#koushiros canon traits
izzyizumi · 1 year
Digimon Adventure (Series) + 2020 reboot series x Zutomayo - {note: if top is not displaying properly, check the above link!}
"STUDY ME?" / "Figure it Out?" / "I'M (/KOUSHIRO'S) NOT A 'PROBLEM' TO BE 'SOLVED'"
Featuring duo/ship/O.T.P.: KouTai / Taishiro[u]; Koushiro[u] Izumi x Taichi Yagami
It is recommended you read the lyrics before or after watching! (Check under the 'read more' for more info/lyrics!)
(Characters Koushiro is otherwise involved with, like Izumi family, Tentomon, Jou, Yamato, Menoa, and Mimi; + vs. Vademon also show briefly at times but the focus is Koushiro & 2020!Koushiro + KouTai with minor spoilers from tri, Kokuhaku, BNM, Kizuna, and 2020 + its ending)
This A.M.V. was pretty much made on a complete whim after I heard this thanks to a Japanese Taishiro/TaiKou fan on Twitter recommending another by this group as "DEFINITELY a TaiKou song" and let's just say Yes I see a Theme & Patterns going {with this group's songs+lyrics!} and I am Spilling Koushiro Thoughts Via Analysis by A.M.V. As a result it IS in actuality semi canon compliant to a very strong degree, but please keep in mind the intended pairing is mainly KouTai (though I ship various other Koushiro ships too!)
{I do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdvs (C) Toei; this is FAN MADE}
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taikouvember · 1 year
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Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you to all 48 participants of the interest poll, it was very interesting to see how another ship week would be perceived! Considering that at least 12 voters confirmed to be happy to dive into participating, I think there isn’t a more suitable date than June 1st, the beginning of Pridemonth, to officially announce this year’s Taikouvember event! (Title picture + new icon provided by @seventeenlovesthree)
November is the last month of autumn, right before Christmas time begins. It’s a time that can be filled with light and coziness but also lurking shadows and gloominess. So, November 6th to November 12th shall be dedicated to the platonic or romantic relationship between Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi (Taikou, Koutai or mainly known as Taishiro(u) in the English speaking fandom). Since "Digimon Adventure 02 - The Beginning" will air on October 27th 2023 as well, some of the prompts are inspired by the potential theme of the movie:
Day 1, November 6th: The Multiverse: Canon vs. AU
Day 2, November 7th: Past & Future
Day 3, November 8th: Habits & Change
Day 4, November 9th: Trauma & Healing
Day 5, November 10th: Visible & Invisible Signs of Affection
Day 6, November 11th: Brave Knowledge & Curious Courage
Day 7, November 12th: Free Day
You can interpret the prompts however you like, you can take one or both for each day. If you want us to reblog your posts, please tag everything as #taikouvember or #taikouvember2023 and we will be happy to share your content, let it be fanart, fanfiction, edits or whatever comes to mind!
Rules & FAQ and a more detailed Prompt Guideline can be found here too. If you are looking for inspiration, please take a look under the cut - and the links above. We already compiled some ideas there! Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!
The Multiverse: Canon vs. AU: What is your favourite "version" of Taikou? Do you prefer the original anime timeline (Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna, The Beginning) or the reboot? Do you like to focus on other kinds of media, such as the novels, the manhua or the games? Or do you have your own AUs you like to focus on when it comes to the two of them?
Past & Future: What are your favourite moments that have already happened between Taichi and Koushiro that shaped their relationship? How do you imagine they will interact in the future, how will their bond develop?
Habits & Change: What are typical characteristics (one might even want to say: stereotypes & tropes) you associate with the two of them? What are things they have always done, things they are familiar with about each other, things they have adjusted to, habits they adore about each other (or are even annoyed by)? How can you imagine them to change?
Trauma & Healing: What are the things that haunt them, that may put a strain on their relationship, memories and experiences they might not be able to open up to towards each other? And what are ways they can help each other to actually heal, getting better and getting more honest or even learn to live with their trauma?
Visible & Invisible Signs of Affection: What are, in your opinion, the smaller and bigger gestures these two like to offer in order to show their love languages? How do they show their adoration, admiration and appreciation? Physically, verbally, through their actions, knowing glances or endless patience...?
Brave Knowledge & Curious Courage: How do they mirror each other and their trademark traits in certain situations? What are Koushiro's moments of hands on activity, how does he overcome his struggles to do what matters to him? What are Taichi's brightest strategies, his most thoughtful moments, his smartest speeches or interests he wants to put his own research skills to the test to?
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{DigiAdv tri.} ~ Koushiro + OUTFITS ~ My {Personal} Preferences (for Koushiro’s outfits!) + + Koushiro & Jou / {Supportive} Moments & Interactions + Koushiro & Takeru / {Supportive} Moments / Materials + Pre-Bokura no Mirai DigiFes {+Shirt!} Poster (The shirt Koushiro’s wearing was later, iirc, released as official {+Tri} merch at DigiFes, an “irl” event in Japan!) {Real-Life Japan Event} Kokuhaku’s ending theme also helped to promote the same shirt. + (Tri!)Koushiro’s Character Traits (& Mini-Analysis)
My Commentary:
Like, some of the obvious POP culture references / in-jokes some of the other ‘outfits’ had aside, most of these outfits actually looked quite reasonable (and comfy, imo!! - which is pretty much the point I think Koushiro was going for?!??) and I could easily see Koushiro wearing some/most any of these canonically at various points of Koushiro’s tri. and post-tri. teen-aged lifetime, even just purely for fun. Heck, I’ve seen fan-artists (including on the J.P.N end and even in / using specifically their Tri-esque designs / outfits) draw Koushiro in MULTIPLE outfits like this!
{I kind of think the “King” outfit SHOULD stay, though.}
Also, the kimono choice is, like, fine? Koushiro’s Japanes---?
I’m just saying OK!!! Yes!! #LETKoushiroHaveFunWithFashion
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(From my previous Koushiro compilations!)
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{Anyway, Koushiro Izumi says Gender Identity rights---}
OK but Mainly I want to know which animator/Clothing Designer (as I’ve seen exist from some Tri and etc. Staff listings) specifically was involved in this specific segment / outfit set because they were clearly having a BLAST designing Koushiro like 20+ random outfits and honestly, as a Koushiro fan who has supported Koushiro since finding this series in my childhood I CAN’T actually blame them?? (You don’t even HAVE to use / consider every single one there, even TRI!KOUSHIRO doesn’t canonically use all of these!!)
{This is more of a quick compilation; I might expand on this post in the future and re-post it.}
I could also relate everything to do with motor skills and fine motor skills involving clothing and Autism when it comes to certain Autistic head-canons I may have, including buttoning clothes, but that might be a topic for another day...
(Do you see how the shirts TAKERU AND JOU actively help pick out FOR KOUSHIRO are comfy, A more baggy plain blue pullover (Takeru) and the DigiFes tee (Jou), without buttons?) {Despite the initial goal being to look for “fashionable” clothing!}
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
{This specific post is not purely meant as shipping Please be aware and respectful when interacting!} (However, I do side ship Joushiro, so I don’t mind if for example Joushiro gets tagged as a ship) {Just please understand that is not the main intention!}
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wlwhikari · 2 years
{DigiAdv 02: Revenge of Diablomon} (J.P.N Version) ~ Koushiro[u] Character Traits + Koushiro & Mimi / {Friendly} Moments & Interaction + Koushiro & Takeru & Hikari / {Friendly} as Supportive/Group Efforts + Koushiro & Miyako / {Friendly} Moments & Interaction + Yamato & Sora / Moments & Interaction + Taichi & Yamato & Sora / {Friendly} Moments & Interaction {as Group} ~ DigiAdvs Lore: Holy Ring + “Kibou no Hikari” / “Light of Hope” {and how it functions with Imperialdramon in this Scene} ~ Daisuke Character Traits + Daisuke & Ken / MOMENTS & Interaction {KENSUKE}/{DaiKen}/{KenDai}
{Clipped by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use) [Disclaimer: I Do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdv ( C ) T0ei @nimation]
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(Note: This is mainly intended as Canon reference + Koushiro-informative + 02; Hikari-informative. Please respect that if interacting, Thank You!)
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digimon Astrology Journey - 'Head first' buddies: Koushiro & Taichi
So I’m back with some headcanon Digimon Astrology and I’m diving into it head first! Something fierce leader Taichi would do, however he needs his loyal ‘brains’ there with him and that will be Koushiro. Where Koushiro is a thinker, analytical in every way due to his pragmatic Sun and Rising, Taichi is one of action due to his Moon and Rising (and Mars!). However don’t underestimate them, they have some serious airy energy going on, making them vocal, diplomatic and charming in their own individual ways.
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These boys are so different, yet work together very well. They just have a hard time… talking to others or each other about… the complicated, personal specific stuff feelings. Must be the stars, right?
It’s been a while, but you can read back all things Astrology (basics, background, etc.) in previous posts Part 1 | Part 2. Furthermore, exploring Taichi and Koushiro’s birth charts is part 2 of this series, you can read the exploration of Sora and Mimi’s birth charts here.
The important stuff
Koushiro Izumi, August 26th 1989 (around 05.30AM)
Sun: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Moon: Gemini (air-mutable)
Rising: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Taichi Yagami, October 15th 1988 (around 5PM)
Sun: Libra (air-cardinal)
Moon: Sagittarius (fire-mutable)
Rising: Aries (fire-cardinal)
Warning: IT’S VERY LONG! I’m sorry in advance…
A little disclaimer before I start rambling: These are headcanons! Their given birthdays are not canon at all, but just me having fun combining my love for Digimon and my love for Astrology. It can be highly self-indulging, but maybe you can find some truth in it as well! If you want to know how I calculated their birthdays, read my previous posts as stated above. I use these birthdays in my own fanfiction, but feel free to use them as well. Some credit in the form of a reblog, like or mention of these posts and/or my Tumblr would be highly appreciated! See something you want to discuss? I love to learn and talk! As said these are my headcanons, but I’m not afraid to change my mind or to defend what I have if necessary.
