#no this isn’t proof read
velvetxkissesx · 1 year
between them
todoroki shouto x fem!reader, brief mention of one sided midoriya izuku x the reader.
is this based entirely on in between by gracie abrams? yes, yes it is. i love the song. i am obsessed. been obsessed with it for years and it’s getting the recognition it deserves on tik tok. also i am a SUCKER for friends to lover tropes. they will happen a lot, and i am not sorry for it. also i promise i will write for more characters other than todoroki, i have some drafts that i want to continue on.
warnings: brief mentions of trauma, but other than that unless you hate fluff there are really no triggering things. there’s some light angst I suppose, but really not much. the reader also somewhat hurts midoriya’s feelings but not directly. also I wrote this in a day and did not proof read it so be nice, okay thanks bye
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midoriya pov
Midoriya groaned and slumped down in the couch next to Bakugo who was in the process of beating Kaminari in Smash Bros. Both boys looked at him for a second before they went back to playing. Midoriya looked between his friends and groaned louder, hoping one of them would get the hint. Again, ignored. Midoriya took a deep breath and let out another groan that was practically a screech.
“Oh my fuck- WHAT?!” Bakugo yelled slamming his controller down, Kaminari took the opportunity of distraction to beat Bakugo’s character. Bakugo face turned red, and he looked at Midoriya with a twitching eye, “Deku you better hope for your own life that this isn’t something fucking stupid,”
“I am giving up, I can’t come between them,” Midoriya pouted, and Bakugo felt the urge to punch his childhood friend. Kaminari was more interested now, putting his controller down on the table to look at Midoriya.
“Between who?” Kaminari propped his chin up on his hand, resting his elbow against the armrest.
“Icy Hot and the Gen Ed chick,” Bakugo grumbled having heard Midoriya talk about nothing but her for months now. Even while they were sparring, Midoriya was gushing about whatever it was she did that was so cute to him. Bakugo was sick of it, and was ready to punch Deku until he either acted on his feelings or shut up about them, “It’s about time I’m so fucking tired of this shit,”
“Okay, so, why are you giving up?” Kaminari ignored Bakugo and focused on Midoriya. Who was happy someone was indulging him.
“Both her and Todoroki have their own thing, at first I thought it was just friends but it’s so obvious it’s something more,” Midoriya explained to Kaminari, “I mean, I just wish Todoroki would stop pretending like he doesn’t feel what he does for her,”
“Okay, I feel like I’m missing details, explain more?”
Midoriya referred to two weeks prior when he and Todoroki were studying for English together.
Todoroki was never one to be on his phone a lot, and usually never answered anybody. So when his ringtone went off, Midoriya wasn’t expecting him to actually answer. Todoroki glanced at the screen and instead saw your name on the screen. Todoroki barely let it get to the third ring before he was answering the phone, starting the conversation with your first name.
“Are you okay?” Todoroki asked, and Midoriya watched as his best friend talked to you. Midoriya could hear the muffled sound of your voice, as you explained your reasoning for calling Todoroki. Todoroki held up a finger to Midoriya, and mouthed a quick ‘I’m sorry’ before he stood up and walked across the room to his balcony to give himself some privacy. Midoriya even saw Todoroki smile, like a genuine smile, just at whatever it was you were saying.
When Todoroki came back in the room, Midoriya made a joke about him answering the phone so fast. Midoriya had never seen Todoroki blush before, but he did in that moment. He wouldn’t make eye contact as he brushed off saying that it was a perfectly normal response time.
“Oh damn someone call the chapel, Icy Hot showed human emotion, clearly he’s getting married to her,” Bakugo quipped, and Midoriya shot him a dirty look, “What?! Nerd, you sound fucking ridiculous,”
“Kacchan I just wish that you could see them,” Midoriya sighed, and looked at Kaminari, “I mean both of their faces just lighten up at the sight of each other,”
“I have seen them, Icy Hot is more comfortable with her, but people say the same damn shit about me and Kirishima and we aren’t in love,”
Kaminari raised an eyebrow, but decided to not say anything when Bakugo’s hands sparked a little.
“Maybe they just get each other, y’know they had similar upbringings? I overheard them talking the other night when she was visiting the dorm, I came down to get something to eat and they were sitting on the couch,” Kaminari refocused on Midoriya, and told him the story of what he had noticed about them.
You were sitting on one side of the couch, your back towards the kitchen and Kaminari who was definitely not eavesdropping. Then he felt incredibly guilty for eavesdropping when he realized what the conversation was about.
“My Dad wasn’t exactly the best either, but at least he ran away,” You laughed sadly, and Kaminari saw Todoroki’s face flash with an emotion he had never noticed the stoic kid show before, “I know it’s not the same, but, I hope you know if anyone understands a cold past, it’s me,”
“No, no, I think you understand better than most.” Todoroki’s voice was uncharacteristically soft, and Kaminari was certain he was about to watch a moment happen. So he scrambled away and up the stairs so he wouldn’t be labeled a pervert like Mineta.
“Why didn’t you stay and watch!!” Midoriya exclaimed.
“Because that would be fucking creepy you idiot,” Bakugo stood up, and looked at the two people who were his friends even if he would never openly admit that to anybody, “Izuku why don’t you just grow a fucking pair and ask one of them?”
“Well, because, what if it makes it weird?” Midoriya mumbled, not wanting to ruin his friendship with either of you, or between either of you.
“Listen, I am going to lay this out for you, we’ve all hung out with them together,” Bakugo snapped, his tone was aggressive but he wasn’t trying to be mean. He knew Midoriya liked you, and was finally getting over a previous crush because of you, “I mean even I’ve noticed shit, so maybe they do like each other, or maybe they don’t, you just have to grow a pair and fucking ask?”
Bakugo hated class parties, they were stupid and totally unnecessary in his opinion. He especially hated when extras from all over the school would come to the parties. The idiots from the other hero course, and then a few of the gen-ed students. Bakugo didn’t mind you though, you weren’t as annoying, mostly because you were borderline scared of him yelling at you so you tried your best to not piss him off. He appreciated the effort, so he found himself hanging around you as you played with the dress up items Ashido had left out for the Photo Booth. Bakugo even helped you pick out certain items, mostly so he could tell you how stupid you looked.
“Todoroki!” You called out, when the half-n-half man came into the room again. He looked up and spotted you, wearing a pair of obnoxiously large light up glasses. You grabbed a white and red feathered boa and practically jumped over the table to get to Todoroki.
