#non-WoL OC
shiroesuna · 5 months
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/loveheart critical hit sorry for all the spam today btw I'm just feeling kinda good about tumblr rn so I'm posting my backlog.
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zeloinator · 7 months
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Ell’s unexpected run in with her little sister Thibbirea and her students started on a rough patch~ but luckily they don’t stay in the rough patch and soon become very close~ Thibbirea comes to love not being the eldest daughter
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thatlavenderbun · 11 months
The little creatures I made up in my brain are friends, look at them 🥰
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Banana (my lalafell) manages to convince her taller companions to carry her around, giving her a better view, and Lavandin is more than happy to give her a boost as they roam around and see what trouble they can get into...
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cimarraskylark · 11 months
Once Upon a Knight...
Since I've introduced Cimarra's mother... Perhaps now is the time to introduce her father as well. Feeling a tad melancholic tonight and his lore is a bit of a comfort to me. ^-^
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"Once, I was Ennil. Now, I am Kyrel Silvernight, a Dark Knight… and your father, if you will permit me to be."
A tried and true Wood-Warder, unwavering and solitary, until the day he first spotted a young Cimarra during a mating visit to the village. He recognized her, not only because of how much she looked like her mother, but because of how she also resembled him in the way she moved. From then on, he scanned the village for her during every visit, just to see her as she grew, though he never approached nor spoke to her.
When he didn’t see her during his first visit since her disappearance, worry made him seek out her mother in order to ask after her. Because of his persistence and the fact that Cimarra was exiled and no longer considered Viera, Kyrel was also banished. However, when he learned the truth of what Cimarra had done, contrary to the nature of a true Wood-Warder, Kyrel felt proud of his daughter for having had the strength to choose her own path.
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Banished from the village, he chose to set out and look for Cimarra, hoping to discover something of her fate. Little did he know, she’d not only disappeared with Hadrian, but had been forgotten by all after the Calamity. All but Hadrian, Minfilia… and Kyrel.
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Having been a lancer when a Wood-Warder, upon arriving in Ul'dah during his search for Cimarra, Kyrel is drawn to the sword, training as a gladiator, then paladin. Later, when he wanders to Ishgard, he crosses paths with a Dark Knight and finally finds the power he sought in order to protect his loved ones. With thoughts of his daughter as his support and guide, Kyrel becomes a skilled Dark Knight and continues his search for Cimarra.
At 98 years old, Kyrel has seen his fair share of combat while a Wood-Warder. It gives him an experienced eye and skilled body, as well as a mature air about him.
True to his Wood-Warder nature, Kyrel is extremely protective of those dear to him. He will not hesitate to step in to protect Cimarra if she needs it, whether she is willing to see him as her father or not. However, he has no wish to force the relationship on her, leaving it up to her if she will let him into her life. Nor will he control her or dictate how she should live. He simply wishes to be there and know she's living happily, loved and safe.
I hope you enjoyed learning about this fierce bun. I know I did when he finally told me about himself. 🥰💕🐇
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bananarose · 18 days
FFXIV Write - Day 5 "Stamp"
Characters: Lavandin (Sune) Aurelius (Fessa)
Length: 178 I once again wrote about my boys! This piece uses their old names as it takes place before they left their village, the same as other pieces I've written for them.
Dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves, reaching the forest floor below, bathing two young viera in a soft glow. The edge of the clearing was sprinkled with a hint of fresh show, the first of the season. Sune’s body shuddered but not from the weather. The cold had long been chased away by strong hands and greedy lips. 
Sune and Fessa had begun to make a habit of these trysts, sneaking away while nobody was paying attention. They would spend some hours together, wrapped in the safety of the quiet trees and each other, before inevitably needing to head back to the harsh training and, in Sune’s case, the disappointed stares. 
Those things faded away in times like these, when they were alone. 
Loving lips and teeth marked yielding skin, stamping Sune’s pale neck and shoulders with spots he would hide behind long hair. He let out a wavering sigh, leaning his head back as he reveled in the attention. 
Eventually the sun would set, the air turning colder, and they would head back together, hand in hand.
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Prompt 30: Amity
Rating: T
Word Count: 803
Warnings: Sexually suggestive conversation
Summary: Ideally, Akira's "enemies with benefits" situation with Emet-Selch would remain strictly between themselves. However, her friend Ami proves more observant than expected. [Discussion of EmetWoL, ShB timeline, canon verse.]
Master Post
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“We need to talk.”
Akira jumped at the sudden voice, her hand still on the handle of the door to her room in the Pendants. It was still early, the sun barely peeking over the horizon, but time waits for no Warrior of Light, and normally at this time there would be no one clamoring for her attentions and pulling her away from her own endeavors.
And normally, her dear friend Ami would still be sleeping in her own quarters and would have to be dragged out of bed if needed before the average citizen’s breakfast time. But there the hyur stood, her arms crossed and blue eyes stern.
“Ami! Is everything okay?”
“Oh, I’m peachy.” The irritation in her voice said otherwise as she took a couple of steps forward, reaching out to pluck something off of Akira’s shoulder. The auri woman shrank, just a little, as Ami pointedly held out her find; a single, straight strand of black hair.
“Really, Akira?”
“Look, that could belong to anyone—“
“How many people do we know with black hair?”
