#nocek answers things
nocek · 1 year
What about Erin ‘Spider-Gwen’ Hasko — a Spider-Woman who like Gwen Poole is a girl from (a version of) the real world where she was an actor playing Spider-Woman before being recruited by the Web Warriors to become a real one. No powers so to speak of, just three martial arts and some web-shooters she has to be careful with (what with a physique no greater-than-that of Hollywood-trainer-level, which is still pretty good, enough for herself to hold her own): anyway, I feel an interaction between her, the real Gwen Stacy, and Gwen Poole, could be quite fun.
TBH I needed to google her since I did most of my marvel comics reading like a 10 tears ago and wiki says she only appeared in two issues of Web Warriors in 2016. Which may not be accurate but oh do I feel you my friend. Neat little character that had potential that went underutilized. That's comic books for you :<
I don't know anything about her so I most likely won't draw her but I must say
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her suit may be slightly overdesigned (thank you movies influence? i guess) but i really dig the turtleneck/bandana idk-how-to-call-it thingie. It goes nicely with the hood. oh and the pink blue pattern under her arms is neat :3
(picture obviously from Web Warriors #1)
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i-llbedammned · 5 years
Cool Heroes Don’t Look At Explosions
This is for the BuckyNat Secret Santa 2019!  This is for @nocek  !  I used the prompts “Shenanigans with Alpine and Liho.”  and “Cool heros don't look back at explosions.”  I hope you enjoy it! Title: Cool Heroes Don’t Look at Explosions Word Count: 2694 Summary:
Fic: “Come back here!” came a loud noise as with a crash a white cat ran straight through the screen door. Fast behind them came a man who would strike terror into most people- The Winter Soldier himself, albeit if he was intending to be on a mission he likely would have went with something a little bit more combat oriented than a black and red flannel and jeans. As it was he was having a time pulling on his boots while trying to catch a very determined white cat who took it upon themselves to begin their ascent up a telephone pole.
Curses mumbled in Russian emerged from Bucky’s mouth as he stared up at his companion before he switched gears, clicking and hissing gently to try and coax the animal down.“Come on Alpine, Come back down.” He crooned, only to be met with a rough “Mow” as Alpine briefly turned around to look at him before continuing on his way.
With a dexterity that is usually reserved for super spies the cat wound his way through trees, always one step ahead of Bucky Barnes. It wasn’t his fault but the cat chose to go through the most narrow passages that were covered with thorns. Every. Time. At least no one was around to see him chasing helplessly after a cat.A rustle in the bushes and he tensed up. This mountain was pretty abandoned, at least in the area he chose to live in. 
He reached for the gun at his hip, keeping his eyes on the cat and following. Assassins didn’t care if you just wanted to catch your pet.
Much to his surprise he heard a very familiar voice crooning, “Come on, Liho. You don’t even like the snow.” 
A moment later a black cat came dashing through the bushes to collide with Alpine. Fast behind followed Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow dressed in a white sweater and black leather leggings, looking just about as pleased as Bucky was to be out in the snow at the moment. His muscles relaxed and he took his hand off his weapon. If she wanted to kill him, he wouldn’t have seen her so blatantly.Rather than exchanging pleasantries, Bucky instead took the opportunity to lunge for Alpine while he was knocked down. Alas, the cat was a little too quick and instead he nose-dived into the snow.
“That kind of day for you too?” Natasha laughed, extending a hand to him to help him up. Up the sleeves of her fluffy sweater he noticed that there were still lock picks and stun darts and he grinned. 
Even a pet emergency could leave you vulnerable and there were few people who could understand that.“The damn cat won’t stop moving.” He replied lightly as they both stalked their respective pets.
Natasha nodded, her red hair failing down past her shoulders as she did so, “Much the same with Liho. She woke up this morning and decided to explore.”
As if signaled by their talks, both cats raced each other to the edge of a hill.
“Great,” grumbled Bucky, “They’re teaming up against us.”
“The monsters. How could they?” dryly replied the Black Widow, watching with bemused eyes as the cats slid gracelessly down a hill in a fur-based snowball.