Bakugo watched as the usual emotionally stunted idiot, actually laughed at how you looked. He saw your arms cross, and a pout form on your lips. Todoroki grabbed the boa out of your hand and put it around his neck with a straight face. You waved to Bakugo as you dragged Todoroki to the Photo Booth that had been rented. He could hear the two of you talking as you did..
“I can’t believe you laughed at me!” You said it in such a dramatic tone, as if you didn’t look like an actually insane person at the moment. Todoroki shook his head, a small chuckle slipping out again that made Bakugo want to hurl.
“I was laughing at your glasses and the way your eyes look in them,” Todoroki nudged you with his elbow as you waited for Kaminari to exit the Photo Booth, “Plus you smiled like a crazy person when you saw me,”
“Well, I was excited to see my best friend.” You huffed, and took the glasses off your face. You stood on your tip toes and put them on Todoroki. Bakugo checked out of your conversation when the two of you went into the Photo Booth.
“Why don’t you just ask her if they’re just friends or what?” Bakugo stared at Midoriya, who went wide eyed at the question.
“I can’t ask her!”
“Okay, then ask Todoroki,” Kaminari suggested.
“Yeah, idiot has a point, I mean your entire friendship started because you broke open his childhood trauma with a fucking crowbar, so asking about his feelings is nothing new.” Bakugo grabbed his drink and walked to the kitchen to refill his cup. Kaminari gave Midoriya an encouraging thumbs up, and grabbed his controller again.
Midoriya sighed, and got up to leave. He was not feeling better about it, but he also knew they were right. Midoriya went up to Todoroki’s room and knocked on the door. There was shuffling inside, and then Todoroki was at the door. He looked a little surprised when he opened it and saw Midoriya waiting for him there.
“Oh, Midoriya, did we have plans to study?” Todoroki blinked a few times, and Midoriya shook his head, “Are you okay?”
“Do you like her?”
“Do I like who? That’s very vague,” Midoriya answered with your name and Todoroki’s eyes widened a little before he regained his composure, “Well, yes, she is a likable person, and we are friends,”
“That’s not what I mean,” Midoriya sighed, remembering how dense his friend could be about these things, “Do you like her? Like if the idea of someone asking her on a date makes you angry type of like,”
Todoroki thought for a second, as if he was imagining the scenario in his head, his eyebrows furrowed and he looked at his shorter friend, “Yes, I like her,”
“Okay, so, tell her?” Midoriya’s tone caught Todoroki off guard, “Look, I’m trying to be a good friend here, but if you don’t do something soon, I’m doing something,”
“Do you.. Do you like her?” Todoroki looked genuinely worried at what the answer would be. He knew you and Midoriya were close too, you had pictures of the two of you on the pinboard in your dorm room. Todoroki had always wondered if you two were involved in that way. He actually wondered.. no worried, about it a lot.
“I did, I do,” Midoriya watched as his best friend’s face dropped, “So I am telling you to just go tell her how you actually feel, okay?”
“I don’t know how to do that,” Todoroki actually looked stress about it, running his hand back through his hair, “I mean, she’s so smart, funny, and she’s.. she’s beautiful Midoriya, not in just a generic beautiful way either, she’s like nothing I have ever seen before,”
“Todoroki, you’re telling the wrong person,” Midoriya knew that he was making the right choice in giving up on you, “Go, now, she’s in her dorm, I was supposed to go study with her this evening,”
Midoriya turned to walk away, so Todoroki wouldn’t have to see the disappointment he felt about doing this, Todoroki stopped him though, “Midoriya, thank you, truly,”
Midoriya sniffled a little and looked at his best friend, “Just don’t let me regret it, treat her right.”
Todoroki nodded firmly, and grabbed his shoes. He struggled to put them on as he scrambled down the hallway.
your pov
You were laying on your bed in your dorm room, rereading the texts from Todoroki from the previous night. When you texted him late at night mentioning your anxiety was insanely high, you weren’t expecting him to answer back as quickly as he did. Todoroki never left you on delivered for long though, unless he wasn’t by his phone or he was actually asleep when you tried to reach him. It was something that warmed your heart, an insane amount. Especially with all of the stress happening in your life. Trying to graduate, then handle fact most of your closest friends were heroes, also the fact that you had fallen too far in love with your best friend.
At first your interest was with Midoriya, after all he was cute, and actually saved your life when you almost fell down the stairs. It was just a small crush at first, but it was quickly washed away when you met Shouto Todoroki in person.
Everyone knew about him, just like the rest of class A. He was conventionally handsome, looked like he belonged on a magazine cover, and had an amazing quirk. Plus being the number one hero’s son made him pretty well know. From the rumors though, he sounded like he was kind of a jerk.
The rumors were wrong though.
Shouto Todoroki was a little awkward sure, but he was also kind. The second he met you, he did his best to make sure you felt included in the conversations he made with Midoriya. Then when you texted him to ask him a question about a history assignment you were doing, he was quick to answer it. That was when you found yourself texting him more often. Texting led to calls when you were bored. Calls led to the two of you hanging out privately without any of your mutual friends joining you both.
One night, you forgot that you were supposed to meet him. There had been a particularly hard call with your mom, an argument about something stupid. She had the tendency to say things she didn’t necessarily mean when she was mad, but it still broke your heart to hear her say them. Todoroki got worried when you didn’t show up at the gate, so he went to your dorm instead. He knocked a few times, and you opened the door with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. Todoroki’s heart almost broke seeing you that way.
“Are you okay?” He was slightly panicked that something awful had happened, but he didn’t know how much his genuine concern for you made you feel. You rushed forward, hugging him tightly and sobbing. Todoroki was stiff at first, but he wrapped his arms back around your shoulders. The feeling of being held by him was enough to make you want to crumble into pieces, but when he gently placed a hand on the back of your head and held you even closer to his chest.. You felt put back together again.
That was when Todoroki officially became your go to when it came to needing emotional support. The two of you finding ways to get the other open up. Todoroki helped you learn more about yourself, all while showing you more of him. You thought you were a bit delusional, but you were certain he was different around you than most of his other friends. You felt like you had a side of him that no one else got to know. Todoroki knew your coffee order, your favorite food, the type of blankets you liked. He played with your hair when you were sprawled out on your bed, complaining about something from school. Todoroki was just amazing, more than just his looks and cool quirks
Todoroki who always started the morning with a text, call, or sometimes show up at your dorm to make sure you didn’t snooze your alarm. Todoroki who would tense up when anyone got too close to his bubble, but who would hug you back when you were excited, sad, or even just feeling particularly clinging. He was good to you, and all you wanted was him. More than the friendship that was in between you both. Sometimes your wondered if maybe he felt the same..
