#not looking at you BNi
somet-hingu-nique · 2 months
Hey there random internet stranger, ran across a post where you mentioned you’ve had actual cult-awareness training. Just wondering where you got that because I was raised in a cult (still deconstructing) and I feel like I need this.
I was 12/13 at the time, I believe, and some extended family (my grandfather’s cousin’s children/grandchildren or something like that) had been rescued from a cult (aged between 10-17), so I don’t know exactly who organised it, but I believe it was made up of children’s psychologists and someone from the police task force who had been involved in the actual ‘rescue’.
There was also someone from the Anglican Church involved, and I think a teacher from one of the local schools, but it was done in such a way that everything was explained logically without emotions behind it.
I’m sorry I can’t give you more detailed information than that (plus, I’m not sure what country you’re in) but finding a therapist or psychologist to work with who has experience with organised religious groups would be instrumental.
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000marie198 · 9 days
Seeing Zionists and looking at their thoughts and actions is so unsurprising and yet so so surreal.
We have read about Bni Israel so much in Quran and their nature and what they had done and will do (ever wondered why Muslims despise Israel since the beginning before it was even revealed to the world through cameras?) Never thought I'll see what I've read about them in action at this magnitude in my lifetime.
Your days are numbered, we know where you'll end up. You will fall InshaAllah
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brianedner · 1 month
Gregor made it to the bridge
Gregor made it to the bridge
As Gregor opened fire on the buzz droids, the astromechs circled him and WAC. They extended their electro-prods to dispatch those that got too close while WAC focused on knocking any that got on the droids off and into the electrical current.
[Hold your fire! I want to try something.]
“Gregor! R2 wants to try something and needs you to hold your fire.”
Gregor stopped firing and gave R2 a look.
“I hope this is a good idea R2.”
With those words, R2 activated his jets and flew around the droids while simultaneously shooting out oil from his nozzle. After circling them, he used his small blow torch to ignite the ring of fire.
The buzz-droid’s circuits fried within the heat of the fire, creating a barrier they couldn’t cross. Beneath his helmet, Gregor smiled and continued firing.
“That was a good idea R2.”
“Good work. You’ve established a perimeter.”
Until several of them began to climb up the walls and onto the ceiling.
“They’re still coming!”
Gregor redirected his fire to the ones on the ceiling, barely slowing down the advance of the droid assault.
“Please tell me you have a brilliant strategy, Colonel!”
Gascon looked around in horror at the endless tide of buzz droids closing in on them.
“I don’t know! There’s just so many of them.”
[The window! If we smash it, we can suck them into space.]
Gascon gave him a look before turning to Gregor. “is your suit still preserved?”
Gregor gave him a look before he realized why he was asking.
“Just say when to open fire Colonial.”
WAC then grabbed onto BZ. “Everyone! Magnetize your feet!”
With that, all the mechs stuck themselves to the floor and Gregor sealed himself into BZ. When they were all done, Gascon spoke to the commando.
“You may fire at will Greggor.”
With a nod, Gregor turned to face the windows and fired into them. It took the rest of his clip to do it, but the window eventually gave way with a final groan under the pressure.
The suction began to draw the Buzz droids through it and into the void of space. Gregor was forced to give C4 a bear hug to prevent himself from being sucked out also.
“Hheellpp mmee!”
As the voice rang out, a LEP Servant Droid flew by them, only to snag onto QT to prevent her from being sucked out as well.
“Who are you?”
“Worry about that after we close the window, Gregor! R2, close the blast door!”
R2 activated the jets and flew low to the floor until he could get behind one of the control panels. Once he magnetized his feet again, he was able to interact with the control port and activate the blast shield on the windows.
When the immediate crisis was over, the droids all turned to the new addition to their group. Gregor raised his now empty blastor at the droid in an attempt to bluff them.
“All right, who are you and what are you doing on this ship?”
The new droid raised her hand in a gesture of non-hostility.
“I am BNI-393, an LEP Servant Droid. My master called me Bunny.”
Gascon emerged from BZ after taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down. “And where is your master?”
“HE was killed when the Separatists took control of this ship.”
Gregor lowered his gun. “Why didn’t you warn us before we entered the bridge?”
“At first, I did not know if I could trust you. Then I was not sure you would believe me. Once you saw the truth, I was simply hoping you would abandon ship and take the rest of us with you.”
“The rest of you? You’re telling me there are more Republic crew members on board?”
“Droids, organics, or both?”
Bunny turned to Gregor. “Just my fellow maintenance droids. None of us can fly a shuttle, so we were waiting for you to get us out.”
Gascon sighed. “Unfotunlty, we can’t leave yet. We need to stop the ship first before it destroys The Republic Strategy Conference.”
[Colonal! The controls are all damaged.]
“What do you mean R2?”
The rest of D squad moved over to R2 and saw how messed up the crew pits were. All the interface ports had been gutted and the controls were similarly rendered unusable. Gascon and Gregor jumped into the pit, followed by R2.
“It’s no use Colonial. Those buzz droids went to town on these. I don’t know how, but it looks like the buzz droids were somehow able to set the ship on autopilot to continue onto the target. There is no way we will be able to stop the ship before we reach the conference.”
Gascon sighed upon hearing that before standing up straight and composing himself. “OK, time to go with plan B. Gregor, take R2 to the detonator and reprogram it to explode early. The rest of us will go to the shuttle and distract the battle droids. Hopefully, you can make it back to the shuttle and we can all get off the ship before it blows. up.”
Gregor ejected his empty magazine and replaced it with a fresh one from his belt.
“Understood Colornal. Let’s go.”
With that, Gascon, Bunny, and most of D squad went to the shuttle bay while R2 and Gregor went to the hangerbay overlook station.
In front of the hanger bay overlook the station door.
Battle droids 666 and 1313 were standing guard in front of the detonator room. As droids, they were immune to getting bored. However, due to the lack of action, they were getting as bored as they were capable of getting.
“Hay 13?”
“Yeah, 6?”
