#nope you cant your heart gets broken
If I can stop one heart from breaking.... is part of the real poem (HSR analysis)
alright so by this time we all know about famous song from HSR and ya we all cried but do you all know this title is actually verse taken from the poem by Emily Dickinson
Now I am gonna share poem with yall and youll see why:
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.
THE FUCKING ROBIN IS MENTIONED IN THE POEM HAHAHAH (yes you can cry now. this poem IS ROBINS POEM FR FRF) oh but I am not done yet... do you want to know what is the main theme behind this short poem? I am gonna quote from litcharts:
"If I can prevent one broken heart, my life will have been worth living. If I can alleviate one person's suffering or soothe one person's pain—or even help a single helpless robin that has fallen out of its nest—my life will have been worth living."
Basically this means that if I share even a little bit of kidness to this robin, represented by Firefly (by Trailblazer) and Robin (represented by Sunday) then even if life gives me suffering and I "fall from the nest" (aka die in this POV), my life would have been worth living BECAUSE I have found one true friend in this cruel world who gave me reason enough to live. Ofc this poem reflects and relates to both characters who died in Penacony - Robin (singer of the song) and Firefly (mysterious girl). And Hoyo knew what they were doing (and now both Trailblazer and Sunday have something in common Ig, they are both speaker of the poem)
Now I leave you to sink it all in. youre welcome and happy tears.
"In any case, the poem implies that hardship is a kind of universal truth—an unavoidable part of being alive. But just because suffering is a fact of life doesn't mean there's nothing people can do about it."
Let us see what Trailblazer (and Sunday let's not forget my man) can do about this. Now they know no life is safe from harm and theyd have to learn how to accept it (and not see world in black and white as Galaxy Ranger implied) and not let revenge (if it comes and I am sure it will) consume them from inside.
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surshica · 2 years
ohmygosh I'm still so shocked you're a pipino as well TT fellow filo here hehe
Anyways, may I request a Chishiya x reader,,,
We all know how observant Chishiya is, well, I would like a scenario where he and reader are just gossiping about every other player there is!! ^^
The setting would be in the game Solitary Confinement, and they would just chill in the cafeteria thingy and share cookies and just trash talk everyone 😭😭
Tysm ♡
request: chishiya x reader
genre: crack fluff
warnings: swearing — ooc chishiya (PURR) — broken humor — gossiping/shit talking — not proofread!!
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ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
spilt up with the group was one thing but heading to a jack of hearts game with chishiya was another thing, you were unsure if chishiya was one to throw you up for grabs to win on his own. that idea penned you in the heart, a casual frown shown.
“why are you frowning now?” chishiya walked closer to you. he had came back from his walk around the jail like building. he wanted to see what he was dealing with this game so he took the chance to venture off. “i miss kuina thats all, she was my gossip buddy” you sighed leaning your had against the smoothen brick wall.
“who says i cant gossip with you?” he lifted an eyebrow at you causing you to laugh out-loud. “you? gossip? lets come back down to earth.” you had held in some giggles. chishiya opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but just shrugged with a grin spread across his lips, “well there was something i was going to tell you BUT i guess since im no gossiper you don’t need to know” he walked over to the corner near yiu putting in his headphones.
“wait what.” was all you said before quickly making your way over to chishiya taking out his earbuds, “you have to tell me now. you cant leave me hanging like this!” you whispered yelled as more people started to enter the building. “nope since you want to be all mean” chishiya closed his eyes relaxing himself into the corner. “boo you’re a party pooper” “am not.” “are too!”
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
a round had passed and nobody had died yet, surprisingly. everyone was gathered in the cafeteria like area eating snacks and drinking, chishiya had grabbed a bag of his own; the cookies were in this yellow like bag and he claimed they were the best cookies ever. “okay, tell me what you heard when you walked around chishiya” you sighed with a bored expression stealing one of his cookies from the bag. chishiya lifted his eyebrow slightly, “firstly my cookies, secondly remember the two people who looked like a boss and a secretary? i heard them fucking in one of the rooms before the game started.”
chishiya threw a cookie into his mouth nodding in approval of the flavor. “WAIT WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?” you looked at him in disbelief as chishiya slowly nodded. you had stared with a slight amused face. “i mean he is kinda cute i don’t blame her..” you giggled putting your hand over your mouth, chishiya flicked you on the forehead with a disgusted yet disbelief look. “seriously? in front of me and my cookies?”
you had shrugged while rubbing the spot he flicked, you had taken a bite out of the waffle cookies you took from the display. “well since you told me something there is something i have to tell you” the pink strawberry artificial cookie had crumbs on the side of your lips. chishiya looked at you waiting for you to say something, maybe he already knew maybe he didn’t. “well you know that urumi girl? the one in blue, from what i heard she might start killing people off. not because she is the joker but just because!” you laughed a little
“and how do you know that? we are only in the first round of many rounds.” chishiya furrowed his lips into an a line. “well didn’t you notice the way banda talked to the dude that was getting bullied and lied about his symbol? yeah that dude is gonna die and urumi is gonna tell them to kill him off since he might be the joker.” you had stolen another cookie from chishiya.
“you know if that does happen i’ll literally let you wear my hoodie for the rest of the game” chishiya smugged very confident it wouldn’t happen and guess what happened. everything you had said and he’ll be dammed. you were like a fortune teller.
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
“with this new found hoodie i feel even more confident in my skills. i’m like sherlock holmes!” you smiled proudly eating your artificial strawberry pink cookies. you had your own but you still wanted to steal from chishiya.
“you know for someone like urumi her dress is kinda underwhelming” you munched on your pink cookie staring at urumi’s dress. chishiya looked at you with a small side eye, “and how so?” chishiya was quite curious on your take about the dress. “well for starters it makes her look like a grandma baby respectfully i guess. i just don’t like the small holes in the dress it definitely looks like something my grandma would wear.”
“for starters i would keep the length of the dress since it’s not too bad but i would make due of the top part of the dress..” you pointed at the top half. of the dress; chishiya looked at you not knowing a single word, “get rid off. get rid of that and make it more of a flat dress give it some lacey look! keep the ribbon tho. its cute. as well get rid of the sleeves they aren’t it. makes her arms look like sticks. if she wants a puff look definitely decrease the size of it make it smaller. overall its a cute outfit just needs some work done” you smiled at the vision of it. definitely something you could imagine wearing.
“what.” was all chishiya said, he tried to understand it but it was too much fashion talk for his doctor sized brain. “what i’m trying to say is that it doesn’t flatter her looks” you smacked your lips stealing a cookie—chishiya simply nodded. “no and you know what! while we are in the talks of outfits let’s talk about what’s his faces hair..he hangs out with that cutie banda..” “Enji?” “YES HIM! okay.”
“why what did he do this time? is he going to die next?” chishiya snacked on his cookies watching you stare down enji as he walked to get a pack of cookies. “probably not since banda is with him but if anything he has the ugliest fucking haircut to man.” you tried to copy his hairstyle on your hair but it annoyed you so much you couldn’t do it anymore.
“like why are you having your hair over an eye and it looks untrimmed you can see the dead ends..i get it we are in what an apocalypse but there are scissors!” you huffed taking another one of chishiya’s cookies, “he looks like a walmart light yagami from death note” chishiya said outloud causing you to snicker at that. “he makes justin bueber look good with his bowl cut” you snarked—trying to keep in the laugh you held in your stomach.
“its not funny..you’re being a bully” chishiya let out a few chuckles but cleared his throat. “stop laughing you are causing us to get weird stares from urumi’s group” chishiya kicked your feet underneath the table but that only caused you to laugh some more. “i’m sorry i’m sorry but he just looks so silly..he looks like someone all the girls would have a crush on in elementary” you wheezed at that so more, “and no i’m no bully i’m just real.”
“i hope you die the next round.” chishiya rolled his eyes, “HEY THATS NOT NICE! what would you do without me?” you pouted slightly. “quite literally everything.”
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
“i have something to tell you missy!” chishiya looked a little too excited to tell you this. many rounds have passed and urumi’s group is slowly starting to become undone with a lot of players dying. “ooh you have something gossiping related?!” you cuffed your face propping your elbows onto the table.
“well i overheard that the two players that have been so ‘loyal’ to urumi are planning to kill her off next because they think she is the joker..” chishiya side eyed the two players who were obviously shaking. they were nervous urumi would catch them on their plan. “really?? i would have never thought..they seem very loyal to her.” you opened chishiya’s cookie bag taking some cookies. “this could very much be the last round. you can see how everyone is betraying eachother and want to leave” chishiya pointed out causing you to nod.
“you also know what i noticed! i noticed that walmart light yagami and the kotoko girl have been getting the same cookies and I THINK they are communicating through that..” you bit on your nail slightly. “i noticed that too..i was going to say that but i was hoping you saw it as well” chishiya hummed with a smile plastered on his face. “you really can call me sherlock holmes!” you confidently smiled placing your hands on your hips.
“i will not be calling you that.” “BOO YOU PARTY POOPER.” you wiped away fake tears, before remembering something you had saw last round. “chishiya do you remember that one girl urumi tried to kill off?”
“which one there was a lot”
“the one with the short hair? she looked no older than probably a sophomore in college.”
“oh yeah her”
“well i saw her talking to these boys asking for the symbol and they told her completely different symbol, she was so happy thinking it was the right one and guess what. she died now. it’s sad, she was too naive” you dramatically faked reared up. chishiya stared at you blankly, “so literally you as well. i could be the joker for all you care.”
“you wouldn’t let me eat your cookies and have your jacket if you were the joker so don’t even try it mister” you snarked back at him, he was slightly taken aback. “plus i don’t think you would be a joker. you would be like a king of hearts no joker.” you shrugged grabbing a handful of cookies.
“i dont think you’d survive here without me though, i mean who would keep you company and gossip with you?” you smiled eating the cookies you held in your hand, “kuina” “well is kuina in the room with us now?” chishiya formed an ‘im tired of you’ face making you smirk. “i win per usual!”
“i always win though..” chishiya looked at you confusingly. “nah i do as always. no need to be jealous” you had gotten up from your seat and walked over to chishiya pushing his hair aside to see his symbol; it was almost time for the jail cells again. “you’re a diamond.” you told him turning around pulling your hair apart so he could see your symbol, “heart.”
“see you love me too much to be the joker! if you were the joker you would’ve killed me off sooner” you shrugged as he intertwined his fingers with yours. “me in love? you’re being delusional.” he said, “well you’re holding my hand soo..” “you know too much.”
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tags — masterlist is open<3
@nanamora , @parkersmyth , @trinmadol , @noxceleste , @eissaaaa , @dr3amscap3 , @arizzu , @bwnniidump , @kerenz , @minyoungieee , @saiewithakatana
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vinylshifting · 15 days
(but my dr self!)
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Sure, they dont really care ehat i do so thats nice
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my girlfrienddd
03: Do you regret anything?
Moving to america wahh (even though it wasnt my choice)
04: Are you insecure?
not really
05: What is your relationship status?
taken <33
06: How do you want to die?
eithee in a super cool awesome way or at my own hands /hj
07: What did you last eat?
cant remember
08: Played any sports?
i like to play hockey sometimes
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
cant remember
11: Do you like someone?
My girlfrienndd
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Annoying ppl at school
14: Do you miss someone?
Not really tbh
15: Have any pets?
yes! my cat elivera
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Wouldnt you like to know
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
What does that even mean bruh
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
sleep and play elden rings
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
snake bites would be cool
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
Anything science or music
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
nope, but maybe my friends from my hometown when i was little
26: What are you craving right now?
Some zaxbys
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Nope, my girlfriend is my first (and only) relationship
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
i dont think so
30: What’s irritating you right now?
School 100%
31: Does somebody love you?
My girlfriend
32: What is your favourite color?
Grey, any shade of grey
33: Do you have trust issues?
A tiny bit
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Cant remember
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My online friend
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
I cherish every year
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
13??? maybe 14
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
No, and never plan to
51: Favourite food?
SOUP 🔥🔥 any kind i love soup
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Probably jerk off scroll instagram reels
54: Is cheating ever okay?
No never
55: Are you mean?
I wouldnt say i am
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather?
RAIN, or cloudy days. i like the cold
59: Do you like the snow?
yes 100%
60: Do you wanna get married?
To my girlfriend yes
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Only when its my girlfriend
62: What makes you happy?
My friends, Alcohol, My girlfriend
63: Would you change your name?
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Pepper spray, im locked in with my girl
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Not really
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
My mom
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My girlfriend
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
My girlfriend or my friends
(feel free to take this idea too!!)
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leonsbbg · 1 year
leon kennedy x reader
(890 words)
sweet leon helps his partner through a particularly rough night.
notes: FLUFF, bit of angst?, reader has a mini panic attack, no yn, gender neutral (leon is so sweet here please i cried writing this) this one is for anyone having a rough time. i wrote this in a time where i was very deep in my head and it helped me so i hope it can help someone too<3 ily all
"leon i- can't-" you stumble over your words. too many thoughts you want to articulate but can't quite distinguish them enough to get them out. you put your head in your hands, tears starting to spill down your face, frustration heavy on your heart.
"baby it's okay. don't cry. i know, i know." leon wraps his arms around your head and pulls you to his chest, resting his chin on top of you. he rubs his hand down your back in a comforting manner, rocking you slightly.
all of this should be enough to comfort you enough to calm you down, (it does) but you just feel so helpless. helpless that you can't express your emotions and feelings like leon can seem to do so easily.
and so you cry.
you cry because even though you can't always say what you're feeling, leon seems to know anyways. because leon is so soft and his presence can bring the greatest warmth on the coldest day and you feel like you do the exact opposite.
leon kisses the top of your head and pulls back to hold your face in his hands. he wipes away his beautiful partner's tears with the pad of his thumb and hates that he can't do the same to all the worries running around in your head.
"baby look at me." you hesitate but you trust leon with your life, your feelings, and everything else. so you look into leon's eyes and feel and see the love pouring out of them like honey.
"there you are. hi my love" leon smiles and he sees the way your eyes light up, even if it's only a little.
when he senses you still don't feel like talking, leon speaks up again.
"you don't have to talk right now. i understand, and i will wait for you forever." leon can already see the negative thoughts clouding your brain as he says that, so he quickly starts again.
