#not looking tk be asked for prompts but looking for prompts as a jumping off point
impossible-rat-babies · 8 months
obssessed with the suite eyrie has in radz-at/han that I’m building in my mind
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liminalmemories21 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @paperstorm, @carlos-in-glasses, @orchidscript, @whatsintheboxmh, @lemonlyman-dotcom
@strandnreyes, @iboatedhere, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @theghostofashton, @chicgeekgirl89,
@reyesstrand, and everyone who tagged me on Sunday when I did not have the brain space to play. Thank you!
Have two snippets in recompense - one Lonestar, one OG 911.
Knave-verse Paris Caper (actually someone throw prompts at me, because I'm stuck on what the con is, and I work better when someone eggs me on)
It is, he supposes, a step up from your run of the mill cocktail party.  Then again, anything being hosted in a 17th C maison particulière where he’s been handed a crystal flute of champagne, and everything he can see has been dusted in gilt, is going to be a step up from your average Austin country club fundraiser. “You take me to the nicest places,” he murmurs to TK, and is really only being a little facetious.  “Are we allowed to walk around?” TK eyes their reflection in the large mirror over the fireplace. “ They encourage it.”  Tucks a hand through Carlos’s arm.  “Come on, let’s mingle and admire.” They wander slowly through the ground floor of the townhouse (mansion?) and then out into the private gardens, hung with paper lanterns.  “So, you’re sure that Drosselmeyer will take the bait?” TK hmms, attention focused on a statue. “I think that’s a Rodin.”  Then gives Carlos his attention when Carlos doesn’t say anything.  “Drosselmeyer?  Oh, yes.  He’s already taken the bait.” Carlos swings around.  “He has? Is he here?” TK gestures towards the house.  “In the salon.  Right now he’s asking what name you gave at the door, and who invited you, and calling a couple of people to ask why you’re slumming it with me.” He sounds smug. The plan is to let TK’s reputation do the work for them.  They don’t really have time to set Carlos up with an entire false identity and let Drosselmeyer find him on his own, so they’re shortcutting the process.  Drosselmeyer sees Carlos with TK, assumes that TK is there for a con, and then tries to con Carlos out from under TK’s nose. TK and Caffrey had both sniffed in disdain, and he’d traded a look with Sara in amusement.  “It’s tacky,” TK had pronounced. “But so is Drosselmeyer, so it’s definitely what he’ll do.”
Buck/Tommy with @cecilyv- working title - no, really the Buckley's are actually shitty people - because @cecilyv just rewatched the Daniel arc and asked nicely - has approximately 8,000 words in it, we have not yet met the Buckleys ... so you know, that's going.
Tommy pulls off into a little park overlooking the city, backs into a spot, parks and jumps out of the truck, Buck trailing behind him. Pops down the tailgate and spreads the blanket he pulls from the cargo hold out. Climbs in and holds his hand out for Buck to follow.  The lights of the city are spread out all around them, blanketing the ground.  He hesitates for a moment, staring at Tommy’s hand. It feels like a moment.  A line.  Which is ridiculous, because he’s not going to be more queer if he climbs up into the bed of the truck and lies down next to Tommy.  Won’t make him less queer if he doesn’t.   It isn’t even really anything new.  It’s a little secluded, but they’re still in public, and Tommy is a gentleman - isn’t going to take this further than Buck is comfortable with.  Buck wishes maybe that Tommy would push - not a lot, just a little, enough to get him over his nerves.  Because he’s not nervous when Tommy is touching him, kissing him.  It’s just that moment before, the inbetween, that makes him nervous. He looks up and can see the patience, and the concern in Tommy’s eyes.  Suddenly doesn’t know what he’s hesitating for.  Takes Tommy’s hand and lets him pull him up, settles down next to Tommy on the truck bed, close enough that he can feel the heat of Tommy’s body bleeding through his jeans.
not sure who's left, but - @alchemistc, @freneticfloetry, @fifthrideroftheapocalypse, @heartstringsduet, and @djdangerlove
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detective-giggles · 1 year
Me filling another kiss prompt instead of literally anything else? More likely that you think. This one fills the prompt (loosely) of a kiss over dinner. Thanks @sanjuwrites for the beta
Carlos shoves the last container of food in the fridge and lets the door slam shut. As if on cue, the lights flicker and the loft is bathed in darkness. His eyes adjust to the semi-darkness and he looks around the loft. His gaze settles on Lou Two and he shudders at the thought that TK might ask him to snuggle the lizard to keep it warm for however long the power is out.
He drops on the couch to wallow in a little self-pity. TK has been on shift since yesterday, so Carlos has been in the loft alone, taking it upon himself to plan a romantic dinner for their first anniversary. But predictably, because nothing could be easy this week, Mother Nature decided she has other plans.
He had planned a little picnic out where he and TK had watched the Northern Lights years ago. He even downloaded an app to help with the stargazing so they wouldn’t bicker over the constellations. And of course, a little — or a lot — of making out on the hood of the Camaro.
Instead, it’s been raining all day. Huge, heavy raindrops that guarantee anyone caught in it will be soaked between the Uber and their front door.
The door slides open and TK walks in, drenched and slightly out of breath. “Hi, baby. Damn, those stairs are no joke. I am out of shape.”
Carlos jumps up and grabs a couple of towels, hurrying back to the front door. He hands one to TK and then sets another on the floor for him to step on.
“Wait. You took the stairs?”
“Power’s out,” TK reminds him with a small grin as he towels off his hair.
“Oh, yeah. Well, I guess I’m glad you took the stairs instead of waiting in the lobby for it to come back on. Which is what I probably would have done.” He laughs. “Hi,” Carlos says, pressing a kiss to his husband’s lips. “Happy anniversary,” he whispers.
“Happy anniversary, baby,” TK echoes. “I’m going to get out of these wet clothes and then we’ll figure out dinner?”
“Take your time,” Carlos calls after him.
TK returns to the living room a few minutes later, finally dry. Carlos puts his hands on TK’s hips, pulling him in for a proper greeting.
“What are our plans for this evening?” TK asks after he breaks away.
Carlos scoffs and tells TK about the picnic he prepped for. “And now we can’t cook anything! We can’t order delivery. This week has been awful and I-”
“The food’s all ready?” He asks. Carlos nods and TK shrugs. “Go get it.”
Carlos sighs and heads to the refrigerator, pulling out everything he had prepared. When he returns to the living room, he notices TK has shoved the coffee table out of the way and spread their favorite throw blanket on the ground.
“Candles or no candles?” TK asks.
“Surprise me,” Carlos whispers, a little awed. “We’re going to eat on the living room floor on our first anniversary?”
TK sits and takes a container from Carlos. “You wanted a picnic. We’re having a picnic, complete with a little romantic lighting. And do you know what the best part is?” He asks, popping an olive into his mouth. Carlos shakes his head as he joins TK on the floor. “When we’re ready for this evening’s other activities, we won’t have to wait to drive home first.”
Carlos laughs as he wraps his arm around TK and pulls him in, kissing him hard. “I love you,” he says. “So much.”
“I love you too, baby. Happy anniversary. Now, let’s eat.”
Taglist: @chaotictarlos @meditating-honey-badger @noxsoulmate @plaidbooks
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WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tags @thisbuildinghasfeelings @herefortarlos @lemonlyman-dotcom @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses 🫶
Please enjoy some angst from my TK's growing up years fic -
2017 -
TK couldn’t help but fidget as he sat there. He was sitting on the couch in his dad’s office. He had no idea why. They’d returned from a call, and then there was his dad. He said, “Get your gear off and come up to my office, okay?” And TK nodded and did just that; then he barely had enough time to worry about what this was about. Then when he got to his dad’s office, the phone rang. It was the captain of the 269; Owen mouthed “sorry” as he motioned for TK to sit down and then he stepped out of his own office. And that left TK to sit and stew in his own anxieties.
Which, it hadn’t even been ten minutes yet. But TK was pretty sure that the other guys from the 252 knew that TK was up here. If they didn’t, they surely would the longer he sat and waited.
It had only been 42 days since TK had returned to work after rehab; and he had spent every day doing his best not to draw attention to himself and act like he hadn’t been gone for 30 days.
Of course, he thought bitterly to himself as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, it’s not like any of them would say anything to his face, anyway. They never did before; it didn’t stop TK from learning what they called him behind his back.
