#no the concept of going out with friends doesn't ring a bell
tiianwens · 7 months
a starter for @dreams-of-fate // BAI QIAN
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❝ DO YOU REQUIRE MY HELP WITH SOMETHING? ❞ a furrowed brow easily betrays his confusion at the invitation — being out in town without his disciples in tow is already an extraordinary occasion. Chu Wanning has never been the best at figuring out others' intentions, and this woman, for as long as he's known her, remained a mystery still. The inn is unusually quiet, too early in the day to indulge in drinking, so he raises a teacup to his lips and takes a sip. It makes him wonder — there must be something big in that forest Bai Qian mentioned, menacing enough to require a cultivator of his caliber, and desperate enough to call for his help in particular, with the ill reputation he must've acquired after the last incident.
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❝ If it's a violent ghost, I know a few ways of reasoning with it, ❞ nothing more than an assumption. Though a ritual of such power would take more energy than his recently injured body might be ready to spare.
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pancakesnake-exe · 3 months
The Stig
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It is The Stig
It was originally going to be called “The Gimp”, but was renamed The Stig, which means having a bad fashion sense while being born poor
“We don't know its name, we really don't know its name, nobody knows its name, and we don't want to know, because it's a racing driver.”
The Stig wears its helmet on set and most cast members don’t know who it is.
The Stig does not know who it is because they wiped its memory when it got the job.
It is the Pope.
There is only one The Stig.
The Stig used to work in Rome[as the pope], but gave up its job to be able to keep up with its work here
It has no face
It is terrified of scouts
The drinks cabinet in its car contains 14 different types of custard
Its favourite T-shirt has a picture of a T-shirt
It is afraid of bells
It is confused by stairs
It never blinks
The Stig is kept in the cupboard when not in use
It naturally faces magnetic north
It has a digital face
The Stig has an evil twin named Black Stig who died after driving off an aircraft carrier but came back to life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lkh0uWFg9c
It will charge you if you attempt to remove its helmet
Its nipples are explosive
It paid a $25,000 expenses claim for some gravel for his moat
The Stig has three legs
The Stig once dreamt for a whole week straight about what Rubens Barrichello would look like in a ham slicer
The Stig is banned from the town of Chichester
The Stig is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ
The Stig bought a slightly dented white Fiat Uno from the Duke of Edinburgh
If you hold it in the wrong way, it doesn't work properly
It is 47% horse
It has 17 children due to faulty condoms
The Stig has a special pissing technique that causes floods
It once punched a horse to the ground
It has Mansell Syndrome
The Stig runs on diesel
It has a very small brain
It “has no understanding of the concept of money”
The Stig’s credit card says “The Stig” and is issued by The Bank of Money
The Stig’s favorite genres of music are: Morse code, whale songs, baroque music, advertising jingles, country & western music, sales techniques, foreign language learning tapes, ABBA but French, speeches of Margaret Thatcher, Elton John, pipe bands, vuvuzelas, national anthems, Tuvan throat singing, self help audiotapes, and “an annoying ringing sound”
The Stig has to receive awards in its left hand, as its right one is magnetic
The Stig has decided all northerners are edible
It’s mission statement is to "just go out there and drive fast"
The Stig’s opinion is worthless
The Stig has died multiple times, but the Grim Reaper is too afraid to tell it.
The extent of The Stig’s knowledge outside racing is two facts about ducks
Both facts are wrong
The three others once reenacted the journey of the three wise men, and at the end, the manger held a baby The Stig.
The next episode a month later, it was fully grown. Due to “Stigs grow very quickly, and the new The Stig was thus already fully grown.”
Stigs must be transported in delivery crates
The Stig has a fatter American cousin called Big Stig, who is a more relaxed driver
The Stig has an African cousin who only wears boots, a loincloth, racing gloves, and a helmet, has watched “The Lion King” 1780 times, ands second-best friend is a Cape buffalo
The Stig has a cousin who works as a truck driver named Rig Stig who can power slide and drift in trucks, has only one sleeve and wears special gloves, favorite song is “Forever Autumn" by Justin Hayward, and owns the world’s largest porn collection
The Stig has a red-suited Vietnamese cousin who is a communist and rides a motorcycle.
The Stig has a vegetarian cousin named Janet Stig Porter whose helmet is solar powered and wears overalls and socks with sandals
The Stig has a German cousin named Herr Stig who is identical to The Stig in every way besides having a mullet
The Stig has an Italian cousin named Bunga-Bunga Stig who wears a suit, is followed everywhere by three women, and only drives Italian sports cars
The Stig has a Chinese cousin named Attack Stig who is a kung-fu master, attacks anyone on sight indiscriminately, kicked James Lemay in the balls, beat up a large amount of the crew(even stopping in the middle of his timed lap to attack a track Marshall who accidentally entered its line of sight), and looks almost the same as The Stig
The Stig has a teenage cousin who wears headphones, wears low waist line pants showing its underwear, always looks at its phone, and made a mobile game titled “Top Gear: Race The Stig”
The Stig has an Australian cousin who lives in an open cut iron ore mine, wears dusty overalls and flip-flops, is very muscular, and has a very “large gentlemanly sausage”
The Stig has three other teenage cousins who are triplets, wear three different colored headphones and smartphones, and all have low waist line pants showing their underwear
The Stig has a Emirati cousin who looks similar to the normal Stig but wears a ghutrah on top its helmet and a huge diamond watch
The Stig has a relative of unknown association called “StigFoot” who lives in the woods
The Stig has a Japanese cousin named Ninja Stig who is a ninja, and wears a black helmet, a black ninja outfit, and has a katana on its back
The Stig has a business cousin named Business Stig who wears a red tie and a set of braces
The Stig’s father is named StigDad and wears a tank top and flare trousers
The Stig has another Australian cousin who lives upside down
The Stig has a New Zealander cousin named The Stug
The Stig has a Colorodonian cousin named Backwoods Stig who wears white racing overalls with torn off sleeves.
The Stig has a Yorkshire cousin named T’Stig with a flat cap on its helmet and 2 dogs by his feet at all times
The Stig has its own children’s book trilogy
The Stig has a chiseled jawline
The Stig has no friends
The Stig never blinks
The Stig roams the woods at night, foraging for wolves
The Stig is wanted by the CIA
The Stig sleeps upside down like a bat
The Stig can catch fish with its tounge
The Stig appears on high value stamps in Sweden
The Stig is illegal in 17 states
The Stig blinks sideways
The Stig’s breath smells like magnesium
Two of The Stig’s legs are hydraulic
The Stig lives in a tree
It’s sweat can be used to clean precious metals
It’s heart ticks like a watch
It’s voice can only be heard by cats
The Stig has two sets of knees
There is an airport in Russia named after it
Its skin has the texture of a dolphin
No matter where you are in the world, if you tune a radio to 88.4, you can hear its thoughts
The Stig has no understanding of clouds
Its earwax tastes like Turkish delight
The Stig is a master of politics
It’s tears are adhesive
If you set The Stig on fire, it would burn for a thousand days
The Stig can swim seven lengths under the water
The Stig has webbed buttchecks
Its heart is upside down
Its teeth glow in the dark
Its ears “aren’t where you would expect them to be”
The Stig once had an affair with John Prescott
If it felt like it, it could fire Alan Sugar
The Stig has upside down genitals
If it wanted to, it could crack the DaVinci Code in 43 seconds
Its ears have a paisley lining
The Stig is banned from the Chelsea Flower Show
The outline of The Stig’s left nipple is the exact same shape as the Nürburgring
If given a truly important job, The Stig will slack off and play croquet instead
The Stig invented Branston Pickle
On exceptionally warm days, it will shed its skin like a snake
The Stig is allergic to the Dutch
It’s first name is The
If it went in Celebrity Love Island, every one would be pregnant, including the cameramen
The Stig once threw a microwave at someone
The Stig once had a vicious knife fight with Anthea Turner
The Stig has nothing to do with the cash-for-honors scandal
The Stig is a CIA experiment that went wrong
The Stig only eats cheese
If you lick its chest, it will taste exactly like piccalilli
The Stig sucks moisture from ducks
Its crash helmet is modeled after Brittany Spears’ head
The Stig isn’t machine washable
All its potted plants are named Steve
The Stig’s scrotum has its own gravity field
To unlock The Stig, you must run your finger down its face
The Stig thought Star Wars was a documentary
The Stig is afraid of Australian trees
61 years ago, The Stig accidentally introduced the Queen of England to a Greek racialist
The Stig was beheaded, but grew it back
When it slows down, break lights turn on in his butt
The Stig is bad at soccer
The Stig once lost a canoe on a beach in the Northeast
The Stig once had to do time in a prison in Canterbury, because its teddy bear was named Baby Jesus
The Stig has never sat on Santa’s knee
The Stig has never watched Moonraker on Boxing Day
After having sex, The Stig bites the head off its partner
The Stig had to give up binge drinking when prices reached $1.50 a litre
Each of its toenails are exactly the same length as a woman’s nipples
It thinks Credit Crunch is a type of cereal
Its droppings have been found as far as New York
The Stig has a full-size tattoo of The Stig’s face on its face
It is impossible for The Stig to wear socks
The Stig can open a beer bottle with its testes
The Stig sleeps inside out
The Stig once had sex with an answering machine
The Stig invented November
One of its eyes is a testicle
Its left leg gets longer when it sees someone it finds attractive
The Stig doesn’t like getting its helmet wet
The Stig invented the curtain
The Stig thinks potato chips are a type of animal
The Stig is baffled by urinals
The Stig has twelve GCSEs, all in domestic science
The Stig has been producing artificial sperm for years, even though the team has repeatedly asked it not to
On Thursdays, The Stig becomes extremely bulbous
The Stig is highly contagious of the “The Stig Flu”, which killed countless pigs in Mexico
If The Stig compensated a soldier for getting wounded, it wouldn't try to take it all back again
The Stig made someone bald once
In the Autumn, all its arms turn brown and fall off
if it wrote you a letter of condolence, The Stog would get your name right
The Stig has terrible plans involving the Moon
The Stig‘s new Christmas range of fragrances includes the great smell of Wednesday
The Stig was turned down for the job of EU President because its face was just too recognizable
The Stig has never once hit a fire hydrant.