Everything charts and the why under read more!
Koushiro Izumi - August 26th 1989
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Assigning the Virgo Sun to this boy was the first thing I did, because I myself am convinced Koushiro Izumi is the embodiment of a true Virgo. I could be wrong, as I did not study Astrology and am a simple hobbyist, but everything I read about Virgos always lead me back to this particular maroon headed anime dork for years now. Hence why I gave him the same Sun and Rising sign, because Koushiro is who he is. Anyway, let me try to convince you.
For starters, here are a few (or actually all the) things about Virgos in general, for both Sun and Rising. Virgos are bright, practical, pragmatic, orderly, respectful, critical, perfectionists, security driven, communicative, tidy, nervous, detail-oriented… Can I stop already? Okay, now pick one of the above and tell me it’s not fitting for Koushiro.
Hm, I know. It’s hard, isn’t it?
Maybe his tidiness is questionable depending on the situation… But the guy is orderly and the chaos only exists in times when his perfectionism takes over. The nervous part from the Virgo can be seen in shyness or even being obedient. All of that makes Koushiro a dedicated friend who would do anything in his power to make everything work for you. Danger is that he will efface himself, thinking he’s not worth as much as the others. This is what happens in Adventure episode 28 right after he solved the card riddle. On the top left corner either the Agumon or the Gomamon is right, but he doesn’t know which one and he apologizes, which is not necessary at all, with: “I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations,” which is such a Virgo Sun/Rising thing to say..! The Virgo dynamic is alive and kicking.
It’s even more alive and kicking in his other strong Virgo placements: Mercury and Mars. With Mercury in Virgo, Mercury is in it’s sign of its rulership, making it a strong placement. And precisely that planet is the planet of thoughts and knowledge! The combination of his Sun, Rising, Mercury and Mars in Virgo makes him be, engage, think and act like a true Virgo. Detail-oriented, thoughtful, respectful, orderly, practical and curious!
The hardest part for his birthday calculation was his Moon placement. The Moon is all about emotions, needs, wants, behavior, responds, et cetera. I first gave him a Capricorn Moon, but my boyfriend is such a Cap Moon and it didn’t fit the bill for Koushiro in my opinion. So I read and searched and eventually came to the conclusion it had to be an Air sign Moon, simply for the fact that our boy Koushiro is the bearer of the crest of Knowledge and Air signs can be seen as the intellectual ones of the Zodiac! Eventually I went for the Gemini Moon and I’m going to explain why exactly.
One could say Gemini is the bearer of Knowledge just as much as Koushiro is. Gemini LOVE to know things! They are naturally curious and are great communicators, when it comes to knowledge (pun warning if you’ve seen the reboot: they love to bring joy to their knowledge). Gemini tend to be a bit superficial when it comes to having and sharing knowledge and of course we know that’s not the case with our Koushiro here, due to his many Virgo placements, making him more observant and inward. What the Gemini Moon DOES to him is making this boy very talkative! He likes to spill what’s on his mind, he likes to share what he thinks, he likes to ramble and rant. It’s something we see him doing in Tri a lot, especially that one scene in Reunion part 3 (episode 3) where he keeps on rambling about all the strange events and he misses the first part of the conversation between the other DigiDestineds (about the news and Jyou’s ‘girlfriend’ poor guy no one believes him). Koushiro misses the conversation because a) his Gemini Moon likes to ramble and keep rambling, and b) because his Virgo placements can make him a bit unaware of his surroundings quite the time…
That’s not a bad thing per se, Koushiro is just very much focused on his work and d e t a i l s, which is a VERY Virgo-ish trait. But lets not forget that his priority is to help others with that knowledge and that the combination of his Virgo placements with his Gemini Moon makes him a great mentor. Brings me to his role throughout the entirety of Adventure 02: The Mentor. You’re welcome.
Another Gemini Moon thingy is rudeness. Now we know Koushiro is the most polite person out of ALL DD’s, always using honorifics, even saying Hikari-san instead of Hikari-chan, because Koushiro IS respect. But Koushiro is not afraid to tell you what’s at stake in times of ‘danger’, he’s not afraid to tell the truth. There are a few examples for that in Adventure, Adventure 02 and in Tri, but I’d like to refer to one of my favorite moments in whole Digimon Adventure history. Because Koushiro x rudeness brings me back to Diaboromon strikes back when he’s obviously so done with everyone, then Mimi enters the scene and he doesn’t even care. In the English dub she literally says “How rude”. Ooooohhh Koushiro, you little rude demon… It’s not the biggest proof it’s a simple one and my personal favorite.
All of the talkativeness and rudeness is something we mostly see Koushiro doing when he’s most comfortable. So we won’t see him being all talkative all the time -sharing more than just plain, superficial knowledge and instead more personal helpful knowledge- with everyone, but we do see him being talkative and speaking up to certain characters he’s most comfortable with. Now name one boy he’s very talkative to compared with literally all the other characters… You know what? Scroll down.
Last thing and then I’ll stop rambling about this beautiful and lovely nerd. His Venus, planet of values (and love…) is in Libra. What does that mean? Well, I’ve seen quite some fans type Koushiro as a bi-sexual, or something in that direction. Or even better a ‘disaster bi-sexual’. I already agreed on that, but when I saw this birth chart… IT’S (HEAD)CANON! Seriously, Libra is the zodiac sign of doubt, decision making (or actually no decision making, but I’ll get there with the next boy) and relationships and if you have your Venus placed in Libra you’re doomed to be a disaster when it comes to making decisions in your love life both romantically and platonically! Venus in Libra creates the desire for a good and loving relationships, but Koushiro’s Virgo Sun/Rising makes him more shy, his Virgo Mars makes him hold back. Once again, the Virgo Sun/Rising-Libra Venus dynamic lets him efface himself in relationships, thinking they have nothing to offer, but they have!! And so Koushiro gets left behind with his unresolved feelings… the boy has a hard time in love, let’s give him all a hug!
Taichi Yagami - October 15th 1988
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The protagonist. Okay, let me compare this goggle headed protagonist to another goggle headed protagonist outside the Digimon franchise: Naruto. This is probably more interesting to people who have watched and know Naruto, so you can skip the part. To me Naruto is the classical protagonist type; bold, adventurous, playful, (a little) obnoxious at some times, hot headed… These are traits we easily assign to fire signs in the zodiac, especially Aries. So I would immediately give Naruto the Aries Sun placement. However, when we see Naruto grow up, his behavior and the way he speaks and leads grows up with him as well. That’s only natural. And based on those changes I wouldn’t necessarily give Naruto the Aries Sun placements, although the Aries placement or another fire placement is very likely to be present in his chart.
Now I could go even further, explain the development from child to adult through Jung’s theory about cognitive functions, but that’s incredibly complicated and a looooong stretch I won’t be making here today. In short, Jung’s development theory is interesting, because it shows how we first see the obvious traits in a child which are the traits the child engages (Rising sign) the world with before it develops the other functions showing the person’s true identity (Sun sign). So we could say we first see someone’s Rising sign more clearly before the Sun comes shining through. Like with Naruto. And the same could be for Taichi in the case of this headcanon.
To tackle his birth chart and big three, I’ll be starting with explaining his Rising Sign before his Sun sign. And the Rising sign I assigned him is Aries Rising.
Like I said above, Aries is bold, adventurous, playful and above all: courageous. Especially the Aries Rising placement which is more courageous than its Aries Sun counterpart. Aries are born leaders, can be extremely competitive, are somewhat restless and desperately need to move. In Taichi’s case with the above birth chart, that urge to move is magnified by his Aries Mars placement. The dynamic of his Aries Rising and Aries Mars makes Taichi a mover, an adventurer, and incredibly determined. This could be both positively, always wanting the best (especially for yourself, as Aries is a pretty selfish sign), and a tad negatively, always going and going and going. In the Adventure series this could be the reason why he makes Greymon dark-evolve, because he wants things too bad and too fast. Aries are hot headed and can grow impatient if things don’t go the way they want. And the Aries Rising and Mars dynamic makes Taichi a very physical guy. Mix that with the impatience and he is not afraid to pick fights and use his fists.
All of this can make Taichi a very stormy and reckless boy (boundaries? What’s that?), but also a fearless leader. The exuberance, the impatience and restlessness comes back in his Sagittarius Moon placement as well. This Sag Moon in combination with his strong Aries placements in Rising and Mars makes Taichi a sportive, physical, optimistic and forward leader that is incredibly courageous and adventurous, which could make him a bit ‘superficial’ as a protagonist. But the Sag Moon also deepens and strengthens his leader skills.