TK started to peel at the fingernail on his index finger. He had this down to a science; he knew the exact spot to stop where if he continued, he’d getting down to the quick, and it would start to bleed. His nail was diminishing; the point of no return was getting closer.
“I think you’re getting close to the bone there”. TK jumped at his dad’s voice. He sat up straighter as his dad re-entered the office and sat on the arm of the couch.
“I’m sorry about the wait,” his dad said, squeezing TK’s shoulder gently. “There’s been a problem at the 269. One of their guys might be joining us here”.
“Oh”. TK nodded. “Cool”. He watched as his dad got up and came to sit down next to him. “So,” TK said with a shrug, “what’s up?”
“I just wanted to check in with you,” Owen answered. “See how you were doing”.
“I’m fine”. TK shrugged. “Everything’s good”.
“Your mother said you might have found a place,” his dad prompted.
“Uh huh”. TK nodded. “But I can’t afford it without having her co-sign, so I’m still looking. Which, I told her this is why people have roommates; not like we don’t live in the most expensive city in the world, and—”
“And you haven’t had the best luck with roommates, son,” his dad chided him gently. “And you’re starting over, it’d be better for you not to have to worry what someone else is bringing home”.
TK groaned. “Dad, very little of what happened is Avery’s fault. And,” he stood up, “if there isn’t a reason for us to be doing this now, I’m on laundry today, and I really want to—”
“Well, there is a reason,” his dad rose to his feet as well. “And I’m afraid that it can’t wait. I need you to sit back down”. He put his hands firmly on his son’s shoulders. TK glared for a minute before he allowed his dad to gently push him back down towards the couch.
“Okay, what?” TK snapped. “What is so important?”
Owen exhaled slowly. “I just wanted to check in with you. See if there was anything you wanted to tell me… before I found out some other way?” TK racked his brain for anything, any amount of time unaccounted for that would have led to this line of questioning.
“No”. TK shook his head. “Dad, just ask me what you’re going to ask me. Get it over with”.
Owen exhaled slowly. “I’m not accusing you of anything,” he began. “But two weeks in a row you were gone at the same day for the same amount of time. Last Wednesday—”
“Oh my God,” TK buried his face in his hands. “You know, you really missed your calling as a private eye”.
“I was doing the assembly for the career fair,” his dad continued, undeterred, “which you had also originally signed up for. I was told you had taken your name off for an appointment. Then yesterday, same thing happened. After the call at the drycleaners, you mysteriously disappeared, and resurfaced around dinner. I’ve got a rational amount of concern for the situation”.
“Yeah, except you have no idea what the situation is,” TK grumbled. “And I did have an appointment. I didn’t lie about that”.
“I didn’t say you did,” his dad replied. “Who was the appointment with?” TK leaned his head back on the couch. “Why do you have to know?” TK asked.
“You know exactly why, kid,” his dad murmured. He reached over and ran a hand through his son’s hair amidst TK’s protests. “The door is closed, no one can see you”. He reminded his son. “Might I remind you, I believed you when you told me you were fine four months ago. I believed you when you said the group therapy was helping. I want more than anything to believe you… but I’m somewhat terrified of what will happen if I do”.
TK hated what his dad was saying; and hated even more that he couldn’t argue with any of it. So much for this being a good surprise. “Fine”. He sighed. “You win. It’s Hazel McLaughlin”.
“Oh”. Not the answer Owen was expecting. “She works out of the 243. How’d you meet her?”
“I got her name from Diana Pink”. TK hugged his arms to his chest. “Then I sent her a message on Facebook. With Lyle gone, she’s the only person I know who’s dual certified. She’s been helping me study to take the test. To be a dual certified firefighter and paramedic”.
No pressure tagging: I tag @dreamingofmickeywaffles @sznofthesticks @firstprince-history-huh @tailoredshirt @kiloskywalker @sugdenlovesdingle @ellena-asg @inkweedandlizards @kiankiwi @paperstorm @heartstringsduet @reyestrandd and anyone else who wants to do it - open tag 💝🥰
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
Woot! You're accepting prompts! From Smut prompts: You're mine, understand? Mine!
Hello! I do take prompts on days not like this too, it just takes me a bit to get to them. I hope you enjoy this!
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: m x m smut, hand jobs, jealous/possessive Carlos, use of sex toys, implied spanking with a paddle, implied sexual content, Word Count: 461 
“You’re mine, understand?” Carlos growls, fingers wrapped around TK’s chin as he gives him a look filled with jealousy and lust.
TK whimpers, squirming under Carlos’ gaze. The possessiveness laced in Carlos’ voice shouldn’t be so hot, but it has TK growing hard in his pants.
“Prove it,” TK says, licking his lips and giving Carlos a mischievous look. He knows he’s playing with fire and that it’s a 50/50 chance that Carlos will punish him and not let him come tonight, but TK enjoys the thrill of it. 
Carlos growls again and drops his chin. He grabs TK’s shirt with both hands and rips it from his chest - TK pouts slightly because he liked the shirt - and then he makes quick work of taking off TK’s pants and boxers.
“You’re such a little brat,” Carlos says, pushing him onto the bed. “You get off on this, don’t you? Flirting with others to make me jealous.”
“The sex is always hot.”
Carlos rolls his eyes, but TK can see the amusement in them and knows that Carlos is enjoying this as much as he is. Carlos settles between TK’s thighs, breath fanning over his hardening cock and it makes TK whimper again, wanting Carlos’ mouth on him.
“Do you think, after the way you’ve behaved, that I’ll just get on my knees for you and suck your cock?” Carlos asks, looking up at him. “That’s for good boys, and you haven’t been one tonight.” Carlos jumps up from the bed and goes over to the closet. He rummages through a locked box, the one where they keep all sorts of toys, and comes back moments later with a smirk on his face and a couple of items in his hands.
TK’s eyes rack over the vibrator, dildo, and paddle, the items sending a shiver down his spine, and then look at Carlos. He doesn’t say anything and lets his eyes ask the questions but Carlos doesn’t respond. He settles back onto the bed and slicks up his hand, wrapping it around TK’s cock. 
“What’s your color?” Carlos asks, lazily stroking his cock. He’s holding it loosely, just a tease that doesn’t give TK nearly anything he needs.
“Green, so fucking green,” TK moans, rolling his hips but that movement is stopped by Carlos’ free hand.
“And your safe word?”
“Good, Tyler,” Carlos says in an almost bored tone. “Here’s what’s going to happen, I’m going to tie the vibrator around your cock and fuck you with the dildo. You’re not allowed to come until I say so, if you do, then you get the paddle. Do you agree?”
TK nods, then remembers that Carlos won’t start without verbal confirmation, “Yes, Carlos.”
Carlos picks up the vibrator, “Then let’s begin.”
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count my little scars, i got dozens down inside
so, a long time ago, @elinehasallthefeels sent me a prompt asking for judd discovering one of tk's unhealthy coping mechanisms and being like 'wtf are you doing!' while tk didn't get why he was horrified. it was meant to be a light-hearted piece.
this is not. eline, i am very sorry for twisting your prompt this way
ao3 | 1.3k | self-harm, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mental illness, references to addiction, worried judd ryder, the author is yet again projecting
The metal burns on his skin, a pain so bad his eyes screw shut and he has to bite his lip to keep from crying out. His whole body is locked up, in a war with itself between wanting to stop and wanting to keep going, but TK pushes through and forces himself to press down harder, twisting his left hand to make sure he feels it before the heat inevitably, and too quickly, leaches out of the metal.
He’s breathing heavily now, careful and measured through his nose, and this is–this is good. This means he might be able to work the rest of his shift without breaking down; this means the urges running through his brain and every inch of his body will go away.
Or, he hopes it does.
If it doesn’t, then TK…
Maybe he should try again. Just to be sure. His fingers twitch across the counter, and now he’s thought it there’s no going back, no moving forward until the impulse is satisfied, no—
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
TK jumps and the spoon clatters to the counter, the noise seeming to echo around the otherwise empty kitchen. He moves his right arm behind his back, but the damage has, quite literally, been done, and TK knows it. So he sighs and plasters on a smile, shrugging slightly. “Would you let it go if I said it’s no big deal?”
“Hell, no,” Judd says. He crosses his arms firmly across his chest and stares at TK in a way that might be intimidating if he didn’t know him. “What were you doing?”
TK waves his hand to the mug on the counter as nonchalantly as he can. “Making coffee.” 