You shouldn't go around to its house for your Christmas lunch unless you enjoy the taste of seagull
The Stig has to take his shoes off with an alum key
The Stig’s New Year's Resolution is to eat fewer mice
Its discharge is luminous
There are 17 different reasons why The Stig is banned from the North Hampton branch of Little Chef
Its favourite airline pilot is Mark Webber, or two, actually
The Stig has an irrational hatred of Rubens Barricello
The Stig is terrified the BBC will reveal its salary because its paid in hardcore porn
Some people think the Scottish released it a little bit too soon
The Stig once spent all week slowly pushing an effigy of Rubens Barricello through his desk fan
The Stig has recently been releasing pop records under the pseudonym of "Lady Gaga"
Under its race suit, The Stig also wears a red G-string and suspenders
The Stig doesn't understand the word "envelope"
The Stig is the only person in Britain not to have slept with Alan Johnson's policeman
The Stig once tore a goat in half
Its nipples are explosive
In its wallet, it keeps a photograph of its wallet
Its favourite disease it had as a child was gout
The Stig doesn’t know what dogs are for
The Stig can't eat mashed potato for religious reasons
The Stig once received 47,000 Olympic tickets, all of them for the final of women's wrestling
The Stig refuses to acknowledge the existence of Nottinghamshire
The Stig once hacked into its own helmet
The Stig is the only person in Britain who knows what B&Q stands for
The Stig once spent its $1.5 million dollar bonus on French breast implants
The Stig has 50,000 photographs of its own camera
The Stig has high horsepower
The Stig is skilled in cocktail-making
The Stig is the only person in history to buy a DFS sofa when it wasn’t on sale
Its favourite boxing venue is Munich Airport
The Stig stores all of its shoes and cassette tapes on the motorway central reservation
Following the vote on gay marriage in Britain, The Stig got engaged to James May’s lawnmower
Its convinced that Henry IV is buried under the Follow-Through
The Stig used to be a stormtrooper, but it was kicked out when it tried to eat Darth Vader
The Stig is made of rubber porcelain
The Stig’s shadow is that of a beluga whale
The Stig can play guitar with the clutch
Its carbon fibre beard is chiselled in the most streamlined way
The Stig knighted the former Queen of England
The Stig once saved the former Queen from God
The Stig can hypnotize sheep
If bothered, The Stig could swim the entire Atlantic Ocean-underwater
The Stig once co-presented a Brazilian show about blimp disasters
The Stig once actually punched God
The Stig once killed a giraffe with just its feet
The Stig has a black belt in paper maché
Some say it is five foot tall with lead in its feet
Others say six feet with tall with air in its head
....but it doesn't care what you say
The Stig has contracted every STD known to man
The Stig has large inflatable breasts to get them out of speeding tickets
The Stig is one of the protons in the Large Hadron Collider
The Stig creates miniature black holes every time he sneezes
The Stig was the one who actually pulled Excalibur from the stone and is the rightful King of England
The Stig gave birth to Chuck Norris and the mother was Superman
The Stig has no understanding of queuing
The Stig once modelled for Page 3
Its feet are made from dog leather
The Stig invented the mankini because it was frustrated with how its speedos looked on it
The Stig is the reason why The Beatles split up
And finally: The Stig has never watched an episode of Top Gear because it prefers a different show that airs at the same time
“Right, that's the track, now we needed someone who could tame it. So we got ourselves a professional racing driver who could post consistently fast lap times. We um, we couldn't do that. Now we call this thing The Stig, okay, we don't know its name, we really don't know its name, no-one knows its name and we don't want to know because it's a racing driver and racing drivers have tiny little brains and therefore worthless opinions and they're very dull; doctors actually call it Mansell Syndrome. Um, its job is simply to go out there and drive fast.”
-God probably
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
hi, sorry if i'm too early to the rq period, but can i ask for a concept with pla ingo and a reader who was the unova champion and also knew him before being sent to hisui?
Sure! It's been a long time since I've played Pokemon Legends: Arceus so this is based on memory.
Yandere! PL:A! Ingo with Unova Champion! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Amnesia, Overprotective behavior, Selfish behavior, Manipulation, Jealousy, Dubious relationship/companionship.
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It's no wonder Arceus saw you fit for the task it has chosen for you.
Who better to try and stop Volo than a Champion?
As a result you, former Unova champion, are sent to Hisui.
Ingo doesn't really remember you at first due to his memory loss.
When you do meet him in Coronet Highlands he can tell there's something about you.
You recognize Ingo as... well... Ingo somewhat, but are perplexed by his amnesia.
Ingo finds himself strangely drawn to you when he sees you.
Even fighting you feels familiar, yet something seems missing.
He isn't sure what.
By the end of his first battle with you he isn't really sure if he wants to part from you.
You know Ingo well as Champion.
To pass time you would challenge him and Emmet all the time.
You had grown close to the two brothers, becoming friends.
Maybe Ingo just saw you as a friend... or maybe he saw you as something more and never bothered to admit it.
Either way said feelings keep bubbling within him even now despite his memory loss.
Even your name echoes in his mind as familiar... he knows at some point he's heard it...
At some point he's cherished it.
Hearing you talk to him makes his heart flutter just a bit.
He tries his hardest to figure out why you're so familiar.
However... eventually you yourself end up bringing it up.
You say you used to be a Champion for a place called Unova.
More bells ring in his mind... he looks shocked but he listens to you.
You tell him you used to challenge him and his brother often.
You admit you considered him a close friend.
Yet now... now you're stuck here to fulfill some prophecy.
Ingo takes some time to digest the information but he begins to look at you fondly afterwards.
He admits the memories are vague but he does remember you.
No wonder he feels such a strange connection to you.
Ever since then you two often are around one another.
After all, you have the strongest connection out of anyone here.
Ingo starts to act differently around you too.
You notice he hovers around often and even asks to train you more.
He gets worried when you're on expeditions.
His behavior is somewhat understanding.
You are the only connection he has to his old life.
Not only that but you invoke such strong emotions within him.
Having battles with you seems... normal.
He misses it, actually.
You both may not have your usual teams but the skill is still there.
Others expected you two to get along due to both being from the Time Rift.
Although they didn't know you knew each other so well.
I expect there's moments where Ingo gets... sentimental.
Especially as he remembers you more and more.
There's times Ingo will break his more stoic behavior to hug you.
It brings back memories for you too...
Oh Arceus, you worry for Emmet....
You even bring up his brother at times, hoping to jog his memory.
Ingo is upset that he can't see his brother whom he barely remembers... but he feels comforted that you're here.
Especially as his obsession gets more intense.
His depression with his memories and feelings are what drives him to you.
Soon he asks you not to leave so often.
He wants to talk to you, battle with you, feel your warmth....
It may be selfish but Ingo and you have been through a lot, right?
So... he deserves to be around you the most, right?
You no doubt try to jog his memory... but he begins to wonder what the point is.
What if you both never go home?
The thought plagues him often, even Sneasler can tell something's wrong.
Maybe he'll never even see Unova again....
Then his thought flick back to you.
... so what if he doesn't?
Ingo has you, doesn't he?
No one else can compare to you and him.
No one else deserves you.
Aren't you meant to be?
As long as he has you... maybe he can be happy.
A little slice of home...
Maybe it won't be so bad to be stuck here as long as he has you... forever... his dearest champion.
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universellie · 1 year
Steven X male reader who works at the donuts shop. They're really good friends, but Steven has a crush on him. (he likes him too) and him embarrassing himself trying to look cool in front of him, he thinks he messed up but he thinks it's super cute and they end up going on a date and it's all cute and fluffy. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm not good at this 😭 love your writing 💜
ohemgeeeee of course! and thank you! This is such a cute concept so I hope you like it <3 I got a bit confused with which person is getting embarrassed so I’m going to choose Steven, hopefully that’s okay!
>~TW: fluff overload ;)
>~ Steven Universe x m!reader
>~context; reader works in the donut shop with Sadie, Steven comes in one day when Reader is working and very awkwardly asks him on a date to FunLand :)
Donut Look At Me!
Beach City was a means to an end. In your grand future plans, you were ready to tour the world. Visit everywhere you possibly could, escaping the towns small, yet homely atmosphere. You’d miss it here, it was your home. Luckily, you weren’t going to be moving away anytime soon. School was finished, but you had to make money to go on your great adventure.
That’s where the Donut Shop came into place. A means to an end. Sadie had hired you purely based off of your friendship from school. Both 18, she had been working in the shop for years at this point. She has been here with Lars, but following his unusual disappearance the shop eventually had to hire another person. You left Greg Universes car wash not long ago, he was a great boss but getting wet everyday wasn’t really your idea of fun. Then Sadie offered you the job.
It was a regular Wednesday afternoon, summer sun rays blazing through the open windows. A crystal clear ocean lapping at a lazy beach sends a steady thrum of sound. Sadie was out back, throwing donuts in the deep frier. The new rule of actually cooking the donuts was testing, to say the least. You were leaning against the counter, tapping your hand along the wood as you watched people go by outside the shop. Sadie was humming a song, she was a great singer, you had to admit. Maybe she’d end up in a band.
The door swung open, the bell twinkling above. Steven Universe stood there, tall, dad bod concealed behind a pink bomber jacket and the classic jeans and sandals combo. You could feel your knees becoming weak behind the counter, staring at him with awe as he approached. His hair looked bouncier today, his eyes already scanning through the shelves and the donuts displayed at the counter. He was humming a tune, it sounded like his ring tone. His gaze lifted to find you looking at him, a gentle blush creeped to his cheeks. “Hey! How are you doing today?” He fidgeted with his hands nervously, almost shuffling closer to the counter. You felt a warmth grow in your chest, what it would mean to you if you were the cause of his nervousness.
“I’m good Steven. How about you?” His gaze snapped up to yours, he gripped his hands, knuckles turning white.
“Great!” He said it almost a little too enthusiastically. He grimaced, cringing by his tone. He quickly averted his eyes to the glass shelves of donuts. “Can I get a vanilla sprinkles and uhhh…” He paused, looking at you he took a quick breath, and leaned on the counter. “And a side of you to go.” You looked at him, disbelief clearly written on your face and Steven immediately offered an awkward chuckle. “Good joke right?!” He said hurriedly, standing back off the counter and rubbing the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but smile, what a dorky, awkward guy.
“I’ll get you those donuts, unfortunately employees aren’t on the menu.” You held his gaze as you put the donuts in a box, adding a few of your favourites for good measure. He gave a kind smile, cheeks tinted pink with a blush of embarrassment.
“Good come back, Y/N.” He slid cash across the counter, watching you put it in the register. You could hear him tapping his foot on the ground, why was he being so impatient? He opened his mouth and closed it again, before taking a breath and locking eyes with you. “Want to go on a date?” Stammering it out as if it was the hardest thing to say in the whole entire world. “To uh, FunLand! Or or… Mr Happys arcade? If you don’t want to it’s fine, I don’t expect y-“ You gave him a small smile, his awkwardness was adorable.
“I’d love to go on a date Steven. I’m off at 6, meet you here then?” His face lit up, a smile growing.
“Yes! Yes that’s amazing-“ He stopped himself, taking a deep breath and trying to hide his excitement. “That would be great, see you then handsome.” He winked and gave you finger guns as he walked out of the store. You saw him giving himself a face slap and muttering some incoherent nonsense about being stupid. How cute he was.
You stood outside the donut shop, trading your company uniform for a hoodie. You looked out towards the beach, it was 6:10pm, where was Steven? Just as you were contemplating if he had stood you up and if you should leave, you heard the rushed slap of sandals on the ground. You could hear panting, and watched as Steven hurtled towards you, bouquet of wild flowers in his hand.
“I’m here! I’m so sorry I’m late-“ He was wearing different clothes, lighter jeans and a new shirt, still keeping the star theme. He stopped before you, heaving and out of breath. He held up his hand and presented the bouquet, you couldn’t help but blush. “Oh Steven… thank you. This is really kind.” He nodded, then stood and sucked in a deep breath. “I had to get flowers the prettiest boy, right?” He gave a smirk, then tried to lean against the donut shop wall. He missed it by an inch and stumbled forward, catching himself before he made out with the floor.
“Steven are you okay?!” You went to help him up but he waved you away. Giving that familiar embarrassed chuckle.
“I’m fine! Really, let’s go to FunLand. I got us free tickets for the rides after working in the arcade for a month.”
“Wasn’t that because you broke one of the games?”
“Yes but…. I stayed on to help! So I got a thank you gift.”
