#not anti asheiji
splashstar01 · 3 days
Unofficial "Gayness Levels" of my 7 TOP TIER fave-of-all-time slash couples
(that I’m doing purely to pass the time whilst sick with covid, don't be mad at ratings, I adore them all & tried to be as non-biased as possible, looking purely at canon moments!! xD)
Warning: This post is anti-Hinny & anti-Arwen. If that triggers you, don't read. In actuality, I don't hate Ginny or Gwen. Ginny got better in HPCC after she was no longer an annoying teenage girl, and Gwen is my fave girl! But I ship her with Lancelot, not Arthur! ;~;
I will give spoiler warnings, as there are ships where the spoiling just had to happen in order to fully rank them. :| I will give ample spoiler alerts!
I worked diligently for hours each day since coming down with covid (after the 2nd day, because before then I was too weak to move). 
I tried making sure each ship had a proper fighting chance. My ships are like my children lol. X3 I went into this working from the top down, with assuming the best of them and trying to find evidence for why they were 5 stars in each category!! I wanted all my ships to get 5 stars across the board. But I also had to be partial/realistic, supporting the 5 stars with evidence, or lack thereof, in some cases.
Ships on the list (in no particular order. No, really, I used a randomizer to pick order lmao):
Anime: Sk8 the Infinity--Renga (Reki & Langa)
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Deep Emotional Connection 
Strong Chemistry
Semi-Canon Status
“During his beef against Shadow (a rival) in episode 1, his skating when he’s just coolly, narrowly avoiding rocks in that long 18-second cut, and his final jump, I fell in love with him just as Reki did when he saw Snow (Langa's skating name)!” ~Utsumi (creator)
Lack of Explicit Romance: While the emotional and psychological depth of their relationship is clear, there’s no explicit romantic resolution in the canon yet (we only just got done with season 1). Fans are left with a lot of subtext, which, while meaningful, can be frustrating for those seeking concrete confirmation of their relationship beyond friendship.
One-Sided Vulnerability at Times: While Langa expresses his admiration and need for Reki in more overt ways, Reki tends to hide his struggles and insecurities, which at times creates emotional distance. Their dynamic leans more towards admiration and personal growth than deep codependence.
Ranking Renga's Gayness:
Touchy-Feely Levels: ★★★★★ 
Their frequent proximity and shared physical activities, like skateboarding and emotional hugs, show a lot of closeness. Their body language often communicates a sense of care. Skating together in such intimate, trust-filled moments adds a subtle layer of physical intimacy. While there aren’t overt romantic physical gestures, their body language and frequent proximity (like skating together and often emotional literal flying-bodies-on-the-ground hugs) show a lot of closeness. Their skateboarding together, sharing intimate experiences like teaching and encouraging one another, could be interpreted as a form of touch. But also once they shared a skateboard ;) Like, how gay is that? rofl xD
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Emotional Intimacy: ★★★★★ Their emotional connection is the heart of their relationship. They provide each other with significant emotional support, and the anime highlights moments of vulnerability, particularly as Reki works through feelings of inadequacy while Langa seeks connection. Langa, a former snowboarder, relies on Reki to rediscover his love for -boarding (now skateboarding) after moving from Canada, while Reki finds confidence in Langa’s presence and validation in their friendship. Langa’s conversation with his mom, where he blushes while discussing his crush on Reki, further highlights the depth of their emotional bond. Reki and Langa openly support and encourage each other, creating a strong foundation for emotional intimacy. They have a close, supportive friendship with many moments of emotional vulnerability. Their emotional bond is built on a strong foundation of deep mutual care and admiration.
Obsession/Codependence: ★★★★☆ There are elements of obsession, especially on Langa’s side, as he becomes fixated on skating with Reki and their shared bond. Their relationship also affects their self-worth and happiness, which speaks to a subtle codependence. Langa cannot perform well without Reki, who is his main reason for skating. When they drift apart, their emotional turmoil is palpable, especially for Reki, who struggles with feelings of inadequacy. They lean on each other for emotional support and personal growth, though for Reki it doesn't cross into full-blown obsession or unhealthy codependency. Because the obsession/codependence is a little bit 1-sided, they get 4 stars instead of 5. 
Sacrifices: 5/5 ★★★★★
Reki sacrifices his time and energy to help Langa become a better skater, even when it impacts his own self-confidence. Meanwhile, Langa shows his deep affection by trying to bring Reki back into the fold after they drift apart. Both make sacrifices to maintain their friendship and emotional bond, though these are more emotional than life-threatening. Reki sacrifices his confidence and emotional security for Langa's sake, as he struggles with feelings of inferiority. Langa also makes emotional sacrifices by never flaunting how much better of a skater he is. Langa also takes Reki’s jealousy without retaliation or anger, only deep sadness. They each compromise and grow from their relationship, making personal sacrifices for the sake of their bond. While their sacrifices are more emotional than physical, they’re still significant.
During this fight, it was even raining. What a het trope, lol. Fighting in the rain... XD This was completely intentional.
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Chemistry: ★★★★★ Their chemistry is undeniable, with a mix of playful banter, deep emotional support, and moments of jealousy and longing. Whether skating together or simply interacting, their dynamic is magnetic, and their friendship feels full of unspoken tension and affection. The chemistry between Reki and Langa is electric, with strong emotional tension and moments of clear admiration. Their relationship balances moments of fun and lightheartedness with deep emotional conflict and resolution, making their connection dynamic and impactful. The fact that fans—and even the creator—acknowledge Reki’s love-at-first-sight moment highlights the romantic potential. The dynamic between them is filled with tension and warmth, as they balance moments of fun, teasing, and heartfelt connection. Their bond drives much of the emotional intensity in the series, with their skateboarding journey acting as a metaphor for their relationship. (The show is mostly about their relationship, with skateboarding as a side/distraction lol)
How Canon?: ★★★★☆ 4.5 Renga falls into the semi-canon category, with the creator’s commentary and Langa’s blushing reaction to his mom asking about his feelings for Reki. The romantic subtext is strong, and there’s creator intent to show Reki and Langa’s relationship in a romantic light. The creator openly discussed Reki’s admiration for Langa from the start. However, despite these clear hints and the romantic subtext, there’s no explicit confirmation of their relationship on-screen, keeping it from being fully canon for now. Nonetheless, the anime provides more than enough material to consider them as a semi-canon romantic pairing.
During episode 8, while Langa's mom was asking him about why he seemed so down in the dumps, his mom related his story to an experience she once had, presumably about his dad. Because of that, she tells him it would be better if he was honest about his feelings. She asks him to confirm, (in both English and Japanese dubs), "You like this person, don't you?" Langa replies with a shocked yet toned down blush, and eventually Utsumi (the creator) confirmed he does romantically like "this person" (Reki). During that same episode, in the original Japanese dub, his mom says it as "Sukina ndesyo?" which translates to what the English sub or dub said. The word "Suki" In Japanese means "like", however, in contexts like this, it translates to "romantic love."
Final Summary:
Touchy-Feely Levels: 5/5  ★★★★★
Emotional Intimacy: 5/5 ★★★★★
Obsession/Codependence: 4/5 ★★★★☆
Sacrifices: 5/5  ★★★★★
Chemistry: 5/5 ★★★★★
How Canon?: 4.5/5 ★★★★☆
Total: 4.75 out of 5 stars
2. Series: Harry Potter--Book!Drarry (Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter)
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Both original Harry Potter book artwork by Jim Kay.
Before reading the books, I thought Drarry was a total crack ship & I didn't like movie!Draco. I thought he was a simple bully. I read the books for Snape x Lily. But Snily ship sunk faster than the Titanic, and in its place was this glorious OTHER! Drarry actually has a ton of textual evidence/support & I couldn't deny the gay anymore lool.
Obsession & Codependence
Tons of Intimate Moments (in the official last installment, the play HPCC--Harry Potter & The Cursed Child (which focuses on Harry & Draco's sons Scorbus (who is also on this list). Most of the fandom hates HPCC, but it's the book with one of the best drarry so I'll gladly take it lol.)
JKR (the TERF) randomly hates Draco, & she hates the ship. BUT: I compiled the Drarry Bible, a 98k word doc of all the Drarry scenes/how they are accidental literal soulmates! Read first if you're mad about smthn I said (even if you've read the series—many Drarry shippers have been stunned by its contents). I have text proof!
Never becomes canon—it's mostly fan interpretation of the canon text where JKR accidentally writes them out as utterly in love. I was never looking for the gay with Drarry. I disliked Draco, I was there for the Snily. Why would I want Harry with his bully? The gay ran me over.
Very little physical intimacy, though the emotional intensity is powerful and the times they do have physical intimacy are very profound.
Obsession & Codependence:
"Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy." ~Harry Potter & the Half-blood Prince
Rating: 5/5
Obsession levels are extremely high for both characters. Draco spends a good chunk of the series fixated on Harry, while Harry reciprocates by fixating on Draco’s every move (even when he's not being suspicious, which is most of the time). The fact that they stare at each other, know each other’s habits, and even unintentionally hurt themselves due to this obsession solidifies this. Codependence emerges in how much they seem to thrive on this rivalry and attention from each other. Their mutual fixation and obsession with each other feel incredibly intense, with shades of romantic tension, especially given how the entire school, even staff, pick up on it. Their obsession feels very queer-coded, even if not canonically romantic.  Draco spends five out of seven books completely fixated on Harry (even in books where he's not like The Half-blood Prince & Deathly Hallows, there's still plenty of gay)! And Harry is obsessed with Draco in return.