“Oh, so you’re trying to be funny, huh?” Judd takes a step forward, effectively blocking TK’s path out of the kitchen. “Well, I ain’t laughing. TK, I just watched you take the spoon – the damn spoon – that’s been sitting in a cup of boiling hot coffee for the last few minutes and instead of cleaning it with water and a towel like everyone else, you decide to wipe it off on your own damn skin. I ain’t a fool, TK, I know what you were doing. I just don’t… I mean, why not… Why?”
Judd looks so confused and TK can’t stand it anymore so he looks down at the floor and scuffs the toe of his boot against the lino. He knows the questions Judd isn’t asking and he knows he’ll want more answers than TK will be able to give him; the difficulty is figuring out which parts to tell. Judd probably already knows about the run of bad calls they’ve had – he was with them on a couple and probably will have heard about the others – but that alone as an explanation won’t satisfy him. He also knows TK is a basketcase, but… Well.
“It’s easier than the alternative,” he settles on. “And it doesn’t leave a mark. Not a permanent one, anyway. Not one that can’t be explained.”
“The alternative?” Judd asks, the crease in his brows deepening before smoothing back out again. “You mean drugs?”
“That,” TK acknowledges. And that’s enough for Judd to know; he doesn’t want to tell him how he shrinks from the blade of a knife, how he can never go hard enough, deep enough to make any difference.
Judd sighs. “Okay, fine, but why don’t you talk to someone instead? You don’t have to… Hang on.” The creases return, the worry spreading across his face along with dawning realisation. “You said it don’t leave a mark.”
TK nods mutely, waiting. It feels like it takes an eternity, but eventually the puzzle pieces click.
“How long has this been going on, TK?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know,” he says honestly. “A long time. Judd, I thought it was normal.”
Judd scoffs, an eyebrow raised, but TK doesn’t know what to tell him. He hates having to explain this stuff to people; it’s awkward and complicated and he almost always ends up feeling worse for it. 
“I was ten,” he admits quietly. “Maybe eleven. I didn’t… I thought it was normal. I had it in my head that if you do something wrong, you get punished for it. So that’s what I did. It took years for me to fully realise that most people didn’t think the same way. I mean, I would talk to my friends about this shit—“
“And none of them ever said anything?” Judd’s expression has shifted to outrage now and TK is almost scared he’s going to start swinging. Not at him, he knows Judd would never do that – again – but at something. The ghosts of TK’s past, maybe, except it wasn’t their fault either. 
It was always just TK. 
“Judd, listen, it’s okay. I was a kid and, like I said, I–”
“–thought it was normal,” Judd interrupts. “Yeah, I got that part nice and clear. But you’re not some kid anymore, TK, so I’m gonna need you to do a bit better than that.”
TK closes his eyes and grits his teeth, wanting more than anything to turn back time, to find some other outlet, to not have to have this conversation. It’s so hard to get people to understand and TK gets why; he knows perfectly well that what he’s doing isn’t normal or good or something anyone in their right mind would do. He doesn’t know how to explain, when he knows all that, why he does it anyway.
“It’s like an addiction,” he tries. “Once you start, once you get in so deep, you can’t stop even when you know you should. It’s just… It’s constantly there, Judd. Every time something happens there’s this voice in my head that tells me to…to…”
“To burn yourself with your coffee spoon?”
“To do whatever’s easiest. To, I don’t know, scratch myself up or slam my hand into the wall or, yeah, use the fucking coffee spoon because it’s what I deserve, right?” He takes a sharp breath and cuts himself off, turning away from Judd. “So now you know,” he says tightly, not looking back around. “Just do me a favour and don’t tell anyone else.”
A pause. A sigh. “TK…”
“Judd, please.” TK loves the crew, would trust them with his life, but he can’t handle more people knowing about this fucked up, broken part of him. “I can’t… I…”
Sudden tears rise in his throat and TK chokes, reaching out to grab the counter. His free hand clenches into a fist at his side, nails digging hard into his palm, but before he can go any further there’s another hand pulling his apart, arms pulling him into an embrace. Judd hugs him and TK can’t help but hide his face in his chest.
“I try not to,” he whispers, sounding childish even to his own ears, but what’s a little more humiliation?
“Okay.” Judd pulls out of the hug, moving his hands to TK’s shoulders and looking him in the eyes. “But, TK, man, I’m serious. You can’t keep doing this. It’s not healthy.”
“I know.” He takes a shaky breath and swallows hard. “I am trying.”
And he is. He is. But TK knows intimately how hard habits can be to kick, and this one is harder than many. Still, “I am,” he says again, and Judd must see the truth of it on his face because he nods reluctantly and claps TK on the shoulder.
“Alright,” he says. “I won’t tell. But if you need to talk to someone, preferably before any of this, you know I’mma be there for you. And Carlos and your daddy and everyone here. You know that, right?”
TK nods. “Thanks.”
Judd lingers for a second longer then walks away and TK turns back to the counter. The spoon is still there, right where he dropped it, and after staring at it for a moment, he washes it and throws it back in the drawer. The itch has gone now at least, but TK knows it will come back. It always does.
He just hopes that, next time, he’ll be strong enough.
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softtarlos · 2 years
Prompt: Carlos gets hurt and TK isn’t able to help
Warnings: Main Character Injury, Mention of Blood/Head Injury
Sorry about how short this is!
i’ll keep you safe
Work has been oddly slow today. Most of our calls have been pretty quick.
Since we’re not busy at the moment, I decide to head out to the garage and wash the ambulance. Once I get there, it looks like Nancy had the same idea.
“I see you’re also looking for something to do,” she laughs.
“Yeah. What a coincidence,”
After about 20 minutes of cleaning a call comes in.
“28 year old male, head injury, seems to be unconscious, witness that called thinks that he was hit with something,” I hear from Nancy’s radio.
These calls are always some of the worst, you can never predict the outcome.
We pull up to the scene and realize that the man is laying face down on the sidewalk.
Tommy gets out of the ambulance, then opens the door again.
“TK, I think you should sit this one out. We can handle it.”
“But its my job to help, what’s going on?” I reply nervously.
“We’ll talk about it later, okay?”
She leaves the ambulance once again and after looking around and observing the scene, I realize why they told me to stay in here.
I don’t know what could have possibly happened but this isn’t good. From the looks of it, Tommy and Nancy got him to his feet but I can tell that skin was broken because he’s bleeding from the head.
I attempt to get out and help but Nancy tells me to stay where I am.
This is the worst feeling ever. He needs comfort right now and I’m not able to provide it.
Once he fully regains consciousness Nancy goes in back to grab the stretcher then rolls it over to him.
Tommy and Nancy help get him on the stretcher then they bring him into the ambulance. Tommy sits in back with him while Nancy drives.
“He’s gonna be okay bud,” she reassures me.
Suddenly the walkie talkie in front of me beeps.
“TK, once we get to the hospital you can have the night off. I know he needs you right now,” Tommy says through the walkie.
The ride to the hospital seems like forever. I just want to jump into the back and make sure he knows I’m here.
We finally get to the hospital and I give Carlos’ information to the receptionist at the desk.
Once he gets a room I sit in the chair next to his bed.
He’s awake now, he just feels weird due to the meds he was given.
He reaches for my hand and I willingly take it.
“TK, what happened?” he asks, confused.
“I’m not sure baby, I think someone hit you with something.”
“Am I okay?”
“Did you see any of it happen?”
“No, but I was called to the scene. I’m really sorry I wasn’t able to help you, Tommy didn’t let me. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you again, I’ll keep you safe.”
He squeezes my hand tighter.
“Thank you, I love you”
“I love you more.”
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reyescarlos · 2 years
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i’ve been a little preoccupied this week with trying to get an early jump on five alarm fest (🥵🙌🏾) so, admittedly, all my other WIPs have not been getting much attention. but i did want to share a bit more of the exes to lovers au. here's a snippet of a late night heart to heart during an impromptu stay Carlos has at tk’s place
It’s hard to sleep in this bed. How many nights had TK spent in it thinking about him, if any? What’s worse, Carlos thinks, is the prospect of other men occupying this space. It’s none of his business, he knows. He has no right to be jealous or saddened by these thoughts.
Carlos groans, covering his face with hands for a moment before lowering them. He takes in a deep breath and regrets it at once; TK’s scent is everywhere and it makes his chest ache. It makes him wish for impossible, ridiculous things like turning to find TK beside him.