The sound of metal grinding against metal made them both freeze, smiles stuck halfway on their faces. No one should be out here, even the loggers had shut down for the season. Natasha threw herself to the ground as Bucky hid behind a tree. 
With a well-practiced grace she made her way wordlessly forward.The Winter Soldier quirked an eyebrow to ask if it was okay to move forward and she gave him the most subtle of nods before turning her attention back to the situation over the hill. Taking a similar position on the ground, he lay next to her among the snow and brush. 
Down the hill, there was a factory of some sort. They scanned around. Soldiers, army transport trucks, chainlink fence topped with barbed wire- all things they were intimately familiar with yet were not fully prepared to see out here. 
“Red Skull,” Natasha muttered, pointing her chin towards a sign written in German on the side of the building, “Not sure what it’s for, but that’s his signature.”
“Have I mentioned how much I really hate Nazis?” Bucky replied, feeling a pre-emptive headache begin to form at the thought of how much work this was going to be.
That is if their cats didn’t blow their cover. 
Heedless of their deadly predicament, the two animals had recovered from their tumble and were now dashing towards the fence.
“Gotta stop them. If they are spotted, people will know someone is nearby,” Natasha got to a crouch and began her descent down the hill without another word, dashing like a shadow after the cats.
“I would prefer not shoot my way out of my problems today. That’ll be a lot of wetwork,” Bucky sighed, following suit. Not that he couldn’t, but he was honestly having a relaxing vacation other than this incident. It definitely was not because he didn’t want Natasha or the cats to get hurt because soldiers didn’t care about things like that.
There was a hissed curse in Russian as he reached the bottom of hill and the sound of metal being clipped. “What now?” he asked, knowing the answer even before he said it.
“The cats found the one gap in the fence.” She responded, her metal snips working away quickly to widen the hole big enough for her to fit through
.“Gotta stop teaching them the tools of the trade,” He responded, glad that the fence was not electrified.
“Now you tell me,” she jibed, as she slid her way in. Lacking her grace, Bucky instead used his metal arm to tear the hole a bit wider. He didn’t have any intention of leaving this base untouched so the need for stealth was pretty much moot in his eyes.
Luck, for the first time of the day, was on their side. The cats did not run across any soldiers and no one noticed the gap in the fence, at least for now.
 However the chances of being unnoticed were less and less as the felines padded their way towards the side of the building. Before they could get caught by the cameras, Bucky flung a knife at them, crushing the electronics.
Liho batted at a vent as the animals reached the bricks. Good, at least now they were stopped.“Got you now.” Natasha grinned, only to be further disappointed as the vent opened just enough for both cats to slide into.
“I can’t go in there,” The Winter Soldier gestured to his arm and broad shoulders.
Natasha looked around, craning her head upwards, “Think you can reach up there?”
Following her gaze he saw there was a high window without bars on it, “Yeah, no problem there.”
“I’ll follow the cats. You catch up with us inside.” Shedding her sweater to reveal a black tank top, the Russian assassin-turned-hero shoved herself into the ventilation system. 
He swore she had to have one of those collapsible skeletons like rat from how easy she made it look.Now to deal with his situation. Getting to the window wasn’t a problem, but getting in without shattering the glass might be. Turning his head to either side, he checked for guards but a commotion out front with one of the trucks had them otherwise occupied. With barely an effort, he jumped upwards, digging his metal hand into the stone and using that to fling himself upwards. 
For a moment he froze, listening to see if the sound of crunching stone would alert anyone to his presence, but no one immediately cried out. He dug his boots into the hole made by the metal hand before checking the window. 
Locked, but that was nothing new. Hitting a button on his arm, a small drill came out of one of his fingers –one of Tony’s improvements to the system made during his brief time with the Avengers.The drill made short work of the lock, allowing the glass panel to pop out of the frame and the Winter Solider to make his way into the factory. For a moment he paused, standing in the white light cast by the snow outside amongst all the blackness around him as his eyes adjusted. Dust motes whirled in the air, pushed by the new wind he had brought in. Slowly the room took shape. Walls of computers took form. Large tanks of something that smelled volatile and acrid. Cameras glowing everywhere.With bold steps he walked forward. 
