#not all of my favorites though since we’d be here all day if I showed every panel I love lol
skyward-floored · 4 months
...What are people’s favorite wordless lu panels?
Like, the dialogue in lu is amazing, and I love updates where the boys chat a bunch, but sometimes the wordless panels are even better, you know? These are some of my favorites (all @linkeduniverse’s of course)
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AITA for not letting my friend take a picture of my meal?
So this actually happened 10 years ago when we were all 13/14, but I brought it up to some friends who asked why my 8th grade friendgroup imploded and they found it funny but had mixed feelings on whether or not I was fully in the wrong, so I thought I’d share it here for shits and giggles. Buckle up for some petty 14 y old drama…
My friend (Mary, 14) ran an instagram account where she would post pictures of food “she” would eat. She took it very seriously and would often invite us to lunch / dinner with her at slightly expensive restaurants so she could take pictures of all of our meals and save them for days she didn’t have anything to post. With that, she would always request that we all get something different from each other so she could maximize the photos. For context, we lived in one of those bougie suburb areas and most of our parents used to give us lunch/dinner money. Mine didn’t, I had a part time job so I had to pay out of pocket.
I got annoyed with this really fast. She kept shooting down me suggesting we go to my favorite places after school because we’d “already been there” or “the lighting wasn’t good for photos” or “the food just didn’t look appetizing”.
I didn’t want to go to some of the places Mary suggested because I am a picky eater and they were expensive, so I stopped participating in this pretty much halfway through her time running the account.
The big fight happened on a friend’s birthday party, we’d gone out to eat and I was hungry and exhausted from doing some yardwork earlier. Mary badgered me about ordering something different than another friend of ours and I snapped at her and said okay sure whatever because I didn’t want to deal with it.
When my meal showed up, Mary had been going around positioning everyone’s plates trying to get the lighting right and I snuck a few carrots into my mouth. It wasn’t noticeable on my plate, it looked fine. Mary lost her shit at that though and told me that I was ruining everything, and that I had no self control or patience and started attacking my character… To which I then decided to actually mess up my plate by taking my fork to it and making it look un-presentable.
Mary and I got into an argument at the table and people were really split between being tired of Mary being bossy annoying and controlling, and people arguing that we should be more supportive of our friend’s hobby since it really doesn’t take long to just let her take the photos.
This led to that, eventually through a string of messy group chat / private chat messages people started getting really personal with their attacks and bringing up old beef which led to the group imploding but that’s not relevant since I missed out on most of it by virtue of going to bed early.
Anyhow, was I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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Brother body part swap part 1:
My teen brother after finishing high school and going to the same college as me as a freshman, went though a major transformation inbetween summer break and starting college
In high school he had a lot of friends, more than I do now as a senior, and I never really herd him talk about sex or getting with anyone when he was in high school.
But whenever we’d go home after school and he’d have his friends over, they would always talk about how and who they were banging that week, my brother always had the most outlandish stories, talking about how how he’d use his big dick to fuck whatever brode it was in his story, all the moaning, and getting his face shoved into her boobs
I was kinda proud of him, I’ve only been with 3 girls myself, but what I was even more proud about was hearing how he had a big dick, I’ve seen my father’s one time on accident when I was a kid and was afraid that’s what I would peak at. luckily I’m probs 3 or 4 inches bigger than my old man. I was worried my brother didn’t get laid any in school cause he had my fathers dick size, but I guess I was wrong
I envied my brother benji , i always thought he was better looking than me, and I don’t know how he went from the popular class clown to one of the supposed fuck boi’s on campus in such a short time
His friends always thought it was a bit weird that benji would invite me to their smoke sesh and get High while they told their latest stories and I never seemed to have any
I typically would just zone out and watch the tv, as their stories would just become white noise to me while getting high
One day after his friends left, benji shortly came back and sat down next to me while I was zooted watching Rick and Morty, he was always better functioning while high, probs from smoking in high school too, so he had a couple years of experience, I only started smoking with him cause I was curious and didn’t have a connect myself…
Benji started talkin to me, and started asking some weird questions, but I tried not to pay any attention to them since I was so into my show
“Hey Christian, I have a question for you” he said trying not to seem needy for a answer
“Yuh” I said still staring at the tv
“Um how old were you when you first got laid” he said putting his hands together and leaning forward focusing on the tv with me
“17” I said
“And ummm… how big is your dick”
“Uh like 9 inches…. Um…. You?” I said Tilting my head a bit to look at him
“Um… 7, myself, why do you ask” he said seeming uneasy
“Bruh, chill, I don’t care, you asked first after all, what’s the problem bro, something wrong?” I said, turning back to the tv
“Um, I mean I guess, some girls I’ve been with kinda think I’m small” it was as if I could feel him sink into the couch after he said that
“Nah bro, your good, I mean your pretty good looking, no homo. And 7 inches isn’t small, bigger than average, she’s probs just a college slut, there’s always someone bigger. Now let’s just watch the rest of this, and finish the season haha” i said laughing and reaching over to give him a brotherly tapping on his chest
“You think I’m good looking? haha thanks bro. just one more question, what’s your body count, or like how often do you get laid” he said laughing seeming to return to his happy self
“Um like 2 or 3” I said
“2 or 3 girls or times” he said looking directly at me shocked
“Times bro, now shut up, we can talk about this later” i said annoyed now
Thankfully benji decided to shut up for while… but I did decide to knock on his door before we both went to bed, so we can get up early and drive to campus…
***knock knock knock***
“hey bro, you good?” I said looking at him sitting down on his bed biting his lip, hair dangling down looking at his phone.
“Ya Chris, I’m good…” benji said not really seeming like he was in a good place
“Aye you sure ben? You know I’m here for you right? You’re my favorite little brother you know?” I said smirking
“I’m your only little brother” he said seeming to cheer up a bit”
“Ya I know” I said still standing at his door frame
“May I come in?”
I stepped into his room, which was kinda a mess but I don’t really blame him, my room was kinda the same when I was his age
“So um about some of the things you were talking to me about earlier, what was that about?” I said taking a seat in one of Beni’s gaming chairs, swinging it around so I can look at him
“Um it was nothing… just, some girl problems…. You know what I mean?” He said looking kinda sad at me
“I mean ya, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my heart broken before but I’m not like you Brosif, it almost seems like you and your buddies have a game going on to see who can fuck the most girls or something haha.” I said trying to relate to him
“That’s the problem bro” he said tossing himself on his bed but still facing his head towards me so I can here him talk
“I can get with chicks no problem, but none of them seem to wanna date me for some reason, and the few I have dated, cheated on me with guys they said had bigger dicks, said I wasn’t enough for them” he said looking very distraught now clinching a pillow to his chest
I felt bad for my bro, it seems he’s really trying, but just can’t find the right girl, I know how it feels to hurt like that.
“Man, like I said earlier, they must just be sluts if that’s all they care about bro, don’t stress about it bro, I’m sure in a couple years you won’t think about any of them again” i said walking over and putting a hand on his shoulder
“ but I don’t wanna wait years, I wanna form a connection with someone that cares for me bro, it fucking sucks” benji said as I saw a tear slip out his closed eyes
“I’m sorry man, maybe I can try to hook you up with one of my exes bro, some of them have told me they thought you were the cute brother anyways haha, they might be interested, you always liked hanging out with me and my girlfriends right?”
“Ya” he said voice trying not to break
“Ok then, I’ll start work on it tomorrow, get a good night sleep bro” I said heading to the door”
“And um, benji, just know, your never lonely as long as you have family, your a good person, good night, love you bro” i said closing the door heading back to my room
Once back in my room I hopped on my instagram, and was scrolling though posts when I saw a post from benji’s fanstagram (fake instagram account) where he shared a link about some necklace that looked kinda cool but clearly wasn’t real (the material I mean, definitely didn’t look like real silver). I checked the comments and I guess it was suppose to be some magic prop from a show or something, came with warning labels and all, but what does a necklace need a warning label for? Ya know what I mean haha?
Anyways the necklace was SUPPOSEDLY enchanted by a witch, and the wearer could swap bodies parts with other people when he wore the necklace and put on the clothes of the person he wanted to swap with.
I thought it was weird but decided to go ahead and purchase it anyways for him, sometimes ya just need to get a gift for one of your family members, plus I mean his birthday was in a few days anyways, luckily the deliver date was a day before his birthday, talk about coming in clutch haha.
The next day came by and was kinda uneventful, for some reason I was just really excited to see benji’s face when I give him his gift
I did however was able to get one of my ex’s “Beth” to agree to go on a date with him, even better was it was gonna be on his birthday too, guess I got him 2 gifts haha, when I told him he seemed really excited telling me I’m the best brother anyone could ask for
Another day gos by uneventful, benji telling me about all the idea’s he has for his date, asking me questions like what I think she’d like… I told him, “just be you, maybe hang out for a bit, dinner if she gets hungry, perhaps take her to the lake and go for a swim” I said winking at him
“How am I gonna get there? It’s be kinda weird if you drove us, also kinda pathetic if she has to drive us” he said seeming like he was trying to hint at something
I rolled my eyes and tossed my keys at him “duh bro, you can borrow my car I guess while you go on your date, don’t fucking scratch it tho, you know mustangs aren’t cheap”
“Seriously bro? Your gonna let me drive the stang? What’s the catch, why are you being so nice all of a sudden” he said squinting his eyes at me
“No reason bro, it’s your birthday, that’s like 1 of the 2 days a year I legally have to be nice to you, what you don’t wanna drive it?” I said raising an eye at his question
“No!, No!, I do! It was just a question that’s all” he said back peddling
The rest of the night went as usual, play’ed some games, did homework, kept checking the mail all the way till 9 pm waiting for benji’s gift to come, it’d be ashame for it to arrive after his birthday, not really a birthday gift then is it?
The next morning I got dressed and ready to go to campus, benji was the first one out as usual and just waited in the car, but he did yell out the door that I had a package on the step
“This is it” I thought to myself “it arrived, good thing too, I’ll give it to him after school” my internal monologue continued as I ran down the stairs to grab it and ran back up to my room
I opened it up and saw the necklace in a plastic baggy, aslong with instructions…. “Who needs instructions for a necklace like seriously? How hard is it to put a necklace on haha”
It did look pretty cool, I decided to open it and try it on, my head was too big to just slide it over my head, so I had to unclasp it and clasp it again around my neck
Looking in the mirror on my dresser I decided it really did look good, and I should have gotten myself one too, that way we could match, but too late now I guess, could always check and see if they still have any later I suppose
For some strange reason I thought back to what the description said of the necklace, about how it could supposedly swap body parts by wearing other people’s cloths, and I know it’s dumb, but you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat.
I didn’t have any of benji’s spare clothes in my room, but he did leave a pair of his shoes in my room from hanging out with me a lot
I took mine off including socks since if there’s a chance this would work, socks would probs mess with it, cause you know, socks are actually touching you, shoes just touch your socks
I managed to fit my feet in benji’s smaller shoes, they weren’t that much smaller than mine, but with me wearing size 12’s and him wearing 10.5’s they were small enough that I had to curl my toes to fit in them
I stood up with disappointment as I took a few steps and still felt my feet curled up…. I decided to sit back down and take them off. But when I did I was met with toenails that looked like they haven’t been clipped in over a month, strange since I just clipped mine last week…
A spark of hope was reignited as I noticed they seemed a bit smaller too
I stuck my foot back into benji’s vans and was shocked that I didn’t have to curl them to fit now… maybe I just had them so tense the first time I couldn’t feel that I didn’t need to curl them anymore…
I decided maybe this could be another gift for benji? Maybe let him live as the older brother for a week or something? If that’s what he wants of course…
I knew we were gonna be late to class if I spent too much time fucking off, so I decided to rush to benji’s room kicking his shoes off and striping. I opened his closet and grabbed a shirt and pair of pants and threw them on. I saw a pair of dirty underwear on the ground but decided against it, I feel like that would be too weird having my brothers junk
After waiting with my eyes closed for half a minute I opened them and saw that I looked a bit shorter, I mean after all benji was 5’10 compared to my 6’ so not to much of a difference. I decided to take my shirt off just to make sure I’m not crazy and saw my new chest and immediately knew it worked, I use to have a treasure tail on my stomach but not anymore sense benji could never grow one, plus my arms looked a bit thicker, not fat or anything, benji was far from that, but more like it looked like he went to the gym… once a week haha… not to mention benji weighed maybe 5 or 10 pounds more than me dispute being a couple inches shorter, I could see he, er I guess, I now had the beginnings of a faint 4 pack, I mean I had abs myself but they were from how skinny I use to be.
Now the Only issue, is I still had my old face, and I know benji didn’t wear any hats so that was an issue
Truthfully I wasn’t sure this would even work, not because I don’t believe in magic, I mean the shoe part proved me wrong, but because a lot of his clothes are hand me downs from me, but I guess aslong as he’s worn them it works?
