#no time no compass gave me no signs ; and isn't it pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me? (foxwyne)
lucreziasredwyne · 3 months
who: @omerflorent when and where: the florent apartments within highgarden, following a council meeting which lucrezia had entered late. the meeting was discussing the risk of braavos claiming rosaria hightower, and pushing for her mother to be made regent of oldtown. she overhears something she wished she had not.
the room was not stifling hot, the crackling hearth only it's usual level, and yet there came a sense of heat that was stifling as the lady of the arbor remained sat upon the velvet recliner, listening distantly to the sounds of her husband's conversation with his cousin, all whilst she only pictured her own lifeless upon a slab. there was no denying the red puffiness within orbs of hazel, or the way in which her prayer mat had never been folded since they had arrived back home, or the pain in her knees for how long spent knelt in submission.
lucrezia redwyne did not want to look at her husband.
lucrezia prayed not for answers from the gods, but for comfort and strength; it was not on the gods to answer for the ability of human free will, after all. she prayed for answers from humans whose blood ran warm, and whose minds were fixed on one task. locating the former queen of the entire realm, the woman her family had walked through the seven layers of hell for; only in the end, to end up on the end of her blade. there had always been a small whisper in her mind that told her how the hightowers used the sails of the redwynes, and there had always been the other that protested they were kin.
lucrezia redwyne did not want to speak to her husband.
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family honour, and respect, was paramount; even in times of conflict. there was a part of her that felt ashamed for forgetting such standards, considering garland had been murdered without the pair ever having the chance to make amends. her aunt, the last piece of her father, murdered for being a redwyne - it had not been simonetta who had flew the white flag, and conceded from the greens. it had been lucrezia's first act as ruling lady, the day tirius rowan brought her father's body home. what hurt her so, was the silence that came when she entered a room; a swift change in conversation. no doubt speaking of how stupid he had been, and how she wished to snap at them to continue.
"i'm moving rosie to the arbor."
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ist4rgirlo · 11 months
────────── 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐜.𝐟
they did say that when two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find a way back to each other. however, are you ready to open your heart again to a person who has broken it in the past?
SEQUEL TO : you’re losing me
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“They say that your first love never dies. You can put out the flame but not the fire”
It was true, for me atleast. I’d be lying if I said that I don’t love Conrad, because I do, I still do — no matter how much he had hurt me before, a piece of my heart is still beating for him.
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
It wasn’t easy to move on, he made me feel things — things that I never felt before. He was different, he just was.
For two years, I had done my best to put the past behind me, but still, I would often find myself thinking of Conrad and wondering what could have been.
Until one day, when an unexpected text message popped up on my phone. It was from Conrad, of all people. Confused but curious, I opened the message. The only thing that it said was 'Are you free today?’ Could he possibly still care about me, after all this time?
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
I thought back to the words we had said to each other; the heartache that had been so painful that it had taken so long for me to move on. But still, here he was, wanting to see me. Was I willing to open my heart up to someone who had broken it so badly in the past?
Conrad asked me if we could meet at the beach near Cousins. I dont know why why I said yes, maybe I wanted closure — maybe I wanted to hear his side.
I stood on the dock, the ocean air getting caught in my hair. Although the sun was out and the sky a brilliant blue,
I couldn't bring myself to take in the beauty of the day. I was too consumed with my thoughts, instead glancing around, distracted and flustered.
I saw Conrad — standing at the end of the shore, a better vision than the view of the ocean I had become accustomed to.
I swallowed hard as I stared into his eyes - the same eyes that had shattered my heart months ago. He looked different. Older, strong, different from the man I had said goodbye to all those months ago.
But there he was, standing in front of me, arms crossed — pain pierced through me like a hot knife as I remembered fond memories I shared with him. Memories that were now tarnished by the hurt he had caused me.
I took a deep breathe and stepped forward — walking towards him.
“Hey Conrad,” I said tentatively.
He looked up with surprise, then quickly looked away. “Hey y/n,” he muttered.
“It’s been so long huh?” Conrad asked. I looked at him before answering “Yeah, It has. I just want to get to the point already. Why did you want to see me?” I asked him.
His eyes met mine, filled with regret and longing. "I never stopped thinking about you," he confessed, his voice laced with raw emotion.
I listened, my heart warring between the past and the present. Memories flooded my mind - stolen kisses, whispered promises, and the crushing pain of betrayal. And yet, beneath it all, the flicker of what once was remained.
"You broke me," I replied, my voice steadying.
Conrad reached out to gently touch my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine. "Please, Y/n," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "What I did was fucked up, you didn’t deserve that — you didn’t deserve to be ignored, I-I should’ve paid more attention to you”
"I messed up, I admit it. I was a fool to let you go. I've regretted it every single day, and I wish I could turn back time and change things." He said, taking a step closer.
I blinked back tears, trying to resist the pull I felt towards him. "Conrad, it's not that easy. You hurt me so deeply, and I've spent so long trying to heal." I said, backing away from him.
"I know," he murmured, his voice cracked with emotion. "But I'm here now, and all I want is a chance to make things right, to prove to you that I've changed. I want to be better for you.”
His words tugged at my heartstrings, and I felt a glimmer of hope. Could we really find a way back to each other? Was it possible to rebuild what had been broken?
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool, baby, with me
The sound of crashing waves filled the silence between us, punctuating the weight of the moment. I looked into Conrad's eyes, searching for sincerity, I’m scared — scared of risking again. Scared of getting hurt again.
“I-I don’t know, Conn-“ I said looking down, he walked closer — his hands reaching for mine.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, just.. just let me love you. Let me be a better man for you.” he paused “I’ll wait for you”
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
I looked up at him, I saw the glint in his eyes — he was genuine, his voice sounded hopeful — his eyes filled with love. It wouldn’t hurt if I tried again right? maybe now, it’ll be right.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
invisible string II Lucy Bronze x Reader
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a/n: based off this request.
"Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?"
~ Taylor Swift, invisible string
barcelona women masterlist I word count: 3264
North Carolina, 2009
To be honest the first time Lucy Bronze stepped into your life was not ideal. For countless reasons. One of them was how you two met back in 2009 in North Carolina. Both of you were foreign students playing for the University’s soccer team. So naturally the changing room was the place of your first meeting.
