#non-assassin's creed stuff
elijahmiles · 6 months
assassin's creed as media is so crazy because l you'll get very human narratives grounded in historical context. and also the lost princess anastasia romanaov gets possessed by the spirit of a Ming dynasty assassin via ancient magic box
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dangan-kagura · 11 months
Games I No Longer Play Due to Bad Fanbases
So this is a short list (yet long blog) of games that I used to like but no longer play or have any interest in due to issues like bad fanbases. Let me just say that, knowing about just how toxic the Danganronpa fandom can be sometimes, I don’t want to lose my love for that series knowing that some people in the fandom can be untrustworthy or just have different opinions from my own. I’m gonna try my best and explain why I stopped playing these games that I’ll mention.
UPDATE: So a lot of stuff mentioned here isn't really about toxicity in these fandoms, it's more like expression my opinions about these games since I've always had a minority opinion about them, and the fact that no one ever understood how I felt is what caused me to lose interest in them. I hope I didn't confuse anyone.
Devil May Cry and Resident Evil
So the reason I’m mentioning two games first is because this actually regards Capcom. Out of the two games mentioned, one of them is a game that doesn’t really have a bad fanbase, and that’s Devil May Cry. Resident Evil on the other hand has some issues, things like the live-action film series, Resident Evil 6, and a bunch of spinoffs.
The only games in that series I ever did enjoy looking back on them are Resident Evil 4 & 5. However, I stopped playing them since I’ve become fed up with the series popularity and the fact that people were oblivious to things like the badness of the live-action film series. I actually stopped playing Resident Evil right around the time I learned about Resident Evil 6 when it was still being made and could tell just from the trailer that the game didn’t look that good. I’ve been told that there is a lot of hate surrounding that game, but I still don’t have a clear picture as to what it is people hate about it. I just hate it because I remember reading somewhere that Resident Evil 5 was gonna be the series finale and was perfectly fine with it and found it pointless for Capcom to make Resident Evil 6.
Devil May Cry on the other hand, was the series that got me into the beat ‘em up/hack ‘n slash genres in gaming. Despite the very few titles, I still tried to enjoy it while ignoring the toxicity from some of Capcom’s other games. But unfortunately, that toxicity became worse when I started to suspect that Capcom was selling out. It’s hard to try and look back on it, but basically in the last decade, I didn’t like any of the new games Capcom was releasing, and I was becoming fed up with some of the crossover games they were releasing. Examples include:
The crossover with Tekken and Street Fighter
Mega Man’s appearance in Super Smash Bros.
Akuma’s appearance in Tekken 7
The crossover with Ace Attorney and Professor Layton
The appearance of Street Fighter’s Ryu in Super Smash Bros. became the final straw for me as I was dissatisfied with Street Fighter 4 and thought that it was a piece of shit game. Looking back on it, I still didn’t get what the hype was about Street Fighter and thought that compared to my favorite fighting games like Tekken, KOF, and Soul Calibur, everything about Street Fighter 4, from gameplay to opening theme song, just didn’t make me think it was a game worth obsessing, and the upcoming releases for the updated versions (i.e. SSF4 and UST4) just didn’t feel right for me. Basically, since Ryu’s appearance in Smash Bros, I decided to stop playing Devil May Cry because it didn’t feel right to still enjoy it if I wasn’t going to like the other Capcom games the majority was obsessing over, and to this day, I still haven’t played Tekken 7 because I knew that the appearance of Akuma was gonna ruin it for me.
Getting back to Resident Evil, there’s a lot of hate surrounding the film series and although the series is over, it’s unfortunate that the Resident Evil movies don’t have Razzie nominees. I’m of course talking about the Golden Raspberry Awards, that award ceremony that gives awards to the worst movies of the year, pretty much the opposite of the Academy Awards. More to the point, the Resident Evil movies don’t have Razzie nominees, not even for worst sequel. The badness of that film series is somewhere in between the badness of Uwe Boll and Michael Bay movies, and at least their movies get Razzies nominees. So at the time, I found it unfair that Hollywood kept making more Resident Evil movies and the Razzies were more interested in nominating mixed-received movies for categories like worst picture.
Likewise, the popularity and toxicity for Capcom games like Street Fighter and Resident Evil was just too obnoxious for me to handle and it was enough to make me lose interest in Devil May Cry, as well as not play games that have Capcom characters as guest characters (e.g. Tekken 7, Super Smash Bros.). In fact, there’s times where I’m annoyed by the toxicity of memes related to Ace Attorney and the Capcom Vs series. Knowing that my opinion about Street Fighter is negative, these memes are just pretty stupid, because my opinion about Street Fighter 4 is bound to come back to mind.
Guilty Gear
So Guilty Gear used to be one of my favorite anime games and one of my favorite fighting games. There are two big reasons as to why I stopped playing it, one of them has to do with the popularity of some of Arc System Works’ other games, while the other does kinda have to do with the series’ fanbase.
First off, it was bothering me that there were times that Guilty Gear was being treated as underrated compared to not only Blazblue, but also compared to other kinds of popular anime games like Danganronpa. I’m gonna admit that I’m in the minority that prefers Guilty Gear over Blazblue, and it was bothering me that Blazblue was getting all the things games like Danganronpa were getting but Guilty Gear wasn’t, an obvious example is an anime adaptation. Danganronpa aside, other great anime games like Senran Kagura, Neptunia, Persona 5, and Disgaea all have anime adaptations, but Guilty Gear doesn’t and yet Blazblue got one. Let me just say that I didn’t think Blazblue was as cool looking or as interesting compared to Guilty Gear, and it was bothering me that things like Guilty Gear having a lack of an anime adaptation made me think that people saw Guilty Gear as underrated even though it came out before Blazblue.
Here’s something else that makes Guilty Gear look underrated. There’s a Round 1 arcade at a mall I like to go to that has a lineup of 2D Japanese fighting games. Out of the games they have, they have all the Blazblue games, but they don’t have the Guilty Gear Xrd games. In fact, compared to how the arcade also came with games like KOF, Street Fighter, and Persona 4 Arena, I found it unfair that they included Blazblue but they didn’t include Guilty Gear. It almost made me feel sorry for Guilty Gear.
Moreover, the popularity of Granblue Fantasy only made it worse for me. That game also made Guilty Gear look underrated and it too got an anime adaptation, and the fact that it’s an RPG/gacha game and not a fighting game only made it worse for me to hate the game. In truth, I didn’t see anything special about that game and not only thought it was uninteresting, but the title didn’t sound original enough to convince me. Literally, it felt like they put no effort into coming up with a good or original title, Granblue Fantasy fell flat for me. Of course, I stopped playing Guilty Gear years before Granblue Fantasy came out, so I was more upset about Guilty Gear being underrated compared to Blazblue, and the popularity for Granblue Fantasy was enough to actually make me feel sorry for Guilty Gear.
But another thing that got me to stop playing Guilty Gear has to do with fan favorite characters. Not Dizzy, but that cross-dressing nun Bridget. Not only is Bridget overrated, but his popularity just feels really toxic. It was like, whenever I tried searching for Guilty Gear stuff in the fandom, Bridget was a character fans would reference for the majority. It felt like there were times where Bridget fans would ruin the things that Guilty Gear is really all about, things like awesome rock music, awesome stage designs, references to classic rock music, and some of the other more interesting character designs. To me, it felt like Bridget fans were trying to get people to think that he’s what Guilty Gear is all about, and it was just so annoying because not only did I find Bridget uninteresting, but it was more like everyone was obsessing him all because of the fact that he’s a fucking cross-dresser.