I went back though his closet and found a hoodie that I’ve seen him wear before, I decided to put it on and zip it up, I put the hood over my head and pulled the strings so it covered as much of my face as possible and waited
“Please work, please let this count as a head article” i said outloud waiting
Wasn’t that long till I felt something touching my eyes
I let go of the strings and pulled back the hood still facing the mirror
“Yes! It worked” I said seeing benji’s face and much longer hair than mine
I was shocked to hear his voice, it definitely wasn’t mine but didn’t sound exactly like benji ether,
“is this how benji sounds to himself” i said aloud making faces in the mirror trying to get use to this
“Well I guess they do say due to vibrations in the skull, people think their voice is actually deeper than it actually is” I thought to myself as I tied benji’s shoes on and ran back to my old room and grabbing my old pair of shoes
Even tho this is crazy, I’m still thoughtful and knew benji must be feeling the shoe swap, if he hasn’t already noticed the rest of the swap
I ran down stairs and passed my mum on the way out “benji, I thought you all left already” she said not even bothering to stop preparing breakfast for when dad wakes up
“Ya I just had to grab something real quick, bye love you mom” I said continuing my way out the door
I got outside and continued running to the drive way, I got close enough and could see myself passed out in the passenger seat. I got closer and opened the passenger side door, seeing benji simply took his shoes off and relaxed instead of questioning what was happening
I tossed my old shoes at him and tossed my pair of keys on the lap waking him up
“Your driving Christian” i said winking at him
“Bro, what the fuck, why am I looking at myself” benji said pulling down the sun visor to check the mirror
“Holy shit, I’m you Christian! How is this possible” he said feeling his face
I pulled the necklace out from being tuck under the hoodie and shook it
“Remember this necklace you wanted?” I said still dangling the necklace
“You got it? And it actually works? Holy shit bro, this is crazy” benji said reaching into his pants feeling around
“Aye bro I think you forgot underwear” he said looking up at me
“Nah, I just felt like it’d be too weird to swap that, now any ways get up, your driving.” I said trying to get into the passenger side
Benji got in the driver seat and started it up, waiting 30 seconds for the engine to warm up before sticking it into drive
“So um, how long does this last? Or how long are we gonna stay swapped” benji said keeping his eyes on the road
“Oh I don’t know, there was a instructions manual but I didn’t think we’d need that, so As long as you want bro, aslong as it’s within reason, so could be for a day, could be for a week or 2, but I’m definitely not doing a whole month haha… you can consider this a 3rd birthday gift I guess”
“Jeez thanks bro, but um, you do remember I have a date tonight right?” He said a bit annoyed at the timing of the swap
“Well, I mean we can always swap back after class. Or…. We could stay like this and I could go on your date for you maybe? That way I can do everything possible to make sure she wants a 2nd date and continue seeing you, ya know since you always seem to fuck shit up haha” i said laughing
“Not funny dude, but ya I guess maybe it would be a good idea for you to go as me, you’d know what she would like, and could probs seal the deal with getting her to date me” benji said pulling off the road into campus to park
“Sounds like a deal then” I said reaching over to shake his hand
“Deal” he said
After benji turned the car off and we got out I decided to make a joke about the situation before I headed to his class’s
“Have a good day Christian” i said putting emphasis on the name
“You too benji” he said doing the same
I went to benji’s classes and tried doing my best impression of him, especially sense one of benji’s friends that we typically smoke with decided to come sit by me
I decided to talk with him and boast about how I got a hot date with Christian’s ex “Beth” to which benji’s friend just absolutely lost it
“You got a date with Beth? Dude that’s insane, I always thought she was your brothers hottest ex, you tots gotta get pics and share them with me bro” he said dabbing me up
“I don’t know bro, I might just keep them all for myself dude haha” I told him smirking
The rest of the day went as usual, or as usual as I can imagine for a day as benji. My date with Beth wasn’t for another 2 hours but I was still gonna prepare and go though my brothers closet to find the right outfit for this.
The time came and I went to grab my keys from benji, since he still had them on him personally.
I did everything I thought Beth would like, and it worked, took her for a early dinner, then a movie, and after wards she still wanted to hang out. I proposed going for a swim down by the lake which she seemed down for. We drove back to her house first since it was closer and she needed to pick up one of her bikinis and then headed back to my place since I would also need to get a pair of swimming trunks or shorts to swim in.
I went up to my room and saw benji sitting there playing one of my games, he paused it when he herd me come in
“How’d he go, does she still wanna go out” he said turning around seeming nervous
“Oh ya bro, it’s still not over, I’m just here to grab some shorts cause she wants to go down to the lake and go for a swim before it gets real dark… do you think it’d be wrong of me if I tried to fuck her on the first date? ” i said grabbing a bag and putting a pair of my black shorts in there and some towels
“Nah bro, I mean it does sound like something I’d do, so she might be expecting it” benji said smiling at me
Before heading out I left my bag next to benji as I went to take a piss, I could hear him leave the room and come back in a short amount of time. I came out the bathroom and saw him stuffing something into the bag
“What’s that” I said walking closer to grab my bag”
“Uh just some condoms, can’t be too safe right bro” he said stepping back seeming a bit weird, like I caught him doing something he shouldn’t
“Uh ya thanks bro, stopping at a store to buy some might have been weird if she knew I was planning to do this haha” i said laughing grabbing the bag and heading out
It was only a short drive to the lake, I parked and we got out together but decided to separate for a bit to change out of our clothes.
I got behind a tree and opened my bag, I couldn’t seem to find my shorts, I pulled out my phone and turned the flashlight on, pulling the towels out and found something I wasn’t expecting, my shorts weren’t in there but a pair of of benji’s orange, white and black striped swimming trunks.
“God damit benji, I told you I didn’t wanna swap dicks, that’s fucking weird, but I guess I have no choice now” I thought to myself as I kicked my jeans off and slide his swimming shorts on
I started headed to the lake but realized something felt off, my dick didn’t want to sit as usual, which I guess is understandable sense I’m not use to having my brothers dick. I decided to check the damage out and pulled my shorts down a bit grabbing my smaller soft cock
“Fuck bro I’m like 5 inches soft, but benji is like 3.5 soft, at best, I kinda wanna say closer to 3… he just must be a grower” I thought to myself as I herd Beth yell “hurry up benji, I’m waiting for you”
I could see Beth in the water, I got in to get closer to her but once I was waist high in, I saw she just undone the top half of her bra letting it float towards me “ops” she said giggling covering her mouth
After seeing that I hurried up and proceeded to go deeper into the water till I reached her. “Oh my god, your so gorgeous in this light” i said as I went in for a kiss
Beth allowed it and got close enough to wrap her arms around me and kiss me back “funny, your brother once used the same line on me, but to be honest, I always thought you were the cuter one” she said inbetween making out with
“Haha, thanks I get that a lot” I said feeling my dick starting to grow. It must have touched her legs as we were kicking to stay afloat cause she knew where I wanted to go next “should we take this to the shore” she said guiding me to it anyways
“You know what you’re doing?” She said sliding the bottom half of her bikini down exposing herself to me
“Ya, I just hope your ready for this, I’m almost as big as Christian haha” i said pulling my pants down just to have to bite my pride with shock mixed in
Benji had lied to me about his size, he wasn’t 7 inches, no where near, I looked down was greated by my new 5 inches of glory
I could see Beth’s facial expression change a bit as she covered her mouth
Before she could laugh or say anything I decided to just stick it in
Truthfully I could see why a lot of girls passed on benji, I bet over half the campus is bigger than Ben, not to mention it was mere minutes and I was ready to blow
This is kinda embarrassing as fuck, I don’t want benji to remember me as the one that fucked up his date and chance of a long term relationship cause I couldn’t hold it on
I tried my best to remember where her g-spot was and eventually I found it, but I just couldn’t seem to hit it all the way, I simply didn’t have the length anymore, I was able to get quite a few moans out of her when I would get far enough in to graze her spot, but I’m not quite sure if it was because I was reaching it, or if they were moans out of sympathy trying to keep my ego in check
Another couple minutes go by and she starts pulling my body closer trying to get me as close and as far as she could get me inside of her, she was moaning telling me not to stop, and I tried not, if I could have lasted another 15 seconds, I might have gotten her to cum first or as the same time as me, but I couldn’t, I herd a metallic click from around my neck just as I started to cum and lose my rhythm right before I got her to finish.
“Fuck I said” panting pulling out and laying next to her “ I know I almost had you finish, I just barely beat you to the punch, I’m so sorry, not very gentleman like of me to not let you cum first haha” I said laughing trying to defuse the situation
“Well, you certainly don’t last as long as your brother, nor are you anywhere near as big, but I guess you did the best with what you had to work with, your lucky your cute you know, or else I might consider this a one night stand” she said laying there with her eyes closed for a few moments
“Ok, well, let’s get you home I suppose” i said getting up and offering her a hand up
I dropped her off walking her to her door, able to steal a good night kiss before separating for the night
I drove back home in a fury, benji almost fucked this up and he wasn’t even the one on the date!
I rushed up the stairs once I got home and went straight to my room, I opened the door ready to yell at benji but was left silent after being caught off guard. When I opened the door, I saw benji in my body, panting looking down at himself, no pants on, underwear halfway pulled down and cum falling off my big dick
“You didn’t!” I said loudly surprising him
“Uh uh uh, Christian, this isn’t what it looks like” he said panicking
“Really? Cause it looks like you swapped my shorts out for yours, I come back after my date almost exploding when I told her I’m almost as big as my brother, which was a let down for her when she saw that I’m only 5 inches hard! And walked in right as you finished jerking off in my body!” I said angrily
“Uh uh, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself, I noticed my dick didn’t feel right, so I checked it out, and then I got hard from looking at it, and I just couldn’t help myself” benji said back tracking
“What ever dude, your lucky Beth still wants to go out with you, we’re fucking done with this swap, get out” i said grabbing some of my clothes and a spare beanie off the ground
“I thought you said we could stay swapped for atleast a week!?” Benji said defensively moving to the door
“Ya well you forfeited that when you took my shorts and swapped them with your own, I told you I didn’t want to swap junks with you, who wants a smaller dick? Not to mention balls. I didn’t wanna lose 2 inches and instead you forced me to lose 4. Now get out!” I said slamming the door on him
I kicked my shoes off stripped naked putting on all my old clothes, and layed on my bed waiting a couple minutes to swap back before I got up
I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror positioned so that I can see myself on my bed. I was surprised to still be greated by benji’s shit eating face
“What the fuck” I said outloud heading to benji’s room to get him to put the necklace on and swap us back
I walked in and he acted shocked to still see me as him
“Did you change your mind” he said smirking
“No as you can see I’m wearing my old clothes but nothing happened” i said trying to unclasp the necklace to give it to him but failing. “Now help me get this necklace off”
Benji came over and tried unclasping to no prevail.
Benji laughed and said “hold on” as he yanked the necklace making the clasp break so the necklace would come undone
Benji made a big ole show about picking up some of his clothes and putting them on before loosely tangling the necklace so it was kinda tied around his neck “did you ever read the instructions” he said trying not to smile but failing
“No, what could be so important about stupid instructions for a necklace” i said
“A magic necklace, and well, in the instructions it says that part of the magic is if you desire to keep the parts you have, all you have to do is cum, ether jerk off, sex, whatever gets you to blow” he said looking at me with a full blown shit eating grin
“And well, you already had sex with Beth in my body right?”
“Ya” I said slowly realizing what this ment
“And I already jerked off right before you got back. Which means nothing is probably gonna happen” he said
We waited there for a solid two minutes before I finally broke
“So you knew if you jerked off we wouldn’t be able to swap back? What the fuck is wrong with you dude, now we’re stuck like this! We gotta find a way to swap back, I don’t wanna be known as the small dick little brother” I said tears starting to form in my eyes
“Let me reiterate something you said to me not to long ago, “”who wants a smaller dick”” well not me, when I saw you weren’t actually bullshitting about having a 9inch dick, I decided I don’t actually mind having your body, knowing you’d probably try and bang your ex in my body, I decided to seize the opportunity and jerk off in yours so I can keep this” benji said putting his hand in his pants
“So if I was you, id get use to being the little brother in more than 1 way benji, cause luckily for me, this is permanent now haha” my brother said laughing to me, putting emphasis on his name.
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elizabethwritesmen · 8 months
The Devil Wears Lace
chapter 5 : July 4, 2023
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pairing: simon “ghost” riley x reader
summary: it’s 4th of july and your favorite soldier shows up at the firework show. you spend a little time with him and get a little drunk, resulting in some bad decision. everything is ok though, as long as he’s there with you.
warnings: 18+ for eventual smut, pining, no use of y/n, reader is almost forced into a pool, angry simon, possessive simon, fireworks, someone flirts with reader, i think that’s all but let me know if i missed anything!
series masterlist
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July 4, 2023
A year had passed since my kidnapping.
It was surreal, really. I liked to brush off the experience like it had been nothing but it took a week in the hospital to detox me from all the drugs those guys had pumped in me and two months for my leg to completely heal. It wasn’t the kind of thing you just… forget about. The trauma was gone, though, mostly, but what was left creeped in once I realized it was the anniversary of it.
And then the worst thought crept in. What if they came back? One failed attempt so they try again?
I shrugged off those thoughts, returning to my outfit search. I’d tried on a million options, and upon seeing them on me, decided they were awful and should burn. Because of this what can only be described as character flaw, most of my clothes were strewn across my bed and floor haphazardly after being ripped violently and angrily from my body. I sighed, accepting defeat, and found my safe choice. A cream colored American flag sweater, just thin enough to wear on the beach, and a pair of light wash daisy dukes with rips and exposed pockets. I yanked on my birk style sandals and called it a day.
I rushed out the door with my hair pulled messily into a white claw clip and my makeup done in a rush, mascara just barely smeared and a thin layer of lip balm. I jumped into my car, speeding to the beach where the firework show was to be held.
Normally, I would’ve had to work, but Sabrina’s husband’s family just happened to be the owners of the bar and he decided to close for the night so everybody could enjoy the holiday. This was mostly due to pestering from Sab and I, but that was fine, considering we got what we wanted in the end.
Once I got there, I parked right beside her husband, Dylan’s truck. Once they saw me, they climbed out and we all walked to find a spot together.
“There are a lot of people here already,” I commented as we found a free space at the end of the pier, right in front of the water.
“Probably trying to get good spots like the one we just got,” Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows.
