Fantasy, Action.
Warnings: None
Synopsis: You visit your friend in Rito Village in order to escape the sense of dread looming over your home of Castle Town as the prophesied doomsday slowly grows closer. It is here on your visit that you meet a Rito warrior who turns your world upside-down.
Authors Note: Finally got round to writing this! Since he's not mentioned in TOTK at all I just had to start a fanfic for him. I miss him so much. I'm uploading this from my laptop so if the formate is weird or there needs to be more paragraphs just let me know! I don't consider myself a pro on Zelda lore so I do apologise for any mistakes. Also, this fan fiction will have two endings! (One canon to BOTW and one canon to Hyrule Warriors) Other than that, I hope you enjoy! - I don't know what to call myself... should I go by my username? What about something stupid like Loafus?... I don't know... I'll work on it 🪶🤎
Rito Village was your second home. You felt so much comfort and associated the place with such a feeling of warmth, it was surprising you hadn't made it your permanent residence. When it came to Rito Village you only had positive memories.
This was mostly due to your best friend, Frita, being a rito. The two of you had met at a very young age and had been best friends ever since, visiting each other every couple of weeks or whenever you had spare time. She would teach you about the ways of the rito and you in turn would teach her about hylians. Frita truly was like a sister to you, and you loved her more than words could say.
"Daydreaming again?", her voice broke you from your thoughts, her bright blue eyes sparkling with joy. You blinked a few times, finally registering her words, and you couldn't help but giggle to yourself. "Yes, I guess I was". "What we're you daydreaming about?", she asked, turning her attention back to the salmon sizzling in the village's communal cooking pot, the aroma swirling through the air, making your mouth water in anticipation. Later in the night was the perfect time for cooking here as most ritos had gone to sleep; Their poor night vision meant that many would retire early in the evening. "Just thinking about flying", you confess sheepishly and Frita rolled her eyes playfully, responding with, "You're always thinking about flying". "I can't help it whenever I'm here. You all look so majestic and free", you gushed. "I would love to be able to experience what it's like to fly for myself instead of having to be on your back". "Perhaps if you pray to Hylia enough she'll allow you to become one of us", she chuckled and you couldn't help but laugh along with her. Frita eventually added the tebantha wheat to the pot and the goat butter as the two of you talked about everything under the stars. "Are you still planning on moving to Hateno Village?", she asked as she began to plate up your dinners. "Yes, unfortunately. It means I'll  be further away from you", you mumbled and Frita's face fell in disappointment. "It's the best option as, if this impending doom really is to show itself one day, the city centre is most likely one of the first places to be attacked. If I could, I'd love to live here with you". "Well, why don't you?". You shook your head. "You know I'd stick out like a sore thumb here. I wouldn't be able to pull my weight or help the village in any way. I'd be more of a burden than anything". "Perhaps not! If I could find a way for you to easily integrate into life here, would you move here?". The more Frita spoke, the more you felt a warmth spread through your entire being. "You'd have me, you'd be well protected- our warriors are exceptional, there's plenty of food and resources in the area… just don't make any final decisions to move just yet. Allow me a chance". You chuckled, taken aback by your friends willingness to help you and keep you by her side. "Okay, I'll give you a chance".
You cut yourself short when you noticed movement out of your peripheral vision. The gentle padding of talloned footsteps grew closer and bright emerald green eyes encased in bright red watched from the darkness. Finally a rito came into view. "Rather late to be cooking, don't you think?". His tone was sharp and precise, you couldn't tell if he was making small talk or if he was irritated with the fact that the two of you were occupying the cook pot. Did he usually use it at this time? "Oh! Revali! Sorry, did you want to use the cooking pot", Frita asked, a light quality to her voice as she politely addressed him, yet an awkward silence seemed to settle over the three of you as his eyes travelled from her to settle on you, staring down his beak right into your very soul. "Who is this hylian?", he asked bluntly. "This is my best friend. She's visiting for a short while", she informed him of your name and that you were from Castle Town. "Would you care to join us?", you then offered, cutting through the awkward pause in conversation. "We have plenty to go around". Frita cut you a glance, surprised by your sudden offer, but did not protest, adding "Yes, do join us! I'm assuming you've just finished practice? You must be famished". Revali opened his beak but quickly shut it, perhaps to reject the offer but thought better of it. He took a moment to smooth out the cream scarf around his neck. "Well, if you insist, I suppose I could join you", he hummed, making his way to sit across from you.
