#not doing those who aren’t that active on the server but just them for now
no-lavender · 11 months
Jaiden lost Roier today. The person who helped raised bobby with her. They always cared for each other deeply and wanted the best for the other. They always made sure they were safe and sound whenever it seemed like something bad was happening or happened. They both never wanted to fight each other even in this event and refused. Even when it came down to it they were guilty whenever they did fight.
Foolish lost Roier today. His son, the only person in his family there after vegetta disappeared and leo went missing. He was there to make jokes always with him just how foolish was there for him and adopted him after losing bobby. Roier cared deeply for foolish just the same way foolish does for roier.
Cellbit lost Roier today. His husband, the person who knew him and got him the most. The one that was constantly by his side to reassure him. The person who loved him through anything and was ready to go war and kill everyone in the federation with him. The person who was there for him even at his lowest moments uplifting him. The person who was always there to give him a hug and a smile on his face when things weren’t looking so good.
Richas and Leo lost roier today. When they come back richas will have his stepfather gone along with his other pais. He will have lost a lot of his family. Those who helped him and joked with him. Leo lost her brother. The one there to take care of her when he could whenever she had tasks to complete still. Even though roier was scared to take care of another egg after bobby he still took care of them and cared for them. He loved them even if the thought of losing someone else dear to him frightened him. He was still there even with his fears
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Lmfaooo what a week 😅
So a lot of people are, understandably, leaving the fandom. Drama like this always tends to put people off and unfortunately that affects the media they’ve come to love. I’m not going to be one of those people bc honestly, I don’t even know if I was ever that “in” the fandom in the first place to even leave it. My account isn’t and never was a nevermore account, yes I’ve made a few nevermore post but those were infrequent and amongst posts and reblogs of multiple other fandoms. I’m also in the discord server but I’ve only ever been a lurker, and usually only ever go in it when I want more context to something I’ve seen on tumblr. With that being said however, I still plan on reading nevermore when (or if) it continues because in THIS particular instance I can easily separate art from the artist and I’ll explain why in a moment.
Like I said I’m not and never have been very active in the fandom. I learned about this drama through a post from an account I follow and went through the server to find more context. I was not present through any of the actual conflicts but I’ve seen the conversations.
So why am I commenting on this?
Well mainly I want to make a point about para social relationships as well as moderation of servers and fandoms as a creator.
I just want to preface this by saying that after reading through all possible context, perspectives, takes and evidence I could find or come across, I genuinely don’t think red is necessarily a bad/morally wrong person. I DO however think she is in the wrong in this situation especially due to how she handled everything. As for how a lot of people are reacting to everything, there’s a couple of things I’d like to note:
From what I’ve seen, all of this is just one big thing of “he said/she said” and pointing fingers as well as just picking sides. If your absolutely distraught because red didn’t turn out to be the person you thought they were simply because she said things you didn’t like, I understand the disappointment and frustration but please remember that content creators in general aren’t your friends. You don’t know these people, they just do things you happen to like. Now I’m not saying you SHOULDN’T feel upset about it, it’s ok to and you even should if it’s an issue to you feel strongly about but please keep in mind that this isn’t a “sign of their true colors” or anything because you don’t know what they were actually like to begin with. Ofc I don’t mean that to say “expect the worst from people” but more as a reminder that can hopefully help you to look at the situation more critically and logically before jumping in guns blazing. It’s understandable if it affects you emotionally, you were emotionally invested in their work; but please realize this before you let it get to that point. Now on the other side of the coin, there’s the people who I feel as though will just pick the creators side simply because they’re fanboys and will stand by them no matter what. I’m DEFINITELY NOT saying that’s what everyone who’s on red side is, but naturally there’s bound to be a few that are going to dickride for the sake of dickriding. Regardless, there’s a lack of willingness to listen and understand from both sides (at least from what I’ve noticed) and that’s a problem because when no one wants to listen then what’s supposed to be a community coming together to resolve an issue just turns into a giant flame war. Also this should go without saying, but at least give the mods a chance. They obviously handled the whole situation horrendously but they aren’t going to do their jobs any better when they’ve got people coming at them with pitchforks.
Speaking of the moderators. I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how red and the other mods have managed to fumble this badly…….like it’s almost funny. All said and done they all had ONE very simple job and they blew it. Although I very much disagree with it, I do understand red’s decision to unban crimson. They wanted to give them a second chance, sure whatever. What I DONT GET is why would they not at the very least check to see if anyone else would be comfortable with a decision that would possibly affect them or even impact their safety. At the very least a warning to or a discussion with the victims would have been something. Not only that but even after they unban them, once red saw the NUMEROUS amount of people that were upset about it they, they should have immediately banned them again and then apologize after instead of some rushed explanation. But I get it stress gets the better of you. I understand their desire to keep things as transparent as possible (which i appreciate and I’m sure so do many others) but from that first apology/explanation it felt more like red trying to shake responsibility off themselves and pointing fingers in the guise of being transparent. I did see where red was trying to get at in her first statement, but there was also things that she honestly should have just had the foresight to realize wouldn’t put her in a better light, and this is aside from the victim blaming-esque wording. red basically says that she felt like a group of people (including Laci the one who reported crimson) were just out to get crimson, which is absolutely insane but then again it’s the internet so who knows. However it’s super clear that Laci obviously wasn’t lying bc the things she accused crimson of did in fact happen. So even bringing that up was enough for me to raise my eyebrow at but I digress. Then red practically says it was hard to handle the situation bc the evidence provided was censored, but Laci literally offered to give the uncensored versions so that was completely disingenuous on red’s part at best. To me it just seemed like the mods were looking for excuses for what could be there own laziness at best and negligence at worst. Their biggest fault so far is not being very good at actually listening to their audience and taking them into consideration. She also brought up that fact that Laci was apparently the only person to report crimson which I did not like to say the least. One of the victims confided in Laci and Laci brought it forward. I understand reds suspicions about Laci not being in the actual server where it happened but how are you going to immediately jump to “well why did no one else bring it up” instead of stopping for a sec and thinking “ hm clearly these victims feel uncomfortable stepping forward”. Which they had to do now anyway because of how bad the issue became. They should not have had to do that. Better it be just one person reporting, even if it’s someone you don’t like, than no one reporting and the issue persists under the radar.
And then there’s red’s formal apology…
First off, girl why are you dropping names??? A bunch of who are supposedly minors? Like let’s be so fucking for real right now😭
And then the audacity to be like “please don’t go after or dm these people” like babes if you were genuinely worried about them you wouldn’t have used their names at all. ESPECIALLY when in the end it was completely irrelevant and borderline inappropriate since it really had nothing to do with crimson, their actions or how you handled them. Not to mention the act of calling them “cliques” when literally all they were was side servers. Like if they’re cliques then what does that make red and everyone who’s on her side? It was very clearly just a biased reaction to people saying things she doesn’t like about her, which by all means she has the right to respond to but not in a way that is clearly trying to sway how everyone else sees them. The way red describes everything is as if it’s middle school drama and then proceeds to play directly into it. Don’t get me wrong her apology was fine, when she was ACTUALLY apologizing. Everything else felt like a last ditch effort to drag others under the bus with her. It was lowkey embarrassing to say the least.
Again, it’s important that I make it clear that I don’t believe red is a bad person. I just think she’s an immature person, or at least she is in how she handled everything and continues to handle it bc like I said I don’t know her, and don’t care to frankly. I didn’t start reading nevermore to be buddy buddy with her. Like if we look at the grand scope of things, this is a grown woman beefing with kids. Obviously they aren’t all kids, most of them aren’t I believe but she’s practically stooping down to school yard conflict in how she’s responded so far. Especially at one point in the server when she was being called out and jumped to “yeah I guess I’m the bad guy and totally evil. You all should hate me”. Like actually cut that shit out, what are you doing. I mean honestly.
And my final point because I’ve ranted long enough. I mentioned before that in this instance I am willing to separate the art from the artist, I stand by that because I genuinely do think this is a situation where red could hopefully grow from this and rectify things. The actual unbanning was a stupid and inconsiderate move on her part, but I don’t think she meant any ill-will or had any malicious intent. I disagree with the people calling her a r@pe apologist because that’s honestly just a huge reach. I’ve also seen some accusations of red and/or Flynn being racist, promoting inappropriate art knowing there’s minors around and from what I’ve seen it’s pretty iffy. Regarding the racism, I don’t believe that they are. Their characterizations of the characters regarding their ethnicities IS stereotypical and was obviously just very surface level research into those respective cultures but I chopped that up to ignorance rather than racism. As a woc I was frankly just relived they didn’t make the poc characters centered on some kind of discrimination or tragedy from their era, which yes is something that shouldn’t be ignored but also I don’t know if rednflynn could accurately and more importantly, respectfully portray those types of issues. Nor is it even their place tbh. With that being said however I don’t belong to most of the cultures the characters belong to. To me it never seemed like they were making a caricature out of these cultures, especially since their ethnicities are barely relevant to their stories anyway but I acknowledge that it’s not my place to deem what’s offensive or not.