You smiled, nodding. He held out his hand you took it, holding the flowers he gifted you in the other. The pair of you talked, walking down the boardwalk and to the sparkling lights of the amusement rides. It was sweet, he tried to deliver some pick up lines but they fell flat, yet they still made you laugh. His attempt at wooing you, even though it was miserable, was working. The genuine sweetness he showed you was heart warming. The pair of you reached FunLand, beelining for the roller coaster. He gently took the flowers from you, laying them safely at the entrance. Then your belongings and packed them in a tidy pile. On the roller coaster he wrapped an arm around you, holding you close as the pair of you screamed on each loop and dive.
You played mini games, he managed to win you a giant panda due to his sharp precision in knocking down wooden ducks with a water gun. After getting corn dogs, you found the pair of you sitting on the docks ledge. Sourcreams dads boat sitting to the side. The waves lapped gently at the posts, the night was clear and a gentle warm breeze ruffled your hair.
“Thank you, for agreeing to come on a date with me” Steven said gently as he nibbled on the side of the corn dog. He stared out into space, like he was gazing directly at one particular star.
“Thank you for inviting me Steven. It was… an amazing night.” Steven looked at you, a kind smile playing on his lips as he took your hand and held it.
“I have to be honest with you. I’ve had a crush on you for a while, I think that’s why I’ve been such a clutz. I just- when I see you I can’t help but feel nervous!” You smiled, giving his hand a small squeeze.
“Oh Steven, I’ve felt the same way. I think I’m just better at hiding it.” The pair of you turned to face each other, genuine smiles and eyes that told more than words could say. Steven leaned into you, before quickly looking away from your lips as of to ask ‘Is it okay?’. You merely gave a slight nod of your head in response.
Steven leaned in and kissed you, like there was no end to the night. Softly he took you in his arms, breaking away for a moment to look at you, before kissing you once again.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @brainy5; further adventures in poly Pockets.
Original flavor of this soulmate-AU concept courtesy of @bucky-boychik-barnes.
Cassie has school today, which is a problem because she also has a Pocket Superman who refuses to wear anything that isn't a cape. Does the real Superman just, what, never wear street clothes? Is that a thing, she wonders?
That cannot possibly be a thing.
"I'm calling Diana," her mom says as she picks up her phone, looking annoyed. "She'll talk some sense into him."
"Mom," Cassie says in exasperation. "She can't talk sense into Superman, he's dead! And that's so embarrassing anyway, who even does that?!"
"I don't know, who even has a soulmate half their age?" Mom retorts, eyeing Cassie's Pocket sourly. He's too busy poking at her breakfast muffin to notice, thankfully, but Cassie is still mortified.
"Mom!" she hisses. "Talking sense into Superman wouldn't help anyway, it's my Pocket who's the problem!"
Cassie's Pocket immediately stops being distracted by the muffin and looks up at her, and looks hurt. Cassie instantly feels like the scum of the multiverse.
"I don't mean you're a problem," she tries quickly, but he jerks his head away and flies over to sulk on top of the fridge. Cassie winces in guilt and hurries after him. "Pocket, no, I just–you need to not wear that right now, that's all! I have to go to school and you cannot be Superman while I'm at school!"
Her Pocket sulks harder and hides inside one of the random vases her mom keeps up on top of the fridge. Cassie cringes. She is not making a good impression on her Pocket.
"A grown man should behave better," Mom mutters dubiously, waking up her phone and opening her contacts to tap Diana's.
"Superman's a grown man, Mom," Cassie says in frustration, floating up to peek inside the opaque vase her Pocket's hiding in. He's curled up small in the bottom of it and still looks sullen, and she feels even worse. "My Pocket just showed up today!"
"It doesn't work like that, Cassie," Mom sighs as the phone rings, and Cassie's Pocket–pauses, and then looks up at her uncertainly.
"Cassie?" he asks, clear as a bell.
Cassie . . . blinks.
"Um, yeah," she says. "That's me. Cassie Sandsmark. Wonder Girl."
". . . Wondy!" her Pocket blurts excitedly, and then he zips up out of the vase and loops her delightedly, all previous offenses apparently forgotten. Cassie stares at him. Did he just–two words? That quick?
She guesses Superman is supposed to be super-smart, but . . .
"Good morning, Helena," Mom's phone greets pleasantly, and Cassie recognizes Diana's voice. "You're calling awfully early today. Is everything alright?"
"Cassie's Pocket showed up," Mom informs her flatly, shooting him a dirty look that he ignores in favor of excitedly tugging at Cassie's shoulder in an apparent attempt to get her to float up higher. "You need to get over here and explain your friend to me."
"That sounds concerning," Diana says as Cassie follows her Pocket's tugging and he chatters happy Pocket-talk at her, interspaced with various eager repetitions of "Cassie!" and "Wondy!"
Cassie is very flustered that her Pocket's first two words were her name. That's–very flustering, yeah. And flattering. And–and a lot, it feels like. What if she hurts his feelings again? What if she just disappoints him?
He's Superman, after all. How couldn't she be a disappointment to him?
"I am very concerned, yes," Mom says darkly.
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oh yeah for anyone curious how the budgie is going:
we have been experimenting with different flavors of music. so far, they like fleetwood mac, smash mouth, shakira, only some of the elden ring soundtrack. making a playlist for when i have to be out of the house
we have finally begun to consistently step up, though they really do not enjoy me moving my arm while they're perched so we're working on it. still, this is extremely good, considering how long it can take some of them to get over clipping trauma. vet is next week so hopefully that doesn't set us back
i have tried at least five distinct methods of encouraging bathing and instead we choose to scream with a face covered in [currently] cherry stains about it being itchy. well you dumb cute bird there's wet leaf and shallow dish and also mist bottle. pick one of those or messy face. (occasionally wet leaf is acceptable provided i am not watching, so i'm hoping we warm up to the concept. i'd try running water but without flight feathers i worry about re-traumatizing with handling)
this is also more challenging bc beast is baby-molting face feathers and will not let me help with the pins yet but neither am i permitted to help mist them to make them easier to preen so instead we have opted to Loudly Complain about it
when they sleep they pull one little foot in and i die every time from how fucking cute it is
we have adopted a habit of chatting softly to ourself when it is nearly time for bed, and then we get on our little swing and chirp insistently until the shark bedsheet is appropriately draped and it is. again, the cutest thing possible
we fucking DESPISE the sounds made by the bears in stormveil in ER. same, little dude
aunt got them a shredding toy with a little bell and i need to ask where because that shit is a lifesaver. instead of screaming on my zoom calls now we just talk to Shred Toy With Bell and ring it. but the sheer volume of the bell cannot remotely compete with flock calling so it is just easier for everyone
speaking of flock calling, i got a quarantine cage and will be assembling that this week so as soon as shelter has budgie 2 (or budgies 2 and 3) operation acquire a friend is so literally a go
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andorerso · 1 year
I just read the concept of Jyn meets Syril. Here's another probable scenario (inspired a smidge by nonny):
Syril has lost everything: mother dearest died; the Empire fell; Dedra disappeared (she went with the Imperial remnant cuz no way in hell she's staying in the same vicinity as that stalker); and he got fired from his job. His only inheritance is that apartment he got from his mother. Coincidentally, he's doing groceries, when he sees Cassian with an unknown woman. He gets into his head that his foe must be reported to the authorities.
The rebels stationed nearby get so many reports and visits from Syril. It gets to a point when they see him and they're like, oh, no, it's that creeper again. The reports end up in the hands of the higher ups and Cassian is called in and they're like, does the name Syril Karn ring any bells? And Cassian is groaning, being all like, yes I do know that name and explains everything and that's it.
Syril gets a cease and desist order because, bruh, Cassian is a well-known veteran and very esteemed by former members of the Rebellion. But it doesn't go through Syril's thick skull and he still is determined in his purpose of reporting Cassian. Jyn finds out and she's like, what's this I hear about you having a stalker? And Cassian tells her too and Jyn decides this is her business so she grabs a few of her friends from Rogue One (e.g., Melshi, Bodhi, Chirrut, etc.) and appears in Syril's home to talk about Cassian.
Results? Syril stops since Jyn gave him a very graphic description of what would happen if he didn't stop his nonsense. Cassian is happy, everyone is happy as a result.
Eventually, Syril can't stand this new republic and ends up selling his mother's apartment and leaves to parts of unknown, never to be heard of ever again. If he somehow ends up with the Imperial remnant, then that's another story (though it'd be hilarious if Dedra somehow is the one to kill the pest who's been plaguing her for years).
The End.
I mean honestly, if Jyn was around, Syril would be dust in two seconds. well to be fair, I think Cassian could easily take care of the guy himself (and I still think he should have when he had the chance lmao, why didn't he?? the world may never know) but I do love the idea of Jyn and the rest of the Rogues being the ones to put an end to it. Cassian protection squad!!
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xjulixred45x · 2 years
Hello, I saw your stories and I really liked them a lot, I wanted to make a request for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood a little (very) dark, about some headcanons of roy, riza and ling with a reader who was forced to marry very young with a very abusive military, You decide if the reader has children with their husband, I want to fluff with angst.
First english Request! It's not a problem, i like Dark topics, and the concept it's VERY interesting! (And realistic to the Time where Fullmetal alchemist live). So, Here que go!
Ling Yao/Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye X Abused Reader /PART 1
Reader: Female
Type: Headcanons
Trigger warning:(o, where.we.go) mentions of child marriage, implications of physical and mental abuse, etc., bad parents, atrocious and alarming age difference, hypothetical case of a child as a result of abuse, angst to fluff, Happy ending
Roy Mustang
Most likely, he found out about you when he went to your husband's house (reluctantly) so that he personally delivered some papers that he had to fill out if he wanted to have a vacation.
But when he knocked on your door, your husband didn't answer him, but you, a pretty young girl, compared to your husband, you might as well be his daughter, that's why he referred to you as such.
imagine his surprise when you told him you were the wife of his "partner"
Okay, let me get this straight, Roy didn't like your husband BEFORE, because he was self-centered and a complete jerk in general. so it was hard to believe that he was married to someone so young and cute.
you seemed almost scared when you opened the door, your engagement ring was on your left hand, you looked very pale and nervous when he explained that he was coming for some papers that your husband was going to give him.
Coming back to reality, you let him go get the documents he wanted, you left him alone for a few minutes while you went to your husband's office and he, curious, checked a couple of photos that were on the wall.
part of him wishes he hadn't, thought maybe you were recently married, UNTIL he saw pictures of your wedding, where you were CLEARLY a kid, not much older than 13.
For someone who was in the war, it was quite disturbing for Roy to see a girl (not to mention an INFANT) marry an obvious adult.
when you came back with the papers he turned around almost immediately and thanked you for your help, when he left he was left with a knot in his stomach the size of a drachma.
the next day at work he wanted to strike up a conversation with your husband. He told him that he met you and went from being quite indifferent to accommodating.
He said things like:
"your wife is VERY young"
"How long have you been married?"
"you never talked about her"
and the BASTARD answered him as if it were some kind of game, he told him that he had made a deal with your parents to marry you in exchange for a monthly payment, as it was much worse before you married him and that you were more like " a daughter" for him.
The most fake SHIT you've ever heard.
Due to work issues, he had to ask permission for certain things, so going to your house (because your husband doesn't understand what it means to "have responsibilities with someone") and talk to you became something common.
Obviously, you were skeptical, but knowing your husband, it made sense that he would stand him up 10 times out of 10, so you would do the same thing, let him into the hallway, go get the papers, talk for a while, and he would walk away.
what you definitely didn't expect is that, um, you'll start to enjoy his company, and vice versa.
At some point it also became common to have a drink together and talk in a more general way, it was VERY nice to be with someone other than your husband as they had no servants and the only thing that really entertained you was just taking care of the house .