You’re free to call me a hypocrite for saying that about Bridget. I will admit that I do like the Danganronpa character Chihiro Fujisaki. I’d rather not admit that I fell for his trap since I found Chihiro to be cute, especially when he blushes, but at the time I got into Danganronpa, I did my best to avoid Chihiro out of concern that he had the same kind of obnoxious fans as Bridget due to being a cross-dressing male. But unlike Bridget, I’m actually over the whole Chihiro gender debate. His reason for dressing like a girl is more emotional since bullying is involved, compared to Bridget’s reason which is more idiotic, not to mention that Chihiro isn’t as overrated compared to characters like Nagito, Ibuki, and Kokichi who have some toxic fans that are almost as toxic as Bridget fans. In fact, Bridget’s popularity is more on par with Astolfo from the Fate series and his fans are equally as annoying.
A minor thing, but it was also bothering me that when it came to seeing Guilty Gear Xrd content, everyone was playing the game in Japanese. No one ever bothered to play the game with the English dub. It bothered me because it gave me the impression that people could think the game doesn’t have an English dub or the game does have an English dub but with terrible voice actors. I will admit that at the time Xrd SIGN came out, I did play the game in Japanese out of concern that the game’s English dub didn’t include professional voice actors, like the ones in Danganronpa. At the time, what came to mind was the spinoff KOF game, KOF: Maximum Impact. That game has a really bad English dub to the point that no one would be familiar with their names. Let me just say that there is some positive reception to that game, but the game's bad English dub and the lack of an option to use the Japanese dub (especially in the PS2 version) makes it almost impossible to play (the Xbox version fixes this by including the option to use the Japanese dub). If I remember right, in IGN’s review of the game, they thought that the game’s English dub was “piss poor”. When I realized that the English dub for Guilty Gear Xrd has professional voice actors, I did try to take more notice of it, but felt left out because everyone played the game in Japanese almost as if they thought the game had a bad English dub.
So to summarize, these are the reasons why I stopped playing Guilty Gear. I thought that Bridget had toxic fans, there were times where Guilty Gear felt underrated compared to Blazblue, and no one played the Xrd games in English. There are actually times where I do miss playing this series, especially with how even more underrated Granblue Fantasy made it, making me feel almost sorry for Guilty Gear. The only thing about Guilty Gear I can’t let go of is it’s awesome music. I think out of the character themes from the Xrd games, the themes for Sol, Millia, and Poketim (I forget how to spell his name) are my favorites and still like to rock out to them. But the other issues here make it impossible for me to try and go back and play the series.
Super Smash Bros.
I have some little info from people who’ve admitted that the Smash Bros fandom is toxic, but let me tell you what got me to stop playing this series. Plain simple, I got fed up with having to see third-party characters take the spotlight. Not only the official ones, but the memes for the unofficial ones made it more annoying for me to handle. The fact that the latest Smash Bros games are focussing more on third-party and not first-party characters felt toxic for me for two reasons. One, they were characters from games I didn’t enjoy, and two, it felt like Smash Bros wasn’t what it used to be back when the series was exclusive to Nintendo only games.
At the time SSB4 came out on the 3DS and Wii U, I did in fact play the game on the 3DS but only for like a week. I stopped due to suspicion that Capcom character Mega Man suddenly became the overrated fan favorite. Let me just say that Mega Man is a Capcom series I’m not into, and out of the SSB4 newcomers when the game came out in 2014, I was more hype about Pac-Man being playable, especially knowing that Namco had some involvement with the game’s development, so I wanted to believe that Pac-Man would make a great guest character. The fact that Capcom games like Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and Ace Attorney have toxic fanbases didn’t really give me any hype or interest for Mega Man, and the announcement of Street Fighter’s Ryu as a DLC character only made me want to hate Capcom for selling ou. Worst of all, the announcement of that Cloud guy from Final Fantasy was the last thing I needed to throw my copy of SSB4 in the trash and flame the game. Not only did I not enjoy Final Fantasy 7, but it didn’t feel right for Smash Bros to include that game partly because it came out on the PlayStation, so I’m on the side that believes that Smash Bros should only be limited to characters from games that have an importance to Nintendo’s history. Final Fantasy 7 had no importance with Nintendo’s history, and frankly, I failed to see what made the game so great, and the games popularity especially in online journalism made it so annoying for me to try to ignore it. Seriously, journalists never shut up about that game and the Final Fantasy series in general. I’ve played better.
Even with the release of Super Smash Bros on the Switch, the third-party characters from that game were enough to convince me to delete my save data for the other games in the series because these characters and their fans have destroyed Super Smash Bros for me. Some of them actually are characters from games that I thought were good choices because I admit that I actually like those games better. I would’ve loved to play Super Smash Bros as characters from Castlevania, heck, I wouldn’t mind at all playing Smash Bros with Terry Bogard from KOF. But having to deal with characters from games that I don’t enjoy such as Mega Man, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, and Dragon Quest is enough to convince me to not play the game at all. And unfortunately, I’ve never met anyone who’s admitted that they’ve done the same thing as me, that they’ve stopped playing Super Smash Bros all because they didn’t like the choice of third-party characters and their popularity in both the fandom and the memes.
Assassin’s Creed
It’s not really the Assassin’s Creed fandom that got me to stop playing this, but it’s the Assassin’s Creed series in general. I’m on the side that says the Assassin’s Creed series just isn’t the same as it was ever since AC Unity came out and yet everyone still enjoys the series. It’s like this, Assassin’s Creed games after Unity just don’t feel like they’re gonna bring back certain things from the Desmond Miles saga. There’s obviously a lot of things about Assassin’s Creed from things like story and gameplay that get me thinking that it’s not the best series to introduce to someone who loves gaming.
It’s hard to put into words really. There’s lots of things about Assassin’s Creed that don’t make it perfect, things like broken gameplay and unexplained story stuff. Yet, everyone loves the series and are just oblivious to all the big flaws. One thing that has been bothering me about this series is that to this day, Ubisoft has yet to announce a game entitled “Assassin’s Creed 5”. The fact that games since Unity don’t have numbers in the title and the lack of references to characters from the Desmond Miles saga gives me the impression that they aren’t official games but are more like spinoffs. I know that the series does have some spinoffs, it just bothers me that Ubisoft isn’t gonna make a game called “Assassin’s Creed 5”.
And don’t even get me started on the Assassin’s Creed movie. I knew just from the trailer that it was gonna be a bad movie and the fact that the film is rated PG-13, as opposed to the series being rated M, only made it worse. Just because Assassin’s Creed has things like open-world gameplay, historical figures as supporting characters, and is a game where you kill people doesn’t mean it’s the best game series. There’s lots of things about this series I feel like people often overlook such as the ancient human race and its moments of broken gameplay. I don’t think the movie mentioned anything about the ancient humans, almost as if they were unimportant.
I’m gonna admit that I actually think that Far Cry is the better series. One other thing about Assassin’s Creed that bothers me is that Ubisoft tries to sell it as if it were a stealth-action game. Compared to the stealth gameplay in Far Cry, as well as Metal Gear Solid, or even Sly Cooper, the stealth gameplay in Assassin’s Creed is sometimes unfair, especially when you’re doing a mission that requires you to not get caught or it’s game over. At least Far Cry makes things fair by letting you play the game as a regular first-person shooter, so stealth is totally optional. Not to mention, Far Cry sequels stay true by including numbers in the titles. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out that they’re gonna make Far Cry 7, just as I wouldn't be surprised that they're not gonna make Assassin's Creed 5.
Overall, the fact that I accepted Far Cry as being better than Assassin’s Creed was the last thing I needed to say to myself that Assassin’s Creed is not the best series ever and is not as good as it used to be. Even if I played the latest installment, I’ll probably think that it’s not as good as the Ezio trilogy, which I’ve already lost interest in. It just bothers me to go online and see sites promoting the next installment in Assassin’s Creed even though I’m gonna be thinking that AC is not the best game series and the new games aren’t gonna be that good and I have no reason to play them. And did I mention that Assassin’s Creed sometimes feels like a broken mess?
