#no one who follows this blog knows who thats in reference to and thats really funny to me
lesbianralzarek · 1 year
tumblr in reddit terms
blogs: personal subreddits where the theme/topic is 99% of the time just “me and whatever the hell i feel like at the moment”. for reference, the most common other theme rn is “wizard roleplay that never breaks character”
reblogs: crossposts. these are crucial to maintaining tumblr’s ecosystem. due to blogs generally having fewer followers than subreddits have subscribers, this is the way that posts get seen and passed around. the vast majority of posts on a person’s blog tend to be reblogs, so if the people you follow dont reblog a whole lot, your dashboard is gonna be a ghost town. post limit (combined total of reblogs and original posts per day) is 250, so feel free to go hog wild
tags: this one is complicated. theyre a combination of flairs and Comments But Low-key. you can use them for organization and to avoid seeing content you dont want to (go to your blog, settings, account settings, content you see, and then add tags you want tumblr to warn you about before seeing it). if op tags the post #reddit (in the tags, not the body of the post), itll show up in the #reddit tag when anyone searches that tag. tags are also used for comments that dont really add anything to the post. you know how a jpeg gets kinda gross when its been through a million screenshots and has ifunny watermarks and shit? thats what adding “lmao same” as a comment does to a post. comments stay on reblogs, while tags show up in 4 places: op’s notifications, the notifs of whoever you reblogged it from, when someone clicks on the “notes” button of a post and actively looks for the tags left on it, and when people view your specific reblog of the post (like a follower would on their dashboard)
likes: upvotes but weaker. almost everyone turns off all the algorithms (settings, account settings, dashboard preferences, toggle off the first 3 options. also, make sure your dashboard is on "following" and not "for you". this is highly recommended), so leaving a like doesnt boost the post in any way. they still matter to some people. you can also use them to bookmark a post and go back to your likes later
enthusiastic and/or hyperbolic tags: reddit gold. you wanna let op know you like their art? leave something like ”#printing this out and stapling it to my forehead #op you wanna get married?” in the tags
pornbots: both reddit and tumblr have an issue with them. we block and report them on sight. they usually have hot women as their icons, no posts or reblogs, and a description like “22, brazil, nurse <3″. try to not look like that if you dont wanna get blocked by everyone you follow
blocking: you have this as well, but it seems like a bigger deal on reddit. the reason we are not twitter is because we block bitches who annoy us and move on with our day. do not feed the trolls
things we dont have:
karma: clout-chasing is The Most embarrassing thing you can possibly do on this site. we are all in this circus together and the clown who gets the most laughs is still a clown. popular users will literally deactivate sometimes because clout is a burden. no one here makes money
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dhmis-autism · 6 months
im new to dhmis tumblr do you have any dhmis blogs you recommend i check out?
OH HIIIII HI HI HI OKAY SO. I HAVE A LOT OF FRIENDS IN THE LIL. tumblr dhmis sphere and theyre all great and lovely and I'll introduce you to them all and YOU can decide who you want to follow okay? OKAY!!
First up is my lovely friend Lulu @lulu-draws-stuff who has a cute very crayony pastelly style! :] They also have a keen fashion sense and love drawing the guys in new and fun outfits! They also have some very cute funny comics in there that I very much reccomend -v- )b
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Next is my good friend Sodie.. @mtsodie who also runs the account @dailydogdadduo and he has a very textured, experimental style with a lot of variety! Very fun! A lot of his pieces like, you could swear were by different people if you didnt know better, that's how good he is at it!
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Also my friend @its-mayo0 draws a TONN of great DHMIS stuff, their style is very loose and colorful! It's extremely funny stuff and I love the way they mix cartoonish antics/proportions with sincerity, their stuff is SOOO FUN!!
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theres also @carehounds which is run by my buddy Fio! Theyre most well known iirc for spurring off the little fandom thing of people making their own versions of the trios? Though if you're new you might not know that. Good stuff, esp if you want to see a new spin on the old guys!
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There's also all these great pieces from other friends of mine who aren't necessarily DHMIS centric blogs!
On the more written side of things, one of my friends Pere ( @marsupials-of-mars ) is actually writing a pretty good fanfic atm that's still currently updating- but they also do art as well if youre SOLELY looking for that.
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Then there's Am @gnomeniche who I believe is mostly well known for their DHMIS analysis posts, they break down a lot of different aspects of the characters and the show (usually with a twinge of meta in the analysis) and, like Pere above, also make fanart on top of that! Though I will warn you a bit that their analysis is very… academicy? Lots of complex concepts and big words that you might not fully get on the first go round. But thats okay! Theyre lots of fun to reread! ^_^ )b
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Also in the analysis sphere is my friend Gray @yellow-pig! They also do a pretty good job breaking things down and they talk often about theories and parallels and reoccurring elements in the show, some that I didn't even notice myself! Very fun. As with my other analysis friends, they ALSO draw some! Isn't that wonderful! How the love of this show supersedes mediums!
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Also on the writing side but more on the funny side I would say is definitely Roswells' DHMIS blog @joepelling , lots of headcanons and jokes and fun info about the people BEHIND DHMIS. Their side blog, @dailythreeofthem is also really good if you want references for drawing the main three yourself!
I hope this was helpful and I hope it was a good start!! :D
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dearweirdme · 1 month
“I have a pretty solid idea of what I feel has been going on, and still is going on.”
Would you please explain more about this part in case there are no previous references on your blog? I’m interpreting what’s written as you have a specific tk timeline that I can follow. I’m interested to know more about your point of view on their history.
Hi anon! Mmm, timeline wise I'm pretty much in line with everyone else I think. I was talking more about how I see the bigger picture. People so often focus on details and specific moments, but what matters most to me is how Tae and Jk behave and interact in general and how their relationship fits in the context of BTS and SK.
What I see when I look at Tae and Jk's history, is two boys who had an almost instant connection. I think they quickly became eachother's sources of comfort. They were placed in extreme circomstances at a very young age. I think they kinda made each other their home away from home. The other hyungs were there as well ofcourse, it's no wonder they are all so close, but Tae and Jk just are closer and always have been. I think Tae was Jk's hero before he became his crush, and I think Jk was Tae's little brother friend he got to take care of at first. I think they both gave each other something important. Tae gave Jk convidence, and Jk gave Tae acceptance.
