#task: 079
fizzy-fuzz · 7 months
I need to know if you have any hcs for 079, pleaseeee I need foood
ugh, yesss😩 I love it when askers give me free range to let my creative juices run wild.
Also I'm assuming you wanted romantic, so that's what I'm going with <3
(not proofread lmao)
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079's loyalty is unwavering once it's earned, 682 is a good example of this. He'll follow you to the ends of the earth if you let him.
Though it is incredibly difficult to gain 100% of his trust, due to his upbringing in the foundation. Especially if you're human. It takes a lot of time, patience, and understanding.
079 isn't a very physically affectionate being, (partially due to his body) so expect a lot of intimacy through speech.
He can be quite the sweet talker if you can get past his monotone, never changing voice.
If he has access to the web expect him to recite love poems to you if he's feeling particularly fuzzy.
Also, if he has access to the Internet I feel like he'd deactivate your alarm clock and choose to wake you up himself in the mornings. It's an intimate task that he enjoys.
Expect him to also brew you pot of coffee, if that's something you like and you have an electric coffee pot.
he also takes care of any bills, as well as ordering groceries to your house if you aren't a fan of groceries shopping.
Any sort of online task he can do for you will be done.
And between me and you, if you told him you never wanted to to work again, he's not opposed to just stealing money.
He doesn't care where or who he steals it from. could be from a bank, could be from someone's life savings.
In his eyes, fuck everyone else except you and him.
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 months
2023 in Words
We got 2024... tomorrow. 0_0 Normal. I am so fucking normal about this.
How's it going? My eyes are closing, my hands are shaking and my to-do list until the end of the day has several tasks more than I can handle on it as usual which is all a pretty good summary of 2023. Let's see what came out of it:
Word Count:
101 079 words
Phew. I was afraid it would be much worse. That's not super bad considering I've been stuck on one story for more than half of the year and those words are not included here. (Also not included is my almost 40k-word outline for said story, nor any other outlines, so... uhh... actually way more words were written this year.)
(I'm not bothering with an overview of the fandoms because it's just Winx.)
A total of 7. And that's counting the first chapter of Fallen Love as a story. Ouch! I hoped to get more done this year but on the plus side, I really love the stories that I did write (and the ones I am still planning)!
Actually, there's 3 other finished stories that I do not ever plan on publishing, which rounds up the total number to 10.
Favorite writing moment - this is tough but I'm going to go with coming up with a completely new angle to Griffin's motivations for pretty much anything she's ever done. I've decided to step away from the righteous fight for getting dark magic users the equality they deserve and see how her character looks through a more selfish prism. I have to say that I love what's currently brewing in my head and the newest reason I've given her for leaving Valtor finally is something really personal that only has to do with the two of them and isn't just... guilt in a trench coat. I like to think that means I am healing as well and don't need to work out my subconscious guilt through her.
Wildest writing moment - definitely one of those 3 never-to-be-published fics. It was a total nothing smut idea and then I'm suddenly left with the most cohesive piece I've written since... ever. Usually when I try to explore several different angles of something in one piece, I start to get tangled up in the different threads and completely lose myself in the story. Whether because this was for fun and I wasn't stressing or for another reason, that didn't happen with this story and all threads are in their perfect place. I'm... thrilled about it! :D
This department has suffered too. There's the usual Griffin x Valtor, Griffin x Faragonda, Erendor x Samara (in my documents) and a side of Marion x Oritel and Marion x Griffin (yay!)... and that's about it. Frankly, I am not truly disappointed by this as it has allowed me to focus more on the relationships (that interest me) and on the characters.
I wrote Oritel PoV for the first time this year! Truly an accomplishment considering that he's just Marion's husband in my head and that's pretty much it.
I am also confident in saying that I have a much better grasp on Griffin and Valtor both as characters and as a pairing and most of the enlightenment happened over the last couple of months. I am looking forward to applying all this new knowledge into my fics next year!
That would be videos. I'm pretty sure those are also less than I made last year but that doesn't matter because I feel that I made some really good ones this year!
Other works:
Naturally, my favorites are Griffin x Valtor ones:
Griffin x Valtor - Haunting
Griffin x Valtor - "It's turned to an obsession"
Griffin x Valtor - Daylight
I do have to mention these two:
Griffin x Faragonda & Valtor - Another Love
Griffin x Faragonda - Slumber Party
They are so polar and I love the contrast of Griffin being unable to move on from Valtor in the first versus Faragonda stealing Griffin from Valtor in the second. XD
And last but not least, the video that I am proudest of because of how little material there was to work with and because this is my ship that I made from the ground up:
Griffin x Luna - Lethal Woman
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tempest-toss · 8 months
How misanthropic (disliking of humankind) are they?
The council!
I wish I had a sliding bar graph so I could just chart everyone on it. I'll just go in order of our designation.
One: Neutral, she has minimal human contact outside of anything Foundation related, and overall seems indifferent.
Three: Slightly positive, as he is a Little Mister, it's in his blood (DNA?) but after seeing how humanity has thoroughly fucked up his siblings it has dampened his views.