In Conclusion
So to go over almost everything:
I stopped playing Devil May Cry because I was fed up with the popularity of Capcom’s other games that I didn’t like
I stopped playing Guilty Gear because people were treating it as underrated, everyone loves Bridget, and people barely played the games in English
I stopped playing Super Smash Bros because third-party characters and their memes ruined the series
I stopped playing Assassin’s Creed because the new games don’t look good to me, I prefer Far Cry, and no one else feels the same as i do
There are times where I’ll admit that I do miss playing them, but because of all of these flaws they have, there’s no point in going back to play them. As a Danganronpa fan, I honestly don’t want something similar to happen with my love for it, even after getting a better understanding just how toxic the fandom can be sometimes. Maybe I’ll blog about what got me into Danganronpa some other time.
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brother-emperors · 2 years
I like your comics that there is such symbolism in simple panels that tell a whole story and also that you are doing research to do so. Honestly I didn't know half of the stories in Roman history in terms of secret affairs and romance. Do you know if there are movies or series that show these as well?
thank you!
and unfortunately, not really. a lot of media set in ancient rome I find to be. bad. from an entertainment standpoint. and what I do enjoy doesn't really focus on romance in interpersonal relationships.
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sgnarl · 2 months
sgnarl 2024 updated comm post
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helllooo. i know i updated my commissions last in january, but ive honestly improved and done a lot of work this year, so i felt the comm post needed to be updated
before we get into the details....
as always, if you're ever curious about the progress on a commission, just ask for an update and i'll send you one.
character credits: @loveaankilaq / @anaelwings, @goldencamelias, @orcapologist, @bearliquids, @hobgobbin , @too-many-muses , @mightymessenger @odiletheswanqueen
i only accept payment upfront & i will not negotiate on paying after. payment info at the end of post
you can contact me right here on tumblr dot com, just DM me!
Full Body Character - 30$
Add character +10$
Add shading & lighting +10$
Price points for the background can be negotiated based on the level of detail required, or if they are a complete or partial background
Portrait - 30$
Portraits will always be rendered
They will always have a "decorated" background (simple shapes, colors, concepts, or designs)
Portraits will always be from the bust up
Full Canvas - 70$
The full canvas option can get a bit abstract. Basically, you just sit and talk with me about your character/s, their aesthetics, occupation, their lore, specific poses or concepts you want and then I go ham on the canvas
It will always include some level of shading and lighting & some level of background, whether it is a literal setting or a decorated/abstract background
The base price is 70$. However, if you'd like to add another character (as shown in the second example), it will be +10$, just as it is with the Full Body Character option.
If you're only curious and want to discuss this option, feel free to DM me, no strings attached
Concepts I Will Accept
✔️ - some robot/cyber/mech stuff (i really determine case-by-case), furry/anthro, non-humanoid creatures, fantasy, sci fi, OCs, weapons, blood, nudity/suggestive
✔️ - some fandoms I'm familiar with are D&D, Marvel & DC comics/movies, Assassin's Creed, Disco Elysium, ATLA, Metalocalypse, The Wolf Among Us. I'm capable of doing any fandom artwork with sufficient references & have done so in the past
Concepts I Won't Accept
❌ - hateful imagery, underage/abusive/incest ships, certain fandoms (Harry Potter, Voltron, Supernatural are among these), gore, and ofc I reserve the right to deny anything
paypal: thundahouse
NSFW comm post (minors DNI this link)
Further various examples below
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Full Canvas
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Full Body
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^ non standing poses can count as full body commissions
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megachiraztfs · 8 months
Story index
Here you can find a list of my transformations series and other stories with a short summary of what they are about. If you’re curious about one and want more details or want to participate in one, just write me! I'll do my best to keep this list up to date!
Single stories
Family: A story about a poor young man living on the streets who was given a new life by fate.
Unworthy: A story about a young man who couldn't fulfill his family's exspectations and had to pay a price.
Stories from the Grave: A story about why you shouldn't listen to every voice on old graveyards.
The heir of Milton: This is a story about a faithful butler of an old English family who had earned a special promotion.
Forever Together: Being with an immortal warlock made Alec think about his own aging and how he could stop that (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
For each other: Sequel to Forever Together. Mag and Alec get a new addition to their new lifes.
Going To Hell: Robin Hood, Kilian Jones and Prince Charming start a life-changing trip to hell with some monstrous changes.
Becoming a family: This is a story about Harry Potter and his four best friends as they actually become his family (Fandom: Harry Potter).
A preference for Bolts: This is a story about a young man in Scandinavia being blessed by a certain northern god (Fandom: Marvel).
Welcom Home: This is a story about grief and the use of magic to ease that pain for Magnus Bane (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
Watch Out: This is a story about two friends who shouldn't have put on the stuff of two missing guys...
Cold As Ice: This is a story about a cloak that makes his wearer non only loose his emotions (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Love Again: This is a story about a young man who lost everything, but find the love he longed for (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Duty: This is a story about a young man getting a little bit too much into his fantasies about his favourite character (Fandom: Guild Wars 2).
Creation of Friendship: This is a story about a misunderstanding that lead to a brand new and quite thick friendship.
Spin Around: A demon's work can be quite... changing (Fandom: Supernatural).
Reuinited Love: This is a story about a forbidden love that even conquers death.
A New Prince: This is a story about Merlin and Arthur Pendragon with a magical twist (Fandom: Merlin).
New Position: For the first Harry cannot play as a seeker - and needs help for getting ready for a entirely new position (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Filling the Gap: This is a story about two best friends who would've better stay away from a magical crime scene (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Deserved: This is a story about an unlucky guy who gets dumped by his boyfriend.
Spicy Pies: This is a story about a man, lending a helping hand to an old neighbour and is rewarded for his kindness.
Twice the Thunder: This is a story about two roommates without a costumes on Halloween - beware: if you're late, you might feel the consequences (Fandom: Marvel).
The Pumpkin Field: Beware of the magical pumpkins, dear friend - they could be after you! (Fandom: Harry Potter)
Tombola: Original props are the best gift for a fan - they always go deep under your skin! (Fandom: Once Upon a Time)
Push the Buttons: Some games are made to be an experience (Fandom: Assassin's Creed)
Wishes, requests, exchanges
Life-Changing Game for soul-controller: A story about a caught-up college experience in the digital age. Let the game begin!
Learning some manners for an anonymous requester: A story about a macho man who has to learn that not everything always goes his way. With a touch of magic. Dimensional travel. And elves!
Beware of the mirror for musclebishop: As you may know, the Magic Mirror is able to grant wishes. Even those you don’t know. But don’t be rude. Sometimes even the changes are changing.
Beer Up for mcbrute: Zoro (One Piece) has lost his way again and has been invited to the jock pirates’ ship. It’s not just the beer that’s special there.
Green On Birthdays for jungwoosong: Carl really leaves no stone unturned to convince his best friend Noah to watch his favourite anime, One Piece. But it’s only with a birthday present that things get moving.
A New Look for a user on Furaffinity: What started as a pity purchase at a festival out of niceness turned out to be extremely life-changing for Nat.
The Found Jacket for a user on Furaffinity: Timothy just wanted to buy a small ball for his brother, but instead of a stall, found only a stray red jacket.
Old Rivalery for thegeneralguy: Despite unwillingness, a visit to the gym began quite differently than expected - with a very special, haunted prize from a bygone era.
The Risk of Curiosity for itsrainingdilfs: Basic rule: Don’t read out funny-sounding words from old books. You might have company sooner than you’d like.
No More Stress for transformee: In the attic of an inherited house, you can probably find some special things when cleaning up. Even a hidden old mirror.
Good old Australia for changingmen: As a reward for a good deed, a young man is given a little something from the homeland of the man he has helped. With the prospect of a beefy future.
Magnissimus for malebodyandshoeswaps: On the way to his graduation ceremony, a young man’s shoes are destroyed in a chemical accident. But with the replacement pair, he takes his first step into his new phase of life.