“Why were we stationed here again?”
“Because although luck is just a lie organics tell themselves to give them the illusion of control over their lives, we are jinxs.”
666 turned fully towards 1313 in shock. “WHAT! That is ridiculous. We are the luckiest two droids in the entire army! How could anyone think we are jinxes?”
1313 held up one of his hands and began to count off. “We were there when we lost at Christophsis, we were there when we lost Geonosian again, we were guarding the Citadel when the Jedi broke out, -“
He then realized he had run out of fingers and looked for somewhere to stash his gun so he could hold up the other hand. He then saw the clone trooper behind him, handed him the gun, and started counting again.
“We let that gungon escape Grevious’s ship on Naboo, we-“
He then stopped and realized to whom he gave his gun to.
“Gave a clone trooper a gun?”
Gregor looked at downed droids over his new smoking blaster.
“That was entertaining while it lasted R2.”
[It’s droids like that that give droids like me a bad name.]
R2 then went into the room and looked at the detonator.
“Do you think you can do anything with it R2?”
[Easily. Detonators are designed to make it as easy to start and set the time as possible. There is even an emergency immediate detonation option.]
“I don’t speak astromech, so I’m assuming you're saying yes.”
R2 then decided to interface with the detonator and ignored Gregor for the moment.
After a few seconds of interfacing, he retracted as the prob and the device began to flash.
“We good?”
[we’re good. Let's go!]
R2 then immediately spirited a few feet away, giving Gregor only a few seconds to realize what was happening.
“I’ll lead in case we meet any more clankers.”
Gregor then put words into action and raced ahead, letting R2 follow behind him. The only time he had ever moved that fast before was when he was saving Anakin from Boba Fett.
In the hallways leading to the hanger
Several blaster shots flew down the hallway in the direction of D squad as they ran from three battle droids.
“Faster D squad. We need to get to the shuttle before the whole place blows!”
The droids kept going as fast as their servos would let them. Eventually, they reached the shuttle day and made a B-line towards the ship. The turn to get through the door gave the battle droids enough time to catch up and line up their shots.
“Blast the Intruders!”
“Oh, they got me!”
WAC fell onto the floor and cradled his chest unit. “Go on without me Colornal. Tell my story!”
BZ wheeled over to let Gascon pop out of his head.
“Get up WAC! Those shots weren’t at you.”
WAC stopped being a drama queen long enough to examine what had happened. The first clue he was fine was the lack of holes or scorch marks on him. The second was the three downed droids in the doorway and Gregor stepping over the bodies.
“Is everyone ok?”
WAC raised his hand. “My dignity is damaged. Does that count?”
Gascon just rolled his eyes at the pilot before turning to Gregor. “Is the counter set?”
Gregor turned to R@, who had just finished shoving the droids out of the doorway and reached his side.
[the detonator is set to go 1 minute after we get out of hyperspace. Let's get everyone into the shuttle and be prepared to fly like our existence depends on it.]
Gascon shot him a nervous look before shaking it off. “Ok, I’ll trust your word. Let's get on the ship and see the rest of the crew Bunny gathered.”
He and the D squad then followed Bunny to the ship and looked in confusion at the empty hanger bay.
“Is this a joke? The rest of the crew is in our shuttle?”
Bunny turned to Gascon. “I told them to wait inside and that we would be leaving as soon as we came out of hyperspace.”
She then turned to the ship and walked up its gangplank, prompting the rest to follow her inside.
“You can come out now. The battle droids from earlier are all down.”
At that prompting, two power droids, a mouse droid, and a WED-15 Treadwell repair droid.
“These are all the survived?”
Bunny turned to look at Gascon and Gregor.
“As you can see, none of us can pilot the shuttle, which is why we needed you.”
WAC then stepped forward into the spotlight. “Why you need me. Hi there. I’m the pilot.”
[less blowing your own horn and more getting ready to launch as soon as we exit hyperspace!]
“R2’s right. WAC! Get to the cockpit. The second we drop out, fly us out as fast as the ship can go. And get as much distance between us and the ship as you can!”
“Right Colornal!”
WAC then raced over to the cockpit and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
“How long does it take to get to a top-secret meeting in the middle of Republic Space?”
Lucky for him, the ship exited from hyperspace at that moment.
“Finally!” he then activated the com link. “Prepare for lift off!”
WAC then pushed the thrashed to the max, almost clipping the top wing in his haste to exit the ship. As they put distance between themselves and the ship, explosions could be seen ripping through its haul before one massive shockwave emerged to engulf the shuttle and the entire fleet guarding the station.
Lucky for the Republic, the ship was too far away for the shockwave or debre to do any significant damage to them.
Gascon then got onto the communication hub of the shuttle.
“Mayday! Mayday! Space station Valor, this is Colonel Meebur Gascon. Can anyone hear me?”
“We read you, Colonel. This is General Skywalker. What’s going on out there?”
“Slight change in our mission, General. The droids and I were stowaways on that cruiser, as well as our new clone commando.”
“Clone commando?”
Gregor took that moment to insert himself. “That’s me. I’ll give you a full debrief after we land.”
“Ok, where’s R2?”
[Right here Anakin. I just use the first lesson you ever taught me, how to blow up a ship from the inside.]
“Glad to hear you’re all right buddy. Come on into landing bay 5 and we’ll come down to greet you.”
In the hanger bay
The mechanics were giving all the droids a once over while a medic looked over Gregor.
“For a group that just escaped an exploding ship, you are in great health.”
Gascon just smiled. “Glad to hear it, so how long until I can get back into the action?”
“A week, two tops.”
Gascon chose that moment to clear his throat.
“I would like to say something to everyone before we get into the debriefing.”
He then jumped on top of a screen where everyone could look at him.
“In truth, I might just be a map reader, and I don’t have much battle experience, but you are all the bravest droids and clones I have ever met. I would be proud to serve with you anytime, anywhere.”
Gregor looked at Gascon before standing up and saluting. “Captain Gregor reporting for duty as your bodyguard sir!”