"but don't you ever feel bad for it. i'm here for you because i want to be. you're not forcing me to be here, so please don't feel guilty. you have been there for me every time i've needed it so let me be here for you." leon holds both of your hands in his and squeezes ever so slightly as if to transfer his sincerity through his touch.
you search leon's eyes and see nothing but love and comfort. you know leon's right. you shouldn't feel bad. you were dating after all. but you can't help it, years of self-deprecating thoughts eating away at you.
you aren't good enough.
leon doesn't really care about you, he's only pretending.
why would he care about someone who's so messed up and broken?
you mean nothing to him.
you're useless.
leon could do so much better than you.
you cant do anything right.
you're such a fucking—
"hey love you're okay, it's okay, i'm here." you come back to yourself with your head pressed in between your knees, breathing erratically. leon's hand is running up and down your back.
"you're okay. you started to have a panic attack but you're okay." leon says in a soft voice.
i'm okay.
it'll be okay.
your breathing slowly, but surely, goes back to normal, your eyelids suddenly feeling heavy.
"come on baby, let's get you to bed, you look exhausted." leon lovingly helps you up and guides you to the side of the bed. you start to protest and tell leon you can do it yourself, but if you're being honest with yourself, you like being babied by your boyfriend every once in a while.
leon lifts the covers for you to slide under and pulls them up to your chin. he gently pushes aside a lock of your hair and gives you a light kiss on your forehead.
"leon i'm sor-" you start.
"nope. none of that. you have nothing to apologize for." leon insists as he sits on the edge of the bed.
"go to sleep. you need to rest." leon smiles down at you softly brushing his fingers through your hair.
your eyes began to droop, sleep evident in them.
leon could tell you were resisting sleep in favor of staying up with him, and he smiles at the thought.
"sleep baby, i'm right here. i'll always be right here with you."
as if a switch was flicked in your brain, you let your eyes shut and your mind wander somewhere else.
although leon knew what drowning in negative thoughts felt like, he also still found it hard to believe that his beautiful, loving, and caring partner could feel so bad about themself.
to leon, you were the most kind-hearted, hard-working, goal-driven person he'd ever seen. he found it sad how much you believed these lies you'd made up about yourself.
you lay peacefully, eyebrows not tense for the first time that evening.
leon knew it would take time, but he'd make it his personal goal to make sure you knew just how loved and important and wanted you were.
for now though, leon crawled on the bed alongside his partner and wrapped them up in his arms, pulling your back to his chest.
"you're okay. everything will be okay."
with one last peck to your exposed shoulder, leon finally let himself be pulled into blissful sleep next to the person he loved and cared for the most.
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ohmtoff · 7 months
Chasers and the Game for My Heart
Nick Sturniolo x Poc!OC Hogwarts AU
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Summary: The first time Nick meets Kevin Thomas, the seventh-year Gryffindor chaser, it’s because the boy saves him from a bludger to the face.
Contains: fluff, most probably inaccurate hp stuff, part veela!triplets, slytherin!nick, gryffindor!oc, gryffindor!chris, hufflepuff!matt, hufflepuff!madi
WC: 5053
Disclaimer: i am not a black person. to depict the character i did research by looking at @writingwithcolor and also asked the darling @nickuniversity for help, tysm girl <3 i don’t support jk rowling and her transphobic, anti-semitic, and zionist remarks (and all others i cant remember bc honestly that woman can’t stfu)
a/n: this is for the darling anon who requested poc!oc, so sorry bby that you had to wait long😭 since this is my first time writing a black character, pls don’t hesitate to criticise me if i say anything tone deaf, innacurate, or offensive. im rlly willing to learn <3 okay hope you enjoyyy!!
The first time Nick meets Kevin Thomas, the seventh-year Gryffindor chaser, it’s because the boy saves him from a bludger to the face.
Nick is getting some reading done -hiding out- up on the Slytherin quidditch stands after leaving the library, having grown tired of the group of girls that are always trailing after him sighing and batting their eyes at him, an irritating side effect of his veela heritage. He’s deep into his Herbology book making notes, trying desperately to remember the steps and ingredients to make a Strong Invigoration Draught, that he easily ignores the Gryffindor quidditch team starting practice on the pitch. He’s re-reading a passage on Sneezewort when he hears a loud smacking sound and a ‘watch out!’
Nick looks up and freezes as a bludger comes hurling towards him at top speed. He’s always had shit reflexes, a side effect of having the athletic skills of a drowning sloth, so he can’t move or really think. His brain uselessly supplies that getting his nose broken by a stupid ball when he doesn’t even play quidditch is going to suck, and yet he does nothing but close his eyes, hold his breath, and waits for impact.
Seconds pass.
No ball slams onto his face except for the wind that blows his hair out of his face. He opens one fearful eye and instead of seeing a bludger racing towards him, he sees a giant with luminous locs tied into a ponytail on a broom in Gryffindor colors and a wooden club in his hand.
“That was a close one,” the guy says with a wide smile calmly doing small circles on his broom, like Nick’s face wasn’t almost rearranged. Nick watches as one of the boy’s teammates flies by and the guy throws the club back at him.
“You’re not a beater,” Nick blurts out, his heart is still racing, his brain latching onto unimportant nonsense.
“Nope, Chaser,” he gets in answer, the smile on the boy’s face is sunny and happy like Nick has done a neat trick by noticing. “Lucky for you I was quick enough to grab a beater’s bat and get to you, would be a shame to damage a pretty face like yours.”
Nick feels his face turn red in embarrassment and irritation, it wasn’t the first time a boy teased him about his looks. “This pretty face wouldn’t have to worry if your team was better.”
“Ooh,” the boy grins, his amusement evident and annoying Nick even further. “Slytherins and their sarcasm. That wasn’t very nice, Nick.”
The boy lands his broom down to put his feet on the stand in front of Nick, giving the brunette boy a view on how tall he really is.
Nick narrows his eyes at the boy, “You know my name?”
“Male veelas are rare, even if you’re only a quarter veela, you stand out,” he gets in return with a shrug. “I pay attention.”
The guy winks at him and Nick tells himself his heart is beating out of his chest from the near-death experience and not the boy in from of him. He pulls at his green and silver scarf up, hoping it will hide any redness on his cheeks.
Is he flirting with me?
“Oh, and you got the same face as my captain, so I kinda figured.”
“Oh,” okay that makes more sense.
“Nick!” Speaking of said captain, Chris flew quickly towards him and drops onto the stand with a loud thud. “Holy shit, you okay?”
“Maybe train your team better so I wouldn’t almost get my nose beaten in, fucking idiot.”
The brown skinned boy raised his eyebrows, vision darting between the two brothers.
“Why the fuck were you here anyway? Oh look at me, reading a book at the quidditch stands like a goddamn loser,” Chris jabs back with a mocking voice.
“Putting in work as the only one with a brain between the two of us.”
“Ooh!” The boy lets out a surprised noise then cackled, putting a fist up to his mouth to stifle it.
Both Nick and Chris turn towards the laughing boy. “Shut up, Kev,” Chris lets out with a sigh while also chuckling, making the other apologize with a grin.
Chris turns to Nick again, “Be careful next time, I don’t wanna get a howler from mom. Let’s go Kev, practice isn’t over yet.” Nick was baffled and started sputtering because why the fuck should I be the one careful? It’s your team’s fault! while “Kev” groans.
As Chris flies back onto the pitch, Nick glances towards the tall boy and realizes he hasn’t introduced himself. “You know my name but I don’t know yours, I feel at a disadvantage.”
Nick gets that sunny smile again, “Kevin Thomas, seventh year Gryffindor.”
“Well, Kevin Thomas, seventh-year Gryffindor,” Nick says standing up gathering his books, “thanks for the save.”
“No problem, Nick,” Kevin answers as he mounted his broom and flew himself off the ground with practiced ease, his lips quirking upwards. “Like I said, any damage to that face would be a tragedy.”
“Ha, ha, mock the veela,” Nick says dryly. “Funny.”
Kevin gives him another casual shrug. “Who’s joking? Your face is pretty. Trust me I have spent a lot of time staring at it. Veela or not, that’s just a fact. Later, Nick.”
Nick stares after the boy with his mouth slightly parted in shock at the boy’s comment, he feels himself go red, but as he takes the steps down he can’t help the small smile on his face.
It seems now that they have introduced themselves, Kevin is everywhere in the castle. Nick’s sitting with Matt and Chris at the Hufflepuff table in the great hall, munching on their breakfast while trying to ignore the stares of girls from every house table when Kevin walks by with a group of Gryffindor seventh-years.
“Morning, Nick,” Kevin says, slowing his stride when he spots Nick. “You look lovely today,” Kevin continues, still walking but body always facing Nick even when his group has already passed by. He makes a self-satisfied smile when Nick chokes on his juice. “Enjoy your breakfast.” He finally notices the two same faces looking at him with confusion, “Chris. Matt.” Both said boys nod at him and voice their own greetings.
Nick watches him stop, swallowing hard when Kevin throws him a wink over his shoulder as he sits at his table. He notices that Kevin lets his locs hang loose today, differing from when he first met him. His locs reach his shoulder with a few strands adorned with gold jewelry. Nick turns back to his brothers red-faced, his stomach doing weird flips and jumping jacks to find them staring at him hard.
“What the hell was that?” Matt asks, the first one to recover while Chris still stares at him wide-eyed. “Why is Kevin Thomas hitting on you?”
“He’s not hitting on me,” Nick argues, sounding weak even to his own ears. Chris snorts causing Nick to make a disgruntled face at him.
“Oh shit, why does Nick look grumpier than usual?” Madi asks as he comes to sit down next to him.
Nick opens his mouth to also argue that comment, but Chris beats him to the punch.
“Kevin Thomas has a crush on Nick,” he blurts out loudly and Nick cringes, stooping down when more than one person around them looks over at them.
“Chris,” he hisses. “Shut up.”
“He said you looked lovely, bro,” Matt adds in and Madi squealed.
“Oh shit, that means my own bro thinks I look lovely, ugh,” Chris pretends to hurl at that.
“Damn, Nick, you pulled Kevin Thomas!” Madi lets out a high pitched squeal again, ducking when Nick half-heartedly tries to slap the back of her head. Nick could hear a couple murmurs and whispers from around the table and he wishes he could jump from the nearest tower.
“Guys, shut the fuck up. We literally just met a few days ago, how can he be into me?” Nick grumbles.
Both Matt and Chris snort in front of him. “You’re acting as if we don’t genetically attract people,” Matt says with a nonchalant tone. Nick ignores the slight pinch on his chest at that remark.
Chris adds, “Yeah, even Madi had a crush on us.”
“That was literally when I was a first year, can you shut up!” The fourth year Hufflepuff whines while the brothers let out a roar of laughter, embarrassed remembering her silly little crush on her best friends years ago. The triplets met Madi as a third year when she was just a first year fresh out of the sorting hat. They were at the great hall chatting when a tiny and meek girl gave them love letters then ran away. The boys at first were apprehensive with her as they were with any girl who throws themselves at them, but after she got closer to them and saw their antics, which sometimes involve burping on her face and throwing food from the dining hall at each other, she knew she just loved them as friends, and the boys did too.
“Wait, you know him?” Nick questions, ignoring the ‘duh’ look Madi throws his way. “How? I get that both Chris and Matt know him because they both play Quidditch, but what about you?”
“Everyone knows him, maybe if you join us when we watch Quidditch matches once in a while, you’ll also know that he’s one of the best chasers competing now. He’s super fast,” Madi divulges while taking a bite of the roasted chicken, judging her best friend for being the hermit that he is.
Chris nods, “That’s true, I’m so lucky he’s a Gryffindor.”
“Hufflepuff is still gonna beat your ass though in the next match. With Thomas or not,” Matt says with pride and a smug smile as a beater of the Hufflepuff team, prompting them to argue and yap for the next few minutes which Nick is used to tuning out as one with no interest at all in the sport.
Madi also had no interest in hearing them banter so she turned towards Nick with a smirk, “So, how did you meet him?”
Nick explains to her the bludger incident and Kevin’s comments after he saved him. Madi listens with a concentration she reserves for when they gossip, and everytime he tells her about anything Kevin said to Nick, she’s fully convinced that the tall boy most definitely has a crush on Nick. He doesn’t want to admit it but god did it feed his delusions.
They continued eating and as the minutes tick away, conversations dwindle and students start to filter out, drawn towards their impending classes. Nick remembers that he hasn’t done his Charms homework and lets out a long quiet “Fuck”.
“I’m gonna go, I want to stop by the library before Charms. Bye guys,” Nick walks to leave the great hall, feeling a stare on him that he knows isn’t his brothers’ or any of his admirers’ but a pretty boy with deep dark eyes.
A part of him isn’t exactly surprised when he walks out of the library and finds Kevin leaning against a wall across from him. The Gryffindor ditched his robe so he was only wearing his white shirt and grey sweater, highlighting his broad chest.
“Hey Nick,” Kevin greets him again, pushing against the wall to stand up straight to his full height, hands tucked into his pockets.
“Kevin,” Nick acknowledges, grateful he doesn’t stammer even though his heart raced faster than any chaser known at the sight of the boy.
Kevin smiles, falling into step. “Going to Charms?” he asks. Nick nods trying not to read too much into Kevin knowing what his next class is. “I’ll walk you.”
“Don’t you have a class of your own to get to?” Nick can’t help but question, even though he’s secretly thrilled at spending a little more time with the boy.
“I have time,” Kevin answers just as easily.
They walk silently towards the charms corridor on the second floor with only a few sneaky glances from both of them. As they climb the stairs, a group of fourth year Gryffindor girls walk by, giggling as they spot Nick, making him sigh. Kevin chuckles next to him and Nick shoots him an irritated look that makes him laugh even harder.
“That happens a lot?” Kevin questions moving closer to him as the girls get closer.
“More than I would like,” Nick says, ignoring one of the bolder girls, Emma, who stops on the steps and tries to give him some really awkward bedroom eyes. Nick was never one to hide his judgements so he stares back at her and cringes. Kevin takes a step even closer to him, his hand brushing against Nick’s as he does so. Startled, Nick looks up at him with wide eyes, but Kevin ignores him and instead stares at Emma until she huffs and keeps moving.
Once she’s left, Kevin doesn’t move away but continues to walk with Nick up the stairs, his hand continues to brush Nick’s and he swallows hard when in one brush Kevin hooks his pinky with his.