As he took his seat, he placed a beautifully crafted bow to his side, coated in vibrant colours and intricate designs, a scrap of teal fabric tied to one end. He held himself with pride, sitting tall, spine straight, shoulders squared. With the fact that he was taller than you, it was a little intimidating. "Have you visited our village before?", he asked, and it took you a second to realise his question was directed towards you. "Oh yes, plenty of times. I've been visiting since I was a child. That's how I met Frita", you explained, gesturing to your friend as dinner was being dished onto plates chiselled from stone. "Hmm, surely I would have met you by now if that were the case", he muttered as he was handed his food, "it's interesting how our paths have never crossed". You shrugged unsure of what else to say, other than, "Perhaps we weren't meant to meet yet. Us meeting now may be fate?", you laughed lightly, amused by the thought. Revali scoffed in response, "I believe we are in control of our own fate. For example; I didn't become one of the greatest rito warriors through fate and sheer dumb luck alone". "And so modest about it too", you joked which caused Frita to just about choke on her food. She tried to excuse herself as calmly as possible, covering her beak with her wing while still coughing her lungs up. Judging by her reaction, you considered how you may have overstepped a boundary. Not everyone knew when you were joking upon first meeting you. You often sounded more serious than you intended. "I'm only teasing", you clarified, playing with your food on the end of your fork absentmindedly. "I'm sure you're  more than deserving of the title", you tried for your most sincere smile you could conjure, yet Revali didn't seem convince.
Finally, Frita had caught her breath, tears in the corners of her eyes. "No no, Revali really is the greatest of our warriors. Our people gave him that title", she croaked, her throat sounding raw from coughing. "He's the pride of the rito", she insisted, dropping her voice to a more serious tone. Your face contorted in amused disbelief before you began to wrack your brain for any information that would help you deduct the truth. "So he is the rito that's won the annual archery competition for the past five years? He's that same-…", you began to trail off, recalling the conversation you had with your father.
You came from a wealthy family, both your parents working for the King and late Queen of Hyrule . Your mother was the royal gerudo correspondent and your father was the royal rito correspondent- this being the reason you spent so much time in Rito Village growing up, as well as Gerudo Town. You remembered the past few years you couldn't make the annual archery competition held in the village, since you were either accompanying your mother on business trips or doing your own work, but you father had come home stating how the rito 'Revali' had won again. He would then follow up by talking about his superb skills and how his talent for aerial combat were superior in comparison to his peers. Your father claimed that the rito was unmatched and unrivalled, as well as claiming that he may very soon be known as one of- if not the most skilled warrior in all of Hyrule. (Which was very high praise coming from your father, since he was rarely impressed by anyone).
It was like a shock wave was sent through your body. "In the name of Hylia! I didn't realise it was you! I am so sorry! Please forgive my rudeness", you blubbered, putting your half eaten dinner aside, stumbling over your words as you rushed out your apology. "So you have heard of me", he lulled before an amused smirk graced his features. "I suppose I can forgive you since your rudeness was more disbelief than pure ignorance". "Thank you”, you breathed a sigh of relief. “I have heard a lot about your skills and I-… well…", once again you had trailed off. You looked to Frita for reassurance, yet she seemed as nervous as you; her posture was stiff as she sat with a straight spine, her eyes glancing between you and the navy rito. "From what I've heard, you're an incredibly skilled archer", you approached the conversation cautiously, hoping this angle would amend any bitterness you may have caused. Revali looked a you and you felt your breath catch in your throat as you locked eyes before he let out a gruff chuckle. "I suppose you could say that".
You and Frita ate in a comfortable silence while listening to Revali drawl on about the countless competitions he's won along with his many talents regarding aerial combat. Before long, your mind began to wonder.
