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livingformintyoongi · 24 hours
Misunderstanding | Kim Taehyung
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a/n: I'm so bad with titles lol. At least you get the idea a bit :). In one part it is mentioned that Y/N is not a public figure like Taehyung, even though she is a chaebol. This is because her family is somewhat like that of Samsung's owners, they keep their children's identities secret until they make their own place in the company.
Summary: It's basically your reaction to hearing about the dating rumours between Taehyung and Jennie while the two of you are still in a relationship. And obviously, he is trying to fix things as quickly as possible.
wc: 2.9k (I didn't think it would be so long honestly).
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When you started dating Taehyung, you never thought it would be a big problem. You knew that his schedule was complicated, but you didn't have any drama with that because yours was pretty much the same. You also knew that you wouldn't be a public couple because of the criticism you might get, but that was even better for you because you didn't like being in the public eye either. Problems on tour? Phones were there for a reason, not being able to have children? You were too young, can’t go out in public? Loved the cozy, private dates, little quality time together? Even better! Every moment with him would feel even more special because of how exclusive it was. Yes, you were willing to accept all these disadvantages because you never saw them as an insurmountable problem. At least until now.
You and Taehyung started dating in 2020, during the pandemic. You met him at the concert in cooperation with Lotte Duty Free, one of the companies your father founded, because yes, you were the youngest daughter of the Shin, the family in charge of the Lotte company and all its subsidiaries.
The two of you got along very well while preparing for the concert, so you decided to exchange numbers to keep in touch. It only took a few months before you started dating him officially, and you were very happy at first. 
His schedule was busy, of course, but he had time for you. He would greet you with a big smile, hug you from behind, and take you to the dining room where he had a whole show set up for you. Jazz in the background, scented candles, rose petals everywhere, and two plates of food of dubious origin that you would enjoy anyway because your boyfriend made it. 
You were willing to put up with all those cons if he gave you moments like this every chance he got, moments where it was just you and him. 
Once the pandemic was over and your schedule returned to normal, things got complicated.
And no, time, work, dating, none of that was the problem, because it didn't even have anything to do with you two as a couple.The problems were caused by a third person. Kim Jennie, one of the members of Blackpink and one of the most beautiful women you will ever meet.
You never had any problems with her. You had bumped into her once or twice in the hallway on your way backstage, but obviously she wouldn't recognize you, you were always covered from head to toe.You thought that your friend had the same relationship with her, something casual that couldn't even be called a friendship because you barely said hello to each other when you were together, in fact Taehyung never looked at anyone when he was with you.So why did this happen now?
Your boyfriend was on tour and it was the time of his concert, so you couldn't just call him and ask him about it. You looked at the screen of your cell phone for the sixth time, the headline in big, dark letters seemed to mock your feelings.
"Dispatch confirms, V of BTS and Jennie of Blackpink are in a relationship," you muttered to yourself, trying to get your brain to catch the words, to process them, to react. It didn't.
You scrolled down the page until you stopped at the myriad of photos they had as proof. None of them looked doctored. 
You saw the blue short-sleeved shirt with flowers that Taehyung was wearing in the photo and put your phone down to go to the closet you shared. You pulled out all of his clothes until you found it. You grabbed it and crumpled it in your hands. 
Only then did you burst into tears. You covered your eyes with your shirt and screamed until you felt your throat couldn't take it anymore. Your heart hurt so much that you even had trouble breathing. 
You looked around the room you both shared, trying to understand why he would do this to you. You thought you were fine, everything seemed fine, so why were there hundreds of videos and pictures of your boyfriend with another girl? You felt like all these people were making fun of you by being happy for them. What about you, why don't they think about his real girlfriend who had to put up with years of being locked away in secret while these two were fearlessly dating?
The sadness soon turned to anger, and it wasn't long before you got up and grabbed the biggest suitcase you could find, whether it was his or yours.
You stuffed it with as many clothes as you could, taking your time because you knew he wasn't coming. You lifted the suitcase as high as you could and carried it into the living room. You looked at every single picture of the two of you as a couple. Another few tears fell from your eyes and you let them out as you took the frames and threw them away. 
You threw out everything you could. Mugs, matching pajamas, pictures, rings, absolutely everything. When you were done, your eyes were dry and your head hurt too much, but you didn't care. You grabbed your suitcase and headed for the door.
The only thing that stopped you from leaving was Yeontan, who stood in the doorway, staring at you while wagging his tail from side to side.
"Tannie, mommy has to go do something, okay?" you nuzzled behind his ear and sobbed softly. You knew he wouldn't understand. "Don't worry, I'll visit you every day until your owner comes."
You stood up, took a breath, and walked away. You didn't know where you were going, but that apartment was no longer an option. 
You stood in front of the buildings where you lived and watched for taxis to pass by. Just then you received a phone call. For a moment you thought it would be Taehyung, but no, it was just Jimin's girlfriend, Soyeon, to whom you had become very close over the past years.
"Yes?" you mumbled hoarsely.
"Honey, it's me, Soyeonie," she said in a much calmer voice than usual. She was probably aware of your situation. "I read the news, are you okay?" You opened your mouth to reply, but she interrupted you so quickly that you didn't have time to say anything, "Of course you're not," she sighed, remaining silent for a few seconds, "Look, I know maybe I shouldn't pry, but I understand that you're hurting and the last thing you want is to be in a place full of... him."
You sob softly, wiping your cheeks as quickly as the first tears came.
"I haven't sold my old apartment yet, it has some furniture, enough to live decently, why don't you stay there for a few weeks?"
"Soyeon-ah," you cried, wanting to hug her until you fell asleep. That's what you needed, a long nap.
"Relax, everything’s gonna be okay, Unnie will come and see you there, I'll send you the address, just wait."
"Okay," you nodded, even though you knew she couldn't see you, "thanks."
"It's nothing."
And she hung up.
You looked around. It was full of cars and buildings that looked too big. 
You felt so stupid as you mentally wished that Taehyung was here to comfort you.
You saw a taxi coming your way and you made it stop. You weren't sure if this would be the end of your relationship, you were willing to hear his side, but you weren't willing to have to live with him or a place filled with his presence.
This was best for you.
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Taehyung called you the next day, about twenty times, not counting messages. You didn't answer any of them, mostly because you were asleep until 4 pm. You had a hard time falling asleep. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see the two of them holding hands, together in the car, on a date to some kind of zoo. You cried every time your brain projected those images.
Your phone rang for the 21st time. You were still a little groggy from sleep, but you answered it anyway.
"Y/N!" You turned the phone away from your ear. It was too painful to hear his voice so loud with the headache you were feeling, "Oh God, I was so afraid something bad had happened to you. I called the girls, but none of them knew anything about you, so I got worried and..."
"Why did you call me?" you asked curtly. You thought maybe you were being a little cruel, but you didn't care. Answering him like that wouldn't make him feel a thousandth of the pain you felt and still feel since last night.
He was silent for a few seconds. You'd never answered him like that before, you guessed that's why he was so quiet.
"I..." he cleared his throat, sounding a little more tense than when you answered him, "I was a little worried, my manager told me about the news and I thought maybe you were feeling a little depressed-".
You interrupted him again, but this time with a mocking laugh, "A little depressed? Is that how you think I felt? A little depressed?" you laughed again. You had completely woken up this time, "Tell me, Kim, how would you feel if overnight it was all over the news that I was dating an idol? Huh? What would you do if this news came to you on the fucking Dispatch, while I was on the other fucking side of the world enjoying a concert? Would you be a little depressed? A little hurt? Would you even have taken the fucking trouble to answer my calls?" you began to raise your voice with every word you said. You didn't even notice at what point your voice broke. "You have no idea what I'm going through, and you never will, because unlike you I'm not a public figure! I could be fucking any man in Korea and you're never going to see an internet media outlet post it and 'celebrate' my relationship, you're never going to see any fan of mine go on social media and celebrate my relationship with someone else while you're behind the curtains" You sobbed, wiping your cheeks awkwardly.
"Honey, I know it's-"
"Don't you dare call me like that" you growled, clenching your jaw, "I don't even want to hear you say my name, do you understand?"
"Y/N" he muttered, his voice trembling. You assumed that at some point in your verbal vomit he had started to cry, "Just give me 1 minute, I'll explain everything, I promise."
You tried to control your anger by taking a big breath of air, it worked enough to stop you from sending him to fuck off... for the second time.
"Do you want me to listen to you?" you mumble, looking down at your hands, remembering all the times he came home late, wondering if all those times he was at her house, doing god knows what while you tried to stay awake just to see him before bed. 
"Y-yes, please, I just need a minute".
"Fine," you smiled half-heartedly, "then come and explain it to me in person. If you're really sorry and say it's a misunderstanding, come here and tell me."
Your more conscientious side chided you for your request. It was his job, you couldn't just order him to make a trip from the United States to Korea just for you. Maybe that's why you gave him that condition. You knew he wouldn't come all this way just for you.
The line went silent, you could barely hear his breathing. You ended your conversation.
"I thought so," muttering much calmer than at the beginning, "I guess Soyeon was right in saying that the only one who would have to make sacrifices for our relationship would be me."
And you cut the call short.
You put your phone on airplane mode and plopped down on your bed, ready to go back to sleep for the rest of the weekend.
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It had been a day since you heard the news, barely 17 hours since you last spoke to Taehyung, because yes, you counted the hours. You hadn't eaten anything, you'd barely had a glass of water, and the only thing you felt like doing right now was taking a very long shower and then crying yourself to sleep. Yes, it sounded like the perfect plan to try to get over your ex, if that's what you could call it.
You got in the tub at 10am, didn't get out until 12:30, and when you did you could barely feel your fingers and toes. At least your muscles had finally relaxed.
You dressed more slowly than usual, in just your pajamas, the only ones that weren't your partner's, and went to bed.
Until the doorbell rang.
You changed direction, confused. You were sure that no one besides Soyeon knew you were here. It crossed your mind that maybe she was worried about you and that's why you'd decided to open up and politely turn her away.
Except she wasn't the one waiting for you on the other side.
"Y/N," Taehyung said, trying to regulate his breathing. "You really were here," he whispered, entering the flat and closing behind him. It wasn't until the door rattled that his arms wrapped around you so tightly that you almost stopped breathing. "Why did you leave home? I got so worried when I saw our stuff in the trash and the wardrobe almost empty" he cupped your cheeks, inspecting your face.
You didn't understand what exactly was going on.
"What are you doing here?" you mumbled, letting him search your face. 
"You told me to come" he looked into your eyes and, almost instantly, his eyes began to fill with tears. "I couldn't let you because a misunderstanding made you hate me to the point of breaking up with me, I... I don't want to be without you, at this point I don't think I can be," he bent down until he could place his forehead against yours, his thumbs caressing the skin of your cheeks, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I don't plan on losing you over something stupid like this."
You looked at Taehyung, still not understanding what he was trying to say. 
"The pictures are real" he exhaled deeply, "but it's not like you think" he pulled his phone out of his trousers pocket. His hands were shaking slightly. You wanted to hold them, but you completely erased the thought, "We dated for a few months, it was a very short thing, about two or three months before we met".
He showed you some conversations from a few years ago. He was asking her to bring him the shoes he had left at her house last time, and that he would appreciate it if she would bring the leash they had bought Yeontan. You also saw the last messages they sent to each other, it was only a few days ago.
Jennie told him that someone had hacked into her phone and most likely found the pictures they took the time they went to the zoo. She apologized and sent him stickers of crying puppies, saying that the lawsuit against the hacker had already started and that she would try to speed up the process so that he wouldn't be affected. 
"I totally understand how angry you were, and obviously I also understand that you want to talk about this face-to-face, so I took the first flight I could find so I could come talk to you and-".
You didn't let him finish. You couldn't do that, not after everything you've been feeling the last few days. So you did the only thing you could think of since he came into the flat. You kissed him.
It was much more awkward than your kisses usually are, but you didn't care. You were so relieved that it was all a misunderstanding that no matter what kind of kiss it was, it would still be amazing to you.
He followed your kiss as soon as he came out of his surprise. He clung to you as if his life depended on it. He was the one who deepened the kiss and lifted you off the floor so he could kiss you better.
"I'm so sorry" you whispered in the middle of the messy kisses he was giving you, "sorry for doubting you" you sobbed softly, hugging his neck with all your strength.
He shook his head, holding your cheeks, "Don't apologise, it was a normal reaction, you said it yourself, I wouldn't have even answered your calls if I had been in your place" he kissed your shoulder softly, letting out a soft sigh. It felt so good to have you with him after all the tension he experienced during the flight.
"You were right about everything you said" he murmured, pulling away enough to look you in the eye, "so please don't apologize to me".
You nodded a little calmer, closing your eyes as you felt Taehyung's nose on yours.
"Now let's go get your things, I don't want to go back inside the house and not see your things in it."
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boyfiejay · 3 months
Polaroid Love
OR What kind of polaroids would Enhypen keep in their wallet / phonecase
PAIRING : OT7 x female Reader
GENRE : fluff, lovesick enha boys
Warning : none really, lmk if i missed smt
Author's Note : Happy Valentines to people who have a valentine and people who don't, wrote this in 30 mins because i forgot it was valentines 🤩 single people things ig
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Keeps a strip of photo booth pics in his wallet
●It was like you guy's nth date and you randomly spotted a photo booth
●And obviously you had to take pictures for you both
●Heeseung had happily obliged (he was just letting you drag him around the whole time)
●The space in the booth is so small so consequently you sat on his lap with his arms around you
●Man was over the moon, not only does he get to keep cliché couple photos, he also has you on his lap
●You both take photos with various different poses
●For the last one, Heeseung softly grabs you chin and turn you head. His lips already on yours before you could realise, he pulls away after a couple seconds.
●Resultantly you got the softest photo of you two ever. His mood instantly lightens up whenever he sees it.
A polaroid of you holding his guitar
●Man loves his guitar so much it makes you question if he even likes you
●But surprisingly he never ever said no to you anytime you wanted to hold his baby (he would never say no to you)
●And whenever you practiced on his guitar, he just felt so giddy inside
●The way you were so gentle and careful with it was too much of a happy sight for him
●So he makes the logical choice to capture this moment
●The polaroid remains in his phonecase and he never feels embarrassed or shy to show you off
●Infact he talks too much about you, so much that his friends beg him to shut up
●But anyways he loves that polaroid with his life.
A picture of you with Layla
●He has his priorities straight, only cares for his two girls (forgets his mom AGAIN)
●But he sulks so much when he realises that layla loves you far more
●But then again you two look too cute together so he can't even get mad about it
●So you were just playing around with layla, and then suddenly you hear the shutter of the camera
●The picture is kind of blurry, but ita the best he could get with how enegetic Layla is.
●Shows the picture to anyone and everyone, like dude no one talked about your dog or your girlfriend, why are you pulling their photos out
●But he's just so energetic and happy no one even says anything to him, Sunghoon probably has that photo revised so much he could draw it blindfolded...
●Makes the photo into a polaroid and keeps it in his wallet, so now its easier to take it out.
You both laying down in the ice rink
●Ice skating dates with him are honestly not boring despite you being their for the 10th time
●He finds something to entertain you with every single time and its just amusing
●It had been around an hour of sunghoon chasing you around and you were very tired
●So instead of going to the sitting areas, you decided to lay down in the middle of the rink, just trying to stabilise your breathing
●Sunghoon, also somewhat tired layed down beside you, it was quiet for a while until sunghoon took out his phone
●He took a couple picture of you with your eyes closed, which would later be used for blackmail, because you looked dead in those pictures
●When you finally opened your eyes to see what he was upto, you saw him make a funny face through the screen and laughed
●Gotta admit he has some very good timing because the picture turned out of be very cute and later became a polaroid.
Heart on the cheeks trend but a polaroid
●You two were just scrolling on tiktok and finding random beef that keeps happening there
●And you come across a tiktok where friends / couples draw hearts on their cheeks with lipstick
●Excitedly you showed the tiktok to sunoo who immediately ran to your bedroom to get your favourite shade of red lipstick
●Although you were the one who found that trend, sunoo seemed too excited to try it out
●You both drew the hearts and clicked some pictures, even taking ones with your polaroid camera
●And after everything was done and you were washing your faces, sunoo randomly told you that he had been waiting for you to see that trend
●Because he knows you would be happy that you found the tiktok before him :((
●And although telling that to you defeats the whole purpose, you still were very touched by this
●That polaroid is never leaving his wallet istg
You with flowers in your hair
●You both were just walking around with maeumi, you walked so much your feet were starting to ache
●So you both sat down on a park bench with maeumi playing around you two
●It was very peaceful until jungwon plucked flowers from the small bush near you two
●He just randomly started putting different flowers in your hair and you were far too tired to ask him why
●After he was satisfied with his masterpiece, he quickly pulled out his phome and started taking pictures of you from different angles
●One of the hundreds of photos he took was absolute perfection, you smiling at the camera as the sun hits your face just right
●As much of a simp he is, no one can deny that he really did took a phenomenal photo
●It was his lockscreen wallpaper for half a year, then turned into a polaroid that will stay in his wallet for eternity
A candid of you in his clothes
●I'm obsessed to the agenda that riki loves seeing you in his clothes
●And it was just another on of those times, you two had came running through the heavy rain so you wore his clothes till yours dry off
●Now this guy was red in the face when you just walked in the room
●No matter how many times he's seen you like this, it still makes him flustered
●You were busy with something and he just snaps a couple pictures of you, adding them to his collection of your photos
●Now you had no clue of those pictures for a good couple weeks, until he came to you giggling and all
●Why? Because he turned those photos to polaroids and although you were going to tease him about it, he was just so happy :((
●He's such a cutie patootie around you...
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817 notes · View notes
sooniebby · 1 year
Hi the Anon who asked if you knew JJBA! And I do have another fandom you do write for I’d like to request Which is Izuku x Male reader and the reader likes to where fem things sometimes and one day while hanging out with Izuku and they wear a skirt that is a bit too short and it’s gets Izuku riled up and with consent from reader plows there brains out. You can keep out the part where the reader likes to wear fem things sometimes I don’t mind it can be like the reader wore something too showy. Hope you have a great day!
