#nor was it safe to us as staff or the clients in shelter
when your bestie for life but also former co-worker tells you the former work tea and you just
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I was busy this weekend with a lot of work stuff, during which I had a couple related discussions with coworkers, friends, and mental health colleagues about safe spaces, about how people with different personalities or issues or mental health needs interact, and it reminded me of issues we’ve had in fandom, both among fans and when discussing the work we’re fannish about. I thought it might be worth introducing a concept into the discussion.
Something I only learned about as an adult when I got into disability advocacy was the concept of conflicting access needs. That is, disabled people may need certain accommodations to make a space accessible to them, like wheelchair ramps or braille signage; and sometimes those needs directly conflict in a way that is nobody’s fault and doesn’t mean anybody’s needs are invalid and evil. 
(Essay content notes: Trauma, mental illness, illustrative examples from a domestic violence shelter including abuse and suicide attempts. And also some examples that are a little less blameless and “nobody’s fault”)
For example, a person with poor vision may need bright lighting so they can see and read, while another person with chronic migraines or sensory processing issues may need low lighting to avoid headaches or overstimulation. These are both legitimate access needs, but they mean you probably cannot make the same space accessible to the same people at the same time. These are issues that need to be solved with a lot of thought and extra dedication of resources, and there’s nowhere near a standardized guide of responses to these situations.
Conflicting access needs come up all the time in the mental health field. For example, some people have strong emotions and need to be able to express them without judgment or restriction to be healthy; others have high levels of anxiety and extreme negative reactions to emotions expressed loudly or forcefully.  
Content warning: domestic violence, trauma, child harm: When I worked in a women’s shelter, one issue that came up a lot had to do with children: Women and children would arrive freshly traumatized and settle into a new, scary space with different rules and strange people. The children would often panic if they lost sight of their mother and want her near all the time. At the same time, their mothers needed time and space to process the trauma they’d been through and tell staff about what they’d been through.  Letting children sit in on their mothers’ interviews with staff, where they talked about the abuse they’d experienced, would be extremely harmful to the children--it substantially raises their risk of PTSD to see the adult they rely on to make the world safe break down and become overwhelmed with fear or grief, much less to hear about the things that had been done to her. We had to expend a lot of time, effort, and staffing hours to making sure that both mothers and children got what they needed--that there were a lot of staff on hand to soothe, distract, and play with children while their mothers were busy dealing with their own trauma, as well as counsellors and advocates available to help their mothers. End specific content warning
The more experience I get, the more I think it’s impossible for any one space or environment to meet everybody’s access needs at the same time. What some people experience as safety threatens others. Some people need to fall apart, and others need not to see someone falling apart in front of them. And unlike the shelter, friendships and social groups don’t have staff who are hired to put their own needs on hold for an eight-hour stretch; everyone involved has needs to look out for. (And actually, that’s not even true; as staff, our employer was non-negotiable about our need not to be physically threatened and prohibited us from working with clients who threatened violence against us. But we stretched ourselves thin ignoring our other needs--to sit down, to cry, to wait for the shaking to pass, to complain, to get angry, to go out for a snack or a smoke--when we had clients to take care of.)
(Relatedly, my experience with mental illness and mentally ill people is why I don’t believe in “safe spaces”: It is absolutely worthwhile to make a space safer, to remove a lot of obvious triggers and distressing material. But the more traumatized the group you are working with, the more elusive safety is because people carry their trauma around with them: they can’t be safe in their own heads and bodies. A lot of traumatized people constantly revisit and rehash what hurt them. To promise a “safe space” to many people is to make a false promise that will inevitably prove false and disappoint them. Therefore my view of what makes “safer spaces” work has changed a lot, away from restricting the kind of content on display, and towards empowering people to use tools to help themselves feel safe and in control. To saying, “Feel free to leave if you need to take time to yourself” or “Just put your hand up like this if you want us to leave you alone” or “here is how to keep this kind of content appearing on your screen”.)
These are issues I hardly got any training in and I’ve been in the mental health field for almost a decade. They’re discussions that feel like we’re breaking new ground in every time I have them with people with twenty years of experience. These are discussions that are hard find any clear, firm, 100% correct answer. Often the answer is “more resources”--more people, more empathy, more time, more thoughtfulness, more knowledge--and that’s a shitty answer when we’re in a situation where everyone is stressed, upset, at the end of their rope, in pain, and already doing the best they can.
These are tough issues.