There was no way they didn’t see him on the cameras by now, so he might was well actually learn what Red Skull was doing out in the middle of nowhere. He was sure that any headache that would be caused by his actions would be forgiven if he brought something valuable to S.H.I.E.L.D.
“Bucky, there’s-“ Natasha began, stepping behind him with two cats looking quite sour in her arms. Her tone was all business, but the concern was there.
“Bombs,” he finished as the final piece of data went through, “A lot of bombs.”
“They plan on trying to blow up the UN summit. I was able to grab some documents from their files before they got too close for comfort.”
Despite the circumstances he cast a sideways glance at her, admiration gracing his eyes, “All while making sure the cats stayed safe, I see.”
“I came in here with a mission to get the cats. I wasn’t about to lose sight of the primary objective even with the new threat.” She said, a small grin on her face before it melted away, “We can’t let this stand. Millions will die if we do.”
Bucky nodded. He knew what needed to be done, “Start running, Nat.”
“What are you-“ she began, trying to look over his shoulder at the program he was putting into the system.
“Just run. I’ll catch up.” His hands never stopped working, nor did his gaze look at her but his voice sounded concerned. It wasn’t something everyone would notice, but she had worked with him long enough to hear the subtle way that his voice tensed up when he was actually worried about the person.
She looked like she wanted to argue, but broke off with a sigh, “Don’t do anything stupid. I’ll meet you up the hill at the cabin we liked to visit last time we were in town.”He nodded. She paused, placing a hand on his arm that gently conveyed her worry before she was off, like a shadow racing the sun and time with two cats in her arms. 
The cabin was little more than a one room stopover that Nat used when running from people, but during the two months they had spent there a few years back they had made it feel more like home. It had been years since he had thought about it, but he knew where he would find it once he got his bearings.
She had barely been gone a few seconds when the loud sound of footsteps sounded in the halls. Shit, no time. A loud explosion from the direction Natasha had come from and the sound of angry shouts. Bless that woman, setting a bomb that bought him enough time to finish. He pressed the execution button and began to run as the door was opened and shots began to fire around him.
All of his stamina was spent pushing power to his legs.
 He had no clue what the blast radius for a bomb factory would be realistically, but he sure didn’t want to find out. Loud sirens went off behind him with the harsh crack of guns. Then there was a loud boom and a good deal of heat that he couldn’t look back to see. The force of the blast sent him sprawling, landing on his back in the snow.
Was he dead? He quiet asked himself. No, not yet at least. There was a loud ringing in his ear.Natasha was standing over him, with two cats wrapped in her white sweater. A red halo of slightly singed hair surrounded her head as she looked down at his prone form.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he mumbled, his eyes staring unfocusedly at her face against the white sky. He knew he should move, but everything felt dizzy and heavy now.
“Figured you couldn’t find the cabin without my help,” She said, bending down and picking him up with a strength that would be unexpected by fools. His feet stumble walked alongside of her, not enough wits about him to come up with a witty comeback or struggle against her help. All he could do was take solace in her strength.
The cabin had changed a bit since he had last been there. There were paintings and a few more blankets along with a bookshelf that was halfway filled and even a small bathroom. They were small details, but they made the place feel less like a halfway house and more like a home. 
After they had gotten back, Nat had started a fire in the woodburning stove and slowly the shock had worn off as he sat there.
“Here, take this.” Natasha said, handing him a warm mug that was decorated with cartoon snowmen now wearing her sweater sans cats. 
The two aforementioned mischief makers seemed to be tuckered out by their adventures and had curled up together on the opposite end of the couch.
“Coffee,” he said appreciatively, taking a sip and closing his eyes to appreciate it. His eyes slid open, “Has anyone told you that you are utterly beautiful?”
“All the time, but I never get tired of hearing you say it, James,” She said, sliding next to him close enough to where he could feel her warmth. It was nice, a comforting closeness that neither of them regularly allowed other people to take in.