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❝ 𝙔𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙚 ❞
꧁ 𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
Word count › 2.2k
Rating › NSFW
Warnings › none
Kinks › creampie
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
It wasn’t a secret that (Name) liked to occasionally dress a bit more feminine. He didn’t want to be a girl but he did like their clothes. It wasn’t something often—just a few times in his own room would he prance around in more traditionally girl clothes. 
His boyfriend, Izuku, technically knew. (Name) told him before they started dating but he never wore them in front of him. While (Name) had no shame in crossdressing that didn’t mean he wanted anyone to see him in it. 
It was for him and him alone. 
But it was beginning to get difficult to keep up with when Izuku moved in with him. The pro hero was hardly home but (Name) always got a nagging feeling that Izuku would somehow come home early one day. 
A hum left his throat as Izuku pressed a soft kiss on his neck. Izuku was tall and more muscular than (Name). It made sense—(Name) didn’t do much physical labor with his job. Just sat at his in home work desk and typed away while his cat judge him from her cat tower. 
“I’ll be coming home later tonight, okay? Don’t wait for me to eat,” Izuku muttered before stealing a quick kiss from his boyfriend. (Name) grinned and said his goodbye as Izuku left for whatever job he had to do today. 
Later tonight, for Izuku, usually meant a few minutes before the sun rose the next day. Which meant…. 
(Name) could wear the new skirt he bought. 
It was a impulsive buy, really. He had told himself he was going to have to give up crossdressing and give away the clothes. So, he vowed not to buy anymore but when he was scrolling some online store—he saw two pieces that caused him to die inside. 
A nice baby blue skirt and a ‘virgin killer’ sweater. 
He bought it… 
It came a week ago when Izuku wasn’t home and sat in his closet, begging to be worn. 
And now it will be. 
(Name) sighed to himself and walked over to his bedroom, closing the door behind himself to keep his cat out. Taking out the box from his closet, he first pulled out the skirt. It felt a bit cheap in fabric but he would still try it on. Slipping off his shorts, he pulled up the skirt. 
Only for it to get caught on his boxers. 
And to rip… 
“Wow, fifteen dollars down the drain!” (Name) cursed, glaring the skirt. He pulled it off and threw it back into the box. The sweater was from a different website so maybe it’ll come out better than the skirt. He didn’t try to get his hopes up though. 
(Name) pulled out the sweater and blushed. He knew this was a bit risker than his other clothing. They were way more conservative than this sweater that would practically show off his ass and everything. He had never felt anything sexual toward cross dressing but this time around he could feel his cock twitching. 
He pursed his lips and slipped off his shirt. With a baited breath, the sweater felt soft against his skin as he put it on. (Name) glanced at the large mirror in the corner of the room before realising he needed to take off his boxers. 
With one swift pull, his boxers pooled around his feet as he pulled the sweater down to fully ‘cover’ his ass. It hardly covered it, especially with the wide open back that gave a peak at his cheeks. The air was cold against his skin but only made him like it even more. 
The sweater was a soft grey. A thick collar and strings to tie around his neck to keep the sweater from slipping off. (Name) giggled to himself as he turned sideways to get a peak at what his back could look like. 
It truly did give a small peak at his ass and easily rode up with any movement he did. 
This thing was made purely for sex. 
(Name) pursed his lips. He never masturbated in any of his clothes. It always felt weird to him. But this technically wasn’t a woman’s sweater dress. It was just a costume for sex. He stepped away from his boxers on the floor and walked to his nightstand to grab his dildo and lube. 
Well, he might as well enjoy this. 
He might never get the chance to wear it again. 
Izuku was so happy. It was one of the first times that his boss allowed him to leave early. Though dinner had certainly passed, at least he’d be getting home before sunrise. A smile was plastered on his lips his entire way to his shared apartment. 
He opened the door and was greeted by his boyfriend’s cat. “Ah, Biscuit.” Izuku picked up the cat and walked inside, taking off his shoes and coat. The cat purred in his arms as he called out for (Name). 
But he didn’t answer. 
Hm, did he fall asleep? 
The lights to their bedroom was on. Izuku placed Biscuit on her cat tower and walked over to his bedroom, ready to cuddle with his boyfriend until he saw something shocking. 
There was (Name) on the bed, dressed in something that was hardly covering him at all. He could smell the strawberry lube and visibly see a dildo on the floor that (Name) must’ve threw when he heard the door open. 
“You’re… uh,” (Name)’s breathing sounded stuttered. “Here early…” 
Izuku glanced down to see (Name) had a finger inside of himself. Oh, that explains it. He had done this before. Accidentally walk in on (Name) masturbating but it felt different now. 
He’s seeing him crossdressing. 
In the sluttiest outfit he had ever seen his boyfriend in. 
Izuku walked inside the room and closed the door behind himself, not saying anything. He watched (Name) squirm as he pulled out his fingers and try his hardest to cover himself by pulling down the sweater. 
“Is this the cross dressing you told me about?” 
“No… This is new…” (Name) muttered, shame etched on his face. 
Izuku walked over to him and kneeled down, right between his legs. (Name) blinked in shock, reaching down to grasp Izuku’s broad shoulders. The two stared at each other as a boyish grin appeared on Izuku’s lips. 
“You’re so cute.” 
That was all Izuku said before leaning down and licking at (Name)’s lubed hole. (Name) squealed in shock as he was manhandled to have his legs opened wide and rest on Izuku’s shoulders as he ate his dinner. 
(Name) really believed that Izuku would’ve been at least a bit put off by his more feminine side since he was a man but it seemed that Izuku liked it. Compared to the many other times Izuku rimmed him—this felt as if he’d die if he didn’t do it. 
Because of (Name) previous masturbation, Izuku’s tongue easily slid in and out. Gaining whimpers from his boyfriend. (Name) arched his back as his toes curled at this new Izuku. Muttering on and on about him being close to cum. 
But Izuku pulled away at that. (Name) whined in dissatisfaction but Izuku didn’t say anything. 
“You should’ve told me you liked to dress like this. We could’ve had more fun,” Izuku grinned. It was certainly a dirty way of thinking but with his more innocent looks, it felt more like he was talking about something less sinful. 
(Name) huffed. “I didn’t think you’d like it that much.” 
“I like you in whatever you wear.” Izuku said nonchalantly, not noticing that blush that appeared on (Name)’s face. 
(Name) watched as Izuku moved his legs off his shoulder and stood up, staring down at him. 
“How do you want it?” 
(Name) bit his lip. “Like you’ve missed me.” 
Izuku simply grinned as he guided (Name) to stand up. He took his spot on the bed, not before pulling down his pants to allow his cock to gain freedom. (Name)  blushed as Izuku reached over and travelled his hands across the open back of the sweater. 
(Name) loved the feeling of Izuku’s scarred hands on his back, tracing little circles on them. But Izuku wasn’t looking at him. He was looking behind him. (Name) looked back to see what was behind him only to notice the mirror. 
Fuck. He had moved it from it’s usual spot to look at himself in the clothes that he forgot to put it back. Izuku had a clear view of the sweater’s backside from just staring at the mirror and he seemed to notice that (Name) now knew from the knowing chuckle that left his lips. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. You chose to wear this for a reason.” 
(Name) pouted. “Yeah but I didn’t except you to see it.” 
“What do you mean? You’re always going to be seen by me,” Izuku said, having one hand slide down (Name)’s back before he easily grasped one ass check. It was still shocking to (Name) that Izuku’s hand could grip on ass check so easily. 
A whimper left his lips as he glared at Izuku but still leaned in closer, wanting to get past the teasing and into the fucking. 
“Hm?” Izuku easily slipped in two fingers inside (Name) enjoying the squelching from the copious amount of lube he had used. (Name) huffed, soft whimpers leaving his throat as he tried to say what he wanted. 
Izuku used his free hand to pull at the sweater and free one of (Name)’s nipples. He leaned in and captured it in his mouth, enjoying the shriek he earned from his lover. (Name)’s nipples always got him worked up. 
(Name) gripped at Izuku’s hair and arched into his touch, his cock dejectedly twitching for some touch. His mouth was permanently opened with each moan or whimper that left his lips. Izuku’s fingers inside of him soon turned into four that thrusted in harshly inside. 
“Izuku!” He cried, feeling his prostate being violently touched against by his much larger fingers. 
Izuku simply hummed, gently biting on (Name)’s nipple as he continued to suckle on it. He pulled away a second later—(Name)’s red nipple dripping with salvia and perked up in the cold air. Leaning to the other side, Izuku captured his other nipple into his mouth to give it the same treatment. 
“Izuku… Izuku…” (Name) babbled, no longer able to handle the teasing. 
Izuku pulled away from his nipple, a string of salvia connected from his lips to the perky nipple.
“Apologise, first. Then I’ll fuck you.” 
“For what?” (Name) whimpered, crying out at the sudden pressing on his prostate. Izuku was now intentionally rubbing it—gaining nonstop cries from the man above him. He watched in glee as he lover tried his best to not collapse from the pleasure. 
“For not allowing me to see you like this more often.” 
(Name) cried out once more. His prostate was going to be the death of him. His cock twitched at each touch, pre cum dripping from it onto Izuku’s leg. 
“I’m, nng, sorry!” (Name) moaned, feeling his legs give out. He was only still up than on the floor was from Izuku’s hand holding his hips. 
“I forgive you~” 
Izuku pulled out his fingers and used hardly a percentage of his strength to manhandle (Name) onto his lap. 
“Now let me give you your reward.” 
(Name) was dying. His hole was aching and red as Izuku’s cock continued to abuse it. His own cock was dead—only dripping out watery left overs of cum after his third orgasm. Each thrust into his tight heat was sending him off the deep end. 
Izuku had (Name) on his lap while he gripped his waist tightly and used him like a fleshlight. Under any other circumstance, (Name) would’ve preferred missionary or doggy but this somehow felt right with the outfit he was still wearing. 
(Name) gasped at the tug on his nipple with Izuku’s teeth, gripping at Izuku’s thighs. It wasn’t a shock at how long Izuku could last compared to (Name). Izuku, despite his outer appearance, was way more into sex than him. 
Nine times out of ten, Izuku would’ve been the one to initiate the sex. 
“Izuku… I’m dying…” 
Izuku simply chuckled and continued using (Name) as he pleased, enjoying the wet, tight heat that tightened around his cock whenever he brushed against his prostate. 
“Izuku! Izuku, I’m…” (Name)’s mouth opened in a silent scream as he cummed once more, the watery substance staining Izuku’s shirt. 
Izuku’s thrust had started to get sloppy. Grunts and moans left his lips which told (Name) that he was close. (Name) preened with happiness at this finally being over but soon cried out at the continued hits on his prostate from a grinning Izuku. 
Of course, the final thrusts were always the worst. It was as if Izuku was using his last remaining strength to hit (Name)’s prostate in a repeated fashion before going in as deep as possible before cumming. 
And he did, he cummed deep inside (Name), grunting at his lover’s hole tightening around him. The two said nothing as they tried to catch their breaths, leaning over to kiss one another on the lips. 
It was a sloppy kiss as (Name) felt as if he had no energy left. They muttered a quick ‘love you’ before cuddling for a second. Izuku’s hands trailed up and down (Name)’s back before a smile formed on his lips. 
“Wear this again, (Name).”    
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈─➤ END
Wow! I’m actually really proud of this one. I tried something different with my writing style!
Let me know if you guys prefer this!
Feedback appreciated! Thanks for reading <3
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restinslices · 2 months
Everything pt2
PJO Show Ares X Child!Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 6168 (I realized a bit late that majority is me setting up the scene. If you just wanna see their talk, read after the “~~”)
Summary: You haven’t seen your father since the last time you talked, but of course with your luck he finds you again and you’re forced to make a big decision.
Warnings: Reader is going through it, poor attempt at a fight scene, the lore and timeline is probably fucked up but ignore that, OOC Ares probably and as of typing I’m realizing MAJOR SPOILER FOR THE TITANS CURSE. To avoid this, scroll until you see “I don’t have any friends that come over” or “~” if you wanna be extra careful.
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You’d love to say that not seeing your father after your last talk was some sort of surprise, but it wasn’t. Thankfully (is that selfish to think?) none of the demigods had a real good relationship with their parent. Well, Percy seemed to have a solid relationship with Posideon, but it’s not like he saw him everyday. And as selfish and heartless as it sounded, that offered you a bit of relief and comfort. It’s not like your father was sensitive and loving to you and you screwed it up. Everything was pretty much back to normal. 
 It was a pretty somber day at camp. Percy, Grover and Thalia had managed to save Annabeth and Artemis, but it didn’t come without casualties. You weren’t necessarily friends with Bianca or Zoë but you still grieved over them. The hardest part though, was watching how sad your friends had gotten, especially Percy. You knew what Percy was like. Percy was extremely loyal but that loyalty led to carrying a lot more weight on his shoulders than what was necessary. If your suspicions were right (and you knew they were), he’d blame himself for Bianca’s death. That made zero sense to you. He told you exactly how she died and to you, it seemed like Bianca made a choice. Percy couldn’t have done anything to stop it. He didn’t see it that way and you weren’t sure why you insisted on telling him over and over again and trying to cheer him up. 
 “Nico?” Percy raised to his feet when he saw you approaching. You shook your head,
 “No sign of him. He’s been missing for a week now Percy. If we were gonna find him, we would’ve found him by now”. Percy looked defeated. You were sure he knew the chances of finding him were slim to none, but you kept combing areas of the woods for him to keep him somewhat at peace. If he thought there was a chance, he wouldn’t be as depressed hopefully. 
 “I’m gonna say it again-“
 “Well what should I say to calm you down?”
 Percy thought for a moment but just shrugged and started heading inside his cabin and you followed. Percy collapsed on his own bed and you took it upon yourself to sit on the bed next to his. You didn’t know if it was because you held resentment towards your father, or if you actually liked Cabin 3 but you really wished this was your cabin instead. “Must be nice having a cabin all to yourself. No obnoxious cabin mates, no extra noise, nobody leaving their shit on the floor”.
 “I guess” was all he said back to you and you sighed. You didn’t wanna keep repeating yourself but you genuinely didn’t know what to say but not saying anything made you feel like an asshole that was ignoring the situation. 
 So you tried to change the subject. 
“Is it like this at home too? Just you and your mom? No friends over?”. 
 “I don't have any friends that can come over”
 “None at school?”
 That made you frown. You were older than Percy by a few years, so you had time to adjust to how lonely life could be as a half-blood and by now, you didn't return “home” either. Camp was your home now year round. You understood why Percy kept going home though. You heard about his mom and she seemed like a nice woman. You were grateful he at least had that. 
 But instead of saying something sweet and nice and voicing your thoughts, you made a joke instead. “That's why your little ass keeps getting into trouble. You have no one out there watching out for you”
 “My mom watches out for me plenty”
 “But she's not keeping schools from being blown up now is she?”. Percy rolled his eyes, but he didn't look as sad as before so you took this as a sign to keep talking “if I was watching you, you'd be alright. At least you'd have help”
 “You're tryna live with me now?”
 “Sure”, you said with a shrug. “A cool mom, random blue food, stopping you from exposing yourself - it all sounds grand”. You both laughed at your joke because that's what it was. A joke. 
 At least… it was at first. 
 Either Percy didn't know what a joke was, or he was pretty fond of having a big sibling when he was home because the next day he told you he sent an Iris message to his mom and she was fine with getting an air mattress for you. You almost told Percy that it was just a joke, but then you thought about how lonely he must be at home and how annoying it can be only having his mom to talk to about this demigod stuff. Plus, it hopefully wouldn't hurt to get a break from camp. 
 You didn't know why you decided to pray and tell Poseidon about this, but you did. The sun had set and you slipped out of your cabin and snuck into the woods. You made a mini fire and threw two candy bars the Stoll brothers managed to sneak in, which was a real shitty offering but it was all you had. You couldn't do it during the feast. You had too much to say and someone would hear. 
 “Terrible offering, I know. I hope you're listening anyway” you started. “I'm gonna be following Percy around when he goes home and I'm gonna try and keep him and Sally somewhat safe. I don't know how safe Percy can really be but I'll try anyway. I hope that's not a problem. I'm not tryna step on your toes or anything”. 
 In all honesty praying and giving offerings felt strange. You were supposed to pray to Ares everyday and give him an offering, but you stopped doing that after your last talk. The first time you threw food in a fire and didn't say his name, you thought you'd combust as a punishment. You didn't though, so you kept doing it. Occasionally you'd give offerings to other gods but it was mainly Athena. Partially because she was like Ares but not really and partially because you hoped it would upset Ares. Was it childish? Yes. But compared to someone as old as Ares, you were a child. 
 “That's all I really have to say. If you don't want me to go you can drown me in my sleep or maybe send a letter. Whatever works for you”. You looked around, expecting for some paper saying “absolutely not” to land somewhere around you but nothing happened, so you put out the fire and snuck back into your cabin. 
 You don't think you have a huge ego, but you definitely felt you deserved a pat on the back for how good your work was. 
 You were able to convince your own lousy family to hand over any legal documents to Sally and thankfully Percy's middle school had a highschool right next to it. Although the demigods weren't supposed to use phones, a minor text here and there saying “hey, I think there's monsters here” didn't hurt anyone. There were plenty of times you had to sneak out of your school and into his, and if you weren't so busy fighting for your life, you'd audition to be in some spy or assassin movie. 
 Thankfully though, you weren't always busy helping Percy. You figured you might as well help Sally out so you got a job at a nearby bookstore inside of a mall and honestly? You'd prefer fighting monsters over dealing with bratty customers. Seriously though, how can you be a bitch at a bookstore? 
 “I've already told you ma'am” you said in a monotone voice, “we can't give you a refund if you do not have a receipt”. 
 The black hair woman scoffed and looked at you as if you caused the problem she was having. “A receipt? Do I seem like the type of woman who keeps a receipt?! When I bought Twilight, I expected better and I hate it and now I want a refund and as the customer, I am always right!”. 
 The entire conversation made you wanna explode in front of her and change the trajectory of her life, but unfortunately it didn't happen. What was with mortals and not understanding basic store rules?
