tevintersnakes · 5 months
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Lab tech brain compels me to ramble through my OC
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raviollies · 2 years
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“The magic you feel is strange  — there’s an edge of what feels like your ancestors.”
Did someone say Eldritch Blast
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yardsards · 1 year
a pet headcanon of mine is that after they're done with the sigil removal, emira expands her horizons and starts studying the psychological side of healing, pulling in some resources from the human realm and combining it with boiling isles methods (i imagine the field of psychology in the boiling isles, while existent, was often pushed aside as just a lesser branch of the healing coven back when belos was in charge. i do imagine there's often magic like the memory tweezers involved)
and i imagine she ends up focusing in on like, art therapy and self-expression, because she knows how important that can be, after having her individuality stifled so hard when she was young
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cosmicxtree · 5 months
Now you're at home Kakavasha 💔
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anistarrose · 2 years
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jestiamy · 1 year
qsmp makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist almost constantly. I see someone go "yeah bad almost exclusively chooses tophats in games when given the option" and I immediately run back to my conspiracy board and pin that next to the photo of q!slime and q!mariana saying they'll adopt juanaflippa because she has glasses like q!slime/q!mariana respectively under a sticky note captioned "??? the original spanish-english egg pairs were designed in a way meant to attract certain parents to adopting them???", that's connected by red string to a note pad page stating "how random was the parent pairing REALLY?" with nothing under it - which is then connected to a string that leads to several polaroids containing the ending(s) of the wall and the wreckage of the button, captioned "why build a wall that big only to have it end at a certain point?" followed by a string connected to a notebook page in the middle of the board reading "the illusion of choice?" - connected to several other seemingly dead-end questions and theories, as well as some slight stragglers only connected to eachother and not the middle. and then I look over my board covered in feverish notes and I go. yeah okay so I may just have like a slight problem
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
The task I wanted to do:
- task 1: Visualize the fourth dedekind number
What I needed to do in order to do task 1:
- task 1.1: Draw a hypercube and
- task 1.2: then give each of the 16 vertices a name - which is the 16 different "cells" (I dunno which word to use, sorry) of a venn diagram with 4 overlapping sets plus a circle around that 4-venn diagram.
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//additional info: For the 3rd dedekind number visualization I already posted I needed to use 20 cubes. Each of the 8 vertices of a cube was related to 3 sets - A, B and C - and the intersections of these sets. (AB, AC, BC, ABC)
You remember this post:
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... and these details:
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...and now back to the 4th dedekind number, which follows the same principle, - but in 4 dimensions.
- So we need a hypercube - and a 4th set/letter:
Now we have 4 letters - alias 4 sets
- and 11 combinations of these sets:
AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD, (6)
ABCD (1)
=> 11 different intersections + 4 "pure" sets. (sorry for ignorant wording)
So, we have 15 of these now. What is with the 16th (as the hypercube has 16 vertices)? Yeah, that one is the circle you imagine around the 4-set venn diagram.
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This is a 4-set venn diagramm btw:
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So, back to me attempting to do the 4th dedekind-number visualization:
So I started to draw that venn diagram using ellipses, but I slightly altered it, because I wanted to use my isometric grid paper. (The angles of my drawing are different than in the picture depicted above.)
I started to draw the 4 ellipses, and I somehow started to see two intertwined/interlocked tubes due to the additional helplines I used for drawing.
Then I started to use my thicker black pen to make this effect of these two interlocked tubes more visible:
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Now I plan to write the sets/letters at the backside of that piece of paper - in mirrored, so I can hold this piece of paper (with the tube drawing in front) against the light - and see the letters of the set names shining through.
i might also add some details to the tubes.
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kelvingemstone · 8 months
shiv and tom r so good because. she's the girl of your dreams. the one in all the magazines you looked at since you were a child, yes, that specific one. you pulled her out of a pit, you made yourself useful to her, and she showed you her heart, and now you're in love. it's the love story of your dreams. but then you wake up, and that's not all of her: she is callous and she has her boot right on your neck and she will never acknowledge anything but you being in her debt. you wake in increments and you realise that her world has made you into a paper-mache man, and you have acquiesced to it, because you love her, and you love your story. you love the luxury that comes with it, the exclusive ICU ward you proposed to her in, the fuckall-big estate you were married in, the penthouse you've got your marital bed in, the vineyard you own which sends you boxes of wine. the waking takes a while, but when it's done you realise that she doesn't need you for any of it, that it comes as easy to her as birthright, and you've simply gone out of style. you've both said too many truths and the love story is cracked and gone because you wanted to, for once in your life, have something more than her. and so she leaves, but she likes that grasping part of you, so she comes back, and it repeats till you realise: there is something of you inside of her, literally. you've sunk your claws in and she's scrambling. you've got the girl, the company, and the child. it's the love story of your dreams.
