#no way he'd pick her over jaime come on
ghostface-knight · 9 months
i'd like to present my concept of nightmare time episodes where every (or almost every) person is played by the same person, inspired by jaime lyn beatty in daddy. here are some ideas:
peter spankoffski is done being at the bottom of the hatchetfield high food chain, and so he seeks out help to become cooler. he comes across ethan green, who, having just been left by his girlfriend lex, decides, "what the hell, i'll mentor this kid on being cool". when ted spankoffski learns that his little brother is hanging out with "that no-good ethan green", he confronts pete about it, perhaps a little too harshly. his intentions are good, but when has anything ever gone the way he meant? ted, like everybody in town, knows about ethan's reputation, and he thinks he'll be a bad influence on pete. he knows that, if anyone can, pete can make it out of hatchetfield, and he doesn't want ethan screwing that up. so he confronts him, and one thing leads to another, and eventually pete storms out in anger. ted knows if he goes after pete immediately, he'll only make things worse, so he decides he'll let him have his moment of teenage rebellion and then reconcile with him after. a few hours later, ted spankoffski, now drinking his problems away, is approached by a mysterious man who has somehow gotten into ted's apartment. wilbur cross, as he introduces himself, half-convinces and half-mind controls ted into believing that ethan is responsible for this, and the only way to protect pete is to kill ethan. he storms into ethan's tiny basement apartment, wielding his now shattered bottle of booze, and prepared to rip him limb from limb with his new super-powered companion. ethan can hold his own, though, and the brawl is a tough match. eventually, though, ethan manages to get the remaining shard of the bottle and shove it straight through ted's chest. as this happens, pete comes out of ethan's bathroom, revealing that he'd gone to ethan for comfort after his fight with ted. ted bleeds out on ethan's floor as pete holds him.
ruth fleming has graduated high school, and she's lucky enough to find a super chill job as a farmhand on the farm of emma perkins. one day, as they do their usual work (which isn't much, to be honest), they are approached by linda monroe, who is all but seething. she's goes on about how drugs are evil and she will not raise her children in a town where such depravity is taking place. they threaten her off the property, and they think that'll be over and done with. it's not like they've never had to deal with moralistic creeps like her before, and they've always come out the other side. linda comes back the next day with a petition signed by just about every member of the hatchetfield boating society. yeah whatever, perky's buds is not going to be dismantled by some stupid rich people who think they have more power than they do. in the midst of this, they've recently recieved a new client: 17 year old hannah foster. a quiet kid from hatchetfield high, who seems to have joined the smoke club as a way to make some friends. emma and ruth don't think much of it -- neither of them have any qualms about selling to teenagers, and business is business. however, hannah keeps coming back for more and more, and ruth starts to wonder if there's something else going on. back in the linda plot, linda has taken to bringing people out to the farm to protest. each day she (or, more accurately, the people she's hired) come with more and more people holding cardboard signs and chanting. it's really starting to get on emma's nerves. one day, while hannah is picking up her purchase, linda, surrounded by a mob of angry parents and hatchetfield adults, returns. suddenly, linda no longer seems like a nuisance, but a legitimate threat. her followers carry weapons and the menacing smile on her face tells emma and ruth that she isn't messing around. as the mob breaks through the door of the farm house, emma and ruth urge hannah to look for shelter. hannah refuses though, and emma swears her eyes begin to gleam almost inhumanly. the mob makes it to them, and are suddenly thrown back by a wave of psychic energy so powerful it shatters the walls of the house. hannah's new powers (on account of the weed) leave emma, ruth, and herself standing unharmed in the middle of a surrounding pile of groaning, injured people.
i have a few other concepts, but this is getting super long so i better leave it here for now lmao
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sdwolfpup · 1 year
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagged by @mattatouile. I sorted by longest to shortest because I thought that would be most fun, and only picked from completed fics so lets see what we've got.
Heart Full of Gasoline (Jaime/Brienne, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF) - He saluted her with his prosthetic hand and she saw his face go soft and yearning even as he turned away. She was certain it was a mirror of her own as she watched him walk onto the ferry back to King's Landing, carrying her dreams and her heart with him.
Baby I Will (Jaime/Brienne, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF) - In the reflection of the mirror behind the bar, their faces are visible over the unevenly arranged bottles. Brienne's hair is a mess, her eyes hazy with lust. Her lips are so kiss-swollen it’s obscene. Jaime is wild and unfettered behind her, already losing control with every driving movement. One hand is clenched at her shoulder, the other gripping her hip hard enough to bruise. She hopes it does; she wants to press her fingers to her body later and feel the memory of him.
2 Hot 2 Horny (Jaime/Brienne, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF) - “You wanted a real answer,” he said, and he hesitantly met her eyes, not sure what he'd find there. He should've known she'd simply look concerned, an empathy that made him weak, and at the same time gave him the strength to say, “That's mine, I suppose: my biggest fear is being myself.”
There Will Come A Time (Thom Rainier/female Adaar, Dragon Age: Inquisition) - “What did he say to you?” she asked him quietly. The fire popped and crackled, casting light over the dark shadows on his face. Smoke wafted past them. After a long minute, hands curled tightly around his carving, Thom said: “that I was who I knew myself to be.”
I miss it when your heart's not around (please slow down) (Warren/Murphy, Z Nation) - She needed all her focus on the talkers and the anti-talkers this week. And after that there would be some other crisis, some other special apocalypse problem that she would have to focus on next. There would be no time for the confusing turmoil Murphy's desire – or her own – caused her. No time to figure out why the emptiness inside always disappeared when she was with him.
Working 9 to 5 (for service and devotion) (Jaime/Brienne, GoT/ASOIAF) - “Let's take a look at manufacturing numbers,” Kevan says. Jaime dips his hand below the waistband of her pants and she gasps when his fingers brush the top of her underwear. “This isn't very relaxing,” she says, checking - again - that they're muted. Jaime leans into her, until his lips are brushing her cheek as he whispers, “You'll be relaxed at the end of it.”
I need your sway (Jaime/Brienne, Jaime/Brienne/Cersei, GoT) - “It's good to see you,” he said in that same gentle voice that knocked at her heart, trying to find its way in.
Go On (Jaime/Brienne, GoT/ASOIAF) - My cell: My brother has a fish question. Do you have a minute? Brienne WTF: You run into a surprising amount of fish questions. My cell: Good thing I know a fish expert now. That's what my life was missing. Jaime winced when he re-read it. Why did everything look so much more dramatic in text?
I need your heart (Cersei/Margaery Tyrell, Jaime/Brienne, GoT) - Olenna tsked. “Still such a dreamy child. You think Cersei Lannister cares about romance? That woman knows what it takes to make a life. You work hard, you marry a decent enough oaf if you can, you bring up your children to carry on the name and money, and you taste the sweet success of outliving your husband.” Olenna cackled gleefully and Margaery sighed.
To be in your arms again (Jaime/Brienne, GoT) - Jaime heard the door open and close. “What's wrong with him?” Tyrion asked. “He's a fucking coward,” Bronn said blandly. “I am not,” Jaime protested, lifting his head to glare at the other men. But he was, he knew he was. How could he face her? What would he do if he couldn't convince her not to hate him? “Oh gods I am,” he muttered, covering his face with his hand.
I have no idea who to tag here so please do this, I'm enjoying reading these.
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hum-suffer · 1 year
How will my story conclude (without your name beside mine)?
Jaime doesn't know what he's doing in this cold wasteland of a place, standing in the hall of dead people, being scrutinized by a dragon and a pack of wolves. His eyes flit to Tyrion.
(He's no lion. He killed father, he killed father, he kill—)
He dares a gaze on Sansa while the Dragon Queen speaks of his atrocities. She's still the same as she was four years ago, when she was his wife still. Her hair is pulled in a northern style now and he finds it gives her more life than the complicated braids of the South. Red hair that glints like the sun and feels like the fire is the only thing that shows life in this hall. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are wide as her gaze surpasses her half brother and lands on the Dragon Queen.
He misses those mornings when they woke up facing each other. Yearning curls inside him precariously like a snake dangling off a tree when he remembers the way she laughed when he made a morbid joke about his hand. He remembers gifting her his mother's emerald and silver ring, wonders if she still wears it.
(My love, he remembers calling her when she once woke from a Joffery inspired nightmare. He wonders if she remembers.)
"We?" The Dragon Queen questions him after he spills everything that Cersei did to him that broke his soul in clean pieces.
Jaime clenches his jaw. "I promised to fight for the living, I intend to keep that promise."
Jaime sees Tyrion move and his little brother's eyes twitch in the way that is a sign that he's desperate.
(Jaime knows all his tells. Tyrion learnt them all from him, afterall.)
"You're right, you can't trust him." Sansa speaks and he wants to kneel with the weight of the words that tear him to pieces in a moment. Distantly, he remembers the night she held him and kissed his forehead as he sobbed to her that he only ever wanted to save the Queen Rhaella. Remembers her telling him that she trusted him.
She continues,"He assaulted my father in the streets and sought to ruin my House and family, as well." And now she looks at him. And oh, how Jaime underestimated her power over him. Even now, even as she burns with poison for him, he would gladly drink the poison if it meant having her gaze locked on him. "And yet, he's an honourable and honest man."
Jaime feels like he can breathe again. Sansa continues, her words becoming more alive as she speaks,"I have yet to hear a single lie of Jaime Lannister, I have yet to see someone so devoted to family and oathkeeping." Sansa stands up and keeps her gorgeous eyes on his while she crosses the table and comes to stand beside him.
She's still two inches shorter than him. The scar above her lip hasn't disappeared. The bruise that he'd last seen on her jaw isn't there anymore. The bite that he'd pressed on her throat was long forgotten.
She doesn't look at him as she lifts her chin higher, and her eyes, so much like the ice he's seen on his way, are enough to freeze anyone else. "I vouch for this man, your grace." The royal title falls from her lips almost like an insult.
"As a good wife should. You did not answer my earlier question; shall I call you Lady Lannister?" The Dragon Queen hisses, sneering at Sansa. Jaime wants to slit her tongue for the tone and his hand goes to his hip, where his sword isn't. He grits his teeth and shifts, trying to shield her.
Sansa grins anyways,"My betrothal contract states that my name remains Sansa Stark, your grace. Do call me Lady Stark." Before the Dragon Queen can snarl at her once more, there's a loud tinkling sound and a child's giggle behind them.
Something brushes past his calf and Sansa almost stumbles when the child stumbles into her. She leans downward and picks up the child effortlessly, with practised ease. She has the exact red hair that Sansa does and pain and something else so cold grasps Jaime's throat that he wishes he would have died on his journey back.
Of course, she moved on. She didn't say anything clearly when Daenerys accused her of siding with Jaime because she was his wife. Even if she hasn't married, not that Jaime knows of, she may have taken another lover. As she should have. She deserves happiness, she deserves someone whole.
(He remembers thinking she was similar to his mother. He remembers thinking Sansa would have made a wonderful mother.)
The child twists in her arms and his world tilts on its axis. It's a girl, he doesn't know how old, and she has his eyes. He knows those are his eyes, he's seen them in the mini portrait of his mother that he keeps on his person at all times. They're green, Lannister green, with flecks of gold in them that ended with Tywin and Joanna Lannister.
"Mama," she says and he wants to cry. Sansa, his wife, his love, his redemption. A mother. The child sounds so sweet. "I'm faster than Lady Myr."
Sansa smiles for the first time since Jaime has come to Winterfell, eyes bright and a dimple under her lower lip, just as he remembers. "That's very good, dearest. But we must apologise to Lady Myr for making her run, shouldn't we?" The child nods eagerly, big green eyes looking at her.
She adjusts her hold on the child and he sees the emerald ring glinting on Sansa's third finger. He can't help himself. He takes a step forward, encouraged by the way Sansa smiles at him and the court doesn't speak against their Lady. "Hello, beautiful lady. I am Jaime Lannister, may I know your undoubtedly beautiful name?"
The girl looks at Sansa and Sansa nods before the girl's face lights up with the biggest smile he has ever seen and she looks like the picture of ecstasy. "Father!" She says excitedly, and Jaime stumbles forward. Sansa catches him, one arm holding her daughter, their daughter, his daughter, on her hip. "I am Joanna! Why didn't you come earlier?"
Jaime looks up at Sansa and there are tears in her eyes and she's a blur against his own tears. She named their child after his mother. After his mother. His mother. Mother. Mother. Mother. Mama. Mama.
Another Joanna Lannister, and Jaime promises himself that he will love her even more than he loved the previous one. His daughter.
He steals a look at Sansa again and speaks to Joanna. "I had some work, little one. But do not worry, I won't leave you now." From the moons of learning how she behaved, Jaime sees the relief dance across Sansa's face and he holds his hands out. He knows he's a stranger to his daughter but damn him he wants to be her father. "May I?"
Sansa looks at Joanna first, asking permission. Joanna nods, just as enthusiastic as she has been the whole time. She looks at his hands as he holds her and he's aware of Sansa saying something to someone that's not him or their daughter and he tunes it out, knowing she's only defending him. He tries to rest Joanna on his hip and the girl, seeming to know how much his prosthetic hand bothers him, adjusts by herself.
"You have a golden hand!" She smiles at him toothily,"I helped Mama stitch a gold hand on one of her dresses yesterday. It's really pretty, red."
"Like your hair?" He asks her, smiling at how she grips his jerkin in her little fists.
She giggles and nods,"Like my hair! The gold hand was like your hair. We all have pretty colours in our hair. Which gods do you think are in-charge of hair, father? We must thank him!"
Jaime huffs a laugh. "May I kiss your forehead, little one?"
She nods,"Mama does it all the time. She says that it's a special way of saying that she loves me." Jaime presses a small kiss on her crown and closes his eyes, willing the tears away. Hell if he will cry in front of all his enemies.
"This is my husband and I will swear upon my honour as a Stark and the happiness of my daughter, he is the most honourable man alive. I vouch for him. If he is deemed a traitor to the North by cold evidence, I will die alongside him."
Jaime turns to face the enemies and hides his daughter's face in his shoulder. He will cut each and every one of them before they touch her. Before they touch either of the ladies beloved by him.
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Roy/Jaime fic idea: It's a normal morning and Jaime's getting ready to head out to training. He's just opened the door to step out when he stops dead in his tracks in horror because there standing on the other side of the door is a tiny little toddler with red stains all over her footed onesie, staring back at him, clutching her blanky. Jaime's understandably gonna be late to training.