Sagittarius is a sign pictured by a centaur with an arrow and bow. The centaur’s horse legs make the Sag want to move and be free, but the arrow aims in a clear direction and aiming takes knowledge and focus. Sagittarius thus is an adventurous fella, but also a philosopher. Taichi’s Sag Moon placement makes him a pro in seeing the bigger picture and connecting dots next to his never ending energy. He will make sure we’re going in the right direction by overlooking the whole situation. So we absolutely shouldn’t forget Taichi is a true strategist! He sees, understands what’s at stake in a situation, connects the dots, comes with a strategy and like a true leader knows his team and can place everyone in his right spot to get through the toughest of situations (once again referring to Taichi asking Koushiro to pick the cards in Adventure episode 28). Speaking about a great leader, gosh, Taichi, you’re truly amazing! <3
However, it’s his Aries Rising and Mars that often make him act before he thinks, preferably alone (Taichi is a teamplayer, but the selfish and reckless Aries in him makes him act alone. And the sum of teamplayer + acting alone = self-sacrifice mode… which happens ALL THE DAMN TIME). Or actually makes him act while thinking without doing a short reflection beforehand. Seriously, I’m convinced that this reflection in advance could have saved him a lot of trouble throughout Digimon Adventure. Let’s blame it on (t)his (headcanon) birth chart…
Also, all of the above vouches for Taichi having an amazing intellect, but the guys needs to be challenged… Hence why he’s always staring out of the window during classes in Tri, daydreaming away to where the adventure is. He feels trapped, needs to be outside and should use his intelligence for things he finds important (like saving the digital world, soccer and saving friends and the world). The daydreaming could also be his Libra Mercury who can make Taichi lose his focus and could make him lazy. Luckily Taichi has a very active Aries Mars in opposite aspect from his Libra Mercury that neutralizes that lazy and dreamy Libra Mercury.
Okay, back to topic. Now you maybe think: But if Taichi is good in knowing where to go, being the fearless leader, also an intellect who has the knowledge to aim straight and shoot… then WHY is he so lost, down and in doubt in Tri and so unknowing of his future in Kizuna…??!! I have an answer to that. And that answer is his Libra Sun.
I know I know, this is a very VERY unpopular Sun sign to give this goggle leader, but please hear me out. For starters, Libra is the sign of diplomacy and if we believe the 02’s epilogue what’s Taichi’s job? Right, a diplomat. We also know he studies something like political sciences in Kizuna (which I think is AMAZING and vouches even more for Taichi’s intellect! Politics is a tough study…) and to make it in the political field you really do need diplomacy and charms.
Taichi is an absolute charmer, in my eyes at least. I mean, look at his 02 self! He’s such a smooth charmer in every way… The way he sends off Sora to Yamato while acting all cool and collected, phew, that requires some serious smoothness. And still we often see Taichi depicted as a down and broody boy besides his energetic and bold (sometimes indifferent…) character, especially after Tri. That too could be due to a Libra Sun placement.
Like Sagittarius is depicted by a centaur, Libra is depicted by scales and those scales are all about harmony, balance and justice. Libra is the opposite of Aries in the zodiac, but also about weighing opposites in the sigh itself. When we look at the Aries/Libra opposite placement: where Aries can be quite selfish, Libra as an opposite is the people’s pleaser. Where Aries is reckless and impatient, Libra is thoughtful and patient and one could say that an Aries acts where a Libra waits. Where Aries makes the impulsive decisions, Libra keeps deliberating leading into constant doubt and confusion. And how do we see Taichi in Tri? Ah yes, in doubt and confused.
A Libra Sun desperately wants to bring peace and harmony, driven by justice, in a diplomatic way. Libra Suns are deep thinkers which can make them very doubtful, making them spiraling down into a hole of overthinking and doubts. The Libra Sun-Sag Moon dynamic makes this all even more deep and almost philosophical in a way there will always be more and more questions, but never answers because Libra simply can’t make choices. All while being solution-oriented!
As Taichi grows up from a middle schooler to a high schooler, it’s that doubt coming from the Libra Sun that kicks Taichi hard. It conflicts with his carefree and bold Aries Rising nature and as that Libra Sun comes shining through, we see Taichi becoming more cautious and reserved compared to his younger self. The guy has a strong inner dialogue always looking for the best solutions to please everyone and bring harmony (I wanted to say ‘balance to the world’, yes to all the avatar the last airbender cameos) to the people and world(s in case of the digital world) around him he so desperately wants to protect. This is what we see happening in Tri, where he can’t choose what’s the right thing… Most of the time that inner dialogue is hidden behind his Aries Rising (and Aries Mars and Sag Moon).
So under that tough and courageous Aries Rising demeanor (remember that a Rising sign is all about engaging and how you come across to others) is a very soft, sweet, friendly and overall smart Libra Sun boy who has troubles expressing himself because the boy is in conflict with himself (which we see in the Dark Master’s arc in Adventure where he expresses his concerns towards his sister to Koushiro… it’s so hard for Taichi to let it all out, even when he needs it badly). It’s so sad, he’s such a complicated character, but that’s also one of the most beautiful things about Taichi. He’s layered af. He could be the best listener (Koushiro’s feels this, that’s why Koushiro can talk so open and freely to Taichi, because Taichi lets him thank you Libra Sun) if it weren’t for his strong fire placements opposite from his airy Sun sign. But give the boy time and space and he can show you his charms in a way no one else owns those charms.
So Taichi’s Libra Sun is hidden away most of the time due to his strong Aries placements. Usually his Rising and Sun sign being in opposite aspect from each other, should neutralize the placements, but Taichi’s Aries Mars placement makes the Aries Rising overrule the Libra Sun. Still, we shouldn’t forget Taichi is a softy with a big heart. He just needs the right people around him to get his charm on and Taichi definitely has some great people collected in his life who can help him think and make decisions.
A few things I want to point out before I stop rambling, because this analysis is already WAY too long.
Taichi’s midheaven in Capricorn in combination with his Libra Sun and Aries Rising makes him very ambitious on the intellectual side! Directly aiming for the UN and quickly climbing up the promotion ladder (and being successful like a true Cap, let’s not forget that).
His Mars was in transition from Pisces to Aries during his birth. Which means his Aries Mars is highly influenced by Pisces which could also explain why he spirals down as Pisces Mars has a lot of stormy energy on the emotional side (whereas Aries Mars has stormy energy on the physical side). When this emotional energy comes out negative, it can lead to mental health problems (!!! TRI DEPRESSED!TAICHI), especially when close friends and family (can you feel it coming? The whole Hikari-trauma is a thing) are involved.
His Libra Sun makes him in need of a group of friends and he loves being surrounded by them! Though he doesn’t like to admit that due to his Aries Rising. Taichi is such a conflicted boy…
An end note on these two boys: A heart to heart/hard friendship with a lot of mutual understanding and support <3
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digitalgate02 · 3 years
Who’s your favorite Adventure character that isn’t associated with a specific Crest/trait? Which of the canon traits (Courage, Friendship, etc) do you think would be their strongest if they could be totaled up for each person like a video game stat?
Hmmm... Tough question.
My favorites are: Jun, Kido bros, Michael, Catherine, Rosa (not going to call her by "Chichos"/"Chicos" anymore lol), Yukio, Wallace* and Menoa.
* I counted Wallace because, while we associate him with "Destiny" this is not "officially" a crest (though 5 years ago they had made gashapon toys with both Miracles and Destiny in tag format, alongside with Kindness, another which had no tag depicted in 02 or any material)
Anyway, I decided to pick Menoa, Jun and Wallace for this.
For Jun, I think the best is her having the same crests as Daisuke -- Courage and Friendship. Because she's completely courageous and daring, also she gets along with the Inoue sisters on the same level as Daisuke and Miyako see themselves by equals.
So I believe she would be an excellent holder of those two crests.
As for Wallace, as explained beforehand, "Destiny" is not an "official" crest, so I do not count it and Miracles here. Hurricane Touchdown is his journey and we learn a lot from it, but the most important trait to be picked within the movie's story is how much Hope he had in getting Chocomon back without having to fight. And, at the end of the movie, Daisuke is the one to give him a reason to be hopeful about meeting Chocomon again.
And now... Menoa.
NOTE: Kizuna spoilers in the rest of this post, just warning.
For Menoa, I think many might think her crest would've been "Knowledge" because she's intelligent and such... But, Like Shiha had explained in this post and the crests relation to the Adv/02 kids, Knowledge is not about "intelligence" but "seek to learn more" and "curiosity" which fits more people like Koushiro and Iori.
So, my pick is Kindness. Why? Unlike Ken, who simply claimed his kindness was a weak point of himself and tried to get rid of it, Menoa embraces her kindness aspect so much to the point of turning it into something twisted and corrupted -- She wants so much to save everyone from her terrible fate that she does not realize that no one is asking to be saved because no one, except for a few isolated cases, needs to be saved.
When she's about to lose Morphomon, she mentions about how "now she could help everyone with her skills" which implies in her desire to wanting to help people at that age. It's a shame her twisted vision of adulthood and her own experiences with Morphomon losing her physical form had driven her crazy.
So, I think Kindness is the best choice for her. (also funny how this makes her have a parallel with Ken-chan oof)
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
Do you think Koushiro would ever feel self-conscious about how... not athletic he is when he sees Taichi's football teammates? Idk, kind of like how Taichi would feel self-concious about his intelligence like you mentioned in your tags for that comic
It's actually interesting to think about this, because a.) Digimon Adventure (at least 01 and 02) never made a huge deal about discrepancies in physicality or intelligence between the children (minus the occasional "don't act like a jock, Taichi, please"). And b.) it's become such a prominent occurrence in fanfiction (and art) for Taishirou to have insecurities in regards of these traits, even though the anime - when they were children at least - always showed them to be equals. Especially because Koushirou was always portrayed as a hands-on character who could jump into action as frequently as the most athletic characters, Taichi and Sora. 