“You know who might be coming?” Dylan asked me with a smirk that made me nervous. I stood, waiting for him to tell me, and he bit, “Connor.”
Connor worked with me when I first started at the bar, but he’d quit after a few months to take a job offer in another city. He was nice, adorable and likable. He was never immune to my charms but he was much more respectful than any of the other men I used them on. We’d hung out and, well, made out a few times before he moved away. I never really cared about him or anything, so his leaving was fine with me, but I did miss having a man around that wasn’t creepy or strange or icky in the slightest. Of course, now I had Ghost, but was he really around? Not much. So what harm could flirting with Connor for the evening do?
“You invited him?” I asked, brows furrowed, “I knew you guys were friends but I didn’t realize you kept in touch.”
“Yeah, he has plans with his family today and came here for them, but he said he’ll probably be done early and head here.”
“Interesting,” Sabrina grinned, “Sounds like a good chance for you to get laid.”
I threw my water bottle at her, “Not everything is about sex, Sab!”
“Well it sure hasn’t been for you lately.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I raised an eyebrow at her.
“You’ve been stuck on Ghost for a year, flirting around with him and waiting for him like an army wife or something. And in that time, have you had sex or even done anything with anyone at all?” I cast my eyes downward, the truth in her words hitting me like ice water. “Exactly. I’m just saying, you need to get out of this rut or you’re gonna be hung up on a man you’ll never have for the rest of your life.”
Sabrina was always one for tough love. She never lied, and she only ever said exactly what she thought a person needed to hear.
“You know, I never really slept around even before I met Ghost,” My contradiction was weak against her words.
“I know. But I also know that’s the only thing that might get him off your mind and turn you back into a man’s worst nightmare.”
“Fine. You’re right. Hopefully Connor will stop by.”
“Atta girl!” She grinned, high fiving me with both hands as we settled into the chairs Dylan had carried out for us.
“Not to, uh, ruin this moment for you ladies or anything, but who is Ghost?” Dylan asked, seeming thoroughly confused.
“The guy I told you about, that always wears the mask. The one who saved her last year.”
“Oh!” recognition flashed on his face, “Somehow I’ve missed him every time he’s been here.”
“Well then you’ve also missed the googly eyes she makes at him.”
“I’m sitting right here!” I huffed, crossing my arms.
We hung out there for a couple hours, chatting and drinking a little more than we really needed to. I was nice and buzzed by the time night fell, and I looked around, surveying all the people there.
What I wasn’t expecting to see was Ghost and his three buddies a little ways away from us. They hadn’t noticed me yet, and I didn’t know whether that was a blessing or a curse. Did I have it in me to ignore him and just have a good night with my friends?
Of course I didn’t.
“Sabrina!” I hissed, smacking her on the arm until she paid attention to me. When she finally looked up from whatever she was doing on her phone, I gestured aggressively with my head to the guys in question.
“Fuck, who’d have thought? You gonna go say hi?”
“I don’t know, they haven’t seen me yet. It would be weird for me to just-“
“They see you now,” she raised a brow and gave them a slight finger wave, and I turned to see that they were, in fact, looking at me. Even him.
“Do you think they even want me to walk over there?” I asked.
“Of course they do, stupid, those boys are wrapped around your finger. Go!”
“No,” I sighed, “If he wants to talk to me badly enough he’ll come over here.”
“You and your dumbass hoe rules,” she rolled her eyes at me.
“They’re not dumb and I’m not a hoe!”
“Wait,” Dylan furrowed his brows, “That’s the man? The myth? The legend?” I nodded, giggling. “He’s fucking huge!”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Hell no, I’m guy crushing. Now I don’t resent Sabrina for telling me he’s hot.”
“You told your husband you think Ghost is hot?” I snorted at her, and she shrugged.
“He told me he thinks Angelina Jolie is hot. It was only fair.”
“So you guys just… share your gay crushes with each other? Any more you want to tell me about?”
“Well we’ve both agreed we’d have a threesome but only with you-“ Sabrina didn’t finish her statement, but I heard enough and reached my hand up to shut her up.
“I want to forget you told me that.”
“Fuck,” she gasped, “He’s coming over.”
“Really?” my tone was pathetic, too excited for my own good.
“You were right, I was wrong. Your hoe rules are not dumb!”
Before I could respond, he cleared his throat from behind me. I turned slowly, feeling his presence before I even saw him.
“Hey,” I grinned, and almost looked like he did too, under the mask.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he said, his voice the same rough melody as always.
“Well… I live here, and basically the entire town showed up, so..”
“That’s true.”
“What’s more weird is you being here. Considering this is a day to celebrate the US ditching England and you’re English.”
He shrugged, “I like American Independence Day. It’s interesting.”
“Interesting how?”
“Right now, the interesting part is you.”
I fought off the butterflies. Really and truly, I did, with everything I had in me.
“If you just came over here to flatter me, you can go ahead and go back to your friends,” I smirked, eyes narrow.
“Actually I came over to see if you’d wanna come say hi to them.”
“Awwww, so they sent you over here? And I thought you came over because you like me.”
Sabrina and Dylan had amused expressions on their faces, but neither said a word as they watched the exchange.
“They were just gonna wave you over but I told them I wanted to come ask you. Does that answer satisfy you?”
“I’m never satisfied,” I clicked my tongue, but I stood from my seat anyway, lightly grabbing his arm and letting him lead me away. “Be right back!” I called as I left, and my two friends waved goodbye to me, laughing.
“There she is!” Soap cheered as I approached, and a grin broke out over my face. “We started to think you didn’t wanna talk to us!”
“Was just waiting for Lieutenant Dan over here to notice me is all,” I hummed jokingly, getting on my tiptoes to pat Ghost on the head.
“Lieutenant… Dan?” he furrowed his brows, staring down at me, confused as ever.
“You’ve never seen Forrest Gump?” I practically shouted, mouth hanging open stupidly, and he shook his head. “That’s it, you guys are coming over to my place one of these days and we’re gonna watch it.”
“Fine with us,” Gaz shrugged, taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
Ghost still looked apprehensive and confused, so I told him in the sweetest voice I could manage, “Lieutenant Dan is super cool. I had a little crush on him the first time I watched the movie.” At that, his features relaxed, but they tensed again when the boys around us whistled.
“I think she’s got a little crush on you, Ghost,” Price laughed, and Ghost glared but I just giggled.
“I never said I didn’t,” I shrugged with a wink and the whistles got worse. “But I never said I did, either.”
We caught up, they told me as much as they could about what they had been up to but it wasn’t a lot at all. I noticed the more I saw them, the comfier they got speaking to me.
Then, I noticed Connor walking up the pier out of the corner of my eye, his own eyes already on me. A bright smile lit up his face and he picked up his pace to get to my side.
“Connor!” I squeaked as he pulled me into a huge hug, spinning me around in a circle and then waiting an extra second to let me go.
“Hey, sweet cheeks,” he winked, “You look good.”
“I look the same,” I scoffed.
“I know,” his voice was coy and I rolled my eyes, stepping back to put a tiny bit of distance between us, hyper aware of Ghost’s eyes burning into me.
“I can’t believe you made it,” I spoke, more tense than I normally would’ve been but I don’t think anyone picked up on it. I felt so awkward. I’d started the day with the intention of flirting with him, and doing anything I could to make him want me, and now I was a puddle for another man I didn’t even expect to see.
“Of course I made it,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “You’re here. I’d never miss a chance to see you while I’m in town.”
“I seem to have that affect on men,” I snorted, sparing a glance to Ghost and instantly regretting it. His eyes were hot, and they just about set me on fire, making my whole body feel tense and preyed upon.
“You always have,” Connor looked me up and down then, clearly liking what he saw, “Where are the lovebirds?”
“Over there,” I pointed to the end of the pier and he nodded.
“You gonna come join us anytime soon?” he asked.
“If you stay on your best behavior, I’ll consider it,” I smirked and he laughed all the way down to Dylan and Sabrina.
“You two seemed familiar,” Soap hummed, tone playful but eyes wary.
“He used to work with me but he moved away. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a couple years or so.”
“Guess time didn’t make him like you any less.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Why don’t you guys come down to the end, with us? The view is better, and I don’t wanna leave you but I can’t ditch them.”
“Fine by me,” Price shrugged, and the others agreed. Ghost didn’t want to, but they talked him into it, saying it was either hang out with me or stand there alone.
“Finally decided we were worth your time?” Sabrina jabbed as we approached, and I rolled my eyes.
“You’re always worth my time, baby girl,” I leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, “I was just having a chat.”
“Get a room, you two,” Dylan joked at our girly display of affection.
“Can’t, you married her before I had the chance,” I pouted, and they both laughed. I was straight as they come, but I still liked to joke about being gay for her. She was my best friend. What girl doesn’t do that?
“If anyone is getting a room with this one, it’s gonna be me,” Connor leaned around me to kiss me on the cheek and I all but cringed, shying away from him.
“‘This one’ isn’t getting a room at all, so don’t go getting your hopes up,” I was stern, but tried to be nice and protect the peace. I’d expected him to flirt with me. It’s not his fault I have a very angry looking Ghost watching over me and making me feel dizzy with need, my tummy a little sick from all the butterflies in there flying against my rib cage.
“See your mouth hasn’t changed much,” he just laughed, turning back to the side of the pier and leaning on the railing.
I approached Ghost, opting to root myself by him instead of by Connor. I wanted him to know that he was the one I’d rather have. It was silly, really, I shouldn’t have cared, but I did. I wouldn’t risk doing anything that would make him not want to see me again. I needed him to want to see me again.
This action didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else, their eyebrows raised but they stayed silent. Ghost just grabbed my arm and pulled me half an inch closer, satisfied with my choice, and I half smiled.
“Hey hot stuff,” Sabrina began speaking to me, “After the fireworks we’re going back to mine and hanging out by the pool. You down?”
“Are we all invited?” I gestured to the four men beside me and she nodded.
“Of course! I wouldn’t leave anyone out,” her tone of voice was the same as all the times she joked about Ghost and I.
“Then yeah, that sounds good. You guys wanna come?”
“I’d rather hang out there than some crowded bar,” Gaz shrugged, and the others nodded. Once again, all except Ghost.
“Come on, Ghosty, you’re not gonna let me go all alone are you?” I spoke, only loud enough for him to hear.
“You’ll have Connor with you.” He spat the name out like it disgusted him.
“I don’t want him with me. I want you. Besides, all your boys are coming. Please?” That one word did him in, his eyes meeting mine in a heated gaze.
“I’ll come.”
I smiled victoriously as we all settled in to watch the fireworks that were about to start. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me to the edge so I’d have a better view, which was shockingly sweet for the gruff man.
An hour or so later, we were all doing our thing by Dylan and Sabrina’s pool. I was laying in a lawn chair, drink in hand, on the border between tipsy and drunk, a giggling mess. At some point, everyone became comfortable with each other. Or at least, everyone but Ghost. He sat right beside me in the other lawn chair, watching over me carefully.
“You’re weird,” I hummed out, reaching out to tap him.
“You’re drunk,” he countered.
“That’s why you’re watching me so close? Cause I’m drunk?”
He cast his eyes downward, “Guess so.”
I let out a laugh, the embarrassing kind that I would inevitably regret the next day, attempting to stand up but wobbling on my legs. I just about fell but he steadied me.
“I’m gonna go get another, you want anything, silly little Ghost?” the sentence came out a slurred string of words, but he understood.
“No thank you, love,” he sounded kind, like he thought it was nice I asked, “Are you sure you need another?”
“One more won’t hurt me,” I shrugged, turning away to stumble over to the cooler and pull out yet another bottle. I found my way back beside him and plopped back down.
I couldn’t manage to get the cap off, and it was making me increasingly angry. Finally, Ghost grabbed it from me with a chuckle and took it off for me.
“So sexy when you do stuff for me,” I hummed, taking it from him and taking a long sip.
“That needs to be your last one,” he ordered and I giggled again.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“If you’d make the right choice on your own, I wouldn’t have to.”
I rolled my eyes, throwing the bottle back again. When I put it back down, Connor was in my line of sight, chuckling about something with Sabrina.
“Hey sweet cheeks, I got a real question for you,” he smirked at me, and I groaned.
“Oh God help me, what is it?”
“Will you jump in the pool with me like old times?” he implored, voice hopeful and I snorted.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Come on, you love bad ideas. You always have. Every time we’ve been here, we’ve jumped in the pool, don’t let this be the first time we don’t!” I still looked hesitant, and I was hesitant. I didn’t want to do it. Especially not with Simon right there, watching my every move, looking for any reason not to want anything to do with me. “Unless you’re scared?” Connor kept going. “You weren’t scared of anything when I knew you. Guess you’ve changed.”
His voice was a challenge and I knew it was a trap, but I fell right into it, indignantly arguing, “I am not scared.”
“Prove it, then. Strip.”
We got locked in a stare down before I huffed, standing from my seat, still wobbly but my determination giving me a boost. Simon helped steady me once again, still looking at me, assessing the situation.
“Fine,” I shrugged as I yanked my sweater over my head then unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down, leaving a trail of clothes on my way to the pool. Once I got there, all I had on was my lace bra and underwear, cute and purple. I didn’t even think before going for it, jumping haphazardly into the deep end, the rush of water hitting me like a train. I felt it shift around me and knew he’d jumped in right after me as I fought to get to the surface.
I finally broke through, and took a deep breath in, laughing the loudest I had all night. Sabrina and Dylan cheered for us, mumbling on about how familiar it was to see us in their pool. I risked a glance at Ghost. He was expressionless. Well, from what I could tell.