From the Drarry Bible:
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They are constantly staring at each other for no good reason (like all the way across the Great Hall during lunches). They shout at each other all the way across the Great Hall too, making their obsession obvious for the whole school (because the whole school has same lunch period). They are literal walking encyclopedias of the other. Draco talks about Harry constantly to anyone who would listen (Harry is his favorite topic...), and thus the whole school knows about his big gay crush on Harry, including the staff, his parents (especially his father who told him to STFU about Harry since he was talking about Harry literally all summer lmao), and even Voldemort was highly suspicious in the last book, to Draco's father's horror. Harry is equally obsessed over Draco, so much so that he gets hospitalized because he’s thinking about Draco too much during a Quidditch match and gets hit. Also, the staff, Draco’s mother, and Ron’s dad knows about Harry’s crush on Draco (Ron’s dad is amused by it)… Draco is so obsessed over Harry that he makes ‘Potter stinks’ badges and charms enough for all 3 Houses and gives them out for FREE! (He's his own personal Harry Potter fanclub..) And Harry, despite pretending to be furious, secretly kept one! (He brought it home and kept it under the bed with the rest of his special souvenirs from school lolololol I can't even with this!) Their last encounter before that school year was out (his only time to be able to have taken a Potter Stinks badge) was even another argument with Draco on the train.. Lmaao! And all along, little did Draco know, Harry had a badge tucked away on his person. And brought it home with him. And it still works even years later because that’s how much care Draco put into making them (who does this??) And there’s no way you would put all that effort into doing it for someone you’re not totally crushing on but talk about constantly and watch all the time and use every excuse in the book to try to talk to.  Like one year he even faked an arm injury and then later admitted to Harry he was just trying to get Harry to help him out in their class. So he kept complaining until Snape finally gave him Harry as a lab partner. XD This gay, I swear.
2. Chemistry:
Rating: 5/5
The enemies-to-something dynamic creates a palpable push-pull tension. Draco’s teasing and Harry’s confused reactions lead to charged moments, and their chemistry seems more alive than with other characters. The emotional and physical energy between them is notable and strong. Draco teases Harry constantly because he's upset Harry rejected his friendship (this was confirmed by Draco himself in his confession to Harry in HPCC). Harry confusing anger for arousal (he'll be "mad" but stares constantly, never agree with Ron when Ron makes fun of Draco's looks or wishes ill on him, & immediately perks up at any mention of Draco's name bc Draco is also secretly his fave topic lol). Draco’s teasing, and their back-and-forth feels emotionally charged and reads like many classic queer-coded rivalries.  The push-pull, enemies-to-something dynamic is strong. Draco and Harry have a charged energy whenever they’re around each other. As Draco smirks-winks at him, Harry sometimes acts the part of the 'blushing maiden' with Ron to defend him. His face flushes, and he gets really quiet sometimes. One time Harry was standing towards the front of the school and all the other kids were standing too, but Harry was wondering where Draco was, so he turned his head and looked for him as Dumbledore was speaking, and Draco was sitting instead of standing, and staring straight ahead. So Draco obviously sees Harry just try to find him and Harry just turns back to the front after finding Draco (which totally gave himself away). That's like, so fucking embarrassing. JKR said Ginny was meant to represent his dead mother Lily, which is why like Lily, Ginny has flaming red hair. (Kinda creepy to make the wife physically look like the mom, but okay.) Not to mention, with Ginny's family, which is Ron's family since Ginny is Ron's little sister, the family basically adopted Harry in as their own, making them Harry's first 'real' family. This suggests that his connection with Ginny is more about emotional security than romantic passion, which explains why he's never truly as obsessed with her as with Draco. Their het romance was so sudden and lacking in passion that some fans theorize Ginny used a love potion. (Literally, Harry had a bigger girl crush on Cho than he ever did Ginny.) Harry & Draco’s obsession with each other is love-potion extreme all throughout the series (the way Harry would be with Draco would almost feel like the way Ron would describe his feelings this one time Ron accidentally took a love potion). In HPCC, they are friends and without even being there for their intimate 1v1 talks, they must be acting so friendly because Ron points out that they’re so “chummy-chummy” now! And their Quidditch matches became like their impromptu dates that they both looked forward to. (Harry was hospitalized bc Draco was skipping his matches that year, so during a match with Hufflepuff, he was thinking about where Draco could be and that's when he was hit. (Everything I say are book passages--feel free to search them up in the Drarry Bible above.)
3. Sacrifices:
Rating: 5/5
Both make significant sacrifices for each other, risking not just their lives but the well-being of loved ones. Draco’s risking the lives of himself and his family’s for Harry is particularly telling given JKR confirmed that nothing is more important to him than family (except Pottah I guess *snicker*)! While Harry repeatedly saves Draco, even risking the lives of himself and his two besties who are like his own family (of course Harry is an orphan and has no living blood relatives except the Dursleys, so the few found family he has are everything to him…..) During the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco saves his life from his two friends, screaming “DON’T KILL HIM! DON’T KILL HIM!” (Draco rarely ever screams) and of course when Draco needs rescuing immediately after, Harry is the first one there!! Even as Ron screams that if they die, he’ll kill Harry lol. So Harry risks the lives of his two best friends to fly back in and rescue his big gay crush. He rescues Draco while his friends get Goyle. Harry honestly didn’t give a shit about Draco's friends, he was going straight for Draco. If he’d really cared about rescuing the one in most need, he would’ve gone for Goyle first who was in much worse shape….. Or Crabbe. Crabbe ended up dying in the fire. 😓
Though this doesn’t cement a romantic relationship, the emotional investment is high. Sacrificing one’s life or risking safety of other loved ones for each other shows deep emotional ties. The risk-taking for each other’s sake has undertones of devotion that could easily be read as a more-than-platonic connection. Harry's repeated acts of saving Draco’s life, even putting his best friends at risk, and Draco's willingness to risk his family's safety for Harry, show a profound level of sacrifice. The fact that both characters are willing to risk everything for each other, including their lives and the well-being of loved ones, underscores the magnitude of their sacrifices and devotion. Draco’s intense vulnerability in HPCC further emphasizes the depth of their emotional connection. Draco shows an intense vulnerability in the final book, opening the door for an emotional connection for HPCC. Unlike the movies, he never goes to Voldemort’s side in the end. He chooses Harry’s side, even though Harry’s side isn’t his parent’s side. He does this because he soon realized in book 6 that he can’t stomach violence (unlike James Potter—Harry’s violent bully of a father who was planning the murder of a fellow student but backed out last minute), but also I’m sure Harry being over on that side pushed him over the edge.  Even during the duel from HPCC, where Draco initiated it as he was trying to get Harry to allow their gay sons to be together, Draco didn’t really want to hurt Harry. (The gay sons are also on this list--Scorbus.) His attack spells were mild, much less lethal than his spells during school in their duels (like, Harry used two spells: tickle & forced dancing... while Draco used spells that shoved Harry and etc etc.. it was all very mid).
4. Emotional Intimacy:
Rating: 5/5
So Draco always wants to use every excuse to talk to Harry. That's why every single year on the train (except the 6th book, there was no 7th year since Harry went on the run that year), Draco would go meet up with Harry to talk to him before school starts probably because he missed him over the summer. awwwww LOL. And in the year Draco didn't go to him, Harry put on an invisibility cloak and went to Draco, because Draco, a 16 yo kid (mind you, in HP, 17 is legal adult age), went shopping without his mother! And this going shopping alone made Harry so suspicious of Draco and Harry's two friends were with him the whole time, but neither of them thought it was that suspicious and they literally get so sick of Harry talking about Draco non-stop that year that they tune him out. Harry proceeds to use a magical map to track all of Draco's movements that year, going as far as ducking into bathroom stalls to check where Draco is. LMAO! These boys will be the end of me... -,-; HPCC adds fuel with their intimate conversations where Draco confesses his true feelings about their school rivalry—that he just wanted to be besties with Harry & was jealous of Ron & Hermione because they got to be Harry’s friends while he had to force his way into Harry’s life through mean teasing just to be able to talk to him! Their interactions go far beyond what we see in Harry’s interactions with many other characters in the play, and now that they’re adults and civil, the depth of their bond escalated like wildfire, which leaves the audience wondering how much closer they would get after the play when they’re now actual friends! Considering their innate obsession with one another and need to be close….. And the fact that Harry and Draco are both pretty queer-coded gay men.... (The books are told from 1st POV so we know exactly what Harry was feeling and who he kept staring at, and he was definitely never staring at Ginny....)
Emotional intimacy is often a hallmark of romantic or queer connections. The vulnerability Draco shows and the fact that he was so obsessed with becoming friends with Harry shows a deeper connection than rivalry. In HPCC, Draco admitted to Harry that he was never jealous of his fame, just his friends. Naturally, Ron got to be friends with Harry, so that's why Draco had such a hatred for him.
Harry knows Draco better than anyone else, even though Draco is really good at hiding his feelings with occlumency (the magic of closing one's mind against mind reading, which requires a strong ability to hide feelings). Harry is the only one who can still see past it despite the fact that they’re not even friends. Likewise, Draco knows Harry really well and is the only one to know Harry well enough that he knew Harry wouldn’t attack those students in Chamber of Secrets during a time when most of the school suspected Harry. He also knew that Harry wasn’t the heir of Slytherin despite most of the wizarding world, including his dad who he idolizes, thinking Harry must’ve been some dark wizard in order to blast Voldemort away as a baby. 
In HPCC, Draco was the one who was most worried for Harry when Harry volunteered to go confront Voldemort (I cannot make this up, he was literally panicking like how he does in fanfics.... llol like aww so sweet), and Harry was the one Draco was most worried about, despite the fact that Harry was the head of the DMLE (Department of Magical Law Enforcement—Head Auror) AND the only one to have repeatedly gone face to face with Voldemort & lived of all the people there (Ron, Harry, Hermione, Draco, and their gay 14 year old sons). 
Harry worries endlessly about Draco when he knows Draco is in a tight spot. They are soulmates, one half of the same whole. They are the only two who really know what the other went through in regards to Voldemort. Harry saved Draco in more ways than one. In HPCC, they had far more special moments with each other than with literally anyone else in the play, far more than Harry with his wife (Draco’s wife died of illness at the beginning of the play). 
In the books, Harry was never really attracted to any of the girls. His biggest girl crush was Cho (crush on Ginny/wife doesn’t even come close so the fandom never talks about her because there’s barely any book quotes to bounce off of!), but even that crush paled in comparison to his obsession over Draco. Even though Cho's table was closer to his, he'd never look at her during lunches... He'd look right over her to look at Draco.................. YUP. This is why Drarry is such a huge ship. JKR was not subtle.... yet she claims Drarry is all in our heads! In Harry's internal monologue, he was mostly checking out other guys, but mostly Draco. Literally all the guys he thought were handsome had Dracos’s eye color! 🤔 Sus much? LMAO. There was no guy he found attractive that did NOT have Draco’s eye color.