Gascon returned the salute. “At ease and accepted Gregor.”
WAC then stepped forward himself. “Oh, I am glad to hear both of you say that because I hear we have been assigned to the same platoon! We will be seeing each other every day for the rest of the war!”
As the droids all congratulated WAC, Gregor, and Gascon only sent each other nervous looks before turning to him with uneasy smiles on their faces.
“That’s great, WAC.”
“Yeah, I have no words.”
As the two nervously shot each other looks, both began to silently pray to the Force that the war would end tomorrow.
The bit with the droids used to go longer, But to keep myself with the arbitrary limits I set I decided to cut it back and just give you a full chapter of those two being the dumbest droids in the galaxy.
I decided for my New Year's Resolution to do one fanfic chapter a week for all of 2024. Who knows how long I will be able to keep this up, but next week's fanfic chapter is up on my Patreon. This is also being posted on Fanfic.com, AO3, and Tumbler.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10132890
Fanfic.com: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14051718/1/luz-appreciation-week-2022-from-1228248
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52823413/chapters/133608991
Tumbler: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/brianedner
I am also doing fanfic info dumps, think wiki articles that go one episode at a time with some compilations at the end on certain topics that are sorted by episode.
Fanfic info dumps here: https://www.deviantart.com/1228248/gallery
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thaoilations · 1 year
Sometimes, Thao would get completely carried away.
When she started a project, she’d often pour all of her heart and soul into it — figuratively of course, and you’d never know from looking at her — still steel faced and vaguely intimidating to the padawan’s. It was a great thing, Mimi loved that she was dedicated to what she’d do in her free time when she wasn’t serving the galaxy — the red haired Jedi often finding herself elbow deep in a ship modification, trading all of her free time to be in the hangar, tools clanking against the belt of her robe. The downside to this, was she’d get buried in it all. She wouldn’t answer her datapad transmissions from her girlfriend, and she’d forget to look after herself. Until of course, Mimi would force her out of it.
The brunette ran her delicate hands down her gown once stepping down the ramp of her ship flown by her astromech. Her BNI droid stood beside her, waiting for instruction. “Bishu, please locate Thao.” The girl squints into the late afternoon Coruscant sun.
“Thao is located in the Hangar of the Jedi Temple. Would you like me to lead you?” The high pitched voice states, robotic head turning to observe its owner.
“No, no thank you.” She sighs. “I know where she is.”
Thao was positioned exactly as her girlfriend imagined, squatting down probably killing her knees beside a detached piece of ship, nuts and bolts flying as she swore at it under her breath, twisting the tool in her hand. “Piece of shit…”
“Thao.” Mimi clears her breath nearly making the Jedi jump.
“Woah — hey. What are you doing here?” She stands up to her full height. Mimi turns to her droid.
“Bishu go ahead and wait on the ship for me.” She directs, raking her eyes over Thao’s dirtied robes. When the BNI began to toddle off happily, Mimi spoke again. “Have you been doing this all day?” She crosses her arms curiously, if not a little tense. Her eyes drift over the ship parts.
“Uh, yeah. Pretty much. What’s up?” She wipes her hand down herself. The brunette hesitates for a moment, eyes on the Jedi’s boots now.
“You didn’t respond to any of my transmissions.” She suddenly felt small, like a petty girlfriend of a smuggler who spends his night in the casinos of the lower levels. Their relationship was secure, so she almost wished she never said it.
“Sorry, I’ve been working on my ship.” She gestures and Mimi pushes down the irritation at her nonchalance at her displayed insecurity, deciding there was more pressing issues at hand. This being said, she lets the wearing irritation rise back up her throat like bile when she next speaks.
“Well have you eaten?”
“Uh, I had lunch… yesterday.” Thao looks away, and not because she’s embarrassed but because she’s distracted — noticing a chip on the metal of one of her parts, reaching for the rag over her shoulder going to polish it off.
“Yesterd—?” Mimi snatches the rag from her hand and throws it at her chest, causing ARC trooper Fives to whistle in amusement as he passes by with a smirk.
“Ah!” Thao clutches her chest with a frown, even though they both knew it didn’t hurt. “I can’t afford it! I accidentally traded my remaining credits for these bantha-shit engine mods.” She lightly kicks a cylindrical silver tube over and it quietly clatters into another. “You’re forgetting we don’t all have Senate money like you. We get paid jack shit.”
Mimi huffed at her irresponsible purchase before looking around at the hangar filled with Clones sitting around, arriving back from God knows where or jetting off to God knows where. It doesn’t look like anyone is going to miss her if she were to escape for a while.
“Come.” Mimi demands quietly before spinning on her heel, gracefully tottering towards the exit of the hangar. When she didn’t hear Thao’s footsteps behind her, she spun back around — seeing the girl staring after her in disbelief at her bossiness. “Hurry.” She urges, and Thao scoffs, shaking her head and jogging to catch up with the girl.
Mimi stared out the window as they fly through the Apricot sky, her Astromech navigating the evening traffic. Thao fidgets on the leather seat, never having been a fan of droids being completely in control of navigating a people carrier through the sky.
“Are you gonna tell me where we’re going? You know I’m technically still on duty.” She crosses her arms over her black robes.
“And you’re technically my hired protection still, so I’m sure they’ll survive whilst I take you out to eat.” Mimi raises a thin eyebrow her way, smoothing down her gown. It was green, a rare change from her usual pale pinks, lilacs and whites. The Jedi follows her hands down for a moment indulgently, theorising that she wore green because she knew Thao wouldn’t refuse her if she did so.
“That’s fair.” She sighs carelessly, turning her head to gaze out at the city she protects, instead being met with Mimis BNI droid staring right into her face. “Motherfuc— your droid is so scary, what the hell.” She jumps.
“You’re so jumpy today. And leave her alone, she’s not bothering you.”
“Apologies if I startled you Jedi Knight Thao! I was just about to tell you that if there is anything that you require whilst on your trip with Senator Corsby I am happy to be at your service!” She chirps and Thao moves back in her seat, eyeing the pink droid.