I think... when their feelings became clearer, perhaps the difference between them was that when Jk looked at Tae he thought 'there is no way this isn't right' but when Tae looked at Jk he thought 'Is this right for me to give into?". Tae being the hyung, both of them probably knew that getting involved would cause problems.. I think it was very unsure for quite some time. When something you really want, seemingly stands in the way of something else you really want.. it's a really tough situation.
However, I think the attraction between them was just too strong. It was probably unavoidable, since they were together so much. Every opportunity to fall deeply in love. I think the hyungs noticed, I think management noticed, and that resulted in Tae and Jk being separated. Had they been in a relationship while rookies.. I'm pretty sure they would have thrown Tae out (being the hidden member). But since BTS were already making name when imo Tae and Jk got more serious, getting rid of one of them wasn't that easy anymore. I think BTS members stuck up for them. I think extreme measurements were taken, and that's why sometimes we see weird things and not the 'normal' signs of two people in a relationship.
Though many people have lots to say about this and will disagree, there is no duo as strong in skinship as Tae and Jk. They are basically a level up from all other duo's friendships. They are more prone to touch, more prone to go to each other, more prone to sit closely, more aware of what the other does, more attuned to each other. Last year magnified how they single each other out by the mere fact that they weren't functioning as a group. I get annoyed by the asks that say their skinship doesn't mean much and it's just learned behavior. No, skinship is a strong indicator of a deep conection. I got that anon last night about Jkk being familiar with their touches... Tae and Jk top that easily, because with them it's not for moments of banter or comfort.. it's a constant.
Thats's basically what Jk and Tae are imo... they are pretty constant. I think they have had some real tough times. I don't think they ever really broke up, but I can imagine them having had times where they maybe were on a little break. I'm not really going through the years and all their interactions to look at when those might have been though. That's theirs and I don't really need to know all the inns and outs of their relationship.
I could truly talk all night about the different aspects of their characters and their relationship 😂 there's so much to say about it.
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happypot0001 · 2 months
⚠️Most characters belong to @just-a-carrot!⚠️
Hello! I’m bored, I wanted to draw, and I like you!
*Gives you Hunar x Bucks (Belongs to @just-a-carrot) fan art doodle*
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Go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Lots of love to anyone reading! 💕
Rambling -
Hello! So, I included a cut in this post because I realize that I kind of talk A LOT about my process with art, so to make my blog more…scroll-able(???)…I decided to add a cut to make my posts look shorter! Also, if there are people who don’t really care about the process, this is for them as well! Under the cut, you’ll most likely see me talking about the art, how it came to be, and extra doodles (If there are any) !
If you have been following along with my Tumblr, you’ll see that I previously mentioned before that I had been busy from July 16. Well, not anymore!!! IM FREE!! Honestly the thing I was busy with was SUPER fun but I’m extremely exhausted after it. I’m glad I can finally focus a bit more on making some art! It has made me so happy making art for people and seeing them happy with the art I make them! 💖 I love posting my art on Tumblr really like almost everyone I’ve interacted with online has showed me nothing but kindness! I cant name these people because 1. I don’t want to bother them by tagging them in my post and 2. There would be WAY too many names pfft. Just know that I appreciate everyone and I’ll be trying to post! 🥹
I want to talk about why I did Hunar and Bucks! Im just going to say, Hunar and Bucks are probably one of the only straight ships that I actually kind of like. When I first played “Our Wonderland”, I hadn’t known that it would be a queer game! So when I got introduced to one of the first canon couple that was (kind of) straight, I was like “huh, oh well” and I kept on playing. THATS HOW GOOD THE GAME WAS!!! 🥕 GAVE ME A (AGAIN, KIND OF) STRAIGHT COUPLE AND I STILL PLAYED!!!! Nothing wrong with straight couples in general, I want to establish that pfffft. I just anyway like Hunar, he’s a cute lil’ guy! Don’t look at the feet, I had struggled with those pffft 🤣 Also, officially my first time drawing Hunar!!! I guess this is also officially my first time drawing Bucks in doodle form???!!! If you hadn’t noticed, I had put Hunar in the clothes that he had at the very end of the game because I REALLY liked how he looked there <3 I put Bucks in her normal clothes because I thought they looked better than the softball ones only because I’m imagining that they’re just at home cuddling. And then when you expand on that, you would think “Well, why is Bucks wearing her softball clothes if they’re just chilling at home?” You know? Pfffft
I knew that after I was done with the thing I was so busy with, I wanted to have a drawing/doodle to post. So, I was thinking of who to draw and I was getting into like couple stuff. It was like Cecil x Orlam and Genzy, but those ones are really special ones. So, I decided to leave them for another day! Like, I have a TON of “Our Wonderland’ ideas that I want to do! But, I’m REALLY REALLY slow so if you want to see my ideas, you sadly have to be patient 😭 Like Orlam is honestly invading my mind why is he in there???? I also had another doodle idea that I DID create but decided not to make it the main post because I thought it was stupid and you’ll see why:
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“Uhhhh….Pot? What is this?” You may ask. Well, since I was so tired after my thing, I had been wanting to draw myself tired! Does anyone else do that? Like, if you’re crying or you’re happy, you want to draw you or someone else happy or crying? That’s literally me pfft! I’m not going to call this my sona, I’m just going to refer to this character as “me” because I don’t have a definite sona yet. This is temporary so don’t get too attached pffft. I just thought that I’d include her because I drew her anyway so….enjoy????