A/N: This one was an emotional ride that just kept getting longer and longer. But I hope you all enjoy it.
Ted Lasso Masterlist
Word Count: 5k+
Paring: Roy x Jamie (Romantic), Jamie x Ted (platonic), Roy x Ted (platonic), Keeley x Jamie (platonic, formerly romantic), Jamie x AFC Richmond Himbos (platonic, duh, but Sam and Jamie are besties)
Content warning: Child endangerment, blood, kidnapping (not by our boys), hospitals, police, orphan child, ptsd, a very scared child, fear, angst, worry, manipulation.
Tiny Morning Visitor
Roy had told Jamie to meet him at the Dog Track for training that morning. And Jamie had every intention to go, but he had opened his door to find a small child. The baby looked sleepy until they looked up at Jamie and started crying. Jamie has a crazy big soft spot for kids, probably because his childhood was so fucked up, and they were just so helpless and innocent. This one was in a little yellow-footed onesie with a bear on it, clutching a blanket. The onesie and the blanket were covered in red stains. Jamie was immediately horrified. He gets his phone out of his pocket with one hand as he carefully picks up the small child with the other. He dials 999 and waits. He has cameras because his dad has done shit, like break into his house. So he'll check those when the police are there. The child buries their tiny face into his jumper and sobs.
Roy is angry. Jamie had said he'd meet him at the pitch but didn't show. After 20 minutes, Roy got in his car with every intention to drive to Jamie's and shout at him. Whatever anger he had vanished when he saw the police cars pulled up outside of Jamie's home. Fear courses through Roy. If anything happened to Jamie, Roy didn't know what he would do. Jamie had been a persistent annoyance in his life. But he was an annoyance Roy enjoyed having around. Roy was out of the car faster than he thinks he ever has been and was stopped by a cop at Jamie's door, but before Roy could even fight the guy, he was being let in. 
"Figured you'd come round," Jamie says when Roy gets to his living room. Roy is shocked when he sees a toddler sitting on Jamie's lap being looked over by medics while Jamie apparently talks to the police. 
"And you don't know anything else?" The annoyed cop asks.
"I already told you she just showed up. I gave you the files from the cameras. I don't know anything else." The cop steps away to make a phone call. 
"What the fuck happened?" Roy asks. Moving to stand where the cop had been. And Roy's heart breaks when he looks at the toddler's tear-stained cheeks and red eyes. She has a white-knuckled grip on Jamie's fingers and clearly has no interest in going anywhere. He gets a glare from the medic for his language. 
"Sorry," he mutters.
"They took her blanket as evidence, and she isn't happy about it," Jamie says like somehow, that is what Roy is asking about and not the fact Jamie had missed training because a fucking child showed up on his doorstep. 
"Jamie," Roy says, doing his best not to shout at the striker. He knew how easily little kids could spook, and by the way she gripped Jamie's fingers in one hand, and her other fist was wrapped up in Jamie's jumper. She is probably one wrong move away from screaming her head off. "Where did she come from? How did she get here?"
"I have no idea. She was just there at my door when I was leaving to meet up with you. Nearly ran her over." It's quiet again as Roy tries to figure out what to say or do. Roy and Jamie both wince when the medic goes to pick the child up, and she screams. She screams until her face is beet red. Reaching towards Jamie. Roy can't watch this. He takes the child back from the frazzled medic and sets her back on Jamie's lap. Only now, it's Roy's fingers she grips in one hand, and Jamie's jumper is back in her little fist. Roy sighs. He understands the medic just wants to take the child to the hospital, but no one wants to upset the child any more than she already is. Eventually, despite Roy's protest, Jamie agrees to go with her if it will help. And the medic figures it's better than nothing. Roy thinks the entire thing is insane. 
"Jamie," Roy says when the medic leaves them for a minute. "You don't even know her." Roy manages to carefully extract his fingers from her grip, using his keys as a temporary distraction. He didn't care if she set his alarm off. The neighbors could go fuck themselves. If they weren’t already watching out their windows or standing in their gardens because of the cop cars. Yeah, fuck them. 
"I know, but she doesn't have anyone else right now. One day not training isn't gonna ruin my career, yeah?" Jamie says. "Look at her, Roy." And Roy does. He remembers when Phoebe was that tiny and would just latch on to him and not want to let go. Even when she was a little older, she'd cry if Roy left. Broke his heart every time. Phoebe was easier to deal with now. Buy her ice cream, and she's good. But this little one can't be much older than two, maybe younger. She looked like she was cutting a tooth the way she would occasionally tug Jamie's jumper into her mouth. Probably a molar, and he remembered how exhausted his sister was those days. Not that Jamie seemed to mind. She was small, teething, and terrified. She wouldn't be letting go anytime soon, and Roy knew it. Roy sighed. Fuck. No matter how this ended, Jamie was going to end up heartbroken. He gets too attached too quickly. Roy asks the medic to take her to the Emergency department at the hospital where his sister works and assures them that his sister will help with both the toddler and Jamie. The medic seemed relieved. Roy tells Jamie he'll meet them there. 
"She's cute. I'll give you that," Roy's sister, Dr. O’Sullivan, says when she meets Jamie at intake. 
"She is," Jamie agrees. 
"How about we get her looked at?" she says. Jamie looks uneasy. He looks back at the medic, that is talking to a nurse and giving her details. "You can stay with her. It'll be easier for everyone that way." 
"Right, yeah," Jamie follows her to a room. 
"You might want to get comfy. You might be here awhile.” She holds the crying toddler as Jamie takes his jumper off and tosses it on the bed since the little girl had already been chewing on it. She clearly liked the material. Jamie sits on the edge of the bed. "There we go," the doctor says as she hands the little one back to Jamie. Jamie hands the toddler his jumper, and she quiets to simple sniffles. 
"She's probably your tiniest number-one fan," Roy's sister grins. Jamie gives a nervous laugh. 
"Won't lie," Jamie says. "Kinda glad it's you looking after her."
Dr. O'Sullivan grins. "Could say the same thing, Tartt. I already know you're good with kids. Phoe thinks you're the best player out there now that Roy's on the sidelines. That and she thinks you make my brother happy. So I'm sure this little one has been in the best hands under the circumstances." Jamie is stunned. He knew Phoebe likes Jamie. She thought he was funny. He didn't know she spoke so highly of him.
"Phoebe's great, smartest, and probably gonna be the richest if she ever gets your brother to pay his tab."
She laughs. "Oh, she could rent the poshest flat this side of the Thames with what he owes."
The nurse joins them and fills her in, most of which she apparently knew already. 
"Roy gave you a heads up?" Jamie asks as the doctor rolls a stool over and takes a seat. She focuses on the little girl with a soft smile. She skillfully extracts one little hand at a time and partially removes the onesie. Setting it aside, most likely to be collected as evidence like the blanket. 
"Called right before you got here," She nods. It goes quiet save for her talking sweetly to the child as she examines her. It's a slow process by the way she refuses to let go of Jamie or his jumper. Even more so when he actually has to fill out forms. But the nurse sets them on the bed beside him, and he fills out what he can as the doctor works. The hardest part is when the nurse has to draw blood, and Jamie hates every second of it. The little girl cries the whole time. And she doesn't stop after it's over until the doctor tells him to try bundling her up in his jumper.
"She's probably cold too," the doctor admits. "I'll have someone bring her something from pediatrics."
"Thanks," Jamie says.
"Sit tight, be back in a bit."
A nurse brings a little set of pajama-like clothes for the toddler and helps Jamie get her dressed. The little girl settles back in, using Jamie's jumper as a substitute blanket as the nurse leaves. There is nothing Jamie can do now but wait.
Roy gets an oddly warm feeling in his chest when he gets to the ER and is told where to find Jamie. The little girl sits on Jamie's lap again as he sits on the edge of a hospital bed. She is staring up at Jamie with those big eyes of hers as he quietly talks to her and rubs her back. It is something that will be seared into Roy's memory forever. Jamie is being so sweet and gentle. He doesn't even notice Roy, but that's not a surprise. When Jamie gives his focus to something off the pitch, he usually goes all in. He has nothing but a single-minded focus if he genuinely cares about it. And he clearly cares about his commitment to keeping this wayward tot calm. Roy guesses he's sort of committed, too, seeing as he went to the fucking shops at 5 a.m. to get stuff he knows she needs but the hospital might not provide. And he should probably stop standing there like a fucking idiot staring at Jamie like a fucking creep. He knocked on the door frame. Jamie looks up and smiles, genuinely fucking smiles, when he sees Roy kept his word and showed up. Roy does not know how to feel about all that. It makes his stomach flip when Jamie looks at him like that. 
Jamie knows Roy has no obligation to be there. This has nothing to do with training or the team other than the fact it involves Jamie. But Roy is there, and Jamie is happy to see him. Because Jamie may look at ease as he focuses on keeping the kid calm, but he is terrified inside. He has no idea what he is doing. He could be doing everything wrong, but Roy will tell him what to do. Roy wouldn't let him fuck up. He never does. And Jamie adores him for that. Roy is reliable in a way very few people have ever been in Jamie's life. Roy never misses training. Roy takes helping Jamie be better, on and off the pitch, very seriously, and it makes Jamie want to be better. And Jamie can't help the way his heart beats faster when Roy looks at him. When Roy studies him. Fucking smiles at him and tells Jamie he did a good job or that he's a good lad. Fuck, that does things to Jamie that Jamie should feel ashamed of. But he isn't. Because he's Jamie Tartt, and he doesn't have a lot of shame. Almost any day, Roy could command Jamie to his fucking knees, and as long as he calls him a good lad, he would go. Roy could do an infinite amount of nasty things to him, and Jamie would fucking thank him. Fucking hell, he is in a goddamn hospital with a toddler clinging to him. Jamie needs to get his shit together. 
"What's in the bag?" Jamie asks.
"Here," Roy says as he pulls out a small and very soft-looking blanket. Before he can fully hand it to Jamie, a little hand grips it tight. He also gets a dummy/pacifier and teething ring out of the bag and sets them on the bed beside the pair. He leaves the pack of diapers in the bag and hopes they don't actually need those because that is not something he ever thought he would have to teach Jamie Tartt. He sets the bag on the table before sitting in one of the chairs in the room.
"Where did you get these?" Jamie asks as he looks at the dummy/pacifier. He picks it up. She reaches out for it, and Jamie lets her have it. 
"Shop. You said they took her blanket. It's hit and miss if she would have accepted it, but I guess she's not too picky." Roy points at the discarded jumper. "And the other stuff is to spare your jumper from being a drooly mess. Not that you probably care, but she's going to have to let go eventually. At least now she has something to help keep her calm."
"How do you know all this?"
"Because Phoebe might be 8 now, but she was that small, 6 or 7 years ago. And it's not something you forget when you end up having to help."
"So you've done all this before," Jamie says.
"He has," they look up to see Roy's sister at the door.  "And he was pretty good at it."
"Phoebe's always been an easy kid to care for," Roy insists. 
"For you, maybe. You're her favorite person." 
Jamie watches the siblings and doesn't miss the small smile on Roy's face. 
"She's a good kid," Roy states. 
"She is, and thankfully, this one seems to be too. Nothing broken. A few bumps and bruises but nothing serious from not being the best at walking on her own and somehow still managing to get to Jamie's door from wherever she was. She wasn't out too long in the cold on a damp and gloomy morning like this one. Her tiny immune system might have taken a hit if you two didn't get up at an ungodly early time to train. Who knows how long she would have been out there." 
Jamie looks stricken at that idea, and Roy internally curses because, yeah, Jamie is already too attached. And Roy is too, because he wants to find whoever is supposed to be in charge of this sweet little girl and give them a fucking lesson. She is too small and too sweet to be anything but tucked away safely in a warm bed at 5 a.m. She shouldn't be clutching a blanket Roy brought her in one hand and Jamie's shirt in the other. Fuck, under any other circumstances, Roy would fucking melt at that scene, but this was a child that could have died if Roy wasn't a twisted prick that insisted Jamie train at 4 a.m. A child that is going to have to let Jamie go, and Jamie is going to have to watch her leave. Everyone is going to end up heartbroken. Only the little girl is young enough that she won't remember it. But Jamie will. Roy will too. 
"I'll let the police know she is healthy, and someone will come to get her so you guys can head to training." She disappears back into the hall. 
"She's lucky," Roy says. "A toddler that young could have gotten really hurt without anyone looking after her."
"What do you think will happen to her?"
"Depends," Roy says. And fuck, the way Jamie holds her tighter, and she tucks her little forehead into his neck. Completely content now she has a blanket and dummy. She looks like she might actually be falling asleep. 
"On what?" Jamie asks, his tone soft and quieter than it has been before. And part of Roy's cold heart melts. Fuck, he wants to crawl up there with them. Hold them and protect them from the fucking world. And that is not something Roy was prepared to feel. He has to clear his throat before he answers Jamie. 
"On how and if they find her parents. If they find them and they are injured or some shit, they might get her back. They might be shitty parents, and she ends up going to live with a family that doesn't let her wander around Richmond alone at 4 a.m. They might not find them at all. Hard to know until it hits the news. And it will. Lost toddler shows up at famous footballer’s front door. That's headline news." Jamie frowns at what Roy has told him. "Hey," Roy says as he stands up and gives in a tiny bit to that feeling of wanting to protect them. Jamie is someone that needs reassurance often. Roy knows that. Especially if the truth of the matter is hard to swallow, and it is. "Whatever happens, she is lucky you found her. You did good, Tartt. Now you have to let the police do their job. Might not be easy, but it's for the best." Roy can't resist the urge to fix the messy dark curls of the little girl. She looks up at him as he does. Jamie does too, and fuck, that is a goddamn sight Roy won't soon forget. He ignores the urge to just fucking kiss Jamie. Because that is absolutely not happening. That would be taking advantage of a situation where Jamie is worried and looking up to Roy for help. Roy cannot fucking do that. 
Jamie watches as Roy's fingers gently work through tiny curls on the sweet little girl's head. Her eyes are half closed as she resists the urge to sleep. Jamie might cry. It is such a soft and sweet gesture. On top of all the things Roy had already gone out of his way to do for them—the things he did for her. Jamie's heart beat wildly in his chest. And Jamie wonders what it would feel like to have Roy's fingers in his hair. 