You couldn't help but think of home. How it was slowly being consumed by a festering anxiety. There was a heavy air across the whole of Castle Town as you all prepared for this prophesied impending doom. The army had began vigorously training since last month. Some of those warriors were your friends- people you had grown up with. It was terrifying to think how some of them you may never see again once the Calamity strikes. Some were beginning to research the ancient technology that had recently been unearthed to see if they could be used to defend Hyrule. These were called guardians, and then there were also the recently uncovered Divine Beasts. At times, it was all a bit much, being at the central hub of Hyrule where there is no escape from the looming sense of dread. Things were moving so quickly and it seemed as though you may never escape the ever present anxiety that hung in the air of Castle Town. But here, in Rito Village, people seemed more relaxed. Many ritos believed that their home would not be effected by the foreseen Calamity. This made the village a nice escape from daily life back home. Here, you weren't reminded of what was to come. You weren't reminded of your duties. You could just breathe easier here in the village nestled into the rocky pillar.
"I do love it here. Rito Village is such a beautiful place. I don't have a single bad memory while being here", you gushed, earning a raised brow from Revali at your comments about his home, his interest now piqued. "Is that so?". Before you could stop her, Frita spewed, "Yes, in fact, she might move here". You shot her a look, a signal to keep that information between the two of you, to which she sheepishly dipped her head in response. You didn't want others knowing of your plans to move just yet, especially since you hadn't even mentioned it to your parents. "A hylian living amongst ritos?", Revali questioned, an amused undertone laced within his words as his luminous eyes narrowed a fraction, as if trying to read your expressions for some sign of the truth. "Hylians aren't equipped for living here. You would struggle". "Yet so many visit and get by just fine", you bit back, sharp tongued yet it was all said with a simple smile across your lips. What he said was true, yet you disliked how he assumed you would struggle when Frita, a fellow rito, believed you could easily adapt to life in the village. "Visiting and residing are very different though", he then shot back, cocking his head to the side as he examined you and your heart began to pound slightly. You felt a pout develop on your features, brows furrowed. He made a point you couldn't argue against. It was the truth. "Well, I'm taking it upon myself to help her integrate into the village before she permanently moves here", Frita chipped in, sensing some tension settling in the air. "If you truly want to move here", Revali began, capturing your attention once more. He wore a smug smirk before he finished, "You'll have to prove yourself".
"Prove myself?", you parroted. "Yes. You'll have to learn our ways and prove to us that you belong here". Revali studied you for a moment, as if he hadn't been doing so all night already. "Firstly, the women of our village are know for being beautiful singers and us men are talented archers. Tell me, can you sing?".
Being from one of the wealthier families of Hyrule Kingdom, you did have the privilege of music lessons from a young age. Your parents wanted the best for you, so consequentially, you had many lessons in a multitude of subjects and areas; Geography, horse riding, music, dance, literature, cooking, etiquette, biology and more.
"I have had many singing lessons", you informed the feathered man matter-of-factly. "It's more a matter of personal taste weather you believe I sound good". "Perhaps you could sing for me tomorrow then. After my training, well meet at the flight range. You can showcase your voice there", he challenged, the smirk across his features growing as he stared down his beak at you. "After all, it would be rather nice to have something to help me relax after such strenuous training", he teased. "And if my voice is to your liking, what do I receive then?". There was a slight pause. "What do you mean?", he tilted his head slightly, perplexed by your response. "Well, if my voice is to your liking then that would mean I have somewhat proven myself worthy of living here amongst your kind", you began, Revali's attention honed in on you, "Which I believe would be worth a reward". "Your reward would be living amongst us", you ignored his comment, pressing on. "That being said, if I prove myself, then I would like to learn archery". "What good would that do you?", he asked. "It's always good for a woman to be able to defend herself, wouldn't you agree?". "But if you were living in Rito Village you wouldn't need to defend yourself", he argued. "I'd have to say it's always good for a woman to know how to use a bow", Frita affirmed your point, edging a little closer to you as she joined the conversation. "Especially a hylian. They are smaller than most races, so it's most likely that any threat they face will be larger than them and could over power them", Frita continued, delving more into her argument. "Exactly, Frita! Meaning wouldn't it be beneficial to have a long range weapon in that instance? Surely, with your knowledge on combat as one of the greatest warriors of our time, you'd agree, Revali". You couldn't help but notice how the feathers around his chest plate plumed in reaction to your words. You'd noticed many ritos would unintentionally do this when feeling prideful, being boastful or being frustrated or angry. Perhaps it was a subconscious way of asserting dominance? Like how a Hylian may square their shoulders to appear larger and more confident in front of others. "It would be an honour to have you teach me".