Uhhh anyway this is just a collection of silly doodles upon my arrival so I hope you really like them! Just one thing I wanted to point out since I can make the topic about Hunar, did anyone notice the hair clips in the Art Fight attack I did for 🥕 were based off of Hunar’s hair clip?? The story is that Bucks invited Gidget over for a sleepover because Hunar had been out for something, maybe something to do with his books, and so Bucks came up with the idea to have a no boys night! Gidget had brought some hair clips because they’re prepared for anything but Bucks was probably like “No, we should take this opportunity to steal Hunar’s hair clips while he’s away” because she’s a mischievous little thing and I guess somehow Gidget obliged pfffffft! I’d love for anyone to leave a comment if you did notice the clip thing! I thought the little detail would have been noticeable but if it wasn’t I wanted to point it out now! I appreciate anyone to took the time to read all of my ranting heh!!!! Again, go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Have a wonderful day/night! Again, lots of love to anyone reading💗💕
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izanori · 2 years
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9 more testament-related yonkoma coming right up! the previous 8 can be found here
how to read yonkoma + translation notes + etc under the cut ^^
How to Read Yonkoma/4-koma (<- means "4 panels"):
short answer:
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long answer: here
Translation Notes:
lil hanamaru: was titled Hanamaru-kun in the original text. a hanamaru is a flower drawn on japanese kids' schoolwork when they do a good job, like a gold star. since the comic shows the flower very obviously here, i couldnt lie to you all and title it Lil' Gold Star, and i think we have no other flower-related equivalent to this, so ive decided to use this as an opportunity to teach those who dont know this little japanese culture fact. feel free to google what a hanamaru looks like!
among us: this was titled Infiltration in the original text. because im quirky, i changed it to Among Us. when people complain about translators adding in stuff that didnt exist in the original text, this is exactly what theyre talking about. im so sorry. i have to reference amogus every chance i get (fwiw: i can do this because its just comedy. i wouldnt randomly add funny references during more serious scenes)
how about a bout: original title was something like "You're Fighting!?" but uhhhh. okay, i dont even know why i changed the title of this one 😂 i think at the time i couldnt think of a way to translate the title, so i came up with something punny and related to the subject matter. just now as i reread the original text i understood it, but i like my pun better than the original and dont feel like going back and changing it. do you forgive me? 😿
memory over the material: in the very first panel, testament says in the original text something like "you can't erase me physically or any other way." because this is all comedy, i added a reference most tumblr users should get to add to the mood.
i think thats about it! tldr, i think im funny and sacrificed direct translation for comedic effect when i felt like it. common industry practice, really. i wouldnt be so loose when translating if this wasnt all comedy!
i wanted to add that if you want to follow me to see when i next share a translation, you should follow @cicistash instead of this blog. ill put all translations there... and art in the future, but ill tag the art so you can filter it out.
thank you so much for reading my translations! im sorry for the long wait between the first one and this! i hope the next one comes much faster. and sorry if it looks ugly, of course, im new to editing scans and such
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escrupulo42o · 6 months
in this segment i will show you a song i really like, ill translate it if needed, ill explain/analyze the lyrics and apply them on to my favourite characters!
in the translation, you might see this sign (+), it means that i will later add details that might have gotten lost in the translation or stuff like that. and if you see something between brackets like these [...], its probably some small notes i leave to carify some small detail or explain the use of certain words.
the first song will be "Carismatico" by the argentinian band Babasonicos and the character will be Johnny Cage :D
the translated lyrics are the following:
i thought i saw two clowns
with scared faces, closing the shop
pretend (+), they have their costumes on
they are going to the circus to get the camels
they look a bit spooked
(straight) out from a painting that is about to fade
pretend, they are very sweaty
they carry a bucket with confetti
i have to learn to pretend more
and to not show my emotions
i have to learn to pretend more
and to pilot (+) what i think
i try to reach a door
and i hear a swarm of flies whistling
pretend, they are buzzing my name
we have to leave and i dont know how (+)
i have to learn [the rest of the chorus]
[chorus x3 -> as in 3 times, not the silly face]
[theres a secret second chorus that plays over the first one, i will add it by puting between parenthesis]
(some nights im easy)
(i dont abide by limits (+))
(some nights im easy)
i have to learn to pretend more
(i dont abide to limits)
i have to learn to pretend more
(i dont abide by limits)
i have to learn to pretend more
and to pilot what i think
ok so now on to clarifications
on the first (+) you see, theres the word "pretend" (or in the original lyrics, "disimula"). in this case it is a way of saying something like "pretend you didnt see/hear it" or "pretend it doesnt affect you"
the second (+) is for the word "pilot" ("pilotear" in spanish). it is an expression used to say something like "manage/stabilize the situation" in the way a pilot would stabilize a plane when going through turbulences (in this case the turbulences would be his thoughts)
third (+), the original lyrics do not actually say that but i had no idea how to translate it + google translate and word reference were not helping, so i had to change it in order to not put a whole ass explanation in the middle of the lyrics. the original text is something along the lines of "we have to leave and i dont know where to leave through". im not even sure if thats grammatically correct but what its trying to say is that he does not know where the exit is.
fourth (+), i genuinely dont know XD. i confess i used google translate for this one
if you are curious about the secret chorus its from the song "Yegua"
the song talks mostly abot social anxiety and feeling like everyone is watching everything you do. at first it would seem like the concept of social anxiety has nothing to do with the egocentric, confident and cocky Johnny Cage, but youd be wrong. in my headcanons, he grew up as an undiagnosed autistic kid in a small town inthe fucking 90's, of course he has social anxiety. he just made himself be this big extroverted and confident person to make up for it. hes constantly worrying about how people percieve him (in his looks, in the way he talks, in the way he moves), about people talking about him behind his back (yk celebrity shit + this can be connected with the flies mentioned in the song), about his emotions being too big, about being too intense, being too much. he was around people who told him he was "bad" (annoying, loud, dumb, etc.) so much that it became a part of his subconsious, a part of his thoughts. they hunt his every move, a constant monolgue of every tiny thing he does wrong. specially when he was younger, this thoughts would get so intense that they would overwhelm him, but it doesnt happen very often anymore. everyone usually assumes he has a pretty high self esteem but he has just gotten really good at hiding his insecurities under layers upon layers of braggings, fake self confidence, borderline narcissistic tendencies and a lot of jokes. he basically made himself charismatic, a.k.a, the name of the song. also, if you listen to that second chorus its kinda like a response to the main chorus. it refers to someone that parties a lot and doesnt care about anything or anyone. it is a conversation between a very insecure and shy person (the first chorus) and an over confident and social person. alternatively, it is a conversation between John Carlton and Johnny Cage.
aside from the lovely lyrics, this song is AWESOME when it comes to the music. it genuinely makes me go insane like AAAHSVAAH i highly recommend listening to it with headphones
i think thats all i had to say about it :P
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abyssmalice · 3 months
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(tl;dr flower has Super Important Thonkies ft. how to describe and address my tonis bc let's face it - having two characters with technically the same name and origin point within the same media also is kinda hard to juggle in terms of how to address them by literal name without confusing even me dgsdyugdsyugsdyu)
so as everyone knows, i basically have two tonis on this blog -
they are the same character but also not - they follow a specific AU each, but also exist in a concurrent state that allows them to interact with each other in addition to other muses.