“There are worse things than being popular with girls,” Kevin comments like he isn’t practically holding Nick’s hand and Nick isn’t screaming in his own head.
“You would know, do you?” Nick teases back, noticing that some of the girls were looking at the taller as well. Kevin laughs at that then made an arrogant shrug.
“It is when you know it’s because of your biology,” Nick answers the previous question and in a bold attempt, moves to intertwine more of their fingers together. He lets out a small puff of breath when Kevin doesn’t pull away and he sneaks a peek at Kevin to find his gentle eyes gazing into his blue ones deeply.
“Besides,” Nick continues to brave. “Girls aren’t really my thing.”
Nick looks down to hide his blush when that gets him another tender smile.
Nick isn’t sure how he finds himself a few weeks later back in the library with Kevin sitting across from him.
That’s a lie, Nick and Kevin talk everyday ever since Kevin walked him to his Charms class. Small comments in the great hall turn to full blown conversations with Kevin sitting next to him and his brothers, and the taller boy walking him to class became a routine now with Kevin even holding his books for him. Next thing he knew, studying alone became study dates.
Kevin is working on his Herbology homework while Nick works on Transfiguration. At least he’s trying to work on it, Headmistress McGonagall likes to pop into her old class from time to time and Nick liked to be on his game, but he found that it was kind of difficult when there was a pretty boy in front of him who keeps knocking his feet against his.
The warm library lighting illuminates Kevin’s skin, casting a gentle glow that highlights the intricate gold jewelry intertwined with his locs. Today, his hair is done in a half-up half-down hairstyle with a few strands in the front left untied. His brows are furrowed with concentration and his hands are diligently taking notes, veins popping up more than usual. Nick undeniably loves serious Kevin.
“You’re staring,” Kevin murmurs without looking up from his book, his quill in hand. He looked at Nick from under his eyelashes, his lips quirking upwards. In the gentle flicker of the warm candlelight, Nick can see how those dark eyes ignite, the candle fire dancing on those irises.
You’re playing footsies with me, Nick wants to shoot back, but instead he shifts his foot, letting it slowly trail up Kevin’s leg and it’s Nick’s turn to grin when Kevin’s breath hitches and stares at him in surprise.
Nick gives him a challenging look that says ‘two can play this game’ and Nick watches, his face red as Kevin bites down on his plush lip to control his grin.
“So,” Kevin starts hesitantly and Nick frowns because it’s not a word he’s waiting to hear. He would much rather hear words along the lines of “hide” and “kiss”.
“Hogsmeade weekend coming up, are you going?”
Nick can feel a smile tugging at his lips as he watches Kevin fidget with his quill, getting some ink on his fingers. “I was planning on it.”
Kevin licks his lips as he looks at Nick. “Are you planning on going with anyone?”
Nick smirks at that, letting a small chuckle when Kevin narrows his eyes playfully at him. “Usually I would go with my brothers and friends, but Matt and Chris are both going with their housemates and Madi’s going with her boyfriend, soooo I’m all by myself unless somebody comes up and offers to accompany my lonely self.”
He stares back at the other calmly, grinning when Kevin lets out a huff. “You’re teasing me.”
Nick mockingly points at himself. “Me? Never.”
Kevin rolls his eyes but is smiling widely. “I don’t even know why I like you so much, you’re a brat,” Kevin says, the fondness in his voice taking any sting away from the words. Kevin sets aside his book and quill to give all his attention to Nick. “Will you go with me?”
Nick looks at Kevin for another moment, taking in the way Kevin looks at him with a hopeful expression, like the possibility of Nick wanting to spend time with him at Hogsmeade will make his day or more. Suddenly feeling shy, Nick nods.
Kevin rewards him with a beaming grin.
“So your mum’s a half-veela, and your dad’s a muggle-born?” Kevin asks as he and Nick walk leisurely through the chilly streets of Hogsmeade, other students walking by, coming in and out of shops. A few nod in their direction and some whisper but luckily none approach either of them, letting Nick enjoy Kevin all to himself.
“Yup. My mom’s from Portugal but she chose to go to Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons because her family hates the French,” the other chuckles, “and thanks to her, she met this silly irish-italian bloke at school who is my dad.”
“Well, say thanks to your mum and her family for me,” Kevin says and winking. Nick honest to god giggles like a little girl at that.
“What about you? What’s your family like?” Nick asks back as he bumps into Kevin when a group of third years excited to be out of the castle rush past him. Kevin puts his arm around his shoulder, pulling him close to him and away from the crowd, his arm stays on his shoulder once the group has passed and Nick finds himself being bold and snaking his arm around Kevin’s waist. Nick looks up at the taller boy who’s sporting a small shy smile.
Kevin tilts his head, “Way less interesting than yours. Dad’s a half-blood and mum’s a full-blood. Both went to Hogwarts but never met each other here. Both came to London for work where they met then they gave birth to yours truly,” he refers to himself with a curtsy, Nick wonders whether he has ever laughed this much with anyone. “Oh, and my dad fought in the second wizarding war. He was friends with Harry Potter.”
“What?! Enough about me, that fact is already cooler than any of my family lines!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, my dad’s pretty cool. Always grateful he survived and met my mum. If not, I wouldn’t be here.”
“I’m glad you’re here,” Nick admits, his cheeks tinted pink.
Kevin stops walking, with his arm still around Nick, he leans in, his forehead brushing Nick’s hair. “Me too.”
Nick clears his throat when Kevin pulls away, his face burns more than ever before. “So, where are we going?”
“What are you feeling?”
Nick gives Kevin a teasing look. “Wow, you asked me out and you don’t even have a plan? So much for feeling special.”
“You’re very special,” Kevin answers honestly instead of responding to the teasing and Nick rolls his eyes but can’t stop the wide smile from taking over his face.
“How about Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?”
Nick makes a face at the suggestion causing Kevin to laugh at him.
“Wow,” Kevin says, still chuckling, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “That’s a no.”
“That place is so tacky.”
Kevin shakes his head, “It’s supposed to be romantic, you don’t want to hold my hand over tea in a place with steamed up windows?”
“I can hold your hand right now,” Nick answers, demonstrating by doing just that. “See?”
Kevin looks down at their joined hands and then back at him, his expression pleasantly surprised.
“Yeah,” he says softly, squeezing Nick’s hand before they start walking again. “How about the Three Broomsticks then we go to Honeydukes?”
Nick nods, “Now you’re talking.”
After they got butterbeers at Three Broomsticks and picked up some candy at Honeydukes, Nick and Kevin walk slowly back towards the castle, this time with Nick’s arm curling around Kevin’s bicep.
Nick is sucking on a liquorice wand, while Kevin gambles with his taste buds with a bag of every flavor beans, Nick finds himself watching Kevin, giggling every time he makes a face about a new undesirable flavor.
“What was that one?”
“I think tripe,” Kevin answers wrinkling his nose at the taste playing it up to make Nick laugh again. “How’s yours?”
Nick gives the liquorice wand a lick before sucking on it some more, he smirks around the candy when he sees Kevin’s eyes drift down to his mouth, Nick stops and comes to stand in front of Kevin pulling the candy out of his mouth. “Better than yours, want a taste, get the tripe flavor out of your mouth?”
“Sure,” Kevin answers, reaching for Nick’s candy but Nick pulls it out of reach while stepping closer to the other. Going on his toes, he leans up brushing his lips against Kevin’s, once, twice, three times, his eyes open to watch Kevin’s reaction, taking in the way Kevin’s eyes widen and his breath shortens. Nick starts to pull back down when Kevin is spurted into action, his large hands come up and cradle Nick’s head, his fingers sinking into Nick’s brown hair, his lips slated over Nick’s, making a noise as he chases the sweet taste in Nick’s mouth.
Nick sighs into the kiss, his hands going to Kevin’s sides to steady himself, suddenly feeling lightheaded as Kevin takes his time with the kiss.
When Kevin pulls back, he keeps his forehead pressed against Nick’s, his nose brushing his and he smiles that same beaming smile he gave Nick the first time on the pitch. “You’re right, tastes much better.”
Nick is sitting with Matt and Madi again for breakfast, this time at the Gryffindor table which is buzzing with excitement for the upcoming match versus Slytherin. Chris is sitting next to them with the Gryffindor quidditch team, giving a pep talk to motivate the team and discuss strategies.
“I’m kinda offended you never watch my games but you jump to watch the first one now that you have a boyfriend,” Matt says.
Nick lets out a long groan, “Ugh, fine, I’ll watch your matches next time. Don’t expect me to enjoy it though, the supporters are barbaric.”
“You’re going to root for me, right?” Nick hears a familiar voice and turns around in his seat to find Kevin already dressed in his quidditch uniform standing behind him, his expression warm as he looks down at Nick. It’s been over a week since their date and they’ve spent every free moment together and yet Nick can’t believe this boy with his pretty smile and gentleness for him is for Nick to keep.
“Hi, Kevin!” Madi greets him loudly, interrupting Nick and Kevin’s staring. Nick watches as Kevin looks amused at his best friend and greets her back, extending his hellos to Matt who nods at him. Kevin straddles the bench Nick is sitting on, leaning in close to him.
“So,” Kevin starts, his expression teasing. “You are going to root for me, right?”
“Root for you?” Nick repeats in a mocking tone. "Against my own house? I know loyalty isn't the first trait you think of when you hear Slytherin, but I assure you we are, sorry but I'll be rooting for you to fall off your broom."
Kevin makes an exaggerated gasp at that, drawing the attention of a few students. "We’re not gonna be able to make out if I get hurt, you really want that?"
“You’re forgetting I’m a veela, I can kiss anyone.”
"None as good as me though," Kevin replies with a grin of his own, hands reaching and body leaning forward to grab a muffin.
Nick takes advantage of how close it puts Kevin to him that he leans in and presses a soft kiss against Kevin’s jaw. He smiles against the skin as Kevin brings his arm around Nick, pulling him close. He kisses him again, this time at the corner of Kevin’s mouth, enjoying the way it makes Kevin smile.
“Good luck,” he whispers against Kevin’s lips.
“Thanks, baby,” Kevin whispers, giving him a soft lingering kiss before he stands up and walks away.
Nick watches as he walks over to his teammates who are waiting for him, some hooting and hollering while Chris cringes. When he turns around he finds more than one person staring his way, but he doesn’t mind, he’s gotten used to the stares for a long time. Instead he looks back to Matt and Madi, rolling his eyes at the amused smiles they are giving him.
“You two are sickening,” Matt teases while Madi is silently screaming into the air.
They head for the pitch each going for their respective stands, by the time Nick has taken a seat, the teams are already on their brooms circling the pitch waiting for the whistle to be blown. As soon its blows there is loud cheering in the stands as Slytherin grabs the quaffle first, followed by hissing and booing when Kevin manages to recover the ball and heads for the hoops, the booing in the Slytherin stands gets louder as he scores, but Nick allows himself a smile at Kevin’s skill.
The game continues, each team evenly matched and always within a couple of points from each other, Nick can see the seekers searching for the golden snitch hoping to win and end the game for their team. Nick is more than ready for the game to finish. He loves his house and is proud to be Slytherin but he knows how aggressive they are about winning and now that they have realized just how good Kevin is at scoring, he’s become their focus, more than once a Slytherin player has tried to throw him off his broom and if the game drags any longer he has a feeling they are going to get their way.
Nick isn’t done thinking that when a Slytherin beater hits a bludger straight for Kevin, Nick watches in horror as Kevin who hasn’t noticed the ball headed for him gets slammed from behind.
“Kevin!” he yells, his scream drowned out from the cheers in the stands. He gasps, watching helplessly as the hit causes Kevin to slip off his broom. His heart beats loudly as Kevin manages to hold on at the last second, one hand gripping his broom as he dangles in the air. Kevin’s teammates rush to help, forming a line of defense to allow Kevin to get back on his broom. Nick holds his breath the seconds it takes Kevin to get seated again, letting it out once he’s back on safely. He watches as Chris talks to Kevin and whatever is said Kevin answers with a sharp nod, his face determined. Nick’s nerves are on edge for the rest of the game and when the Gryffindor’s seeker captures the snitch he isn’t disappointed about his team’s loss, he’s just happy that it’s over. The wide smile on Kevin’s face that he can see even from the stands doesn’t hurt either.
Nick is waiting outside the Gryffindor’s locker room, ignoring the looks more than one Gryffindor sends his way as they wait to celebrate with their team. A cheer goes up when the team walks out and Nick presses himself against the wall to avoid the surge, he waits but doesn’t have to wait long. Kevin spots him over the crowd and heads for him, nodding and smiling absently as his housemates congratulate him. He comes to stand in front of Nick with a smile on his face and Nick studies him, his handsome face, his kind eyes, he stands tall and beautiful.
Nick pushes himself off the wall and wraps his arms around him, his nose pressed into the crook of Kevin’s neck, he sighs as he’s enveloped in Kevin’s warmth when he returns the hug. He presses himself even closer, still letting out another happy sound that Kevin answers with a small chuckle as he runs his hands up and down Nick’s back.
“You scared the fuck out of me,” he murmurs.
“Your housemate’s fault.”
Nick pulls back to look up at Kevin’s face. “I’m hexing the fuck out of them, my brothers will help me.”
Kevin lets out an infectious laugh, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “My hero.”
“Damn straight,” Nick answers, grinning. “You’re alright, though?”
“Yeah,” Kevin answers softly. “There’s going to be a hell of a bruise on my back, but other than that I’m fine.”
“Good,” Nick lets out a relieved sigh, lifting his head in a silent request he smiles when Kevin gives him a soft kiss. “I should probably let you go, I’m sure you want to celebrate with your team.”
Kevin shakes his head, holding onto Nick. “Nope, I want to celebrate with my pretty boyfriend. What do you say we sneak into the kitchen for something sweet and then we find a quiet corner in this big castle to make out in?”
Nick grins, a laugh bubbling out of him, feeling happier than he’s ever felt. “That sounds like a plan.”