He looks now as if he can manifest TK into being just then. All he gets is a clear view of the clock on the nightstand, its glowing green numbers telling him it’s just past two in the morning.
Carlos sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed, his feet anchoring to the ground. Sleep is not an option, he resigns.
He gets out of the bed completely, leaving its warmth in pursuit of someplace far more neutral.
He makes his way down the hall, doing his best to keep quiet knowing TK must be fast asleep on the couch. That theory is quickly debunked as he hears murmurs coming from the living room. He walks toward the sound, freezing as TK speaks.
“Cooper…you're amazing. Thank you,” TK says softly with a sigh.
Carlos’ mind races. TK sounds extremely familiar with this man. Truly must be to be on the phone with him at such a late hour.
He takes a step back and cringes as the floorboard creaks.
TK turns at once.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos says quickly. The last thing he wants is for TK to think he was spying on him or eavesdropping.
TK searches his face for a moment before ending the call, thanking this mysterious Cooper one last time. He stuffs his phone into the front pocket of his hoodie and shifts on the couch, his arm extending over the top.
“That’s alright. Are you okay? It’s pretty late,” he says, as if he isn’t wide awake too, enough to be on the phone no less.
Carlos nods. “I was going to get a glass of water. I didn’t mean to interrupt or spook you. I just can’t seem to fall asleep.”
TK frowns a bit and rises from the couch.
“Yeah…same here,” he mumbles before leading the way over to the kitchen.
Carlos follows after him and stands on the opposite side of the center island.
TK pulls down two glasses from the cupboard before going to the fridge and getting water. Carlos doesn’t say anything, simply watches the easy way TK moves around his kitchen.
He gives a quiet word of thanks as TK sets one of the glasses in front of him.
“I didn’t expect you to be up at this time. You must have really needed to talk to your boyfriend.”
TK’s brows furrow, his head moving back a bit in surprise.
“I’m not seeing anyone. That was Cooper. He’s my sponsor.”
Carlos is taken aback by this, his face flushing a bit out of embarrassment.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed—”
TK waves him off. “It’s alright. It was a fair guess.”
Carlos bites back on his lower lip. For TK to be reaching out to his sponsor in the middle of the night feels like a different reason to worry.
“Is everything alright though?” he asks before taking a drink of water and watching TK over the rim of his glass.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good. I talk to him about all sorts of stuff, not just when I’m feeling like I’m about to undo my progress. But if I’m feeling stressed or unsure about something, it helps to touch base with him.”
TK takes a sip from his glass and sets it down, tapping his finger against the side absentmindedly.
“He’s also a bit of an insomniac so that comes in handy on nights like this.”
Carlos feels safe guessing that his being here in TK’s home is what prompted his ex to phone his sponsor. He worries he’s the real disruption here, a trigger or something to that effect.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos says.
“For what?” Before Carlos can respond, it seems like TK understands. “I offered for you to stay for a reason. I want you here. I’m not uncomfortable with that. It’s just…kind of disorienting?” TK replies, his last words coming out more like a question.
Carlos gives him a moment to parse through his thoughts.
“I’ve learned to get by without having you around and now we’re seeing each other again, and pretty often at that. I’m glad for it. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve missed talking to you. I guess it’s kind of a lot for me to wrap my head around…the fact that this is actually happening, you know? And tonight…you felt safe enough with me to stay. That counts for a lot.”
Relief floods through Carlos.
“I’m…I’m really proud of you, TK. I know that’s five years late, but I’m seriously so happy for you. You’ve come such a long way,” he says earnestly, pausing for a moment. “Five years sober. A sponsor you check in with regularly. You’ve been putting in serious work and it shows.”
TK looks up, his eyes a bit wet. He blinks a few times and clears his throat.
“That really means a lot coming from you. Thank you.”
Carlos smiles at him, but TK quickly averts his gaze. Carlos can see he’s both touched and perhaps uneasy with this attention. He knows TK well enough to understand how deeply the sentiment has touched him. It makes Carlos wish he could have relayed the message sooner, to have offered closure and comfort of some kind in that stretch of time that separated them.
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rosesvioletshardy · 3 years
4 times he tried saying i love you, and the 1 time he did - nolan patrick
so this was for the Summer Fic Exchange that @antoineroussel hosted this year and i got assigned to write a fic for @luvsherleafs
this was my first time doing a fic exchange so it took me a while to figure out what i wanted the fic to be about and making sure i met the requirements - so far i had a few mutuals read it so it made sense and that nothing was wrong so i'm hoping you liked it
*i couldn’t exactly think of anything to write at first so i used multiple prompts from both this list and this list*
the prompts i used/based the fic off are:  person A can’t sleep so they wake up person B - person B is exhausted but they stay awake with person A until person a falls asleep +
“I wanted to say i love you for the first time without stuttering but that failed”
warnings: mention of injuries, fluff
# of words: 4,901
nolan masterlist
main masterist
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     1. After a game
There were many benefits that came out of your friendship with Nolan. Never having to use a step stool whenever he came over because of his height and how he was tall enough to reach the highest shelves. Even growing up, he’ll sometimes put things up high so you’ll have to ask for his help or getting to go to games and sometimes getting to see the behind the scenes stuff before and after games. He was one of the nicest people you could call a friend, even if sometimes he looked like he was virtually unapproachable. It just depended on who he was with but overall he was one of the nicest people you know, and could trust and depend on him. 
The final buzzer sounded off at the Wells Fargo center, signaling the end of the game. You tried to hide yourself in the crowd for the entirety of the game and hoped Nolan wouldn’t see you. He was a little disappointed you couldn’t make it to the game because of work, especially when he was playing hockey professionally for the first time again after a rough season and managed to get a hat trick, wishing you could see it, and tried to hide the sadness behind his celebration during the game.
 People began to exit celebrating the win as you waited until it was clear enough to go back. It was normal at this point for you to wait by the doors of the locker room seeing that everyone knew who you were after seeing you multiple times with Nolan. The doors opened as each player began to leave with their respective partner if they came to the game while everyone said their goodbyes. Travis noticed you quickly by the familiar “Patrick 19” jersey you wore and you glanced back at your phone as he walked up to you.
“Hey stranger,” someone said, making you jump
“Jesus TK, don’t do that!” you told him, grabbing your chest before hugging him.
“Patty’s just doing an interview right now so he’ll be out soon,” he said as Karly walked up to the two of you.
“Figured, seeing how he played tonight,” you replied as Nolan exited the room, just ready to go home
“Alright man, I’m done are-” Nolan began, but broke into a smile when he saw you.
“You’re here? I thought you had work?” he said surprised, giving you a hug.
“Well technically I did but I managed to get off early. And by early I mean, I have to go in early tomorrow,” you explained as you pulled away from his hug.
“Well that sucks but I’m glad you made it!” He gave you another hug, as TK and Karly left.
“Of course I would make it and I’m glad I did.” You started to walk out, but he stopped you.
“Thanks, uh,.” Nolan hesitated, wanting to get his feelings together to tell you how he feels. “There’s something I need to tell you.” 
“Go ahead, what is it?”
“Uh, we’ve been friends for a long time and I started to realize something...” he started, 
“What I realized was-”
“Patty! C’mon! We’re going to celebrate!” Claude yelled over at him.
“What were you saying? It sounded important, tell me as we walk.”
“No, it’s fine. Um, it can wait.”
“You sure?” 
“Yeah of course,” he nodded as they left together, upset to lose the chance to tell you while riding an adrenaline high and good energy
         2. After a heartbreak
It hadn’t been that long since Nolan tried to tell you how he really feels. He knew what he was doing especially since you were already in a relationship and didn’t want anything to ruin your friendship. It’s what runs through his mind most of the time but he sees you’re always happy when you’re out with the person you’re dating and sometimes it hurts him but he won’t admit anything yet.
It was another Friday night and while it was still the regular season it didn’t mean that he didn’t get to have days off. When he did, he tried to enjoy them as much as he could since they gave him time to think, whether it was just about hockey or if it was just about his personal life, and it was some of the few times where he didn’t have to worry as much. The most he did that day was go for a run, skate, and run errands, now he was relaxing watching whatever piqued his interest. Nolan was soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard knocking on his door. He didn’t order any food nor was he expecting  anyone to be at his and Kevin’s apartment for the night since Kevin was out and had his own keys. Pausing his movie, he got up and opened the door to find you standing there with tears streaming down your face.