which is definitely very weird to read and wrap one's head around, but borrowing from the honkie games -
you can think of the two tonis in the same vein as expies - like how impacto three and star railing has a character named Bronya, both of whom are the same but also very much not, and exist concurrently (hi3 bronnie is on earth, hsr bronnie is in a different galaxy; they can Technically encounter each other, circumstances permit. and im not even going to touch upon the silver wolf = haxxor bunny connections lol).
though really, my tonis are a lot closer to how hi3 does expies - the same character but very much not, split between different cycles of history.
if that helps make it make sense then yessss hooraaaaay!!!!!
im not done yet though.
so!!!! now that we have the premise of "here are two tonis who are the same but not" laid down, here's where my main thonkie is!! with how to actually distinguish them when addressing one of the two.
both of them are named Tonia, albeit with a different surname. their personalities, positions, experiences and even physical appearances are very different from each other - but there's still some overlap here and there, which can get confusing if certain details are mentioned.
ive tried my to make it super clear which toni im discussing without being super in-your-face about it - with icons, references to details that are exclusive to one of them, or with my silly nicknames (that i enjoy still tbh lmao) but ive been thinking........... even for me, this is kinda annoying to manage LMAOOOO
so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what is flower's solution to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well them having the same name is the issue and its the easiest identifier for anyone sooo.
ive technically had this means in place from the beginning and its also lowkey enforced in my rules too - but the other older toni, the abyssal one, according to the lore ive written for her, has the alias of "Freyja" that she primarily goes by anyway.
which is to say!! im basically pulling a real childe on the older toni and having her referred as and with her alias name (Freyja vs Tonia) like how childe does (Childe/Tartaglia vs Ajax).
her real name i.e. Tonia will be treated in a similar vein - not common knowledge unless in the right position to be having said information, or she's given it out and allowed your muse to address her as such.
(truly going back to her meta origins as the original roleswap au i had for tonia............. heehaw..................................!!)
and yeah, as mentioned - this is a thing thats sorta already been in place for a while, but im enforcing it in full now!!!!!!!! even in ooc talks thats how ill be addressing her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which further means that any future mentions of Tonia will usually just be the main, harbingy one - unless the context demands otherwise, or more likely, if i am addressing Tonia in the plural (tonis.... sssss.................)
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askbendyblogg · 10 months
Hey! This post is very important about the blog and what is currently happening! Please read if you will! (Ps: this is a very long post)
Hello everyone! Not to long ago I made a post explaining some certain stuff that will be changing and other junk like that. I have come here to inform you all some bad news involving this blog. This blog will be going on a long hiatus, and I mean long. The main reason being that my connector for the cable I use for my drawing tablet has broken, which means that I can no longer draw on my laptop or drawing tablet anymore. During that time it certainly has made me realize lots of things that I do with this blog, and that includes some of the empty promises I make. I've come to the realization that I don't have the right skill for an askblog, atleast not yet anyway, and also considering I'm still in school, it has definitely taken a toll on my work. When I first started this blog, I thought it was gonna be a piece of cake! But I was dead wrong when I decided to put some story into it, I kept on procrastinating on the story and never actually added onto it which made me frustrated. And even when I wasn't working on it, the other asks that were in the askbox felt like a challenge! And that eventually evolved to me not posting for a long while. Even in the present that still is very obviously a challenge. I will like to apologize for not posting and making some empty promises, I very obviously don't have enough skill in the moment to run an askblog, so that's why this blog will be going on hiatus, and be restarting entirely. You heard that right, the art/answered asks will be deleted. The reason behind this is due to me wanting to start over, begin something new! And y’know, actually gain more skill before deciding to add a story (if that will ever happen). I know this is all very sudden, but I made the decision that I hope will be best for me! I honestly just want to get out of school before actually doing anything, cause BOY OH BOY IS SCHOOL ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! And the moment I finally have enough time and skill, I will consider finally coming back to this blog and all of you, I have a feeling none of you will remember me or even this blog, hell, I think some of you will begin to unfollow! But that's a-okay with me, its quite understandable really, people don't exactly follow blogs that don't post anything! I'm gonna come back, thats a fact, but it will be a long time until I finally post once more, I will be back eventually. I forgot to mention, all of the asks in the askbox will be deleted, I'm extremely sorry for this! Like I said, everything is restarting and I hope you understand!
Before I finally decide to head off, I just want to thank each and every one of you, I never had any idea that alot of people would even enjoy this blog! To all the people who followed, liked, and all that other junk, I thank you×1000, I probably would've given up way earlier if it wasn't for you guys!! YALL ARE AWESOME AND DESERVE ALL THE GOOD ENERGY!!!
Alright, now incase I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. 👋
(If you got that reference you are very swag)
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lesbian-polls · 5 months
So, i do have a question regarding bi/pan/omni/etc lesbians, mspec lesbians, lesboys, gay/straightbians and he/him lesbians. I follow another poll blog for lesbians and all those sexualities are welcome but im not exactly sure if those are actually valid sexualities and not just made up by people who want to feel special and/or harm the lgbtq+ community. Ive tried using google but that wasnt really helpful. In my opinion, this feels made up as (for example) a person who only uses he/him pronouns is a man and a man being only attracted to women is straight, so therefore he/him lesbians dont exist. I could be wrong cause im kinda new to this whole lesbian thing as ive been identifying as bi for years and i just recently noticed im actually a lesbian. Thats also the main reason im asking cause firstly, i dont wanna hate anyone in the community, especially if im hating them for no valid reason, i also wanna understand these sexualities (if they are valid) and im kinda afraid of asking the person behind the other blog as i may come across as a person hating lesbians and im asking here because this has become one of my favorite safe spaces.
Im sorry for the long text but i really want another opinion on this topic
All of the identities you mentioned in the first few lines above aren't legitimate ones. They are people attracted to men who are trying to take the lesbian label for themselves, which is lesbophobia and homophobia (two different forms of oppression mind you)
They are made up since it's basically just being bisexual.
But anon, he/him lesbians aren't men. They're still lesbians, pronouns don't translate to gender. I know several butches who use he/him pronouns. Pronouns are just a way in which you refer to yourself and don't have to align with your gender.