I made my way to the side of the pool, crossing my arms there and laying my head on them.
“You’re staring,” I hummed.
“You look fucked out. You need to go fix your makeup.”
I blushed, and I knew he saw it because his eyes perked up.
“Help me out, then,” I pleaded, reaching one hand out towards him and he stared at it for a moment before making his way towards me and grabbing it. He used it to tug me up while simultaneously wrapping his other arm around my middle and pulling me out.
“You’re not gonna swim with me?” Connor pouted from the pool, and I shrugged.
“I proved my point. Swim alone.”
Ghost’s glare shut him up after that, and we headed inside to the bathroom. He left the door open behind us but we still had a sense of privacy that had never been there before.
“Here,” he sighed, opening the bag of makeup wipes that Sab had on the counter and retrieving one then using it to wipe my face. “You feel good about what you just did?”
“Well I don’t feel bad about it, if that’s what you’re asking.” He grunted. “Everyone enjoyed it but you, Ghost.”
“Yeah because everyone out there wanted to see you half naked.”
“What, you didn’t? You don’t like what you see or something?”
“I didn’t say that,” his voice was deadly, as if he was chastising me. “That wasn’t smart. You’re drunk.”
“And you’re jealous.”
“I’m telling you that you made a dangerous decision and you’re accusing me of being jealous?”
“It wasn’t dangerous, first of all. I’ve done worse than that while I was drinking. And second of all, yeah. You’re jealous. You can admit it.” He stayed quiet, finishing up my face and going to walk out but I grabbed his wrist, tugging him back. “I’ve been rejecting him in the nicest way possible all night long.”
“Because I was scared if I didn’t, you’d decide I wasn’t worth coming back for again.”
“You can do what you want, it’s none of my business.”
“I know.”
“You can flirt back. You can damn near fuck him right in front of me and I’ll still seek you out the next time I’m here. You don’t have to worry one bit about that.”
“Is that a promise?” I asked, and he nodded, hand cupping my cheek. “I don’t wanna flirt with him. It’s pathetic is what it is. He came here tonight for me, thinking he was gonna get in these little lace panties, and the second I saw you he was an afterthought.”
His gaze was hotter than it ever had been, pupils a little wider when I risked those words. His voice was husky, going straight through me, “How rude of you.”
“You like me pathetic, huh? You like that I’m a little desperate?”
“You’re not desperate,” he chuckled.
“I am for you.”
He groaned, his masked face falling into the crook of my neck as his hands ghosted over my hips.
“Come on, let’s get back out there,” he pulled himself away and walked out, and I made no attempt to stop him that time, still trying to catch my breath.
A moment later I managed to compose myself, and I followed outside, laying back in my lawn chair. I was still a bit wet so I didn’t bother putting my clothes back on yet, but I was shivering slightly from the cold.
“Took you long enough,” Ghost mumbled from beside me and I rolled my eyes at him, leaning even further back, my eyes shutting. All the alcohol was getting to me, making me a little sleepy.
“You’re going to sleep?” The voice was Connor’s, and it was close. Before I could even respond, I was being picked up and held tightly in arms that didn’t feel like Ghost’s. My eyes shot open to see Connor carrying me towards the water.
“What’re you doing?” I asked loudly, squirming to get away. He just chuckled, clutching me tighter.
“Waking you up,” his voice was breathless as he laughed and I started struggling harder against him.
“Let me go! Please, let me go, fuck, God-!” I was full on wrestling him now to get away, not wanting to go back in the water. Thinking how wrong it was for him to throw me in there. He always used to do stuff like that when he’d lived close, and I hadn’t minded then, but I was drunk and it was late and-
My thoughts cut off there as he was yanked back from the edge by his shoulder.
“She said she wanted to be let go.” Ghost was standing there, looking as angry as ever.
“Chill, dude, this is our thing. We’ve always done stuff like this together, she’s fine,” Connor huffed incredulously.
“Does she look fine to you?”
They looked down at me, my lip trembling, fully uncomfortable in Connor’s arms.
“Connor, please put me down,” I tried one last time, “I don’t wanna be thrown in the water. I’m cold and drunk and-“
“Give her to me.” Ghost’s tone was not a playing one, sending shivers even down my spine and I could not imagine how Connor wasn’t cracking under that pressure. “Now.”
Connor sighed, nodding, setting me down next to Ghost who pulled me close into his chest, hand stroking my wet hair and wiping my cheeks where I hadn’t realized tears were falling.
“I’m sorry,” Connor looked at me and it sounded like he really meant it. “I just - we used to do shit like this all the time. I didn’t think you would care.”
“It’s ok,” I sniffled, snuggling closer into the broad expanse of man I was leaning against, soaking up the warmth for all it was worth.
“I’m gonna take her home, I think she’s had enough for one night.” I nodded as Ghost spoke, his arms even tighter than they’d been to begin with. “Get your clothes, come on,” he whispered into my hair and I did as asked, grabbing my shirt and shorts and slipping my shoes on. I gave Connor a quick goodbye hug and waved goodbye to the rest of my friends and his, who opted to stay for a while longer. They said they’d come pick Ghost up from wherever he needed, and he nodded as we left for the night.
He opened the passenger side door of my car for me and helped me in, frowning as I shivered against the biting night air. “Put your clothes on, sweetheart,” he suggested and I shook my head.
“Don’t feel - hiccup - like it,” my voice was practically a whine and he nodded, walking over to the driver’s side. On his way, be noticed a blanket in the back seat, and when he was situated in the car, he grabbed it and placed it over me. I cuddled into it, appreciating the gesture.
“Are you okay?” he asked me, as serious as I’d ever seen him.
“‘m fine,” my voice was weak, and I didn’t really understand why I was so upset. I’d been thrown into the water before. I never enjoyed it, but it never made me cry.
“Yeah? Doesn’t seem like it.”
“I don’t know why I’m so bothered,” I shrugged, “Guess with everything that’s happened to me I just felt scared. I don’t like… I don’t like feeling like I can’t get away from someone. Not if I don’t trust them.”
“You said you’ve known him for a long time, you don’t trust him?”
“Not like -“ I paused, wondering if I should say the next part, “Not like I trust you.”
He chuckled darkly, hand falling down to my stretched out knee and rubbing.
“You don’t know me at all,” he pointed out.
“I know you a little better than you think,” I huffed, “You’ve saved me three times now. You wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”
He clicked his tongue, turning the car on and pulling away, following my directions to my house. He was gentle with me the entire time until my tears stopped and I was half asleep in the seat, head slumped and eyes hazy.
He pulled in the driveway, slipping out of the car and picking me up, leaving the blanket and my clothes behind.
Once we got to the door, he took one arm off of me just long enough to unlock it with my key and walked me inside, barely caring to get a look at the place at all as he walked to the hallway in search of my bedroom.
“It’s the one at the end,” I offered and he nodded, finding it and letting himself in, laying me down on my bed.
“I’m sure you wanna get out of your wet…. clothes,” he vaguely gestured to me, “I’ll leave you to it.”
“Don’t leave me here,” I gasped out, reaching desperately for his hand, “Don’t leave me here alone. I’m not ready for you to go yet.”
His eyes widened and he leaned back into me, crowding me and promising, “I’m not goin’ anywhere, just leavin’ the room to give you privacy to clean up.”
“Oh,” I hummed, relief settling in.
“You could say please, though,” his voice had that husk in it again, and I grinned.
“I don’t think I have to, you’re gonna stay either way.”
He tutted, “Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hear it.”
I thought for a moment. “Fine,” I smirked, then, in the most seductive voice I could manage, I leaned up and drawled, “Please.”
His pupils blew wide and he nodded, his hand exploring my face, cupping my cheek, squeezing my chin and making my lips pucker, and then it drifted into more dangerous territory, resting around my throat. My breath hitched and he chuckled, giving one small squeeze before his touch disappeared. He walked out of the room, laughing all the way.
I rolled my eyes, going to my dresser to get clothes. I was still too sleepy to shower or anything but I at least wanted to wear something that covered me and didn’t smell like chlorine. I pulled on a T shirt and a fresh pair of panties, not bothering with more. Ghost had already seen me in just my undies, why did it matter? Then I went to the bathroom and thoroughly cleaned my face and brushed my damp and stringy hair.
Once I was done, I left my room and searched for him, finding him in the living room, lounged back on the couch like he belonged there. Wordlessly, I sat beside him, and he hummed, pulling me into his side and tucking me there comfortably.
He was so warm, I couldn’t help but sigh, sinking into him. My mind drifted to places it shouldn’t be, imagining sinking into his arms all the time. Imagining having his warmth forever. I pushed that away. Those were not feelings I needed to unpack.
Finally, I glanced up at the TV to see he’d found Forrest Gump and it was ready to play.
“Really?” I asked, the ghost of a smile on my lips.
“Wanted to see what this Lieutenant Dan was all about,” he shrugged, clicking the button and starting it.
I couldn’t pay much attention, I was much too content to just relax into his hold. I checked my phone, seeing a few missed texts from Sabrina asking if I was okay, apologizing for Connor, and of course, some innuendos about Ghost and me.
“You two have an interesting friendship.” I looked up at him as he said it and laughed.
“How so?”
“Doesn’t seem like you like each other very much.”
“That’s just how we are,” I shrugged, “She’s my best friend, we just like being mean to each other.” He grunted in response, prompting me to turn back to the movie. It didn’t take long for me to drift off, snuggled deep into him and feeling more safe and taken care of than I ever had.
I woke up to the feeling of being carried and opened my eyes slowly just as Ghost laid me in bed.
“The team is here to pick me up. I’ve got to go.”
I pouted, not ready to let him go just yet.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”
“You shouldn’t drink so much, sweetheart, it makes you sappy,” he chuckled, but the look he gave me was pitiful and it only made me want him to stay more.
“I’m not being sappy, I’m being honest. I don’t do that a lot, be grateful for it.”
He sighed, sitting down beside me and stroking my hair. “I’ll be back. I don’t know when but I promise I will.”
I nodded, trying hard not to drift back to sleep, wanting those last few moments with him.
My eyes widened as he lifted his mask to his nose, exposing the stubble on his chin and cheeks. He leaned down, taking my cheeks in his hands and kissing my forehead.
Oh, I was fucked.
His lips felt so good, I was addicted and he hadn’t even kissed me properly. I felt myself getting a little closer to the edge of the cliff I was bound to fall off of.
He pulled away slightly, still close enough for me to feel his warmth, and I sighed, eyes on his lips.
“You gonna give me a real kiss, soldier?”
“Not when you’re all tired and drunk like this,” he shook his head, brushing his thumb across my lips then pulling away.
“Ghost,” I called as he made his way to the door, “Goodbye.”
“Bye, sweetheart. Get some sleep.”
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bloodstainedsaint · 11 months
things better left unsaid. (dick winters x nurse! reader)
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summary: you find out that perhaps war is not the best time for romance. (written as two letters from the two of you)
word count: 1650+
warnings: sappiness, angst of the pining variety, breakup(?), and ofc mentions of war
notes: any feedback would be appreciated 🫶, also inspired by @currahee's post about dick's "completely platonic" female penpal. since i've never read the letters between him and that woman myself, i took one line and ran with it
Letters written two days before D-Day. Though they were never meant to, both letters accidentally, and in no way aided by nurses and Easy Company men (specifically a man named Lewis Nixon) alike, make their way to their receiver.
Dear Dick,
I still remember the day you came into the base's hospital, looking for one of your men who’d been injured during a field exercise. You had made it difficult to pay attention to the soldier I was treating, asking like a concerned father if he would be alright. Not to mention your flaming red hair out of the corner of my eye.
Noting stupidly in the back of my mind the entrancing blue-green shade of your eyes, I had smiled and told you he would make a quick recovery. You’d returned my smile and said you'd be back to check on him. Like some silly schoolgirl, I had secretly looked forward to the return of this tall, attractive man.
Over the course of your several returns, we’d talked about ourselves while your private slept. Our easy conversations concerned simple topics, like where we came from, what we did before the war, and what we would do after it was over—though the fighting had yet to truly begin for us. There was a rumor going around base that you were a Quaker; lucky me, I found out you weren't before everyone else did.
There weren't many injuries at that time, and I guess you'd decided to stick around to watch your soldier recover. I was grateful for your company, as you were unlike a lot of the men I had encountered working here: flirty, overconfident, vulgar, you know the like. You were reserved and gentlemanly, with a small smile that I could tell you didn't show many others and a dry sense of humor. I suppose your humble beginnings in Pennsylvania had shaped you into a humble man.
Even after your soldier was released from the hospital, you came to visit me. I wasn’t sure why, and still am not today. You were a busy man after all—why spend time with a random, dime-a-dozen nurse? I wasn't complaining, though; like the fool I am, I had already began catching feelings for you, which I was sure were unreciprocated. You were probably just being respectful, I reasoned when I found my mind was full of thoughts of you, someone so upstanding wouldn't risk a relationship in times like these. If only I knew I was right. I wouldn't have bothered staying up at night overthinking every little thing you did.
During your free time, you would help me treat other patients, keep stock, move boxes, routine things like that. Over time your visits grew in frequency; so much so that your men had started teasing you whenever they saw you enter — sneak away to, rather — the nurse’s facility. I missed your company when you couldn't come visit, when arduous training took up too much of your time.
Fortunately for me, we started meeting while I was off-duty. Not surrounded by dozens of men, these stolen moments proved to be much more intimate. Taking walks around the base during the early morning before anyone else had risen or late at night when the base was fast-asleep was one of my favorite past times with you. You'd walk me to my small living quarters and offer me your jacket if it was cold, tell me about the seemingly universally hated Captain Sobel and how your men were doing. Sometimes our hands would brush, and I would feel my cheeks get warmer despite the biting cold. I could've sworn I saw your cheeks redden as well as your eyes snapped to our hands and just as quickly were averted.
