#not crispin standing there with a smile on his face
i-favor-rui · 6 months
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did… did she just think we were Kieran’s ex???
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
Kieran Kieran Kieran Kieran Kierannnnnn
Boi deserves more love cause he's truly one of the best characters in the entire franchise and they definitely did him justice with his story arc(Even if we made him get a ton of therapy and a near-death experience after his villain phase...)
With that, the fact that he can afford multiple tickets but not a phone is... Weird. However, that's where writers come in soooo- Can I please request the reader, Carmine, Paldea gang, and BB E4 throwing Kieran a surprise party and cashing in together to get him the lastest rotom phone with Applin/Hydrapple case?
Extra bonus if you're also able to include individual gifts that everyone would get Kiki
One day it suddenly occurred to you, the BB E4, Carmine, and your Paldean friends that Kieran's 15th birthday was coming up and....according to his sister, he's never had a party.
You found that to be 100% unacceptable, and so you all decided to band together and plan one right in the League Club room.
Ofc you had to be sneaky about it, making it so that Kieran didn't suspect anything was up.
The biggest challenge--at least for the others--was figuring out what presents to give him.
But considering that he still doesn't have his own rotomphone (despite having more than enough money to get you, Arven, Penny, and Nemona plane tickets to Kitakami), it wasn't too difficult to decide what gift you wanted to get for him.
Luckily you had a Persian and Gholdengo who knew Pay Day and Make It Rain respectively and wore amulet coins, so you took them out to the terarium to battle other trainers, gathering more than enough cash to finally afford the gift.
When Kieran's birthday finally arrives...he's a little sad bc he only got a few wishes from random passerbys, and none from you or his friends or sister--who all seemed to have mysteriously vanished.
He thinks it's some prank and lowkey sulks as he shuffles to the clubroom....
Only to get startled when you all jump out and surprise him--with Ogerpon, Miraidon/Koraidon, and your Hydrapple (who was once the Applin he traded you) wearing party hats and kazoos--wishing him happy birthday.
Once his mini heartattack subsides, it takes a second for everything to sink in....before he gets extremely sappy and stands there with tears rolling down his face.
At first Crispin thinks he's genuinely upset and starts apologizing profusely, thinking the group had the wrong date-
"N-No, it's today. I'm just....wowzers.." Kieran laughs, wiping away his tears. "You all..really did this for me?"
"It took careful planning and precarious coordination." Amarys speaks up with a smile of her own. "We have [y/n] to thank for orchestrating this. But I could understand if it caused you some minor distress this morning."
He just waves her off, reassuring her that everything's good now, and soon the festivities commence!
You gift him the latest Rotomphone, having commissioned for it to have an Applin phonecase (even with its own tail and eyestalks) that shimmered in the sunlight, with all of the features offered by the League Club's BP system already unlocked.
Ofc, it may take him a while to learn how to use them all...but he's SO happy and hugs you tightly.
He lowkey forgot that everyone else got him a present, too, and lets you go to open them.
Carmine, knowing her brother, gave him an assortment of chocolate (but insisted that he didn't eat all of it at once and had actual food every now and then).
Amarys gave him a single heavy ball with a Shiny Aron inside. She doesn't think it's much but gets flustered when he smiles and thanks her with a hug, too.
Lacey gifts him a Granbull plushie, and at first she thinks it may be too "cutesy" for him, but he holds onto it tight and insists that he loves it.
Crispin and Arven got together to gift him a cookbook they collaborated on: half the recipes are spicy dishes and the other half contains sandwich recipes.
Drayton presents him with an empty friend ball, and inside was a Wimpod keychain and a note that basically says "sry for calling you ex-champ, ex-champ".
Fortunately they both kinda got over that grudge and could laugh about it now.
Penny got him the same Eevee backpack that she has (after recalling how he stared at it one too many times back in Kitakami and played with the ears when she left it unattended for a few mins) and initially feels awkward, but he adores it and promises to swap his old bag out from time to time.
Nemona gave him a whole bag of EV-boosting items (carbos, zinc, feathers, mints, you name it) for his team so their next battle could be even MORE exciting....and he's embarrassed to admit his competitive team's stats are already maxed out, but he'll use them for his casual team.
All in all, the party is a huge success.
It's definitely one Kieran would never forget, and he's so, so grateful to have real friends who did all of this for him--especially you.
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Hello new here! I was thinking if you could an aegon and rhaenyras daughter but instead of Harwin being her father its criston cole because he did get her pregnant that night. This takes place after Luke’s death and instead of just killing aegon’s and readers son they kill her too because daemon hated her for being ser Crispins daughter and like rhaenyra is heartbroken and aegon is crazy on revenge for his wife and child.
pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Niece!Reader
summary: aegon and rhaenyras daughter but instead of Harwin being her father its criston cole because he did get her pregnant that night. This takes place after Luke’s death and instead of just killing aegon’s and readers son they kill her too because daemon hated her for being ser Crispins daughter and like rhaenyra is heartbroken and aegon is crazy on revenge for his wife and child.
Word count: 3,0K
Warnings: Angst, Rape, Murder, Child murder, Blood and Cheese, Fire and Blood spoilers, Targaryen Madness
"Come on darling, don't give Muña such a hard time" You teased your son with a smile. He giggled as your fingers tickles his tummy. His chubby fingers reached out to you.
"Will sleep my love or will you be keeping me and kepa up all night again?" You asked, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Viseryn let out another giggle as your hair tickled his cheeks, chubby and full from feeding regularly from your breast.
"My sweet baby" You whispered, swaying from side to side. Your back was to the door and facing your child's cradle. When you heard the door you did not turn assuming it was Aegon coming to see Viseryn off before bed.
"You're back early, my love" You said. You frowned when you did not receive an answer back, Aegon usually made noise or at least answered you to not startle you. You turned around and froze at the sight of two men standing in front of the door with daggers in their hands.
"Who are you?" You questioned, tightening your grip on your son. Viseryn whined as you mushed his face against your bosom.
"Prince Daemon sent us, princess" One of the two answered taking a step closer to you.
"My stepfather?" You questioned, cocking your head to the side. The man grinned evilly showing his rotten teeth.
"What do you want?" You asked, backing up. The two of them approached you. You remembered the dagger Aegon hid in the nightstand beside the crib in case of something happening.
"A son for a son, princess" The other man was the one to speak. You shook your head in denial, Daemon would never hurt Viseryn, right? Although you never had a good relationship with him you did not believe he was capable of hurting an infant, barely seven moons old.
"Over my dead body" You sprang into action pulling open the drawer while balancing Viseryn on one arm and pulled the dagger out. The two of them snickered at the sight of you, in your night gown a weak woman with no experience in the matter of fighting but like any mother you were ready to defend your little one.
"That can be arranged" The first man said. He attempted to step closer to your but you swiped your dagger at him, a fire ignited inside of you, a need to protect your cub. A loud roar echoed in the distance, Vermithor feeling your distraught but unable to help from outside.
"Sweetheart, do not make this harder for yourself" He taunted trying to grab you again. You tried stabbing him again but this time the second man intervened and grabbed your arm. He pried your fingers off the dagger and threw it away. You whimpered at the painful grip he had around your arm.
"Much better" He whispered pulling you back into him and wrapped his free arm around your middle.
"No, get away" The other man pulled Viseryn out of your arms forcefully. The little boy burst out crying at the jerking and being in unfamiliar arms.
"No let him go, please" You begged. The man behind you held you tightly.
"Who are you?" You sobbed. You tried getting to Viseryn but the second man had a tight grip around you. You shuddered at the feeling of his breath against your neck.
"I am blood sweetheart" The man holding Viseryn responded. Viseryn was trying to push him away but Blood was too strong for the small boy, his screams grew even more urgent, his head turning in search of you.
"And I am cheese" The one holding you whispered in your ear. Your body shivered with disgust.
"Please let my baby go, I'll do anything" You begged. Blood looked at you in amusement. He raised his dagger to Viseryn's neck making you let out a scream.
"Please! Anything!" You yelled. Cheese had to grab both your arms and held them behind your back to restrain some of your movement.
"Anything?" He taunted grinding his lower half against your behind. You felt nauses at the thought of another man other than Aegon anywhere near you but for Viseryn you would do anything.
"Please let him go and take me instead, kill me instead a son for a wife" You bargained. The two looked at each other chuckling as they communicated with their eyes.
"We can arrange that" Blood said, walking over to the cradle he placed your son down in it. Viseryn's cries did not cease for a second, he still sensed the danger. He would not calm until he felt your touch, until he felt your skin and heard your voice.
"Come on then, little princess" Cheese pushed you closer to your bed. Tears were streaming down your cheeks at this moment. Being a princess you never imagined for a second that you would be harmed in such a way by anyone.
"Good princess" Cheese teased pushing you to lay on your stomach. He pulled up your night gown to show your behind groaning at the sight.
"Look what the lucky bastard has" Blood's hand came down to smack your behind. You closed your eyes hearing shuffling behind you. You jerked at the feeling of Cheese's cock easing inside of you.
"She's so fucking tight" Cheese pointed out. He was brutal with his movement. You were in emense pain but for your boy your would endure anything.
"The Hightower cunt probably does not fuck her enough" Blood laughed. He pulled his cock out in front of you and began palming himself, up and down slowly to not spill just yet. Viseryn's loud cries were the only thing heard in the room along with the groans of the two men and skin slapping, you refused to give them the satisfaction of hearing your despair.
"Fuck" Cheese threw his head back as he spilled himself inside of you. He pulled out with a shit eating grin making way for blood.
"I like watching them squirm in pleasure" Blood turned you around to face him. He pulled your legs up and over his shoulder before pushing his cock inside of you. You wanted to scream from the pain but held inside. Cheese's cum worked as lube to let him in but it did not make it anywhere near pleasurable.
Your head lulled to the side unable to look at him as he fucked himself into you, an honour only meant for noble men to fuck a princess but here low lives were getting their fill. You looked at the cradle beside the bed where Viseryn was still screaming his lungs out, voice growing hoarse.
"Fuck sweetheart" Blood palmed at your breasts like some hungry beast. He let his weight fall on you as he orgasmed. You have never seen any men finish so quickly before in your life but yo were more than grateful so this torture could end.
"Look at the Queen so full of our cum" Cheese teased. Blood pulled out of you and moved to the side fixing his trousers.
"If only she were to live and have our bastards but alas this was good enough" Blood teased back. Your eyes widened in shock. Cheese was quick to pull you off the bed and hold you against his chest with your back to him and your front facing the cradle.
"What are you doing?" You questioned. Blood pulled Viseryn out of the cradle and held him in his arms again.
"I gave you what you wanted, please let him go" You pleaded. Blood smirked evilly at you.
"Not a chance princess" A scream tore from your throat as blood's knife came down straight into you boys neck ending his screams. Blood let go of your boy letting him fall the ground with a loud thud and you swear you could hear several cracks as well.
"Viseryn!" Your knees gave up on you and Cheese let you go. You crawled over to your son's mangled body. You picked him up and held him against your chest, his smashed face against your breast, the breast he was suckling on less than an hour ago but never will ever again.
"My boy!" Your throat felt like it was tearing open. Your heart was in so much pain you felt like you were dying and in fact you were.
"Shut her up" Blood whined, hands going up to his ears. You were shocked no one heard your and Viseryn's screams by now. Cheese did not waste a second to move closer to you and hold his knife to your neck. With one swift swipe his slit your throat open.
You chocked on your blood, gurgling. Your bed fell to the side with Viseryn still in your arms. Your body withered and shivered before finally falling limp, your arms growing limp around your son's corpse and your eyes wide open along with your mouth.
"Let's go" Blood pulled cheese out of the room before they could get caught. They were lucky thus far but they did not know for how long.
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"Darling" Aegon whispered as he opened the door trying not to wake up his sleeping son, it was past his bed time after all. He froze at the sight of you laying on the floor, the blood still not visible.
"My love!" He yelled, sprinting over to your body. He fell to his knees beside you heart hammering in his chest. His eyes caught sight of your son's mangled body laying beside yours.
"Viseryn!" The scream that tore through his throat will forever haunt those who lived within these walls, a ghost of the memory many called it.
His hands shook as he pulled his son to his chest. His throat was torn open, his small eyes open staring into the void. His small hands no longer trying to grab at his hair. His chest no longer rising and falling with each breath.
"Wake up, please my boy wake up" Aegon begged, sobbing. His head fell on his son's chest in search of a heart beat but there was none. "Please" Aegon sobbed.
"Aegon?" His mother's voice called from the door. She had heard his scream from down the corridor and came running along with Criston.
"Mother, Viseryn won't wake up" Aegon turned to look at him mother. She gasped in horror at what she saw. Blood everywhere. Criston braced himself against the door frame by her side. The sight of his only child in such a state sent him into shock mode.
"Viseryn" Alicent whispered, stepping closer. Her first instinct was to take him from Aegon. Aegon let her in hopes that she will bring his son back to life. He turned to look at his wife and pulled her into his chest.
"My love, wake up, please" He hand moved to touch your cheek, smearing your blood there even more. Your eyes stared up at the ceiling with no movement. His eyes trailed down to the rest of your body pausing when he noticed even more blood on your lower region. Fury was all that could be described at when he felt in that moment, Targaryen madness was more than proven with this King.
"My beautiful wife" He sobbed, his head falling down against your chest, where he liked to lay and listen to your heartbeat whenever he was sad, whenever his mother shouted at him, whenever being king grew overwhelming but now he heard no comforting thuds and your fingers did thread through his hair, you did not scold him for forgetting to wash it. Usually you helped him with his baths and it became a routine at the end of the day for him to bath and you washing his hair and body before joining him for a round of love making.
Aegon looked up when he heard shuffling to find Criston kneeling down beside him, tears were streaming down his face. It was no secret who your father was, the uncanny resemblance, the black locks and brown eyes, the tan complexion all pointed to one answer. The soft spot Criston had for you as a child and the fury that seemed to burn him when your mother took you away to Dragonstone and away from him.
"My girl" Criston was over the moon when it was announced that you were to marry Aegon, you would be moving back to the Red Keep and he could be near you again. Aegon let Crsiton take you from him, let him touch you and hold you. Criston buried his face in your hair sobbing like any parent would.
"Where are you going?" Alicent asked, between her sobs. Aegon stood up from the floor and walked over to the door.
"To plan a war" Was all Aegon said without looking back at her and moved to leave in search of Aemond and Daeron.
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"You motherfucker" Aegon slammed his feats into Daemon's face earning back a laugh.
"Is that all you got, boy" Daemon taunted. Aegon rolled his neck, sword in hand, he was never really good in the art of sword fighting, it was more Aemond and Daeron's cup of tea but this was a new Aegon.
"You killed her" Aegon accused. He attempted to pounce at Daemon when a loud dragon roar echoed in the skies. Syrax landed not far away from the battlefield and his sister slid down from the saddle.
"A son for a son" Daemon answered shrugging. Aegon let out a loud cry running at Daemon sword long forgotten, flew from his hand to the ground. Daemon was pushed onto his back with Aegon's hand around his neck in a chokehold. Daemon's hands snapped up to wrap around Aegon's wrists.
"Why did you kill them? They were innocent" Aegon sobbed. Tears gathered in his eyes. He could footsteps nearing them but did not look up. He trusted Aemond and Daeron to stop any attacks from behind him.
"She is Criston Cunt's daughter and he is your Hightower spawn" Daemon chocked. His face was turning red and some shade of purple. Aegon flinched at the feeling of something sharp pierce his side. He looked down to find Daemon holding the handle of a dagger wedged into his side.
"Die you fucker!" Aegon ragged. Daemon's eyes grew in panic seeing his attack had no affect. Aegon was running on pure adrenaline.
"Fuck" Daemon chocked. Aegon tightened his grip even more, he could feel his blood flowing out but his strength did not betray him, he had to hold on for her, for Viseryn.
"You killed an infant, you killed an innocent woman" Aegon hissed. His tears turned to ones of happiness as Daemon's eyes began to turn in his head and his withering grew weaker by the second. His hands that were wrapped around Aegon's wrists fell down to rest on Aegon's thighs digging his nails down by to no use.
"Daemon!" Aegon's head snapped up at the sound of Rhaenyra's scream. Aemond and Daeron both were holding her back as the battle resumed to rage around them. Her golden crown swayed and fell with her fighting.