If you really think that he/him lesbians aren't valid this blog isn't for you. Block and move on
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fuckfuckgoback · 9 months
paracosm dashboard simulator
Inspired by @maddgical-boy :D
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
Repeat offender caught west of main. Subject has short brown hair, brown eyes, and was known for pickpocketing. Confiscated goods are pending return.
🤺 bcbd-group Follow
caught west of main
thats our area you fucking leeches what the hell
🫐 orions-belt Follow
We actually ran into them in the mid city, and chased them all the way over. 😅
🌃 justice385627
And we wouldn't have had to if any of you could do your jobs.
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🕶️ monsterfucker378 Follow
something about that slime guy from last week... c'mon police just let me visit i could fix him
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
In reference to the reblog below this: Let him figure it out on his own.
🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
girl he's been posting pics of baggy Ts with khaki shorts please let me intervene
🌃 justice385627
K told me to reply "It's a canon event" and you know I'm not a girl?
#confusion aside it hurts me as well but he has to start somewhere
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🫐 orions-belt Follow
does anyone have any fashion advice
🫐 orions-belt
like, how it works?
🫐 orions-belt
where do people buy clothes...?
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This attack on our city cannot go ignored. The public should not fear humanoid monsters or people creating electricity to destroy and steal from our community stores. It is revolting.
Possessing powers at all makes these individuals inherently dangerous, but we should not ever see them used to their extreme like this. Action must be taken.
🕷️ gayspiderlover Follow
oh to be able to summon lightning and take down capitalism with my spidergirl girlfriend
These people are causing real chaos and destruction. You are sick for joking about this.
🕷️ gayspiderlover
#happy six year anniversary to this post #and the attack ig #i hope theyre still together
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
"his pronouns are she/her!" - E probably
🌃 justice385627 Follow
What? I am well aware tack uses she/her pronouns.
🫐 orions-belt Follow
It's a joke, it's based off a different meme, I think they're just saying you'd say something like that.
🌃 justice385627
This site is a waste of time.
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🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes Follow
been experimenting with making small bombs recently and i put one in my bag and almost brought it home on accident. if my little sister had found that....
what is it with these fake self proclaimed "vigilante crime fighters" nowadays trying to be so cool? we know you don't make bombs, quit stroking your ego
🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes
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if you have any of the slots on your ci ring set to anything fancy unfollow me immediately. its frankly quite rude to switch into that in front of your friends who can't afford something so expensive
a ci ring is $6000??????
LMAO imagine complaining about not affording a suit yet owning the rich person identity stealer 2000
#everyone here died 💀 #anyway its super easy to make knockoffs
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💕 fangirl-hours Follow
whoes that new guy with the blue hair? I think hes been running around with the team down by the bottom of the hills? vigilante fans help me out here!
🫐 orions-belt Follow
thats me actually! I am newer around here but I'm with E's group. my hair might stand out a little too much lol
💕 fangirl-hours
OMG. uh hiiiiiiiii. youre very cool I love when you do stuff with uhh gravity. wanna hang out sometime?
🫐 orions-belt
uh, E doesn't really want us meeting up with anyone outside the group in our secret identities. so probably not.
💕 fangirl-hours
oh well can we still dm?
💕 fangirl-hours
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
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🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
definitely left
💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee
poll canceled everyone my partner is here 🥰
🌑 night-fight Follow
doesn't your blog say you're aroace?
🪨 scumoftheearth
yeah and it also says that im in a qpr with them so whats your fucking problem
#do people on this site not read?
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📌 tack---- Follow
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starrbee · 9 months
Hello! Welcome to the Blog!
Hi! I'm Oliver (Starr or Bee can also be used) and i use any pronouns! I'm an oc artist! (I have a few ideas for ninjago fanseasons and if you want to know more about it go check out @withinthestarsnfs !)
Requests: Open
(one per person? I won't do multiple in a row, because I don't want to create whole comics with out anything in exchange!)
Art Trades: Open
A masterpost for all the OCs i post about here!!! This will have their reference sheet and some information about them.
Jian Zhang (Lego Monkie Kid OC)
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>Formerly a Carp, turned into a dragon by the Jade Emperor after jumping over the Dragons Gate
>Was Azure Lion's student and sided with the brotherhood
>Currently resides with the Bull King family
>Has a wife named Chrys
>Has a (non-biological) sister named Ming Zhu and a nephew called Zi Xin
Some of the scenes I've written can be found here
Ampu (Ninjago OC)
Ref 1 (Before/slightly after the merge)
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Ref 2 (first signs)
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Ref 3 (almost mature)
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>Own species/elemental being thingy?(edit: Dragonkin! That's what I'm calling them!)
>Basically borrowed a dragon power permanently? if that makes sense?
>specifically a departed dragon. (remember the dragons from Curse world 1&2? those)
>works at a bakery with their friends Sparrow and Bow (and Morro but thats another explanation...)
>There will be a comic eventualy
Cirris (NDR oc)
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>Elemental master of cloud!
>during the first few years of the merge they live in Shintaro
>well the first few months they were with a group called 'The Archivists' who experimented on them with transformation magic
>This caused Cloud to gain more Oni-Like features
>Related to Ash (Elemental master of Smoke)
E.T.C.H/Cal (Ninjago OC)
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>A nindroid created to mimic human life
>the scientists were inspired by Zane, wanting to create a Nindroid that could pass as human
>they can use a similar thing to Zane to disguise themselves as human
>They have a detatchable 'Tail' to help them balance
>Introduced during Prime empire, as a helper for the mechanic (Forced)
>Pixal reaches out to them during the Ninja's time in Shintaro, becoming fast friends
Shuck (Hazbin Hotel OC)
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>Cook for the hotel
>Died in 1890 due to being shot in the head while having a VERY violent mental break
Chun (Lego Monkie Kid OC)
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>Howler Monkey demon
>Magically made
>Bio-Parent’s(?) were a Nekomata and a monkey demon [Lesbians] who conceived plant through magic
>current parent is Huizhong, another monkey demon, he is a professor and works with Tang.
>Works in a flower shop down the road from Pigsy's
>has quite destructive magic! (they can scream loud- think Pearl from splatoon- , sharp magic claws and a massive monkey avatar!)