Winter was coming to an end, and as the planned date for the Normandy invasion came closer, nerves were rising all around base. One mild evening, after a week of not being able to visit, you confided to me your concerns about the war. I boldly, brazenly, took your hands in mine and reassured you that everything would work out in the end. Holding my breath, we stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like a lifetime before you tentatively leaned your head down and kissed me. That was the first time I’d ever seen you unsure of yourself. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest; what if we got caught? What would they do to us, to you, after everything you'd gone through? But at that moment, time slowed down. Nothing mattered. It was just you and me, my hands in yours, and your lips on mine.
After our kiss, your visits started becoming more sporadic, until days without you stretched into weeks of silence. Do you know how much I longed to hear your calm, steady voice during a busy day, to watch the dew on the grass in the morning with you, to feel the warmth of your presence next to me as the stars twinkled in the sky? Eventually, I resolved to pull you away somewhere private the next time I saw you and give you a piece of my mind.
And so I did. As soon as I saw your tall figure, I took you behind the hospital and confessed everything I was feeling towards you: the hurt, the bitterness, the betrayal, the love. Irritatingly composed, you firmly told me that you had no time for such frivolities in war. As the words left your lips, I felt my heart shatter into a million different pieces and settle like glass in my gut. I told you, my voice not even sounding like my own, “if that's what you want,” and I entered the hospital again.
It's been a week since then, and two days before you drop into Normandy. And though you'll never read this, I yearn ask you: is that what I was all along? Some distraction that you entertained before I had to be pushed aside? I would've waited for you to come back to me after the war, would've waited for a better time. Is this it for us?
Although it pains me to say that I still love you, it seems that some things are better left unsaid.
Sincerely, (Y/N)
Dear (Y/N),
It’s now two days before our drop into Normandy. Much has happened to Easy Company since Toccoa. Much has happened between you and I since we met here in England, while you were treating one of my men.
I never regarded you as a potential suitor; I couldn't do that to you. Knowing that in a few months time we would be parachuting into France, I was reluctant to develop things any further. As it stood, I had already taken an unprofessional liking to you since that day we met in the base's hospital. Our following conversations certainly did not help the matter. Starting a relationship would have jeopardized my men and myself. I had to focus on running the company, and when we got deployed, I knew having a sweetheart back somewhere safe would have fogged my mind and gotten me or someone else killed.
Yet in spite of my reservations, I got ahead of myself and began spending more and more time with you. Though it was never explicitly confirmed between the two of us, and though we never said it, many would have considered us dating. We both knew what we were doing. For a while, and with the encouragement of Nixon, I relished being with you, taking you out every morning and night, assisting you with your tasks for the day. It was nice to get away from the duty of watching over my men and focus on the person I adored.
In the spring, as the day of the invasion loomed ahead of us, things were ramping up. I couldn't see you as often as I used to or would've liked to. The day I could ended up being the day we kissed, when things changed irrevocably between us. I wasn’t acting like myself that day; I let my feelings get in the way. When I stared into your eyes, I saw a lifetime with you, and without meaning to and without much due thought, I leaned down and pressed my lips to yours. From that day on, I knew I couldn't let this continue.
I needed space from you after that, before I went careening into the uncharted territory that is romance. It pained me to avoid you, but it was for the best: I'm a ranking officer, and you're a ranking nurse. Being caught fraternizing puts us both at risk.
But more importantly, it wasn't fair to you, my men, or myself. Easy Company needs a levelheaded leader. If I were to panic in the midst of enemy fire thinking about getting back to a lover, I'd be letting them and myself down. And the thought of you receiving a letter informing you of my death is something I could never forgive myself for.
I said as much when I told you I had no time for such frivolities in war. You didn't deserve that. I'll never forget the hurt that flashed across your face. I see it every day, reflected in the morning dew on the grass and in the stars at night. In everything I used to enjoy with you.
Nixon has since convinced me to rethink my decision to break things off. Nix is a very persistent man, you could guess. I don't think two days is enough to mend what is irreparable. But I can start with a letter I'll never send, so that if the Lord allows us to meet again, I can tell you this personally:
There may not be time for frivolities in war. But when the war ends, there will be time enough for you.
Sincerely, Richard Winters
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euphoricpixiee · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ soap | ruhn danaan x fembff!reader
a/n: So. I originally wasn't going to post this but it just kept staring at me and begging me to release it to the world. So, here we are. Idk if it's any good but please give feedback so I can improve lol thank you <3
warning(s): swearing, violence, injuries, blood, fluff etc.
wc: 1.9k+
It was torture seeing Ruhn with another female. Kissing, hugging, and her making him smile as you could have. Bile rose in your throat at the thought of confronting your feelings for him but your feelings were all but forcing you to. Your chest was tight and your heart was racing, beating against your ribcage. 
You wanted to be the one to make him smile but he was happy and ruining that would only make you feel worse about the situation. So, you shoved the feelings down and sat on the invisible box that held them, not letting them break the surface. You knew your friends, which are his best friends, knew about your feelings but they had never said a word about them. They probably didn’t want to hurt your feelings which was okay. 
You hurt your own feelings every day regarding this issue. It was hopeless and you knew it. 
As you waited for Ruhn, and hoped that he didn’t bring her on this same mission that was supposed to be just you two. You wanted this time with him since you hardly get time with him as it is.
Flynn bumped your shoulder with his bicep and frowned at you, “Still waiting huh?” You look up at him and match his expression. “You know if you would tell him your feelings then maybe–” 
“No. He’s happy and I don’t want to be the one to ruin that. I know he doesn’t share the same feelings.” You sigh and turn toward the vehicle you were taking for the mission, “Besides, he has something better with her.” Something like disappointment flickered across the male’s face as he walked beside you. 
“You’re his mate though. You felt the bond snap into place, did you not?” he said as he lowered his voice to where you could were the only one to hear him. You give him the look and with that, you got into ATV and strapped yourself in. 
This was supposed to be a simple mission. Get into the Asteri’s “palace”, grab the documents, and get out. Simple enough. The only hard part would be getting in and out but luckily Declan had hacked into their systems. 
“We ready?” Ruhn said as he climbed into the vehicle and looked at you. He could sense something was up and you knew it by the face he gave you. Great. He’s going to bug you now about it during the ride to the palace. 
“Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s get this done so we can come home and eat pizza while the four of you play video games.” You put a smile on your face because that’s exactly what you all will do. It’s like nature to the five of you now with Tharion included in the mix. 
The prince chuckled and shook his head, “You’re right, we definitely need pizza and beer tonight. We’ll even get your favorite pizza.” You look at him and narrowed your eyes. 
“Why are you sucking up to me? You never get my favorite since you all think it’s disgusting.” 
“Listen, why the fuck would they put Pineapple on pizza, I don’t get it.” 
The two of you were already halfway there by the time the argument had ended. You looked at the trees as they passed by. There were so many things that you wanted to say to Ruhn but they were a lump in your throat. Maybe you should say something, just to let him know that you're his mate. That, again, would only make things complicated for him and you. So, you kept quiet. 
“We will need to stop several blocks away from the palace so they don’t pick up on us on the radars. Want to use your transportation skills so we can get in there without someone seeing us?” He said. 
You showed him a grin and drawled, “Good thing I’ve been practicing like your sister has or else we’d be screwed.” A snort left the prince's mouth as he came to a stop in between the mountains that surround the palace. That was the only way the both of you could keep yourselves hidden in case guards wanted to pop in and scope the area. With your luck, it was very much a possibility. 
You and Ruhn jumped out of the ATV, and cleared the area just as a precaution. When both of you are done, you grabbed Ruhn’s hand, not thinking of the spark that passed through your veins as you touched him, and transported him out. With a pop, you two landed just outside of the Archives doors. You smiled to yourself and felt pretty proud as well. 
Ruhn placed his hand on the doors and turned the knob with a gloved hand but before you could look inside, boots began to echo outside of the hall you were in so, naturally, you shoved Ruhn inside along with yourself and hid behind a shelf next to him. At least you two had gotten into the archive. 
“Why is it that I can hear your heartbeat so loudly in my head?” He whispered to you with worry that filled his eyes. You closed your eyes and took a breath. Nope. You weren’t going to tell him. 
“Could be your heartbeat because mine is fine,” You quipped. He rolled his eyes and blew out a breath. The doors banged open, and guards poured into the room but Ruhn was already in motion. Light from the Star sword slashed through the air followed by a scream from one of the guards. You had gotten your dagger out as you joined in the fighting. Your blade struck true in one guard then another and another. 
After the guards had been taken down and you two had caught your breath, you felt a sharp pain in your side. When you pulled your hand away from it, panic began to flood your senses. You turn to Ruhn but he was already taking off his shirt to give it to you for a bandage. Heat blossomed over your cheeks and chest as he tied his shirt around your middle to stanch the blood. 
His hands moved with precision and he was quiet. Too focused on you to see that more guards had filed into the small space you were in. You tapped his arm and nudged your chin toward the desk in the very back with books strewn across it. The guard's boots had gotten closer to both of you but you focused your eyes on the desk and laid your hand on Ruhn’s shoulder. “Get ready.” You whispered to him and in seconds you were in front of the wooden desk. 
“We need to get the book and get out,” Ruhn said, but his eyes were trained on your wound. “Your wound is bad.” You could care less if the wound was bad, as long as you got the information that you needed about the different worlds. You shook your head, and scanned over the books, collecting what you could before the guards reached you. His demeanor had changed though which frightened you. If he was on edge, then that meant something was truly wrong. You handed him two books and made quick work of visualizing where to teleport. 
Before you could, though, guards swarmed around you and the prince. You sent up a prayer to whatever gods there were and with one swift movement, you grabbed your dagger once more and rammed the blade in between two pieces of metal on the side of the guard. As you pushed up the blade, ribs cracked but once you got to his heart, he fell to the floor with a pool of blood around him. The other guards hesitated when they saw the star sword and your handiwork with a blade. 
You wanted to be smug but your vision began to tunnel and your stomach turned over in itself. The world spun around you and the next thing you knew your vision had gone black. 
A faint voice pulled you from your sleep, but when you opened your eyes, there was no one. You probably hallucinated the voice, but it was clearer this time when it spoke. You sat up from the couch you were lying on and looked behind you. Ruhn walked into the room, his eyes not leaving yours. “What happened?” You said. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?” His voice was steady but you could tell he was doing everything he could to keep himself that way. He found out that you’re his mate, you felt it in your bones. Your mind thrust itself into a panic. He was happy without you, and now, somehow, you had fucked it up. Just as you did everything you touched. Tears brimmed in your eyes even though he hadn’t yelled or screamed at you. Your body was gearing up for a fight but you were too tired to. 
“I’m sorry, Ruhn. You were happy,” you were quiet as you said the last part. Your heart slammed against your ribcage and you desperately wanted to be out of the room and in your bed. You wanted to hide. Ruhn narrowed his eyes at you but then as he took a step toward you, you felt the tug in your chest. Heat flooded your cheeks and your heart moved up into your throat, a lump that made you unable to say anything else. 
“I want my mate.” He said as he took another step and then another. Tears spilled down your cheeks as you watched him. Did he actually choose you or was it a figment of your imagination? You had been really stressed but the way he took your hands and pressed them to his lips sent shivers down your spine. Then, he pulled you into him, your face buried into his chest. You took in his scent and immediately comforted. You gripped the back of his shirt and held him closer if that was even possible. 
That had to have been a dream but you held on to it, to him. His hands smoothed down your hair as he kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes and waited for the moment to pass, for you to wake but it never came. The two of you stayed like that for a while, and it seemed like he didn’t mind it but you pulled away to look up at him. 
“You’re in love with her though, princey.”
“Not as much as I am with you, baby. Why didn’t you tell me?” He took your chin between his thumb and index finger which kept your eyes glued onto his. “How come I never saw it before today? Y/N, when you passed out in the archive, I felt your life force. I felt your pain. Before then, I didn’t feel anything. But now, I feel it.” He paused for a beat then added, “I told Seraphine that you were my mate and that I should be with you.” 
Your knees threatened to buckle underneath you but he held you up and pressed small kisses to the tears that fell from your eyes. The heavens had blessed you with a mate and now you have him. He chose you and only you. You took his face in your palms and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him. His lips were soft and fitted perfectly to yours. The cold bite of his lip ring made you pull him even closer and kiss him harder. His arms snaked around your waist and you finally understood the meaning of two halves being reunited once more. He was your other half. He is yours.
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leakyweep · 9 months
@fengxinwifutobecalled says: Hiiii hope you're having a great day! Congrats on 500 followers! -- A2
A/N: Hello my love! Thank you for joining Leaky's bingo! I hope you enjoy your drabble and thank you for your support!
A2 - Rosinante / Modern AU
Words; 0.6k
No warnings, only fluff <3
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The soft pitter-patter of rain made you sigh and cross your arms. You surely hadn’t expected it to rain here, as the sky was blue only minutes ago, but as you grumbled about your hair Cora laughed and grabbed your hand. His mocha eyes swirled with excitement as he exclaimed, “We gotta dance in it!”
You scoffed and lifted your grocery bags, raising your brows. “We got these. Plus, what about our clothes? And we’d be cold!” You counted each qualm on your fingers until suddenly your grocery bags were on the ground under the awning and your hand engulfed in your silly boyfriend’s. He tugged you out into the parking lot and into the drizzle, making you squeal.
“Let’s have some fun! Dance with me!” He giggled and pulled you close.