As the captain of the team, you asked every teammate to introduce themselves at the start of the fresh semester: “And you’re?”  “Lucy. Lucy Bronze.”, the dark-haired woman replied while eating. In slight disgust you wrinkled your nose. To yourself you thought who talks when there’s still food in their mouth you asked yourself, but you chose to say out loud:” Pleasure.” “Want a piece?”, the English defender asked with a smile which usually won everyone over even the toughest opponents. Slowly you shook your head:“ No, thanks, training is about to start.”
The truth was you lost your appetite since your girlfriend broke up with you over your phone a few days ago. To be fair Spain and North Carolina was far apart from each other, but you had hoped your love was strong enough to handle this. It turned out you were very wrong about that. Meanwhile Lucy shrugged her shoulders nonchalant:” Fine then.”
In the evening you tried to cook for yourself while equally trying not to cry into your dinner. Someone was standing right behind you, so you turned around to see who it was: “Oh hello Lucia.” “Pretty sure I introduced myself as Lucy. Not Lucia.”, the English woman frowned. Confused you gave her a closer look: “Yes but why don’t you use your Portuguese name then it’s on the squad list?” “Mierda!”,you cursed as you realized you burnt your food while talking to the defender. Worried Lucy asked: “Because I’m English. Do you need help?” “No, maybe I do need a little bit of help. Sorry, I’m not in a good mood lately. My girlfriend back at home in Spain said she could not do this long distance thing but it’s only a year. Nevermind. God, I’m a mess.”, you opened up, not knowing exactly why you did it in front of someone who was still almost a stranger. Maybe that made it easier to talk about it.
The brunette smiled empathetically:” So heartbroken, huh?” “Yes.”, you nodded. With a grin the taller woman demanded in a bossy tone:” I know what helps with that. Move over. I’ll make you some food.”“That’s thank you.”, she took you by surprise with that small act of kindness. “Don’t worry about it.”
Curiously you asked:“ Do you like North Carolina so far?” “Yeah, it’s pretty cool.”, she responded to with a grin while staying equally focused on the cooking part. You couldn’t help but to gush about your surroundings:” I agree. It’s crazy that women’s football here is more popular than men’s football, right? Feels like there’s still so much to do back home in Europe.” “Yes, you’re probably right about that.”, Lucy agreed while she secretly found your passion for change inspiring as she too felt like it was about damn time.
Suddenly you changed the topic, wanting to know more about the English woman in front of you: “Can I ask you something? What made you choose defending?” “I just love stopping people from scoring. Always did. When I played with boys, they always underestimated me. They thought I wouldn’t tackle them.”, the brunette replied, visibly amused by that memory of her childhood. “But you proved them wrong.”, you concluded. The defender laughed while she was reminiscing on her past: “I did. I made a few of them cry.”  “Oh, really?”, you giggled. The English woman could still see your red eyes from the crying a few minutes ago:”Yeah, but they did cry a lot uglier than you.” “I thought pretty crying doesn’t exist.” “Apparently it does. Here, eat that.”, Lucy demanded.
As you took the first bite you closed your eyes because it tasted simply delicious:” Oh my god, this is really good. Where did you learn to cook like that?” “My mum taught me.”, the dark-haired woman answered proudly. Still with your eyes shut you remarked: “She taught you well.” “Took a long time until I perfected cooking like her.”, the defender confessed with a smile.
Now you opened your eyes again and gave her an sincere look:“Thanks though for the cooking and the talking Lucy. I really needed this tonight.”  “No, worries. I had to cook anyway.”, your teammate shrugged it off.  
Lucy did enjoy cooking for you although she did not think any further on that because you were clearly in an heartbroken state and she was just happy to focus on football for now and the possible friendship that would evolve from here.
Lyon 2017/18
When you joined Olympique Lyon a year ago, you immediately felt like home in this team. Today, the new signings were supposed to be introduced to the squad and you were determined to make them feel the same way.
You ran into Wendie Renard on your way to the pitch who looked down at you with a smirk; “The newest signing says she knows you, so I thought maybe you could show her around.“ “What? Who is it?“, you asked confused. But the tall defender did not even need to answer. Over her shoulder you could see a familiar face walking towards you. “Lucy? How long has it been? Seven years since North Carolina?“ Without thinking you threw yourself into the arms of your former best friend. Lucy hugged you tight and smiled; “Surprise.“ Slowly, you let go and shook your head in disbelief; “Oh wow. You’re here. I can’t believe it. But can you even speak french?“ Lucy grimaced as if you had personally offended her with that question; “Of course I speak french. I’m well prepared.“ “Really?“. You raised an eyebrow at her which Lucy only answered with a tired smile; “Don’t underestimate me.“ “We’ll see how well you do in training. They refuse to speak english.“, you kept teasing, your arms folded across your chest. But Lucy remained confident; “Not a problem for me.“ “If you say so. Come on, I’ll give you the tour.“, you decided and took a few steps away from Lucy.
The English defender immediately kept up with you; “Alright, I’ll follow you.“ As you walked side by side across the training grounds, you could not stop yourself from looking at Lucys face. It’s been a long time since you have last seen her and those seven years have done something to her. Or has she always looked that good and you just never noticed it? But that smile was definitely still the same.
As you two stepped into the empty gym, you opened your arms in a welcoming gesture; “Welcome to the best club in Europe.“ “It will be even better now.“, Lucy replied self-assured, letting her gaze wander around the room. You acknowledged her answer with an eye roll; “You did not change at all.“
“But you did?”, the defender mocked you. “Yes.” She took a long look at you before saying: “I don’t believe that.” “I’m not the sad, heartbroken young adult anymore.”, you told her. Amused your new old teammate began: “But apart from that.” In her eyes you’ve always been beautiful, and this has not changed over the years you’ve spent apart. Her gaze became a bit too intense for your liking, so you tried to get back into swing with your tour:” So these are the changing rooms.” “They’re quite nice.”, the brunette admitted while taking the view in. Smiling you promised her: ”Wait until you see the other rooms, they are way more exciting.” “Oh yeah?”, Lucy smirked and led you back to the changing room. Dazzled you looked at her:” Yes but Luce that’s not the way!” “Oh yes, it’s. Close your eyes.”, the English woman commanded. Still confused you ask her: ”Why?” “Just do it.”, the defender replied, her voice slightly impatient. A sigh escaped your lips while you closed your eyes in anticipation of what you did not know exactly:“ Okay Fine.” “Good, don’t’ move.”, the brunette said, sounding quite satisfied now. Her tone made you laugh and question what she was doing behind your closed eyes: “I promise I won’t.” “Okay, open them again.”