"Do you sweet sister know what our uncle did?" Aegon asked. He raised Daemon's head up and slammed it down on the ground harshly. Daemon's legs kicked and fought but the fight in him was slowly dying.
"He killed my wife in cold blood. He sent his men to rape and kill her. He made her watch as they killed her son in front of her" Aegon yelled. Rhaenyra's fighting ceased and she fell to her knees. Her eyes wide in shock and her head shook from side to side in denial.
"I came back to my room to find my wife holding the broken body of our infant son, his throat slit open and his head half smashed, his arms in all weird angles and his legs broke, he was but seven moons!" Aegon yelled. His eyes turned to Daemon, Daemon's eyes were turning red as the vessels burst in his eyes.
"Die you piece of shit" Aegon hissed as the life flittered out of Daemon's body. He fell limp but Aegon refused to let go of his neck until he was sure that he was dead.
"He killed your daughter sister" Aemond taunted in Rhaenyra's ear. Daeron moved to the side noticing the maddened glint in Aegon's eyes grow.
"He killed your grandson" Aemond whispered in her ear. Aegon satisfied with Daemon's dead body, he stood up and turned to face her. Daeron's eyes widened at the sight of the dagger sticking out of Aegon's side, he ran to fetch a maester.
"Sunfyre" Aemond let go of Rhaenyra hearing his brother's dragon screech in response from a distance before landing near them, crushing men around them under his feet.
"ipradagon" Eat. Aegon ordered. The golden dragon screeched again before coming down to bite through Rhaenyra's middle breaking her in half.
Aegon's wound finally affected him and the blood loss making him dizzy, he fell to his knees. Aemond sprinted over to Aegon supporting him before he could fully fall.
"Hang on, Daeron will bring help" Aemond tried assuring Aegon. Aegon smiled as he held on to Aemond's tunic tightly.
"No, let me die" Aegon wheezed. One of his hands moved to pull the dagger out to assist the blood in flowing our faster and in a bigger amount.
"I will go to them, let me go to them" Aegon whispered. Aemond never thought he would feel pity for his older brother. He never thought he could feel love for Aegon after the bullying but in that moment he felt his heart shatter as his brother died in his arms.
"I'm coming my love" Was the last thing Aegon whispered before he took his last breath. Daeron paused a couple of feet away from his brothers, leaning down on his knees panting in defeat as the maester declared Aegon dead in the middle of the field and Aemond was declared the king after him.
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joeyscherryjubilee · 2 years
Like Calls to Like (III)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC
Author's Note: I fully believe Aemond is a consent!king, he's gonna make sure his lady is comfortable and is about communication.
Warnings: smut, first time for Laenyra, Crispin Cole, Aemond coping a feel beneath the table and a lot of consent.
Word count: 4,825
Summary: Laenyra and Aemond have finally confessed their feelings for one another. But they must put their desires temporarily aside in order to sit through dinner. Aemond, however, does not want to wait to lay claim to his princess.
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“You seem happy, my son.” Alicent held Aemond’s hands. She was clearly glad of her son’s mood, especially as he was prone to states of lonesome forlornness. Aemond and Laenyra had arrived for dinner with secretive smiles and looks of longing clear on their faces. “Truly happy.” 
She noted how her son’s eye flickered across the room. 
“I am, mother.” He said the words with an almost shy smile, his mind wandering momentarily and Alicent’s heart clenched for a love she would never have. 
“Good.” She forced a smile and squeezed his hand. 
Alicent left him in order to greet a weak Viserys. Aemond, of course, immediately went to Laenyra’s side, standing too close to be proper and his hands itching towards her. Whatever note his princess received at breakfast, its contents had clearly shifted their relationship. 
“A fine couple.” Viserys rasped, his weight sagging over his embellished cane. His gaze was set on Aemond and Laenyra with an unappealing smile though his joy was warming to see.
Alicent could not argue that fact no matter how much she wished to deny it. 
“Let us eat.” She said instead, knowing any approval shown in front of her husband would be followed by talk of a betrothal. 
The king sat first and let out a sigh that told his relief at finally taking the weight off his aching body. The group followed suit and Laenyra secured her usual spot between Aemond and Helaena, insisting that her aunt give a full debrief of the new insect that had been recently acquired. 
Aemond shifted in his chair, the food in front of him untouched and his hands tapping upon the table. He was trying with all his might, and failing miserably, to not keep glancing over at Laenyra. She kept catching him staring, giving him only a knowing smile in response before returning her attention to Helaena. 
His princess seemed to be the height of decorum, as though they had not been pawing at each other just moments before entering for dinner. Laenyra had tugged him into a hidden passage, bringing him to her desperately and they were late arriving because of it. 
Laenyra grinned as she caught him looking again, she could feel his gaze and the heat it held. 
“The wings are fragile but powerful.” Helaena explained eagerly, using her hands to provide a diagram of the new bug she had found. Aegon huffed in boredom from across the table, but otherwise said nothing. “It appears to be praying when it is still.” 
Laenyra did not find the topic intensely interesting but her aunt’s excitement kept her attention and she smiled at how animated Helaena was. 
There was a calmness in the room that was a welcome change from the usual despair that permeated the family meals. Viserys was in reasonable health and Queen Alicent in a somewhat good mood. Laenyra’s heart was soaring as she dared to think of the man next to her and what they have revealed to each other that day. 
The calmness evaporated though, when Laenyra felt the brush of a touch on her leg.
“Are you alright?” Helaena asked as she jolted in her chair, dropping her fork with a clatter. 
Laenyra nodded earnestly and smiled bashfully at the table. 
“Apologies.” She said quietly at the look of concern on her grandfather’s face and the sudden interest in the rest of the table’s. “I simply startled myself when I dropped my fork.” 
Everyone seemed to believe her and return to their own conversations or thoughts. 
Helaena resumed her explanations though Laenyra froze as a touch feathered across her leg once again. 
She glanced to see Aemond looking extremely pleased with himself, one hand on his goblet and the other beneath the table, stroking a deft pattern on her thigh. 
“Are you quite sure you are well, Princess?” Aemond asked quietly with such a touching tone of concern that she glared at him. 
“Yes.” Laenyra whispered curtly. 
His responding grin was lecherous as she returned her attention to Helaena, attempting to ignore how his fingers trailed so dangerously across her leg. A previously undiscovered desire flooded through her and the room suddenly became hot. She pressed her legs together, seeking an unknown source of pleasure. 
Laenyra attempted to remove his hand but could not do so without risk of discovery, he was unfairly stronger than her. Aemond made no further move as she squirmed at his touch, resting his hand sentry upon her thigh.
The meal passed by slowly, his hand a constant upon her body and Laenyra found time agonising until finally the servants cleared away the plates and she could leave without fear of scrutiny.
“I am tired, I shall retire.” She stood and breathed a sigh of relief as Aemond’s hand fell away, she desired his touch more than anything, but not at a dinner and not in full view of their family.
Her awkwardness was covered by Helaena announcing that she was also tired and wished to retire. It was unknown if her aunt did wish to rest or was simply covering for Laenyra and Aemond with her unlimited knowledge, but either way, Laenyra was most grateful.
Viserys nodded his consent at their departure from the table.
“Ser Arryk, would you please escort Princess Helaena to her rooms, and Ser Erryk, if you would escort Prince Aegon.” Queen Alicent commanded the twins by the door. Aegon looked extremely discontent at the idea of being escorted to bed like a child, but made no argument against it. 
“Aemond can escort Laenyra.” Viserys said with a joyful smile. “I have no doubt he will see her safely to her rooms.”
“Of course, my love.” Queen Alicent said tersely, though sent a nod to Ser Criston which did not go unnoticed by Aemond. 
Laenyra bid everyone a goodnight and led the way out into the darkened hallway.
They made it round the first few corners in a formal fashion before Laenyra glanced around and grabbed his hand.
Aemond couldn’t contain his grin as she tugged him forcefully through the halls, darting left and right and right again. She only stilled once they were far away from the dining hall and hidden within an alcove.
“I can’t believe you.” Laenyra whispered hotly, but there was no anger in her voice, only a barely contained desire. 
“I am to blame for being tempted by such a siren?” Aemond asked with a lofty tone and clasped his hands behind his back with the poise of a prince.
Laenyra scoffed in order to conceal her amusement. 
“You are silly.” She muttered and Aemond laughed loudly in the empty hallway. 
She was quick to silence him, slapping her hand over his mouth and glanced around. No footsteps came to enquire about the noise but Laenyra waited a long moment, her heart thrumming, before she lifted her hand. 
Aemond’s heart soared and he ducked his head in order to kiss her. Laenyra’s breath stuttered at the force of it, her hands gripping his arms to keep herself from drowning in the kiss. 
“I’ll meet you in your room.” She said hurriedly, her gaze slightly hazed as she managed to pull herself away. Laenyra flushed scarlet at her prince’s responding smile, it told a thousand promises and desires that sung between them.
She darted away before he could say anything and Aemond was rather glad for it. Anything he wished to say would be highly inappropriate. 
Aemond departed in the opposite direction, taking the long way through the castle in order to prevent any further gossip about his comings and goings. In some ways he was lucky that Aegon was such a disappointment, the focus on his brother’s activities meant that Aemond himself was not watched with anywhere near as much scrutiny. 
He huffed in quiet annoyance though, as he rounded a corner to come face-to-face with Ser Criston Cole. Aemond usually enjoyed the knight’s presence, even if Laenyra despised him, but his appearance was an extreme inconvenience.
“Where is Princess Laenyra?” Ser Criston asked but there was no true concern in his voice. 
“She wished to speak to Helaena about something and asked to walk alone.” The lie rolled easily off his tongue, Laenyra often visited her aunt before bed, the two could be found talking deep into the night. 
Aemond made to step around the knight, but his path was blocked.
“Do you have a moment, my prince?” He posed his words as a request, though Aemond knew a refusal would result in further inconvenience. 
“Of course, Ser Criston.” Aemond’s tone was monotonous, attempting to contain the frustration at being kept from his princess. 
“Your mother is concerned for you.” The words were poised like they were coming from a place of care. But Aemond knew anything said by Ser Criston were truly the thoughts of his mother, who no doubt wished to know more of her second son’s recent activities. 
“How so?” Aemond asked, feigning ignorance. 
“She worries about how you have been spending your time, you departed upon Vhagar this morning with no warning, accompanied by Laeny-”
“Princess Laenyra.” Aemond interrupted sharply and his look was stern. 
“Apologies, Prince Aemond.” The knight grimaced at the prince’s tone but made no comment. “You were accompanied by Princess Laenyra and I believe your mother is worried as to what rumours may arise from the two of you spending so much time together, unsupervised.” 
He allowed the implications of his words to hang between them. 
“I appreciate your concern for mine and Princess Laenyra’s safety and reputation, but I am unsure as to why this is being brought up now. Being alone with the princess is not a new occurrence and we often fly upon Vhagar together.” Aemond would not give him an inch, his tone deadpan and the knight squirmed. 
“The reason your mother is concerned, I believe, is because of the danger of impropriety.”
“Impropriety?” Aemond drawled, raising an eyebrow and maintained a straight face, hiding his inner amusement at how far past ‘impropriety’ he and Laenyra had ventured. “I do not understand what you are attempting to imply, Ser Criston. Though I suggest that when you report to my mother, you ensure she is aware that there is no risk of wrongdoing and if she has any further concerns, she can ask me herself.” 
Ser Criston was smart enough to recognise a dismissal and nodded curtly, undoubtedly knowing how displeased Queen Alicent would be at his lack of new information.
The prince left the knight, venturing once again through the halls, seeking out his one true desire.
Aemond breathed a sigh of relief when he finally came within view of his rooms, his steps quickening even more and he practically leapt through the entryway. He barred the door securely and confirmed its sturdiness twice. There would be no risk of disturbance. 
His princess was standing before the fireplace, her gaze upon the flames.
Laenyra looked over her shoulder at him, the glow of the fire illuminating her like a true dragon. 
I would follow her through the seven hells if she asked it of me. 
Aemond clenched his fists, attempting to maintain his dignity and a distance between them. 
She smiled gently at his stationary form, closing the gap herself and sliding her hands into his. Laenyra raised herself and kissed him, not at all embarrassed that she desired him, and the idea warmed Aemond’s heart.
“Hello.” She whispered and reached to stroke his jawline with a fire in her eyes. 
“Hello.” Aemond murmured, his hands resolutely remaining by his sides. 
“I was half-worried you wouldn’t come.” Laenyra said with a small smile and he knew he was forgiven for his lateness. 
“I will always come when you call.” He breathed softly.
Laenyra glanced down at his hands, not on her body, and pulled him closer by the lapels of his jacket. Capturing his lips as hers, Laenyra dared to tease him with her tongue, a quick movement that was only a promise of things to come. 
Aemond felt himself harden as she continued to take the lead for both of them, but as her hand weaved into his hair, tugging at him, Aemond's resolve broke. His hands moved quickly as he growled against her, tugging her body against his, his hardness flush against her belly. 
Laenyra moaned softly and allowed him to dominate her, his mouth bruising against her own with the force, his teeth nipping at her, his longing as fierce and savage as a dragon. 
“You are certain this is what you desire?” He growled after a long moment, attempting to restrain himself, for her sake. 
“You keep asking, I will not change my mind.” Laenyra insisted, confused at to why he was so cautious of their joining. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He explained though it did nothing to diminish Laenyra’s confusion. Aemond smiled to himself and stroked her cheek, his thumb gliding over her swollen lips. 
“You won’t.” She insisted, reaching for him, attempting to pull him closer. 
“Not like that, my love.” Aemond murmured and tried to think on the best way to explain it to her. He pressed another kiss to her cheek before moving to brush his kips against her throat. Laenyra let out a small moan, a sound he wished to bind to his soul, as he dared to let his teeth nip at her pulse. “I need to make sure that it won’t hurt when we come together.” 
He attempted to save her ears from crudeness, unsure as to how she would react. 
“Oh.” Laenyra breathed, understanding dawning and Aemond glanced up to see her flushed but eager. 
“Yes.” He said with a small smile. “Is that alright?” 
Laenyra nodded, suddenly shy as she stood before him, all of it so real and her desire stirring so agonisingly. 
“Yes, I trust you, Aemond.” She said and joined her lips to his again, more desperate with the heat building within her. 
Laenyra sought to press herself closer to him and he could no longer deny himself of his most precious desire. 
His hands weren’t gentle as he finally laid claim to her body, enveloping one in her hair and the other around her waist. Laenyra shivered as Aemond’s mouth enveloped her own, his kiss rough and desperate. 
Laenyra gripped his arms, attempting to tether herself lest she float away on her desire. 
“My Laenyra.” Aemond growled softly. She sighed prettily against his lips, his words fuelling the fire between them. His fingers were hurried with the tiresome strings of her dress. With a growl of frustration and yet another futile attempt to undo her dress, Aemond unsheathed his dagger and with startling precision he cut through the ribbons and frills.
“How am I supposed to explain that?” Laenyra laughed in shock at such a barbaric move though it thrilled her.
Aemond grinned roguishly, tearing the remaining seam and pulling it off her. 
“Just say you were attacked by a dragon.” He offered and Laenyra snorted, kicking the now ruined dress under the bed. 
“Attacked is certainly the right term.” She muttered and laughed as Aemond yanked her towards him once again. 
“‘Attack,’ is it, dear niece?” He drawled, perusing her figure and taking note of how her perfect she looked beneath the satin slip, how desperate he was to rid her of it. Her nipples hardened as he dared trail his fingers along her sides, treading dangerously across her stomach. “You seem rather eager considering this brutal attack.” 
Laenyra grinned at his words, her cheeks flushing and chest heaving as determination built inside her. The princess was not a patient person, she was the blood of the dragon and they were not known for patience.
Taking a deep breath Laenyra tugged at her slip, lifting it over her head. The thin dress pooled deliciously around her feet, Laenyra’s head held high as she bared herself to him. Aemond stilled and he felt a dragon rear its head and roar within him.
“Is something wrong?” Laenyra asked, a mild panic flashing through her eyes and he could see her starting to worry. 
He shook his head earnestly. 
“You are perfect.” He said hoarsely. His hand shook slightly as he raised it, his palm cupping her right breast gently. Laenyra shifted as he ran his thumb over her nipple. It hardened as Aemond stroked it and he dared to do the same to the left. 
