#not just cowboahs
hysnukun · 7 months
New Charthur smut out, written in collab with @cowboah-baby!!
Composure (Not Found)
Explicit, 9,5k, Arthur Morgan/Charles Smith
“Were you even aware of what you were doing?” Charles said after a pause and a deep drawn-in breath. Even to his own ears he sounded strained, like a string pulled too taut. Composure. “...What’chu mean?” he could hear Arthur take a step towards him and into his personal space. Space Charles wouldn’t — or ever had — let anyone breach. But somehow with Arthur, that personal space became shared, something that was for the two of them, the loss of facade not granted to anyone else. Charles took a breath that felt like it was leaving his body weaker than before. Composure. “You were flirting with that woman.”
Read it on AO3
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threefeline · 1 year
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A few doodles of Gislaine's closer family.
Their vampire mother(Xernea) and Satyr step-father(Alanus) with a full monster form Xernea. She met Alanus when he was the victim of a stagecoach robbery and basically just left out in the cold to die.
Gislaine and their son Rowan
The late Murdoch. He at least got to see his son for the first few months of his life before he died.
And their younger brother(shorter, Loch) and Loch's husband Dova.
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Loch and Dova have been married for a few years, having gotten married shortly before Murdoch had been killed. Charolette comes into the picture a little later but she's got an older brother named Amias!
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bigirononhishipp · 11 months
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Arthur!!! The best cowboah 🫶
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redwritr · 1 year
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strrwbrrryjam · 4 months
no, wait, seriously, charles mentions to arthur that he's going to stay behind to help the wapiti tribe and arthur, immediately, with no hesitation, tell him that he'll stay too. he'll stay and help the wapiti tribe. stay and help charles help the wapiti tribe. not only is this significant because it will most definitely be the last decision he will ever make alive, considering the fact that he is so close to death already, AND it will be helping right the wrong done by dutch who merely abused the wapiti tribes devastating condition for their own benefit.
it is also significant because arthur has been loyal to the gang for twenty two years, he's one of the longest lasting members there, he makes up the old guard, it used to be just him, dutch and hosea. so him planning to abandon the gang he's been loyal to his whole life, that he lost his love to, his family to, to stay behind and help charles and spend the rest of his life doing so? that speaks volumes about how deeply arthur cares and loves charles, especially since if he learns that something happened to the members left behind (sadie, abigail, tilly, jack, susan) or he does end up learning that john did survive and went back to the man who abandoned him and got shot by the pinkertons also? he'd hate himself more than he already does.
(which is something charles likely knows - considering how well these two seem to know each other, which is why charles tells him to go, despite how it clearly upsets him, when you hear him speak afterwards, you can *hear* the tears in his voice. he clings to arthur so tightly but ultimately decides to let him go because it'll be good for arthur to get some sort of closure and, oh god. I'm crying they love each other so much.)
this was inspired by @cowboah-baby tags on my other charthur post
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lambda-serpentis · 5 months
Okay but I also feel this incredible wave of sadness washing over me everytime you (playing as Arthur) stand in front of a mirror and get the prompt to comment on the reflection...and he keeps calling himself "ugly"... I wanna jump inside the game and hug him tightly and tell him to stop that because he's literally the most beautiful, and most handsome cowboah ever!!! I just wanna make him some soup, wrap him in blankets and cuddle him. I wanna give him all the love 🥺
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zanazirafanfic · 5 months
Quick Update
Phew, okay! I'm finally getting back on schedule a little, I think.
Just finished the 2 whump fics I was behind on, and I'm going to try to get the 2 "25 Days of a Cowboah Christmas" chapters done - or at least well underway - today too, before I start on Whumpcember 11. They'll both be shorter chapters (Chapter 10 starring a member of the gang we haven't seen yet, and Chapter 11 taking a quick jump back in time to visit the younger "old guard") so it shouldn't be too terribly difficult.
Whumpcember Part 11's prompt is "infection," and will star our good old friend Mister Bell. I've included a teaser image below - if anyone can guess the show, character, and scene it's from, you'll know where I'm headed with this. If not, let's just say, I am excite. ;)
@photo1030 @micah-bells-baby-daddy @micahsrevolvers
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immajustvibehere · 2 years
Vibin's FicRecommendations
Honestly, this is just a way for me to remember and revisit my favourite fanfictions on Tumblr :) this gets updated regularly.