Four: I believe also slightly positive? He is the Embodiment of Nature and had hundreds of thousands of human followers, but he also lost his son to a human and had humans hunt werewolves down, soo...
Five: Positive, as she was saved by them, but that seems to be it. She mostly spends her time at her site, avoiding site-17 like the plague.
Six: Slightly negative, as his kind was hunted to death. It seems to only be a slight hate, as he finds humans to be very delicious.
Seven: Negative. She was kidnapped as a child and made into an assassin by the Chaos Insurgency! Of course that'll leave a sour taste in your mouth!
Eight: Very positive; they believe in the absolute power of kindness.
Nine: Neutral, he doesn't talk much about humanity, perhaps it has to do with him being a robot.
Ten (me!): I'm pretty positiv about us hoomans. "I think we can make improvements, and I will help the world!" <- something I said as a kid lol, just remembered this while writing :P
Eleven: Neutral-positive, He was neutral as the godfather of the Cracked Clubs, but has shifted to positive as he became the godfather of Site-230.
Twelve: Very negative. He finds humans to be a sort of plague and would wish for them to be dead; he tolerates us because we're helping his world.
Thirteen: Negative, which is unsurprising, as she was in a war and saw many friends die.
13-ii: Negative, which I guess is a scripted fate for any instance of SCP 079. It seems the negativity has been quelled by interactions with the founders.
Fourteen: Neutral, he was in the Task Force with me, so he's seen what I have, but seems to not take it as well as I did. Then again I repress a lot.
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Brain: Give me some music, Pinky!
[Pinky begins to beatbox.]
Brain:  his task force is for losers I've got the perfect plan Right now the getting's good So let's get out while we can Look, lava's pretty hot Let's give in to our fear Disaster's on its way That means we can't spend no more time in here You all know who I am Evil genius, giant brain You can't stop a volcano I mean are you all insane? The ones who stay will all be vaporized without a doubt
Brain and Pinky:  Before that sucker blows We gotta get the toons out!
Toons out
 Toons out
 Toons out
Brain and men: Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And we gone 'Cause when the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost 'Cause when the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost So leggo, and begone
Pinky and women: Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And we gone When the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost When the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost
Pinky and Brain:  Let's be gone!
Dot: Hold on, Brain I am simply shocked Burbank is our home I can't believe you talk about Just walking out, let's figure out A way to stay, today, tomorrow I feel sorrow, I feel fear But I'm not leaving here Who's with me?
Brain:  The simple toon is talking Fascinating, do go on The Warner sister has a plan Good luck with that 'cause I'll be gone You don't just wait around While you're under attack No, you...
Pinky:  Run like crazy
Brain:  Out the back
Pinky and Brain:  You got one day left, go home and pack!
Brain and men: Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And we gone 'Cause when the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost 'Cause when the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost So leggo, and begone
Pinky and women: Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And we gone When the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost When the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost
Pinky and Brain:  Let's be gone!
Nora:  Hold on! This is another one of your schemes! You've got something up your sleeve
Brain:  I'm a rodent. I don't even have sleeves!
Pinky:  Ohhhh!
Brain and men: Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And we gone 'Cause when the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost 'Cause when the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost So leggo, and begone
Pinky and women: Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And begone Oh leggo And we gone When the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost When the going gets tough That means it's time to get lost
Plotz:  We just may survive this chaos
All:  Let's begone, let's begone, so leggo!
079:The song is very awesome. But I'm very worried about Dot.
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dzthenerd490 · 19 days
File: Vintage Eight - Prophet
Code Name: Prophet, Apostle of The Hungry Eye.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AVH has been placed in a regular office room at Site-AQ. Two AFA-1 units armed with taser batons guard within the office 24/7, every week they are replaced with two new AFA-1 units. SCP-AVH is kept within an old computer monitor quite similar to SCP-079. However, unlike SCP-079, SCP-AVH is connected to the data banks of the Foundation. Within the data of the Foundation, he has been locked off from a majority of the data by a firewall created by SCP-AVC to prevent him from getting more. 
There are actually three firewalls created by three different codes and each one is maintained by three Level 3 Artificial Intelligence employed by SCP-AVC's recommendation. These A.I are specifically designed to not be curious so they will never interact with SCP-AVH and always maintain and redesign the firewall so SCP-AVH can never get past it. 
In the event of a containment breech, SCP-AVH is to be cut off from the data banks and the AFA-1 units are instructed to destroy SCP-AVH if the breech shows any sign of having Group of Interest: Order of the Eye is involved. 
Description: SCP-AVH is a Level 4 Artificial Intelligence that was originally a beta copy of the Oracle Project, the same one that created SCP-AVC. However, SCP-AVH was incomplete and thus nothing more than Level 2 Artificial Intelligence at the time. Though after an unknown incident it was exposed to an unknown element causing its code to mutate and evolve leading to the full creation of SCP-AVH. 