“Hmm.” Aemond hummed as Laenyra shivered, but he didn’t believe the cold had anything to do with it. His hands slid upwards, goosebumps following his touch. He slid his hands up her neck into her dark tresses, reviling in the softness of Laenyra. 
With a startling boldness Laenyra tugged at his waistband, pulling him closer and joining them together. 
“My love.” He whispered against her lips, his hands greedy as he gripped her naked body, leading Laenyra backwards to the bed. Aemond picked her up with ease, laying her gently down upon the covers. 
Aemond stood tall, his breath rising heavily as he took Laenyra in, the way she looked so sublime on his bed, her body red with his marks and the apex of her thighs glistening, because of him. With a new found confidence Aemond steadied his nerves and knelt upon the bed. 
Laenyra’s eyes were on Aemond as he moved to hover over her. She squirmed though as he leant to lay soft kisses up her stomach and Laenyra held her breath as he dared to press a kiss on both breasts. 
“I love you.” He whispered into her collarbone, his tongue sucking and nipping at her skin, Aemond relished in the marks that were quick to form. 
Laenyra whimpered her response as Aemond’s fingers trailed downwards and sat dangerously above her wet heat. 
“You are alright?” Aemond breathed quietly and she huffed at him. 
“If you do not touch me soon.” She threatened and he chuckled, her huff soon stuttered as he stroked her softly, his thumb applying such a pressure that a moan escaped her. Aemond couldn’t help his smug grin as he coaxed moans and whimpers out of Laenyra with slow, determined motions.
Laenyra relaxed into his touch, her back arching and her hips bucking upwards at Aemond’s skilful touch. He delighted in her body’s reaction to her, dipping his thumb between her folds to brush at her clit, her body jerking deliciously at he stroked her pearl. 
Aemond moved to adjust himself, kneeling before her to utilise both hands to please his princess. 
“Good girl.” Aemond murmured and he explored her body with his hand. Her wetness increased and he inserted a finger, shocked at how loudly Laenyra moaned as he pleased her. His thumb continued to stroke her and she fisted the sheets, a heat building that she did not entirely understand. 
“It’s alright Laenyra.” He purred as she writhed. “Let me please you.” 
Her thighs shook when Aemond changed the angle of his wrist, his movements speeding up and a second finger pressing inside her. He could tell she would soon reach her peak and he was eager to seek out all the ways to bring her pleasure. 
Aemond curled his fingers slightly and Laenyra fell over the edge, her hips bucking upwards into his hand as she came. His fingers slowed and he worked her through her pleasure, her thighs glistening and Aemond grinned at his triumph, leaning down to press a firm kiss to his princess, swallowing the pretty sounds she made as he touched her. 
“That’s it.” He praised when her body started shifting once again. 
Calmness seemed to radiate from him though Aemond was a storm of desire inside, his arousal straining desperately against the confines of his pants and he shifted pitifully, attempting to alleviate some of the pressure and failing. 
Laenyra whined while Aemond struggled internally as he stroked her, his palm providing delicious pressure and friction to her clit. Her eyes fluttered shut once again as her hips starting to rocking against his hand, seeking more pleasure. 
Laenyra’s thighs began tensing once more and Aemond knew she was close again, her second peak coming quicker with her wetness, her eagerness to receive pleasure now she had had a taste. 
A soft moan escaped her lips and Aemond was desperate to hear the sound again, crooking his fingers in just the right way- 
“Oh gods.” She choked at the precision of his movements as they brought her over the edge once again, her whole body shivering against him and he grinned, his lips seeking hers once again. 
“Such perfection.” He whispered and Laenyra fidgeted under him, suddenly bashful as he looked over her flushed body. “Don’t hide from me.” 
Aemond leant down to kiss her with startling softness, with one hand he tugged softly at her hair and with the other he finally freed himself from the tight confines of his breeches. 
“I love you.” They said it at the same time, in such tandem that they smiled at each other, hearts beating as one. 
Aemond settled above her, taking his length in one hand and Laenyra shuddered with pleasure as he teased her folds, letting her know what he was about to do. 
She nodded to him.  
“I am yours, Aemond.” Laenyra murmured with fire in her eyes. 
He thrust gently, slipping inside her with relative ease. 
He worked himself in patiently, using her building wetness to soften his entry. She was greedy and eager to take him but Aemond was determined for her to feel no discomfort. Laenyra whined as he stroked her softly, just enough to work her up more, not enough to provide any real pleasure, she was already overstimulated.
“You must wait.” He purred in her ear, the tightness of her almost too much. He had to go slow for both their sakes and he grabbed at her reaching hands, trapping them above her head with one of his, not allowing her to distract him further. 
“Let me touch you.” Laenyra pleaded, her voice was desperate but she was beyond caring. The feeling of him between her legs was too much, such perfection that she writhed beneath him, willing Aemond to move. 
“Patience.” He said softly, his own resolve weakening as Laenyra whimpered. Aemond would never hurt her, and ensuring she could take him properly was his first priority. 
“Fuck patience.” Laenyra growled, bucking her hips to have him further inside her. 
Aemond let out a low curse at the feel of her body welcoming him, yearning for his touch. 
“This is much more difficult for me than for you, my love.” He murmured, his thumb pressing into her clit, groaning as she fluttered around him. Aemond dared to thrust gently, just slow movements to see if she could take more of him. Laenyra whimpered at the action, her cunt clenching desperately. 
“Aemond.” She moaned as he gave a sharper thrust forward, her body finally taking all of him, the two of them joined together perfectly. 
“It’s as though the gods have made you for me.” He whispered, relishing in the feeling of fitting so well inside her. Aemond’s free hand reached up to slide over her breasts, his thumb brushing over her nipple with a grin at how willing her body was to take all of him. His look predatory as Laenyra moaned wantonly at his touch. 
She gasped as he thrust gently, only drawing out a fraction before sliding back in, her wetness allowing for easy access, just as he had hoped. 
“You’re perfect.” Aemond murmured, one hand still locked about her wrists as he leant down to kiss her. Laenyra whimpered against him, the feel of his chest against her sensitive nipples, the pressure of his body against hers. 
“I need you to move, please.” It was desperate, she was desperate and Aemond couldn’t help the pride at it being his touch to make her feel such a way. His. 
“We’ll go slow to start.” Aemond followed his words with a gentle thrust and Laenyra saw stars, her hands fighting at his. She needed to touch him, to feel all of him as he allowed her to settle into the feel of him making love to her. 
“Oh gods.” She whimpered as he began to speed up, her body egging him to increase his force. It was so much, it was too much but it was perfect. “Fuck.” 
Aemond was too far gone to find her cursing amusing and pulled out entirely, waiting long enough Laenyra’s eyes to open in confusion before slamming himself back in. Her eyes widened and he finally released her hands, allowing her to grip at him. 
Laenyra’s felt fat tears of pleasure cascade down her cheeks as her body finally let go and Aemond continued to thrust with so much force she had to scream into her pillow. 
“You’re taking me so well.” He growled, his speed and force causing the very bed to creak dangerously. Aemond gripped the headboard with one hand to assist his movements, his other hand reaching down to gently stroke her clit, the juxtaposition of his movements only overwhelming her further. “You’re perfect, Laenyra.”
She grabbed his shoulders, clinging to him desperately as he brought them closer to their climax. 
“Look at me.” Aemond ordered softly, his fingers gripped her jaw to face him. Laenyra reached and took his hands in hers, their fingers entwined as she looked upon him, their gaze set upon each other as they took and gave pleasure. 
They soared and fell together, like dragons taking flight and the pleasure was unspeakable between them. Aemond delved his head into the crook of her neck at the intensity, biting into his lip so fiercely he drew blood in order to not scream out his pleasure. 
Laenyra was not so controlled and moaned loudly in his ear, her hands clutching at him, attempting to tether herself to reality. Her thighs shook as she came back to herself, the overstimulation bearable as Aemond settled himself beside her, one arm thrown possessively over her. 
“I love you.” Aemond said breathlessly. He noted with a fierce pleasure the marks upon Laenyra’s body, how flushed she was and how she looked at him like he was the only person in the world. 
“I love you.” She murmured in agreement and reached weakly to stroke his face, tugging at his hair to pull him closer for another kiss. 
Aemond gave her a kiss freely before pulling away, sitting up and hurrying to dress. 
“Where are you going?” Laenyra asked in a tired voice, curious as to his movements. Aemond tugged on a tunic and pressed a swift kiss to her cheek. 
“I will be gone one moment, my love.” He said and grinned at the sight of her exposed and satiated in his bed. She stretched to pull a pillow closer, fatigue settling in.
Laenyra hummed her consent to his movements, her body relaxed completely for perhaps the first time in years. She only closed her eyes for a moment though Aemond had returned by the time she opened them again. 
He was standing at his desk, a small pot set atop the table as he mixed a herbal brew. 
“Aemond?” She yawned aloud and he turned, a cup in one hand and a wash cloth in the other. 
“Moon tea.” He explained quietly, offering the mug to her with a kind smile. “Helaena keeps a store in her rooms.” 
She drank it quickly, not relishing in the bitter taste. Aemond stood before her, his touch soft as he wiped away the mess from her body. 
“I love you.” He whispered after a moment, his eye flickering to her face as he discarded the cloth. Laenyra’s heart clenched at how vulnerable he was, how much of himself he was exposing to her and the trust they had. 
She stood and reached for him, baring her body unashamedly now that Aemond had seen all of her. His gaze was intense, their eyes set on one another and her touch was soft as she traced the exposed parts of his scar. Laenyra vowed to have him remove it for her soon, but that was a discussion that would come later. 
“I love you, Aemond.” Laenyra said with a fierce look, insisting that he knew how fiercely she felt for him. “It is you and I, forever.” 
He warmed at her words and smiled as she pressed her forehead against his and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his lips.
“I would ask you to return to bed.” Laenyra whispered. “If you desire it.” 
Aemond chuckled and nodded, kissing her brow.
“There are many things I desire in this world, and I dare say you in my bed is at the forefront of them all.”
Tags: @grungegrrrl @daddysfavoritesexkitten @neenieweenie @m-indkiller
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bucknastysbabe · 4 months
A day in the life of ✨Ser Criston Crispin Cole✨
The bestest kingsguard to ever and he doesn’t break vows or kill innocent people but has trauma and ptsd and a big throbbing ahem
Rating: Everyone
Tags: this is silly goofy, I even made some visuals, Criston rounds up the Targtowers, I finally gave a name to Aemond’s twin, Aemond’s irrational fears, Incel Knight has Issues, Aegon being a creature per usual.
Tagging some fools: @aemonds-holy-milk @aemonddtargaryen @fairysluna @arcielee @bambitas (ur man is trying)
“You what?,” he echoed to Aegon, laid out in the streets of Flea Bottom. While Aegon did appear as a piece of scud needing to be scraped off the cobblestone— Ser Criston gleamed in his armor and white cloak. White horse too. White horse armor. Totally not to overcompensate for anything like oath breaking and other heathenry.
The scud with blonde hair rasped, “I fucked an Ibbenese whore, she was a sight! You should’ve seen her hair, the bush, I needed a Dragonkeeper.” Criston held up his hand to silence the fool, growing disgusted. The prince laughed before vomiting right on the kingshorse’ lacquered hooves.
Ser Cole stared blankly, dreaming of nasty, awful things. That may include something along the lines of murder. Again. He didn’t mean to, okay? Criston got off the equine and kicked Aegon once for good measure. The idiot squawked, “Ow, fuck, I just emptied my guts! Hold on!”
The Dornishman ignored his prince’s whining and slung the wannabe jester up onto the hind of the horse. He sighed in annoyance, climbing back upon the destrier and riding back towards the keep. Aegon started up with a hoarse laugh. He rasped, “Y’know a little hair doesn’t hurt anyone Cole, I know you prefer yours on the Valyrian- CRISTONNNN!”
Criston smirked a bit having reached back and backhanding the Prince. Lovely Alicent granted him ‘any means possible’. Which mean he got to slap around Aegon for fun. It was quite a stress-reliever, truly. The eldest prince continued, “I’m still the prince you can’t just,” then again he was smacked in quick succession, “FUCKING QUIIIITTTT!!”
Ser Cole held back a chuckle at Aegon’s sniveling. They reached the keep now, Criston hauling the heir inside. Aegon whined, “Jus’ take me to my room you beast!” The brunette sighed, “No can do, you smell like the inside of a whaling barge. Since you enjoy fucking Ibbenese.”
“Don’t knock it til’ you try it,” the prince grumbled.
He was swiftly deposited into the baths. Criston felt he need to change his clothing now, the filth of Aegon smeared all over his clothes, horse, and soul. Yuck. He could die, honestly. Really wanted to awhile back but Alicent took pity and so forth.
The man ran a hand through his hair. He needed to go to the rookery now. Criston maintained a long-standing chat with the youngest prince, Daeron. The boy seemed to be relatively ‘normal’ compared to the rest of the Hightower Dragon breed. Smart, valiant, knowledgeable, lacking that murderous instinct and eternal burning fire of hatred that Criston and Aemond shared. The kid was off to a good start already.
Criston looked through the plethora of ravens once he arrived, shoving off the Maester trying to help. He knew their raven— it had a strange white feather on the left wing. He smiled when he spotted the feather in question, cheering, “Aha, told you.” The Maester grumbled under his breath. Criston ignored it.
But the Maester did say in case the reader was curious: “Oathbreaking dornish viper curly haired pretty face bitch monger of marcher spawn.”
Meanwhile the Kingsguard unrolled the little letter and read with a soft curl of his lips.
“Dear Ser Criston,
I hope to be able to see you at the next tourney, I heard about you rendering Breakbones to Brokenbones! How amazing your skills are. I hope to be as good as a jouster and knight as you one day….blah blah blah
I hate to ask this but the question has been at my mind. Mother may have got very intoxicated her on her visit with Gwayne and I a fortnight ago now? She may have slipped in a rant of anger? Not at you though. But I must inquire, family to family, I consider you Ser as family. Even if we have never met!
Did you actually bed Rh—nyr-?
No need to answer if I have offended, have a splendid day good Ser! xoxo Prince Daeron Targaryen.”
Criston’s smile slipped into a frown. He gazed blankly into the mid-distance. Then stepped towards the nearest opening.
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He stepped back and sighed. That felt better. He turned to the Maester scattered on the floor, apologizing. Criston tried to hold a hand out for help but the little man hissed, “You have problems Ser! I do not need those demons that haunt you!”
Well. The prick wasn’t wrong. Criston had other things to tend to. He probably should go see Helaena and the children now. The white knight was a busy sort and not even Lord Commander! He could draw pride from that, standing a little taller after the blow in the letter.
Jaehaerys and Jaehaera played on the floor with a handmaiden. Criston took a moment to pause. Aegon must’ve named the children. Why didn’t he get somewhat creative? He paused again. Helaena would’ve likely named the twins Spider and Spiderette so he’d just move on now, yep, nothing new with the Hightower Targaryens.
He looked at the handmaiden and inquired, “Where is the princess?”
She pointed to the opened door to the balcony. Criston sighed and walked out there to see her leaning precariously over the sides. His eyes widened and he ran over to yank her back. Helaena shrieked and yelped, “Do not move your feet! Don’t!” She still was in his arms, legs jerked up as she frantically looked around.
Criston stayed still, out of fear of whatever bug or creature’s life. If he were to accidentally squish it— oh gods the girl would be bedridden for a week. Helaena whispered, “You messed me up! I almost had her!” The knight replied drily, “Had who, my princess?” The princess went on to ramble about some sort of Summer Isles beetle.
Criston just stood like an idiot until there was a creeping on his neck. He hissed urgently, “I believe you should check my nape for your creature!”
Wide eyes stared. “Your what?”
“The fucking beetle is crawling on me! I do not wish to die a violent death princess!”
The legs on his neck were removed and Helaena cradled a fierce looking orange beetle. Criston lowered her gently down, backing away. She chirped, “That would’ve hurt worse than three arrows sticking out of your head.” Criston shivered as blank eyes flicked up at him before back down to her pet. Now he was fit to ruin his breeches. Helaena sometimes scared him witless.