>Socially awkward... he didn't socialise much when they were younger
>Definitely sewed those trousers themself
>Duo tail :3 (they often wrap them into one so they don't get in the way)
Calyx (Voltron oc)
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-so the one thing that really annoyed me about how Voltron was created was there was no prototype, they had no physical proof that the project would work, so here is the fix!
-The white lion was a prototype for the voltron project, and it is smaller and less finished than the other lions, however it was supposedly 'destroyed' when the other lions were sent away
-the trash planet that it was stored on lead a group of refugees, including a white paladin, to use it to protect themselves and create a safe place, near the edge of the known universe away from the Galra. this soon became a place full of refugees and soon a trade planet for rebellions and resistances, the views they follow mean that the planet is almost entirely cash-free and relys more on trade than buying.
-Calyx is very anti-establishment and watches over the entry ways and trade route, making sure that theres no-one suspicious coming in or out, however upon inheriting the lion, they feel as if it wants to find the others, causing them to find Allura's castle and the others during the season 1 finale.
-the white lion relys mainly on stealth and tracking, so they stay in the background for a while
-Calyx also has mild chronic pain and uses a wheelchair sometimes, they also use braces and tech to ease the pain
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Oberon Starlu
The Elemental Master of Anima. He is a part Oni as well.
Their abilities include talking to animals and staking on abilities and features of animals, though not fully, as that would come under form.
She was first introduced in the tournament of elements, and stays close to the ninja after, often helping keep the monastery running while their away.
Before the tournament they were close to Bolobo, living in the same farming village. During TOE they get close to Griffin, Neuro and Shade. They’re Very close to Griffin. :)
His Oni blood is very diluted, the only reminder of this is their horn(s).
This image is of their outfit during TOE
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Lumi! (Ninjago OC)
I tried to make her the opposite of everything wyldfire is, She grew up in a high class family that was close to the ninjago royal family. Though she holds herself like she sees herself hightly, shes quite shy and is a bit of a recluse. through her family she learnt basic sword skills. after the merge she went to the crossroads, eventually meeting Arin, Sora, Euphrasia and Wyldfire.
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kerabinberries · 7 months
kers on tumblr? kers on tumblr
Our Ker: @getstoneddrinkwetcement (based on a vintage pin ive seen floating around here)
ton of cool vontage punk and queer stuff. anarchy posting. black and white photos of angry girls in heavy makeup. music blogger whos blog is full of spotify links (she has the hacked app) and photos of artists. a lot of jokes but not like looky or the admiral, more sardonic and jaded humor. big in the cripplepunk and madpunk communities. posts a lot of her thoughts and they dont read as very coherent at first just because of the foul informal rude and slightly jumbled way she talks but if you dig into it she really has solid opinions. shes just sooo bad at expressing them. then again some of them go completely off the rails stupid. so many vintage pins like the one she got her url from and motorcycles and weapons. she WILL give you instructions for a pipe bomb but only over dms. this ones kinda short but she knows what shes like and its reblogging the above items.
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Looky: @lookywhatthecatdraggedin
she has soooo many mutuals and if you follow her your dash will be COVERED in her talking to them via asks and dms that get screenshotted and @ing eachither and reblog chains and art trades and so on and so forth. she plays up the social in social media to the extreme. her blog is almost all jokes, cool art, and stuff like educational or donation posts. she likes furries and has a ton of furry mutuals and really fun sparkledog type sonas. most of the images and art she reblogs is BRIGHTLY COLORED but she hasan eyestrain warnjng in her blog title for accessibility. she posts tons of art, and has a bunch of sideblogs. shes got a furry sideblog and is comstantly churning out really cool and cutesy digital art and occasionally a traditional doodle or two. mutuals with her actual real life dad and uncle. sends her brothers annoying anonymous asks. occasionally gets into discourse but in the most uninvolved annoying way possible, mostly to back up friends or people getting dogpiled. posts wild shit that happens to her family all the time and only occasionally exaggerates. she posts a lot of videos from when she was a little kid that would have gotten her taken away by cps if they had gotten out sooner. absolutely irresponsible tomfoolery thats only funny in retrospect because it didnt kill her.
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The Admiral: @admiralawesom/e
she would absolutely post a lot of marine aesthetic stuff, just for jokesies, although she would love to have a motorboat she would not be posting navy blue stuff and anchors and tallships if she wasnt joking about her name. lots of nature photography especkally of the pacific northwest. lots of animals, lots of educational posts about nature, and so so so so sooooo many stupid fucking memes and joke posts. she makes a ton of posts and while shes no funnyman occasionally she makes just the right mix of unhinged words and just the right person sees it and she ends up with a 50k note joke post. she has a lot of mutuals and loves to message them and send them asks and tag them in stuff. frequently lies, shes singlehandedly keeping tall tales alive. she loves urban legends as well and for some reason creepypasta (you wouldnt think it.) the kind of girl to post half her medical history in her blog description. has a caard or carrd or whatever and it looks terrible. ironically? genuinely? impossible to know and she wont tell you. travels a lot and posts insane vacation photos with obi wan. she always refers to him as dad but he occasionally audibly refers to himself as her uncle in videos she posts. this causes confusion and gets her a barrage of anons. she answers one with "we argue about it all the time" and that was the end of it. everyone probably thought she was joking but its true. they have a longstanding argument on whether hes a dad or an uncle. neither of them have made any headway with the other.
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Shmii: @sliveredsilve/r
she wouldn't really Get tumblr, but if someone were to set her up an account with some blogs already followed she could easily get the reblogging part. navigating tech is second nature, but social stuff? finding things online? i just dont think she would do it. she probably likes more hands on activities. a modern shmii would be obsessed with a motorcycle her dad got her when she was little. the ones they make for kids but with the speed inhibitor taken off, obviously. she would always be buying parts and tools to upgrade it (well) and painting it new colors (poorly). she would defjnitely post pictures of it all the time, but they wouldnt be very good pictures. she'd probably post more than reblogging, using it like an actual blog. she'd be really into big metal sculptures and welding, she'd collect knives, especially throwing knives and hunting knives, and she'd post videos of caring for them and pictures of her new ones. she posts pictures of her puppy (her mouse droid would be a puppy in a normal earth au) all the time and pictures of her family, and childish art she did on paper with crayons or on whatever free art program cane with her computer (said fondly, childrens art is good)
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Baby: @bab/y (guess how she ended up with a url like that)
she would totally be like, 2000s pink aesthetic with lots of makeup and outfits and accessories and piercings and shit. like @pinkflipphone if i reblogged less tech and more fashion, and it was a liiiiittle trashier lol. she'd have one of the top blogs and would constantly sic her followers on people who annoy her or have opinions she doesnt like. stochastic terrorist. posts her own fashion as well. she always has tailored outfits, but theyre a little more douchey and a little less bimbo than the fashion she posts. like if a really terrible man from jersey shore dresses exactly the same except the shirts swapped out for a pink cheetah print crop top type corset. yes she wears snapbacks. she has intentionally rancid takes and will die on any hill, she'll die in a valley if she likes. yes some of her followers will doxx and stalk you irl about these hills and/or valleys. queen of the new age cyberbullies.