You were standing in front of the mirror, staring at yourself in your fairy costume. There were so many options that your class could have picked, but instead they decided on a fantasy cafe. You got picked to be one of the fairies, which wouldn’t have been a huge deal, if you didn’t feel entirely self conscious in this costume. It didn’t look awful on you, but it also wasn’t the most modest thing you could wear.
“I’m sorry, I forgot my phone, you weren’t answering my knocking but the door was unlocked,” Todoroki walked in, slightly averting his eyes just in case you weren’t decent. He looked up briefly when he noticed you jump, and his mouth tightened up a little.
“PLEASE DO NOT LOOK AT THIS!” You shrieked, and Todoroki turned around quickly. Both of you were bright red by this point, and you were scrambling to put on your normal clothing. Once you were dressed you cleared your throat.
“Why were you wearing that?” Todoroki looked at the pink and green top and skirt that was now laid on the back of your chair, “Oh wait, is it for the festival?”
“Yeah my class is doing a ‘fantasy cafe’, so people got picked to be like princesses and what not,” You huffed, “I got picked to be a fairy, and the fairies all wanted everyone’s outfits to be at least similar,”
“You don’t sound excited?” Todoroki walked over and grabbed his phone off your bed. He almost reached for his sweatshirt to grab, but instead looked back at you. You were staring at the ground, nervously chewing on your lip.
“I look stupid in it, I can already hear the people making fun of me, do me a favor and make sure your class doesn’t show up there,” You hated how pathetic you sounded, being worried about people seeing you. Todoroki stared at the outfit, and then looked back at you.
“I thought you looked beautiful,” His tone was still as even as ever, but the words caused your face to flush even more. Todoroki raised an eyebrow and walked closer, touching your forehead with his hand, “You look like you’re getting a fever,”
“No, you just told me I’m beautiful,”
“Well, yes, you are,” Todoroki said it as if you shouldn’t even be questioning it. You wanted to scream, loving and hating the way he could just say these things without a care in the world, “Do you not think you are?”
“I mean, I don’t think I’m a troll or anything, but I’m not anything special?” You laughed a little, and looked up at him. Todoroki’s eyebrows creased, he went and grabbed his hoodie off the bed and brought it back over. He held it out for you.
“Clearly you are getting sick, your face is red, and you’re delirious, so you can use this till you feel better,” You stared at him like you were crazy, “You are the furthest from looking like a troll, Bakugo has you beat there,”
You laughed, an actual laugh again. Todoroki was clearly proud of himself for being able to cheer you up, you took the hoodie from him and held onto it, “Thank you, Todoroki,”
“I should get going, I will see you this weekend?” Todoroki slid his phone in his pocket and walked over to the door, he paused when he opened the door again, “Just so you know… I really do think you are beautiful.”
The quick knock at your door brought you back to the present. Midoriya was coming to study with you, both of you planned to quiz the other on your courses. You pulled yourself off your bed, and opened the door. It wasn’t Midoriya standing there though, it was Todoroki.
“Oh! Todoroki, are you okay? You don’t look-”
“I need to talk to you, Midoriya sent me, and I just I..” Todoroki took a deep breath, “I am new at this, so I need you to hear me out okay? Let me try to finish what it is I need to say before you start,”
You nodded slowly, and stepped aside so he could come in. Todoroki looked stressed, like there were a million thoughts running through his head. You didn’t know just how right you were for assuming that. Todoroki wasn’t usually one to just sweat normally, he could control his body temperature normally after all, but right now he looked like Kaminari when he accidentally pranked Bakugo instead of Kirishima. Besides the clear nervousness in his body language though, he held eye contact with you. You had to force yourself to not go down the rabbit hole of how pretty his eyes really were.
“I like you, more than just a like though, but not as much as.. Not as much as love yet, but yet I feel like it is love,” Todoroki blurted out the first part and then quickly tried to explain himself, and your jaw went slack, “I have been trying to watch movies, I have asked practically any girl I could, study any way to just do this, I thought I had more time but Midoriya showed up and told me to get it over with, so this is not planned out,”
“Call me Shouto and let me finish,” He sighed, and ran his hand through his hair, “I don’t even know what there is to finish, I think that’s mostly it, like I said I am not equipped for this,”
It wasn’t until you giggled that he stopped his panicked mumbling. You felt bad, but you had never seen Todoroki so flustered, so much so that he was picking up on his closest friends habits. Todoroki, no Shouto, was usually so calm and collected. At least he put on that front, there had been plenty of times that the facade fell apart. Right now though, the stoic protection he had around his heart was gone, and it was gone because of you.
“Why are you laughing?” He deadpanned, the fluster going away at the fact you couldn’t even take his attempt at a confession seriously. The instant stoic look on his face made you break into a fit of giggles all over again. Todoroki was about to walk out, just due to the sheer amount of embarrassment he felt in that moment. You grabbed his hand though before he could run.
“I’m laughing because you’re so nervous to tell me how you feel, I mean I’ve seen you panicked but never this bad,” You giggled, and he looked back up from staring at your now connected hands, “Shouto, do you remember when I told you to drop saying my name so formally?”
“Yes, you said that someone who meant so much to you should call you by your given name, so I started calling you by your given name,” Shouto recalled the events, and you raised an eyebrow to see if he would understand. You were a blushing mess when you did it, and on the day of love nonetheless. From the look on his face you could see that he wasn’t understand what you were trying to hint at.
“Shouto, I was trying to do what you’re doing right now, but I said it and you said,” You tried to do your best impression of him, “Oh, I can do that, now do you know this math question?”
Todoroki glared at you a little for mocking him, but the glare went away when he realized at some point his fingers had slid to interlock with yours. Both of you looked down at your hands, and you blushed a little but squeezed his hand. You looked back up at him, you could see that he had relaxed a little. He looked over your face, before he let out a breath that it seemed like he had been holding for way too long.
“I said it already, but I’m new to this, I probably won’t be that great about this, but I want to try, if you’ll let me,” Todoroki’s voice was softer than you had ever heard, that mixed with the way he was looking at you made you want to melt into a puddle. Maybe even pinch yourself at the fact that this could all be a dream.