“What did you do?”, you stared at her slowly realizing what she has been up to. Your teammate couldn’t help but grin cheekily: “I stole your locker.”  “Rude, I’ll change that back.”, you scoffed.  Laughing Lucy hold you from doing what you announced: “Stop, it’s mine now.” “No, I’ve been here longer than you.”, you started pouting. She threw an innocent look at you: “I thought the newest singing gets to pick.” “You’ll regret that, Bronzy.”, you jokingly warned her before continuing showing her around.
It was matchday and Ada Hegerberg who became one of your closest friends in the team whistled at the sight of you sitting on Lucy’s lap:” Oh look we’ve two new lovebirds.” “What? No, I’m just sitting on my usual place.”, you corrected her and yet your cheeks still turned red at the Norwegian’s comment.
With a smug smile, Lucy tilted her head up at you; “Actually, your place is over there. This is mine now.“ “No, it’s always been hers.“, Ada sided with you. You held up your head in Adas direction; “See!“ But Lucy shook her head vehemently; “Nope. I picked it when I came here.“ You gasped about the fact that she would consider stealing your locker as picking one. “I won’t move.“, you declared stubbornly. The English defender shrugged; “Then we will sit here for a long time.“ Wendie was already impatiently bouncing on her feet, waiting for the game to start; “Come on, you silly girls.“ Seeing your captain ready and focused made you finally give in. Slowly you stood up from Lucys lap; “Coming.“ “Yeah, let’s kick some asses.“, she laughed as she followed you outside.
This game was important and everyone on the field knew it. You played in the midfield, Lucy behind you to your right. Immediately, it felt like back in the US. You knew exactly where Lucy was moving without seeing her and she could read your body language so well that every pass to you was timed perfectly. It still was a hard-fought game, but Ada managed to put the ball behind the keeper, scoring the only goal of the night and winning you the game.
As you walked around the pitch, high-fiving your team mates after the final whistle, Ada stopped you. Her gaze wandered from you to Lucy who stood close by, joking with Wendie; “Your connection is remarkable… It feels like you’re connected by some invisible string. Are you two…?“ Before she could even finish her question, you burst into laughter; „Lucy and me? Oh no.“ “Oh, you’re not?“ “No. We just know each other for a long time.“, you explained, feeling your cheeks flush. Gratefully, you noticed Wendie walking towards you and nudging Ada; „Leave the children alone, Ada.“ Rolling your eyes, you reminded her; “We’re not children anymore.“ “We’re even older than Ada.“, Lucy chimed in. “Exactly.“ Your captain shook her head with a long sigh; “Still children if you two don’t see what’s in front of you.“ “I See a successful season in front of us.“, Lucy replied, gracefully ignoring what Wendie had hinted at. “Oh yes. It will be golden.“, you smiled. The English defender grinned back at you; “With many trophies.“
It turned out that she was right with her prophecy after all. You did win the league but even more importantly you did become the winner of the women’s champions league. What a glorious night in Kiev. Olympique Lyon won 4:1 against Vfl Wolfsburg.  
As the referee ended the game you beamingly jumped into Lucy’s arms: “We’re the champions of Europe, Lucy!” “I told you.”, the brunette shouted back equally happy. On your team’s side it was pure happiness, on the other side the german team was devastated. Ecstatically you whispered into your friend’s ear: “We won.” “Yeah, we’re the best.”, the defender nodded proudly.
In that special moment under the night sky, you suddenly felt brave enough to do something which you normally would not have done, because you’d have feared the possible consequences afterwards: “Close your eyes. How does that win feel?” “Amazing. For a lack of better words.”, she told you, still with a huge grin on her face which encompassed all the feelings for which the English woman did not find the words yet. Before you could overthink anymore of it you kissed her while Lucys eyes were still shut down. Surprised the brunette replied to the kiss, first cautiously than more passionately. But Ada interrupted the two of you as she called your name. Your cheeks still red from what just happened you told the blonde: “I’m on my way, Ada!” “Wait..what?”, the defender found her voice again and looked dazzled at you. Shyness overcame you: “I’m sorry, I don’t know how-“ “Oh. It’s fine. Happens to the best of us, right.”, Lucy tried to shrug it off. Nervously you agreed: “Right.” Meanwhile Ada took your hand to lead you to your celebrating teammates.
Wendie who watched you two from afar asked the confused English woman: “Lucy, what was that?” “Why are you asking me? She did that.”, Lucy countered. The French woman glanced at her curiously: “And how did it made you feel?” “It just happened in the excitement. It’s fine.”, Lucy answered. Although her heart felt heavy saying these words. A small smile appeared on Wendie’s lips as she observed: “You look disappointed though.” “I’m not.”, her teammate grumbled. Trying it with a more cheerful tone she added: “Let’s go celebrate with the other ones.”
After a few glasses of champagne, you noticed that Lucy was sitting alone: “Lucy? Why did you stop celebrating?” “Huh? Oh. Just wanted a break.”, the brunette explained. Hurt you commented:” You’re trying to avoid me, right.” “No, I don’t.”, she said stubbornly. “Lucy.”  “It’s fine. Really.”, the defender told you. The silence between you two became unbearable so you offered her:“I can leave if you prefer that.”
“No.“, Lucy answered curtly. Confused, you repeated; “No?“ “No, stay.“, she clarified, still not looking at you. You sat down next to her with a sigh; “If you want that.“ “I do.“ As the silence threatened to get too big once again, you gathered your courage and steered the conversation to the obvious topic; “The kiss…“ But Lucy interrupted you before you could finish; “I know. It was an accident. Don’t worry about it.“ She was finally looking at you. Your breath hitched involuntarily. As you spoke, you could feel your jaw tense: “No, it was not an accident. I was just a coward.“ “What do you mean?“, Lucy frowned, equally surprised about the confidence in your voice. “I wanted to kiss you since the start of the season but it always felt like the wrong time… at least that’s what I told myself.“, you admitted.