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sammysficfactory · 1 year
Fixer Upper
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ex!postpt3!Jotaro x ex!blackcoded!reader
wc: ~2.1k words
summary: Five months after your abrupt breakup, Jotaro calls you to help put him back together again.
tags: exes to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: cursing, mentions of blood and needles
notes: tumblr deleted my acc so i’m restarting with my girl fixer upper bc i cant find my nanami fic, jotaro is kind of a jerk, this is very self indulgent, i made a few tweaks
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"You look good." Jotaro says, his eyes fixed on your hand stitching his arm. It's been five months since you woke up one day to find his side of the bed cold, empty, and unmade. Jotaro had broken up with you shortly after that over text. He said that the two of you just weren’t working anymore. Now, Jotaro is inwardly grateful for the hat covering his face, as it hid how unhappy he's truly been since he left.
“Thanks, you too.” You say curtly. The silence between the two of you was awkward and deafening. So many unsaid words hung in the air like fresh laundry. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t feel angry when you saw Jotaro again, but you couldn’t help it. Questions ran through your mind at a mile a minute. Why did he leave? What wasn’t working? Why didn’t he tell me in person? Too many questions in so little time, so you didn’t ask.
“How have you been? You know since…” you trail off, alluding to his abrupt departure.
"Fine," Jotaro grumbles. He looks down at his arm as you continue your work. He's so thankful to be in your presence again, to hear your voice, to know you aren't completely gone, like so many people he loved, but he can't let you know how much this is upsetting him. He couldn’t afford to be weak, weakness was unnecessary and time consuming. Weakness got you killed. Jotaro had to be strong, just like the people counting on him call for him to be. Even if it feels like his heart is crumbling right in front of him with every second that passes.
You sigh.
“To be honest? It’s been tough, but I’ve been pushing through.” You shrug. Jotaro’s heart clenches at the thought of you struggling in any capacity, but it hurts more because he knows he was the cause of it.
"You've been pushing through," he mutters, taking a breath and closing his eyes.
"You're tough." God, Jotaro thought. I feel like such a dick for calling her over here. But he didn’t know who else would answer. There was no one else who would answer.
“This one might sting, hold on.” You look up at him before making another stitch. He winces.
You wince, you never liked seeing Jotaro in pain. Even now, it hurt your heart to see him flinch or wince in pain.
“Sorry about that.” You finish two more stitches before rising from a hunched over position and stretching your back.
“Stay here, I’m gonna get you a bandage.” You walk over to the first aid kit you brought to grab a bandage to cover his arm. You come back to where Jotaro is.
“Give me your arm.”
"I'm already holding it out," he snaps. His voice is cold, but it doesn't hide the tinge of hurt he feels underneath. He doesn't look up to meet your gaze, and you wonder if it's his pride or his guilt that keeps him from doing so. Either way, he holds his arm up to you, his hand steady now that his body has processed the pain.
You sigh, already tired of the undeserved attitude you received, but you understood him.
“Please, not today.” You mutter. You wrap his arm carefully.
“I’m all done. Do you need anything else?” You ask, a small part hoping he would need something, anything else. Seeing and touching him in such a long time made your heart feel full again, but you knew that when Jotaro decides on something, you would have to go through hell and high water to change his mind.
"Nope," Jotaro says. The arm is wrapped in gauze, the bloody needle thrown away. He sighs, and suddenly, that small part of him wants you to ask him about his day, what he'd had for breakfast, anything. If you wanted something more, you knew that you'd have to be the one to broach the subject. To broach the subject of whether or not he wanted another chance. As it is, he's holding the door open for you.
“How was your morning?” You ask, clearly not wanting to leave his presence just yet, but who could blame you?
Jotaro narrows his eyes as he considers this, the corners of his lips lifting minutely.
"Fine." He's not quite sure what to ask you in turn, and he can't stand the silence.
“It could’ve been better.” ‘With you’, you wanted to add, but decided against it. You sigh, walking out of the door reluctantly, wishing he would say something about the two of you. Even now after everything, you’d still take him back. It sounded bad, but you felt as if the love you and Jotaro shared was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and you never wanted to give it up.
He watches you leave, and it takes all of his willpower to not call you back into the room, to say he’s sorry, that he’s regretted every moment he woke up without you next to him, to admit that he would call for you in his sleep sometimes only to wake up only to be hit with the harsh reality of his choices. But that would be weak, and Jotaro had no time to seem weak. Weakness was time consuming and worthless. The look on your face tells him that he's hurt you in a way he can't undo, and he couldn't stomach the idea of bringing you anymore pain and unhappiness by getting you involved with him again. Jotaro watches you go, waiting until you're gone to let out a breath of exhaustion.
As you walk down the hall, a stream of tears fall down your face. What was the point of it all? Did he bring me over to hurt me all over again? Before you knew it, you were already angrily walking back to his door, knocking furiously.
“Open this fucking door!” You say, tears rushing down your face. Jotaro opens the door with a shocked and pained expression before quickly masking it with his usual cold and nonchalant mask.
Jotaro jumps, then freezes.
"U-" he begins, unsure of what to say. He takes two steps back from the door, knowing you're a force to be reckoned with, especially when you get upset.
"What do you want?" he asks. His voice is cold and neutral, hiding the way his heart is racing in his chest. On the inside, Jotaro thanks whatever higher power that his voice didn’t betray him.
You walk in, pressing a finger into his broad chest.
“Why’d you tell me to come here, hm? Five months, Jotaro. Five fucking months! Not a word from you. All I got was a text saying that ‘we weren’t working’. What wasn’t working? What was the problem? You just up and left! You left me! You left us!” A mix of anger, pain, hurt, confusion, and frustration paint your features.
“That’s not fair Jotaro, and you know it!”
"And this is? What the fuck did you want me to do?" He asks, a bit incredulously. It's hard not to be hurt by your anger, even though he knows you have every right to be upset. Jotaro crosses his arms over his chest, but doesn't retreat any further.
"It's not fair for me to put you through all the stuff I did. The nightmares, the anger, none of it. I did it for you. You shouldn’t have had to deal with that, Y/N."
“But I was willing! I loved you- no scratch that, I love you despite all that! I thought we could’ve helped you together.” Your voice breaks.
“You don’t think I would’ve left if I couldn’t handle it? Was it me? What was it that made you leave?”
A part of him wants, no, craves to open his arms to you, take you in, apologize, and tell you that you'll make it through this together. But the greater part of him wants to keep you safe and unhurt. You deserve the world, but how can something so hurt and damaged give someone like you their love?
"It's not you, Y/N," he says, his voice quiet.
"It's all me. I didn't think I was worthy to have your love. I still don't." he says guiltily, almost as if he was a child who was caught messing with something he shouldn’t have.
“You don’t get to decide that! I do. I decide who to give my love to, Jotaro. I’m the one who deems people worthy of loving. And I deemed you worthy a long time ago.” You sniff, not as angry but still a bit hurt. You felt for Jotaro, his time in Egypt had taken a toll on him. But you couldn’t excuse his behavior.
He looks at you, your kind eyes, your understanding heart. And he sees himself as a broken monster, filled with rage and malice and despair, and he wonders how someone can love a beast like that. If he took you back, all his wounds would inevitably bleed onto you.
“Y/N,” he says softly, like you were something fragile he was terrified of breaking,
“You can do better than me. Why would you choose… this?” You grasp at his chest and shake him back and forth.
“Don’t you get it? I don’t want better. I want you! I want you, Jotaro.” A small, wistful, hopeful laugh escapes his lips.
“Why? Why would you settle for something like me? There are so many people who could love you better than I can.” He doesn't understand why you would want him, but by god, it feels like maybe there's a chance. A chance to try again, to start anew.
“Because I don’t know how to love anyone the way I love you. It’s always been you. I don’t want to have my pick of anyone else, I want you. In all your brokenness.” You move your hands from his shoulders and cup his face. “I love you, Jotaro. I couldn’t think to love someone else.”
He stares back at you, his lips parted. His heart is pounding in his chest, and every instinct in him is telling him to kiss you, right there, so you could see just how sorry he truly was. He doesn't do it, but his fingertips rise to touch your cheek, his thumb caressing the side of your tear stained face lightly.
"Y/N," he whispers, and the way he says your name tells you everything you need to know.
You pull Jotaro into a long embrace, kissing his temple.
“I don’t want anyone else. Just you. Just Jotaro.” You say quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me.
"Just me?" he asks. Tears prick his eyes at the thought. You would really put yourself through the ups and downs of dating a man like him? Even if your feelings for him are true, there are many times when he's cold and distant, other times when he's kind and loving. It was all worth it for you? He didn’t want to believe it, because that would leave Jotaro with one conclusion. He was worthy of love, and life.
You nod.
“Just you, forever.” You were willing to go to hell and back for him, and he knew it.
"Forever?" he asks softly. His hands cup your face, and he lowers a delicate but loving kiss on your lips before he can convince himself to stop.
"You'd really accept that deal?"
Your heart feels complete once again during the kiss, though Jotaro was a man of few words, but you understood everything he said through the kiss. You nod your head.
“A million times if you asked me to.”
"I don't know what I did to deserve a woman like you," he says, leaning his forehead against yours.
"But I'll take it."
A small laugh bubbles up your chest and comes out of your mouth.
“I love you, Jotaro.”
"I love you too," he says back. A million times over. He thinks he might cry from relief, but he doubts it.
You wipe the remnants of your tears from your face.
“I wish you would’ve told me this was how you were feeling, but I understand why you didn’t. Egypt and Dio have made you tough and closed off, but there’s still a softness in you. That’s what makes you human. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be Jotaro with me, I want you to be Jojo.” You say.
"I can do that," he says, a small and tentative smile gracing his face. He is Jojo, not Jotaro, and he's going to make sure you have no doubt of that.
"But you know what happened to me," Jotaro adds,
"I’m broken in a lot of ways. Are you okay with that?"
A soft and fond smile grows. You nod.
“I understand that, and I’m ready to love you despite all of it. I knew what I signed up for the first time I told you that I loved you.”
Jotaro blinks back tears.
"You were so easy to love," he says softly, "I still can't believe you'd put yourself through my hurt and anger and darkness because you love me."
You raise your pinky finger to him.
“We’ll get through it together, just like we always do.” You say with a soft smile.
He links his pinky, eyes shining with love. "Together."
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neymarismyfave · 2 years
Dont Go Meu Amour
Pairings: Neymar Jr x Y/n
Summary: Neymar and Y/n get into a fight and Y/n has had enough so she left breaking both their hearts in the process.
Authors note: I really tried, I know I'm not the best at writing.
Warnings: Fighting, cursing and slight violence.
Fighting under the cut!
Y/n stormed out of the room Neymar following behind her "Apenas me escute!" [Just listen to me!] Neymar yelled in frustration. "Well your just going to lie to me again, so why should I!" Y/n argued back she walked into their shared room and forcefully opened the closet. She started tearing her clothes off their hangers. "Meu amor, what are you doing?" Neymar asked in confusion. "What does it look like?" Y/n responded before grabbing out a bag. "Wait no, Y/n we can talk about this!" Neymar said before grabbing her shoulders. "Don't!" Y/n said through gritted teeth. "Please meu amor, dont do this to me, to Davi!" Neymar said his eyes tearing up. Y/n turned around forcefully pushing his hands off her shoulders. "Don't bring that beautiful little boy into this!" Y/n yelled before stuffing the clothes she had tossed onto the floor into the bag. She then picked up the bag and walked over to the nightstand grabbing her purse.
"Please bebê!" Neymar said as tears started to escape his hazel green eyes. "Sorry." Y/n had mumbled before shoving past him and walking past him. She paced through the house making her way to the front door. "No, please! I'm sorry!" Neymar said tears now streaming down his cheeks. Y/n looked at Neymar's broken expression god this pained her. "Ney, I cant deal with this shit anymore," Y/n started closing her eyes. "Atleast not now." She finished opening her eyes oncemore. "Please. Dont go, stay with me." Neymar said another tear streaming down his cheek. "Remeber to pick Davi up at 5:00."
Y/n mumbled before opening the door and walking out. She shut it before Neymar could say another word. She pulled her keys out of her purse and unlocked her car. She then walked down the drive way and walked up to her car before opening the silver door. She threw her purse in followed by the bag before climbing in herself. She closed the door and once she did she broke into tears. She cried for atleast 5 minutes before pulling her shit together. She took a couple deep breaths and texted her friend Sarah before starting the car. She carefully pulled out of the driveway and started her drive. After about 20 minutes she arrived in Sarah's neighborhood. She carefully pulled onto her house street and continued driving until she saw Sarah's cozy home. She parked on the curb and climbed out of the car.
As soon as she started walking up the driveway she saw Sarah's figure rush out of the front door. Sarah met Y/n in the middle and embraced her in the warmest hugs that always made Y/n smile. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Sarah asks pulling away and examining her best friend. "Not physically, but mentally." Y/n respond quietly. "Oh that son of a bitch," Sarah said through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna beat his damn ass." Sarah mumbled. "Can I get settled in first?" Y/n asks. "Oh yes, sorry. Did you bring anything?" Sarah asks. "Um my purse and my bag, I can go get them." Y/n mumbles before turning around only to be stopped. "Nope, get your ass inside I already have 50 Shades of Grey ready." Sarah says in a calm tone. "Fine." Y/n said with a smile before walking up the driveway after handing Sarah her car keys.
She made her way inside and was instantly greeted with the smell of fresh baked cookies. She smiled before making her way into the living room and plopping down on the couch. She looked around and spotted a picture on the table. Her eyes started burning when she saw Neymars strong figure smushed between her and Sarah. She picked up the picture and held it to her chest. God she alreasy missed him but her stubborn ass was to annoyed with him to admit it. She eventually let herself cry and held the picture tighter to her chest. Sarah soon walked in to hear the mournful sound of her best friend suffering. Sarah quickly dropped the bag and purse before quickly making her way into the living room. She sped over to the couch and plopped down wrapping her arms around her best friend. "It'll be ok." Sarah mumbled into Y/ns shoulder as she wept.
Part 2 coming soon, hope you enjoyed!