“I-I would really like to try,” You whispered, your eyes flicking to his lips before you looked back up at him. You wanted him to kiss you, but you didn’t want to ruin the moment by making him uncomfortable. Todoroki nodded, before his own eyes looked at your lips.
“I..” He shook his head, stopping himself from going on another tangent. Instead he leaned down, hesitating when his forehead pressed against yours. Both of you were breathing a little quicker, you squeezed your eyes shut. You wanted so badly to close the distance between you, his lips were right there, all you needed to do was lift your head just press your lips against his.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I’m not kidding, I have no idea what I’m doing,” Todoroki whispered, his nose gently bumped into yours, “All I know is, I hate it when you cry,”
“Where is he?” Todoroki looked around the room with a glare that seemed like it could do more damage than even just his quirks. A boy from your class had made a crude comment to you, and when you stood up for yourself, he used his quirk to make you trip. It wouldn’t have been a big deal, if you weren’t carrying your lunch tray.. Also if it hadn’t been in front of everyone.
“I-I don’t know,” You sniffled, trying your hardest to fight back the tears. Todoroki’s anger seemed to instantly go away when he heard that, and he gently tugged your hand away so that you wouldn’t cry in front of everyone. The two of you were in the hallway when you finally fell apart. School had been stressful, life had been stressful, now this.
Todoroki hesitated for a moment, but he pulled you into a tight hug. He didn’t give a damn that you were covered in food, and it was now getting all over his white shirt. That didn’t matter to him. All that mattered was the absolute pain he felt when he heard you make the sound you did before the tears started. It felt like someone was forcing him to swallow hot coals. He held on tight to you, squeezing slightly, rubbing your back.
Todoroki would hold you for however long you needed him to, because he never wanted to hear you son like that again.
“I hate that I can’t spend everyday with you, I hate not being near you, or when I feel like you’re too far away,” His hand came up and held your cheek, his forehead still pressing against yours, “But I don’t know how to be a boyfriend, I barely knew how to be a friend for the longest time,”
“I would take that chance with you,” You whispered, and tilted your chin up a little more so your lips were closer to his. Todoroki took a deep breath, especially after feeling your residual lip gloss grazed his lips.
Todoroki stopped fighting it, and finally introduced his lips to yours. The hand on your cheek slid back a little to hold the side of your head, his fingers gently intertwined with your hair. You felt your entire body simultaneously relax but yet come to life. This had to have been what Kaminari’s quirk felt like, because all of your nerve endings were standing on edge as if an electric shock was flowing through you. Everything around you seemed to stand still, nothing else on the earth mattered. Todoroki’s lips were soft, and he slightly tasted like the sweet peppermint chapstick you had bought him at Christmas. The kiss was gentle and slow. There was no rush, no hurry at all, because this moment was perfect.. This moment couldn’t have been more perfect. Todoroki finally pulled back, to look over your face again, still keeping his hand in the same spot. Todoroki’s thumb reached and gently rubbed your cheekbone.
“No matter what happens, I know we’ll still be okay,” Todoroki sounded like was reassuring himself more than you. You still nodded quickly though, squeezing his hand that was still holding yours, “…Is that my sweatshirt?”
“It is, you told me you lost it when I asked for it?”
“Well, first lesson in being a boyfriend, these are our clothes now,”
“I feel like you’re tricking me, but I will just let you have this one.”
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bendydudeinc · 7 months
UGHHHHHHHH I want Chūyas hands. His pretty hands. I want to watch his eyes grow hooded and dark with lust as he slowly brings his gloved fingers to his lips and bites his glove off one finger at a time because he knows it gets me hot and bothered. I want Chūya to circle his fingers around the outside of my dripping hole as I squirm and cry for him to put them in. I don’t think he’d last long with that after seeing my folds clench around nothing. I want him to relentlessly thrust into me with his fingers to the beat of our favorite songs, smiling smugly to himself like the stupid sexy asshole he is as he keeps scissoring and thrusting against my most sensitive spots to the rhythm, even as my eyes roll back and I babble that it’s too much during a fast pace song, he’ll just curl his fingers harder to shut me up. I want Chūya to talk down to me like the filthy whore I am and humiliate me when I cry out and gush around his fingers for the god knows what time since he put the playlist on shuffle because godammit it’s just so fucking good.
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dekusleftsock · 2 days
I think that there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what exactly is…happening with Izuku’s character. Specifically in regards to chapter 425.
I’m glad that a lot more people generally recognize that Izuku is not a character that can be read at a surface level, given that he’s both a repressed person with built up emotion of basically everything and also a very glaringly HUGELY unreliable narrator, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with the ways I’ve seen this most recent chapter spoken about.
I see posts, comments, etc with ideas like “Izuku don’t suppress your emotions! Open up with people! It’ll be okay I promise!” When that’s fundamentally not what is happening here.
There’s always always ALWAYS been a distinct difference in character throughout horikoshi’s writing when he is showing that a character is:
A—Avoiding emotions, thoughts, ideas less than ideal for them. Not opening up when they probably should about their problems given that they’ve been handed the space to do so. Just genuinely not acknowledging, feeling, or expressing emotions that they don’t want.
B—Reflecting on the ways they feel about the world, themselves, or other people given their new perspective on a situation. Not outright reaching out to others to talk about these problems/feelings, but instead waiting until the moment they feel they have the most confidence to do so with their new outlook on their own life.
And genuinely, guys, to grab your BkDk attention rn, this is the exact reason why Ochako’s reflection on her feelings for Izuku and thereafter decision to pull away from them WAS NEVER GOING TO END IN OCHAKO EXPLODING WITH HER LOVE FOR HIM.
This was another common interpretation I saw of Ochako and Izuocha for a long time. That because she pushed these feelings away, they were somehow going to explode in this unbelievable way and she would “get the boy” because of it. That her arc would surround accepting her romantic feelings and that she can’t just push away how she feels for a career.
But yk. That didn’t happen. At all. Nowhere close even.
The same kind of goes for Katsuki, allmight, etc. They all had moments in their arc where it was spent genuinely reflecting, and the only reason we as the audience never connected it in the same ways we do ochako or Izuku was ALWAYS BECAUSE the narrative showed their inner thoughts while doing so (mostly because Allmight’s arc after losing OFA and Katsuki’s arc on what it means to be a hero were so intrinsically tied, both starting at the same time and ending at the same time during the final war. And because they were so tied this caused their own reflections, development, and thought process to be broadcasted to us frequently throughout their arcs… to each other. They also somewhat shared aspects with Izuku, but these were cherry picked more often than not, like dvk2 for example).