“Hey what happened?” Nolan asked, concerned, stepping aside to let you in.
“He cheated on me,” was all you could say when you walked into the apartment and into his arms for a much-needed hug.
Nolan couldn’t help but tense up a bit after you told him that but quickly relaxed and took you to the couch to sit down. Going into the kitchen to grab you some water, he thought about whether it was the right time to tell you how he felt. When he came back he found you drying your eyes before looking up at him as he handed you the water and sat back down.
“You okay now?” he asked, not knowing what to say
“I don’t know how I feel. I’m feeling so many things at once, but now I just feel like I’ve been betrayed. I told him he has until tomorrow evening to leave,” you tried to explain but can’t help feeling frustrated. Nolan nodded, listening to you and shaking off the urge to hurt the guy, knowing it would hurt you more.
“Do you want to stay here tonight and then tomorrow I can go with you back to your place?”
“Yeah I’d like that. I’m sorry for bothering you on one of your days off-”
“Y/N, it’s fine. You can always count on me to help you no matter what is going on or what happened.”
“Thanks Patty, you’re gonna make a lucky girl so happy someday,” you smiled at him, not knowing how badly he wanted to be with you.
“Yeah I hope so,” he mumbled, watching you get comfortable and engrossed in the movie.
Throughout the rest of the movie Nolan couldn’t pay attention to what was playing on his tv and just let it play until he looked down and realized you’d fallen asleep with your head on his chest. It was late and he didn’t want to disturb you, but still wanted you to sleep comfortably. He gently shook your shoulder and whispered your name to wake you..
“Hey, Y/N? C’mon let’s get to bed. You don’t want to sleep on the couch, I’ll sleep in the guest room and you can take my bed,” Nolan said, and he picked you up to take you to his room. You were too tired to protest and your head still hurt from all the crying so you couldn’t argue with him.
Nolan laid you down on his bed before pulling the covers up and leaving some painkillers on the nightstand for you to take in the morning in case your head still hurt. You soon closed your eyes again as Nolan left his room to get settled in the guest bedroom for the night. It wasn’t his bed and he had trouble sleeping but soon his eyes started to close with the tv in the background as he thought about you before slowly falling asleep. The only problem was that you weren’t able to sleep. After Nolan left, you felt your sense of security and the one person you knew you could always trust was in the other room. You wanted him to be with you but you didn’t want to bother him thinking that he’d be most likely asleep after seeing him try to hide his yawns when you were venting to him. After staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, you got up and went to the living room to see if he was there before not finding him there. Slowly going back, you decided to check the guest bedroom and slowly opened the door to find him asleep with the tv on. At first you didn’t know whether or not to awaken him before walking in quietly. You never noticed how peaceful he looked when he slept and it killed you to wake him.
“Nolan?” you whispered hoping he’d wake up, but he didn’t. The most he did was go from sleeping on his side to his back.
“Nols? Patty?” you tried one more time, this time shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes, momentarily disoriented.
“Y/N? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t stop thinking, and I felt safer with you and-” “It’s okay, c’mon,” he said, scooting over making room in the bed.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s just sleeping,” he said, cringing slightly at his words.
“Just sleeping,” you echoed, in a thoughtful tone that you’re not sure he noticed as you slipped into the bed beside him.
Despite being more comfortable, too many thoughts were running through your head, keeping you from relaxing.
“Are you mad that I didn’t listen to you the first time you met him?” you asked hesitantly, scared of his answer.
“I’m not mad, it was your choice to make. I’m just disappointed ‘cause you deserve a lot better.”
“Thanks. I’m too tired to talk about it anymore.” You roll over to face him.
“It’s okay. What do you want to talk about?” He gave your arm an encouraging rub.
“I’d rather hear what’s on your mind.” 
“Oh, just how the rest of the season is going to go, if anything’s going to set me back, how much I l-” he cut himself off
 He didn’t want to put any pressure on you by admitting his feelings while you were vulnerable, and especially didn’t want to lose your friendship
“How much you what?”
“How I value our friendship…”
“Yeah, keep talking...” you said sleepily and he continued to talk about his hockey schedule, and what plans he wanted to make for the off season if they didn’t make playoffs… and so on until you both dozed off
      3. At a party
It was the holidays which meant holiday parties happening and you were going to be invited to every single one of them. You somehow managed to make up excuses for some that you didn’t want to attend, saying you had either other plans or that your family was in town and you wanted to spend time with them. At this point you didn’t remember whose party you’d gone to and whose party you hadn't gone to. The only one you felt most comfortable attending was Claude and Ryanne’s annual Christmas party. It was an expected invite considering how close you became with the team after they understood how close your friendship was  with Nolan. They felt like a second family now..
The house was crowded with the team and their families, children running around and playing with each other, adults watching them carefully while talking to each other as Christmas music played softly in the background. You were talking to Karly and Ryanne about the rest of the season and your plans for the holidays. You glanced over Karly’s shoulder to see Nolan chatting with Phil and Bee before locking eyes with yours and smiling. The two women noticed you were distracted and exchanged glances, before Ryanne spoke up.
“So, Y/N, when are you and Nolan going to stop eye fucking and admit your feelings for each other?” she asked you innocently, making you choke on your drink.
“What?” you squeaked in confusion.
“You and Nolan? I mean we know you like each other.”
“No, we-- we’re just friends. I’m still fresh from a breakup— I’m not--.”
“Oh please-” Karly began, but Nolan interrupted just in time.
“Hey, can I borrow you?” 
“Yeah, I’ll talk to you two later,” you say, ignoring the knowing smirks on their faces as they sipped their drinks and turning their backs to you while walking away
You and Nolan made your way through the crowd of party-goers, making sure not to hit any of the kids. Stepping onto the porch, Nolan closed the doors before walking over to where you were leaning over the wood railing. The night was quiet and the only noise that the two of you could hear was the faint holiday music playing back inside the house. Neither one of you spoke but you could tell that Nolan wanted to say something by the way he was fidgeting and hesitating when he’d try to speak.. 
“I need to tell you something.”
“Can we talk?” 
You spoke at the same time, making you laugh.
“Go ahead, you go first. You seemed like you needed to get something off your chest,” you say, and his shoulder relaxes a little.
“Thanks. I haven’t been sure how to say this,” ” Nolan started
“There’s this girl, and a lot of people seem to know I like her, the only problem is, whenever I try to tell her I get interrupted…”
“I’m sure you’ll get your chance,” you say, unable to truly encourage him, but wanting him to be happy.
“About that, we’ve known each other a long time, and I’ve kept it to myself…” he paused to take a deep breath, clearly nervous
“What is it?” you asked, hating to see him uncomfortable
“Y/N,  I’ve been scared to say--”
“Hey guys it’s Secret Santa time, c’mon!” Claude called, sticking his head out the door.
“We’ll be right there!” you replied before turning back to Nolan.
“What were you going to say?” you questioned as he shook his head with a sigh.
“I don’t wanna have to rush through it, let’s not keep them waiting.” he said giving an awkward smile before walking towards the doors. You didn’t say anything as a frown etched upon your face before shaking it off and putting on a fake smile and walking back inside.
The rest of the night was filled with curiosity, this was the third time he tried to tell you something but someone or something got in the way. The rest of the night he couldn’t keep his eyes off you as you laughed and talked with everyone as they opened with whatever gag gift they had gotten.  
     4. During a training session
You’d do anything for Nolan and he knew that. You were there with him during his draft day and he would always text and call throughout the entire time he was getting drafted. Whenever he asked you to go to a game before and after the NHL you’d always make sure that you didn’t have anything to do that day so you could go. There was only one thing you gritted your teeth through, and that was training with him. It didn’t matter whether it was on the ice or whether it was lifting weights you’d still go with him, because you liked the quality time you got to spend with him. He usually would cut you some slack if you looked really tired, and just let you sit on the bench while he finished his sets. This was one of those days where he had asked you to train with him by himself before the rest of the season continued after the holidays. 
Nolan was up early and already at your apartment ready for the day while you were still in bed before he knocked on your door. He knocked multiple times until he finally decided to use his spare keys. As he was about to insert the key, you opened the door, tired with a look on your face while he was smiling ready for the day. 
“Nolan, you’re one of my oldest best friends and I love you, but I hate your guts right now.” you said grouchily while walking away and into the kitchen after letting him inside, missing his pained expression over your ‘I love you’.
