#with the thought of ‘what if’ roier is actually dead i made this since i kept thinking about those who lost him today
no-lavender · 11 months
Jaiden lost Roier today. The person who helped raised bobby with her. They always cared for each other deeply and wanted the best for the other. They always made sure they were safe and sound whenever it seemed like something bad was happening or happened. They both never wanted to fight each other even in this event and refused. Even when it came down to it they were guilty whenever they did fight.
Foolish lost Roier today. His son, the only person in his family there after vegetta disappeared and leo went missing. He was there to make jokes always with him just how foolish was there for him and adopted him after losing bobby. Roier cared deeply for foolish just the same way foolish does for roier.
Cellbit lost Roier today. His husband, the person who knew him and got him the most. The one that was constantly by his side to reassure him. The person who loved him through anything and was ready to go war and kill everyone in the federation with him. The person who was there for him even at his lowest moments uplifting him. The person who was always there to give him a hug and a smile on his face when things weren’t looking so good.
Richas and Leo lost roier today. When they come back richas will have his stepfather gone along with his other pais. He will have lost a lot of his family. Those who helped him and joked with him. Leo lost her brother. The one there to take care of her when he could whenever she had tasks to complete still. Even though roier was scared to take care of another egg after bobby he still took care of them and cared for them. He loved them even if the thought of losing someone else dear to him frightened him. He was still there even with his fears
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infinitecyanroses · 1 year
The Cyan Roses and Their Connection to Bobby
Ever since I first watched the streams from Bobby's death I have been intrigued by the cyan roses that appeared and how the admins used them story wide, hence my username. So today I've decided to gather up all my thoughts about these flowers and explain how they stand out as a unique symbol in the qsmp. First I'll start with a summary of the cyan rose appearances on the day of Bobby's farewell and then I'll go into speculation about what these flowers could mean for the story the admins are telling.
So the day after Bobby lost his last life in the dungeon, both Roier and Jaiden reunited at Roier's house and Bobby's castle where they chatted with Cucurucho since Bobby's fate was still up in the air. After Cucurucho told them both to gather all their friends together, Cucurucho leaves and Roier and Jaiden both notice a single cyan rose right in front of the entrance to Bobby's castle.
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Both of them point out that this flower wasn't there before and despite there being no other flowers like it around the house or castle, the flower's color and placement instantly reminds both Roier and Jaiden of Bobby.
Cut forward to when Roier, Jaiden, and everyone else in the server start the journey to make it to where Bobby died, the group notices a trail of cyan roses that seem to point in the direction they're taking.
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The path of cyan roses doesn't last too long but Jaiden immediately points out their importance and begins to pick up all of the flowers she can despite it slowing her down (Baghera helps her too).
Then when the group finally made it to the top of the dungeon, they discovered an elevator block that took them to the white QSMP room where other parents had also met with the spirits of their dead eggs, only it was now decorated with grass blocks around the room and some of Bobby's favorite things. Cucurucho then explained that Bobby was actually dead and once Jaiden and Roier agreed to take the 10 minutes with Bobby that Cucurucho offered, Cucurucho started to place cyan roses on the grass blocks around the room until a bunch of cyan roses encircled the room.
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After Cucurucho had placed the flowers and everyone else left, the wall opened up so Roier and Jaiden could see Bobby, now sporting a halo. They spent their 10 minutes with Bobby and got even more time with him as everyone else got to come back and wish Bobby farewell.
Since that day, the cyan roses have become important to Roier and Jaiden with Jaiden using the roses she gathered from that day to decorate her sunset watching spot at the new base she made in Bobby's memory. While Roier has not added any new cyan roses around the house and castle, the cyan rose that they first found in front of the castle has remained untouched to this day. Other characters have also picked up on the cyan roses' connection to Bobby. Leonarda hung up a framed cyan rose on the wall of Bobby's tomb while she was building it and Richarlyson and Cellbit used cyan roses to decorate the cafe made in Bobby's honor, Star Bobby.