To us Katsuki never seemed to be.. idk, suppressing his anger in any way because we were always told what he was doing and why (side note: this is why I’ve always thought arguments against Katsuki were so weird, bc unlike characters like endeavor or Ochako he wasn’t like… hiding who he was and how he was changing. Ever. Like the audience knows at all times past basically season 3 what Katsuki is thinking and doing. Like how do you watch this happen, stare me dead in the eye, and tell me how much of a terrible and awful teenage boy he is. Like damn I didn’t think we were this dumb. This is also my theory as to why he’s most popular, his arc is very… in your face if that makes sense). Katsuki’s entire mini arc on reflecting his mistakes and his childhood and his future is spent TELLING YOU that it’s what he’s doing. (I’m referring mostly to the endeavor internship arc, the provisional license exam makeup, and basically everything in the war arc related to him leading up to bakugou Katsuki rising here)
And see, Horikoshi will stare you dead in the eye, tell you “this girl has taken into consideration that she doesn’t want to waste her time training her career focusing on a boy because he kinda caught her fancy”, and y’all will still say that this will explode in her face.
Y’all this is a series about learning how to manage emotions, maturity in relationship to one’s emotions, how to feel an emotion, but in a way that is helpful. Horikoshi isn’t telling you “go buck wild, feel everything all the time and always express it”, in fact he explores why you DONT do that! Through Toga or Shigaraki, they show how grief and anger can genuinely consume you. But he also shows why you shouldn’t just put everything in a box to never look at or acknowledge, or why you shouldn’t just let your grief destroy the world around you, or pretending that some emotions simply don’t exist.
I can’t say this enough, so let me say it now, mha is about the extremes of your psyche. That you should control something, but not too much. Everything can be harmful. Everything can be good.
Izuku is not controlling too much, he’s expressing just enough.
I LOVE shaming this dickhead at all times in all my posts. I love saying he’s an ignorant dipshit with a weird amount of distaste for a girl who just confessed to him. I’ve joked that chapter 348 is basically an entire chapter spent on Izuku calling Himiko a mean dyke. And yet I also believe he’s doing nothing WRONG here.
In fact, I’ll even say that this moment right here?
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ISNT EVEN IZUKU DOING THE SOCIALLY APPROPRIATE THING ABOUT IT! But he’s still TRYING to reach out to someone he thinks MIGHT be able to understand. (And frankly, this moment is far deeper than what it’s being made out to be, to me it reads more like an unrequited friendship that Izuku both desires and has thought of them to have, while simultaneously showing the distance Ochako has successfully wedged between them for her own sake. Maybe it was always there though, maybe in weird, miscommunicated Horikoshi fashion, this is a representation of how Ochako always read all those “fun friend hangouts” as a little more than that, and without those feelings the friendship never really held any substance to her in the first place. Where Izuku saw his first real friend at UA, she saw little more than acquaintance)
Simultaneously, Izuku is genuinely reflecting on what it means for the world to change, to be a hero, to live after loss—and trying and failing to gain the connection he desires from individuals who can not and will not afford him that.
Izuku is ready for the world to change, a few select characters are also ready for the world to change (mirio, for example), but not nearly enough are. So maybe I’ll have to take this back if I’m proven wrong and I accidentally looked into this far past what everyone else did for no reason, but I genuinely believe with moments like this
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And this
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Aand this
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That Izuku has come forward with that aspect of his character development. He’s reflecting on his new beliefs, not repressing his emotions for them.
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bdoubleowo · 2 years
I think truthing is best avoided because it’s incredibly invasive and parasocial and at the very least one should keep the behavior to yourself as to not make the cc’s uncomfortable, and that anything short of the full picture (something impossible to achieve as an outside observer) could be missing context and that friendships come in many forms and there are other ways to experience relationships aside from just romantic or platonic but also I think Dream is just actually full on /r in love with George I don’t know what else to say why does he act Like That
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ceo-of-daichi · 1 year
18+ (tw | miguel using his fangs+claws, fem!oral, implied friends with benefits, absolutely zero aftercare oops. NOT PROOF READ)
Thinking about Miguel O’Hara…
You think you are being careful. Careful of your surroundings. Careful not to get caught.
Hiding the relationship that you two had, if you could call it that, was harder than both of you expected.
In fact, you wouldn’t call it a relationship, you would call it an agreement. Which was basically if he needed you, you would be there.
It sounds one sided, which it was, but you couldn’t deny how much you enjoyed sneaking around for him.
As you are sneaking around a corner, you let out a scream which is luckily muffled by a hand over your mouth as you are pulled into an embrace.
An embrace you recognised immediately to be Miguel.
“I would stop screaming if I were you, people might hear” he whispers, letting his fangs run along the shell of your ear.
This immediately shuts you up.
“Mmm, thats what I thought” he chuckles softly as he releases your mouth, the noise was rare to hear as he only ever gave a hint of a smile or a laugh to you.
Which you think is a shame because its a beautiful sound.
“Maybe you should give me a bit of a warning next time then, Miggy!” You growl out his nickname, as you turn to face him. Your arms now crossed across your chest, eyes boring into him.
“You know I hate when you call me that” he snarls, baring his fangs before pressing a forceful kiss to your lips, almost knocking you over.
Your hands suddenly grasp his arms for support, all thoughts completely leave your mind as all you can suddenly concentrate on is how his lips feel against yours.
They were soft, which always caught you off guard. Not expecting him to be someone who used a chapstick - well, ever.
His hands though, were always rough, especially as he flipped you against the wall. Trailing his claws along your sides before pushing both hands up your shirt.
He left goosebumps in his wake as he explored your upper body, occasionally pinching some skin which causes you to squirm in his hold.
You let your head fall against the wall, already feeling the heat building in your core. He hadn’t even touched you yet, but every touch of his hand left fire in its wake.
“Miguel, por favor…” you whine, pathetic really. How much you craved him, after only a few touches.
He smirks, his cock twitching in his pants at the sound of you so needy for him.
Miguel wastes no more time, he hoists you up so your legs are around his shoulders, his face in line with your clothed pussy. It takes him mere moments to rip through your sweats and panties, before he’s burying his face in your cunt.
His mouth and tongue moves feverishly and before you know whats going on, your hand is gripping his hair and your head is thrown back.
His fangs occasionally catch against your bundle of nerves and your body jolts from the slight bit of pain that quickly gets lost in the overwhelming pleasure.