“You agreed, and offered to be my workout buddy when everyone else bailed. So technically this is on you. You could’ve politely declined and that  would’ve been fine, you know that” he said as he grabbed some mugs for the coffee you started to prepare for the two of you
He got caught up watching you move about your kitchen, comfortable and beautiful even though you’d argue that you were a mess. No matter what you were wearing or how you looked, Nolan would always compliment you in some way. It was until he noticed that the shirt you were wearing was one of his from his Brandon Wheat Kings days making him smile at the memory of you at his last game with them. He never had a problem with you taking his clothes seeing how often you stayed at his place, both in Philly and in Winnipeg and he offered you to wear his, especially if you two went out and you were wearing something uncomfortable. 
Nolan snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the coffee machine beep before grabbing it and poured it into the mugs, preparing yours by memory before handing it over to you. The two of you exchanged light chit chat until you went to get changed to head to the gym and not the ice today based off of his outfit. 
The ride to the Flyers gym was quiet. You usually got to listen to Nolan talk about his plans for the offseason if they didn’t make it to the playoffs or anything that came to his head, but not today. You could tell something was bothering him. The only sound through the entire ride was the playlist he had made for the two of you that shared all your favorite songs, even songs you loved that you didn’t tell him or show him were on the playlist. 
When you both arrived, you both went your separate ways and did your own things. You couldn’t help but look at him whenever he did pull ups, his shirt rising a little, showing off his v line, and you needed to try to focus on keeping good form while you lifted your weights. You got lost in your thoughts so much that  you were startled when Nolan touched your shoulder to get your attention.
“Sorry, you were really deep in through. You okay?” 
“Yeah of course. What do you need?”
“I need you to spot me,” he said
“Sure, sorry I have a lot running through my mind right now.” 
“I know the feeling.” He grunted as he added weights onto the bar.
Nolan began his set while you spotted him, and you were unable to resist taking a peek at the tattoos that scattered his thighs, noticing a new one next to the winged heart. A small ghost and a tall ghost, an homage to your Halloween costumes as kids that you’d thought would be funny because neither one of you could think of anything better. He hadn’t mentioned it to you, only the ghost on the skateboard.
“Hey, when did you get the ghosts tattooed?” you asked when he set the weight down
“Um, not too long ago, I got the one on the skateboard and it felt incomplete so I got the little one too. Completely slipped my mind.” He laughs, seeming a little embarrassed
“I love it, it feels nostalgic,” you say with a smile
You headed over to where the medicine balls were and grabbed one to do some squats, and Nolan decided now was as good a time as any. You were alone, and couldn’t possibly be interrupted. So he swallowed his nerves and walked over to you.
“You’ve been such a support system for me since we were teenagers, and the tattoo reminds me of that,” he began.
“I think it’s really sweet, Patty,” you replied
“The guys have always teased me like brothers  since I joined the team and I told them about you, and how important you are to me...” he stated as you listened carefully
“And during those times they would always make fun of me for never saying this but, Y/N, I lo-” he tried to say before getting cut off by the door opening loudly revealing Coots and Jake
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Nolan groaned under his breath, heading out of the gym without another word.
“What was that about?” Coots asked.
“Something about his tattoo?” You said, unsure, and quickly grabbed both of your stuff to catch up with Nolan.
+ 1
        5.  After an injury
Going to games was a normal thing for you. Nolan made sure there was a ticket reserved in your name for every home game so you could attend. At first you were more comfortable in the stands than in the box with the wags, but eventually you would join them later on. The only time you didn’t watch a game in the box was whenever you were on a date and they had suggested you go to a game. He hadn’t minded, preferring to see you happy and not upset and that you had a good time with them. During those times, he would do anything to get your attention and show off that you were friends with a professional hockey player. You’d give him the side eye while glaring at him, occasionally telling him to stop messing around before going over to where a kid was around you and tossing them a puck. 
That was one of the things he enjoyed about being a player, not only his love for the sport but also seeing kids happy. You always enjoyed watching him play but it also sometimes made you nervous seeing how accident prone he was, especially knowing he’d do anything to protect his teammates. He was a big guy, but some of the guys he went head to head with were bigger and it couldn’t end well. It made you worry that fighting could worsen his migraines and how he already had to sit out an entire season because of them. He would lie about being in pain but you could see right through him. 
He had gotten his migraines under control when they happened but you always knew that something could trigger them again. You’re the first person he’d admit to being in pain to, and you’d always help him through the migraines until he felt better again. Nolan sometimes felt bad that you’d put your life on hold just so you could be with him no matter how many times he’d told you that you didn’t have to stay. It was one of the reasons why he loved you. You’d always put others before yourself and would take time out of your day to make sure that they were okay. 
You were sitting in the box with Karly, talking ahead of the game, watching  Moose lead them out onto the ice for warmups before the game against the Rangers. You saw how Nolan began to skate around half the ice while shooting pucks in trying to get past Moose. Karly noticed the way you were watching Nolan, but kept her thoughts to herself, already knowing about all the interrupted confessions through TK. She knew things would fall into place for you both, at the right time.
The game was going rather smoothly against the Rangers during the first and second period, despite no one scoring but close goals happening a few times. Third period is when it started to worry you because of how you saw Nolan becoming frustrated with himself after missing a shot. It wasn’t until a couple minutes later that he was shoved into the boards head first, causing his helmet to come off. You jumped out of your seat and grabbed Karly’s hand, hoping he’d get up as his teammates skated over to him. You knew it was serious when you spotted the team medic and saw TK pick him up to get him off the ice and into the locker room. 
You waited a few minutes to see whether or not he’d come back and sit on the bench but it wasn’t happening, so you got up and headed to the locker room. You were used to his injuries throughout his entire hockey career both in the NHL and in juniors but they still scared you every time and you didn’t want him to miss the rest of the season, especially if they needed to clinch a spot in playoffs. 
Before you got to the locker room you ran into TK, who was coming to look for you
“Is he okay?” 
“He could be worse. He won’t be able to finish the game and might miss a few more... they want him to get an MRI just in case,” Travis explained as the two of you reached closer to the door
You walked in moments later, and found Nolan reclining, clutching an  ice pack to his head over a towel. He was staring at the ceiling trying to keep himself focused and alert. He turned to look at  you, sitting up straighter and gave you a weary smile already knowing what you were going to say but nothing came out. You couldn’t say anything but returned his smile, sitting next to him on the free chair as Travis gave Nolan an encouraging nod and returned to the game.
“Hey,” he mumbled.
“Hi, how are you feeling?” you asked, brushing the stray hairs away from his face.
“I feel peachy keene,” he tried to joke, making you smile a bit as he cleared his throat. 
“Hurts like a bitch,” he admits quietly
“And I broke my promise to you again.” 
“It’s hockey, fights and falls happen.” You grabbed his free hand
 He knew that was his chance to finally tell you seeing that no one can interrupt him this time as Travis told them to wait a while before they go in after the game before he left to get you. He took a deep breath and all the anxiety he was feeling left his body.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me for a sec.”
“Yeah, of course, go ahead,” you replied with a concerned look on your face.
“We’ve been friends since we were in middle school. You were the new kid and I was the dorky kid that sat next to you.” he started as you smiled at the memory
“It took you a while to warm up to me since I annoyed you almost every single day trying to get you to talk and it worked. You’ve stuck by me since then. Through my horrendous mullet that you hated, whether it was my natural hair color or the bleach blond which I don’t regret by the way, even though I know you hated it, and now with my professional career. You’re always with me throughout all of my injuries and you were with me when I got drafted. Hell, you even moved to Philly with me even though I didn’t ask you too. My family loves you and considers you as another child to them. I’ve seen you at your worst and at your best, your happiest and your saddest,” he groaned at the end, having rushed through the words, making his head throb. 
“I've been in love with you for the longest time and I’ll always be in love with you,” he stuttered through, throat already dry from his confession
Your silence makes him worry, and he tries to look at your face, but you smile and he relaxes.
“You’re so important to me. I never wanted to ruin our friendship by admitting my feelings…I love you too.” You say as your words made him look at the ceiling, as his cheeks flushed
“We’ve been hurting our own feelings about each other, haven’t we?” he laughed looking back over at you
“Yeah we have,” you agreed
“If I’m honest, I wanted to say I love you for the longest time without stuttering or failing and it happened” he laughed before continuing
“Can I-” 
You interrupted him with a kiss, reading his mind. When you pulled away, you rested your foreheads against each other for a moment, pulling away just in time to see  around 18 men pour through the door on top of each other, looking at the two of you before quickly getting up, making you two laugh.