I definitely have seen both of it around, even if Taichi being insecure about it seems to be more apparent to me due to mentioned portrayal in Kizuna. Koushirou being insecure about his physical stamina is something we see a lot in depictions of said football team history (which is why I LOVE this comic about it, because both Taichi and Sora are pretty encouraging, as they should be). But it's also part of fanfiction and art, especially when they're not established yet - though I feel it's often more about him not feeling attractive/handsome enough in comparison to Yamato or Sora for example. (It is also implied through a drama that he wants to “work hard (to get taller)”, because a girl in his computer club who is younger than him it’s definitely Miyako is also taller than him, even if you’d normally think that he wouldn’t care much about that.)
Tldr; They have the potential to be the embodiment of the "Why do you even like me, there are so many better choices than me who are more intelligent/athletic and could be so much better for you" trope and I can definitely see the appeal in that, because it just creates a lot of angst, especially for characters like them who simply don't sit down to TALK, like the absolute nuts they are. If they actually talked, they'd quickly realize that they see nothing but the sun and stars when they look at each other, because the mutual adoration and admiration has always been THERE (in canon). So please talk, you nuts.
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im-a-lonelyheart · 4 years
Second Generation Headcanons
These are my headcanons of how the children from the epilogue would be. I know most folks don´t like the epilogue (For the most part I still don’t know how to feel about it) but I do, however in my head Takari and Koumi are canon (there are people who like the epilogue but don’t like including non explicit canon ships) (I won’t be mentioning them just in case), I really love the design for the kids!!!
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Let’s start:
The following fanart is done by the amazing Mishy (who let me use her art for this post) (go check her out x)
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Sora and Yamato’s kids: (sorry I suck at naming characters so don’t expect names)
The only ones who were fully planned they waited a while to have kids because:
1. Were busy building successful and time demanding careers.
2. Given their own childhood issues, they both agreed to wait until both were 100% on board and could provide a healthy household for their kids to grow up.
Were scared shitless anyways
Yamato is the cool uncle who is an astronaut, all the kids LOVE him, and he loves all the kids. Always brings every single one of them presents from his travels or science/related ones.
The son:
Tiny baby (the takeru of the group), everyone is so protective of him not only his sister and cousins. His Digimon follows the gabumon line and is really powerful so he doesn’t really need the extra protection (but everyone ignores this)
Inherited the crest of light. He is a ray of sunshine
Ok hear me out. I think the chosen lost/gave up their crest sometime between kizuna and the epilogue and while their kids got the same baby Digimon as their parents, the crest were redistributed according to their own personality traits.
That scared his parents, because they saw how it burdened Hikari. Even if the darkness was placated years ago (whatever was after Hikari is gone), it couldn’t be truly destroyed. Still, this crest carries a lot of power and responsibility.
 Hikari came over and took him to the park and over ice cream explained the crest to him and reassured them all that they have nothing to be worried about and they could contact her anytime in case something happens.
The daughter:
Bearer of the crests of Love and Friendship.
Scarily similar to both of her parents.
Loves to play and participate in group activities, but also enjoys being alone sometimes.
Really into art, she is never seen without her sketch book and a pen. All the paintings in her house are painted by her. And her mother also incorporates some of them into her designs or uses them as inspiration.
100% Daddy’s girl. She looks up to Yamato so much, even dresses a little like him and keeps her hair short for a while (she loves it when they tell her she looks like him).
Loves to hang out with Taichi’s son. They are in the same school.
Had an emo phase.
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Miyako and Ken’s children:
The babies having babies. I am emo.
They both work a lot, but miyako does it from home (she works with Koushiro, fight me). They still take them to the park a lot and go on family trips all the time.
Little shit.
Actual genius. Always doing experiments, don’t be surprised if you see the dog with a phone taped to his collar, she is probably trying something. Loves computers but science is her thing. After all these years they let her be as long as 1. She is home, 2. Doesn’t involve the digimons, 3. Doesn’t involve fire.
One time Yamato gave her a chemistry set. They had to move out to another building. After that, Ken asked him to bring her moon rocks from now on. She also loved the rocks
Loves to roast everyone in the family (mostly Miyako). Ken has to remind her not to be so rude to her mom. She adores her parents, but this brings her joy.
Crest of purity. Mimi is proud of her
Don’t be fooled, she is the goggle kid of this gen.
The son
Actual cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.
Calm personality. It contrasts a little from his sister’s. But if she is up to something, he is the only one 100% aware of it and would follow her to the end of the world.
Miyako thought she was coercing him, but no, he loves his older sister’s ideas and plans.
Crest of Love.  He is really in tune with other people’s feelings, it concerns his parents because he can be overly empathetic sometimes and it affects him. He is really open and wears his heart on his sleeve.
He tells everything to his mom, and if something goes wrong, he’s the first one to contact the adults.
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Iori’s daughter
Iori was the youngest to have a kid, he knew it, but he really wanted his grandfather to meet his kid and see him happy and married before he died.
He isn’t sappy or overly romantic, but he believes in love at first sight, meet his wife on his first day in college and didn’t look back.
Lives in the same building as takeru. They drink tea together in the afternoons like old british ladies
The kid
Looks like a cinnamon roll but is Little shit 2. Best friends with little shit 1 and Takeru’s son.
Again, Ken has to make sure they aren’t overly mean to Miyako and Iori.
Crests of knowledge. Wants to know everything about the digimons and the digital world.
Has Iori wrapped around her finger since day one, but he is the first one to call her out her BS.
Isn’t into kendo but likes to try different extracurricular activities (still hasn’t found what she likes yet), but Iori is her #1 fan everytime.
Jyou’s son
Jyou moved around the country for a while, so his kid didn’t grow up as close to the others. He still made sure they all hung out together whenever he was in town.
“I have to make sure you don’t miss me” 
“oh, it isn’t like you were around much when we were young” 
The kid
Gomamon’s biggest fan. He and his own Bukamon were his only friends for a while, he can’t wait for bukamon to digivolve so he can be with TWO gomamons.
When they moved back, He got close to Takeru’s kid. Doesn’t get what the fuss about his father is about.
He knows a lot about digimons but is more into engineering. Doesn’t like blood.
Inherited his father’s lack of chill. Has a little crush on iori’s daughter (hasn’t figured out how to act around her, yet).
Crest of purity/reliability.
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Takeru’s son
He is with Hikari and their kids are siblings. Please let me have this.
Takeru really loves his nephew and niece. He totally would spoil them rotten.
Designated Babysitter. Since he is a freelancer, you can say he has a lot of free time (not to his face tho), he likes to take the kids to amusement parks, go for ice cream, etc.…
After his lonely childhood he is loving having such a big family now. I CrY.
The kid.
Grew up listening to his father’s stories every night.
One thing he learned about them was the importance of being prepared all the time and think before he acts. He is thoughtful, so he really related to Jyou.
Not only that, Jyou is his hero. Takeru was really amused at first when his son would ask him questions about him after his bedtime stories. He is fond of his son admiration for his friend, who also saved him when he was younger, and knows that Jyou being away contributed to this.
Carries a backpack with him all the time. You want water? He got it. You need tissues? He has some. Some kid at school is being mean to you? He would show up to walk you home. (doesn’t like violence)
Crests of reliability. The kid was ecstatic.
At first, he got close to Jyou’s son so he could talk about his dad but ended up really liking the kid. (he likes to be friends with everyone)
Best friends with Iori’s daughter. And hella overprotective of his cousins.
Hikari’s son:
Designated babysitter 2. She is really good with kids, tho she also helps organize plans for only the adults.
Tailmon disappeared one day when she was heavily pregnant, she looked for her the whole day and finally found her in her mother’s house. Tailmon told her she was worried that when she had the baby, she wouldn’t like having her around anymore.
Hikari reassured her that she would love them all equally and she will need her now more than ever. They cried and made up, then her water broke.
Taichi totally cried nonstop the day she gave birth. She still teases him about it.
The kid:
Healthy as a horse, athletic and tall. Total opposite from his mother except for his looks. It amuses Taichi to no end.
Behind the scenes leader. He loves to bring out the best in everyone and always makes sure they are all fine. He specially loves to hang out with Miyako’s kids, Daisuke’s son and Takeru’s son his sibling (they have to deal with the shenanigans of LS1 and LS2, god bless them).
Crest of Fate. Hikari always suspected that like her, he wouldn’t get a normal crest, still cautious as to what exactly this one means.
Hates being alone, isn’t used to it. Tailmon slept in his crib with him when he was a baby. He is always with his plotmon and has got in trouble several times for bringing her to school. He hasn’t told anyone but his Nyaromon digivolved because he ran to the street without looking and was almost hit by a car. Plotmon saved him.
Loves having sleepovers at his uncle’s house, despite their age difference he really loves to play with his cousin.
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Taichi’s son
Always said he’d rather be a cool uncle than being a father. But the more he thought about it the more he wanted it. He realized he was the only one without a kid, but his travels still made him hesitate.
Still goes over to Yamato and Sora’s house all the time. One time when Sora was pregnant Yamato arrived from work and found Sora sitting in the sofa and Taichi cutting fruit in the kitchen.
Yamato and Taichi sat down, Taichi handed Sora a bowl of fruit and whipped cream and started eating it with her.
“You didn’t bring me a fork?”
“oh, I am sorry, was the baby growing inside you pushing your organs too?” Taichi and Sora laugh.
“no. but then why are you eating?”
“I cut the fruit”
“well, I bought the fruit!”
“Sorry… but seriously what’s the matter with you lately?”
“I don’t know what are you talking about… hey Sora how did I do it?”
“the fruit? Fine I guess… why?” both Sora and Yamato stared at Taichi waiting for him to spill.
One time he got emotional after seeing his little sister’s son taking care of his son.
CREST OF FRIENDSHIP *not pictured: everyone laughing about it for years.
Baby but doesn’t like being treated as one. Super independent, dresses himself since he is two. Loves to challenge himself.
