#noor jawahir
rosietrace · 4 days
「 Three Roses 」
Central Character(s) ; 『 Maria Alarik, “Bloody Mary” 』 | 『 Lancelot Novellion, “The Second Son” 』
Others ; Davidson Novellion | Noor Jawahir
Mentioned ; Isfrid Aneira | Astrid Aneira | Roya Callistis | Gwendolyn Schnee (vaguely mentioned)
Pairing(s) ; Maria & Lance | Davis & Noor | Roya & Gwen (hinted at)
【 All Ocs belong to their respective owners and will be credited at the end. 】
Synopsis: “Nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love, mine all mine all mine.”
Warning(s): No angst just tooth-rotting fluff, okay that's a lie there's a little angst, Lance got advice from Roya so that's a plus, Door content‼️‼️, they're so Mitski coded it's actually insane, cute banter ig
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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Maria stared down at the rose in her hands, or rather, the multiple roses in her hands. Three, total.
They've been in her possession for somewhat of a long time, by now, and no matter how much Noor questioned on why she kept them for so long, Maria persisted in saying she'd rather keep the roses until they're nothing but wilted stems.
Lance had been generous in giving her roses during special occasions. It was embarrassing for Maria how silently giddy she was in the back of her head every time he gave her a rose— a small, but meaningful declaration of his affections for his Bloody Mary.
It made her chuckle, every so often, when she remembered the teasing Lance would get every time she and him parted ways, and Davis met his baby brother soon after to relentlessly throw onslaught after onslaught of teasing.
“Another rose? For me?”
Maria smiled, crossing her arms. Yet another joint event between RSA and NRC — this time hosted by RSA — and Lance made it an opportunity of his to sneak Maria away from everyone else.
Now, they leaned against the bookshelves of one of the deeper, darker parts of the Royal Sword archive— with the second son of BlackHeart making a valiant effort in trying to, quote on quote, ‘kabedon’ Maria.
Which he failed. Miserably. He was lucky Maria wasn't teasing him, yet.
He cleared his throat. Barely a word in, and a flush of pink dusted his cheeks. “I… I guess I've turned it into a bit of a tradition.”
“A tradition I don't mind,” Maria's smile widened, if not ever so slightly. “It's not something to be embarrassed about.”
“Try telling that to my brother…” Lance felt exasperated just mentioning Davis; and that wasn't even bringing up what Maria could only assume was a massacre of teasing if Lance ever told Davis he'd steal her away from the crowd.
“Hmm, true,” Maria tilted her head closer to Lance, “your brother's kind of a handful.”
Lance raised a brow. “Kind of?”
“You have reason to doubt that, Novellion?”
“Many, actually.”
“Pffft- He isn't a manchild, Lance.”
“In public.” Lance clarified, crossing his arms. “He's not a manchild, in public.”
She giggled. “Is there something you aren't telling me, Lancelot Novellion?” Maria questioned with a mock-stern tone.
He smiled, tilting his head back at her. “Maybe, maybe not. You can never truly know.”
Maria whistled, her nose brushing against Lance's. “You're getting a whole lot smoother, Lancelot Novellion…”
He chuckled, his forehead soon pressing against her own. “I'm glad you think so.”
His arms wrapped around Maria's waist, bringing her close enough for his nose to breathe in her scent at the crook of her neck.
Maria lightly smacked his shoulder. “Lance!” She scolded, though it wasn't much of a scolding with the way she was smiling.
In retaliation, Lance's only line of defense was the rose that remained in his hands, which he soon offered to Maria. Thankfully, merciful Bloody Mary that she was, Maria accepted.
And for good measure, an additional kiss to Lance's cheek.
The highlight of Maria's day was the red of Lance's face after the fact, as well as the rose she received by way of unofficial tradition.
The second rose given was just as special; Maria and Noor were the ‘plus ones’ of the Lucretius brothers during a particularly eventful noble gathering in the BlackHeart empire.
Noor eyed the sea of aristocrats before her, whistling lowly. “Hoo… would you look at that,” she gave Davis a look.
He recognized the meaning of that expression in less than a heartbeat. “At what, dearest Apollonia?” He brought her hand into his, amber eyes meeting hers.
“Lots of people to mess with,” Noor answered, a low laugh escaping her lips.
Davis brought a hand to his chest, his gasp nothing short of theatric. “Sweet Apollonia…” his feigned shock transitioned into a cheeky grin that was soon paired by a kiss to Noor's hand. “... you are nothing short of perfection.”
With that, the pair were off. Lance wasn't surprised Davis was so willing to go along with Noor's antics; being the heir to the throne, he might've had a lot of responsibility… but compared to his little brother, Davis was less likely to get a scolding from his mother while their father was currently bedridden from unknown circumstances.
“And… they're off.” Isfrid Aneira blinked, bewildered and possibly concerned over how the events of the night will go on from there.
Her sister, Astrid, was beaming with energetic intensity. “Not going to lie… I kinda wanna see how this'll go..”
Isfrid’s eyebrows raised. “Huh-?”
“She's joking,” Lance chimed in, eliciting a slight yelp on the part of Isfrid. “Hopefully.”
“You better start hoping a little more hopily!” Astrid decreed, rushing off to wreak havoc alongside Davis and sweet, sweet Noor.
“Hopily isn't even a word….” Isfrid murmured, letting out a quiet, ice cold breath. Naturally cold to the touch, even now.
Lance shrugged. “It'll work out… probably.” The probably was doing the heavy lifting for that sentence. Not a good sign, in Isfrid's eyes.
Lance and Isfrid eventually went off on their own ways; the latter following her sister to stop her from — hopefully — not getting into too much trouble, while the former…
Lance found Maria on the balcony, isolating herself from the rest of crowd. Dressed for spectacle with skin that shone like the moon, it was like he couldn't focus on anything else once his sights were set on Maria.
With a heart skipping its beat, Lance crept up to Maria, lightly tapping her on the shoulder to garner her attention away from her undivided gaze upon the night sky. No stars, only the company of the moon.
“Oh,” Maria smiled slightly, leaning back and relaxing against the balcony once it processed to her that it was just Lance. “Isolating yourself from the crowd, too?”
“You could say that,” Lance said softly, looking between her and the moon. “Davis and Noor are at it again.”
“When are they not, though?” Maria retorted.
Lance couldn't argue about that. “True.”
After a beat of silence, Lance muttered. “... You look beautiful.”
Maria averted her gaze from the color of his irises to the gleam of the moonlight that they were currently bathed in. “... Thanks.”
“You're someone who naturally attracts attention,” Lance's voice was soft, velvety. “You… you're like the flame that attracts so many, many moths.”
And I am one of them, he thought to himself. Not even the least bit ashamed of it. Because unlike his brother, Lance was okay with putting his pride aside.
He awaited Maria's response. He'd predicted that she'd comment on how he was one of those moths. But instead, what she uttered was, “You're becoming more poetic, as of recently.”
While he wasn't anticipating a comment like that, Lance also wasn't surprised she'd comment on it at all.
“You have Roya to thank for that.”
Roya — frighteningly and hopelessly enamored man that he was for, in Davis' words, ‘his special little snowflake’ — had given Lance a thing or two when it came to improving on his… lackluster efforts in poetic flattery.
Maria's eyebrows shot up. “Roya? Roya, as in, Davis-wants-him-dead Roya?”
Lance couldn't fight the laugh that unexpectedly left him. “Yeah… yeah, that Roya.”
There again, that dramatic pause of silence awaited them so exquisitely, so beautifully. Not as beautiful as the moon and the light that shone over them.
Not nearly as beautiful as Maria's entire being.
That being said, Lance knew he had to go. He had as much responsibility of being a prince as Davis; albeit, a much smaller reach, lesser influence on the people Davis would later govern in a not so distant future.
He looked over at Maria, his hand gently grazing her chin, turning it slightly; all so she could meet his eyes.
“I have to go now…” unlike his brother, Lance wasn't the least bit ashamed of how unapologetic he could sound with such simple words.
“Ah,” Maria brought Lance's hand, the one that tenderly grazed her chin, up to her cheek, pressing it against the touch of his palm against her face. “I… understand.”
Lance kissed the crown of her head, smiling at Maria. He needn't say another word to her, having bid her adieu.
