#not dropping out of convos repeatedly without saying why
sun-lit-goth · 1 year
I got big romantic and platonic turn offs that I shouldn’t shame myself for cause it truthfully bites me in and around the ass later
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snowimatsu · 3 years
s1e02 VS s2e24
I wanted to compare the conversation Osomatsu had with Chibita in s1e02 vs the conversation he had with Totoko in s2e24. Both convos regarded Osomatsu’s loneliness because his brothers were no longer with him all the time. Both times Osomatsu realized he doesn’t know his brothers all that well anymore, that things are changing, and he isn’t sure he can deal with it.
Different scenarios, but similar situations.
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Despite this topic giving Osomatsu an existential crisis, Osomatsu hardly talks about it with other people. He especially never talks about it with his brothers. Which is why the fact these conversations are brought up with Chibita and Totoko, and not Karamatsu or Choromatsu, is interesting imo.
First off, Chibita and Totoko both notice Osomatsu is visibly bothered by something. So they both go out of their way to listen to him. And they each give him an item! Chibita gave Oso a beer, and Totoko gave him a handkerchief.
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Then Osomatsu explains his predicament. His brothers are drifting away from him. Osomatsu is feeling lonely, and he isn’t sure if he likes how fast everything is changing. He doesn’t even know where his brothers are during the day anymore.
Unfortunately, Osomatsu’s explanation to Chibita is skipped and the scene drops straight into Chibita’s speech/reaction to whatever Osomatsu told him. But we can assume based on previous scenes what Osomatsu told Chibita:
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Osomatsu noticed none of his brothers are home, and wonders where they all went. He goes on a walk and stumbles onto each of them one way or another. And every time Osomatsu interacts with them, he inevitably pisses them off or gets shunned.
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And by the end of everything, Osomatsu realizes he doesn’t know his brothers as well as he used to.
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Osomatsu sounds exasperated, or whimsical, while he says this. But then it cuts off to Chibita’s oden stall and Osomatsu is getting drunk because he thinks his brothers hate him.��TL;DR Osomatsu probably re-told his day’s events to Chibita to explain why he’s upset.
Osomatsu’s conversation with Totoko IS shown, though. But first some context is needed. Similarly to s1e02, Osomatsu realized that he and his brothers are drifting apart after getting jobs. He doesn’t know where they are throughout the day. And when Osomatsu goes on a walk, he doesn’t encounter any of them. He’s just alone. 
Then he sits down and disassociates.
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Then Totoko finds Osomatsu.
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Similarly to how Chibita gave Osomatsu a beer because he noticed Osomatsu is having problems, Totoko gave Osomatsu a handkerchief. Osomatsu then tells her what’s bothering him.
Long story short: Osomatsu tells Totoko that he & his brothers got jobs because their dad collapsed. Despite getting jobs, Osomatsu doesn’t think it matters in the end. Is he actually being proper? He thinks something is missing.
While speaking, Osomatsu repeatedly uses terms like “us” and “my brothers”. Osomatsu probably used similar vocabulary while talking to Chibita.
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Osomatsu repeatedly mentions his brothers throughout the conversation. He says he wants to do something for himself, then immediately brings up his brothers. Osomatsu’s decisions are not about himself, they are about him AND his brothers as a whole set. Which is a problem because it implies Osomatsu is overly dependent on them.
Anyways, this is a pitfall trap.
Here is Chibita and Totoko’s reactions once Osomatsu is done talking:
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This is the key difference between the conversations. Chibita told Osomatsu to take better care of his brothers, while Totoko told Osomatsu to make decisions just for himself. And seeing how each conversation ended, it’s clear that Totoko gave Osomatsu better advice.
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In the Chibita conversation, Osomatsu got angry and snapped. What Chibita told Osomatsu isn’t insightful because Osomatsu already heard this advice countless times before. Osomatsu is already aware about “him being the eldest, so he has to take care of his younger brothers” lesson. It’s not new, so Osomatsu expected a second part to Chibita’s advice. And when there wasn’t, he got mad.
Totoko’s advice is different. Totoko told Osomatsu to think for himself, and to make his own decisions. It wasn’t an entire essay or anything, but it made a huge difference to Osomatsu. I legitimately do not remember anyone else besides Totoko telling Osomatsu to just be himself, and to do what he wants without considering his brothers for once. That’s why Osomatsu is left speechless in the end. Nobody ever told him before to just do whatever he wants for the sake of himself only. It’s not about being the eldest, or his brothers, but having his own identity, etc. 
That is why there are drastic differences to the end of each conversation. Osomatsu got angry after his talk with Chibita, and stormed off while complaining about why should he be the responsible one when they are sextuplets. By contrast, Osomatsu and Totoko laughed and walked home together. Osomatsu also thanks Totoko for listening to his whining.
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Similar conversations, different endings.
And again, it’s unlikely Osomatsu will talk about this specific issue with his brothers. To my knowledge, Osomatsu tries to hide these problems before actually interacting with any of them.
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Before opening the door, despite being pissed at his siblings, Osomatsu got second thoughts and decided he SHOULD apologize for his behavior. Because technically, he is the eldest.
Or in the movie, Osomatsu didn’t participate in depression party (despite being equally upset by their separation when they were 18). He’s the eldest, so it’s his job to cheer everybody up... with beer!
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These are some of Osomatsu’s best Big Bro moments! But it’s also an example of Osomatsu putting aside his own feelings for the sake of everybody else. This scene specifically hid Osomatsu’s face from view so we don’t know Osomatsu’s exact feelings on the matter too.