In HPCC, Draco was so quick to forgive Harry (he was mad enough that he went to Harry's house and started fighting him and they fucked up the kitchen by throwing chairs etc.. & generally reverting back to their schoolboy days!!! lmao), even though Harry never apologized! They have such soft spots for one another, and Harry is always just as fast to forgive, esp in school. v_v
The depth of their connection is highlighted by their intimate conversations in HPCC, and in all the books, their deep understanding, and concern for each other. Their interactions go beyond typical rivalry, displaying vulnerability, trust, and a soulmate-like bond. The way they save and forgive each other, along with their unique understanding of one another’s experiences w Voldemort. Everything thus far suggests an extraordinary level of emotional intimacy that Harry doesn't even have with Ron. Ron and Harry are like, BFFs, but Draco is like the boyfriend/lover. Different types of closeness. They have a profound, unspoken connection where they are drawn to each other like moths to a flame, coupled with the significant moments shared between them.
In the main books, Harry went to fight Voldemort with Draco’s stolen wand that he didn’t officially win in a duel. Wands are a wizard’s heart & soul. And also Draco’s wand was unicorn-core, meaning it’s extremely loyal. Harry shouldn't have been able to get it to work, but Draco’s wand was friendly towards Harry, unlike Draco’s maniacal aunt Bellatrix’s wand. So, because Draco’s wand, along with Harry, defeated Voldemort, Harry was basically fighting Voldemort with Draco’s heart and soul. Aawweeeee. Gayeest battle lmao, and just like that, DRARRY saved the day/world! The wand was only friendly with Harry because it could sense that Draco truly cared for Harry…. 😏 In HPCC, Harry and Draco talk as friends for the first time, and Draco stops calling him 'Potter,' while never once using Ron's first name lol. Draco is also the only one able to get through to Harry on a topic that not even Ginny or McGonagall could. They bond and their moments together are so electric, unlike any other relationship in the play aside from their gay sons.
5. Touchy-Feely:
Rating: 2.5/5
There’s little physical touch beyond duels and Quidditch, where Draco’s physical attacks seem to have an undertone of excitement (like literally in HPCC.. where Harry used a tickle spell on Draco and also a dancing spell....LMAO XD like.. bruh... just ask him for dance lmao). Physical intimacy is minimal but emotionally charged. The touchiness is more indirect, stemming from aggressive physicality, but in the context of their obsession, it seems like Draco gets some satisfaction from the physical encounters. When Harry rescued Draco from the fiendfyre, Draco was “holding Harry so tightly it hurt” and shouting in his ear. ;) lmaoooo. How.... intimate.
While physical touch is minimal, the moments that do occur are emotionally charged and hold significance, particularly in the context of their interactions. Draco would always try to hit him during their Quidditch matches because he seemed to get off on any sort of touch with Harry. The touch is more about tension, aggression, and heightened emotion rather than tenderness, but it still conveys a sense of intimacy, especially in moments like the fiendfyre rescue.
6. How canon? 
Rating: 2/5
While Drarry is not canonically confirmed as a romantic relationship, the strong obsession, chemistry, and emotional intimacy make it a compelling interpretation for many. Their secret love is definitely real in their world, since JKR wrote them that way--as closet gays by total accident, but the official canon does not explicitly confirm their romantic connection. ;_;
Final Summary:
Chemistry: 5/5 ★★★★★
Obsession & Codependence: 5/5 ★★★★★
Sacrifices: 5/5 ★★★★★
Emotional Intimacy: 5/5 ★★★★★
Touchy-Feely: 2.5/5 ★★★☆☆
Canon? 2/5 ★★☆☆☆
Total: 4.08 out of 5 stars
3. Show: Hannigram--(Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham)
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Obsession & Codependence
Intimate Moments
When asked about the relationship between Will and Hannibal: "For me, Hannibal has always been a romantic horror story. Even from the get-go of the series." ~Bryan Fuller (Creator)
Not the touchiest duo in terms of physical affection—this is all about the mental, emotional, and psychological tango.
Chemistry: ★★★★★ 5/5 The chemistry between Hannibal and Will is both terrifying and compelling. Their intellectual sparring, emotional vulnerability, and seductive manipulation create a deep, electrifying connection. Even without explicit romantic actions, the tension between them is palpable in every scene, pulling them together in a destructive yet irresistible bond. Every glance or exchange feels weighted with unspoken desire. Their chemistry is magnetic and dangerous. Every scene between Will and Hannibal is charged with tension. Their chemistry builds on manipulation, psychological games, and seduction, creating a connection that feels as inevitable as it is destructive. Even without traditional romance or intimacy, their bond is electrifying and nearly impossible to look away from. Electrifying, built on mutual manipulation, psychological chess, and seduction.
Emotional Intimacy: ★★★★★ 5/5
Hannibal and Will's intimacy comes from their deep psychological connection rather than physical affection. Their relationship is built on understanding each other's darkest desires and fears, allowing them to share a closeness that few could replicate.
Though physical touch is rare, the sheer intensity of their mental and emotional intimacy makes their relationship profoundly intimate. While Will and Hannibal’s relationship isn't traditionally physical, their intimate moments are charged with emotional depth and psychological intensity. They share many intellectual exchanges that build the feeling of closeness. They even ‘adopt’ a daughter together and Hannibal planned to have them all run away together. They have an intense intellectual intimacy.
Obsession & Codependence: ★★★★★ 5/5 Hannigram is defined by mutual obsession. Hannibal’s fixation on Will is all-consuming, while Will is constantly torn between his own fascination and fear of Hannibal, creating a dark, codependent relationship where both seem incapable of letting go of each other. Their love becomes destructive but undeniable, spiraling into mutual obsession. They are unable to escape each other, deeply intertwined in a codependent relationship. Their unhealthy dependency elevates their connection to an extreme, spiraling into an all-or-nothing love that leaves no room for anything else in their lives. Off the charts! Hannibal’s love is an all-consuming, dangerous obsession. Will’s constant mental push-and-pull with Hannibal’s influence shows a deep, dark co-dependence.
Sacrifices: ★★★★★ 5/5
Both Will and Hannibal are willing to sacrifice everything for the other—morality, lives, innocence, and even their own sanity. By the end of the series, they are both willing to kill for each other (Hannibal even kills someone he loves deeply for Will), and the finale showcases that ultimate willingness to die together with the cliff scene—where they metaphorically and literally fall together—marking their ultimate sacrifice for their bond. It’s the kind of all-consuming bond where nothing is off-limits. Will sacrifices his sense of self. Hannibal sacrifices his plans, resources, and carefully cultivated image just for Will. Will, despite being a force for good, is willing to compromise his values, embrace darkness, and sacrifice the safety of others for Hannibal.
Touchy-Feely Levels: ★★★★☆ 4.5/5 They share many sensual moments that add to the relationship's intensity. When Hannibal and Will touch, it's brief but deeply charged, loaded with meaning. Not to mention, they almost kissed in the series finale! The physical touches between Will and Hannibal are subtle yet charged with deep emotional and psychological intensity. These touches include Hannibal’s caring, almost possessive gestures like touching Will's face during so-called “medical examinations,” symbolic dream sequences where they merge together, and the highly intimate moments like when Hannibal cradles a wounded Will or helps him to his feet after a fight. They excel in emotional and psychological closeness, and when the physical aspect is present, it feels like an event—transformative, even. While not overly frequent, these moments reflect their complex, entwined relationship, blending care, control, and fascination.
Their almost-kiss:
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How Canon: ★★★★★
Creator Bryan Fuller has confirmed that Hannibal was always meant to be a romantic horror story, and the series shows that explicitly by the end. The romantic subtext becomes full-on text, particularly in the final two seasons, with both Will and Hannibal entangled in a twisted, deadly love story. There’s no ambiguity here—by the end, their love is openly acknowledged by the characters, even if it manifests in the most dangerous of ways.
Final Summary:
Chemistry: 5/5 ★★★★★
Emotional Intimacy: 5/5 ★★★★★
Obsession & Codependence: 5/5 ★★★★★
Sacrifices: 5/5 ★★★★★
Touchy-Feely Levels: 4.5/5 ★★★★☆
How Canon:  5/5 ★★★★★ 
Total: 4.91 stars out of 5.
4. Show: Supernatural--Destiel (Dean Winchester & Castiel)
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Obsession & Codependence
Intimate Moments
*Spoilers for the end*
Dean’s side of things is a little more ambiguous despite Cas’s confession. Plus, they never fully addressed it beyond that.
1. Chemistry: ★★★★★
Level: 5/5
The chemistry between Dean and Cas is electrifying, built on years of longing, emotional tension, and deep connection. They have 12 seasons of unresolved tension, with countless lingering looks and longing stares, moments of vulnerability, and emotional conversations. It's the kind of chemistry that often leaves viewers wondering why they haven't kissed yet. The show builds their interactions like a slow-burn romance that plays on subtlety and emotional depth, though it’s more about their soulful connection than physical. Cas’s confession solidifies what fans had known for years: that their bond went beyond simple friendship. The way Dean and Cas interact, often like a long-term couple with unresolved feelings, makes their chemistry undeniable, even though it took seasons for the show to confirm it outright.
Literally all the characters thought they had a thing for each other. LOL. Many joke that they are boyfriends and "attached at the hips."
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2. Emotional Intimacy: ★★★★★
Level: 5/5
Their emotional intimacy is high-level. They are a very serious couple with deep emotional issues that they have to sort out. (Like long-term husbands do. V_V) This ship is a deeper/more serious pairing for sure, though they do have moments of humor. Dean allows Cas into his guarded heart, which is no small feat, and Cas is always there for Dean through every moment of vulnerability. Their deep conversations and emotional moments reveal layers of feelings that go beyond mere friendship. We finally got the canon confirmation of Cas’s love for Dean after over a decade of so-very-obvious pining, making the relationship feel even more profound and intimate.