Happy birthday for writer-ofstuff: Stiles’ (Teen Wolf) birthday preparations for his steady boyfriend Derek are not going really well. But whether the help from his book was really the right thing to do?
Secret Santa Lottery for bizzhideaway (great story exchange 2020): After Brody had taken part in a Christmas lottery and the notification of the winnings failed to arrive, his winnings were able to surprise him in every way.
Through Your Veins for begon1: If Batman only saw that this was a trap.
Confidence for
TF Captions
A New Curse Part One and Part Two
Back to your roots
Ho, ho, ho!
Special Blanket
Himbo Hemispheres
Temple of Amor
Tempting Tapestry
Rental Conditions
What about Green?
Well-minded spirit
Something in the water
The wrong souvenir
Kinda poisoned
The perfect example
Special Edition
New clothes, new man
Shortage of staff
By the lake
Smell Like a Hero
For Transformation series click here!
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ardatli · 2 months
I need book recs again, this time for kid 2! 13, "neurospicy," high reading level for vocabulary but has difficulty with parsing subtly-drawn emotional motivations for characters. Fairly black and white worldview / very strong sense of justice and injustice, but he's slowly starting to integrate more nuance. He's bored with the books we have in the house and overwhelmed by the options at the library. Help me narrow it down?
He likes:
Giant robots and mechs - current very well-read favorites are the Pacific Rim novelizations.
Science fiction, as long as the science is internally consistent.
Legend of Zelda - we just got him the graphic novel box set for his birthday.
Star wars / Predator / Megaman / kajiu franchises (Japanese - he's deeply scornful of the US Monsterverse, but loved Gamera: Rebirth. Any book recs that hit similar vibes to G: R?)
(Caveat: any media based on another media property needs to be consistent, or it'll drive him batshit. He still brings up his irritation at inconsistent Jaeger weights and armaments and build dates cross-referenced from design docs on the original PacRim vs The Black vs the info cards on the action figures, etc.)
Enjoyed LotR and has read - and enjoyed! - the Silmarillion. Not currently interested in checking out other high fantasy.
He does play TTRPGs as well as computer and console games, and I can see LitRPG working as a genre, but he hates romance / is uncomfortable with sexualization and sexual references in media, and is very sensitive to racism and discrimination, and there's a lot of not-great stuff lurking in that sphere.
I picked up Iron Widow for him and he says he enjoyed it, but not enough to read a sequel. Too explicit in some sections, I think.
He did enjoy the old Tales Of books from the Star Wars EU, as well as a book of short stories in the Predator universe, so short story collections or anthologies are good too.
We've just started getting into the Assassin's Creed franchise (Ezio series) - any good official novelizations, or recs for non-AC alternate history books set in medieval Italy?
He does not want to read books about romance, or other books that are mostly about Big Feelings or interpersonal relationships. He doesn't mind it as a minor subplot, as long as he can skim those parts.
He's already read as much Warrior Cats as he cares to. Ditto Wings of Fire. He's "over dragons" for now.
He loves the bad guys, and would probably enjoy books from a villain's POV.
Older kid has the first murderbot book and I'm going to ask her to lend it to him to see if that hits the right spot. I'm thinking maybe The Martian would be good?
Edited to add: He's read and liked Percy Jackson, and his sister owns (and he's read some of) all the Rick Riordan Presents books to date. Also already considering Artemis Fowl.
Edit 2: Big sister has added Dark Lord of Derkholm to the pile, along with Artemis Fowl and Murderbot.
Any suggestions welcome!
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stereo-91 · 1 year
- ASSASSIN'S CREED UNITY SET 2 - Parisian City Items for The Sims 4
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Hiii Everyone.
Me and @annadedanann working NON-STOP over the last month, learning, fixing, and creating a lot of new stuff that historical simmers are going to love. Me and Anna are both very excited to announce that we have completed our second set which is now available!
Each item has been taken from various buildings in Assassin's Creed Unity and redesigned to fit into the Sims 4 as build/buy objects. We hope these items will allow simmers to broaden their creativity and show off their building skills.
Our new set is now available on our brand new Patreon page as we wish to share our work on a broader scale of websites and share our work on a wider spectrum.
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Total of 53 individual items in this set.
With at least 3 or more swatches
All base game compatible
We're here if you have any questions.
 We hope you enjoy building as much as we do !!
AnniQ & Stereo-91
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miralyk · 10 months
reasons i wish i was fluent in non-english languages: better understanding even more puns and wordplay
when looking up assassin's creed (and protocreed) fanart in chinese, apparently desmond's fandom nickname is a pun that calls him cute?? oh my god 😭
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"呆萌" means adorkable, kawaii, and so on, and apparently his "cute" nickname and actual name are similar in chinese pronunciation!
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but yeah, wish i know vietnamese better to understand and do stuff like this too! it's a very sweet way to show love across languages :'0
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djsherriff-responses · 6 months
I desperately need season two of CLH I’m going insane right now
Unlike my Jade and Sarah posts, this one is a lot more speculative as I’ll be discussing my theory regarding what Bullfrog’s backstory is and he’s the character we have the least information to go off of. I may also ramble about other stuff, but Bullfrog is the main focus
We got a lot of Sarah’s backstory in the show already , Dolph had a manga dedicated to explaining his and while Jade and Pey’J don’t have much going on, we do know they’re a close “family” (die Pey’J) and any other details about their lives we can at least make some educated guesses based on information from the show and outside sources. Cody probably has a wiki dedicated to him or something, idk
Bullfrog though, we know very little on him. We only know for sure that he’s the last member of the Assassins Creed, a group who fought for freedom and has been in conflict with the Templars for most of human history
But maybe that’s all the information we really need to figure the frog out
I made a lot of heavy comparisons between Bullfrog and Sarah beforehand in my Sarah post , especially in terms of their colour palette and the symbolism regarding that, but what exactly could Sarah's backstory hint to us regarding Bullfrog's backstory?
Firstly I want to take a quick detour to talk about Jade and Dolph , which will only highlight my theory on Bullfrog's story
While the relationships are very different at a first glance, upon further inspection I have noticed some similarities between the relationship Dolph has with Alex, and the relationship Jade has with Pey'J
Jade/Dolph takes care of Pey'J/Alex's well being , with Jade taking care of Pey'J emotionally while Dolph takes care of Alex physically
Pey’J/Alex sexualised Jade/Dolph , Alex was a groomer. Pey’J , despite knowing her since infancy and basically raised her, has confessed being attracted to Jade. How Pey'J sexualised Jade may just be my theory that he's meant as commentary on fathers who partake in purity culture, I think it's still worth bringing up regarding this pattern
Despite how young they are, Jade and Dolph are also more mature than the older men in their lives. While with Dolph that's debatable considering he spends most of season one dealing with a lot of negative emotions and wanting revenge, prior to the betrayal Alex behaved much more cocky and playful than Dolph who took the heist job more seriously than Alex. I already wrote a huge post about how Jade is basically made to mother her own uncle
Alex and Pey’J died on the same night by gun shots
But the major similarity between Jade and Dolph is they're victims of men much older than them, and those men are fatherly figures that Jade/Dolph trusted to protect them
Jade and Dolph are , possibly not by pure narrative coincidence, both orphans too. Jade's parents are straight up dead and Dolph has no clue if he even has a living relative, nevermind finding out what became of his parents
The common thread between Jade and Dolph's story is primarily focused on non blood related father figures that traumatised them
(I got nowhere else to add this but if Jade is in season two, I want her and Dolph to bond so badly and for them to become friends and help each other heal. They deserve a second chance at a good life)
What does that have to do with Bullfrog?