Every stroke of his tongue through your puffy folds is like a shock through your body, you feel completely at his mercy as he presses his face deeper. His tongue thrusting in and out of your sopping hole.
Your whines and moans become inconceivable as he pulls you closer and closer to the edge, your whole body feeling like a volcano on the brink of an eruption.
Although when you cum, all you feel is calm, your body is being washed over by waves of pleasure, your vision white.
He carefully puts you back down on the ground, your legs barely being able to hold you up without his support.
Once he knows your okay to stand on your own, he leans and kisses your forehead. Its how he thanked you for sessions like these.
And he walked off around the corner, leaving you a mess in the small corridor.
You know the next time you see him, would be something similar. Except next time, he would be the one seeing white.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
How do you think Steve and Eddie told the kids they were dating? I’ve come up with a million and 1 different scenarios for each of them (except for Dustin, who almost always helps set them up in my head) but I love hearing everyone else’s headcanons for it!
Oh my god I’m so sorry somehow I never saw this??? I am so sorry!
Im conflicted between a big display and never actually telling then because they just figure it out when both Steve and Eddie start to be consistently happy instead of their previous ways of being, a mix between emotionally numb and being on emotional high alert when it comes to The Party.
But with Eddie’s flare for dramatics I’d like to think he plans something. Okay so for hellfire he plays the long game. He introduces an npc called Stefan who the party conveniently all get emotionally invested it (is this because every characteristic is based on someone they know very well? Eddie will never tell). So there’s a whole story arc where they befriend Stefan and his back story unfolds when he explains he’s trying to go home but can’t until he knows the world is safe. So the party adopt him and protect him at all costs, there is one too many near misses where Stefan is sent into death saves and the party get ferocious in their need to protect him.
As the campaign ends they escort Stefan home. They defeated the big evil together, yes Stefan tried to scarfice himself for them but they stopped him every time. They arrive at Stefan’s village, a small affair but friendly and accepting. They insist on taking Stefan to his door to ensure no danger falls upon him, all of which is according to Eddie’s plan because when Stefan arrives home the party hear a loud ‘STEFE!’ from the door and explain details the scene. A man with a lute, exploding out the door, picks Stefan (Stefe? Steve?) up and whirls him round before turning to the group. ‘Thank you brave fighters for bringing my love back to me, I’m Edd, Bard Extraordinaire and I will tell tales of your bravery for forever more’
Erika is the first one to get it. Standing up from the table and pointing ‘YOU!’ Which is when Steve comes in for pick up duty. Erika wheels ‘and YOU!’ And Steve gives a small wave with a ducked head, Eddie told him ‘tonight is the night’ after keeping Steve up to date with the campaign. Steve was nervous coming in but wouldn’t have missed it for the world, grateful to be supporting and in turn being supported by Eddie.
Slowly Dustin stands, replicating the exact same response as Erika. This is when the chaos starts. It never really stops to be honest but once everyone is on the same page the out pouring is of support but also ‘ew gross you kiss HIM?’ (Aimed at both of them from various members of the group). Steve just stands next to Eddie at the head of the table, Eddie’s arm around his waist, Steve’s hand on Eddie’s head, both smiling at their make shift family and happy to have it out in the open
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euphoricfilter · 5 months
Just so u know you're missing some punctuation here and there in your fics
just so you know, i’m actually fully aware 😧
i will argue that some of the run on sentences are mild stylistic choice. but still, this isn’t professional writing and i doubt it’ll change any time soon
but if it bothers people too much i’ll proof read twice from now on and check my punctuation 🧍🏻‍♀️
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
Porfiry telling Raskolnikov that at least he was honest and in one bound took the furthest leap to put his theory to the test of actual action——
#Taylor believing a man who is obviously lying to her#like. it’s fascinating to me how they’ll say anything to her and she’ll be like ‘okay let’s go’#she’s never read Jane Austen and it shows. but that’s okay because she’s the character in an Austen novel#she has no sense of self-preservation she has no common sense when it comes to love#and the reason I have endless patience for that is because she IS different. she is extraordinary. she is WEIRD. she’s so needy#so angry so fragile so stupid so brilliant so completely helpless#like the bolter———I can’t even LOOK at it right now#because you know she was like this since she was 5 and SHE knows it#just so. Different. so strange. I mean she ruled her family with an iron fist from the age of 11#and her packaging is so basic and she she had so much access to everything anyone could want#so there are none of the usual marks of someone being so Different#but like. people HATED her from day one. you know her own strength of personality was drawing out many people’s hatred or envy#and she’s so helpless in her own personality because she can never change#like thank you aimee? or whatever? heck yeah there was some girl who bullied her and brutalized her on the playground#and you know it devastated Taylor from day one and still does#and it’s just. I don’t know how people can’t see that someone with that extraordinary set of gifts#wouldn’t also suffer in such an extraordinary way#and ways that elicit so much scorn and non-sympathy because people are unsettled and jealous and annoyed by her#because she WILL find a way to win#but isn’t that proof enough that she is the very OPPOSITE OF NORMAL#it’s why people have to be like ‘oh she sold her soul to the devil for this success.’ or whatever the psy-op spy thing is#because there’s no human way to explain her success if she really were as basic/talentless as people say#ugh this is all so incoherent and irritating and I’m so sorry but I just. I cannot explain how protective my heart is of her#and all the many many mistakes she’s made and the prisons she’s made for herself because she’s LIVING the tragedy#of never having denied herself one time/getting everything she wants#and discovering the poison at the bottom of everything she reached for with desperate hands#like. I love her so much and I am so protective of her because she is so helpless and she is getting shot in the face every time#and she feels every blow!#whew I need to turn off reblogs and will probably delete but I just#this album is all of her spilled out and people DO hate to see it because a lot of people hate her!!!!