Only then, when his presence was nowhere beside her, did Maria finally notice the rose he'd placed on the balcony’s stone railing.
Lance never quite had what Davis had. The attention, the pride, the glory that came with being the heir to the throne— Lance had never grown up believing that the BlackHeart throne would ever be his.
And that was fine with him. He didn't want, nor need, the throne the way Davis did.
Nothing in the world seemed to truly be… Lance's. For even when the world was his playground, with an emperor that conquered realm after realm and an empire wealthier than most kings— nothing could distract Lance from the obvious fact that those were never his.
They were Davis'.
Davis, on the throne. Davis with the world at his fingertips.
Davis, with his charm and cruelty, destined to make the history books; whether good or bad it did not matter.
Undoubtedly, that was likely what made Lance's love for Maria so… perfect.
The world was never his. He could gaze up at the moon and tell its patron, Artemis, Selene, it did not matter who— he could tell the god with the moon as their symbol that the world was, and never will be, his.
Nothing in the world belonged to him. Not once, not ever, never for free. There would always be a price to pay if he were to be selfish.
The moon was there. Before and after, it would always be there, shining down on Lance.
He took a good look at it, now. Currently sitting on the balcony of his dorm room, he felt more comforted at that very moment than during any part of his childhood.
After one look up, he took a look down. Maria slept with her head nestled on his lap, lips parted, eyes fluttered shut.
Lance had often called Davis ‘creepy’ for staring at Noor for longer than Lance would deem appropriate— but now… his brother was free to call Lance a hypocrite for that, now, with the way he gazed down at Maria's sleeping form.
Gently, he took out his gift for her, to end the day; a dark red, rose. Matching that of the streak in Maria's hair, the color of her eyes.
Lance stared at it for a long while, looking at it to make sure that it was nothing short of perfection in the same vein as his father expecting that from Davis— Maria deserved nothing but the best.
Breathing had never felt so difficult when it was around her; to Lance, she was the flame that attracted so many people, so many moths— treating him with humanity, not putting him on some pedestal.
He'll wake her, eventually. The night was still too young to do it, but when the time came, Lance would wake her; and he'd make sure that she'd wake with only the most perfect rose he could find. The one he held in his hands just wasn't enough.
He smiled down at her, the way only a fool in love would smile. His hands moved parts of her hair from her forehead, admiring every little detail he could find about it— memorizing every part until it was all he could think about.
Loving Maria felt right. Loving her felt as easy as breathing.
She taught Lance, a prince who'd done nothing but give until there was nothing left to give, that it was okay to be selfish.
【 Taglist / Credits 】
↳ In order of OC appearances/mentions
Maria Alarik — @jasdiary
Lancelot Novellion — Me 😈
Davidson Novellion — Also Me 😈
Noor Jawahir — @/jasdiary
Isfrid Aneira — @/jasdiary
Astrid Aneira — @starry-night-rose
Roya Callistis — Also (x2) Me 😈
Gwendolyn Schnee — @/starry-night-rose
|| @authoruio || @fumikomiyasaki || @nem0-nee || @sakuramidnight15 || @hallowed-delights / @terrovaniadorm || @twsted-princess || @absolutelyobsessedkiya / @twistedsongstressofstarz || @mystery-skulls-ghost || @valse-a-mille-temps ||
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jasdiary · 1 year
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this time, here’s me and Mel’s( @twsted-princess ) ships!!
i’m so sorry i couldn’t do Noor and Elias justice i struggled so hard for no reason
but despite that, i still love them all MWAH
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 190+ Somali faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Elisa Kadigia Bove (1942) Somali, Italian - actress.
Fatima Jibrell (1947) Somali - filmmaker.
Fatima Ahmed (1949) Somali / Vietnamese - writer.
Maryam Mursal (1950) Somali - singer and composer.
Iman / Zara Mohamed Abdulmajid (1955) Somali - model and actress.
Soraya Mire (1961) Somali - author, director, and producer.
Waris Dirie (1965) Somali - model, actress, and author.
Yasmine Allas (1967) Somali - actress and writer.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali (1969) Somali - author.
Saba Anglana (1970) Somali / Italian - actress and singer.
Sofia Samatar (1971) Somali / Swiss, German - poet and writer.
Cristina Ali Farah (1973) Somali / Italian - novelist and essayist.
Igiaba Scego (1974) Somali - writer and journalist.
Kadra Ahmed-Omar (1975) Somali, Ethiopian - model.
Yasmin Warsame (1976) Somali - model.
Noora Noor (1979) Somali / Yemeni - singer.
Zahra Bani (1979) Somali / Italian - javelin thrower.
Nadifa Mohamed (1981) Somali - novelist.
Safia Abukar Hussein (1981) Somali - sprinter.
Amal Aden (1983) Somali - author.
Shadya Yasin (1983 or 1984) Somali - poet.
Fatima Siad (1986) Somali / Ethiopian - model.
Manal Cali (1986) Somali - basketball player.
Fartun Abukar Omar (1986) Somali - sprinter.
Ubah Hassan (1987) Somali - model.
Siham Hashi (1987) Somali - musician.
Ladan Hussein / Cold Specks (1987 or 1988) - singer-songwriter.
Ugaaso Abukar Boocow (1987 or 1988) Somali - instagrammer (ugaasadda).
Warsan Shire (1988) Somali - writer, poet, and editor.
Ayan Elmi (1988 or 1989) Somali - model.
Iman Hashi (1989) Somali - musician.
Hawa Ahmed (1989) Somali - model.
A’maal Nuux (1990) Somali - singer-songwriter.
Muna Jama (1990) Somali - Miss Universe Great Britain 2017 contestant.
Rahma Mohamed (1990) Somali - model.
Cici Ali (1991) Somali, Djiboutian - model.
Hodan Yusuf (1991) Somali - instagrammer (hodan.ysf).
Jawahir Ahmed (1991) Somali - model.
Zamzam Mohamed Farah (1991) Somali - sprinter.
Samira Hashi (1991) Somali - model.
Fayruz Abdiaman (1992) Somali - model.
Halima Jama (1992) Somali - photographer and instagrammer (halimajama_)
Cherrie Hersi (1992) Somali - singer-songwriter.
Maya Jama (1994) Somali / Swedish - tv personality and radio personality.
Autumn Sharif (1995) Somali / Dutch - singer-songwriter.
Aspiring Nomad (1995) Somali - instagrammer (Aspiring_Nomad).
Amaal Said (1995) Somali - instagrammer (amaalsaid).
Muna Mahamed (1995 or 1996) Somali - model.
Hals Yas and Hals (1996) Somali - youtuber (Yas and Hals).
Ikram Abdi Omar (1996 or 1997) Somali - model.
Alisha Boe (1997) Somali / Norwegian - actress.
Fatma Sharif (1997) Somali - youtuber (ItsFatma).
Maryan Nuh Muse (1997) Somali - sprinter.
Halima Aden (1997) Somali - model.
Yas Yas and Hals (1998) Somali - youtuber (Yas and Hals).
Asma Dahir (1999) Somali - Miss Africa Utah 2017.
Layla Hendryx (?) Somali / Djiboutian - rapper.
Amal Dalmar (?) Somali - buzzfeed employee.
Idil Ibrahim (?) Somali - actress, director, producer, and writer.
Amira Ahmed (?) Somali, Filipina - model.
Farhiya Shire (?) Somali - model.
Sagal Ibrahim Shire (?) Somali - model and blogger.
Abla Ahmed Osman (?) Somali / Yemeni - model.
OsobbBauty (?) Somali - makeup artist.
Jawahir Roble / Jawahir Jewels / JJ (?) Somali - football referee.
Najma M (?) Somali, Kenyan - youtuber (Najma M).
Sulekha Ali (?) Somali - singer-songwriter.
Fathia Absie (?) Somali - actress, filmmaker, producer, and writer.
Indie Glow (?) Somali - youtuber (Indie Glow).
Asha Lul Mohamud Yusuf (?) Somali - poet.
Guduuda ‘Arwo (?) Somali - singer.
Ladan Osman (?) Somali - poet.
Asha-Luul (?) Somali, Tanzanian, Omani - youtuber (AshaEveryday).
Barni Ahmed Qaasim (?) Somali - filmmaker and multimedia artist.