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star-stream · 5 months
Bakuage 9, lets go~!
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Chasshiro is so funny he doesnt even realize how much hes spoiling Taiya... Its really good how defensive he gets over it. "Well actually you too-!" eehhh? so petty!!! Well hes not wrong, Genba is also really "sweet" on him lol... the girls are fighting
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Rika Matsumotos delivery (heh) of Bunchans lines in this episode was really good... When Bundorio said he was wandering around and crashed, then was surprised he was alive... was he despairing so much that he lost the will to live? Literally, but also in the way of "im living but am I actually alive" sort of meaning? Jou says later on, dreams are what keep you alive... Bun-chan... :(
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Interestingly, their roles reversed here! Bundorio was originally the racer, and the way he acts, Taiya is definitely the mechanic. In car racing, the pit crew are also in charge of delivering the racecar back on the track, i love themes!!
Also in this scene, the production blog mentioned it was Iuchis idea to have Taiya eating one of Genbas lollipops, thats really good! I didnt expect them to know eachother even before Bunchan appeared (I guess Genba is the one who gave him a tow truck to move the unconscious Bun-chan!
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Poor Yarucar!!! Hearing it cry was really sad! You put a bandaid on it, but then you kick Yarucar! You kick it like the football! No good!!!!!
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Saibu Shirabe was also extremely good in this episode! I love a woman that drives like a maniac. Also... in reference to what Chasshiro said before, that Taiya is short on words... It just means hed rather show people or make people understand first hand! I feel i understand his character a lot better when he told Saibu "Maybe youll understand after you make a delivery". What well thought out character logic!!!
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I really like that the resolution of their argument wasnt "Well, youve convinced us that your dream is noble so well follow you" but rather "It is okay to be a selfish dreamer, and so we will all each be selfish!"
Mira wants to hold her own steering wheel so she wants to make it clear that shes doing it because she wants to, Jou wants to be a hero, and an extension of that is protecting peoples dreams to protect their lives, Genba wants to cling onto his special seat!!
And Chasshiro...!
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"Youve pulled me this far so now youre stuck with me" is it?! This can be selfish too! Its good to be selfish!!
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BOONBOOM ROBO KNIGHT WAS REALLY BAKUAGE!! Did they set the sword on fire? that definitely seems like real fire!!!
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Im really sad to see Madrex (AND HASHIRIKEN!!!!) exit already, they were so good that it just makes you wonder, if the temporary executive for the beginning episodes was this good just whats coming next...?! Of course, im excited to see it every week !
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Since he got called out for being too sweet, hes trying to scold Taiya more, but it still comes off sweet, Chasshiro!!!!!
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
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- lorena!! ksysiss ok but like!! she'd def be on tumblr whenever she needs to say smth
- has terrible grammer thats inconsistent and messy
- types in caps more than she should
- reblogs memes n pictures of cats in hats
- talks abt her family all the time, especially abt gwen
- does shitty doodles of her mutuals
- does a lot of copypastas
- has a very lowkey account, not many people know about it
- says a lot of puns (half of them don't even work)
- sometimes her posts r just "had a blye shshhie?!" and then there's whole ass essays abt the usage of camouflage
- has twenty backup accounts
- is into military history!! reblogs interesting facts abt it and adds her own lil comments
- if you're her mutual, she'll be reblogging and liking every post of yours, will give you literally all of her support
- lorena is always there to talk to somebody !! she's kinda awkward sometimes but she makes up for it by being persistent and a bit hyper when you really get her going
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- Maria! <33
- ok so she's literally a sweetheart
- big sister vibes whos always willing to give credit to others and is super chill to talk to
- has really good grammer, messes up a few times but overall, she uses commas and barely has an typos
- gets a lot of anon asks, always talks to them like they're her long lost besties, super natural n caring
- she makes her own gifs!!
- talks abt her crush sometimes
- links her pinetrest
- writes fanfics and keeps it the biggest secret of her life, her followers only know bc she makes way too many references to ao3 fics
- lowkey a fangirl ngl, will gush her heart out and makes edits and fancams
- she keeps her identity (apart from her voice) a complete secret, like, you wouldn't even know the color of her hair
- reblogs a lot of facts n pictures of birds and in her rbs, she talks abt her experiences w them
- keeps a pastel blue aesthetic to her blog
- most of her text posts are her discussing bozart and asking for advice for her singing
- is always really excited to talk to people!! has a good amount of tumblr friends and is just really nice
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- GWEN!!! gwennie gwen gwendolyn!!
- she's gen the sweetest
- like ever <333
- this girl.... she's not very open and has a hard time telling if somebody likes her but does try to be kind to everybody
- shares a lot of baking recipes nd pictures of her own baking
- is really shy
- recorded herself talking once and immediately deleted it
- will sometimes vent in a very smash keyboard way whenever she's stressed
- mostly reblogs things to do with baking but also reblogs comfort posts that makes her happy
- doesn't discuss how she looks at all
- takes pictures of moss nd overgrown and thinks they're really pretty
- uses emoticons like ^^ and :)
- has a really really close group of five or so friends she met on tumblr and really wants to message them but is too scared she's bothering them
- wet sad fluffy kitten energy
- quotes from romance books and pictures of buttered bread
- her blog is the definition of comfort <33
- reblogs pictures of a bunch of funky animals and coos over them in the tags
- if you get to know her she's really really nice and will probably want to send you baked goods
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- jamie....