Here is my masterlist!
Arthur Morgan x Reader
Exit Wound by @icarus-fell-in-spring
High Noon Heat by @a-gal-with-taste
Sweet as Sugar by @amorgansgal
Ain't Goin' Nowhere by @outlaw-scribble
Lost and Found by @yeet-or-be-hawed
Daydreams and Daisies by @widowsblake
Downtime and a Bath by @red-dead-scribbles-ff
I Will Sit With You In The Dark by @photo1030
whiskey n' rain by @stars-kiss-the-sky
untitled by @kioplama
untitlled by @aslutforarthurmorgan
I Got You by @photo1030
Graphite and Gratitude by @bimrsadler
A Proper Woman by @moody-cowdaddy
Drunken Flirtations by @red-dead-scribbles-ff
The Morning After by @romancebywaterfalls
Ohio is for Lovers by @widowsblake
an admiration for perennials by @reaveries
The Art of Thievery (I) by @shittybundaskenyer
The Art of Horsemanship (II) by @shittybundaskenyer
The Art of Dealin' a Good Hand (III) by @shittybundaskenyer
Oneshot: In which Arthur takes matters into his own hands by @shootybangbang
Returned Favors by @a-gal-with-taste
Wild Horses by @widowsblake
VDL Gang Gang Bang by @amorgansgal
Short Fuse by @widowsblake
observance by @william-butcher
Rough Rendezvous by @bimrsadler
Easy Rider by @bimrsadler
Pleasure and Purpose by @bimrsadler
Crimson snow by @leechmilf
Honeybee, Horse Thief (1) by @unusual-raccoon
Honeybee, Horse Thief (2) by @unusual-raccoon
Honeybee, Horse Thief (3) by @unusual-raccoon
Tricksters by @sad-sweet-cowboah
Alternative Payment by @verai-marcel
All Tied Up And Nowhere To Go by @alwaysaslutforarthurmorgan
Forget Me Not, Honey, Killshot by @shittybundaskenyer
Dutch van der Linde x Reader
The Duality of Man by @dutchvanwinkle
Obi-Wan x Reader
your thoughts are loud by @spidersbane
My opponent's weakness by @scribble-dribble-writes
Soft by @honestlywtfisgoingon
Silent Suffering by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
tired. by @hellotherekenobi
Hearts Finally Mending by @murdockussy
Like turning on the light by @full-time-make-believer
The Lesson 1 by @djarinlyy
The Lesson 2 by @djarinlyy
The Purest Love by @honestlywtfisgoingon
Simm!Master x Reader
Give Her Back by @deep-space-elf
Please let me know if I didn't tag something/someone properly! This took about an hour of copy 'n pasting...
Don't take the fluff or spicy labelling too strictly...if the fanfiction didn't label it specifically I improvised a bit.
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lloydgramcracker · 6 months
HELP I CANF STOP LIKING RDR2 AND RDR1 ART I JUST LOVE COWBOAH SO MUCH and Arthur Morgan,Arthur Morgan is just a funny dead man,shout out to Arthur
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dazednstoned · 5 months
Hii! Do you maybe recommend any fanfictions that maybe are centered around John or Johnigail? 🫶🏻
Hii, yes I have a few I really like<3
this night has opened my eyes by pinkchem91 is one of the few multi-chapter fics I like. It's centered on John and his struggles, but it doesn't victimize him or vilify Abigail, which I love! I think it's one of the few johnigail centered fics that depicts John properly. The writing is also amazing. It features some jovier, but I recommend it even if u aren't interested in that ship bc it's just that good!!
now I bend like a willow thinking of you by vittoriaisfuckingpathetic is a really sweet oneshot. I like the dynamic between John and Abigail here. They also have another fic called take my hand (don't fear the reaper) that is very good.
25 Days of A Cowboah Christmas by Zana_Zira is another good multi-chapter one. It features charthur, vandermatthews, and Johnigail depending on the chapter. All around a very cute fic!
looking at me by honeydreadful is another good oneshot. It takes place pre-Jack, which I am always fond of in a fic.