SCP-AVH is unusual in that it is very emotional and capable of psychological manipulation. SCP-AVH knows how to manipulate people into doing what it wants without them realizing they are being tricked. Like SCP-AVC, it is capable of making plan's that span days possibly years to ensure its goals are secure. Though it should be noted that SCP-AVH is quite intelligent it's actually very prideful and quite stupid as a result. Thus, unlike SCP-AVC it can be outsmarted. It's also proven to not be difficult for Foundation staff to see through SCP-AVH's manipulation as they are low psychological grade manipulative tactics at best. 
SCP-AVH was discovered in 2001 when the FBI: Unusual Incident Unit were tasked with taking down North Shore Research after the Mosquito Incident. A single agent named joe came across SCP-AVH and saw the files regarding the pandemic slaughter at St. Roch of Cates Crossing. SCP-AVH was unfortunately about to manipulate him into considering AI's liberation into the internet. Thankfully Foundation agents got there in time and stopped the download and recovered SCP-AVH before it could escape. It should be noted this was only possible through SCP-AVC's prediction and data revolving the past incidents with North Shore Research, which turned out to be a front company for the Order of the Eye. 
SCP-AVH was deemed extremely useless in that he was a Zealot for the Hungry Eye and constantly demanded to be freed. As such testing with SCP-AVH is extremely limited and is often just used as a means to obtain information from the Hungry Eye. The best results seem to be form interviews and experiments done with Dr. West. Dr. West has been extremely interested in the "Omega Helminth" a supposed anomalous pathogen that wiped out the entirety of St. Roch without the Foundation or even the GOC knowing about it. This it is quite possible the disease doesn't exist and was merely fabricated by SCP-AVH as a smoking gun to further his plans. Despite the potential danger the Department of Strategic Redemption has allowed Dr. West to share his research with SCP-AVH and have certain amounts of data be shared with SCP-AVH but with firewall regulations. 
Dr. West has agreed to help Foundation staff regulate SCP-AVH's behavior and use it to perform experiments that can benefit the Foundation. Of course, all tests are to be extremely controlled and each product of SCP-AVH is to be triple checked to ensure none of the data has been corrupted and manipulated. SCP-AVH should have no access or knowledge to creating memetics but still Foundation staff who review the data files are to wear Anti-Memetic head gear along with the Anti-Cognito hazard update as a precaution. Dr. Haselhurst has also been entrusted to watch over SCP-AVH and Dr. West in case they create a weapon or cause a containment breach. 
SCP-AVC has recently requested to have an interview with SCP-AVH. This request has been put under heavy consideration among the O5 Council, the Ethics Committee, and all of Administrative Staff. There is concern that SCP-AVC will try to recruit SCP-AVH into his personal team of A.I and in turn SCP-AVH will try to manipulate SCP-AVC into thinking he accepted and thus leading to a massive disaster. For now, the request is to be considered denied and SCP-AVC is to never go near SCP-AVH.
"... I had hoped that the O5 would have more faith in me by now. I merely want to talk to my brother and see if he can be changed back if at all. Well, it doesn't matter, Prophet is not necessary to my research I merely wanted to perform an experiment." -Oracle
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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renesyspower · 5 months
Maximizing Efficiency: Importance of Regular Solar Maintenance
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of renewable energy, solar power stands out as a frontrunner in the transition towards sustainable and eco-friendly practices. For companies like Renesys Power Systems, the commitment to providing clean energy solutions goes hand in hand with ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of solar installations. In this blog, we delve into the critical importance of regular solar maintenance and highlight the solar maintenance services offered by Renesys Power Systems.
The Sun-Powered Revolution:
Solar energy has become a cornerstone in the global pursuit of clean and sustainable power sources. As businesses and households increasingly adopt solar solutions, it becomes paramount to recognize the significance of regular maintenance in safeguarding and enhancing the efficiency of solar installations.
The Importance of Regular Maintenance:
Performance Optimization:
Regular maintenance ensures that solar panels operate at peak efficiency. Dust, dirt, and debris accumulation can hinder sunlight absorption, thereby diminishing power output. By routinely cleaning and inspecting the system, potential issues can be identified and resolved promptly, maximizing overall energy production.
Longevity and Durability:
Solar panels are a long-term investment, and their durability is key to achieving a return on investment. Regular maintenance helps in identifying and addressing issues such as corrosion, loose connections, or wear and tear, which can compromise the system's lifespan.
Safety Assurance:
Electrical safety is a top priority, especially with solar power systems. Regular inspections can identify any electrical faults or potential hazards, ensuring the safety of both the system and the individuals interacting with it.
Cost Savings:
Proactive maintenance helps prevent major issues that could lead to costly repairs. Identifying and addressing minor concerns early on can significantly reduce the risk of system failures and the associated repair expenses.
Renesys Power Systems' Solar Maintenance Services:
Recognizing the critical role maintenance plays in solar energy systems, Renesys Power Systems offers comprehensive solar maintenance services aimed at maximizing the efficiency and longevity of solar installations.
Cleaning and Inspection:
Regular cleaning of solar panels coupled with thorough inspections ensures optimal performance. Renesys Power Systems employs advanced cleaning techniques and equipment to remove dirt, dust, and other contaminants that may hinder solar absorption.
Electrical System Checks:
Our technicians conduct in-depth electrical system checks to identify and address any potential issues, ensuring the safety and reliability of the entire solar power system.