Speculation Time
At first the cyan roses seem to be just a simple decoration the admins added to add some beauty and symbolism to the day of Bobby's farewell but this still stand out as the first time a unique item has been linked to a character in such a way in the server. While a lot of the eggs have items associated with them, what makes the cyan roses stand out with Bobby is that Bobby had never been associated with cyan roses before. Bobby was associated with flowers since he and Jaiden have given each other flowers before, but Bobby had never interacted with cyan roses before from what I can tell. Yet, these flowers seem to be associated with Bobby's presence.
What recently clued me into the roses being more than just decoration was when Forever recently broke into a Federation base and discovered a cyan rose inside of a password protected chest. Why would the Federation keep a single flower like this protected?
While this could be a red herring, all the other previous clues make me believe that the roses were important for bringing back Bobby. Rubius recently said he came back as the angel for the first egg funeral because the Federation needed his help temporarily bringing the eggs' spirits back. The angel wasn't there for Bobby's death though. What Cucurucho did do before Bobby's spirit was revealed was place the cyan roses around the room, almost like a summoning circle. Perhaps the Federation figured out how to imbue the flowers with parts of Bobby's soul/essence. Going with the qsmp's theme of codes and computer simulations, maybe the flowers are connected to Bobby's code somehow.
Now I do not want to get anyone's hope up about a potential Bobby resurrection. Jaiden has a bunch of these flowers around her house and there's still no sign of Bobby, but I do think these flowers may hint towards the Federation's potential experiments with mortality/immortality. Just keep an eye out for anymore cyan roses popping up in connection to the Federation.
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moiteneia · 8 months
Guapoduo: Who we are and what's happening -- Transferred minds and trace traumas.
Let's talk?
We are in despair. Our little cubit could finally return from Purgatory and having to deal with a fresh start on the island, he is also having to face not only his traumas, but what is different, both in him and in others.
• Trauma: he spent months trapped in Purgatory, having to endure loneliness, tiredness, hunger and depression. He and q!Baghs believed their children were dead and, refusing to kill each other, were tortured by The Watcher, forced to fight in an arena without ever being able to rest.
This made q!Cellbit's mind become fragile, already being a cubite with countless insecurities, he thought he was a disappointment, that he could not return to his home, since in his vision, no one, not even his loved one, wanted him close.
• Guapito: q!Roier, contrary to what q!Cellbit thinks, was actually worried sick. He wanted to save his husband and go to Purgatory, taking the risk of looking for a map. However, because of this, the Federation, in league with his twin Doier, captured him and switched their minds (trapping q!Roier in a rat).
Now, Doier is taking up his brother's space, lying to q!Cellbit saying that he missed him very little, hurting him on purpose saying it was a joke (whereas q!Roier, in Purgatory, showed that he hated hurting his husband). And even though q!Cellbit notices some things wrong, he thinks he deserves this treatment, that maybe his weak mind is deceiving him.
And since no one knows what happened to q!Roier and they don't even suspect it, how can q!Cellbit believe that his soulmate is wrong or different?
• A Fresh Start: And as the post here says, it's not just q!Roier who's acting strange. The post is saying that q!Cellbit is acting defensively (which is to be expected given the traumas he has been through). Repeating to himself that it's a new beginning, hiding everything that happened in the back of his mind, wanting things to change, for himself to change. Therefore, it is unlikely that he will achieve this without getting hurt.
Leaving the exhausting madness and slaughter, q!Cellbit returned to trying to bury his feelings, his frustrations, forcing himself to look forward and seek a fresh start, without ever realizing his traumas.
And something interesting to draw attention to is how careful he is acting. Not only because of Richas, but he seems afraid to be among other people, being careful about how he acts and what he is talking. Yes, he's still joking around and being the stupid, teasing idiot that he is sometimes (like with q!Bagi joking around and playing with the eggs).