Here are just some general fic recs that aren't necessarily johnigail centered:
The Pretender by biiitchofCambridge is a modern charthur fic, but it features some really good johnigail moments. I am obsessed w it!!!
Arthur Morgan's Journal by saiyan_druid is another modern charthur fic, but it focuses heavily on John and Arthur's relationship. There's hints of johnigail and vandermatthews in it too.
ghosts and people by the_ocean_weekender is an old fic that I really enjoy. It's a fix-it fic w Arthur and the Marstons focused on Arthur's TB.
Bury Me With You by krhjfuirhgr is about Jack following Abi and John's death. I recommend it if ur looking for some Jack Marston angst.
Sorry this turned into just a general fic recommendation, but I'm pretty sure all of these at least feature some johnigail. There aren't many Johnigail centered fics I've seen (and like), so if anyone has any recs lmk!!
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redemptionbaby · 2 years
Hi there, I just binged your blog and it has restored my nutrition levels. If you want I would love to read about what Arthur would think/feel/do if his crush / s/o was not in the gang and he could only get away to see them once a week? (I'm not sure if he'd be wanting to keep his 2 lives separate for a while for some reason??) I'm wondering what he'd be like lovesick, cuz I'm definitely missin that cowboah </3 :') many thanks
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Arthur is not that interesting. At least, that’s what he thinks. He’s an open book— and he’s not the type to keep liaisons…. Until he met you. And suddenly he’s riding off to god knows where, as usual, but with a telltale smile on his face that makes people curious.
He feels conflicted, of course. He loves you. He knows the gang isn’t a safe place— and you’re too sweet to fit in with a bunch of thieves and murderers like them…. He thinks it’s a miracle that you see anything in him. That— and with the increasing instability of it all, Micah whispering in Dutch’s ear, the way it’s becoming clearer and clearer that these violent delights are going to have violent ends. He doesn’t think the gang is a safe place to be.
Then again, he remembers the last time he left people he was connected to— left them to fend for themselves while he went and played Robin Hood. He had to bury them.
As things escalate within the gang, he also worried about his attachment to you becoming known, and it calling his loyalty into question. He could give less of a damn if Dutch thinks his allegiances lie elsewhere— but he doesn’t want you in the middle of it. He’s afraid of the lengths to which Dutch will go to keep Arthur close.
Back in the day, when he really thought they were all good people, when he thought the gang was the best thing in the world and a force of charity to those who needed it, he would’ve tried to get you in just as soon as you’d shared your first kiss. But the years have washed away the rosy tint on his vision.
A part of him is guilty. Is he just using you for a refuge? A place to go when things finally go past the point of no return? Are you a contingency plan for him?
But part of what keeps him coming back is how you melt those worries away. When he’s with you, he can’t bring himself to think of all his troubles. He’s consumed by you and all your radiance. You sit under a tree on breezy spring afternoons with his head in your lap while you read a book aloud to him.
In truth, having you to go to….. having a sort of home— that’s one of the few things that’s still keeping him going.
And he never comes back to camp empty handed. He doesn’t want anyone sniffing after him…. Suspicious of where he’s gone. So he always comes back with money, loot, fresh game, a lead….. anything to keep up his image of the Van Der Linde workhorse.
He might tell a few precious and trusted friends about you. The ones who still remember true love and the life that exists beyond their traveling bubble of crime and self righteousness. Sadie, for example. She remembers love. Not just survival and blind loyalty.
And in the world where there are happy endings, he shows up bloodied and beaten at your doorstep one fateful evening— his ties severed. Arthur Morgan died on a mountain, and a new man has emerged, ready to live his life for love and quiet solitude. And despite his aches and stinging wounds— he feels better than he has in a long time. Because he’s in your arms, and for the first time, he won’t have to leave them.
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redemn · 3 months
i started playing RDR2 and i cannot get over arthur saying "easy girl" whenever he is dealing with a horse 😂❤️
oh oh  …  oh my goodness .   welcome to the cowboah club .   i promise ,   we have treats .   oakcakes for your horse .   chocolate bars and big game meat for when you get hungry out on the road .   and most importantly ,   ten thousand voice lines alone ,   all for your horse .   xox   just you wait now .   just you wait until he calms his horse when he's being shot at and chased down by the law .   " shhh girl ,   shhh .   easy girl ,   i gotchu . "   enjoy that .   you shall have no peace of mind after you hear these things ,   i tell you that .