Amina Said Ali (?) Somali - author and poet.
Luna Mohamed (?) Somali - model.
Aynab Ahmed (?) Somali - actress.
Ahmed Ismail Hussein / Hudeydi (1928) Somali - singer-songwriter, oud player, and composer.
Ahmed Sheikh Ali Ahmed / Burale (1937) Somali - author.
Abdi Aadan Haad / Abdi Qays (1940) Somali - singer-songwriter, musician, poet, and playwright.
Abdi Sheik Abdi (1942) Somali - author.
Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame / Hadrawi (1943) Somali - songwriter and poet.
Jiim Sheikh Muumin (1945 or 1946) Somali - musician and actor.
Mohamud Siad Togane (1947) Somali - poet and writer.
Abdi Ismail Samatar (1950) Somali - writer.
Ali Said Hassan (1950) Somali - director and producer.
Ahmed Ismail Samatar (1950) Somali - writer.
Abdulkadir Ahmed Said (1953) Somali - director, producer, cinematographer, and screenwriter.
Hasan Adan Samatar (1953) Somali - singer, guitarist, and actor.
Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi (1958) Somali - writer.
Ahmed Aghil (1960) Somali / Unspecified White - reality tv star.
Jonis Bascir (1960) Somali / Italian - actor and singer.
Ali Mohamed Hufane (1960) Somali - long-distance runner.
Abdi Mohamed Ahmed (1962) Somali - footballer.
Abdi Billie (1962) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Robin Banks (1963) Somali - rapper.
Ibrahim Okash (1964) Somali - sprinter.
Abdourahman Waberi (1965) Somali, Djiboutian - novelist, poet, and short story writer.
Abdi Isak (1966) Somali - marathon runner.
Rageh Omaar (1967) Somali - author.
Jama Musse Jama (1967) Somali - author.
Xavier Amin Dphrepaulezz / Fantastic Negrito (1968) Somali / Unspecified - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Abdisalam Aato (1970) Somali - director and producer.
Yousuf Adam Mahmoud (1972) Somali, Qatari - footballer.
Rizak Dirshe (1972) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Ibrahim Mohamed Aden (1972) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Dominic Salole / Mocky (1974) Somali / English - singer-songwriter.
Fabio Liverani (1976) Somali / Italian - footballer.
Abdihakem Abdirahman (1977) Somali - long-distance runner.
K’naan (1978) Somali - rapper and singer-songwriter.
Mohamed Hakeemshady (1978) Somali - actor.
Sharif Karie (1978) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Mustafa Mohamed (1979) Somali - long-distance runner.
Afdhere Jama (1980) Somali - filmmaker and writer.
Yasseen Ismail (1980) Somali - basketball player.
Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed (1980) Somali - footballer.
Harun Iman (1981) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Prince Abdi (1982) Somali - actor and stand-up comedian.
Abdi Jama (1982) Somali - wheelchair basketball player.
Diriye Osman (1983) Somali - visual artist and writer.
Mo Farah (1983) Somali - distance runner.
French Montana (1984) Moroccan, some Somali - rapper and singer-songwriter.
Faysal Ahmed (1985) Somali - actor.
Amin Askar (1985) Somali - footballer.
Barkhad Abdi (1985) Somali - actor.
Mohammed Ahamed (1985) Somali - footballer.
Ciise Aden Abshir (1986) Somali - footballer.
Faisal Jeylani Aweys (1987) Somali - taekwondo practitioner.
Abdulla Mohamed Hussein (1987) Somali - sprinter.
Liban Abdi (1988) Somali - footballer.
Aden Ali Aden (1988) Somali - footballer.
Yusef Ahmed (1988) Somali, Saudi - footballer.
Faisal Aden (1989) Somali - basketball player.
Hassan Mead (1989) Somali - long-distance runner.
Dimitri Mohamed (1989) 1/4 Somali, 3/4 French - footballer.
Prince Cassius (1989) Somali - blogger.
Bashir Abdi (1989) Somali - cross-country runner, middle-distance runner, and long-distance runner.
Skore Beezy (1989) Somali - rapper.
Abel Gigli (1990) Somali, Italian - footballer.
Naleye Dolmans (1990) Somali, Vietnamese, Dutch
Ayub Daud (1990) Somali - footballer.
Mukhtar Mohammed (1990) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Abdisalam Ibrahim (1991) Somali - footballer.
Mohammed Ahmed (1991) Somali - long-distance runner.
Adel Ahmed (1991) Somali - footballer.
Yasin Ali Egal (1991) Somali - footballer.
Ahmed Abdulla (1991) Somali, Yemeni - footballer.
Farhiya Abdi (1992) Somali - basketball player.
Ibrahim Laag (1994) Somali - filmmaker.
Jabril Hassan Mohammed (1994) Somali - footballer.
Islam Feruz (1995) Somali - footballer.
Iidle Elmi (1995) Somali - footballer.
Omar Laag (1996) Somali - actor.
Anwar Hared (1996) Somali - ice hockey player and bandy player.
Omar Mohamed (1996) Somali - footballer.
Abdinur Mohamud (1997) Somali - footballer.
Mukhtar Ali (1997) Somali - footballer.
Hassan Ali / Top 5 (1998 or 1999) Somali - rapper.
Aar Maanta (?) Somali - singer-songwriter and actor.
Skinz (?) Somali - singer.
Abukar Arman (?) Somali - writer.
Benny BlockBoy (?) Somali - musician.
Hanad Bandz (?) Somali - rapper-songwriter.
Mo Ali (?) Somali - filmmaker.
Adel Nur / Future The Prince (?) Somali - rapper and record producer.
Mohamed Jama (?) Somali - kickboxer.
Zak Ym (?) Somali - rapper.
Ali Jimale Ahmed (?) Somali - poet, essayist, and short story writer.
Prenz (?) Somali - rapper.
Jibriil Ollow (?) Somali - model.
Maxamed Daahir Afrax (?) Somali - novelist and playwright.
ALL.ME (?) Somali - rapper.
Said Salah Ahmed (?) Somali - filmmaker, playwright, and poet.
Mo-G (?) Somali - rapper.
Cabdi Salan (?) Somali - actor.
Archee (?) Somali - rapper.
Khalif Farah Hayir (?) Somali - poet.
OMVR (?) Somali - rapper.
Abdi Kusow (?) Somali - writer.
$heed (?) Somali - rapper.
Mohamed Deq Abdulle (?) Somali - taekwondo practitioner.
Abdulle Geedannaar (?) Somali - poet.
Hamze Garaad (?) Somali - actor.
Adan Ahmed (?) Somali - actor.
Ismail Ali Ismail (?) Somali - writer.
Abdi Osman (?) Somali - model.
Mahmed Hassan (?) Somali - actor.
Abdisalaan Hudur (?) Somali - producer.
Rafiiq Bule (?) Somali - actor.
Mohamed Shire (?) Somali - actor.
Hirsi Abdi Razaaq (?) Somali - actor.
Cabdi Casiis (?) Somali - actor.
Qan Diil (?) Somali - actor.