On the other hand, Osomatsu also has a habit of shutting out people either verbally or physically. In the movie, an angsty flashback featuring 18 y/o Osomatsu showcases Oso discarding Todomatsu’s problems.
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Also it hides Osomatsu’s face from both 18 y/o Totty and the viewer. Whyyy.
THEN, in the futon scene where everyone is trying to sleep, only Osomatsu looks like he’s actually asleep. But he’s actually awake because that’s him talking in the text.
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Everyone here is clearly stressed by their sudden division. But Osomatsu isn’t doing anything about it. He’s just shutting everybody out. So Karamatsu decides to fix the situation in the end after he receives the letter.
And besides verbal, Osomatsu also shuts people out violently/physically. That’s basically season 1 episode 24. Also obscured face again.
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And again, Karamatsu tries to fix it.
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TL;DR Osomatsu is unlikely to talk about his own issues with his brothers. It’s likelier that he would talk to his friends about it, like Totoko (idk about Chibita after s1e02). The parallels of s1e02 and s2e24 were interesting so I wanted to compare them.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
◟̽◞̽ Mon 23 Nov ‘20🍉
Happy Monday, everyone! Harry won the (fan voted) Favorite Pop/Rock Album at the AMAs last night - AMAzing! He was not there to pick up the award (presumably because he’s filming DWD), but don’t worry, fans made sure to celebrate him anyways: PROUD OF HARRY was trending worldwide when his win was announced. HSHQ tweeted their obligatory bullet point acknowledgement that, uh, it had happened, and then went back to doing whatever it is they do when Harry is off being an actor (though presumably, they’re getting ready for tomorrow’s Grammy Nomination announcements, best of luck!). Vogue also called Harry “the most influential man in fashion in 2020”, and while I agree, the fact that they didn’t name the article ‘Harry’s got Style(s)’ is CRIMINAL! Talk about a missed opportunity! 
Louis(‘s team) is active today: they have changed the Spotify background for all of the songs on Walls! It’s now a glitching black xx smiley face with golden lights glowing in the background - a lot like what the stage of Walls on tour looked like! I’ve seen some interesting takes today, ranging from ‘what message is it this time’ to ‘does it symbolize the end of the Walls era’. Maybe, but what it DEFINITELY is, is an indication that there is movement behind the scenes for Louis’ plans - I have MISSED him so this is!!! Exciting! Niall didn't have much to say about the AMAs either, but he wasn't mad at not being asked to play-- he says “gotta have a current song. I don't have anything out to perform.” He was much more excited about what looks to be his golf management company's foray into general sports marketing (“proud of my team at Modest Sport”) and new partnership with another group (Kinetica). Liam has a Naughty List Tik Tok challenge out- and he wants you to tag him and Dixie if you partake. Dixie meanwhile is embroiled in tik tok drama but thank goodness we have no reason to report on that, Liam please stay out of it and keep it that way! And, in a beautiful way to end the day, Martyre posted another picture of Zayn!! It’s a close up of his hands in an Instagram story: he’s wearing two rings on his left hand, both Martyre brand. His hand tattoos are fully on display and, right there in the background, you can see his jawline, his chin, and his left ear (he’s wearing an earring!). Look, if you think I’m creepy for staring at this picture for way too long you have to understand how starved for Zayn content we are - especially after he teased us with those beautiful cover sessions!
And speaking of missed opportunities, the model from the WS video who had the chance to befriend Harry and blew it in every possible way (the one who previously released a screenshot of her DM asking Harry who Golden was about) is back and more embarrassing than ever! She posted a screen recording of all the convos she’s ever had with Harry (there aren’t many, and they’re definitely almost all one sided) because she was “tired of fans saying she was lying” re: the Golden DMs. She just keeps messaging him month after month as he repeatedly replies politely yet briefly, finally displaying a flicker of interest when she out of the blue invites him to a threesome with her and her boyfriend. Harry liked the message, and she said, “is that a yes?” “It’s not no”, he says, and then “boyfriend?” (HAHAHA) but the subject gets dropped (though not before she awkwardly announces that the boyfriend looks like Harry, just what H is looking for I'm sure). Fans, of course, are heavily debating whether or not this is real: is it possible she faked it, even though it's a screen record video, yes, that's very much something you can do, and you can unsend instagram messages (but the mind boggles at the idea that she might have deleted stuff but left in the things she did, which are cringey as hell and include her ex's name and phone number- if the suggestion is that HARRY deleted incriminating follow ups but left what he did, well that just doesn't make sense). If you look at the whole thing it seems pretty real to me, but in no way like Harry had the slightest actual interest in having a threesome with her, or a twosome, or going swimming with her, or in fact anything at all but discouraging her without actually ghosting her (as evidenced by the multiple times he left her on read, including when she told him she’d broken up with her boyfriend – OUCH!) with a brief detour to have some fun with the whole awkward threesome proposal. Popular theories about the whole thing include: this is the beginning of a stunt gf (definitely not but LMAO CAN YOU IMAGINE that would be the worst story EVER), this is a clever segue into seeding bisexual Harry in the service of an eventual come out (which involves accepting this whole uncomfortable mess as a set up like-- really? You think this is what they'd want that to look like?), or this is to make Harry look straight after the Vogue thing (yall have a WEIRD idea of what looks straight but now that you mention it this would be HSHQ...) Fans didn’t really love the fact that she posted a conversation between herself and H, and yeah, it’s a betrayal of trust to be publicly posting private convos- one that Harry surely expects by now given how often it happens but that doesn't mean it isn't shitty if this is real (and if it isn't why on earth would she not go all the way and fake that he had a threesome with her rather than blowing her off?). Overall I stand by what we said about her the other day, GIRL WYD??
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