As for the promoting inappropriate art of the characters and creating some themselves. Yeah they do. I’ve never been shocked about that nor did I think it was something that they are wrong for doing, I mean it’s their own work. Granted I didn’t realize how many minors were in the fandom but that’s literally every fandom, there’s only so much you could do about it. I don’t know if nevermore has a rating but it’s not like it was something ever promoted to be kid friendly, it’s obvious that some scenes are just straight up fan service. While I personally don’t like fan service it never was enough to impact the story so I personally never saw an issue. But point is I don’t think they should have to monitor what is and isn’t appropriate for minors but things get tricky when they have a server where they are clearly aware of minors.
And then there’s other things like people accusing them of promoting SA or some shit like that bc of a lot of stuff involving Montessor which frankly, that’s just a media literacy issue on the readers part. So yeah with that being said I don’t think red is a bad person, although I understand why a lot of people are done with them which is completely fair. I’m pretty much in a grey area about it, who knows if they end up getting in an even bigger scandal, hopefully they come out better from this but only time will tell. The best/smartest thing red has said throughout this entire debacle was that they’re taking a step back from the fandom. I think it’ll be good for everyone, especially them. It seems like it’ll take stress off them anyway. Plus the hole they’ve dug for themselves is already halfway to china by now so there’s that
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nevermore-drama-anon · 2 months
Ok time for a proper response because everything that was said is absolute bull.
To address the most disgusting thing Red’s done (recently at least), name dropping and shifting the blame to MINORS is incredibly immature. Almost everyone mentioned either left or were banned MONTHS AGO, how is this relevant? They had nothing to do with this?
Not only have they shifted the blame onto minors to protect themselves, but they’ve also completely left so much information out.
First of all, Crimson WAS aware of some ages and CONTINUED to send nsfw/suggestive messages towards minors.
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So yes, Crimson did in fact know some of the ages of people she communicated with.
How exactly is name dropping going to change or excuse anything Red has done? They’re trying to shift the blame onto people from previous drama who aren’t even involved in this PRESENT drama, just to get people off their back, and if that wasn’t bad enough, several of them are MINORS. They’re shifting the blame to minors?
For those who don’t understand why that’s such a big deal, the last time Red publicly called out someone for making a nevermore critic blog, people rushed to defend Red, sending death threats and threatening to doxx this person. They continue to get these threats, even after months of this happening.
Can you see now why it is so incredibly dangerous for someone with such a large fanbase to name drop minors after incidents that have proven some people are willing to threaten anyone Red calls out?
Not only have you been provided with evidence, Laci offered to send the uncensored images, did you conveniently leave that out so it would work in your favor?
The minors came to Laci because they felt unsafe with Red and the mods because of things that have been said previously and now. (Pinning the bunnybel incident on someone else despite not moderating anything, allowing crimson to get away with grooming behavior, blaming minors for Crimson’s misgivings, and leaking of people who could potentially end up being hunted while several of the names are minors.)
Need I say more?
With everything considered and how much Red actually left out, this is genuinely disgusting behavior from someone with such a large fanbase.
You allowed a 19-year-old to be come back to a community with minors despite having evidence and proof that they were predatory, something they CHOSE to ignore due to their immaturity and past dramas that have caused an absurd amount of bias.
I hope people realize that Red, an adult woman, is fighting with kids and actively defending herself from allowing a predator to remain in a ‘safe’ server.
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pepsiconcoction · 1 year
The Perfect Tutor | Lee Know x Reader
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pairing: CompSci Student! Lee Know x gn!Reader
tags: fluff, no smut, just a little flirting at the end, minor explicit language, partially proofread
You think he might be perfect. And that pisses you off. Surely he can't be, right?
Why did you have to take the comp sci unit? You’re a graphic designer, you don’t need to know how big scary servers work! 
Those have been the thoughts running through your head most recently. Especially at this moment as you try to “install Windows Server 2019” and “set up Active Directory”. Yeah… because those are definitely real words… that you definitely know the meaning of.
To your dismay, at the beginning of the semester, you found out that you had to take the general computing unit, alongside your regular classes, to gain the number of credits you need to get into next year. Being a graphic designer who uses a computer, you thought that ‘general computing’ sounded like something you could do, you spend most of your time on one for god’s sake!
You’ve been staring at a loading screen for the past 10 minutes, and you’re quite honestly beginning to doubt whether it’s going to turn into anything. The Professor speaks up, dismissing the class, signalling it’s the end of the day. 
After choke-holding the computer to death (holding the power button), you slowly gather your things, watching as the other students begin to leave the computer lab. Once most of them have left, you walk up to the front desk.
“Y/n, what can I do for you?” The Professor, looks up from his school-assigned laptop, glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“Hey, Professor. I think I’m falling behind a bit, just a little out of my depth with everything,” You force your sincerest smile, talking quietly. “So I was wondering if you’d be available for extra lessons?”
“I wish I could, but I’m so busy with the department being understaffed. How about you ask one of your classmates?”
You mindlessly turn back to the room where there are a few stragglers left.
“Oh, I don’t-”
“How about Minho?” He gestures behind you.
“Minho?” You turn around making eye contact with the man mentioned. His eyes widen in curiosity at his name.
“Yeah, he is more than capable to tutor you, aren’t you, Minho?” 
Minho’s desk is only a few feet from the front but he takes a few steps towards you, holding a pair of wireless headphones in his hands. He is definitely more than capable to tutor you, and you know this. He’s quiet and keeps to himself, but you’ve seen his grades in passing. You don’t think he’s gotten below 95% on any assignment or test. You’d happily have him as your tutor, it’s just that, well, he might possibly be the most handsome guy you’ve ever met. Okay, the standards in the Comp Sci department aren’t exactly high, you’re lucky if most of them are wearing deodorant, but Minho? He dresses well, styles his hair, has a side profile worthy of painting AND he wears the perfect amount of cologne, not too much that it’s overbearing but just enough that it’s refreshing whenever you walk past him.
“Yeah, I probably could.” Minho looks at you and then back to the Professor.
“Great!” He closes his laptop and stands, gathering his things. “I’ve got to run to my next class, you guys can sort the rest.” 
With that, your Professor is halfway out the door. You look up to Minho who is half chuckling at his bluntness, and he turns to you.
“Are you sure you wanna tutor me? You don’t have to say yes, he's not here anymore.” You say, half-jokingly. 
“If you need help, I’m around. I have some free time this Friday if you want to set something up?” Minho asks.
“Yeah, Friday works great for me!”
“Perfect.” You end up swapping phone numbers to discuss the details, and you leave the classroom feeling partially accomplished. Now you just need to be professional, and not think he’s the hottest guy in the world whenever you catch a glimpse of him. You can do that. You can be normal, right?
You absolutely cannot be normal. Friday came around and he rocked up to the empty computer lab looking gorgeous in fitted black jeans and a denim jacket, coffee in hand. Thankfully you had gotten there slightly earlier to try and get ahead of the game with your notes. The two of you had decided to start with the basics, installing the operating system of the computer. Easy. 
“Remember, you don’t want to partition the hard drive, it’s not worth it on these machines at this level.” Minho explained as you quickly scribbled ‘don’t partition’ down in your notebook.
You had discovered that Minho was not only a sight for sore eyes, but also possibly the nicest, gentlest, calmest person you had met. Of course, he had his moments of energy and you two found yourself easily joking around with each other, but he was such the opposite of the gamer stereotype that you had come to dread.
“So, do you play any video games?” You asked, keeping the conversation going as the two of you were forced to sit through long progress bars.
“Not really, no. Not really my thing.” He says.
“Really? A computing student that doesn’t play games? That’s rare.” You chuckle, almost in disbelief. 
“I mean, I’ve played games. With friends and such, but I’m just not crazy into them.”
“So what are you crazy into? Computers? You seem pretty good with them.” You look towards him. The both of you are sat around a single computer, and yes, you’re very conscious of that fact.
“I guess? I’m only really taking this class for the credits.” He leans back in the chair.
“Wait, so am I!” You laugh. “So why are you so good?”
“I used to take computing in high school, and I was a bit of a nerd back then.” he laughs. 
“So what’s your major then? Mister I-only-need-the credits.”
“Dance.” He smirked.
“Liar.” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m serious. I’m a dancer.” He sat forward, chuckling.
“Show me.”
“I don’t dance for free. You’ll have to come to one of my performances,” he says cockily, crossing his arms.
“Whatever, I’ll believe it when I see it,” You say, turning back to the computer which is now conveniently asking a series of questions. After that, you finish the installation pretty quickly and decide you’re done for the day. You and Minho part ways and you find yourself back in your dorm after a stress-induced power walk through the campus. You immediately call your best friend.
“Hey, Y/n,” she picks up.
“Code Pink.”
“I’ll be there in ten.” She hangs up. Nine minutes later your best friend is letting herself into your dorm room. 