I’m mentally ill and neurodivergent; I have mentally ill and neurodivergent friends. And it is so easy for us to hurt each other. My Autistic friend has an anxious week and has to stop spending all her energy on reading subtle social signals to finish her thesis; I’m depressed and socially anxious and feel the loss of her attention and lack of response to the small feelers I send out to see if she still likes me; when she finds out I’ve been sitting on my insecurity all week, she feels like a horrible friend.  We’re not necessarily bad, nor wrong, but we hurt each other all the same. And the reason we can still stay friends is because we can talk things through and find ways to give each other what we need.
Content warning: domestic violence, abuse, suicide: On the other hand, sometimes you can’t negotiate that gap and stay together afterwards. At the shelter, a lot of women who’d just left their abusive partner would come into the counselling office carrying their cell phones, saying, “He says he’ll kill himself if I don’t come back. He’s tried it before and I believe him. I think I should go.” Sometimes this is a bluff, an abuser’s tactic to get control back--and sometimes they’re not. But in those cases the women thought that their partner’s pain and distress--which were sometimes very real--meant they should put themselves back in danger. We had to remind them that their partner’s need for someone to help them deal was not actually greater than their need to stay safe and alive.  More than once, I helped a woman call 911 or the local Mobile Mental Health Unit to alert them to a person at high risk of suicide--because as much as she loved him and wanted him to be safe, she and I could look at the facts and know that her going back wouldn’t really help him, and would definitely harm her. End specific content warning
It matters a lot to me to try to have these discussions, tell these sorts of stories. A lot of my fiction is an attempt to complicate the bland, romanticized stories about mental health I got my information from when I was a teenager, that left me unprepared to handle these conflicts.
There isn’t an easy answer, not “more kindness” or “more boundaries” or “help others” or “look out for yourself”. The easiest answer I have is, “This is hard.” Caring about other people is an active struggle; being a good person isn’t a state, it’s a series of trade-offs and the best decisions you can make at the time.
Short, easy answers--”This is right, the alternative is wrong,” or “Fuck them” or “Only this is important”--may keep you safe or help you get through in the short term, but they also have their own costs. They’re coping mechanisms, not ultimate truths.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Bones, and Cats: PUPPY ALERT 3628-8months ol4, 54 lb Mereme Smper ente. young frieny layful-Wl need lots of love, patience and bakic eur training an **** TO BE KILLED - 1/3/2019 **** SUPREME - He's a supreme mix of puppy and love. Supreme just needs a loving and experienced home and a patient family who's aware of a puppy's needs. <3 Supreme, the growing puppy dressed in a tux, with his big round eyes' is hoping the New Year will bring him good luck. He is approaching a year old, and ready to experience the prime of his life, He mistakenly believed his home was forever, now sits at the mercy of a ticking clock. He was discarded at the shelter, fraught with heartbreak and fear. His adorable photo reveals a youngster who is at the right age to be guided and molded into a rock star. Sadly this was never done at his prior home. As with most, Supreme needs security, kindness and a chance to breathe after losing his world. In loving and experienced hands, his resilient heart will be devoted tenfold. Sadly time is not on his side, nor are the odds. If you can foster or adopt this devastatingly adorable youngster, please message this page now. SUPREME@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Supreme My animal id is #36213 I am a male black dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 8 months old, 54 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Dec. 27, 2018 Owner Surrender: Reason Stated NO TIME Supreme is rescue only Supreme is at risk due to behavior, New Hope Only determination. We recommend Supreme go to an adult only environment that will provide force-free, positive behavior management, due how uncomfortable he is with handling (attempting to snap and lunging). Due to this behavior we have not been able to handle him in the care center. There are no medical concerns for Supreme at this time. My medical notes are... Weight: 54 lbs Vet Notes 27/12/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 1 year Microchip noted on Intake? n Microchip Number (If Applicable): n History: Came to the shelter previously for an "intervention" and basic medical services were provided in the form of microchip and vaccines. Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior – Reported to lunge at staff on admissions. On the intake examination, patient tense and fearful. Chemical restraint required - 0.6 ml dexmeditomidine IM, 0.4 ml butorphanol IM Evidence of Cruelty seen -n Evidence of Trauma seen -n Objective T = - P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: muzzled - did not perform PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Two descended testicles MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal Assessment: Healthy SURGERY:Okay for surgery Prognosis: Excellent 30/12/2018 Trazadone requested by behavior A: Shelter setting anxiety P: 5 mg/kg trazadone PO BID for 14 days Recheck in 1 week 1619 Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow Behavior History Behavior Assessment When Supreme entered the BRC, and when approached, Supreme hard barked and began to growl. As I approached Supreme with treats, he jumped up and began to lunge and hard bark again. The client went in front of Supreme, as another client held him tight on the leash to pull him back. The client collared, and placed Supreme inside the kennel, as I was unable to myself. Date of Intake: 12/27/2018 Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Supreme is a large mixed breed male, estimated to be 1 years old. Supreme was surrendered due to the owner not having time for him. Previously lived with:: 2 Adults How is this dog around strangers?: Supreme lunges and barks at strangers. I was informed that Supreme also displays these behaviors with men, as Supreme did not live with men in the previous home. How is this dog around children?: No children in previous home. How is this dog around other dogs?: No dogs in previous home. How is this dog around cats?: Supreme lived with an adult female cat. Supreme is playful with the cat, but the cat runs away. Resource guarding:: Supreme may growl and snap when the client approaches his food while eating. Supreme may also growl and snap when a toy, treat or bone is taken away from him. Bite history:: Supreme did not bite or scratch an animal or person in previous home. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High energy level, playful Other Notes:: Supreme is not bothered when the owner gives him a bath. Supreme is not bothered when his coat is brushed or when the nails are trimmed. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: Supreme has no known medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Supreme is friendly, affectionate, and playful. Supreme has a high energy level and enjoys playing with toys and laying on the furniture. Supreme enjoys balls, stuffed toys and chew bones. Supreme is kept indoors but also goes on slow walks on a leash. Supreme uses the bathroom outside on the grass but is also trained to use the bathroom on wee-wee pads. When taken for walks Supreme may pull hard on the leash and will not poop outside. Supreme sleeps on the owners bed and was fed grain free dog food 3 times a day. Supreme is well-behaved when left alone and knows how to sit and stay. Date of intake:: 12/27/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender Previously lived with:: Adults and a cat Behavior toward strangers:: Lunges and barks at them Behavior toward cats:: Playful Resource guarding:: Yes, Supreme may growl and snap when the when approaches while eating. Supreme may also growl and snap when a toy, treat, or bone is taken away from him. Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Supreme is described as friendly, affectionate, and playful with a high level of activity. Date of assessment:: 12/30/2018 Summary:: When Supreme's kennel is approached, he retreats, tensing and growling. He has been unable to be safely removed from his kennel. For this reason, and out of concern for his stress levels, he is not a good candidate for a handling assessment at this time. Date of intake:: 12/27/2018 Summary:: Barking, growling, lunging Date of initial:: 12/27/2018 Summary:: Sedated for exam ENERGY LEVEL:: Supreme is described as having a high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to Supreme's history of lunging and barking at new people, as well as the behavior he displays at the care center, we recommend an adult only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to all noted concerns displayed in a home environment, as well as the behavior Supreme displays at the care center, the behavior department recommends Supreme be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow Supreme to acclimate comfortably to is new environment; force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing Supreme to new and unfamiliar situations. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended for guidance to safely manage/modify any behavior Supreme presents with outside of the care centers. Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Resource guarding: Supreme is growl and snap if approached while eating or if a toy, treat, or bone is taken from him. We recommend that Supreme be left alone while eating, and that food guarding behavior modification steps (available at ASPCApro.org) be utilized if this behavior is problematic in his future home. Nothing should ever be taken directly out of Supreme's mouth, and any time something is removed he should be rewarded with a high value treat or toy. He should be taught the "drop" cue and trade-up games. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Supreme is reported to lung and bark at new people. At the care center, he has lunged, barked, growled, and allowed minimal handling. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is recommended to assess behavior after decompression in a new home environment. Force-free, reward based training is advised when introducing or exposing Supreme to new and unfamiliar situations. SUPREME IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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pawspetpantry-blog · 8 years
“She’s all I’ve got.”
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“You all are angels.”
Four words – a message from an acquaintance from another agency, who had called upon us for help. Words that would be repeated, from that same acquaintance and from others.
I’m not an angel. Nowhere close. Perhaps my “partner in crime” is – but I think she’d disagree, too.
We were just called upon, and in the right places at the right times. But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself – explaining just where we were might help.
Friday afternoon, we received the news that an old client of ours was going to the hospital unexpectedly. He is homeless, living from his car and bouncing place to place – and with him, his little dog. At eight or nine years old, she’s been with our client since she was a puppy. She adores him, and he her. A likely Chihuahua/Terrier mix, she’s all love and tail-wags – and her daddy has made sure that she’s certainly never missed a meal, even when times are tough. A car may not seem like the place for a man and his dog, to many - but to them, it is home.
So when her daddy had to go into the clinic, leaving her for just a little bit – like always – she curled up with his blankets and waited.  She had no way of knowing daddy was transported to the hospital as an emergency case – and daddy had no way of making arrangements for her.
So we were called – and we hurried to figure out a remedy to the situation.
As much as we would love to take in any of our friends’ fur-babies in times of dire need, we just can’t – we don’t have a location of our own, and our program just isn’t set up for it. The agency that contacted us knew this – but they hoped we might be able to at least point them in the right direction. We helped them with a list of other agencies that might be able to help them, and we hoped for the best right alongside them.