3. Obsession & Codependence: ★★★★☆
Level: 4/5
Dean and Castiel’s relationship is incredibly co-dependent. Cas literally falls from heaven for Dean and sacrifices everything—his family, his angelic duties, even his life—multiple times for him. Dean is deeply torn between his responsibilities and his feelings for Cas. They constantly come back to one another after fights and disagreements (where 95% of the time, Dean is in the wrong), with Dean repeatedly apologizing and choosing Cas, and of course, Cas always is very willing to take him back and accept his apology, even after this one time when he beat Cas to a bloody pulp and almost stabbed Cas to death. Dean later got flashbacks of this, as it traumatized him. (Dean was not in a good place. He was battling the Mark of Cain, which he willingly took on to save the world, as he, being so selfless and self-sacrificing, tends to do.) Their obsession with each other drives many of the show's conflicts, creating an undeniable codependency. They often live/travel together and are total husbands! Their lives revolve around each other. They (along with Sam) raise an adopted newborn son together in their bunker/permanent home, and the son calls them his “three dads.” 🥺 Very domestic! (Their infant son is 2 by series finale but chose to come into the world in the body of a 27-year-old man—the same age as Jensen/Dean in season one, because he knew otherwise he wouldn't be safe. GOOD CALL!) The only reason they lose a star is because Dean will always put his brother Sam above all else, so Cas will never truly be his number one. Meanwhile, Cas’s entire character arc revolves around Dean, while Dean is constantly torn between the mission and his feelings for Cas.
4. Sacrifices: ★★★★☆
Level: 4/5
Cas repeatedly sacrifices everything, including his angelic status, heaven, his powers, his family, and eventually, his life, all for Dean. Dean, in turn, sacrifices his emotional barriers, constantly letting Cas in despite the risks to his heart. Dean shows sacrifice in his emotional openness. Cas’s ultimate sacrifice, confessing his love and then dying whilst saving Dean’s life, is the culmination of years of devotion. Castiel’s sacrifices are larger in scale than Dean's, often costing Cas everything. Castiel's arc is defined by his devotion to Dean, making him one of the most selfless characters in the series. Cas literally died for Dean—multiple times. Cas throws away all of heaven/his family that he’s known since the beginning of time all for Dean. Dean has repeatedly shown emotional vulnerability and trust towards Cas, which is significant given Dean’s mega-guarded ‘macho’ nature. This emotional openness often puts Dean at risk of emotional pain and betrayal (Dean has secretly cried many times over Cas, and this man doesn't cry!) Dean has said that he considers praying to be begging, but yet he prays to Cas all the time, especially when they can't be together, or are in the middle of an argument and are physically separated. Dean’s dedication to Cas sometimes strained his relationships with others, including his brother Sam, and led to conflicts. But because Cas’s sacrifices are far more extreme and Dean’s sacrifices are much less, they get 4 stars. Ultimately, Cas overwhelmingly sacrifices more with much less in return.
5. Touchy-Feely Levels: ★★★☆☆ 3.5/5
Level: 3.5/5
Dean and Cas have an intense emotional connection, and although they aren't the most physically affectionate, there are a number of moments of close physical proximity, like when they hug (which they do five times!), or their many lingering touches, pats on backs or shoulders, eyesex, longing stares, one time Cas even showed up on Dean's car naked and covered in bees (LOL), but they lack the constant hand-holding and easy constant physical affection or constant physical proximity that might we see with some other slash ships. This is likely due to the show’s ambiguity surrounding Dean’s feelings. Their relationship thrives on emotional and psychological closeness, rather than touch. Their connection is more about the soul than the body, though the longing gazes certainly count! 
6. Canon?: ★★★★★ 5/5
Cas’s love for Dean is explicitly confirmed, which cements the ship as canon from Cas’s perspective. While Dean doesn’t reciprocate in words, his emotional reaction and devastation suggest strong feelings of reciprocation. Dean’s side remains just slightly ambiguous onscreen (us shippers see it plain AS DAY especially with all the parallels to them being an epic romance!), and Misha Collins (Castiel) was quick to confirm that:
"Dean was always too shocked in the moment to respond." ~Misha Collins
While the show stops just short of fully embracing the romance, the confession is a pivotal, iconic moment. The confession remains one of the most iconic moments in the show.
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Final Rankings:
Chemistry: 5/5 ★★★★★  
Emotional Intimacy: 5/5 ★★★★★ 
Obsession & Codependence: 4/5 ★★★★☆ 
Sacrifices: 4/5 ★★★★☆ 
Touchy-Feely Levels: 3.5/5 ★★★☆☆ 
Canon? 5/5 ★★★★★ 
Total: 4.41 stars out of 5
5. Anime: Banana Fish: Asheiji (Ash & Eiji)
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Themes of Healing and Redemption
Tons of Emotional Intimacy
Many Sacrifices
Loads of Chemistry
Lack of Explicit Physical Canonization: While the emotional bond is undeniable, the relationship is never physically explicit in the traditional sense. For fans looking for more open romance or physical intimacy between characters, the lack of canonized romantic development might feel unsatisfying.
Touchy-Feely Levels: ★★★☆☆ 3.5/5 stars
They have notable moments of physical closeness, such as tender/supportive hugs and the kiss that totally took Eiji by surprise (to pass a secret note to him), when Eiji helps get Ash into the shower, and they occasionally touch lightly, but it's not the primary focus of their relationship. Their bond is more about emotional connection and shared experiences.
Emotional Intimacy: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
Extremely high levels of emotional intimacy. Their relationship is built on deep emotional support and understanding, making it a core aspect of their connection. Ash and Eiji share a profound emotional bond that transcends traditional definitions of friendship or romance. Eiji represents a source of light and peace in Ash’s dark, violent world, while Ash becomes Eiji’s protector and emotional anchor. This deep emotional intimacy is one of the most compelling aspects of their relationship. Ash allows himself to be vulnerable around Eiji in ways that he does with no one else. Eiji becomes the only person Ash trusts entirely. Eiji feels safe with Ash, even when surrounded by danger, showing how much faith he has in Ash's abilities and care. Eiji symbolizes hope and healing for Ash, offering him a chance to escape his tragic life. Their relationship serves as a narrative of redemption, as Ash, who is accustomed to violence and manipulation, finds unconditional love and acceptance in Eiji. Their love, while not super explicit, is often interpreted as deeply romantic by fans due to the intense emotions they share. Their relationship transcends labels, making it a beautiful representation of love in its purest form—one that defies societal conventions. Their emotional connection is profound. Ash and Eiji share a deep bond characterized by mutual support, understanding, and a strong emotional connection. Their intimacy is central to their relationship.
Obsession/Codependence: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
Asheiji involves strong codependence with significant emotional impact. Their connection is deeply entwined, and they are both obsessed with each other to the extreme. All Ash can think about is Eiji, which leads to enormous consequences. Eiji for his part, loves Ash and obsesses over him endlessly. They demonstrate a significant level of codependence. Ash and Eiji are deeply intertwined in each other's lives, and their relationship profoundly affects their actions and decisions.
Sacrifices: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
They make notable sacrifices for each other, showing dedication and commitment. Their sacrifices are substantial. Ash was willing to send Eiji away for his own safety despite Eiji being the only light in his life, but Eiji didn’t go, risking his life by choosing to stay. They’ve both put their lives directly in danger for the other. Both characters make considerable sacrifices for each other. Ash’s actions are often influenced by his desire to protect and be with Eiji, while Eiji shows remarkable dedication and commitment, despite the dangerous circumstances. Eiji takes care of Ash when he’s unwell or hurt. At one point, Ash tried to shoot himself dead to protect Eiji but unbeknownst to him, there were no bullets in the gun. Eiji jumped in front of a bullet for Ash once, landing him in the hospital. Ash’s fierce protectiveness over Eiji is a central element of the ship. This dynamic creates powerful, emotional moments throughout Banana Fish, where Ash goes to extreme lengths to ensure Eiji’s safety, showcasing the true depth of his feelings.
Chemistry: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars Their chemistry is compelling, with a blend of tenderness and intensity that defines their relationship. They are magnetic, built on emotional vulnerability, trust, and a shared experience that pulls them together in powerful, often understated ways. Their chemistry is notable, with a mix of emotional depth and connection that drives the narrative. Their interactions are charged with both tenderness and intensity.
How Canon?: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
Their relationship is confirmed as canon by the creator, making it a deeply acknowledged romantic connection. It was heavy subtext in the anime, but in the manga Garden of Light, it became explicit. While not explicitly sexual, it is recognized as a deep, romantic soulmate connection.
In the manga, Sing Soo-Ling (creator) states in the short story “Garden of Light” that they truly loved each other and were soulmates.
Final summary:
Touchy-Feely Levels: 3.5/5 ★★★☆☆ 
Emotional Intimacy: 5/5 ★★★★★ 
Obsession/Codependence: 5/5 ★★★★★
Sacrifices: 5/5 ★★★★★ 
Chemistry: 5/5 ★★★★★  
How Canon?: 5/5 ★★★★★ 
Total:  4.75 out of 5 stars
6. Merthur (Merlin & Arthur Pendragon) 
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Extremely Touchy-Feely
Obsession & Codependence
“I think it’s a love story, it absolutely is a love story.”  ~Julian Murphy (creator)
It quietly went canon, with no obvious love declaration or successful kiss onscreen.
Chemistry: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars The chemistry between Merlin and Arthur is undeniable and electric, with an unspoken bond that far surpasses all other relationships, including their other romantic ones. Their banter, loyalty, and constant presence in each other’s lives create a compelling and often flirtatious dynamic. Arthur lights up around Merlin in a way he never does with anyone else, including his wife, Gwen. The high school AU vibes are real—they bicker, laugh, have a deep emotional connection, and have an undeniable pull towards each other. The tension between them, combined with their loyalty and the way they light up around each other, creates an undeniable spark that draws viewers in. Their palpable tension makes their relationship feel very much like a secret castle romance, which is what it basically was as confirmed in the commentary. Their unspoken understanding and constant presence in each other’s lives create a chemistry that’s magnetic and endearing. Unspoken yet undeniable. Well, others speak of their bond, just not them most of the time (though in their intimate moments, they do, too!) Like Princess Mithian once commented saying to Merlin, "Arthur values your opinion above almost all others."
And after seeing them together for only a few days, Merlin's mother says:
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The great dragon Kilgharrah has always said that they're two sides of the same coin, and that they make each other whole. So it's confirmed that they're soulmates, literally half of each other. Their bond is one of loyalty, humor, and an endless, deep connection. They are like a cutesy/angsty high school AU of secret gay boyfriends. The whole castle is aware of Merlin’s ‘other woman’ status and they treat him as such. 