“Tell me everything.” She takes a seat on your bed. You proceed to tell her about Minho: how handsome he is, how nice he is, how funny he is, God! Are you really gushing about a boy you barely know?
“I’m like, mad! I want to hate him,” you say, from your spot on the bed. “He has to have a fatal flaw, right?”
“For sure, maybe he’s homophobic? Transphobic? Misogynistic? He’s a man! He has to be sexist somehow!”
“Yeah, you’re probably right…” You trail off in thought (and partial disappointment). “Okay, now I gotta just get it out of him, so I can justify my disliking of him, and then boom! Crush gone!” You finally say.
“Easy, now, you wanna watch a movie?” your best friend grins up at you.
Okay. Get evidence he is a shitty guy. Surely this can’t be hard. You can do this.
Except the next time the two of you are studying, he comes in wearing a white t-shirt. Plastered on the front of it are the words “trans rights are human rights” in a bold, italicised font. Okay, not transphobic. You find yourself staring at it, coincidentally staring at his chest. He definitely notices.
“Y/n?” he questions as he sits down next to you.
“Oh, sorry, I was just looking at your t-shirt.”
“Ah, yeah I got it for the pride parade a few months back.” He starts looking through his bag, taking out his notebook.
“Nice, the one in town, on Main Street?”
“Yeah. My best friend is gay, so I went with him and his boyfriend, and a few of our other friends.” He explained. Probably not homophobic either.
“That’s great, I went too, with my friends as well.” You smiled.
The two of you got to work, tackling “ADDS” and “DHCP”. You probably weren’t going to remember what those acronyms stood for in a few hours but for now, it was going well enough. Minho had been scrolling through his phone for the past few minutes as the two of you relaxed, taking a quick break, when he spoke up.
“Damn, have you seen this?” he turns his phone screen to you. “Scotland has made free sanitary products a legal requirement in all public government buildings.”
“I heard about it a few days ago. It’s sick.” You responded. He locked his phone, putting it down on the table. Okay, not actively a misogynist either. Fuck. 
You left that study lesson slightly more frustrated at your slightly bigger crush on Lee Minho.
At the third tutoring session with Minho, you were so sure you were going to nip your little crush in the bud. From down the hall, you spot him standing outside the classroom on the phone. As you get closer you seem to realise that he’s mad? Frustrated? You’re not sure.
“I don’t care if it’s a stupid idea, I’m getting him. I’ll pay for everything.” You hear him say, beginning to feel bad for eavesdropping. He must sense your presence as he turns around and shoots you a smile. 
“Alright, I have to go, I’ll talk later, love you.” He hangs up and shoves his phone into his pocket.
“Sorry, that was my mom, her and I are disagreeing.” he fake smiles.
“Oh? What about?” you ask.
“I want a cat. Another cat, I already have two. But I just saw a cat on one of those re-homing websites and my heart is screaming at me to get him. So I’m currently trying to convince my mom.” He explains, sheepishly.
“Are you serious?” you deadpan.
“Uh, yes? His name is going to be Dori and I-”
“For god’s sake,” you sigh, admitting defeat.
“Uh, sorry?”
“Why do you have to be so perfect?” You sigh. His eyes widen a little.
“Like seriously,” you continue. “You’re such a nice person, you’re funny, you’re not shitty, you like cats, you have two of them, for Christ’s sake! And if that wasn’t enough, you’re possibly the most attractive man I’ve ever met. Please just tell me what is wrong with you.”
There are a few seconds of silence. A smile begins to grow on his face. You realise what you’ve done.
“You think I’m perfect?” He grins, cockily.
“Great, and now I’m an idiot.”
“You think I’m attractive.” he beams.
“Oh, shut up, surely you must know what you look like,” you sigh, rolling your eyes.
“Well, yes, but there’s a difference between knowing I’m conventionally good-looking and you finding me attractive.” 
“And you’re smart,” you groan. He begins to laugh and when you look back towards him, you notice he’s blushing a little. You begin to laugh as well, hoping to break any potentially awkward tension.
“Okay, since I’m so smart, I have a great idea.” He smirks down at you, taking a step forward.
“Oh god,” you begin to dread. Your breath definitely doesn't catch in your throat.
“Let’s skip on the tutoring and I take you out for lunch, how does that sound?”
Your eyes widen as you take in his offer, he may be giving you his best flirtatious look, but under all that pink on his cheeks, you know he’s being serious.
“I’d like that.” You smile.
“So would I.” He responds, eyes shifting nervously down the hallway. 
“Do I get to see you dance?” You giggle.
“We’ll see.”
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forestfiresandfics · 6 days
Is third life a tragedy? In literary terms, a tragedy is a specific plot line with its own requirements. It’s not what we think of as a tragedy in the common sense—that is a story with a sad ending. Not all stories with a sad ending are tragedies. 
What distinguishes a tragedy is the protagonists failure. The plot of a tragedy is one where the main character makes choices that will ultimately lead to their downfall. Macbeth pisses off the one person who can kill him, Frankenstein abandons his creation and it becomes resentful, Jason cheats on his sorceress wife and then surprise pikachu face when Medea gets her revenge. It’s the result of an imperfect protagonist, often villain protags, but also anti-heroes or byronic heroes. Really, anyone who has flaws, which is everyone except the paragon archetype. 3rd life is full of imperfect characters making mistakes constantly. But do those mistakes dead to the their own downfall? 
I’ve defined the protagonists before, but for the purpose of this discussion, I want to talk about Grian and Scar separately, since two characters cannot share the same tragedy (it’s their own mistake after all). There are a couple other characters I want to talk about as well, as you might imagine. So what are Grian and Scar’s downfalls? Everyone in 3rd life has one, so what is theirs? For Scar, the answer seems to follow a tragic trope quite solidly, his death is his downfall. But did his mistakes lead him there? Answer: not really! Scar’s greatest ‘mistake’ is his betrayal of his partner. But his death isn’t the result of that. In fact, when he offered his life in apology, Grian doesn’t take it. Scar’s death is actually the result of the two of them being back on better terms. Their relationship can never be what it once was, but they go out crying and laughing and talking about how much fun they had. Scar’s mistakes don’t lead to his death. His redemption does. 
What about Grian? Where is his downfall? There are three moments that could be considered his downfall, being betrayed, killing his partner, and his own death. I think the betrayal is simply the lead up to the real fall, and I think that killing Scar is the real fall—with the suicide being the result of that fall. Do his actions lead him to that conclusion? Answer: sorta? You could argue that his mistake really was getting close to anyone in the first place. He knew he would have to finish the game, so he shouldn’t have let himself get attached to anyone. But his actions aren’t really “mistakes” in the tragic sense, rather, he simply follows the rules of the narrative. Grian more than anyone is simply passively following the plot, rather than being an active member in it. The only part that wasn’t in the plan was having to kill a friend—not just a competitor. So this one is arguable.
Now I talk about Scar and Grian a lot in these discussions of narrative structure, and because as the protagonists, theirs is the POV you are expected to make these assessments from (a tragedy is inherently about the main character, after all. If an antagonist falls, that’s simply comeuppance). But I do still want to talk about the primary antagonist: Ren. And it’s because his storyline really is a perfect tragedy. He starts out just trying to survive, he sets up a business, tries to gather resources and alliances that way, gets dragged along by Martyn who has to show him how to survive. But as things start going well for him, he gets the idea to expand. He has lots of allies now, lots of supplies, why not get everyone in on this? Ren’s hubris leads him to splitting the server in two, and though at first they dominate the fight, each battle they lose a little bit more. His actions have brought once-enemies together all for the sake of defeating him, and he is killed by the person he was trying to protect himself from. His mistake was forcing the partnerships into larger alliances, and it lead directly to his downfall—his death and the death of his kingdom. It’s a very neat and tidy tragedy.
The other notable tragedy is Scott’s. His mistake comes quite late, and his downfall comes immediately after. He does well, plays it smart all the way up until Jimmy dies. And then he loses his head a little. Goes after revenge over anything else. He doesn’t wait for other allies to join him, doesn’t stick with the group as they are gearing up for a larger fight. No, he simply goes to kill Skizz on his own (with Joel, who happened to be there), and then gets killed alone and surrounded. His mistake was simple—going for revenge instead of working with the alliance. But It gets worse when you consider his pact with Cleo. He hadn’t wanted to leave his partner, but he did have a plan B if anything ever happened. And instead of leaning on that plan B, he gets himself killed for revenge. And Cleo ends up dying alone too, doing something similar. So with Scott, we see a more subtle tragedy. 
There are a few more individual POVs that have tragedies included too. But more are just sad. Impulse playing the field, making everyone question where his loyalties are, only to then prove to be strongly loyal to his original alliance—and then HE is the one betrayed? What are heartache. BigB relying on agreements made earlier, before the war, and ending up with an audience as he gets killed instead? Devastating. But not tragedies in the strict sense. 