One by one, they went through the list - but one by one, things simply didn’t pan out.
Homeless with pets are unfortunately often chastised for having their animals. They’re put on the defensive. People question why they have animals when they can’t even take care of themselves. And though our client wanted to ensure his sweet little dog was safe, he grew fearful that if he allowed anyone to take her, he’d never see her again.
By 10pm, the list had been exhausted, the ice storm was coming, and that little dog was still in the car. Our hearts sank as we got the news. We began making calls of our own. Going through our contacts with other agencies, we were finally able to secure a temporary foster for the dog – we just had to get to her before the storm did.
Unfortunately Missouri has no state laws against dogs in hot or cold cars, so long as the dog has shelter, food, and water – nor does the city of Springfield. Animal control couldn’t do anything, at this point – because it was not an emergency based on city statutes, they could not come out after hours without permission to retrieve the dog - and our client was refusing to allow anyone the keys. Police weren’t able to help us unlock the car, either. We were told it was essentially hopeless – this man was not going to give up his keys, and we were not going to get to this little dog. The soonest we could hope for Animal Control or any other help was in the morning – and even then, it was only if they were granted permission.
With the ice storm looming, we couldn’t wait. We feared that if it hit as hard as people thought it might, no one would be able to get to her due to road conditions – and even if they did, the car would be encased in ice.
So we bundled up, and we headed for the hospital in hopes of doing the impossible.
When we got there, we were only allowed a short visit with our old friend. Staff were aware of the situation, and we were advised that there had been agencies here before us – we weren’t to get our hopes up. But we went back anyway, and we reintroduced ourselves. It had been a long time since our old friend had asked for our assistance – but he was a friend nonetheless.
At first, we received the same answer that those before us had received. He wasn’t going to give up his keys – he’d tend to her when he got home. But we talked to him gently about how long that might be, and the ice coming in. He hadn’t had time to give her extra food, extra water, and despite being sheltered and with blankets, it was getting cold.
We didn’t care about his situation, how much money he had, or how he and the dog lived.
Standing in that hospital room, not even a few hours out from the storm, we just cared about the dog.
Slowly, he opened up to us. She was his baby – she’d never been with anyone else. He didn’t want her to have to be. We assured him that she’d be returned to him as soon as he could leave the hospital – we just wanted him to be able to be well, and her to be safe.
And finally, he gave in.
Handing us his keys, our client pleaded we take good care of her – as he explained, “She’s all I’ve got.”
No one could believe it as we left that room, keys in hand.
We went to the lot where we were told he had parked, and we looked into the few vehicles there until we saw her. She was curled up with daddy’s blankets, lying in the middle of the van, staring up at us. When we got it open, she hopped seats, looking for daddy, worried about the strangers – but finally we were able to coax her out, taking daddy’s coat with her for comfort. We got her set up with her temporary foster, where she would be safe, warm, and fed until she and her daddy could be better again. She was nervous, at first – the people around her were strangers – but she quickly settled in.
Thankfully, just as quickly, she was able to go home.
We met up in another parking lot to return her – complete with a new coat, a collar, a leash, a squeaky toy, and a blanket. We had discovered she was missing some teeth – the only real sign of her age – and set her up with some softer food, too.
Her daddy was ecstatic to see her.
She was just as happy to see him – you’ve never seen a tail wag so fast! As she greeted him, her daddy explained that it had been the first night they had ever been apart. He was grateful for the love and care she had received - he even offered a Big Mac dinner for our efforts – but all we would accept were hugs.
Because we’re heroes. We’re not angels. This is just what we do.
We help as much as we can, and we keep families together.
Tonight this sweet pup and her daddy are back together again – and hopefully they will never have to spend another night apart. In the morning, they will pick back up where they left off, the best of friends on their own type of adventure.
And we will continue to do what we can to ensure friends like these are never parted.
We continue searching for a place of our own, and for new volunteers to help us grow to be the very best we can be. To join us, you don’t have to be an angel – we’re all gaining our wings as we go along. None of us are perfect – we just try to be in the right place at the right time, and to love our friends and their pets just as much as they love each other.
If you’re in the Springfield, MO area, you can e-mail [email protected] to join our volunteer roster. If you aren’t in the Springfield area, but want to help, consider donating via our Amazon Wishlist, our Community Foundation of the Ozarks Account, or directly to our PayPal ([email protected]). If you can’t volunteer or donate, just follow our blogs, check us out on social media, and share - every share gets our story out to new readers, and you never know who might be looking!
- A. M.  