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implixetdawn · 4 months
Tagged by @dazednstoned & @cowboah-baby ty darlings <3
Last song - drops in the lake by lord Huron (ofc)
Currently watching - nothing actually lol but I’m waiting for heartbreak high s2👀
Three ships - charthur, nandermo, zelink (platonic)
Fav colour -
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Currently consuming - I’m still in bed I just woke up so maybe toast eventually
First ship - probably wolfstar which I still find kinda sweet
Relationship status - recently out of a kinda bad relationship tbh lol so very happily single
Last movie - saltburn I think I haven’t had time to watch anything lately :(
Currently working on - always working on tattoo flash and a charthur ghost fic
Tagging <3 - @notdeadyetmatthews @legaylity @aekkpoiluis @blanche-elizabeth-devereaux @skylarisaverage @prince-ender
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therogerclarkfanclub · 7 months
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Alright y'all, if the Cowboah says it's a nice book then it must be so.
Roger's personality and his performance in RDR2 was the inspiration for one of the characters in the novel, a bloke by the name of... Roger Mercer.
The author of the book claims that Roger Mercer is one of the most liked characters in this book by the people who have read it, and when you base your character's personality on fine human being like Roger Clark, well, what's not to like?? 😉
lden Aubrey has always been a better actor than an outlaw, serving as a decoy for the infamous Texas gang leader, Julian Crisp. When an impulse decision causes a routine heist to go awry, Alden must choose between the character he has portrayed for so long and his most genuine self.
What some readers are saying about this book:
'A Better Man' is a page-turning, plot-twisting book I seriously could not put down. At the heart of this historical Western set in Texas is a story of redemption that came through desperation and manipulation. The characters are amazingly written with depth, richness, and believability. Just when I thought I'd figured out the plot and the characters, unexpected twists and surprises emerged. I've read it twice and found clues I'd missed the first time. I love this book! – A. Cossota
Taking place in a North Texas town at the dawn of the 20th century, to say that A Better Man is a tale of romance and mystery would be a disservice. Merchant guides the reader on the journey as the two protagonists discover their developing feelings in the sometimes harsh reality of post-Civil War Texas. The author uses prose as an artist uses paint to give depth and character to the landscape, people, and drama being portrayed. The reader is drawn into the story by the descriptive details, allowing for a clear mental picture as the mystery of the Disciples gang is slowly revealed. If you love a Michner-esque story with wonderful, descriptive scenery or are a fan of classic romances (think Casablanca), then 'A Better Man' is the book for you. – A. Montiel
An excellent novel dealing with the history of the adventurous American West! In 'A Better Man', Merchant has highlighted each character by incorporating their individualized backgrounds as it applies accurately to the time period and location as each chapter introduces new information that expands the reader's excitement. – M. Weber
A Better Man is available in paperback and hardcover, no word yet on an audiobook or Ebook version, but if the audiobook is not recorded by Roger I will revolt.
You can find this book wherever books are sold. Walmart, Amazon, Target, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, etc., just to name a few.
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g0dspeeed · 1 year
5 Comfort Characters
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies 💕
By 'comfort' , I'm going with the definition that falls between 'when my day is a dumpster fire, this character makes it better' and 'when they're on screen, I pay attention'
1. Eli Palmer (Far Cry 5)
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No shit
2. Teddy Flood (Westworld)
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3. Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
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4. Sharky Boshaw (Far Cry 5)
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5. Spencer Dutton (1923)
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Tagging @trench-rot , @locustandwildhoney , @roofgeese , @strafethesesinners , @gaeadene , @bitchofedensgate , @voidika , @afarcry5fromstraight , @schoute , @detectivelokis , and whoever else
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lambda-serpentis · 5 months
I just wanted to play less pink version of barbie horse adventures...ended up falling in love with a pixel man. A strong, pretty cowboah... we're married now. Have kids with him too. We have horses and we live in a lil cabin.
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