It was nice to have a friend after years of cold-blooded treatment, but you hardly ever discussed your life with your husband, which set off alarm bells in Mustang's head.
your nervous demeanor at first, your already disturbing/strange marriage, your husband's attitude coupled with the fact that you always, ALWAYS dodge the subject, made him fill in the loose ends pretty quickly.
and he's ANGRY
How could someone force a CHILD to marry an adult DECADES OLDER, isolate them and not give them another option?
if he didn't like your husband before, well now he's disgusted
At this point he cares a lot about you, but most likely he will let you decide whether to leave your husband, he will not force you to do anything. he just wants you to be safe (and away from that man).
luckily being treated humanely after so long made you realize how REALLY BAD the situation was. so you decide to just leave the house, no confrontation, no fights, just leave the ring on the nightstand, grab a couple of clothes and money and walk away. As much as you have taken a lot of courage to do it, you do not have enough strength to go face to face with your husband (a good decision).
First of all, you look for a taxi and you go to a hotel that the taxi driver recommends, you have barely traveled the city the time you live in it, so you do not have much to guide you beyond the vegetable stand on the corner of your House.
already feeling safe in the place, you call Roy and explain what you did, he takes a second to process what you said for a whole minute, you think it's over until suddenly (and very loudly) he congratulates you on Making such a decision tells you that your husband is still at work and will probably be up all night (thanks, ed) and that when he gets out he might come by.
honestly, you were crying at that moment, you realize that you REALLY did it, you managed to leave, you escaped, even if you practically have nothing, it's better than being in your "home".
Roy misunderstands and thinks HE made you cry until you tell him no, you're just so euphoric, you can't wait to start over.
your relationship with Roy doesn't change much even when they're an official couple, yes, obviously he's more open and affectionate, but considering your previous """relationship""" he's very respectful.
in the hypothetical case that you would have had a child with your husband... haha. That man better run, Roy would roast him alive.
It does not mean that he will be bad with your son! On the contrary, if this child lived under the same roof as you, then he lived through the same things and deserves the same respect.
It is most likely that said son was very defensive at the beginning of your relationship, Roy was very patient about it, that is, this boy did not know what it was like to have a real father, the only thing he had from his "daddy" was see how he treated you and THANK GOD he realized how bad that was.
With time he gets used to it, he doesn't call him dad as such, but he has come to draw pictures of him, holds his hand when they are in the street and in general is much more respectful with him than with other men
just let him know that with Roy he will be Safe and he will accept (or try) him as a new "male figure in your life and his".
Apart from that, the boy is (as Roy thought, unfortunately) much more mature than most children his age, so you can talk to him without any problem, they end up being something like friends or, rather, your son would see him as an older brother figure that he needed.
For the same reason, don't be surprised when he helps him get away with it, whether it's giving him his dessert before dinner or defending him from a scolding.
movie nights, whoever looks away has to carry the child when he falls asleep.
In general, if you had a son, Roy would be much more careful with you in the sense that if you don't want to have something with someone (or him) now that you are free from your husband, he understands perfectly! Even if you are interested in someone who is not him, he also supports you, you deserve to be happy after all *Satisfied plays in the background*
From time to time you go to visit him at work, either simply to chat, discuss what's for dinner, let off steam, etc..
Do you remember that chapter where he gives Oliver flowers? He would probably do something similar to you, but he won't say the meaning just to leave you wondering (you end up learning a lot about chrysanthemums).
You better expect a lot of flirt lines, but pretty soft compared to the ones he does on the show.
Given that your education was interrupted by your involuntary marriage, if you ask him in his spare time to teach you a thing or two (e.g. math, history or politics in general to be on the sidelines) he will gladly teach it to you, you quickly absorb the new knowledge, so it is not complete at all.
since you hardly left home before you got divorced, Roy has the habit of having his dates in different places in Amestris, that way he shows you more of the city and they have a good time.
even so you discover more things you like!
Already in the events of the anime, you meet several of Roy's friends (Riza stands out, who became something like your first female friend in years and Huges, your friend to show photos of their children if you have yours) and in They generally respect you in more ways than one (your husband was hated by almost the entire barracks, so what happened between you resonated for quite some time).
you even meet Ed and Al! if you tell us about the version of you that has a son, at first you asked Ed if he would like to talk to your son for a while (you thought they were the same age).
You said it so innocently and without malice that Ed wasn't even mad at you, but he did get frustrated.
Roy from time to time talks to you about them (if you have your son he probably asks you for a couple of tips to tame children as a joke) and in a certain way it gives you tenderness as he seems to talk about them as if they were his children (already saying something good or bad, sometimes if they are the parents).
no matter how much you point it out to him, he always denies it.
The first time I took you to see Madame Christmas (Aka, Roy's aunt) you were super nervous about how things looked (the hp didn't clarify anything) but all those nerves disappeared when, when you arrived and saw everything, you put together the pieces of the puzzle (Madame gave him a little speech about how you don't scare such a pretty young lady).
for what happened in "the promised day" you go with Madame and her girls to Xing. And even if you think-know that everything will work out, you end up praying all the way with Madame for everyone's safety.
and when they return to Amestris, you give a full run to the hospital where Roy is and you hug him with all your might when you see that he is alive (you are not very strong, but since Roy was pure it was as if a bear hugged him, even so he was happy to see you safe too).
(The above is when he already recovers his sight, but when you find out that he was blind for a short time you get SO scared).
(Fortunately everything works out :D).
when it's all over, wait for the last name to change from "(Last Name)" to "Mustang"
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Uff, this end up being much longer than i spected, but i will split this in 3 Parts, the next: Riza Hawkeye
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amaz1ngrace · 10 months
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🦋 - was that grace hawthorne i saw arriving into beacon hills today? i hear that they are twenty six and are an halfling. they are known to remind others of the sweetest thing on this side of hell & angelic laugh ringing like a bell through the night. i do wonder what adventures are in store for them?
her biological parents die before she can remember their faces, but her (god) parents swears they were the best people she knew when they take grace in as her own. headstrong, with a stronger moral compass, and a knack for seeing the beauty in life. it's how she was born, her new family would say, and shouldn't she use such things for good ? and so, she's raised as the good girl, the sweet girl next door, with a bright smile and a brighter mind, grace hawthorne would never harm a fly - and loved her life in new york !
the city was so big, so vast, she was born and raise in the central park west historic district; surrounded by beauty, history, and it gave her a sense of self, a sense of importance. the type of girl to stop and smell flowers, to fall in love when someone holds a door open for her, taking long walks to smell the autumn air, who adores eating cup noodles at her marbel counter top, and was the sweetest thing in the room. she smells like heaven itself, the sent of pur magnolia by cartier filling the air when the wind blows against her locks, and lips are always perfectly glossed.
it doesn't help she spends her time volunteering, tutoring, babysitting - she may be a rich girl, but she's hardly haughty, and really more well known as the person to go to when having a bad day ( she always has candy in her purse, and will drop everything to get hot cocoa for you ). it's hard not to love grace.
however, anyone who knows anything about the hawthornes - knows they've been a hunter family since the conception of the americas, and they've had a duty to uphold: to protect those who cannot protect themselves from the werewolves and vampires they have no clue about. her job is to make the world safer, and she takes it very seriously. has killed her own childhood best friend, after finding he was responsible for the midnight ( from a werewolf ) killings in central park. did she shed tears ? only in the dark.
she lives as normal as she can. goes to college, hunts werewolves and vampires on the spare time, dates, falls in love, gets her heart broken, graduates, hunts, dates, falls in love, rinse and repeats. it's only when she turns 25, and she's out for a hunt ... when a burst of light comes from her finger tips. it kills the creature she's after, and leaves herself speechless, with a bloody nose. after a quick research session in her family's library, the hunter finds herself knowing beacon hills is the place to go - to see if she can reach the bottom of this: what the hell the light was.
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coconutmr · 2 years
Add Some Fun in the Summer Drinks For your Wedding Functions with Mr. Coconut!
In India, summer weddings are celebrated with the most excitement and enthusiasm. This festive season is marked by several celebrations and gatherings of relatives, friends, and well-wishers, where good old fashion fun is expected from the guests. Summer destination weddings and fun are going hand in hand these days. Summer destination weddings are a trend now, and there are several reasons for this. This trend is more prevalent among the younger generation, especially couples who want to escape from the monotony of their daily lives. If you belong to this segment, you should know that you can enjoy your summer destination wedding in Kolkata by having Mr. Coconut by your side. We are a perfect addition to your summer wedding days! Our printed coconut in India can add flavor and refreshment to every summer drink menu.
Stamped Coconut: A New and Fun Idea for Traditional Summer Wedding
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Traditional wedding function drinks call for the use of something new! Mr. Coconut believes in adding new concepts in weddings. After all, you are getting married to the best person. Your wedding deserves to be better than the best. Mr. Coconut has many coconuts to be carved in various ways. With our best welcome drinks at your wedding, your guests will love you more! Mr. Coconut promises to offer the natural energy of coconut water. With our fantastic carving skills, we're here to provide you with out-of-the-world wedding stall ideas. We can help you create a new way to welcome all your guests with our stamped coconut party drinks. This summer wedding, create a difference in your function drinks! We give you the option of having your guests explore new tastes with our authentic coconut drink in all different shapes and sizes. It provides a perfect fun touch that can give your party more flavor and fun! Just imagine how lively your guests look when they have their drink from Mr. Coconut's unique beverage stall.
Make the Simple Breakfast Mouth-watering with Stamp Coconut
Add an exotic touch to your breakfast by including carved coconut drinking water. Mr. Coconut will give your guests a tropical twist of flavors! Personalized gift hampers, cut coconut drinking water, and printed coconuts make a perfect gift for your relatives! Set up a mocktail counter at a wedding and see how your guests appreciate your ideas and love the drinks with Mr. Coconut. The main reason for choosing Mr. Coconut is our creative and unique ideas for serving the most refreshing, alluring, and delicious drinks. Our artistry in writing and printing coconuts makes us unique from other coconut water brands.
Mr. Coconut and your Special Day – A Perfect Combination
The Wedding bells are Ringing! Are you excited? Are you almost done with your wedding plans? Have you started thinking about the best welcome drinks for the guests who would come and celebrate your wedding? You want to make sure that each one of them will be surprised by the refreshing beverages at the table while you take pictures of your special day with Mr. Coconut! Mr. Coconut has the best type of liquor for a wedding reception. The guests will love the special welcome drinks prepared by Mr. Coconut! Who doesn't love a cocktail? When it comes to welcoming your guests, we can be the best choice for serving the most refreshing summer drinks. Goa, Agra, Chandigarh, Surat, and Mussorie are favorite places for a destination wedding. Mr. Coconut's services mainly focus on bringing unique beverage stall ideas to these places. Mr. Coconut always has some innovative ideas to add to the wedding menu. With our latest coconut carving techniques, we can offer you a wide range of custom and personalized nariyal pani.
Read More About it
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m-jelly · 2 years
Let me smell you
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@kenkopanda-art made this perfect banner, go check her page out
Pairing: Wolf!Levi x Bunny!Reader
Genre and tags: Supernatural AU, modern AU, romance, fluff, love, falling in love, hybrids, slight forbidden love.
Concept: This is a fun idea I have been playing with and talking to three wonderful friends about on discord <3 Basically, Levi is a wolf and you are a bunny. Levi is the Alpha of the city and you run a bookshop. Levi spies you and falls for your scent right away. Levi pursues you, a sweet smart bunny and wants you as his lifelong mate.