“Uh, thanks.”
The couple arrive at the restaurant soon after, the usher noticing the presence of a senator and immediately showing them to a table. The building was tall, practically in the clouds as it overlooked the busy planet, atop a long thin beam sat a large round and flat dome which held the restaurant. On the walk to the table, customers lowered their gaze in respect for the Jedi, who looked like she’d come straight from battle, robe dirtied from her work in the hangar. The two were sat by a window, and immediately handed a menu.
“What do you think you’ll get?” Mimi flicks her eyes over the page. Thao hums indifferently, eyes drawn to the meals that could double as starters. She had humble taste, she didn’t know much else.
“Maybe a soup.” She shrugs, and Mimis eyes snap up to her, unimpressed.
“I didn’t take you to a top Coruscant restaurant to eat something you could buy for one credit in the lower levels.” She turned around her menu as if Thao didn’t have her own and dragged a thin manicured finger down to the luxury section. “Get a steak.”
Thao rolls her eyes but smirks bashfully anyway, not used to being the one who wasn’t calling all the shots. “Steak sounds good too.”
The two ate and talked, Mimi’s chest refilling with the warmth and affection she’d been depriving herself of due to Thao’s withdrawal from her. She so desperately wished she could atleast reach across the table and have the Jedi slowly swipe her thumb across her dainty knuckles like they did back in the safety of her apartment. When Mimi swiped the silver card in her hand into the cash payment port, causing the red hologram to shoot out with a ‘Transaction made!’ symbol floating momentarily — Thao made a mental note to kiss her plentifully once they were in privacy as a payment, which she knew made things more than equal for her doting girlfriend.
Back in the ship, Mimi rests her head on Thao’s shoulder as the droid steers the ship through the night sky to Mimi’s apartment. She always got so sleepy after a meal, but Thao recognised her patterns and knew she’d perk up in no time.
“Are we going to your apartment?” Thao turned her head ever so slightly to look down at the girl, not wanting to disrupt her comfort.
“Well we aren’t going to your quarters. We tried that remember, wasn’t the most comfortable…” Mimi giggled, recalling the time Thao had snuck her into her sleeping quarters at the temple after sharing late night heated kisses in one of the locked board rooms, not too interested in the idea of putting a pin in things to fly all the way back to Mimis apartment. They share a laugh, remembering trying to sleep that night in her thin single bed, often ending up with Thao rolling off onto the floor whenever she’d drift off.
“I think I’m still on duty for another hour.” Thao chuckles, tracing a finger down Mimi’s more tanned arm.
“Who cares. If they need you they can call you. Taking off early won’t hurt. Who’s gonna give you grief for it? We already know I can sweet talk my way around Obi Wan.” Mimi shrugs. Thao let’s a tired laugh roll off her tongue behind her teeth.
“Yes, I do know that thank you.”
“So it’ll be fine. Don’t you wanna take a nice hot shower, for as long as you like, and then curl up in a big warm soft bed…” Mimi entices, turning her face to Thao’s, wiggling her eyebrows with a smile that read as ‘Is this working? I think it’s working.’ With her face so close, Thao smiled and took the opportunity to drop a kiss to her lips, pulling back with a satisfied grin.
“Alright, you got me there. You’re a bad influence, Jedi are not supposed to care for such material things.” She turns her face away, pretending to be peeved making the brunette erupt into giggles, swooping a hand around the back of her head to pull her attention back, pushing up on her with another longer kiss.
“Very sorry about that.” She whispers, mouth still close and her tone amused. Thao mirrors her, a smirk pulling her lips up again.
“I can tell.” She sarks, trying to ignore the blank smile of the BNI droid behind her girlfriends head.
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bnideiradubai · 4 months
Elevate Your Business Networking Experience at Networking Events in Dubai
Are you seeking to expand your business network in Dubai? Look no further! At BNI Deira Gazette, we specialize in hosting top-notch networking events in Dubai that are designed to connect professionals from various industries. Join us for an unparalleled opportunity to forge meaningful connections, exchange valuable insights, and explore new business opportunities. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your networking experience. Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events!
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nicorealestateluxury · 4 months
It’s always great to talk shop with my friends from my networking group BNI (Business Networking International)
If you are looking for any type of top-notch profesional services, DM for my private VIP list 😎💪💪🙌🙌
Today I met with these two amazing professionals! If you need their services feel free to DM them!
Laurie Davidson Team Leader / Manger at @aflac
Steve Johnson Marketing Director/CEO Mantle Buzz Promotional Products!
#networking #bni #businessnetworkinternational #naplesflorida #growth #helpingeachothergrow #blessed #grateful #ilovemylife #friends
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notebooknebula · 5 months
Unleashing the Power of Business Networking International for Real  Estate Investments
Welcome to another amazing episode of the Raising Private Money podcast!
Today, Jay Conner and Kenneth Webb discuss the topic of real estate investing and leveraging private money through Business Networking International (BNI).
Jay and Kenneth share their insights on how to find deals and raise private money using networking strategies like BNI. They delve into the specific workings of BNI, distinguishing between leads and referrals, and the powerful impact of BNI in just a short span of two weeks.
Here’s what you can expect from this episode:
Understanding BNI: Jay and Kenneth explain how BNI has been a game-changer for finding motivated seller leads and securing private money for their deals. They emphasize the importance of relationship-building and the concept of “giver’s gain” in BNI.
Differentiating Leads and Referrals: Kenneth sheds light on the value of referrals over leads, sharing how BNI has provided him with highly qualified referrals that have elevated his real estate investing opportunities.
Quick Results: Kenneth’s firsthand experience speaks volumes as he shares how, within just two weeks of joining BNI, he’s already seen multiple referrals and is on the path to success with creative financing deals.
If you’re looking to transform your real estate investing game by mastering the art of networking and accessing private money, this episode is a must-listen.
Keep building those valuable relationships and leveraging private money for your real estate ventures!