There was a pause.
"I suppose it would be beneficial for you to have the most skilled archer teach you…", he mused looking off into the night, as if he barely acknowledged your being , like you were nothing more than a speck on his radar.  A nuisance. "Alright, you have yourself a deal; continuously show your willingness and progression to integrate into our society, and in turn I will teach you how to use a bow". "And you swear not to go back on your word?", you quirked a brow in Revali's direction. "I swear".
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uniquevoidflowers · 5 months
For @luna-lovegreat :)
Legend’s going to scream if the old man doesn’t stop telling those stupid jokes. Time thinks it’s a good idea to tell dad jokes as a way to entertain the chain while they walk. The plan is to get to Hateno Village, but this is Wild’s Hyrule, so it’ll take weeks to get there, and that’s not including stops to rest and eat. The veteran swears as Time begins another Hylia-forsaken joke but thankfully Warriors stops him. “I think that’s enough for one day, Sprite.” The captain says.
Time pouts. “But my jokes are really good.”
Wind snickers. “Sure, old man.”
“What?” Time huffs. “You all just don’t appreciate my humour.”
“Damn right.” Legend retorts. 
Time gasps in mock offence. “You were supposed to say you do like my humour!” 
“Yeah, right. Like that’s ever happening.” Legend says, rolling his eyes.
“What about you, pup?” Time asks. 
Twilight thinks for a moment. “No offence, but your jokes are…unfunny.”
Time gives him a disappointed look jokingly, missing how the rancher flinches. “How far is the next stop?” Sky asks, panting slightly as he tries to keep up with the group.
Wild hums and looks at his slate. “I’d say about…an hour or two? We’ll reach one of the villages we’re rebuilding.” 
An hour is way too long to reach a simple stop in the road, Legend thinks. 
“I’m hungry though.” Wind complains.
“Don’t worry, I can give you a snack once we get to the village.” Wild says.
The sailor sighs and laments about having to wait that long. Wild snorts. “At least we’re not in the desert or Hebra.”
“Hebra?” Hyrule tilts his head slightly.
“A snowy region. If you don’t have protective gear then you’ll freeze to death. Add that to the horrible blizzards and monsters that can appear there, and you can imagine how much worse it would be than a couple of hours of walking.” Wild explains, watching the horrified look on Wind’s face.
Legend shudders. No offence to Wild but the cook’s Hyrule seems like a nightmare. “How did you even survive during your adventure?” Four asks incredulously. 
“Gathering the right tools to help me I guess.” The cook shrugs.
Four’s eyes flicker with multiple colours, but his expression conveys clear concern and confusion. Wild sighs. They continue walking down the path and the veteran takes in the strange beauty of the fallen land. Remnants of malice float in the air, not visible, but Legend still senses it’s there. Ruins are scattered across the area, pieces of old stone lying in the grass. It's almost melancholic. After what seems like a millenia, Wild announces cheerfully, "We're almost at Mabe Village." 
Legend freezes, eyes widening slightly at the name. "You okay, vet?" Twilight asks, looking a little concerned. 
The veteran nods. 
You know what, the name is probably just a coincidence! He thinks to himself.
They make it to the village and Legend can't help but notice how similar the layout of the village looks to Koholint's Mabe Village. "Oh, hi, Link!" A sweet, melodious voice rings throughout the clearing.
Legend almost falls, stumbling. "Marin?"
But when he sees where the voice is coming from, he doesn't see Marin. He sees a little girl with blonde hair, grinning at Wild. "Who's Marin?" Hyrule asks. 
Legend flinches. "No one."
The traveller huffs but doesn't press any further. "Hi, Saffie!" Wild greets the little girl. "Have they built the inn yet?" He asks.
Saffie nods. "It's all set up an' everything if you wanna stay there."
Wild ruffles the little girl's hair and the chain follows him across the village. Legend can see buildings still being made, and how small the village is compared to what they've seen in Wild's Hyrule. Fresh soil is scattered all around, little sprouts emerging from it. A few people walk around carrying materials or just talking to one another, smiles on their faces. “From what I’ve heard, Mabe Village used to be lively…music was a big part of their culture.” Wild grins, although guilt is prominent in his eyes.