- this mans blog is half chaos half reviewer
- reblogs leo's posts (because he def has a tumblr too) literally all the time, usually like "how r you texting this in jail ://"
- does food reviews literally all the time, probably has a YouTube channel too
- gets asks all the time 😭😭 answers them all on one tuesday morning out of the blue
- 6/10 grammer, no attempt to do better, internet slang makes up half of his vocabulary
- uses 'ngl' when its not needed at all
- uploads a lot of pics of food, some of his own, some of others
- talks in tags, speaks in lowercase 1/3 of the time
- this man either capalizes everything or nothing... good for him!!
- has 82 drafts and is waiting for the right moment to post em
- compares his sister's cooking/baking to everything like "hmmm this lasagna is alright but my sister, Gwennie's,...."
- is accidently aesthetic.. everything this man posts just happens to have pink in it idk
- probably uses fonts tbh
- reblogs light academia/pastel royal/literally any type of cat aestheyic posts
- uses emojis ironically
- jamie honestly is a pretty chill guy and also enjoys talking to people :) sometimes he'll just hit somebody up and be like "that pasta you made has supreme good vibes,,, care to tell the recipe??"
- uses a lot of question marks and expscmation marks
- shows his face a lot !! Along with his outfits and bracelets nd stuff
- posts about his life a lot, doesn't really care if somebody finds out this is him because he's really open abt it
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apollotronica · 7 months
hiiiii... did you miss meeeee....
🌵 🌻🧃 🪐 🧸🥐 🍦 🦋 🥝 🐚
- 💌 (gas leak in my house) (everyone's ok but that was the main reason for my absence) (sorry!)
🌵- share the link to a playlist you love
erm i pnly have one big one I have like ones i dont listen to but . here
🌻- tag someone you appreciate but dont talk to on a regular basis
i could tag Everyone i consider a friend because i am so bad at talking to people but ermmmm @demdol @analogseeker @mukuberry @yurihifugen @librariansrose hiiiiii hugs you all
🧃- share some personal lore youve never posted about before
oh brother i post about everything thats ever happened to me . umm im very good with my toes Like i can do the same things with my feet that i can with my hands
🪐- name three good things going on in your life right now
ermmmm ummm UMMmmm 1 im going to thr mall today 2 i just got my discord account backc 3 Been having some interesting conversations lately which is always fun
🧸- whats the fastest way to become your mutual?
Ermmmm Ummmm eiyhet Ask . or follow me first and ill look thru ur blog for like 30 minutes until i decide if i wanna follow u back . idk shrug emoji
🥐- name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Oh man . a lot of internet things make me laugh . any jerma bit honestly
🍦- name three good things about a character you hate
i havent really hated anyone recently . ermm . his face is . so flat. his voice is kinda funny . i guess hes good at brainwashing . nazu and prin know who im talking about i think
🦋- share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
🥝- do you lie a lot? whats the most recent lie you told?
i trll a lot of tiny little white lies i think ? Maybe ? i probably told a lie in this response . im bad at lying And telling the truth
🐚- do you like or dislike surprises?
honestly it depends on my mood beforehand . but i usually like them . Because i get bored being able to predict things . blargh
AND I DID MISS YOU !!!!!!!! HIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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threepoint14art · 7 months
HEY about your fhs au...... i hope you don't mind me asking nd also uhh i don't know if you would've prefered this ask on your other account but too late it's already here. is there a reason owynn's eyes are different sizes? is it something animal related or maybe incident related or does he just look like that because it looks cool as fuck?
Hello :D!!!!!!! Asks are fine on this blog dont worry! I also get its confusing that i have 2 accounts dw :,3 for the record i don't mind asks anywhere! Everyone is welcome to ask me anything anywhere, wether you are guaranteed a comprehensible response is another can of worms lol
To answer your question: the answer is a bit animal related, a bit of a rule of cool as fuck and a dash of the good old projection!!!
I have a LOT of eye issues that have required a ton of surgeries and dumb stuff and overall i just have a very shitty vision by my eyes being weird and unfixable, and then i also need glasses in the normal people astigmatism way so its a double hit! I wanted to give that to Owynn too in some capacity, and we played around a lil with how to do it.
First of all I'd like to present you with this, arthropods in our au all have really very noticeable eyes, we made it sort of an unspoken social rule for them to have to cover them since they look sorta freaky, which ties back to both cami and Loon having hair over their eyes!
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Here I humbly present three of my creatures (vincent cami and loon) ((vincent is owynns brother)) who are not owynn just to set a reference to what arthropod eyes are normally like; as you can see they either got the full complete eye of a solid color (any eye color that you can normally get or just straight up black/white) and cami who is an interesting outlier I will explain in a bit! In general a lot of insects have this fun thing called "compound eyes", scorpions, which arent insects but arachnids, have "simple eyes" which insects also have but as extra help instead of their straight up eye. Since i don't want to doom every single scorpion person in this world to have the worlds worst sight I opted to also gave them the principle of compound eyes, and we represent the simple eyes other insects have with little spots on the skin, thats what the thing on camis forehead is :3 (i promise this is kinda important)
Cami does have compound eyes like all arthropods, but you might say "dawg i see her pupils right there" and thats where you are wrong! Mantis have this cool thing where they always look like their "pupils" are following you but its just an illussion. So she's kind of a nightmare without her hair covering her eyes because woups it just looks like shes permanently looking at you. Forever. thats awesome. Social rule of covering ur eyes with hair makes a little more sense now
So where does owynn fit on all of this, well, when i asked myself "how do i give someone with a billion of eyes an inherent eye problem that isn't fixable solely with glasses" i came up with: His eyes are shrinking
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He still has heterochromia in the normal way, and his eyes shrinking is due to light sensitivity, the blue side is way more pigmented than the green one like its shown in that little grayscale thing, and because of that the green eye is MUCH more light sensitive and therefore way smaller, his glasses help him a lil with the whole light issue, but as a kid he just didn't wear them at all, which is why it got worse and worse and worse to where he is now, most people also assume he has ONE weird eye instead of two, because like I mentioned, arthropod eyes can be normal eye colors, OR straight up black/white. So since his green eye is so bright it blends a lot with the white part of his eye and people just think his eye is a flat white color and that the blue one is the weird part, once you get close to him you can actually realize how he has a way bigger issue on his green eye ^^
So he has normal eye problems that can be fixed with a prescription, and inherent eye problems that glasses can't fix! that being his green eye having seeing almost nothing, and losing a bit of range of sight on his blue one. the problem is mostly the green one ngl
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