0:01 –  Find unique deals and private money through BNI.
6:07 –  Build your network, build your net worth.
7:14 –  Real estate group sharing leads and networking.
11:49 – Building relationships by giving valuable leads and information.
19:01 – Referrals connect highly qualified leads between 2 people.
20:15 –  BNI leads to a successful real estate partnership.
23:20 –  Jay Conner’s Free Money Guide:  https://www.JayConner.com/MoneyGuide
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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
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bniselondon · 6 months
The World's Leading Business Networking and Referral Organisation. BNI connects like-minded business people to help them grow their business by supportingand finding opportunities to refer work between each other. BNI Members around the world meet in-person or online to pass billions of pounds worth of referrals to each other every year. BNI London S.E is a top performing region consisting of more than 30 chapters, all looking to grow, add members and support more businesses.
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trendyhero-blog · 1 year
Breaking the Stigma the Benefits of Seeing a Teen Psychiatrist
Mental health is a critical aspect of our overall well-being, and teenagers are no exception. In fact, adolescence can be a particularly challenging time for mental health due to hormonal changes, social pressures, and academic stressors. Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding mental health issues can prevent teenagers from seeking the help they need, leading to worsening symptoms and a lower quality of life. This is where seeing a teen psychiatrist can be incredibly beneficial.
First and foremost, it's important to understand what a psychiatrist does. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses. This includes conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more. A typical Teen therapist Agoura Hills is made specially trained to work with teenagers and understand the unique challenges they face.
How a teen therapist may affect your well-being in the best way possible?
One of the main benefits of seeing a teen psychiatrist is that they can provide an accurate diagnosis. Moreover, mental health conditions can be challenging to diagnose, as symptoms can overlap and vary in severity. A teen therapist agoura hills has the expertise to identify the underlying cause of symptoms and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to the individual's needs. This can be particularly important for teenagers who may be experiencing symptoms for the first time and don't know where to turn.
Another benefit of seeing a teen psychiatrist is that they can provide therapy and counseling. While medication can be an essential component of treatment for some mental health conditions, therapy can also be incredibly effective. Talking to a mental health professional can help teenagers learn coping strategies, identify triggers, and gain a better understanding of their emotions.
BNI Treatment Center- What should you know
Teen psychiatrists are trained in a variety of therapeutic techniques, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and family therapy, among others. Seeking help for mental health issues is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and courage. If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health issues, consider seeking help from a teen therapist agoura hills to get the support and resources needed to navigate this journey.
If you’re unaware, BNI Treatment Centers is primarily a behavioral health treatment center located in Agoura Hills, California. They offer comprehensive and evidence-based treatment programs for individuals struggling with addiction, mental health disorders, and co-occurring disorders. Their services include detoxification, residential treatment, outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient programs (IOPs), partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), and aftercare programs. They use a holistic approach to treatment, incorporating therapy, medication management, nutritional counseling, and experiential therapies like yoga, meditation, and equine-assisted therapy.
BNI Treatment Centers is accredited by The Joint Commission and accepts most insurance plans. They have a team of experienced and compassionate professionals who are dedicated to helping individuals achieve long-term recovery and improved mental health.
Where to start looking- Teen Therapists Agoura Hills
Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of seeing a teen therapist agoura hills is that it can help break down the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Unfortunately, there is still a pervasive belief that seeking help for mental health problems is a sign of weakness or that it's something to be ashamed of. Seeing a teen psychiatrist can help teenagers understand that mental health conditions are a medical issue, just like any other health problem. By seeking help, they are taking control of their health and well-being, and that is something to be proud of.
Not just that but, seeing a teen psychiatrist can also provide a sense of validation for teenagers who may be struggling with mental health issues. It can be challenging to express emotions and feelings to friends and family members who may not understand or dismiss their concerns. Talking to a trained mental health professional can provide a safe and non-judgmental space where teenagers can explore their thoughts and feelings without fear of ridicule or misunderstanding.
Another benefit of seeing a teen psychiatrist is that they can provide a holistic approach to treatment. Mental health conditions are complex, and treatment often requires a multi-faceted approach. In addition to therapy and medication, a teen therapist agoura hills may recommend lifestyle changes, such as exercise, nutrition, and stress management techniques. By taking a holistic approach, teenagers can learn to manage their symptoms more effectively and improve their overall quality of life.
Seeing a teen psychiatrist can also be an essential component of a support network. While friends and family can be supportive, they may not always have the expertise or experience to help with mental health issues. A teen psychiatrist can be a valuable resource and ally, providing guidance, support, and resources that can help teenagers navigate their mental health journey.
It's essential to note that seeking help for mental health issues is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it takes incredible strength and courage to ask for help and take control of your mental health. Mental health conditions are medical issues, just like any other health problem, and should be treated as such. By seeing a teen psychiatrist, teenagers can get the help they need to manage their symptoms, improve their overall quality of life, and break down the stigma surrounding mental health issues.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, seeing a teen psychiatrist can also have long-term effects on a teenager's mental health. Many mental health conditions, if left untreated, can worsen over time and lead to more severe symptoms. By seeking help early on, teenagers can get the treatment they need to manage their symptoms effectively and prevent the condition from becoming more severe.
Furthermore, seeing a teen psychiatrist can help teenagers develop the skills they need to manage their mental health throughout their lives. Mental health conditions are often chronic, meaning they require ongoing management and support. By working with a teen psychiatrist, teenagers can learn coping strategies, stress management techniques, and other skills that can help them manage their symptoms long-term.
Lastly, seeing a teen psychiatrist can also have a positive impact on a teenager's academic and social life. Mental health issues can significantly impact a teenager's ability to function in these areas, leading to poor grades, social isolation, and other negative outcomes. By getting the help they need to manage their symptoms, teenagers can improve their academic performance, social relationships, and overall quality of life.
What do you think?
In conclusion, seeking help from a teen psychiatrist is a beneficial step for teenagers struggling with mental health issues. By providing accurate diagnoses, therapy and counseling, breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health, and taking a holistic approach to treatment, the right teen therapist agoura hills can help teenagers manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.