But he's not talking about anything he's been through, he's not getting as close to others and he's even a little more manipulative, lying more about basic things, as if he was pushing them away or even protecting them from himself. Not only does this make him try to ignore the differences between his old Guapito and Doier, it can cause numerous problems. Because now, more than ever, he is indifferent, including to Cucurucho himself.
It's as if he wants to bury himself, trying to find "someone" new, someone who deserves the people around him that he loves so much and is tired of hurting.
He is allowing Doier to hurt him, he is burying everything that was and is wrong and, worse, erasing himself in the same process, without realizing that one day this will explode in a way that is not murderous, but worse, perhaps destroying himself completely.
OBS: And I remembered one thing: THE KNIFE. On the first day on the Island, after the reset, without the chat or Richas noticing, q!Cellbit bought a Knife from a villager and, finally catching the chat's attention, he put it in and took it out of his inventory, like... Is this something to calm down perhaps? Something to make sure you have him and he can protect himself? Or is this cubito thinking that it's not time to stop and that he needs to be ready to attack when necessary?
• I don't know where we're going. Again, painfully, I trust the Cellboier for a good story.
BUT know that the Rat q!Roier is still around and NOT ONLY THAT, who made Doier decide to put his own mind in q!Roier's body was the Mysterious Man, someone who already said he was interested in q!Cellbit and said he also knew of everything he lived.
So, perhaps in the future we will have a narrative with Ratoier and Hombre Misterioso with q!Cellbit on the quest to rescue q!Roier's body.
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lusi-raul · 1 year
I’ve mentioned it on a reblog post before but since Slime might be returning soon I’ll say it again.
Forever’s theory about the eggs might have some credibility to it. He said that the eggs might be the people who were once inhabiting this island who were captured by the federation and made to act like eggs wiping off their memory? At first it might sound crazy but people keep on overlooking one thing. Gegg and q!Biden. Yes I know that people know very well who Gegg is, q!Biden? I don’t know but even Gegg made it to the twitter eggstatistics. People have just been treating Gegg like a goofy side character of Slime but if we look deeper into it we see that we have overlooked alot of details regarding this “egg”.
I think it is quite clear that q!Biden and q!Gegg are actually Maxo and Slime disguising as eggs. But lore-wise how can we explain how they can do that? They are different from other CCs who have other characters like Melissa is actually Roier’s cousin (I don’t know how true this is) and his Grandfather (I can’t find an explanation as to how they got into the island in the first place but another time for another topic) or Quackity and El quackity. Gegg was not introduced as a separate character from q!Slime and the same for Maxo as Roier is in on the plan of Maxo infiltrating the school.
If admins within the server are part of the federation, it means that they have the power to transform the island inhabitants into eggs via Gegg and q!Biden and probably into other entities too. It’s not like Slime and Maxo are like “I want to be egg” and poof they are egg. Someone had to have the power to transform them into one. Maybe q!Biden’s case can be a different story since he is the only egg who visually looks so different from the rest of the eggs but for Gegg? He looks so much like an actual egg that he passes as a real one. He was even provided with the signs the eggs initially had. Someone in charge behind the existence of the eggs must have been the same one who gave Slime the ability to turn into one.
Also we haven’t been able to discover the remnants of the existence of the Dragon within the island. I know the Dragon mother left but what about the traces of its existence? A dragon cave or a dragon scale? The nest which the baby eggs were left in? Where could be this dragon’s home before it left? The video that played when they introduced the eggs specifically said the dragon lived within the island. Not in another dimension like the end.
It could just be impulsive story telling where the writer writes the story as it goes without an outline but even if it is, this can be good to be explored and considered by the ones in charge of the overall lore.
I will repeat how funny it is for me that Slime and Maxo probably just thought of a funny bit and went through with it without realizing its potential to affect the overall lore. Like they just thought it’d be fun to act as eggs in a stream not knowing how integral it could be to the story. Imagine a funny bit turning into the hidden backstory of the eggs’ existence all because Slime wanted to be an egg for a stream to troll people.