Let's look at the other ghosts
Cody is a celebrity cameo and isn't really a character with narrative purpose , so can't really pull anything from him. And Pey'J is.... Pey'J
Which leaves us with the one who kidnapped these people to form team ghost in the first place: Sarah Fisher
Now while Sarah is a character whose story is tied to her relationship with an older man , that relationship is nothing like the relationship Jade and Dolph have had with their respective old men
Though the relationship between Sam and Sarah is messy, the two also have genuine love for each other regardless of everything that's happened. Sam , while a human with flaws, was at the end of the day a loving father who wanted nothing but the best for Sarah and her well being. Sarah , as twisted as she has become, wanted nothing more than to have her father be safe
Sam has never been a predatory person to anyone , much less one that's comparable to Alex or Pey'J and certainly not towards his own daughter
Sam is a father who'd do anything to protect Sarah, his own flesh and blood
Since Sarah and Bullfrog are meant to represent the Templars and Assassins as well as the conflict of those two groups, than Bullfrog's story could have a strong focus on his bloodlines. Both groups in the original assassin games have had a strong focus on bloodlines within their respective organisations
Side note: While I’m not an expect on creed lore, being an Assassin or a Templar isn’t always something you’d inherent directly from a a parent or even grandparent. While the memories of past assassins is important to preserve, you don’t need to have any blood relation to join the brotherhood. I think I read somewhere it’s actually sometimes discouraged for assassins to start families (at least while they’re still actively an assassin? Need to look more into it). So while I do think the theme of family/bloodline and their legacies are going to be part of Bullfrog’s story, he himself isn’t going to be picky on who who can join him in (hopefully) rebuilding the brotherhood, it just adds to the already high amount of pressure the guy is under
Based on the deciphering on Bullfrog's mugshot, people have managed to make out that his full name may be "Bullfrog Korvin Jr". While some argue Bullfrog's surname may be "Kermit" instead, the Junior part of the name is easy to make out
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Bullfrog Junior implies that there's a Bullfrog Senior for a little tadpole to be named after
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I wanna point out as well that hybrid children exist in this universe and are seen along side human children, ( I'm assuming this is a field trip or something?). So while hybrids were created to fulfil a purpose in Eden , they can still get together and start families like any other hard working American Eden couple and if they're lucky their children can be involved in society along with human children, such as school activities
If I am onto something regarding Regan being in the Templar order and her being the reason Sarah has the ideals that she ended up having in the show , than it's my belief Bullfrog's story will parallel with Sarah in that regard and that Bullfrog had an Assassin parent, and that Assassin parent is the person who gave, or at least inspired, the beliefs Bullfrog holds on to in the show
This may be wishful thinking, but I'm gonna believe until proven otherwise that it was specifically Bullfrog's mother that was the Assassin parent
Besides wanting more women in this show I do actually have reasons to think Bullfrog's mother is the parent who passed on the assassin legacy to him, rather than his father
If Sarah and Bullfrog story's parallel each other , and the two are meant to represent the conflict between Templars and Assassins, how does Sam fit into that?
Simple: Sam doesn't
While it's entirely possible that Sam could've learned about the existence of the Assassin brotherhood before he died, we know that he had no knowledge of either the Assassins or their conflict with the Templars when Sarah was growing up. If he did, he would've been far more vigilant about the propaganda that was brainwashing his own kid, even if Regan was directly feeding it into Sarah’s brain
At most, we can take a guess the earliest Sam could've learned anything about the Assassins was some time after he lost custody of Sarah when she snitched on the watch dogs, and that's just a guess on the earliest he could've discovered them. Depending on how open they were in their involvement with the wasteland war or if they were even "public" at all in Eden prior to Bullfrog becoming the only member of the brotherhood, Sam may have died completely unaware of the mere existence of the Assassins
In other words, Sam was pretty much in the dark about the Templars and that side of Sarah’s lineage
Going off of this and my theory that Sarah and Bullfrog’s stories are meant to be parallels of one another, it stands to reason that Bullfrog Senior was , much like Sam , left unaware of the Assassin brotherhood and that part of his own son’s lineage
Bullfrog and Sarah inheriting their mothers’ legacies of eternal conflict with each other can be a sort of play on the phase “sins of the father”. At least with Sarah , having it be “sins of the mother” makes more sense since Sam is more or less a good guy in the narrative who doesn’t have any sort of millennial old legacy to uphold, and for Bullfrog? Again , wishful thinking
If I really wanted to push that angle, I can probably make a reference to Eve , the first sinner and mother of all humanity. Bullfrog is technically already the snake offering a fruit of forbidden knowledge to Rayman’s Adam , so the symbolism is already present
“But it’s kinda weird that Bullfrog, a frog hybrid, has a bird themed surname if he’s from a family of frogs and was raised by his biological frog parents” And while the basic answer would be “it’s an Assassin’s creed reference and even if not , surnames don’t always make sense for an individual” the other possibly answer to that is to bring up another old man in Sarah’s life:
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Marcus Holloway
I’ve seen a lot of people theorise that Bullfrog was adopted by a bird (usually crow or raven) hybrid and that’s how he got the bird themed surname. It’s an adorable headcanon
But going off of my theory I’ve explained thus far, I believe that a member of the Assassins creed , who happens to be a bird hybrid, was a friend of Bullfrog’s mother (and maybe father, but Senior wouldn’t be aware of the brotherhood’s existence) and was basically the Marcus to Bullfrog’s Sarah
Now, while I’ve said I believe Bullfrog’s backstory will parallel Sarah’s, I don’t think it’s going to be exactly one to one and the two are different characters , and my Marcus comparison here is an example of that
Remember the hero’s journey and how I used that to figure out Sarah had a hero complex?
While this entire post is a ramble of a theory and I’m most likely off the mark on a lot of stuff (besides maybe Bullfrog’s story involving blood lines and their legacy) , based on everything I brought up till now, we can probably take some (wild) guesses on what events Bullfrog experienced prior to the show's events
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Having used the hero's journey as a template to explain the events in Sarah's life and keeping in mind that her story is likely meant as a parallel to Bullfrog's, we can use that to estimate what events happened in Bullfrog's life
Call to adventure:
Considering Bullfrog has a French accent and speaks French, his family originated from either France or a country with French as the dominant language
In season one , we do not have any information about what life is like outside of Eden. The only thing we know in this universe is that America was a country that existed when Rayman came to earth along with the rabbids, but soon after that the very concept of America disappeared and slowly became Eden, essentially wiping almost all traces of the country ever existing beforehand
There's a massive desert area called the wasteland smacked in the middle of Eden, with how a large piece of area in the middle of a capitalist nation where every other corner is a city building wanting to sell you something became untouched is not known
With how control is a defining factor in their beliefs and how they're a global threat , the Templars may have control of other countries , or least the more powerful countries (such as several European nations) in similar fashion to how Eden is currently functioning
Alternatively, Eden may be the only place left on earth that's actually bearable for most life , with every other country essentially being wastelands ,less likely due to the Templars and more so the Rabbids doing
Either because France sucks under Templar rule or Rabbids made it a hellscape , Bullfrog's father decided to leave and try getting into Eden to get a better chance at life , much like what Sam tried doing for Sarah
Supernatural aid: The crow hybrid assassin (or some other ally character) helps out Bullfrog and his family
Threshold , beginning of transformation: Bullfrog gets someone arrested
Bullfrog tells Rayman that he used to watch his show as a tadpole. While Bullfrog is clearly disillusioned by Eden propaganda as an adult, it could've been a very different story when he was a child
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Maybe even a raykid?