“You’d think they were the spies with how they found the bomb.” He nodded, taking another sip of coffee and slinging his arm across the back of the couch.
“If they are they’re rookies, got scared the first time that they ran across combat.” Nat said, leaning against him, looking at the two cats, ”Good instincts though.” Scrapes that would heal in an hour stood out on her hands. Cool heroes didn’t look at explosions, but that didn’t mean that explosions didn’t hit them the same way. Blessedly, the technology that had birthed them had gifted them with extraordinary healing. It was one of the few severance packages they had taken away from the experiments.
James Barnes laughed, an unfamiliar gesture to him in recent years but with her it came easily enough when they were in private, “Guess we’ll have to train them more then. Gonna teach Alpine how to fire a rifle next.
”Natasha laughed, a warm rich sound, “I’m sure Fury will love that.” She paused, both of them realizing that they would need to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. sooner rather than later.
“We gotta tell them, but let’s make sure that we leave the part out about the cats.” Bucky grimaced, “I do not want to deal with Steve telling me cat stories for the next few years til we get another mission.”
“A reasonable secret.” She conceded, “But we won’t get a chance to tell him for a few days. Can’t have us escape that factory only to get shot by Red Skull as they comb the area. Best bet is to hide here and wait for everything to pass.”
“Guess we’ll have to make the most of the time that we are forced to spend together then,” He responded, a glint in his eye that made Natasha excited for the idea that was behind it.
That night, the cabin felt a lot warmer and this time it was most assuredly not a place Bucky Barnes or Natasha Romanov would ever forget about.
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nocek · 4 years
dragon Dragon DRAGON D R A G O N 𝘿 𝙍 𝘼 𝙂 𝙊 𝙉
It took me a second to figure out what you meant :D 
Toph and Zuko roadtrip will not be about dragon (this time?) but something much much MUCH more brilliantly stupid (curtesy of Sokka’s planning, he has the whole Gantt spreadsheet and all prepared ;)
But still, any excuse to doodle Zuko with dragon will be taken advantage of :}
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nocek · 4 years
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@spocksbedsidemanner and dear two Anons thank you sososo so much for your messages <3
so here goes team boomerang group hug 
As i said before. I dooodle as a equivalent of wrapping characters in a fluffy blanket and giving them hot cocoa so everybody’s favourite walkin-talkin space heater of course is very huggable and happy and it’s going to be common theme :D
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nocek · 4 years
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@zuzuzuko hell yeah more Zuko and Toph will happen :) as soon as I figure something to draw with them because that little kidnapping leading to probending “storyline” is over? I think?
unless somebody has some ideas? I’m open to prompts because any “excuse” to draw dem precious technically-not-siblings siblings will be taken :D
@elmofongo so here you have two braids in pice of one ;P
Actually I’m surprised (pleasantly surprised and giving big thumbs up of understanding to that surprise) how many people pointed out that braid. Which only happened because while drawing first panel to that comic I started thinking about how badly such a long hair would get tangled in the quite windy conditions of travelling on Appa (there even was a sketch of how badly it would get but I decided to be nice to poor Zuko :D)
Seriously. Now I’m wondering how exactly did Katara managed her undercover firenation citizen hairdo? I love it but how did it even happen? What crazy magical superpowers are you hiding Katara? 
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nocek · 4 years
Bless you, you are doing the avatar's work by blessing us with amazing zuko and toph friendship shenanigans. I'm so happy you are not done with the unstoppable force that is toph and zuko friendship, I'm happily awaiting more of that good good content
thank you so much >w<!!!!
And hell yeah there will be more content
Like below :B
Because I'm still stoked over all that sweet sweet validation in notes so I'm gonna celebrate with doodles!
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nocek · 4 years
You draw animals so soft and well and I’m amazed by your talent!!!!
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it’s easy when they are cute and fluffy XD 
Thank you so much and I’m so sorry for the late reply >.<
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nocek · 4 years
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Sorry for late reply dear anon.