I would love to add more in the future 💕
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How you met
Levi felt like something in his life was missing and he knew it was his mate, but he didn't want to go on a long hunt for his mate. He inhaled deeply and caught a whiff of something beautiful. His black ears perked up, and his fluffy tail wagged in happiness. He sniffed the air and followed the wonderful scent into a bookshop.
Your long bunny ear twitched on your head as you concentrated. You reached up and slipped a book into its place. You smiled at your books and felt so much pride that your puffy tail wiggled. You put another book in place and felt excitement. You'd been open for a week and it was going so well.
You perked up at hearing the little bell on your door ring. You leaned and looked to the door to see a muscular guy with wolf ears on his head and a black tail flicking behind him. You admired his leather jacket and felt your heart skip a beat. You gasped when his steel-blue eyes locked with yours.
Levi growled at you making you visibly shiver, but not out of fear. He raced over to you making you back up against your bookshelf and dropping your books. He slammed his hands against the shelf on either side of your head. He sniffed and felt intoxicated by your scent. He leaned closer and sniffed at your neck.
You gasped a little. "S-Sir, can I help you?"
He nuzzled the crook of your neck. "Bunny."
You pouted. "Rabbit, not bunny."
Levi pulled back and gazed at your determined look. "Huh?"
You folded your arms. "I'm not a bunny, I'm a rabbit!"
He blushed a little. "Oh, sorry."
You frowned when you saw his tail wagging. "You seem excited."
"Because you're my mate."
You blushed hard. "Mate?"
He nodded. "You're my mate."
You whined a little. "I don't know who you are."
He stepped back. "Levi Ackerman, alpha of this city."
You shook his hand and said your name. "Nice to meet you."
"Let me smell you."
You blushed hard. "Smell me?"
He leaned closer and sniffed the crook of your neck. "You smell like baked treats, happiness and cuddles."
You hummed a laugh. "You're an odd one for an alpha. Most wolves don't like my kind."
"Well, they're stupid."
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How he admires you
Levi leaned on the countertop of your till with his keen eyes on you. His tail swishing now and then. He felt like he was a predator watching his prey, but instead of eating the usual way he wanted to eat you in a pleasurable way. He'd been hanging around your shop for weeks now and getting closer and closer to you.
You didn't mind Levi watching you so closely. You loved his company and he helped you out a lot. Wolves were really strong, so you got Levi to help you with all sorts around the place. Plus, you rather liked Levi and felt a little sitten with him.
You stepped back and admired your special display of supernatural things because Halloween was coming soon. You bounced up and down, your fluffy tail wiggling in happiness. You loved what you did.
You squealed when your tail was bitten. You looked back to see Levi on his knees biting your tail. "Levi?"
He released your tail from his mouth. "I um..." He grabbed a book. "I was looking at this."
You wiggled your tail. "I know you're not."
He stood up and blushed. "I umm..."
You reached back and fluffed your tail up. "You're a wolf, these things happen and you see me as your mate."
He hummed. "So, you don't mind?"
You blushed and hugged yourself. "I don't, but I would be lying if I said it doesn't make me jump and get my heart racing."
"I'll try and not pounce on you as much as I have."
"Thank you."
He looked up at your ears and saw one of them slowly fold over. "Cute."
You frowned a little. "What?"
"Your ear."
You gasped and straightened them both up. "I'm sorry. How embarrassing."
He smiled. "I liked it."
You blushed a little from his words, it meant more to you than he knew. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
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How he cares for you.
You hummed a little song to yourself as you made lunch for yourself and Levi. Ever since you accepted Levi's bonding mark and started dating two months ago, you'd both been inseparable. Levi had to protect you more than others because he was the alpha and like a King, plus you were a bunny and a lot of other hybrids were interested in you. Bunnies were well sort after for their fertility.
You gasped as strong arms wrapped tightly around you. You giggled as Levi nuzzled the crook of your neck and sniffed. "Hi, Levi."
He moaned in delight. "You smell so good."
You giggled. "Thank you."
He possessively curled his tail around your leg. "Pay attention to me."
"I can't, I'm cooking."
He gripped and massaged you as he sniffed your neck. "You smell so divine."
You hummed a laugh. "Wolfie, tone it down. I need to cook."
He squeezed your boobs. "When I squeeze you, you seem to release more of your lovely scent."
"Is that why you squeeze me so much?"
He hummed a laugh. "Yes, and because I love touching you."
You pulled his hands off you making him whine. "Don't sulk." You plated the food and carried it over to the dinner table. "Dinner. I cooked a lot for you. We have plenty of meat."
Levi growled as he looked at the food. "Perfect, thank you!" Levi ate his dinner fast and cleaned up. He leaned on the table and watched you. "Are you done yet?"
You ate the last bit of your dinner and hummed. "Yep."
Levi tackled you out of your seat and carried you to the sofa. He sat you down and lay on his stomach. He sniffed up your body and hummed I happiness as he did. He pushed his head under your shirt and sniffed your skin. He moved up your body causing his black ears to pop out the top of your shirt. You laughed at the little fluffy things.
Levi pulled his head from your shirt and smiled. "You're so precious to me." He kissed you and hummed in happiness. "Bunny."
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How he treats you.
You hummed a laugh as Levi held your hand ran up a hill with you. You knew this was a date, but you had no clue what Levi's plan was. All you knew is Levi was taking you to a beautiful spot in a field outside of the city. He'd taken you for a drive to a cute hotel and now he was running with you.
Levi stopped and let your hand go. He whipped out a blanket and laid it down. He placed the basket down after and smiled at you with his tail wagging. "Date time!"
You looked around. "It's beautiful."
Levi stared at you in a summer dress and cute bows on your rabbit ears. "You're beautiful. I love you."
You leaned closer and kissed him. "I love you too."
Levi puffed his chest out, his blush spread on his cheeks. "I love you too."
You sat down and played with your dress. "Let's eat Wolfie."
He sat down and watched you open the basket and get food out. "You make the best food."
"Thanks." You leaned over and kissed one of his ears down and pulled back making it pop up. "Sweet mate."
Levi jumped to his feet and ran around. "Yes!"
You giggled as Levi raced around with the zoomies. "You have the zoomies. It's cute."
He tackled you and covered your face in kisses. "You're the best ever."
You smiled softly. "Are you sure you want me? I mean, most people don't think highly of my race except for us being baby makers."
"I love you. I love you for you. I don't want anyone but you. You're my mate."
You hummed a laugh. "You're mine too and I love you, always."
He massaged your ears. "Your ears are so cute. I adore them so much. I wanna nibble them."
"You nibble me a lot."
"You're fun to nibble. You taste nice and you make sexy noises."
You lightly touched his cheek. "You're so wonderful."
He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. "You're the best."
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta (cold mafia boss)
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Prompt: 20)“The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets.” - 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AUs
A/N: since NCT 127 have decided to attack us since Friday with all their day/night posts and whatever more things they still got in the back storage, I just gotta do some fics about the dark concept, cause like, yea XD. I asked my friend whose bias is Yuta to choose a prompt and so, here we are XD
Warnings: some form of harassment, cursing (it's Yuta) drinking, spiked drink and hint of kidnapping
It was a Friday night and you were more than excited to finally have some time off to hang out with your boyfriend, Yuta, who was also part "gang leader" of NCT, an infamous group that people thought do illegal doings when they're the ones shutting the illegal businesses down.
Yuta being Yuta didn't disclose what he did from the beginning. But he also never fully tell you everything which, is understandable, it was confidential information. Despite so, Yuta never restricted your movements and you both would have some normal cafe dates, picnic dates, etc. Even so, there will be times where Yuta would have you do some personal training that includes self-defence, quizzes about types of chemicals, guns, etc. In his defense, he just wants you to be prepared should something goes wrong and you're alone.
Despite following Yuta's needs, you would sometimes joke about how it won't happen or that Yuta will make sure it wouldn't go too far or even if anything did happen, you were sure that Yuta would eventually find a way to make things right. Boi, were you in for a treat.
As mentioned, you were finally going to have a night out with Yuta after so long and had just finished getting ready when you received a text from Yuta saying, "hey love, sorry this is super last minute but could you change into a more black-tie dress code? We are sort of having a business dinner tonight and I want to bring you as my date. I'm on my way to pick you up right now. Don't worry, you don't have to put on anything you're uncomfortable cause whatever you wear, you still look hot to me ;)"
So of course you did what Yuta asked. You changed into a simple long black dress that fitted your figure and touched up your makeup a bit more and let your hair down. As you were putting on the last of your accessories and about to put your shoes on, Yuta was already ringing the bell. You quickly opened the door for him and told him that you were just going to put your shoes on which Yuta chuckled and helped you as he saw you struggling.
"You didn't have to go all out and wear heels babe, you'll have sore feet by the end of the night" Yuta mentioned, holding you steady as you were putting on your heels
"I mean, if it's just dinner, I'll just be sitting either way. You so owe me with a pizza movie night next week" you complained, finally putting your shoes
"Anything for you babe. Let's go" Yuta smiled, bringing your arm wrapped around his and helped you get into the car before he went to the driver's seat
Arriving at the dinner, you felt out of place since this was the first time Yuta actually brought you. Noticing your nervous state, Yuta wrapped his arm over your shoulder, telling you that he'll be right beside you unless you need to go to the restroom or need some personal space.
Nodding, Yuta gave you a heartwarming smile and brought you around. First and foremost, to his other members that were joining the dinner, the people you knew the week you and Yuta started dating. Allowing some weight off since how worried you were.
"Oh, (Y/N)!! Welcome!! Hope Yuta didn't force you to come here" Johnny greeted you which Yuta gave him a glare
"Well, he sorta promised me for a pizza movie night date next week, so I guess it's a winwin" you replied, chuckling
"Oooh, can we come? I miss just watching movies on the weekend" Jungwoo requested, pulling out his puppy eyes
"Maybe if you find yourself a girlfriend, I'd consider it" Yuta hissed, you hit him playfully
"Hey (Y/N), sometimes I wonder what you see in Yuta. He's so aggressive" Jungwoo joked as Taeyong tried to calm everyone and directed everyone to their table since dinner was starting
Dinner surprisingly went well and the opposing business partners were actually cooperating; like, they would agree to what NCT were asking, even giving some suggestions for the corporation. But nevertheless, every NCT member were on their best guard; heck, they all had their guns rested by their hips and even knifes hidden within their clothing.
Seeing how the talk about the business bore you, you took a big sip off of the drink the waiter had just poured for you. Suddenly feeling the urge to go to the bathroom, you excused yourself from everyone at the table, nodding your head when Yuta told you to immediately come back once you're done.
However, you didn't go to the bathroom because of the urge to pee or anything. Instead, it's because you didn't feel too good, maybe the alcohol in your drink was a bit too much to your tolerance but whether you want to admit it or not, you didn't feel good and felt like you could pass out at any second.
After purging and sitting down for a bit, you felt slightly better but not good enough because everything around you was tilted. Taking a deep breath, you just kept on thinking how the dinner table wasn't that far and if you hurry, you can just make it to Yuta's side and pass out however you like.
Pulling whatever willpower you have left, you stood up and started to walk out of the bathroom. Holding onto the wall, you slowly walked down the hall back to your table, until someone came up to you, asking if you were alright which you told them that you were fine. You may be dizzy and not feeling good, but you surely weren't dumb nor were you drunk.