Now obviously if Bullfrog's mother was an assassin, she would've kept her children as far away from Eden propaganda as much as possible
But going with Sarah and Bullfrog being parallels, so are their mothers. Sarah doesn't speak of her mother in the show but it's safe to assume that Regan, while someone who existed, was absent in Sarah's life before Sarah snitched on the watch dogs
It's likely then Bullfrog's mother parallels with Regan in sharing same fate as her, whatever that would be
Another reason I actually prefer for the mother to be Bullfrog's assassin parent is another parallel that can be made with Sarah: their fathers being against their conviction
While Sam wasn't part of the assassin brotherhood, Sam was never on the side of Eden . Sam may not have had all the information, he did know what Eden was doing was wrong and didn't want Sarah to become another cog in their machine
So paralleling with Sam , Bullfrog's father in contrast was pro Eden, at least by some extent, and thus would've encouraged Eden propaganda onto Bullfrog
Especially when his wife was no longer in the picture to say otherwise
So at some point after arriving in Eden proper , Bullfrog gets someone arrested in a similar fashion to how Sarah got the watch dogs arrested. Who that is exactly and under what circumstances I can't really say, but I can say one thing: It makes Bullfrog feel wrong for doing it
While Regan ensured that Sarah knew of her Templar heritage and the ideals that came from that, so that Sarah knew when "to do the right thing". Bullfrog's mother ensured Bullfrog knew of the beliefs of the brotherhood and understood the importance of justice
Bullfrog , despite being surrounded by repeat propaganda and his own father's belief in Eden, knew on a subconscious level something was wrong
I mentioned that I believe that a bird hybrid assassin would be a parallel to Marcus , and I believe that bird hybrid and Bullfrog have a bond that Marcus could've had with Sarah
If only their circumstances were different, Marcus could've been a second dad to Sarah
At some point there'd be conflict with Bullfrog senior being against his son becoming "terrorist" , and thus Bullfrog deciding to distance himself from his father and take on his mentor's name , Korvin
Challenges and Temptations : most likely Bullfrog's assassin training, maybe something to do with revenge (?)
Revelation, Death and Rebirth: Okay either the brotherhood dies, probably in the wasteland war or Bullfrog senior dies
The brother hood dying fits this better, but Senior dying or rather getting himself killed could be the final step from Bullfrog to let go of his past and fully commit to his destiny as an assassin
You can probably make a plot of Senior seeking revenge only to end up getting innocents and himself hurt along the way, and this that's what formed Bullfrog's views on revenge
Transformation: Bullfrog becoming a master assistant, maybe?
Atonement: Much like Sarah, Bullfrog's story isn't finished yet and thus, we'll have to see what happens in season two
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blaiddllodi · 24 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
(Previous answers here on Raven's blog. Thanks for putting this together Neffi!)
Name: tches!
Pronouns: she/they
Birthday (no year): 22 Dec
Where are you from? What is your time zone? From Germany, but I live in Colorado
How long is your roleplay experience? A few years in 2005, and now my tenure here
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? Uhhhhh probably Yahoo chatrooms if I'm honest, but I spent most of my time in Livejournal communities
How were you introduced to TOA? I found it scrolling the Raven tag and I saw mirae's drop. Didn't join at this time. Then Elf advertised in a mutual server and I was like Hm. Maybe I will.
Do you have any pets? The server knows my beloved Coriander my baby my light my heart. I also live with two GSDs, Ursa and Solo.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) I love you winter, I love you snow, I love you December, I love you.
What is your IRL occupation? Handwaves IT. I'm helpdesk at my current place, but I've begun learning network infrastructure stuff recently.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I like languages and history, esp Meiji Japan and Mughal India. I used to be a lot more active, and I still generally enjoy yoga and rock climbing, but I've accrued some injuries which prevent me from doing this as much as I'd like. Sadge.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Bloodborne, Witcher, Kingdom Hearts.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ice or Dragon I think; and Gyarados my beloved my friend my partner (although Delibird is a very close second I love that little dude)
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) One time a drunk driver scraped my ex-husband's car pulling out of the bar and while he was so flabbergasted that it had happened, me and a friend who had just gotten out of the Navy broke into a sprint to chase the girl down for three blocks before she left the neighborhood.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My father and I were in the PX and I grabbed Blazing because it had just come to the States and it looked interesting.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All but Archanea and Tellius. I started Path of Radiance, and put it down at chapter 15 when I got busy. I'll pick it back up again I promise :sob:
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First is Blazing and favorite is...probably Blazing still. Elibe is just home to me. I really really like Three Houses and Shadows of Valentia though.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Oh gosh. Raven number one forever, and Dima and Berkut are up there. I'll list five who aren't my roster, in no particular order: Hubert, Hector, Lyon, Priscilla, Lachesis.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Wil. Wil was my first favorite, followed by Matthew. I genuinely loved them so so much my first playthrough I gave them everything.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Jeralt can still get it.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?- Awakening: Another accidental Chrom victim - probably Lonk or Freddie Fates: I genuinely don't remember if it was Kaze or Jakob - Probably still Kaze Three Houses: Claude - Hubert is my favorite S support he's really good Engage: I literally hard swerved from Diamant the moment Pandreo came on screen I don't think anyone's taking his crown.
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I just really like the Merc-Hero line 🙈But I also love wyverns
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Infantry sword. I hate to say I'd be a Navarre archetype but I honestly probably would be. Middling strength and con but workable with attention, decent speed, absolutely ridiculous crit stat. Surprisingly high resistance. I'd be a good candidate for Dancer or Mortal Savant.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Unaffiliated civilian, but can be swayed to join a cause after some effort. I tend to keep myself a bit at arms length, and it can be difficult sometimes to get my genuine loyalty.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Sword, Bow Bane: Flying Budding Talent: Heavy Armor
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? No lie, probably Brodia. My family is full of soldiers on all sides
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Depends on the flow of the sentence. Sometimes toe-ah, sometimes T-O-A
Current TOA muses: Raven, Dimitri, Berkut
Past TOA muses? Sigurd, Igrene, Saber, Petra, Beowolf, Lyn
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Raven my heart my forever. If he hasn't been pried from my grasp for the last twenty years, I can't imagine what might.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? I like it when grief and love carve someone into a weapon. I love rage and deep, boundless sorrow. And I occasionally like when they get a little slutty, I'm not a monster.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? 🤔Hard to say. I like to think my range is pretty good. I've been writing for long enough that I don't really wish - I just do it. I think anyone could write anyone if they genuinely put their heart into it.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I like when the narrator is a little unreliable. I like when there's so much emotion that everything becomes just a little bit fuzzy an indistinct, like they're suddenly underwater and haven't realized they're drowning. I like when the narrative is circular and I can call back five posts, or when I can bookend things - dramatic irony my beloved. I love miscommunication, especially when one person takes something and runs with it (RIP Sigurd you were the king of this and your never-shuts-up).
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I've been in an AU mood lately. I want more AUs - coffeeshop AU, horror movie tropes AU, cross-fiction AU. There was an idea that I had that I'd like to build up a bit more that I may drop a call for 🙊
Favorite TOA-related memories? All of Raven's threads with elysia's Priscilla and kanoesa's Lucius 🤲I hold them like this. And unrelated to my muses I to this day can't get over And Now All Of TOA Knows You Tried To Kill Ryoma.
Present or past tense? Past. I use present tense pretty sparingly, and almost exclusively for one-off asks. Feels weird though.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? No preference. I use normal size out of laziness. The most formatting you'll get from me is italics for emphasis or for thought patterns.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 One day I will app Sommie and everyone will have a heart attack. You think I'm joking? You think this is a game?
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philtacular · 4 months
Thoughts on Summer Game Fest
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Excited to see new projects for sure, but i hope folks can see that this isn't some beautiful replacement of the old corporate showcases, its just the next generation. Ask yourself, is this really any different than any other glorified ad space? Ask yourself, why is it more common to see non-creatives like CEOs on stage instead of the artists, writers, and programmers? Why is it that, of the creatives we do see, its folks who already have some flavor of fame? Where are the indies that arent backed by big publishers? Ask why is it that I can see more unique, original projects from a 20 minute walk-around youtube vid of an indie alley? Ask why half of the titles showcased at summer games fest will have a number after the title. SGF and TGA are built on fame and safe bets, under the guise of celebrating creativity. Most of the stuff you'll see will already have ads all over the internet, made by the biggest publishers in the business. Those games arent bad or evil, but they are established already.