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single-malt-scotch · 11 months
regarding thoughts on secret life mechanics
SO there are a lot more mechanics going on this season than i realized bc not all of it was mentioned. ill list out what i know/heard:
the tasks, of course. you complete it and you get: 10 hearts and/or rare items. if you have enough room for the 10 hearts, you dont get items. its like an overflow. if you dont finish your task nothing happens. if you fail the task you lose 10 hearts. you can role for a harder task which gives more hearts (? 20?)
you have 30 hearts for each life. imo better to phrase it as you have 30 hearts for each phase-- green is 1, yellow is 2, red is 3. you cannot regen.
you can gift one heart only one time per session.
you can enchant anything with whatever enchant and whatever level, no limits (but no helmets as always)
i have not watched every pov and only heard this from martyn's so correct me if i explained this one wrong: you can get mob eggs, which allow you to make a spawner out of them?
thats... every one that i know of and boy thats so much more than i thought. for the last one, i saw mumbo get an egg but i just thought it was a one off spawn and a rare item from the secret keeper.
most of my criticism for the Life series comes from mechanics because its what ultimately makes the season feel good. it directs how ppl play and act.
third life was exactly what it needed to be for a first season- simple.
LL brought in an active threat, and proper desperation (boogeys were killing and made it hard to trust, more lives with the ability to gift meant getting for more in order to stay alive).
While while DL wasnt at the top of my list after 3L and LL its concept was still simple and they didnt add more to complicate what was already a tough concept to handle-- two players health tied to each other.
limlife is where i started to feel a little off with the mechanics and how it made people play. it was just one new thing (like DL) with just the boogey again, otherwise it was a timer controlling life. its cool but that concept was too complicated imo and even from a technical view it was a bit broken/hard to manage. it was a strong force to make people kill but the consequences of dying got a bit too intense, and the behavior become chaotic to where the killing methods were insanely op. it was imo, hard to follow once the numbers got too low and things were just going back and forth of losing and gaining time.
now we are on SL and i know we are only one episode in so im not hating on it- just observing this series of mechanics... the new mechanics are tasks, giving one heart per person, 30 hearts w no regen, and these spawn egg things (armor enchants are not a mechanic exactly just an adjustment). this is sooooo much stuff!! i was really hoping it would just be 30 no regen hearts and maybe one other thing. because i already feel like the gifting one heart this is kind of pointless? one heart? thats like. nothing. i have little knowledge on this spawn egg stuff but i am trying to understand why its a thing, if its a task thing i think its still kind of unnecessary?? idk.
imo this season should have had one of the things: 30 hearts w no regen (w 3 life phases) or just the tasks (with some kind of tie to lives, but not the former mentioned). honestly the task thing as cool as it is, starts to make this all feel more convoluted when it starts to stack up with more and more. i dont feel like we're focused on the system of limited lives as much and its because the way you gain and lose lives becomes more complicated and in many cases the gaining and losing of hearts is so.... quick? you dont seem to stay on one of those phases for very long before you manage to get back up, there isnt really a limit of saying "nope! you cant have more!" like there was for LL when people who had another life were losing them and eventually ppl had no one to ask for more, and boogey's didnt make you gain more either ya know? Limlife let you gain more time but youd die and lose some, but then go right back and get more, with no limit to it. now, you gain a whole ten hearts which seems like way too much? and you can again just do more tasks to get more hearts without anything stopping you.
the point of this series imo is the intensity of having no way or very limited ways to get more lives and in the end, facing the fact you cannot get out of your red life. 3L kept it simple, LL made sure to stop you at some point, and DL just made it a little different but was basically the same as 3L. i think this is kind of my consensus on whats already making me unsure of this season.
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96xie · 2 years
stepping back
i think this is a topic that was bound to come up sooner or later but i think its kinda good that it was brought up so i can rethink some things. im veryyyy vocal about not having kids. everybody should expect that i will not be popping a baby out of me. nope. like have you seen the state of this world? have you seen how expensive it is to raise one?? how your mental peace is gone? how theres really no time for yourself? i love and value my alone time and peace so much like ... i really cant be sacrificing that. i can help raise and take care of my friends and family’s babies, like i can definitely do that but at the end of the day im able to have time for myself. 
i thought about being a foster parent or possibly adopt but like even those arent forsure. i just know i will not be raising a baby !!! also my mental state is so whack like, im still recovering from the trauma my parents had inflicted on me and im just so worried that what if i unintentionally treat my child the same way my parents had done to me? i would hate that so much. im still learning to love myself and to honor my body, its so difficult. 
he brought up how he would be a great dad and HONESTLY he would be !! and that kinda triggered me cuz i already implied tht i would just raise dogs and stuff. and yeah, made me a bit upset because i do like him and id like a future with him but if he wants kids and i dont, why should i continue to pursue him? like im just gonna disappoint him in the future, should i just like end it now? and now im disappointed because all these months made me believe like ~i feel like we’ll have a future together since he’s asking me to wait for him and all these stuff~ and now im rethinking it. like ive see so many stories where couples that have been together for yearssssss break apart because one wants kids and one doesnt and that makes me SO upset. ive seen how broken my parents were and i dont want that that to happen to me. im so used to disappointments that im so well guarded and im preparing myself to get away from heartbreaks. and i just want to nip this in the bud so i dont have to stress over it in the future, ya know? iono im just. ugh really. i dont want to be heartbroken in the future, i want to prevent that. and this sucks cuz YA KNOW i like him alot but if our ideas dont align, why bother trying? at the same time, we’re still early in the talking stages i guess.... i mean 7 months is kinda ..... yeah ... i mean anyways theres intentions of getting serious but i guess i can reserve this convo in person, if we ever get there.
i should just let live. maybe go on a date or two. i shouldnt be placing all my eggs in his basket. my friend something the other day that made me upset: “truthfully its gonna be hard to find someone who doesnt want kids either” and it dealt a blow on me. like ... do i have to accept that ill be alone in this lifetime? obviously alone doesnt equate to lonely but like ... am i meant to not have a lover who doesnt share the same ideals as me? yeah ... i guess thats it. i should have fun in the meantime
i need to step back, relax and just not stress out over this. yet .... i am SO stressed. im just tired of dating. im tired of wearing my heart on my sleeve. :(
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selenastaylors · 1 year
Bestie how do you talk to guys when you grew up being “ugly” and don’t feel that great about urself and are terrified of getting rejected bc my self esteem can’t take anymore hits
babe let me tell u. i grew up being “ugly” and i got my heart broken and thats who turned me into who i am today. youre not ugly. its all in ur head. and u cant let your fear of rejection get in ur way. its all abt confidence. you think past me would think im 21 year olds now and feel hot and have never been rejected and have men kissing my feet? nope. its all ant confidence and training ur mind. the minute u have confidence, a man will know it - i promise u, u will never be rejected. go out. buy that dress. buy those jeans. wear makeup. party. it will all help
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reidsnose · 3 years
Young and Beautiful
Tumblr media
overview: spencer and reader spend the day together and feel like little kids again
genre: fluff
a/n: ok i think this concept is so cute but i feel like i wrote it dumb LMAO but its fine i'm excited tho lmk if y'all like it at all :)
the setting sun peaked through the trees as you and Spencer walked around aimlessly. it wasn't often that you had days off, let alone enough to spend together. and the city was curiously empty, the usual bustle of the day having died down by evening. most people are itching to go home on a random Wednesday night.
"i really don't like the look of those clouds y/n." Spencer warned, pointing towards a large, dark gray cloud.
"i already told you i checked the weather and they said no rain!" you countered, though you had to admit the cloud looked pretty hefty. "it will probably just pass us over."
he hummed a hesitant agreement and carried on with the conversation you two were having. you looked around as the two of you talked, taking in the peace of the moment. the light breeze, the the hum of distant cars as you neared a park, the way the sunlight sparkled in Spencer's eyes as he talked, a golden tint covering the world around you.
he watched you soaking up the beauty around you, wondering if you ever saw your own. you were truly the most beautiful person alive. inside and out. he smiled to himself as your eyes lingering on the empty playground.
"you wanna go to the playground?" he asked, your eyes lighting up.
"is that weird? like were fully adults why is that twisty slide calling my name?" you giggled.
in a surge of confidence, he grabbed your hand and started running towards the playground with you, the rouge on your cheeks masked by the flush of a quick run. when he was around you, he felt like a kid again. you did too.
you tried not to think about how your hand tingled from holding his. it was only a couple of seconds and probably meant nothing, but you couldn't shed that wonderful feeling.
you guys raced to the slide, giggling like a bunch of school kids at recess. he beat you to the twisty slide, climbing quickly to the top and sliding down head first right off the end. you followed immediately after, arms stretched in front of you like superman and landing on the floor next to him.
"God, this reminds me of making a 'best friend' every time i went to the playground as a kid," you laughed, standing up and offering him a hand.
"cant say i relate to that," he chuckled, grabbing your outstretched hand and hoisting himself off the ground, sending a surge of electricity through his veins.
"oh come on! you never met another kid at the park and you two swore to be best friends forever and then never saw each other again?"
"nope," he replied, popping the p, "i didn't go to the playground much when i was little, nor was i the most sociable kid."
"hmm..." you hummed, "well i think you need to experience that."
he chuckled, but this time it was your turn to grab his hand and lead him somewhere. you two ran to get under the jungle gym, his long legs struggling to fit underneath.
"what are we doing under here?" he laughed, grunting as he pulled on his legs so he could sit criss cross.
"you're making your first ever playground best friend." you answered simply, sticking out your pinky. "do you...state your full name.."
"Spencer Walter Reid." he laughed, looping his pinky with yours.
"do you Spencer Walter Reid pinky promise that we will be best friends forever and ever?" you asked, trying hard to keep a straight face and failing miserably.
"i do." he answered, shaking your intertwined pinkies up and down after he was met with silence.
"ok now ask me," you whispered.
"do you...state your full name.." he echoed.
"y/f/n." you giggled.
"do you y/f/n pinky promise that we will be best friends forever and ever?" he asked, stifling a smile.
"i do." you answered, pinkies still linked in front of you.
"ok now what?" he whispered.
"by the power vested in me by this playground, i now pronounce us best friends forever. we may now kiss our thumbs." you announced.
he laughed confused and you both leaned in, pecking your own thumbs on the pinky promise hand, only the distance of your linked hands between your lips.
he blurted a fact on the history of kissing, how it was used in the olden days to seal the deal. he also mentioned how all the pinky promises he's ever done never involved him kissing his thumb, you laughed and said that it must be a Vegas thing.
you two used just about every piece of playground equipment, truly feeling like little kids again. giggling and screaming and being immature, your inner children completely taking over.
a clap of thunder interrupted you two while taking turns jumping off of the swings. your eyes grew wide as you looked at each other, recalling how you swore it wasn't going to rain.
just as you opened your mouth to say it still might not rain, it started absolutely pouring. the both of you were drenched in seconds, grabbing haphazardly onto eachothers hands and breaking out into a sprint, running as fast as both of you could in the direction of Spencer's apartment (which was much closer than yours).
but he did not have the long distance endurance, and to be honest neither did you and after a few minutes of running, you guys were still about half a mile away, huffing and puffing and soaking wet.
Spencer wasn't sure if most of his breath was lost from running, or from holding onto you this long. maybe a mix of both?
"lets just walk! were soaked already so who cares!" he shouted over the pitter patter of the storm, still hand and hand with you.
"who are you and what have you done with Spencer," you laughed, lifting your joined hands above you and twirling underneath.
he only chuckled a response, this time he lifted your intertwined hands allowing you to twirl again, humming a classical piece horribly off key.
the two of you started dancing down the sidewalk, spinning and jumping and swaying and leaping and laughing til you could barely stand. his lanky limbs flying left and right as you took turns humming different styles of music, even opting for an Irish jig at one point. and all in the pouring rain.
this was arguably the most fun either of you had ever had and we all know what happens to time when you're enjoying yourself. before you knew it you guys had arrived at his apartment.
water dripped from the both of you as you ran up the stairs, slipping and sliding all over the place.
"let me give you some of my clothes to change into so you don't have to drive home all soaked," he offered, unlocking the door and beckoning you to come inside.
"thanks bestie," you giggled, suppressing a shiver as you stepped inside.
he grabbed two towels, handing you one as you followed him into his room and watched him searching his dresser for something to give you.
he gave you a pair of sweatpants and told you to pick any sweater you wanted, causing you both to turn a deep shade of red as you realized you were sharing clothes.
he grabbed some clothes for himself and went to go change in the bathroom, letting you use his bedroom for more privacy. it was always the little things he did for you that made your heart burst.
you pulled his sweater over your head, taking in the smell of him that lingered on it. you smiled to yourself as you did, realizing you're already close enough with him to recognize it.
you finished changing and walked out of his room, seeing him reading on his couch, lounging in comfy clothes.
the sight of you in his clothes left him speechless, he imagined if you two were dating this might be a common occurrence. he shook his head of the thought and stood up as you offered him a smile, grabbing your keys off of the counter.
"thank you for today Spencer, it was.." you looked up at him trying not to get lost in his eyes, "..so much fun."
"thank you for making me feel like a kid again, there aren't many people who can do that. i don't know what i would do without you" he smiled, stepping slightly closer to you.
you couldn't believe your ears, or what was about to come toppling out of your mouth. he was just being so sweet and sentimental, your brain short circuited.
"love you forever." you blurted, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.
to your surprise (and delight), he stuck out his pinky, which you gladly looped with your own.
"love you more." he professed, leaning in to kiss his thumb.
him admitting this gave you an incredible rush of confidence and as you both went in to seal the deal of the pinky promise, you tightened your pinky with his and pulled your hands down, pecking his lips with your own.
it was a quick kiss but you still felt like you were on top of the world.
Spencer barely had time to process what had happened before it was already over. he couldn't believe it. the perfect kiss with the most perfect girl and he nearly missed it.
he pulled you back for one more, slightly longer kiss, just to make sure. you both smiled into it, floating around on cloud nine.
you pulled away and smiled widely at his lovesick face before giving a small wave and walking out the door, scampering down the stairs and out to your parked car.
he snapped out of his daze and ran to the window, waving goodbye to you with the worlds dopiest smile on his face. it dropped suddenly as he realized he never truly asked you out on a date.
"y/n!" he called from the window. you looked back up at him and waved, "do you wanna go out this weekend?"
you laughed before calling back at him, "its a date!"
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru
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Guess who’s finally completing Asks? THIS GIRL!!
Ask for @moontail13
Also sorry this is longer than I intended it to be 😅 Hope you like it!!
Hajime Hinata X Tiny Reader
Third person POV
He was snoring. And it's not even those snores that are like "Omg my baby is sound asleep Ahaha-" nope. They were deep and LOUD snores, coming from Hajime Hinata himself.