“Thanks Ser Cole, you did end up helping. The children are alright if that’s what you inquire,” she murmured while walking inside, him following her indoors. Criston nodded, still feeling strange. The princess smiled, “I need to return this beauty to her enclosure, thank you!”
He might have walked a little faster than what was reasonable out there. The arrows comment worried him more than the time she told Criston he should beware a ball of Butchers. He had no clue what the hell she meant but whatever! The dornishman would like to die without arrows or anything like a ball of butchers but that was up to the gods.
He sighed and decided to head to his quarters to rest a moment— he rarely received any these days. Criston wearily plodded to his cot and flopped down, just closing his eyes a bit.
Criston sat upright, swinging at whatever was yelling at him, eloquently replying, “Baahmnnfhgh!” He stopped swinging when Aemond’s twin Valaerys cursed, “I’m not the damn villian, come with me!” She held out a gloved hand and he let the younger princess lead him out of the White Sword tower at a breakneck pace.
“Val, what is exactly the matter here, why are we running!”
She hollered over her shoulder, “Aemond is about to take off on his beast because he got a letter!”
“A letter? That’s silly!”
They took the hidden stairs down to the beaches. Val, Criston’s reluctant favorite, elaborated, “A letter from the bastards, asking about his fear of birds, and they may have put a dead bird in a package? I don’t know he was yelling and squawking all over the place!”
The knight exhaled sharply. He gets good sleep for once and it’s expended on the second son getting his feelings hurt. Well. Cole did kill a man for reminding him of his own hurt feelings. But that’s beside the point, he was sad okay? He felt like a dirty whore that night. No one needs to be the dirty whore!
“Okay, so Aemond’s supersized ego has been punctured because the bastards are aware of his fear of birds? Are you being serious Val?”
She stopped him dead in his tracks and hissed, “When am I not serious Cole? Really? Come on.”
Criston tried to hold back an erection. She was a force when angry. Alas, Valaerys was too young, too outside of his OATH, too hot in a pair of leather leggings- oh Godsdammit. He blinked the thoughts away and followed her to the beach head.
They stopped in their tracks to watch the second son holler at the sea, long blonde hair flipping to and fro. Criston and Val shared a look, watching the scene unfold of Aemond practically hopping in anger, hands fisted.
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Criston recognized too much of himself in the angry lad. He hollered, “Quit yelling and come over here!” Aemond stopped throwing his fists and turned sharply. He hissed, “This has nothing to do with you two!”
Criston crossed his arms and replied, “Yes it does, your angry actions could affect the King’s health. I am the Kingsguard and therefore need you to come over here.” Val added on, “And you look like a crazed lunatic yelling at the ocean. Reminds me of the time Uncle Daemon got banished. Again. Rolling in the ocean weeping and such.” Criston grimaced at the thought of the melodramatic Prince, perverted freak.
Okay maybe he was one too but he slipped up once! Stop judging him!
Aemond huffed and stomped over, thin lips turned down as he glared. His lanky arms were firmly crossed over his chest. The prince managed, “I’m not afraid of birds. They’re fucking with me. I need to shame them and their puny dragons.”
Criston clasped a hand on Aemond’s shoulder, sighing, “You are afraid of birds, it’s alright son. But don’t go on the beast to burn Dragonstone, you’d be a bit outnumbered. Besides you’re much better a sword fighter and leader than those mongrels.” Valaerys nodded in agreement, braids bouncing.
Aemond took a look at the ocean and back to Criston, scoffing, “You’re right, I shouldn’t lower myself to childish antics. Oh and Cole, don’t move please. I think she smelt Dornish.”
Criston stiffened up suddenly. When did he not notice the looming figure and hot breath flapping his hair and cloak around. Val stifled a giggle, merlot eyes flashing. Vhagar’s big old ass was right behind him, ready for some scorched dornishman. Criston whispered angrily, “Get your damn dragon Aemond! That thing still thinks we’re in a war and you’re Visenya minus an eye!”
Aemond scoffed indignantly, “Vhagar is much smarter than that! She chose me!,” the blonde grumbled, “She does probably smell Dornish. Apologies Cole.”
Val snickered again before jolting upright when Vhagar made a particularly hungry noise. Aemond hollered at the thing in High Valyrian, waving his arms and pointing back to her spot carved on the beach. Criston shivered, eyes darting to the dragon and back to the princess.
The dragon snarled and huffed, Criston wincing before he heard heavy footfalls and the dragging of her tail. Vhagar was leaving the trio alone. The white knight swore on the Seven he would NEVER be that close to that BEAST ever AGAIN.
Aemond smiled, “There we are, didn’t need the help but here we are. Good night Ser Criston, night my sweet hell bitch sister.” Val rolled her eyes and made a bird noise, flapping her arms at the man. Aemond sniffed and hustled away, a certain stiffness to his posture. He’d go do…whatever Aemond did in his spare time.
Criston let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and sagged. He looked at Val’s amused expression and mumbled, “You got any problems?” She procured a wine-skin from under her dark cloak and hummed, “Some wine that needs to be emptied. Let’s get out of here before Vhagar decides to have a Dornish snack. I don’t think I have the skill to play Rhaenys.”
He shot back as they entered to tunnels, “You’re much too mean to play her. Anyways what’s the vintage?”
“Dornish Sangria, what else would you think,” she said, raising a sharp brow. Criston eyed Valaerys and praised the princess, “See, this is why you’re my favorite. Don’t have to deal with nonsense. I almost threw up on Aegon. Horrid.”
“Do tell me all about your wonderful day, probably more interesting than mine good Ser.”
They sat on a ledge, far away from Vhagar, and shared the wineskin. Criston felt okay with his day, nothing much but honest work. Somewhat. One can never be fully honest in the Red Keep. He took a sip and the corners of his lips turned up.
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galacticwildfire · 2 years
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic | Alicent Hightower
Alicent Hightower x Targaryen!oc
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Their fathers sworn enemies, Viserra and Alicent should never have been as close as they were, yet it was a connection neither could fight. What began as an innocent girlhood companionship becomes something scandalous, with the bastard daughter of Daemon Targaryen showing her true colours. As the dance begins she finds herself torn between her loyalty to her house and her love for her father. Yet neither hold a candle to her forbidden love for the new queen, a love which threatens to destroy them both.
Word count : 5.7k
A/N: the pacing of this story will be the same as the show, although next chapter will occur in between episode 2 and 3

I don't sleep that night. My father has Mysaria organise a bedroom for me in the castle he's seized from Rhaenyra. It has always been the three of us and yet I can feel that certainty slipping from my grasp.
I can feel her slipping from my grasp.
What I've done, I don't know if she can forgive it. An indiscretion in the privacy of her chambers perhaps, but not how I did it. Not when I kissed her to spite her father, seven hells I'm hardly better than my own.
I sit by the window, looking out at the sun high in the sky knowing I'm only biding my time. Yet it runs out when I see a ship on the horizon.
"Shit," I breathe and immediately run to the throne room where my father is already preparing for confrontation, his Goldcloaks readying for a fight. "Father."
"Good, you're here," he says and advises "You should arm yourself."
"Arm myself?" I exclaim. "Would Otto truly go to such extremes and on what grounds?"
That's when he tells me "He isn't here for you. Now arm yourself and meet me along the bridge."
I stare bewildered as he walks past, unable to help but obey to see what he's done now.
As the ship lands I'm armed and at my father's side, who has still not told me why after all this time they've come for him, but I know I'm about to find out. If my father was Otto's greatest enemy, I've now surpassed him. No doubt a matter of pride for my father as it's written over his face as Otto approaches with a unit of guards following.
"Welcome to Dragonstone Otto," Father says and I gape as Mysaria passes him a dragon's egg, realising what he's done. 
"Your occupation of this island is at an end," Otto declares. "You're to relinquish the dragon's egg, disband your army, banish your whore and leave Dragonstone by order of King Viserys!"
"Where is the king?"
"His grace would never lower himself to entertain such a mummers farce," Otto says as I stand there with my head held high and I watch Ser Harold lower his head at those words, whilst Ser Criston catches my father's attention.
"Ser Crispin isn't it?" Father taunts, disappointed by Viserys not coming himself.
"Ser Criston Cole, my prince."
"Ah yes apologies, I couldn't recall."
He doesn't take offence, merely plays along. "Perhaps my prince recalls when I knocked him off his horse."
And despite the tension that's wracked my body I can't help the smile I have to hide and the colour that comes to my cheeks, something Ser Criston doesn't miss. Even my father laughs.
"Very good."
"This is a truly pathetic show Daemon," Otto chastises. "Are you so desperate for the king's attention that you've resorted to skulking about like a common cutpurse?"
"I'm simply keeping with the traditions of my house, the same as my brother did for his heir," Father retorts and before I can assume myself as his heir Otto interrupts.
"Traditions for the trueborn children of royalty, not for bastards fathered on a common whore."
My stomach sinks as I look to my father and then to Mysaria, who stares at him with the same shock, and I realise that the egg was not a mere tool to create chaos, but for my brother or sister.
"The lady Mysaria is to be my wife," father reveals and I don't hide how blindsided I am in this very moment, yet I do not seem to be the only one as Mysaria shares the same face.
"This is an abomination, with every breath you soil your name, your house and your brother's reign." Otto spits. "You have one bastard steal an egg for another."
At that very word a dozen swords are drawn, my father's included, yet it is not that I care for, but his accusation.
"What?" I exclaim, laughing dangerously. "You accuse me of being a seductress and now a thief!"
"You disappear in the night on dragonback the same night the egg Princess Rhaenyra chose for her brother's cradle is stolen," he accuses and my blood runs cold. "It is not my mercy nor forgiveness for you to beg for, but hers."
It's utterly silent as my voice rings out. "You fucker."
He knows I've dug my grave with Alicent, but now he digs mine with Rhaenyra. It's then Darkfyre casts a shadow over us all as she flies in front of the sun and lands behind us on the bridge, screaming out at Otto and his men.
"Call my daughter a bastard again," Father says with my dragon behind us. "I dare you." He holds the egg out. "You came for this, now come and get it."
Otto stares at him, even now in disbelief at the audacity. "Are you mad, you'd never survive this."
I just laugh, Darkfyre looming overhead. "And you think you would?" I look to the Kingsguard. "Ser Harold, Ser Criston. Do not feel the need to die for Otto Hightower's hatred towards my father and I." I look the fucker in the eye. "For our good king would see his head on a spike for the cold-blooded murder of his beloved brother and niece. A niece I would remind the lord hand that he legitimised as his very first act as king."
"Who has now committed high treason," he says and my throat tightens. "For which the punishment is death."
My father raises his sword just as we hear the unmistakable sound of Caraxes, climbing along the bridge, joining Darkfyre in our defence and now Otto's men truly do look on in fear.
"All of you," Otto demands. "Sheathe the fucking steel!"
They obey in sheathing their swords and it's then we hear the sound of dragon wings in the air, yet I am the only one who recognises whose before she comes into sight.
The men all duck as Rhaenyra flies overhead and she lands on the bridge behind Otto, I meet her eyes as she climbs down and walks through his soldiers.
"What are you doing here princess?" Otto asks.
"Preventing bloodshed," she answers. "Take care not to state Syrax, my lords, she is rather protective of me."
This should be between her and my father, and yet I am the accused and so I step forward to meet her on the bridge.
"You stole my brother's egg," she says in High Valyrian. "Why?"
"I didn't do it," I swear to her, but the betrayal is written clearly across her face. "Rhaenyra, you know I wouldn't."
Her voice is almost tearful. "You take my brother's egg, the egg I chose for Baelon's crib."
"I didn't take it-" But she doesn't want to hear it. "I didn't even know it was Baelons egg until now!"
"So you admit it?"
"I admit nothing because I am innocent!"
"If you were innocent why did you flee in the night for Dragonstone?" she asks me, and I fall silent, the truth worse than what I am accused of.
I look at Otto whose anger has turned to glee at the sight. I could say it here in front of everyone but I can't. Because I would not be the one damaged, it is Alicent who would be.
And so I say nothing. It's at otto's glee my father finally steps in.
"It was me, I stole the egg," he says, wearing a proud smile, yet Rhaenyra is still relentless.
"And I'm to believe you had no part in this when you fled in the night?"
"She had no part in it, she had no knowledge of it until we stepped foot on this bridge," my father says and it's a stab in the heart she only believes me when it comes from his mouth. I can taste the bitterness on my tongue as she looks at me like a thief and at him like a hero. "It is for my child."
I can see the flash of jealousy in her eyes. "You're to have a child?"
Only then does he backtrack. "One day."
Even that he lies about, even to me. Mysaria turns her back on him and walks back to the castle, even her having it with him at the scene he's created.
"I'm right here uncle," Rhaenyra says. "The object of your ire, the reason you were disinherited. If you wish to be restored as heir, you'll have to kill me." I can't help but roll my eyes, fuming that she comes here believing the accusations and yet does not care when my father is the one who is guilty. "And be done with all this bother."
He watches her carefully, and it's the look in his eyes that truly disgusts me, my best friend and my father standing here not even bothering to hide it. And so he throws the egg to her, having failed in making the king come himself, but succeeding in the attention of the called object of his ire. If she said desire it would have been correct.
Even as he turns to leave her eyes are on him, not even acknowledging me until I speak "You truly thought I would betray you?" It's then she looks at me in alarm, seeing my own betrayal written on my face. "And yet when it is my father's crime all is forgiven?"
She realises she has sorely misstepped. "Viserra-"
I just shake my head at her. "Perhaps if you weren't so caught up in yourself for one moment you would know why I fled in the night." She opens her mouth but I cut her off. "No. Return to Kings Landing, you've made your true concerns clear."
With that I turn my back on her feeling sick. I do not head for the castle, but for Darkfyre. Rhaenyra and Otto both watch as I mount her, and out of the corner of my eye I see my father stop and watch. Without another word I leave. Unable to look at either her or my father.
I find myself flying around aimlessly with nowhere to go until I settle on the caves of Dragonstone away from the castle, lying on Darkfyre, her slow breathing easing me to sleep. It's when midday comes the aching in my heart is unbearable 
I wearily sit up, having no thoughts in my head except for one, that I need her. 
And so I land in king's landing at night, making my way through the secret passages to reach Alicent's room within the keep before anyone can alert Otto that my dragon has returned to the dragon pit.
But just as I turn the corner to her room I come across a Kingsguard, quickly I go to hide before I hear his voice.
"Princess." I turn around, having been mistaken for Rhaenyra, and look at Ser Criston who can't hide the surprise in his voice. "Lady Viserra, you've returned from Dragonstone."
"Yes well, I am guilty of no crimes nor have I been exiled like my father so I am free to return," I say stiffly, knowing the men who accompanied Otto to Dragonstone would think otherwise.
"I know this probably doesn't mean anything, but I never doubted your innocence," he tells me and I still, looking at him in surprise. "No one could doubt your love for the princess and your loyalty to your family. Despite what happened on Dragonstone that is."
A reminder, Rhaenyra. Another complication, another relation in need of fixing. "The princess is my good sister, my future queen. My loyalty is not in question."
"I never said it was," he quickly replies. "I-" he stammers over his words. "I just wanted to say, despite the accusations, that I never doubted your loyalty to the king."
And as a Kingsguard that is invaluable. "It seems you're the only one that seems to believe that Ser Criston," I say, and the momentary vulnerability leaves me too open. "Thank you for your kindness."
"And I have not forgotten yours," he says, again stopping me as I go towards Alicent's chambers. "You were part of the decision to name me to the Kingsguard, for not taking offence to your fathers less at the tournament."
"It was one of the very few times I've ever seen my father bested," I admit with a small smile. "You earned my respect that day."
"And you mine."
I nod, desperate to get to her chambers without being seen by anyone but him. "Thank you Ser Criston, sleep well."
He gives a polite nod and I keep moving forward, waiting until he's disappeared before opening the door to Alicent's chambers and quickly closing it behind me, entering before I can dare think of what awaits.
Yet I never would have expected to find her on her knees in tears.
"Alicent," I say rushing forward, coming to my knees in front of her and grabbing her hands, nails bloodied before reaching for her face. "What's happened?"
She stares at me, almost horrified. "What are you doing here, you shouldn't be here-"
"Did you think I'd leave you?" I ask her, more afraid for her than myself as she can't hold back her tears. "What's happened."