Although, my crazy theory that I pulled out of my ass is, maybe Slime did it on purpose to find out what really happened to Flippa in order to bring her back. He went undercover convincing the feds to give him the power and information to infiltrate them more successful than even Cellbit ever did because the feds underestimated Slime’s potential to destroy them and bring them to light. That could explain his disappearance and he succeeds and saves the other eggs and reunites with Flippa?
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thefederationfiles · 11 months
Uh? Hello?
Uh, hello? I’m not really sure how to start this... suppose I should introduce myself first, I am Cellbit, the new head archivist of the Federation Census Bureau. Still not entirely sure how I landed this position, but I’m not going to refuse it, a promotions a promotion in my eyes.
I was allowed to pick some assistants to help me out, they didn’t really give me a limit on how many I could pick (that they told me about) but I’ve decide to pick three, from various departments within the federation itself. Roier, from exploration, Fit from the clean-up crew and, Etoiles from security, all pretty chill guys, though sometimes ONE of them can get on my nerves…
But I digress.
My predecessor, Bagi, was a very organised woman, and everything, though weirdly done, is actually rather ordered when you think about it for more than five seconds. However, I personally enjoy audio recordings, if find them easier to listen back to if research is needed. For some strange reason however my usual recording equipment wont work, so here we are! With an old tape recorder I found in the desk here.
Anyways, suppose I should start the recording of the actual statement…
On then!
Statement of Phil… no last name given, regarding how he met his wife. Original statement given 23rd of February, 1934. Audio recording by Cellbit, Head archivist of the Federation, Census Bureau, recorded 27th of October 2023, recording begins.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck is HE of ALL people giving a statement, well, consider it a gift! Don’t get so annoyed mate, I only want to repair the relations between us, trust me, just let me tell you my story! It’s a good one.
I first met her when I had supposedly died, I know, very typical of her, but I was just another guy back then! Well, like any self-respecting gentleman, I introduced myself. To say she was confused was an understatement, turns out you’re not meant to be able to speak after death, you’re not even meant to be able to move! Personally, I like to say it was love at first sight, she says, she despised me at first sight. To be fair to her, I was a man who couldn’t die, and her a woman who fed on the dying wishes of men, but plenty of couples have WAY bigger fights when they first meet!
Well, she let me go, I mean she couldn’t really take me, I wasn’t dead. For some reason though, we kept on bumping into each other, always when we were working as well so we could never have a proper conversation. Annoying right? She had to properly prepare the person for consumption, and I always had to get rid of the body! Really hard to flirt when you’re picking up organs that have been thrown against the walls (very messy as well, had to burn that shirt, I liked that shirt…).
To be honest, I always knew that I wasn’t normal, I mean there’s plenty of circumstances I’ve been in where I should’ve died, plenty! I just thought I was a lucky guy, but well, when one survives a hanging, people start to question a bit too much, and well, to put it simply I had to go into hiding! It was rather lonely; I mean don’t get me! It was nice, I made friends with the local crows, they turned into my first murder actually!
Anyways, it was about 25 years or so into this when she visited me, turns out she’d been getting pretty lonely herself! And, well, apparently the other immortal people she knows kept on trying to either fight her or get her to join their own groups, which, just rude! That is not how you get a lady’s attention! So she came to visit since were both so connected with death!
Well, she kept on visiting and eventually I realised everyone who wanted me dead would’ve been dead, so I came out of hiding! That was about 45 years ago, we got married a couple years after and well, you guys know the rest! We started our own group, made a pact with one of the hunts avatars, gotten pretty powerful!
Also I’ve learnt about all the guys and all that, kinda hard not too when you have my job!
Come on now, that’s what you wanted right? A story? A peace offering? Well there you have it! Enjoy, I have a meeting to get too.
Well. That was certainly something, I found that statement in the drawers of this desk when I was looking for stationery and thought it a good place to start.