Instant best friends with everyone he meets. Loves to hangout with the Ishidas. They are his best friends, also his cousin, also is everyone else. Doesn’t mind being around adults as well, often called matured for his age. This amuses Hikari.
Apart from his parents, Hikari is his favorite person in the world. Right now, he wants to be a teacher like her. (Last week he wanted to be a Chef like Mimi)
He and the third Ichijouji kid will probably lead the next gen.
Daisuke’s son
Daisuke travelled a lot, meet a lot of people and ironically, he married one of his neighbors. He went one time to visit his parents and ran into the girl who lived upstairs, whom he knew since he was a kid, but holy shit. He visited his parents everyday for a month until she asked him out.
When she got pregnant, he asked Taichi for his goggles.
The kid:
Prankster. Did you expect anything else? (his chibimon has a really deep voice and he loves to use him to prank people)
Don’t leave him alone with the Ichijouji girl if you value your home or your life.
Crest of Courage. Loves a good adventure, well for him everything is an adventure: from running errands with his aunt to going with his father to one of his restaurants around the world.
He is a handful; however, he has a big heart and is such a happy kid.
Admires the older chosen a lot and it’s always asking them questions about their adventures. Dreams of being an explorer or changing the world. Yamato patiently answers all his questions about space since his own kids don’t seem to be interested.
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Mimi’s son:
She totally married koushiro, bear with me on this.
She has a multifaceted career, although not in what you would expect (she wasn’t interested in acting or singing professionally). She ran a lot of business, selling them when she lost interest. Is not afraid of taking risks. This meant she travelled a lot.
Eventually got tired (yes, I know. Mimi, tired? Yes) and came back to Japan. At first, she was promoting her new cooking book in a tv show but she got offered her own show and has been living her best life ever since.
The kid:
He is quiet, introvert but observant.
Ironically, he speaks 4 languages (Japanese, English, French, and Spanish), he is learning german now. He loves reading so that’s why he likes languages a lot.
He bonds with the other kids over the digimons and card games, ends up going to school with most of them and they eventually bring him out of his shell. He and Jyou’s son are kindred spirits.
Calm kid, but if you mess with him or one of his friends… you will see him angry. He is honest and loyal to his friends.
(you know how each baby Digimon has multiple evolution lines? I read in the Digimon wiki that one of Palmon’s ultimate forms is a cherrymon. Imagine Taichi saying something like: “Well kid, one advice: never tell someone to kill their friends” and the kid being like: “…ok?”, whereas Mimi and Yamato glare at him “I’ll fucking end you Taichi”)
Crest of knowledge/courage, of course.
Last but no least: 
Koushiro’s Daughter.
By this point You know what’s up
Koushiro first thought when she was handed to him for the first time was: “wow, she looks like me.” What really got to him (even though it shouldn’t) was how he had someone related to him by blood.
He adores her and is really proud of every little thing she does. Remember the “do it for her” scene from the Simpsons? He totally has one like that in his office.
Tentomon didn’t tell anyone that he spent a whole day watching Youtube hair styling tutorials. No, none. He didn’t tell Palmon and Gomamon who told everyone else, no.
The kid:
Actual ray of sunshine. (i know i seem to say this about every kid, but listen they are my kids too)
She is the nicest kid you’ll ever meet. Koushiro says he’s never had to deal with a temper tantrum.
Crest of Kindness. Loves animals, got her dad to donate money to the oceans and animal shelters.
Sora gave her stickers with cute animals and smiley faces for her birthday and now if she sees someone sad, she gives them a sticker. “Dad, you look sad today. Here!” she puts a smiley face on his forehead, he smiles and hugs her. He didn’t take it off and “accidentally” went on a meeting like that. Miyako took pictures and sent them to the group chat.
Closest to Ken’s son and Mimi’s son her brother. Also loves to hangout with Taichi’s son, and Yamato’s kids.
Loves music, actual prodigy. Plays the piano and the violin (she plays violin most of the time). Wants to compose a song for each Digimon. Invites everyone to her concerts.
Ok, this was long. I didn’t talk about the baby, but i think he would be Hope (since he is the last one) (wrote this in an hour and english is not my first language, so yeah. Sorry)
I think these people love each other so much, they might’ve drifted apart in their youth, but with the years they all got close again. Since most of the kids don’t have siblings, they set up playdates, so they don’t feel lonely. They don’t regret the events that brought them together, they knew they had to let their kids experience it when the time came.
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
So I want to write a Taishiro fic or even just a Koushiro-centered fic/drabble but for reasons, I don't have access to any of the canon shows to watch and I am unwilling to pirate, so I don't really have a handle on character personalities. Advice?
Hi there, thanks for the ask!  I’m so pleased that you’re looking to create Digimon fan content!
I’m not sure if you’re asking me:
1.)  Where can I legally watch the Japanese Digimon Adventure audio with English subtitles?
2.)  How can I learn character personalities without consuming canon material?
This got long, so I’m throwing the rest below the cut!
If 1:
 I WOULD ALSO LOVE TO KNOW.  I don’t want to pirate, but for reasons best known to Toei/Bandai, Digimon Adventure and 02 (and the related movies, I guess?) are not officially available with Japanese audio/English subs.
Netflix briefly carried Digimon Adventure in Japanese with English language subs, and that’s how I was finally able to watch it it 2015.  I don’t think they carry it anymore, and I don’t see it on Crunchy Roll....
If any of my lovely followers have an answer to this, please let me know!  I’d love to see it again, myself!  In the meantime, I wonder if enough of us asked Crunchyroll, they would consider it???  They carried Tri and the Reboot...
ALSO if you can, please consider purchasing the Tri and Kizuna Blu-ray/DVDs!  These are the first official Digimon Adventure releases to offer both Japanese/English audio and subtitles!  The best way to encourage this is by purchasing them.
If 2:
If you are looking to generate fan material, I’m assuming you’ve seen the show?  But maybe it was a long time ago?  Or maybe you saw the English dub, but you want to learn the Japanese version characterizations?
If you saw a certain dub- clearly the English is not the only one- then my advice is to write your fic based on that dub’s characterizations until you can get access to whatever version you’re hoping to see. 
 I grew up on the English dub, and I’ll be the first to say that the characterizations are different from the Japanese version (here is a brief essay on Yamato vs Matt and Koushiro vs Izzy).  I imagine there are differences among most of the dubs!  The English is just more notorious on the basis of being widely known and very different and unique- they added a ton of jokes and lightened the overall tone.
I personally blend character traits for, say, Yamato and Matt based on what I like and the story’s setting.  For example, I have a story called Four Years where the kids are college students in America.  I decided that it would be disrespectful to pretend that I know what Japanese college is like when I have zero clue, and since the English dub was already tailored for Western audiences, I would simply draw on the English dub for characterization.  And because I was using English dub personalities, I indicated this by using English dub names.
So basically, I would write your story based on the version of Digimon you know, and either use the dub names that go along with it, or just write in your fic that you are drawing on that dub for your characterization.  Say it with me: dubs are not bad or less!  Watching the original is probably the best way to successfully interact with international audiences, since a lot of us tend to watch our local dub + the original Japanese, so it’s an amazing shared reference point.  But writing a story based on a dub doesn’t make your story “lesser” in any way!
Now, if you’re asking if there is a place to learn characterizations without consuming canon material...  Um, I don’t know if I can advise this.  I mean, I’ve written a lot about characterizations, and I personally am of the opinion that @adventure-hearts has some of the best meta on original Japanese Digimon Adventure characterizations you can find in English, but...  
Hm, how do I say this...  For me, a huge part of producing fan work is to communicate to other fans what these characters mean to me.  So...  If I’m regurgitating someone else’s characterization cliff notes...  Like, what am I doing, at that point?  BUT!  I am a character writer, not a plot or setting writer.  Maybe this isn’t as big of a turn off for folks who write plot or setting stories.
Um...  I’m not sure how helpful all of that was.  I hope something useful shook out!  And everyone, please let me know if you know of a legal way to watch Digimon Adventure and 02 in Japanese with English subtitles!
Keep writing! :D
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gossipchii · 4 years
Sun Signs and Cosmo
FF.net link: Here
AO3 link: Here
Characters: Tachikawa Mimi, Takenouchi Sora, Inoue Miyako and Yagami Hikari.
Words: 1200+
Notes: It was so hard to try and get the kiddos Solar Signs. I wanted to give each one a sign because fun, but we also only have Miyako’s canon one! And Sora, kind of, considering Our War Game.
To be honest, I gave Hikari the one I had left hence why it doesn’t really make sense. 
Anyway, this was so much fun to write and pretty much got written by itself.
“What is that exactly?” Sora had gotten back to Mimi’s room with more popcorn, considering Miyako had eaten the first two bowls all by herself.
“To be someone interested in fashion you should have noticed these are magazines, Sora,” Mimi rolled her eyes, pointing at the Cosmopolitan she had in her hands. “I bought this one in John F Kennedy’s airport, it’s the September issue!”
Sora had no idea, but the September issue was the most important issue in every fashion magazine, specially for Vogue. But that wasn’t a Vogue, of course, it was Cosmopolitan, making no sense to Sora.
“Mimi was about to read our horoscopes for the month!” Miyako shouted excited, “Western zodiac signs are so much fun, aren’t you excited Sora?”
Sora, of course, couldn’t care less about such zodiac signs, they only made sense in the western countries, and maybe not even there. She couldn’t believe even Hikari was paying attention, with her back straight and eyes wide open.
“I thought we were watching Cluetales?” the redhead took a sit next to the youngest one, sharing the popcorns with Hikari.