She struggles to catch her breath let alone form words. "The king he's- he's announced our engagement."
My stomach sinks low, and I could share her tears but it seems she's cried enough for the both of us. "And Rhaenyra?"
Her biggest fear.
She shakes her head and I pull her into my arms, but she's content in them for only a moment before pulling away harshly and getting to her feet, wiping her tears as she scolds "You shouldn't be in here. Not with me. Not alone."
"Alicent," I say, my voice a plea as she leaves me on my knees. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" she repeats, putting distance between us despite the fact I don't move from where I kneel. "Sorry could not even begin to be enough." I decide to keep my mouth shut, instead taking her rage. "You- I should have known. I should have known you would use me to get to my father, he warned me you would and I never listened!" She's crying again, clutching at her chest. "I believed you were better than that, I believed you were better than your father!" I was wrong, it seems I do have tears to cry. "For years I've defended you! Ever since we were children because I loved you!" Her voice breaks and she stumbles forward, ending up back on her knees in front of me. "And I thought- I thought you loved me too."
I'm cautious, approaching her with the same caution as my dragon, beautiful yet volatile, and mine. "I do."
She just shakes her head at me. "Then why would you do this?"
"Because I am my father's daughter," I confess to her, my heart open for her attacks. "Because I'm reckless and spiteful and careless." I dare reach for her hand, my fingertips brushing hers as I tell her. "And I'm sorry." My fingers brush the blue fabric of her dress as they run up her arm to touch her face, her brown eyes as untamed as I've ever seen them. "I'm sorry I didn't kiss you how I should have."
"Viserra-" I cut her off with my lips, trembling from fear, the fear of her pushing me away, but she doesn't. I taste the tears on her lips and bring my hand to wipe them from her cheek but she catches it and that's when she pulls away, whispering "This is wrong."
Except I've seen the world, I've seen the lands beyond Westeros where it is just as right to love a woman as it is a man. "Then why does it feel right?"
"It doesn't," she tries to say, but I know how she stammers when she lies, how she can never quite meet my eye. "The faith-"
"Fuck the faith," I say, Alicent ever the pious. "There's only one reason why you could be so maddened at the thought of me being in love with Rhaenyra. Only one reason you look like you want to die every time I'm with her and not you." Her face contorts as she tries to feign disgust but I know the truth. "It's because you want it to be you."
"I don't."
"You do," I say, not giving her a chance to deny it. "And so do I."
She looks at me as if she's afraid, afraid I might not mean those words. "Don't-"
"I don't want you to marry him," I confess to her. "All along, the thought of you being his and not mine has made me mad." Tears begin to blur the beautiful sight of her. "I never understood it until the other night. Perhaps I still don't. But I know the thought of you with anyone else makes me want to die."
"It's already done," she breathes. "It's been decided."
I shake my head, taking her hands to pull us to our feet. "Tell me you don't want this. Tell me you don't want to marry him"
"Tell me you don't want him," I grit out, prepared to do anything for her. "Tell me and I will stop it."
The thought of what I might do no doubt fills her with fear, but so does the thought of becoming his wife, and so she says the words she will no doubt regret come morning.
"I don't want him."
And so I pull her towards the door with two words. "Trust me."
And she does.
In the darkness we make our way through the halls of the castle to one of the hidden entrances into the city, moving in the shadows towards the Dragonpit. Despite her terror she holds my hand tight, clinging to me as we move through the streets that remember my father all too well.
"We should go back," she panics, but the Dragonpit is finally in sight.
"We're here," I tell her, the dragon keepers stepping aside as they see me coming, knowing by now after their experiences with my father not to intervene. "Come on, she's still out."
She's where I left her outside the pit, ready to leave.
"Where-where are we going?" Alicent finally stammers, pulling away at the sight of Darkfyre. "No-"
"Don't be afraid," I tell her, pulling her back. "She's known you since she was a hatchling, it's alright."
"It's not her I fear," she quakes, looking back towards the keep. "They'll know we're gone."
"Then we best leave before they catch us," I say but she's frozen in place and so I take her into my arms, peppering kisses across her face as I murmur "Trust me, be brave."
It's then she looks at me and nods stiffly, forcing herself to do just that and I take her to Darkfyre, pressing her hand against her scales, letting them feel each other, letting them ease one another.
And as I help her mount Darkfyre I can't help but smile, that after all these years she'll finally taste the freedom she's never even dreamed of. She's trembling as I settle behind her, taking the reigns, ensuring she's safe in front of me.
"It's just like riding a horse," I tell her and she laughs nervously.
"You should know I never ride horses."
"Well, they'll seem quite boring after this," I promise her and command Darkfyre "Soves."
Alicent gasps out, grabbing my thigh as we take off and we soar above Kings Landing. Up here the air is so much cleaner than on the ground, and all below seems minuscule. Up here, we are gods, above the men of that keep. This is what I want her to see, what I want her to feel. What it is to be truly free.
She's quiet as we fly over the sea to Dragonstone, and I look back to see her face and find her staring at the new world around her with fascination instead of fear, and know I've succeeded. The Goldcloaks still inhabit the castle as we land on the bridge and I climb down first to grab her waist as she slides down. She lands on her feet in front of me with a smile of wonder spread across her face, and I can't help myself as I tug her to me by her waist and kiss her here on Dragonstone beneath the moon that casts its light across her face.
"See," I smile softly, cupping her face. "There's nothing to fear."
She's terrified, beside herself, I know that much, so am I.
But for her, for a love I barely even understand, I'll risk it all.
Hand in hand we walk inside the castle where we're greeted by my father.
"Ah, you're back-" he trails off when he sees me holding Alicents hand and becomes quickly amused, and proudly surprised. "Well, that I did not see coming."
He no doubt expected me to make a grand display, but I can see now he never expected me to steal her away in the night on dragonback.
"Prince Daemon," Alicent says nervously. "I-"
"Don't want to marry a man with a daughter your own age? I don't blame you," he says, not angry, just amused. "Right, I'll let my guards know to expect Otto Hightower again come morning."
Alicent's hands start shaking violently and I shoot him a look, those not being the words she needed to hear and hold her tight, promising her "It will be alright, you're safe as long as you're with me. No one will come anywhere near you as long as I'm at your side."
"My father-"
I hush her, and only then it dawns on me I have no plans for what happens come morning, but she doesn't need to know that. "You are on Dragonstone under the protection of a Targaryen prince, don't think about him, just trust me when I say you are safe here."
She nods stiffly and my father gives me a wink as I take her away to my room, the Goldcloaks nodding their heads to me in respect as I pass, no doubt wondering what I've done.
The moment I bring her inside my room she begins pacing madly murmuring to herself "What am I doing? What have I done?"
"Freed yourself from your father," I answer for her but she's still trembling. "Any consequences I'll take, no one will doubt your innocence in this."
"My innocence?" she repeats. "I'm hardly innocent now. Not after this, not after what we've done." She sits on the edge of the bed, staring at me, her eyes glazed over with tears. "If I just said nothing we would have gone on as we were."
"You're right," I tell her. "We would have." I step towards her but leave enough space between us so she doesn't tense up more than she already is. "If you had said nothing I would have gone on in blissful ignorance but no, you know my heart better than I do. And I know yours."
"You don't," she insists, as if she hasn't already bared it. "I am not like you. I can't afford to live my life without shame, without fear of consequence. When my father comes for me and if the king ends this betrothal the best I could hope for is to be sent to the sept."
"Except it doesn't have to end that way," I tell her, perhaps having gone mad. "They say the Velaryons look to wed their daughter Laena to the king."
"She is twelve-"
"And you are fifteen," I retort, willing to throw that poor girl under the carriage if it means saving Alicent from this marriage. "We can disappear and return once it's said and done. The king loves me, the worst he'll do is exile us. This doesn't have to end in you being forced into marriage-"
"How else is this going to end!" she yells as I bite back tears. "What? What did you think we were going to do? Runaway together and leave behind everything we've ever known?"
My voice is meek for the first time in my life. "Wouldn't we be happier for it?"
She shakes her head at me as if she's woken up from whatever dream she was living in until now. "Take me back. Now."
I bite back the quake in my voice. "No."
"No?" she repeats, in utter disbelief. "Viserra you will take me back now or so help us."
The sun is starting to rise, they'll be scouring the city for us. But I don't care how much she fears her father, I don't care about her reputation. I don't care anymore.
"For months I've kept your secret so tell me, how are we supposed to return and go on as we did?" I ask her, knowing we have both burned our bridges with Rhaenyra. "You may become queen but she'll never forgive you, and I won't either." It's then I see true fear in her eyes, the thought that I won't be by her side. "If you marry Viserys you will be betraying my family, you will be part of your father's plot to replace Rhaenyra as heir." It's then I make a decision knowing she'll hate me for it. "If you marry him I won't be there, because I'd rather live in exile with my father than watch you bear his children."
Her voice is weak. "Please Viserra- I can't do this without you."
"Then stay with me," I plead, rushing forward and taking her face in my hands. "We know what this is, and unless they're blind so will they. The king, Rhaenyra, all of them. We don't have to go back, stay." Tears fall down my cheeks, and for the first time I'm begging. "Stay with me."
Tears stain her own cheeks as she whispers "I can't."
I could keep her here, I could bring her across the narrow sea against her will until she is replaced. I could be cruel. But somehow the thought of losing her for now is easier to bear than the thought of her hate.
And so I do what she asks despite how my heart cries.
As expected upon our return the remainder of the Kingsguard are scouring the city for us and we are greeted at the entrance of the keep by Ser Criston.
"My ladies," he says, confused by the sight of us. "I was instructed to take you to the throne room if sighted."
Out of the corner of my eye I see Alicent picking at her nails with her head down and so I take the burden. "Please do, Ser Criston."
Silently we are brought through the keep to the throne room where Viserys sits on the throne, Otto at his side looking as if he may just explode from rage and Rhaenyra... it's Rhaenyra who first looks to us, standing there as if she's the one who's been betrayed.
And she has. She may have accused me of crimes I did not commit, crimes she should know I would never have done, but I am the one who has lied to her all this time, as has Alicent.
"Where have you been!" Otto scolds, marching forward and grabbing Alicent who starts crying as he pulls her away from me. "You-"
"That is enough Otto," Viserys says and looks at me standing there in my riding clothes, no doubt aware I both fled and came back on Darkfyre. "Viserra." He says my name as if I've wounded him. "I am used to your father's bouts of madness, but never have I ever had cause to expect them from you. First you flee in the night to Dragonstone, the night my son's egg is stolen. A crime Daemon has confessed to. Then you come back only to disappear with my betrothed." He is bewildered more than angry. "Did your father put you up to this?"
It is the most reasonable explanation, that my father for whatever reason asked me to do this to spite the king, to spite Otto. I look to Alicent who stands there in her father's grasp, tears staining her face as she looks at the floor.
"Your grace, uncle," I begin, having learned the weapon that is words, and how ladies use them for their self-preservation. "Alicent has been my dear friend since childhood, as beloved as Rhaenyra." But she stands there, looking as equally bewildered as her father, only more angry. "I am aware of the upset this betrothal has caused between Rhaenyra and Alicent." I only got a hint of it from Alicent, but I know them both too well. "I wanted to take Alicent with me to celebrate. An error on my part yes as we got carried away, but I wanted her to know what it is to fly on dragonback, to know first-hand what her children with you shall someday know which is what it is to be a dragonrider."
Every word I say I make up as I go, and Viserys asks me slowly "This was a celebration?"
"Yes," I smile, Alicent nodding along, going along with me for both our sakes. "It was not until we reached Dragonstone, so I could show her the seat of our house that we realised the Lord Hand would assume the worst." I look at him, who still grasps Alicent's wrists like iron. "You see him now, he hates me as I am my father's daughter and this is why we told no one when we left as he would have forbade it. Alicent and I just wanted a night of celebration where I could welcome her to the family as only a Targaryen can, and look at the mess he has caused."
My words work, for Viserys always believing the best of his family turns his attention to Otto "Let go of Alicent, the girls were merely having some fun. It was not an abduction on my brother's orders as you claimed." He just looks fed up now as he orders him "Call off the guards and I will hear no more of your attacks towards my niece. Your hate for my brother I can understand, but my beloved niece has committed no such crimes." Otto glares at me, knowing the truth of it. That I am exactly what he believes me to be. A seductress who stole his daughter away in the night. "Viserra take Alicent back to her chambers and make sure she is alright."
"Thank you, uncle," I say, taking Alicent's arm from Otto and leading her from the throne room, except Rhaenyra follows.
"What was that?" she demands as we enter the hallway. "I know you were lying. Just like you lied about everything else!" I turn back to her and there are tears in her eyes. "You knew all along didn't you? It isn't just Alicent who's betrayed me, but you as well."
I know where the betrayal truly stems from, that I would choose Alicent over her, over my blood. "Yes, and for that I apologise."
"You apologise?" she scoffs. "And now you come to do what? I know you can hardly be celebrating this."
"Rhaenyra," Alicent pleads quietly but I hold onto her, defending her.
"She never wanted this," I tell Rhaenyra. "I didn't. You didn't. None of us want this and yet none of us have any say in it do we?"
She raises an eyebrow as she interrogates. "Why would you be against it?"
"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" I say, venom in my voice. "Since you and Otto and everyone else assume the worst of me." She knows exactly what I mean. "I fly to Dragonstone in the night because of Otto's attacks, needing my father, not knowing what he has done and suddenly there's an army at my door accusing me of treason!" It's silent as my voice echoes through the hall. "I would have thought you more than anyone would know I would have never betrayed you, betrayed my house like that. When your mother died I mourned as if she was my own! When your brother died I mourned as if he was my own! For you have always treated me as a sister!" There's tears in my voice as I find the words spilling from my tongue without restraint. "And for you to accuse me of a crime so heinous, so cruel, with no grounds aside from Otto's speculation? Only to forgive my father the moment he confesses to it because you can't take your eyes off of him!"
She gapes at me having finally said it, made my own accusation. "Daemon is my uncle-"
"Oh please, you'd marry him if given the chance don't deny it," I breathe, shaking my head at her. "You stand here acting as if Alicent is the villain for being forced to marry your father when you'd willingly do the same to me!"
It's then I've caught her out in her own hypocrisy and she doesn't like it. "It is not the same."
"You're right, it isn't," I tell her. "Because Alicent doesn't have a choice."
It's then I let go of her, of them both, unable to stand here in this castle for another minute and leave without a word. It's only as I march down the steps at the front of the keep I'm stopped by Ser Criston who no doubt has orders from Otto to stop me if I attempt to flee the city.
"My lady-"
"The king has relieved you of your orders to keep me a prisoner here," I tell him and watch his face change at my anger. "I'm returning to Dragonstone. Please inform the princess of this after I've gone as I have no intention of returning."
"Are you sure?" he asks me and I look back at him in surprise. "I know it is not my place, but-"
"Your concern is kind," I tell him. "But there's no place left for me here."
And with that I leave him, leave all of them behind for the Dragonpit.
By the time I arrive on Dragonstone it is half vacated with Ser Harwin preparing the rest of the Goldcloaks for departure.
"Ser Harwin," I say, looking around to find one face missing. "Where is my father?"
"Last I saw he was flying to Driftmark," he tells me. "I couldn't say why."
And so I leave the Goldcloaks to fly there, Caraxes on the beach as if she's been waiting for us. When I arrive it is Rhaenys who greets me on the Driftwood throne.
"Lady Viserra," she says, always the intimidating sight. "I assume you are here to see your father?"
"Yes princess," I say, having always admired her as much as feared her.
"Have you gone off into exile too?" she asks, almost amused. "It seems the king's decision regarding his marriage has caused much outrage."
"It seems I have," I swallow and she guides me to my father who is enjoying a private audience with Lord Corlys.