“There’s not even any music!”
"We'll make our own."
Cora's strong arms pulled you onto his shoes, despite how expensive they were, and spun you both around in the rain. The drizzle had accelerated to a steady rain, and it made your clothing stick to your body as you both twirled under the cool droplets. While you first thought of all the things wrong with it, watching as families and couples rushed to their cars through the parking lot now flooding with puddles of reflective mirrors, you considered the laid back and carefree nature of your tall partner. He often told you all he wanted to see you was relaxed, happy, tranquil.
And you couldn't think of anything more tranquil (or romantic) than dancing with your partner in the rain, whether it be on top of his toes or not.
Clothing clung to your skin, yet his warm chest against you and his giant hands engulfing you made you forget every care you've ever had. He had a way of making you feel blissful. Around and around you spun on top of his loafers, his mind transfixed on that beautiful smile gracing your features. He was head over heels for you and everyone knew it-- and it was a relief that Rosi's usually indifferent adopted nephew enjoyed spending time with you and telling you all about his favorite super heroes.
Cora leaned in to press his forehead to yours with a gentle sigh. It had been a while since he was able to just relax and have fun like this. He didn’t care who was looking; Corazon only cared about you, how you were feeling, if you were happy. And he could tell with that sparkle in your eye, despite all the grumbling, you were. You were his missing puzzle piece. He was so, so grateful to be raising Traf with such an amazing person like you for him to look up to.
"Alright, we gotta get back to the apartment to feed Bepo. Traf isn't gonna be happy if we miss his dinner time again.” Cora snapped himself from his thoughts to kiss you and throw an arm around you, leading you to the car. Before that, though, he wrung out your hair and gave you his hat to shield you from the rain further. “You know how he likes to be punctual.”
“How could I forget? Remember that one time-“
“He gave you a 30 minute lecture for being late to sit down with his superhero show? The image of that little bastard staring daggers through you is forever etched into my brain folds.”
You laughed, which was like the sound of a bell to Rosi, and he helped you into the car to head back home to Traffy. You didn’t even realize the giant, goofy smile on your face, hair stuck to your face and neck, the seat emitting a gentle heat onto your bum to comfort you. But nothing could be more comforting than the man beside you.
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trashpocket · 1 year
hi!! are you the author of my grave is mine to dig on ao3? i just saw your url is the same as on that fic and i was just wondering haha! i love that fic sm!
YESSSS, sorry for the late reply, that's me, that's me!!! sorry if im late to update it, chapter three is being a bitch and i might be splitting it into two big parts since it's where the subplot line begins closing in with the reveal of the main plotline, but AHHHH!!! hope ur patient enough for it 😭😭😭 here's a snippet from chapter three, if this helps!
There was something in people sharing sentiments with inanimate objects. How Steve’s affection extended to the unreal, to the immobile, and to the lifeless. Like he could love even beyond what normal loving did and there was something about that. With children loving anything and everything. 
As if they could both love like kids could; like how they used to. Unfettered, limitless, real. (Like they had the power to do this: keep on loving again.)
“Come on. Ma’s this way,” Eddie’s voice was hoarse and quiet, and Steve must’ve been learning a lot about him too because he didn’t make a comment. Just let himself be pulled away. 
“You think she’ll like me?” Steve asked quietly. 
“I don’t know,” Eddie teased, “what do you think?” 
“Eddieeee,” Steve dragged him to a stop, earning a chuckle out of him.
Eddie turned around and met Steve’s eyes. Found the churchyard, trapped in dawn, the sun breaking through the clouds at a time where Eddie and Steve would usually be sat at breakfast—after Steve came back from whatever run he did in the morning. They’d be sharing a plate by then, with food that Steve cooked up, listening to Eddie’s old records on the turntable Eddie had dug out from Wayne’s old stuff. Steve would have bandaids over his fingers. Eddie would ask about them—and Steve would hum until Eddie forgot ever asking. Take his hand and dance him around. Pretended the world didn’t exist for a moment—that they weren’t hurt everyday.
He swallowed past the lump in his throat. 
“Well, Steve, I don’t know. She likes to wake up early, though. She leaves conditioner in her hair, and can't go out without her favorite bracelet. Ma, she would sing this tune from a show—I forgot the name, I don’t remember—but all I knew was that Ma loved to sing it in the kitchen.” He swept Steve’s hand up to his face, pressing a kiss into the knuckle just cause he could. “She liked cats, and those silver wind chimes you’d see hangin’ from windows. I think my favorite memory of her is—” 
He thinned his lips to meet Steve’s eyes once more; how Steve was full of wonder and adoration. A soft vacuum in a world that held his mess. Eddie couldn’t think of anything more treacherous. Beautiful. 
“Is what, Eds?” Steve whispered, in a manner so reverent, like he knew how Eddie was looking at him then. Caught in the dredges of his heart. If only he knew.
Eddie suddenly felt shy. Christ.
“Every time I called her a hero, she’d light up like a fucking Christmas tree. She knew how much I loved superheroes an’ shit back then. I was fucking ridiculous.” Eddie shook his head, laughing through his nose. “She’d take me out on Fridays, get me those jelly ice pops and sit by the curb. Good shit. We’d count the birds that flew by—name ‘em some stupid things—like Spot, or Dot or whatever.” Steve throwing his head back in a laugh didn’t make the names so stupid, so Eddie grinned softly in return. Continued, “We’d watch the sunset, and sing a few songs too. We’d wait until Pa left so we could go home. The best days were always when the bastard was gone. Ma always made shit better somehow. It’s her magic powers or something. It always blew my mind.”
Eddie took a shaky breath. Steve tightened his grip and he looked over.
He didn’t know what he saw, but he knew what Steve was seeing. He was looking at Eddie, and the jagged mire inside him; broken and scarred over. Steve’s body—just this time, reflected in Eddie’s heart. A hurt manor, full of cracked windows and creaky doors. Alcoves of people—in a life that nearly fell apart. 
Steve wasn’t scared to take a look.
“She sounds amazing,” Steve told him, “and you turned out amazing. Fucking amazing. I’m glad she was there to love you. That she was your superhero—your mom.”
As if Eddie wasn’t fucked up for always losing people. For constantly loving and being left behind. For caring so much, that he felt like he was suffocating the people he wanted to stay; squeezing them so tight in his grasp, that his grip—his care—was horrifying. A desperate thing that forced people to leave. That he was a broken boy, always forced to stay. 
But this was Steve, daunting and fearless. Loved with scars, never without them—because what the fuck kinda bastard would say shit like that right off the bat?
Eddie didn’t know what to say, except, “She was. And you know what? I think she’d love you too,” which was the truth.
Because it was kinda like that. Seeing the people you loved, reflected in the people you were loving. 
Mallory Munson would’ve probably loved Steve Harrington for how similar they were. Maybe they had the same look in their eyes. People who gave a bit too much; who worried for the future, and what it would bring. Who had people for whom they cared for a lot; for whom they gave themselves up to. People who might be facing this future—with or without them, so they gave themselves to the world—if only it meant that the world could love them a bit more easier.
Eddie looked at Steve and saw something familiar. It scared him. Made him feel tender and weak, in the face of something so fleeting. (In his grasp, squeezing, running away—dying.)
“I think I could love her too.” Steve whispered, and Eddie hoped (fucking hoped) that it was true. That he’d stay.
With that, they strode forward across the dead. 
And Eddie wondered if given the chance—he could love Steve Harrington any easier too. 
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st4rwon · 1 year
ahh congrats on 300 followers!!! i was wondering if you could do a drabble with Hyunjin based off of Moonlight by Twice? Only if you want to of course, either way I'm happy that you've reached such a milestone, you deserve it <333
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hyunjin x reader
300 follower event!
contains: fluff, childhood best friend!hyunjin, roommate!hyunjin, use of pet names
word count: 0.6K
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it was late at night; you had just finished up with your work and finally had some time to yourself. you had just started to lay down in your bed when you heard a knock on your door. it was none other than your roommate, hyunjin. "you can come in." you said, "hi yn" he smiled, coming to sit with you on your bed. "hyune! how was your day?" you replied smiling back. "it was fine, but i was hoping you could help make it better" you tilted your head in confusion "so i was thinking we could do a late night outing, it’s been so long since our last one. you up for it?" he asked. you didn’t even have to think for a second, of course you were be exhausted from the day, but you could never say no to hyunjin. "alright let’s do it" you answered "yes! alright get changed, i’ll meet you by the front door." you nodded you head in approval
you changed into some presentable but comfortable clothes and headed over to hyunjin. you were about to leave when you felt felt hyunjin pull you back inside, "put on a jacket, i don’t want you freezing" just those words had gotten your heart beating faster. "thanks hyunnie" "can’t have my favorite girl getting cold" he mumbled. ‘he really does have a way with words’ you thought. "let’s get going?" he asked "let’s go!" you replied.
the two of you walked on a path by your neighborhood, you would usually walk there to take your mind off things, things usually being hyunjin. he had been by your side for years, who wouldn’t fall for him? "you seem to be deep in thought" he chuckled, you turned your head to look towards him, mouth slightly opening in awe of what you were seeing. it was dark out but you could still notice all the feature of his face, his eyes looked especially ethereal, like they were glowing in the darkness. "you’re staring darling" you turned away quickly "you just..look extra hyunjin like today" he quirked his eyebrow "meaning?" you shrugged your shoulders and walked further ahead him. "oh look!” you said looking into the distance, “it’s the playground from when we were younger" you smiled "it feels like we just met here yesterday" he responded, “though your much prettier now" he winked. you were at a loss for words before hyunjin yelled “race you to the swings" and immediately started bolting "hey no fair, you caught me off guard!" you yelled as you chased him. he sat on the swing with a massive smile on his face, it reminded you of the smile he showed you when you first met. "how are you so fast?" you said panting as you sat yourself down "living with gymracha makes you a different person" he laughed. the breeze was nice, the weather was amazing, hyunjin and you swinging together just like old times, everything about the scene was perfect.
hyunjin abruptly got off his swing, causing you to slow down. "c'mon, let’s dance!" he proposed, getting off the swing and standing in front of you. you took his hand, and the two of you swayed together, the dim light of the moon shining upon the two of you. it was like a dream to be standing with the boy you loved so much, just being in each other's company. you didn’t want it to be over, all you wanted to think about was you and him. hyunjin’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, "it feels like we are in some type of romcom" hyunjin said, laughing "would that be a bad thing?" "what do you mean?" he asked "if you and me were together, cause i think we’d be pretty good for each other" you said with a smile. hyunjin couldn’t take it anymore, he had to be closer to you, even closer than he already was, so he leaned in and kissed you. it felt right, like you and hyunjin were meant to be standing in this park, hand in hand, showing each other all the love you had kept in.
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a/n: hope you liked this tangy <33 sorry it took so long to post :,( hope the hyunjin fluff made up for it!! tho it’s short i still rlly like it
please don’t spam like posts, repost, translate, or use my work without my permission. all work is fictional and only used for entertainment purposes. © azurez 2023
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90s-2000s-barbie · 1 year
So I grew up with like wayy older parents, hippies. When I was a baby and kid, we grew up with MTV on in the house 24/7. Like I was watching beavis and butthead as my cartoons with a binky my in my mouth and it never changed. I grew up loving it too. They have LOTS of recorded VHS tapes of music from MTV and VH1 so we could watch all the best stuff so when reality tv kicked on, we’d pop in a vhs. They taped all their favorite music performances, live and music videos. They did that since MTV first aired. They taped moments like the announcement of Kurt Cobain’s death. They taped us all on a camcorder watching Nirvana unplugged on mtv all day.
I live for the old MTV content though. I hooked up my old VHS and I’m going through a bunch of recordings all for the first time in years. I taped a bunch in the 2000’s too as I grew up. The show “I love the 90’s” from vh1. I taped my own music. We have content that isn’t even on YouTube or archived for that matter.
People tell me you were born in 93. You don’t have any clue about the 90’s. Dude, it’s my life. Ok, I wasn’t alive for a couple years big freaking deal. I may not remember some things like you cause you were older or something. So our memories aren’t going to be the same cause I was a legit child! Lol I’m the butt of the joke in the family for remembering to much. I mean I remember it all. What I was doing, music, who was around, what was happening, smells, feels. I remember EVERYTHING. I remember being a baby in my car seat going to my grandmas. Looking out the car window and only being able to see the roofs of the houses as we drove by. Pulling up to my grandmas. I knew where we were going. I remember how excited. Like u don’t know me. lol Maybe you don’t have memories like that but I do. I bet lots of people do too.
To talk about music again for a second, 1990’s music is my LIFE in particular though. I always wanna post more 90’s on this blog but I just feel like no one is gonna know this or care. Lol Not just 1990’s, having hippie parents we grew up almost in a different time than everyone else I knew. Like we were always years or decades behind. Lol
I love to archive tho on here and share. ❤️ Even if it’s so I don’t forget these memories. I wish I could archive all this old music tho too because, we have tapes. years worth. Needs to be shared one day.
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becomingkatie · 6 months
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Eclipse Trip 2024 || Burlington, VT
Burlington is one of the few places I think Ken and I could agree to move to. (I love Atlanta and would move back in a heartbeat but Ken won’t go south of here; I don’t really want to move time zones and go west.) My uncle and his husband live here (I always say “my uncles” but then people think it’s a big chunk of my family, but no it’s just the one couple) and we visited them once pre-pandemic. They showed us around and I talked for ages about moving up there. I still love it.
We originally planned to go to Ohio and do Cedar Point, but it’s not open this early in the year. So last April, a year out, we paid like $300 a night for a holiday inn express in south Burlington. It was completely booked, along with everywhere else. It was hands-down the busiest I’ve ever seen a hotel breakfast. Every seat at every table full!