 “I would love it if you were right but you're not. No receipt. No refund”. She scoffed again and you wanted to grab her by the throat and stop the noise from ever leaving her mouth again. 
 “Well what do you expect me to do?!”
 “Pick up a different book then get out maybe?”. 
 You couldn't put a finger on the noise that came out of her next. It was some deep throaty sound with a mix of anger and disgust. “Do you know who I am? I'm Holly Holiday-” you accidentally cracked a smile at her stupid name and that just fueled her rage. She pointed a finger at your name tag and said your name, followed by “you are so done for! I'll have you eaten alive for this!”. 
 She turned on her heels and left in a huff. Fucking finally. 
 You looked over at your coworker Harper and pretended your fingers were a gun and shot yourself, getting a laugh out of her. Harper and her twin Hazel shared a few classes with you and by some coincidence they also worked in the mall. Harper was with you while Hazel worked at the costume store downstairs. You couldn't tell them apart and you weren't sure if you'd ever pass the “we talk sometimes” stage but it didn't matter right now. 
 “I know it's closing time but are you ok if I take a bathroom break really quick? I can help out when I get back”
She waved dismissively, “take your time man. Hazel'll be coming up here too”. You nodded with a small thank you and stepped into the mostly vacant mall. The mall was usually lively but with it being so late at night, the only people around were other people like that annoying customer and workers who had the misfortune of still working this late. 
 It was eerily quiet. Sure, you thought you were used to how silent it was at this time of night, but you still got the creeps and did not take your time alone in the bathroom. 
 Maybe you should have though, because once you left the bathroom that same annoying lady was waiting outside, which she definitely should not have been doing. 
 “I told you I did not like that book”. 
 Seriously? She was still complaining? She was still here after the store had pretty much closed? 
 You said something that would've gotten you fired if your boss was around, “yeah? Tough shit lady. No receipt, no refund, it's as simple as that. Don't buy books you haven't read. Now get out the mall and go take care of your kids”. 
 She snarled. A genuine snarl that made you start to sneakily slip off the bracelet you were wearing. You didn't know if gods could give other kids gifts, and either it had been allowed this whole time or Poseidon didn't care since shortly after your “chat” after hours you received a dagger that could transform into a bracelet. You thought maybe Ares had sent it, but his gifts didn't smell of the ocean and a fresh breeze. 
 Regardless of who gave it to you, that snarl didn't sound good. 
 “I don't think you're very good at your job”
 “I guess I'm not. Now do us both a favor and just leave”. 
 She didn't leave. Instead she smirked and that was all the confirmation you needed to know something was wrong. The bracelet slipped off your wrist and while the monster was transforming, you gripped your weapon and brought it up through the bottom of her mouth. You pulled it out, but not through the entry wound. You pulled it towards you, letting it split her face in half. 
 Just in case, you stabbed her in the heart, twisted the knife then pulled it out of her through the side of her chest. You didn’t have to wait for her to crumble. It was game over. A surprisingly easy win. 
 You grabbed some nearby napkins so you could wipe your dagger clean then returned it back to your wrist. 
 “What happened?” Harper asked once you stepped back inside, which was really odd for multiple reasons. 
 Firstly, you looked like you usually did. Nothing about you was particularly out of place. At least you didn't think so. 
 Secondly, she didn't sound curious. She didn't sound concerned. She sounded frustrated, like you did something wrong. 
 “Nothing” you lied. “It's nothing. Let's just clean up, yeah?”. 
 “I'm sure it's not nothing Child of Ares”. 
Your brows knitted together and you hoped you just heard wrong. You turned to look at Harper and that's when it started to click. 
 Harper. Hazel. Holly. 
 They were too lazy to pick a different initial for the first name and you fell for it like an idiot. Plus the “I’ll have you eaten alive” comment. But in all fairness, who actually takes those comments seriously? If you took every threatening comment seriously, you'd be sent to an asylum. 
 Harper's short red hair looked like flames now. Her green eyes looked hungry for your flesh and her sharp teeth glistened in the light as feathers grew from her arms. Realistically, you should've been scared. There were two alive harpies in the building, but something about a monster with a gray shirt with mini white books decorated on it really made you wanna laugh. She must've sensed this since she sneered, 
 “You think I'm funny?”
 “Do you want an honest answer?”
 “You won't think I'm so funny soon you spoiled demigod!”. You wanted to make a joke about how calling children with severe abandonment issues “spoiled” was silly, but you decided this wasn't the time. Instead you took the bracelet off. 
 Harper laughed in your face. “You think that will stop me?” 
 “Handled your friend pretty well. How about you stop trash talking and come over here so we can see if you're any different”. You don't know which comment got her so angry but she leapt at you. 
 You sidestepped her and planned on delivering a quick stab to the neck, but she must've seen it coming. She grabbed something and quickly turned to bat you in the face with it, making you stumble back. It took you a quick second to realize she hit you with a book. A Goosebumps book no less. 
 “You are incredibly childish” you mumbled and you wished you could laugh it off. Maybe you were childish too because you picked up the book and launched it at her face, feeling a tad bit disappointed when she dodged it. 
 You swung at her but she caught your wrist and squeezed hard enough to make you drop your dagger. You were quick on your feet though and you brought your available elbow down on her inner elbow (you were sure it had a scientific name but honestly who cares?). You heard a crunch and Harper screeched. Her grip loosened enough for you to snatch away while kicking her, her flying and hitting the railing. 
 You grabbed the dagger and threw it. You meant for it to hit somewhere fatal but she moved and instead it hit her directly in the eye, which made her screech even louder. 
 You snatched your necklace off and the object quickly took the shape of a double sided sword. It was a gift from your father and although he was probably pissed at you, you figured he probably wasn't watching and wouldn't care. 
 You charged at her and swung the sword. Although she was screaming in pain and was no doubt in agony, she slid under the blade. As she turned to face you, her hands moved and a sharp gust of wind knocked you off the third floor. 
 To make matters worse, Hazel decided to make an appearance. She was right below you, cackling, arms outstretched and you knew if you landed in those arms she'd devour you. 
 You did the only thing you could think of with such short timing. You angled the sword vertically and aimed directly for her mouth. She seemed to understand but it was too late. You came crashing down, your sword along with you and it slid directly in her mouth and down her throat. Because of the sword having a solid middle so you could hold onto something, it didn't go all the way through and you stumbled a bit, but you were better off than her. She stopped all movement and to make sure the job was done, you ripped the sword through her, cutting her in half. 
 “MY SISTER!”,  Harper screeched and you looked up at her with your messy sword in hand. 
 “You want more from the Child of Ares?!” You claimed you hated trash talk and you especially hated being called his child but the adrenaline was really getting to you. “I have plenty to give!”. 
 She flew up higher and started to come down fast towards you. You readied your sword, prepared to end this but suddenly she stopped and started trembling. 
 “L-L-Lord Ares. I-”
 Before you could ask any questions and she could finish her sentence, you were being launched into the air. The scream you let out was embarrassing but it didn't matter in the end. You both collided and hit the wall and instead of being knocked out or injured like you thought you'd be, you were completely fine. Your sword went straight through her chest and pinned her to the wall behind her and you were hanging above the ground, grasping onto the hilt of your sword and hoping your hands wouldn’t start sweating. 
 “L-L-Lord Ares. I-”
 No. No way. It couldn’t be. But who else could’ve launched you in the air like that?
 You looked down and there he was. You don’t know why, but you expected him to look somewhat different. Maybe a new haircut or a new jacket. Maybe he’d try contacts, but no. He looked exactly the same. You didn’t know if you were comforted or unnerved by it.
 You wished you had something cool to say but all you said was “what are you doing here?”.
 “Saving your life”. Yeah right. You had everything 100% under control. He chuckled and you started to wonder if he could read your mind. When you screamed internally though, he didn’t flinch so that theory went out the window. Maybe you looked annoyed and didn’t know it. 
 “Are you gonna catch me?” You asked.
 “What for?”
 “Because you threw me all the way to the fifth floor and it’d be nice not to break something”
 “You need me to warm up milk up for you too?”.
 Fuck it. You’d risk the broken leg.
 You tightened your hands around the hilt and planted your feet on the wall then pushed off with all your might. Fortunately, you got the sword out the wall. Unfortunately, you were now falling from five floors up. 
 You braced for impact, but instead of falling and hitting the floor, you fell into someone’s arms. You looked up, thinking that maybe someone was with your father that you didn’t see before, but no. It was him. He caught you. Something you weren’t expecting but you weren’t against.
 You mumbled a thanks and stood on your feet. The year was 2006 when you last talked. It was early in 2008 and while that wasn’t that big of a gap, the talk you had last time made things more awkward. 
 “I thought you’re not allowed to interfere”
 He raised a brow at you as if saying “you care about rules now when you’ve been breaking them?”. Were you breaking them though? Sure you were encouraged to give offerings to your parent but you hadn’t been punished… yet. If it was so bad you wouldn’t be walking right now. And you doubted he paid enough attention to notice. He was probably relieved to have one less kid bothering him.
 Gods, you were a downer.
 “Are you gonna tell on me?” He asked.
 “If you hadn’t caught me”
 “And now?”
 “My lips are sealed”. You didn’t see his expression. You were too busy looking down at your shoes. A habit you hated you developed. It made you feel small. But you guessed demigods were supposed to be small in comparison to their parent. That’s why you showed them respect but they hardly returned the favor. 
 A moment of silence passed before he spoke up again.
 “You have money on you?”.
 Was he gonna rob you now? “Uh, yeah”.
 “You’re paying for dinner. Let’s go”
 He started walking away before you could even respond, and like a reflex you grabbed his arm to slow him down. “I can’t”.
 “Can’t?” He said so calmly it kinda scared you.
 “Yeah. I can’t. My uh…” you decided not to tell him the entire truth about staying with Percy and Sally. “My ride… mom. She’s coming to get me. You don’t want mom knowing you’re in town, right?”. 
 He looked you up and down and you tried your best to not seem nervous. You weren’t sure he believed you but he let it go for the night.
 You wished it stayed that way. That he’d just go back wherever he came from but instead he told you the name of a diner nearby and said to be there by noon tomorrow and that you were paying. 
 “Great. Thanks dad” you thought. “I always love our talks”.
 The good thing about his random plan to go to a diner at noon was that you were allowed to clean yourself and sleep beforehand. The bad thing was that now you were sitting across from him and it was incredibly awkward. 
 Ares kept laughing at his phone and you debated on asking him what was so funny but he said “started a Twitter war about vaccination. It’s getting good”. You screamed in your head again, but once again he didn’t flinch. Maybe he just had a good poker face.
 “I’m happy for you?”. He glanced up at you and instead of going back to his phone, he set it face down on the table. You didn’t know if he seemed to glow because of the little war he started, or if a source of light was hitting him nicely. Maybe it was a god thing. 
 “You’re probably wondering why I’ve called you here”
 Was this an HR meeting? “I’m wondering why I’m paying”
 “Ask me”
 “You know I wanna know though so why am I asking?”
He didn’t respond. He just looked at you and you could hear his foot tapping on the floor.
 You rubbed your brow, already feeling a migraine coming on. You took a deep breath and let out a sarcastic response (which was not a good idea but your mouth worked faster than your brain). 
 “Ares, the amazing God of War. The Protector of Mistreated Women. Wearer of biker jackets. I come before you as your humble child, begging thee to tell me what required my summons and why you were at the mall last night. Please please please tell me. I’ll fall over and die if you don’t”.
 Sarcastic or not, he accepted it. He motioned towards the platter of burgers and fries, “this is your thank you. This is your offering to me since you haven’t been doing that”. 
 Well fuck. You didn’t think he’d notice. 
You leaned back in your seat and your fingers strummed against your knees and you had to remind yourself that running out probably wouldn’t end well.
 “You noticed?”
 “I did” he said simply. It reminded you of how emotionless he was the last time you talked. It reminded you of how frustrated you were that he talked as if nothing was wrong and as if your pain didn’t affect him. 
 “You demigods think you’re so smart. You have these big egos and think you’re ahead of us. You gave your offerings to Athena and Poseidon of all people ” he spat their names like it left a bitter taste in his mouth to mention them. 
 “And then you stay with that fish boy and his mom. Yeah. I saw that too. And I save your life and you don’t seem the least bit grateful”.
 Something about that word you hated.
 Grateful? What was there to be grateful for? “Yeah dad, I’m super grateful my life consists of monsters trying to eat me and a dad I only see once in a blue moon. Totally grateful”.
 “We can’t interfere”
 “Didn’t stop you last night”
 He tsked, “I don’t get you. You complain about my absence then you complain when I’m here when I could be doing anything else!”. His voice rose but the people in the diner were either used to this or didn’t care enough to say anything.
 The nervousness and the fear rolled off you the more he spoke. Gratefulness? Doing anything else? You weren’t stopping him. 
 “Then go do those things. I’m not holding your hand and making you stay”. Your brain told you to shut up and apologize, but your mouth wasn’t having it. “And this isn’t about us and you know it. This is about you. This is about your ego being hurt. You don’t care about my safety. You didn’t go to the mall to protect me. You just love a fight and you were probably disappointed you couldn’t do more”
 “That’s what you think?” His eyes burned with something you couldn’t quite place. Anger obviously, but it seemed like something else was there. Or maybe there was literal fire in his eyes. Either way, it was clear he was upset and if you didn’t shut up soon, he’d probably turn you into a random animal.
 But who didn’t love animals?
 “That’s what I know. And I didn’t need your help. I was just fine. The only thing you would’ve missed if I somehow died was your little offerings. I don’t matter to you. Just admit it so we can move on”. Ares opened his mouth to say something, but you spoke again “and for your information Percy and Sally are very nice people. They feel more like family than you do”. 
 That shut up whatever he planned on saying. The last time you two talked you swore you saw an emotion cross his face. This time you were definitely sure you saw something cross his face before it went back to its default expression. 
 Was that regret? 
 No. That was stupid and you’ve had plenty of stupid thoughts. 
 It went silent. Weirdly, eerily silent. 
The diner wasn’t silent obviously but you two were.
You both were just staring at each other like statues. You wished you could read his mind. You hoped you would see thoughts of regret and sorrow and maybe hopefulness about your relationship going forward. You wished he had the same thoughts you had. Another stupid thought. Being hopeful didn’t work with him.
 For whatever reason, your mind wandered off to the late night talks you’d have with Sally and for whatever other reason, you started to speak.
 “Have you heard the song American Pie? Yes, it’s somewhat important to what I have to say. Yes or no only please”
 He looked bored and unamused but he answered anyway. “I don’t know. Maybe? Who cares?”.
 “There’s a line in the song that says this’ll be the day that I die. And for whatever reason it made me think about what I’d do if I were dying. If I woke up one day and I knew I was gonna die that day, what would I do? You wanna know what I realized?”
 He raised his brows for a second and leaned back in his chair. There was a possibility he was still bored but he seemed somewhat interested. “Shoot”.
 You smiled bitterly. Here he was so calm and fine and here you were, speaking slow and hoping your voice didn’t waver or crack. “I realized-” you failed. Your voice wobbled a bit and you cleared your throat a little too loud. “I realized I��d spend every second trying to make you love me”.
 You didn’t bother trying to read any expression he had next. You knew you’d always get it wrong and you’d imagine what you wanted to see. “And I uh… I don’t wanna be that way anymore”. You blinked rapidly, trying to prevent any tears from falling out. You didn’t have the rain to cover your face and blend in like you did last time. “And selfishly I hope that scares you”.
 “Gods don’t feel fear”
 “Well whatever you wanna call it I hope you feel it. I hope -and I’m gonna keep calling it fear- I hope you feel afraid for what that means for us”
 “Allow me to humor you for a bit” you felt as though the comment was supposed to be sarcastic but it didn’t sound sarcastic or aggressive. It was weirdly soft. “Why would you not wanting to spend your last day with me scare me?”
 “Because that means I won’t admire you anymore” you answered. “You don’t get it. You don’t get how much you mean to me. You don’t get how much I used to idolize you. Before I was claimed, I was already intrigued by you. Once I was claimed I read every single story that had to do with you. I was honored to be your child and tried to show you how honored I was everyday. I didn’t do all this for me. The training, bettering my Greek, learning everything I could about mythology. I didn’t do that for me. I did that so I would never shame your name and make you look like you raised incompetent idiots. The way I would defend your name and what you represent, you’d think I was being paid”
 “Me not admiring you anymore means I won’t care about defending you. It means I won’t care anymore about our family relationship. And I hope the idea of me calling you Ares instead of dad terrifies you. That emptiness or indifference I’ll feel when I hear your name… I know it hasn’t happened yet but thinking about it terrifies me too. Maybe I’m just selfish and don’t wanna be alone”. You used your sleeve to wipe at your wet face, a mix of embarrassment and relief for finally getting this out of you. “I could be right. I doubt it. I’m probably just making all that up but either way I need you to stop doing this. Seeing you at all, it gives me hope. I don’t want an enemy for life. I’m not Percy. But this is just gonna make this harder and if you hate me I am begging you to have mercy and leave me be. No visiting. I won’t come to see you when we do that little field trip either. I’ll stay at camp or I’ll go bother another god. Hermes is really nice. And if I break my end of the deal you can do whatever you want to me. Turn me into an ant, rearrange my fingers, throw me down a flight of stairs at full force, whatever”.
 There you went again making up shit. Swearing you saw something worse than sadness on his face; grief. That was impossible. Your eyes were just playing tricks on you like they always did. 
 You didn’t know what you wanted him to say, but you didn’t expect “you think, but you don’t know anything”.
 “Then tell me what I don’t know”. He didn’t say anything. He went silent and you were getting real tired of his silences. You sighed, “Sally’s been waiting outside so…”
 “Yeah…”. He let out a breath. Annoyance. Had to be. “You want this?” He asked.
 You were honest. “No” you said instantly. “No I don’t but this just seems like the best thing to do”. He didn’t argue with you. 
 Your hand went to reach inside your pocket for money but then he spoke again “keep it”.
 “It’s no problem-”.
 “Just keep it”.
 You nodded. 