Y/N was situated on the nightstand next to Hajime Hinatas bed. Well- to Y/N That bed seemed more like a sea of mattress, considering that they were so small compared to it. Y/N was about 4 inches tall- a little taller than the average middle finger. A while back, they had been shrunk in one of the sick sick games that Monokuma had done on the island. Ever since then, Hajime took it upon himself to care and protect Y/N.
Did he have a crush on them? Absolutely.
Was he ever gonna admit it? He's hajime, of course not.
Hajime had been able to buy a one room apartment just for the 2 of them. And now y/n was getting annoyed because it was absolutely freezing!! Y/N felt like an ice box about to hit it’s freezing point. Hajime had provided blankets and more blankets but it just wasn’t working. So- Y/N decided to stand up and-
"HAJIME!” They shouted at the top of their lungs, I mean what else could they have done. They couldn't sleep because they were cold- and the heat was broken…
"AH WHAT??" I woke up with a start. I was sleeping soundly, having nice dreams, all the way until I heard Y/N scream at me. I reached over..... being careful to not hurt them as I turned on the light by my night stand.
As the light lit up, at least a part of the room, I saw y/n. They had their arms crossed, clearly indicating that they were annoyed with me. They were also trembling, like they were cold or something… it's not that cold in here, right?
“Hey, what is going on? why did you yell like that?” I asked them, being careful not to speak too loudly. I saw them looking around the room, trying to avoid my eyes. It seems like they felt embarrassed for waking me up. It took a good minute or so before they actually sighed and began to speak.
“I'm cold. I know that sounds like I'm a toddler complaining, but I would just like another blanket, and I know that you have to go and get it, and I feel really bad for waking you up, but I'm cold… yeah.” They said to me, clearly being upset.
They were afraid to tell me that?! That is a perfectly valid reason, at least in my eyes, to wake me up.
I don’t want them to be afraid of expressing their concern like that- I don't want them to be uncomfortable here either. I want them to feel safe and cared for. I want them know that this is their home, but they can always tell me things.
“You were afraid to tell me that? Hey, I'm glad that you woke me up, ok? Crap, Now I feel terrible because you’re freezing and it's my fault that the Goddamn heat is broken.” I said back.
Y/n had their arms crossed and now I could see they were clearly shivering from the cold. Fuck I’m just- I’m so stupid I- I should’ve gave them more blankets or- something! “It’s not your fault hajime… the stupid heater broke on its own. Don’t blame yourself for that-“. They said while now looking directly at me.
So small… but yet such a big heart… they’re just so- so caring. They’re literally everything that I’m not. I just- cmon hajime just- tell them how you really feel! I cant… I know they wouldn’t love me back- I’m just not their type and I can feel it…
“Hello? Earth to Hajime?” Y/N snapped me out of my thoughts. “Yeah- yeah uh- yeah. Uh- cmon think hajime think… Hey can I pick you up?” I asked them- I had the perfect way to keep them warm… and safe just in case something happens. Why didn’t I think of this before- I really hope they’re ok with this though.
Y/N looked around the room unsurely, probably because the question was prompted so quickly. “Sure… go ahead.” They said. I carefully reached my arm over, making sure not to knock anything over in my path. Y/N looked like they were bracing themselves and preparing to be picked up.
“Alright, here we go” I said as some type of warning.
Before I knew it, large and warm fingers were wrapping around my body. He was so gentle with me … and because I was freezing cold- I just wanted to melt into his heated hand. It felt so good, like a warm blanket. I mean he’s picked me up before but- This just felt different.
I was lifted into the air, the wind hitting me softly, While I was awaiting my new destination. Why was he picking me up again? “Ok I’m just gonna…” he said, I looked to see where I was headed. Oh- oh he’s- hes uh…
Hajime pressed me up against his chest, shifting my body so that I was I was laying on it and his hand was protectively covering me. It felt so… good. Just the warmth engulfing my entire body… the feeling of protection, hearing his calming heartbeat, and feeling his soft skin up against mine. If I’m going to be honest, I never wanted to leave.
“Is that at least a little better?” I heard his voice come from above me, making his chest vibrate as he spoke. “A little better? Are you kidding?!! This feels SO much better-“ I told him. I heard him lightly chuckle at my comment, sending waves through my body as his chest went up and down.
“I’m sorry but I didn't think of this before. I'm just over here, warm, while you were freezing to death! I'm sorry." he apologized again. This may be a bad thing, but he always thinks everything is his fault ever since I got shrunk- and he always tries to apologize. I think it's kind of cute, but I need him no that he doesn't have to blame himself for everything.
“Hey, stop apologizing. I'm fine, you're fine, everything is fine.” I said. I could feel his body tense up below me, only a little though. “I'm sorry that I keep- oh, I'm doing it again, aren't I?” He apologized yet again. I can't believe he apologized for apologizing. “You're starting to sound like Nagito, blaming everything on yourself. That's not a good sign.” I said.
“Yeah, you're right, let's not do that.” He said causing me to giggle a little bit. “Hey, can I ask you something really quick?” I asked him. I just had one question that was in my mind, and it's been in my mind for a while. I mean, if the answer is yes, then I'll be so happy, but if it's no I'll still respect him and stuff. I just have to know.
“Fire away” he spoke. I felt like I needed to be a little bit more intimate with him that I ask him this. I mean, it was a serious question. “Yeah, I can you. Can you bring me up to your face really quick?” I asked him. I heard him hesitate before speaking. “Sure, yeah, sure, yeah, yeah, ha ha.” He sounded really nervous when he said yes, I think he knows what I'm about to ask him.
I felt his hand curl around me once more and the wind hit my face as I was being lifted into the air. I kind of miss the heat from his chest, but his warm hand was making up for it. Before I knew it, I was face to face with him, my body only a couple inches away from his eyes.
“Hajime do you have feelings for me? Because… I- I love- yeah I love you. Uh.. yeah. If you don’t that’s fine…” There I said it. And the moment I said it, I saw his eyes go wide like I just asked him to kill his mother. I don't know if that was a good sign or a bad sign, but I could tell that he was really nervous regardless. My heart was racing awaiting an answer because I love him, I really loved him.
And I was praying, that he loved me back. Because if he doesn't, things are going to get awkward. He just stared at me, breathing in and out slowly. “Can you please say something? Don't make me look like an idiot…” I told him.
“Im- you- you- like- you- I'm just gonna…” Hajime decided to take it upon himself to move me in his hands. I found my self being moved closer and closer to his lips, which are about the size of the top half of my body. Was he going to- there’s no way that he was-
I felt his lips connect with my body- holy shit. He’s actually kissing me. It was quick- and swift- the cold air came faster than I wanted it to. But he actually… kissed me…
I was pulled away from his lips and he looked at me with the dearest smile. “I love you too Y/N.” He told me. I felt my heart leap out of my chest and a tingling feeling engulf my body. It’s happening… it’s finally happening… Hajime Hinata told me that he loves me.
“And I’ll always be there for you… and care for you… ok?” He said. I flashed him a smile, indicating that I appreciated every word that he said. This was just so nice. “Wow…. Hajime Hinata is actually telling me how he feels?? Wow- that's a game changer, and weird, did someone put you up to this? Did Nagito put you up to this?” I joked.
“Nagito? Hell, no. This is all me.” He reassured me. “So are we like a couple now?” I asked him. He looked over to the side and then back at me like he was still nervous about all this new couple stuff. He semen to shake it off pretty quickly though and smiled.
He brought me closer to his face yet again and kissed the top of my head. Afterwards, I was pressed up against his cheek, which was so warm too. It was like he was attempting to hug me and I liked this much better than a regular sized hug.
“I would love to be a couple.” He spoke as he cuddled me. “I would too” I said.
I can't believe my night started off with me freezing to death and ended off with me finally connecting with the love of my life. And even though he was big to me, I knew he would never hurt me.
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nyxerebus · 3 years
Unlikely Companions (Daryl Dixon x Female reader/ PLATONIC! Carl x Reader) PART 2 !
Part 1: Unlikely Companions 1
here it is! Part 2. its a bit shorter but i hope you like it! Might make a part 3 :) heheheh.
“Oh, my sweet girl. I got you, I got you” Daryl was whispering sweet nothings and comfort into her ear. “(Y/N)” She looked up when a familiar voice called out for her. Two smaller arms wrapped around her neck and she looked back into Carls eyes. He was crying as well. Daryl looked very surprised, (and a bit angry) as Carl pushed him back to hug (Y/N). “I’m sorry I left you” He sobbed out. “Its okay, really I’m fine” It was hard being convincingly fine, when she was covered in blood with her shirt, and pants ripped open, and after just crying her eyes out.
“We should head back, you need to be checked out by Hershel” Rick spoke up. All the boys nodded. Daryl stood up and helped her up. When she was standing again, she noticed how bare she was. Her entire shirt was open, and bra was pushed down a bit. Her pants were unbuttoned and showed the front of her panties. “Oi! Quit ya’ starrin’! Fuckin’ perverts!” Daryl shouted and moved so he was blocking the guys view on her. A choir of ‘sorry’ came from the guys. They turned around and let Daryl help her get dressed. “Can you get my backpack? It’s the orange by the tree?”
“Why cant you get it yourself?” It sounded harsh and mean, but she knew better. She knew that this was his way of checking if she was hurt. “Okay, promise not to freak out too much” It was a stupid question, he was going to freak out even if she told him she broke her nail to hard. He nodded. “One of the guys might have stabbed me in the thigh, just a little bit though!”
“You promised not to freak out!” She huffed out and moved her hand, that had been covering her wound. Blood was covering her hand. It didn’t really hurt, and she hadn’t noticed it until they stood up, that was mostly because adrenaline was still pumping through her body. She knew that when that died down, her bruises and wounds would hurt like a bitch. “Sit back down” He, carefully, pushed her down again and walked over to her bag. When he handed it to her she had buttoned up her pants. She fished out an hoodie. “Can the others see me?” She asked him, nervous about a group of strangers seeing her half naked. “Nah, I would beat’ them down’ if they peaked. Don’t ya’ worry’” He still stood in front of her and shielded her body. He looked back to make sure they weren’t looking, and yeah. They wouldn’t dare. But when his head turned back to her, his heart broke. She had taken of her ruined shirt and was about to put on her hoodie. But her soft skin was littered in bruises and scars, bruises and scars that weren’t there when they last saw each other.
He was going ask about the bruises, but she quickly covered the body with her hoodie, or more accurately, his hoodie. A smirked made it way on his (gorgeous) lips. The hoodie reached her down to her knees. “Come on, lets get you checked out”. He threw her bag across his shoulder, with his crossbow. (Y/N) was getting up, winching when she put her weight on her injured thigh. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt his arms wrap up under her thighs and behind her back, hoisting her up into a bridal style carry. (Y/N) didn’t protest and just let him do his thing, she knew he needed to take care of her.
When they got out of the forest, she saw a beautiful farm house with large acres. They walked over to the farm house. “Hey” She looked down and was met with Carl looking up at her. “Hey big man” He didn’t say anything else, just walked by her. “Carl!” Lori shouted and ran up to him. She hugged him and reached for Rick, “What happened?” When her eyes landed at (Y/N), “Who is that?”
“Hey, I’m (Y/N). Me and Carl have been camping together for- Will you please let me talk to her?” Daryl didn’t let her stay and chit chat with Lori. He walked straight pass her and into the house. “Nope, ya gotta get some medical help. Ya can talk later”. (Y/N) wayed back with an apologetic smile, to the very confused group of people. “Hershel! Where ya at!”. And old man walked out of what she assumed was the kitchen. He had an very annoyed look, until he saw her. “Who is this?”
“My girl, and she needs your treatment” Daryl didn’t let him answer and just walked into the room Carl had been staying inn when he got shot and laid her down on the bed. Hershel realized the importance of it when he saw blood on her hands and pants and the beginning of a huge bruise on her collar. “What happened”.
“Some assholes attacked her, she got stabbed and god knows what” Daryl gruffed out. “Where is the wound?” Hershel calmly asked, getting some equipment from a drawer. “On her thigh”
“Luckily that limits the damage, none of your organs are compromised” He sat down on a chair by the bed. Daryl was standing on the other side, holding her hand. “Now I am going to have to cut off your pants, pushing them down will only worsen the injury I’m afraid” She nodded, letting him do what ever just to heal her. Hershel carefully gut open her pants. Daryl didn’t like him having a knife so close too her skin, but bit back his complaints and worries. The stitching up went fine, though Daryl needed to hold her thigh down so she wasn’t squirming to much.
Even with the pain killers, her wound hurt, it hurt a lot! After the stitching, he had examined her head, concluding she had a concussion and a broken rib. Daryl had held her hand through the entire time. Never letting go. The darkness had reached the farm and Daryl and (Y/N) was huddled around a small campfire. She was laying in his arm crook, his arms and a blanket wrapped around her. It was silent between them, few words exchanged. But he would often place a kiss on her head and rub her arms and hands.
They only got a few minutes alone, until most of the group came and sat around the campfire with them. “Sorry, we wanted to let you guys have some time together, but we needed to ask you some question and get to know you a bit” Rick sat on the opposite side of them. Carl and Lori on either side of him. “I get that, I do! I’m an open book, ask away!” She wanted to seem as warm and welcoming as possible, knowing that Daryl was staring daggers at everyone of them. He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms tighter around her, almost using his arms to protect her.
“Before you all interrogate her, I just wanna thank you. Carl told me everything, and, and you saved his life” Lori was tearing up. “I want to thank you for saving him and taking care of him. For returning him back to us. Thank you” Rick nodded along, saying a thank you as well. “Can I ask a question?” Glenn was speaking up now. “I don’t mean to be rude, but how are you together? You are so, different!” This made her chuckle. It was true, they were very different. “Well, we met at the diner I was working at, and I don’t know. We just kind of clicked” She looked up at Daryl, smiling up at him. “For me it was love at first sight”.
As the night continued, (Y/N) answered all their questions and asked her own. Even though she couldn’t talk to Carl alone, she sent him some smiles through the conversation. He would always grin back. But she felt her eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. For the first time since the new world begin, she could sleep peacefully. She was never afraid when Daryl was holding her.