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Coronavirus: Toronto’s homeless face dire situation as support collapses, advocates say
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/coronavirus-torontos-homeless-face-dire-situation-as-support-collapses-advocates-say/
Coronavirus: Toronto’s homeless face dire situation as support collapses, advocates say
TORONTO — COVID-19 could soon “explode” within Toronto’s homeless population as government actions to curb the spread of the illness have the opposite effect on those who live without housing, advocates and front-line workers say.
People who work with the city’s homeless say more are on the streets because many drop-in and respite sites have closed, while others must limit their numbers inside. Meanwhile, clients cannot practise safe social distancing inside those sites, nor can they easily go the bathroom or wash their hands because many food banks, restaurants and coffee shops have shut.
“If anything, the attempt to social-distance the general population is worsening the situation for people experiencing homelessness,” said Dr. Ritika Goel, a family physician who works with people experiencing homelessness.
READ MORE: 170 new cases of coronavirus in Ontario, total reaches 835 active cases
“We’re putting people’s health at further risk.”
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Downtown Toronto, where many of the services for the homeless exist, is barren. With coffee shops and restaurants largely closed, grocery stores have become the main source of food, said Greg Cook, an outreach worker with Sanctuary Ministries Toronto.
But panhandling, an often necessary source of cash for many on the streets, has dried up, Cook said, making shopping at grocery stores more difficult. Furthermore, many retailers are refusing to accept cash due to fears of spreading the novel coronavirus, he said.
“The support system for the homeless has just collapsed,” Cook said.
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The effect has put more people out on the street looking for help, according to said Gaetan Heroux with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty.
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“Right now, we have hundreds and hundreds who are just wandering the streets and they can’t even access their most basic needs,” Heroux said.
“They can’t even go to the washroom. They cannot wash their hands even if they wanted to comply with the government’s guidelines.”
The closure of the city’s libraries has also hit the community hard, he said.
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The city has recently taken some steps to address chronic overcrowding in its shelters, opening up eight new facilities with space for 350 people to help allow for social distancing.
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The city announced the second positive case in the shelter system on Tuesday, but said there is no link between the two.
Advocates say drastic measures need to be taken to help the nearly 7,000 people who use the shelters every day.
“The overcrowding in terms of this virus is a death trap,” Heroux said.
READ MORE: Oshawa grocery store employee diagnosed with COVID-19 dies in hospital
“They need to get people out of those shelters in this climate. There are empty hotel beds, and lots of space out there, from the convention centres to the hockey arena.”
Many drop-in centres have either shut down or are only handing out food outside their doors, Cook said, in order to comply with the social distancing rules mandated by the province.
Cathy Crowe, a long-time street nurse, said the homeless population is particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 due to other underlying conditions that range from mental health problems to addiction issues and chronic heart and lung problems.
“This is about to explode — the situation is getting worse so fast,” said Crowe.
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“There’s a lot of fear on the street.”
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Goel, the family physician, agreed.
“It’s a crisis that’s been in the making for decades. Had we dealt with our homelessness crisis, maybe we wouldn’t be here today,” she said.
READ MORE: Here’s who will receive assistance under Ontario’s $17B coronavirus aid package
Toronto has set up an isolation centre for the homeless at a former shelter in the east end, where those with symptoms can await test results. Once it is fully operational, there will be 40 rooms available, the city said. There is another facility set up for those who need to self-isolate after travelling.
There are also plans to open a recovery centre for those who test positive, the city said.
The province has also announced it will provide $200 million to social service relief, but both the city and those on the front lines said they are waiting to hear where that money will go.
READ MORE: Ontarians with COVID-19 no longer require tests to be considered virus-free
For now, Cook and his colleagues have more pressing concerns: balancing the needs of their clients versus protecting themselves against the virus. If the workers go down, then everyone loses, he said.
That’s why staff at Sanctuary have split themselves into two teams.
“If somebody has symptoms, then all the staff doesn’t have to go into quarantine,” Cook explained.
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“If one team goes down, at least the other team is not affected.”
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The Importance of Wordpress in the World of Web Development
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marilynngmesalo · 6 years
‘MY WHOLE HOUSE SHOOK’: Explosion at Irving Oil refinery in Saint John, N.B.
‘MY WHOLE HOUSE SHOOK’: Explosion at Irving Oil refinery in Saint John, N.B. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J ‘MY WHOLE HOUSE SHOOK’: Explosion at Irving Oil refinery in Saint John, N.B.
SAINT JOHN, N.B. — A massive oil refinery blast shook this historic port city Monday, sending flames and black smoke high into the sky but causing only four minor injuries — and leaving officials relieved it wasn’t far worse.