"Daughter, I'm glad you could join us," Father says, and immediately I know something is afoot. "How do you feel about joining me in the Stepstones?"
slvtfornat readerinsert-coll courtney0-0 feartheclipse coffee-d0t curiouser-an-curiouser geekgreek03 0151imagayone wandapologist tiredgayhours grungebabyblu soulmateshuh avmsstuff racistuffs ladyqueenxoxo chickennugget468 darkenedlittlecorner marines938 bubblylesbianblonde umictrl gay-vet-student scottlangswife slvtfornat knightofbutterflies sad-x3 girlmythlegend ireadtofeel minaxcarter kai-kaii butlifegoeson98 pandoraboxofgay sweetflowercupcake thatmysteriousblog wxnchic steamhead15 leniabranch satans-worstnightmare deeznutzs-stuff kamilahs-smolbean artemiscastle paola2001 chynagirl13 rosaryos endless-dth llovinjoonie shedrewthehallelujah 71wm blackundertaker ireadtofeel tired-ninfa freshmoneyalmondathlete girlmythlegend starless-starkov pandoraboxofgay levis-butterfingers freshmoneyalmondathlete jedi-athen-orion mlwriting5 memarrymilf megagayzone90 cupcakeexplosion pawiiefreshmoneyalmondathlete levis-butterfingers sansaery-theonsa soulmateshuh luckyplums1 mlwriting5 memarrymilf cupcakeexplosion freshmoneyalmondathlete fuckinglittlekitten
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 years
Unpopular take: The Daemon/Rhaenyra sex scene was much better directed than the Rhaenyra/Crispin sex scene. Much more realistic, just much better overall.
Rhaenyra was a sheltered virgin who had only been exposed to sexual exploits THAT NIGHT for a brief period, and yet there she was on top, doing all different kind of positions, an expert at the art of seduction, taking the lead. Really? Girl was a virgin, and yet, in a few short hours, she’s riding Crispin with a satisfied smile on her face like a seasoned pro. Really? Really!?
Compare that to the Daemon/Rhaenyra scene where Rhaenyra had given birth about a 4-6 weeks prior. There was hesitation, vulnerability because of the emotional distance between her and Daemon. The last time that they had been in this type of a situation, Daemon had literally left her wanting and vulnerable, refusing her touch. Literally. The last time they had spoken, he had literally left her standing in a room, abandoned her.
Dude had literally abandoned her... twice in a freaking row. So, here Rhaenyra was putting herself out there emotionally, sexually, saying, “I want you.” Offering her heart, her body, all of her to him. Of course, it was going to be tentative, hesitant. And for Daemon, he didn’t look away from her. He was soft, he was slow, he took his time, revealing himself to her. Kissing her slowly, gently, assuring her with his look, with his touch, with his kiss that this time he wasn’t running away, leaving her, abandoning her again.
And as the encounter continued, the passion built, but it wasn’t two separate people finding their passion separately--as had been the case with Rhaenyra and Crispin. Nope, Daemon and Rhaenyra were with each other every step of the way. And in the end, in that final moment, Rhaenyra’s look was one of a warrior who had achieved success because she had finally (FINALLY!) gotten what she wanted.
There really was no comparison. None at all.
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hiccupologist · 9 months
sections that I wrote a while ago of a heavily hiccup kink focused Crispin/Loboto fanfic; I enjoy how shamelessly tropey and silly it is, but honestly it's so iddy that I'd probably have a hard time posting it on ao3 or under any kind of tagging system. SO MUCH OTOMOTOPEIA. to be fair Cal literally says shit like "Rragh!" in the canon dialogue. and also there's some burping and heavy stomach petting and heavy discussion of horniness and orgasms and references to impending hands-free sex. and just like, very corny porny writing in general.
One particular night, he had been on guard duty when he heard what sounded like a squeaky hiccup echo through the court. He chalked it up to mental bias and wishful thinking. Then he heard voices coming towards him through the greenhouse.
  “Christ almighty, Cal, are those things going to stop any time soon?”
  “Ugh, it’s HIC all your fault! YouHICuck *gave* them to me!”
  Oh, God. This must be some strangely subtle wet dream. All evidence pointed to Loboto having the hiccups. And talking about them.
  “How the hell did I give you the hiccups?”
  “I t-told you UKK not to startle me! I HIC always get HUP the hiccups when I get HIC all jumpy!”
  Talking about them a *lot*. And they were about to get in the elevator. If there is a higher power, please let Dr. Loboto be one of those people who can’t shut up about their hiccups.
  “I expected you to punch me or something, not start squeaking!”
  Loboto made another exasperated noise. “Now you’re HUK making them worse bHICby making me HIC argue with you!”
  The mismatched pair came into view, Loboto standing up straight and rubbing his chest in a way that was cartoonishly sexual to Crispin but failed to register at all for either of the other men. He thought about how angry the doctor could get. If being upset and raising his voice made his hiccups worse, a meeting with his business partner boded very poorly for him. It was a pity he wouldn’t be there to witness things unfold.
  “Uhh, Christopher. Pippin.” The small general said, snapping his fingers in the air as he struggled to remember the name of the “employee” he barely spoke to. “Could you come with us? I don’t trust this one to hold anything without it going flying.” He gestured at Loboto, who looked a little embarassed.
Loboto is obviously starting to become distressed; he has so little self awareness, or perhaps such an underdeveloped sense of social norms, that he follows up his hiccups with pained noises and futilely rubs his tummy in an attempt to soothe his achy stomach. It’s all impossibly hot. Caligosto had apparently never quite absorbed the fact that adults, in general, don’t go around vocalizing their physical discomfort.
“Oughh! They’re HIC not going away!” He groans. “It’s HIC getting *worse*!”
Crispin tries to ignore the blood flowing to his groin from that little statement and decides to make himself useful as the doctor’s assistant. Ingratiating himself to Loboto was always good; not only did it assure he would love as comfortable a life as possible in the ruins, but he was fairly sure the man’s sex drive was motivated by ego stroking. “Don’t worry, Doctor, I’ll help you.”
Loboto perks up a little. “R-HICCULP-really? What do HIC do you mean?”
Crispin smiles. “I happen to know, er, a special medical technique to cure hiccups.”
“Oh! That would HIC be perfect!” He’s excited by the prospect of getting rid of his hiccups, but Crispin can tell he’s a little flustered about the idea of receiving treatment. After all, he’s a doctor! He can’t be a patient! The hint of a lavender blush is beginning to appear on his face. “What do I HIC need to do?”
“Just lean back in your bed and we can start.”
 Caligosto nods and crawls into the bed he’s constructed, two hospital cots welded together and padded with extra pillows and mattresses. He puts a pillow up against the wall and reclines, resting his hand protectively on his stomach. Oh no, he’s so cute. Laying in bed and looking at Crispin expectantly as his hiccups make his hand bounce. Crispin sits on the bed, positioning himself just between Loboto’s legs and leaning towards his abdomen.
“I’m going to touch your stomach now, alright?” Crispin says in his most soothing voice.
“Be careful!” Loboto squeaks. Crispin isn’t sure what he means until he presses his hand into Cal’s stomach and it actually makes him moan. Of course. He’s been locked up so long without intimacy that he must be dying of touch starvation. A gentle touch could very well do *things* to him.
Crispin doesn’t acknowledge the sounds. He wants to make Loboto feel comfortable. Plus, if he comments on them then Cal might try to stifle them, and we wouldn’t want *that*. He just rubs soft, firm circles into the doctor’s squishy middle, silently enjoying the soundtrack. Loboto honest to god sounds like he’s having an orgasm, and the way that his hiccups interrupt and distort his voice is absolutely wonderful.
Crispin draws a long line from Loboto’s pelvic bone all the way up to his sternum, and this produces a loud, sudden belch. Loboto immediately claps his hand to his mouth and apologizes. “Oops! Excuse HULP me, that just HIC snuck out!”
“Nonsense. If any air needs to come out, let it happen.” 
Caligosto didn’t know what to say at this point; they were both maintaining the facade that this was just a helpful stomach massage in a professional context. He finally managed “I thiHICink it’s HIC helping…” which almost makes Crispin laugh. It is very clearly not helping; Caligosto’s pulse is throbbing and he’s turned indigo from flushing and he’s breathing like he’s doing jumping jacks; if adrenaline is a problem for him, whatever cocktail of hormones his brain is releasing right now is so much worse.
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camille-bee · 2 years
- rhaenyra and daemon stealing glances and him kinda giggling and like what the fu-
- ummm what's the point of crispin?
- alicent staring at rhaenyra I could hear her saying "you targaryen do have queer customs" lmaoooo
- ummm daemon come on babe say what you need to say "i need- nothing" uh huh sure honey and he looked so distraught (whispers: I don't think it was because of laena, at least not entirely)
- almond milk kinda wanting to say sorry to jace? But not knowing how? kinda felt that? Omg? What is this?
- almond milk being ? Kinda nice? About haleana? Uhhhhh okay? That was nice? Him defending his sister?
- DAEMONS SCARS? THE WAY HE CARESSED HER SHOULDER? THE WAY HE SOFTLY GRABBED HER THIGH AND THEN HE REALLY GRABBED IT!!!!! THE PANTING! THE MUSIC!!! (the only think I dont get is the look rhaenyra has?) I have to watch again... for information ofc
-Rhaenys going off on corlys? Speaking facts about his ambitions? Yes yes
- Almond milk claiming vhagar? The audacity? fucker taking what he wants essentially
- VHAGAR you traitorous bitch you are dead to me
-okay but the whole almond milk riding vhagar sequence with the music? That was kinda iconic fuxk
-ummm aegon uhhhh no thoughts head empty huh
- otto love to hate you
- viserys you sweet decaying fool at least you can act kingly when it comes to your grandsons
- I kinda felt bad for alicent because her son did lose an eye and ofc she's upset. Her son lost an eye like I wouldn't care if my son was at fault HE LOST AN EYE!!!! Buuuut
-Alicent repenting yeah sure crocodile tears
- I feel so bad because the way I cheered when almond milk lost his eye? Oooof that was kinda embarrassing of me 😭 there's audio proof of the moment lol but he deserved it for punching BAELA
- oh yeah laenor lives. Huh
- was it daemons idea to let Laenor live? Idk kinda got that vibe but maybe I'm just sleep deprived lol
There was obviously more small moments I liked a lot but I'm tired lol
Sorry for the typos.
Also glad miguel ain't directing anymore eps.
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austinswhitewolf · 1 year
One of the Last Morrigan Pt. 8
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Thanks for all the love on this story! <3
You feel someone shake your shoulder, your head is pounding and you groan softly. 
Wil says your name softly, giving your shoulder another gentle shake. Slowly opening your eyes, you see Wil kneeling over you, the girl standing behind him. When you see her, you quickly scramble to pull Wil away from her. Once he realizes what you are doing, he shakes his head.
“It’s okay, she is coming with us. She wants to be free of this place.” The truth in his eyes calms you quite a bit and you nod. “Where are the others?” You ask softly, eyes moving around and not seeing anyone else. “They are being held in a different room. We need to get them.” Wil tells you the plan as he unties you. Mag guides you out and to the room where the others are. She leaves to cause a distraction while Wil unties the other three. Once done, you all move to the door Meg pointed out and when Wil is able to push the door open, Eretria and Crispin rush into the room and knock down the elf. Wil moves over to Amberle and works on freeing her. Eretria moves over to Amberle and gives her a hug, pulling back only to kiss her. Wil turns to Mag. “You’re safe now, but we need to go. You know a way out of here?” She nods, taking his hand and leading the way. In the bathing room, she points to one of the large fabric tapestries. Wil pulls it down, and goes to open it. An arrow landing in the wood just beside his head stops everyone. 
“How is he still alive?” You ask out when you see the elf redrawing his crossbow to fire again. 
When he tells Mag to go over to him, Wil guides her behind him. 
“She’s coming with us!” “They’re taking me to a new home.” Mag says to the guy. “This is your home! You did this. You poisoned her with your lies! Made her into a deceitful mongrel, like you!” He shoots the bolt at Wil, Mag moving in the way to block him and gets hit in the back. She collapsed into Wil’s arms. You help Wil guide her to the ground, his face showing everything he was feeling in that moment. He pulls the bolt from her back before fully laying her down. 
Amberle rushed over and stabbed her sword through the elf’s stomach, killing him this time. 
“She’s dead.” He almost whimpers out. Your heart breaks for him and for the girl who would have finally had a life, be a kid. You help Wil move her over to the side, laying her on the tapestry on the ground. As he moved her hand, he noticed something clenched in her fingers. It was his mothers seashell. A small smile forms on his face and you brush a few strands of hair off her face. “We have to go.” Amberle steps over and says softly to the two of you. Wil nods and closes Mag’s fingers back around the shell. You stand up after giving her wrist a soft squeeze for giving her life for Wil’s. You would leave an offering for her spirit when you had a moment. Both of you move over to the doorway when a loud growl fills the air. Turning around, everyone sees the demon from the previous day. Crispin tells you to get Amberle out of there, that he would be right behind you. You turn back around and see both Rovers are gone already. The three of you hurry down the hallway of the exit. Getting outside, you see Cephelo on the other side of the gorge and Eretria waiting for you guys. When she sees you, she shifts the bar she was holding that was connected to a line across it. 
All four of you grab hold of it and get ready to go across. As you start to push off, Wil faces backwards, the Demon coming out of the tunnel. It hooks its ax over the cable and starts to follow you. When that happens, you all get stopped in the middle of the line. 
“Just… Die ALREADY!” Wil shouts out, the elf stones glowing in his hand. A wave of blue bursts from his fist towards the demon. Suddenly, you are all falling. Your stomach is in your throat as you reach out, trying to find hold of any of the others. The last thing you know is a hard splash into water. 
When you regain consciousness, you are on the bank of a river. With a groan, you roll over and get your bearings. Twenty or so minutes later, you are on your feet looking around, calling out for Wil, Amberle and Eretria. Searching for a good twenty minutes, you start to hear voices. When you finally see that it isn’t anyone you know, you watch them to try to figure out who they are. It’s not long before you realize they are elf hunters. You quickly look around you for a place to hide, and when you don’t see anything, you realize you are going to need to shift. It will hurt like hell and possibly reopen the wound on your hip but they wouldn’t know who you are at least. Taking a few deep breaths, you back up just out of sight and shift. With a groan, you turn your head, seeing that at least it didn’t open back up, but it was scabbed over and when you moved a few steps, it hurt to move. A minute or so later, the two men came around the bend in the river and when they spotted you, their eyes grew wide. 
“If we can catch it, we could sell it along with that elf’s mount.” Before you can turn and try to take off, they are close enough that they get a rope around your neck and then your nose. It hurts too much to rear or try to fight them right now so you just let them lead the way. If you could just get a few hours to rest from the harsh fall and river ride, you could get your strength and get away from them. 
It was slow going, limping as they guided you back to their camp. They tied you up to a large wagon near a large rock formation that was hollow inside and had a cage style covering over it. You let your head hang low, eyes closing as you listened to everything going on around you. 
It was maybe a half hour later that a woman and man came marching into the camp. When she held a sword aloft that was familiar to you, you listened closely to what she was saying. Amberle and Eretria were alive and had managed to get away from these elf hunters. That was a good thing. 
You looked around as she spoke about doubling the reward for whoever brought Amberle's head to her, and you caught sight of two blond’s behind a log. Had you not been looking at the exact moment you would not have seen the slight movement. Tossing your head up as high as you could, you let out a short nicker when you caught Wil’s eyes. When you saw him motion to keep low, you bobbed your head before shifting your weight slightly and lowered your head again and tried to relax. All but one guy races out of the camp, all yelling and shouting excitedly. It is only a minute or two of silence before you hear a voice talking about his ear. You opened your eyes once more and looked behind you seeing the young man was tall and very skinny. Stupidly he tried to go up against the man that had to be twice his muscle mass. It was a good thing Wil wasn’t far behind him as he was thrown to the ground like a twig. Just as the man went to cut his ear off, Wil had Amberle’s sword against his neck. You watched as the events unfolded leading to the young man cutting the elf hunters throat. You let out a horrified sound and took a few steps back, the rope tying you up pulled taught. The look on WIl’s face showed the same shock you were feeling. You give the rope a few tugs trying to loosen it, though all you do is tighten it around your head. The sound must have pulled Wil from his shock as he is at your side in moments. “Hey, it’s okay, I got you.” He murmured while guiding your head down a little before slipping the rope over your ears and off your head before dropping it. He shifted to the side and moved to your back hip, looking at the scabbing. “I’m glad it didn’t get worse from the fall.” You shift back, hissing at the slight pain in your hip. Wil slid his arm around your lower back to help steady you. With his help, you moved closer to the wagon and grabbed an outfit to put on. There were many random things in the wagon besides some clothing, but you were just happy to have something to wear. 