“It’s called Clueless, but this is so much more interesting. Oh Sora, you’re such a Pisces.” Sora could notice Mimi’s accent got more Americanized whenever she talked about, well, American subjects. Sora didn’t want to argue about it though, so she just enjoyed how Mimi haunted her younger friends with whatever the magazine was saying.
“What is that supposed to mean?” It was their first girl sleepover in the longest time, and they were all excited to spend time together without the boys. Nothing against them, of course, but they could get rather annoying. Plus, Mimi had promised them that she would gift them the best skincare products she was recollecting for her kawaii online store she was about to launch.
“You’re born February 28th, right?” Sora nodded, “that means your Sun was aligned with Pisces when you were born. Here it says that as a Pisces you ‘are known for being incredibly creative, empathetic, and creative, but they can also suffer from being overly emotional, impressionable, and closed off’ OhmyGod Sora!!! This is so accurate, so you!!!” Both Hikari and Miyako were nodding, wide eyes and clapping. Sora considered calling Yamato for help.
“Tell me mine again, please! May 30th!” Miyako got close enough to Mimi so she could be reading herself the magazine, even if she didn’t understand English that well.
“Yes, yes, Gemini…”
“Pay attention, Sora! It’s even scary,” Miyako was acting like a baby seeing the sea for the first time, her curious nature hitting hard.
“’Geminis are the liveliest of the Air sign gang - versatile, youthful, curious and fun. ... Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, which makes them fast, witty and super into communications…’”
“It’s insane how accurate!!” Miyako could not stop fangirling, Sora wondered a way of running away. Perhaps she could act like she was having a stomachache… or pretend she had an important exam she had to study for…
“Could you read mine, please?” Hikari was blushing, but she would have to be a fool not to agree with the descriptions so far. They were on point. “May 3rd .”
“You could only be Taurus, of course!” Was it really that obvious? Sora wondered. “’Taurus, known to be intelligent, dependable, hardworking, dedicated, and stubborn…’”
“It does sound like me,” the younger Yagami whispered; Mimi enjoying how astonished her younger friends were.
“And of course, me, December 16st, Sagittarius!” She moved her finger quickly, as if she had memorized by now where her horoscope was. “’Loyal, sophisticated, independent, and kind! They are unique, artistic, and have unerring judgment’. That’s so me, I can barely breathe!”
“Are you scared, yet?” Miyako wondered, Sora shrugged.
“They only are common traits in people, they could fit anyone.” She felt bad for being the party pooper, but she was so bad at lying. Was that a Pisces trait, too?
“Ok Sora, I didn’t want to go there yet but you’re pushing me. We will have to go to the romantic compatibilities of the signs.” Miyako gasped, Hikari covered her mouth. Sora, as much as she hated to admit it, felt her heart skip a beat. “Do we have any voluntaries?”
“Me, me! Oh please Mimi, me!” Miyako moved her arms as if she was in the middle of a large crowd in a concert, and not in a medium sized room with only three more people.
“Any specific sign compatibility you would like me to read?”
“Cancer…” Miyako whispered, very unlike the Inoue, considering she was never quiet. Mimi knew exactly why she wanted her to look at Cancer, though.
“Cancer because…”
“Just pure curiosity,” her hands were sweating, her heart was racing. “Please?”
“Gemini and Cancer compatibility…” after reading about their houses, one being air and the other being water. One being ruled by Communication and the other Emotion, and Miyako’s eyes almost watering by excitement, Mimi concluded, “The best aspect of the Gemini-Cancer relationship? Once they realize they’re allies, they can soar to great heights together.”
“That is great! Oh, that is perfect!”
“However!” Mimi interrupted, “Here it says that your best match would be with a Libra or an Aquarius.”
“And who falls into that category?” She tried to go though all her acquaintances, but she had no idea how horoscopes worked. Yet.
“No way…” Mimi looked directly at Hikari, and then she thought about herself, folding the magazine in annoyance. “That would be Takeru or Koushiro.”
“That is, no…” Miyako stood up, feeling dizzy. “That is impossible!!!”
“That’s what the horoscope says,” Mimi puffed up her cheeks.
Sora, noticing how tense the scene was getting decided to intervene, as best as she could. “Hey! The description with Cancer was pretty great!”
“But they were not soulmates, Sora.” Mimi pointed out.
“I mean,” she bit her lower lip. “You could read mine? Maybe that will show once in for all that these are not real,” Mimi’s eyes lit up, feeling her inner witch come alive.
“Say no more! But if you get Koushiro I swear-“ Miyako sat next to Hikari this time around, who caressed her back assuring her there were no hard feelings for what the horoscope had stated. “With Scorpio, I suppose?”
“Why Scorpio?”
“Or do you want me to see Aries? Whatever, I’ll check both.” Sora stayed confused, looking at Hikari and Miyako for support, but they were as clueless as she was. “This is so unfair! I don’t even need to look into Aries because the Pisces and Scorpio match is perfect!”
“What does it say?” Hikari wondered. Sora took the time Mimi was reading to check where Scorpio’s birthdays fell in the calendar and blushed deeply as she noticed Yamato’s was there. Maybe, just maybe she wanted to hear what the horoscope said.
“Their similarly intense emotional natures, their shared sensitivity to the undercurrents of life, to the more ethereal magic of love. This is a relationship of harmony and fulfillment. You have it all figured out, Sora!”
“Don’t be silly, they are all nonsense.” Sora convinced them to stick to the original plan and play the movie while applying Mimi’s very expensive skin care products. Sure, it had been fun to dive into western’s way of thinking how personalities worked according to the stars and planets, but they were nonsense.
In no way Sora wanted her horoscope to become a reality.
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure tri. Movie #3 ~ Kokuhaku [“Confession”] (J.P.N Version) featuring Character: (+Tri!)Koushiro[u] Izumi + MELTDOWNS
My Commentary: (No, it probably wasn’t “just” an ““over-worked”” “breakdown”) I made this image set primarily to point out Koushiro’s CANONICAL character traits (including actually consistent ones across the entire wider Adventure-related series, regardless of the media he appears in) but as this commentary/analysis can also be relevant to my head-canons...
Also Very Important & relevant Commentary:
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{BONUS Images + Commentary under the ‘
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[“He is great who is not ashamed to admit he does not KNOW.”]
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Who wants to read my discord chat thoughts?  Everyone?  yes?  ok
Rex - Today at 9:33 PM So i'm not sure any of you care to hear but its my channel so here i shallramble So i was thinking about digimon earlier Hikari's crest? A dumb crest Now i thought she was nice, she power boosted everyone etcetera but like Light isn't a personality trait that can be measured Its not a character trait to develop overtime or display You're basically calling her a demigod and closing the book there So i thought to myself: what personality traits does Hikari show? Two came to mind Empathy and Compassion Ok 1 trait two names Hikari felt deeply for all sentient life she encountered She, as an 8 year old girl, gave up herself to save the lives of the other people around her To a vampire she just watched murder someone else RIGHT in front of her She heals digimon she saw hurt with her simple fury at seeing them hurt and killed in front of her So I'm calling Hikari the chosen child of empathy of course other things in Digimon could've been expanded upon frankly I know that tey were literally making things up as they went so i don't blame them but if each character could be boiled down to one character trait that they are supposed to embody then things would've gone differently had they been planning things out a bit more for instance, Yamato (matt) would've been a bit more friendly toward everyone, like, genuinely friendly.  He's supposed to embody friendship within the group and he does a poor job of it frankly Yamato could've even gone a whole like character arc about how he needs to be more friendly toward everyone else in the group. like htere's a billion ways to express friendship between people and there's various different members of the group Yamato was basically defined as the big brother to Takeru and while that's fine it's not what his arcs shoulda been about like, him bouncing off the others a bit more besides TK (I don't remember him even bouncing that much off TK) and Tai woulda been fun and interesting! Encouraging Izzy to talk with the group and share his ideas a bit more giving Jo some one on one talk about his fears an insecurities sharing his two cents with Mimi and how she complains about everything - and I mean making sure she understands that everyone does know she's upset, but so is everyone else and they're al there for each other Tai leading them as the head of a fight ready to dive in and do what it takes to win Matt as the second in command making sure everyone stays together hell, Matt being a big brother could tie into how he interacts with everyone, treating them like he does TK - worried about their safety and trying to get them behind him or make sure they're running away ahead of him also i'd have changed the order of some things like when Genai appeared the first time he shoulda been like "So you're missing a kid.  Here, come to my place and we'll chat" and then explain to the kids whyt hey need to be int he digital world nad then he'll tell them about the 8th child back on Earth and then send them back cause I know full well that Gennai coulda sent them home any fuckin time or even send Tai back alone, have him do the thing with agumon in the real world while the rest of the team searches for primary village and I know Takeru is young and all digimon recylcle themselves into eggs after death but like i want Patamon's egg to appear in primary village and then Gennai takes them there while Tai is out finding the 8th child Matt and Sora together are consoling him best they can about his dead partner, reminding him that Patamon isn't really dead and with his world thrown into dispair, that's what sets Takeru on his own arc to growing into the role of the Chosen child of Hope cause he rises up from the devistating event and pushes forward with the hope that he'll find patamon's egg, and he'll be with his best friend again and no matter what happens he'll always find his partner again i'm not even sure how to structure Koushiro's arc other than what happened in canon honestly he was always, and I mean always on the search for more information maybe his curiousity gets the better of him and the group on their way to try and find the gate between worlds where Gennai says Tai will reappear (coincidentally where Vamdemon is waiting for them as well, imagine that) and so he gets afraid that his thirst for knowledge and information is going to get him killed, since Kuagamon isn't the strongest mon out there? idk man, Izzy literally just shoved his digivice into the damn laptop and reprogramed his digimon to evolve instead of going through character growth of course that could be how he reaches the next stage this time! Rex - Today at 10:00 PM some event that actually makes him think that giving up his knowledge really is for the best and then once he regains it, he finds the code for evolving to perfect form somewhere int eh files of data that the digimon he traded his curiosity to has stored up and Kabuterimon evoles into megakaburterimon i fuckin forget some things though gonna look up the trait of reliability and get back to this rant
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure: Our [/Children’s] War Game (Japanese Version) ~ Important Quotes / Dialogue ~ Taichi & Koushiro[u] / Moments & Interaction + Taichis Character Progressions (in various medias) / Character Traits + Koushiros Character Progressions (in various medias) / Character Traits + Apologizing
{Koushiro dramatically reads out the e-mails at start; then eventually...} “...But, it’s the only way.” - Koushiro, genuine, after dramatically turning
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“...right. It’s the only way.” - Taichi, reaffirming Koushiros statement, after speaking to War Greymon
“...Gomen.” {“Sorry.”} [Implied: ‘for earlier’ {scuffles}]
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“...Iie.” [Meant as] {“It’s fine/okay.”}
Compare: Adventure Ep 49; Taichi Apologizing to Koushiro in Similar Fashion {and Koushiro quickly forgiving him/even more affirming support for Taichi, in Ep49′s case}
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[Full text may be added shortly/eventually, check (back for) comments (with more)!]