“We’re very grateful today — and being Thanksgiving, I think it’s appropriate,” Kevin Scott, Irving Oil’s chief refining and supply officer, told reporters at an afternoon briefing after a tense day. “Very fortunate they had only minor injuries.”
Saint John residents described feeling an explosion at about 10:15 a.m. local time, at Irving’s refinery on the city’s east side.
“My whole house shook. I thought my furnace had exploded,” said Litsa Daeres, 34, who opened her curtains and saw the flames and thick, black smoke.
Scott said there had been a malfunction in the refinery’s diesel treating unit, where sulphur is removed from diesel fuel.
One worker at the refinery, who didn’t want to be identified, said the initial blast had been enough to knock him down.
“There was quite a shockwave when the blast happened,” he said as he left with co-workers hours afterward.
As this is an active situation, we will be sharing more information as it becomes available. Thank you to all first responders who are working in response to this incident. 2/2
— Irving Oil (@irvingoil) October 8, 2018
There were as many as 3,000 workers on the refinery Monday — but most of the facility was shut down for major maintenance, and nearly all of the workers were contractors working on the turn-around.
Scott said the unit was quickly shut down after the blast.
“The fire did take a number of hours to extinguish, with some of the material that had leaked into the area of the unit that was affected. At times we were letting that just safely extinguish itself,” he said.
Most of the minor injuries were to contractors, not Irving staff, he said.
The refinery is near several residential neighbourhoods, and is about five kilometres from the city core, known as Uptown.
According to the Irving Oil web site, the refinery produces more than 320,000 barrels of “finished energy products” every day, with more than half going the U.S. northeast. Scott said they hope to minimize the impact on clients.
#SJEMO update: The fire at the Refinery is under control. Responders remain active on scene and EMO is monitoring.
Horizon is treating 4 people for non life threatening injuries.
Some roads in the area remain closed.
No evacuations are required for residents at this time.
— City of Saint John (@cityofsaintjohn) October 8, 2018
The City of Saint John posted on social media Monday evening that residents in the area were no longer being asked to “shelter in place,” and police tweeted that all roads had been reopened.
District Chief Mike Carr of Saint John fire said there were no air quality concerns, other than the smoke.
“At this time, the incident is stabilized,” said Carr.
The thick, black plume of smoke earlier in the day had been cause for concern for Gordon Dalzell, who lives in the nearby subdivision of Champlain Heights — but the bigger issue, he said, is the other pollutants in the air that can be neither seen nor smelled.
Dalzell, the chair of Saint John’s Citizens Coalition for Clean Air, said the refinery already emits many different types of “volatile organic compounds” into the air: organic chemicals that have a high vapour pressure and can be hazardous to human health.
“Obviously, there was a lot of black, sooty smoke … but I worry more about what you can’t see in terms of pollution that comes from the refinery,” he said. “The pollutants you can’t see or smell, they’re the ones that are of great, great concern, on a regular basis.”
He said he was grateful that nobody was seriously injured, but he hopes the incident will help stakeholders reconsider the continued use of fossil fuels when greener options are available.
Like others in the area Thanksgiving morning, Dalzell was shocked by the initial explosion.
“Our house actually shook, our windows, we could feel the direct impact of the explosion in our house … it didn’t take very long to discover, of course, that a very heavy black plume was coming from the site,” he said.
“We thought we were going to have to evacuate and take the turkey with us.”
Nate Guimond, 36, said he was doing house repairs when he looked outside and saw the scene.
“There was thick, pitch black smoke mixed with white smoke,” said Guimond. “I heard a rumbling, roaring sound.”
He decided to drive by the refinery, and said he was nearby when he felt the vibrations of what he assumed must be a second explosion.
Michael Steeves said he was driving about a kilometre away when he saw flames reach as high as 100 feet in the air. He said the incident reminded him of a similar event in the late ’90s, when the same refinery suffered a similar explosion which left one person dead.
“Just seeing the clouds, and what they’ve got closed off, it just seems to be a pretty similar level of event,” he said.
The Saint John Regional Hospital had issued an “orange alert,” meaning it was preparing for a possible influx of patients. But the health authority later tweeted that the hospital “is running as usual today.”
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caveartfair · 7 years
Washington, D.C.’s Newseum Faces Uncertain Future—and the 9 Other Biggest News Stories This Week
Catch up on the latest art news with our rundown of the 10 stories you need to know this week.
01 The Newseum’s parent foundation will consider selling the museum’s Washington, D.C., home, following an upcoming financial review.
(via The Washington Post)
The Freedom Forum, the creator and primary founder of the press-focused institution, made the announcement on Monday; museum president and chief executive Jeffrey Herbst resigned the same day.