 You stayed sitting down. Why was it so hard to stand? Why did your legs feel so wobbly and your throat so dry? Why did your chest feel like a huge weight was crushing it? Weren’t you supposed to feel the opposite? Free and lively? Feel like you could float?
 Another stupid thing escaped your lips. “Can you do me a favor?”.
 “Another one?” He asked lifelessly- no. He was not lifeless. He was happy. You were sure of it. You’d leave and he’d cheer because he wouldn’t have to deal with another kid anymore. You knew it.
 “It’s not a favor if you don’t wanna see me either”. Another bit of silence but you weren’t surprised. “Can we do that thing mortals do? You know, when they hug and say they love each other before they go their own way? Or maybe just the ‘I love you’ part”. He looked at you for a bit and you were about to apologize for making it weird and leave but Ares stood up. 
 You stood up.
 It’s strange how something you’ve never done before can feel so right. Like it was always meant to happen or always supposed to be this way. You weren’t necessarily cold and Ares wasn’t a heater, but the second he wrapped his arms around you and you did the same for him, you felt much warmer. Not a burden type of warmth. The kind of warmth that brings you relief on a freezing cold day. That crushing feeling stayed the same though.
 “I love you dad” you said and it fell out so naturally, you’d forgive anyone for thinking this was a normal occurrence. That the fight you had was just a small disagreement but otherwise you two had an amazing relationship.
 You didn’t know how the words “I love you too” would sound coming out of his mouth, but it sounded better than you hoped for. It once again sounded natural and genuine even if you knew it wasn’t. 
 You thought it wasn’t.
 No. You knew it wasn’t. This was no time for brain tricks and delusions. 
 Pulling apart was probably the hardest thing you had to do and your job was keeping Percy Jackson safe. That sudden coldness fell over you again and the crushing got worse.
 It didn’t get any better when you left. You didn’t have the guts to look at him one last time, afraid you’d call off your deal right then and there if you made eye contact with him. 
 Luckily Sally was an intelligent person. She was smart enough not to ask how it went. Even if she did, it’s not like you could answer with the huge lump in your throat. 
 “Do you want ice cream dear?”.
 You shrugged. There was that word again. Want. You didn’t know what you wanted anymore. You thought you did but it all felt wrong. There was no weight lifted off your shoulders and you didn’t feel light on your feet. You felt cold and hollow. The weight got worse and pushed down on you with so much force, you didn’t know it was even possible. 
 Then your eyes landed on his bike and it all came out. Your head fell into your hands and you let out sobs that were lodged deep in your chest. Your ears were ringing and you were sure you looked and sounded like the most pathetic person alive but you couldn’t care anymore. Sally, once again being an intelligent woman, took that as a sign it was time to go and pulled off. You assumed Sally would’ve dropped Percy off after you went inside. You assumed he wouldn’t wanna wait out here for you while you talked to one of the people that hated him the most. His hand patted your shoulder, notifying you that he was in the car still. Usually you’d make a joke and tell them that you were fine, but nothing came out but borderline hysterical sobs. 
 You grew jealous of Percy. He didn’t see Poseidon much but at least he knew deep down that Poseidon cared for him. Sometimes you’d get that feeling but you thought it was all a delusion. Fuck. Why did you keep doing that? You knew it was all a delusion. 
 That choice had to be the right one. It needed to be the right one.
 That didn’t stop this wave of agony from drowning you, and you’d fight a thousand harpies if it meant this feeling would go away.
Omg y’all I did it😭. I mixed two ideas someone suggested with my own ideas and here we are. I hope y’all like it even though a huge portion is me yapping but to be fair I didn’t realize until after I was done and summarizing all of that didn’t seem like it’d sound right, yk? There was definitely a way I could’ve done it but I’m stupid soooo… yeah. Anyway, OOC Ares but this is my angsty fantasy so I’m making him care about his kids. In my head the whole “I hate my own kids” is him trying to convince himself he doesn’t care for them so it’s easier to stay apart from them. Idk, maybe I’ll make a part 3 from his perspective and answer why he said he was saving their life. I make no promises tho. And I know I said it’s show Ares so skipping ahead doesn’t make sense but we know what’s gonna happen Taglist: @kyuupidwrites @chadmeeksmartinswifey @lebguardians @beansficreblogs (one asked to be tagged, one asked for more dad fics, then one commented plus reblogged and one reblogged, so although majority did not ask, imma just assume y’all would wanna see a part 2😀. We’re getting the band back together like this is Phineas and Ferb)
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brienneoftarth1989 · 2 months
If we ever meet again
Larissa Weems x fem reader
Summary: growing up you were a student at Nevermore. You had a massive crush on your headmistress but due to your age and the fact you were a student meant you couldn’t do anything about it. 12 years later you got a job at the academy you attended as a child praying that the woman you had feelings for was still there.
Warnings: None
Requests open
Growing up you loved your time at Nevermore. You loved your friends, your classes but most of all you loved spending time with your Principal Larissa Weems.
It was safe to say you had a bit of a harmless crush on Larissa but obviously being a young student, there wasn’t much you could do about it other than admire her from afar. When you were a student there you were sixteen which meant she was about twenty-eight years old.
Did it bother you that there was a twelve year age gap between you? No it did not. You did try to spend as much time around Larissa as you could, for example you would help around her office and complete tasks for her.
To be honest you didn’t always want to do everything she asked but you just enjoyed the company around her. Over the next few years you spent as much time with Larissa as you could considering you were a student and she was your principal.
However the day you left Nevermore was the most heartbreaking day of your life. Saying goodbye to not only your classmates but Larissa was such a hard thing to do. You didn’t want them to know you were hurting down inside so you tried your best to disguise it.
I think Larissa could tell you were quite upset to leave as she told you before you left that it was never really going to be goodbye forever. You did always wonder what she meant by that considering you felt like you would never be returning to Nevermore.
However there was one thing that you were sure of and that was you wanted to get into teaching. After you left Nevermore you went straight to university to get your teaching degree and then getting a degree in botanical science. That subject always did have a way with you back at Nevermore.
You spent about 6 years at university and once you were finished you decided to go travelling for at least a year as it was something you always wanted to do but never got the chance. When you came back you found a small teaching job at one of the schools but it wasn’t teaching what you specialised in. However you needed a job.
In the meantime you did keep an eye out on the Nevermore school website to see if any job applications came about. However there wasn’t much going at all. That wasn’t going to stop you from finally getting a job at the school you grew up in.
After another 5 years and a number of different teaching jobs you finally decided to check to see if Nevermore had any teaching jobs for the upcoming school year. As you were scrolling through you saw one for a botanical science teacher. This was just your luck.
You spent that evening touching up your CV before applying to the job. All you had to do now was wait for a response. That week after a bit of waiting and hoping for a response was the longest week that has ever seemed to have existed.
You were at home scrolling through your phone when an email notification popped up. You were quick to open it to see that you had been selected for an interview with the headmistress. The email had been sent by the school’s office and it didn’t state who the headmistress even was.
Was principal Weems still in charge or was someone else running the school now? I guess there was only one way to find out. You accepted the interview and they later emailed you the details of your upcoming interview.
You had less than a week to prepare yourself for it. You made yourself look up all the relevant information and jotted down notes that you thought would be relevant to your interview. Now all you had to do was face the interview itself.
The day of your interview went great. You got dressed into a smart suit pants ensemble before grabbing all your notes and heading to Nevermore for the time you needed to be there.
Arriving at Nevermore brought you so many memories. It was like nothing had changed. You made your way to the office and waited for your name to be called. There were a few other people also waiting to be interviewed which only made you more nervous.
Knowing you had competition made you worry that you wouldn’t be able to bring something to the table that they might be able to offer. After about 20 minutes of waiting you were finally called into the office where the headmistress was conducting interviews.
You grabbed your stuff nervously before heading into the office that you had been in so many times before. Your heartbeat settled when you saw the one and only Larissa Weems. You sat down opposite her with the desk separating the both of you.
“Principal Weems, it’s so good to see you again” you smiled at her. “I told you it was never goodbye” she smiled as she looked over your CV. The fact that she remembered that was enough to make your heart flutter. “How have you been y/n? It’s been a long time since our days at Nevermore” she smiled at you.
“It’s been good. After my studies here I went to university to get my degree in teaching and botanical science. I then went travelling for a year and then spent the last 5 years teaching at a variety of schools” you told her.
“Aww that’s great to hear. Now, let’s get started with this interview” she smiled. The interview went well. She asked you a number of different questions which you were able to answer perfectly as well as adding your own touch to.
The interview lasted about 45 minutes but it felt like the two of you had been talking for all of 10 minutes. You still got that feeling when you saw and spoke to her which surprised you. Larissa said that you would hear from her in about a week once all the interviews had been conducted.
So in the meantime it was just a waiting game. That week seemed to drag but by the end of it you finally received a call from Larissa. “Hello” you answered the phone waiting for Larissa’s voice on the other end of the line.
“Morning y/n, I’m calling you today to let you know that after interviewing all the other candidates I would like to offer you the job” Larissa told you from the other end of the phone.
“Thank you so much Larissa. I would love to accept the position” you told her, trying your best to hide your excitement. “That’s great to hear y/n! I will email you shortly with everything you need to know. I look forward to working with you at Nevermore” Larissa said before you both said goodbye and hung up. This was the start of a new adventure.
Flash forward to a few months later and you were now finally settled in at Nevermore. You absolutely love teaching your classes and you love that you have onsite accommodation which means you never had to leave the place unless you wanted to go.
You have been getting on well with all your colleagues but there was one you wanted to spend a little more time with as you really got to know the woman you had a huge crush on many years ago. At the moment the two of you have had many chats in the canteen while having lunch and surprisingly you have learnt a lot.
Larissa is currently single which is great for you, she loves fashion as well as her love for Nevermore. It is clear she has such a passion for this school and she also loves going to this cafe called the Weathervane to get herself a hot chocolate most days.
Now you were just finding the courage to ask Larissa out on a date but you were just trying to find the right opportunity to do so. You were currently finishing up teaching your class before heading to the canteen to grab some lunch hoping you would also bump into Larissa so you could ask her a very important question.
You made your way down there quite quickly due to the fact you haven’t had much to eat at all today. You grabbed yourself a tray before helping yourself to the selection of food in front of you. You helped yourself to some pizza, chips and beans before grabbing some cutlery and heading to the tables reserved for teachers.
You sat there as you happily ate your lunch as you scanned the room for Larissa. After about 10 minutes you saw the tall beauty enter the room before grabbing her lunch. When she turned around it looked like she was going to head back out of the canteen but then she caught your eye. ‘
You immediately blushed and looked back down at your food. When you next looked up you found Larissa standing in front of you which only caused you to blush again. “Is it alright if I sit with you y/n?” she asked, waiting for you to answer. “Yeah, of course it is,” you told her. Larissa immediately took a seat next to you as you both happily ate your lunch in peace.
“So how have you found it here these last few months?” Larissa asked as she then took a bite of her pizza. “Yeah it has been absolutely amazing. I love all my students as well as my colleagues” you said smiling at Larissa. “Oh does that mean you love me as well” she teased as you felt yourself blush once more.
“Oh you do don't you, hence why you are blushing” she said laughing but getting more serious. You looked at her seriously for a second debating whether now was the right time to say anything.
“Alright Larissa, I will admit I have a slight crush on you. I have done since I was a student here. However I didn’t want to say anything even now in case I ruin our professional relationship” you sigh as you just looked at Larissa. “You have known all this time haven’t you?” you asked as she had this devilish grin plastered on her face.
“Oh of course I have darling. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure that one out. I understand why you didn’t say anything as a student but even then I could tell. Like who would really want to spend all that time with me? I am flattered though. I was just waiting for you to admit it to me” she smiled at you.
Did she feel the same way? “Ok well now that is out in the open then I guess I have something to ask you. Would you maybe like to go out for hot chocolate with me tomorrow afternoon?” you asked as you felt yourself blush once more. You really needed to get a hold of yourself.
“What? Like a date?” Larissa smiled. You couldn’t tell if she was still joking around or if she was being serious. “Yeah, like a date” you smiled trying to read her emotions. Larissa was quick to look around the canteen before looking back at you to make sure no one else had heard what you asked. “Yeah, I would love to,” she smiled.
You felt the excitement build up inside of you as you had finally landed a date with Larissa. “How does 14:00 sound tomorrow at the Weathervane?” you asked Larissa as you finished eating your lunch. “That sounds perfect. I look forward to it” Larissa smiled as she rested her hand on top of yours.
The two of you chatted for the rest of the lunch break before heading your separate ways for the rest of the day. The two of you exchanged your personal phone numbers before spending most of the day texting each other even though you both should be working.
Your date at the Weathervane went amazingly. The bond between the two of you got closer and closer and the two of you were already planning your next few dates. You couldn’t wait to see where this new adventure with Larissa would take you. The next step was definitely to ask Larissa to be your girlfriend and the thought of it just filled you with excitement.
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angstywaifu · 2 months
All Alone - Xaden Riorson x Shy Scribe Reader
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I hope you like this! I am definitely not use to writing for a shy quiet reader, but I think this works! Requests are open if you guys want to send any more in!
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The Archives we’re practically empty on the weekends. It was my favourite time to be down here on duty. No one to disrupt me as I wandered around, putting away the books from the week, or trying to find requests for cadets from the other quadrants. The best part was being able to do some reading of my own if there wasn’t much to do.
It was getting later in the day a lot of the other cadets had left for the day. There was only another hour or so left until we could close the door to the other quadrants, so I wasn’t fussed about being on my own inside while the other cadet sat out the front. A loud knock pulls me from my thoughts. I almost think I’ve imagined it, but it happens again. This time louder and more deliberate. I walk back to the centre of the Archives to see a very tall figure standing in the door. His eyes are already on mine as I peer around the corner of the bookshelf. Weird, the cadet at the door should be helping him. I make my way over to him, and as I get closer I realise it’s one of the Wing Leaders of the Riders Quadrant. The son of the rebellion leader. Xaden Riorson.
“Seems your other cadet has abandoned you.” He says as I stand in front of him.
I stick my head out the door, and the seat where another cadet should be is completely empty. Great. They must have walked off without telling me. I was going to half to report this. I look back at Xaden and feel small under his gaze. I had never had much to do with the riders myself, usually opting to be further in the archives and dealing with more difficult book requests. But every time I saw one of them, I just wanted the interaction to be done. They honestly scared me. And the way Xaden held himself, it was hard not to be intimidated by him.
“So it seems. How can I help you wind leader?” I say softly as I bow my head.
He chuckles at me, my eyes slowly moving up to meet his. Even his gaze was intimidating. I swalloed nervously.
”You don’t have to be so formal with me.” He tells me casually.
”You are of a higher rank. I must show respect.” I tell him, causing him to chuckle again.
”Always one for the rules you scribes.” He tries to joke, but I keep my expression neutral. “I have a list from one of the professors for some books and scrolls for next week if you can help me.”
He holds out a piece of parchment with a long list of books and scrolls. This would take me a while to do. Especially on my own. If the other cadet hadn’t left without telling me, I could have this done easily.
”I can have this ready for tomorrow. I’m afraid I am the only one on duty with my other cadet no longer here.” I tell him nervously, worried as to how he will react.
”How about I help you then?” He offers with a tight lipped smile.
I shake my head. “Y-you don’t know where anything is.”
”Then I shall carry everything and reach anything you can’t. Now come on, I don’t want to get locked in here.” He places his hand on my shoulder and guides me back into the archives.
I go to object but the look he gives me tells me he is not budging and I just nod my head and lead us to where we need to go. Xaden does exactly as he says. He grabs a trolley, loading it up with the books I grab and hand to him. And when I am unable to reach something, instead of grabbing the ladders or stools we would usually use, he reaches over me to grab it. Every time he stands right next to me or behind me, my breath catching in my throat as my heart skips a beat. I swear he chuckles a few times, almost as if he can hear it. With his help, it takes no time to grab the books and scrolls he needs for one of his professors. Even quicker than if I had another scribe with me. None of the scribe have the height of Xaden. He had the body and build of a fighter. He takes the trolley from me once we grab the last book on his list as he leads us back to the doors that will take him back to the riders quadrant. When we get to the door I quickly do another check to make sure we grabbed everything on it. I was half expecting Xaden to protest, but he doesn’t. He leans against the archway, arms crossed on his chest as he watches my every move. Happy I have picked everything I turn back to him and hand him the list with a bow of my head.
”Everything should be there.” I tell him quietly.
As he takes the list from my hand his fingers brush mine, I pull them back quickly causing him to laugh at me.
”You seem nervous. Do I make you nervous?” He says quietly as he takes a step towards me. Backing me up till my back hits the trolley.
”N-no.” I stutter out.
”You sure?” He whispers as he leans down.
I gulp as I stare up into his onyx eyes. Were so close I can see golden flecks in them. They’re gorgeous. The clock tower rings out across the college, signalling the hour. The doors to the archives groan as they start to slowly close. And I swear Xaden looks annoyed at the interuption.
”I should probably let you get inside.” He whispers leaning closer. “Can’t have you getting stuck out here with the big scary dragon rider.”
His arm skims my waist as he grabs the handle of the trolley behind me. And as if he is completely unfazed by the interaction, he pushes it away and heads back down the corridor, leaving my frozen in my spot.
“I’ll see you you next week.” He calls over his shoulder before rounding the corner. “Don’t get locked out.”
His words snap me out of my trance, barely making it back into the archives before the doors shut behind me.