“Shhhh, (Y/N) is sleeping” Carl hushed everyone when they got a bit louder. They all looed over at her and sure enough, there she was; looking like an angel. “She didn’t sleep much when we were out, never more than three hours”
“Reckless woman” Daryl muttered out, wrapping the poncho tighter around her. He saw her shivering and saw the campfire dying down. “I’ll go get more wood” He didn’t allow anyone say anything, he just carefully lied her down (using his west as a pillow and slipped it under her head).
When Daryl disappears into the darkness, whimpering filled the camp. “Is she having a nightmare?” Lori asked. “N-no, get away” (Y/N)’s sleepy voice whispered out. “Should we go and get Daryl-” Carl stood up and walked over to her. “She did this last night, I can stop it” Everybody looked at Carl confused, and Lori felt her motherly protective side kick inn when Carl laid down next to (YN). She had to remind herself that too Carl she wasn’t a stranger and wasn’t a threat to any of them.
“What are you doing?” Rick whispered out, being very surprised when Carl threw his arms around her waist and snuggled into her back. Her whimpering slowly calmed down and eventually died down. No body could deny the sweetness of the moment between the two, it was clearly Carl had become very attached to her after their days in the woods.
“Oi! The hell is going on here” The sweet moment was cut short when Daryl retuned. He eyed Carl suspiciously as he stirred in the fire and added more wood planks. “She had a nightmare” Carl’s voice was muffled with her back. “I calmed her down”. Daryl felt his heart shouting at him, shouting for him to hold her and make sure she was okay. But there was something in the way, or more someone.
“Move kid” Daryl kicked at his feet, becoming tired of the child separating him from his love. Carl refused, snuggling even further into her back. Daryl was about to pull him off her when she turned around. She was still asleep but wrapped her arms around Carl and pulled her into him. Carl looked surprised but allowed her to pull him closer. Daryl huffed out but sat down next to her. His hands could not keep off of her and caressed her arm and back.
“Its getting late, we should head to bed. Como on carl” Fake snores could be heard from the young boy, hoping he could stay here if they thought he was sleeping. It didn’t work. “Nooooo” Rick pulled him up and carried him off, not without getting an ear full of complaint from the young boy. The incident woke her up, she looked around startled. Forgetting where she was. She sat up abruptly fearing the worst when she felt Carl being pulled away from her arms, reaching for her bow. “Its alright (Y/N), yar safe” Daryl reminded her that she was safe, no longer in the woods. She sank back down into his arms. “Go back to sleep baby, your safe” He reassured her and rubbed her back, calming her down, but she couldn’t sleep. Her body was so used to only three- or four-hours naps.
They both walked back to his tent, the wind picking up and they needed ‘walls’ to protect them from the cold winds. It was pretty small, so they had to huddle close together to fit on the small cot. She was practically laying on top of him (not that any of them mind). “God, I still can’t believe you’re here” Daryl whispered into the darkness. Her head was laying on his chest, being lulled into sleep by his steady heartbeat. “When it started, I went to your campus. But it was a mess, I feared the worst” She could hear his voice breaking. She lifted her head. (Y/N) knew to well what he talked about. When she left it was a mess. Dead everywhere. She barely made it out herself. Still amazed that she survived that.
“Don’t think about it, think about how I’m here! Were together and I am never leaving you” She was stroking his cheek, he nuzzled into her hand. “I know, I know. But, (Y/N), baby, I need to know. What happened to you before you met Carl” He was scared to ask, scared to hear about how she got her scars and bruises. She took a deep breath and told about how it took her a week to escape her dorm. Because the halls were filled with the dead, she was alone, starving, until she finally broke out. It costed her a lot, having too run through broken glass, and being pushed and pull by hundreds of hundreds of hands. Tears welled up in her eyes at the memory of having too drive her knifes and arrows into her friends and teachers. “Come her’ sweet girl” Daryl pulled her square against his chest. Rubbing her back. “It felt good to take care of Carl” She admitted. “To take care of someone and not being forced to kill was good” She would often take care of those around her, taking a motherly role. Daryl knew this, remembering how she would often pack him lunch, make sure he slept and getting him to take care of her.
“But when those guys attacked us” She held back a sob. “I was so scared Daryl. They held me down, a-and” she couldn’t finish the sentence. Daryl pulled her even closer, anger building up at the memory of finding them holding his girl down. “If you hadn’t come, if they had caught up to Carl, god, I cant think of what would have happened if they had gotten us both” Tears were rolling down her face.
“baby, we can’t thin’ too much about’ it. It will drive us’ crazy” Daryl could not stand the thought about what would have happened. “We need to sleep” He needed her to sleep. “I cant” He looked down at her questioning. She didn’t meet his gaze. “I’m afraid” His heart broke for the tenth time that day. “Ya need to sleep’, Carl told me ya’ haven’t slept good- so I will stay up and watch out, okay?” She was hesitant but agreed. Feeling safer knowing that he was watching over her, that’s how she was able to fall asleep at the fire.
“I will stay up for ya, stay up forever if I have to”
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Cameras and crushes
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Warning: Alcohol, small mention of death, pure fluffiness 
Summary: Y/N is used to being a background character someone you glaze over but never really notice. But more recently she longed for someone to see her, well she longed for a certain redhead to see her. 
A/N: Wrote this for @theweasleysredhair​​ writing challenge based off the prompt “You remembered?” very proud of this fic so i hope you love it as much as i do. All feedback is welcomed :))))
italics represent a flashback 
Taglist: send me a message if you would like to be added @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​​
Y/N is very content with being a background character, she’s quite used to it actually. Growing up with 3 older and much louder brothers she was pretty happy with sticking to the sidelines, letting them be noisy and crazy while she kept to herself. Y/N grew up with mostly boys around her, her mother passed away when she was young. Y/N would always beg her brothers and her dad for stories of her mother, wanting to feel closer to her. Y/N’s dad would fondly retell memories of his beautiful wife, reminiscing on how witty and charismatic she was. He’d mention all the small, quirky things she would do which made him fall hard and fast for her. Y/N longed for that kind of love, she longed for someone to take notice of her in the way her dad did for her mum. Ever since Y/N was a little girl she yearned to be heard and seen but that proved difficult when you’re as shy and quiet as her.
Judging by most of the people in Y/N’s life she seemed to attract the boisterous types, guessing her quiet nature balanced them out. She loved her friends with her entire heart, even if their personalities were the opposite of hers, Y/N wouldn’t change their qualities if she could.
One of her friends, although still lively and vibrant as the others, also had a calm and tranquil side to him. George Weasley. Y/N had only known George for a few years having met at Lee Jordan’s 18th birthday 3 years ago. Somehow that night she had ended up climbing a tree with the tall redhead whom she had only met 30 minutes prior.
“How the hell did you get up to that branch?” Y/N mumbled, trying to figure out how to reach the higher branch where George Weasley was currently sitting, his long legs swinging back and forth as he chuckled at the girl below him.
“I used that branch sticking out there and then swung my leg up to get here.” George points to the branch to the girls left. 
Y/N grunts as she attempts what George said but huffs and pouts her lip feeling defeated, “you forget that I have little legs, unlike you Mr. giraffe.”
George rolls his eyes and stretches his hand out, “try again, I’ll help pull you up.”
Somehow, George manages to pull Y/N up and they sit comfortably next to one another up high in the tree. “There you go little bunny, don’t go falling off now.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at the nickname wishing she had brought her cider up with her feeling very self-conscious and unsure of what to do her shaking hands.
The pair fall into a comfortable silence, watching the party goers below them gathered around a very intoxicated birthday boy chanting as he chugs another beer, “we love to drink with Lee cause Lee is our mate and when we drink with Lee he gets it down in 8…7…”
Their voices drown out as George gently nudges Y/N’s shoulder pulling her attention back to him, “soo, Y/N I hear you’re not much of the talker?”
Y/N blushes hard grateful for the lack of light outside. “No I guess not. Not many are interested in what I have to say.”
George smiles, his eyes not leaving the girl beside him, “well I am. Tell me something.”
Y/N chews on her bottom lip nervously and looks back at the drunk crowd, “like what?”
George shrugs, he didn’t really mind what the conversation was about, he just wanted to hear the pretty girl speak. “I dunno, anything. Tell me about something that makes you happy.”
Y/N racks her brain for something to talk about, her palms getting sweaty from the long silence. Finally, she settles on something that always fills her with joy, her mother.
“Um okay so,” she starts staring at the leaves swaying in the tree, pushing down the anxiety. “Before my mother died she always had this film camera with her, my dad used to joke around saying that she loved this camera more than him,” Y/N chuckles quietly before continuing “She would take photos of the most random things, we have this big box back home filled with all the photos she ever took with that camera.” Y/N pauses, fumbling with her fingers. “I wish we still had the camera. You see after my mum passed, dad had to look after us 4 kids and with only one income coming in, it was pretty tough. For my 12th birthday I reeeaaally wanted a new bike, I’d complained for years that I couldn’t have my brothers old one because it was a gross boy’s bike. So, my dad sold my mums camera to get me a pink one. Kind of wish he didn’t because I would have loved to still have mum’s camera with us.”
Y/N finished and chewed her lip realising speaking about her dead mother probably wasn’t a great conversation piece, but any story of her mother always made her feel warm inside.
George hadn’t taken his eyes off her throughout the whole story, his heart fluttering when her eyes had lit up as she spoke about her mother.
“I’m sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear, it was the first thing that popped into my head.” Y/N mumbled.
George simply shook his head and replied, “you don’t ever have to apologise to me for saying what’s on your mind Y/N. I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.”
For the first time in a while, Y/N felt seen.
Y/N’s phone dings and she pulls it from her pocket to read the message.
-Hey bunny :) so 4 tonight, we’re aiming to get to urs at like 7. does that work for u?
It was from George. Even if she didn’t have his number saved, she’d be able to tell it was from the redhead simply from his choice of nickname. Y/N hated when he called her bunny but George insisted on using the nickname ever since Lee’s 18th mainly because he thought it was cute not that he would tell her that.
Y/N’s heart thumped harder in her chest purely from the fact that George had texted her. Her crush on George had amplified over the years of knowing the boy, feeling both thankful and uneasy at the fact that he had so effortlessly slotted into their tight friendship group mainly because he was always around making Y/N a stuttering mess.
Y/N’s fingers fumble as she types out a response, it was her birthday today and all her friends we’re persistent in throwing her a party. They had agreed to a small gathering at Y/N’s place, Y/N didn’t want them to make such a fuss over it.
-Hey Georgie, 7 is perfect! Cant wait.
-See u then bunny, hope ur ready to get ur drink on ;)
-IDK, after the other weekend I dont think im ready to face alcohol again
-nope! no excuses from u, u only turn 21 once
Y/N chuckles at George’s message and goes back to tidying her house, ready for tonight.
As soon as it hits 7pm her friends are barging through her front door lugging drinks.
Each of them greet Y/N giving her a hug and wishing her happy birthday.
“We’ll do presents later, first let’s get some drinks into us!” Angelina cheers as she starts to mix some deadly concoction. Alicia connects her phone to the speaker, the living room filling with music.
Y/N jumps as a voice pipes up from behind her, “happy birthday little bunny.”
She turns facing George as he places a brightly coloured wrapped box on the counter with the other presents. He opens his arms, engulfing her into a giant hug. Y/N wraps her arms around his waist, giving him a tight squeeze, “thanks” she mumbles into his chest before pulling away looking up at his warm eyes. They stare at each other for a second before the moment is broken when Fred places something on Y/N’s head.
“A birthday tiara for the birthday girl” Fred states loudly, Y/N glances at the mirror hanging from the wall on her left sees a plastic silver and pink tiara perched upon her head.
“Oh god,” Y/N mumbles adjusting it slightly.
Lee shouts over the music, drawing everyone’s attention over to him. “Okay everyone, the ever lovely Angie has made us each a questionable looking but delicious drink to start the night. So get your butts over here and let’s get this party started!”
A few hours and many, many drinks later, everyone is huddled in the living room, sitting on the couches watching Y/N open her presents. So far, she had gotten some perfume from Angelina, chocolates and a gorgeous photo frame from Alicia and Fred and Lee had gifted Y/N with a bottle of wine and voucher from the little boutique at the corner of her street. Y/N’s cheeks were hurting from smiling so much and her heart swelled at the sweet gifts her friends had gotten her.
“Okay, only one left,” Alicia says, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Probably the best one,” Fred whispers to Lee.
“Of course it’s going to be the best one you idiot,” Angelina says as a matter of fact, overhearing the two boys.
George, who is sitting to Y/N’s right, hands over the brightly colour box, trying to hide his excitement and nerves. “Here you go Y/N, happy birthday.”
The box feels heavy in Y/N’s grasp as she places it in her lap tearing off the wrapping paper. Y/N glances around, noticing everyone’s eager eyes on her. She sees Angelina nudge Alicia’s side smiling at each other knowingly. Y/N furrow her brows, slightly confused then draws her attention back to the box. She ripped off the paper carefully and uncover a brown box, no hints as to what is inside.
“Oh my god, hurry up and open it the suspense is killing me!” Fred says impatiently, George whacks him across the head telling him to shut up.
Y/N take off the lid and immediately her mouth gapes open finally seeing what’s inside. She shakily lifts the film camera out of the box and hold it so gently as if it’s made of diamonds and gold.
Small tears prick in Y/N’s eyes, shocked and surprised at George’s gift, it looks exactly like the one her mother had.
She manages to squeak out a small, “you remembered?” referring to the first conversation they had 3 years prior.
George has a small smile etched onto his lips. “Of course I did, I remember everything you tell me. I take a lot of pride in knowing everything about you actually.” He says, puffing his chest out proudly.
“Yeah like what?” Y/N cradles the camera in her arms.
“Well,” George starts. “I know that you hate the smell tequila because it reminds you of your 18th when you spent most of the night by the toilet. I know that you can’t sleep if the room is dead quiet. I know that you love buying plants but can never seem to keep them alive. I know you never wear matching socks because you think it’s a fun way to spice up an outfit.” He finishes smugly.
Alicia and Angelina let out a small aww in the background reminding Y/N of the 4 other sets of eyes watching her and George right now.
“Well there’s one thing you don’t know about me.”
“Yeah? What’s that then?” George counters.