You had no idea how Lucy would react, but did not expect her features softening as she asked; “Wait. You did?“ “Yeah.“, you confirmed, looking down at the ground. Upon Lucys quiet laugh, you immediately had to look up again. “Shit. You should have done that much earlier then.“ Lightly, you tilted your head; “But what if you didn’t feel the same way and I’d have ruined everything?“ “But I do. So you missed your chance to do it earlier.“, Lucy grinned. “So…?“, you struggled to put your thoughts into words. Amused, Lucy repeated; “So?“ “Was it too late to tell you that?“, you asked carefully. Gently, Lucy slipped her hand into yours; “No, it was the absolute perfect time.“ “Would you give us a try then?“ The defender nodded; “I’d want nothing more.“
There were so many emotions that you could not process at this moment. But there was one thing, you knew you wanted to do; “Can I kiss you again? This time with open eyes?“ “You can kiss me all you want.“, Lucy laughed, tilting her head towards you and waited. You leaned forward, pressing your lips on hers. Her hand rested on your thigh as she deepened the kiss. When you broke apart, she grinned; “I could get used to that.“ “Me too.“, you agreed before Lucy pulled you back into another, longer kiss.
Barcelona 2023
“Hello Aitana and Lucy.”, Sarina Wiegmant greeted the two Barcelona players with a big smile. Only a couple of minutes earlier she has been in a deep talk with their club head coach. Surprised the defender looked at the Dutch woman: ”Coach?” “Oh I was watching you and Keira tonight.”, for a moment the England coach stopped in astonishment than she added, Wait, who’s that?” “Lucy’s wife.”, Aitana answered grinning. Amused Lucy took your hand in hers:” Thanks, Aitana. Yes, that’s my wife.” “I did not knew you had one!”, Sarina gazed startled at the two of you. The defender laughed: “Surprise. I do.” “Why was not she at the World Cup?”, the blonde asked noisily. Her player replied winking: “She’s Spanish.” “That was one reason, the other one is still carried around by Mapi.”, you added grinning. Playfully your wife gasped out loud:” Oh no, don’t tell her!” “No, tell me.”, the Dutch woman demanded. With a sigh Lucy turned to one of your closest friends since childhood:” Wait. Mapi!” “Oh do you want your little girl back?”, the Spanish defender asked smiling innocently, while holding your baby in her arms.
As Mapi mentioned the news, Sarina’s mouth went wide open:“Little girl?” “Yes, she needs to get to know Sarina.”, your wife nodded. Eyerolling the Spanish defender gave the brunette her daughter back:“Fine but she won’t play for England when her time comes the Spanish federation might have changed for the better.” “You don’t actually believe that, do you? She’ll play for England.”, the English woman decided. “Okay but let her at least play for Barcelona.” “We’ll see about that.”, your wife answered.
Meanwhile Sarina cooed over your little girl:” Hello little one, nice to meet you. Don’t listen to those adults talking about your future.” “We’re just making sure, she’ll have a good career.”, Lucy defended her position.  Softly her coach looked from your daughter to her: “I know but let her be a child first.” “Don’t worry, we’re just joking. No one’s pushing her into something she doesn’t want to.”, the brunette reassured the Dutch woman. “True, we’re making sure of that.”, you continued. “Very well. So where did you two met?”, Sarina changed the topic. A dreamy look appeared on the defenders face:“A long time ago. We were both playing in the US for North Carolina.” “Really? I played there too. A long time ago.”, the blonde replied amused by that coincidence. “There’s no way, Sarina.”, Lucy chuckled.  “But it was a long time before you. I think we might have had the same coach though.” A sound of disbelief came from your lips:” Did you had Dorrance too.” “I did.”, Sarina told you.  Almost admiring the defender concluded:“So did Lotte and Alessia, that man taught football generations after generations.” “Who would have thought that.”, you said. “Not me but it’s kinda cool.”, Lucy admitted.
You looked at her and Sarina as you remarked: “It’s like we’re all connected through invisible strings. Somehow we all ended up together at some point in time and place.”
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skywqlkergf · 15 days
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dealer!sam monroe x cheerleader!reader
⠀  ⠀  ⠀  the party
⠀  ⠀   series masterlist
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one week since you pulled sam into the bathroom to yell at him, one week since you fed the principal his life, one week since you were grounded. you felt so numb to the entire situation, and maybe that's because you haven't seen sam since then.
your life felt so quiet, without sam, and the chaos that follows him around. you missed it, you think, or maybe just the way you felt when he was around. you shake your head of these thoughts. there were far more interesting things than your screwed-up situationship with a certain troublemaker.
it didn't make things any easier that you were getting the silent treatment from your parents. they refused to even be in the house with you, working double the amount of hours they usually did. you didn't know whether to be thankful or heartbroken.
there was a party tonight. you didn't know who was throwing it, and you didn't really care. what you did know, is all of your friends would be there, and there would be alcohol. and as all people do at some point, you were going to drown your sorrows in alcohol.
you looked over your outfit in the mirror once more, resituating your hair and skirt, and smiled at the sight before you. the girl in the mirror looked hot and excited for tonight, not like someone who's been crying for a week straight.
yeah, maybe, you were a bit mean to sam. you cringe at the thought of his face, big blue eyes staring at you, hurt, and begging for comfort. how were you supposed to do that when he runs away at every chance?
shaking your head once more, you climbed from your bedroom window, the way that sam taught you to. you could hear the television in the living room, the only sign that there were other people in the house. thank god, your car is pretty quiet when you start it.
it doesn't take but fifteen minutes to get to the party. you straighten your makeup in the rearview mirror and force yourself out of the car. you contemplated just going home, but sitting there alone and sulking isn't going to get you anywhere.
you walk up the steps of the home, you can feel the vibrations from the music through your shoes. you almost wanted to laugh, everything was going completley as normal.
as soon as you walked through the door, two of the girls on your squad come up to you. not the friends from yesterday. maia and valerie are immediately pulling you in for tight hugs, and pulling you towards the drink table.
they squeeze you in between them, “is it true? are you dating sam monroe?” maia pipes up, grabbing a cup and making a vodka mix for you.