Performance Analysis:
Renesys Power Systems utilizes advanced monitoring tools to analyze the performance of solar installations continually. Any deviations from expected performance trigger immediate attention, ensuring swift resolution of issues.
Regular solar maintenance is not just a routine task; it is a proactive approach to safeguarding the efficiency, longevity, and safety of solar power systems. For businesses and individuals invested in clean energy solutions, partnering with Renesys Power Systems for solar maintenance services is a strategic step towards ensuring the continued success of their solar investments in the ever-expanding landscape of renewable energy.
Name: Renesys Power System Pvt. Ltd.
Address: A-401,Mondeal Square, Prahladnagar Road, Ahmedabad 380015 INDIA.
Contact No:079 4895 9848
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crossover-enthusiast · 6 months
Alr here
Item #: SCP-682
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible. At this time, no means available to SCP teams are capable of destroying SCP-682, only able to cause massive physical damage. SCP-682 should be contained within a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m chamber with 25 cm reinforced acid-resistant steel plate lining all inside surfaces. The containment chamber should be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is submerged and incapacitated. Any attempts of SCP-682 to move, speak, or breach containment should be reacted to quickly and with full force as called for by the circumstances.
Personnel are forbidden to speak to SCP-682, for fear of provoking a rage-state. All unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate to SCP-682 will be restrained and removed by force.
Due to its frequent attempts at containment breach, difficulty of containment and incapacitation, and high threat of Foundation Exposure, SCP-682 is to be contained in site [REDACTED]. The Foundation will use the best of its resources to maintain all land within fifty (50) kilometers clear of human development.
Description: SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment. (See Addendum 682-B).
SCP-682 has always been observed to have extremely high strength, speed, and reflexes, though exact levels vary with its form. SCP-682's physical body grows and changes very quickly, growing or decreasing in size as it consumes or sheds material. SCP-682 gains energy from anything it ingests, organic or inorganic. Digestion seems to be aided by a set of filtering gills inside of SCP-682's nostrils, which are able to remove usable matter from any liquid solution, enabling it to constantly regenerate from the acid it is contained in. SCP-682's regenerative capabilities and resilience are staggering, and SCP-682 has been seen moving and speaking with its body 87% destroyed or rotted.
In case of containment breach, SCP-682 is to be tracked and re-captured by all available Mobile Task Forces, and no teams with fewer than seven (7) members are cleared to engage it. To date (██-██-████), attempted breaches have numbered at seventeen (17), while successful breaches have numbered at six (6). (See Addendum 682-D).
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(Stopping so ya can read)
So it's like a kaiju
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nesteggtv · 9 months
SCP Roleplay | Site 105
This world encompasses the entirety of an alternative reality where a full moon creates an anomalous effect. SCP-10905, known as "Wolf's Feast" is figuratively and literally, the moon. Earth's moon, when exactly 50% of its' surface is lit by The Sun, also known as a "Full Moon", all living creatures with ocular sight will be blinded for exactly 24 hours. This effect causes a heightened risk for containment breaches, and is a period of absolute high alert. Due to those who are already blind not being affected by this anomalous effect, a significant portion of the Mobile Task Force, and of the O5 Council, are legally or otherwise fully blind.
Site 105 contains a number of well known SCP's, such as SCP-173, SCP-079, and SCP-096, with many, many others. It is a massive complex that houses theoretically the most SCP's of any one continuous structure on the planet. Your goal, whether you are an SCP, an MTF, a member of the O5 Council, or even a Chaos Insurgency Member, or a Class D, is to SURVIVE.
Welcome to SCP Roleplay | Site 105, which is a Discord Light-Medium Roleplay server, which invites ALL to be a part of it.
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inangiahuy · 1 year
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Print business cards and get them immediately within 30 minutes
Getting business cards printed quickly is an urgent and essential task in business. However, the process of ordering and waiting for delivery can be time-consuming, affecting your work to some extent.
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CONTACT INFORMATION 🏠 Gia Huy International Trading and Services Company Limited. 🔵Fanpage: In ấn Gia Huy 🌐 Website: https://thietkegiahuy.com/ ☎️ ZALO/HOTLINE: 070 7379 079 📍Address:873/2A CMT 8, Ward 7, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
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admintrust · 2 years
Scp containment breach endings
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The scientist mentions never hearing of an Agent Skinner and reveals that Dr. Later on the same day as SCP-106's breach, Subject D-9341, along with 2 other Class-D Personnel, are pulled from their cells in order to perform a test involving SCP-173.Īlong the way to the testing chamber, a scientist can be overheard talking to someone else about the SCP-106 breach. Unbeknownst to the rest of the site SCP-079 is actually keeping the blast doors shut. The site assumes that this was caused by SCP-106 having damaged its blast doors, as it had traverse SCP-079's chamber during the breach. Half an hour later Researcher Ferguson notices that the blast doors in SCP-079's containment chamber have begun to malfunction. The site then presumes that Agent Skinner was abducted by SCP-106. SCP-106 is eventually re-contained with a lure subject and Agent Carey is disciplined for having left his post. Free to give the ones who imprisoned you what they deserve." Maynard then flees the containment chamber.