And similarly, neither is the cactus ring a capital T Tragedy. No one’s mistakes lead them there. Their love and their loyalty did. They overcame everything together, and ended up at the end together. The fact that no matter what they did, this couldn’t be avoided, that this was ordained, that it was fate. That is what makes the cactus ring so heartfelt. They did everything right, at least in the end, and they still ended up here, in a bloody duel to the death. 
By the way, anyone can add to this series if you want! Tag it 3rd life literary analysis, and the one rule is you gotta treat it like a proper analysis haha
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equal-shipping · 5 months
Kaishin Reveal and What It Means For You
Okay I need everyone to keep their shit together because I think this is being blown out of proportion. What follows is a quick rant about what the hell is going in the DCMK fandom and what is going on in fandom in general cause I don’t know why I’m seeing so many people lose their shit over something that was most likely going to happen followed by a quick lesson by a ‘fandom elder’ on how to ignore canon and make a ship your own. 
Spoilers ahead and whatnot. 
April 11th the DCMK 27 movie came out and information was revealed about how Kaito Kuroba and Shinichi Kudou are now cousins. Twitter lost its mind, Tumblr lost its mind, Discord servers are being created and now everyone is wondering what the hell should they do. 
I’m going to be honest, if you are a creator for KaiShin, please don’t delete your work. 
Either archive it or orphan it but please don’t delete it.
You put time and effort into this, into something you love, and just because the mangaka is so SO set in his ways of every single ship being friends to lovers does not mean you have to follow the same format. This doesn’t make you an incest shipper or whatever, it doesn’t make you a person who you don’t want to be, it’s just something that you had no idea of knowing was going to happen and I hope that you can look back at it fondly. 
Anyways, for those enjoying Kaishin on the sidelines all I’m going to say is Pick a Lane. 
Ignore Canon 
If you are an old time shipper then this may not be new for you. I mean Gosho literally had another ship that turned out to be cousins like at this point it’s ‘who is my cousin’ being played in the entire Detective Conan manga. You either already guessed it, are an active incest shipper (hi, hello, tis a me) or you are used to your favourites dying. This situation is no fucking different. 
Wolfwood is dead, in my head he is alive and well and treating his Plant husband right. 
Sora is missing, not in my head where he is kissing Roxas and Riku and Kairi and whoever else wants to get at the sunshine of the KH universe. 
If you are a person who actively kept up with the manga or actively kept up with the show it is possible to ignore canon because they do not suddenly go super deep into being cousins and knowing about each other. They both don’t know if they are cousins or else the jig would be up immediately and the manga would be finished. You CAN ignore canon and if Kaishin is a ship that brings you joy and just serotonin production I implore you guys to choose this lane if you still want to enjoy Kaishin. 
It’s by far the healthiest option and teaches you how to curate your own fandom experience. 
Alternate Universes and You 
I was in the Hannibal fandom for a while and I clearly remember the ‘Hannibal is not a Cannibal’ tag on AO3. I thought it was hilarious but I would never dare to make fun of it because that is a prime example of CURATING YOUR FANDOM EXPERIENCE. 
Here are some examples on how you can start tagging: 
Not Cousins AU
Kaito and Shinichi aren’t family 
No Family Relation AU 
Pre Kaishin reveal 
Or just make a quick blurb of how you mean this drawing/fic to be perceived. Again, this is your experience and you get to make the space you want to make. It’s up to you to make/interact with the content that makes you most comfortable. Again, if you want to delve into AU’s then that is up to you and I think it’s a pretty good lane for those who just feel weird about the whole reveal. 
Stepping Away
Your moral values are your own, people, and I am in no position or even want to judge them. If you feel uncomfortable about this now, see your love for Kaishin diminishing because of the reveal or just don’t see yourself shipping Kaishin in the future then you are more than capable of measuring your response and stepping away from the ship entirely for your own health. 
Is it going to be sad? Yes, but they are fictional and I recommend having an idea of what you have in your life outside of fandom that makes you happy that you can focus on as you go through this. College, work, whatever hobbies you may have taken up–hell put all your eggs into another ship that you know also brings you joy! 
Do not let this dictate your day or your month or your year. This is just fandom, you don’t have to make a big statement unless asked about it, you do not have to justify your decision to anybody, curate.your.fandom.experience. 
I’m going to end this with a repeat of what I just said. 
This is all fictional. We are playing in a fictional sandbox where we can all make whatever we want in any capacity and as long as it is tagged correctly then nobody’s lines have to be crossed. If you just started enjoying Kaishin, find out how you still want to enjoy it or step away. If you have shipped Kaishin for a while, do the same fucking thing! The east side of the fandom is having a field day with the movie, why can’t the west have some fun too?! 
I’m going to ship Kaishin (however all my reblogs will be moved to my other blog for incest-y stuff and just other content people may not vibe with in general) and hell I might just join the Kaishin Big Bang for the hell of it because I have been shipping this ship since I was 15 years old and I’m about to be 30 so….I’m staying fucking seated cause you aren’t getting me out of this chair, Aoyama, you aren’t getting me to ship Aoko with anyone other an Akako so suck on that. 
Be safe, be smart and curate y’all.
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zetomato · 7 months
Brand New One (rant)
I need to understand something so I really want people to answer and tell me because I know my viewpoint on the QSMP cannot physically be perfect and whole.
I haven’t watched any POV in a few days (Due to being sick af, lel) but I’m hearing more and more confusing things coming from this fandom. I’ll point out some of them and hope people will explain more points of view to clear up the extremely confusing situations. (While tagging this neg because I don't want this on main for peeps trying to chill)
Ok so we can all agree that it’s impossible to watch everyone’s POV. Just taking the more active streamers gives you over 9h/day to watch, taking into account that they often are live at the same time and you get already more than anyone should watch their screens in a day (I say that as a Graphic Designer, I keep watching screens, that’s my job). Add everyone else and you got easily over 20h/day. So yeah, for viewers, that’s intense. So it’s even more impossible for streamers since, well, they have to plan their streams and… stream.
So why are people mad at Philza for not knowing Tubbo lore that happened while he wasn’t on the server, some even when he was streaming something else? I know that there’s always that weird moment when something happens for the character you main and then you switch POV and the information doesn’t line up, but why is it expected? Getting super into a storyline is incredible, it’s nice, it’s saying how immersive someone’s RP and storytelling is, how much it resonates with you. But this is live RP, not a script. People will read tones wrong, mishear/misunderstand, make mistakes, talk at the wrong time, mess with friends, have the wrong timing. A bunch of weird stuff will happen.
None of them are doing this out of spite, hell, they are making a point to make sure everyone is included and supported and they have ways to talk to each other when there’s a problem. The ones I know of who do chat with others/in other’s chat are Phil, Tubbo, Cellbit and Etoiles. (there are way more, those are the ones I saw do it/heard say it)
Then there’s the question of doing a critique of the CC’s under the guise of “Oh it’s about the character!”
Yes, QSMP and RP servers in generals bring you HARD into a story to the point sometimes things are hard to differentiate. I’ve reread books and got confused about something before I realized that they were headcanon things I grabbed from fanfics and not canon book events. But some of y’all need to step back. I saw people doing critiques of someone’s laugh or gesture or playstyle under the “Q!” excuse. These are real people, y’all. A CC not reading the room, Tubbo talking loudly over Bagi because he didn’t notice the situation and adjusting when told, Philza not immediately getting that Tubbo’s death was his canon last one and then adjusting to follow the mood. There’s been dozens of those situations since the start of the server, there will be a dozen more.
The players can deal with those situations themselves, they are adults, but I’ve seen some people on here getting weird information and spreading even weirder gossip about a character being mean/rude/an ass when they’re sharing friendly banter or just, not immediately getting a joke or an important moment.
No, Tubbo was not planning on talking over Bagi, he had a lot to say and didn’t notice everything.
No, Phil was not ignoring Tubbo’s lore, he was unaware this death was canon and did not watch a stream while he was already streaming.
People are people. CCs play Characters and aren’t professional actors with scripts. They chill in each other's chats sometimes.
Can we now play nice and take a chill pill about streamers being mean and heartless?
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somedaylazysomeday · 7 months
Bitten - Part Five
With your contract all figured out, you and Wolffe turn to more pleasant activities.
Commander Wolffe x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit. Minors, please do not interact.
Word Count: 3,200
Warnings: Semi-public sexual activity, dom/sub dynamics, fingering, dirty talk, discussions and use of a safeword.
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The silence was deafening.
You realized abruptly that you hadn't heard much noise from other patrons in the restaurant. Your server had yet to return and the design of the building meant you couldn't see any other tables. Still, you felt utterly exposed at the bluntness of the question that had been asked. 
You searched Wolffe's expression. He was waiting patiently for your answer, showing no signs of moving on until you told him what he wanted to know. 
"I… What?" 
Wolffe's brow quirked, but he dutifully repeated the question. "Are you wet for me? You've been squirming in that seat for the last ten minutes."
You could lie. Whether Wolffe would believe you was up for debate, but you could try. However, it wouldn’t be an honest start to your new contract. Instead, you took a slow breath, shoved away your embarrassment, and locked eyes with Wolffe. “Yes.” 
