#not bc of racism or whatever 🥴
refeminizeme · 7 months
Mandatory disclaimer that transphobia in real life sucks and so does misogyny etc and i dont condone pretty much anything on this blog if its not in a consensual kink context, obviously. If this content triggers you pls block me, your mental health comes first.
kink list
bondage esp sh1bari
brainwashing/conditioning/mind control
breathplay (incl. being choked and more)
edging & denial
sensory deprivation ♡
consensual blackmailing but only w ppl i REALLY trust
gaslighting/manipulation (consensually and negotiated first, and only w the right person so dont do this right out the gate)
cnc (if in the mood, with the right person i trust, etc)
breeding/sometimes pregnancy
intox (consensually and for the right person)
degradation in very specific like, um, ways??? like um, i like sweet degradation.
exhibitionism but like um, im not like, TOOOOO into this its a minor kink for me
misogyny kink
curious about
will update as i like, think of more???? if u think of anything not on this list ask me about it n like, it just may get added hahahahahaha
hard limits
cgl/ddlg/daddy dom anything
alternate personality stuff/anything related to that
body shaming, esp weight related
weight control/eating disorder stuff
racism/racist slurs/etc
any kind of inc3st including daddy/mommy as a title
ass to mouth in any capacity
rimming (giving)
some of my hypnotic triggers im like, willing 2 share publicly:
drop and sleep - some obvious ones, put me into a trance
deeper and deeper - makes me go deep real fast if used after drop and/or sleep
throb - makes me really horny and makes my cunt, well, throb
edge esp in all caps/bolded - makes me immediately reach an edge and if im touching i HAVE 2 stop until the edge has passed
like a good girl - makes me want to obey whatever precedes it
submit/surrender - makes me feel very obedient n like, submissive
truth [question] - makes my subconscious answer a question without my conscious mind being aware of it and i will immediately forget answering the question after
i occasionally make detr4ns/misgen/bimbofication files (you can find them here!!) but im primarily a sub.
I used to be ftm and hypnosis fixed my brain 🥴
I've been listening to files for like 4 years+ and this is like, how ive turned out bc of it???? I really am detransitioning n becoming the best bimbo i CAN be irl this is not like, ENTIRELY a fantasy for me but i dont like, condone this stuff outside of a consensual kink context to be clear. ask me abt it if ur confused lol
currently my tits are an F/I cup depending on the day bc i haven't been keeping up my regimen 😅
also fwiw i AM a bigger girl, which like, means dont expect me to be the waifish manic pixie dream girl many guys like, seem to expect??? My icon + header are both me so that shld give u an idea of what to expect.
I have a gdrive folder full of nüdes (51 things including a few videos!!) n im offering access 2 that 4 an upfront donation of whatever we agree is reasonable n a small upkeep donation every so often. I dont update it often, but I do update a lot at once.
Alternatively, should you be interested in more saucy content on the reg, I've made an MYM.fans acct!! I plan 2 upload all the good stuff on there n thats $10 a month, ish.
I also do custom hypnofiles, pics/vids/audios/etc. DM 4 details.
Lastly, should you feel like being generous n tipping/ buying me a gift, my c4sh4pp is $pavementflower n you can buy me gifts/contribute 2 gift money here!!