2. Emotional Intimacy:  ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
Merlin and Arthur’s relationship is defined by an unbreakable bond that transcends friendship, with deep emotional intimacy, playful chemistry, and mutual reliance. They constantly bicker, but their loyalty to each other is unwavering, with Merlin secretly sacrificing everything to protect Arthur, while Arthur depends on Merlin for emotional support and guidance, often treating him as more than just a manservant. However, the secret of Merlin’s magic creates a subtle yet significant barrier in their relationship. While Merlin sacrifices everything for Arthur, he can never fully trust him with the truth about his identity. This adds complexity to their bond, highlighting how the political climate of Camelot and Merlin’s fear of rejection prevents their relationship from reaching its fullest potential of emotional honesty. Merlin’s secrecy prevents the relationship from being entirely transparent, meaning Arthur doesn't fully know who Merlin is. While Merlin harbors this secret, Arthur bares his entire soul to Merlin, his best friend, and tells him everything. He trusts Merlin with his life, and Merlin trusts him (aside from the magic part). This limitation keeps them from achieving the ultimate level of emotional closeness, despite their otherwise strong connection. From lingering gazes (SO MUCH EYESEX--there's 23 minutes of eyesex in a 65 episode show), and shared vulnerabilities (Merlin does share his vulnerabilities with Arthur, just not the magic), their connection feels deeply personal. They are each other's #1 best friend. These moments go far beyond any other relationship either has in the show, creating a profound, unspoken closeness that is intimate in both the emotional and physical sense. Arthur tells Merlin everything, unlike with his sweet wife Gwen. He is able to truly be himself around Merlin. For Arthur, due to the way he was raised, everything has an order. With Gwen, he is always super formal/polite. Basically, she is not his friend. He has put her squarely in the "wife" category. Merlin is supposed to be put in "servant" category but Merlin becomes his actual dearest best friend, a category none of his knights touch, since his knights are put in "knights" category. He expects his knights to die for him, he expects Gwen to always be supportive & loving. He expected Merlin to listen to him and respect him, but Merlin is, as Arthur puts it, "Well, you've been terrible. I mean it. Worst servant I've ever had." Even being such a terrible servant, Arthur refuses to fire him, even upset when Merlin goes missing so they find an actual GOOD & perfect servant, George (who hilariously even dresses up as Merlin).
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So as Merlin keeps from Arthur the most vital thing about himself, Arthur confides in him more than anyone else, showing trust and vulnerability that he doesn't share even with his wife. He calls Merlin his friend. For context of how special this is, he doesn't even consider his knights his friends.. Even in season 4 finale (14 episodes from the series finale) he told Merlin that Merlin was still his "only friend." The physical comfort and emotional intensity between them, along with creator and cast commentary referring to their relationship as a love story, suggest that their bond is romantic in nature, even if it was never fully confirmed on-screen. Even though for most of the show, Merlin keeps such a vital part of himself from Arthur, since in the end, he did reveal himself (& I'm rating based off of how the relationship left off), these two get a full 5 stars.
3. Obsession & Codependence:  ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
Merlin and Arthur are inseparable, spending almost every moment together. Arthur relies on Merlin for everything, from making major decisions to simply getting dressed in the mornings (I truly wonder how he did this before Merlin. One time when Merlin was gone, Arthur had to ask the Court Physician for help with putting on a shirt & he ended up getting stuck in it, then ripped the shirt......... -______-;). As his wife Gwen was helping him with his armor, Arthur said, sounding very frustrated and like a petulant toddler, "I want Merlin back. Where is he?" ;u; Merlin feels the need to follow Arthur everywhere, even while gravely injured. Merlin was still begging not to be taken back home despite barely being able to speak, but thankfully after Lancelot took Merlin and the two made their way back, Merlin was able to heal himself midway. Then he and Lancelot caught up with Arthur and the other knights again!
Arthur relies on Merlin more than any other person, often over his more experienced knights or even his wife. Their bond is so strong it becomes unhealthy. Their trust and devotion to one another are undeniable. Arthur’s dependence is extreme. Arthur literally takes Merlin on his dates with him and Gwen and even had Merlin hide behind curtains for when he proposed to Gwen. -______-; This is NOT NORMAL. That song "Me you and Steve" is literally THEM (and comments all agreed that animatic is basically the show in a nutshell--it even uses actual show scenes)! Poor Gwen. ;u; Arthur couldn't remember the anniversary of his wedding even though Merlin reminded him the day before, yet he kept track of exactly how many days since Merlin smiled. This King has priorities I guess.... LMAO! Once, when Arthur was on a nice romantic picnic date with Gwen, he told her that he always wanted to run far away from Camelot....... and then he said, "Of course, I'd take Merlin with me." WHAT THE ACTUAL FLUCK. He never once implies she would go with him. Who says this to their date? ???? ??????????? Its just common courtesy to say at least your date can go too lool. but he was not having it XD Once she's queen, all the courting is out (because he was doing such a stellar job at that lol). He settles into the boring married couple routine, and season 5 is also when all gay breaks loose. (He and Gwen got married in the last episode of season 4.)
Arthur and Merlin’s obsession with each other is off the charts. Arthur listens to Merlin more than anyone else. Merlin stopped Arthur from marrying Princess Elena after Gwen, who Arthur was in the talking stage with at the time, tried unsuccessfully to stop it. Literally one word from Merlin was all it took for Arthur to stand the princess up at the alter. 😐 Arthur’s reliance on Merlin is intense, and they clearly cannot bear to be apart. This is Sam/Dean Winchester-on-steriods codependence. Their bond is a constant force in the show, making it central to the plot and their lives.
They are utterly devoted to one another, and Arthur trusts Merlin more than anyone else. These two spent BY FAR the most time together of all mentioned ships. They could not live w/o each other, codependent to extremely unhealthy levels. They had to spend practically every moment together good grief. Very angry/upset when apart for even just a day. Especially Arthur. Arthur is always shouting at Merlin to be next to him when he notices Merlin has lagged behind, even when they're in the castle, and Merlin would roll his eyes but have the biggest most dopey grin and run after him. They are always at each other's sides, even on epic quests that require Arthur to go  "alone and unaided." Merlin is like an extension of himself, ofc Merlin would go! LOL. If I could, I'd give them 10 out of 5 stars for obsession tbh.
*SPOILERS FOR THE END* Arthur literally cannot function without Merlin. His obsession with Merlin's presence, combined with Merlin’s unwavering loyalty, creates an intensely close and often codependent dynamic. In many ways, Merlin needs Arthur too, and without Arthur, Merlin just wanders until he's able to be with Arthur again, no matter how many hundreds or thousands of years pass. Merlin will wander around that same lake where he put Arthur to rest. ;~; If that's not codependent, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS! Not to mention, in that lake/Avalon, Arthur is just waiting for Merlin to need him again so that he can come back to life. CODEPENDENT TO A TEE! Merlin is 100% dependent on Arthur to feel whole again, because canonically, they are two halves of the same coin.
4. Sacrifices: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
Both Merlin and Arthur make profound sacrifices for each other that go beyond typical devotion. Merlin sacrifices everything—his entire life’s purpose, dreams, chance at a normal life, his humanity—all for Arthur, consistently putting Arthur’s safety above his own happiness, goals, and desires to end the ban on magic (lifting the ban was supposed to be more important than Arthur, his ultimate goal of the series was to lift the ban in order to unite all of Albion, but Merlin never got the memo). Merlin sacrifices his emotional well-being by living in secrecy even though it causes him personal pain.
Arthur, in return, sacrifices his pride, royal expectations, a sense of propriety, and adherence to social norms by elevating Merlin to a position of trust and power that goes far beyond what is appropriate in the class-strict society they live in. Arthur often treats Merlin as his equal and his life partner despite the massive class divide. The level of trust and emotional vulnerability Arthur shows toward Merlin is profound, especially in trusting him with decisions that even his knights and advisors don’t influence, showing how much he is willing to sacrifice for their bond. Arthur was willing to sacrifice everything his father had warned him about magic and lift the ban, if only Merlin had agreed (naturally he asked Merlin for his opinion on such a serious topic)! But unfortunately, since Merlin thought doing so would cost Arthur his life, Merlin with great sadness, said that all magic was evil. 
Arthur’s vulnerability and complete trust in Merlin challenged everything he was raised to believe, and Merlin consistently chose Arthur over his own needs. This was the ultimate demonstration of mutual sacrifice.
One time Arthur was forced to order Merlin back to Camelot bc Merlin couldn't even walk due to his injuries. Arthur was not happy about having to send him away and seemed pretty distraught, eyes red-rimmed and tearful. Arthur almost abandoned the quest, even though one of his knights reminded him that if they abandoned the quest, hundreds more would perish. If not for Lancelot offering to take Merlin back, Arthur would have abandoned the quest, sacrificing hundreds of his people's lives, all for Merlin! When Arthur finds out the truth about Merlin’s magic, he wasn’t angry about the illegal magic, he was only hurt that Merlin felt he couldn’t trust him. Despite the imbalance in the scale of sacrifices, both characters show an overwhelming willingness to give up significant parts of themselves for the sake of the other (if Arthur had known about the magic sooner, he would’ve been able to do his part in sacrificing more for Merlin). Merlin constantly sacrifices everything for Arthur. Arthur sacrifices his royal status by treating Merlin as a trusted confidant/"husband"/"other woman", so much so that his actual wife becomes more like the mother he never had (he gives her chaste kisses, doesn't let her truly in like he does Merlin. At one point she casually says, "Arthur never tells me anything.”) Merlin, a mere servant, starts ordering the knights around as early as season 2, something that only the ‘other woman’ would ever be able to do! This swapping of roles challenges social norms and his strict upbringing, where his father drills it into his head that royalty cannot consort with those of lower rank. This bond often puts Arthur in vulnerable positions where he places Merlin’s advice above that of his much more experienced knights and advisors, despite the fact that Arthur is always calling Merlin an idiot. If idiot, why listen to all major decisions? Arthur is clearly smitten. 
The final sacrifices they both make: Merlin waits over a thousand years, five hundred for Arthur to rise again for him, since after 1500+ years, Merlin's the last remaining piece of Albion. And Arthur is in Avalon, waiting for the day Merlin will finally need him again. 😭 (In the show, they have ghosts, & Merlin put Arthur’s body in the lake with Freya, whom Merlin was still able to talk to now and then.)
5. Touchy-Feely Levels: ★★★★★ 5/5 stars
There’s a clear sense of physical comfort between the two that you don’t even see in Arthur’s canonical romantic relationships. The contrast between Arthur's comfort with Merlin versus his awkwardness around his wife Gwen suggests that Merlin and Arthur share a deeper physical comfort level.