“and if so, can you get me some weed?" this time it's valerie, and she winks at you, a sign that they will have your back even after everything falls down. you can't help but smile sweetly at them. you were so worried about people's reactions, you didn't think you'd have anyone to talk to. these girls, your girls, have nothing but smiles and compassion for you.
maia puts the solo cup in your hand, it's a little over halfway full. you down the entire thing in one chug. if you were going to be talking about sam, you needed it.
“we’re not on talking terms right now, if I'm being completely honest.” maia put her hand on your shoulder, “do we need to fuck him up?” valerie smiled wide at this, “i'll throw a baton at his head!”
you can't help the laugh that tears its way through your chest, this is definitely what you needed.
“no, no, there's no need for all that.” you waved a dismissive hand, sighing nuetrally a bit as you did. you turn around and make another drink, this one is for sipping. you can feel the giggles hit you quickly, that first drink a bit heavier than you anticipated.
“oh, don't tell me you love him.” valerie's arms across her chest, one eyebrow quirked up. you gave an awkward smile, not really wanted to say anything at all.
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you'd been here for about an hour, when you step outside. pulling out the joint you had from your bra, it was the last one sam had rolled for you. you frowned deeply at it, the alcohol in your veins now wearing off.
you put the paper between your lips and lit it. the first hit feeling like you could breathe. something about smoking, that just always takes the edge off even before the actual high hits you.
“can i hit that?” sam’s voice came from beside you, as he sits down on porch steps next to you. your eyes flash towards him, he looks more like him again. the bruises are fading and he doesn't look like he's been crying.
“oh, sure. you did roll it," you chuckle a bit nervously, as you hand it to him. you wished everything would just be fine, you hated this whole thing. not sam though, never him. you didn't even think you were capable of it at this point.
he takes the joint and hits it once, twice, and hands it back to you. the silence is somewhere between tense and comfortable.
“did you make a decision?" you ask wearily. your eyes fall over his figure, while he looks up at the night sky. the stars are out and easy to see.
there's a beat of silence before he responds, “yeah, i did.” you can't help but look around in confusion for a moment, having a flare for dramatics. you take three hits off of the doobie, before handing to sam.
“well? you gonna tell me, sam, i thought we agreed to no more gam-” your sentence is cut off by his lips on yours. the oh so familiar feeling, you fall into it. sam smushes the forgotten joint into the porch.
your hands fly to his neck, allowing yourself to lose control for a moment. he pulls you unbelievably closer and you whine into the kiss. you push him from you, “wait, wait," you hurry out. he immediately stops, retracting his limbs from yours. the lack of his body warmth,the cold night air nips at your skin.
“are you sure? i need you to be really, really sure.” you felt like you were being torn apart, hope jumping in your chest, while fear made sweat crawl down your back.
“cheer, i'm the surest I've ever been about anything. i want, no that's not strong enough. i need you in my life.” his eyebrows scrunched together as he speaks. he's choosing his words carefully as he goes, it causes skepticism to become a fire under your skin.
“well, you've said kind words before and then, and then.” you really didn't want to say it again, didn't even really want to think about the whole situation. you just wanted sam.
“what can i do to prove it to you?” sam's mind was racing, regret and guilt eating at him, while his eyes searched your face for something. something to tell him it'll all be okay.
“i, I don't know. I don't want to hide, I don't want to hide from my parents. not at school. I don't know what you want me to say, i just want this to work. i want it to work so bad, but, sam, I'm scared.” tears welled in your eyes as you spoke, you were being vulnerable.
vulnerability, a sign of weakness, your father always called it. you completely understood the meaning in this moment.
“hey, hey, no tears, okay?” sam's voice is low and comforting, a soft tone only reserved for you. he wipes your tears away as they fall, holding your face in his hands.
“i am so sorry, baby, I'm sorry you got hurt in all of this. but i will do whatever you ask to make it right. let me make it right. I'll walk in there, right now in front of everyone we know and tell them all if that helps. don't wanna lose you again, can't make that mistake again.” his voice is breaking as he talks, holding back tears, his forehead against yours.
you can't help the laugh that escapes you at his rambling, “you don't need to do all of that, but will you come home with me? I don't want to be alone, when i can be with you.”
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wingedllamanerd · 9 months
Invisible String- Cedric Diggory x reader
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Warnings: none
Green was the color of the grass
Where I used to read at Centennial Park
I used to think I would meet somebody there
Upon arriving at Centennial Park, I laid out my picnic mat and settled down to read my book. After an hour, I noticed a yogurt shop nearby and decided to check it out before leaving.
Teal was the color of your shirt
When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop
You used to work at to make a little money
As I entered the yogurt shop, I saw a familiar yet unfamiliar guy with brown hair and grey eyes, wearing a teal shirt. When it was my turn to place an order, I asked about his recommendation and proceeded to order his suggestion. After taking a seat at a nearby table, the guy approached me with my order and asked for my name. "Y/N," I replied. "And you?" He responded, "Cedric".
The next day
I was seated at my usual spot in Centennial Park when I once again saw the same guy. He noticed me and approached, asking if he could join me. I responded saying yes, and he asked about how often I come to the park. I replied that I came often but had never seen him before. He explained that he had never been here before and decided to come here for his lunch break.
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
Over the next few weeks, Cedric and I continued to cross paths in Centennial Park. We would share stories, laughter, and even the occasional ice cream cone.
As summer came to an end, we both parted ways but the memories we created would live in our hearts forever.
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
September 1st,
As I was boarding the Hogwarts Express, I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see the one and only, Cedric. I called out his name and he turned around and looked surprised. "I knew I had seen you somewhere before!" He exclaimed.
Time, mystical time
Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine
Were there clues I didn't see?
As time went on, we learned about our shared interests, dreams, and goals. We realized that our lives seemed to mirror each other in strange and beautiful ways.
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
It was as if the invisible string that once tugged at our hearts in Centennial Park had guided us back to one another, weaving our stories together once more.
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
After graduating from Hogwarts , we both went our separate ways. Jobs, responsibilities, and the demands of adulthood pulled us in different directions.