Legend grits his teeth. There are so many similarities to the Koholint Village. Which shouldn’t be possible. Nobody notices the veteran’s turmoil though. They walk through the village, behind Wild, who leads them through a path. “Have you heard?” An old woman says.
At first Legend moves to ignore the old woman. “Of what?” Another woman says.
“The legend of Koholint.” The old woman responds.
Legend stops dead in his tracks. 
“No? Tell me about it.” The other woman demands.
“Some Sheikah researchers uncovered the legend in this very village. There’s still a lot of mystery to it but it’s about a hero who visited a dream island named Koholint.” The old woman explains.
Legend feels the blood drain from his face. This was hundreds of thousands of years after him, in a different timeline…and nobody’s supposed to know about a dream. This couldn’t be possible. Now everybody knows what he did.
They know he has blood on his hands. 
“Legend? Hey, what’s wrong?” Someone asks him but he can’t respond.
He can’t breathe.
Koholint was never real, how in Hylia’s name does anybody know? How did they make it a legend? Legend can just imagine eyes in him right now-
They know they know they know they know they know-
“Link. Follow my breathing, okay?” 
The veteran knows there are more eyes on him right now. He feels a hand holding his. Marin? He wants to say but he can’t. 
The island girl giggles and clasps Link’s hand. “C’mon! Let’s go to our secret spot!”
“-Link? Legend? Can you hear me?”
“I want to be a seagull so I can fly and sing to many people.” She mumbles and Link holds her hand.
“Why are you sad? Is it because I’m not real?” 
Link flinches and looks her in the eyes. Marin is covered in thick red blood, her eyes dead, and her smile feels fake. “Are you sad because you killed me?”
Link gulps, shame making his ears turn pink. “I…killed you?”
“Don’t you remember Link? You woke the Windfish. You left me, us, for dead.” She chimes, broken laughter coming from her mouth. Blood spills from her mouth. “Are you happy with yourself Link? You finally got to go home.”
Tears roll down Link’s face. “No! I’m staying here, right?”
“Wake up Link.” Marin says, coldly a daunting smile plastered on her pale face.
“Link, wake up!” Someone pleads, confusion in their tone.
“Wake up!” Marin snaps, more of that horrid blood spurting out of her mouth and spraying Link. 
Link chokes out a sob then he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks to see Marin—no the captain there. “Are you with me?”
Legend nods, squeezing his eyes shut. He hears Warriors sigh with relief. “Thank the goddesses. Can you follow my breathing?” Warriors asks and starts taking deep breaths.
The veteran obliges.
In and out.
In and out.
Once Legend can finally breathe, he notices everyone staring at him and his face burns with shame. “Let’s go to the inn.” He mumbles and walks past Warriors.
Wild looks at the vet with understanding and Legend hates it. The cook begins walking and Legend follows him, ignoring Warriors and Hyrule’s protests. Legend doesn’t look at the random people gazing at him. They make it to the inn quickly, and the innkeeper says they don’t have to pay to stay there night. The cook smiles and leads everyone away to some rooms. “Do you want some alone time?” Wild whispers.
Legend shakes his head. The cook nods. “Do you want company? I can go find Wolfie if you don’t want someone.” 
The veteran’s surprised but he nods. Wild leaves and comes back with the wolf. “Let me know if you need anything.” He says and leaves.
Legend sits down in a room with Wolfie, knees to his chest and looking at the ground. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had…since I’ve thought of her like that.” He mutters. The wolf’s ears twitch. “I know you don’t know what I’m talking about.” Legend laughs dryly.
Wolfie stands up and curls up closer to Legend, nuzzling his hands comfortingly. “…I don’t understand…How do they know? It wasn’t real.” The veteran says, voice thick with tears.
Wolfie whines. Legend takes a shuddery deep breath. “I’m going to get answers tomorrow, Wolfie. See how much these people know. See if they know I’m…” He trails off weakly.
A murderer
Wolfie tilts his head. Legend sighs. “I don’t wanna go back to the others. They’d probably start asking me questions that I don’t wanna answer…” 
Legend stays there, fidgeting with his rings and trying to clear his mind.