The news comes on the heels of five rounds of staff reductions since 2009 (most recently in January 2017). Despite more than $500 million in funding from the Freedom Forum, the museum has not proved self-sustaining, according to the foundation’s statement. Freedom Forum CEO Jan Neuharth told the Post that “this deficit spending rate would eventually drain the Freedom Forum’s entire endowment.” Beyond the outright sale of the Newseum’s downtown building, the consultants conducting the financial review will consider other options, including the partial sale of the property or joint ventures. For now, the museum will remain open, led by a three-person team: the museum’s chairman, its chief operating officer, and Freedom Forum’s Neuharth.
02  Houston’s museums have largely avoided significant damage from Tropical Storm Harvey, but its theater district has been inundated.
(via The Art Newspaper and BBC News)
The Art Newspaper surveyed Houston’s major arts institutions and found that they have mostly avoided damage to their collections. The Museum of Fine Art Houston has posted on its website that despite the destructive effects of the hurricane its collection is safe. The Contemporary Arts Museum Houston and the Menil Collection have also said that precautions taken have successfully safeguarded their collections. In addition, The Galveston Arts Center, Project Row Houses, and Rothko Chapel have all reported no damage. The Houston Center for Photography additionally confirmed a lack of damage, however director Ashlyn Davis has said that “several artists in the HCP community who have taken direct hits and are in real need of support.” According to The Art Newspaper, The Rockport Center for the Arts in Corpus Christi “sustained serious external damage.” Houston’s arts district has also seen the impact of Harvey and faces significant repairs that will likely halt the fall performance season at the Alley Theatre, the Wortham Theater Center, and a smattering of the city’s major ballets, symphony, performing arts, and theatre companies. With more than 30,000 residents in need of shelter and at least nine deaths, many have come forward to help, among them the singer Beyoncé, a native of Houston’s historic Third Ward, who has pledged to help as many victims as she can. Local arts nonprofits Fresh Arts and Texas Commission on the Arts have also compiled a list of resources available to artists affected by the hurricane. According to Hyperallergica>, the National Endowment for the Humanities has also pledged $1 million in aid cultural institutions impacted by Harvey in Texas and Louisiana in addition to funding for outreach and damage assessment.
03  The Trumps will not be attending this year’s Kennedy Center Honors, the first time in the gala’s history that neither the president nor the first lady will be present.
(via the New York Times)
The White House’s announcement comes after weeks of rising tension. A number of honorees—including television producer Norman Lear and dancer and choreographer Carmen de Lavallade—had announced their intention to skip the traditional White House reception to protest the president’s call to eliminate the National Endowment of the Arts and his comments surrounding the deadly Charlottesville protests. Now, the Trumps’ decision to skip the gala has raised new concerns about the future of the awards ceremony. In past years, participants have largely endeavored to rise above politics and maintain a bipartisan feel, with presidents often honoring cultural figures with opposing party views. “One hopes that President Trump’s decision to forgo this year’s honors is a solitary event,” former Kennedy Center president Michael M. Kaiser told the Times. “We need government officials to attend the arts, to support them in their speeches, to encourage others to participate and to involve artists in their special events.”
04  Christie’s will raise its buyer’s premiums, following news of increases at rival auction house Sotheby’s.
(via artnet News)
Both houses will now welcome clients to the fall auctions with heftier fees for the lucky winners at their live auctions. The new fee structure “widen[s] the brackets for prices charged the highest fees and increas[es] the percentage tagged on its most expensive items,” artnet News reported. Sotheby’s also announced last week that it would eliminate buyer’s premiums for online auctions, a move Christie’s did not match. Forfeiting those fees would likely make a bigger dent in its bottom line than at Sotheby’s. Christie’s has shifted more aggressively into online auctions, framing them as a gateway for new clients, roughly one-fifth of whom go on to attend a live auction.
05  A judge in New York ruled that documents related to the long-running Rybolovlev-Bouvier case can be released for use in the Monaco suit.
(via artnet News)
The lawsuit between billionaire Russian art collector Dmitry Rybolovlev and Geneva Freeport executive—and Rybolovlev’s one-time art advisor—Yves Bouvier took its latest turn on Monday. A New York judge ruled that documents related to Rybolovlev’s $127.5 million purchase of Leonardo da Vinci’s Christ as Salvator Mundi could be released. The collector’s lawyers believe the documents will show the details that illuminate how Bouvier brokered his sales. Rybolovlev’s multiple lawsuits, which are ongoing in Monaco, New York, France, and Singapore, claim the dealer made disproportionately high markups. Bouvier’s attorney Ron Soffer told artnet News that the ruling was “nothing new” and that Rybolovlev and his team have “had these documents for months and gave them to the Monaco judge months ago.” Artnet also reported that “judges have allowed different sets of documents to be produced in cases in each different country,” adding to the confusion surrounding this complicated, high-profile case.