Despite the guy saying that all he wanted to do was to help you, you clearly knew that wasn't his true intention since he was gripping you a bit too much to your liking. You've tried pushing him away but that only made his grip tighter. And to top it off, instead of helping you to your actual table or at least asking where your table was, he brought you to a more quiet area; making your heart beat quicker.
Unfortunately, at this point, whatever was in your drink was sinking it and you slowly start to lose consciousness and hope as from what you can see, you were far from your table. But thank the universe because all of a sudden you hear a loud ring and the tight grip was gone; instead, it was replaced by a warm embrace.
"Get him out of here before I actually kill him right here and now" you heard Yuta's stern voice commanding his other members
"I got you, baby. Let's get you back home, hmm?" you heard Yuta's voice turned soft; not having any more energy, you just nodded and fell asleep in his embrace
Because Yuta felt he can't leave you alone nor not torment the people that hurt you, he decided to bring you back to NCT's place. Wiping off your makeup and putting on your skincare for you, Yuta had one of the maids help change your clothes and then he tucked you in bed; not leaving your side until he's convinced that you're fully asleep before leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead then quietly leaving the room.
Walking out of the room, he saw Jeno and Jaemin, asking them to guard your room until he gets back. Making his way to the basement, he met with the NCT members that joined the dinner that did not end well at all.
Turns out, not long after you left, the neos already had a bad feeling; that something was not right, especially since their "business partners" were eyeballing the situation around them and it was revealed that the dinner was just a cover-up and that they were planning to use you to get to the neos, which clearly did not end well for them.
"Is she alright?" Taeyong asked, seeing Yuta was fuming
"She's very much passed out the second I found her. Are they all in there?" Yuta questioned strictly
"Yea. All tied up and blindfolded on the ground" Johnny mentioned
"Good" Yuta smirked, slamming the door open, making the prisoners jerked in surprise
"Rise and shine motherf*ckers. I hope you're ready for what's coming" Yuta shouted as some of the neos took their blindfolds off
"And y'all call yourselves men. Tch. You guys may be agile but not agile enough. The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets. Not getting caught by their enemies. And surely not looking or thinking to do anything to another person's girlfriend. Oh well, what's done is done. Be lucky that we all got there in time. But, that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Let's see...should I start off with your fingers because you touched my girl or your head for ever thinking that little stunt of yours. Either way, I'm definitely going to take my time with you all" Yuta ranted, a smirk forming on his face as he saw the horror of his prisoners while the neos put their blindfolds back on
A/N: yeap, this turned out longer than expected. Welp, this is what happens when NCT updates with a dark concept I guess XD
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
I wish people would stop caring about the canon pairings and marriages in Naruto/Boruto because they should have absolutely no relevance for SNS shippers in terms of validating said ship. Those who say we are delusional because “Well, Naruto married Hinata so she is THE one he loves!” (I'll focus more on Naruto's marriage here... Is Sasuke's even a marriage?) simply don’t get that it just doesn't really matter who Naruto and Sasuke married because that in no way diminishes their feelings for each other. The main plot of the series revolves around the bond between Naruto and Sasuke. It is their story. They are each other's most important people and this was established back in Land of Waves arc even before the dramatic events that take place on the bridge - the whole point of that very first arc was making this a fact right from the beginning, because the story has always been and was always supposed to be about the two of them and the profound love and understanding that grows between them ever since they exchanged glances, smiles and pouts as lonely little broken kids. No reason to list all proof of their feelings and bond here, it has been done extensively, and if somebody watched the show/read the manga and missed it, they are missing half a brain. That these boys love each other more than anyone else is absolutely obvious.
So what about the canon pairings? Kishimoto stated time and time again that his focus was never romance, and that is not because he can't write romance as we know it (he clearly did), but it’s a matter of concept: what HE considers romance is the attraction that unites people with the purpose of marriage (confessing your romantic love for japanese people is the same as saying you want to be in a relationship, because feelings shouldn’t be voiced without an intention), and that, to him, is NOT the greatest expression of love, nor does it represent the most special bond two people can share.
It is understandable that westerners put so much weight into marriage because we consider it the epitome of love. Well, the truth is marriage in Japanese culture is mainly the only socially admissible means to have children and has very little to do with romantic love. In fact, in Japanese literature, it is much more common for unmarried couples to love each other than married ones. Obviously, there is no absolute truth when it comes to feelings and human relationships, what I'm doing here is generalising social norms and expectations (not exposing my opinion on them - that would turn this rant into something else entirely). A large number of Japanese marriages are loveless (and arranged, but no point getting into that either) and what motivates choosing a spouse is their ability to fulfill familial duties, meaning: is the woman good mother and consequently wife material? Is she going to devote her life to taking care of her children, house and husband, the noblest of acts for a female? Is the man willing and capable of putting his occupation above everything else, working extremely hard and for long hours, with total dedication and diligence for his job, to the point of not even seeing his family most of the time, as an honorable man should do as a provider? That's what makes a GOOD married couple: two people following their expected and strict gender-roles in a nuclear child-centered family (again, please, this is not MY opinion!). What a Japanese man should want in a woman is for her to be a dedicated housewife and mother, since having children outside of marriage is not only frowned upon, it is not acceptable at all, and not being married with children is not respectable enough (same with being divorced). Marriage is, therefore, NOT a symbol of undying love and a deep and special connection between two people, rather, it’s a partnership established with the goal of having and raising children.
Do these descriptions ring any bells?
In conclusion: the pairings were, in fact, created for the sole purpose of bringing forth the next generation, and that was made CANONICALLY true. Would it have been better if they hadn’t gone down that "safe" route? Hell, yeah! It would have been fucking amazing and could even have been groundbraking, for several reasons. BUT as unsatisfying as it may be, the fact is they chose a very TRADITIONAL depiction of marriage that has little to do with feelings, and that in itself shouldn’t be taken lightly, since it leaves the strongest bond, which is grounded on genuine love, untouched. In this scenario, justifying romantic love through marriage alone won’t cut it, and trying to discredit the obvious unmatched connection and feelings between two characters because they never got married to each other or married someone else is ludicrous. Yeah, a married couple can love each other deeply and above anyone else, but that is just not what marriage is ABOUT in Japanese culture and definitely not what Kishimoto wanted us to believe was the case here after dedicating 699 chapters to a story about the special bond between two boys that didn’t culminate in marriage. 
You know what IS a symbol of romantic love in Japan? Being willing to die together when the love you feel goes against your moral obligations, holding on to the belief that you will be reunited in the afterlife, where you will be free of any burden and able to love freely.
Are more bells being rung?! 
Oh, some bonus info: We also tend to associate sex with romantic love. Well, Japanese married couples with children rarely have sex, if at all. After a woman becomes a mother, she is no longer considered sexually desirable and becomes a mother figure to her husband as well (what happened to Hinata’s big "attributes" in Boruto? Huh). This is especially true when couples sleep in separate rooms and the mother shares a bed with her children. (Hinata co-sleeps with Himawari and we know Naruto sleeps in a separate room. Just saying.)
What's your say?
Is Sasuke's even a marriage?
Geezz!!!! LoLLLLL!!!! This sentence just made me cackle so hard for a good 5 minutes, Anon!!!!!
Hmmm.... So let's get back to your ask.
Well, I don't know how to react to this ask, Anon. Because, I don't know whether you are from Japan or you have a very close Japanese friend who might've told you all these cultural thing about marriage and relationships.
So, what I am going to do is to analyze from the facts you have provided , combine with my own cultural relevance and provide my answer. If there is any Japanese readers who are reading this, you can confirm or dispel this by sending me an ask. But again, I don't want exceptional case like, 'No, my family is different'. I want to know about the general lifestyle of a common citizen and their married life.
Having said that, this ask made me just yell at myself, 'Goshh!!!! Seriously???'
Because whatever you said, It fucking exist in my country too and is still followed by almost 70% of people in my country and I absolutely detest it. That is,
Most of the marriages here are loveless nd arranged - Check
Is the woman good mother and consequently wife material? Is she going to devote her life to taking care of her children, house and husband, the noblest of acts for a female? - Check
People following their expected and strict gender-roles in a nuclear child-centered family - Check Check
What a man should want in a woman is for her to be a dedicated housewife and mother, since having children outside of marriage is not only frowned upon, it is not acceptable at all, and not being married with children is not respectable enough (same with being divorced). - Check Check
Marriage is, therefore, NOT a symbol of undying love and a deep and special connection between two people, rather, it’s a partnership established with the goal of having and raising children. - Awww!!! A million Check.
That's why I was envious of Western people in this aspect, because they have a freedom to choose their own partner without any time constraints and when they do, their marriage can be said to be 'The Epitome of Love'.
My parents marriage is also an arranged one. And whenever they have disagreement and that leads to verbal war, they let out this words, 'I'm here with you because of my 2 daughters otherwise I would've left you long back'. So... Yeah. Here, most of the marriages are child-centered. Again, it's not just my opinion. Majority of the arranged marriage based family revolve around their child.
And I was born, a year after my parents' marriage, and If I hadn't been born, then people will question my parent's fertility factor and start to discriminate them. So, I can boldly claim that, I was not born out of Love or something. I was born because of social obligations.
But it doesn't mean, my parents don't love each other now. How should I say???? It's like a Stockholm Syndrome??!!!! Like when you stay with a person for a long time, you will eventually start to develop some feelings over the course of the time. It took them 15 years to come to a complete understanding of each other. It's the same case with many couples here.
Considering all these, Sasuke never even stayed with Sakura enough to make her understand him, So I wonder what kind of couple are they????? Weird!!!!!
In conclusion: the pairings were, in fact, created for the sole purpose of bringing forth the next generation, and that was made CANONICALLY true.
Awww!!!! Man, Seriously???? I made this claim long back in this post where I said, these women were used as a tool to bring out Next Generation Kids. My claim was based on Analytical Perspective.
And then one of the rabid SS stan reblogged my post and pulled out a hetero card stating, 'They are married and blah blahh...' when in reality, I never discussed about their sexuality in that post. That post was purely based on the number of pages each hetero couples shared with each other against the number of pages Sasuke & Naruto shared together.
Now, you have provided a cultural perspective for those shitty canon pairings.
On one side, I feel the need to smirk, because I am right.
But on the other side, I feel bad like, 'Is this how, this show must go on?? What are you trying to convey from this?'.
You know what IS a symbol of romantic love in Japan? Being willing to die together when the love you feel goes against your moral obligations, holding on to the belief that you will be reunited in the afterlife, where you will be free of any burden and able to love freely.
Hmmm.... It's interesting to know this. Anon.
This is where it differs slightly in my country.
Romantic love here is,
No matter what happens, I'll stand with you, You are just not alone. I will leave my fucking clan, parents, relatives if they don't approve you and we will start a new life somewhere.
[[Here, marriages happen mostly between their clan members. If you love a person from another clan, you will be ostracized or tortured or honour killed by your very parents. It just differs from clan to clan. I was subjected to this same problem and that's why I hate my Clan and left my parents. And this is also one of the reason why I love Itachi. Because we share similar Ideals. That is, Not to be obsessed over your clan and think beyond this restriction.
Also, here in Asian Culture if someone is willing to leave their family (when they don’t approve you) and prefer you over everything.... It means.... that's some Love beyond Comprehension. Just like how Naruto was willing to leave his Family (like Sakura and Kakashi) and like to stand with Sasuke... Just like how Naruto was willing to leave his own family and go on a long mission with Sasuke]]
So does it remind you of anything?????