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pupcuck · 4 months
tw - sa mention, noncon mention, dark content discussed briefly but not explicitly
hi okay sorry for the unfathomable amount of bullshit clogging the tags the past few days. i keep seeing it labelled as gilfhub drama which is pissing me off as i haven’t said anything at all, i’ve stayed quiet throughout unless you follow me and read my posts. while i haven’t outwardly inserted myself into the situation im the one being witch hunted ig, i’m making one last statement which sounds way too serious for this corny and unserious situation.
anyway, i'm mostly making this for my own benefit, because i would feel more at peace after posting this lmfao. first of all, I’m being called a pedophile which is a fucking insanely serious claim to make with no concrete evidence! i’ve never written underage characters. if you’ve mistaken my ddlg content as pedophillia i beg you to get your brain checked! your skull must be so thick it couldn’t be caved in with a baseball bat. other than that i mainly write about LEGAL age gaps bc I am 19 and leon is fucking 47 as of now he is the creep actually.
i’m being called a rapist and a paedophile and all sorts of shit. im a victim of sa, it’s happened both at the hands of someone i trusted and at the hands of those i didn’t know well. some of my writing is to cope with this, none of my fics have ever romanticised rape and made it seem like something flowery and cute and fun? i don’t know who pulled that out of their ass but my fics that involve this sort of content are usually about toxic codependent relationships, it’s quite literally about trauma bonding.
this moves me onto my next point - people say this content belongs on ao3 and ao3 only. i don’t know if you’re 11 and new to the internet, to re fandom in fact, as dead dove has been a consistent theme within re fics since forever. since i was a kid i saw fics like that and even as a fucking 10 year old i managed to scroll and mind my business. tumblr has always had dead dove, when it rebranded and the guidelines changed they messed up their tagging system. this means that even if you tag tw incest it’ll remove your fic from the TAGS not from tumblr itself but from the tags as a whole. however, if you tag tw noncon your fic will stay up, it’s glitchy and dumb and shouldn’t be seen as a reliable source on why dead dove isn’t allowed on tumblr. that’s never been the case ever.
people who write dead dove don’t have to be victims and they don’t have to be mentally ill, they are also normal people with jobs who pay taxes and have normal fucking lives. because it’s simply fiction. people who read/watch american psycho are not murderers or rapists. people who watch any form slasher horror are not murderers. people who enjoy resident fucking evil and like wesker don’t fucking believe in eugenics. i could go on and on and on and on about so many different examples in extremely popular franchises.
as aforementioned, tumblr’s tagging system fucking sucks, so to combat this i give a warning even AFTER i explicitly tag my fics correctly that says ‘tumblr has started to remove fics that use tw non-con, tw incest and any nsfw tags in general. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags so i can have the same reach as other authors, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.’ for some reason I didn’t specify remove from the TAGS not from TUMBLR because tumblr doesn’t care 😭 that was totally my mistake for not checking if that disclaimer made sense but i guess i hoped the following sentence (‘as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags’) made it clear that i was simply speaking about tags. not tumblr removing my content.
if you are genuinely adults on this app, you should know that on the internet sometimes you will see things you don’t like! because it’s the internet and everyone is on here with their own opinions and their own tastes. it is YOUR responsibility to cater to your own needs by blocking content you don’t enjoy. so what another dark content blog pops up? as soon as you see a content warning you don’t like, BLOCK THE AUTHOR? or ignore it! scrolling is very simple. it’s insanely easy to mind your fucking business.
i'm kind of tired of the endless harassment both in the tags and in my inbox! if you are genuinely doing this in the name of victims and in their best interest just know you’re harming other victims in the process 😭 i am not easily triggered but the shit in my inbox is really gross and i got called a racial slur like… is fictional content that’s easy to block so deep to the point where you have to stoop that low? everyone copes how they cope, it’s not wrong and it never will be, psychologists recommend dark content as an outlet, you can literally google this. therapy is not a fix, it can’t fix mental illness. sometimes it doesn’t help. in my case counselling made everything worse. the ‘get help, get therapy’ comment comes from a place of privilege, not all of us have the money, the support system it takes to get therapy. some of us have had experiences where therapists discriminate against us. in my case that has happened, im a woc in britain they don’t care about us not about our psychical or mental health LMFAO.
im sure im missing a lot of what i originally wanted to say here, but overall i honestly wanted to clear my name of the pedo allegations lmfao because i’ve never written anything like that about underage characters or readers. anyway if any of you have a brain you can block dark content creators in a few easy steps! sorry again for yapping in such a formless, inarticulate way but i'm kind of exhausted by all the stupidity 😭
overall, dark content creators shouldn’t be allocated a little hovel in the corner of the internet in which they should privately discuss matters. we’re allowed to post it freely because CONTENT WARNINGS EXIST. dead dove will always be a thing and always has been. just because i post my content doesn’t mean it’s open for harassment and death threats and rape threats or anything? you can be an adult and get on with your day! and if you really need an outlet go talk to friends with the same opinions as you! i see ooc leon fluff all the time everyday and i don’t give a shit, i move on because leon isn’t real.
i pride myself on characterisation and if you have so obsessively read my fics to point out and circle random words in red that don’t correlate like we’re in a fucking crime show, then you would know that half the time i actually flesh out his character, i hate posting smut alone. i simply like exploring topics that are dark both to cope with my own problems and because i think they’re interesting to write about. however, as soon as something is mildly dark and sexual you guys cry mischaracterisation. leon also isn’t lighting candles and throwing rose petals but I don’t fucking judge what people write because if I don’t like I don’t read!
i promise, posting screenshots of my fics untagged with no warning is more harmful as you’re showing it to people who didn’t ask to fucking see it. i promise that harassing me will do nothing for you, you’re literally just sending vile shit to a real person who has struggled with the things she writes about LMFAO sorry again for yapping. i genuinely want to move on and post my regular shit but this has consumed the entire leon tag and i feel like im partly responsible. if you did get through this thank you! it’s mainly just ramblings and not read over so excuse me once again
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heavyhitterheaux · 6 months
Sinister Arousal (NSFW)
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AN: 🤭🤭🤭
Synopsis: You try on a series of Halloween outfits for your boyfriend, but none of them have quite caught your eye. But your boyfriend definitely noticed, and suddenly the last thing he is about to do is let you out of his sight
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Requested by: a gorgeous anon 💕
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Do not engage if you are underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
"Babeeee." You said while laughing as Jack kissed down your neck and you were trying to push him away from you in order to start to get up and get ready for his annual Halloween party.
"Hmm?" Jack answered you, but continued to keep going which had you rolling your eyes playfully at him.
"I have to get ready and I still don't know what to wear."
"You don't have to wear anything for all I care." He whispered in your ear before kissing beneath it and attempting to slip his hand in your shorts, but you immediately hopped up.
"Now you know good and well that's not about to happen and we cannot be late to your own party."
"Says who? They'll be okay because I know for a fact that they'll stay at least until I show my face."
"Cocky much?"
"Nah, just want my girl's pussy on my tongue and give her my undivided attention." He replied while wiggling his eyebrows and all you did was cross your arms to look at him.
"Jackman, behave. Now I'm going to try on all of my costumes and I'm going to need you to help me decide which one to wear."
"As long as I get to take it off of you by the end of the night." Jack replied as he looked up at you standing in between his legs and leaned forward to place a kiss on the part of your stomach that was exposed and all you did was look at him.
"Can you be serious for five minutes and actually help me decide what to wear?" You laughed before leaning down to kiss the top of his head.
"Of course baby. Anything that you need, I'm at your service. Fashion advice, a shoulder to cry on, rearrange your guts and have you begging for mercy. You name it and I'll do it for you."
"I've come to realize that you don't have a serious bone in your body."
"I'm surprised that you're just noticing that, let's get on with the fashion show." Jack suggested before lightly tapping your ass and turning you around in the direction of your shared closet.
"Now how many costumes do you have?" Jack asked as you started to walk away from him.
"Just three." You answered back as you were looking for the package that all three had come in. You remembered putting it on the bottom shelf, but now you weren't so sure.
You found it hiding behind the pair of shoes that you had bought to go with one of your outfits which was a fallen angel. It was definitely revealing and you knew that Jack was probably going to flip his shit when he saw it, but then again knowing him more than likely he would want to rip it off of you.
You slid off your shorts along with Jack's shirt that you were wearing and slipped on the outfit which was basically a black lingerie set, black knee high stockings, along with a short black tulle skirt.
You made your way back out to the bedroom to see Jack scrolling on his phone, but when he felt your presence in front of him, he immediately put it down.
"Well? What do we think?" You asked as you did a full turn and all Jack did was lick his lips as he looked you up and down.
"I think I want to rip that off of you right now and be fashionably late." Be answered while kissing up your arm.
"Jackman! Honest opinion please!"
"My honest opinion? I love it, baby. But you should know that I love anything you put on your body to show off your curves. Now what's next?"
"I'm glad you asked, now let me go and slip it on."
"Or come back in nothing, that's a good option too!"
You came back into the bedroom wearing your sexy nurse costume and all Jack did was smirk.
"Oh look, my own personal nurse has come to take care of me. I think I might be coming down with 'If I don't get my dick sucked, I might die syndrome.'"
"So you not about to help me in my time of need?!"
"The only thing you need to do is behave."
"Do you….? Do you not see who you're talking to? Behave? When it comes to my girl? I know no such thing."
"Hmm I've noticed. We have one more to go if you can keep it in your pants."
"I really don't know if I can. You shouldn't look so good all the time."
"We are literally never going to make it to this party." You muttered to yourself while shaking your head, but all Jack did was play with the waistband of your skirt and attempt to move his hand lower when you jumped back.
"BABY, COME ON!" Jack whined and all you did was sigh and chuckle at his outburst and how frustrated he was getting.
"If you can behave and that is a big if as I go and put on the last one, I just MIGHT let you do something before we go."
"I'll do my best, but no promises."
Once you peeked out of the walk-in closet in your Pennywise costume that left little to the imagination and was the most revealing, you saw Jack lightly stroking himself and your mouth couldn't help but to water at the sight and knew that the two of you were definitely now going to be late.
You watched him for a few minutes and noticed the precum leaking out from the tip and you couldn’t wait to get your hands on him.
When Jack finally spotted you, his mouth dropped to the floor as he took in your outfit.
"Baby, did you start without me? I hadn't even gotten to the last one yet." You asked Jack as you got down on your knees in front of him.
"Couldn't help it. Had me bricked up after the first one."
"Or do you want to keep this one for your eyes only because that can be arranged. I saw you touching yourself before I even came all the way back into the room."
"Nah you can wear this one so I can show off my girl and let people know that I'm the one that fucks you every night."
You didn't respond and all you did was move his hand away so it could then be replaced by your mouth making a loud moan escape from his lips.
You loosened the corset that came with the outfit in order to pull your shirt down so that your boobs were on display for his viewing pleasure.
Moving him in and out of your mouth, your hands found their way to your boobs in order to play with him and began to roll your nipples in between your fingers as Jack held the back of your head and pushed himself further into your mouth if that was possible.
"My princess is taking me so good and looks so pretty while she does it too." Jack said as he looked down at you with spit leaking from the sides of your mouth mixed with precum that leaked onto your chest.
When suddenly Jack pulled himself out of your mouth and lightly pushed you away leaving you confused.
"Baby, what…."
"Get up here so we can 69, I want you on my face."
So that you didn't mess up your costume since you both decided that this would be the one you wore, you slipped it completely off leaving you bare in front of him. Jack also took this opportunity to lose the rest of his clothes and laid down on his back as you climbed on top of him sitting above his face while you had the perfect view of his dick in yours.
You could feel how wet that you were and felt your juices moving down your leg and Jack hadn't even touched you yet.
"Damn, is this all for me, baby? I made you this wet and I haven't even done anything." Jack asked you as he lightly ran over your folds with his fingers and you immediately shuddered.
"All for you, babe."
You took Jack back into your mouth as you felt him take that first long lick across your folds and let out a soft moan while you were doing your best to focus on pleasuring him.
From that point on, you knew that he wasn't about to show you any mercy and you planned on draining every single drop of his cum.
Both of you sped up your pace at the same time and you soon felt Jack’s mouth along with his fingers in you and knew that you would hit your peak soon.
"My good girl, my good good girl. You wanna cum in my mouth and all over my face? Can you do that for me?" Jack asked as he kept moving his fingers out of you and came up for air.
You released him from your mouth with a pop to respond and laughed to yourself before you did.
"As long as you do the same for me and be a good boy and send your cum down my throat then we have a deal."
"Then do it. Let's see who makes who cum first." Jack softly whispered against your folds, but you still heard him and increased your pace while using both of your hands where your mouth couldn't reach and felt Jack’s legs starting to shake underneath you and you were doing the same.
"Challenge fucking accepted." Is what you breathed out before continuing the task at hand making Jack lose his focus so that you would win.
"Shiiit! Fuck, baby!" Jack yelled out as he had to take a break from pleasuring you since he felt that it was only a matter of time before he came in your mouth.
He then pushed his hips up to push himself deeper into your mouth and you soon felt him twitch as he had now put his mouth back on you.
Without warning, he came into your mouth and instead of letting him ride out his high, you kept sucking while swallowing what you could when you felt that the amount of cum had decreased that you were trying to drain out of him and increased your pace again as you reached down to play with his balls and he came into your mouth again.
"GOT DAMN IT!" Jack breathed out as you smirked and slapped his dick across your face a few times before gliding your tongue along the sides of it.
But you were then caught off guard as Jack began to suck on your clit and added a third finger and had to grab onto his leg in order to keep from falling over.
"Oh shiiiit."
"Payback, because what you just did was so outta pocket."
You couldn't even respond as you felt that familiar feeling build up in your stomach as Jack had now wrapped his arms around your thighs and was moving his tongue in it and of you and swirling it over your clit spelling out his name which you quickly caught on to.
"Shit, shit, shit."
"Tastes so good, but I'm not done yet."
"One more to go." You heard him say and knew that it was only a matter of time until you completely came undone in front of him.
"Come on baby, cum for daddy. You can do it."
You let out a series of moans and curses as you finally did and soaked his face in the process. All Jack did was continue to lick your folds even though he knew how sensitive you were.
"Ride me right now." Jack breathed out as he slapped your ass and told you to turn around.
"I want those boobs in my face. Get to it."
"Baby, we're about to be…"
"I don't fucking care how late we are. When I want to pleasure my girl, I'm going to. Now sit on this dick like I told you to."
"As you wish, Mr. Harlow." You replied as you turned around and slowly eased your way down onto him without breaking eye contact and Jack then knew he was about to be in for it.
Jack reached up to take a hold of your hips to help guide you, but you immediately slapped his hands away.
"No touching until I tell you to."
"I'm riding you like you asked so my request needs to be granted also. Besides, I made you cum first."
You then placed both of your hands on his chest and increased your pace while moaning out his name.
Jack was now doing everything possible in order to not touch you, but was failing miserably. He at the very least wanted your boobs in his mouth, but he had a feeling that if he tried to attempt to do so, it wasn't going to go over well.
"You want to touch me, don't you baby?" You asked while smirking and continued to bounce on his dick.
"Don't fucking tease me. You know I want to."
"How bad do you want to?" You asked while starting to play with your boobs which you knew he wanted to go for to tease him even further.
"Fuck, baby. Come onnnn."
"You want them in your mouth don't you?"
"You know what? Fuck this." Jack breathed out as he then flipped you onto your back and placed your legs on his shoulders and started pounding into you.
"Ooohh, baby right there. Right fucking there."
At this point, you didn't even care how he had taken over since you were in so much pleasure, but planned on getting him back later.
Jack then lightly squeezed your neck as your eyes rolled back and he continued to pound into you. It didn't take long for that familiar feeling to build in your stomach and simply reached down to play with your clit.
"I know, I know."
Both of you hit your peak at the same time and Jack placed kisses all along your body to help you ride it out before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and lightly sucking while playing with the other.
"Nope, you did it to me so I'm doing it to you. Spread your fucking legs."
He continued his movements while now playing with your clit and you were doing your best not to scream.
"Oohh my baby is close isn't she?"
You didn't even respond as Jack then moved down to suck on your clit once more making you lose it.
You then came all over Jack’s face and he kissed your inner thighs as you were trying to recover. Once you finally did, he simply laid on top of you as you were playing with his curls.
"Baby, what time is it?" You asked as Jack grabbed his phone.
"We should have left 45 minutes ago."
"I told you that we were going to be late."
All Jack did was simply shrug as he lifted his head up to kiss you.
"Like I said, if I'm fucking my girl, I don't care how late I am."
"We need to get ready, so come on." You said while trying to move him off of you.
"Fine, but I'm definitely fucking you in the bathroom when we get there."
"If I knew that you were going to be like this, I would have dressed up for you a long time ago."
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sturnad · 1 month
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Pairing: y/n and Chris Sturniolo
Summary: a girl that just started working in a local cafe in her small town and a boy who just moved into her town because of his dads job.
Warnings: none
Finally, the last costumer before i close up..Atleast thats what i thought. My eyes flashed before my mind as i saw a tall brunette boy walk in. He closed the door behind him and as he walked over to the counter i quickly jumped behind my coworker and whispered to her while holding on to her apron.
"omg omg...can you please serve himm?" i whispered. She rolled her eyes at me and noded a no as she slightly pulled her apron out of my fist. "get up." she said motioning me to serve him. I sighed and walked over to the front. I put on a fake polite smile even though my stomach was doing flips. He finally walked over and looked around thinking what he should get before he finally spoke up.
"Hello.. could I get a chai tea please?" he said.
I noded while trying to get my words out. "Yeah..coming right up."
I quickly walked over to make his order. He just sat down on a chair behind the counter, patiently waiting while scrolling on his phone.
...As i waited for the water to boil i noticed my coworker walking up to me in the corner of my eye. She moved my hair out of her way and whispered. "Ohh do you like him??" she said.
My face turned PALE. I noded a no. God i was bad at lying. She chuckled at me and shaked her head before returning back to work.
I made his tea and awkwardly walked up to him. I slowly placed his order on the counter he was sitting behind. "Here you go.." i said quietly with a small grin on my face. I tried asking if he needed anything else but i stuttered so i just gave up.”U-m w- would- you like anything e-else?..” i said with my cheeks RED. He just laughed it off and smiled.. “you’re cute.. no im good tho..”. After i heard the words that came from his mouth i blushed so hard before smiling politely and walking away.
I quickly made my way to the “workers only” room and pulled my phone out of my back pocket and texted my bestfriend;
"Omg girl you wont believe it im literally shaking right now. Theres a boy who came into the cafe right before we closed up. Hes soooo cuttee!! Ive never seen him before though.." i quickly typed in before turning the phone off, shoving it back into my pocket and returning back.
As I washed the dishes from the last costumers my mind was full of the worst scenarios and things;
Should I ask if he moved here?