Merlin and Arthur's "touchy-feely" levels are high, with frequent touches--from regularly bathing Arthur to falling asleep next to him, moments of deep physical proximity, like humping each other while making highly suggestive noises then falling asleep curled up together in that net, constant touching through roughhousing, close physical proximity, and even the hand-holding scene where they held hands four times in one setting as they were fleeing. Even though they only hug once (Merlin: "Hugging is… for amateurs?" Lmao. Versus what else they do, yes, yes, *Arthur cracks his knuckles* Arthur: "Hugging very much is for amateurs!"), with constant physical contact reinforcing their emotional connection, their touchy-feely levels are some of the highest (all they need to do now is copulate tbh 🥴 which they will guarantee do once Arthur is out of Avalon and back with Merlin!)
Here they humped each other to sleep (the close-up shots were super sexual too, but I wanted to post this panned-out view so yall can see what they were really doing):
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^Merlin needed to get some keys so he decided the best way was to pull Arthur's pants down. LOL. The fandom collectively agrees he didn't really need to lick his lips, pull Arthur's pants down, and wrestle him in front of the council to get them........
Merlin also bathes Arthur regularly. We have zero canon proof other than assumptions that his wife's ever even seen him naked... Cue the scene where he walks out naked expecting Merlin but sees Gwen, his actual fiance, and the first thing he says is (notice he's covering himself with a pillow presumably because she's never seen him unclothed):
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And then afterward, he basically runs away. He isn't a teenager but a grown ass man. Gwen is supposedly his "one true love." Make it make sense. He used to always sleep shirtless but once he married her, he only slept with his shirt on…… How.. strange. It’s really no wonder Gwen never got pregnant in all the four years they were together. There's a random rumor that she was infertile, but I've watched the show multiple times and never is this supposed "infertility" mentioned (if it was, I'd know). I think they simply were not sleeping together due to the king being a flaming homosexual for his manservant. (literally who is surprised?) Merlin & Arthur only hug once throughout the series, but the other things they do more than makeup for their lack of hugs. Oh, & Arthur is absolutely fixated on Merlin's butt and Merlin is fixated on Arthur's crotch.... (I have pages of tags just of all the times these two were fixated on one another's butts & crotches..) These two have serious issues and need to just fuck it out already.
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and it's like, "Merlin, my eyes are up here" (but why such a bulge???)
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^Pantless Arthur's like, 'Stop checking out my cock, now lemme see dat ass. ;)' Sometimes I can't believe this is a real show.
6. How Canon?: ★★★★★ 5 of 5 stars
The romantic subtext is undeniable and supported by cast and creator commentary confirming the love story. In the very last episode, Arthur mouthed 'I love you' along with the two almost-kisses (first time they were staring at each other & the show's default romantic theme song was playing in the background--music choices are always intentional; second time Arthur was dying & he tried tugging Merlin's face in, but he died mid-kiss).
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^they were staring at each other's lips and the show's default romance theme song was playing.. This was also the final episode, & afterward, the showrunners confirmed they were a love story.
Julian Murphy, one of the creators, openly refers to the relationship as a “love story between two men,” to which Katie McGrath (Morgana) responded, “You maybe just confirmed what a lot of people [shippers] thought.”
Alexander Vlahos (Mordred) referred to their love as a "brilliant love story" and an official ad for the DVD boxed set said, "There's much to recommend about this mythical hokum, but it's the droll, sweet love story between Arthur and Merlin that compels in the BBC's excellent fantasy series." Droll means 'funny' so it was essentially calling the show a romcom between Merlin & Arthur. 😂 Which perfectly describes it, actually!
Chemistry: ★★★★★ (5/5 stars) Emotional Intimacy:  ★★★★★ (5/5 stars) Obsession & Codependence:  ★★★★★ (5/5 stars) Sacrifices: ★★★★★ (5/5 stars) Touchy-Feely Levels: ★★★★★ (5/5 stars) How Canon?: ★★★★★ (5/5 stars)
Total: 5 out of 5 stars
7. Scorbus (Scorpius Malfoy & Albus Potter)
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Based on the new script developments:
Deep Emotional Bond
Mutual Dependence
Intimate Moments
Affectionate Banter and Chemistry
Queer-Coded Subtext
“One of the most notable changes is the shift in the relationship between Scorpius and Albus from a close friendship to a romantic one, making 'Scorbus' canon. John Tiffany, the director of the play, has been involved in these updates…”
Not Fully Canonized:
While the emotional bond between Scorpius and Albus is incredibly strong, it is never explicitly confirmed as romantic in the play itself. This can be frustrating for fans who wish for a more overt romantic resolution or confession, especially given the chemistry between them.
Albus’s Emotional Immaturity:
Albus is a more emotionally volatile character compared to Scorpius. He can sometimes be reckless, brooding, and push away those closest to him, including Scorpius. This emotional immaturity occasionally creates tension between them and could be seen as a barrier to a healthy romantic relationship.
Viewings inconsistent:
The play can change depending on the night or how the actors feel a certain day. Because of this, you never know what could happen on any given day, which means that the Scorbus might be amazing (like an almost-kiss) or it may be more toned down and not include that.
Touchy-Feely Levels: ★★★★☆ 4 of 5 stars
The way they prioritize each other gives strong undertones of romantic affection. They share moments of physical closeness, such as hugging, forehead touches, very occasional hand-holding, and other comforting touches, that emphasize their romantic friendship and emotional bond.  In some viewings, Albus is seen to almost kiss Scorpius but Scorpius is always oblivious to this and moves away!
2. Emotional Intimacy: ★★★★★ 5 of 5 stars
They are extremely close and are each other’s #1. They comfort each other during difficult times and tell each other everything. They share everything, providing each other with comfort and support. Their deep emotional bond is a key component of their relationship. Their bond is characterized by deep emotional intimacy and affection, which are key elements of a romantic friendship. They provide each other with significant emotional support throughout the play.  Scorpius and Albus continue to share a very deep emotional connection. They are each other's confidants, supporting one another through personal struggles—Albus' difficult relationship with Harry and Scorpius' grief over his mother and the rumors surrounding his lineage. Albus' refusal to abandon Scorpius in times of crisis continue to be strong indicators of their connection.
3. Obsession/Codependence: ★★★★★ 5 of 5 stars Their bond is intense and inseparable with significant emotional dependency. They exhibit classic signs of codependency, feeling deeply affected by any separation. They are consistently the most important person in one another’s lives. Their bond is intense, much like classic codependent ships. They both cry when they’re no longer allowed to be close, despite being 14 years old (too old for this kind of behavior, honestly. I mean, can you see Ron and Harry behaving like this during their 4th year..? Because quite frankly, I can’t.) They share an emotional bond, which is an essential part of their journey. They rely on each other for emotional support, making their friendship the most important relationship in the play. Their relationship is a bit codependent, especially since Albus tends to rely heavily on Scorpius for emotional support. Their closeness is endearing, heavily relying on each other for validation and comfort.
Actual line from play:
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4. Sacrifices: ★★★★☆ 4 of 5 stars They are willing to make significant sacrifices for each other’s well-being, including risking their safety and affecting each other's lives through time-traveling adventures. Scorpius sacrifices a lot more for Albus though. He allows Albus to rant about his dad, all the while, he’d just lost his mother. Scorpius follows Albus blindly into immense danger because he loves him so much. Albus sacrifices a good relationship with his father to keep seeing Scorpius. Ultimately, they’re both willing to risk everything for each other, but because Scorpius sacrifices quite a bit more, they get 4 stars.
5. Chemistry: ★★★★★ 5 of 5 stars Their chemistry is undeniable with a lot of emotional depth and moments of longing and vulnerability. Sparks fly at every sweet interaction between the two completely fluffy boys. The tension is less physical and more about their shared experiences and emotional vulnerability with each other. Their banter, affection, and overall chemistry carry through. Their interactions are filled with humor and warmth, which gives their relationship a unique charm compared to others in the series.
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6. How Canon?: ★★★★★ 5 of 5 stars
Their feelings are confirmed by the playwrights and the script changes suggest romantic implications, including how Albus even comes out to his dad in the end confirming his love for Scorpius. The playwrights have said that the only reason they're not in a relationship is due to their ages (the characters are in 4th year whilst most romance in Harry Potter happens in 6th year). The playwright has stated that the queerness is very real. This is a queer high school love story in its early stages. ❤️ It's heavily implied that they oh-so-obviously got married (because in HP, marrying one's high school sweetheart is the norm) & therefore (& I'm sure they will just be thrilled!) Harry and Draco will be related through marriage at last (though not exactly in the way I want). 🫨
Overall Summary: 
Physical Intimacy: ★★★★☆ (4/5)
Emotional Intimacy: ★★★★★ (5/5)
Obsession/Codependence: ★★★★★ (5/5)
Sacrifices: ★★★★☆ (4/5)
Chemistry: ★★★★★ (5/5)
How Canon?: ★★★★★ (5/5)
Total: 4.66 / 5 stars
FINAL WINNERS (decided ties based on how on-screen the canon material was + how much trauma was endured):
🥇 Merthur Takes the Crown! 👑✨🎉
(Arthur Pendragon x Merlin - Merlin)
🏆🎉 All Hail the Kings of Gaydom! 🎉🏆
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^Just fuckin kiss already dear gods.
In an epic showdown of ships, where love transcends timelines, magic, and destiny itself, Merthur has claimed the crown as the Gayest Ship in our tournament! 🌈💖
Ok, so this is my OTP, but I really was being partial!!
This ship truly has the full package:
Devotion spanning thousands of years. (The only ship of the list this canonically applies to.)
Humor (the show was labeled a "romcom between Merlin & Arthur" by that aforementioned ad).
Playfulness (lots of boyish roughhousing because Arthur's a jock who likes to mess with his dorky nerdy boyfriend who was 16 in the pilot episode--these two were young!)
Never-ending loyalty
Life/death sacrifices
MOST OBSESSIVE SHIP!!!! (like, way more than Wincest, which is saying something. 👀)
MOST SEXUAL SCENES. 💦 This ship is most definitely the ship with the most sexual/touchy-feely scenes (which is why I have so many gifs of them doing sexual stuff.... I can't find those gifs for the other ships except Hannigram maybe?), which always ups their chemistry. ;)
Tears. So many tears. From us, from them. This is such a tearful and powerfully poignant ship of epic proportions.