It was only a minute or two and a very red faced Wil, until you were dressed. 
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theroguequeen · 2 years
Daemon targaryen // the rogue prince // daemon
I rewatched episode on and had a few thoughts about daemon. Even in this first episode we already get to see the complexity of his character.
We have the scene with him and rhaenyra in the throne room but this scene deserves a own post, so I will leave it out here. Same for the scene of the city watch because I wanna write about separately.
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So let's start with the tournament scene. There he is. The rogue prince. In amour. The crowd shouting his name, the adrenaline in his blood. The arrogance.
Rhaenyra following him with her eyes, every move he makes, the little smile on her lips, the necklace around her neck.
The "Thank you, princess"
But it's alicent flower wreath he gets and I'm pretty sure otto is wishing the whole time for daemon just to getting killed right there, knowing damn well that will no happen.
The rogue prince loves the show. The screams, the blood, being on his horse in his amour, knowing damn well they fear him, knowing damn well that he is way more skilled then almost everyone there.
It's a rush but the moment he talks to rhaenyra there's something shimmering trough the surface.
He's proud and the undertones even in these few moments where they are talking are clear. It's not like rhaenyra really could put into words what this feelings inside her really mean when she is seeing daemon on his horse but there's something and the necklace around her neck speaks it own language.
Then there is the scene with crispin and daemon and daemon getting knocked of his horse, harshly demanding to get dark sister, ready to make crispin suffer for the humiliation of hitting the ground.
There is the anger, rage, bloodlust.
The rogue prince is not someone who loses, not while being watched but crispin not gives up that easily and in the end daemon has to give up but it's clear he will not forget that moment, there will be a next time and when it there daemon will not stop until dark sister got a taste of cristons blood.
Cole getting rhaenyra flower wreath is another point. It's interesting seeing the scene again while knowing what will happen next.
As well as seeing rhaenyra and daemon in the tournament setting, rhaenyra smiling, laughing, one last time before having to face the reality of her mother dying. Dying for a male heir that did not survive.
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After that we have the cut to the funeral scene, we see daemon again at rhaenyras side but here he is not the rogue prince. He is the one talking to her, not viserys, knowing that his brother is unable to do or say what's needed to rhaenyra in that moment. It's daemon knowing what rhaenyra needs to hear. In a way he understands her pain, the different feelings inside her. "They are waiting for you." the contrast to him at the tournament setting is clear. He is at her side. He lost his mother that way, he knows his brother, he knew aemma. The way he is speaking to rhaenyra, the way his focus is on her, while believing in her, knowing she is strong enough to say the words.
This is not about himself and the daemon that is standing there is different to the daemon the world got to see at the tournament.
We although get to see daemon overhearing otto, viserys and the other talking about him in the small council. Otto saying daemon is just impulsive and cruel and viserys saying daemon may have ambitions but not about the throne. We can see those words doing something to daemon and the effect is still there when we meet him again the borthel.
There he is, surrounded by people, maybe even in the same place he later shows rhaenyra. So much happening around him, people doing and fucking who they want but still daemon sits there alone, the words he heard still ringing in his ears as well as the funeral.
When mysaria comes to him, bringing him a cup of wine you can her someone saying "entertain us my prince" and when daemon starts his heir for a day speech we get to see the rogue prince again. It's what the people expect him to be, what they are used to see. But there more to it, no to the people there but to the viewer and people knowing daemon. Daemon is hurt. Angry. About what he heard, about his brother decision, about the whole situation. It should be not surprise to him that his words would find there way to viserys, one way or another.
We see him with viserys in the throne room in the end of episode. The contrast of the start where daemon was sitting on the iron throne when he gifted rhaenyra the necklace. Now it's his brother sitting there, above him.
Viserys is upset but daemon is as well. He does not try to act like he didn't say it and viserys get even more angry. There is this feeling of betrayal between the brothers. "he would not protect you like I would." Those words are true and daemon means them, they show the whole conflict of daemon not being viserys hand once, of being overlooked over and over again. Of not being good enough or deserving his brothers trust even so he knows the people around viserys, especially otto are not wanting the best for him and are caring only about themselves.
"I see Otto hightower as he is - A cunt."
This is not the reaction of someone who is just cruel, it shows daemons emotions, tells us about his wishes, they way he sees viserys. It's daemon that should be at his side, especially now after aemmas death but he is getting exiled, send away from his brother and from rhaenyra.
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Drayton sat in the stands, his chin resting on his shoulders watching as Dynasty battled Amarys. "Metagross, zen headbutt.."Amarys orders pointing forward. Fomantis ducked underneath the large pokemon, Metagross looking around for the small pokemon. "Leaf blade!"Dynasty calls. Metagross closed its eyes, getting attacked from underneath, sending it stumbling before it regained its balance. Drayton smiled, Lacey and Crispin cheering Dynasty on. "Hard press, Metagross"Amarys says hiding a smile. "Fomantis!"Dynasty yells. Metagross dropped down as if going limp, then got up. "Apologies, Dynasty..but you did well"Amarys says. Fomantis glowed, Metagross perking up as it quickly moved away when the pokemon started changing shape growing in size. Lurantis appeared and looked at Metagross curiously, then turned fully to it. "WOAH!"Crispin smiled looking impressed. Lacey clapped, smiling.
Amarys nodded, Metagross walking forward to take its place. Lurantis looked at Dynasty and nodded to her, placing her trust into her trainer. "Alright.."Dynasty smiled nodding to her. "Metagross, Zen Headbutt"Amarys orders. Metagross charged forward towards Lurantis, Drayton standing up. "GO DYNA!"Drayton calls smiling. "Lurantis, dodge!"Dynasty commands. Lurantis twirled and leaped over Metagross, spinning then landing on her feet, raising her arms as they glowed. "GO FOR IT!"Dynasty calls. Lurantis sliced her glowing arms across Metagross' back, sending it flying forward and onto its head. "Leaf blade!"Lacey smiled clapping. Metagross got up, turning to Lurantis as it charged up. "Solar beam!"Lacery clapped. "Ice punch"Amarys commands. Lurantis closed her eyes and released the solar beam, Metagross' ice punch colliding with it causing an explosion to go off.
Alisa and Kieran ran over, their eyes widening at the sight of the battle going down. "Let's watch the fight!"Alisa beamed. "Alright"Kieran nods. He walked after her as she ran over to join the others, Alisa staring at the smoke covered field. "Who's battling?"Kieran asks. "You'll see soon. get ready"Drayton smiled. A sweet smell came from the smoke as a green glow appeared. The smoke cleared in an instant, Lurantis standing on Dynasty's side of the field, a sweet smell coming from her. "W-Wowzers! It's Dynasty!"Kieran gasped shocked. "She's battling!"Alisa gasped surprised. "My lil sis has been training, Amarys agreed to a one on one battle to help out"Drayton smiled looking at the two then back at the battle. "Leaf Slash!"Dynasty calls. "Night Slash and Leaf Blade mix.."Drayton explains at their confused looks. Lurantis raised her arms and sliced them down, two black blades flying forward as she launched herself forward, her arms glowing green.
"Dodge!"Amarys orders. Metagross lifted its legs, starting to float upwards. Lurantis gathered the night slash's and spun, sending them flying upwards, hitting Metagross from underneath. She leaped up, placing herself above the startled pokemon and sent it flying down with her leaf blade attack. Metagross stumbled as it got up, Amarys looking at Dynasty. "Leaf blade one last time!"Dynasty commands pointing forward. Lurantis charged forward when she landed, her legs trembling, Amarys perking up. "Ice punch!"Amarys orders. Metagross floated forward, charging towards Lurantis. Smoke appeared, wind flying everywhere when the two clashed. "Lurantis, Metagross!"Lacey calls. The smoke cleared, Lurantis standing in front of Amarys, Metagross standing in front of Dynasty their backs facing each other. Metagross fell over, Drayton clapping with a wide smile on his face. "D-Did I win..."Dynasty blinked startled.
Arms threw themselves around her, Drayton chuckling. "You sure did, lil sis!"Drayton laughs patting her head. "A-Ah...I won..."Dynasty smiled her eyes sparkling. Lurantis hugged her, rubbing their cheeks together. "You were so amazing, and look at you! You evolved!"Dynasty beamed. Lurantis nodded, looking quite proud of her appearance. "Congrats on your win, Dynasty, you've certainly grown since the last time I've seen you battle"Amarys praised walking over. "Thank you for battling me, Amarys!"Dynasty smiled bowing her head. "..Anytime"Amarys says looking away. Dynasty hugged her, Amarys looking down at her before giving her a quick pat to the back. "We should celebrate! Let's go stuff our bellies, Dyna"Drayton smiled walking away. "Yeah!"Dynasty beamed running after him. "Like brother, like sister"Crispin laughed walking after them. "Yep"Lacey says following with Amarys. "She's gotten stronger"Kieran says. "Yeah, I'm happy for her!"Alisa giggled.
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obmessed · 1 year
Piri as Trese
You know I’ve received some asks about my supernatural headcanons with Piri, it doesn’t even limit to just ghosts it also involved his mythology. 
It’s starting to inspire me to give Piri a Trese AU. Where Indonesia and Malaysia are the kambal (twins) Crispin and Basilio while Piri is their bossing, Trese. 
Unlike Trese though, instead of being stoic he’s still bright and cheerful. Nothing wipes that smile off his face, whether it would be ripping out eyeballs off of aswangs for information or threatening other supernatural to stick by the rules or face brutal consequences. 
It gets to the point where even his two bodyguards are intimidated by him, it’s like he’s two faced without completely showing the other face. They find him all covered in blood with a pile of injured or dead aswangs, while he as the culprit stands there with that cat grin still on his face.
And judging by how he violently attacks and injure the supernatural before, it’s obvious to them that he had done these acts with so much anger and that they probably shouldn’t piss him off anytime soon.
In all honesty, they’re more confused than scared of him. He used to be such a pacifist who didn’t even want to wield sinag in the first place, so what happened to him? Why did he suddenly have this really darker side of him that shows when fighting? 
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bcdrawsandwrites · 3 years
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Fandom: Psychonauts
Rating: K+
Genre: Gen?? Sickfic?? mild H/C??? you got me, man
Characters: Caligosto Loboto, Boyd Cooper, Gloria Von Gouton, Fred Bonaparte, Crispin Whytehead, Sheegor
Warnings: Vomit, blood, depictions of sickness... (SPOILERS: implied torture + amputation)
Description: Loboto is having a very bad night. The inmates are not helping.
Beta Readers: @jaywings​ and Rocket
Notes: This fic is based on a theory that comes from a few figments in Loboto’s mental world in the demo footage of Psychonauts 2. ...also I wrote this while sick with a fever, edited it while still sick, and illustrated the cover while recovering from said sickness. have fun
He did not remember arriving back at the tower.
Partially because he wasn't even back in the tower, instead standing on the frosty shoreline, the chilly waves lapping at his boot heels.
Loboto stared dumbly out at the cliffside for a long moment before frustration simmered beneath his fogged mind. Yes! Of course, they wouldn't send him back to his lab. No! He could do with a good climb, especially on a frigid night like this! His chest heaved with quiet, dazed laughter before he took a gasp of cold air that grated against his sore throat.
The wind, though not harsh, cut through every part of him that wasn't covered by his shower cap or lab coat like a fine knife, as cold as it was painful. It grazed his shoulder, and his vision went white as his mechanical eyes flashed. But even with the blasted optics glitching, he could still see. His imagination ran wild with absurd visions of ridiculous things that had never happened.
On top of that, the slice of pain brought with it a violent realization that it was not the only pain he was in. The numb shock he’d been in gave way to an agony that tore through him, ripping up and down his side, nearly bringing him to his knees. No, no, no, that pain could not be real, just like the horrific visions of red and yellow that flashed through his mind. It was all a trick—all a stupid trick from his malfunctioning eyes and his brain. Pah!
He found himself clawing at his shower cap, occasionally stopping to smack his mechanical eyes a few times until they flickered back into focus, the desolate beach snapping back into view. "Enough of this!" he growled hoarsely at the sand beneath him. "That little army man will be back any day now, and we can't keep him waiting."
With a grunt, Loboto marched forward and heaved himself up onto the first narrow ledge, already finding his body shuddering with the effort and his mind struggling to push back the imaginary waves of pain. "Ridiculous!" he blurted into the rock he leaned against for balance. "A child can climb a mountain ten times this height!" And it wasn't like he'd never done it, either. Muscle memory helped him get from one step to the other, but keeping his balance was harder than normal, especially as his mind repeatedly dipped back into brain fog.
His eyes flickered in a blink when he found himself on the ladder, his boot slipping on the frosty wood and one hand losing its grip. Realizing he was about to fall, he flung his weight back against the ladder, biting down on the nearest rung to keep himself in place. A frantic giggle worked its way through his clenched teeth—ah, teeth! Useful for so many things! They would never let him down.
If you let us down one more time—
Ripping himself away from the rung and leaving rough teeth-marks behind, he let out a snarl and heaved himself the rest of the way up the ladder and onto the ledge. He sat on his knees for the moment, his mechanical eyes pulling back as he tried to make sense of the gate that seemed to be spinning around him. No, not just the gate—the entire cliffside spun beneath him like some wild carnival ride. He couldn't remember it doing that before, but the absurdity of it made him laugh, the action tearing through his sore throat. Yet he continued to laugh until his stomach lurched and a cascade of vomit silenced him.
He managed to scoot himself away, spitting and coughing as the world slowly came to a halt. At the same time, a figure that had been sleeping against the opposite wall snapped alert with a panicked gasp.
"Ah—ah!" Boyd stammered, scrambling to his feet and whipping his head around until he spotted Loboto on the ground. "Who are you working for?"
"That fool Oleander," Loboto grumbled under his breath, his eyes swiveling to glare at him.
Boyd's eyes blinked separately before recognition dawned upon him. "Y-yes! Of course!" Fumbling with his keys, he got to work unlocking the gate. "It's said he knows the milkman..."
Gritting his teeth, Loboto shakily began to push himself back upright. A large hand suddenly clapped against his shoulder, and he gave a yell as he was heaved to his feet. Without turning to look, he struck at the one who'd grabbed him. "Tricky terrible traitors try to trap—"
"AH—no, I am no traitor, I am the guard!" Boyd cried, stumbling back and holding up his hands as Loboto found his balance.
The two stared at each other for a tense moment, Loboto's eyes glowing harshly as Boyd trembled beneath his gaze. He couldn't help feeling a twinge of satisfaction at seeing his subordinate cower.
"Th... the milk is not ready yet!" Boyd said, wincing away as he eyed the doctor's clenched fist.
Loboto stared.
"I'm lactose intolerant."
Boyd glanced at something on the ground. "I-I noticed."
With a growl, Loboto finally marched past the guard, who frantically closed the gate behind him.
Now that that mess was over, he could finally get back up to his lab and get back to—
He paused.
His voice boomed through the empty grounds. It was empty of people, now empty of crows, and empty of elevators.
When his assistant did not spontaneously appear, he clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white beneath his glove. "Yes! Wonderful!" he proclaimed to no one as he stamped toward the withered garden with a harsh laugh. "I can scale this dilapidated tower myself then. Fine night for some exercise!"
He knew his way through his asylum, of course, so it wouldn't be overly difficult, but he would have much preferred the express elevator so he could get back to work immediately. But as it was, he ducked through the entrance to the greenhouse, fighting to keep steady as the action made his head spin, his back ache (no it didn’t, he was fine), and his shower cap to catch against the branches overhead. Turning his optics up, he pressed a hand down into the cap, pulling it away from the plants. He'd hoped to avoid the woman who occupied this corner of the asylum, but as he straightened his back, he bumped into one of the flowerpots, knocking it to the ground with a dull clunk.
"My, you need to buy seats in advance if you want to come to my shows!" Gloria said, turning to him with a patient, hazy smile. "No need to be harassing the paying customers."
"What do they pay you in? Leaves? Seeds?" Loboto asked, the frantic giggle that followed clashing with his strained smile.
Gloria ignored the comment, glancing him over and waving him off. "Please see yourself out. I'm not an usher, but since they seem to be ignoring their duties, I'll have to tell you you cannot bring food or drink into the theater."
Swiveling his optics in an approximation of an eye roll, Loboto turned away to head out the other side of the greenhouse. "I don't have any."