Overall, the benefits of seeing a teen psychiatrist are numerous, and it's important to remember that seeking help for mental health issues is a crucial step towards improving overall well-being. Breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health is essential, especially for teenagers who may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their struggles. By seeking help from a trained mental health teen therapist agoura hills, teenagers can learn to manage their symptoms effectively, develop lifelong skills to support their mental health, and improve their overall quality of life.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, it's essential to seek help. There are resources available, including helplines, support groups, and mental health professionals, who can provide the guidance and support needed to navigate this journey. It's important to remember that mental health conditions are medical issues and should be treated as such. Having stated that, by taking control of your mental health, you are bound to improve your overall well-being and break down the stigma otherwise surrounding mental health.
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dentistenthusiast · 1 year
Miami Lakes Dentist Full Service Dentistry
Oaks Springs Dental is a personal practice of Dr. Jose Talavera; he and his wife Aimee are longtime residents of Miami Lakes and he's a member of BNI Excellence, Miami Lakes BNI chapter. Oak Springs Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is dedicated to facilitating the accessibility and usability of its web site, oakspringsdental.com, for everybody. Oak Springs Cosmetic and Family Dentistry aims to adjust to all relevant requirements, including the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.zero up to Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA). Oak Springs Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is proud of the efforts that we now have accomplished and that are in-progress to make sure that our website is accessible to everyone. Dr. Mendigutia has been active in scientific apply for over 15 years; primarily in Miami.
There might be many different dental emergencies that you must go to the Miami Lakes dental places of work for. Emergency dental companies can be your savior if you feel ache or are on the verge of dental loss. Urgent dental care focuses on oral administration of conditions that require immediate consideration to alleviate you from ache and alleviate the danger of infections, resulting in complicated issues. Dental emergencies can occur at any time, and it's crucial to hunt immediate care, as they'll resolve between saving or dropping your pure tooth. If you reside in or near Miami Lakes, Florida, have dental emergencies at odd hours or on holidays, contact Trust Dental.
72% of Americans have some type of restorative dental work. 23% of all dental emergencies are related to the restorations. Outside the practice she likes to spend time outside with friends and family. Since working right here , Mari has enjoyed being involved with all new applied sciences as they have developed and turn out to be obtainable. Meeting new patients is one thing that she enjoys as properly as the lasting relationships she has developed with the prevailing patients. He graduated from the U.C.E. in the Dominican Republic and have become accredited by University of Florida in 1983.
Dentists around the area of Miami, FL. Additional info for every of the dentists is listed below. Delta Dental has the most important community of dentists nationwide. If you may be experiencing ache, the staff can prescribe you pain emergency dentist miami lakes medication. In addition, they may counsel you on correct care at house and reply any questions that you may have. Looking for a Motivated Dental assistant who's experienced.
Dr. Castaneda is a dentist in the Miami space who offers TMJ treatments. He can assess the reason for the ache or discomfort and suggest the appropriate measures for resolution. Solutions may embody replacing lost enamel, chunk adjustment, hole closure, or different procedures to correct the TMJ malfunction cause. To learn more about emergency dentistry and how you can put together emergency dentist miami lakes your family for those sudden circumstances, name or log on at present to schedule your first appointment with the group at SEDA Dental. Just make one phone call to Primary Medical Care Center requesting an emergency dental service. You won’t have to wait a number of days for a dental appointment to get help as a outcome of we will assist you to at any of our clinics throughout your common visits.
Primary Medical Care Center presents in-house dental services for seniors in South Florida at its clinics. In-House dental services remove the need for seniors to journey to a dental office. Instead, we are in a position to carry out dental companies for you at our clinics. Quick motion can save the tooth, prevent infection and cut back the necessity for extensive dental remedy. Rinse the mouth with water and apply cold compresses to minimize back swelling if the lip also was injured. If yow will discover the broken tooth fragment, place it in cold milk or water and bring it with you to the dental office.
By seeking treatment with us, we are going to provide the treatment wanted to assist prevent further harm or tooth loss. Our objective is to keep away from wasting as many pure enamel as potential whereas preserving the affected person's oral health. Dr. Rodriguez is a Board Certified Periodontist, the sphere of dentistry focused on saving/maintaining enamel in addition to surgical therapies together with all aspects of dental implants.
One proposition towards overcoming these challenges entails the creation of a nationwide basis that formally assists and connects free clinics, allowing them to evolve as essential. However, the implementation of the ACA proved to be more difficult as some states selected to not implement it. Additionally, the ACA does not assist undocumented immigrants, which signifies emergency dentist miami lakes that well being care outside of the free clinic to those that are undocumented stay comparatively inaccessible. It isn't yet clear if and the way the Trump administration will influence healthcare reform, specifically the access to healthcare for the most vulnerable.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Moncton area tops the charts for Canada’s fastest-growing city
Moncton, N.B., might be considered the country’s fastest-growing city when you look at Statistic Canada’s new data, but for so many residents, it’s now only known as home.
“I think that the nature that we have because in this place we see a lot of seasons and the change,” said Pierina Amesquita, who recently moved from Peru. “In our country, we don’t have the winters. In this case, we have a lot of snow and it’s our first experience with snow and it’s so cool.”
“I love winter,” added Manuel Echeandia, who also moved from Peru. “I prefer cold than hot so it’s our first time in snow and we want [to] do those activities.”
Snowshoeing and skiing are just two activities that the pair is excited to do since moving to the area.
“I really like the city, I think it’s a beautiful city,” said Amesquita.
The fact that it’s New Brunswick’s biggest city, paired with the lack of traffic, more greenery, and career opportunities, including education at NBCC, have also helped make Moncton the couple's chosen destination.
Plus, with growth comes more diversity, which is an added bonus for newcomers.
“When you hear different point of view, you realize that the world is beyond that and who doesn’t like to learn more?” said Echeadia. “You feel like you’ve travelled the world already. Each person brings their country to us.”