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lovinnelily · 9 months
Y'all do know you can't make Jason be NOT white without changing his whole character, right?
For other characters, yes, because their physical appearance are not that influential in their story, on how they are viewed by people, on their personality formation — you can have a black/asian/indigenous/arab/brown/latino/etc Nico and yes, the hate he gets will have a undertone of racism but at the same time nothing significant on his story, motivation or personality will need to change. This is also true for other characters: Clarisse risks repeating the "aggressive WoC" stereotype but the character itself doesn't change.
This isn't true for Jason, whose main character trait is how he is perceived by others and how he showcases himself to others based on that perception. (specially with how little effort Riordan put on him besides making him perfect-er Percy who's somehow also weaker and less important than him).
Let's not pretend a black, Arab, indigenous, Asian, Latin man, etc, in the USA would ever be treated with the universal reverence Jason gets from New Roma, you can't have the illusion of perfection and most of all, of invincibility they have about him when you see him suffering racism or xenophobia in the middle of a mission. Nothing in his life has ever gone wrong, that's his image, destined to be king, he is supposed to have no weakness on his peers eyes.
He is not trying to prove people wrong, he is trying to prove them right; he isn't worthy despite their prejudice, on the contrary, he only tried to make himself worthy to fulfill their expectations. He can't be a woman or an immigrant or have a visible disability or any other thing that strays him from a perfect ideal by western society standards, and be that same character.
#Different from the other white character in the series he was never questioned or doubted#There's a presumption of perfection with no exceptions that society doesn't give to us (women poc immigrants visible minorities in general)#His privilege (handsome white man with no visible disability son of Zeus etc) also prevented anyone from worrying for his well being#This illusion/expectation of him having no weakness/being untouchable pushes himself too far and clouds his judgment.#I headcanon he didn't even consider the possibility of myopia because that wouldn't fit Jason Grace Son of Jupiter so it wasn't an option#And you think it'd be the same character after facing racism? Because ain't no way he'd be praetor without going through racism#I think I'd love him nonetheless since I'm very weak to the whole golden boy tearing himself to save the world but it'd be a new character#jason grace#I know racism in USA is different from here but I know how different a “non-racist” white person treats me and treats my white friends#Also for him to not be an entirely different character if PoC would be incredibly disrespectful and racist on its own#It would fail to recognize the difference in how we are read (and written). I hate that a lot.#I remember that when Cody told Brandi “I see no color” she told him “then you don't see me” and that's so fucking striking#We ARE different. treated differently. if you act like you don't see it then you also turn a blind eye to the violence that comes from it#This is straying from my point I got a bit heated banalization of things I care about usually does that to me#Point is please don't change Jason on the very few things that man actually bothered writing about him#I actually think this is true about Octavian too. A lot of what he is allowed to do would not be possible if he weren't a white man.#Same for Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I mean you can work around making her poc but it will truly be pushing A LOT#Let's put it this way: a woc doing a street performance is perceived very differently from a white woman doing a street performance.#Specially in the eyes of cops#Pjo
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dramadramallama · 9 months
your honor,
this might sound very specific—and it is—but do you know how much i yearn for easy, quick, normal, simple, no slow-mo, just everyday regular SMOOCHING in romance kdramas?
you'd think it'd be as common a thing to witness as dramatic make-out sessions under the rain, or love confessions during the first snowfall of the year, BUT honest to god these quick kisses are the rarest of pokémons. and i am always so stupidly thrilled when we have a newly established couple just act like... a newly established couple????
please let me see them giggle and be disgusting and childish like, this is what i signed up for?? they're supposed to be freshly in love and high on the fact they're being loved back!!! they're supposed to be silly with it!
anyway, all this to say, thank you the story of park's marriage contract for giving me exactly, and i mean eXACTLY, what i want out of two fictional people in love. candid moments.
i rest my case.
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thecruellestmonth · 7 months
I know that Steph's death was retconned to have been faked and that she only haad a near-death experience—and, yes, I prefer this version of events because while it's extremely doubtful that Leslie would ever pull this stunt, it's at least morally correct for Bruce Wayne's loved ones to lie to his face and mess with his ego—
But I'm not on board with saying that Cass reuniting with Steph in death was just a "hallucination". No, Steph wasn't among the spirits of the dead. But I like the think that rather than Cass having a close encounter with a spirit of the dead, instead Cass as a spirit of the dead visited Steph's dreams.
In dreams and death, the line between the reality where Steph survives and the almost-reality where she died is blurred. But love and comfort and bonds between souls are the only things that are truly real.