{Clipped by Me} {IMGs by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use) [Disclaimer: I Do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdv ( C ) T0ei @nimation]
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(Note: This is mainly intended as Canon reference + Koushiro-informative + Taichi-informative. Please respect that if interacting, Thank You!)
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digimon Astrology Journey - Independent women: Sora & Mimi
For references, more understanding and background, make sure to read my posts about basic Astrology 101! Part 1 | Part 2. 
A fire Sun/Moon placement combined with a strong Taurus placement... Look out for Femme Fatales! They have a natural beauty, are bold, sensual, strong and creative. Sora and Mimi both have all of that, even though they have very different personalities. Most likely because Sora’s Rising placement balances out her Sun and Moon with compassion and caring protectiveness while Mimi’s big three is here to be a princess and to live for the applause whenever she feels like. 
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See it like this: Sora takes care with passion, Mimi wants to be passionately taken care for every once in a while. 
The important stuff
Sora Takenouchi, March 21st 1988 (around 11AM)
Sun: Aries (fire-cardinal) 
Moon: Taurus (earth-fixed)
Rising: Cancer (water-cardinal) 
Mimi Tachikawa, July 24th 1989 (around 11.30PM)
Sun: Leo (fire-fixed) 
Moon: Aries (fire-cardinal) 
Rising: Taurus (earth-fixed)
Charts and analyses under read more!
Beware!: I calculated their birthdays by assigning them a Sun and Moon placement. All of this is NOT CANON! It’s inspired by/based on the canon. I use these analyses and their headcanon birth charts as a reference/character sheet for -as an example- my own fanfiction. Of course be my guest to use these for your own, but remember it’s just someone else’s (in this case it being my) headcanon ;) Some credit, a reblog or a like when used is appreciated. 
Sora Takenouchi - March 21st 1988
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We do know in Our War Game, Taichi gave her that hairpin for her birthday in the Spring break between 5th and 6th grade (for her 12th birthday). Conclusion: she probably has her birthday somewhere between March 20th and April 6th (even when it’s not canon? I once read that her birthday is not canon even though the movie implies her birthday is around that time…). Meaning two things: she is either an Aries Sun or a Pisces Sun. I went for the Aries Sun, because I feel like the Pisces is too ‘dreamy’ for her. Her Sun however is on the thin line between Pisces and Aries (even better: if she was born around midnight on the same day, she would have been a Pisces!). So she is an Aries, but her Aries Sun will probably be highly influenced by Pisces.
An Aries Sun is independent, determined and has a strong physical appearance. These Suns NEED sport or some kind of physical and practical activity to feel good, which in Adventure turns into Sora’s absolute and passionate love for soccer. The determination and independency can be seen in DA episode 26 when she stands up against her mother because of soccer even though her knee is hurt. However, that independency and determination is more often towards or for the sake of others, for example when Sora takes off on her own to secretely help her friends. This probably comes from her Sun placement close to Pisces, making her more compassionate and sensitive than any other Aries Suns. And it’s due to her Rising placement. 
Intermezzo: Reboot 2020 Sora is more of an Aries than her original counterpart. I know the character building in the Reboot isn’t that good -or even not existing at all-, but looking through the Astro-glasses, I do see some character. Reboot Sora fits perfectly in this chart!
Sora is a Cancer Rising. Cancer Risings are, even more than the Cancer Suns, protective of others. Cancer Risings tend to see everything or otherwise WANT to see everything. They’re not nosy, they just want to check on you and make sure you’re safe, healthy and happy. This is in fact Sora in a nutshell. 
Taking care of others is their priority number one and that’s exactly what Sora does all the time. Cancer is often called the mother of the Zodiac, a title she is given every once in a while. In Tri episode 10 (Confession pt 1) Meiko says “You’re just like a mom”, and Meiko is someone who doesn’t know Sora for that long. Even she sees, feels and experiences it, making Sora a natural mom-like protector. 
And even though that motherly role is not something what she wants to achieve, it comes natural to Sora. There are more DigiDestined with Cancer placements, but somehow it’s Sora who they call a mom all the time. Her Aries Sun makes her passionate and determined, while her Cancer Rising makes her care and protect. This Aries-Cancer dynamic gives her a mom-like character you can’t get around. 
Sora’s first reaction after Meiko calls her a mom is annoyance and a way of denying and is most likely her Aries-Cancer dynamic. Cancers have a hard shell and they like to keep it that way. Aries can say and feel things before thinking it through. Her face and reaction is a mix of that Cancer’s shell, not wanting to admit she is a mom, and Aries’ impulsiveness, an immediate and bold reaction. (However, it could also be her Moon speaking.)
Cancer Rising makes her sensitive, protective and caring. Place it next to her Aries Sun and she is a bold and independent person with a strong emotional touch. Put her Moon in Taurus next to all of that and she becomes a perceptive human being.
Taurus Moons are highly disciplined, can be somewhat stubborn and crave stability. They like to show others they have everything under control, all the while their bodies extremely react to stress, making Taurus Moons very emotional and (inwardly) reactive people. This could be the explanation why Sora is having such a hard time putting her feelings into words or even doesn’t want to talk about her emotions at all, even when she has these very strong, physical and intuitive feelings and emotions from time to time. So whenever she does have her words ready, she won’t say it, because she thinks about the other first. It’s likely for Sora to bottle everything up and when she can’t hold it any much longer, it will all come out at once. 
With her Mars placement in Capricorn -making her ambitious, feel responsible and act thoughtful- on top of it all, she might has the tendency to overwork herself and go into these downward spirals. Especially when she feels -in both her work and private live- like she can not mean anything to others. This is likely due to her MC = Midheaven (career and calling) in Pisces which makes Sora humble and very ambitious in helping others. And here it comes: preferably through sports or art! Maybe that’s why she is suddenly drawn into Ikebana. And I feel like she isn’t an ordinary fashion designer, but someone who wants to help others feel good through her designs. 
Also a Taurus Moon can make one very traditional, which is the case with Sora. In Adventure she caves more into standing up against her mother, which is more of the Aries-Taurus dynamic: stubborn and determined. Later on, especially in Kizuna, it turns into working with her mother which could be the Cancer-Taurus dynamic. And When she chooses for herself in Kizuna, she’s fully into her big three, using them all three equally. Well, if that isn’t growing up… No shit she was the first one to lose her partner (which I still think is so sad…).
Mimi Tachikawa - July 24th 1989
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To me, Mimi is WITHOUT A DOUBT a Leo Sun. And also without a doubt a Taurus Rising! Making her a very very very fierce lady. With an extra emphasize on lady. Her Aries Moon makes her even more bold.
As you can see, her Leo Sun placement is on the thin line with Cancer, which means Cancer influences her Leo Sun and makes her more caring towards others whenever it’s needed. But: the Leo Sun is charismatic and can have a big ego. This is pointed out by Koushiro in Tri episode 6 (Determination pt 2). That ego could make Mimi chose for herself and the people that affect her directly in a certain situation first. Her Taurus Rising and Aries Moon will probably emphasize that even more. Let me be clear: that’s not a bad thing! It’s a good thing knowing what you want and need. And Mimi is a good at that! In comparison to Sora, Mimi is way better in letting others know what she really thinks and feels. In that same episode, just a view seconds before Koushiro puts her in her place, she says she is “sick of Palmon and the others being critisized”. Mimi is honest and sincere, of course she has the Crest of Sincerity/Purity! 
Leo Suns tend to be bossy, they like to boss around and delegate, something we see Mimi is very good at in the series. When she acts and dresses like a princess in Adventure episode 25, in the second arc of Tri (Determination) with her ‘Daters café’, even in the DA: 2020 reboot twice (episodes 6 and 37). She is a princess and a queen, but let’s not forget she can be an awefully good leader and Mimi is an amazing entrepreneur foremost! 
Whatever you think of Leo Suns, they are organized, can be very inspirational, work hard and are very creative. As an entrepreneur myself I can tell that those are the traits you have to possess if you want to make it into the business world. Mimi with her Leo Sun is all up for that! Seeing her starting up her own business in Kizuna is so suiting for her and with this amazing birth chart, it MUST be her calling. Even her Midheaven is in Capricorn, which makes her ambitious, hard working and possibly a tough business woman! She is very practical and needs to immediately act, do stuff. 