This show is currently a spotlight for the big players, and a small mercy is given to a few smaller projects in between as the spotlight moves from fortnite to call of duty, from assassins creed to fromsoft. The festival celebrates success - not creativity. Creativity is messy and risky, and SGF stays away from this fairly clearly. Would SGF ever announce a game like Balatro, from an unknown? Not a chance. But would SGF love to showcase Balatro2? Guaranteed. SGF loves success, and is allergic to the risk inherint in creativity. And its why im so over these big shows. They are a big spotlight that highlights success - but the biggest changes to games and art come from the weirdos, the fanatics, the zealous creatives that have bad posture, that don't have a thousand employees, that don't have a studio.
FLAWLESS SEGWAY im really proud to be dropping the demo for my own game Death Machine into the steam next fest on monday. It's not a stage that only the successful get to ride, it is an actual gathering of people showing off their hard work from all walks of life. There will be good games, bad games, weird games, pretty games, ugly games, big games made on a zillion dollars, smol games made on no dollars, games made for fun, and passion projects galore. And THAT is where you will find "unknown dev makes smash hit in a basement", not SGF.
thanks for reading, pls support indies. anyways… rattles cup can a guy get a wishlist or two??? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2741830/Death_Machine/
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kostantina · 2 months
Pirate and Pirate Hunter!England
I can't find my post about Pirate Hunter!England, so I'll just post about it again but this time longer. I talked about this on a Discord server, but I also want to share this here on Tumblr. Basically, I thought about England becoming a pirate hunter like Benjamin Hornigold towards the end of the Golden Age of Piracy after he got pardoned for his involvement in piracy. It would be much more interesting if he had recruited some of those he was hunting as pirates because it would then mean he was hunting them for something he caused in the first place. The scenario could be dark, especially if he was enjoying his new job as the pirate hunter and depending on why or how he became a pirate hunter. Did he surrender himself? Was he defeated in battle? Did he get captured? Did he get marooned or shipwrecked and his government officials find him?
Imagine if the officials who captured him didn't know his identity as the personification of their empire and sentenced him to death? Or when they killed him in battle or when they found him dead and yet he came back to life? His revival would reveal his true nature, but they might think he was a malevolent being and burn him at the stake if they didn't know the existence of personifications or Arthur Kirkland, personifying England or Great Britain. His king might have known his activities and ordered for him to be found, so there would be officials who would know about him. But they might not be certain that the person they found was Arthur Kirkland. I imagine he would use an alias and distinguish himself from his appearance and persona as Arthur Kirkland as much as possible. And there might be other pirates who matched the description of his appearance. Also, what if his pirate allies knew he died, either hearing about or witnessing it, and yet for an unknown reason, he was alive? They would be very surprised and horrified to see the man they thought was dead parading around as a pirate hunter, hunting them but not as a ghost. Also, imagine if he rescued some of them from death and yet here he was sending them to death from which he helped them escape. It's poetically ironic. And, if he was not captured by his officials after his temporary death and was taken by his fellow pirates, the other pirates might burn him at the stake because they didn't know and understand what kind of being he was, scaring them. If he managed to survive and they found him before he could escape, who knew what cruel stuff they would do to Arthur to be able to rid of him completely?
I also think someone was bound to notice how odd he was if he spent too much time as a pirate surrounded by the same people. He also probably assumed more than one identity so he could stay as a pirate for a long time. As a non-human being who aged slowly and couldn't die easily, he would step away from piracy long enough for those who knew him to die, retire, or forget him. Then he would come back with a new identity, but he might come across people who knew him as his past identity. To their surprise, he was alive (if he died), looked the same as before, or thought he looked eerily similar to someone they saw or met before. But the pirate from before couldn't possibly be him!
As someone who played Assassins' Creed: Black Flag and enjoyed it very much, I like to think of Woodes Rogers and his men being the ones who captured him in the scenario of his getting captured. Arthur might have or might have not played a part in Rogers' getting imprisoned in Debter's prison. But imagine if he was too stubborn to keep his identity a secret that they killed him to know whether or not he would revive and be revealed as the personification they were looking for. Or they might not even question him and proceed to kill him straight away.
I also thought of Arthur hiding his loot by burying them because he considered the possibility of his capture or his returning to his government's arms, knowing that piracy would not last forever. He didn't want his officials to get their hands on all of what he looted. Of course, he would return to where he hid his loot and not everything he looted was hidden. He might even be kind enough to share his loot with his captors. I also like to think that Arthur helped in establishing the Pirate Republic in Nassau.
I think Arthur would be careful when he was still beginning as a pirate to not bring too much attention to himself and to prevent his inhumane characteristics from being noticed. Like, he would not sought the position of captain at first or another high position among the pirates. But he was having too much fun as a pirate, with the freedom that it gave him, that he couldn't help but seek a higher ranking. As a pirate, he would probably also not avoid attacking ships that came from his empire because doing so could annoy his crew and give them a reason to mutiny against him. However, he could keep the pretence of being a privateer by not attacking British ships, and I read somewhere that Hornigold was reluctant to attack these ships, eventually leading to his facing mutiny from his crew.
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thebean-17 · 3 months
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🖤 - 𝖇𝖎𝖔 ???
Wanted to make a bio since I hope to possibly make some friends or talk with some cool people that share any of my interests.
First, you can call me Bean, I'm 21 so sometimes I might post things that are 18+. It's bound to happen so mdni. I go by any pronoun, so won't really care what you go with. I am just someone that likes a bunch of random shit, so my blog is a way of displaying that.
Check out my pronouns page if you're ever unsure: thebean_17
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Things I do:
Play video games
Listen to music
Read & write
Play guitar & drums
Paint and do digital art
Practice paganism
Sometimes do 3D modelling
Watch movies & shows
Collect records, gothic stuff, bugs, bounties geeky stuff (Pokemon stuff, Yu-Gi-Yo cards, anime or hero figurines, and comic books)
Things I like:
🖤 I have a strong interest for horror, indie, action, thriller, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, and adventure films and shows. I'm always on the lookout for something fresh and unique, whether it's a recent release or a classic from a different era and country.
🖤 I enjoy reading poetry, fantasy, history, biographies, gothic literature, classics, science fiction, thrillers, horror, dark romance, mythologies, occult works, and various non-fiction novels.
🖤 I really enjoy metal music ranging from black metal, nu-metal, gothic metal, deathcore, alt metal, prog, thrash metal, and doom metal. I enjoy other genres like emo, punk, folk, classical, jazz, R&B, EDM, shoegaze, rock, indie, psychedelic, prog, and tons more.
🖤 I like spirituality and philosophy, and things related to psychology. I feel like all of those sometimes intertwine with each other in some way or another. I do divination and like reading about stuff related to astrology, so a lot of occult-y stuff as well.
🖤 I like learning different languages like Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese, Latin, and Dutch.
🖤 I really enjoy DnD. I haven't been in many groups to make a DnD campaign last long though.
🖤 I enjoy playing video games like Baldur's Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, Blasphemous, Hades, DOOM, the Elder Scrolls series, Hellblade, Witcher 3, FNF (Friday Night Funkin'), Minecraft, RuneScape, GTA series, Fallout series, Stardew Valley, Legend of Zelda (just like the entire series), Sims, Binding of Isaac, Assassin's Creed, and Terraria.
🖤 From time to time, I enjoy doing a bit of coding (mainly just for fun and practice).
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🖤 - 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖆𝖞? ???
If anyone wants to chat, feel free to reach out. I like the idea of only making new friends, especially anyone that shares my interests.
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🖤 - 𝖒𝖞 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 ???