06  Massachusetts’s Berkshire Museum has refused a $1 million donation that would have required postponing its planned auction of 40 artworks from its collection.
(via The Berkshire Eagle)
The museum sparked debate in July, when it announced plans to sell several works (including two by American artist Norman Rockwell) to strengthen its endowment and renovate its building. Deaccessioning, the practice of removing an object from a museum’s collection, is only sanctioned by two influential museum organizations if the proceeds are used for acquiring new works. The $1 million donation to the Berkshire Museum, proposed by an anonymous group, would have come with strings attached—namely, a review of the institution’s finances by an outside panel that could postpone the auction by up to a year. But Elizabeth McGraw, the president of the museum’s board, said their internal research was “thorough and comprehensive” and that “it would not be appropriate for me to ask my fellow board members to cover ground that we have already covered.” The money also represents a fraction of the $50 million the museum expects to raise from the sale.
07  Italy passed a law easing export restrictions on artworks, a move expected to boost the market for post-war Italian artists.
(via The Art Newspaper )
The law extends the window during which a private owner of an artwork can self-certify it for export. Previously, the limit was 50 years after the work was made; now, that period has been extended to 70. “The law further streamlines Italy’s bureaucratic licensing process by introducing a minimum value threshold of £13,500, although this excludes archaeological artefacts, manuscripts and incunabula,” The Art Newspaper reported. Dealers working in the market for Italian art said the new law would be a boon, especially since “works from the 1950s and early 60s, by artists such as ==Lucio Fontana==, ==Alberto Burri== and ==Paolo Scheggi==, are particularly desirable internationally in today’s market,” according to The Art Newspaper.
08  Christie’s and a hedge fund manager continue their defense in a legal battle with the Republic of Turkey over a 5,000-year-old antiquity.
(via artnet News)
On Tuesday, hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt and the auction house filed a motion to dismiss a case over the antique idol known as the Guennol Stargazer. Acquired by New York collectors in 1961, the Stargazer has been in Steinhardt’s hands since 1993. Following his consignment of the work for auction in April, Turkey claimed the item was illegally excavated. Christie’s and Steinhardt have argued that the object had been in the U.S. for more than five decades before Turkey attempted to recover it, placing it outside the statute of limitations for the recovery of looted objects. In addition to pointing out references to the antiquity in museum catalogues and academic publications, their most recent defense argues that “Turkey knew the Guennol Stargazer was in New York by 1997…and had all the information it needed to make a claim of ownership.” Christie’s also raised concerns over setting a precedent “inconsistent with New York law” that would have potentially disastrous consequences for collectors.
09 Swiss gallery Freymond-Guth announced its closure in a deeply personal letter.
(via artnet News)
Founder Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth cited a growing alienation from his work, in a climate of “ever growing demand in constant, global participation, production and competition.” Freymond-Guth was described by artnet News as “a highly regarded dealer who recently relocated his operation to a pristine new space in Basel.” Since opening his original Zürich space in 2008, he had worked with “emerging artists like Hannah Weinberger, mid-career artists like Virginia Overton, and historical figures like the late painter Sylvia Sleigh, whose reputation he did much to revive,” according to artnet News. In the letter, Freymond-Guth notes how few alternative models have emerged to allow galleries to survive, but said this moment may be the breaking point that generates new solutions. “I trust this current state of crisis and confusion bares an immense potential for invention,” he wrote.
10  Switzerland’s Bern Museum has opened a restoration workshop to the public that aims to treat works from the infamous Gurlitt trove.
(via The Art Newspaper)
The Kunstmuseum Bern has so far received 220 artworks from the more than 1,500 inherited by the reclusive hoarder Cornelius Gurlitt, who unexpectedly gifted the collection to the museum upon his death in 2014. Works by Claude Monet, Gustave Courbet, Wassily Kandinsky, and Edvard Munch were discovered amidst piles of detritus and a harmful fungus when museum employees visited his long-neglected Munich apartment in February of 2014. After inheriting the unattended collection from his father Hildebrand Gurlitt, an art dealer who worked for the Nazis, Cornelius had attempted some restoration but abandoned it. With the help of professionals and students from the University of Bern, the museum has endeavored to restore as much as possible. However, the Swiss institution has refused to accept art suspected of having been acquired through Nazi looting; suspect works will remain in Gurlitt’s apartment until the completion of provenance research. The exhibition, “Taking Stock of Gurlitt: Degenerate Art—Seized and Sold,” opens officially in November.
—Artsy Editors
Cover Image: Courtesy of Maria Bryk/Newseum
from Artsy News
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