It's the whole SNS dynamics starting from their childhood to VoTE2. That's why I started to ship SNS, because it represents the true love we always wish for.
Would it have been better if they hadn’t gone down that "safe" route? Hell, yeah! It would have been fucking amazing and could even have been groundbraking, for several reasons. BUT as unsatisfying as it may be, the fact is they chose a very TRADITIONAL depiction of marriage that has little to do with feelings, and that in itself shouldn’t be taken lightly, since it leaves the strongest bond, which is grounded on genuine love, untouched. In this scenario, justifying romantic love through marriage alone won’t cut it
This is very true, Anon.
I mean, they don’t even have to take a groundbreaking route. 
They should have given everyone an open ending, just like Kishi left at chapter 699. What is the need of a marriage, if Naruto is going to adopt Kawaki??? If Orochimaru was going to create a Baby Artificially?? If Rock Lee is going to have a child out of nowhere???
But I am happy that SNS bond is the only one that wasn’t diminished in this hot mess called Burrito. So, atleast we should be happy about that.
When someone pulls the marriage card, I just block them immediately because they are not even worth having a good conversation. NH will pull out the Last movie and SS will pull out, ‘Sasuke called Sakura ‘My Wife’.... So, it’s just pointless.
So, to conclude
Considering my Analytical perspective, I already made earlier in other post and your ask which provides some insight about Japanese culture which eerily resembles the culture I belong to, It all makes sense that this whole pairings and trash is just for the sake of bringing out Next Generation series and those boys never loved those girls whole heartedly. And I agree with you on this.
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is-nini · 3 years
Albedo x reader
A/n: have an idea, think that this will be sweet, watch me but butcher the story but enjoy anywaaeeee 😂 also as you can see, art by hanapen XD.
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You sigh in dream like state at a certain Alchemist man in your class, his cream hair is so fluffy and healthy, his blue eyes... You can drown in them for all you care, one thing is sure about you though you are deeply In love with this man.
Some people say that you're too young to grasp the concept of "Love" and well.. that is certainly true to some people but for you, if this thing is truly just a crush how can it be this bad?
If this is just a crush how can you feel the need to wanna be beside him? If this feeling is just a Simple crush over a guy in school then why is it this strong?
A question you asked yourself and don't know the answer of just like the question that the teacher was about to ask you.
"l/n, can you answer question number 13?".
You immediately stand straight up, making a loud screeching noise because of the chair and the floor, you nervously smile and tries to count the solution on the board.
"u-uhm.. sixteennnnn?".
You asked back, elongated the "en" on the word sixteen, the teacher nod and a huge relief is being lifted up, as usual you sat down look over your crush and saw that he is looking at you, his hand right hand is resting on top of the table and his cheek rest on his palm as his gaze glazed over yours. Your face went instantly red as you keep your gaze on him, not knowing what to do.
Albedo giggle and put a thumbs up as if saying "good job".
You Can't help but feel butterfly all over your stomach. You nod your head up and down as fast as you could and then quickly look away. Gosh you feel like a mess.
Without you knowing, Albedo thinks that you are a cutie. The way your face would go red whenever you saw him, the way you're doing all the calculation inside your head, the way you walk, and oh he could go on and on.
Albedo never understood the concept of "crush" or "Love" he never really learn about this stuff unless necessary. So he is surprised when he felt funny in his stomach whenever he looks at you, he felt warm on his insides whenever he thinks of you. What is this feeling he felt? It felt... Good but it's so foreign to him.
Despite all the love letters he got per day that he looks through just trying to see your name throws away, he doesn't understand this.. thing. Albedo is a man of theory and since feelings is not part of the brain rather than the heart, he rarely takes his heart seriously.
Well he always have sucrose, maybe he can ask her about it after class is over.
And as if his situation is in luck, the bell suddenly rang, the teacher said a couple of words before dismissing the class.
The students instantly runs out of the class, some of them are waving at you, some of them goes instantly to their group of friends.
Albedo stays in the classroom for a while to look at you opening your bento and was preparing to eat. He don't know what came over him but his legs are leading him towards you.
You felt a presence beside you and so you look up just to see your crush. WHAT IS HE DOING ON YOUR TABLE. your mind is freaking out, every sound is blocked out of your ear, the only thing you can hear is the huge thumping of your heart.
"hello y/n".
"h-hai albedo".
You greets him back, mentally slapping yourself for stuttering. Albedo almost giggle at you cute stutter but keeps his composure instead.
"you seem to be eating alone? Would you like to join me and Suceose?".
He asked you, at first you're happy about it but after hearing "Sucrose" your heart just drops to your stomach.
Oh yeah ... Sucrose is his best friend.. they're always togather outside class.. Albedo probably likes her and just felt bad for you eating alone.. your negative thoughts starts swirling in your head as you forgot all about the question Albedo asked.
Albedo saw your face drops and you spacing out, he furrowed his eyebrow and puts the both of his hand on your shoulder and shake you gently.
His deep calm voice snaps you out of your negatif trance, you quickly smile up at him and gave him a nod.
Sitting down at the chair beside Sucrose and Albedo you eat your bento quietly and slowly, feeling nervous being around Sucrose. You've never talked to her before but you certainly has heard her name before, how could you not? She's always with Albedo. Your heart crunch with jealousy everytime you think about both of them spending time togather.. you wish you were Sucrose.
Sucrose felt a tense aura from you, while Albedo is just calmly eating his food, looking pretty calm and collected. Sucrose clears her throat, catching yours and Albedo attention.
"so, is this your girlfriend that you have been talking about Albedo?".
You almost choke on your chiken. Girlfriend?! What?!
You were about to say something when Albedo suddenly cuts you off, maybe he didn't heard you, your voice does sounds like a whisper of wind.
"yes, she is the girl that i have been talking about".
Sucrose looks at you and smile softly, she offers you her hand which you shake back with no hesitation.
"hello, I'm Sucroce, nice to meet you!".
"hello Sucroce I'm y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you too".
Despite you being jealous of Sucroce, she is a nice person... That's why Albedo choose her probably.. no stop! Stop thinking about them.
You smile at her as you both pull away. Albedo scoot over to Sucroce and whisper to her about something, she nod a couple of times before coughing at the end. She looks at you and smile sweetly and then it's her turn to whisper to Albedo about something. After they're both are done Albedo's face looks slightly flushed while Sucroce looks so satisfied.
"so.. i need to go.. you and Albedo have fun okay y/n~".
She said, making your face as red as mr. Diluc's hair. Albedo clears his throat making you looks at him in wonder. Albedo smile softly at you and hold one of your shoulder.
"i just found a very beautiful place and think that you might want to see it.., care to join me after school?"
He asked, you face is shocked but you quickly nod your head excited.
"s-sure i would love too".
Albedo puts his hand on your head and stroke your head gently, pushing away some of your hair that was covering your face.
"great, I'll wait for you after school".
Albedo giggle seeing your awe struck face, your eyes shine so bright.. and your smile is the smile that he wants to see everyday... Just for himself..
The bell rings meaning the end of the class is finally here. You never concentrate on anything that the teacher said, you're too busy admiring the scenario that could happen when you're and Albedo were alone later.. gosh your imagination is so wide..
Being drowned in your imagination, you didn't notice the man that you're dreaming of is right beside you.
His voice snapped you out of your trance and you clumsily stands up, making Albedo holds your hand.
"becareful, you could get hurt. What are you pondering about?"
He asked, you just shake your head and say "nothing" there no way you would say oh i was dreaming about you and i no! That's not okay.
Albedo laugh and helps you pack your books inside your bag, you quickly stopped him but it was too late. His next action really surprises you, he pick up your backpack and then takes your hand gently.
"w-wait- Albedo- i can bring my backpack".
You said, face red as your hands tries to reach you back, but Albedo quickly pull it away from your grasp, laughing.
"it's fine y/n. Let's go shall we?"
He guided you to the exit of the school, people are looking at you and Albedo, some whisper and gossip goes around the school.. well.. you'll be the talk of the school now... You're hand in hand.. with Albedo.. the cleverest and the most beautiful man in the school.
You looked down to the ground, Albedo felt something and so he looked behind to check on you, he saw you looking down as if trying to cover your face with your hair. Albedo stopped walking in the middle of the gate and held your chin up, really causing a scene.. YOU'RE AMAZING ALBEDO BUT- PLEASE BE MORE DISCREET you scream inside your brain.
"are you okay? Are you sick? Your face has been red..."
He asked you as if you're both are not in the middle of the gate where everyone is looking at the both of you as if you're both an idol.
You whisper, he finally realized how close he is, he clears his throat and take a step back, looking away.
"my apologies".
You saw how guilty he looks.. you feel bad so you slowly grab his hand, he slowly intertwine his fingers to yours, feeling comfort in your touch.
Albedo guide you to the place he talks about which is on the nearby hill. The walk there is so quiet, the wind is blowing pass your hair as you enjoy the wind not realizing that you're companion is stealing glances at you- he can't help it.. you're so.. pretty.. magistic.. someone that he cares so much..
You asked, you keep feeling his eyes on you, so you wonder is there something on your face or something? You hope you didn't get any food or dust on your face... It would be embarrassing..
"is there something on my face?".
You tilted your head, Albedo closes his mouth with the back of his hand and look away.
"nothing.. were here".
Albedo state, you look up the hill and saw a pretty silver tree, you gasp as your eyes twinkle.
"it's pretty right? I thought you might like it".
"like it? I love it Albedo!!! Thankyou!"
You squeal and hugs him and kiss his cheek, being overly excited you cannot control your emotions. Albedo is shocked by your act but hugs you back again.
"glad you love it.. actually.. y/n i wanna ask you something.."
You pull away, still not realizing your act that you did just now and looks at him with full curiousity.
"yes? What is it?"
Albedo took a step toward you and clears his throat.
"would you like to be my.. girlfriend?"
His words makes your eyes wide as a saucers and you stare at him with wide gaping eye your mouth open and close, Albedo looks so heart broken, taking your silence as a no, before he said anything you quickly cuts him off.
"yes.. YES!"
You squeal and hugs him again heart full of butterflies and flowers, filled with ice cream and cherry- basically just everything nice. Albedo seems happy too because right now, without you noticing is currently kissing your lips, without thinking you kiss him back with a smile on your face as he slowly pulls away.
Albedo takes your hand and kiss it as you giggle away. Albedo smile softly at you, looking at you in content, his heart is so content because of the feeling you you becoming his. Tomorrow will be a good day.
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awilddoddle · 3 years
Here's my favorite anderperry oneshot that I have written. All of my work is on Wattpad and a03 but I thought I would post some here as well.
Why do I have to do everything
Neil had been pacing and debating going into Charlie's room for about 20 minutes. Finally on his millionth time passing the door Neil chose carpe deim. He turned the handle and busted into the room.
"I need your opinion" Neil confessed
"Have you ever heard of knocking, it's a cool concept, you should try it" Charlie said on his bed with a book that he was reading until his best friend busted into the room.
"Oh yeah, sorry. I need your opinion."
"Ok go for it."
"What would you say if I said that I'm into guys and I think I'm in love with Todd?" Neil said quickly as not to back out like he debated many times before.
"I would say one, welcome to the club and two you are just figuring this out, your not as slick as you might think Perry." Charlie smirked.
"Wait 'welcome to the club' what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I'm bi dufus, I could've sworn I talked to you, whatever not the time. Are you going to talk to him?"
"Talk to who"
"Talk to Todd, tell him that you're in love with him. Come on Perry pay attention it's like we are having two completely different conversations here." Charlie snapped.