His head tilted slightly. “Yes, what?” 
“Yes, sir,” you amended. “I am wet.” 
“For who?” 
“For you.” 
“Excellent,” Wolffe said, and the intent in his voice brought even more of a reaction from your body. “From past experience, I assume that you don’t have any problem with sexual acts in public, but I want to be sure. I won’t take you completely, since you aren’t collared. But I can bring you some relief before I go find a collar for you.” 
You wanted to whine at the confirmation that Wolffe didn’t intend to fuck you without a collar. “I want to, but… I’m scared about getting caught. There’s a difference between a dim second-floor booth at 79s and a well-lit restaurant.” 
“I understand, and thank you for trusting me with your worries.” Wolffe gestured around your booth. “I should have told you earlier: The Edge is a BDSM club. It’s a safe space to do anything. This is one of the more… publicly acceptable sections, but it’s still safe. No one else can see us and we can’t see them. Our server won’t come back unless we call, whether for service or because we want to be caught in the act. Does that change anything?” 
It was rather incredible the way Wolffe managed to ask the question without sounding like he was making a demand. “It… I’m… yes, please, sir.” 
Wolffe’s expression softened for a moment, then turned into something deliciously wicked. “Showing off those manners again. Good girl. I think you've earned a reward for that. Do you agree?”
Your mouth was too dry for speech, but he mercifully accepted your silent nod instead of pushing you to tell him exactly what you wanted. Wolffe leaned in, offering a kiss without taking it from you, and you gladly accepted it. 
The moment your lips met, Wolffe made it clear that he was in charge. He nipped at your lips until they opened, then took full advantage, relentlessly plundering your mouth until you were breathless from it. 
When he finally let you pull away, Wolffe chased you, nuzzling hungrily at the sensitive skin beneath your jaw. You made a quiet noise - far too quiet for anyone to have heard, even if they were lurking just around a corner. Still, your face went hot with embarrassment. 
Wolffe laughed, the low sound rumbling against your throat. "Don't get shy on me now, little one. Let me hear you." 
You were trembling with the need to make noise for him, especially since one large hand had slipped warm inside your bra and was teasing your nipple to a stiff and sensitive peak. 
There was a moment - gone in a blink and yet seeming to dangle forever in front of you - in which you wondered where his other hand was. As soon as it occurred to you to ask, that other hand was creeping below the waistband of your pants. 
It was a tight fit. You had chosen your outfit based on what looked good, not on the range of motion it offered when someone else was trying to touch your bare skin. Wolffe had managed to wedge a few fingers between the soft skin of your belly and the constricting fabric, but there was no way his entire hand would fit. Not if he wanted to keep any blood flowing, anyway. 
Wolffe made a frustrated sound, almost a growl, as he unfastened your pants with one hand. They fell open easily enough after that, and Wolffe dove in with something approaching glee. 
That first brush of his fingertips over your sex was electrifying. He touched you through the thin shield of your panties, his calluses catching on the silky material. Even working through that barrier, his motions were easy, parting your folds without a second of struggle. The firm sweep of a finger started from the bottom of your entrance and ended only when it had reached the hood of your clit. 
You shuddered violently, gripping his forearm tight enough that you could feel your nails threatening to sink into his skin. 
"If you need me to stop, use your safeword." 
The words took a moment to filter through the lustful fog, and another to make sense. Stop? He thought you wanted him to stop? You might actually implode if he did. 
“More,” you corrected. “I need more. Please. Commander, sir.” 
Wolffe grinned at you. Could he tell you were just throwing out everything you had to convince him to keep going? Probably. Did you mind that? Not in the slightest. As long as he kept touching you, you didn’t care. Everything looked better in the glow of post-orgasmic bliss. 
“Well, if that’s what you need…” Wolffe leaned closer, repositioning himself so that he could get a better perspective on what he was doing to you. A few firm tugs on the hips of your pants pulled them down to mid-thigh, and you squirmed against the coolness of the booth. “How could I refuse such a polite request?”  
Before you could whine at the fact that he was still talking instead of moving, he pushed your panties off to one side. With the way your pants had been maneuvered, that left your core totally bare to his gaze.  
You had slept with Wolffe before. Twice, you reminded yourself. It was still both terrifying and electrifying to be so exposed in front of him. Especially since you were panting, clutching desperately at his arm, and soaked to the mid-thigh, but he seemed totally unaffected. Well, not totally, but enough that there was a clear power difference between the two of you. You found that indescribably hot. 
“Look at you, sweetheart,” Wolffe said, eyes sweeping over you appreciatively. You had to amend your judgment of him from ‘mostly unaffected’ to ‘using every ounce of his durasteel control’. “I never thought you would be so wet for me before we really got started. Good girl. Good, good girl.” 
A pleading noise slipped out between your lips before you could bite it back. Wolffe’s scorching gaze whipped up to your face and he nodded. “Here is how things will go. You’re going to come on my fingers. Right here, as soon as we can make it happen.” 
You nodded too many times, but honestly, he was lucky you didn’t come just at the decisive way he told you exactly what he was going to do to you. Instead, you restrained yourself and said, “Yes. Please.”
“But first…” Wolffe reached between your legs as you watched raptly. His forefinger skimmed over your entrance, barely dipping inside. Your hips jolting, canting upward as if you could coax him deeper if you only offered yourself to him more blatantly. Still, Wolffe’s finger was shining with the evidence of your excitement and you swore your heart stopped beating when his lips closed around the digit. He hummed a little as he sucked your arousal from his own skin. “I had to remind myself how you taste.” 
You didn’t remember releasing his arm, but the next thing you knew, you had planted both hands on the bench seat and used them to lever your hips upward. Wolffe pressed you back into the seat, one-handed and with no sign of struggle, then thrust a finger inside of you without a word of warning. 
And then you were holding his forearm again. Whatever Wolffe might have thought you were doing, he didn’t seem to understand that you would struggle if he tried to tease you any more. You needed to come, and that needed to happen in the next five minutes or you were going to take care of things yourself. 
Wolffe took pity on you, though, and that finger had scarcely left you when he was pushing it back inside. You spread your legs wider - as wide as you could manage with the waistband of your pants wrapped around your thighs, anyway - as if you could entice him to hurry up. The glint in his eyes as he caught the movement told you that Wolffe wouldn’t be rushed, but you were more than welcome to try. 
“You like that, sweetheart?” he asked. You panted at him, but his finger stilled as he watched you with his brows raised. “I need an answer.” 
“That wasn’t rhetorical?” you demanded, galvanized into speech by the indignation of him stopping. 
Apparently, that was the wrong answer, and Wolffe pulled away from you entirely. He was still leaning over you, taking up most of your field of vision, but he wasn’t touching you. At least, not in the places you needed him to. 
“No questions are rhetorical when we’re together,” he told you, frowning. “I need to know you’re comfortable and enjoying what’s going on, and I can’t rely only on what your body is telling me. I’ll need your mouth to tell me, too. Do you understand?” 
It hadn’t been an admonishment, but you still felt chastened… Ridiculous as that was when lowering your chin treated you to the sight of your bare mound peeking over your lowered pants. “Yes, I understand. I’m sorry.” 
“I’m sorry, too,” Wolffe told you. “I should have been more clear. I’m treating this like a practice session. We should start learning each other so there are no misunderstandings later, when someone could really get hurt.” 
“That’s a good idea,” you admitted.
“Then do you have an answer for me?”
 “Yes,” you said, face burning with mingled embarrassment and arousal. “I was enjoying that very much.” 
“Brave girl,” Wolffe said with a nod. “Do you need me to ease back into things?”
“No, I’m good.” You settled back, pressing against the back of the booth so that you could give him full access to you. “Please keep going like you were before, Commander.” 
He took you at your word, thrusting a finger deep into your channel as your jaw dropped at the surprise of it. He was merciless, pumping in and out of you until the wetness of your body was making as much noise as you were.
And then he added a second finger. 
Wolffe was a big man, much bigger than you. The addition of another finger rocked you, and you were aroused enough that you swore your vision went fuzzy at the edges. He didn’t give you time to adjust, holding his pace steady as you dug your nails into the plush fabric of the booth seat beneath you. 
The question made no sense to you until Wolffe began to slow down, and you remembered the color system you had set up during your contract negotiations. “Green! Green. Please!” 
Wolffe thrust his fingers as deep as they could get inside of you. That had three immediate and devastating effects. First, your core was forced wide around him, your walls squeezing and throbbing as you tried to adjust to the intrusion. Second, it ground the heel of his hand against the sensitive nerve cluster of your clit. Third, it put his fingertips squarely within reach of your g-spot. 
You hung there for a moment, staring into Wolffe’s eyes instead of blankly watching the ceiling. Wolffe watched you in return. The intelligence and intent in his brown-and-silver gaze was both attractive and worrying - he was going to take you apart, and both of you knew it.