Roy's hand finds Jamie's shoulder and squeezes like he can tell Jamie is more a bundle of frayed edges and nerves than a confident human being. "She has a chance to go home or find a new one that might not have happened if you hadn't been on your way out. Just don't get too attached. She can't be alone in this world. Someone has to know who she is."
Roy was half right. Someone did know who she was. Her name was Maggie Briner, and she had been taken from the scene of an accident by a mentally unstable man earlier that morning. But unfortunately, her parents had passed away in the accident. She had a few distant relatives that didn't have the means or want to take her. Jamie hated the idea of her going into the foster care system. A few days after it happened, Jamie couldn't stop thinking about her, and he'd asked Roy at least a dozen times if he thought she was okay. And Roy couldn't shake the image of Jamie Tartt holding the adorable little girl. It had done something to Roy he hadn't expected. Made him think of family, but not one he had. Not just of Phoebe. But of one he wants now more than anything. And with Jamie fucking Tartt, no less. 
"I mean, I can afford a nanny. I have a stupid big house and-" 
He's cut off by Roy being in his space. His movements were slow so that Jamie could easily move away if he wanted to. His motives are clear when one hand grips Jamie's face gently. "That's a terrible but beautiful idea," Roy says before he kisses Jamie. Jamie's shock wears off quickly, and he kisses Roy back. One hand gripping Roy's jacket, the other on the back of his neck. 
"You going to help me?" Jamie asks, his tone filled with hope and promise. 
"Fucking can't let you do it alone. You don't know jack shit about kids," Roy says. 
"Good thing Roy fucking Kent is an expert then," Jamie grins. 
"Fucking right," Roy says. And Jamie grins before kissing Roy again.
Roy vocally supports Jamie's efforts to adopt Maggie over the next few weeks. They spend hours and hours together working on it. Jamie jokes that nights of turning a spare bedroom in Jamie's flat into a bedroom fit for a growing toddler are date nights. And they are, in a way. They get dinner. They talk. They plan a whole damn future for the kid. One that they both secretly hope they are both part of. It's wildly optimistic, and Roy hopes Jamie doesn't end up losing her case. So Roy does his best to help the world see the version of Jamie Tartt he does. One that has grown up and is ready and willing to take on this responsibility. They even got supervised visits with her. And Roy would watch the supervisor as Jamie would see Maggie. They always seemed pleased at the way Jamie would light up like the Dog Track for an evening match. And so would Maggie. She would talk in her broken toddler English. Happy to see him. Jamie would pick her up and hold her tight. Roy would play with her, and his heart would warm when she smiles at him. Roy even watched his language when there. If he had to behave for this to work, he would. He wasn't going to ruin this for Jamie.
 The team is mostly shocked when Jamie tells them he and Roy are together and that Jamie is trying to adopt Maggie. A few even think it's a joke until Roy informs them that it is, in fact, not a fucking joke. That resulted in a lot of paperwork with Laughing Liam in HR. Roy backs Jamie publicly and even admits to the press that Jamie already adores her, and so does Roy. A presser that Rebecca and Higgins had organized when asked by Jamie and Roy. The press asks a ton of questions because having a coach and player not only out as queer but as a couple was unheard of. But Roy insisted it changed nothing for the team and for Roy as Jamie's coach. He still expected the same level of effort he did from all the players. No special fucking treatment from Roy Kent. He already trained Jamie one-on-one. Pushs him harder than he does the others, but only because Jamie asks him to. Jamie is a fucking great player, and he'll be an equally fucking good parent. Roy even agrees in court to help him since he already knows what he's doing and wants to be there with them.
Things took and turn when a cousin of Maggie's mum showed up and wanted to take Maggie. For a while, it seemed like she might actually do it. It had crushed Jamie that he might not get to take Maggie home. And Roy had braced himself for the letdown. Jamie would really need him if that happened. When the adoption team looked into the woman's home, it didn't seem like she was very serious about it at all. She had roommates, and when they were asked about the woman, they gave their honest opinion. The woman hadn't cared about the child until it became publicly known that Jamie Tartt was involved. That this could be her way to get some easy money because if Jamie Tartt and Roy Kent actually cared about this child, they would probably be willing to pay for her. The adoption team had confronted her, and she didn't deny it. Jamie had been so relieved he cried when the judge denied her request. 
The day the judge approves Jamie's adoption of Maggie, the team throws a party. Unfortunately, they didn’t warn Roy or Jamie before they did. Everyone was excited to finally meet her. Maggie Tartt was officially part of the Richmond family. Roy cursed all of them as he covered Maggie's ears when they walked into Jamie's flat to loud cheering. You would think that it would be hard to take Roy Kent seriously as his big hands covered tiny ears, but nope. He was more terrifying than usual since the loud noise and number of strangers had been enough to scare the 21-month-old girl. And to everyone’s surprise, she wanted Roy. So Roy ended up taking her into the kitchen, leaving a still mostly happy Jamie to deal with the team.
Higgins and Ted follow Roy into the kitchen to make sure they are okay.
"I know, sweetheart," Roy says quietly as he gently wipes away tears with her blanket. "No one's going to hurt you here, I promise." Ted just watches as his fearsome and intimidating assistant coach bounces a toddler on his hip.  It was a strange dichotomy. 
"I told them she was too young for a surprise party, but they thought Jamie would like it," Higgins says. "She has been through far too much in such a short time to enjoy it."
"You're not wrong," Roy says as he shifts her so her head rests on his shoulder. "Unlike you, Higgins, they all share half a brain, and no one has custody of it today." 
Ted laughs, which has Maggie focusing on him. 
"Well, aren't you a little ray of sunshine," Ted says when she smiles at him from behind her dummy.
Roy huffs a laugh. "Of course she likes you." 
"Well, I'm honored. She clearly has good taste of she showed up here. Must have known Jamie was one for spontaneous commitments."
"Spontaneous commitments," Roy actually laughs. "That is by far the nicest way anyone has put it so far. My sister called it the dumbest good decision we could make, but she was all for it. Probably helped persuade the adoption team. She's good at that. Phoebe is dying to meet her already. She already has plans for her little cousin."
"Oh, they are going to be the best of friends," Higgins says with a soft smile. 
"Like a hound dog and fox in a Disney movie," Ted grins. Roy shakes his head. 
"You ready to meet a bunch of idiots that will spoil you rotten?" Roy says, looking down at the child in his arms. He is mostly sure Maggie isn't going to have a full-blown meltdown. They all rejoin the party. 
"All good?" Jamie asks. Accepting the now happy little girl when she reaches for him. Both are smiling. 
Roy grunts. He glares at the team until Jamie elbows his ribs. "They mean well."
"So did Magneto and Ozymandias," Roy grumbles.
"Did you just make not one but two cultural references?" Ted asks. 
"Of course, you agree with supervillains from comic book movies," Isaac says. 
"To be fair, both have been seen as heroes," Sam says. And the team ends up debating the morals of comic book characters, and Roy is fine with that because the focus is no longer on Maggie. She is already starting to fall asleep as she settles into her new life. 
A week or so after Maggie is moved in, Roy does too. Because it's easier to help Jamie parent if he is actually there as the other parent. The press has a fucking field day again. Roy doesn't give a shit as long as they stay far enough away from all three of them. And Jamie is too happy to care. Phoebe spends as much time with her new cousin as possible. Roy has to actually tell her no on more than one occasion because Phoebe still has school. He has to remind her that Maggie isn’t going anywhere. Roy’s sister is delightfully amused. Keeley had gone overboard when Jamie had asked her to be Maggie’s godmum. She’s the happiest godmum that exists. Thankfully, Sam is a far more practical godparent. He dotes upon his godchild, more so by spending time watching shows that would be mind-numbing for adults and teaching her languages. Roy gets an app to learn them as well. He can’t have his kid knowing languages that he doesn’t, at least not this young. She can study whatever she wants when she’s older. He just wants to be able to share things with her.
And it goes relatively well until they have an away match in Manchester. Keeley is a huge help with most match days. She helps watch Maggie. Even makes sure Maggie has all the little Richmond gear that matches Jamie's kit for every possible weather event and in sizes she'll grow into. Jamie cried the first time his daughter wore his number. And Roy did admit she was fucking adorable. This match day had the added benefit of Georgie and Simon getting to meet Maggie in person. Not just facetime calls on Jamie's phone. They had special tickets to sit with Keeley and Rebecca in the box. Roy insisted Maggie's tiny little ears be protected any time she was at a match. And Jamie had thought she looked so tiny with the protective ear covers on, but she thankfully left them on. Roy had been worried she'd take them off. Kids, especially that young, couldn't understand why these things were important. On her bad days, she wouldn’t wear them, which meant she stayed home with her carer. But he didn't have to fight her on it for this particular match, so he'd let her go with them. Something Roy regretted when James Tartt, Sr. tried to get between his ex-wife and Keeley when she and Maggie met Georgie at the gate. Georgie held Maggie tight as Keeley called for security. James was apparently not a fan of his son playing house with his fucking coach and wanted his opinion known. Simon stepped in, but it was a volatile situation. Roy had been called out to help handle it, and he fucking did so by slamming his fist into James Tartt's face, warning him if he ever went near his family again, he'll be in a hospital bed instead of handcuffs. Roy then took his daughter into his arms and led Keeley, Jamie's mum, and stepdad, down to the locker room with him. James Tartt was hauled off by security. They usually didn't let Maggie in the locker room before a match to keep the team focused on the game, but no one blamed him this time. They would have been distracted no matter what. At least there, all Maggie's unofficial uncles that adored her could see she was okay. Dani Rojas has the biggest soft spot for her. He thought she was the most adorable little thing in the world. Jamie had easily agreed.
Jamie was quick to take her while the medic looked over Roy's bruised knuckles, and Keeley and Beard dealt with security. 
"My sexy little baby has his own sexy little baby now," Georgie grinned when Jamie handed Maggie to his mum so he could finish double-checking his kit. Jamie smiled at that. He tried to focus on how happy his mum and Simon were to meet Maggie—tried not to think about his father. He wasn't going to be like his father. He hated his dad and tried to ruin everything again. Jamie was going to be the best dad he could possibly be, but not to spite his dad. No, he was going to be a good dad because it's what Maggie deserves. He wants her to have a home with loving parents, and the fact Roy was right there beside him made Jamie feel like the luckiest guy in the world. He wasn't going to let his dad tarnish that. Especially today, since his mum was there. Almost his whole family was there, everyone but Phoebe and her mum. And Phoebe got to see Maggie at least once a week. This was a great fucking day. His dad couldn't take that happiness from him if he tried because Jamie will fight him for it. He was done letting his father control him. He had a family to protect and a reason to fight now. He'd fight tooth and nail to keep his family in his life. Roy and Maggie are his world. And no one was going to take that from him. And it didn't feel like a burden, especially knowing that Roy is by his side and has already proved he'd take the world on for them. He'd take on the press and put James Tartt, Sr in his place. Nothing was going to get between Roy Kent and his family, and walk away unscathed. Nope, the world thought Roy Kent was a hardcore brawler on the pitch. God help anyone that got near his family in public. Paparazzi would find he has a terrifying edge to him when it came to protecting those he loved. And they so much as approach Jamie and Maggie or even Phoebe and Roy was right fucking there like a goddamn grizzly bear wrecking their shit and protecting what was his. And Jamie fucking loved every second of it because Roy would just want to hold them close after that. Tell them they were his everything, and he'd destroy anything or anyone for them. It was like a fairytale, and Jamie never wanted it to end.
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lawttes · 1 year
not only is the beginning of Aurélien by Louis Aragon one of my favourite scenes of literature as a whole, it also really reminds me of Brienne and Jaime. i couldn't find an english translation, so i'm going to translate it for you as best i can (and for french speakers, the original text will be right below):
The first time that Aurélien saw Bérénice, he thought she was ugly, frankly. At least, he didn't find her attractive. He didn't like the way she was dressed. A fabric he wouldn't have picked. He had opinions on fabrics. A fabric he'd seen on multiple women. This didn't bode well for her, who bore the name of an Oriental princess yet apparently thought she was not bound by an obligation to be tasteful. Her hair was dull that day, unkempt. Short hair needs constant care. Aurélien couldn't tell whether she was a blonde or a brunette. He hadn't taken a close look at her. He was left with a vague and general impression of her, of annoyance and irritation. He even wondered why. It was a bit disproportionate. Rather short, pale, I think... Had she been named Jeanne or Marie, he wouldn't have thought about her ever again. But Bérénice. What an odd superstition. This was precisely what irritated him.
It reminded him of a verse by Racine, a verse that used to haunt him during the war, back in the trenches, and later, when he was demobilised. A verse which he didn't even like, or at least a verse whose beauty seemed doubtful, inexplicable, but he had obsessed over it and still did:
"I remained a while wandering, by Caesarea..."
Usually, he wasn't much of a poet... But this verse kept coming back to him. Why? he couldn't explain it. Independently from Bérénice's story... the other one, the true Bérénice... He only recalled the gist of this romance, what a drag. She was a brunette, Bérénice from the play. Caesarea, it's near Antioch, near Beirut. A mandated territory. Quite dark-skinned even, with an abundance of bracelets and veils. Caesarea... a pretty name for a town. Or a woman. A pretty name regardless.
here is the original text in French!!
La première fois qu'Aurélien vit Bérénice, il la trouva franchement laide. Elle lui déplut, enfin. Il n'aima pas comment elle était habillée. Une étoffe qu'il n'aurait pas choisie. Il avait des idées sur les étoffes. Une étoffe qu'il avait vue sur plusieurs femmes. Cela lui fit mal augurer de celle-ci qui portait un nom de princesse d'Orient sans avoir l'air de se considérer dans l'obligation d'avoir du goût. Ses cheveux étaient ternes ce jour-là, mal tenus. Les cheveux coupés, ça demande des soins constants. Aurélien n'aurait pas pu dire si elle était blonde ou brune. Il l'avait mal regardée. Il lui en demeurait une impression vague, générale, d'ennui et d'irritation. Il se demanda même pourquoi. C'était disproportionné. Plutôt petite, pâle, je crois… Qu'elle se fût appelée Jeanne ou Marie, il n'y aurait pas repensé, après coup. Mais Bérénice. Drôle de superstition. Voilà bien ce qui l'irritait.