Makes you feel good because they are SO FUN together! Their dynamic is extremely entertaining to watch.
From birth—Arthur and Merlin were destined to be soulmates. Whether it's Merlin saving Arthur's life (for the hundredth time!) or Arthur secretly cherishing every snarky comment and stolen glance, their bond is the definition of legendary. Their love, though unspoken in so many ways, has always been undeniable to us and the rest of the castle (knights and all--EVERYONE noticed, even visiting royals). We all saw through every swordfight and sassy banter to the truest love story of the series. ✨
This win celebrates their journey from servant and prince to something so much deeper. Through battles, quests, betrayals, and everything Camelot threw at them, they always prioritized each other, proving that magic isn’t the only powerful force—it’s love. 💫
Congratulations to Merthur for showing us that destiny was never just about a kingdom—it was about the undeniable connection between two hearts. Let the celebrations in Camelot begin!
Long live the once and future kings of gay ships! 👑🌈
Runner Up: 
��💀 Hannigram: Dark, Delicious, and Dangerously Close to Victory!
(Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham – Hannibal)
🔪✨ They love each other... to death. ✨🔪
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They say love is a dangerous game, and no one plays it quite like Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham. In our tournament of ships, the twisted, tantalizing bond of Hannigram slashed its way to a close second, proving once again that darkness and desire make one hell of a pairing! 🌹🔪
From mind games to dinner dates (where the menu is… questionable 🍽️👀), the chemistry between these two transcends morality, sanity, and the human heart. It's a dance of obsession, control, and unrelenting affection—one that left us all on the edge of our seats, breathless and horrified in equal measure.
While their love may be unconventional, what could be more intoxicating than two minds so perfectly, terrifyingly in sync? It’s a relationship where murder, manipulation, and unspoken devotion go hand in hand—and we wouldn’t have it any other way. 🖤
Hats off to Hannigram for being the ultimate runner-up, and for reminding us that love can be as beautiful as it is monstrous. This ship may not have taken the crown, but it has our hearts in its deadly grasp forever. 💀💕
Cheers to the killer chemistry of Hannigram! 🥂
🥉 Asheiji: A Tender and Timeless Love
(Ash Lynx x Eiji Okumura – Banana Fish) 🍌✨ Asheiji takes the spotlight! ✨🍌
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Bronze goes to Ash Lynx and Eiji Okumura, who remind us that love can be both gentle and profound. Asheiji shares a bond that transcends words—it's a love that knows absolutely no limits. From their subtle touches to the emotional vulnerability they share, Ash and Eiji's relationship radiates a pure, heartfelt beauty. Their connection is super wholesome, filled with longing, mutual trust, and an unspoken love that breaks barriers and leaves a lasting impact. Their love is eternal, and the legacy of their ship lives on in our hearts. 🌸💫🌈 
the rest of the gays:
4th place: Renga (my newest ship!)
5th place: Scorbus (fluffiest!)
6th place: Destiel (1st ever slash ship!)
7th place: Drarry (2nd fave OTP in last place 😭 Aw well, their soulmate love is real/true in their world at least)
Final Ranking:
Renga (4.75 stars) – Deeply emotional and supportive where mutual admiration and personal growth define their close, semi-canon bond.
Book!Drarry (4.08 stars) – The ultimate “could-have-been” with palpable tension.
Hannigram (4.91 stars) – The ultimate psychological obsession.
Destiel (4.41 stars) – Finally canon but with some loose ends.
Asheiji (4.75 stars) – Profound, romantic connection marked by intense devotion and soul-deep love.
👑 Merthur (5 stars) – The devotion and unspoken romance are too deep to ignore. 🥳🎉
Scorbus (4.66 stars) – Emotionally intense, codependent relationship with strong romantic undertones.
Phew! That took almost a whole week. O-O Thanks for reading! =D I’d like to always update this list, so if you have any points to add, DM me & I'll see about incorporating it in! I recently updated this to where I rank based off of where the relationship left off in canon!
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pr1ncessasuke · 19 days
dee's ship list/rules!!!!
OTP: <3 NaruSasu <3
2ndTP: <3 AshEiji <3
noTP: </3 SasuSaku </3
no no ships: any ships involving a minor and adult, incest ships, other illegal ships
ships i dislike but generally tolerate: NaruHina, KatAang, SatoSugu, ItaFushi, YutaMaki, HisoIllu, LeoPika, BakuDeku, KageHina, CatrAdora, EreMika, YagaMane, SuleMio, Pokeshipping
my conduct:
SasuSaku fans/NaruSasu antis will be immediately blocked. i don't want that content on my feed ever.
if we clash on a few of the disliked ships, i'm still happy to be mutuals as long as we have other common ships/interests. i may block otherwise.
i absolutely do NOT tolerate harassment or public shaming over ships, even if i dislike them. "call out" posts are not welcome here (mind your own business and ship and let ship, it's fiction! + the block button exists). anyone engaging in that type of behavior will be immediately blocked.
if a ship isn't listed i probably dgaf enough about it, or i don't know it/forgot about it.
i may occasionally post anti stuff about the ships i dislike, but i usually keep that at a minimum to respect mutuals who may like them + i'd rather focus on what i love instead.
i block freely to curate my space, and i encourage you to do the same, no hard feelings. will be updating this!
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chaoslynx · 2 years
"Sweet Nothing" by Taylor Swift is such an asheiji song I feel soft. I felt the need to share this thought with someone
They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings. Outside they're push and shoving You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was Sweet nothing.
As far as the Midnights album goes, I've been a big fan of "Anti-Hero" and "Would've, Could've, Should've", but this one REALLY hits the soft spot that those two don't. Thank you for sharing!! 💗
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fairydust-stuff · 3 years
My thoughts on Asheiji: It drives me crazy!
Asheiji is one of those ships  that leaves me very conflicted. While everyone else sings its praises constantly its never been a top ship of mine. 
 On the surface its a great ship. Eiji is the only person who see’s Ash as an actual human being rather then an object or a demon and Ash would do anything for Eiji. There is geninue warmth and the two of them seem to enjoy each others company. 
 Some of it is just personal preference like for instance that fact that Ash who is cold and distrustful of everyone just  trusts Eiji after knowing him for two seconds and just hands over his gun because his eyes are so innocent. Yeah sorry that was kind of dumb in my opinion. 
Also Eiji being presented as someone who’s moral but he has no problem with the stuff Ash is doing until he finds out the gangsters are unarmed its like????
But other then that  Asheiji makes sense in universe. Ash is an abused prostitute/ gangster people either worship or degrade him and Eiji is the first one to show Ash actual kindness. He’s not apart of Ash’s world, he’s innocent and seems to have the freedom Ash craves. 
Eiji is consumed by depression after the accident that resulted in a leg injury that made him give up pole vaulting and Ash seems fresh and exciting something to distract from his problems. That coupled with the two of them being into thrust  into multiple adrenaline laced situations of survival and yes I can see how those feelings of attraction and caring are intensified. 
But there are so many problems in this relationship I don’t think going to Japan is just going to casually fix. 
Ash is controlling
Look i get it Ash constantly loses people, so he wants to do whatever is in his power to protect this new amazing  person in his life. But regardless of his justifications.   
Ash keeps Eiji in the dark constantly, he tries to trick/ ,manipulate him into going home on a few occasions. Having Bones and Kong take him to airport without telling Eiji and later hurting Eiji’s feelings so that he’ll go back to Japan. I know that Ash wants to protect him, but its still Ash forcing his will on Eiji and blatently ignoring that Eiji wants to stay by his side. If Ash was real he’d be the guy who put a tracker on Eiji’s phone without telling him.  
And the thing is Eiji is not ok with this either. In the second half of the series Eiji states he wishes Ash would let him know what’s going on. When Ash brings up its to protect him. Eiji interjects with “I know but” and is dismissed again after he states once again he doesn’t like being useless.   Ash wants a regular relationship but he’s not very good at stepping back and sharing the decision making process with Eiji as his partner. 
Eiji is a lie 
Maybe that’s an exaggeration but the prequel “Fly Boy in the Sky” reveals that Eiji hasn’t exactly lived the kind of carefree life. That Ash and Yut Lung think he has. A hospitalized dad, demanding althletic career, two full time jobs to make ends meet and a cheating mother who has a tendency to lash out at him. 
   Eiji never talks about his problems, his broken family or why he really left Japan even to Ash. Eiji also never discusses Shorter, Skip or anyone he saw die. This suggests that Eiji has crafted a perfect image of himself for Ash hiding the ugly parts of himself particularly his depression. So Ash doesn’t know Eiji beyond the image he’s crafted for Ash. 
Eiji doesn’t understand Ash 
I don’t think Eiji actually understands Ash and I don’t fault him for that. He’s a boy who grew up in a small town who’s niave. He’s not going to grasp just how messed up the trained child murder/sex slave is but Eiji seems to view being a gangster as a game. Its takes a while for it to sink in that this is serious but even then Eiji never seems to fully grasp who he’s decided to love. When faced with Yut Lung as a reflection of Ash’s dark side. Eiji is both repulsed and confused  and to me it stands as a huge red flag, about how Eiji cann’t handle the reality of what Ash is.  
Their communication issues
Communication is the thing that can either make or break a relationship and usually Ash and Eiji bottle up their issues until they both explode at each other! Sure they appologize for comments that crossed a line but the issues never get resolved and the ending just clinches why these two have terrible communication which I will get to. 
Now this isn’t a bad thing persay lots of relationships start out with problems are no couple is perfect but the problem is these issues don’t get resolved in cannon if anything they get worse. 
The ending 
Honestly I had some hope that these two could actually improve Ash made an actual appology and Eiji showed by leading a rescue party showing Ash first hand that Eiji isn’t completely helpless. Ash even let Eiji join in the final battle aginst Fox and stopped trying to send him back to Japan. So it looked like baby steps were being made.
 Then Ash had to go and blow a hole in his own ship by deciding to make the choice that Eiji had to lose him again without even consulting Eiji on the matter and anyone who knows Eiji would realize this was the absolute worst thing to do to him!  
I don’t not ship it and i’ll even write it  but in cannon they are kind of a deeply flawed train wreck and I think the fandom overall ignores the deep seated problems these two have. 