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shiaat · 7 years
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1) Sahl bin Ahmad bin Abdillah Al-Koufi narrated from Abdullah bin Husain bin Mohammad Al Ghaznawi, from Ibrahim bin Mohammad Al-Thaqafi, from Abdul Rahman Al-Sarraj, from Qutaibah bin Saeed Abu Raja, from Nafi’, from Abdullah bin Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said: The Messenger of Allah said to #Ali : O Ali, on the Day of #Judgement, you will be brought sitting on a #pulpit of light. There will be a #crown on your head that shines so brightly that it will almost blind people. Allah will call out, “Where is the #successor of #Mohammad, the Messenger of Allah?” Then, O Ali, you will say, “Here I am.” Then the caller will say, “Those who loved you, let them enter #Paradise, and those who were against you, send them to Hell.” Therefore, you (Ali ) will divide those who go to Paradise and those who go to Hell, and this is an order from the #All-Powerful King. •Ghayatol Maram P69 H15. •Sadouq in Amaali Page 295, Hadith 14. •Bihar Volume 7, Page 232. •Jawahir Al-Sanniya Page 277. •Ithbat Al-Hodat Volume 3, Page 402. •Tabari in Bishara Page 68. •Qondouzi in Yanabee’ Al-Mawaddah Page 83 ----- 2) Jalis ala Al #Fardoos (One who sits on Fardoos) : Hasan Basra narrates from Abdullah that RasoolAllah (saw) said, “On the day of judgment, Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) will sit on Fardoos, a high mountain in Jannah. Allah’s #Throne will be above it and rivers will be flowing under it. Ali (asws) will sit on a chair made from noor on the top of this mountain. No one will be able to cross the #Bridge except those who possess the letter of the #Wilayat of #AhlulBayt (as). Their lovers will be the dwellers of jannah and Their enemies will be the inmates of hell.” [Al Manaqib page 31] #13Rajab❤❤ #ImamAli
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peacebeuponhim786 · 7 years
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Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم informed us that when the journey beyond Sidra tul Muntaha started, Jibra'il عليه سلم stopped at a place. He asked him why he stopped? he replied “If i will go beyond this place even as the distance of an ant, my wings will burn.” Al Yawakeet wal Jawahir (3:34) According to another saying he said “Now its up to you and your Lord (Allah). This is my limit and I cant go beyond this.” The Prophet of Mercy صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم asked Jibra'il عليه سلم that if he needs some thing or have any wish that he wants to ask Allah? Jibra'il عليه سلم said “O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم please ask Allah to grant me the rite to stand on the Sirat Bridge (which is said to be sharp as sword and thin as hair) with my wings open so that your Ummah (nation) will cross the bridge safely walking on my wings.” For the next part of journey Allah sent a green throne as the ride of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم which is called “RafRaf”. Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم sat on RafRaf and began his journey forward. Jibra'il عليه سلم called from behind that “O Muhammad ﷺ! Allah is praising you. Hear it and do obedience and don’t get scared.” So Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم praised Allah. Then he reached a place where He heard the voice of pen’s writing. That place is called “Sareer Aqlaam”. At a place Rafraf stopped too and after that a circle of Noor was brought as the ride of our beloved prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم coming forward from Sidra tul Muntaha, Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم passed through 70,000 curtains of Noor. At that place there was no feeling of even any angel. So Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم felt some depression. That time he heard the voice of Abu Bakr Sidique رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ عنه who was saying that “Stop! your Lord is saying prayer”. Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم said that “I was surprised to hear Abu Bakr’s voice at that place and was thinking that "Has Abu Bakr reached this place before me?and what is the meaning of Allah is saying prayer? as Allah is beyond any prayer” As he was thinking this and reached the limit of highness. The place where Allah all mighty lives. That place in Quran is mentioned like (53:7): “And he (Muhammad [صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم]) was on the uppermost horizon (of the realm of creation during the Ascension Night i.e., on the apex of the created cosmos).” He heard a voice from the edge of uppermost horizon saying “Come closer O best creation. Come closer O Ahmad. Come closer O Ahmad”. Then Allah brought me closer. So closer that in Quran it is mentioned as (53:8,9): “Then He (the Lord of Honor) drew closer (to His Beloved Muhammad [صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم]) and then drew even closer. Then a distance measuring only two bow-lengths was left (between Allah Unveiled and His Esteemed Beloved), or even less than that (in extreme nearness).”
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rosietrace · 11 months
『 Sweetheart 』
Characters: Noor Jawahir, Davidson Novellion
Mentioned: Jamil Viper
Pairing: Noor Jawahir x Ghostface! Davidson Novellion
Prompt: “Why do you wanna know my name?” “Cause I wanna know who I'm looking at.”
TW/Warning(s): Potentially ooc in dialogue and mannerisms, Davis is ghostface in this, he doesn't kill Noor but that should still be brought up, stalking, obsessive behavior, ending is up for interpretation, this is just me trying to get more creative with what I'm writing 😭 viewer discretion is advised
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤† Davidson Novellion, the prince of Shadow
Noor narrowed her eyes, bored beyond belief.
It was currently the middle of the night, and Noor didn't really know what to do. At this point in time, she knew Jamil would scold her about curfews and such.
Not that she'd care. If anything, she'd snark in annoyance and go back to doing what she was doing.
Which was what she was currently doing. Minus the part with Jamil.
Noor walked the empty, quiet, halls of Scarabia while scrolling through her phone.
It's the middle of the night….. She shrugged. Well, it wouldn't hurt to have a little midnight snack.
She looked around to make sure Jamil or any other dorm member was around. And when she confirmed to herself that no one was in sight — she made a beeline for the dorm's kitchen.
As soon as she did, she grabbed a pack of popcorn and started cooking it. Naturally, she had to be careful to not wake up Jamil.
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
Noor didn't know what else to do while setting things up, so she inevitably decided to watch a movie on her computer.
Didn't matter what kind of movie she watched, she just wanted to be entertained.
So, of course, she chose a horror movie.
Until she heard her phone buzz after downloading the movie. Raising an eyebrow, Noor slowly picked up her phone and answered the call.
“.... Hello?” she called out cautiously, awaiting a response.
She got it sooner than expected. “Hello?” hearing the sound of a seemingly normal-sounding person put her at ease a little. Not completely, though.
It was an unknown number, after all. Who wouldn't feel cautious?
Before Noor could say anything, the voice spoke before her. “Who is this?” She took note that the voice was male.
“That's what I should be asking, y'know,” Noor leaned against the counter. “Whose number is this? You trying to call someone?”
“Ah…. Sorry, I think I dialed the wrong number.”
Noor snorted. “It happens,” she assured before hanging up.
And just as quickly as she did, that same unknown number called again. This time, she answered again, slightly more skeptical than before.
“Hello?” she arched an eyebrow, not like the person calling could see her do that.
“You dialed me again, why?” Noor took no time in asking them questions.
“Well,” the man on the other line had a voice that was soft, comforting. “I wanted to apologize.”
“Apology accepted, I guess…?” Noor crossed her arms, tilting her head. “Yeah, well, bye-”
“Wait!” They stopped her before she could hang up. “I wanted to talk to you.”
She shook her head with a smile. “Yeah, well, you've got more than 900 other numbers to do that.”
She hung up, rolling her eyes.
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
Noor put on her headphones while waiting for the popcorn to stop cooking — listening to music while doing so.
But then that ringtone rang through her ears, causing her to flinch and narrow her eyes in irritation.
“Hello?” she pursed her lips, exasperated just by hearing the sound of her own phone's ringtone by that point.
She didn't even need to check the number to know who it was. “You again?”
“Yes…. I just wanted to talk to you.”
“Well, why?”
“You tell me your name, and I'll tell you.”
That got a snort out of her. “Well now we gotta get even now,” she walked towards the stove to check the popcorn. “You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine.”
The man chuckled. “Fair,” he suddenly heard the sound of the popcorn. “What's that sound?”
“Popcorn,” Noor replied casually. “Got a problem with me eating popcorn at this hour?”
“Oh no,” it was strange. Noor could practically hear him shake his head in disagreement. “I usually just eat popcorn at the movies. So it surprised me.”
She chuckled. “Oh yeah? Well, I'm getting ready to watch a movie.”
“A movie, huh?”
“What kind, then?” they asked.
She leaned against the counter next to the stove. “Oh, y'know just some scary movie.”
“Do you like scary movies?”
The way they asked her made her tense up a bit, but she replied regardless. “I guess?” she shrugged to herself.
“What's your favorite scary movie?” His voice sounded more flirtatious this time. And apparently, Noor was willing to play along.
“Hmm, IT,” she answered. “I liked the clown, I guess.”
“Interesting,” they chuckled on the other line. “I like that movie too.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah….. Wanna try to guess my favorite?”
“Hmmm,” Noor took her time in making her guess. “Nightmare on Elm Street.”
“Huh, good guess and a good choice,” they said. “But, it's wrong. Isn't that movie the one with the guy with like…. Knives for fingers?”
“Yeah, Freddy Krueger,” she confirmed.
She could practically hear him smile. “Yeah, Freddy! I liked that movie, it was scary.��
“Hah, yeah, but the sequels suck.”
They hummed. “So,” they suddenly spoke. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
That's…. An out of nowhere question. Noor thought. But either way, she ended up replying, even if it wasn't a direct answer.
“Why, did you wanna ask me out on a date?”