“Sooo?” Travis asked.
Neither of you spoke a word, holding up your intertwined hands and smiling, causing everyone to start cheering, but immediately shushing themselves when they saw Nolan wince at the loud noise. 
“I'll let you get changed. I’m going to go wait with the other girls. I love you.” you said to him kissing his forehead, avoiding his cut and stroking his hair again.
“I love you too. I’m so glad I get to say that now. I’ll see you outside”
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bluenet13 · 3 years
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A Partner's Always Got Your Back
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star
Characters: TK Strand, Nancy Gillian
Prompt: This Is For Your Own Good
Summary: When Nancy is called to a fight at a bar the last thing she expects to find is her partner in the middle of it. But she's even more surprised when he confesses the real reason he's there.
Links: ff.net - AO3
Nancy groaned when the call came in for a fight at a known biker's bar, knowing she was in for a long and grueling night. She had nothing against the hangout or people that hung out there, they just weren't the type that accepted help easily, much less from two female paramedics.
"Ready?" Tommy asked, giving her a knowing smile as she climbed into the passenger seat of the ambo.
"As I'll ever be." It was more resignation than readiness, but that was the job and Nancy just wanted to get it over with. So she wasted no time turning on the siren and pulling out of Paragon's bay. The name of the private company mocked her in her rearview mirror as she drove away from headquarters, the word tasting bitter in her mouth as she remembered the 126 and all that had been lost.
"I never thought I would miss TK the one shift he's off," Nancy said when they arrived, eyeing the crowd outside of the bar warily. She would die rather than admit it out loud but having TK by her side always made her feel better during tough calls, especially after the whole kidnapping fiasco. She might tease her partner relentlessly, but there was no one else she wanted at her side when things went wrong.
Tommy nodded and gulped back her own apprehension. "Everything will be fine. Come on."
Nancy didn't feel as confident but still followed her boss out of the ambulance. While Tommy went to talk to the responding officers, Nancy walked to the back to grab their med bags, hanging them over her shoulder.
"So, what's the plan, boss?" Nancy asked when Tommy returned.
"Good news! It's not as bad as we first thought," Tommy said, cheerful for the first time since the call came in. "It wasn't a full on brawl. Apparently some guy started provoking a group that was playing pool and they turned on him. Most patrons were too distracted watching the football game so they didn't have time to join the fight. Oh, and apparently the guy that started it all has medical training and stayed to help, whatever that means."
"Lucky for us," Nancy mumbled. "But how much help can we expect from someone dumb enough to start a fight at a place like this? Serves him right to get his ass beat."
Tommy chucked at her antics and started walking to the door. "The bartender called it in, and the cops responded quickly. They already got everyone else outside and just left the few injured inside waiting for us."
"Thank God for football," Nancy rolled her eyes and pushed the door open. "Who would have guessed that's the only thing that stops crime in Texas."
"We should thank the Cowboys for finally having a decent team, or this whole place would have joined in." Tommy really was grateful to see the bar was almost empty. Of the patrons inside, only a handful looked injured and she knew that was unusual for a brawl. "I'll take that group over there. Call if you need anything."
Nancy nodded and turned towards a group of about five people that were seated, or slumped, on the barstools. She noticed a guy already tending to a man that had a gash on his head and probably one hell of a concussion and did a double take when she recognized a surprisingly familiar hoodie and a mop of brown hair.
"TK?" Nancy asked, jumping back slightly when he startled and turned around with wide, dazed eyes.
"Nancy," TK breathed out, green gaze wild and panicked.
"What are you doing here? What the hell happened?" Nancy cried, taking in the state of her friend. There was a cut over his eye still bleeding freely, a split lip and the beginnings of what would be a nasty black eye.
"I just came to watch the game," TK said lamely, gesturing to the TV that still played the Cowboys-Eagles game.
"Want to try again? It seems like you did a lot more than just watch. And besides, how can you call yourself a New Yorker and root for either of these teams? I know you're a Giants fan. Or maybe it's the Jets. I honestly don't care." Nancy narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, telling him in all but words that she wasn't buying his bullshit.
Having no answer to that, TK started playing with the string of his hoodie, his nervous energy seeking release.
"Sit down, let me clean you up," Nancy directed, not wanting to push TK into closing himself off even more. He already looked like a caged animal ready to bolt at the first opening.
"That's not necessary. I'm okay really." His words would have been more believable if not for the blood stuck to his hair and skin, and the bruised knuckles Nancy could see as he continued to twist the string in between his fingers.
"Sit," Nancy said, her voice taking on a no nonsense tone as she turned around to get supplies out of her bag.
"Hey, lady. He was treating me first," a man slurred from behind, then tried shoving her to the side. Tried being the key word as TK jumped in between them and pushed the man hard against the counter, earning himself a swift punch to the face and possibly another black eye.
"You touch him again and I swear you will regret it," Nancy hissed when the guy pulled back looking to hit TK again. "And I'm sure you're not about to assault two paramedics that have lots of friends in the APD."
The man stopped at that, looked behind his shoulder at the cops that were taking statements from the few patrons still inside and took two tentative steps back.
"That's what I thought. Now, my friend here already took care of that so get the hell away from us." Nancy gestured to the man's head, threw him a roll of gauze, then pointed to the door, smiling when he backed away without a word. But the smile fell as soon as she turned back to look at TK.
"I'm not a damsel in distress, TK," Nancy quipped, eyeing him worriedly. "I don't need saving from a knight in shining armor who looks about ready to keel over. So, now sit down and let me take care of you."
TK tried to protest but his grasp on reality began to slip as darkness pushed at the corner of his vision, and instead he stumbled and fell back towards the counter.
"That's it, I'm calling Carlos," Nancy said, already reaching for her phone.
"No!" TK shouted, putting a trembling hand on Nancy's wrist as he tried to stop her. "That's not necessary. I promise I'm okay. No need to worry him," he explained, more calmly this time. Maybe too calmly.
"I'm not going to be the target of your boyfriend's wrath when he sees you're hurt and I didn't call him." Nancy shook TK's hand away and pushed him softly into a stool, keeping a hand on his shoulder.
"He's not my boyfriend anymore," TK said under his breath, looking at a fixed spot on the wall far away from Nancy's eyes.
"What?" she asked, completely taken aback as she took a step away from TK even as she squeezed his arm.
"I said we broke up. So no need to call him or worry about him being mad at you." Her heart broke right along with the crack in TK's voice. His face was schooled to indifference but she could see the sadness swirling underneath.
"I'm so sorry, TK," Nancy said, her eyes softening as the reality of the situation began to sink in. "What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it," TK croaked, as the façade began to slip and his eyes misted. He ran a shaking hand through his hair and turned around to swipe at his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie.
"Do I need to kick Carlos' ass?" Nancy asked sincerely.
TK gave her a shy, grateful smile but shook his head. "That won't be necessary, Nance. He didn't hurt me."
Nancy eyed him warily. "Do I need to kick your ass? Although I think your new friends here already did that."
TK let out a mirthless laugh, lowering his head as he avoided Nancy's gaze. "Some things just don't work out," he said vaguely and shook his head again.
"The hell they don't, TK. What happened? You and Carlos are perfect for each other, you give the rest of us hope to dream of someday finding that kind of love." Nancy wanted to shake him and make him see reason, but above everything she just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be okay. For now she settled on taking care of his wounds even if she knew his pain had nothing to do with the physical injuries.
"Sometimes love isn't enough and perfection can be overrated," TK said sadly, wincing at the sting of the antiseptic. Nancy noticed and softened her touch, not wanting to hurt her partner when he was already in enough pain.
"Stop it with that! I'm sure whatever went wrong can be fixed. You just need to talk." Nancy knew it wasn't that easy but she had seen TK and Carlos together and knew how rare that kind of love was so she would be damned if she was letting them give it all up without a fight. "That boy loves you! And I know you love him back. And don't give me crap about love not being enough. If not for love then what else do we have?"
"I didn't peg you for a romantic, Gilian. But really, it's over. We tried. Now I just want to go home," TK murmured, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.
"Nuh-uh," Nancy warned, "you're still bleeding. Besides, I think your other new friends have some questions." She pointed to the group of cops looking at them from the bar's entrance and smiled sympathetically when she saw TK swallow down hard, his face going a shade paler.