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riinzler · 10 months
explanation of what ‘pings’ are!
mentioned them briefly in an rp so i thought i’d explain (note this is all heavily inspired by solar_siren on ao3!!!)
to summarize pings are when two programs transfer a line of dialogue code to each other similar to texting in a way. some programs use pings to speak privately, if the surrounding area is loud, etc, or if they just feel like it. some programs like rinzler use pings as a primary form of communication, some only use them every once in awhile and some prefer not to use them at all.
there are programs who only ping with programs they’re familiar with while others will don’t mind and will use it anyone it comes down purely to preference.
pings are not user compatible, even if the user is digitized. on the encom system programs could use pings to convey emotions too, but that isn’t a function the grid version has.
pings can also have an impression of a programs voice. this is not something they can control though. for some the voice is clear almost as if the other program was verbally speaking, while for others their voice impressions are very vague or quiet. some programs don’t have voice impressions at all. it can be pretty diverse!!
there isn’t really a general etiquette for pings as so much of it comes down to just personal preference but it is considered rude to ping unexpectedly/without any form of warning it’s like coming up behind someone and loudly shouting ‘HEY!!!’ when you could’ve just walked over and said hi at a normal volume
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care666bear · 3 months
Idk it makes me cringe when cis men tell me they’d punish me for being a brat or give me such good ruels ??? 🤣🤣🤣 let me just express how much y’all do not get about this lifestyle. Ok let me chat shit for a minute
Like your version of a punishment is making me do something you can cum to, that’s not brat taming hahahahahahaha “yeah I prefer self spanking or withholding attention as a punishment” Get ouuuut of here (withholding attention is neglect & it’s horrible & it’s mean. It isn’t discipline, it teaches nothing)
Have you ever made someone take a spoonful of hot sauce for smart ass comments ?
What about 100 lines for disrespectful statements ?
Early bed ?
Denying them pleasures that isn’t just getting to cum, like loss of their fav drink, snack, etc. ?
What about the conversation after a punishment is done, to solidify the lesson learnt & how sorry your sub probably is? After-care ? No. Okay.
Now the rules - showing you my panties daily is not a rule. Having to only cum if you watch is not a rule. Maybe for some honestly!! I promise you though, if she’s comfortable in her submissiveness/littleness as her natural nature, ew no (I say little as that’s mostly where I see rules hold importance! Take it with a grain of salt)
Rules do not restrict & control. They guide & enrich ✨
30 minutes of a book before their fav show
Getting fresh air
Having an opinion & expectation for screen time, bedtime, meals. -
This is broad bc all relationships are different, your rules should cater to what is best for that lil human. Maybe it’s all sexual, maybe it’s not sexual at all.
you’re not the dom you think you are, get off that high my guy 🫶🏼
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eddiemunsn · 2 years
i’ve thinking a lot about pervert best friend eddie
he climbs thru your window at night and spoons you, feeling you up as you get comfy against his chest and melt into his touches. you wake up with his dick hard against your ass and you doze in and out of sleep as he ruts against you and cums in his boxers, groaning your name in a way that has you clenching your thighs. he watches you get dressed and helps you pick an outfit for work before he begrudgingly goes to school and you give him a kiss on the nose when he leaves. his favorite panties of yours go missing from your laundry basket only to return after a couple of days, crunchy and buried in with the rest of your dirty clothes.
you shower with the door unlocked just incase he comes by and is stinky— sometimes he’ll come over for a sleepover with his hair wet from a shower but if you’re in there he’ll make an excuse of not rinsing out his conditioner all the way just to climb in with you. if you have a window in your shower he’ll pop his head thru and ask a question. he’ll listen to your answer as he stares at your soapy tits, gives you a lopsided grin and a wink before he pops back out. when he gets too drunk he’ll kiss on you and get even more touchy, hand brushing high up on your thighs as you watch a movie, and you just sit there and laugh and kiss his temple while he buries his face into your chest and hums in content. the few times he’s gotten more brave and brushed his finger tips
you don’t mind, you grew up with him and he’s always been handsy and you assume there’s nothing emotional attached to his actions. no real attraction, just a soft body to touch. but the truth is that he’s madly in love with you, has been since the first day of middle school when you pushed a boy in the hallway for calling him names. and with how lax you are with his affection, he assumes you haven’t caught on.
the couple friends you’ve had outside of eddie had mentioned how weird and creepy he was, but they never lasted long. anyone who has a problem with eddie, no matter how big of an oddball he is, has a problem with you— plus he scares them off, he wants you all to himself 🤭
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centipedelightning · 1 year
uhhhh writing thing ignore this.
Red laid down next to you. you were still deliriously grumbling to him about how you don’t want to fall asleep. You don’t want the nightmares to come back. you’re too tired to sleep.
“if yer so dead set on not sleeping how about you focus on somthin.” he turns and lays on his side facing you.
“yeah…. yeah yeah. then i won’t sleep. good plan good… plan.” you uncurl a bit from for ball to be able to see his face. your eyes start focusing on little cracks and scratches in his skull. it’s calming.
you don’t really notice Red squint in thought. you see it sure, but it doesn’t register. Slowly he lifts his his hard and rests it on the side of your face.
“what… what do you want red? your face scrunches a bit trying to get his hand off. he’s sending a lot of mixed signals. you thought he hated you a second ago. why is he being so soft with you?
“ya want to stay awake yeah? well then you should close your eyes.” if you were lucid you’d realize that’s bullshit, but you’re not and decide to try. it takes a lot of effort to remain aware of your surroundings.
“see, that helps right?” his thumb starts moving and gently, he strokes your cheek. you start drifting off before you shake yourself awake, and jerk your head a bit to try and get his hand off.
“hey hey shhh,” not that you realize but he’s talking to you like a horse, “there’s no need fer all that. you said you want to stay awake, i’m trying to help you out.”
you start grumbling again, not really words as much as noises, and Red starts lightly stroking your face with his thumb. as he sees your shoulders slump and face relax, he moves his hand to trace more of your face. he’s doing with such a delicacy, that you’d think he was trying to memorize every scar, bump, and wrinkle in your skin. maybe he was.
you lay in your bed fighting sleep in fear of the nightmares that reside there, until something just washes away. some haunting feeling leaves. it’s not chased away. it’s slower than that. whatever Red is doing is taking that pollution away like the sea takes sand. slowly as the tides ebb and flow sand will be washed out to sea. some will be put back. but the grains will be gone with the next wave.
feeling Red’s fingers memorize the features of your face brings some peace you don’t feel very often. you dont even feel that afraid of sleeping right now. with that realization, you start drifting off into a peaceful, quiet, sleep.