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sskk-manifesto · 6 months
Atsushi's back in the game!!! ۶( ˆ o ˆ )
#And Kouyou!!!!#Also. I can say Steinbeck is kinda 👀👀👀#King of the specific category of “I forget I like him until he's on screen”#I'm seriously unlocking memories with this rewatch. Like I haven't thought about it in two years–#but I just know when I was watching the anime for the first time I was being like#“Of COURSE the villains need to spend several minutes each episode explaining in detail how their own superpowers work so that the–#protagonists can get a perfect idea of how to best counter them. Why are villains made so freaking stupid in this show” aljhvwslchvqliyqwb#But. Eh. I guess that's just bsd to you.#Alsoooooo random thought of the day: I don't really favour how Tanizaki's ability was adapted in the anime.#I very well understand they were going for this green Matrix-like illusion effect‚ but every time someone says “... Snow?”#I'm like please explain where do you live that has snow glowing green.#Aamsjgvfaskjhfv sorry this is me being very. Cranky and nitpicky and having terrible audience etiquette in refusing to–#engage in suspension of disbelief. It just bugs me akvakcvqkyb I just feel like... Green is such a non-snow color–#that quite of completely disrupts the Light Snow / Sasame Yuki aesthetic. I would have liked it much better light blue or simply white.#What else. The way the Guild just goes on at stereotypes still troubles me a lot. The “usamericans can't be touched by laws–#because they use money to corrupt anyone” “foreign criminal organization come in our country to corrupt our pure and untouched soil”#Idk. Maybe all of it is true. Can it still be deemed a stereotype when it's objectively something that's happened before–#and will probably keep happening?#I suppose I'm just not a fan of the constant hostility against any foreigner. Idk.#This situation besides is extremely ironical. If you meet me irl it probably won't take long to see me being very outspoken about–#how much I despise usa cultural colonization of all other countries. It's something that really bothers me‚ how rooted and pervasive–#their influence is. So in a lot of ways I can relate to the author's sentiment#I just feel that. If you start treating them as stereotypes and ignore the complexity of a country and the wide spectrum of causes–#that contribute to its attitude in international relations. You end up practicing precisely what you're trying to criticize.#Okay this is the last time I'm getting into the politics of the Guild arc lol#random rambles#This time I took watching the episode slow I feel a little late
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kyxworld · 6 months
But it's not from me... I've read it, that's why I'm asking...
dear lord 😵‍💫
that doesn’t matter but, i’ll break down smth for you
ND-> Non Dualism, Non Dual-> Only one-> Oneness is all there is
AV-> Advaita Vedanta-> No- Two-> There’s no duality-> Only oneness, Brahman/ God/ “ ”
essentially all these are just concepts which are meant to be dropped at some point of time.
this what i talk abt^ what every blogger here talks abt.
if i’m right, you’re not refuting the part where you asking for changing the illusion?
time and again, BY NO MEANS THIS IS A DAMN METHOD. there’s no causality here 🥹. why can’t you see? you’re ignoring the whole point of this philosophy, coming here and asking “how to change/have diff illusion/ etc” does that anywhere come close to what the philosophy is?
it’s a philosophical concept to realize self, how you’re not this limited person, it’s all just maya (illusion) and the only person who’s real, conjuring up this is you, brahman/ self/ that/ “ ”
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turian · 17 days
okay. wow. hi.
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(Response to this)
Noelle gets a bit confused after Silas sniffs her. She’s not teary anymore and her mood suddenly changes.
“Hey, cut it out, weirdo." she yells at him with anger. "I know who ya are. I swear to Rotie you’re here in her database.”
Noelle checks the Rotie Database on her phone. It seems Silas is still labeled as Zorua. It was now changed to Zoroark.
“Heh, she never lies.” Noelle chuckles. “But for unknown reasons, my description of you went missin’ because she was somehow corrupted. I’ll tell Rimi to fix this.”
Noelle checks more of a Database and wonders.
“Hmm, that’s weird. It seems North and Wisteria’s profiles aren’t here. And the user with the name "Ivy" appears. Still, very corrupted.” Noelle sighs. “Oh, yea, it seems the name “Linda” is still in here, tho they might never have met one yet.”
“Anyway, I give ya a Houndoominite. Why? I have too many already, because I have subscribed to the service and they give this damn stone bi-monthly to any Pokémon who can Mega Evolve. Also, never forget me.”
Noelle gives this to Silas and leaves with a little chuckle. “Hehe, what a weirdo.”
[ @tricks-n-illusions ]
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[A Perepheral Illusions bonus quote where the quote originally came from my newest hyperfixation.]
Kiv : I'm sorry, what is happening here?
Eevee : Me and Beetle are playing dress up, Alphs is making us question our existence, and I found a dollar! *holds up, said dollar*
Sarah : You mean that dollar you borrowed from me a month ago?
Eevee : Oh, yeah, you're right... *hands Sarah the dollar.*
(Kiv & Alphs - @papyru-roleplays Eevee - @apocalyptic-eevee-pov Sarah - @perepheral-illusions-casperpov)
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