im in a polyamorous relationship with someone, n also a dynamic with a Dom. im not really looking atm but im open 2 play through asks just dont ask me 2 touch myself as I'm not allowed without permission 🙈
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jentlemahae · 9 months
no because you're so correct!! it's not quite the same but they do smth similar too whenever they talk about thai or filipino streaming farms where they just come across as extremely xenophobic towards thai/filipinos and ummmm... yuck :/
yes !!!! that’s definitely similar bcs than it being wildly racist and an objectively wrong thing to say, it’s just kinda crazy to me that they want to defend/uplift/whatever their asian faves by belittling other asian people🕴🏻(here i think racism specifically against sea individuals is a factor but you’re very right to say they’re similar situations)
tbh i wrote that post bcs i’ve been seeing multiple people on twt over the past few weeks talking crap about korea and belittling koreans, and those people literally stan korean people and consume korean content on the daily…….🕴🏻😐 ngl i feel like it’s also similar to how some people are so concerned with not coming off as parasocial that they start saying all their faves are horrible homophobic racist etc. 🥴
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they were so explicit with lucas' motives to try to become popular but people still took it and put it against him 🥴🥴
#yeah sure it must be bc he's an awful character#not bc of racism or whatever 🥴#no bc ive seen people saying he's been the worst in every season????#lucas literally didn't do anything but support his friends and have a crush in s1-2???????#he was rightfully suspicious of el in s1 you dont find an unknown girl with mind powers and is immediately okay with it????#and s3 lucas was just being a teenage boy#he never once stop supporting his friends he's always been a good kid and he didn't do anything bad#and s4 lucas was CLEAR on his motives to join the basketball team#lucas always supported the others this was the one time he was asking for the support back#people have a stick so up their asses they don't realize they swap the roles of the core four depending on the season#s1 lucas was suspicious of el mike kept insisting on her in the group#s2 mike was suspicious of max lucas kept insisting on her in the group#s3 will wanted to play dnd lucas and mike had other activities in mind#s4 lucas wanted to focus on basketball mike and dustin had other activities in mind#i cant think of one with dustin but these ones always stood out to me#lucas and mike are always paralleling each other#and yeah mike gets a shit ton of hate for the way he acted on s3 ((which still is bad bc it's most likely due to internalized homophobia#but at least he actually did something bad?? he has my full support bc it should be clear he's going through internal conflict#but to the general audience he acted like and asshole#what did lucas do????#he joined the basketball team to stop the bullying with him AND his friends#the first chance he got he tried to warn dustin jason was after him#and as soon as he could he gave them fake intel and ran away back to his friends#like they were so clear of why lucas was acting this way this season and people still fucking refuse to see#the group has conflicts between them every damn season it doesn't mean that they're less friends it just means they're going through smth#stop pissing me off#stranger things#lucas sinclair
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crimeloyalty-arch · 2 years
* i take harleen away from c*onner and p*almiotti. i do not give her back. *
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maxbernini · 2 years
i dont know y i expected more of druck but both druck and skam baguette picking the worst option as main to finish their 2nd generations is such a joke to me, druck had ava, skam baguette had redouane and they are going for two ciswhite straight girls that no one cares about
oh & adding to my last ask, can ppl stop saying that maillin and anais are queer 😭😭 hc all u want but its so obvious that both are straight and will end up with a guy nxt season and i feel like ppl are just pushing this to like the characters. anais maybe understandable because i too thought she was deep into maya in that clip lol but maillin???
love these asks there’s so much here. ik what you mean about expecting better. eskam4 isn’t the worst season ever imo but it’s my least fave bc of the hopes & expectations i had going into it, given how much transformative effort they’d put into 1-3. ardi was saying recently about how at a certain point with these seasons, you’re stubborn about it ending one way (mayla endgame in s9, the kasim/amira/dani/lucas plot being different, ava/isi being addressed properly) not just for your own pride, but for the creators' sakes that they won't write something that embarrassingly bad.
re: anais, mailin & queerness - i’m the opposite where i don’t think anais is coded at all, i think the Heart Eyes™️ clip was just s10 set up eg: showing her being kind, establishing a link with maya. other than that there is nothing to suggest anais is queer imo and it’s so so so obvious when her stans use biphobia to dodge criticism like “you can’t call her straight just bc she kisses hugo in the finale, bi people exist!” etc. headcanon and stan whatever but don’t pretend anais being an attractive white girl doesn’t play a large role in the latter (bc it can’t be her ample screentime and riveting personal growth storyline that attracts you lol), and that the former isn’t all her “queerness” is rn lmao; you’re basically saying it’s fine that for the second time in the new gen they have picked a rich, cis white girl with a history of bullying and classism and transphobia over a trans man or a man of color bc she might be bi. (and if she is: who cares after how they already treated their actual bi character + their asian lesbian main? why not write max or redouane as bi, given there’s no current mlm characters?)