“Are you happy with yourself, Link?”
“You saw him. We need to know what’s going on so this doesn’t happen again.” Warriors says.
The cook sucks in a breath and responds with, “Let him have some time to think. If he wants to talk about it, he can, but I don’t think we should push if he doesn’t want to.” 
“Fine. If it’s going to slow us down though, I think we need to know.” Warriors says and walks away, blue scarf trailing behind him.
The cook decides to see if the villagers need any help rebuilding. “Link! Do you mind helping us gather some wood? We’re running out.” Hudson calls out.
“Sure.” Wild says.
“Thank you, Link. You’re a good man.” Hudson grins.
Wild smiles slightly and then heads out towards some trees a little ways away from Mabe Village. He summons an axe from his bag and starts swinging it at the trees. The first hit makes a large dent and then the tree falls, and the log makes a loud thud. Small birds and other creatures run away. Wild slashes the log and a bundle of wood appears on the ground, so he picks the heavy bundle into his arms and pushes it down into his magic bag. He does this with as many trees as he can until he decides he has enough wood. The cook sprints back to Hudson and hands the man the bundles of wood. “50 bundles?! Thank you so much, let me pay you.” Hudson pulls out a purple rupee.
Wild grins and Hudson shows the crew how much they got. Wild’s just glad he can help out. “Hey!” Saffie calls.
Wild waves. Saffie smiles and comes up to the cook. “Are you making food tonight? I always like your cooking.”
“Saffina!” A woman comes up with a stern look in her eyes. “Don’t nag Link about food, he just came from a long journey!”
“Okay.” Saffie says, clearly disappointed.
“I’ll make something for you later.” Wild promises.
Saffie brightens and cheers. The cook walks away towards the inn when he realizes the sun is setting. He goes up to his, Twilight’s, and Legend’s room. “Oh, hey.” Legend mumbles when Wild walks in.
Wild hesitates then asks, “How are you feeling?” 
“Fine, I guess…Don’t give me that look I mean it.” Legend hisses.
“If you’re sure. It’s okay if you’re not fine.” Wild says gently.
“I know that.” Legend says but his eyes betray how the vet really feels.
“Okay. Do you…Do you want to help me make dinner?” Wild asks. “I mean—it could distract you if you need it and it can be relaxing if you’re doing it right—You can say no if you don’t want to—“
“Wild, it’s okay. I’ll help you.” Legend says, putting a hand on the cook’s shoulder.
Wild sighs. “Follow me then.” He says and leads Legend towards the cooking pot.
“Can you grab a few Hylian Shrooms from my bag?” Wild asks.
“Right.” Legend says and starts digging through Wild’s bag. “By The Three…Wild how much can this bag hold?” 
“Hmm…a lot.” Wild says. He actually doesn’t know how much it can hold.
“Very helpful.” Legend scowls and continues to dig through the bag for a bit and then grabs a few mushrooms.
The veteran tosses the mushrooms to Wild who begins chopping them up into the pot. “Next, I need a Hyrule Bass.” Wild hums softly.
Legend blinks. “A what?”
“A fish. Green scales, orange fins?” Wild hints.
“Huh.” Legend pulls out the fish after a bit of frustrated curses and then tosses it to the cook. “How do you keep this organized?” 
Wild grins. “I don’t.” Then he starts preparing the fish for the pot.
“What next?”
“That’s it.” 
“Wha-What do you mean that’s it?” Legend asks.
“There’s no more ingredients for this recipe. I’m just making a simple fish and mushroom skewer for everyone.” Wild says slowly.
“Hm.” Legend stands up and walks over to the cook. 
Wild throws the fish in and lets the ingredients simmer. “Ah, could you get me my ladle?” 
The veteran raises a brow but obliges. Once Wild obtains the ladle he stirs the pot a little. The smell of seafood envelops the room. The cook hums a familiar tune, staring at the food that hisses and moves around the pot, until it stops and Wild can hear the music that plays when it’s done. “What the fuck was that.” Legend says, ears twitching.
Wild shrugs. “It happens whenever the food’s done.”
“I’m learning some things today.” Legend says and Wild hands the veteran a skewer. 