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
Years later, as I sat in my favorite park, the sun casting a warm glow on my face, a familiar figure approached. It was the same guy I had met all those years ago. We looked at each other, our eyes filled with a mix of nostalgia and joy. "Ced!" I exclaimed.
We reminisced about the times we had spent in Centennial Park, the laughter, the conversations, and the invisible string that had brought us together.
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
As we sat together on the park bench, our hands intertwined, we realized that the magic we had shared all those years ago still lingered.
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shadowdaddies · 9 months
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“Time, curious time.
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs. Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?”
- Invisible String by Taylor Swift
This artwork is my impression of the SJM main characters and their mates 🩷 please reblog but don’t repost without permission
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jackhues · 1 year
Hi!! For the blurb weekend, i feel like it could be fun to have smth based off of “invisible string” by taylor swift with nico or quinn? !
ooh, gonna write this for nico!
time, curious time, gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
you never would've imagined your life to be what it was now. after all the heartbreak and pain your teenage years caused you, you never imagined it to go away.
but time was a curious thing.
it never gave any signs as to when things were about to change.
were there clues i didn't see?
"um, miss, you dropped your phone," someone said, tapping your shoulder.
"thank you!" you took your phone from the man, more than relieved that someone had been around to find your phone.
you were late for your meeting and nico was late for practice. the two of you barely made eye contact before rushing off again.
you couldn't help but think you'd missed something important.
and isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me
it all worked out, because even though the two of you barely spared each other a glance the first time you met, you couldn't escape the connection you had.
"all along, there had been an invisible string," you finished off your speech. "tying you to me."
nico wiped his eyes, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand as the guests at your wedding clapped their hands.
"an invisible string," nico whispered. "even without it, i'd find my way to you."
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bubbl3gumbittch · 2 months
Taylor Swift songs x Smosh Duos/Ships (pt 1)
*:・゚✧*:・゚ Ian&Anthony *:・゚✧*:・゚
You’re losing me (From the Vault)
Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time
Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
I'm getting tired even for a phoenix
Always risin' from the ashes
Mendin' all her gashes
You might just have dealt the final blow
Stop, you're losin' me
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Now that we don’t talk (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault)
You went to a party, I heard from everybody
You part the crowd like the Red Sea, don't even get me started
Did you get anxious, though, on the way home?
I guess I'II never, ever know
Now that we don't talk
You grew your hair long, you got new icons
And from the outside, it looks like you're trying lives on
I miss the old ways, you didn't have to change
But I guess I don't have a say
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Invisible String
Teal was the color of your shirt when you were 16 at the yogurt shop
You used to work at to make a little money
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
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Right where you left me - bonus track
Friends break up, friends get married
Strangers get born, strangers get buried
Trends change, rumors fly through new skies
But I'm right where you left me
Matches burn after the other
Pages turn and stick to each other
Wages earned and lessons learned
But I, I'm right where you left me
Help, I'm still at the restaurant
Still sitting in a corner I haunt
Cross-legged in the dim light
They say, "What a sad sight"
I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop
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Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger down in the park
Honey, making a lark of the misery
You got shiny friends since you left town
A tiny screen's the only place I see you now
And I got nothing but well wishes for ya
Ooh-ooh, this place is the same as it ever was
Ooh-ooh, but you don't like it that way
It's never too late to come back to my side
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(del pt2/shourtney)
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allsadnshit · 9 months
I'm having such a spiritually and emotionally potent day just so much in my face symbolism that really takes me to a place of trust I usually need so much ushering to get to!!!
The icing on the cake was listening to a podcast episode I skipped over originally because it was about letting go of toxic relationships and I just sort of assumed it would be all about romantic partners BUT then I figured it would probably be applicable to toxic friendships too, which I've been thinking so much about, so I decided to casually listen while doing this huge load of dishes.
Honestly it got me right away being like "I know you think you're being so kind and so good by giving compassion and understanding to someone who's hurting you who you think can do better if you just love them enough, but you're wrong" and I was like alright OUCH
Cause I've been reflecting on my ex best friend and I's relationship that I (pretty obviously) really romanticize as like this soulmate level unbreakable bond and for a long time I told myself it was her boyfriends fault and that SHE would never have done those things to me if he hadn't convinced her...but that's obviously just a lie I tell myself so I don't have to stomach the grief and betrayal of recognizing she was in full control of her choices and actions. There were also so many times before he even came into the picture that she chose to ignore my feelings or boundaries or tried to persuade to have things the way she wanted, and I just always told myself I must be the bad guy cause I'm the one with the temper and ocd and so many things I see as unlovable, vs her who's flaws I always thought were just a harmless result of her pain. I know she isn't sorry and I know she doesn't try to preserve our love in her heart the way I want to, and as I listened to this podcast and really processed it's the right choice to walk away fully from each other and start loving her ONLY in the past tense instead of believing she could change and we could make up... I was gently washing the cup she gave me years ago (that I sometimes avoid using) and it broke right in my hands with little to no pressure being put in it
And I had to laugh I felt so euphoric when it happened. I love signs I am moving in the right direction because I always second guess myself no matter how sincere the feeling!!!
I finished the big load of dishes and I'm going to have a taiwanese oolong tea now and work on the art that matters to me <333
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oh-my-wolfstar · 3 months
Taylor Swift Wolfstar songs day 21
I just finished ATYD and I can’t stop thinking about how every time they fell apart Sirius and Remus always made their way back to each other; so today’s song is invisible string from folklore.
Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see?
Remus wonders about all the time he and Sirius have been together in apart. He never had a map. He never had proof that they would work out, but being with him now he thinks there must have been clues that he didn’t see. There must’ve been something to tell him that Sirius would always come back. Time, mystical time Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine Were there clues I didn't see?
Remus wonders about everything they have been through, as Remus and Sirius grew up, they were broken, but time healed them. Remus think that somehow he’s always known that they would.
A string that pulled me Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold tied me to you
Ramos knows that something saved him, something pulled him away from the darkness, something saved him from himself. A golden feeling, love.
Cold was the steel of my axe to grind  For the boys who broke my heart … Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
going through everything that he’s been through was absolutely hell. But being with Sirius was worth every excruciating moment.