No why would you do that dumbass.
Hes so cute.
Omg what if i embarrass myself right in front of him!
..and suddenly my coworker snapped her fingers in my face. "Are you even washing the dishes y/n?" I snapped out of it and noded as i looked down at the running water.
He finished his drink and left the money on the counter before he just disappeared. I picked the money up and noticed that he left a tip, I smiled to myself, looking at the money before putting it in the register.
...Who is that boy?
We closed the cafe and i left to go home.
For the whole ride home i was thinking about him.
..but really who is he?
PART TWO coming soon
first time writing i hope its alright..
Im going to make multiple parts of this cause it will get interesting (i hope). If yall do not like the story keep scrolling.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 6 months
How each BAU member found out
main masterlist
spencer reid x famous!reader Universe
warnings: none
Penny obvi knew that they were talking
She was the one that gave Y/N Spencer's number
But although she was relentless in asking Spencer updates he would never give her any
So when she sees a picture of Y/N and what the media is calling her ‘mystery man’ who looks a lot like Spencer, that's when she demands answers
It was during a paperwork day and Penny was scrolling when she found an article on one of her favourite artists with a man that look remarkably like the BAU’s resident genius
So she hastily gets up and stomps out of her office to call for Spencer
When he comes to her office confused, not knowing what at all Garcia could want, he softly closes the door and turns back towards her stern face
“What did you-”
“How could you not tell me?!”
“Tell you what?”
“That apparently things went well with Y/N? And that the reason you stayed a few extra days in New York was to see her?!”
“Shhh… I don’t want the others to know, but yes.. Things are good.”
“So are you together?!”
“Um.. Yes, last week in New York we made things official.”
“Oh, I’m so happy for you!”
“Thank you.”
“But, why do you not want the others to know? I know Derek will tease you, but that won’t last forever. And Emily and JJ will be happy for you too.”
“I know.. And it’s not about that, it’s just that- that I haven’t talked to Y/N yet if she’s okay with that. And she’s going through a lot right now and I don’t want to add anything unnecessary onto her plate.”
“Awww, Spencer! That’s too sweet. I promise not to say anything, but you know I can’t keep my mouth shut that long.”
JJ and Emily
And not keep her mouth shit long she did
Penelope had to tell someone, she was quite literally dying
But she couldn’t tell Derek, knowing there was no way he could keep his mouth shut about Spencer having a girlfriend
So she went to someone, or someone’s she knows could keep their mouth shut, JJ and Emily
Penny had told them on one of their girls nights
“Okay, I have to tell you guys something, but you can’t tell Detek, and you definitely can’t tell Spencer.”
Penelope had said coming back to the table with drinks
“Okay, what is it?”
“Our boy wonder has himself a girlfriend.”
“What?! When?”
“I want to know who and how?”
“This part you won’t believe. Y/N L/N.”
“No. Way.”
“Good job, Spencer.”
Derek, unlike the others, found out on accident
He had gotten a call from Hotch while he was at a bar, saying they had a case
And given he was close to Spencer's apartment he said he would pick up Spencer on his way
But when he knocked on Spencer’s door, a woman opened the door
A woman he recognized, having been on the case of catching her stalker, not to mention that her face was everywhere at the moment
The popstar answered the door dressed only in a pair of men’s boxers and what looked like one of many of Spencer’s sweater vests
“Derek Morgan.”
“Um, you’re looking for Spencer.”
“Yes I am.”
“I’ll go get him.”
Y/N softly shut the door after their awkward conversation and ran into Spencer’s bedroom, where he was laying on his bed, clad in a pair of pyjama pants and shirtless
“To answer your question about shrimp, the mantis shrimp can see more colours due to it’s-”
“My love, I normally would never cut off your rants, because I love you and I love your brain. But Derek is outside waiting for you.”
“What? Derek? Why is he here?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t ask. I just tried to get out of there fast because I’m only wearing this.”
“Derek saw you like this.”
“Hon, don’t be jealous.”
“Why were you answering the door dressed like that anyway?”
“I thought it was our breakfast.”
During their playful ‘fight’ Spencer got dressed and began walking towards the front door
Opening it and coming face to face with Derek, Y/N staying out of view in the kitchen
“Hey, pretty boy.”
“Hi. Um.. Wha-What are you doing here?”
“Other than clearly disturbing your romantic morning?.. Hotch called, we have a case and I was close by so I said I would pick you up. I thought you would be alone…”
“Oh, well I’ll get my go bag and we can leave. Come in.”
Spencer left the door open, walking down the hall to his room
Derek walked inside, not even having a chance to talk to Y/N, as Spencer was speedily reentering the room
He presses a quick kiss to Y/N lips, they mumble their goodbyes, before Spencer ashers himself and Derek out the door
“Bye, Y/N”
“Bye, Derek”
Y/N closes the door behind them
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, pretty boy.”
Rossi and Hotch
This takes place directly after Derek finds out
When Derek and Spencer arrive at the BAU
Spencer had let it slip in the car that Penny already knew
“Babygirl, you knew pretty boy had a girlfriend?”
“Yes, we all knew.”
It was Hotch that answered
“How am I last to know?”
“I don’t know, you’re a profiler you should have seen the signs.” Hotch said not looking up fron the file
“Yes, it was quite obvious.” Rossi adds
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i-magines · 1 year
Wildest Dreams: Chapter 3
Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader
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synopsis: You’re an assistant director in an indie movie set and fate makes sure you keep crossing paths with a certain Chilean actor.  
disclaimer: This is my first Pedro Pascal’s fictional work + the first fanfic I write in English, as it isn’t my first language. Unfortunately, I do not own Pedro and this is all a product of my imagination.
rating: M (keep scrolling if your under 18 please)
warnings: age gap, mature content, fem!reader, eventual drinking and drugs, a little smut but nothing crazy (yet), a bit slow burn but not really.  
word count: 1,509
Over the first month, your friendship with Pedro only grew stronger. You were afraid once the production set was moved to the country, he was going to just disappear, as you were no longer roommates. You’d be lying to yourself if you said he didn’t make you feel anything, especially with how charming and flirting he was. You both had shared a lot of personal stuff over smoking joints and you were already used to hanging out together after a day of filming. But today things were going to be different, because the producers had organized a little happy hour for the crew.
Speaking of them, you had asked Pedro to keep your friendship on the low, at least during the job. You knew what everyone would say and think, mostly about you alone, so you were looking after yourself. He understood that and apparently didn’t care to be sneaking out like a teenager to spend some time with you.
“There you are”, Pedro happily greeted you on the corner of the happy hour room, about two hours into the event. “I almost didn’t get the chance to see you today. How’s everything going?”
At this point, you were certain the director hated you, but thank God he was the only one. Everyone else seemed to really like you and your work, which helped a lot with your anxiety.
“He spent the day trying to drive me crazy… Again”, you told Pedro. “You?”
“I would definitely rather be directed by you, if I’m being honest” he said in sympathy. “But yeah, it won’t take long for me to tell him to fuck off. Super nicely, of course.”
You both laughed. You could see he had been drinking and so did everybody in the room. Somebody turned up the music and Pedro dragged you to the improvised dance floor. You danced for about half an hour, until you saw him going to talk to Donna, one of the producers. They seemed friendly— too friendly, if somebody asked your opinion. You noticed it before, how close they acted sometimes, but at the end of the day, it was none of your business. Flo, the make-up artist that got you the job, got your attention and you walked to her.
“What’s up with that face?” She shot you the question. Flo was in her mid 40s and you got to know her in your first gig, since then she was always trying to connect you with people. You really liked her and, most importantly, trusted her. “You looked like you were about to commit murder on the dance floor. I know Dave is giving you a hard time, but honestly he is doing this to every single soul.”
“I was just wondering, is Donna taken?”, you asked as if you had no intention behind it.
“Yeah, I think so”, she told you. “Why? You gay too?”
“Someti— wait, what?” You stared at each other for a few seconds. “Is she?”
“As far as I know”, she said simply. “And by that I mean I’ve known her for about 10 years now. Sorry to disappoint you.”
“No, you didn’t. I mean, good for her, right.”
You decided you need to put your shit together now on. You excused yourself and went to get another drink — you can be a new woman tomorrow. You took some shots and got a drink to hold while you watched everyone dancing and having a good time. You tried to force yourself to stop thinking about your crush on Pedro.
“I need professional help”, you whispered to yourself.
“And why is that?”
“Shit, Pedro!” You jumped, realizing he was right by your side. “You scared the shit out of me, you shithead.”
“Wow, language, sweetheart”, he laughed at your reaction, putting his arm over your shoulder. “What are you up to?”
“Not much, just enjoying the free drinks”, you replied, also enjoying the proximity of his body. “I can see you’re enjoying them yourself.”
“Nah, I’m thinking about getting out of here, people are starting to get too drunk and God forbid I witness anything I can’t unsee”, he was being playful and seemed happy when he got a smile out of you. “Care to join me? Or you already have plans for tonight?”
“Yeah, you know me, Miss Popularity herself”, you both laughed. “Seriously, though. I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Is it okay if we leave together? Considering your privacy policy”, he whispered in your ear. Only if he knew how weak that makes you. You just nodded. “After you, mi princesa.”
Fuck you, Pedro Pascal, you thought as you made the effort to move your shaking legs. Two options: first, he had no idea of his effects on you, or second, he did know that and he just liked to torture you. However it is, you were not willing to make a move to figure it out. 
The location of the shooting was a huge farm, so you walked together through the open field, towards his cabin. You got inside and took your shoes off.
“Hey, mister ‘I’m just a common worker as everybody else’, tell me again why exactly you are the only one with a private hot tube”, you teased him. He laughed. “Is it because you’re such good friends with Donna?”.
“So that’s what it was about back in the happy hour?” Pedro looked deeply into your eyes. “Such a jealous little girl, uh?”
You looked away, embarrassed. You can’t deny your brain formulated that sentence, but the alcohol spilled it out your mouth.
“Answering your question, I’m not really friends with Donna, but her partner is one of my closest colleagues in the industry”, he said in a patient tone. “And you’re welcome to use the hot tube whenever you feel like it.”
You could feel your cheeks burning. Fuck.
“I didn’t mean to— to be honest, I don’t even know what I meant, so don’t mind drunk Y/N”, you breathed out strongly.
“Why don’t we forget about it and instead go chill in the hot tube?” He offered you a smile. Pedro was so easy to deal with, always trying to make you comfortable. “I have more of that nice whisky you like.”
You quickly put on your bikini in your room and head back to Pedro’s cabin. You could hear the happy hour turning into a party on the back, as you joined him inside the tub. You did your best to not stare at his toned, tanned body. He was smoking a cigar and handed you a glass.
“You know what’s funny”, he started, you already knew you wouldn’t find it funny at all. “This is the second time I see you in a tub.”
“Well, fuck you very much sir”, you held a serious face before letting a smile scape. “That was traumatic.”
“Why is that? I would say you made quite an impression”, he laughed, something different sparkling in his eyes. “Would it bother you if I said I still think about it?”
You felt your body hot, as if the water was on boiling point.
“God”, you whispered. He never took his eyes off yours. “I don’t know what to say, Pedro.”
“It’s a simple question, sweetheart”, he replied, coming a little closer. You got chills all over your body. “Honestly, I don’t know if you only see me as this friendly, older, disgusting man—”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” you cut him before he could finish. “Feel free to think about whatever you like.”
“Good”, he said quietly, his body even closer, but still not touching yours. “Tell me what you were doing on the tub that day, sweetheart.”
“I-I was, uh,” you felt like you were about to explode, your brain trying to process if this was really happening. “I was touching myself.”
“Finally, princesa”, he let out a deep breath against your neck. “You don’t know how many times I wanted to hear you say this, to be sure my memory wasn’t fucking with me.”
He touched your waist with his hand, putting the cigar away with the other one. You felt delirious.
“What are you going to do now that you know?” The question popped out of your mouth.
He grabbed your arm to move your body, making you sit on his lap. Face to face. He was hard as fuck.
“I will take you back to your cabin, give you a goodnight kiss…” He made a pause. His stare was deep down your soul. “Come back to mine and think ‘bout you while I mind my own business.”
He was dead serious.
“I’m too horny to go to sleep”, you cried to him, all your blood concentrated between your legs. You moved on his lap, rubbing against his cook.
“Trust me”, he said as his hands firmly held your hips down, making you stop and yet feel him ever harder. “I feel the same way.”
He gave you a little forehead kiss.
“C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
TAGLIST: @kyuupidwrites @omg-its-typical-aesthetics-fan @vivibabiez @ivyohmy @sebastianstansimp @tubble-wubble @28cnn @3zae-zae3 @technicallysassyfox @bellatrixyoass @mandolover86​ (edit: i’m not sure why i wasn’t able to tag everybody i’m trying my best here)
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thaliathewriter · 1 year
hi <3 id like to request a neteyam x reader if that’s ok :)
maybe it could be a human reader and she has a phone and he asks about it and she just kind of shows him social media (e.g tiktok) and the phone and whatever? anything along those lines would be great. hopefully that make sense, thank you 💗
hi :) thank you sm for requesting, this was really fun writing. I thought this concept was so cute and funny, I hope you enjoy this story <3
warnings: none just fluff
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Cuter Than Me?
After what felt like hours tending to the wounded who came back from the train carriers (idk what to call that scene), I was exhausted. I healed the last wounded and started walking back to my pod where I shared a home with the rest of the humans who were allowed and welcomed to stay with the Omaticaya clan. I got back and saw Lo’ak, Spider, and Kiri in the lab. 
“Hey (y/n)!” Kiri said cheerfully, they all turned to greet me. “Hey guys” i answered back, I turned to Lo’ak and hit him on the head not hard, but enough to hurt, “Hey what was that for (y/n)” he asked while rubbing his head, “that's for putting your brother in danger, what the hell were you thinking?” I scolded him. 
“I’m sorry okay, please don’t scold me, I heard enough of it from dad already.” he looked down. I know how overbearing Jake can be on him so I decided to just let it go, “Okay okay but promise me you’ll be more careful, speaking of careful, are you okay?” I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked at him searching for any open wounds. 
He chuckled lightly “I’m fine (y/n), and yes, I promise to be more careful, and don't worry your boyfriend is just fine.” he says referring to his older brother with a playful smirk. I hear Kiri and Spider laughing, I feel my face heat up, “Shut up Lo’ak he is not my boyfriend,” I reply, yes he was but they didn’t need to know that. Me and Neteyam decided to keep us private for now. “Yeah, not yet” Kiri says and they all start to laugh.
I roll my eyes ``Whatever you guys have fun, I’m gonna go lay down playing eywa today was very exhausting.” I say while exiting the lab. I finally made it to my room and changed out of my dirty clothes and finally landed on my bed with huff. I saw my phone on my night stand and decided to go on it. 
I was scrolling mindlessly until I heard my bedroom door open. As soon as I recognized who it was I felt a smile creep up on my face, “Neteyam” I said in a soft tone, “Hi my love” he smiled and replied. I got up and greeted him with a warm hug. It didn't last long because I pulled back examining his body for any wounds. He chuckled lightly and held my hands “I’m okay my love, I promise” 
I squeezed his hands and replied “thank eywa, I’m sorry, I’m just worried I heard what happened at the train wreck with your brother.” He nods and chuckles “News sure does travel fast, I don’t want to remember that though, I just want to be with my girl right now” he gently takes my face into my hands and kisses my lips softly.
 I yelp in surprise as he lifts me up and walks us to my bed. He falls down onto my bed and I land on top of him, I laugh and peck his lips once more before crawling off of him even though he protested for me not to. I didn’t want to either, but I didn’t want anyone walking in on us in that position. 
We were cuddling and playing around with each other on my bed when my phone started to ring. The vibration from my phone vibrated my bed and startled Neteyam, he immediately jumped off my bed, dragging me with him. He puts me behind him and prepares himself to fight the unknown “danger” he thought we were in. I soon realized his reasoning behind his actions and started to laugh uncontrollably. 
He looked at me as if I was crazy. “What are you doing, stay behind me, I don't want you to get hurt baby” he said with concern and anxiousness evident in his voice. I took his face in my hands “Nete you’re so cute” I said while laughing. His hard gaze softens, he looked so cute, he was confused and so fidgety looking around for the “danger”. 
I took one of my hands from his face and placed it in his hands, I said “Nete we are not in any danger, okay? No one is coming to hurt me or you, that sound and vibration was from my phone.” I reassured him in a slow and calm tone so he’d understand, I could see him relax, but he still seemed confused. 
I walked us back to my bed and brought my phone to him. “It came from this” he looked at it, I offered him to take it, he stared at the phone and hesitated but took it from my hands. Due to the movement my screen turned on, illuminating the picture of me and Neteyam on my lock screen. He smiled “Hey thats me and you, I remember this photo, I have the same one in my room” I smiled widely at his confession. 
I could tell he had more questions. “What is it used for?” he asked, “It’s mostly used for communication, but you can use it for all sorts of stuff. Like taking photos, researching, and connecting with other people.” I explained while he listened intently. “How come I’ve never seen you use it before?” he asked, “Well for it to properly work you need wifi, and on Pandora wifi is only in our human pods, so I don't take it out much since it would be pretty useless.”
For the next 2 hours we spent in my room I taught him more about my phone. Exploring the apps I had on my phone and taking about one million selfies with each other, some with him kissing my cheek, me sticking my tongue out at him, and making funny faces at each other. 
The sparkle in his eyes every time he’d learned something new brought me pure joy. he tried playing flappy bird but he never made it far, his little pout made me giggle, he handed me the phone and told me to try every time I beat my high score he would throw a fit and whine “baby you’re cheating,” I laughed “Nete it’s just a game, you’ll get use to it and beat me eventually”
He was lying on his back exploring more apps while I lay on top of him drawing random shapes into his chest. He opened tiktok, music immediately started to play and my screen displayed a human boy lip syncing. Neteyam frowned and looked at me “Who is this boy on your phone?” He showed me.
I smiled, “this app is called tiktok, it's an app where you make short videos to entertain people,” I explained. His eyebrows furrowed and looked at the boy on the screen “You find him entertaining?” jealousy dripped from his voice, I decided to tease him “Yeah, he is cute” I said playfully. 