"Oh right, um I don't know. Maybe someday just not right now. This is all completely new. I didn't know I liked guys until like a week ago. I just don't want to do something unless I'm 100% sure. Todd is one of, if not my best friend"
"Hey" Charlie said only half joking.
"Sorry- it's just I don't want lose him"
"It's ok, I know you. You'll make a good decision." Charlie says going in for a hug "But if I were I would make it sooner than later before he finds out himself. Again you don't hide things very well."
Only a few days later there was another person at Charlie's door.
"Come in" The door creakes open to reveal a stressed Todd Anderson walking into the room. "Oh Todd it's you I didn't expect that"
"To be honest neither did I, I just need to talk to you." Todd said slowly making his way over to Charlie.
"Sure, what is it?"
"You know Neil right?"
"Neil, Neil, Neil, nope doesn't ring a bell" Charlie joked.
"I know that you know him but do you know him?"
"Yeah I think so"
"So how do you think he would react if I told him that I may like him as maybe more than a friend?" Todd mumbled.
"Oh god do I have to do everything around here?" Charlie sighed grabbing Todd by the arm and dragging him into Neil and Todd's dorm where Neil sat writing on his bed.
"Sit" Charlie ordered Todd pointing to the floor. "Sit" Charlie ordered again but this time to Neil and now pointing to a spot facing across from Todd. The two boys obeyed Charlie and sat at their designated spots.
"Ok so it has come to my attention recently that you guys need to talk, so you will not leave this room until you do, I'm going to be right outside, just for the love of god talk!" Charlie demanded walking out and sitting on the other side of the door.
"What was that about?" Todd asked still trying to process how he got into this situation.
"I have no idea, what were you guys talking about that may have brought us here" Neil questioned pointing to the space between them which was very slowly getting smaller.
"That couldn't have been it," Todd lied, that was 100% what this is about. But why would his friend play such a cruel joke to him. There is no way Neil Perry could like him back, right? "Had you guys talked recently"
"Yeah a few days ago, but I don't think this is what it's about" Neil lied, that is 100% what this is about. But why would his friend play such a cruel joke on him. There is no way Todd Anderson could like him back, right?
"What did you guys talk about" Todd whispered since they are close enough that they hear eachothers breathing.
"What did you guys talk about?" Neil whispered back semi knowing what's going to happen next yet it still surprised him. Both of them leaned into eachother locking lips. Nobody knew who initiated the kiss but they were thankful to whoever did. They both took a breath before going in for seconds.
"I don't hear you guys talking" Charlie barged in. The two lovebirds stopped quickly and turned towards their friend embarrassment in their eyes. "Oh sorry continue boys" Charlie smirked satisfied with his work.
Hello hope you liked this oneshot. I made Charlie a little extra snarky because I was feeling. Most of this was made at like 1 am so sorry if it's bad.
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chalmogsico-college · 4 years
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The witch Mint, the wizard Tortoise, and Luara who hadn't found her style quite yet, carefully made their way through the dark pine forest just outside of the school grounds. The perpetual frost that clung to the cold soil crinkled under foot as a sharp wind rattled the branches above them. The three mages were warm in their enchanted robes even as their breath fogged the air infront of them.
"I'm sure he's fine," Mint said, his arms crossed tight across his chest and his voice shaking just so slightly, "Hell, he was probably just running late. I bet he's already at the class room and we're going to be in trouble for not being there."
"No way," Luara replied, as she pushed onward towards the small cabin they knew was somewhere around here, "Professor Van Shamanov is never late, and you know how weird hes been acting over the last few weeks,"
"He's been acting weird because you keep trying to talk him into summoning a new familiar," Tortoise rolled their eyes, "Let the old bastard grieve,"
"Grieving is one thing, but his familiar has been dead for like a hundred years? He needs to move on, and like, its obvious he's capital L Lonely," Luara turns on her heel to follow a different path through the woods, hopeful that This would be the right one. She doesn't worry about getting lost, worst case scenario Mint's insane sense of direction would save them.
"Yeah, I'm going to side with Luara on this one, Tort," Mint nodded as Tortoise gasped in mock offense, "You heard what Headmistress said, the man's getting to the edge of what The Viper will allow. He shouldn't be all alone in the end, and you know he won't just make a friend or something. Too much of a loner,"
"Nope! He won't make new friends because his trio is broken," Luara said,
"And how would you know that?" Tortoise quirked a brow, "Been snooping on our favorite GILF?"
Luara stopped and turned to glare at them, and to their credit, Tortoise managed to not flinch or look away for an entire ten seconds, "He isn't a GILF because that would imply one of us wants to fuck him," Tortoise intoned like a scolded child as they dropped their gaze.
"Good neither." Luara turned to set back on their way as Mint snickered.
Eventually they did find their way to the rotting cabin, a full two hours after class was supposed to have started. Luara took the old brass knocker in hand and thunked it down hard against its strike plate three times.
A moment passed with no response.
Luara raised her hand to knock again as the door swung open on screeching hinges.
Professor Van Shamanov's impressive bulk filled the doorway as he stooped down to glare at his visitors from below the head jamb.
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His eyes softened as he saw his startled students, bending to step out of his home and closing the door behind himself as he spoke, "Hello," his voice was rough with too many years spent in fire warmed rooms, "I suppose I'm a bit late for class aren't I?" He untied his robe from around his waist to put it on properly as he started back towards the college.
"Yes sir," Luara never thought of herself as short until she was having to jog to keep pace with their frankly giant teacher's strides, "We were worried about you, its not like you to be late,"
"Yes, I know I've been out of it lately," He nods before changing the topic, "Did you three complete your assignment? Gathered all of your components for today?" he holds out a hand and whistls to call his staff to him, the gnarled thing shot out of the woods like a torpedo but he caught it with practiced ease before it could splinter itself against the trunks of one of the trees, "And are you positive the components you chose are the ones you want to use? The difference could very well change the course of you lives."
Mint fussed with the bundle in his pocket before nodding. Tortoise pulled theirs from under their hat and smiled as they held it up proudly. Luara pulled two from her coat, one wrapped in the yellow she preferred for her spell work, one in the soft lavender Van Shamanov did.
"Yeah, and I brought one for you two," Luara chirped as non chalantly as she could.
To all three students surprise the professor actually held out a hand for it, "I'm curious what you think I'd put in that circle," he huffed good naturedly.
Luara handed it over and giddily tossed a smirk over her shoulder at the others as Van Shamanov undid the bindings to open it up.
A moment later she crashed into him as he stopped dead in his tracks to turn towards her. Luara staggered a step back, "Everything okay professor?" She asked nervously.
"Who told you? I assume Katy, but Headmistress might have known as well," his gaze was focused on the items in his palm, a dried orchid bloom, a nickel ring, and a wishbone.
"Dean Deane ," Luara said with an averted gaze, it wasn't like the professor to show such open anger, "She thinks you need to summon a new familiar, and that if you had the same components you did for your first it might be easier for you,"
"Please do not snoop like this again." Van Shamanov said firmly before turning back on his path, "We will be quiet until we get to class," he commands.
The other two trios that made up their summoning 833 class perked up as Van Shamanov entered.
"My apologies for being late. Is everyone ready to begin?" He pulled a tarp from his desk drawer and tossed it into the air. It straightened itself out and settled ready for use in the clear spot in the center of the room.
He waits for the murmurs of agreement to die down before starting on his spiel, "I trust that every last one of you has put the necessary time and thought into what will be happening today. A familiar is a life partner, they will be at your side through thick and thin and will be entirely reliant on you for the magical energy that sustains their like. They will aid you in every way they can and do whatever it takes to help you as long as you return that favor. They are powerful and temperamental creatures of contract, harming or betraying them will be the last thing you do. If any one of you has any hesitations about this, any second thoughts, anything other than Full confidence in what you are about to do, what components you have chosen, or what you will say to them once they are listening, leave. You are not ready yet, and I say that without judgment, I'd rather see you leave today than with a disloyal familiar tomorrow."
He stood infront of his class, head held high as he finished his final warning and reminder and waited to see if any of his students would flinch. When he was met with only eager eyes and nervous smiles he grinned from beneath his beard, "Very good," he turned to who he has decided will go first, "Tortoise, you're up," he finishes firmly as he steps back towards his desk
"Wait, Why?" Tortoise hesitated to get out of their seat.
"Because I'm upset with Luara and I know she wants to go first. By asking you to go first I am acknowledging that as directly as I am ethically allowed to." He takes his seat at his desk as Luara pouts.
"Why not Mint?" Tortoise looked to his friend who blanched at the suggestion, "Never mind, I forgot he was a coward," they sighed and pulled their bundle of components and their wand from beneath their hat as they stood to go to the edge of the circle.
The bundle was dropped in the center of the interlaced runes. The room was near silent beside the soft crackle of the torches. With everyone's attention on them Tortoise knelt in one of the smaller warded circles that surrounded the larger summoning circle.
Their instincts told them to just start pouring magic into it, a show of power to attract an equally powerful familiar, but Professor Van Shamanov had warned them against doing that. Power and Impulsiveness were not a good mix. Besides, they were a wizard, without structure their magic would fizzle and drain too quickly for them to really get anything going.
So, they took a deep breath and reached out to the warding line, pouring magic into it to set it glowing and active. Familiars didn't tend to turn violent with their summoners even if they declined the offer, but it never hurt to be cautious. Then they found the connecting line, the one that wrapped around and around and around the circle, that conected it to the other they'd be reaching into to try and coax a familiar across the boundary from one universe to another. Finally, they found the call line and pushed a surge of power through it, along with the promise of their favorite dice set, a bell they found in the sand outside their childhood home, and a bracelet their little brother had made for them before he passed away.
Speaking the meaning of the offerings was not a necessity, but Tortoise always struggled with the ephemeral and passing concepts along a line like this was definitely more a witch's skill than a wizard's.
"I offer you a dice set with the blessing of The Raven, she's my patron and she could be yours as well. A bell I found when I was young, I carried it with me on a chain around my neck for many years, it doesn't ring anymore but it holds more memories than I could speak, and a gift from my little brother, he didn't know about magic, but he told me that it would protect me. And well… I haven't died yet? So, I assume it works," they take a breath to find their center, "I am called Tortoise and I ask for…" They paused, this was the part that even with the years they had had to think about it, he could never decide on, "I ask for a friend. Someone who's sturdy and who I can rely on."
A hushed moment passed as the candles flickered and the smell of ozone filled the room. At first a fine mist formed within the summoning circle, it glittered like a frozen fog as it passed from its world and into ours, though soon it was thickening around the offered items and taking a solid form.
Tortoise couldn't help but choke out a laugh as a galapagos tortoise took shape before him. Its dull grey shell alone was bigger around than the circle Tortoise knelt in,
"What am I called?" the tortoise asked with a smooth water thin voice,
"Wizard," Tortoise responded with the name that formed heavy in their mind as soon as the tortoise had taken shap. They grinned and stood and let the magic fade from the circle, to set Wizard free of the bindings on it that trapped her within it.
"I look forward to being your friend, Tortoise," Wizard said as she made her way out of the circle with the slow elegant confidence only a fey shaped like a tortoise could muster.
The rest of the class clapped and jeered, Mint shook their shoulder as they took their seat, and Luara clapped and half jumped out of her seat to take her turn before Professor Van Shamanov could call on someone elsee.
Tortoise couldn't stop smiling after Wizard got comfortable next to them, nor could they focus on their friend's turn. They had a familiar and they looked forward to being her friend.
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