I convinced Ken to agree to a glass blowing class and it was a highlight for sure! We made cups! It’s one of those crafts that I just don’t know how anyone gets into unless they have a family member who does it. Like, the entry into it just seems so tough. But a one-hour class was a really good insight into it.
On Sunday we scoped out potential viewing spots. We picked a park on the lake 3 miles from our hotel so we could walk there and back and not deal with parking. We were there around 4:30, so later than the eclipse would be the next day, but could still get an idea of where the sun would be in the sky when thinking of potential spots to sit and watch. It was funny, us and everyone else walking around, whispering because we didn’t want to share our thoughts about where we planned to be.
Ultimately, it was busy but not insane. We were still quite a bit south of downtown and the university campus, which I think was much more packed. We picked up bagel sandwiches to bring with us and had little portable camp chairs. We got there a bit before noon, and totality was at 3:26. I loved seeing all the dogs. The feeling of community during totality was really cool.
Now that we’ve experienced it, we both say we’d travel under 3 hours to see it again (not the 10 hours we traveled this time), or further if it was somewhere we had family or otherwise already wanted to visit. But we wouldn’t plan more eclipse vacations just to see more eclipses. We’re both really glad we did this one though!
The drive home took 12 hours instead of 10. Since the eclipse was a Monday, travel in was spread out between some people coming in Saturday and some on Sunday, but basically everyone left Tuesday and it was bad traffic. Then we stopped at Panera and discovered they changed the menu and no longer have any of Ken’s favorite items!
Overall a fantastic trip, even with the tough journey home. I’m not allowed to send Ken Zillow links to Burlington homes for a month - he’s convinced the vacation excitement will wear off, and with it my desire to move. But I have a vision of myself in Chelsea boots boiling sap from a tree in my yard to make maple syrup and I will not let go of this imagined Vermont Katie.
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Refill Required
I...have nothing constructive to add to this, so I’ll just say that I hope you enjoy this dirty-talking android villain mans. 😇
Day 12: Coming Dry
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Lore (ST:TNG) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Android sex, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, coming dry, choking, slapping, rough sex, captor/captive (but they were already an item, so...more like an impromptu, unauthorized vacation?), established relationship, jealousy, degradation kink.
“How long do you think it’ll take them to fix the sensors and the engines?” The warm lasciviousness of a tongue caressed my neck, punctuating his question with a jab of arousal. “How many members of your pathetic little species do you think it’ll take to find you now that I’ve stolen you away?”
I couldn’t seem to make my tongue work. My mind had turned to mush about five orgasms ago - around the time my android lover showed me how his fingers could move with such speed and precision that he became a living vibrator.
The crack of bioplast on skin was followed by a small, involuntary yelp. Lore always did enjoy getting rough, but he was careful about my limits. He didn’t want to break his favorite little organic toy, after all. The occasional slap was more than welcome for both of us, though.
“Answer me,” Lore ordered, and I felt myself fluttering around his length again. He’d always been devastatingly good at making me fall apart for him. Given his fascination with me in particular, I supposed it had only been a matter of time. Lore taking me off the Enterprise at a whim was bound to happen eventually, and now that it had, I couldn’t find it in myself to be disappointed or angry.
“I-I don’t know. The senior officers, at the...at the very least,” I stammered, struggling for coherence under my lover’s harsh ministrations. “Th-the only way it would take less is if y...”
I realized what I’d been close to saying before it could even leave my mouth. If his brother got involved, we likely only had a few hours before we were found. When I trailed off, one of Lore’s hands secured itself around my throat like a lethal sort of necklace. He’d undoubtedly worked out where my thoughts had gone. Lore hated when I compared him to Data - even unintentionally.
“Speak your next words carefully. I may be fond of you, but it would be easy to crush the life out of you.” His threat had me tipping over into yet another wave of pleasure. Trembling and gushing around him, I felt his grip on my throat loosen by a fraction as a moan tore from his vocal processors. “This is why you’re my favorite organic. Even when I threaten your puny little life, you just can’t help but fall apart for me. Gorgeous little slut...”
As foolish as it might be, I’d fallen in love with the android, insults and all. He didn’t mean them. Not with me. He just enjoyed a bit of cruelty in bed. I’d figured that out early in our...could I really call this a relationship, in the traditional sense? He’d taken me out to dinner once, seduced me, and had been involving me in his mischief ever since, including a rather unfortunately timed tryst in the Captain’s Ready Room. We’d barely righted our clothes in time to avoid being caught in the act, though we did have to come up with a reason for being there rather quickly.
Now, as his hand collided with my ass and his teeth clamped onto my shoulder with enough force to bruise me, I smirked. It was worth it. Every single bit of trouble we’d gotten into and every measure of discipline he’d earned us was so worth the hedonistic pleasure we pulled from each other.
Data knew about us, of course. He’d assumed that I would be a good influence for his brother, but the opposite turned out to be true. If I’d smoothed any of Lore’s rough edges, then he’d chiseled a few into me. With him, I took more risks than I ever had on my own. Maybe the knowledge that he was so capable of protecting me was what made me feel as though I could get away with being more reckless than was probably wise.
A moan of my name drew me out of my thoughts and back to reality.
Lore let out several rough grunts as he came inside me, but...this time I couldn’t feel the accompanying gush of synthetic cum. Was I really that thoroughly-fucked?
A hungry hum of appreciation vibrated against my neck.
“Naughty girl. You’ve emptied my reservoir,” my lover whispered against my neck as he gave a few slow, grinding thrusts. He sounded almost proud. “Mmm, it seems your depravity runs deeper than even Soong could’ve anticipated, that old pervert. Such a good girl. After I give myself a refill, it looks like I’ll have to reward you for draining me dry.”
The gentle kiss he pressed onto my lips felt like both a blessing and a curse.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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basilone · 8 months
@hesbuckcompton-baby tagged me in this one, ty! 💚I know a lot of folks have gone and done this one already, but please if you wanna do it consider yourself tagged right now! misc tag game!
favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
I really loved Prague when I went there for a citytrip aeons ago. The atmosphere of that city and its chill style really vibed with me. We’d rented an apartment, so it felt way less like visiting and more like living there for a couple of days. Remember just standing on the balcony in the very early morning watching the locals waking up and starting their day – that sense of utter inner tranquillity I had in that moment has really stuck with me.
something you’re proud of yourself for?
Uhm, I dropped out of school when I was fifteen. That part isn’t a point of pride, just a fact of life. And I had a lot of people pushing me this way and that way since, telling me I’d never make it and that I needed to sacrifice pretty much all of my mental health in order to fit the standard idea of what fifteen-year-olds should be doing with their time. I didn’t listen to them and started to carve out my own way instead. We’re almost twenty years on from my dropping out, and I can safely say this: I made it. I’ve got a great job I love, I’ve got people around me who lift me up, and my mental health is good enough for me to thrive 90% of the time. I have worked my ass off to get to where I am right now, and fought a long uphill battle to make life sing again. And it’s made me so resilient and so certain of myself, you know? I’m superproud of myself for sticking around in this world and making something awesome of my own path in it.
favorite books?
Rebecca (by Daphne du Maurier), Anna Karenina (by Tolstoy), Son of the Shadows (by Juliet Marillier), The Braided Path trilogy (by Chris Wooding), and Ash: A Secret History (by Mary Gentle).
something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
The prospect of curling up on the couch/in bed with a really good book for company. Can’t beat that!
favorite thing about your culture?
The way I almost went “which culture” lmao. 😂 Which really almost is an answer in itself, as I think Dutch culture is a collective of many different things? We’re traders/explorers by nature and our identity tends to slip into something pretty multifaceted. That said, I come from a specific part of this country where people still routinely speak a dialect and where the cultural events are a lot more in-your-face celebratory. My fave thing about this particular cultural offshoot, which I grew up in, is that you can play all the Dutch-language songs you could ever want without anyone bothering to so much as hum the tune… but the second you play a song in my dialect is the second you get the whole crowd singing along. Something about poetic expression? Yeah.
when did you join the hbo war fandom? what was the first show you watched?
In 2020! At least, that’s when I immersed into the fandom here on Tumblr and watched Band of Brothers/The Pacific back-to-back. Gen Kill was actually my first, though, as I’d read that book some years before and watched that one without fandom-dipping first.
have you read any of easy company’s books? if so, which ones were your favorite?
Yes! Bill & Babe’s book is so nice.
favorite hbo war character and your favorite moment with them?
*inhales* Speirs. Night time, speech time. Local forest cryptid says shady shit about war, more at eleven. I’ll never be normal about him so.
do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
Fun fact: I usually advocate against using the term ‘content’ when describing creative pursuits, for reasons I’m not gonna get into right now because that’s a rant for when I’m feeling particularly feisty. That said, I’m a writer and gifmaker. I’m more known for the latter, but the former is where my heart really lies.
favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
I have a few favorites that’re way up there in terms of how mesmerizing they are, but I’m going to mention one that isn’t mentioned nearly enough: Tom Pelphrey. Truly one of the most captivating actors of our time. He tends to do TV shows more than movies – please, look up his monologue from Ozark if you have a moment – and so I get to rec Banshee to y’all while I’m at it. He’s amazing in that.
favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
Look, I’ve lived by the words “seize the day because tomorrow you might be dead” for years now. I think it originated in Buffy, but I’ve adopted it and it’s mine now. Life wisdom from yours truly, boom.
random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
I’m really into astronomy, outer space, etc.
if you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader?
I used to have beta readers back when I started writing, yeah, so I’m not gonna advocate against using one. Sometimes you need that extra pair of eyes, that nitpicking, that moment of being confronted with your own hubris. I’m my own beta at this point in my writing journey, but I still have a group of people around me who get first dibs on reading my stuff because I trust they’ll give it to me straight and pick out any lingering idiocies on my end. Which doesn’t stop me from shoving something onto the internet that has never seen an edit a day in its life, ahem.
three things that make you smile?
Put me near an alpaca and watch my face brighten, I dare ya. Also big fan of bookstores. Even bigger fan of AO3’s notification mails for fic reviews.
any nicknames you like?
Killy’s my most-used nickname, and we’re vibing!
list some people you love to see around on tumblr!
If I follow you, I love to see ya. That’s just how this thing works. But I’m gonna shout out my writing-and-life-support crew here because without them I would be nowhere much at all: @mercurygray, @junojelli, @shoshiwrites, @arethosedustyjumpwings. You lot are the real deal who’ve stuck to me like glue, and that means so much more than words can say.
what would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Look, I have a zombie survival plan drawn up in my head but it essentially involves not being near people ever again. Because we’ve gone through a pandemic now and I don’t trust people to follow quarantine instructions or anything else that mildly inconveniences them. So. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, I’m sorry in advance, I’m gonna cry-scream-piñatapunch my way through any and all stupidity. If you see me running, please know I’m being chased because there’s no other way you’ll ever see me running voluntarily.
favourite movie?
Singin’ In The Rain. This needs no further explanation.
do you like horror movies?
Yes and no. I do not vibe with horror movies that get really gory for the sake of shock value. Can’t do it, won’t do it. But I’m a biiiiiiig fan of the final girl trope, I can’t go a day without pondering vampires, and I really love old horror movies and the progression of horror stories throughout the years. It’s fascinating to me to see how specific types of horror interact with the history/culture of that time it was created in: horror is never created in a vacuum, and its storytelling beats are so inspirational.
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jqmalikhsgib · 2 months
midnight sky
you were currently curled up to your husband as you heard someone banging on your front door. you tried to ignore it, hoping whoever it was wasn’t important. you knew better though. you groaned before getting out of bed and sleepily heading to open the door.
you barely had your eyes open. as soon as the person opened their mouths though, you were wide awake!
“took you long enough! have you been sleep all day? mom and dad are on their way upstairs. they brought the whole family by the way. i told them that your apartment isn’t big enough for everyone. mom just shrugged me off and told me to finish cutting up the vegetables.” your younger sister finished before plopping her whole body onto your couch.
she was a bit of a chatter box. you didn’t expect them to come over. your mom hadn’t said anything. you weren’t prepared for them to be here today. it had been six months since you and zayn had been married. the two of you decided to stay in your apartment unless it was his turn to take his daughter for the week.
it was his ex-girlfriends week so you decided that you were gonna make him dinner and finally —finally!—have sex. it was gonna be your first time and you were nervous enough as is. now apparently your whole entire family had just showed up out of the blue. you knew that meant your two older siblings, your parents, all four of your moms siblings, their children, and their children’s children. your apartment wasn’t big enough for one person, let alone a house full of people.
“hi, darling! it’s so good to see you. did the apartment get smaller? last time i was here i swore it was bigger.”
“hi, yn!”
“yn! god, new york is far different from texas.”
“how’s my favorite niece doing? oh, this place is nice!”
your whole entire family greets you one by one. you give them a fake smile before heading into your bedroom and seeing your husband smiling at you.
“your family here? why didn’t you tell me baby? i could have told them to come back to our place.”
even though you’ve never been to zayn’s home in pennsylvania, he still called it ‘our place’ each time made your heart swoon.
“i had no idea they were coming, zayn! i—i know we told each other we’d let our families know but, between getting to know one another and being busy with work, i completely forgot—”
“baby, you didn’t? so they have no idea that we’re married.”
you were going to say something until you heard your mother yell.
“you’re married?!”
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im bored, i miss zayn, so i wrote this…
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soullistrations · 2 months
First Lines
I was tagged by @mithrilwren to share the first lines of my last ten fics! Thanks again for tagging me! I....really have not written a lot so my last ten is most of my fics. also included the two fansongs I uploaded bc...poetry right?