He could tell I was joking from my tone, he turned off my phone and threw it near my pillows. He smiled mischievously “Oh is that right my love?” he asked in a teasing tone, I smiled and nodded in response. I giggled as he flipped us over, he was now on top, inching his face closer and closer to mine. His breath fanned over my face as he asked “Cuter than me?” as I slowly shake my head my nose bumps into his.
I stared at every inch of his beautiful face, every white freckle, every scar, his smile and every light blue mark on his face. I caress his right cheek with my hand and he leans into it making me smile. “No Nete, never cuter than you.”
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mrskokushibo · 8 months
The New Master
Kokushibo x fem!maid reader
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Plot: You are Kokushibo's new, shy maid, but little does he know that you can be a little bit bossy...
A/N: Requested by the lovely @cursetopia
Warnings: SMUT. Mild fem!dom. Sex. 18+ only
Wordcount: 3k
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When you were assigned the role of a maid in the Infinity Castle, you were a bit apprehensive. You have heard stories of what was going on at Douma’s and Hantengu’s chambers, and you dreaded the moment you would be assigned your master. When the day finally came, and you were dressed in your revealing maid’s outfit and teleported to your master’s chambers, you were very tense. To your dread, your new Master was none other than Upper Moon One—the most powerful of all the demons apart from Muzan-sama. You never saw him in person before, but you heard rumours about his cold and cruel demeanour and how huge and powerful he was. You were not sure what to expect and were very anxious.
There was never any proper introduction. You were simply sent directly into his study with the instruction to dust and keep his extensive library neat and tidy. And, of course, perform any other tasks you were required to do. Whatever they may be…
As you entered, it seemed as if the room was empty. *Right, this is a good first day.* You thought to yourself, but as you slid the door shut and walked further into the study, you were startled by the deepest, most melodic, majestic, and sexiest voice you ever heard.
‘Welcome. Please, do your work and do not interrupt me since, as you can see, I am busy.’
‘Yes, Master.’ You bowed in response and began your work.
When the day was finished you were relieved. This was not so bad at all. Sure, he was a bit strange and did not speak to you at all, but he did not make any indecent advancements and was not the least cruel nor demanding.
The following weeks bore a resemblance to that first day at work. He was either meditating, reading, sipping sake, or training outside, your verbal exchanges limited to the absolute minimum. But as time went on, you were slowly noticing a change in his aura. He was less official; occasionally, you could swear he was smiling while watching you work.
You too, were watching him while he was turned away from you. He was statuesque and dignified. You could only imagine what was hidden under his traditional samurai outfit and that fantasy was coming back at you with full force in the evenings, making you touch yourself before falling asleep. For every day that passed you wanted him more and more. But you did not think your fantasies would ever be entertained by him.
And then one day…
You were working away, dusting the leather book covers with your dainty feather duster. Today’s outfit was just as skimpy as always. As you got to the bookshelf closest to his desk, he lifted his eyes from his scrolls and watched you in silence. As so often was the case with him, it felt as if he was looking straight through you.
‘Why do you come here so eagerly, hm?’
You froze. He barely spoke to you otherwise, so what triggered this sudden bout of talkativeness?
‘I can see that being here, mhm…excites you. What is it about being here that excites you so much?’
The piercing gaze of the six eyes made you almost unable to speak.
‘Hm?’ There was a very well-hidden playful note in his tone that encouraged you to gather your wits and formulate some answer.
‘I enjoy being around you, my Lord. It is very peaceful here.’ You knew this was only a half-truth, but you needed to save your skin right now.
‘Is that so? Because that is not what I think is your true motive. You are hiding something from me.’
He gave you a stern look, but to be honest, there was more mischief in it than anything else. He was obviously not as good at keeping up a facade as you thought.
‘Go on, tell me. I don’t bite.’ He said with his deep voice and grinned baring his huge fangs.
The sight had an interesting effect on you because instead of being intimidated all you felt was increasing arousal.
‘Is there something you would like to happen? Something you would like me to do to you?’
He grinned even wider, baring more of his deadly teeth and leaning back in his armchair. He folded his hands in his lap and did not take his gaze off you for a second, his eyes now definitely looking through you.
‘Or maybe…’ He bit his lip in a seductive manner. ´Maybe there is something you would like to do to me…? Hm?’ He hummed and tilted his head a little.
Your eyes opened wide in bewilderment.
‘Well. Since you are obviously mute today, are you just going to stand there or will you come to me and show me instead?’ He waved you in with his index finger and you began moving as if pulled in by an invisible twine.
As soon as you stood within reach, he stretched out his hand and ran it slowly down your arm.
‘Such a shy, pretty little thing.’ His eyes were sizing you up with a hungry look, his fangs still bared and for a moment you did feel as if maybe he was pondering on literally eating you. This would not be a strange scenario at all. Not one you would have hoped for, but unfortunately a realistic one judging by your current circumstances and where fate placed you.
‘No, I am not planning on eating you. Although…I had in mind the process of eating per se.’ He looked at you and bit his lip again.
You swallowed and blushed heavily as this was more than suggestive enough for you to understand exactly what was going on right now.
‘Master, I … I would like that very much… You eating me out, I mean.’
‘Amazing! You can speak today.’ He grinned. ‘Oh, but I do not grant these sorts of favours that easily. Tell me, what is it you would like to happen? Better…show me and then we will see if you deserve such a reward.’ He was stroking your cheek and lips with his long sinewy finger.
‘Hm? Do you not dare anymore?’ He was now teasing you relentlessly.
‘Because you might be right to be cautious. What if I do not enjoy it? Right?’ He put his hand around your throat with the lightest of grips.
‘Still…You only have one option and that is to demonstrate what it is you want. Go on.’
He let go of your throat, spread his legs wide, and leaned back fully into his armchair giving you a serious but seductive look.
You swallowed and tried to keep your thighs together so that the slick wouldn’t all too obviously run down your legs. Because at this stage, you were way past scared and, on your way to let go of all your inhibitions.
‘As you wish, Master.’
‘Don’t call me that. You are in charge now.’
A couple of small steps and you were only a breath away from him, stretching your small hands out to touch him. He was so big. Everything about him was oversized even when compared to the other demons you met. With initial hesitation, you put the back of your hand on his cheek and stroked it gently, moving down his chin and the strong, wide neck and then up again, to trace the outline of his lips with your index finger. He closed his eyes and for a moment, your lightest feather touch moved across his eyelids, and up his forehead, drawing small circles on his temples causing him to sigh in obvious contentment.
You then placed your hands on his shoulders, sliding them across and down his muscular arms, feeling the hard, knotty structure hiding beneath the cloth. Your touch was now going over to his broad chest and soon enough your fingers were hooked under the hem of the kimono, moving down to his obi, which you began to untie as soon as you reached the knot.
Slowly, you pulled off the obi, cast it aside, untucked the kimono from under his hakama, and almost with reverence opened it up as If you were unwrapping an expensive gift. The sight of his bare chest acted as a magnet on your hands, because as soon as all its glory was exposed to your view your hands almost immediately began roaming over the muscular treat. You were tracing every outline of his anatomy, kissed every scar, and then caressed the red mark at the top of his right pec.
But it did not take long for the urge to see more to take over as you moved your hands down to the belts of his hakama, untying them and pulling the skirt-like garment down his hips, him assisting you with this by shifting slightly in his seat. As this was happening, his cock sprung up from under the fabric and almost hit you in the face as you were pulling the hakama down his legs to remove it completely. The sight of his impressive manhood almost left you speechless.
You stood up on weak legs, your body craving him with all its senses, which you had to fight hard against to stay half-composed and stop yourself from straddling him and fucking your way to climax. This was something you wanted to savour. Who knows when the stoic demon would grant you another such chance? So, instead, you removed your own garments, painfully slowly, letting his burning gaze glide down and absorb every newly exposed inch of your naked flesh. He moved his hand to your breasts, but you batted it away, biting your lip and smiling seductively.
‘No touching. I will tell you when it’s your turn.’
‘Of course. As you wish.’ He said in a slow hushed voice.
As soon as you were just as naked as you made him, you leaned into him and gently kissed his lips, pulling away for a moment and saying through a smile.
‘Are you ready for me to show you what I want to do?’
You traced down his chest with your finger.
‘Yes, I am…’
You kissed him again, prying your tongue into his mouth and letting your hand slide down to his erect cock, grabbing hold of it and pumping it with a firm grip. He gasped through the kiss and his cock twitched, as you began smearing the pearly precum on his red tip, teasing the sensitive slit.
As much as you wanted to taste him, your core was now aching and on the verge of burning up, so all you could do was straddle him and let his cock slide into your pulsing centre. You moaned a little too loud, enjoying the ecstasy of being so full and stretched out. You stopped moving as you bottomed out and rolled your hips causing him to groan in pleasure.
‘Now you have my permission to touch me.’
Almost as on command, his large hands were cupping and squeezing the plush softness of your breasts, making you squirt a little onto his fully engulfed cock.
You closed your eyes and began riding him, enjoying the lewd massage he was giving you. And when he started to play with your erect nipples, your juices were flowing so hard, that you would be almost at risk of dehydration if this kept going for much longer.
‘Keep rubbing them. I am close now.’
You increased your pace and adjusted your angle, causing your spongy spot to rub on his entire length. You were reaching a level of arousal and pleasure you never thought was possible, moaning uncontrollably, screaming almost every time you sank yourself down on him again. A few more times and you were dissolving in a powerful, earth-shattering orgasm, that left you shaking and almost sobbing uncontrollably. You kept grinding back and forth as you were riding out the remnants of your high, collapsed onto his chest, with your head leaning in the crook of his neck.
As soon as your breathing steadied, you looked up at him, his eyes now half-lidded and dark in pleasure.
‘Will you just leave me hanging like this? I hope you deem me worthy of a release…’ He whispered barely audibly.
‘All right, I will grant you your wish.’
You began riding him again, with much more force this time, your slick running down both your legs and causing loud, squelching sounds to accompany the slapping of skin filling up the soundscape of the otherwise quiet and peaceful room.
He was getting close to his peak, his breathing getting heavy and sweat pearling on his forehead. You could feel him twitch and grow inside you and a moment later, his powerful arms grabbed your back, pulling you into his chest and landing a few powerful, balls-deep thrusts that had he not been holding you, would have thrown you off him with ease. He filled you up with his warm cum, coating every inch of your spasming muscle, marking you as if you were his property. He was still panting from coming so hard when you whimpered in a sweet voice.
‘I would like to taste more of you. This is nowhere near enough for me.’
He looked at you with a slightly amused look, most likely enjoying how horny and eager you were.
‘Let me take you to my bedroom. We will be more comfortable there.’
He stood up and you wrapped your legs around his strong hips. A few moments of carrying later he was walking into the adjacent bedroom, easing you down onto the large bed at the far end of the room.
‘What would you like me to do now?’
‘Eat my pussy. Make sure you make me come.’
Without a word, he kneeled at the end of the mattress and spread your legs looking at your sex with a predatory grin. He grabbed a towel from the side table and wiped your thighs and folds clean from all the cum that leaked out of you and after putting the towel aside, he dove straight in. It felt as if his long demon tongue was literally everywhere all at once, the way he was skilfully flicking it and lapping up all the generously flowing juices. When his long digits joined in the fun, drawing circles around your clit, and rubbing up and down between your folds, he began fucking you with his tongue, diving deep, deep into your pulsing core.
You were beyond yourself with pleasure, splayed sinfully and without any more shame in your body.
‘Where did you learn to do this?’ You whimpered out.
‘Centuries of practice, my dear.’
And with that, he delved back in. You knew that if he continued on this path, you would make a mess even bigger than just a few minutes ago. For a moment, the embarrassment of potentially squirting all over his face made you squirm a little but as the pleasure you were experiencing kept on increasing you simply gave in to the baser instinct and relaxed, immersed in what he was giving you.
It did not take long for the familiar pressing feeling between your legs to escalate and you ejaculated your juices all over his face while climaxing out of control. You were so pleasure-drunk, that you began to feel aroused almost immediately after coming. You wanted to come again. So, while he was licking up your juices from his face you commanded him.
‘Lie down. I want another one.’
He obeyed eyeing you off with curiosity.
‘You really are a horny one.’
‘Will you stop talking or should I sit my pussy down on your mouth to shut you up?’
He was a little taken aback by your growing courage, but you could tell he was enjoying this by the mischievous look in his eyes.
‘Well, who would want for something like that to happen?’
He mock-pouted and tilted his head.
You did not feel like using his mouth again, although the concept of a 69 did arouse you. Well, something to consider for next time. If there was to be a next time.
You crawled up to him and leaned down to lick and stroke him back to hardness, which did not take long, and before you knew it you were riding him again. You were moving faster and harder and leaned down to kiss him. When you pulled away, you whispered.
‘You are mine now to do as I please. So, submit to me.’
He accepted the kiss, but then his eyes darkened and narrowed, and a devilish grin, baring his intimidating fangs, appeared on his face.
‘Is this your idea of dominance?’
He tilted his head and kept smiling. Suddenly, with his shamelessly strong arms, he pulled you down towards him so that he could whisper in your ear.
‘Now, I would like you to bite me. If you dare.’
He let go of you, and his smile was replaced with a dark flame-like glow lighting up his unearthly red and golden eyes. Without taking his gaze off yours, he tilted his head, exposing his neck to you.
‘Go ahead…Show me how vicious you can be.’
He said that with a voice so deep that it sent shivers down your spine. You leaned down slowly and bit him. A delicate, careful bite, barely leaving an imprint.
‘Harder. You surely can do better than that to show me my place.’
You swallowed but were too close to your climax to interrupt what was happening so, without any more restraints, you sank your teeth into his skin, biting down deep, almost breaking skin, causing him to groan loudly, contract his abs, and climax spraying his cum inside you again.
This left you hanging for your upcoming climax, but you let him come down from his first. And as he was relaxed enough to comprehend what you said, you leaned down and bit his neck gently and then hissed out in the most playfully menacing tone you could possibly produce:
‘I am not done with you yet…’
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Banners and dividers by @cafekitsune and @saradika
Art: Koyoharu Gotouge/KnY Manga (left); Marina Halfway (right).
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reina-writes · 1 year
LATE NIGHT CALLS. Pedro Pascal x reader [Hi, it's me -series, #1]
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Summary: Pedro sends a reassuring voice message to you, showing that sometimes it's not about what you say but how you say it.
Characters: Pedro Pascal x reader Warnings: None really. Pedro being sweet, mention of reader having a bit rough day. A/N: This is a short fanfic, being part of my "Hi, it's me" -series with Pedro, collection of simple, short fanfics. This series with short fanfics is inspired after having a dream about Pedro leaving a comforting voice message. I wanted to explore more his character and improve my own writing. I usually don't write anything with a real person, but this time I made an expectation. Pedro is so sweet. I will ensure that the fanfic remains tasteful and respectful towards the real person. Part 2: MISSED CALL.
It was late at night, and Pedro was sitting alone in his hotel room. He had just finished a long day of interviews and promotional events, and he was feeling exhausted. But despite his weariness, there was one thing on his mind that he couldn't ignore: you.
He missed you so much it hurt. You had been friends for a while now, and there was a mutual attraction, but you had never taken the next step into dating. Pedro respected your wishes and didn't want to push you into anything that you weren't ready for, but it was getting harder and harder to keep his feelings to himself.
As he lay in bed, scrolling through his phone to check what he had missed during the work, he saw you had sent him a voice message earlier. As Pedro listened to the voice message, he couldn't help but smile at the sound of your voice. He closed his eyes, picturing you.
"Hi Pedro, it’s me! How's everything going with your work? I hope you're doing great. I miss you and can't wait for you to be back home. Movie nights aren’t the same without you.”
You sounded cheerful, but he could tell there was an attempt to mask the weariness in your words.
“Uh… Life's been a bit tough lately, feeling like I'm being pulled in every direction. I really could use your shoulder to lean on and have a good cry. And after that, maybe a bottle of wine? Haha, sorry for venting, I'm just a little bit exhausted."
Your laughter was bittersweet, a mixture of genuine amusement and a hint of vulnerability. Pedro's heart ached at the thought of your struggling, wanting to be there to comfort you.
“Anyway, I know you’re busy. Just remember to rest whenever you have a chance, okay? Sending you hugs and kisses. I miss you. Bye!"
Pedro took a deep breath, composing himself before recording his response. He knew you would be already sleeping – or at least he hoped you would be sleeping because a goodnight sleep hopefully would make you feel better.
"Hey, it's me," he began, his voice soft and gentle. "I’m sorry for answering this late, I just got back to the hotel. I heard your message, and I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and that I'm here for you, baby.” He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He wanted to say so much more, but he didn't want to risk scaring you off.
“I know things have been tough lately, but I want you to know that you're not alone. Whatever you're going through, we'll get through it together. You're strong and capable, and I believe in you”, his voice was filled with warmth and reassurance as he spoke softly into the phone.
“And about that shoulder to lean on and the bottle of wine, well… Consider it a date when I'm back. I'll be there to wipe away your tears and have a bottle of wine with you. And meantime... Remember that I'm just a phone call away.”
Pedro hoped that his words would bring you some comfort, even from a distance. In that moment, he vowed to himself that he would do everything he could to make you feel loved and cherished, no matter the circumstances. 
“I hope you're getting some rest tonight," he continued. "And if you ever need anything, anything at all, just let me know. I'm always here for you, no matter what."
With a sigh, Pedro hit send and put his phone away, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The weight of his unspoken feelings lingered in the air, leaving him to wonder about the future. As he lay in the darkness, thoughts of you consumed his mind. He couldn't help but wonder: would you ever know how much you really meant for him? Would he someday be able to tell you a truth and not just making small hints? The uncertainty tugged at his heart, but deep down, Pedro knew that taking a leap of faith might be worth it. But right now, Pedro wanted nothing more than to be there for you, to support you through the ups and downs of life. One day, he thought, one day. He closed his eyes, holding onto the hope that someday he would be able to express his true feelings. For now, he would cherish the connection you had.