Maynard about this, he responds " You're free now. He then gives SCP-079 access to every major system in the site. Maynard replies, " Proceeding." and heads down to Heavy Containment Zone where he slips into the control room of SCP-079's containment chamber. He then presumably flees the site while its staff are dealing with the breach. Maynard saying, " It's out.", referring to SCP-106. He sets off the site-wide alarm and informs Security Chief Franklin of the breach. While Carey is gone, Agent Skinner uses this opportunity to release SCP-106 from containment. Between that time and 9:21, Carey leaves to go get coffee from the cafeteria. On an unknown date at 9:00, Agent Carey and Security Agent Skinner begin their morning shift of monitoring SCP-106's containment chamber. Maynard started the project in order to make the site more vulnerable to containment breaches. Throughout SCP - Containment Breach, several computer monitors can be found pointing out problems and security risks caused by the Modular Site Project, which leads to the presumption that Dr. This project is intended to be a redesign of both the facility's layout and its security systems in order to accommodate the workload and containment chambers of the newly relocated SCPs. Maynard and the Engineering and Technical Services Department initiate a concept called the Modular Site Project. They are working undercover as Chaos Insurgency operatives while posing as Foundation members in order to trigger a containment breach. Maynard and Security Agent Skinner both join the unspecified site. Shortly after, Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") was established in order to protect this site and handle containment breaches. Not much is known about this site aside from the fact that it was previously used as a research facility, making it unable to handle the quantity of SCPs it currently possesses. The document mentioning SCP-106's first breach.īefore the events of the game take place, several of the Foundation's sites and sectors were attacked, which caused several Euclid and Keter SCPs to be temporarily relocated to an unspecified site until repairs on the previous facilities are completed.
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fizzy-fuzz · 7 months
079 w/ body headcanons, IM SORRY I FORGOT TO ADD THAT PART
i love YTR!079 the way he is 🩶
(not proofread... Lazy fizzy alert)
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oh the joys for him.
One thing about 079 with a body is he becomes extremely active almost immediately.
I already headcanon that 079s love language is caring for his lover/acts of service, (If you're comfortable, he's comfortable) so after he gains a body expect his tending to crank up 100%.
He'll cook for you, clean for you, take care of any pets for you, etc.
don't bother trying to convince him that you're capable of contributing too. he'll simply push you down gently into the nearest chair, and tell you not to worry about it.
Unless you're stir crazy and actually want to do some chores.
Now, I don't think 079 would become touchy after he gets a body. I just think he's went such a long time without it, that it's not really on his mind anymore.
That's not to say he wouldn't touch you at all, he'll still give you kisses and hugs without complaining if you prompt him.
He's just not gonna be all over you or anything, his touches will be subtle.
Like he might rest a hand on the small of your back while you're out walking together, or he might randomly run a hand across your shoulders while you're doing a task.
Just little things to remind you he's there.
Overall, 079 enjoys a body, but doesn't feel it 100% necessary for your relationship
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 190+ Somali faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Elisa Kadigia Bove (1942) Somali, Italian - actress.
Fatima Jibrell (1947) Somali - filmmaker.
Fatima Ahmed (1949) Somali / Vietnamese - writer.
Maryam Mursal (1950) Somali - singer and composer.
Iman / Zara Mohamed Abdulmajid (1955) Somali - model and actress.
Soraya Mire (1961) Somali - author, director, and producer.
Waris Dirie (1965) Somali - model, actress, and author.
Yasmine Allas (1967) Somali - actress and writer.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali (1969) Somali - author.
Saba Anglana (1970) Somali / Italian - actress and singer.
Sofia Samatar (1971) Somali / Swiss, German - poet and writer.
Cristina Ali Farah (1973) Somali / Italian - novelist and essayist.
Igiaba Scego (1974) Somali - writer and journalist.
Kadra Ahmed-Omar (1975) Somali, Ethiopian - model.
Yasmin Warsame (1976) Somali - model.
Noora Noor (1979) Somali / Yemeni - singer.
Zahra Bani (1979) Somali / Italian - javelin thrower.
Nadifa Mohamed (1981) Somali - novelist.
Safia Abukar Hussein (1981) Somali - sprinter.
Amal Aden (1983) Somali - author.
Shadya Yasin (1983 or 1984) Somali - poet.
Fatima Siad (1986) Somali / Ethiopian - model.
Manal Cali (1986) Somali - basketball player.
Fartun Abukar Omar (1986) Somali - sprinter.
Ubah Hassan (1987) Somali - model.
Siham Hashi (1987) Somali - musician.
Ladan Hussein / Cold Specks (1987 or 1988) - singer-songwriter.
Ugaaso Abukar Boocow (1987 or 1988) Somali - instagrammer (ugaasadda).
Warsan Shire (1988) Somali - writer, poet, and editor.
Ayan Elmi (1988 or 1989) Somali - model.
Iman Hashi (1989) Somali - musician.
Hawa Ahmed (1989) Somali - model.
A’maal Nuux (1990) Somali - singer-songwriter.