I guess you could say I’m in shock? I mean it really just reassured what I’d already known, I knew stuff existed, I kinda needed too…
Either way, kinda hard to get information on a statement that’s nearly 100 years old, Fit was able to get some information on some serial killings from the 1800’s that he reckons might be related, but I say it’s a bit of a stretch.
Well, better than nothing for the first one! I swear I also heard him talking about an old war buddy…
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rockstar-pinkbug · 1 year
Adding on more to my thing...
(Since Gegg died after he lost both his election lives, I made this AU where Cellbit, Baghera, and Foolish are ghosts because they lost their election lives.)
Everyone on the island knows but them.
Cellbit and Baghera took their own lives, and Foolish was accidentally killed by Pomme.
They think they respawned... but they didn't. Their actually dead now.
Badboyhalo knows he is supposed to guide them, but he can't bring himself to guide them.
Pomme feels so much guilt. She thought everything would be fine, Foolish would just respawn, and everything would be fine! But looking at his transparent form, she feels nothing but guilt. She tries to tell him, but he keeps denying it! She doesn't know what to do... this was her fault.
Roier is scared. He knows his husband is gone for good, but he still wants to hold on. He doesn't want to lose him, not again, even though he knows he should just let go, he chooses not to.
I don't know whenever or not to make it so they realize the truth after Gegg dies or not.
Either way, behold my angsty as hell, AU! I don't know what to call this...
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moonflowerpetal · 1 year
Some hcs i have
-if the eggs are the old residents and richas was the one who fled to the lighthouse, he was the ones who ran away with the recipe for what the fed wants and now the fed has to redo everything, that's why they have cucurucho , which is the one made the right way but they couldn't remake it perfectly (osito bimbo)
-the current federation was inspired by a old one but didn't know how to get to the headquarters of the old one because in fact they are a group that made a riot and disassociated themselves from the old fed so the old fed hid so they (the new) wouldn't find their research and the guy who ran away to the lighthouse thought the new group that made itself the new fed would do the experiences the same way the old fed did in a ethical way but when he saw that it wasn't, he ran away
-some books that q!cellbit are finding are write by himself during the time he was working at fed
-a lot of q!bad's ghost doesn't like q!cellbit because he was the one who killed them and eated them
-when richas mess up his prosthetic leg again after the q!tazercraft have already fixed it in the week he goes to ramon for help
-when q!pac and q!fit started flirting and ramon discovers he can get another brother he started a comparison and saw that richas and dapper are very similar (dark skin, they dabble with the occult and are good builders)
-one day richas started seeing a kid following their dad q!cellbit and never understand why no one talked with they ou made their tasks until the day he finally understood
-q!bad, q!missa, q!phil, q!cellbit, richas and dapper are the only ones who can see the dead eggs since they are the ones who knows the other side in their own ways (that was before the chayanne and tallulah thing)
-one day when q!wilbur comes back and tallulah says to him that she has another father figure that she see as a uncle and he saw that q!forever and q!phil let she fight (they don't actually but she must know how to defend herself) and these kind of thing, and he says that he never allowed it, she says ''they were here all this time''
-romero richas was the leo's entity friend who was wandering before the richas's body was allowed to back to life
-one day the residents will have to choose to save between osito and cucu but they will have to find out who is the "good" one
-it will be a egg who will kill the cucurucho (probably richas for revange after all the kidnappings)
-it is already a time where the fed doesn't want the eggs to die anymore, since they saw how dangerous the residents are and they don't want to lost the only thing that allows a sense of control over them
-abueloier is a scientist at fed but neither do q!roier or melissa knows about it (at this point i doubt that this old man don't will have his own lore)
-q!cellbit and q!foolish are opposite double agents, q!cellbit tells everyone that he hates the fed but is following cucu's idea that he is actually pretending to make the residents trust him (which is not true), while q!foolish tells everyone to like the fed but is a secret agent who will seize his chance as a trusted by the fed when the time comes
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