Since moving, Amesquita and Echeandia have been helping with Moncton Cares, an organization that helps welcome newcomers and immigrants as well as make them feel more at home. Officials say that last year Moncton Cares helped welcome over 700 people to the area.
“I’ve been driving those newcomers from the airport to their home and when they thank us, I feel like ‘oh I like to be a volunteer,’” said Echeandia.
According to the numbers, the Moncton metropolitan area grew by 5.3 per cent from July 2021 to 2022. It’s a fact that officials say is good economic news for the city.
“We’re not a large city, but it also really enforces or validates a lot of the things that we’ve been trying to do, especially around immigration, retraction and retention,” said John Wishart, the chief executive officer for the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce. “It’s a positive sign, certainly for the business community.”
Adding, “I think this increase in population has come along at just the right time, after two, almost three years of COVID and the negative impact of that on businesses and so a lot of the existing businesses are feeling well supported by this influx of new people.”
Not only does the growth mean more support for local businesses, but it also means new businesses popping up.
Christiane Christian moved from Ontario back in the fall and brought her cleaning business with her.
“Moving that out here, was a challenge in itself, getting to know everybody, getting to know the networks here, and getting to know the people… we didn’t know anybody, but everyone was so warm and welcoming that it’s become quite easy to get in with all the networks and the community,” she said.
Right now, her and her husband are still working out of Ontario as well, but she says it’s actually been an easy transition bringing the business to a new province.
“It’s taken some time for Moncton to trust,” she said. “It’s a small town community, they’re very community orientated and want to support each other rather than people coming in so it takes a little bit of time and getting in with networking like BNI or the chamber of commerce who are introducing you to people is a huge key for small businesses when you’re coming here.”
You’ve Got It Maid offers commercial and residential cleaning services as well as a handyman service in order to offer clients everything they need.
Overall, she’s happy to now call New Brunswick home.
“I don’t regret anything,” she said. “I came here not knowing anyone and I have a network of friends now, which is great. Some of the restaurants downtown are just great.”
However, there are some downfalls to rapid growth, including if the city can keep up.
“Handling this growth poses problems around housing in particular, especially affordable housing and it also puts more of a strain on our health care and educational sectors so we need to quickly come up with a strategy to accommodate that,” said Wishart.
Adding that there are a few areas that need to be addressed immediately, “it’s exciting on one aspect because obviously growth is much better than decline, but we really do have to mobilize a lot of stakeholders, government, private sector to come up with some strategies around housing I would say in particular.”
He says the workforce is also an area that could use some help as well, making sure that new residents can showcase their skills.
All in all the numbers don’t lie, Moncton has been put on the map for people around the world, but as for the reason why each individual choose to come is really different for everyone.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/INJvO6C
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bnideiradubai · 4 months
How BNI Deira Gazette Can Boost Your Professional Business Network
Are you struggling to expand your professional business network in Deira? Look no further than BNI Deira Gazette! Our networking events and community are designed to connect professionals like you with valuable contacts and opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, being part of BNI Deira Gazette can significantly enhance your networking efforts. Join us today and unlock the full potential of your business connections!
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Hey I’m Carla Egan and thanks for taking the time to view my profile.
This is a hot topic on social media and in the press of how the younger generation are leaving their jobs in droves. While there’s no denying this is happening, this is NOT a new trend, covid has only escalated it, and if you employ staff under the age of 35, you probably already realise that.
The reality is people leave their jobs all the time and it’s actually healthy to have natural attrition. What’s not natural is when you experience high staff turnover – that’s anything above 20% or more – and you don’t know why.
📈 The Generation Behind the Great Resignation is our youngest generation and they are contributing to higher levels of attrition than we’ve ever known, which leads to low morale, impacts service delivery and produces mediocre results.
Of course there are a number of reasons why younger people leave their jobs but the key driver behind their behaviour relates to a different set of priorities when it comes to work than previous generations.
For the first time in history we are seeing five generations in the workplace at the same time. People leaders now need to acknowledge these generational differences and look for personalised approaches to attract, engage and retain each group of employees.
📚 My professional focus is working with leaders that employ Generation Z – that’s employees born between 1996-2015 and who are currently aged under 25 – and how you can improve the way you lead and manage a multi-generational team in today’s workplace.
I understand first-hand the challenges in employing, engaging and retaining front line service delivery and call centre teams 👉 especially with entry level positions that have limited career prospects!
If you want to avoid the traps of high staff turnover and move into the top 15% quadrant of teams that are engaged, motivated and want to work with you for longer – then we should connect.
🧐 Other Info About Me…
Registered Indigenous Business with Supply Nation
Member of Kinaway Chamber of Commerce
Member of BNI
Mentor with Indigenous Business Australia
Proud Aboriginal Wotjobaluk Woman
Founder of The Coaching Directory
Head Matchmaker at The Coaching Directory
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⇒ +25 year's experience working with high turnover teams ⇒ Masters in Business Administration (Executive) ⇒ Masters in Coaching from The Coaching Institute ⇒ Member of The International Coaching Guild ⇒ Accredited Extended Disc® Consultant ⇒ Certified Facilitator ⇒ Various leadership, team and management courses ⇒ Current National Police Check ⇒ Current Working with Children Check
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mangianyc2 · 2 years
3 Easy Ways to Find Clients for Your Catering Business
You optimistically have pretty much all of the catering enterprise put together. You can be in area to roll out your talents inside the market. More or much less the actual legal paintings is out of the way. All the PPE is attained and at this second all you need is a patron to cater for. You actually might be amazed to study that the buyers do now not commonly come to you on every occasion you wish to have them, in particular in the early ranges. We may additionally should get available and get hold of these humans. We must get discovered on their radar one manner or every other. There are a selection of methods so that you can sell yourbreakfast catering and the prices come with an unlimited range. Just wherein do you begin? Let us peek at 3 techniques you may effortlessly locate your very first prospect or probably increase your stable movement of customers.