The veteran takes a bite out of the food and puts up a lazy thumbs up. To that, Wild laughs and goes to deliver skewers to the rest of the chain. If he has any left he’ll give some to Saffie and her family. He eats with the chain although Legend isn’t there…Wild isn’t too worried, maybe Legend went to eat alone upstairs or something.
“Wild this is really good!” Wind says, food in his mouth.
“Chew with your mouth closed, sailor.” Warriors says.
Wild chuckles at the sailor rolling his eyes. 
He fails to see violet eyes burning a hole through him.
Legend stares at the cook for a few moments, and then walks away towards the room. His steps echo in his ears and then the doorknob twisting as Legend enters the bedroom. The room looks eerily similar to Marin's house, Legend realizes.
"Zelda...? No, silly! I'm Marin!"
Legend rubs his eyes tiredly and the island girl fades from his vision. The veteran sighs.
"Tell me more about yourself."
Legend remembers what he had said that time on the beach with Marin. He had ran his mouth, bragging about the adventures he went on.
He was a fool.
He was in love.
Marin listened intently, somehow putting up with his arrogance and cherishing every word that had spilled out of Legend's mouth.
His arrogance had quickly died out once he had woken up from his dream.
Legend sighs and decides to sort through his bag again, giving himself a distraction. He pulls out his items and sorts through them carefully, and puts them neatly into his bag. By the time he's finished, the night has flown by, and Wild and Twilight are stepping in the room. "We're all going to sleep now." Twilight informs the vet.
The veteran hero nods and puts his bag away. Wild curls up on the floor with a bedroll and Twilight takes one of the beds. Legend takes the other bed and squeezes his eyes shut. Soon all he can hear is soft snoring and Legend allows himself to fall asleep before the snoring gets worse.
"Tell me about yourself." Marin says, smiling. "Link, are you a hero?"
Link looks at Marin with confusion. "Of course I am."
"Then why did you kill an entire island of people and animals? Does that really make you a hero?" Marin asks, tilting her head.
A flash and Marin's now covered in thick red liquid. The red liquid falls down her face and her blue dress sickeningly. Marin clasps Link's hand and Link jolts away, blood now staining his hands. "Are you a true hero Link?"
'I am.' He wants to respond but he doesn't know if that's right.
"Are you a hero, Link?"
Link hears his Uncle's voice and jerks around. The island distorts and shapes into a cold, musty dungeon. Uncle has a gaping hole through his chest. "I..."
"A hero saves people, right?" Uncle says.
Link nods slowly. "You didn't save me." Uncle accuses. "Are you really a hero?"
There's disappointment in Uncle's tone that makes Link's stomach churn. "I'm sorry." Link says, tears streaming down his face.
"Sorry's not enough. It's never enough. Don't you remember what I've taught you?"
Link backs up, scrambling away from his Uncle, almost trying to hide from the visible disappointment. "I remember, Uncle." He chokes out.
"Clearly, you don't."
Link cries and the dungeon collapses underneath his feet. Link falls in the darkness, all of the light gone. White outlines of his friends and family surround him.
Link hears a million voices at once.
Marin steps out of the crowd, the white chalky outline of her grabbing his hand. "You're no hero." She spits and a bloody hibiscus falls into his hand.
Marin dissolves.
The crowd dissolves, and screaming quickly fills the air. "No! Stop!" Link cries out.
All of his friends are gone now. Dead.
He's alone.
Legend jolts awake. Tears spill out his eyes and he tries desperately to swallow back sobs. Wild is awake in seconds.
Damn it.
"Legend?" Wild whispers.
The veteran looks at the cook and rubs his eyes. "Did I wake you up?" He mumbles.
"No. Is...Are you okay, vet?" Wild asks in a soft, gentle tone.
No. He really isn't.
Legend steps out of bed and almost stumbles but catches himself. "I need to get some fresh air." He says quietly.
"Okay. Don't be gone for too long, m'kay?"
Legend nods and walks out the door, walking past the other doors in a dark hallway. He hurries out the front door and sees the moonlight shine on the grass and trees. The veteran looks back at the inn.
You're no hero.
Legend runs, Pegasus Boots activating, and he runs away from the inn, letting the cold air envelop him. He ignores the tears falling from his eyes and he keeps on running.
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