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onthetracktohealth · 9 months
Hello there, I’m Berna. Welcome to my blog! This first post I’ll just introduce myself and my plan for this blog. In this post and blog I’ll talk about my own experiences with eating disorders, other mental illnesses and physical disabilities. I’ll also mention exercise & food as well as the occasional talk about weight and calories. Please be aware of these possible triggers and take care of yourself.
Up until I was 25 I’ve not been able to focus much on my health past surviving. Different situations, mental illnesses and physical disabilities, as well as disordered eating, left me with diabetes and obesity. I notice how much harder my life and disabilities have gotten since gaining more weight. My disabilities in themselves aren’t cause by obesity but they can be aggravated by obesity or specific diets.
At 25 I decided to start taking back full control over my life, my weight and my health, both physical and mental, as much as possible. Since I struggle with multiple different disorders and illnesses, trying to get healthy is a lot harder than it may seem. When you have been stuck in disordered eating patterns your whole life, changing those patterns can be rough. In some cases even dangerous. For many people eating disorders are a coping to deal with other things. For me binge eating distracted me and gave me temporary dopamine release so I didn’t have to deal with things like depression and ptsd for a while. Now I wanna relearn behaviours. So instead of searching for small, temporary releases like fast food, substance use or other things that are harmful, I’m trying to find long term dopamine release. And let me immediately say that not all fast food or substances are harmful as long as it’s done in moderation. And not as temporary solution for problems or feelings.
So in this blog I’ll share things like my progress, experiences or advice. I think there’s a lot of health blogs and accounts on social media but often those are run by people who already are at the peak of their health. And I often find myself trying to listen to exercise routines I’ll never be able to do and I love motivation. So I hope this reach other disabled people who struggle finding the motivation, tips, realistic representation (for them) and a community to work on their health.
I hope you’ll join me on this journey!
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Il colore bianco-rosso è il “filo d’Arianna” dell’escursionismo. I segnavia vengono dipinti su sassi, piante o alberi, all'inizio e lungo tutto il sentiero, e servono a dare conferma sul percorso: lungo il sentiero vedere i segnavia ci rassicura sul fatto che non abbiamo perso la traccia. In Italia ci sono più di 70mila km di sentieri tracciati.
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saxotaz · 2 years
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I'm slowly making some progress... Je fais des petits progrès. C'est long... #artphotography #architecturephotography #streetphotography #fitbit #fitbitcharge3 #exercise #nordicwalking #feelgood #placedesterreaux #followme (at Place des Terreaux) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJvMHPt0k73d60gEfIOVHz5HFzQ-orPn5ZbxQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Leisure stress at the weekend(Nordic walking tour and much more) 😂🤣😂
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La Straquasar, gara podistica, è pronta per la sua sesta edizione e si terrà domenica 12 novembre 2023. La partenza è fissata per le 10:00 presso il centro commerciale “Quasar Village” di Ellera di Corciano, lo stesso luogo in cui si concluderà la competizione. Il percorso di questa edizione è un riflesso dell’edizione dell’anno precedente, con leggere modifiche apportate dagli organizzatori per renderlo ancora più affascinante. Il tracciato attraversa la campagna corcianese, garantendo un impatto naturale con il territorio e rimanendo completamente chiuso al traffico automobilistico. La gara coprirà una distanza di quasi 11 chilometri. L’evento è organizzato congiuntamente dalle […]
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flyingjuice · 2 years
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ひさしぶりのノルディックウォーキング。 全身を使って散歩している感じがいいw レキのポールはチェコ製なんですよね〜。 チェコ戦を見ながら思った。 #japan #osaka #nowplaying #porterrobinson #nordicwalking #ノルディックウォーキング #チェコ製 #レキポール #長居公園 (長居公園(Nagaipark)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7TnBkyPdj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jirihazekk · 2 years
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Good morning Lucerne! #nordicwalking #shotonfairphone #walken #walking #outside #outdoor #outdoors #draussen #draussensport #sport #sports #fitness #gesundheit #health #healthcare #luzern #lucerneswitzerland🇨🇭 #switzerland #schweiz #schwijz (hier: Lucerne) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzGvBYNrib/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lolaurbano · 2 years
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#jardineritossomos #imfree23 #nordicwalking #nordicwalkingsevilla https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfcroljVD-yMimJ1OXjtOQC-qSdJIze2iyvXo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lucianopodes · 2 years
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Cuidando da saúde - 1 A caminhada, a marcha e a corrida, são as atividades físicas e esportes mais democráticos do mundo! Analise essas atividades por um minuto: todas permitem a participação de criancas, jovens, adultos e idosos, pessoas com deficiencia, que estejam recuperando-se, gestantes... São atividades que auxiliam na perda (e manutenção) do peso e melhoram o humor. Mas, se ainda assim, você procura mais motivos para começar a praticar caminhadas, marchas e corridas, me acompanhe nos próximos posts pois vou apresentar os 10 benefícios da corrida para a saúde física e mental, para todos! @prof.lucianodornelles #running #nordicwalking #walking #healthylifestyle (em Por Ai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoE811WuxX8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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simba-raunheim · 2 years
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Was gibt's schöneres als morgens bei Arscheskälte am Main entlang zu laufen? 🥶 Alles andere 😂😂😂 #laufenammorgen #kalt #arschkalt #cold #joggen #jogging #amwasser #herbst #herbstspaziergang #wasser #cold #walking #nordicwalking (hier: Raunheim) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clif38vM6ID/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Il #peakandcoast trekking è un’esperienza indimenticabile attraverso l’esplorazione a piedi della costa e dell’entroterra. Un cammino dai ritmi lenti tra acqua, sabbia, roccia e bosco in un ambiente naturale meraviglioso. L’Isola del Giglio nel Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano con la sua tipica vegetazione mediterranea, il profumo del rosmarino, del mirto e dell’elicriso accompagnano i frequentatori dei numerosi sentieri nello spettacolo della fioritura primaverile delle ginestre e dei cisti.
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angelonucci · 2 years
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#angelonucci #lacorsetta #nordicwalking #pratolino #volgofirenze #campagnatoscana #trovaresestessi #fitness #vigna #pausalavoro #rigenerazionementale Ottobre è un mese perfetto per fare progetti. C’è quella temperatura che matura ogni cosa: le vigne, i colori e i pensieri. (Fabrizio Caramagna) (presso Demidoff Country Resort Firenze) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj8TCuQLtX6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Leisure stress at the weekend(Nordic walking tour and much more) 😂🤣😂
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lilcantina · 2 years
Bele :(
Tegnap az uszodában kellett leereszteni a merülő vizét egy német nyugdíjas (terméke) miatt, ma a housekeeping terheltetett fel egy ötezer forintos plusz takarítást egy másiknak egy gyanús folt miatt a fürdőszoba bejárata előtti szőnyegen.
A héten két nyugdíjas néninek kellett kihívni a szerelőket, hogy a nordicwalking botjukat széttekerjék nekik csőfogóval, egy cseh néninek kellett megígérni, hogy leszidjuk az emeleti szomszédjait, akik hangosan járkálnak, és egy másiknak visszatörtölni a számláját, mert egy cappyvel többet számoltak fel neki a testvére fogyasztásából.
Anyukám mindig azt mondta, ne legyek óvónéni. Hát majdnem.
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