She smiled upon hearing him chuckle. It seems she's grown fond of this unknown caller rather quickly.
“Maybe,” they responded. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No,” she answered just as quickly as they asked the question. It was odd, really. For Noor to already feel so fond of this person.
That reminded her: She didn't know their name.
“Oh, hang on,” she walked away from the kitchen for a bit. “You never told me your name.”
“Hah, you never told me yours either, sweetheart.”
She couldn't help but feel a warm feeling wash over her at the use of such an affectionate nickname. But she brushed it off to act sly and confident once more.
“Why do you wanna know my name?” she questioned them in a playful tone, leaning against the wall.
“Because I wanna know who I'm looking at.”
Noor's eyes widened, her body separating itself from the wall as she began looking around. “I-I'm sorry, what did you say?” She almost couldn't believe what she just heard.
“I said…. I wanted to know who I'm talking to.”
“Oh, bullshit, that isn't what I heard,” Noor continued looking around, before returning to the kitchen in an almost frantic manner. “I…. I gotta go.”
“Hey, wait, I thought we were gonna go out..”
The sadness in their voice just felt sickeningly unsettling to her now. “Sorry, but, I gotta go,” was all she told him before hanging up.
They rushed back into the kitchen, looking around with a panicked expression donning her face.
Where….. Where is he? She asked herself, eyes still wide.
Suddenly, she heard a sound. Startled, Noor took a knife from the rack to try and bring herself at ease — to know that by holding that knife, she could be safe.
It didn't help.
She heard another sound, and her head whipped toward the direction: The hallway that she just ran out of.
“.... Who's there..?”
Silence. Complete, utter, silence that almost could've put Noor at ease.
But it didn't.
An arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close while keeping her from yelling anything by covering her mouth.
Her eyes couldn't have gotten any wider than they were now. Still, she was able to look behind her and see the perpetrator.
They wore all black, with an eternally screaming mask. For some reason, Noor could feel their eyes peer through the mask, staring right through her.
Their grip around her was still firm, they removed their hand from her mouth just to reveal their face.
By removing the mask, Noor could feel pain wash over her. To know that the person that could kill her at any moment, who she prolonged a conversation for…
….. Was beautiful.
Dark, pitch-black, hair. Golden eyes peering through her. It was Davis.
Davis Novellion.
He lifted her chin, eyes softening, their lips only inches apart.
“Surprise, sweetheart.”
Taglist (Please notify if anyone is missing)
🥥 @windbornearchon • @starry-night-rose • @authoruio • @nem0-nee • @fumikomiyasaki • @sakuramidnight15
@celiica • @twsted-princess • @oseathepebble • @vaporvipermedia • @vivaresmala • @revolllutionary • @crazyyanderefangirlfan • @geminiiviolets • @spadecentral
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rosietrace · 1 year
『 Thunderstorm comforts 』
Ocs featured: Roya Callistis, Gwendolyn Schnee(@starry-night-rose), Davidson Novellion, Noor Jawahir(@windbornearchon)
Synopsis: Roya hasn't seen Gwen since the storm started.... Where is she?
Warning(s): Implications of trauma, thunderstorm, Davis being an annoying fuck /j , potentially ooc
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤† Roya Callistis, the fallen prince
Where is she?
That was what Roya thought, constantly wandering the halls of his own castle just to search for Gwen.
His beautiful Gwen.
“I haven't seen her ever since the storm…” Roya murmured, furrowing his eyebrows as he continued walking.
He soon ran into Noor and Davis.
Pursing his lips, he awkwardly approached the two of them. In response, Davis audibly clicked his tongue before Noor could give him a look of amused disapproval.
“Um…” Roya thought about what he was going to say before continuing. “Have you two seen Gwen?”
Before Davis could open his mouth and make a sarcastic comment, Noor replied to Roya.
“Sorry, Roy-Roy, but we haven't,” she said, soon deciding to cover Davis' mouth before he could say…. Anything. “Alas, it appears you also haven't seen her.”
Davis rolled his eyes. “Wow, Noor, thanks for stating the obvious,” his words were muffled, but Noor's hand wasn't enough for Roya to not be able to understand what his cousin was saying.
“Ignore that,” Noor interrupted. “Why are you looking for Gwen, anyway? Would've thought you two and your lovesick puppy following would always be together.”
Sure, Roya narrowed his eyes when Noor called him and Gwen ‘lovesick puppies’. And yes, he may have blushed a little when she said they'd always be around each other.
But at that moment, that was the least of his worries.
“I'm afraid that isn't the case at the moment,” though flustered, Roya's vocabulary remained the same. “I haven't seen her since the start of the thunderstorm.”
Humming, Noor began pondering why that was the case. All of a sudden, in an effort to remove her hand from his mouth, Davis licked the back of it before making a beeline past Roya.
Gasping in horror, Noor began following him. “GET BACK HERE, ASSHOLE-” she stopped herself from following him to tell Roya:
“Hope you find your snow queen, snow king.”
And with that, she began running across the castle halls towards Davis, determined to get vengeance for him licking the back of her hand.
Roya watched her chase after his cousin until they were out of his line of sight. When that happened, he sighed, looking at the ground.
I wonder….. Roya thought. Where could she be?
He had already searched most parts of the castle that she frequents. Such as: The kitchen, the outside gardens(or at least what can be seen of it from the inside), the indoor gardens, his room….
And then it hit him. There was one part of the castle that he had yet to search.
Gwen's guest room.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Roya blushed in embarrassment as he entered Gwen's room. It wasn't because he witnessed something embarrassing, but rather he was embarrassed about intruding on her personal quarters.
He made sure to remind himself to apologize to Gwen for intruding once he found her.
As he opened the door, he heard a thump.
Flinching ever so slightly, the weight of the holster on his waist suddenly became prevalent in Roya's subconscious.
But then….
“Ah- Ow…”
His guard lowered, hearing a familiar, soft, and sheepish voice. “Gwen?” he called out curiously.
He was replied to with silence.
He called out again. “Gwen?”
Silence yet again. Before he could utter her name a third time, he heard a soft sob.
From Gwen's voice, under the bed.
Immediately, Roya checked under the bed, to find Gwen curled up underneath - tears falling down her cheeks as she hugged her knees.
“.... Gwen?”
Suddenly, Gwen looked Roya in the eye. “R-Roya!” she finally said, wiping any tears on her face to hastily leave the bottom of the bed.
“U-Um…” Both of them knew she was struggling to say something. “Y-You weren't supposed to see that-”
She was pulled into a hug by Roya. A tight, yet comforting, hug.
And the tears filled the brim of her eyes once more.
“.... Are you okay?” Roya asked, pulling away and gently grasping Gwen's shoulders. “Did something happen?”
Remaining ever so sheepish, Gwen hesitantly shook her head. “I-It's fine…”
Roya frowned. “Gwen, you and I both know that it isn't fine.”
“R-Roya please,” she stepped back, turning her back on him and looking down at the carpet. “I-I don't want to argue over-”
The sound of thunder booming cut her off. In an instant, Gwen was down on her knees, covering her ears for dear life.
Quiet, vulnerable sobs were what Roya heard next.
And that was when he realized - Why she hadn't been seen ever since the thunderstorm started.
“Gwen…,” he went on one knee, pulling her close to his chest. “... Are you afraid of the lightning?”
Gwen gulped, nearing the brink of breaking down into sobs. “I-I-”
The crackles of thunder soon returned, and she felt her breath hitch while grabbing onto Roya as if her life depended on it.
Saddened by her current state, Roya repositioned himself in a way that had Gwen on his lap while he sat on the ground, holding her close to his chest.
“Hey….” his voice was but a whisper. Soft, gentle. “It's okay… I'm here..”
She sobbed into his shoulder, all the more afraid of the thunder that kept on crackling as the moment went on.
Roya let out a breath, rubbing circles on Gwen's back as he shushed her into a state of comfort.
“Shhh…” he could care less about the tears that stained his clothes. At the moment, Gwen and her feelings were what mattered.
He kissed the top of her head.
“It's going to be okay.”
♝•°•═════ஓ๑【 ♚ 】๑ஓ═════•°•♝
Taglist(Pls inform if I forgot anyone!)