After he kept you dangling for an eternity - no more than a heartbeat, but time seemed to stretch between you - Wolffe deliberately moved. His fingers spread, the heel of his palm pressed against you in a sharp rhythm, and his fingertips pressed into the place in your core that made you go blind with pleasure. 
“Wolffe - sir,” you panted. “Kiss me, please, I’m going to…”
Wolffe’s mouth pressed to yours just as the pleasure reached its peak. You couldn’t fight it back any longer. You let your lips part against his, a shout escaping from you. Thankfully, it was muffled in the kiss. It felt raw, and you wondered if The Edge’s staff would still keep a discreet distance if you sounded like you were being murdered. 
The possibility of death didn’t seem like such a stretch when your body shattered. Your core cranked so tight around him that Wolffe’s fingers couldn’t hold their spread position. Even the shaking in your arms didn’t stop you from lashing onto Wolffe’s forearm, holding him steady as you thrust helplessly. 
The motion was instinctive more than anything, but it didn’t escape your notice that you were humping his hand. In the middle of the day. In a semi-public place. It was humiliating, but that was far less important than keeping the pressure of his palm firm against your clit. 
You strained and shook with your orgasm, holding Wolffe’s kiss even when you were worried you would bite through something important if you weren’t careful. Having your mouth occupied was the only thing keeping you from shrieking aloud in the restaurant, and you were ever-cognizant of the fact that there were other people around. Wolffe had mentioned that other patrons couldn’t see you, but he hadn’t said anything about whether they could hear you. 
All of this was secondary, of course, to the massive rush of endorphins and dopamine surging through your brain. 
When the orgasm had ripped its violent way through you, you were left weak and sated. Wolffe’s hand was still playing between your legs, though, and that was pushing you toward overstimulation. 
You used your grip on his wrist to pull him away from you. Or, more accurately, you tried to pull him away. He didn’t budge, his insistent touch making you squirm in discomfort. 
“Wolffe, please!” 
“What do you say?” 
You stared at him, dismayed. “Please? Sir?”
His palm pressed against your clit again and you writhed, the sensation overwhelming against the rawness of your nerves. Your mind didn’t want to work, but you had to remember… “Red! Kashyyyk!” 
Wolffe stopped immediately, and the rush of relief was heady even with his fingers still buried in you. In the sudden quiet and stillness, your panting was loud. 
“I’m sorry, little one,” Wolffe said, sounding actually regretful. “I’m going to move now.”
Slowly, gently, he pulled his fingers free of your shuddering core as you fought back against the aftershocks that tried to rise. By the time you had calmed down again, Wolffe had wiped his fingers clean with one of the table napkins and was handing you your glass of water. 
“I didn’t want to overstimulate you,” he told you eventually. “But I needed to make sure you could remember to use your safeword.”
“I was… overwhelmed.” Your voice was weary, but heavy with satiety. 
“It was an overwhelming situation,” Wolffe agreed. “But we’re going to have a lot of those in our time together. Those are the times when it’s hardest to remember your safeword, but that’s when you need it the most. You did well.” 
You smiled, but it faded as another question occurred to you. “Would you have stopped if I could only remember ‘red’?” 
Wolffe hummed. “Probably. The difference between the color system and safewords is that the color system is usually used for me to check on you. The safeword is you telling me to stop, even if I didn’t ask. But you saying ‘red’ is going to tell me that I need to check with you. It’s almost the same thing, but it may be less immediate. Unless you want to add ‘red’ as a secondary safeword?” 
“I… actually think I understand what you mean with the system as it is,” you mused. “So ‘red’ is more of a ‘something needs to change if we’re going to keep doing this’ and safeword is a full stop?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “If I ask for your color and you say ‘red’, I’m going to stop, but it’s more of a pause. Unless you want ‘red’ to mean stop the same way that your safeword does.”
“No, I think I like having the option to pause.” You watched him from under your lashes. “I get that safewords are the actual stop phrase. It makes it more serious. I won’t do it as often.” 
Wolffe frowned, taking your hands. His hands were warm and large, cradling yours in a comforting way. “Wait. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea from this. Safewording is something that’s going to happen. It should happen. When you safeword, we’ll stop whatever we’re doing, I’ll take off anything that may be constricting your movement, and we’ll discuss what happened. I’ll never be upset or angry that you used your safeword, and there will never be any retaliation. Communication is everything, and safewords are just another way we can make sure we’re communicating. And if we decide to play with gags or anything that would keep you from speaking, we’ll figure out a nonverbal safeword so you’re still in control of what we do.” 
“I thought I didn’t get to be in control?” you asked, smiling a little. It was hard to tease when Wolffe was holding you like you were precious and watching you with such sincerity. “Isn’t that the point of all this?” 
“There’s power exchange,” Wolffe corrected. “But one of the most confusing parts of power-exchange relationships is that the submissives have all of the control. You’ve trusted me to take care of you, but you still have final say on what we do or don’t do together. Does that make sense?” 
“... I’m sure it will when I’m less tired,” you offered.
That made his full lips quirk. “Come on, then. Let’s get you dressed so I can go find our server. You need some rest and I have errands to run.” 
You frowned even as Wolffe helped you pull your clothes back into place. Was he leaving Coruscant so soon? You hoped not, but it would sound unacceptably needy to ask directly. So you settled for, “Errands?”
“Errands,” he confirmed with a nod, using his grip on your hand to pull you to your feet. Then he steadied you when his wicked grin made your knees weak. “I’m finding you a collar today. I’m going to wreck that pretty little pussy as soon as possible and I don’t want us to wait any longer than we have to.”
Author's Note - I have a lot of ideas for these two! I'm not sure when I'll get around to writing them, but I don't consider this story complete yet.
I'd love to hear what you thought, or if there are any particular things you would like to see from this fic. Thanks for reading!
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Traumagenic system here!! This is a genuine question, not meant to be a jab or anything!! We are fairly new to the online side of plurality, and often see servers or blogs either not welcome endogenic [?] systems, or they will ask YOU if you support them and if you do you arent welcome. My response has been that we will support them IF there is legitimate sources backing the possibility of their exsistance, simply because 1, that is true we will and 2, because we dont know much about them? NOW THE QUESTION!! um do you have any source that is backed where we could read about other types of systems that ARENT traumagenic? we saw people say there ARE these sources, so we genuinely would love to read them and were wondering if you have any!!
not many as of yet, though there’s a study aiming for 2024 completion that is examining multiplicity without trauma in young people. we’re excited to view the results of this study! there’s also this one interesting and legitimate article on paromancy (called tulpamancy in the study) by samuel vessiere. oh, and this study on writers, exploring how oftentimes writers’ characters will act as independent agents in their own minds (so basically plurality without trauma).
endogenic plurality hasn’t really been studied all that much. a big reason why we think that is, is because for many (if not most) nontraumagenic systems, their plurality is a metaphysical, imagined, or spiritual experience. and these things really cannot be proved by science. lots of people may claim to have loads of research proving endogenic systems exist, but once you get into the articles, it seems like most of those papers either already assume endogenic plurality exists without proving it, or claim to have proof backed with poor research. so those three papers right now are the only academic studies we have that we’re confident in.
does that mean these folks are lying about their experience, or that they’re not actually plural or multiple? absolutely not. what it does mean, is that those who say “i won’t believe you until there’s scientific proof you exist” will likely be waiting forever, all the while dismissing and disrespecting their fellow systems who experience plurality in a different way.
for lots of people, merely having imaginary friends makes them feel plural. others liken their headmates to spirits, ghosts, or deities.
will science ever prove that imaginary friends, ghosts, spirits, or gods exist? likely not. does that make it okay to disregard those who are religious, or who have active imaginations? not really.
this is why we believe fully in endogenic plurality without much research proving it exists. if someone tells us they’re plural, we believe them. folks just existing as they are doesn’t really harm anyone, least of which traumatized systems like us.
those who attack traumagenic systems, or who purposefully spread false information, however, are a different story. for the most part, though, endogenic systems do not behave this way. there are a few loud voices in endogenic spaces which are harmful, but these individuals do not speak for the endogenic community as a whole, even if they think they do.
something that i remember hearing from our therapist that i’d like to pass on is:
you shouldn’t have to understand others in order to treat them with decency and respect. as a white system, we will never be able to understand what it’s like to be a person of color. as a traumagenic system, we will never be able to understand what it’s like to be endogenic. that doesn’t give us an excuse to be unkind or disrespectful, or to dismiss those who aren’t the same as us. it’s still on us to treat people with kindness and respect, even and especially if they experience the world in ways we will never understand.
hope this helps. sorry it was so long.
🐢 kip and 👻 ghost
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irisbleufic · 1 year
Hello! I've followed you for a while and if I'm brave enough, one of these days I'll ask for an invite to your server. I am too socially anxious to do it right now.
But I wanted to say that the current fandom environment (not only in the Good Omens fandom but at least what I've seen almost everywhere) is a bit scary because apparently not liking something and saying it openly is seen as some kind of unforgivable offense.