As for her Taurus Rising, funny thing with this placement is they can have these explosive tantrums, something we could see with Sora too. However, Sora gets angry and passionate after she bottled things up for too long. Mimi on the other hand just passionately rants when she thinks and feels is the right thing to do. Again I refere to the specific moment in Tri, but there are probably a lot more of these moments. Mimi is such a sweet girl, but in the end, she wants it her way and she will get it. She is stubborn, not to listen to any bullshit you have to say. She can be easily bored due to the Leo-Aries dynamic. Though to be clear, she isn’t shallow. Mimi just has a filter for bullshit and won’t budge easily, due to her Mercury in Leo too. However, when you do say something that moves her in whatever kind of way, she will act on that and makes sure it will work for her. This could partially be her Venus in Virgo, making her have the ability to be more critical to and reflective on her own values.   
Back to Mimi’s Taurus Rising which wants security just like Sora’s Moon placement, but in case of the Rising placements Mimi finds that security more in materialistic comfort. Mimi likes to possess stuff and things. Clothes, accessories, plants, designer furniture, cute home decoration and more. Flying business class? Definitely her Taurus Rising in combination with her Leo Sun. Her Aries Moon makes her impulsive and that Moon in combination with all of the above makes her buy new things and stuff on impulse. Good thing the girl is rich!  
Mimi’s Aries Moon was a placement I had to put some thought in, but I knew she had a fire Moon. In the end, Aries fits the bill. Aries Moons make act quick and impulsive which lead them straight into action. They have a need for independency, which makes Mimi’s Leo Sun more bold and independent. The Leo-Aries dynamic makes Mimi a natural leader, her Taurus-Leo dynamic makes her a sensual leader and her Aries-Taurus dynamic a inspirational leader. She is a leader, she just needs to make sure she doesn’t become too bossy. And she has to pay attention to not let her emotions rule her actions, which is very common with Aries Moons. 
Mimi is a badass woman, but let’s not forget she has a soft side too. Again, Mimi’s Leo Sun will likely be influenced by Cancer, making her Leo Sun more protective towards others. Her Moon in her 12th House could imply she needs more alone time than others -and herself included- think. Her Venus in Virgo in her 5th House makes her more devoted and dedicated towards relationships, making her a caring and devoted friend (and lover). We see her devotion towards her own value and others in the Dark Masters arc in Adventure, when she makes a decision based on her own values and what she thinks is important to do. Mimi is not afraid to act and therefore she is beautiful and very strong! 
Her Venus in Virgo love-wise could also mean she is held back when it comes to love and relationships. Not because she’s insecure, but because she is picky and very critical when it comes to her partners! Hahaha, can you imagine Mimi breaking things of with someone, because he or she or they doesn’t meet up to her standards? Because I definitely can.
For an end note on both girls: People with a Taurus placement (mainly a Taurus Sun, but I’m using the freedom of intepretation rn) in the Big three are often called ‘natural beauties’. I think that’s very accurate with these two gorgeous anime ladies, don’t you agree??
Also bonus: strong, very caring and loving friendship between these two that can go the distance <3
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Additional notes for Ep06-09:
This world Daichi-Ulforce-Natsu visits is a mini-world featuring a few old or dropped story ideas I had since 2010. However, the core of this world is something new.
The plot:
An AU timeline for 02 in which Osamu survives but gets paralyzed due to an accident involving a digimon battle, witnessed by him and Ken in 1999. On the same year and before said event, Vamdemon invades the human world and take everyone in Odaiba as hostages, including the Motomiya family.
Years after Taichi’s adventure, Ken and Osamu found a digivice. And with this, Ken starts researching what caused that strange event. He ends up discovering more about Osamu’s accident and decides that the digimon are dangerous and needs to be tamed. He becomes the Kaiser not for the same reasons of the canon, but rather to protect people & his family from more evil digimon.
Three years later, Daisuke-Miyako-Iori are selected to fight the Kaiser. But unlike canon, they do not go with Takeru & Hikari. From the three, Daisuke is the one to share Ken’s opinion and when Ken discovers Daisuke’s story he simply offers an alliance. While Miyako and Iori join the Chosen after learning Takeru, Hikari and Koushiro have digivices… Daisuke joins Ken’s side due to concerns of the digimon invading Odaiba all again.
Unlike canon, Daisuke does not remember of seeing the Chosen Children fighting VenomVamdemon, and he then befriends the Yagami siblings, Sora, Koushiro and Yamato like a normal child. So it is a shock when the Eight discovers that Daisuke is the ally of the Kaiser. They try to convince him and then Ken to stop, but would it work?
Daisuke’s alter ego is called Lightnimon, or Lightni. Since Daisuke got the Digimentals before than any other child, they work with him. V-mon fights the Chosen, but he and Wormmon try to convince their partners there’s good digimon as well.
The recycled ideas:
The 02 trio have their own crests for a 2nd arc. Said crests may-may-not have been changed from Hinode project. However, Daisuke still has Determination as crest/trait;
The Chosen Children have digi-partner themed weapons! Taichi has a sword based on WarGreymon, Yamato ice-power guns based on MetalGarurumon, Daisuke a glaive based on Lighdramon, etc. Didn’t finish the concept for the others though...;
Their design also are different, using the same concept ideas for Hinode Project except with their 02 ages;
Lightni & Kaiser design also are recycled from it;
Also, Daisuke is goggle-less in this mini-world. If he gets them it’s pretty obvious but not until reaching a certain part of the story;
The alliance between Lightni and Kaiser is back, however a bit different from the old concept in which Ken uses the Kaiser persona as disguise to unmask Lightni.
Some points that are untouched or softly changed:
Most of 02 canon events is untouched -- the changes are mostly on the Kaiser’s arc;
That also includes movies & CD Dramas;
All Pre-Adv, Adv and pre-02 events happened normally, however the difference is that Osamu’s accident had been caused by a digimon and that he survived;
That also includes movies & CD Dramas;
post-02 events may not be completely altered either, like CD Dramas, tri. and LastEvo as example;
The epilogue stays. Maybe there’s a few minor changes on it;
Other materials (crossovers per se) might not count.
A second half of this plot-story would’ve been the 02 kids unlocking their own crests, powering up their partners with special forms (another recycled idea) and Jogress would’ve been considered “movie exclusive” gimmick, like Omegamon.
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Why I find Taishiro compelling and uplifting
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Oh Anon, there’s nothing I’d like more.
Taichi and Koushiro’s relationship is one of my favorites in all of fiction. Whenever I feel down, they never fail to make me smile.
For this piece, I’ll focus on why I enjoy them as an endgame romance, but I’ll also talk a lot about their friendship. After all, they have one of the most beautiful friendships in Adventure.
If I boil it down to the essence, what I love about Taichi and Koushiro is that they represent this insatiable desire to learn and explore. I think that they have the most fun roles on the team; they’re the ones who get to say, “Let’s see everything there is to see in this Magical World!” That confidence combined with a genuine love for how beautiful the world is—it’s intoxicating to me. Their shared interest in their magical surroundings starts as a childlike curiosity, but over time it grows into a mature appreciation, leading them to both choose careers where they can continue to explore the Digital World.
Courage and curiosity go together and they go together so well. Not in the way that love and friendship go together; love and friendship are parallel mirrors. Courage and curiosity go together because they are essential to moving the story forward. I often call them “the relationship most important to the plot.” As the Adventure writers were developing complex group dynamics, they instinctively understood that they had to make the Driver and the Brain close friends. So that’s what Taichi and Koushiro became.
And they were such talented writers that they made this unlikely friendship seem entirely natural! This relationship is part of what humanizes Taichi and Koushiro beyond their designated group roles. We learn that Taichi is one of the most introspective and thoughtful characters. Meanwhile, Koushiro is shown to be one of the most impulsive characters! Taichi and Koushiro need to have such complex traits in order for their friendship to make sense. And their friendship has to make sense in order for us to be emotionally invested whenever the Protagonist and Exposition-Delivery-Boy talk about what to do next.
Taichi and Koushiro’s relationship is based on mutual respect, loyalty, and admiration. In spite of the apparent differences between a sporty extroverted goofball and a brainy introverted nerd, they have plenty in common to make them the best of friends and the strongest teammates. They were never going to become a canon couple. But they hold such potential and promise. The close friendship between two seemingly different personalities based on shared values is one of the most compelling. The fact that it is a friendship between the friendliest child and the shyest child makes it one of the most uplifting. Their relationship goes through several twists as they grow; why not let one of those twists be romantic? Doesn’t it suit the bearer of Courage and the bearer of Knowledge to break another barrier and become the queer endgame romance we want and deserve?
Well, I think so.
As for their moments, they have so many! I started to write about them and realized that I was being too ambitious. There’s more than I can fit in one post! So instead, I’ve summarized under the cut what I would like to write about in the future.
The beginning of their friendship, everything seen and unseen
Episodes 9 and 10 (absolutely critical for my understanding of their characters)
Finding their crests and the Pyramid episodes (a turning point)
The Picodevimon arc, including their star crossed conversation between two different dimensions
Everyone’s Favorite Scene in Vamdemon’s Castle (another turning point)
The Vamdemon Arc
The Dark Masters Arc, including parallels with the canon couple Sorato
Our War Game (God’s gift to us Taishiro fans)
Season 2
I apologize that this post isn’t as detailed as it could be. But the truth is that I have too much to say! And I really would like to write more about them! Thank you so much for your question. I have other commitments that I want to write about too, but I hope to keep returning to your prompt in the future, for my favorite non-canon couple in the world.
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