🥥 @starry-night-rose • @windbornearchon • @authoruio • @sakuramidnight15 • @fumikomiyasaki • @nem0-nee
@revolllutionary @celiica @oseathepebble @twsted-princess @geminiiviolets @vivaresmala @vaporvipermedia @crazyyanderefangirlfan @spadecentral
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rosietrace · 7 months
Davidson Novellion — Thoughts on Noor Jawahir
Second half of this ask 😈😍
Character Featured: Davidson Novellion
Mentioned: Noor Jawahir(@windbornearchon), Lancelot Novellion
Pairing: Davidson Novellion x Noor Jawahir
Warning(s): Potentially ooc, Davis being Davis, ✨violence✨ for Noor’s sake, Lance has no idea what to do with these mfs anymore 💀 bro just gave up, manipulation
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“Hah! She's hilarious to be around, trust me… Ugh, shut up, you just can't handle her the way I can.”
— Davidson Novellion
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ It's wild. How the hell do they get along so well, but bicker so goddamn often-?
➜ I don't think anyone expected them to be friends, let alone start dating. If it had been anyone else with a personality like Noor's, Davis probably would've lost his mind out of sheer irritation.
➜ Weirdly enough, that doesn't seem to be the case for him and Noor. He even acts upon her mischievous nature! Even if it causes a couple puncture wounds on his ego…
➜ It's weird to think about it, I know, but Davis unironically has a soft spot for her! He loves spending time with her, flirting and pranking with her, bitching about everyone with her, the list could go on!! He just loves her so fucking much, it's kinda disgusting 💀
➜ May the Seven help Noor, because she's going to be bombarded with gifts from Davis. Outside of quality time, Davis' love language happens to be gift-giving!... What do you mean Noor's running out of storage space because of him-
➜ He's showering her in pretty much everything she could ever want. No expense is spared, and Lance silently dies inside when he sees his brother eyeing something suitable for Noor.
➜ Swordsmanship buddies! Davis initiates PDA when he's helping her learn more about the craft he so adores!! He rizzes her up, and it's hit or miss depending on Noor's mood /j
➜ Davis is having a bad day? What do you know, so is Noor! They hang out a lot, especially after they started dating, just so they could bring some light into their darkest days.
「 Interactions 」
❐ They definitely met in one of the most out of pocket scenarios ever. No idea how, but they definitely did. It probably ended with Davis trying to rizz her up for manipulation’s sake and failing miserably.
➜ They get along surprisingly quickly! Hell, it astonishes even them that they got along so well.
➜ Davis willingly endures the scorching heat of Scarabia, just so he can visit Noor. It's a stark contrast to the icy lands of Blackheart, but he's willing to put up with it to see his girlfriend.
➜ Noor clowns him for his horse girl obsession. And I can't blame her, because man wtf are you on, Davis 💀💀
➜ Unconventional(???) confession. Davis was teaching her how to use a longsword, whispered an ‘I love you’, and got elbowed in the abdomen because of how shocked Noor was at the — frankly out of nowhere — confession. They kiss after that, dw.
➜ He's defending her, through and through. Anyone who tries talking down on his girl is gonna have a sword against their throat, one way or another.
➜ I like to think that Noor makes jewelry for Davis once they start dating! I also think that Davis refuses to take them off, and uses them as a ‘good luck’ charm for sword-fighting tournaments.
➜ Lance is happy for them overall, but like…. 💀 He genuinely can't handle being in a room with them for too long, it tests his sanity, and he hates it.
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rosietrace · 1 year
『 A little too distracted 』
Ocs featured: Maria Alarik, Noor Jawahir(Both by @windbornearchon), Lancelot Novellion, Davis Novellion
Pairing(s): Maria x Lance, Noor, Davis
Synopsis: It was meant to just be a normal day together. So why was Maria trying to avoid looking anywhere below Lance's collarbone?
Warning(s): Maria being thirsty, Noor being shameless about being thirsty, Davis /j, Lance being oblivious (affectionate), potentially ooc
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤† Lancelot Novellion, the servant
How this situation even happened? Well, that was honestly beyond Maria's comprehension at this point.
The original plan was to just, y'know, watch her boyfriend - Lance - spar with his older brother. Said older brother also brought along his girlfriend, Noor. A double date, of sorts.
After sparring, they all probably would've gone their separate ways and done their own thing together. Noor and Davis would be bitching about everyone - and each other -, and Maria and Lance would get some quality time together playing…. Chess, or something. Watching a movie was also on the table.
That was meant to happen. Not…. Whatever actually happened.
Maria sat down next to Noor on the bench of the arena. She was simultaneously bewildered and unsurprised that RSA even had a training arena.
Noor whistled. “Well damn, looks like Davis is showing off,” she murmured just loud enough for only Maria to hear.
Maria arched a brow. “Are….. Are you checking him out?”
“Well, obviously, what did you think I was doing? Gawking at the concrete?” Noor shot back with a shameless grin. “Besides, you'd be checking out your boyfriend if given the chance.”
“That's too bold of an assumption, don't you think?”
“Nope. Not really, I just know that you know that we both know that both Novellion brothers are our water for even the hottest of deserts.”
Maria scrunched her nose at the implications. “Noor, I knew you were straightforward, but still-”
She was cut off. “Sorry, bloody Mary, but I say what I wanna say,” her eyes softened a little, upon seeing Davis preparing his blade for the match. “.... I guess that's what made me fall for him.”
Maria chuckled in amusement, endeared by the fact that - no matter how much she makes fun of him - Noor loves Davis. In a way, it reminded her of how Lance loved her.
Speaking of Lance….
Noticing that Maria wasn't paying much attention, Noor smirked deviously. “Speak of the devil,” she crossed her arms, giving the girl right next to her the side eye.
Confused, Maria looked in the direction Noor was looking and felt her jaw almost drop to the ground.
It was obviously Lance, Maria knew that much. But what was so shocking was that, well, he was wearing a tank top. His blazer was tied around his waist, and he was wearing the fingerless gloves that Maria had bought for him during one of their little shopping sprees.
He was breathtaking, and Maria practically felt her face go red upon seeing how well his body fit into the tank top.
Noor's smirk widened. “Aren't you the one who called me too ‘bold’?” she just barely managed to stifle her laughter. “Looks like the tables have turned on ya, Maria.”
Before she could retort back, Maria's head whipped towards Lance as he sent her a wave - And a gentle smile.
As a response, Maria waved back, smiling as well. Sure, she was a little flustered and this was a bit too uncharacteristic of her to do, but it wasn't like she was gonna be like this the whole time, right?
Wrong. Absolutely fucking wrong.
The moment Davis and Lance started sparring, all Maria's mind could do was take her back to the sight of Lance's muscles tensing as the grip on his sword tightened itself.
She gulped. This feels embarrassing…. She thought.
Not the fact that Lance was sparring, per se. More so the fact that she was shamelessly watching him - or more specifically, his arms - so intently.
Noor was a different story. Compared to Maria, who was trying to be discreet, she was utterly shameless.
She whistled loudly. “WOO! KICK HIS ASS, DAVY JONES!” Noor exclaimed, eyes sparkling as Davis deflected the thrusting of Lance's sword with his leg.
As a reply, Davis grunted with a determined grin. “Depends on the results of this match, Apollonia!” he parried another one of his brother's attacks.
Giggling, Noor rested her head on her hand. “Arrogant dork..” the tenderness in her voice contradicted what she said.
And Maria? Well……
In comparison, she was more or less silently cheering Lance on. It was better than accidentally loudly proclaiming how well-toned he was.
As the match reached its end, Lance dug his sword into the ground, now on one knee with his head hung low and his hands tightly gripping the blade's handle.
Davis panted, sheathing his sword back into its holster. “You did well, brother,” he declared, offering Lance a hand. “Although I doubt you'll be able to beat me any time soon.”
Lance huffed, accepting his brother's hand, and stood up. “We'll see about that, Davis.”
Letting go of his hand, Davis shrugged. “I'm not the one breathing heavily like they ran a marathon.”
Shaking his head, Lance bit back a smile of endearment. They both called off the match, declaring it a tie (even though Davis wanted himself to win).
Lance approached Maria while Davis walked up to Noor. He was adjusting his gloves, noticing how much they shifted in their position while he was sparring.