Time, wondrous time Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies And it's cool, baby, with me And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?
The relationship broke Remus, but then it gave him hope when he had none. Remus knows that deep down there’s always been something tying him to Sirius. He knows that they can never get away from each other, because their love is true.
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angiesmagicspace · 11 months
Love letter from your beloved
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Pairing: idol Mingi x fem reader
Genre: fluff, slight angst
a/n: something a bit different a little love letter from Mingi to the reader.I wrote this for someone who used to mean something to me but that's no longer the case so im posting it for all of you, who will probably appreciate it more
to my most precious possession
hi, beautiful it's been a while since you last heard from me but i am back. I know you miss me because I miss you too more than anything.  The past few months have been the toughest.  the sun doesn't shine the same when you aren't around. that's not the point today. today is the most special day in my life, the love of my life, the sun of my sky, heaven to my hell was born. your whole being made my life the prettiest story ever told.
Curious time, gave me no compasses, no signs. Were there clues I didn’t see? Isn't just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me. Something wrapped all my past mistakes in barbed wire, one single thread of gold tied me to you. Since the moment I first saw you I knew my life would never be the same if I didn't have you. you make every day a little more colorful, every night just a bit brighter, every flower just a bit less beautiful. no writer can create a better savior than you. you showed me the colors you know I can't see with anyone else. You are everything I ever dreamed of, no princess can compare to your beauty and your kind heart that loves me even when I am not so close to you. I can't express enough how much I love you, the way your eyes sparkle in the sun like someone is trying to start the fire behind them, the way your hair flows on the wind like endless sunflowers blossoming in the summer, your voice so sweet like honey making every word you say to feed my ears and heart even when we are so far I love you the same, I might even love you more because I know you are the only mine and I am only yours even when we miss each other so much. I love you more than life itself, happy birthday beautiful.  hopefully, I will be back soon to give you all my love in every form possible
sincerely your Mingi
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lucreziasredwyne · 10 months
who: @omerflorent where: the florent apartments within highgarden, shortly following everyone's departure from the reach. this is set before omer florent's visit to the riverlands.
omer florent had upset his wife. did he realise yet? probably not. would he realise it? sooner rather than later.
"i've got business to attend to in the riverlands....been pulled into da' nonsense between the idiots of raventree hall and the brackens. aye, i sent ronan a raven this morning to let him know i'd be travelling to see him." she could recognise her husband's voice anywhere. his words were enough to capture her attention, looking toward the archway to the other room where they were.
the longer she heard him speaking with his cousin, declan florent, who had come to see him from brightwater keep itself, the more she thought about drifting into the chamber with the gentleness of a tornado. declan florent held the position of the current heir of brightwater, working as the seneschal of the keep whilst the lord and lady took up residence within highgarden; their first meeting had been a somewhat tense one, considering the man had eyes which reminded her of a beaver and looked upon her incredibly carefully, as though he were waiting for her to pounce.
"aye, i do remember ya, my lady; lord hightower's cousin."
that in itself was enough to sense the feeling of suspicion the man held toward her, in which lucrezia's only reply was her hands crossing over the bodice of her gown and omer opening his mouth to say something. something she no longer were paying attention to. for half a moment, she had the inclination to confirm, insisting that yes, she was kin to the hightowers. instead, she kept her mouth shut, entirely dissociating for a few minutes whilst her husband and his kin started speaking rapidly in the tongue of brightwater.
and so now, whenever declan ventured forward from brightwater keep, their interaction was cordial; for she did not enjoy being in his presence for too long. she would come up for a reason to be in another room, never making it too obvious it were him she was avoiding. he were there in this moment, in the next room with omer, whilst she looked over a new petition put forward to the lord and lady that had been brought by declan himself.
the farmers were disputing land borders once again, this time including sheep numbers: the case seemed mundane, and able to be resolved by rebalancing the number of sheep by providing personally, until she noted something at the end.
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they also accuse farmer john and his wife morra of using the aid of a woods witch, for their sheep all fell suddenly ill, and only three have survived. an investigation into the health of the sheep will be conducted. there was no mention of the woods witch; no mention of the other individual involved in the case, accused to distributing literal poisons. she looked at the parchment as though she were going mad - such matters were not included in the herbal house.
she quietly arose from her chair, noting the way grape seemed to look up from her place by the fire at the sound of the chair against the wooden floorboards. lucrezia absentmindedly made her way over to lovingly stroke the top of her head, hearing the sounds of the men finishing up their discussion, with declan continuing to talk as he were halfway out the door in that loud way the men of brightwater often did with one another. she crossed into the room with enough time to wave him goodbye, before letting the door close behind her.
she looked at omer, her face blank; it were obvious to see she were upset with something. "the riverlands?" she asked, her voice attempting to hide how upset she seemed to be at what she had overheard from the other room. it were not working, for her tone sounded on edge and strained. it were obvious she had been given enough time to stew on her feelings, as she read the petition over and over again. "is your pregnant wife there or here?"
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batgirlsay · 11 months
Falling Through Memories
A Playlist for Zelink Week 2023 by @zelinkcommunity
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(Image from https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Gallery:Breath_of_the_Wild)
First time submitting a playlist outside of the Shirayuki fandom! I dug through songs from previous Zenyuki and Obiyuki playlists to find ones that fit the daily prompts and also work well for Zelink feels. The last song for the Free Day always reminds me of ecologist Zelda (partially inspired by art from @newtsnaturethings) and would be a perfect Zelink date!