Il y avait un vers de Racine que ça lui remettait dans la tête, un vers qui l'avait hanté pendant la guerre, dans les tranchées, et plus tard démobilisé. Un vers qu'il ne trouvait même pas un beau vers, ou enfin dont la beauté lui semblait douteuse, inexplicable, mais qui l'avait obsédé, qui l'obsédait encore :
Je demeurai longtemps errant dans Césarée…
En général, les vers, lui… Mais celui-ci lui revenait et revenait. Pourquoi ? c'est ce qu'il ne s'expliquait pas. Tout à fait indépendamment de l'histoire de Bérénice… l'autre, la vraie… D'ailleurs il ne se rappelait que dans ses grandes lignes cette romance, cette scie. Brune alors, la Bérénice de la tragédie. Césarée, c'est du côté d'Antioche, de Beyrouth. Territoire sous mandat. Assez moricaude, même, des bracelets en veux-tu en voilà, et des tas de chichis, de voiles. Césarée… un beau nom pour une ville. Ou pour une femme. Un beau nom en tout cas.
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Game of Thrones - 44 SANSA III (pages 455-462)
Sansa and Jeyne manage to sneak in a bit of time to act their age, Sansa and Arya have a blow out that pushes Sansa passed her threshold for suffering abuse silently, and Ned tells the Stark girls they are going home in the least helpful way possible while Sansa accidentally solves one massive portion of Ned's murder investigation.
The reader, officially turning another year older, faces the daunting march or mortality.
Her father's decision still bewildered her. When the Knight of Flowers had spoken up, she'd been sure she was about to see one of Old Nan's stories come to life. Ser Gregor was the monster and Ser Loras was the true hero who would slay him.
Oh hon, Loras would be crushed like a flower without the wiggle room of a tourney to give him tricks to gain advantage. If Sandor hadn't stepped in back then, he'd already be dead. Come on sweetheart, you know this. Urgh, curse your hyper-fixation with romantic stories clouding your perceptions of reality.
Although can we talk about the fact that- oh no, never mind, Ned's already made the call to send them back, of course he's not going to do a good parenting job and talk trough his decisions with Sansa so she can begin to understand what kind of pressures her future husband might be under when he takes petitions, and what kind of choices he has to make and things he must consider, of course Ned's not going to educate Sansa in any manner so she can begin to understand how to better support her husband, she's just there to look pretty and get bred. Maybe seal an alliance if she's extra lucky.
He had touched her cheek, his thumb lightly tracing the line of a cheekbone. "Life is not a song, sweetling. You may learn that one day to your sorrow." Sansa did not feel like telling all that to Jeyne, however; it made her uneasy just to think back on it.
BAD TOUCH!!! Ewww, Petyr Baelish belongs on an offenders registry, and we all know which one.
Sansa shuddered. Every time she looked at Ser Ilyn Payne, she shivered. He made her feel as though something dead were slithering over her naked skin. "Ser Ilyn's almost like a second monster, I'm glad father didn't pick him."
Good instincts, pity she doesn't understand they're telling her to GTFO.
Beric Dondarrion was handsome enough , but he was awfully old, almost twenty-two;
...OUCH. Excuse me, I need to go lie down, my Ancient and crumbling body of Pre-historic Age needs a moment.
"I'm sure I don't know why Arya does anything." Sansa hated stables, smelly places full of manure and flies. Even when she went riding, she liked the boy to saddle the horse and bring bit to her in the yard.
Yeah, see, there it is again. That repulsion for dirty things and smells, there's also an undercurrent in the way she talks about the pageantry of the southern court, it really does vibe like Sansa has a sensory thing.
Jeyne yawned. "Are there any lemon cakes?" Sansa did not like being interrupted, but she had to admit, lemon cakes sounded more interesting than most of what had gone on in the throne room. "Let's see," she said. The kitchen yielded no lemon cakes, but they did find half a cold strawberry pie, and that was almost as good. They ate it on the tower steps, giggling and gossiping and sharing secrets, and Sansa went to bed that night feeling almost as wicked as Arya.
omg that's so cute, look at these eleven year olds sneaking half a pie and being girls. This is going to hurt so much later. 🙃
Arya screwed her face up in a scowl. "Jaime Lannister murdered Jory and Heward and Wyl, and the Hound murdered Mycah. Somebody should have beheaded them." "I's not the same," Sansa said. "The Hound is Joffrey's sworn shield. Your butcher's boy attacked the prince."
Mmmm, that's not quite how it happened, but how many times has Sansa told herself a specific version of events in her head to cope with what happened, to deal with the fact that she's engaged to someone who was fully prepared to murder her sister and a peasant boy, she might actually believe it by now.
She's also right though, it's not the same. Ned can actually do something about this situation, politically it's tricky, but he has the time, power, and wiggle room to at least make the attempt to stop Gregor.
When she saw what the fruit in her lap had done to her beautiful ivory silk dress, she shrieked. "You're horrible," she screamed at her sister. "They should have killed you instead of Lady!" ... Sansa stalked away with her head up. She was to be a queen, and queens did not cry. At least not where people could see. When she reached her bed chamber, she barred the door and took off her dress. The blood orange had left a blotchy red stain on the silk. "I hate her!" she screamed. She balled up the dress and flung it into the cold hearth, on top of the ashes of last night's fire. When she saw that the stain had bled through onto her underskirt, she began to sob despite herself. She ripped off the rest of her clothes wildly, threw herself into bed, and cried herself to sleep.
Speaking as a sibling, I can tell you all that this is unfortunately not unheard of behaviour between siblings.
But also this is absolutely not about the dress being ruined, the dress being ruined was just the straw that broke the camels back. Sansa has not been okay since the trident, and she has been keeping it together so admirably through sheer determination and an unhealthy amount of disassociation.
Arya got to talk to her dad a bit, got to have it out and face what she was feeling with what happened, but no one has given two shits about Sansa's state of mind.
"Oh she's so well behaved we don't need to worry about her," is literally the phrase that gets so many people, including a significant number of older siblings, marched to the edge of a full mental breakdown. Sansa needs therapy, just because no one is helping her face the trauma she's been experiencing, some of which - looking at you Petyr - she doesn't even understand she's experiencing.
FURTHER MORE- why am I having flashbacks to Sansa's first period in the tv show?
Sansa sat up. "Lady," she whispered. For a moment it was as if the direwolf was there in the room, looking at her with those golden eyes, sad and knowing. She had been dreaming, she realized. Lady was with her, and they were running together, and... and... trying to remember was like trying to catch the rain with her fingers. The dream faded, and Lady was dead again.
... Someone, please help this girl. She is Going Through Some Stuff.
But also was that a real Wolf Dream? or just a dream about Lady who had just been brought up? If it was real, how? Were they just running in the dream realm, or did they astral project into the real world, or did they hijack someone else's paws?
"Arya started it," Sansa said quickly, anxious to have the first word. ... Arya raised her eyes. "I'm sorry father. I was wrong and I beg my sweet sister's forgiveness."
Oh I know that feels. There were so many times in school, who ever spoke first some how had this... it was like speaking first some how made your version of events truer in the teachers' eyes, more valid. Except for a few people, who were always in the wrong even when they never actually did anything wrong because they were the teacher's least favourite. ... You are but words on the page and yet I can hear your insincerity from here Arya.
- they were going to send her back to the bleak grey walls of Winterfell and lock her up forever. Her life was over before it had begun.
On the one hand, oh sweetheart you are such a melodramatic little thing. There's more to life, I promise you, yes I know it is your special interest, but still.
But on the other hand: She has a point. GRRM doesn't give the Northerners a lot of colour or depth. (at least he hasn't thus far in the text.) Northern "cultural practices" are basically 'being stoic' and 'frost resistant.'
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janiedean · 6 years
k guys not to be THAT person but
the pictures came out, I went around to see the reactions and like
far from me to judge theories and whatnot and I’m unspoiled and I wanna stay that way thanks
but like..... tyrion and cersei allying is a popular theory and it’s also apparently because their clothes are similar? like, the blue in cersei’s is obviously the light reflecting on her shoulder and the center is not even the exact same shape, tyrion’s costume actually looks more similar to varys’s than cersei’s, and..... honestly, we’re saying that tyrion - who in the show has definitely way less reasons to despise anyone on the stark side rn - would... go... and... secretly ally himself with cersei ie a person who abused the shit out of him all his life, wanted him dead all of his life and the last time they talked told him that she wanted to kill him? 
this when jaime ie the one of the two siblings he has with whom he has/had a good relationship (and let’s remember that in the show they cut jaime’s involvement with tysha for good or bad so unless it shows up randomly in S8 to cause unnecessary drama that’s not driving a wedge between them) is actually back on the stark side when he’s allied with the starks? 
like, regardless of ships and politics, he’d go and betray the one relative he has that he genuinely has a good rship with and viceversa to ally with the one who has wanted him dead all this time? like ffs honestly cersei has signed her death sentence, the conflict in the good side is most likely gonna be ‘what happens when it turns out that jon is a targaryen’ so there’s dany who has a living threat to her claim with whom she’s slept and jon who has to decide where he stands and that’s gonna def. create tension in the good guys’s side before the zombies come.......... but given that jaime in the picture has the split copy of robb’s armor I think it’s rather obvious where he’s gonna pledge his alliances and like....... sorry guys but if tyrion betrays anyone it should logically be daenerys for the starks/his brother, not daenerys + the starks/his brother for his damned sister who also has just demonstrated she’s unreliable af if jaime has come back without an army, turning his cloak and presumably informing everyone that she’s lied to them all along.
I mean, I get that we’re all excited and making theories, but... really? *shrug* I mean, I know it’s d&d and they’d do everything for shock, but based on costumes I’d go for tyrion + varys alliance rather than cersei ://
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: "you know every time you made me angry, I fantasized about it later."
♡ character: klarion bleak / klarion the witch boy
♡ pronouns used: she / her
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes
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"where is she?" klarion asked the group. he realized that you were not amongst the group and from the looks of it, they were as panicked as he was. you were no where to be found and klarion didn't want to begin to think of things that would lead him to the brink of insanity, "where the hell is ( your name )!" he screamed picking up damian with ease.
raven helped him down as klarion barged up to them.
"why do you care?" Garfield yelled. klarion whipped his head at him, "why do I care? she's my girlfriend, that's why!" all of them were stunned to silence. you were pretty open about who you were to everyone but never had you mentioned dating the witch.
"what do you mean she's your girlfriend ( your name )," gar asked. connor now understood why you might've denied his advances every time he tried to 'flirt' with you while damian now sensed why klarion must've stopped causing unnecessary havoc to Gotham, "she's my girlfriend, are you dumb? we've been dating for almost a year, now where is she?"
zatanna cleared her throat as she try to defuse the tension that was happening, "she got captured. they took her and we've been trying to find her for the last two hours but her communicator went off grid and we can't pinpoint her last whereabouts," she explained.
klarion's anger boiled over as he turned to damian, "aren't you the leader to this....team? where are your skills? how could you let someone get to her?" he screamed. damian marched up to him with full intensions to fight him where he stood, "enough. ( your name ) getting kidnapped is no one's fault and fighting about it helps no one. she offered to fight one of bane's group and they closed in on her. we need to focus on finding her."
much to the reluctance to all of the team, they involved klarion in their plans. they could tell he was willing to do anything to get you back and were especially sure that he'd go to any lengths to see you again. even if that meant killing some in his process of getting you back.
"robin, beast boy, and klarion are a team. you'll be going around the forest and checking the main public entrances. understood?" zatanna asked. the three agreed but looked to klarion who was now way ahead of them, "swear that boy only follows what's in his head," zatanna murmured.
as they looked through the several main entrances, gar looked to the witch.
"how did the two of you even get together?" he finally blurted out. klarion couldn't help but laugh at his question, "why should I tell you?" he asked back. damian rolled his eyes, "because she's apart of our team and by technicalities, you're our enemy so it'd be best to tell us before she gets in trouble for even talking to you nevertheless dating."
you were sitting with jaime, enjoying the final days of summer as Gotham was starting to get relatively cold as the nights approached. criminal activity was getting low for Gotham standards and that usually meant some villain was planning on something big.
"don't you think the uniforms Gotham Academy gives us is kind of cheesy? I mean, the skirt looks like I'm straight out of 1945 with these Catholic school ass skirts," jaime laughed as you continued to complain, "I mean, Gotham Academy is pretty boujee. what else would you expect from a school like that?" jaime asked, "as least the University of Gotham won't do this to you."
"which is surprising considering how close Gotham Academy and the University of Gotham are," you replied. you saw jaime start to yawn as he stood up, "i'm heading home, i'm getting tired," jaime said. you boo'd in protest, "come on! you said you'd go to the game i'm required to be at! don't do this to me!" you begged mercilessly.
jaime laughed as he saw the Gotham Academy dance uniform in your bag. you hated dancing but Gotham required everyone to take an after school club and all the academic clubs were closed so you got stuck in sporty clubs and the Gotham Academy dance team was the easiest to get into. they weren't as great as the cheer team was but they did require all of you to be at the games if the cheer team was busy with something else.
"sorry hermana but I have soccer tomorrow in the morning," he replied. you rolled your eyes, "you're an ass, you know that?" you stated. he helped you off the grass and told you goodbye as you went back towards Gotham academy. not long after you started walking, you felt a presence behind you.
"alone at night? not so safe especially for Gotham," you heard the familiar witchy tone of voice. you rolled your eyes as Klarion appeared in front of you, "shut up Klarion. shouldn't you be at some secret Light meeting or something?" you asked. he chuckled as he put his arm around you, "i'd skip any Light meeting for you sweetheart," he said.
"well, i can't stay for long. i've got a school event and you are not following so goodbye," you stated. you walked into the back entrance of Gotham Academy, paying no mind to Klarion anymore. the uniforms Gotham required all of you to wear were similar to the ones the cheer team had to use and you hated it.
the ugly bee yellow and the off black lining did not compliment anyone but you reluctantly put it on and followed your team onto the football field. you were holding onto the signs you were made in order to get the crowd hyped up and went onto your respective sidelines.
"cmon Gotham! you got more spirit than that!" you screamed to the crowd.
klarion who had snuck himself into the game sat in the back of bleachers, trying to blend in with the crowd but you could see the horned boy from anywhere. you really couldn't believe he had snuck inside but you knew that if you let him distract you, you'd end up in trouble for it.