“How was I? I hope I didn't worry you too much,” Lance asked, his voice matching his apologetic expression. “I know you've seen me spar a couple of times before this, but still..”
Maria chuckled, trying to avert her eyes from Lance's upper torso. “Well, I'm just glad you didn't get a scar on your abdomen..” she laughed awkwardly after that.
Lance arched a brow at her after finishing the adjustments of his gloves. “Hm? Well, I doubt that would happen, but I can understand why you'd be worried about that.”
And of course, Lance was oblivious. He definitely noticed how red Maria's cheeks were, though.
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
Okay, maybe Lance isn't as oblivious as originally thought.
Maria's reddened cheeks were a start, sure. But the fact that she was absolutely doing everything in her power to stop herself from looking below his neck was what concerned him.
And by that - Yes. She was trying to pry those kinds of thoughts out of her brain as they made their way to Terrovania to watch a movie together.
Seriously, what's up with me lately? Maria wondered, embarrassed in every fiber of her body. All because of Lance and his…
She shook her head. No, Maria. Self-control.
Once they arrived at Terrovania, Lance let Maria choose the movie and plopped down on her bed.
He squinted his eyes a little, pursing his lips as Maria was setting up. She's been…. Awfully avoidant since the spar ended.
He looked off to the side, somewhat nervous. Did I do something wrong?
He didn't have time to answer that question for himself, as Maria soon sat down next to him - yet kept a significant distance - and played the movie.
Silence was what had occurred for most of the first half, with the occasional comment about how stupid the two main leads are.
It would be an otherwise normal date had it not been for the fact that Maria would steal glances at Lance, blush, and look away while shaking her head.
Nearing the middle of the movie, Lance unexpectedly paused it. Maria flinched at the sudden action and turned to Lance. “What was that for?” she questioned.
At first, silence was the only thing she got but eventually Lance would follow up her question with one of his own.
“Are you mad at me?”
Maria's eyebrows raised, her eyes wider than saucers, and she felt her shoulders jolt up ever so slightly. “Eh?”
Lance tilted his head, frowning. “Is it because of the spar I had with my brother?” he asked again. “Because if so…”
Maria interjected before he could continue. “Wha- Don't be ridiculous, it isn't because of that!”
“Then what, Maria? You've been avoiding the idea of even looking at me ever since the match ended. Did I do something wro-”
“Ah, sevens damn it, I got distracted!” Maria blurted out. Upon realizing she did, she slapped her hand over her hand.
Lance's lips parted before he spoke again. “Pardon? Distracted by what?”
“Um….” Maria let out a dry, awkward, laugh. “You're gonna think my reason is silly-”
“Maria,” Lance rested his hand over hers. “I just want to know. Your feelings and in general, all your emotions, matter. Just as much as mine do.”
Sentimental as his words may have been, it still took a while for hesitant little Maria to even begin to utter the sentence she was about to say.
“..... I'm gonna be honest here,” Maria moved closer to Lance, leaning against his chest to cover the embarrassment on her face. “... I found you, particularly your arms…. Attractive.”
She was met with an eerie silence right after, and Maria contemplated if Lance just- Didn't want anything to do with her anymore for even thinking such thoughts about him!
But what did she get? Lance stifling his laughter as he pulled Maria closer to his chest, kissing the top of her head in amusement.
“Hah, Maria…” he lifted her chin, so gentle, so unwavering with the tender look in his eyes. “You give me so many more reasons to love and be amused by you, with each passing day.”
Her eyebrows raised a little, and even she could tell that her pupils were dilating. Regardless, Maria closed her eyes, relishing in Lance's touch with a soon-to-be devious smile.
“I could say the same for you too, Lancey.”
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Taglist [ Pls notify if I forgot anybody! ]
🥥 @windbornearchon • @starry-night-rose • @authoruio • @fumikomiyasaki • @nem0-nee • @sakuramidnight15
@revolllutionary • @spadecentral • @twsted-princess • @oseathepebble • @celiica • @knights-escort • @vivaresmala • @vaporvipermedia • @crazyyanderefangirlfan
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jasdiary · 10 months
I offer you for the oc interactions: Carol, Gilly and Phobetor
So other than Juvia who’s already close friends with her, I think Tinsley and Carol would get along really well!! They’re both two of the more mature people around here in NRC so I feel like they’d team up to handle some things if needed. Both of them also give off mom-friend vibes so I can see them kicking back and ranting about their days together!
While I do only have 1 male oc officially released, I do think that Tiago would take a liking to Carol! He likes how she’s mature and speaks her mind. While Carol’s cooking may not taste bad, he’d definitely teach her how to make her dishes look more presentable during their time together.
Now Noor doesn’t necessarily dislike people without a proper reason, but she probably wouldn’t be very fond of Carol due to the fact that their personalities clash a LOT. Noor wishes she could be as responsible as Carol is and holds that against her. She’s also just a snarky person in general so some of her comments might tick Carol off.
She doesn’t have a profile just yet but omg Gilly and Soleil would absolutely be friends! They have a lot in common!! They’d probably meet by complimenting each other's tattoos and the rest is history. I can see Gilly and Soleil having hangouts where they paint each other's nails and style outfits for each other!
For some reason, I can picture Tomi-Grey liking Gilly. Compared to Gilly, who’s way more approachable than Tomi, She would find them easy to talk to. They would admire Gilly’s style, maybe even let them style her! Tomi’s also probably a fan of their band.
Tbh I really cannot think of anyone that would dislike Gilly. 100 points to Gilly!!‼️
I’m not sure if they would exactly be friends but I could see Hyacinth being interesting to him. Considering Hyacinth is a pretty hard-to-read person, I feel like Phobetor would often try to figure her out while she just…kinda stands there. It could make for a funny dynamic!
Maria and Phobetor could def possibly have a thing goin’ on. Maria does tend to be a little morbid because..well she has to re-stitch her head on every other week. And since Phobetor likes violent people, he could enjoy her ghastly presence HSJDH. They seem like the type to team up and scare people for fun.
Bringing in Tinsley again to say that she and Phobetor would NOT get along. The knight-hater and the former knight? That’s a conflict waiting to happen. She’d probably have to stay 15 feet away from him at all times. Even if she wasn’t a knight, I just don’t think Tinsley and Phobetor would click very well.
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jasdiary · 1 year
Haiii 😳😳 sorry for my lateness if you don't do the description ask anymore, but maybe I could propose Kardia (18)?
He is a shady fellow who always expects people to pay him back when he helps them. They are a specialist of desserts and is a secret softie with their family.
And they are very competitive. With everyone they deem a worthy rival.
omg Hi!!! don’t worry ur not late at all!! I love Kardia’s design btw💞
Noor + Kardia
• I think these two have quite a bit in common, which is why i think they’d like each other a lot!
• Noor is kind of snarky and won’t stop until she gets what she wants, she’s also kind of a smart add but it’s ok she’s hot/j
• So ofc!! two hot people together would be supreme!!
• I think they would be super competitive with each other, though a little more friendly than they would be with other people
• Noor’s quite fond of desserts so she would visit Kardia during their shift and order desserts specifically made by them <3
• If someone Kardia helped is refusing to pay him back, Noor’s backing him up fr. ‼️
• They both have their soft sides that they only show to each other and i think that’s rlly cute
• Noor’s gonna compliment them so much!! she’s big on self love so she’s gonna make sure Kardia knows!!
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jasdiary · 1 year
i am currently getting caught up on my drafts and got most of my dusty old asks done!
so now i’m gonna pile more 😈
send in a 🌻 for oc interactions!
(pls tell me which oc of yours and which oc of mines u want to see the interaction between!! and send in a prompt or theme for the interaction if you want!)
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jasdiary · 1 year
We were talking about middle names so here’s everyone’s middle names cuz i love naming!
Juvia Yuyi Espejo
Hyacinth Souhaitant Venin
Zelda Marine Blakesley
Noor Nasira Jawahir
Tinsley Olette Labelle
Tomi-Grey Cordelia Lotanic
Soleil Miu Gojo
Celeste Cressida Key
Enya Kolete Chrysós-Shroud
Calliope Ximena De La Rosaleda
And here’s my staff oc!