Falling Through Memories
The Kiss of Life- The Dear Hunter (Day 1: Yearning) Weeping Willow- The Hush Sound (Day 2: Forbidden) Wonder English- Eisley (Day 3: Letters) On The Safest Ledge- Copeland (Day 4: Hand in Hand) invisible string- Taylor Swift (Day 5: By A Thread) A Melody, The Memory- Mae (Day 6: In Another Life) Museum- Kitsch Club (Day 7: Free Day)
Summary lyrics are cited after the cut:
The Kiss of Life- The Dear Hunter (Day 1: Yearning)
Hope was closing with my eyes Down the shallow grave I was lying Cause you were leaning over me Clutching memories of when I was alive And then you breathed life into me one last time But I prayed it wasn't the last time Because it would be so wonderful to see your starry eyes again Now that you've unburied me Dust me off and carry me home
Weeping Willow- The Hush Sound (Day 2: Forbidden)
Those secrets hidden In our childish lips They’d die for a kiss
Fall was always left in your eyes Just a fleck of yellow light Like the sunrise Like the twilight
Wonder English- Eisley (Day 3: Letters)
If I might be as so bold to say, you saved my life I'm wondering, wonder English, oh I've found Has no words to correctly describe The way love sounds
Life, mankind, space, travel, time Oh demons in the dark Oh I will never let them tear us apart
On The Safest Ledge- Copeland (Day 4: Hand in Hand)
Don't look ahead, just run to me Each step will find the next one recklessly
We'll find ourselves on the safest ledge Well pardon me, I couldn't help myself But fall into your life here
Could you be happy to fall like a stone, If you'd land right here safe in my arms? 
You feel like someone's standing by But you'll never know
The sun burns a hole straight through your old flaws If you look toward the sky, even on your grayest night Could you be happy now with the wind in your hair, And your eyes open wide, and your feet going nowhere?
invisible string- Taylor Swift (Day 5: By A Thread)
Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string tying you to me?
Time, mystical time Cutting me open, then healing me fine Were there clues I didn't see?
A Melody, The Memory- Mae (Day 6: In Another Life)
Is that your song I hear playing? Cause I'm feeling it too Does it take all direction, all control over you?
When you sing do you slip away? Back to that place in your mind? Let our love be the one thing you won't leave behind
I know you're reminiscing through our romance
Rewind and play Time to go backwards again I'm moved by the way All the notes in-time make a sweet melody Night into day We have been captured again A new time and place to make a million new memories
Museum- Kitsch Club (Day 7: Free Day)
Let's get on a train Or maybe a boat There's a place I wanna go There's a place I wanna show you
I wanna take ya to a museum All the things inside, we're gonna see 'em
I wanna hold your hand I wanna read a plaque I wanna look at stuff I don't understand
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Zouey, baby boy, I know you mean well, but this definitely isn't the right time for a therapy session... Fuck it if Captain hates Puen for no reason, we all know he's an asshole. But right now there are more important things to do!
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But didn't Puen say he only gave Keen a bj that one time when he first joined the rugby team? Either Captain is exaggerating or Puen was lying...
Also, Soong had sex with Keen as well. He must be glad that he didn't reveal that fact during the party game. Who knows what kind of drama that would've caused between First and Captain... Here is to hoping that Soong can keep his secret!
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I think that's the chat Aob saw as well, right? In any case, Captain you're being a dick again. Don't go around looking through other people's phones!
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Ohhh~ Ok, so First knew that Captain had some beef with Puen and he deliberately hurt him? Damn... that's pretty bad. Sorry First, but you fucked up and Zouey is rightfully angry with you
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And here we have the core of the problem when it comes to all those "unfortunate accidents" that First has caused: He thinks just because someone initially agrees to something that it gives him the right to do whatever he wants with them. I wonder if First has a low empathy level? Cause it seems to me he's not really able to feel compassion or see things from other people's point of view. At the very least he should know: A ripped butthole is definitely a sign to stop 😥
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Um... Zouey, what does that mean First knows what Porche AND YOU WENT THOUGH?! What's this about now? Is it about that time Teena overstepped? Or something else? 😨
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Oh boy, now Captain and First have their feelings hurt by Zouey... Zouey is right though. Both First and Captain keep hurting people, which really isn't ok
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Yeah, I don't think Zouey sees himself as the main character and neither does Nont.
BUT this scene makes it obvious that something hasn't been working out between Captain, First and the other guys in the group for a while now. It's true that Zouey keeps telling these two (and Porche also) how horrible they are, what bad friends they are and that they're the reason why whatever happened to Nant, did happen. Zouey already did that in ep1: "We should admit that Nant disappeared, because he has bad friends like you guys." But as we know by now, Nant disappeared because he was investigating Jason and bit more off than he could chew. Captain and First pushing Nant to have sex had nothing to do with it. So in a way I can understand why Captain gets upset with Zouey. He feels mistreated and misunderstood.
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But guys... the mission? Nant? Getting Jason a place in jail? No? Doesn't matter anymore, I guess
The fellowship broke up 😥
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The way Nont holds on to Zouey as if he's saying "Don't leave me as well, please. I can't do this alone" 😭
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And that's the end of episode 11! Three more to go and who knows what might happen next~ 🤗
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starsreminisce · 9 months
Elucien in Tswift lyrics:
My name is whatever you decide And I'm just gonna call you mine I'm insane, but I'm your baby (your baby) Echoes (echoes) of your name inside my mind Halo, hiding my obsession I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy
Don't Blame Me
Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now It's brighter now, now I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you (I can never look away) I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you (Things will never be the same) I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night (Now I'm wide awake) And now I see daylight (Daylight), I only see daylight (Daylight)
I was thinking just one time (just one time) Maybe the stars align (just one time) And maybe I call you mine And you won't need space Or string me along while you decide And just one time (just one time) Maybe the moment's right (the moment's right)
Electric Touch
Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?
Invisible String
Because I'm a mirrorball I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself Tonight
I've been the archer I've been the prey Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
The Archer
These are the hands of fate You're my Achilles heel This is the golden age of something good and right and real And I never (never) Saw you coming And I'll never Be the same
State of Grace
Your mother brought you up loyal and kind Teenage love taught you there's good in goodbye Every woman that you knew brought you here I wanna teach you how forever feels Like the girls you loved before (ooh) Made you the one I've fallen for
All The Girls You've Loved Before
I'll be getting over you my whole life You know how scared I am of elevators Never trust it if it rises fast It can't last Uh oh, I'm falling in love Oh no, I'm falling in love again Oh, I'm falling in love
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thedarkestgreys · 7 months
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one single thread of gold
🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡
hbo euphoria // rated e // drabble collection
🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡ 🗝₊˚⊹♡
time, curious time, gave me no compasses, gave me no signs, were there clues i didn't see? and isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me? - invisible string by taylor swift
Chapter Dump Round Three:
best friend
back from the dead (part two)
show me
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