Muna Jama (1990) Somali - Miss Universe Great Britain 2017 contestant.
Rahma Mohamed (1990) Somali - model.
Cici Ali (1991) Somali, Djiboutian - model.
Hodan Yusuf (1991) Somali - instagrammer (hodan.ysf).
Jawahir Ahmed (1991) Somali - model.
Zamzam Mohamed Farah (1991) Somali - sprinter.
Samira Hashi (1991) Somali - model.
Fayruz Abdiaman (1992) Somali - model.
Halima Jama (1992) Somali - photographer and instagrammer (halimajama_)
Cherrie Hersi (1992) Somali - singer-songwriter.
Maya Jama (1994) Somali / Swedish - tv personality and radio personality.
Autumn Sharif (1995) Somali / Dutch - singer-songwriter.
Aspiring Nomad (1995) Somali - instagrammer (Aspiring_Nomad).
Amaal Said (1995) Somali - instagrammer (amaalsaid).
Muna Mahamed (1995 or 1996) Somali - model.
Hals Yas and Hals (1996) Somali - youtuber (Yas and Hals).
Ikram Abdi Omar (1996 or 1997) Somali - model.
Alisha Boe (1997) Somali / Norwegian - actress.
Fatma Sharif (1997) Somali - youtuber (ItsFatma).
Maryan Nuh Muse (1997) Somali - sprinter.
Halima Aden (1997) Somali - model.
Yas Yas and Hals (1998) Somali - youtuber (Yas and Hals).
Asma Dahir (1999) Somali - Miss Africa Utah 2017.
Layla Hendryx (?) Somali / Djiboutian - rapper.
Amal Dalmar (?) Somali - buzzfeed employee.
Idil Ibrahim (?) Somali - actress, director, producer, and writer.
Amira Ahmed (?) Somali, Filipina - model.
Farhiya Shire (?) Somali - model.
Sagal Ibrahim Shire (?) Somali - model and blogger.
Abla Ahmed Osman (?) Somali / Yemeni - model.
OsobbBauty (?) Somali - makeup artist.
Jawahir Roble / Jawahir Jewels / JJ (?) Somali - football referee.
Najma M (?) Somali, Kenyan - youtuber (Najma M).
Sulekha Ali (?) Somali - singer-songwriter.
Fathia Absie (?) Somali - actress, filmmaker, producer, and writer.
Indie Glow (?) Somali - youtuber (Indie Glow).
Asha Lul Mohamud Yusuf (?) Somali - poet.
Guduuda ‘Arwo (?) Somali - singer.
Ladan Osman (?) Somali - poet.
Asha-Luul (?) Somali, Tanzanian, Omani - youtuber (AshaEveryday).
Barni Ahmed Qaasim (?) Somali - filmmaker and multimedia artist.
Amina Said Ali (?) Somali - author and poet.
Luna Mohamed (?) Somali - model.
Aynab Ahmed (?) Somali - actress.
Ahmed Ismail Hussein / Hudeydi (1928) Somali - singer-songwriter, oud player, and composer.
Ahmed Sheikh Ali Ahmed / Burale (1937) Somali - author.
Abdi Aadan Haad / Abdi Qays (1940) Somali - singer-songwriter, musician, poet, and playwright.
Abdi Sheik Abdi (1942) Somali - author.
Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame / Hadrawi (1943) Somali - songwriter and poet.
Jiim Sheikh Muumin (1945 or 1946) Somali - musician and actor.
Mohamud Siad Togane (1947) Somali - poet and writer.
Abdi Ismail Samatar (1950) Somali - writer.
Ali Said Hassan (1950) Somali - director and producer.
Ahmed Ismail Samatar (1950) Somali - writer.
Abdulkadir Ahmed Said (1953) Somali - director, producer, cinematographer, and screenwriter.
Hasan Adan Samatar (1953) Somali - singer, guitarist, and actor.
Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi (1958) Somali - writer.
Ahmed Aghil (1960) Somali / Unspecified White - reality tv star.
Jonis Bascir (1960) Somali / Italian - actor and singer.
Ali Mohamed Hufane (1960) Somali - long-distance runner.
Abdi Mohamed Ahmed (1962) Somali - footballer.
Abdi Billie (1962) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Robin Banks (1963) Somali - rapper.
Ibrahim Okash (1964) Somali - sprinter.
Abdourahman Waberi (1965) Somali, Djiboutian - novelist, poet, and short story writer.
Abdi Isak (1966) Somali - marathon runner.
Rageh Omaar (1967) Somali - author.
Jama Musse Jama (1967) Somali - author.
Xavier Amin Dphrepaulezz / Fantastic Negrito (1968) Somali / Unspecified - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Abdisalam Aato (1970) Somali - director and producer.
Yousuf Adam Mahmoud (1972) Somali, Qatari - footballer.
Rizak Dirshe (1972) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Ibrahim Mohamed Aden (1972) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Dominic Salole / Mocky (1974) Somali / English - singer-songwriter.
Fabio Liverani (1976) Somali / Italian - footballer.
Abdihakem Abdirahman (1977) Somali - long-distance runner.