And I’m sorry but I won’t be doing the Inuit tattoo drawing either :S As great as the idea looked at the face value with spreading some awareness and knowledge using popular media, and also great excuse to do some research and learn something new, the research quickly showed me that I can’t do it in a way that would agree with me.
To be honest I only found information about about woman’s tattoos so your input on men’s tattoos is really great. Thank you :)
Still the clearest point of my research still stands. All those tattoos are very personal and even if there are certain “rules to it’s symbolism” (idk how to describe that, I’m sorry) still my options would be:
copy real tattoo for “authenticity” but that would be a) stealing and b) disrespectful to the real person donning those tattoos and to artist that made them
make something vaguely inspired with real tattoos which would “bypass” the stealing (it wouldn’t really) but would be a even more disrespectful dick move
To be honest the only ethical way I can think of would be a collaborative art with Inuk artist where they could share their idea for tattoos. And that is assuming they would like to do that for a cartoon character from a show that I’m pretty sure by today standard is doing maybe not so great when it comes to representation of their culture.
Besides,I don’t think I know any Inuk artist personally and I’m certainly not going to go and bother any over a fanart.
Although if there is any artist interested in collab or maybe you know someone that has great idea for those tattoos but cant’ draw or whatever I’d be super happy and grateful to collaborate with them :)
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nocek · 4 years
Your comic about mixed bending tournament made me think “this is what evolves to probending but they had to ban non-benders bc sokka was too good”
Sorry for answering you so late >.<
I think that what I’ve drawn and headcanoned would have evolved more into something along the lines of american pro wrestling in theatrical kind of way (because there still would be serious fights and as little I understand, american wrestling is more of a form of theatre where fights are pretend ones??? although maybe my cultural osmosis goes through parodies that I’ve taken seriousy because i don’t know better idk?)  and as far as I remember in Legend of Korra it was more of a pretty serious “olympic” sport.
But since it’s headcanon anyway time. I actually like your headcanon so much. It would be a great show because most benders would underestimate non-bender and watching them getting their asses handed to them by Sokka would be entertaining af :D Also great teaching moment for audience and maybe  way to lessen the snowball effect that had finale in LOK in the whole bender/non-bender conflict.
My headcanon was more of just a silly: non benders were allowed but none competed after Sokka because the whole team would have smaller chance of winning (in their own opinion). team boomerang / Terrible Turtleducks was winning because they had Toph. She totally was able to win team championship single handedly but decided to be nice and share the fun with friends :D (also fact that she has just the best sense of drama and decorum for that occasion :D)
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nocek · 4 years
I absolutely LOVE all your ATLA art, particularly how you draw Zuko! Now I present to you an idea: the Gaang in your Petvengers style. Which animals, whether real world or ATLA, would you assign to each one?
omg yes!!!!! this idea is brilliant and will be drawn!!!!
but first let’s crowdfund it a bit :) because with Petvengers I got some brilliant inputs and I’m happy to discuss my ideas before I draw them :)
So first off. Petvengers are smol so fitting two animals in one deal may bee to much. So I’ll stick with regular animals.
And here are my loose ideas.
Aang a birb. Obviously because the flying thing but also he would be one of those smartass birds that can talk and mimic human sounds like phone rings or shutter sounds etc for prank reasons. Because harmless fun pranks are in his nature and also he is the one of group that would talk his way of problems and it's underappreciated.
Katara i was thinking about seal but I have no idea how to draw it on a petvenger. Then I was thinking about sea otter but then it came to me....  polar bear. After all she is the mom of the group but also could and would fuck you up if needed.
Sokka I wanted to go with some sort of polar animal but Captain Boomerang could only be a kangaroo ;P (which coincidentally could also fuck you up, like most of Australian fauna and flora)
Seriously tho, he totally would be a wolf. He has his wolf themed armor, wolf-tail of awesome and also there is this whole reverse werewolf thing with Yue :D
Toph here the bending teacher animals are perfectly fitting. So choosing from either badger or mole I'd go with badger. Mostly because it's ability to deal srs damage if needed :D
Zuko 100% a dog and you can't change my mind. Our boy is way too loyal for his own good. There is also the S1 mode of all bark and no... considerablt small amount of bite. Considering
Also I think I'd draw him similar way I draw Petvengers Cap and for similar reason. Curly tail and ears that are floppy at the tip because those are the sign of shitty "guard" dog which is only valid form of dog according to some dude that shared this wisdom with me when I was I a kid and I'm still salty about this bullshit.