"lets go Gotham! we need to hear you!" you yelled, cringing at the way you sounded. you really could've been doing literally anything else but you were stuck cheering/dancing for a team that could have cared less if you were there or not and in front of villain-esque witch boy you had a crush on.
as you were about to do a spin and hold sign up, you felt one of the football players who was not playing approach you. you sighed in realization, "what do you want declan?" you asked. he smiled, bringing you in for an unnecessary hug, "you look great tonight babes," he said. you gagged at his compliment as you saw klarion's unamused look and he could see the look of desperation written on your face.
klarion quickly went down the stairs, not caring if he caused attention from others and stood over the fencing that separated you and him, "sweetheart!" you heard him scream. you realized that this was your one chance to get him away from you and you darted towards klarion, "someone bothering you?" he asked loudly enough for the boy to hear him.
you shook your head no as you gulped down the clump of spit building up in your throat. you grabbed klarion by the hand and kissed him, closing your eyes to make sure you didn't see his reaction, "see you after the game?" you asked. klarion nodded slowly and made his way back, far too stunned to speak.
"didn't know you were into....goths?" one of your teammates said. you giggled, "i think he's a little more than that but it was a surprise to us both."
the rest of the time, you were left to your old routine, happy about the fact that you didn't have a lot of games left to be doing this at. once the final whistle blew that Gotham celebrated the win, you walked out into the parking lot with your teammates as all of you were dancing stupidly to one of the songs that they were playing on their wireless speaker.
klarion hid himself until he knew he was safe to come out. he didn't want to blow his cover in case any of the titan babies saw him by accident and he enjoyed watching you outside of the usual circumstances that he usually saw you in. you looked relatively popular and couldn't help but wonder how you found him attractive. you were seemingly the opposite of him but he could tell that you did hold feelings for him.
as you put your final bag in your cars trunk and saw your friends leave, you felt the familiar cold hands that klarion had wrap around your neck softly. you stared at him, not in the mood to talk about what you had done earlier.
"surprise?" he whispered in your ear. you supernatural powers quickly summoned as released his grip from you. "what is it?" you asked. klarion laughed as he stood in front of you, essentially kabedoning you against your car, "oh, you can't get mad at me. you were the one that kissed me first."
you slapped the top of his head, making him cringe in response.
"you were the one who did a shitty job at hiding yourself in the crowd, you idiot," you replied. klarion shook his head, trying not to get mad, "you know every time you make me angry, I fantasized about it later," you knew klarion didn't have a way with words, especially when it came to professing his love in the 'mortal' way.
"what the hell is that supposed to mean?" you asked. klarion shushed you by bringing you in for a kiss, "it means that every time we fight, i want nothing more than to kiss you in front of everyone," he whispered. you smiled softly, "you know, the light and the justice league would kill us if they found us like this, right?"
klarion shrugged,
"why am i supposed to care about the justice babies? the light i can handle so don't worry about that."
you knew in retrospect that if the justice league found out about this, they wouldn't have that much of an issue with it as klarion only posed a minor threat to the league. you were strong enough to not give away any vital information and klarion never pushed you for any.
"who said i'm worried?" you asked. klarion smiled in between the kiss as he brought you in for another one, "perfect."
"we've found her!" zatanna screamed. the three of them perked up as klarion took damian's communicator, "where is she?" he yelled. he saw the coordinates on the communicator and realized they weren't too far from the location. he immediately went ahead of damian and gar as he saw he was getting closer, "klarion, don't do anything drastic!" she screamed.
he didn't pay any attention to what zatanna was saying but he soon realized that you were not in any harm as you were passed out on the ground with zero consciousness to your name. klarion put himself to the ground and ran towards you. you were sprawled out, not moving an inch but lucky enough, you weren't dead. your body was warm and you were breathing was normal-ish.
"come on sweetheart, wake up," he whispered, shaking you a bit. you felt your body shaking vigorously as you heard loud whispers in your ear. your body hurt and it felt as though someone had slammed you against a brick wall several times, "darling, can you move?" you heard klarion ask.
you opened your eyes to see klarion staring down at you in worry. you gave him a soft smile before realizing that the titans had surrounded you.
"hey guys," you whispered, not really sure if you were in trouble or not. zatanna bent down to check the major injuries to your body, "it looks like they just made you go unconscious. your uniform is in tact and there doesn't seem to any blood around you," zatanna explained, "however, we should still get you to a hospital. we don't need you getting any major concussions. klarion, would you like to assist her there?" she asked.
you perked up slightly as she gave you a secretive wink. if anyone knew about dating those who were not seen in a 'good' light, it was zatanna.
"come on darling, i can patch you up myself," he replied, helping you off the floor. damian walked up to the two of you and stared at klarion menacingly, "take care of her witch boy. we'll see you in a few days. i'm sure batman would like to speak to you about what happened when you were captured."
you nodded, grabbing klarion's arm for more support and walked away from the titans.
"so we're just supposed to be cool with her dating him?" connor exclaimed. zatanna chuckled, "connor, you wouldn't understand their relationship. i don't think he's an issue as long as he's with her. we need to head back to the lair before we all get yelled at."
they nodded as they saw you limping away in the direction of what they assumed was your home. you were smiling at klarion as he checked your face for injuries before placing kisses on it. they could see the adoration he had for you written all over his face and knew that even though he was considered a villain, you'd be okay.
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Your stories & regency movies are my happy place currently in a world of awful. Also, so glad you're inspired to start into On the Run again because I love it! ALSO ALSO - another reality show prompt if you're interested lolol. Sansa is the host of a reality show (dating? survivor-y? Skill-based forged in fire-y?) and Jon is on the show. Maybe fans of the show are obsessed with them?
first - thank you anon, I'm so happy you like my writing! That's so sweet
second - funnily enough, @hilarychuff and I MAY have gone on a tangent a long time ago about alternate Bachelor stories, including one where Sansa was hosting Bachelor in Paradise (and I even wrote a bit at that time, too). Smash cut to me getting this prompt, and I was immediately reminded of that. So thank you anon, for the prompt, which got me to finish the snippet I had started writing, and thank you to hil, for helping brainstorm & come up with ideas! I didn't even get to use most of them, but they will live rent free in my head.
third - this is in no way related to my full Bachelor story, I just have a problem. And yes, I did write this during the 3 hour Bachelorette finale last night. It kept me sane.
read it here:
ephemera, chapter 30
Sansa rolls her luggage into the hotel room, depositing it near the foot of the bed before turning and flopping face down onto the mattress.
She can't believe she's back.
One would think, after two disastrous runs on this show, that she would know better than to sign another contract.
First, her time on Joffrey's season that had ended with her in tears, humiliated on national television. Watching that season back had been a revelation. Watching him lie to her. Watching her eat it up. She remembers in the Fantasy Suite, he'd told her he loved her and hinted she was going to be his winner, and she had agreed to sleep with him, thinking he'd be her fiance in another two weeks - only to be dumped in the finale for Margaery.
And then, while she was still emotionally destroyed and with her dignity in ruins, she had agreed to be Bachelorette. She'd signed the contract with the producers telling her this would be her comeback, she would be redeemed, she would get her love story. Instead, what she got was Harry. An actor and musician who she only found out later, after she picked him (after he put a ring on her finger), had a girlfriend already. He was using the show - using her – to further his career.
God, why did she agree to come back?
At least she's only the host this time.
Free vacation, she reminds herself as she sits down with Tyrion, and Varys for her debriefing. That's what they're calling it – debriefing – as if this is some top secret mission and not a reality TV show that, ultimately, is meaningless.
She's reminding herself why she's doing this. Free vacation, and the fat paycheck she would get from it. A big paycheck. They're desperate, after the scandal that ousted Jaime from his iconic host role – one he'd held for over a decade. They had called her up and practically begged her to come to Paradise. They needed the ratings she could bring. Twice-dumped Sansa. Even now, a year and a different Bachelorette later, people are still calling for her return.
It's sweet, really, that people want her to have her love story. It's sweet that they care. And she's lucky, she knows, to have come out the other side of this with a relatively positive reputation within Bachelor Nation. There was even a recent poll where she was voted the most popular Bachelorette of all time.
But the thing is, Sansa can't do this again. She can't have her heart broken on television, in front of millions of people, again.
So she'd turned them down. A hard no. And no, there's nothing they could do to convince her.
Well, that was her stance, until they offered her the host gig. Take over Jaime's role, instead of coming on as a contestant. Get on camera to welcome the actual contestants to Paradise, say a few lines at the elimination ceremonies, do some narration in post-production. Minimal work, considering the amount of money they're throwing at her just so she'll come back. Just so she'll help them rebuild a bit of their crumbling reputation after the scandal.
She can do this.
Free vacation, minimal work, lots of money.
The first round goes fine.
Sansa stands at the entrance to Paradise and greets each new cast member as they show up. She's friends with some of them, and familiar with almost all of them – Dany arrives first, her pale blonde hair in a crown of intricate braids and wearing a silver bikini she barely hides under a wrap. The show had tried to paint her as a villain on Daario's season, but most of the audience ended up liking her anyway, and now she's set to be the star of the beach this season. Sansa can already picture the men tripping over themselves to get with her.
Next comes Theon, from Val's season, all cocky smile and waggling eyebrows as she greets him. Then Mya, Dickon, Myranda... the list goes on. She loses track of who she greets, and by the end of it, her cheeks hurt from smiling. Then she goes and gives the group a welcome speech, hands out the date card, and she's done.
Back to the hotel for a massage and a drink (or two).
By the time she's nice and relaxed and laying by the hotel pool, she thinks she definitely made the right decision.
The day after the first elimination round, Sansa stands at the top of the stairs leading down to Paradise, waiting for the new arrivals. As she's waiting, she reads the card that has the basic info of the new contestants again, just to make sure she's got it.
First will be Domeric, he was on one of the earlier seasons. She doesn't remember him, and she wonders if the audience will.
Then it's Jon. She does remember him – he'd been on Val's season, the year after Sansa's.
Sansa remembers Jon the way everyone else does – because Twitter went crazy over him. He'd been eliminated night one, and Twitter had gone into an uproar about it. The hashtag #MechanicJon was trending through the whole season, memes were made, a petition was created to make him the next Bachelor. All for a guy who was eliminated night one, who didn't even have an Instagram account until he became internet famous and had to create one because of all the fake accounts that were popping up.
She's surprised he's here, honestly.
Though to be fair, the contestants are actually paid for Paradise, so he probably figured why not – a couple grand for three weeks of shooting, plus a free vacation to Sayulita? She's here for the same reasons.
Domeric comes down first and he's nice enough. She greets him and hands him the date card, and he heads in, no issues.
Then Sansa's dabbed with oil blotters, she's given a fresh coat of powder to try and hide how ungodly hot it is here, and then she's back in position, waiting for the next arrival.
Jon comes down next, and she will admit, she does understand the appeal of him. He's so unlike most of the other contestants – he's a mechanic from Boston (which actually isn't too far from her hometown). From the brief minutes of screentime he got, plus the bits she's seen of him on social media, he almost seems like a sort of anti-contestant. Someone she never could have imagined would go on the show. She thinks she remembers some article, where he said his niece had begged him to go on, which is the only reason he did.
“Welcome to Paradise,” she greets when he makes it to her. He's even more handsome in person, she thinks idly.
“Uh, thanks,” he says, then seems to rethink it and adds, “it's great to be here.”
He's a bit awkward, she thinks he doesn't really know how to hold himself in front of cameras. It's refreshing, actually, and sort of cute. He gives her a tentative smile that she returns in full, and her smile seems to give him a bit of confidence - she watches his shoulders square and his spine straighten, and his own smile gets wider.
“Now, you had such a short run on the show, are you excited for the possibility of finding love here in Paradise?”
“Yeah,” he says, though he doesn't sound convinced.
“Let's try that again, with a bit more enthusiasm,” Tyrion calls from behind the camera, and Jon winces. “Say you're excited to get a real chance at love. You're looking for The One.”
She can see Jon hesitate, and she realizes now why he was sent home night one. He doesn't seem as willing to play the game as most of the others, and if Val was on the fence about him, Sansa can imagine the producers telling her to cut him, knowing he wouldn't be easy to control.
That's what they like, she knows. Easily controllable contestants, or the ones who create explosive drama. Jon, it seems, is neither. She thinks the only reason he made it to paradise is because of his sudden spike of popularity.
“I'm really excited to... see what comes out of this for me,” is what he ends up saying, and Sansa tries to suppress her smile, just knowing Tyrion is likely fuming. The producers want the contestants to talk about love as much as possible, and Jon isn't giving them what they want.
“Well, here's a date card for your first chance at love here in Paradise,” she says, holding out the envelope to him. “You can ask anyone.”
Jon nods, looks at the envelope, then back up at her, eyes flicking over her briefly. “Would you want to go?” he asks, and for a moment all Sansa can do is stare.
“Me?” she asks, completely dumbfounded.
“Yeah,” he shrugs, giving her another one of his smiles.
To her utter horror, she feels a swirl of butterflies in her stomach.
“Uh,” she looks towards production for help, but Tyrion is watching them intently and hasn't cut. “I'm the host,” she says, turning back to Jon.
“Oh,” Jon's brows furrow a bit. “So... I can't take you on the date?”
“Yeah, that's not really how it works,” she glances over at Tyrion again, who remains silent. “Um, you take the card down to the beach and you talk to the women – or men, whatever you prefer – and see which one of them you'd like to take on a date.” She tries to make her voice light and airy, tries to add a bit of laughter, but she's not sure how well it works.
“You were on the show before, right?” he asks, and she's actually a bit surprised that he doesn't know who she is, considering how much of a mess both her "journeys" had been. He must have gone on the show without ever watching an episode.
“Right,” she nods.
“But I can't ask you,” he says, brows furrowing even deeper. For a second she wonders if he's an idiot, but then she sees the slight quirk to his lips, and she narrows her eyes at him. He's being obtuse on purpose.
“I'm off limits,” she says archly, flicking her hair over her shoulder, and she watches his lips twitch, like he's trying to hold back a smile.
“Okay, I think I've got it now,” Jon nods slowly.
Sansa rolls her eyes at him, and he finally gives her a full grin. It makes the corners of his eyes crinkle, and sends those butterflies in her tummy going again.
“Then you should go on down,” she gestures towards the stairs that lead down to the beach.
He gives her once last look, his eyes raking over her fully, before he heads past her.
Once he's gone, Sansa's knees almost feel like they're about to give out.
It's just the heat, she tells herself, as she heads over to where the cameras are set up.
“Why didn't you jump in?” she asks Tyrion when she reaches them, pulling at the microphone taped to her before Pod even gets there to help her.