as for mailin…i think there’s things in s5 & 6 that could be read as hints of her being aromantic and/or asexual (but not gay/bi tbh), but it’s not definitive, like it could just as much be she’s inexperienced. i wouldn’t be surprised if ace!mailin was jünglinge’s plan given how careful they were about setting up other plots up from 5 > 6, though i honestly don’t think they were going to give mailin a season. regardless it’s not confirmed and like anais, even if it is, this is a really good post about whiteness, racism & queerness in fandom, and i can’t find it rn but i know there’s a post about who gets to even be seen as worthy of queer headcanons in the skamverse too (black characters almost never, white characters almost always), which plays a part in the queer mailin stuff. (also re: mailin dating a guy…as soon as that writer said zoefinn needed to break up for a s8 plot, i thought they’d reveal finn was ace too and pair him with mailin 🥴)
anyways would you be surprised to learn that there’s actually anais stans who hate mailin and mailin stans who hate anais and both think s8/s10 should’ve had different mains and both feel superior to each other? 😭
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eddiegirls · 3 years
ooo tell us ur omb opinions denise! :)
OK SO there will be on my block spoilers here
my favorite characters were probably jasmine and oscar. and cesar is my baby but i didn't love him in season 4 as much, although i kind of didn't love season 4 that much at all? i honestly didn't think oscar needed to die for cesar to have his journey of growth. he was gonna have a baby 😭 like couldn't they have killed off their dad instead or something??? i hate it here. i also kind of wish cesar and monse had ended up together :/
jasmine and monse's friendship is so cute and i like that they went from kind of being petty and immature toward each other to being besties. SPEAKING OF JASMINE there was literally no reason why they made it so she couldn't go to berkeley. i know in the Real World bad things happen and you can't always get what you want but sometimes i just want to see ppl be happy!!! idk. jasmine's character deserved better. i kind of wonder if the writers planned on making her such an integral part of the show or what bc in the first episode it didn't really seem like it.
sometimes the writing on this show was unbelievably corny and i'd be like, "literally no one talks like this" but i think every netflix show is like that. i also read an article talking about some racist elements of the show and one thing they said was that the actress who played olivia was white/not latina, which made me 🥴 and is also not surprising for netflix. ACTUALLY apparently the actress has also been accused of racism multiple times and is possibly a trump supporter??? i just saw this wtf. there was also that weird comment monse (i think) made about like shedding their metaphorical burqas and being free women or whatever.
last thing i will say bc i just went on a rant is that i think the scene where ruby visits latrelle in prison is one of the best things the writers did on the whole show.
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papirouge · 2 years
the point is that white women are expected to tiptoe around the misogyny of MOC and prioritize the possibility something might ‘seem’ racist over our actual safety. MOC DO NOT prioritize white womens feelings or safety or tiptoe around being misogynistic, its literally considered racist in mainstream activism to even call out that misogyny also exists and isn’t somehow undermined bc its done by MOC. its that racism is seen as ‘heavier’ despite misogyny being the oldest oppression and mostly deeply engrained into society. MOC absolutely refuse to acknowledge they can be, and are, deeply sexist in every aspect of their lives the same way white men are. there’s a constant burden on women to be the most understanding and the least selfish and if you think that doesn’t extend to fighting systematic issues I literally don’t know what to tell you.
why did you feel like sending this message to *me*, anon?
Go tell that to a MOC, not me. When Black women are facing the craziness of White males (or men of whatever other race), we aren't out there whining at the women of the same race to tell them how bad we have it with them.
If you knew what you're talking about, you'd know I will NEVER cape for Black men/MOC like that, so it's weird you felt entitled to come and address your grievance against them TO ME like it was my business🥴
I call out the craziness of men AS A WHOLE - you'll catch me dead before I cape for (Black) men like that.
I already talked about the demented sexism of MOC so you can do it too. I don't understand why you're acting snowflakey about it 💀
"racism is seen as ‘heavier’ despite misogyny being the oldest oppression and mostly deeply engrained into society"
Are you White, anon?💀 because the only feminist who pulled out the stupid "misogyny predates racism so racism can't be worse than misogyny" card were. To what I want to ask: how the heck does misogyny predating racism means that racism couldn't be "heavier"? Only White women have the audacity to make a competition between both, and YES, depending on the situation, racism feels "heavier" because guess what? White women can be fricking racist. How such situation can relate to misogyny??
See? this crap is precisely why so many WOC clown "White feminism". You know, the brand of "feminists" angrier at the karen online meme than the actual racism people have to deal with IN REAL LIFE, and obsessively trying to shoehorn a "#karen is misogynist" narrative when countless people who made that meme popular were WOMEN of color.
Your least sentence is genuinely confusing because as far as I know, I never commented about "systemic"-anything. But you know what? it's not Black women's responsibility to address any "systemic" issue in the world. As I said earlier in my post: you can address this grievance to MOC, not me. One thing I will NOT do is expecting crusty men common sense.
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