Y/N doesn’t know where she musters up the courage from to speak the next words, maybe from the alcohol buzzing through her body or finally being sick of keeping this to herself for the past 3 years. Whatever it may be, she’s rather proud of herself, ignoring the way her stomach churns.
“That I have a huge crush on you.”
She expected George to laugh in her face before rejecting her gently. What Y/N definitely didn’t expect was him to cradle her face in his large hands, pressing a sweet but passionate kiss to her pink lips. She squeaks in surprise before melting into the kiss, gripping onto his shirt tightly, scared he would slip away.
Much to Y/N’s dismay George pulls away from the kiss tucking a strand of her hair back behind her ear, “no I knew that too.”
“Wha-how?” Y/N stutters.
The attention is pulled to Alicia as she begins to speak, “it wasn’t much of a secret babe. Everybody knew you were crushing on George. Can’t believe it took either one of you so long to do something about it.”
“Little Georgie here spent months trying to find that camera for you as a way to confess his undying love for you.” Fred reaches over and ruffles his twin’s hair who shoves him off.
“Yep, we were all so bloody excited for you to open his presents so you two can stop pining over each other.” Lee adds downing the rest of his drink then standing up. “Right, now the two love birds have finally confessed their feelings. Who’s up for a round of beer pong? Reigning champion here has yet to be defeated.”
“You’re on Jordan, that ego of yours has gotten large enough.” Fred challenges, everyone moving over to the table to set up for beer pong. Leaving Y/N and George alone on the couch.
George wraps his lanky arm around Y/N’s shoulder pulling her into his side, “I hope you’re enjoying your birthday bunny.”
Y/N grins widely, playing with her new camera before lifting it up and aiming it at George. “best birthday ever Georgie, thank you.” She squeezes the button down, snapping a picture of George who is staring at her like she’s the only person in the world.
Y/N is very content with being a background character, she’s quite used to it actually. But for once she doesn’t mind being the centre of someone’s undivided attention.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 112 & 113 (part 2)
I hate that this chapter is cut... mainly cuz it deals with the most “ horribly presented” theme in furuba anime.... grief.
-The shame of grieving: “ Rarely discussed theme in Literature”:
When a love one dies... ppl differ in how they deal with it. Some cry their hearts out, some become depressed & painfully lonely, others get angry or cynical, some might deny it, some move on quickly, others move on but years after the realization crushes them, others stay still... Above all, you feel ashamed of yourself if you didn’t move on or if you DID move on.. “ Sometimes ppl around you judge you for it... for your grief”
The later is the theme of these two chapters. Rarely discussed themes & it saddens me that it is cut. You see, Furuba anime doesn’t get grief  at all. To them, it’s a small part of the generic protagonist after she finishes her job of nurturing the real main protagonist. Mothers are strong, they help us cross the bridge between childhood & adulthood. Tohru, the show’s mom, did it so thoroughly & in slow visual & narrative details for yuki. Afterwards, the anime brushed whatever is left of her character, which the anime viewed as sheer suspenseful drama, & collected it thro 3rd person story-telling techniques in one ep “ se3, ep6″ & excessive monologue for 10 minutes in se3, ep9.
In this chapter, Kakeru, a side character, sheds light into this theme. Kakeru didn’t lose a parent by death, didn’t grieve, has no dependent familial bonds with either dead parents “ kyoko & komaki’s dad”. Yet, kakeru stood & judged tohru on how she “ should” grieve. Harshly tearing her down while she’s standing there lonely, trying to hide her shock at the loss of her only pillar in life, broken & traumatized, dealing with the pushed down traumatic feelings from her past where her mom abandoned her as a child..now her mom did it again, this time thro death.. & kakeru, rightfully not knowing all that, but wrongfully lecturing her on how to behave... kakeru isn’t a monster, but he only saw what he wanted: komaki & how the world should grieve with his lover, how he should be the hero protecting her. So self-centered, insensitive, horribly cruel & unbelievably conceited, but above all... what he did is so sadly common... it hurts.
-Judging Grieving People:
As I said many times.. grief is so personal, so unique to the person & as common as it is, so misunderstood. According to kakeru & many ppl I’ve sopken to lately, tohru should have acknowledged komaki. Komaki, the not-traumatized version of tohru, did the right “ tohru-like” thing. Not only felt sadness at the loss of her own dad, but found it in her heart to visit the other orphan, tohru, & give condolences & respect to the dead mother. Such kindness & purity. Very deserving of applaud: To not only see your pain but others’ as well. Tohru has always done the “ right, kind” thing to other ppl. When she can’t now, the author brought another “ tohru” to do the “ right, kind” thing.
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Kakeru is so many ppl. During my brother’s funeral. I’ve heard so many gossip on how my mom should’ve stood tall & greeted the visitors.” Being silent , emotionless & non-responsive is not how you show visitors you value their kind words”, they said. How his widow should’ve collected herself & acted properly, respected his memory by taking proper care of herself & her kids. “Being a broken mess is not how you “ honor” loved one”, they said. Kakeru is indeed many ppl & that’s how you discuss a theme by creating characters who sin, screw up & be cruel, even if momentarily.
Kakeru is wrong. There is no “ you should have” in grief. There is no ounce of truth in his demeaning lecture to tohru & I respect komaki for her reaction to him so much. Kakeru did learn & grew from it, apologized to tohru even if he didn’t actually sought her to do so & even if she herself started the apology. But you see, these two chapters are 90% focused on kakeru as a character, his growth, thoughts, the mini focus on his relationship with komaki as an example of healthy relationship & all that is another lesson for yuki to observe & learn. He learned abt tohru’s past, kakeru’s personality & growth & got to observe another example of romantic relationship so yuki can grow as a man & approach machi healthily. But then again... nothing at all stops yuki/machi from being healthy, no past issues, no contradicting personalities “ they’re quite similar” & yuki is the only furuba character that doesn’t screw up big. He learns & teaches. He’s the personification of the author.
-Tohru.. stays a “ tohru”:
Tohru’s part is 10% of the this chapter which is fine as I think/hope it will lead into more tohru depth in the following chapters. But It is for this reason I’m glad this chapter was cut in the 13 eps season of furuba anime, cuz tohru doesnt have much depth in the anime due to the quick wrap up & the la~~~~st  thing I want is another 3rd person story-telling flashback abt tohru in the anime. Honestly, one of the most frustrating aspect to me of the anime & I’ll hold judgement abt manga- tohru till I reach its end. So far~~~ Tohru’s depth & character exploration gets better one chapter, then regress the next one, then moves on, the... it’s a fluctuating process. It has nothing to do with tohtu’s feelings.
you’ see ... kyo himself as a character with issues fluctuates a lot, he does sth good, then does sth bad, chooses right words, then makes a horrible mistake & chooses wrong! which is one of the most well-done aspects of character exploration that is rarely attempted by authors! I highly respect Takaya-san for what she’s doing with kyo in the manga so far. Other authors show us a character doing one big mistake & then he/she learns from it in a dramatic way. But Takaya-san, nope! she decided to approach it in a very human way, making us be frustrated with kyo’s repeated mistakes yet understands where he’s coming from! kudos to her!!
But I’m not yet satisfied with how tohru is portrayed in the manga & this has nothing to do with tohru’s character. Takaya-san is discussing rare themes thro tohru’s character. But what I mean is how tohru is approached thro the viewers/readers eyes. I wont judge until the last chapter. but this is the part that is frustrating to me.
Side Notes:
The flow of the 2 chapters is little off. We go back & forth between the past & the present, between yuki-machi & komaki-kakeru. Again, I’m so glad the anime cut it cuz, nope! they can’t handle such narrative. they’ll reorder it in a such heavily monologing way & insert the comedy abruptly to lighten the mood. Just look at how the comedy is inserted in momiji’s se03 ep!
Komaki is such a tohru with a sprinkle of kagura’s very softened outbursts. lol. she’s fun!
I’m liking yuki-machi interactions a lot. no drama, which is why the anime cut it -_-’, but it progresses healthily. Machi is yuki’s third-stage growth after (1) leaving tohru’s nest (baby yuki), (b) making friends with kakeru/someone who gets him (young boy yuki), (3) finding romantic love (being a man). The anime was so interested in the 2 stages above cuz that’s where the drama is & cut the third. Honestly, the anime didn’t have to include everything as there is never a space in 13 eps, but they certainly could’ve squeezed few panels or even made brand new very short yuki-machi scenes. but the anime weirdly decided after yuki “ saved” machi from her trauma by talking with her in her apartment, he should just marry her.... lol.. that’s why next scene is ep 5 momiji’s ep intro montage where yuki was abt to confess!!! making yuki-machi the least developed couple in the anime!
I love all furuba’s characters, but yuki, tohru, kyo & akito carry the big themes, therefore, I not only analyze their characters, but how the themes are presented thro them & how their presentation affects such themes. This might make it sound as I hate them or am harsh on them. not at all. It is the anime director/ manga author that I’m positively or negatively criticizing most times. Most importantly, my criticism is not the law. It’s just my perspective & my consumption of the material. Feel free to differ with me. I dont mind it. It brings interesting discussions!
When it comes to tohru’s issues... his chapter introduced nothing new. We have seen/read in canon repeatedly that tohru hides her pain behind a smile (heck! even kisa knows that & told us), that she cant stand up for herself much, that she smiles for other ppl not for herself. All this was presented thro so many characters already, which is why I understand the anime’s decision to cut it. What’s new? that yuki didn know tohru’s smile is mostly a mask & that kakleru has depth.
I love this chapter for the grieving themes it discussed that are rarely touched upon in literature, but since such themes are rarely presented, the anime’s decision to cut it, ironically proves my point! lol . They don’t get grief & so, they reduced it to se03 content & two eps worth. sad.. but expected. The anime is indeed another form of “past” kakeru: seeing one side of grieving person. The happy side.
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raziyekroos · 3 years
YESSS!! [im also persian and a tsc fan]
I’m sooooo happy rn:)) i have truly found my people🥹🥹 this is certainly a nice start to the new year! Speaking of….
🎊🥳Norouzet mobarak🎉✨i hope you have a wonderful year!!
Okayyyy i got a bunch of questions for you because, if you cant tell, im really really happy and excited to have found you:
Who is ur favourite tsc character? [JULIAN FUCKING BLACKTHORN, MAGNUS FUCKING BANE!!]
Whats ur favourite series? [TDA]
Who is ur favourite downworlder? (Theres a right answer here) [Magnus Lightwood-Bans]
Who is ur favourite shadowhunter? [Izzy]
How long have you been in the fandom? [ive been a fan for 2 yrs but actually joined the fandom about a year ago]
Do you write fics? [nope, i did write taylor swift fics a LONG time ago]
Favourite tsc ship? [magnus and alec… OBVIOUSLY]
Least favourite tsc ship? [alastair carstairs and the guy i refuse to name 🧑‍🦰]
FIC RECSSSS? (Preferably malec but idrc) [nope i dont have any fic reca at the moment, true love never dies is rlly nice but Dani is famous so i think you’ve already heard of it]
Whats your timezone? (Is it weird to ask people that?? Idk. Don’t answer if youre not comfortable) [mine is EDST/EST]
Do you speak farsi or any other persian language? [yea im fluent in farsi]
Is your ask box always open? [i don’t post so doesnt really matter]
*okay so i realized it’s not fair if i just ask the questions without you getting to know me so i decided to answer them too)
Ok first of all, what can I call you?! (You can call me Razi/Raziye (راضیه) whichever you prefer 🌝🌝)
OKKKK let's answer the questions 🙈 (also, thank you for answering them yourself too it's nice to get to know new people and their passions!!)
My favorite character? Welllll i have a hard time choosing between Magnus and Alec ASFGHJHJJJJJ I really love them both :') so let's say both of them! ^^ (I LOVE JULIAN TOO?!?! HE'S ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE AFTER MAGNUS AND ALEC!! and if I wanted to marry a tsc guy it would be him 👀🤣 cause well Alec is gay and I can't think of Alec and Magnus with any other person so yup!! Julian 😎😎 what about you? 🤭)
Favorite series is TBC/TEC for obvious reasons 🌝🌝 but if I wanna choose between the main series it's TDA and TLH cause they were both chaotic af and I love it 😂😂
Favorite downworlder of course THE MAGNIFICENT BANE! DUH 😎
favorite shadowhunter, well it's Alexander Lightwood for me of course 🌝🌝 (but if I wanna choose the best Shadowhunters, as in shadowhunting I'll choose Emma!!)
SAME!! I've read tsc since 2019_2020 but I've joined the fandom about a year and a half ago!!
I don't write fics nope :') I don't think I'm good at it ASSDFGGJJJJ and I've never actually tried, but I'm trying fan art (kinda) out now but it's still not ready 😂😂🙈 when it was I'll show it to you^^ (ohhh Taylor swift! Nice ^^ one of my school friends was OBSESSED with her so I know a lot about her 🤭🤭 and @magnus-the-maqnificent here really loves her too so 🌝🌝)
Favorite ship is Malec of course 😎 (malec is just different for me but after them Jemma, thomastair and Jordelia!!)
Least favorite ship for me is yes Alastair and the guy-who-should-not-be-named 🌚🌚, James and Grace, and tmi Clace kinda?! I really like them in other series but they were not my favorite in tmi 🙁)
Ohhhhh fic recs 😎😍 I love fic recs (both giving them and receiving 🌝) and I actually just read malec so they're all Malec anyways addfgghhjjjj
Spell my name in your blood (I really love this one 🥺😭❤️), the get along fortress, you like me too much, sharp are the arrows of a broken heart by @magnus-the-maqnificent
Bright Lights Small Town, Love is not a victory march, 42 North 71 West, Stars Aligned, alea iacta est by @lecrit
LBAF, I Will Fix You, Put a ring on it, Veni Vidi Amavi by @khaleesiofalicante (and yes I've read tlnd 😍 I really love it *sobs*)
The Chronicles of Bromance, Even when the time changes, by @igonecrazy
And A Prince and A Blue Jay by Sandylee007
Aasddffg i don't really know how this time zone work 💀 but I searched it and it's what google said 🌝🌝
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And yes I do! I live in Iran so it's my native language and I speak it everyday 🤭 I can't really speak any other Persian language no :( but I understand لری completely cause I hear it often too 🤭 (soooo does that meab you do not live in Iran? Am I right?👀)
Also, my ask box is always open yes 😍 I'll be happy to get to know you more!!
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