 I want to smack both of them and yell “ Get thee to a relationship councilor!”  I think even if Ash hadn’t died them lasting would of been questionible at best but stranger couples have made it in real life so who knows.
 its not a deal breaker for me. A little work and these two could be really great but overall i’m really picky about my Asheiji fics because the majority of the fandom writes Asheiji as this flawless couple and Eiji gets overly woobied and yeah it just does not appeal to me.   
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Hey Agar, I got a question. We all know you're one of many Tododeku Kings, but do you have any other ships?
Disclaimer for when I talk about this:
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In the bnha fandom, I particularly like ToshInko, MomoJirou and EraserMic. Also, shout out to Bakugou Katsuki / My Fist In His Face. 10/10.
I dunno if this counts, but Dekubowl with requited tddk is also 😙👌
Tbf, my attitude towards other bnha ships is pretty much "as long as it doesn't interfere with tddk and isn't Adult x Minor, then I'm chill".
Outside of bnha, I like AshEiji (Banana Fish), Tomoya/Nagisa (Clannad) and Wolfstar (Harry Potter obligatory fuck jkr)
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eijinari · 3 years
hot take ig but im kinda tired of people losing their mind to an exaggerated extent to the ep 3 asheiji kiss because Sure it was gay as hell but it’s like,,, one of the least important part of their relationship, there is So Much to unpack in their dynamic and story but no, let’s focus on the "kiss" because apparently this is the only way love can be shown
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artemiswt · 3 years
so I'm just gonna say it cuz it's been on my head for long, the overall dynamic between dream and george really reminds me of ash and eiji of banana fish
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sensitive-american · 6 years
Am I right
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m4yshi · 6 years
This scene.
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I really love this scene. Not only for the kiss (which of course was priceless) but the meaning it has behind. Yes, of course, Ash and Eiji love each other (I'm currently reading the manga and their love is the most pure and beautifull thing I've seen ever) But they gave us a kiss escene that had a lot to do with the plot. The anti-fujoshi fans can't say anything about it because it actually had a purpose for the story.
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dunwichbore · 6 years
Please, for the love of God, stop calling Banana Fish Yaoi!!
The love between these soft boys is nothing even close to the gross, rapey genre that is Yaoi. Keep them out of that cesspool.
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eijispumpkin · 3 years
came across a really racist asheiji fic and the amount of kudos it had (over 300) made my jaw drop 😭 it really had ash being racist to eiji and saying anti asian slurs every other sentence (that the author can’t even reclaim) under the guise of “period typical racism” 💀 hate this fandom sometimes!
YIKES WHAT THE FUCK????????????? oh my god??????????????? holy shit i am so tired of white people oh my god. is2g im gonna revoke someones right to write interracial relationships (watch maybe next they'll start tagging "miscegenation" lmfao)
that's so gross and i hate it. oh my god. also HUGE yikes @ the author for using slurs they can't even reclaim??? bro. b r o.
tbh....... anon can i ask what the fic is / who the author is? i won't post publicly but if you don't mind id like to know who to block and blacklist 🥴🥴🥴
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fullhalalalchemist · 4 years
im writing this 1950s asheiji fic and i’m on chapter 2 and just remembered that anti-irish sentiments were in the 19th century not 20th 
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pharaohzeth · 6 years
Ok so I watched VLD s8 and I have opinions 8 (and feels) be warned I’ll get a lot into the Allurance and Klance (I don’t recomend reading this if your otp is Allurance there’s a reason why I didn’t tag that -but don’t worry it isn’t anti Allurance is one of my broships after all-) + an idea for a Klance au at the very end
Don’t expect sth super profound/super analysis.
The season was ok. I don’t hate it but neither is my favorite season of VLD (because s3 am I right klancers ;3).
So Klance didn’t become canon, not big deal, never really expected it to become canon anyway (still hurts but whatev that’s what fanfiction is for) and the Allurance was... bearable (I’ll get to that in a minute) I’ve never been into romantic Allurance, I’ve always prefered them as best friends or siblings. I was still left with some questions, like about Chip and Lance’s FUCKING ALTEAN MARKS (don’t get me wrong I’ve always loved Altean!Lance BUT I NEED A EXPLANATION FOR THIS DREAMWORKS I NEED AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS. 
There were moments that I LOVED, like the only 2 Klance escenes obviously (I’ll also get to that later), all the flashbacks (I mean BABY LOTOR AM I RIGHT? cute cinammon roll that must be protected at all costs) and that one different reallity to were Honerva arrived (loved that, absolutely loved that).
Like Pidge watching 80′s Voltron, her and Allura dressing like their 80′s counterparts, Pidge immitating her 80′s Voltron self and giving autographs (that was simply great).
I ship Veronica and Acxa now too (what shall we call it? Veracxa? Arcxonica? Verocxa?)
I loved Lance so much this season (I mean I always do, but this season we got to see some things of him -personality/psyche- that absolutely adored).
Also the whole thing with the original paladis, love those guys.
Older Keith cannonicaly has long hair and I LIVE FOR IT.
Episode 7 “Day 47”? LOVED IT, favorite episode of the season hands down.
It gets depressing from here on so if you don’t feel nor want to check it it’s ok, there will be no anger, but it’s still me crying and being sad over fictional caracters so be warned. Allurance and Klance ahead. 
Also even later it stops being so sad so there’s that.
Now, about the Allurance (this part gonna get log, bear with me here).
It didn’t feel right to me (not because Klance is and will always be my otp) but because it feel too much one sided; yeah, Lance loves Allura we know, I can live with that (he pretty much has since season 1) but it made me sad because it didn’t feel like Allura loved Lance, to me it felt too much like Lance throwing his love at Allura and Allura just... thanking him for it. It hurts even more because of had the DW’s team had said about Lance and needing someone to whom he’ll be their first option, and that’s not Allura (that’s Keith but I won’t get into that).
Allurance honest to got made me cry and it was for the reasons I meantioned and I’ll repeat them again because that’s how hung up on it I am.
I didn’t like the Allurance because it didn’t seem nor feel like Allura liked Lance back, sure as a friend and family but the same way Lance loved her? NO
He was always there for her, to support and help and cheer her up, but she wasn’t for him (in fact the few times we saw him in need for that it was Keith who was there for him -I’ll get to in a tick-).
He just wanted what he tought was best for her but did she listen? NO and don’t get me wrong I love Allura, I would pay her to step on me (I just think I liked her better at the beginning of the show which is sad). Heck, she got the kind of men a lot of people would like to date, charismatic, caring, loving, sincere, but it didn’t seem/feel like she was enjoying/wanted/liked/noticed it that much, which isn’t necesarily a bad thing sometimes we just don’t want things not matter how wanted those things are, sometimes we’re not ready, sometimes it just isn’t a priority or sth we want at that moment in particular but we may want it in the future, it just made me sad because Lance honest to god loved her sincerely.
Now that that’s ‘done’. The Klance this season. 
Well, there were 2 major (and pretty much the only) Klance moments, both in where Keith is there for Lance. The first one is in the first episode when the whole Allurance date happened, it was heartwarming, because there he saw that Keith sees in Lance/the Lance that I don’t feel that Allura sees.
The second one was in episode 11 after a meeting, Lance needed some cheering up and kind of a reassurance that everything will be al rigth in the end, Keith cheered him up, Keith reassured him.
I don’t really care that Klance didn’t become canon (heck I’m used to it, few of my otps are canon) but it did hurt me, because it was hinted at, not only in the show but at certain things an comferences, and maybe I’m reading too much into it, maybe it was all filtered to me through my wishful thinking and stuff like that, BUT, they said the whole thing with Lance and the person to whom he’ll be first option and then he was Keith’s first option in the game episode in season 7, and I think that got a lot of us hyped with hope.
So it truly crushed me that they didn’t even hugged in the end.
And I think it hurted me more that other times because this was my first otp that, in my eyes, actually had an opportunity to be canon, that would make sense and that would give us some well deserved good representation. But like the majority of my otps, it didn’t happen. 
And I’m not even angry about... just sad.
Because while I pretty much expected Klance to not be canon, I seriously didn’t see the Allurance coming, yeah, maybe a date was to be expected, but I think must (if not all of us) thought that ‘well, maybe they will be together for a while and later break up cuz they’ll notice they aren’t what the other is looking for’or sth like that.
And because while I didn’t expect them to become canon, I still hoped for it, hoped more than any other of my otps, because it truly feel that would be possible, that it had the biggest opportunity/chance (especially of my otps) to become canon. Because you know, Klance is canon king, or at least the fake canon king.
I won’t stay depressed over it forever, and you why? Because in the end, does it really matter? Maybe, the representation mattered, but it was not the show for it, because Voltron is a show a bout a giant robot made of 5 lions to defend the universe, romance subplots aren’t the reason why I watched Voltron, why I continued watched nor why I liked it to begin with.
I like the story, I love the characters and I love the universe, and that’s what matters the most to me. Romance is not what the show is about and it’s not why I like it.
And Klance won’t stop being my vld otp just because it isn’t canon. That’s not what shipping is about. We (or at least I) don’t ship thinks just because they’re canon, I ship things because of the chemistry of the characters, their story, heck, even maybe just for crack or aesthetics.
And in the end, that’s what fanfics are for. I’ll just continue bathing in all the Klance fanart ad fanfics.
Now see y’all, Imma go cry over my otps (mainly Klance and Asheiji) and cry more over Banana Fish (y’all should watch it, unless you’re easily triggered by certain things, better investigate the show before watching it BUT IT IS REALLY GOOD) and the fact that next week is the last episode and cry even more because I know what will happen but it will still absolutely destroy me.
Heck what about a Klance Banana Fish au in where Keith is Ash and Lance is Eiji, that would be the most angsty au ever, I like the idea, Imma do this, BE READY Y’ALL FOR THE ANGST WITH THE VLD KLANCE BANANA FISH AU TO COME, should I do it in space or rigth like BF?
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fairydust-stuff · 4 years
Eiji- What are you thinking dating Akira? 
Sing- Relax she’ll have round the clock protection.  
Eiji- The same protection I tied up with tv cords? 
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eijispumpkin · 3 years
(same anon!) i totally agree wrt the pumpkin jokes theyve always kinda rubbed me the wrong way!! truly astounding tho how ppl will go out of their way to make asheiji seem unhealthy like.. the same ppl who said that also said smth abt how a/e is messed up bc ash is 17 and eijis an adult 😔 they were all a bunch of eiji antis too i swear i’ve never blocked anyone faster
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