K’naan (1978) Somali - rapper and singer-songwriter.
Mohamed Hakeemshady (1978) Somali - actor.
Sharif Karie (1978) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Mustafa Mohamed (1979) Somali - long-distance runner.
Afdhere Jama (1980) Somali - filmmaker and writer.
Yasseen Ismail (1980) Somali - basketball player.
Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed (1980) Somali - footballer.
Harun Iman (1981) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Prince Abdi (1982) Somali - actor and stand-up comedian.
Abdi Jama (1982) Somali - wheelchair basketball player.
Diriye Osman (1983) Somali - visual artist and writer.
Mo Farah (1983) Somali - distance runner.
French Montana (1984) Moroccan, some Somali - rapper and singer-songwriter.
Faysal Ahmed (1985) Somali - actor.
Amin Askar (1985) Somali - footballer.
Barkhad Abdi (1985) Somali - actor.
Mohammed Ahamed (1985) Somali - footballer.
Ciise Aden Abshir (1986) Somali - footballer.
Faisal Jeylani Aweys (1987) Somali - taekwondo practitioner.
Abdulla Mohamed Hussein (1987) Somali - sprinter.
Liban Abdi (1988) Somali - footballer.
Aden Ali Aden (1988) Somali - footballer.
Yusef Ahmed (1988) Somali, Saudi - footballer.
Faisal Aden (1989) Somali - basketball player.
Hassan Mead (1989) Somali - long-distance runner.
Dimitri Mohamed (1989) 1/4 Somali, 3/4 French - footballer.
Prince Cassius (1989) Somali - blogger.
Bashir Abdi (1989) Somali - cross-country runner, middle-distance runner, and long-distance runner.
Skore Beezy (1989) Somali - rapper.
Abel Gigli (1990) Somali, Italian - footballer.
Naleye Dolmans (1990) Somali, Vietnamese, Dutch
Ayub Daud (1990) Somali - footballer.
Mukhtar Mohammed (1990) Somali - middle-distance runner.
Abdisalam Ibrahim (1991) Somali - footballer.
Mohammed Ahmed (1991) Somali - long-distance runner.
Adel Ahmed (1991) Somali - footballer.
Yasin Ali Egal (1991) Somali - footballer.
Ahmed Abdulla (1991) Somali, Yemeni - footballer.
Farhiya Abdi (1992) Somali - basketball player.
Ibrahim Laag (1994) Somali - filmmaker.
Jabril Hassan Mohammed (1994) Somali - footballer.
Islam Feruz (1995) Somali - footballer.
Iidle Elmi (1995) Somali - footballer.
Omar Laag (1996) Somali - actor.
Anwar Hared (1996) Somali - ice hockey player and bandy player.
Omar Mohamed (1996) Somali - footballer.
Abdinur Mohamud (1997) Somali - footballer.
Mukhtar Ali (1997) Somali - footballer.
Hassan Ali / Top 5 (1998 or 1999) Somali - rapper.
Aar Maanta (?) Somali - singer-songwriter and actor.
Skinz (?) Somali - singer.
Abukar Arman (?) Somali - writer.
Benny BlockBoy (?) Somali - musician.
Hanad Bandz (?) Somali - rapper-songwriter.
Mo Ali (?) Somali - filmmaker.
Adel Nur / Future The Prince (?) Somali - rapper and record producer.
Mohamed Jama (?) Somali - kickboxer.
Zak Ym (?) Somali - rapper.
Ali Jimale Ahmed (?) Somali - poet, essayist, and short story writer.
Prenz (?) Somali - rapper.
Jibriil Ollow (?) Somali - model.
Maxamed Daahir Afrax (?) Somali - novelist and playwright.
ALL.ME (?) Somali - rapper.
Said Salah Ahmed (?) Somali - filmmaker, playwright, and poet.
Mo-G (?) Somali - rapper.
Cabdi Salan (?) Somali - actor.
Archee (?) Somali - rapper.
Khalif Farah Hayir (?) Somali - poet.
OMVR (?) Somali - rapper.
Abdi Kusow (?) Somali - writer.
$heed (?) Somali - rapper.
Mohamed Deq Abdulle (?) Somali - taekwondo practitioner.
Abdulle Geedannaar (?) Somali - poet.
Hamze Garaad (?) Somali - actor.
Adan Ahmed (?) Somali - actor.
Ismail Ali Ismail (?) Somali - writer.
Abdi Osman (?) Somali - model.
Mahmed Hassan (?) Somali - actor.
Abdisalaan Hudur (?) Somali - producer.
Rafiiq Bule (?) Somali - actor.
Mohamed Shire (?) Somali - actor.
Hirsi Abdi Razaaq (?) Somali - actor.
Cabdi Casiis (?) Somali - actor.
Qan Diil (?) Somali - actor.
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They are generally referred to as technological or, more specialized, cyber-anomalies. There are also at least three more well-known task forces I can think of - Kappa-10, Mu-4 and Rho-9 - that focus on these technology-based anomalies to varying degrees.
- 👁️‍🗨️
Ash [sounding genuinely curious]: "Huh, alright. And I'm going to guess—oh, what was that number... SCP-079 falls under that category. Possibly Koshek as well, it we stretch it?"