Blog 1. the-fire-within0 (my "low-effort" pagan blog)
Blog 2. skogjeger (my "high-effort" pagan blog)
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brother-emperors · 8 months
hi!! i’m a classics major and am so entranced by your art and how you interact with history and literature, it really inspires me and expands my brain all the time. SO spicy.
anyways, I was wondering if you’d be comfortable talking a bit about your degree (s) and how they’ve influenced your artistic/critical analytical processes??
oh man, I have exactly zero degrees. like a true jester, I went to a trade art school, so I don't even have an art related degree, I've got a certification of surviving hell completion
the way art and history interact for me is that a lot of it circles back to trying to find ways to talk about something. history doesn't necessarily repeat, but it often rhymes, haunts, and cannibalizes. some eras of history are equal parts history and a stage, and a stage serves as a place to say something without necessarily having to be in it. the bossism politics of the philippines rhymes with the faction politics of the late republic more often than it doesn't. watching the marcoses crawl back into power was like watching the medici return to florence. duterte said he was like julius caesar crossing the rubicon, and over 6,000 were murdered under his regime. somethings are the same.
a lot of it feels like a puzzle, and I like it when pieces come together. more often than not, there's something current going on that prompts me to look back into history for something comparable, either as a stage, or just to feel like I'm not losing my mind, that other people had to deal with this shit too.
I was a teenager when the original assassin's creed games were coming out, and I used to go to libraries with other fans and we'd just sit in the non fiction sections and read everything that was on a shelf, and then go outside or whatever and start talking about where the games diverged from history and try to figure out what the next game would do based on whatever we learned. and I just kind of. kept doing that even when I stopped playing the games because the story sucked ass, but because there's already a second intersection of fiction working along side historical analysis, it unlocks a bunch of other stuff in the back of my mind while I take notes on something.
the gore you read in the thebaid reminds me a lot of imperial chines torture literature, and now we've got imperial horror and while we've moved out of the ancient Mediterranean but it's a whole body of work that I'm now looking at while thinking about rome, and somewhere in there, I'll probably find some literary theme that's cool and I'll start researching whether or not someone's examined like. the renaissance from that lens. what does the gore mean. what happens when history unfairly maligns and scapegoats someone. what happens when a foundational sacrifice goes wrong.
one of the most gut wrenching things I ever read was about how rome took any record of spartacus' words and buried it, and now I spend too much time thinking about what words we put in the mouths of dead people.
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sgnarl · 9 months
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thundahouse 2024 commissions \o/
hellooooo once again. its the beginning of the year so you know what that means! reworked comm post.
before we get into the details....
in the past i've used slots, but this time i will do every commission as i receive them in order and there will be no slot system. as always, if you're ever curious about the progress on a commission, just ask for an update and i'll send you one.
i only accept payment upfront & i will not negotiate on paying after or partial payments. payment info at the end of post
you can contact me right here on tumblr dot com, just DM me!
Full Body Character - 30$
Add character +10$
Add shading & lighting +10$
Add simple background +7$
Price points for the background can be negotiated based on the level of detail required, or if they are a complete or partial background
Portrait - 30$
Portraits will always be rendered
They will always have a decorated background (simple shapes, colors, concepts, or designs)
Portraits will always be from the bust up
Full Canvas - 70$
The full canvas option can get a bit abstract. Basically, you just sit and talk with me about your character/s, their aesthetics, occupation, their lore, specific poses or concepts you want and then I go ham on the canvas
It will always include some level of shading and lighting & some level of background, whether it is a literal setting or a decorated/abstract background
The base price is 70$. I can draw the same character 3 times, and it will still be 70$ (as shown in the first example). However, if you'd like to add another character (as shown in the second example), it will be +10$, just as it is with the Full Body Character option.
If you're only curious and want to discuss this option, feel free to DM me, no strings attached
Concepts I Will Accept
✔️ - some robot/cyber/mech stuff (i really determine case-by-case), furry/anthro, non-humanoid creatures, fantasy, sci fi, OCs, weapons, blood, nudity/suggestive
✔️ - some fandoms I'm familiar with are D&D, Marvel & DC comics/movies, Assassin's Creed, Disco Elysium, ATLA, Metalocalypse, The Wolf Among Us. I'm capable of doing any fandom artwork with sufficient references
Concepts I Won't Accept
❌ - hateful imagery, underage/abusive/incest ships, certain fandoms (Harry Potter, Voltron, Supernatural are among these), gore, and ofc I reserve the right to deny anything
cashapp - $thundahouse
paypal - thundahouse
Examples of character drawings below
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teecupangel · 1 year
Writing this as my pinned post since I have a bit of free time anyway.
Hi. You can call me teecup or angel. This is primarily my AC and writing tumblr blog.
I post my fics in AO3 as teecup_angel.
I also have this tumblr blog that’s mostly me reblogging other stuff and very rarely I post something personal, I guess.
I have a twitter too but I haven’t used it in… I wanna say nearing a year? Maybe??? Yeeaaahhhh…
I’m currently writing fics for Assassin’s Creed and my primary focus is Desmond Miles because he deserves better.
I will pair Desmond with anyone (and I mean anyone) and my OTP is AltDes. I also do write gen so if you want to look at my tumblr but you don’t ship Desmond with any of his ancestors, I suggest blocking the following tags (altdes, ezides, condes, haydes, eddes). I also use those tags even when it’s just hinted at just to be safe.
While I cannot stop any minor from looking at this blog, please note that this may contain nsfw posts and I curse like a repressed catholic who was not allowed to curse when they were young. Also, I use 'dumbass' affectionately.
For Asks and Requests:
My ask box is open for nonnies and I try to answer every ask I get unless they specify that they want to keep it private.
Also, if you left me a suggestion or request in AO3, I do try to keep notes of them.
If you do request something or just leave me a plot idea, the most you’ll get from me would be a rambling of how it could work and possible subplots we can add to it. I tend to write whatever strikes my fancy and I’m hesitant in posting too many wips in AO3. Here on tumblr though… short fic and drabbles galore. The only reason why I wouldn’t answer your ask is if I couldn’t get to it in time as I allot a specific time for all asks and reblogs I get. If you don’t see it answered, it only means I’ll get to it next time.
I'm also fine with anyone using any of the posts/fic here or in AO3 to write or draw something as long as the post is linked and I'm informed :)
Also, you can request any crossover ideas with Assassin’s Creed and I’ll find a way to kick Desmond into it. I am a big believer of Desmond is the ultimate isekai protagonist. XD
Concerning the tags of this tumblr:
I got lazy later on in tagging posts I reblog (mostly fanworks from other people) but:
Any ask I answer will have the tag: #ask and answer or #submission for long asks.
Any fic idea I write will have the tag: #teecup writes/has a plot or/and #fic idea: assassin's creed (note: this one usually does not get used for any reblogs with additional ideas so I guess check the reblogs and the replies? This also sometimes does not get used if I'm butting in on other people's posts because it kinda feels wrong to add it? I know I should add a different tag for that but we'll see if I do down the line XD)
Headcanons and analysis (they're sometimes the same???) have #teecup analyze more than necessary and/or #headcanon: assassin's creed
Sometimes I make edits with varying success of humor: #teecup edits (sometimes I do screw up use '#teecup edit' instead XD)
I also draw rarely: #teecup draws
AO3 Stuff:
At the moment (and this part will be updated if necessary), the following have a weekly Monday update:
Eagle of Alamut (Desmond gets thrown back to 12th century Jerusalem in his 16-year-old body, endgame: AltDes)
I also sometimes suddenly post sometimes 2 or 3 more fics all at the same time and it’s kinda my modus operandi to 'coincide' it with important AC dates.
(Also, for those asking me if I need a beta, yeah, most probably but then I would be obligated to remove the "No Beta We Die Like Desmond" tag and the tag is too funny for me to give it up. XD I'd appreciate any comments that tell me if I've written something wrong though, especially the non-English words I sometimes use.)
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