Suki I'd say birb also for aesthetic reasons? Wings = fans that kind of thing. But I don't know enough of birds to pick one thet is flightless, looks supper pretty but still can go tull on kicking your butt dinosaur style.
On second thought her name means a moon. So bunny? It could also fit? Cute and looks harmless but also  can go Monty Python and Holy Grail on your ass if needed.
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nocek · 4 years
you're the only person I've ever seen draw zukos royal hair affected by the burn, like so that the hair line follows it like that
Seriously? I mean thank you but I’m sure other people do too. There is so much amazing talent in this fandom!
It’s just that most of the fanarts I see he has the  s3 haircut (that I still wonder how the hell he got it in topknot for formal occasions? how did it happen? instead of some awkward super short ponytail? fuckton of hairclips and some hair extensions? I mean srsly????!!! how?!???!
and I started rambling... >.< sorry
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nocek · 4 years
Literally the first artist I saw who just captures a reality of the Avatar world I felt at 5 yo, thank you.
I’m so sorry if this reply is late (which I’m sure it is) but just let me thank you for this comment (and the rest of them! let me to just answer to all of them here). I mean I’m very happy for you and I wish I could have watched it at 5 too (which wouldn’t even be possible without some serious space-time mumbo jumbo :D) because it must have been such a great experience! 
So catching a glimpse of that is like the best complement I could get <3 so from the bottom of my heart thank you for sharing that
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nocek · 4 years
Have you thought of giving sokka some Inuit tattoos? I think he'd look great with them
Actually that’s really cool idea
To be honest I haven’t thought of that because I simply know nothing about Inuit tattoos. The few museum expositions I saw were more focused on handicraft.
Which also reminded me me that there is a game called Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) which now I need to replay. Because it’s great but also person who came up with idea of rewarding in game achievements with pieces of short video documentaries about Inuit’s culture and elements relevant to the game deserves like all the awards *.* it was the greatest
sorry I got sidetracked (but still if anyone reading this haven’t played it go do it because it’s beautiful) but back to tattoos
I’ll have to do some research on that topic so we will see
But if anyone has some links that would help in that research (or at least kick it in the right direction) or maybe have ideas/knowledge for tattoo I could draw on Sokka please let me know! I’d greatly appreciate it :)
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nocek · 4 years
Can I ask how do you do backgrounds? They are always lovely! Just that I cannot make out whether or not they are rendered pictures or hand drawn
they are just free stock photos with some photoshop sprinkled on :) 
I suck at backgrounds, as an architect with diploma to prove my mad architecture skillz I absolutely loathe drawing architecture so yeah, any fast and dirty way to work around background problem is great
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nocek · 4 years
hi I absolutely love how you draw zuko that's all thank you bye
HI :)
thank you so much! and it totally is my pleasure ;)
I draw as expression of needing to wrap character in a fuzzy blanket and giving them hot cocoa. And yeah. Zuko deserves all the fuzzy blankets and hot cocoa mugs in the world :D
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nocek · 4 years
I love your art so much, especially your avatar work? What is your favorite or some of your favorite episodes? Keep drawing!
thank you so much and I’m so sorry about getting to reply to you this late
To be honest I’m bad at picking my favourite anything ever. It changes from day to day and there  is always favourite by what category? Because it somehow still baffles me how ATLA got a range. They managed to have honest to god western episode as well as teenage beach party episode and they are one of the best ones. There was history crime investigation, footloose, ghostbusters and so much more that prove that “filler” episodes are one of the most important ones because they let our character just breathe and grow. And I love it.
That’s why I can’t wait to see if Polish Netflix will also show Legend of Korra. because I want to draw more! 
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