Recipe for Disaster (Sanji and Zoro get kidnapped by fine-dining pirates)
“That is not a fucking loquat.”
2. War Paint (double drabble about sokka, suki, and eyeliner. i'm sensing a dialogue theme)
“Ow!”  “If you weren’t fidgeting, I’d be done by now.”
3. coordination (and other 'c' words) (Sun Xiang/Jiang Botao/Zhou Zekai threesome fic. They have sex. For teambuilding reasons.)
Sun Xiang is beating himself up again. He’s doing a good job of hiding it — he has his head down, scribbling notes as Jiang Botao shares his observations on the day’s scrimmage. Nobody’s noticed the tightness around his eyes, or the grimace when Jiang Botao praises him for breaking free of the others’ encirclement and rejoining his team’s formation so quickly. Nobody, that is, except Jiang Botao.
4. Reignite (one of two songs on this list--this one is for Zhang Jiale, and though the sound mixing on the track really sucks it's one of my favorite things i've made)
Is this all there is? Six years, and I’m going out with a whimper, not a bang - and here I thought we’d be eternal
5. burning up (for you, baby) (Caleb/Essek, the M9 have a beach day and Essek gets a sunburn)
The successful completion of a world-saving quest calls for a week in the sun: relaxation, rejuvenation, relocation (while the heat of Trent’s still-ongoing search dies down). With amulets slung over bathing wraps and under wide-brimmed hats, the Mighty Nein make their way back to Nicodranas, pay their respects to a grateful Yussa, and hit the beach.
6. The Way Back Home (ostensibly a collection of SPN songs I've written over the years...but i've only posted one so far)
I once saw you looking at the stars and you told me they were friends that you once knew. Well, I've been looking at the stars Wondering if one of them is you, Wondering if one of them is you.
7. because you're by my side (a very ampersand-y Chu Yunxiu & Su Mucheng fic where cyx has seasonal depression)
Thursday was phone call night. It always had been, since just after the first Season Four match between Misty Rain and Excellent Era, when Chu Yunxiu insisted on showing one of the only other girls in the league the best spots to eat in Suzhou. That next Thursday, Su Mucheng had called to complain that Chu Yunxiu had ruined her on jianbing, because how was she supposed to find any that tasted as good as the ones they had last weekend? And ever since then, it was a weekly tradition.
8. even if we're just dancing in the dark (lookit i was jamming to the song of the summer before it was cool on tumblr) (jk but this one was a lot of fun) (it's a magic au where Zhang Jiale gets rescued from prison by Ye Xiu)
Ping! Twenty-eight. Ping! Twenty-nine.
9. pics or it didn't happen (oh my god this fic was so long ago) (Outsider POV fic where Baozi opens a knock-off McDonalds and chaos ensues)
Happy’s Brawler spotted working at McDonald’s knockoff! Posted by ExcellentAutumnLeaf at 23:48 L-O-f*cking-L, it looks like Team Happy’s finally collapsing under the weight of its own shamelessness!
10. i am no icarus (I invented so many Italian nobles for this fic) (Princess Isabella and Countess Livia get together to upend the balance of city-states in Northern Italy.)
Vicenza had clearly spared no expense when it came to decorations, Isabella thought, watching the streets of the city pass by the window of her carriage with a sardonic eye.
This was a fun look back, thank you! I'm tagging @bisexualshakespeare, @granny-griffin (hi this is theetwinkleboy) and anyone else who wants to participate!
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 6 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldur’s Gate Fanfiction
After our challenges along the way, both to Baldur’s Gate and back to Waterdeep, we finally make it back home and unfortunately have to part ways with Wyll and Karlach. I hope they find a way to visit us again soon.
“We have to head back to Avernus, but luckily we won’t have to be there much longer,” Wyll says. “After our wedding, we will be looking for a home here in Waterdeep. I won’t lie, I enjoy the scenery and architecture here. Let us know when your baby shower will be, and we will be sure to make it. Just ring up Withers.” I chuckle, sad my friends need to leave but thankful they’ll always be around.
“And you guys let us know when the wedding will be. We’d be happy to come,” Gale says. “Thank you both. For everything.” Hugs are exchanged and just like that, they’re both summoned back to the Hells to fight off creatures that wouldn’t dare to be seen here on Earth. Gale and I walk back to the tower, our hands holding one another comfortably as we walk into the evening sunset. The soft breeze and salty scent of Waterdeep brings me back a sense of comfort that I missed, even though we were only gone for roughly five days…longer than what we originally planned.
We finally make it back home, and Tara is waiting for us outside the front door. It’s as if she knew we were headed back home, or maybe she is just conveniently hanging outside. Either way, she looks thrilled that her favorite humans have made it back safely to live comfortably in her presence.
“By the moon and stars! It felt like ages since you’ve been home. I was worried sick, you hooligans! Sheesh! So,did you lovely people get the answers you were looking for?” Tara asks, flying around the living area ecstatically.
“Well, answers we weren’t exactly expecting, but news nonetheless,” Gale says. “I’m just glad it wasn’t a fatal disease or something of the sort.”
“Let me take a wild guess – you’re going to be a daddy! Just make sure I get attention too, once the little person is here. I’m not asking too much, just occasional pets and a bowl of cow’s milk every now and then. I’ll do everything to help out, though. Except the diaper changes. Those are on you, Gale. Alas, I only have paws.”
“Wait, how did you know?”
“Like I said, just a lucky guess.” She giggles and flies away into the kitchen. Gale rolls his eyes.
“Oh, for the love of… Tara.” I smile, admiring the cozy home we’re finally back in, thankful to be alive and safe in the comfort of the tower. I thought I missed adventuring, but turns out I only missed my companions. Oh, and it’s a delight to have Tara around; I don’t know how Gale did it all those months after the nautiloid crash.
“Well, my love, I am going to the library to write to my mother about the news. Would you like to join me?” I finally hear excitement in his voice about the baby, and I’m sure he’s ready to see his mother again. I smile and take his hand, then he proceeds to lead me upstairs.
“I just have a feeling our parents will show up out of the blue,” I tease. “Who knows how long they’ve been wanting grandchildren?”
“Oh, without a doubt!” We make it to the library and I sit next to him at the desk, both of us surrounded by the various books in his magic library. By magic library, I mean all the books are related to the study of magic. As we sit to write, Tara flies back upstairs with us and gets comfortable in my lap. Ah, sweet Tara.
Six months pass. Six months of horrific pregnancy symptoms, the worst one being fatigue. Six months of nesting and getting the house ready. Six months of Tara following me around everywhere to make sure I’m alright while Gale is teaching at Blackstaff. No signs of Raphael or any other devil ready to corrupt the peace that is currently my life. No more bad dreams these past few months, just several relaxing baths a day due to body pains and a constant hunger for fettuccine.
During these months, my mother came to visit, as well as Gale’s mother. We enjoyed the company of our families and it’s safe to say both sides were thrilled about a new baby being around, especially Gale’s mother. Each time she visits, she brings a new gift for the little one. My mother brings us delicious foods grown from her garden and homemade soup.
It’s here – the day of my baby shower! Gale’s mom showed up yesterday due to a schedule conflict (alright, she may have thought it was yesterday and not today, but we enjoyed seeing her regardless). Every friend except Lae’zel, Jaheira, and Minsc show up to the shower, thrilled to celebrate. Astarion tries to act like he isn’t excited, but deep down, he definitely is.
“You know, the old me would have never thought to ask this, but…may I feel your belly?” Shadowheart asks, smiling. “I used to never want kids, but the thought has crossed my mind lately.”
“You’re like my sister. The maid of honor at my wedding. Someone I love with all my heart. Of course you can touch my belly,” I tell her. She places her hand gently on the globe of life, her eyes widening as she feels the baby kick her hand. I smile back at her, admiring her love for my unborn child, and realizing how truly beautiful she is. Happiness looks good on her.
“Thank you. I got to feel…movement. It made me so happy.” Gale smiles and gains comfort in knowing we have so many supportive people here around us for the little one.
“Okay, okay, ignore what I said before,” Karlach says. “You know, when I said I wanted to wait until the creature was a little older for me to babysit. I could settle for this.” Gale gasps sarcastically.
“Are you, Karlach Cliffgate, saying you’d allow us a date night while the baby is still little and not six years old?”
“Maybe I am, Dekarios.”
“You can just call me Gale, that’s fine too.” I chuckle, releasing a sigh of relief as I enjoy the presence of our friends. The celebration, the love, the laughter… I love feeling at peace, though this pregnancy could be a little less intense.
“Don’t get too excited or you’ll burn the place down. We don’t want another ‘Mermaids’ incident,” Astarion says. Gale and I look at Astarion with puzzled expressions, then at Karlach, wondering what on Earth she did and why. I’ll be brutally honest though, it doesn’t surprise me that she would burn down an entire bar on accident.
“Wait, what happened at Mermaids?” I ask, fighting laughter. “An intoxicated Karlach, perhaps?”
“Well, back when I had that shitty engine, I may have burned the whole place to the ground. Minsc and I were having a competition on who could roar louder, and…I took it too far. The owners had no idea it was me, thank the stars. Astarion, you have nothing to worry about. I can no longer catch on fire, thanks to my new engine.”
“Wow, what a delight. Though you know me, I’m always down for some hedonistic debauchery.”
We all eat rather delicious food, reminiscing about old adventures and talking about what our futures may hold. Wyll and Karlach will soon be our new neighbors, Shadowheart and Astarion have no plans to leave Waterdeep. I look at those two and wonder if they’re secretly together, or if they’re more like siblings who happen to be roommates. I try not to stare at them both, but I really want answers here. I have to constantly tell myself to mind my own business.
Gale and I stand up for a toast. While everyone is drinking either a wine or martini, I’m over here with my delicious mocktail that tastes of peaches and a hint of raspberry. I don’t miss alcohol honestly; I’ll stick with my sweet fruity drinks that will get me ‘drunk’ just from the sugar alone.
“Thank you all for celebrating with us. You are the best friends I could ever ask for, and our little one will be surrounded by such amazing – uh, people and humanoids,” I say, giggling. “He or she will be loved beyond measure, and I’m thankful for such a great group of people.”
“On top of that, we appreciate all the gifts for our child. Being first time parents, we weren’t exactly sure what all we needed, and we are so thankful for everything you’ve given us,” Gale says, raising his glass. “To our new baby, our friends, and a good life ahead of us.”
“Cheers! If either of you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to let me know. I wish you the best for a safe delivery,” Halsin adds. If we were to ask anyone about advice on children, it would definitely be Halsin, though I’m not sure if he would have any advice on infants. With him being a three-hundred-fifty year-old elf, I don’t doubt that he does.
“Thank you, Halsin.”
As all eyes are on me while we give the toast, an overwhelming sensation courses through my body; a feeling of lightheadedness and tickling of the brain. More vertigo, but it appears to be different than what I felt before; something familiar.
Praise the Absolute.
The Absolute will always live.
Die, Die, Die!
Become one of us.
Fuck. Is this some sick joke? Surely I don’t have the tadpole in my head still, because what the Hells was that? So many voices are invading my mind, trying to fool me into something wicked. The room begins to spin more rapidly than before, and my surroundings become a blur. Some sort of psychic interference, perhaps?
“Oh, she doesn’t look so good,” Astarion says. “Emmy?” Gale touches my shoulders, but I can barely feel his hands; it’s as if my body is going completely numb.
“Baby? Are you okay?” His voice fades as I begin to collapse on the floor, and all I can hear is a voice in the distance saying “oh shit!”
After several minutes of unconsciousness, I find myself waking up to everyone in my face as I’m lying on the floor. The world isn’t spinning but my head hurts like no other. Probably because I collapsed on the wooden floor.
“Oh, thank goodness you’re okay,” Gale says, taking a deep breath. He looks as if he had just been sobbing. Astarion pats him on the back in a sincere way, to comfort him and rid him of the anxiety. I’ve never seen him act that way toward Gale before. “I thought…I thought you were dying. What happened?”
“Oh Gale,” I murmur, trying to recall what happened. My voice is weak and a little raspy as I try to speak. “I…I don’t know what happened. All I remember is that I heard these voices in my head about the Absolute, and then next thing I knew, I collapsed.” I swallow, feeling a nasty flair of acid reflux in my throat. “Could it be the– no, surely not.”
“The tadpole?” Astarion asks. “How would that be possible?”
“What else could it be?”
“Someone or something messing with your head, perhaps?”
“Do you recall anything happening when Raphael abducted you several months ago?” Wyll questions, a bewildered expression on his face like the others. He brings up a good point.“Anything at all?”
“Wait, you got abducted by that heinous devil?!” Shadowheart exclaims. I suddenly remembered she wasn’t there when it happened. Her and Astarion had left for Waterdeep before the entire ordeal occurred. Still, I should have told her.
“Yes. I’ll tell you more about that later. I’m just now having strange issues, so I doubt it has to do with anything that happened in the House of Hope. I’m alright now at least.” I do feel better, besides my unusual craving for ice water. I take a deep breath as Gale helps me up, and luckily I don’t have any waves of vertigo now. What a strange occurrence that was. I hope it was just post-trauma dissociation, but who knows anymore.
“Ah, nothing like the potential of becoming a mindflayer…again…when you’re about to have a baby. Splendid,” Astarion says sarcastically, and then proceeds to look at me with worried eyes.
Despite the spontaneous and unfortunate fainting that left everyone worried, especially my poor Gale, the baby shower ended up turning out wonderfully. The questions still remain: What the fuck happened? Is there a tadpole that I’m somehow not aware of? Do mind flayers still exist?
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