Tyrion gives her an appraising look and just shrugs. “That'll make for good TV,” he says, though there's something in his voice Sansa doesn't like. She's been around him enough by now to hear the things he doesn't say, and Tyrion's tone is... well, if she didn't know any better, she'd say he sounds almost giddy.
“Won't it muddle the story?” she frowns, grabbing one of the portable fans from Pod and closing her eyes for a moment as she turns it on her face. “You can't seriously be thinking of airing that. You should be focusing on the actual contestants and whatever romance he finds there.”
Sansa tries to think of the women here and she can't imagine who would even be Jon's type.
Not that she knows what Jon's type is.
She doesn't know Jon at all.
Sansa heads towards the car waiting to take her back to the hotel, and she really does not like the gleam in Tyrion's eye.
“And just to be clear,” Jon says, as everyone watches him pick up a rose from the table, “I'm not allowed to give this to you?”
Sansa can feel her face go hot, just like it does every time he flirts with her.
Everyone on the beach knows he tried to ask her on the date when he first arrived, and now it's a thing. The girls are keeping him on, giving him a rose at every elimination ceremony where they have the power, even though he hasn't formed a romantic connection with any of them. They're keeping him around for this – for the moments when Sansa is on set and Jon will, inevitably, ask if he can give her a rose or take her on a date.
There's a few cheers from the contestants, and Sansa turns a glare on them. Her friends, and even the ones she's not all that close with, are really enjoying this.
“That's against the rules,” she tells Jon, just like she has the last two times.
“Right, right,” he nods, which gets a laugh from the others. Then he turns back, holds up the rose, and says, “Missandei?” Missandei tears up as she steps forward. She'd just had her heart stomped on, and Sansa hates how sad she looks. Luckily she's made friends with a lot of the girls, especially Dany, so Sansa knows she at least has a support system here. “I think you deserve another shot at love,” Jon says as she walks over to him. “Will you accept this rose?”
“Thank you,” Missandei sniffs, giving him a watery smile.
Sansa watches and narrates the rest of the ceremony, then says goodbye to those who were eliminated. As they're wrapping up, Jon makes his way over to her.
“You're still alright?” he asks, murmurs it to her as the crew starts to herd the contestants away. But they leave Jon alone, and she knows it's because Tyrion has told them to. In fact, she's fairly certain there's a camera somewhere, trained on them right now. “Just tell me if-”
“It's fine,” she whispers. He had asked, the first time he did this, if his flirting made her uncomfortable. She had stuttered through her response, which ended up being – no. No, it didn't make her uncomfortable. The only thing that does is that they're being filmed, and she swore she'd never do this again in front of cameras.
“Alright,” he nods, eyes searching her face, like he's trying to make sure she isn't lying. “I'll see you next time, then?”
“Good night, Jon,” she says, trying to sound professional. But it's hard when he gives her a soft smile and his gaze drops to her lips, before he finally turns around and heads off with the other contestants.
“Stop filming me,” she scolds Tyrion the moment they're gone.
“What?” Tyrion says, eyes wide and innocent. “We film everything.”
“I told you I don't want to be a contestant,” she huffs. “So stop-” she waves around at the cameras that are now being packed away, now that Jon's gone.
“Seems to me,” Tyrion hums, eyebrows raised, “you could tell him to stop anytime and he would. Then we'd have nothing to film.”
Tyrion spins on his heel and walks away and she stares after him, mouth agape.
Sansa groans as she zips up her makeup bag, looking at herself one last time in the mirror before she heads back into the living quarters of her hotel room.
Production had interrupted her very important sipping-margaritas-by-the-pool time to tell her she had to get camera ready. She wasn't supposed to film today, so she has no idea what's going on.
There's a knock at her door and she makes her way over to it, expecting Tyrion to be on the other side.
Instead, it's Jon.
“Hi,” she says, eyes immediately darting around the hall to look for the cameras.
Except there aren't any. At least not that she can see. Just a production assistant waiting a distance away.
“Hey,” he says, giving her that same soft, warm smile. “I just wanted to let you know, I've uh... I've decided to leave.”
“Yeah,” he sighs. “I mean, obviously this isn't for me. I've known that since I got here. I should've left earlier, if I'm being honest, but...”
His eyes meet hers, and something swoops low in her belly that she tries to ignore.
“Anyway,” he continues. “I just wanted to um... here.” He hands her a piece of paper and she unfolds it to find- “My number,” he says, as if she couldn't figure that out. “In case you ever wanted to call me. I don't really look at any social media, so if you tried to contact me that way... but yeah. You can call me if you want.”
Her head feels completely empty of words, and all she can do is nod.
He leaves, then, escorted out by the production assistant who had been waiting down the hall, and Sansa slowly closes the door and goes to sit on the couch.
She's not sure how long she sits there, staring blankly into the distance, when a knock comes at the door and she jolts out of her reverie.
It is Tyrion this time, and he gives her a look.
“Did you get the footage you wanted?” she asks, trying to sound annoyed, though she's still reeling. Still clutching that scrap of paper.
“Didn't get any footage,” Tyrion drawls. “Did you see a camera around?”
She hadn't, but they're sneaky sometimes.
“He asked to come up, but said he wouldn't if we followed him with cameras, so-” Tyrion shrugs.
“Why would you agree to that?”
A look passes over Tyrion's face, something she might almost describe as soft. Affectionate. Or, she would, if she didn't know Tyrion better than that.
“I know we're usually all cynics here,” he says, “and hey, maybe the show's finally brainwashed me, but I think you deserve that love story you were looking for.”
Sansa sucks in a breath as Tyrion reaches out and places a hand on her arm, just for a moment, before he lets go and leaves her hotel room.
Still in a daze, she walks back and sits on the couch, before pulling out her phone, and adding his number.
Hi, she types. This is Sansa Stark.
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sholangagaga · 3 years
How would the Synthetics celebrate Gregory's birthday? (If he tells them when it is of course)
I totally think it would be all hands on deck for making it the biggest celebration ever lol
- Ramen Anon
Oh LORD, that would be something! Let's talk about Greg's first birthday at the Pizzaplex!
As always, everything will be under the cut!
Now I don't know for sure how long Gregory was homeless. It could be that maybe he never celebrated his birthday (either due to neglect or just plain poverty) and he might've forgotten about it while living alone (because he would prioritize survival over something tedious like a birthday party)
So when he comes to the Pizzaplex, a place literally made for birthdays and child merriment, he's a bit. . .conflicted
Maybe he would think these kinds of parties are way too extravagant, its a waste of time and money. Or maybe he'd be a bit envious, since he never got this treatment like he should've
Freddy may have asked, and Gregory simply said "I don't remember". And since there's no records of Gregory, there's no real way to find out for sure what it was. So, Freddy decides that Gregory's birthday is the day they found him, Vanessa guesstimates his age judging by his size and what Gregory told her, and suddenly everyone is marking their calendars
The weeks before that day are odd, to say the least. The synthetics are distant, they're way too busy, even at night, and they just seem uninterested with entertaining Gregory for some reason. This worries him, did he do something wrong? Did their programming change to filter him out? There's so many things that could be happening
However, Freddy assures Gregory that "Everything is okay!" "It's just for a little while!"
The day of, everything is quiet. Strangely enough, the Pizzaplex is completely closed (A joint effort from the synthetics and Jin and her technicians who pestered Fazbear Entertainment until they agreed to just one day)
It's eerie, Gregory walks around and doesn't see anyone. He wonders what's going on, and Vanessa tells him "hey, they need some help at the main stage. let's go see whats going on, okay?" and Gregory thinks its a chore to have to work on your day off, but he agrees and follows her
Its dark, aside from faint neon lights glowing along the stage. Vanessa flicks a switch and everything clicks on. The whole main stage is decorated, and a giant banner that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREGORY is hanging from the ceiling.
Everyone's there, all of the synthetics, technicians, Jin and Jaime, Vanessa, and they all erupt in a chorus of Happy Birthdays
Gregory has to pick his jaw up off the floor, looking up with wide eyes as Roxy slaps a "Birthday Brat" party hat on his head
"Today's my birthday?" "It is now, kid"
All of this, just for him. Gregory definitely cries, which concerns the synthetics and elicits warm laughter from the humans. "Those are happy tears!" the humans all say, with one technician bringing over a box of tissues. She must've prepared for this very outcome.
The party lasts all day, never a dull moment, full of laughter, singing, and dancing.
At the end of the night, the synthetics are cleaning things up as the group of humans go to leave. Gregory stops them, thanks them for coming and spending the time despite barely knowing him
"It's no problem, kid!" one of them laughs, ruffling his hair. "We had fun! Usually, all we do is work on the synthetics for maintenance. It's different, seeing them laugh and act like humans." another said.
Gregory nodded proudly. "They're just like us!" he says, "They're just made of wires instead of guts!"
The adults laugh, but don't disagree. The technicians always admittedly feared the synthetics, they were just so human but not, it was unsettling. But spending the day with them, seeing them in an environment that wasn't sterile wires and nuts and bolts, they learned their fear was a bit childish.
"If it wasn't for you, we'd have never learned that for ourselves. Happy Birthday, Gregory!"
"Next year, we'll throw a bigger party!"
"Oh, maybe we can invite some of the other branches!"
Gregory waved the adults off, but they made a very good point. There's always another birthday next year. It'd be the first time he was truly looking forward to celebrating something. He's not gonna be envious anymore, cause no one else has a family like he does
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luthienebonyx · 3 years
1 for the kisses prompts?
1. Post Break Up Kiss - The kiss that catches both of you off guard, but says I miss you, I’m sorry and please love me again all at once without any words being spoken.
So this took me a month longer to write than it should have, but it's also about three times as long as it was supposed to be, so... It definitely features a post-breakup kiss, anyway. I hope it's something like what you had in mind, anon!
They call it the backside of Tarth for the way in which the escarpment bulges out as it curves, but it's actually on the south-east shore, further down the coast from the ruins of Morne. Brienne parks her car at the lookout beside the natural fissure at the top of the bulge, known to the Westeros Geographical Names Board as Galladon's Gap and to the irreverent as the Crack, on a beautiful late spring day. There's nary a cloud in the sky, its unblemished blue expanse reflecting down into the ocean below. The waters around Tarth are frequently compared to sapphires, but sapphires come in many hues, from the light grey-blue of an approaching storm to the inky almost-black a shade away from midnight. Today, the sky is the sort of deep, intense blue that you only see when the sun begins to have some heat to it. The blue of the ocean is even deeper and more intense, and the little wavelets sparkle like the costliest of sapphires, cresting and breaking as they near the shore.
Brienne hefts her pack onto her back and sets off down the narrow, winding trail through the forest to the foothills above the beach. It's slow going just at first, the descent so steep that in some places the only way down is via steel ladders embedded against the sheer rock face, but Brienne is strong and fit and has been coming here since she was a child, and she negotiates the ladders with ease. Soon she picks up the pace, and less than an hour later she emerges from the trees at the base of the escarpment where the shack awaits her.
The shack is much sturdier than the name suggests, a snug little cabin built by Brienne's grandfather more than half a century ago, back in the days before this was declared a conservation area and all new buildings prohibited. She fits the solid, old-fashioned key in the lock and opens the door.
It's almost a surprise to find that the interior is exactly the same as the last time she was here. Gone are the rickety beds of her childhood and the gas lanterns by whose soft yellow light she would read in the evenings. Gone too is the little gas stove-top for cooking the fish she and her father would catch at the edge of the rock platform, and the shallow plastic bucket they would wash the dishes in afterwards. In their place are sleek and modern appliances powered by the array of solar panels on the roof: a shiny black induction cooktop with a small oven below, a dishwasher next to a fully-plumbed sink with a gooseneck tap, as well as a refrigerator that is many steps up from the cool box of Brienne's oldest memories.
Brienne doesn't look, but she knows that in the corner, behind a folding screen, is a double bed. It's not large, but it's still the largest bed that could possibly fit in the small space. It's just big enough to fit two tall, muscular adults who don't need or want any space between them.
It will be more than large enough for Brienne to sleep there alone tonight.
She goes over to the large window that looks out over the sheltered cove with its strip of beach flanked at either end by headlands jutting out above the rock platform. She's known this place longer than anywhere save Evenfall Hall itself, but the memories assailing her now are not old ones.
The first time she'd brought Jaime here, he'd dared her to skinnydip with him. She'd steadfastly refused, no matter how much he'd tried to goad her into it. They'd slept side by side on the floor that night, chaste in separate sleeping bags—until he'd reached for her, a questing hand closing unerringly over her breast through the slippery fabric and making her yelp in surprise.
Their two bags had been zipped together long before the sun rose over the water the next morning.
The next time they'd come here it had been their honeymoon, and there'd been no question of not skinny dipping. Brienne hadn't worn much in the way of clothes either in or out of the water that entire week, and she hadn't regretted it. Especially not when it meant that Jaime spent the time equally unclothed. All that bare skin had required the frequent application of a lot of sunscreen...
The time after that, he'd had the solar panels and appliances installed beforehand as a surprise. It had definitely been that. Brienne had hardly recognised her beloved old shack. Maybe she felt a little pang of regret for what had been and now no longer was. Maybe the sheer high-handedness of it all was a sign she should have heeded—but no mere place could hold a candle to the fire of her feelings for the man she'd married, and she'd grinned along with him as they watched the bed being delivered by boat, then gone to help as the delivery men struggled to get it in through the door despite Jaime pointing out that this was their job and they were being paid above and beyond their usual rates.
They'd taken off the castors and got the bed inside at last. The men had then screwed them back on, squeezed the bed into the corner of the shack, and departed, and Brienne had been alone with Jaime again.
They'd given the bed a test run on the bare mattress before Brienne had a chance to make it up with fresh linens. She'd been laughing and protesting that the delivery boat still hadn't rounded the headland as Jaime pushed her back against the pillows, and then he'd knelt between her legs and laughs and protests both had melted away quicker than an ice cube left on the sand on a hot summer day.
She still wonders, blushing a little now at the memory as she never had at the time, if the noises Jaime had coaxed from her as they'd tried out the bed had drifted out across the water and reached the departing boat.