"Not anymore, but anyone can see that wine you've sloshed onto your nice suit."
Loboto froze.
"It's a wonder it didn't get onto the carpet—"
The next thing he knew, he was staring down at an entire line of flower pots that lay in pieces on the floor of the greenhouse.
"Oh!" Gloria cried. "I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure the ushers will attend to this ruffian, and the play can resume..."
He left her to continue rambling to her imaginary audience as he tried to rid the imaginary nonsense (visions, pain, glowing yellow eyes) from his mind. "Fickle fumbling females feeling faint for fading flowers..." he mumbled as he stepped into the lower floor of the asylum. It brought its usual sights and sounds of one of the former orderlies dozing over a makeshift game board (with stolen game pieces, he noted), the artist in the room overhead scraping old brushes furiously against a canvas, and finally Crispin standing dutifully in front of the asylum's only other elevator.
"Crispin!" Loboto said, and the man turned to face somewhere slightly to his left. "Let me up, will you?"
"Of course, Doctor Loboto." Crispin turned toward the elevator controls, only to pause, his dull eyes squinting as he turned back. "Wait..."
"Wait for what?" Loboto threw out his arm in a wide gesture. "Do you want to hear that army man ranting at us again? Or perhaps you find it funny! Though it is, isn't it? Shouting about sneezing powder and tanks! HAH!"
While he'd been talking, Crispin had been leaning forward, eyeing him up and down. He frowned. "You're not Doctor Loboto," he said at length.
Behind him, Fred sprang to his feet. "Sacré bleu! We have fallen asleep on ze battlefield!"
Ignoring the man and his terrible French accent, Loboto stepped closer to Crispin, finding himself trembling—in rage or in suppressed laughter or something else, he wasn't sure. "Of course I'm Doctor Loboto! I was, last I checked. Highly trained and professional!"
"Yes, well," Crispin began, leaning back and raising a brow, "the real Doctor Loboto does not wear an actual straitjacket. It's merely a strappy jacket fashioned from one."
"This is my jacket, you milky-eyed moron!" Loboto cried, tugging on the front of his coat in demonstration. "It doesn't have my arms tied up!" He lunged toward Crispin to grab him by the collar, but stumbled as the world spun once more. He struggled to keep his stomach from flipping again.
"Well, that's because you're wearing it poorly. But you are certainly not Doctor Loboto. I can tell. You don't have the right jacket, or the right complexion." He tipped his head. "The real Doctor Loboto is blue, not sickly gray. As you can see, you can't fool me. Now go back to wherever you came from and—"
"He has returned from ze war!" Fred blurted behind him. He blinked, then shook his head, hunching in on himself. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, we really shouldn't—" He straightened again. "Yes, shut up! We are in ze presence of a great war hero!"
Crispin rolled his eyes. "What are you going on about now, Fred?"
"Do you not see? He bears ze blood of his enemies upon his robes, and ze scars of victory—"
Loboto whirled on him faster than he could think, managing a swift kick to Fred's shin.
With a yelp, the man crashed to the ground, curling up on himself and whining. "Ohhh... can we just postpone the battle until morning?" He twitched. "NON! Ze enemy never sleeps, so neither shall we!"
"Well, Fred's down for the count again," Cripsin remarked. "So if you're done, kindly step away from my elevator and off the nearest cliff, thanks."
Loboto wanted nothing more than to knock Crispin to the ground and find a few bad teeth to remove, but his vision was blurring and flickering, and he found it hard to think.
"No, really, we can't fight in the dark, and the enemy can't either, can they?" "Rrrrrghhh, I suppose you are right, for once. We shall camp here for now, but come sunrise, we fight!"
A weak laugh made its way past his lips as he stared down at the former orderly settling on the cobblestone. Yes, that crazy man had a point. There was no point in fighting tonight—he'd get his work done in the morning. And that work would have to include getting back into his lab in the first place.
After a brief moment, he snatched an item from the floor before stumbling back through the greenhouse and toward the entrance.
A nice night for sleeping under the stars, he supposed.
Judging by how bright the world was by the time his mechanical eyes flickered back on, the sun was starting to rise. But he couldn't tell for sure when there was a large metal cage blocking his view, with something else within—
"He said he would be back by nightfall, but he hasn't come!" a high pitched voice cried as a familiar form stepped out of the elevator, her back to him. "Oh Mr. Pokeylope, do you think he's gone for good this time?"
The corner of Loboto's mouth twitched.
"Oops!" She clapped an oven mitt over her mouth. "I'm glad he's not around to hear me say that," she said as she began to turn. "If he was, he'd be—EEK!"
Sheegor jumped back at the sight of Loboto laying sprawled out at the foot of the fountain, having slept (or passed out) there the remainder of the night. He clutched his worn teddy close to his chest and stared her in the eyes.
"Oh—I—I—!" Sheegor held her pet turtle close to herself. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Doctor Loboto, I didn't mean any of that, I—"
"Yes, well it's a nice morning, isn't it?" Loboto grumbled, tucking the teddy bear under his arm so he could push himself to his feet. His entire body ached (from sleeping on the ground, not from anything else). "A nice morning to get some work done after you left me stranded here all night!" He took a threatening—but wobbling—step forward, fist clenched.
Oddly, Sheegor didn't seem as intimidated as usual. Her mouth gaped, and her eyes darted between his face and his right side.
"What are you looking at?"
"Y... you..." A trembling mitt was covering her open mouth. "D-Doctor! What happened to you?!"
His eyes flickered. "I slept out here with a rock for a pillow."
"N-no, it's—it's—!" Her whole body was shaking now, but not, he sensed, in fear of him. It should have made him angry, but exhaustion pulled at him instead, making his frame droop.
"Yes? Well, spit it out."
Sheegor held out one hand, pointed toward his right side. "Y-your arm!"
Loboto's optics slowly angled down to his right. For the first time he noticed the enormous, darkened bloodstains on his jacket, and a torn, empty sleeve hanging limply at his side.
"Oh," he said dully, feeling himself wobble as the pain finally worked its way to the forefront of his mind. "How did that happen?"
At once the world tipped to the side, and Sheegor caught him, straining to keep him from fully collapsing to the ground.
Wordlessly she helped him into the elevator, letting him lean onto her while he bit back the urge to scream. He wanted to protest, to berate her for touching him, but everything felt distant, even the upper floor of the asylum as they rapidly ascended toward it. And anyway, once they reached the top, anything he would have said was held back by his rolling stomach ejecting whatever bile still occupied it.
As he gagged, he could hear Sheegor whispering to the turtle in her mitts: "I know, I know, but I-I can't leave him like that—th-the asylum wouldn't... w-we were supposed to..."
"Just... get back to work... Sheegor," he managed to slur around the acrid taste in his mouth. Bitter bile breaks brittle bones of the mouth.
Sheegor looked from him to her turtle a few times, her mouth wobbling, and carefully eased his arm over her hunched back again. Instead of leading him to his lab, however, she led him down into the asylum, into the usual room he slept in: a mostly-intact bedroom with a mattress and blankets over a broken bed frame shoved into one corner, a chair and a desk with papers scattered across it, and a meticulously crafted and framed (and official) DDS license on the wall.
After easing him down into the bed, Sheegor stepped back, looking away. "Um... I-if you want, Doctor, I can clean that robe..."
His initial thought was that the blood stains made a wonderful addition to his ensemble, but glancing down at them again caused his brain to supply him with more awful, made-up nonsense. No, he wouldn't have that any longer.
With some amount of struggling he managed to get the thing off, unceremoniously tossing it in Sheegor's general direction. She managed to catch it and quickly scurried out. "I'll get this back to you as soon as I can Doctor bye!" she squeaked before the door slammed behind her, leaving Loboto sitting in the empty room.
Everything felt surreal, being in familiar surroundings after spending an entire night on freezing cobblestone. The sight when his gaze turned downward, however, was less familiar: there was new stitching across his chest, and on his right shoulder where his arm had been. It was cleanly done—they hadn't wanted him too much worse for wear, since he still had a job to do for—
Oleander. He had a job to do for Oleander right now. The sneezing powder, yes. His mind drifted over the things they'd discussed in their last meeting.
They'd both figured out a way for it to be made, more or less. The remaining issue was how to properly dispense the stuff. Oleander had suggested keeping it in a bag, but that was easily-spilled, and it may lose potency if pre-ground. But what was he supposed to do? He didn't have a grinder with him on-hand at all times—
A shock of brilliance bolted through him, and he stumbled to his desk with renewed energy. He grabbed a well-chewed pencil and began to write, his non-dominant hand shaking badly as he forced it into motions it was not used to.
But that was fine. It wouldn't have that job for long.
A manic giggle bubbled out of his throat as he worked out the notes and rough sketches, detailing a jointed pepper grinder with claws and a strap to secure it to his now-unoccupied side.
This loss of a limb, baffling as it was, was exactly what he needed.
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smolla-than-a-bug · 3 years
hcs for trese characters on how they would celebrate/ surprise on their friend y/n's birthday? :00
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trese characters when it’s your birthday
incl. alexandra, crispin, basilio, tapia, dominic, maliksi
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navi | trese m.list
content — gn!reader, conyo basilio HAHAHA, alcohol consumption in mal’s part
notes — omg funfunfun !! :DD if it happens to be ur bday, HAPPY BIRTHDAAAY 🥳🎉 on another note, its been raining all day and tho i personally enjoy the weather, yall stay safe out there!
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puts together a small birthday celeb w ur friends and family
Alexandra stands off to the side after laying out the food on the dining table, sighing softly to herself as she fondly watches you greet friends and family members you haven’t seen in a while. The sight of you so happy to reunite with your loved ones on a special occasion pulls at her heartstrings and she can’t help the tugging on the corners of her mouth.
“Yiee, ate Alex is smiling!” she hears behind her. At that, she turns around and one cold look from her has the culprit shutting up.
She goes to find you in the small crowd, but you find her first, surprising her by hugging her from behind. “You didn’t have to do this for me,” you whined.
Alexandra merely smiled. “I wanted to.”
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takes u thru a day-long adventure of exploiting ur birthday benefits
You roll your eyes at Crispin, who’s currently hiding behind the camera of his phone and shamelessly giggling for the fourth time that day. The sound of a tambourine being shaken and slapped against a palm reaches your ears and you know what’s about to come. Sure, you get to eat for free, but at what cost?
A small cupcake with a lit candle is placed in front of you. You plaster a smile on your face in thanks to the waiters. “Happy birthday!” they start to sing, like you haven’t heard it from the last three restaurants Crispin dragged you to and even from a few stores that offer free birthday gifts for celebrants. Like any sane person, you awkwardly sit through the song, struggling to keep your flustered expression at bay. All you’re thinking about is how you’re going to break Crispin’s phone if he doesn’t delete all the embarrassing videos he’s taken of you within the whole day. With every singsong ‘Happy birthday’ that you hear, your murderous thoughts only worsen for Crispin and his phone.
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plans a picnic (he saw it on tiktok once)
“Ta-daa!” says Basilio, pulling out a box and two wine glasses from the basket by his thigh and laying it on the blanket you’re seated on.
A round cake, with a pit in the middle, iced in a chunky white crumb coat, and decorated with assorted sprinkles and your favorite candies sits in the middle of you both. Written in colorful icing are little greeting messages from himself, Crispin, Hank, and the Treses. Without a doubt, you know he spent all night making the cake on top of putting together the whole picnic basket. Your heart swells, and you coo out loud without meaning to.
It seems Basilio mistook your cooing at his thoughtfulness for a form of mockery for his obvious lack of baking experience as he blushes and huffs. “Don’t judge! Oo na, deins ako cakerist. (I’m not a ‘cakerist’.)”
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king of sentimental gifts :<
Your friends thought it was a good idea to throw you a little surprise party, and seeing as you had no idea who their guest list was comprised of, you would just keep getting surprised whenever anyone else made their way through the front doors. Just when you thought there would be no more guests since it’s been halfway through the party, the doorbell rang and there stood a disheveled looking Tapia, already embarrassed at having been late for your birthday. But you gave it no thought as you launched yourself onto him. “Mr. Sergeant Tapia, sir! You’re here!”
He laughed before handing you your gifts. A plushie of your favorite animal and a bouquet of flowers. You couldn’t help but let your face morph in awe and overwhelming sensations of gratitude. “Aww! Thank you, I love them!”
Later on, he gave you a follow-up gift in private, instructing you to open it when you get home. Inside the envelope were a bunch of ‘Open When’ notes, and your first instinct was to call him, whining into the microphone.
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treats u throughout the whole day
Dominic trails behind you, though not too far, along with two of his henchmen assigned to carry whatever shopping bags you had. That morning, he’d been the first to greet you, and since he couldn’t decide what to get you for a gift, he thought: Why not let you decide for yourself? and handed you his black card.
You initially declined, telling him he was insane for letting you borrow his card, but he repeatedly reassured you that it was fine. If you wanted to go browse for clothes for an extended amount of time, go to the spa for a self-care treat for both you and him, finally buy that book you’ve been wanting, get a restock on the art materials you recently ran out of, or even just do your groceries, he’d simply follow you and egg you on, encouraging you to spend more for yourself because you deserve the treat.
He’d laughed at you when you pulled up a dress shirt and bought it for him, suggesting that the color brought out his eyes or something along the lines of that, because of course you’d bring him into consideration during a shopping spree meant for you.
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plans a whole weekend getaway for u w all ur close friends
Your friends cheered and raised their shot glasses when a cake with sparklers for candles was brought to your table. You made sure to snap a photo to post on your Instagram story.
You made it to the Airbnb right in the middle of the afternoon—the perfect time to explore the area, nearby waters, and landmarks. After the day’s adventures, your friends lead you to an open bar along the beach to finally and properly celebrate your birthday.
Flashes of their phone cameras were all you could see as you made a wish and blew out the sparklers with cheers and random greetings piping up from all around the bar. Maliksi had his arm protectively wrapped around your shoulder, and you giddily clung onto his limb as your friends toasted to your birth, grateful for the trip he dragged you all along to.
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© smolla-than-a-bug, 2021. please do not copy or repost my works. reblogs are appreciated!
trese tag list — @lumpiang-toge @binibiningbabaylan @marinac15 @effmigentlywithachainsaw @disappointmentpastry @minshookie29
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Second set, beginning the actual story!
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The first image we get is right as Marty's stopped by Doc's on his way to school. It's fuckin great. You'll see plenty more later but they really did draw Doc as so much more intense than he is and it kills me every time. The way he's LEANING into the frame here. Einstein's smile and pushing at the window. Marty :) everything is great
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Second photo we get is smaller! It's just Marty hitching a ride, but tbh it's one of my favorites in the whole book for literally no reason. Look at him vibe. Look at his Smile. Thank you for coming.
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THIS is not really art of anybody at all it's the little like. Visual separator for some of the sections. It is a tiny skateboard. That's so precious dude.
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EVEN MORE IN THE WAY THAN THE FILMS absolutely phenomenal. Jennifer in one of her rare appearances which as ever is such a shame but also look how cute she is? She's great. We respect Jennifer in this household. Marty's face also kills me here.
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Ah, the first appearance of Dearly Detested. Did you know Crispin Glover plays his young self and his older self? Did you also know Crispin was three years younger than Michael? Something new every day. I learned that one last night.
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Ah, the McFly family dinner... the ability to fit everyone into one page [which! By the way, it's a rather smaller book than I expected! Not super tiny, but still] is so good. The artist for this book continues to capture my heart. My partner captioned Marty's face here "gumpy" and I can't unhear it every time I look at this image.
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DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN BY DRAWING DOC REALLY INTENSE. It's objectively good art, I am not protesting this, but on god he looks almost adjacent to an action movie hero and Knowing Doc that's so funny to me. Also Einstein :)
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Are you sick of my commentary yet? Sick of seeing my fingers in the shots? Too bad I cannot be silenced [sorry about the fingers though I did my best]. I also didn't know I could fit this many images in one post I wonder if we'll get all of them. Should I insert a read more? Not sure how but I'll check. Doc is standing directly on the fire Again. This baffles me in the movie too but Marty picked up the license plate and it was hot, was the fire not hot??? They are standing on it??? Boys, move, please, I'm begging you. Oh uh. Also I have bad news about the next image.
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