“My hair is brown, thank you.” As if to prove her point, Ami reached up and plucked a single short strand from her head and held it up to the one from Akira’s clothes, and it was noticeably lighter. Akira could swear she could feel the amusement from her…houseguest before the feeling in the air changed, and she was reasonably certain her room was now entirely unoccupied.
“Can we please not talk about this out here?” Akira asked anxiously, glancing around. Ami nodded and Akira led her into the almost too-neat room that she knew was a mess just a few minutes ago. Ami took a seat at the dining table while Akira busied her hands with heating up some water for tea.
“I honestly cannot believe you—“
“Just let me explain—“
“Explain what, exactly?” Ami snapped. “You couldn’t find a single better prospect than an Ascian? One that has made no secret that it wouldn’t bother him to just kill all of us?”
“That’s not…” Akira frowned at herself as the kettle started whistling, glaring at the tea leaves as she added them to the water. “It’s not that simple.”
“That already isn’t very simple, so please enlighten me.”
“I…” She brought two cups and the teapot to the table, setting one cup in front of Ami, as she waited for it to finish steeping. “I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like I know him. Or did at some point. And there were already feelings before I ever had a say in it.”
“Do you think maybe before you lost your memories…?”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t…it doesn’t feel like anything I’ve ever experienced before,” Akira poured the tea thoughtfully. “And then it kinda just…happened.”
“Akira, that doesn’t just happen,” Ami took the cup, raising an eyebrow at Akira as she averted her eyes. “How long?” Akira fidgeted with her cup.
“A few days after we got back from Qitana Ravel,” she mumbled, and Ami sighed.
“That’s just like you,” she mumbled. Akira bristled.
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“You want to help everyone, even people that want to kill you. Don’t look at me like that, you cried over Yotsuyu for days, and she committed actual literal war crimes that you witnessed.” Akira flushed pink, turning her attentions to her tea as she took a deep drink to spare her from replying. “So you heard his sob story and folded like a paper crane.”
“That’s not—“
“I’m honestly surprised your little shadow in your head hasn’t complained,” Ami sipped her tea.
“…Fray’s left me five pages, front and back, in my journal about how bad of an idea this is.”
“Oh good, she and I agree then,” Ami placed her half-empty cup back on the table, taking Akira’s face between her hands. “Look, you’re an adult and more capable than just about everyone, including me. I’m not going to tell you what you can and can’t do. Or who, for that matter.” Akira’s face reddened further as she glared indignantly. “Just please, be careful?”
“I will.”
“And I may be no warrior of light, but the moment he causes you harm, all bets are off,” Ami’s eyes hardened, and Akira knew she meant it. “You know it’s a when and not an if, right?”
“Yeah…” Akira’s gaze fell to what was left of her tea, watching little specks of leaves floating in the liquid. Ami stood and pulled Akira into a tight hug.
“For your sake, I hope he proves me wrong,” she said softly, then backed away and started for the door. “Anyways, just wanted to say my piece, I’m off to find some real breakfast. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”
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magitekconveyor · 1 year
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Katt Riabhach - The Winter Queen
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ainyan · 2 years
So a little while ago I had an idea for a non-WoL OC fantasia addict who got snookered by a 'cheap fantasia' con and ended up becoming literally genderfluid - they change to the opposite gender every morning. Nothing seems to cure them, so they just roll with it, because, hey, it's not like they haven't experimented with changing genders before, right?
Here's the post in which I detailed my late-night shower thoughts.
And here's the OC in both male and female forms. (They tell everyone they're twins.)
They're an adventurer (primary job: dancer), but ever since their accident, they also work on the side in a house of pleasure, because it amuses them to do so; the mistress of the house is fully aware of their condition, but most of their patrons are not, and so it's generally accepted they're twins who just work on opposite days. And they love coming up with elaborate excuses as to why, no, the twins are not going to work together "just this once".
Since they're not a WoL, I'm not going to bother taking them through the story. Instead, I'm kind of curious how other people might interact with them as adventurers (and, okay, yeah - sure, at their other job XD).
If anyone is interested in a doc-based RP (because I can only guarantee that I will respond at least once per day, but not any set time), let me know. I'm open for anything, with either (or both) forms.
Anyway. Thought I'd toss that out there.
Oh. And their names are Asrynia/Asri (Female) and Aryn (Male).
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hazelkjt · 2 months
On Vacation
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sasslett · 1 year
A WoL question for the day, since I'm home sick and feeling awful:
How much does your WoL know about their Azem (or their ancient if they weren't Azem)? Have they unlocked the memories in the memory shard? How do they feel about their past self? Gimme your lore.
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shiroesuna · 5 months
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she does this a lot
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zeloinator · 8 months
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Ell's first return to Old Sharlyan did NOT begin how she wanted to...
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...but a quick name change in the books is quite simple to make~
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sofusenpai · 4 months
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they have a talk
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rhinoyo · 7 months
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a messy anim of my wol & thancred dancing, referenced from the kekkai sensen ending ^^ <3
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shalpilot · 2 months
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wol is broken please send replacement
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starryscale-art · 1 year
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mt gulg feelings with jai and the wol (in jai's canon he took the lightwardens instead of the warrior of light)
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