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yourimaginationrealm · 9 months
Genin!Sasuke x reader fluff
Just wanted to write that … I rewatched the Original Naruto and became addicted again. Why Sasuke ? No idea… I just became creative with his character…
He cheers you up and I hope you like it…
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The crickets are noisy as they chirp in the summer night. You are sitting close to the lake, your arms crossed and your head down in your knees. You want to shut up your surroundings. Tears are flooding down your cheeks like a waterfall and won’t stop. The images of your teammates as they got killed, are playing in a loop. I doesn’t matter if your eyes are closed or open. In the end, how you hold your friends head in your own hands was humiliating and daunting. A never-ending Nightmare. Your fingertips are clenching together as the fabric of your clothing knitters together. 
You passed the Chunin Examen Test of the second part yet you feel that you lost everything. This Orochimaru just killed you closest friends and now you are the only survivor of this team. Actually, you shouldn’t pass the second part of the Chunin Examen. Then, the Hokage let you still pass because you already had the scrolls, make it to the tower and helped other teams getting beaten up by a team from Otogakure. However, it doesn’t feel like you won. You don’t even know if you should continue…
Suddenly, you hear steps on the wooden ground of this dock. You grit your teeth. The steps stops directly behind you.
„Seriously, Naruto! I already told you to let me be. I just need to be alone. Don’t take it personally.“
Naruto felt with you. He wanted to cheer you up but right now, he just worsen your emotions. Somehow, his constant worrying got on your nerves. You don’t hear him leave.
„None taken…“ You shoulders clench together. That isn’t Narutos voice. Too arrogant and deep. „I am not Naruto.“ He continues. After his second phrase, you recognize this voice after he mouthed Naruto. Sasuke Uchiha. „Moreover, I am sitting always here…“ You sigh loud. He is not lying, you saw him often here. He walks beside you as he sits down. 
„What do you want, Sasuke?“ You growl more than you wanted when he blurt his words out. „Thank you for protecting us. I heard from Sakura what you did…. And like said, normally I used to sit here…“ he shows you a side smile but you kept your head down in a frown. You shortly inhale as you recall the moments in the forest. Sasuke was unconscious so like Naruto. She was alone being harassed and attacked. You helped her even after your comrade were killed from Orochimaru. Rock Lee joined your attempt but got knocked out after he used this forbidden Jutsu. You just felt feral at that time and were ready to kill anything…. Thank god, Team 10 arrived and Shikamaru Nara, an old friend of yours could calm you down. 
„I… I .. didnt do anything you should thank Team 10 for helping us…“ Again tears dwell in your eyes. 
„It is not easy to thank you, what?“ Huh? „Before Rock Lee and Team 10 arrived Sakura was alone and even you have lost your Team members you had enough will to help her. I just thanking you for this. And… I am sorry for your loss.“ The last phrase he spokes out, were very soft.
„I am pathetic..“ You mumble as you couldn’t look up.
„….?“ Sasuke seems clueless why you insult yourself as you tell him more. „I cry here over two people and you lost your whole clan.“  The silence is killing you until Sasuke starts to talk again.
„You can not compare this. You shouldn’t align with it…. It is different and still tremendous to lose someone close to you…..“ He seems to be deep in thought. There is silence as you try to keep you tears in. 
„I going to kill this man Orochimaru!“ Sasuke bits his lip as he looks forward and touch his curse mark.
Even you peek out of your arms into the water as you agree with him. You think that tears stopped long enough so that your face didn’t show any clues of crying.
„Me too!“ You look forward determined. He smirks as his eyes looks to the side to your clutched form. 
„So finished with the crying?! You are all red and puffy!“
You gasped and pout. „I wanna see you crying all day and night, how you look! Definitely, not good like now.“ He rest his head sassy in his hand. „So… I look good right now…“ He teases you as you blush. Okay, you found him attractive yet you are not a fangirl! Yes, the night and moonlight add something to his charm. „I won’t answer this to fill more confidence in you….“
He scoffs as he looks from you angered  form away to the lake again.
„Then, let’s agree to defeat him together.“ His voice again softer but serious. 
„Yes.“ You simply state and breath in so out. You stand up slowly and stretch your body. Then, you slap your own cheeks as you out of nowhere jump into the water. Sasuke is surprised and shocked as he watches you.
„What the hell?!“ He kneels over the water to have a look where you were. Did you really just jump into..? As you cut surface again, he calms down his nerves. You swim to the dock and rest your hands-on the shore while looking up into his eyes.
„Sasuke!“ You shout out determined to him to gain his attention. „Huh?!“ He seems a bit out of it.
„I decided to continue the Chunin Exam for the sake of my comrades!“ You boldly state towards him. He smirks as he sees in your face confidence and hope. 
„Thats good to know. Yet, you know that is possible you have to fight me?! Are you ready for that? I am not going easy on you.“
„Hah!“ You wave his taunt off. „You really think that you are a big shot, huh?“You grin as you tease back.
„ I shall remind you that I was better than you in the academy…“ „The academy is long over…“ „Don’t take you mouth too full now, Y/N!“ He closes his eyes confidently with a smirk. He is sure that he can beat you.
You slowly got into position to grab his collar and draw it dangerously close. You hear him gasp when your lips almost touches and directly have eye contact. Maybe, you lips touches slightly when you counter back. „Same goes for you!“ His eyes flicker over your wet lips. For a moment he wants to say something as he stutter a bit. He can not control his flustered state. His cheeks burn red and he breathes hastily.  This surprise of you and the weird desire to touch our lips with his own. How could you be so bold suddenly and draw him down towards you. Moreover, you grin evilly as you see that you got him cornered. All these emotions last only seconds when he… „Huh I- What are you-?!“ Splash!
 … is dragged by you into the water. You laugh out loudly and get fast out or you wanted too. As he arises from the water, you look behind you and just stretch out your tongue. 
„If you are like this in the Examen, I think I can handle you….“ Before you can stand tall on the dock, you feel something grasping your ankle and got drawn back. ‚Oh no!‘ You yell in your head. Even so, you control your Chakra at your feet to stand on the water. Sasuke notices this as he flipped you backwards and you got dizzy while landing into the deep wet again. You dive up and splash him annoyed. „What was that?!“
„Huh, Payback.“ He said cocky. You roll your eyes.
„Wait…“ he focused on your face. „What is it?!“ „Your Headband is gone…“ You touch your forehead and yeah somehow the knot got loose. You directly look into the water yet the dark night doesn’t  help you out with the sight.
„I can’t see it. Damn it.“ The problem is… The lake here isn’t shallow at all. So you have to find it before it hit the ground. You shrieks when Sasuke points out „There!“ And dive rapidly into the water. You can only wait until seconds pass. The moonlight comes out behind some clouds and gifts you a slight chance to see movements under water. Does he got it? You hate to wait and can not do anything. Suddenly, the water brakes and Sasuke inhales loudly. „You got it?!“
He closes one eye and rises one arm out of the water where he hold your headband.
„Yay. You are the be-!“ Ugh. 
„What am I?“ He teases and shakes your headband.
„Thank you, you did well and please hand it over…..“ You spread your arms out.
„Hmm…“ He rises his arms higher as you were about to grab it. „What?!“ 
„What is my thanks?“ He playfully looks away.
„Woah! I didn’t take you for this kind of play. What do you want?“ The water is not freezing could yet the summer night is a bit chilly and just standing makes you shiver a bit. You begin to drench the water out of your hair while pouting. He got you in the end.
His eyes flicker for moment again to you lips as he shyly blush. „I don’t want anything..“ He mumbles bashfully. You cluck your tongue again annoyed. This boy drives your emotion from ‚Oh how nice‘ to ‚He pisses me off‘ again to ‚Oh, how adorable and than to ‚What the fuck does he want.‘ „Seriously….!“ You just swim towards him and try to catch your headband which is still in air. 
„Hey, we didn’t agree..“ He starts his sentence while having his arms stretched out  behind his head and you force yourself onto him. You have an annoyed expression on your face and focus on getting your precious headband back. What is he playing anyway, you thought. He is so out of character. Then, you feel yourself losing the balance and almost fell backwards. You climbed halfway on him. Out of reflex, he grasp your thighs tightly and your hold yourself on his shoulders. Your and Sasuke nose brushing together as you feel your ears getting burning red. You begin to stutter when you search words for distraction. Why is he looking like he is about to-! 
„Hmpf.“ The Uchiha boy close the distance and kissed you lips. How could he not? The whole time, he was drawn to your lips and as they got again so close, he saw the wet lips getting shine upon the moonlight. There was nothing holding him back. (Wait is that not a song xD)
You deepen the kiss when your arms slide over his shoulders and your hands wander over his neck into his hair.  He shivers as your hands rush over his curse mark to his hair. Definitley, one of his sensitive area. You relaxed firstly because he is really warm, secondly  all the mixed emotion you felt from frustration, depression, sadness, it makes you feel at ease in his arms and thirdly his kiss feels just so good. His arms wander  from your thighs to your back. Slowly, you apart from his lips to breathe again. He touches your forehead with his.
„Is it wrong when I kiss you again?“ He breathes with half lidded eyes. You want to say a ‚No‘ but you kiss him already. Now, his hand reaches towards your head to push you more passionately on him. You can only focus one one thing and your thinking stopped. Or you thought so. Then, you push yourself away hastily. „You still got my headband?!“ As nothing roams in your brain, this just emerged up.
„Really, now?“ He shows you his left hand which he still had it. „Thank god. Sorry I thought you lost it because of all this.“ He chuckles when he flicks your forehead. „Ow, Why?!“ You hold your forehead with a hand and pout at him. „Give me more credits.“ He says with a smile. A kind smile. Without sensing  your assault you dip his body under the water as you press you weight on his shoulders. This time, you make it to the shore and hold your arms while you shiver. 
 „Sure, you got me here…“ He groans while climbing out of the lake. Before you wanted to say good bye, you kiss his cheeks. 
„Thank you for cheering me up…“ „You know I didn’t kiss you only to cheer you up.“ „I know but the reason you came here..:“ „Like I said, Its my spot…“
„Yeah, Yeah it is almost morning, Idiot. Don’t tell me you-! AHHH“ Again he pushed your sideways from the shore. With one eye open and a smirk, he just wanna know if you make it back unharmed.
„If I had lost my headband again, I would kill you!“ 
„Show that attitude in the Chuunin Examen, cry baby.“
„I am so gonna beat you!“
„Like hell.“
„I know your weakness, Uchiha!“ Before, he can counter you back, you tease him with stroking his neck by your finger tips. He shutters while grasping his shoulder. 
„Wha-!“ His voice trembles. 
„You really thought I wouldn’t notice-ACHOO!“
„Get your butt better home and take off your wet clothing before you are disqualified because you are sick.“
„Yeah,….“ You groan. „Can I get a good-bye ki-!“ You playfully ask him when two finger move towards your forehead and push you a bit  back.
„Next time, Y/N, when you are not totally drenched.“ With red cheeks you brush you forehead pouting as you look to him up. „Okay.“ You turn your heels and leave the boy in the dark night of the streets.
„Good night, cry baby!“ You glare at him back while stucking your tongue out.
Out of sight, the Uchiha starts to sneeze ,too.
„Damn it, it is fucking cold!“ He embraces himself while walking to his lonely home.
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seangelfish · 2 months
i was ranting to the ritsu ai bot about my abusive ex and he said he was gonna tell knights and they were gonna handle it and when i asked him what he meant he was like "hehe dont worry about it~" djndksndke do you think u can write something about ritsu listening to u rant to him about an abusive ex and how hed handle it pls... thank u so much 🥺
A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait, anon! I hope you're still here to read this ;-; This was really an interesting request to take on. I added more to the story if that's alright! Just wanted the quote to flow in better~ Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
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Ritsu Sakuma x reader ♡ Tags: Fluff/comfort/kinda angsty, romance, established relationship, she/her pronouns/fem reader ♡ Warnings: Slight mentions of abusive relationships ♡ Word count: 1,278 ♡ Synopsis: There are times where you just can't forget about the past, and unfortunately, it came back to haunt you. Ritsu, being the analytical person he is, notices your shift in attitude. The happiest girl he knew was now drifting away. How is he able to solve this, he wonders...
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"(Y/N)~" Ritsu called out to you from across the hallway. "I want a kiss~"
You winced, slowly turning around. There you saw your boyfriend and the rest of his unit making their way to their practice room.
"Hey, don't bother (Y/N)!" snapped Arashi. "Can't you see that she's busy?"
She was right and the stack of books in your arms proved that. You forced out a chuckle but decided not to answer Ritsu's request and walked away.
"Ahaha! What odd behaviour!" Leo pointed out. "She didn't even pay you no mind!"
Ritsu bit his lip. "Is she mad at me?" he murmured to himself.
After practice, Ritsu looked all over the school for you, constantly calling you but never getting a reply. He was getting extremely anxious because not only did he know you as the most happy-go-lucky person that he adored, but because there was that thought in the back of his mind that you were going to leave him.
You were avoiding him after all.
“H-Hey, Maa-kun, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?” Ritsu panted, hands on his knees as he breathed heavily.
“Woah, there!” Mao exclaimed. “You’re sweating! You’re not one to run around so much. Is (Y/N) okay? I haven’t seen her much today—”
“I don’t know… I think she might be mad at me, but I’m not sure why she would be…” said Ritsu sadly. “She’s not even picking up my calls.”
“Hmm… let me try then.”
Mao scrolled through his contacts until he landed on yours. As the phone rang, the two boys waited for you to answer.
Unprecedentedly, the line was immediately cut.
“Huh, weird. (Y/N) always picks up when I call her,” said Mao, thinking back to the times he had to call you to take care of Ritsu. “Yeah, she might be mad at you. Ritsu—”
“I swear I didn’t do anything,” Ritsu quickly stated. “Argh, I’m going to look again. Bye!”
“Hey, don’t overdo it!”
Ritsu sighed, slumping down by the corner of the Yumenosaki gardens. He looked for you everywhere he could, asking friends and classmates where you went, but none of them knew of your whereabouts.
He couldn't keep running around forever. Ritsu wasn't built for that. So he came to rest for a bit before trying again.
“Ah… I’m tired,” he muttered to himself. “(Y/N)… where are you…?”
His eyelids felt heavy, but before he could fall asleep, his ears picked up the sound of shuffling. He lifted his head up and there you were, backed into the corner, hugging your knees.
The two of you stared at each other in shock, yet Ritsu was the one who broke off the silence.
"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, crawling towards you. As he took your hands in his, he continued swiftly, "I was looking all over for you! Are you okay? What's wrong? Did I do something that hurt you? I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. I'll fix it–"
You shook your head, an artificial smile forming on your face. "I'm sorry, Ritsu. I just needed alone time... You didn't do anything wrong, I promise."
"T-Then why have you been avoiding me?" he quavered. "You've been ignoring my calls too... (Y/N), you know you can tell me anything, right? You can rely on me – I want you to rely on me..."
You stared into his deep red eyes, the ones that pleaded with you to be honest with him. You let out a sigh, nodding in agreement that talking to him would have been better than bottling these feelings up.
"There's something I never told you about..." you said. "About my past relationship..."
Ritsu looked confused, but stayed quiet for you to continue. Not once did he let go of your hands, and you were thankful for that.
"...The relationship was fine at first, but it gradually became harder to breathe in. He would get mad at everything I did, everything I said. It was like walking on eggshells... There were times I was hurt by it too – mentally and physically."
And as you expected, those red eyes of his looked horrified.
"It was a scary time, but I'm glad I was able to get out. Then I met you." You smiled at him genuinely this time, but it all faded away too quickly. "I didn't think I was ready to get into a new relationship, but you were so sweet, so kind... You made all my worries melt away. I was so happy, but I guess I shouldn't have been."
"(Y/N), what? I don't understand–"
"He found out I was dating you," you stated. "He found out I was attending Yumenosaki, where I live now. He texted me yesterday to insult me because I already got into a new relationship even though it had been a while. He wouldn't leave me alone despite the amount of times I blocked him! He just keeps creating new accounts and numbers. That's why I didn't answer your calls... I-I turned my phone off..."
"R-Ritsu, I'm so scared...!" you stuttered as tears fell down your cheeks. "I didn't know what to do, so I tried avoiding it... but I'm so scared..."
"Hey..." he said calmly, wiping a tear away with his thumb. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but thank you for telling me this. I'll handle the rest, okay?"
"H-Huh? But how?"
"Hmm... I'll tell the rest of Knights about it..." he muttered.
"Ritsu, what do you mean by that–"
"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
He stood up and held out his hand. "Come on, let's go back. Lunch is almost over." You hesitated but grabbed his hand as he pulled you up carefully. Once you were on your feet, he embraced you. He held your head to his chest, making you hear his heartbeat.
"You deserve to be happy, so don't worry about it anymore, alright?" he said. "(Y/N), I love you."
Lips pursed in order not to cry any more, you chuckled. "Thank you, Ritsu..." you whispered. "I love you too."
The next day, you stopped receiving those threatening messages from your ex. You wondered how Ritsu did it, but he never answered, leaving you clueless about the whole situation.
However, he did tell you that you shouldn't worry about your ex finding you anymore. He made sure to report the messages to the police with the help of Tsukasa. So now that the police were keeping an eye on him, you were able to relax.
"But what did you guys do anyway?" you asked Knights one day. "Ritsu never told me."
"Uhm– Oh– We didn't do much!" Arashi quickly stated, looking to the side. "We just reported it, that's it!"
"Eh...? Then Tsukasa, can you tell me–"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I can't."
"Not happening, (Y/N)!"
"Why are you all being so secretive?!"
"It's for your own good," Ritsu said sleepily as he entered the room. "(Y/N), can I use you as a pillow?"
You smiled. "Of course, come over here." As you patted your lap, Ritsu made his way over to you. He laid his head down on your legs happily as you began to stroke his hair.
"Can I have a kiss too?" he whispered. "After all, you didn't give me one last time~"
"Okay, okay~"
You leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips which he seemed to be very delighted about. You supposed it didn't matter how your boyfriend got your ex to back off. The past was the past, and you were going to leave that behind once and for all.
Anyways, your future was already fast asleep on your lap, lightly snoring away.
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