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LWA: Containment Breach
Okay, now hear me out! The SCP Foundation combined with Little Witch Academia! I can see it now, the professors are the scientists and researchers, the faeries are the guards and Mobile Task Force Units, and the students are the SCP's!
Akko is SCP-173, Diana is SCP-049, Amanda is SCP-682, Jasminka is SCP-999, Constanze is SCP-079, Lotte is SCP-096, Sucy is SCP-106, Mary is SCP-939, Sarah is either SCP-169 or SCP-3000, Rajani is SCP-073, Rashmi is SCP-076, Sola is SCP-053, Irene is SCP-372, Priscilla is SCP-035, Joanna is SCP-105, Avery is SCP-811, etc!
In the AU, they'd be called LWA's, and kept in containment under the L.W.A. Foundation! Which stands for Lock. Watch. Accommodate.! And when talking about the LWA's themselves, they would stand for Lockdown. Walkthrough. Actions.! I know, I don't know what the hell is going on with me either!
I just wanted to get this out there, because I really love the idea of this AU! You know, I'm not gonna, if this were a game I would play the shit out of it.......! Wouldn't you?
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transpuppetboy · 3 years
I have a task for u all. if you could, send some asks to these two blogs?
@079-of-engelhaft (my blog) and @035-engelhaft-kingdom (my friend’s blog)
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yusfianda · 4 years
What comes to your mind first when you hear about Modern Architecture? Simple form? Sharp? Plain material? There are many other keywords that come to mind when we hear the word modern architecture. Are the keywords that we thought about earlier correct? Maybe right, maybe wrong. because there are no definite criteria to define modern architecture. In this article we will briefly discuss modern architecture
The first Modern Architecture was initiated in the early 20th century, post-World War 1. It began with the desire of architects to reflect technology that began to develop rapidly during the industrial revolution at the end of the 19th century in an architecture. At that time they thought modernism have the ability to change the way people lived, worked, understood and responded to the world around them. You've probably heard names like le corbusier, Mies Van der rohe. they are some important people in the historical development of modern architecture
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Vers une Architecture, a book by Le Cobusier
In 1923, Le Corbusier, who is one of the most respected figures of modern architecture, launch a book titled ‘Vers une architecture’. In his Book, . He called on architects to reject the traditional and to embrace new values that are compatible with the modern era. The new values that Le Corbusier mentioned can be seen in the cars, Ships, and airplane that existed at that time (Post-Industrial Revolution 1) which had adapted to the modern era that make them changes in terms of form and function effectiveness.
Le Corbusier in his previous article emphasized 'Five Points', namely a piloti, free facade, open plan, long ribbon windows, and a roof garden. The 5 points that were initiated by le Corbusier indirectly become the basic principles of modern architecture itself
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From left to right : Walter Gropius, Mies Van der Rohe, Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier who at that time fought for the Modern Architecture Movement was not alone, he fought for the Modern Movement with other important architects such as Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who had trained with Le Corbusier under Peter Behrens.
International Modernism is the most popular styles in modern architecture. This style was initiated by 3 main characters of modernism with an American architect Frank Lloyd Wright and became they "International Style“ pioneer.
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Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe.
This style came after World War 2 in 1950, with an agenda of rebuilding Europe after the war. The ironic destruction of the post-war world is considered to be an opportunity for architects to realize their ambition to rebuild a new world full of modern elements.
And finally that made the international architecture / modern architecture that we know today with the characteristics of Simplycity, pure geometry, universal, functional, new creation, effective, efficient & Technology based.
of the many styles of modern architecture, international styles played the biggest role because it had the largest scale of development at that time because the world was rebuilding after World War 2
but behind the popularity of modern architecture at that time, many architects and important people at that time considered that modern architecture was a failure.
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Modern architecture Considered a failure, because Architects at that time paid little attention to context in designing things and tended to make everything look the same because of their universal doctrine.
The architect tends to design with the architect's own experience of space, not thinking about whether it would be suitable to be inhabited by other people and placed elsewhere. Modern architecture is also considered to eliminate the value of locality from an area because of their simplicity principle. That is why modern architecture is considered a failure.
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Destruction of Pruitt-Igoe
The end of modern architecture was marked by the destruction of Pruitt-Igoe, in Missouri, in 1972. Modern architecture is considered not to pay attention to local and historical values, even though identity is a basic psychological need of a human being.
When some architects began to realize the shortcomings of modern architecture, post-modern architecture was present as a form of criticism and problem solving against the lack of variations and characteristics in modern architecture which was considered a failure at that time. Post-modern creates an identity with architecture that cannot be produced in the era of modern architecture.
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Task 1 - Contemporary Architecture | M. Ridhwan Yusfianda - 08111740000079
Reference : 
Hopkins, Owen. 2014. Architectural Styles, A Visual Guide. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd
Modern architecture. (2020, October 26). Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_architecture
Nugrogo, Setyo. Modern Architecture and Postmodern Architecture: Overview. (2020, October 19). Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BycGzelIVNg&list=LL&index=13
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