Jacqueline Ankou Itahisa:
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jasdiary · 2 years
🍂 for the oc ask game!
i’m going to greedily take this as an excuse to include all my ocs LAMAOAO tysm!!!💖💖💖
🍂- What music does this oc like?
Juvia: K-pop, J-pop, Latin, R&B
Noor: Alternative, Classical, Jazz
Tinsley: Music Box songs, Japanese Trap, ‘90s-‘00s music
Hyacinth: Ballads, K-pop, Electronic Dance
Zelda: ‘10s, Rap, Summer Songs
Soleil: J-pop, Hip Hop, Pop
Tomi-Grey: Soundtracks, Musicals, ‘80s
Calliope: Reggae & Caribbean, Latin, Jazz
Celeste: Classical, Instrumental, R&B
Enya : Electronic, Music Box Songs, Lofi
Bones: Musicals, Classical, Soul
woo, that took awhile,,, I even included the last four i haven’t introduced yet LMAO 😭😭 their music tastes represent what their characters are like so i was thinking hard LMAO
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jasdiary · 1 year
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[Jas]'s bio🪦
Listening to: ` ` EASY ꒱ LE SSERAFIM ` `
01:08 ━━━━●───── 02:44
⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
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│ ✎┊Welcome to my Blog! I’m Jas or Windy and I really hope we can be friends!!!
This is a sfw blog!!!!
││She/her | 17 | Sapphic Bi | Infp | 🇵🇷🇩🇴 | Eng/Esp - Ok!!! | old A3! intro
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││// I’m always up to talk!! my ask box is open 24/7, even just coming in to say hi would make my day!
││// Below will be my ocs, tags i use and my kpop info! thanks for stopping by, hope you stick around <;3
││// Formerly @/windbornearchon !!
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#jas drew a thing.jpeg ~ My art tag! All of my art can be found here!
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Twisted Wonderland
Juvia Yuyi Espejo!
Juvia’s profile
Juvia’s Updated Profile
#juvia yuyi espejo / #juvia🪞 ~ Anything relating or involving her!
Hyacinth Venin!
Hyacinth’s profile
#hyacinth venin / #hyacinth🪻 ~ Anything relating to her!
Zelda Marine Blakesley!
Zelda’s profile
#zelda marine blakesley / #zelda🌬️ ~ Anything relating to her!
Noor Jawahir!
Noor’s profile
#noor jawahir / #noor⏳ ~ Anything relating to her!
Tinsley Labelle!
Tinsley’s profile
#tinsley labelle / #tinsley🧚🏻‍♀️ ~ Anything relating to her!
Tomi-Grey Lotanic!
Tomi-grey’s profile
#tomi grey lotanic / #tomi grey🦈 ~ Anything relating to her!
Soleil Gojo!
Soleil’s profile coming soon…
#soleil gojo / #soleil⚡️ ~ Anything relating to her!
Kisumi Inuzuka!
Kisumi’s profile
#kisumi inuzuka / #kisumi🍮 ~ Anything relating to her!
Maria Alarik!
Maria’s profile
#maria alarik / #maria🩸 ~ Anything relating to her!
Tiago Àkèré!
Tiago’s Profile
#tiago àkèré/ #tiago🐸 ~ Anything relating to him!
Watatsumi Kiyomizu!
Watatsumi’s profile
#watatsumi kiyomizu / #watatsumi🫧 ~ Anything relating to her!
Isfrid Aneira!
Isfrid’s Profile
#isfrid aneira / #isfrid🌨️ ~ Anything relating to her!
Sinan Keene!
Sinan’s Profile
#sinan keene / #sinan⛸️ ~ Anything relating to him!
Nabi Von Waldeck!
Nabi Profile coming soon…
#nabi von waldeck / #nabi🍎 ~ Anything relating to them!
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My Fandorm - Fableheart
Fableheart Introduction Post
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Genshin Impact
Xiānnǚ Nuwa!
Nuwa’s profile coming soon…
#xiānnǚ nuwa / #nuwa🌺 ~ Anything relating to her!
Qingyuan’s profile coming soon…
#qingyuan / #qingyuan🌧️ ~ Anything relating to her!
Cyzarine’s profile coming soon…
#cyzarine / #cyzarine💎 ~ Anything relating to her!
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KPOP Artists I Heavily Listen To
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jasdiary · 2 years
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“Oh rats..Hiii Vice Housewarden~ I definitely wasn’t doing anything suspicious!~”
Full Name : Noor Fayruz Jawahir
Nicknames : Nono (Close Friends), “No” (Victoria Le Fay @starry-night-rose ), The Sun to my Moon (Davis Novellion @rosietrace ), My Apollo (Davis), Mademoiselle Sable (Rook), Scincus (Floyd), 2nd pain in the ass (Jamil)
Jp Va : Marina Inoue
En Va : Laura Post
Age : 18
Height : 178 cm (5’8)
Homeland : Scalding Sands
Birthday : 8/11 August 11
Zodiac sign : Leo
Species : Human
Hair Color : Syrup Brown
Eye Color : Turquoise
Gender : Female (She/Her)
Sexuality : Demisexual Bisexual
Family : Unnamed mother, Unnamed father, Unnamed sister
Occupation : Student at Night Raven College
Twisted From : Sadira from Aladdin: The Series
School Information
Dorm : Scarabia
School Year : 3rd (Junior)
Class : 3-C
Best Subject : Summoning
Worst Class : Animal Linguistics
Club : Spelldrive Club
Dominant Hand : Left
Favorite Food : Basbousa
Least Favorite Food : Mustard
Likes : Sand castles, Having friends, Gossiping, Cooking, Teasing people, Getting on peoples nerves
Dislikes : Being disliked, Her personality, getting sand in her hair, betrayal, being alone
Hobbies : Playing Spelldrive, Making Jewelry
Personality :
Noor…I pray for those who come into contact with her. She’s mischievous, prideful, stubborn and overall a very interesting person to become acquainted with. If there’s something she wants, she’ll strive for it no matter what. Most describe Noor as a “bitch”, but they aren’t entirely off. Noor will rarely give people the time of day unless she absolutely has to OR is interested. She finds her wits to be her most important feature. However due to this, Noor tends to drive people away and even brings in enemies. This leaves her with not many friends and people avoiding her or even talking bad about her.
Unique Magic : Sand Glass Timing
“If things won’t go my way, my Sand Glass Timing will MAKE sure it does.”
Noor manipulates sand in the shape of an hourglass to alter a future event, The sand inside of the hourglass dictates how long she has to put this alter into motion. She must animate the events she wishes to see play out in an alter with sand, having to restart from the beginning if a mistake is made.
Once all the sand falls to the bottom, That altered event is set in stone.
Backstory :
The Jawahir family was known for their magical abilities, and they had great expectations for Noor to follow in their footsteps and become a powerful mage. When she received her letter from Night Raven College, they were thrilled!
Bright-Eyed and innocent Noor was excited to learn more about magic and make new friends, but she quickly found out that it wasn't as easy as she thought it would be... She struggled to keep up with the other students and often felt like an outsider.
One day, she met a fellow student who seemed to understand her struggles. They quickly became friends, and Noor felt like she had finally found her place at Night Raven College!!
However, things took a turn for the worse when her friend revealed that they had betrayed her trust. The friend that Noor thought she made went around telling baseless rumors about her in order to make themselves look better. Noor found out about these rumors during class, so when the bell rang, her eyes were blinded by fury as she marched to her “friends'' classroom. Professors and students had to pry Noor away from the fight that slowly became one-sided and bloodier. Noor was heartbroken and felt like she had no one to turn to.
After her 1st year, no one knew the quiet and bright eyed Noor they used to know. She was cruel, sly, and that once harmless smile turned into a condescending grin. She's still wary of who she can trust, but she's determined to make the most of her time at the school and prove her worth.
Random Trivia!
- Noor is pretty skilled with a sword! She thought swordsmanship was cool and thought she’d try it out.
- Noor is considered one of the prettiest people in NRC! Butttt she could care less</3
- She very much still has a soft side. She uses her jewelry making hobby to make things for those close to her.
- She likes messing with Jamil, he’s too much of an easy target for Noor.
- Noor likes using her sand to make things whenever she’s bored. She also does this whenever someone needs cheering up.
- She refused to tell anyone but,,,Noor absolutely SUCKS at video games.
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