I'm a bit sad bc I was a bit involved in some fandom projects for S1 and had a lot of fun with people I thought was very reasonable and open but this season has made those same people act so weird if someone dares say they didn't like it.
I wasn't kicked out of servers, I left them voluntarily because it felt uncomfortable seeing this almost cult-like reactions. I really don't know if fandom has always been like this or I was lucky before.
I'm more or less old but I am not what some people would call a fandom old since I discovered fandom (the interaction with group of people that like the same stuff as me) somehow late and didn't experience LJ, for example, so I am curious to know if people acted like this before too.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/evening.
Good morning, anon! I’m sleepless and happened to see this come in. Please rest assured that the server will still be there if and when you decide to request the invite link. It’s honestly shaping up to be where all of the book devotees and other misfits not welcome in the TV crowd for various reasons are seeking refuge, if you want to know the truth. We welcome you.
The environment in fandom right now is disheartening. I feel like dissent and criticism surrounding media used to be a normal part of fandom interactions. Somehow, fandom has forgotten how to let it co-exist with positive sentiments. I’m as taken aback as you are.
Whether you were kicked out of servers or left them due to discomfort, I just…wow, I’m tired and sad to keep hearing this story from folks right now. It’s why I feel keeping the Ritz around is so important. It was founded in 2017 and used to be the largest, busiest GO server. As soon as the show hit, new folks coming in expected the (as you say) cult-like devotion to the show…and mostly left because they did not find it. I’m heartened to see it coming back to life, though, with newcomers. I’m one of the only founding mods left; the co-mod who created the server is now less active since transferring ownership of it to me a few years ago.
You’re asking if GO fandom has always been like it is now, and the answer is a resounding no. It was so much more diverse before as far as opinions that were socially “permitted.” The expectation of homogeneity that the show has brought about is frankly unprecedented.
You’re not alone in not quite being old/a fandom elder, either. I’ve been in GO fandom for 19 years, but I’m only 41. I started writing them a lot younger than some of the first writers the fandom ever had (those writers were my mentors and many remain my friends). TL;DR I’m young relative to how long I’ve been in the fandom, and I agree that it places a person in the weird position of being an elder, but not precisely being old.
I hope that this perspective helps. You truly aren’t alone in how you’re feeling, and your observations are valid 💙
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apollortaylor · 8 months
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This was a reply on a response to an ask. In the post I mentioned why I don’t want endogenic systems on my page. I’ve said it a few times but here’s it again for those who missed it or were asleep in the back of the classroom.
My experience with the Endo community hasn’t been totally terrible, but I have seen their bad side. A lot of other traumagenic systems have been targeted by the endo community because of their difference in opinions. This can come in many forms including attacking trauma only discord servers, targeting those with opposing view points, cyber bullying, and spreading hate and discourse.
People tend to feel attacked when their viewpoint is challenged, whether they’re being attacked or not. And people who are insecure in their identity or view point (as I believe many endos are) tend to lash out when they feel that way. I don’t want to say anyone is a bad person, I’m just pointing out patterns I have seen and heard of over and over. A lot of endos have resorted to hate and cyber bullying when they find those who don’t believe them.
Now this isn’t to say that the traumagenic community hasn’t also been hurtful. I’ve seen plenty of people attacking every endo or supporter they see based on their past experiences with a different endo or supporter.
Now here comes the really messy part. Even if endos aren’t purposely hurting those who aren’t in their community, they are actively spreading misinformation that can seriously damage the public view of systems. By making claims like “you can choose to be like this” or that it’s all fun and games warps the reality of the pain and trauma that is associated with dissociative disorders. And by spreading a false narrative it makes it harder for those struggling to be taken seriously.
Just to be clear I do not condone any kind of attacks or targeting of endos or their community. I am perfectly happy to coexist as long as they stay in their own lane.
Have a good day -Apollo/Elizabeth
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findroleplay · 9 months
🖋️. Hi! A little about me first and foremost; I’m a 21 year old woman who is obsessed with writing in the style of advanced literate and novella, I ask my writing partners be the same. Please do not interact if you aren’t 18+. I require a partner who reciprocates the same energy and excitement, the enthusiasm is a must because if it’s one sided, I end up losing interest fairly quickly. I love making playlists, Pinterest boards and plotting / world building. I would really like for my writing partner to be the same way! For face claims, I only use realistic or AI and unfortunately I ask the same of you too because anime and drawings just don’t give me the kind of visuals I need. I’m open to darker themes, I have no problems with them being included. The only limitations are extreme detailed animal abuse / death and pedophilia. It can be mentioned but not actively written. I like including smut but it isn’t a must, I just feel it adds to the story but if you are uncomfortable with it, we can fade to black. If you are comfortable with it, awesome! We can include it. But I’d like for there to be a healthy balance! I write on discord and only on discord, it’s the place I’m most comfortable with and it’s just so aesthetically pleasing to make pretty servers.
On to what I’m looking for, right now I’m searching for apocalyptic/dystopian and medieval fantasy original plots. I would love to fully immerse into a story including these topics. I have ideas for both genre that I can share if you are interested. I play many muses, female or male. I’m comfortable with you playing whatever you’d like. As for couples, I’m looking for all gendered couples. Mlm, wlw, mlw, all of them. I feel like it’s super important to say that POC face claims are welcomed! Some of the tropes I love and would like to include are, enemies to lovers, friends to enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, star crossed lovers, morally grey characters, villain gets the girl/guy, soulmates, wars.
Those are just a few! We can discuss more if you’re interested:)) for apocalyptic plots, I do love zombies, alien invasion, mutated animals, just a few as an example.
I’ve rambled on enough so I’m going to end it here. If you’re interested, please interact and I’ll be sure to send you a message as soon as possible!
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mysticmyths · 10 months
🖋️. Hi! A little about me first and foremost; I’m a 21 year old woman who is obsessed with writing in the style of advanced literate and novella, I ask my writing partners be the same. Please do not interact if you aren’t 18+. I require a partner who reciprocates the same energy and excitement, the enthusiasm is a must because if it’s one sided, I end up losing interest fairly quickly. I love making playlists, Pinterest boards and plotting / world building. I would really like for my writing partner to be the same way! For face claims, I only use realistic or AI and unfortunately I ask the same of you too because anime and drawings just don’t give me the kind of visuals I need. I’m open to darker themes, I have no problems with them being included. The only limitations are extreme detailed animal abuse / death and pedophilia. It can be mentioned but not actively written. I like including smut but it isn’t a must, I just feel it adds to the story but if you are uncomfortable with it, we can fade to black. If you are comfortable with it, awesome! We can include it. But I’d like for there to be a healthy balance! I write on discord and only on discord, it’s the place I’m most comfortable with and it’s just so aesthetically pleasing to make pretty servers.
On to what I’m looking for, right now I’m searching for apocalyptic/dystopian and medieval fantasy original plots. I would love to fully immerse into a story including these topics. I have ideas for both genre that I can share if you are interested. I play many muses, female or male. I’m comfortable with you playing whatever you’d like. As for couples, I’m looking for all gendered couples. Mlm, wlw, mlw, all of them. I feel like it’s super important to say that POC face claims are welcomed! Some of the tropes I love and would like to include are, enemies to lovers, friends to enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, star crossed lovers, morally grey characters, villain gets the girl/guy, soulmates, wars.
Those are just a few! We can discuss more if you’re interested:)) for apocalyptic plots, I do love zombies, alien invasion, mutated animals, just a few as an example.
I’ve rambled on enough so I’m going to end it here. If you’re interested, please interact and I’ll be sure to send you a message as soon as possible!
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
Before I add my criticism to what must be an overwhelming pile, I want to say: I really hope you’re okay, Sophie. Lord knows I don’t agree with you on many things, but nobody deserves to have every single minor thing they say or do scrutinized by thousands online. Nobody deserves to feel like they have to engage with a hateful group of people in the name of activism 24/7 — and that’s what it often feels like you’re doing. When you get to the point that you have to rationalize being a hateful, spiteful person on your blog… something’s gone wrong, I think. And I really, really hope you can take the time you need to at least rest and recover. Get some sleep, take some time to do something other than online activism, and take care of your body and mind.
Now, for the criticism: the biggest issue with the big post and your rationale is that you’re using a Gatling gun approach. You’re trying to hit as many people as possible via hatred and vitriol, and yes, that works. It really does. But at the same time you’re triggering anti-endos, pro-endos are looking at this and going, “What if she hits me?” Or worse, you are hitting fellow pro-endos, triggering them just as badly.
I’m actually one of those pro-endos. I used to follow your blog practically religiously, to the degree that, for my health, I had to block your URL entirely from my computer, because I was just… that obsessed with the things you said. For better or for worse. And what you said hurt, because at a fundamental level, I felt like you were speaking to me, even when I knew you weren’t, because I was briefly anti-endo and I don’t agree with you on some of your biggest talking points. Does that make me anti-endo now? Does that mean I deserve total isolation? Does that mean I will lose everyone I love for my crimes of being… really traumatized, scared, and making mistakes?