Optimize your net site I Am a massive supporter of net marketing, needless to mention. It may be one of the most inexpensive approaches to get your name obtainable. You need to have a meaningful internet site in support of the catering business. If no longer then I promise you will be dropping opportunities. If you aren't a techie then you must look for any form of company that has the capacity to make a website seo'ed for search engines like google and yahoo like google. Doing this is actual necessary. Nearly absolutely everyone's first stop each time attempting to find offerings is google. You need to be observed in these topmost search ratings in regards to any key phrases that folks pick out on every occasion checking for catering services within your company's locale. This technique is really no longer as complex as it seems and you truly truly don't need to spend hundreds of bucks. SEO or seo is surely based totally mostly on a pair great practices and whenever you have got them set up you may start to climb up the ranks of google. Research on line marketing carrier vendors to be able to comprise nothing but white hat processes and you can get your site a whole lot higher for an amazingly low price or certainly find out approximately SEO with a purpose to take care of this assignment your self at no cost. PPC marketing marketing campaign This technique is just a amazing net marketing practice and is an abbreviation supposed for Pay Per Click. At this time there are a great kind of hosts for PPC promotions as an example Facebook and Google Adwords. We quite advocate Google AdWords for a start. It's an efficient method to get capability clients to your personal website and hence customers for your organization. Look into Google AdWords a good way to examine a lot more. Be a part of a business network Business networks are commonly a wonderful manner to put a person's brand to market. Not best may want to you get your very own name round but an individual can effortlessly discover numerous extraordinary commercial enterprise instructors and advisors. BNI is at the list of essential commercial enterprise networks and moreover you may find a variety of chapters with one greater than possibly near your area. Here's numerous the motives to participate in BNI. Substantially elevated potentialities. Techniques to help community plenty more correctly, which incorporates a orientation CD giving the "Formula for Success" with BNI, a badge, a vinyl card holder that allows you to carry contributors' commercial enterprise cards, referral slips, advertising and marketing materials and content in your bankruptcy and much, tons extra. Participation in almost 52 networking group conferences each year. Bi-month-to-month news letters with instructional assets regarding networking, public talking, and commercial enterprise. Engagement inside business tradeshows (in which you'll get a great chance to market your very own chapter at the side of your business enterprise). No-fee periodic schooling courses approximately networking. BNI isn't always the only business community although it is the main one I actually have had enjoy with and consequently I can tell you from experience that it slow the use of this network will pay off.
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henindianetwork · 2 years
A best Business networking group for women-owned businesses
“Behind every successful women is a tribe of other successful women who have her back” 
In today’s world women are leading the way and breaking the stereotypes, and women owned businesses are getting the recognition they deserve. We have time and again read about stories of successful businesses owned by a woman, but we seldom happen to come across the journey to success that has a lot to do with the failures,networking, and more! The word networking holds a crucial place in the world of business, for it has a lot to do with the success of an organisation. 
Building relationships and partnerships with the right people is critical to the growth and success of your business. However, despite the importance of networking, many women business owners have no idea where to start. So we thought of putting across this comprehensive list of Business networking groups exclusively for all you powerful women out there! Go ahead and give this a read
Business networking groups for Women Owned Businesses
You might want to get some valuable insights and advice from like-minded entrepreneur women. So here is the list of business networking groups exclusively for women. 
Hen India - Hen company is a recognized community that would like to support and encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to start a new business and existing entrepreneurs to expand their business.
If you are an entrepreneur woman looking to scale up your business or stabilize the same, HEN is for you. Hen's Business networking is the base to build relationships to create opportunities and collaborations to scale up. 
CII: Indian Women Network (IWN) - 
The Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) is a NGO that has been closely working with the government on policy issues, business opportunities, and operating efficiencies for over close to three decades The IWN was started in 2013 and is run and led by women entrepreneurs in 12 states. The membership is open to women across all the business segments. 
IWFCI – India Chapter
Women entrepreneurs who are looking for a global outreach, can benefit from joining the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry’s (IWFCI) India chapter.  This federation provides a platform to engage with international governments, offers promotional opportunities and subsidies for international trade.
BNI: Business Network International - 
BNI  is the world's largest networking organisation with a global reach across 74 countries.It is more than just a networking platform, for it helps you build lasting relationships in the form of colleagues, business partners, and friends. They have several paid membership offers, each of them designed to cater to your entrepreneurial needs.
TiE – Global Entrepreneurship Organisation
This non-profit organization is dedicated to entrepreneurs belonging to all industries. The organization supports entrepreneurs by offering education, mentorship, networking, and funding opportunities. It has various membership options to choose from!
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About HEN India-
Hen India is networking community of, and for the Women Entrepreneurs with an aim to Inspire, Inform and Support the fellow Hen Women entrepreneurs in order to create a balanced ecosystem. It is a go-to platform to build lasting relationships and stay updated with the latest trends and technologies related to your business. Besides its paid memberships, Hen website provides a free one month experience with access to Hen Community, partner offerings and more.
The Takeaway
Hen India supports women entrepreneurs to increase their online visibility, share experiences, information and support each other to achieve success. Women are leading the way in every segment today. All they need is the right exposure and the right resources to churn out the best that they can deliver. Hence, as per our survey, what most women need is a combination of digital and real-time interaction.
While it is easy to find solutions to the problems on the internet, one needs an interpersonal connection for a custom solution to a specific issue. In such a scenario, Business networking groups come to the rescue. There are a lot of platforms that provide the women in business with an opportunity to connect with other like minded women globally. Find out a platform that best suits your needs and nobody can stop you to succeed! 
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piers-wifey · 2 years
I fecking love your B.O.W design man! And the name suits her she does look like a hellish creature. Is she a reptile based B.O.W?
Thank you! The names of the B.O.W.s in RE6 inspired me.
Other names I had thought of were "Bažni" and "Bni". Both are a combination of the words "Lažni" and "Bog", and both names can be translated as "False God".
I think I'll use the name Bažni for my other B.O.W.
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