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c-nan · 11 months
okay so melissa sue anderson left little house on the prairie bc she thought they exhausted all of mary’s storylines and there was no more for her character but she was WRONG so i complied a list of writing choices the show writers could’ve done to extend her story the rest of the series:
1. mary and adam could have adopted james and cassandra cooper
to me, it would’ve made so much more sense if mary and adam adopted james and cassandra, rather than ma and pa (bc of space + money reasons). this would’ve keep mary in the show longer bc they could’ve have episodes focusing around the kids adjusting to life with mary and adam being their new parents (BAM, happy mary episodes). there would be episodes of the kids at school and mary helping them and such (which would ofc bring more mary and laura interaction bc i loved their sister bond). and of course they’d still visit ma and pa (esp with cassandra being carrie’s only friend and james looking up to albert), so mary would get tons more screen time, even in the eps that don’t revolve around her.
(also, i love cassandra, she’s super cute and a great addition to the show, but like. she takes a lot away from carrie i feel, and i don’t think it would’ve been that way if mary and adam would’ve adopted cassandra (and james) instead)
2. mary could’ve gotten pregnant again and the baby could’ve lived
she lost her first one before it was even born and she lost her second to a horrific house fire, the least the writers could do is give her a baby that lives!! the real mary ingalls never got married, never got children, so i found it unnecessarily cruel that they give the fictionalized character two and then take them both away for what? shock value? stupid imo. a part of me believes that they tried to give her a happier ending than the real mary ingalls, but honestly this seems worse than never being married or having children at all. ANYWAY, with the trauma of losing her first two children, having another would bring on a great, long-term storyline of her and adam being paranoid of any harm that may hypothetically come to it (which would be subtly weaved into mary-centric episodes about her and adam having a family) but by the end of the series, the child would still be happily alive and she’d be HAPPY!!!! and still living in walnut grove of course <3
3. mary and adam could’ve moved back to sleepy eye
adam could’ve gotten a job at that one firm (remember the one Important Lawyer Guy wanting him at his firm after the land case??), and mary could’ve kept the blind school open and teach with hester sue (what she’s wanted to do HER WHOLE LIFE). i think the stupidest thing the writers did to her story was to introduce this wonderful teaching opportunity, have her fall in love with all her students and with teaching, having the perfect life, JUST to rip it all away bc stupid-ass adam got his eyesight back and decide he doesn’t give two shits about the blind school or the kids bc now he can be a lawyer despite all the work they went through continuously to keep the school going. who cares what mary wants?? adam sure doesn’t. and idk, mary not giving much of a fight to stay in sleepy eye and continue to teach never sat right with me, it’s not in her character and honestly feels like an injustice to her. i feel her having the opportunity to go back and fight for her school to reopen would be more true to how she’s been established all these years and would definitely get her a two-parter and keep her in the show (even if we only see her on the odd ep when they travel to sleepy eye for work. better than nothing 🤷)
4. (my personal fave and not an option for the show but can’t a girl dream) mary could’ve left adam bc he doesn’t respect her life and wishes, and go back to sleepy eye to reopen the blind school. there, she could’ve eventually fell in love with one of the female townsfolk and finally live her best lesbian life surrounded by people who love and appreciate her
if i hadn’t made it clear yet, i hate adam and i love any alternative where he is most definitely not a part of mary’s life lmfao. sure, they had their cute moments but i cannot get over the fact that more often than not, he’s an asshole and i can’t stand him <3 the complete disregard for her wishes (taking her away from TEACHING) really irks my ass and not for a second did he stop and think “is there anyway i can achieve my dream without taking away mary’s?” no. no he didn’t, he didn’t care, he didn’t even ask her. like. dude. i feel this would be the perfect ending for her, and many episodes could be used to show her befriending the female townsperson, becoming good friends, and eventually fall in love (and this lady would APPRECIATE HER!!) all the while reopening the blind school and finally getting her happy ending!!!!! idk, it’s perfect to me, there’s no flaws in this one but ik the 80’s (and honestly today too) were too homophobic for this 🙄 it’s real for me, it’s canon idc.
final notes
i’m well aware there’s probably a million more ideas i can come up with and when i do i’ll just rb an addition, but these are the best i’ve got right now!! and notice how i was able to add to her storyline without giving her unbearable anguish?? wish the writers could’ve done that!! but no!! alas, i work with the cards i’m dealt, and i’ve spent a lot of time thinking of these alternatives which helps sooth the pain of awful writing choices.
i guess i’m just upset they took a character with so much potential (and one of the most interesting storylines imo) and just give her nothing and reduce her to nothing more than a wife. by the end of her story, it seemed like she was just there to be adam’s side-piece which doesn’t sit right with me. she deserved better than that and melissa sue anderson deserved better than that (she is SUCH an amazing actress, and it really sucks to see her put on the back burner since s5)
anyway, ik im yelling into the void here but idc i needed to get it all written down lol
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resident-rats · 4 months
If I finish my second proof read of chapter two of Knives Are Faster today, then it should be out sometime next week (probably) 🫡
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rei-does-stuff · 5 months
“Yoosung is love with Rika!” I AM KILLING YOU!!! SHUT UPPPP
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willowcrowned · 2 years
what they don’t tell you about judaism is that sometimes you’ll be doing netilat yadaim out of a massive novelty mug with #hophip and a rabbit on it in between episodes of d20 and you’ll be forced to reckon with the fact that your shabbat plans are to drive to get coffee and play video games on your electronic devices while you put up paintings and cook on your stove
#there is definitely a strand of the multiverse where I turned out properly religious#actually there’s still a good chance of it if I live somewhere with religious jews#but like. doing shalom aleichem alone in an apartment REALLY drives home how much of the practical part of Judaism#which is the only part I’ve really ever been interested in#is community-oriented#like Friday evening you go for mincha maariv and Kabbalat shabbat#and then you talk to all your friends after and bring a bunch of them home for dinner#the meal lasts hours and then you do birkat hamazon together#and then you go to sleep#Saturday you wake up and you go to schul and you go over to someone’s house for lunch after the service ends#and THAT takes at least two hours#and then you come home and have a nap or read#and by the time you’re finished it’s time for havdalah *with your family*#idk getting VERY rambly in these notes but it’s like#interesting to me the way that it’s becoming clear that what I like about the knowledge and the rituals isn’t only the knowledge and rituals#which I do! i love it! i wish I’d studied Talmud more when I was younger and the resources were there#but that like. the clarity only comes in the absence of something I didn’t even realize was important#will I still do Shabbat every Friday night even when I’m alone? yes! of course!#it’s a part of me and a part of my life#and most importantly it’s proof that I DID beat my sister in terms of observance despite what everyone always said#(everyone knows that petty grudges are the most integral parts of Judaism)#but like. hm.#it would be nice to do Shabbat with people#it would be nice to know that some people are like me#willow’s life
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