I know a lot of pro-endos who have “changed to be anti-endo” because of this sort of posting of yours. It happened the last time you made an incredibly similar “you deserve complete isolation” post about anti-endos; pro-endos disgraced you and disowned you. In the discord servers I’m in, all pro-endo, your name is said in a “I’m-not-with-her” fashion; people don’t want to associate with an individual who often traumatizes the very people she says she stands for.
I don’t fault them for the change, particularly when your (and many others) response to that was, essentially, “they aren’t true pro-endos.” I saw the sentiment more than once of, ‘if you can switch that readily to hating this group, then you aren’t pro-endo and never were.’ But… here you are, hateful in retaliation, just like those who change sides are. It’s just a lot of hate. And at the end of the day… is this really helping plurals?
Yes. You convince a few anti-endos to change. But you’re also constantly spreading vitriol, constantly angry, even if it looks different than others. It’s almost worse, because you don’t appear angry; it’s almost hard to believe some days, because you say these things with 😈 cute emojis 🤷‍♀️ that make it seem like you just don’t care about the harm you’re causing. And if your goal is to make anti-endos change, you’re showing them that this acceptance of pro-endos as people is entirely conditional on their belief. “Unless you agree with me (the biggest voice on tumblr for pro-endos), you are part of a hate group.” I know that’s not what you’re aiming for, but that’s the issue with the Gatling gun — you aim and hit everything, regardless of if you meant to.
I know kindness is exhausting. And I know you’re just plainly not going to reach as many anti-endos with kindness. But would you rather help raise a few more kind pro-endos? Or raise far more hateful ones?
I don’t know the right answer. I just know I hope you’re doing well.
I mean, I'd prefer more pro-endos than less pro-endos.
Hate is... worrying. Because yes, hate can be infectious. It's easy to go too far with hate and anger and cause serious damage along the way.
But anger is also a necessary human emotion. It can be a motivator and make you strong and get you to take positive action. I think if we want a plural future, we need people to be at least a little bit angry about our current situation. People who are dissatisfied with being hurt and cast aside and mistreated. One thing I don't want is for people to just be completely content with how things are.
Hate isn't the goal, but passion is.
And I would love to see more passionate pro-endos.
I don't know the details of your specific server. I don't know if their issues with me lie in the way I talk about anti-endo or if it's my use of tulpa language (because there have been pro-endos I've had personal beef with for their position on that) or if it's even straight-up lies, because a lot of lies have been passed around about me.
But I also don't particularly care.
There are thousands of endogenic and pro-endo systems out there, and I would be stupid if I tried to appeal to all of them.
And while you say that you've seen people change to anti-endo, I haven't. Every blog I've seen claiming to be anti-endo because of my posts were either already anti-endo or were spitting anti-endo rhetoric long before that. At worst, you might have some "neutrals" who spent their time spreading anti-endo talking points and just now decided to make it official by changing how they officially identified.
But… here you are, hateful in retaliation, just like those who change sides are.
Don't try to "both sides" this.
If I'm hateful, it's towards people who are part of a group defined by hating me for my very existence.
If people change sides and choose to join in hating endogenic systems because I'm sometimes a little mean to this group that hates me for my existence, that's not the same thing. (Assuming this is something that actually happens, which I still haven't actually seen.)
But back to this...
I know kindness is exhausting. And I know you’re just plainly not going to reach as many anti-endos with kindness.
I don't think it has to be a choice.
I think a lot of my blog is polite debunks with relatively little hate, or is reblogging positivity or is answering asks. If I think someone is on the verge of changing or is open to it, then I'll show them kindness personally.
But occasionally, I do think it's useful to fire up my gatling gun. It gives anti-endos a single focus, a boogeyman whose notoriety they can build on, and instill a sense of morbid curiosity of in their followers so they'll seek me out.
Bait with hate; convince with kindness seems like an effective tactic, IMO.
And if people are worried about getting hit, they don't have to follow me. There are plenty of other great pro-endo blogs that are less drama-filled and hazardous than this one. I'm not aiming to be the spokeswoman for the whole endogenic community, I don't consider this blog a particularly safe space even though I know some of my followers do, and I won't fault people for taking care of their mental health and finding safer blogs to follow.
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tkblythofficial · 3 months
ngl i've never seen a solo T fan bcs most if not all T fans i come across are R stans if you dont count your discord server (ik what the weird things others say abt her there in the guise of 'concern'). so i kind of get confused when you say 'his fandom' whenever you mention R wanting *his* fans support(which is kind of odd of yall to say since she has a bigger one). anyway please dont be weird towards R whenever she mentions T nowadays cuz im sure she misses her workaholic wh*re friend
“ngl i've never seen a solo T fan”
Really? You haven’t looked far then.
“bcs most if not all T fans i come across are R stans”
This is true to extend because most of his fans rn are from TBOSAS (and BTK) and most ship snowbaird which naturally has R in it.
“if you dont count your discord server (ik what the weird things others say abt her there in the guise of 'concern').”
Why does that server get brought up? It’s been dead and buried now 🙄 it’s strange how zeglians are fixated on this server since Feb. aren’t you embarrassed?
“so i kind of get confused when you say 'his fandom' whenever you mention R wanting *his* fans support(which is kind of odd of yall to say since she has a bigger one).”
Hmmm because there’s 3 different fandoms here. His fandom. Her fandom. And zeglyth fandom. Maybe you haven’t seen it but he has plenty of fans who don’t care about R or Zeglyth. His fandom is fairly small but next year will be a different story.
And because R definitely inserts herself into his fandom often. It’s not just him though. For example, she reposted a video with J Elordi last year when he was going viral for Saltburn and Priscilla. His fans liked her post then disappeared because she’s not in JE’s fandom. T’s fans don’t disappear because like you said a lot of them love R too but she actively wants to be involved in his world. She wants a permanent place there. This was very obvious to me when she dropped that throwback Zeglyth pic when his cheating rumors dropped. She did that distract everyone and her fandom, his fandom, their fandom quickly forgot about those rumors and was jumping for joy at the new pic.
People tag R in all his rumors/hate too which is strange. His fandom was talking about cheating rumors but people were tagging R in their tweets as if she has anything to do with that. Why? Because the general public links them together because of her. If she stopped talking about him last year, there would be no Zeglyth fandom and his fandom wouldn’t be mixed in hers as much either.
“anyway please dont be weird towards R whenever she mentions T nowadays cuz im sure she misses her workaholic wh*re friend”
“Workaholic” LOL a man having multiple jobs is confusing and shocking to the zeglian fandom…how sad.
“Wh*re” well R loves and defends that whore so…..
Are you new to the blog? Or haven’t visited in a while? We discuss things normally then move on. We used to freak out for days when she mentioned him. Now it’s like “oh she said his name again…that’s nice” and the next day, we moved onto something else.
Side note: I’m always a little confused because anons used to say things like this. Why do people blame me for R’s feelings for T? That’s not my problem. I’m not holding a gun to her head and forcing her to speak about him. You’re blaming Zeglyth fandom for being “weird” when most people just react normally and move on with their lives.
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sketchingstars03 · 1 year
-a socially anxious lil guy from the ink appreciation discord server
Oh wow! Certainly!
For those who do not know, Splatter is my OC! One that is very dear to my heart in fact. She started off as a Undertale AU/UTMV OC but has since graduated to also have her own original story!
Though since my UTMV phase has now come back to haunt me (/pos), that version of her I feel still exists as well and I’m currently exploring it further.
Anyways, you want Splatter Facts™️ right? I have plenty! Though the ones I’ll give today are applicable to both versions of her ;3. Let’s begin!
Her current age is 9!
Her current height is 3’0”!
Her favourite food is cheesecake!
She’s very adventurous, and loves visiting new places!
She does not have a favourite colour because she’s afraid if she picks a favourite she’ll make “all the other colours sad”
Loves to make new friends! If you aren’t scary then she won’t hesitate to try and befriend you!
She likes to climb up things and hang upside down from her tail a lot!
She lives with her adoptive father (who’s UTMV counterpart might be pretty easy to guess if you just ah, ahem, look at my blog 👀) and two uncles, and adores them more than anything else in the world!
She likes to draw in her spare time!
She’s a bit of a pacifist to a fault, often finding it hard to distinguish between herself actively hurting someone and self defence 😔. (It’s something she has to unlearn over the course of her story)
In addition to that, she also really doesn’t like hurting people’s feelings, which, again, can come at her detriment sometimes.
She has a sort of “birthmark” on her back fur (because yes her entire torso is covered in the floof) that’s a bunch of deer spots (the kind of markings you’d find on baby deer/fawns) clumped together into a sort of splatter shape. Which is how she got her name!
That’s all the info I can think of for now, but after this ask I think I’ll definitely give out more specific information on both of her versions in the future!
Here’s her current design to end things off!
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and speaking of the Ink server, I think i’ll give that a bit of promotion 👀
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