It's still early afternoon and the perfect weather for a dip in the ocean. Brienne changes into her swimming costume first, and then she's out the door, discarding her towel and beach bag as she goes, running across dry sand, and then wet—the tide is coming in—until she reaches the water's edge. A small wave breaks close in and races up the sand and over her bare feet. There's the shock of cold water against her skin in the first moment, but only for a moment. By the time a second wave washes up over her feet she doesn't feel the cold any more. Brienne looks down at her toes, sinking into the sand as the water falls back towards the ocean. She knows that as soon as she moves the next wave will wash her footprints away, as if she'd never been there at all.
She stands there a moment longer, and then in a few quick strides she's splashing into the surf, turning to meet each wave side-on as she makes her way with sure steps out to the deeper water. It's close to high tide, and she doesn't have to go far before she's thigh-deep and face to face with her first decent-sized wave. It breaks just before it reaches her. She knows better than to hesitate, and dives under the churning surf, as deep as she can to find the calmer waters beneath.
She surfaces on the other side, taking a deep gulp of air as she pushes her hair out of her eyes, slicking it back so she can see properly again, and swims out to meet the next wave, and then the next. Eventually she makes it out to the back of the surf, beyond the breakers. She stays there for a while, pushing off the sandy bottom with her feet, going up and over each large, slow unbroken wave.
She concentrates on the waves, on the here and now, and yes, it's the best way she knows to simply exist in the moment, just being, without really doing, or thinking about, anything.
Or anyone.
Brienne's always loved being in the water, loved the solitary challenge of herself against, and at one with, the waves.
She stays there about half an hour before she can't stand it any more.
Read the rest at AO3
Types of Kisses Prompts meme
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duketheman · 5 years
Generation 4 Part 4
Skipping ahead seven months
Sunday November 24, 2019
"John Ross comes home for the Holidays"
It's 4:30am & I'm finishing up my cup of coffee & Mary is asleep as she's getting close to the Delivery date & I want her to rest. I'm sure she'll be up before I get back from the Airport with JR! His flight is scheduled to arrive at 6:00am & I'm being cautious as to have plenty of time to park & meet him at the gate! We don't miss Church, so we'll attend evening service tonight! It's 4:45am & I'm on my way to Miami International to pick up JR. Mary is so excited & as for Kellyanne, I've asked George to bring her to the house later! JR wanted to surprise her, so we didn't mention him coming home yet! It's 5:30am & I've arrived at the airport. I park in the Garage & walk across to the terminal to the arrival gate! I go to the coffee shop & purchase a Cinnamon Bun & a cup of coffee, sit down & wait for the flight to land! Ahh, his flight is landing! It 6:15am & late. But no matter, it's here, safe & that's what counts! The airport is just starting to get crowded Thanksgiving holiday & all! It's 6:40am & JR is just getting through Security! I tell: ~JR!!!!~ He sees me & walks towards in my direction. First words out of his mouth: ~Dad, how Kellyanne, God I miss her! Oh you to Dad, how have you & mom been, Is she showing big now?~ I reply: ~We've been fine & yeaaa! She showing real big son! Did Kellyanne tell you she's got a baby sister coming around the same time as you new baby
brother?~ He replies: ~Yea, that's something, isn't Dad! Weird but I like it. They can be best friends! Let's go home Dad, I really want to to see Mom. I miss her so much! Sometimes when I was down & stuck on something I thought I couldn't do; Mom encouraged me & told me I can do anything if I put my mind to it! Just like when I was a kid! She called me allot Dad!~ I reply: ~She's that way son. Always has been. She loves you more than anything! Let's go, she's probably awake & cooking us breakfast as we speak!~ We pick his bags out from the Baggage Carousel, left the terminal & walked across to the garage where my Beamer was parked! It's 7:55am & we're headed for home! We're pulling into our Driveway & it's 9:00am. JR darts for the house! He really missed his Mother! I get the bags & carry them into the house! I open the door & the two of them are hugging each other like it's been years! My wife is crying she's so happy to see her little man! I walk by them with the bags & carry them upstairs to JR's room! I smell food & I welcome it, I'm starving! She's got Bacon, sausage, Biscuits, white gravy, eggs & grape jelly on the table. Grape is JR's favorite! We have Orange juice, milk, coffee & apple juice for Mary. My wife says: ~You boys dig in now, while it's hot!~ Nobody has to tell me twice, I'm hungry! I'm finished eating, & I get up, pick up the table & clean everything up. That gives time for Mary to catch up with JR! Afterall, at 12:30pm, Kellyanne will be here & they're going to be spending an awful lot of time together! I'm done with the dishes, those two are still at it, so I go into the library & read up on seaman regulations! They're constantly changing! Wow, two hours & my eyes are killing me, I need a break! Doorbell is ringing, it 12:25pm. It's George, Lucy & Kellyanne! I invite them in & before I can say anything, Kellyanne sees JR. She yells out in Joy: ~John Ross! 'O John Ross, I didn't even know you were going to be here! When did you get in?~ He replies: ~I wanted to surprise you! I got in early this morning! I've missed you so much Kellyanne!~ She replies:
~John Ross, I've missed you terribly! I'm so happy you're home! How long are are you home for John Ross?~ He replies: ~ I have to leave on January 2, 2020. I'm here until after the Holidays!~ The go into the other room so they can talk! Man, I can't tell who's belly is bigger! Oh well, next month the new ones will be filling everybody's hearts with joy!
Skipping ahead to November 27
It's 7:00am & Mary, myself, JR, George, Lucy & Kellyanne are getting ready to board a flight to Valdosta Regional Airport Headed to spend the Holidays with my parents! Mary's Parents & Julia's Mother will also be joining us at the Mansion! We've checked our luggage & it's 7:30am. Our flight leaves at 8:00am & we're going through Security now! It's 7:55am & we're boarding the plane! The trip is expected to be smooth & take approximately 4 hours with 1 stop. We should be landing at about 12:00pm! I will be happy to see my parents & JR certainly will enjoy seeing all of his Grandparents in one place. This will probably be the last time he'll see his Grandma Rachael! She's been in poor health lately. I'm glad she'll have time with JR! It's 12:05pm & we're landing. We disembark the plane & run through Security. It's 12:45pm & we're heading towards the Baggage Carousel! The ladies are seated so not to put strain on them. They are just about a week from due date! My Father has sent a Limousine service to pick us up because of the amount of people! I spot the Chofer holding a sign with our name on it! I signal him to come & give us a hand! We get a Baggage cart & load the luggage onto it & head for the door. The Car is parked at the loading zone. We help the ladies in the we get in. The Chofer loads the luggage in the trunk! We're on our way to Madison County, just across the State line. About 30-35 minutes from here to the Mansion! It's 1:30am & we're pulling onto the Grounds of Newport Mansion! George says: ~Dang Harry, dis place be beautiful! I ain't neva seen a place be like dis!~ I reply: ~It's just a place to live George! Too big for me!~ My Parents are both outside waiting for us as we pull up! My Mother is quite famous for her Sweet tea & Lemonade! My Grandma Nippy's recipe! She welcome everyone. She kisses me on the cheek & my wife & says:
~We've missed you!~ She shakes the hands of George & Lucy & says: ~You're most welcome here, consider yourselves part of the family. My name is Candace, you may call me Candy!~ She looks at Kellyanne & says: ~Now, who do we have here child? Such a Beautiful young Lady!~ She replies: ~My name is Kellyanne Mam, Pleased to meet you! Mother replies: ~ So polite! Well then Kellyanne, you can call me Grandma if you wish. ~Now everyone, this is Charles, my husband Harry's Father!~ She turns to JR & says: ~Now John Ross, come here my boy & let you Grandma give you some love!~ He walks over to Mother & holds out his arms & my Mother gives her Grandson a hug to remember! She says: 'O John Ross, I've missed you so much! I'm so proud of you & I'm so glad you could make it & spend the Holidays with us!
Rachael, will be flying in tonight, Will & Laura are driving & should be here soon! Our family keeps growing! Now for you two expecting Mothers, arrangements have been made with Madison County Memorial Hospital! I have a Dr Jameson on call in case of an emergency! I believe your Doctor is Kleinpeter? Dr Jameson says that he knows him!
Dr Jameson has with your permission agreed to take over while you're here? Both Mary & Lucy simultaneously say: ~Of course, & thanks Mom, Mary adds!~ Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show our guest to their rooms!~ He replies: ~Yes Mam, (looks at us) right this way please?~ George asks: ~Harry, a Butler, well day beat all! Dis place be Beautiful Harry!~ Mother says loudly: ~We've had a late lunch prepared for you, if you're hungry!~ I reply: ~Yes, thank you Mother, I'm quite
hungry!~ George adds: ~Me too, me belly be achin, really achin! Me be thirsty too! Harry, Rich people drink beer?~ I reply: Yes George, my Father was born in Texas. He enjoys a cold Bud once in a while! But he quite likes his Brandy!~ He replies: ~Me too!~ I leave my wife upstairs to change & come down to say a real hello to my Father: ~Hello Father, I've missed you!~ He turns to me & says: ~Son, I've missed you too! I'm so happy you came to spend the Holidays with us!~ He hugs me & says: ~ I love you Son!~ I've always been close to my Father! He's a Good man & has always done his very best for his family! I ask: ~Father, will my Sister & Brothers be joining us?~ He replies: ~Jaime had to make a choice! She's spending Thanksgiving with Bill's parents! They'll be joining us for Christmas! You're Brothers have to work through Thanksgiving because of some bureaucratic meddling! They'll be joining us this weekend!~ Everyone is coming downstairs, let's go into the Drawing room, Huntington will be serving a late lunch! Just some horderves & little stuff like that to hold you over until dinner.~ We all enter the Drawing room & Father asks: ~Drinks anyone?~ George is ready: ~Bud please?~ Father replies:
~Of course George, Would you be a Seaman by any chance my good man?~ aye, Me would Sir!~ Both our wives reply: ~Sprite if you don't mind?~ The kids have already got Coke! I request: ~Scotch on the Rocks~ In comes Huntington: ~Horderves!~ He's serving us one by one! Shrimp, Caviar, Olives, Rolled Ham, & other various treats! Kids ask him if he'd just make the a couple sandwiches & he happily agreed! We sat, enjoyed each other's company toasted the expecting Mother's & my Parents as well as Mary's & of course Rachael! It's nice being around family & friends. I'm really glad we made this trip!
4:00pm & Mary's parents just arrived from Raleigh, NC. They've got to be tired, that's at least a 11 hour trip; allowing stopping to rest & eat! Straight through, mmmmh, I'd say 8 1/2 hours! Either way, it's hard on them at their age! Mary & Mother & myself meet them at the car, & I get their luggage out of the trunk! Laura looks at her daughter & begins to cry out of happiness! She places her hand on Mary's belly, giggles & says: ~I can feel the little guy kicking in their!~ Mother walks up to Laura & says:
~Welcome my Dear Friend, we're so glad you could join us for the Holidays!~ She replies: 'O Candice, we appreciate you guys so much. I wouldn't miss it for the world, & besides; my Baby is having a Baby! Now where is John Ross?~ I reply: ~He's somewhere around here with Kellyanne!~ She replies: ~Kellyanne? Our Little man is not so little anymore, is he?~I reply: ~No Laura, he's in love!~ She remarks: ~Well, that sounds serious!~ I say: ~Yes, it is!~ Mary hugs her Father & kisses his cheek, hugs him again & says: ~'O Daddy, I've missed you so much! How have you & Mom been doing? Have you stayed well?~ He replies:~Yes my Dear, We've been well! I get quite bored with myself since I retired from the University, but it's worth it to spend more time with your Mother! We've missed you too!~ Candace he says: ~Where's Charles?~ She replies: ~Charles has gone to the Airport! Rachael's flight is scheduled to arrive at 5:00pm from Dallas! They'll be pulling in before you know it! Let's go inside?~ We all go into the Mansion & Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show my Dear friends to their room?~ He replies: ~Yes mam~ She adds: ~Will, Laura, We'll let you freshen up! We can talk after!~ Huntington grabs their bags & shows them to their room! It's 6:00pm & Father's arrived with Rachael! Mother & I meet them at the car. I open the rear passenger door & help Rachael out. I hug her & say: ~Mom, I'm so glad you could make it! The Holidays wouldn't be the same without you!~ She replies: ~I almost didn't come Harry, I was hurting, but I want to see you & my Grandson one more time before I join my Baby & Jimmy in Heaven! Where is that boy?~ I reply: ~I'll find him for you Mom! He's around here somewhere, he doesn't know you're here yet!~ Mother asks: ~How was your trip Rachael? How are you feeling?~ She replies: ~The trip was fine Candy, I'm just a little tired! How are you doing?~ Mother replies: ~I'm doing pretty good for an old Lady! Come inside & rest, I'll have Huntington take your bags to your room!~ They go inside & I'm in search of my son! There they are, on the swing! I call out: ~JR! Your Grandma Marcantel is here! Go see her!~ He replies: ~Grammy's here, come on Kellyanne, you'll just love her!~ He takes Kellyanne by the hand & heads for the house to see his Grandmother! She has pancreatic cancer & it's spread beyond control! There's no more they can do! This is the last time he'll see her! She's all that's left of Julia besides my son! I go back to the house & go inside! Everyone is sitting in the Drawing room talking & getting to know each other! I ask George: ~How's it going Buddy, enjoying yourself?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, ya be havin a huge family ya be Harry! Me like very allot!~
It's 7:00pm & Huntington announces: ~Dinner is being served in the Dinning room!~ We all go towards the Dining & are seated! George's eyes have doubled in size! I haven't seen this table filled in years, since my Wedding! The food looks Delicious. Tomorrow is the Big one, Thanksgiving! Mother goes all out! We finish dinner & retire to the Drawing room. It's 9:00pm & my Father offers drinks. The kids are drinking soft drinks. The ladies all, except for Mother, request just water. Rebecca needs to take her meds. The remaining four of us have Brandy! We sit & visit & we are truly family! It's 10:00pm & we're all tired! Rachael calls me over & whispers to me: ~Harry, please take me to see my Julia in the morning?~ I reply: ~Of course I will Mom! First thing.... We say Goodnight & retire to our rooms respectfully! My poor Mary, her legs are swelled up, so I run her a warm bath. I wash her back for her, I love pampering my wife! I take a shower & we both get into bed. I rub her legs for her to make them feel better! We lay down & I put my arm around her, resting my hand on her belly! I can feel the baby moving around inside of her, God is Good! Goodnight all!
Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Morning
Julia's Grave
It's early, 6:00am, & My son & I are up drinking coffee! The others are still sleeping. I promised Rachael that I would take her over to the East side of the property to see Julia's grave! JR wanted to come along to see his Mother's grave & asked if he could come along! It's 7:00am & Rebecca has come down stairs. I ask: ~Coffee mom?~ She replies: ~No, but thank you Harry! Coffee doesn't agree with me anymore. Maybe some juice diluted with water?~I reply: ~Sure mom, Apple juice okay?~ She replies: ~That will be fine Harry, Thanks!~ She takes out this pharmacy of medication out & begins to take them a few at a time! She asks: ~Harry, can I have a piece of toast, no butter? Just to settle my stomach!~ I reply: ~Sure mom, I'll fix it for you now!~ I give a plate with toast & she nibbles on it until it's gone! 
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It's 8:00am & I borrowed my Father's car! We're enroute to the East side of the property where our Family Cemetery's located! It's about a twenty minute drive. It's 8:25 & we've arrived at the cemetery. I help Rachael out of the car & the three of us walk over to Julia's grave. Rachael puts her hand on the Gravestone & talks to her daughter with tears in her eyes: ~I'll be with you & your Daddy soon Baby! We all miss you so much! John Ross is here! He misses you too Julia! But he's doing fine! You'd be so proud of him, he's grown into a fine young man!~ She closed eyes and said a prayer. JR took hold of her hand & prayed with her. He said: ~I love you Mom, I've never forgotten how you use to hold me! I never will Mom, I promise!~ I too had my own private talk with Julia, I shall keep to myself! Rachael asks: ~Harry, what a beautiful Headstone! I've never quite seen one like this before!~ I reply: ~Julia always loved the Dolphins! I only thought it right to have them watch over her!~ She replies:
Thank you Harry for that! She always thought they were the true Mermaids of the Sea! She had a whole shelf full as a little girl!~ I place an array of Julia's favorite flowers on her grave! I say: ~Mom, you know we all love you. You know JR & I love you. My Parents love you! Mom, we'd like to move Dad from Shreveport & lay him to rest beside Julia with your permission! Mom, we've a spot here for you too! She's got tears in her eyes & replies: ~Harry, we have nobody in Shreveport! Yes, of course you have my permission! Harry, our Julia loved you very much! God Bless you
Harry!~ We get back in the car & ride back to the Mansion! Throughout the day we all had time to catch up. Later that evening......
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Thanksgiving Dinner
Huntington rings a bell: Dinner is being served! May I offer my Heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Mother announces: ~Today is Thanksgiving Huntington, & you are considered part of this family. You'll be eating with us tonight Huntington!~ He replies: ~Yes Mam, thank you mam!~ I've never seen Huntington smile before, but he's smiling now!
The twelve of us all go to the Dining room & are seated as such: Mother & Father at each end. Rachael is seated on Mother's right & Huntington on her left. Kellyann is seated next to Rachael & JR next to Huntington. Lucy is seated next to Kellyanne & her George next to JR. Mary's Mother is seated next to Lucy & he Father is seated next to George. Mary is seated on my Father's left & I on his right! My Father says Grace over the Thanksgiving Feast. Amen. The table is set in a Formal matter & with a Feast fit for Royalty, everything anyone could imagine. My Mother always does it right!
We eat drink & be Thankful for the food, love of Family & all God has provided us! God is Truly Good! God Bless us all!
We're finished with dinner & all retire to the Drawing room for Drinks & conversation! Mother decides that it's time that we put some Christmas music on! Tomorrow she will be putting up a tree! She has a 21ft Douglas Fur being trucked in from Atlanta in the morning.
We're singing Christmas Carols, we've only 27 days till Christmas! It's 11:30pm. Rachael looks tired. She needs to rest, I help her upstairs to her room! She's in pain & I ask: ~Mom, is there anything I can do?~ She replies:
~No Harry, It'll pass! I just need to rest! Thank you Harry, for everything! I reply: ~Goodnight Mom, Sleep well!~
I go back downstairs & join the rest of the Family! It's 1:00am & we decide to end the night & retire to our rooms.
Mary's Water Breaks!
We say our Goodnights & go upstairs. While in the bathroom, Mary calls me in: ~Harry, it's time,my water broke!~ I reply ~Darling, it's too early!~ I'm quite anxious by now! She has a bag ready & I proceed to take her downstairs, only stopping to knock on Mother's door to let her know & Mary's parents, who's wanting to accompany us. They'll drive since their car is here! Mother's calling Dr Jameson to meet us at Memorial!
We make Madison County Hospital & its 2:15am. Professor Covington drops us off at the Emergency entrance & I grab a wheelchair & wheel Mary in. I'm going out of my mind & Mary is cool, calm & collective. We get her admitted & Dr Jameson arrives. He examines her & says: ~How are you doing young lady?~ Mary replies: ~I'm having a Baby!~ He turns to me & asks: ~Your the Father, Are you going to be in there with her~ I reply I can be there too?~ He replies ~Yes, of course, better hurry & get ready! She's almost fully dilated, it won't be long! He tells the nurse to have me wash my hands, get me a gown & mask. He has Mary get in a gown & lay on a gurney. The wheel her I to the delivery room & I follow. They transfer her to a Delivery table. The Dr asks: ~Want an epidural?~ She replies: No Doctor, I want this to be natural!~ The nurse says: ~She's fully dilated Doctor~ He replies: ~Good, I want you to breathe!~ I'm watching this as he reaches between her legs, gently grasp this little head coming out of my wife!
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Friday November 29, 2019
Time of Birth: 4:11am
Harry Jr. 7 lbs 13oz
He's crying as he comes out. I always thought they had to swat the rear end. I'm evidently wrong! He hands him to the nurse who places him on my wife's belly as he cuts the umbilical cord & cleans the fluids out of his mouth & nose! They wrap him in a blanket & hand him to me, while they clean Mary up! He's perfect & healthy & his Mother his okay too. God is Good, thank you Lord!
They're done cleaning her up, I kiss her & say:
~I love you Mrs Newport, he's perfect. ~ She replies: ~'O my Harry, I love!~ They hand her the baby & she's as proud as she can be! She crying & says: Harry: ~His name is Harold Joseph Jr.!~ She named him after me!
They tell they're taking her to the room & will let me know when I & the Grandparents can come in! I go to the visiting room & give Mary's parents the news. They are ecstatic that they have a new Grandson. It's 5:30am & I call my Mother. I spoke to JR & told him he has a new baby Brother. Everyone is excited to hear the news & are making ready to come to the Hospital. It's 8:00am, my parents, JR & Kellyanne arrive to visit Marry! The Baby is in the Nursery for now & can be viewed through a window. George & Lucy will visit later when I come back to the Hospital! Rebecca is not feeling well & is resting in her room. Mother has hired a nurse to stay with us as long as Rachael needs her! It's 10:00am & I kiss my wife, tell her I love her & I need to go get a couple hours rest & check on Rachael! We'll ride home with my parents & I'll return this afternoon. We head home & Mary's parents will follow so she can get her rest. We get home, it's 10:50am. I go upstairs to check on Rachael & find she's in pain. I ring for the nurse & she explains that she just gave her a shot of Morphine & anymore would be dangerous! She get some cool towels so to bring her temperature under control. I ask: ~Mom, how are you doing?~ She replies: ~It'll pass son, thank you~ She told me to get the envelope out of the Nightstand next to the bed: ~Harry, that letter gives you my Power of Attorney to handle any & all my business if necessary! I'm leaving the house to John Ross! It's his Mother's Childhood home! Please see that it's taken care of?~ I reply: ~Mom, you're not going
anywhere!~ She replies: ~Sure Harry, please do as I ask?~ I reply: ~I will Mom!~ The Morphine's doing its job & she falls asleep! She's a good woman & when she's gone, JR's only link to Julia will be too! He loves his Grammy & she loves him! Cancer took Julia, her Father & now it's taking Rachael!
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The Christmas tree’s Delivered
It's 11:35am & The delivery truck is here from Atlanta with the Christmas tree. Beautiful tree Mother has them bring it into the house & set it up in the Grand Foyer. She loves to go big! I'm going to lay down for a couple hours so I can get back to the Hospital! It's 2:30pm & I'm headed back to the Hospital, George & Lucy are accompanying me! Lucy's looking pretty tired & I hope she's okay! George is getting excited about having another child! It's 3:00pm & we arrive at the Hospital! We park, go inside & we pass Mary's parents on the way out! Laura says: ~The Baby is perfect Harry!~ Professor Covington adds: ~Yes he is, congratulations my boy! We're going back to the house. See you there!~ I reply: Thanks, I just want you to know, I'm really glad you could be here! Talk to you when we get back!~ We go up to Mary's room, she's breastfeeding the baby! George is immediately embarrassed so she covers he breast & he relaxes! Lucy say: ~How are you feeling Mary?~ She replies~ Alls well Lucy, the baby's healthy & is a perfect little guy! He looks like Harry~ She smiles & winks at me! I'm so happy they're both okay! Mary asks Lucy: ~How are you Lucy?~ She replies: ~Oh, I'm Ooooo, ahh, I'm doing, ohhhhh, George: I think it's time~ as she holds her belly... George replies: ~Time for what me luv? Oh, Oh naw, now?~ He runs out in the hall yelling for a nurse. Lucy calmly walks out & sits in a wheelchair. Mary says: ~Go with them Harry, until he settles down! I'll be fine, not going anywhere!~ I tell George to settle down, & I ask the nurse to call Dr Jameson! Lucy's water just broke & now George is frantic: ~Calm down George, everything is fine. That's supposed to happen! Weren't you there when she had Kellyanne?~ He replies: ~Me wasn't here Harry, Navy, on a
Ship!~ I reply: ~Okay old man, everything's good!~ He settling down, Doctor's here & he takes her into the exam room! Been fifteen minutes & the Doctor comes out & asks George: ~It's time Mr Richards, coming?~ I say: ~Go with the nurse George! She'll show you where to wash your hands!~ He replies: ~Fer what? I reply: ~So you can be in there with her!~ He replies: ~Me, in der, me can be wit me Lucy? Ohhh, Okay, Me be seein ya Harry!~ He looks awfully nervous, I sincerely hope he doesn't faint! I tell him to let me know when the baby comes. I go back to my wife's room, she's holding the baby! She hands the little guy to me. He's grabs my pinky finger. His grip is strong. Just like when JR was born! I'm holding a miracle in my arms, a new life. I'm worried about Rachael too, I don't think she's got long. She says she's ready, she wants to be with Julia & The Rev!.......
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Friday, November 29, 2019
Time of Birth: 7:03pm
Anabel 6lbs 2 oz
It's 7:15pm & George comes into the room: ~Me little girl be born at 7:03pm. She be Beautiful Harry, but Me need a beer!~ I ask: ~What's her name George?~ He replies: ~Anabel Josephine Richards, after me Mum!~ I reply: ~That's a Beautiful name George, is she in the Nursery?~ He nods his head Yes, & we go to see the Annabelle! She's really quite a beautiful baby. George says: ~She got me mum's eyes~ I reply: ~She's Beautiful George, Congratulations old man!~ He replies: ~Well then, Me be thankful to God, & Harry, ifin ya not be mindin, Me & me Lucy be wantin fer ya & ya Mary to be da Godmuder & Fadder, dat is, ifin ya not be mindin?~ I reply: ~George, we will be honored!~ Next he takes me to see Lucy, she had a rough time of it. She went natural too, but was in labor four hours! She's doing well now! George says: ~Me neva see nuttin like it Harry! Dat der Doctor reach down der & he pull me little girl out! Harry, she be so little, when I be holdin her, be like a bird! Awhh Me be Lovin her Harry & me Lucy too!~ I reply: ~I know old man! You call Kellyanne yet & tell her she's got a new Baby sister?~ He replies: ~Nay, Me ferget Harry! Me do now!~ I tell him I'm going back to Mary's room, there's only twenty minutes of visiting time left. Both our wives need to get their rest. Mary & Harry Jr are scheduled to be released tomorrow. I'm back in Mary's room. The nurse just gave me a ten minute heads up! I say: ~Darling, you sure gave us a Beautiful baby. I love you with all my life!~ I kiss & hold her in my arms for a minute. It's 9:00pm straight up & the nurse reaffirms it by telling me, Visiting hours are over. I say thanks, kiss my wife & tell her I will be here at 8:00am to sign her & the baby out! I meet George out in the hall, head downstairs & to Father's car! We head back to the Mansion. It's 10:00pm & we arrive, followed by my sister Jamie & her husband Bill Langley. They drove in from Little Rock! We step out of the car & greet them. I introduce George & fill them in with the news. Been a busy last couple of days. Jamie asks: ~How is Mary & the baby?~ I reply: ~They're doing well & Jamie, Little Harry is absolutely perfect!~ She hugs me & kisses me on the cheek: ~I'm glad Harry, you two deserve all the happiness in the world!~ Then she turns to George & says: ~How are your wife & baby doing?~ He replies: ~Good, me be thankin ya fer askin~ We go I to the house & our parents are waiting for me. They didn't know that Jamie & Bill were coming in tonight? Mother sees Jamie, & is surprised: ~Jaime, I wasn't aware you were coming in tonight! She hugs & kisses her hello, hugs Bob, he's a man of few words! Jaime sees Father, & like a little girl, runs into his arms: ~Daddy, 'O I've missed you Daddy! How have you been?~ He replies: ~Quite well Jaime! I've missed you too! I wish we could see more of you!~ They hug & my sister is reluctant to release him. She's always been a "Daddy's Little Girl". Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show my Daughter & Son in-law to their room?~ He replies ~Yes Mam! He takes their bags & shows them to the room! Mother says: ~Tomorrow's the first day of December Son! Everyone will be here, the girls will be home from the hospital & we're going to decorate the tree!~ I reply: ~Yes Mother, I'm bringing Mary & the Baby home tomorrow morning. Lucy & their little one should be getting the next day! Right George?~ George replies: ~Right, Sunday!~ Mother replies: ~Good then, this is so wonderful, I just love Christmas time! God has graced us once again with two new lives, what can be better than that?, Goodnight you two! We tell my mother Goodnight & she goes upstairs! My Father says: ~You both look like you can use a drink! I reply reply: ~Scotch please Father?~ George replies: ~Me too, please, Me be thankin ya fer it Sir!~ My Father says: ~Very well~ He pours us both a Scotch on the rocks. We toast each other, drink our drinks & say Goodnight! Its been a long couple of days but we're Blessed!
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