Silence fell on them as Nancy continued to carefully treat his injuries. She dabbed at his mouth and eyebrow, cleaning all the blood as best as she could and coated the worst of the cuts with a good layer of antibiotic cream, then she closed the cut over his eyebrow with butterfly strips. "Wait here. Let me try to fix this," she said when she was done, pointing with her head to the cops still waiting by the door.
Nancy had her partner's back every day of the week, even when it meant talking some cops out of arresting him when his only crime was having a broken heart. He had been an idiot, she knew, but all injuries were minor and he had even stayed to help instead of running. That had to count for something.
It took cashing in three favors, promising to buy the first round the next time they ran upon these cops at a bar (which she would make sure TK paid for) and apologizing to the men TK had provoked, but eventually Nancy managed to convince them not to press charges and the cops agreed to let him go home with just a warning. He had been lucky this time, and she would damn make sure he knew it. Any other company had responded tonight and he would be in cuffs and on his way to the precinct right now.
"You're lucky, Strand," Nancy muttered, when she returned back to his side.
"I wouldn't call that luck. More like a guardian angel, which is more than I deserve." TK's tone was bitter, and Nancy wondered if his anger was directed at himself or his ex-boyfriend. Or maybe he was upset with her for getting involved. "But thank you. Spending the night in a cell wasn't in my plans."
"Should have thought of that before you decided to be an idiot and almost got yourself killed," she said honestly, softening her words by rubbing a hand over his arm.
"Same, Nance," TK whispered, setting his hand over Nancy's and squeezing once.
Nancy looked at him with sad eyes, wishing her healing skills also worked on a broken heart. She turned around to get a pair of instant cold packs out of her bag and handed them to TK, shaking her head at his questioning look and gingerly setting one over his eye and the other one over his bruised knuckles. "Not sure you have looked at yourself in the mirror but I don't think you'll be seeing out of that eye tomorrow."
TK shrugged but still replaced Nancy's hand keeping the ice pack in place, and tried to show his appreciation through a half smile and squinted eyes.
Giving TK a stern look that she hoped told him to stay put, Nancy left him sitting on a stool next to the counter and went to help Tommy take care of the rest of the injured. All wounds had been minor so quicker than expected they were ready to head back to headquarters.
"Is he okay?" Tommy asked, as they kneeled down, setting all their supplies back in the medkits.
"Physically? Yeah." Nancy sighed and told her boss what TK had said.
Tommy's gaze instantly softened and her usual smile faded as she finally understood what happened here tonight. "Did he tell you why they broke up?" she asked softly.
"No," Nancy said, equally dejected and frustrated. "But I will keep trying to get it out of him. I'm half tempted to drive him to Carlos' house and just leave him there."
"Nancy," Tommy admonished, shaking her head like she did with her girls. "Don't meddle. They need to do what they feel is right for them, even if it doesn't seem right to us."
Nancy turned to look at TK and blew out a frustrated breath. He was slumped face down on the counter, his shoulders shaking softly and she knew it had nothing to do with his physical injuries. "Then what can I do, Cap?" Nancy asked. She was a woman of action, not the wait and see type.
"You're a good partner, Nancy. Just be there for him. I'm sure he just needs a friend, not a therapist." Tommy caught Nancy's gaze as they stood up, making sure the younger woman understood.
"I'm sure he could use one of those too," Nancy said under her breath, but nodded nonetheless. "TK, time to go, dude!" she shouted towards the bar as they walked outside, giving him a moment to get his emotions under control.
"Cap," TK greeted when he joined them, voice clipped. "I don't need an ambulance, I'm alright." He said the last part to Nancy, knowing that even if Tommy was the boss, his partner is the one he needed to convince.
"We know, but it seems like you need a ride." Tommy looked around the almost vacant parking lot as if to prove her point and climbed into the back of the ambulance, shooting TK a look that dared him to protest.
"We only have an hour left on shift, wait for us, then you're coming home with me," Nancy told him, as she closed the ambulance's double doors, the resulting bang as final as her words.
"Not sure if you have noticed but I'm gay," TK tried to tease, even giving her his signature cocky grin, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"What I have noticed is that you're a dumbass. We can pick up some takeout on the way then have a chat about how calling your friends is so much better than self-destructive behavior. It will be fun." Nancy scowled at him defiantly and opened the passenger door, her fake-cheerful tone telling him that she wasn't kidding at all.
TK fought the urge to glare at her, knowing he deserved it. Instead he tried for an innocent smirk and said, "Don't you have anything better to do? Just drop me home, Nancy. Please. I promise I won't do anything stupid."
"Nope, too late. And this is for your own good. We already saw what happens when you're left without adult supervision." Nancy smacked TK's arm for good measure, then swung her arm around his shoulder and pulled him close as she led him to the door. "I've got your back, TK," she promised, hugging him briefly before she carefully pushed him inside.
Nancy had loved serving under Michelle, and would always miss Tim, but in Tommy and TK she had finally found family. So tonight as she stared at him through the window, noticing his bloodshot eyes and slumped shoulders, she vowed to herself to take care of her partner. And as she got to her seat and began to drive back, she thought of Carlos, deciding to pay him a visit tomorrow to also make sure he was alright. Because there were two sides to every break-up and when both sides were your friends you simply had to take care of them and make sure they survived individually long enough to find their way back to each other.
Pulling into Paragon's garage, she also decided to call Marjan and start planning how to get the boys back together. TK's words were making her question everything she knew about love, because if TK and Carlos didn't make it, who even had a chance?
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maxbegone · 3 years
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happy wip wednesday! here’s a snippet of the tarlos au I'm working on! and here’s the snippet from sunday if you want to take a look there, too.
“You miss him?”
“How can I not, Mom? I mean, he was the first person I really felt secure with. I thought I had that with Alex, but I was obviously wrong. In the end…” He trails off, refusing to look at her on the screen. “We all know how that ended up.”
“All of us?” She prompts. “Or just you, Carlos, and me?”
“No. Everyone knows now. They probably secretly think I was a bitch,” he explains, wincing a little when he remembers that his baby brother is also there. “Sorry.”
“Have you spoken to Carlos at all?”
“Yeah, I actually hung out with him on Tuesday with everyone else.” He doesn’t mention his near-fainting spell (and hasn’t to anyone else for that matter). “Strangely, us not getting back together hasn’t completely ruined our friendship.”
She beams. “So you’re friends?”
TK nods. “We’re friends.”
“Good. Good, honey, I’m glad.”
“Me, too.”
“And I want to be friends,” he continues instantly. “It’s Carlos, he’s great.”
“I know he is, he’s wonderful.”
“Being friends with your ex isn’t weird.”
“It’s not. But, TK? Why are you trying to justify it?”
He takes a breath and…he really doesn’t know. But something is compelling him to.
And, like the woman she is who could always read him like a book, his mother says, “Could it be that you’re trying to make up for something?”
He stares at her.
“Like…the fact that you don’t think you have Carlos the greatest explanation.”
“Mom.” He sighs. “We talked. We’re okay.”
The look she gives in return makes him shift uncomfortably in his seat. TK focuses back on Jonah’s messy face as he stares unblinking back up at their mother. He wants to make an excuse and jump off the call before he gives, but his subconscious wins out.
“Okay. Maybe, maybe, I’m trying to prove that I’m a good friend.”
She smiles knowingly. “There it is. And how are you doing that?”
“Am I in another coma?” TK jokes, making a point to pinch his arm. It’s not ethereally sunny, nor is he in pajamas.
“You’re very much not,” she laughs. “You’re not having a conversation with a dream version of me. You’re having a conversation with your mother.”
“With Jonah eavesdropping,” he says with a grin. “He’s going to run off and tell his playgroup friends.”
His mother laughs openly, lifting Jonah up a little higher. “He’s definitely the little gossip — yeah!” At this point, Jonah’s palming her face and looking off in another direction.
“TK,” she continues, leaning a little closer. “You can’t force relationships of any kind. It isn’t healthy. If it’s meant to be, regardless of what it is, then it’s meant to be.”
“I think—“ He pauses, running his teeth over his bottom lip. “I encouraged him go out with someone.”
TK can’t tell if his mom is surprised or dismayed, but she closes her eyes for a moment before asking, “Are you okay with that?”
“I’m the one who did it, so…”
“Honey. You’re…compensating.”
“I’m not—“
“You still love him, and you’re trying to encourage him to move on while trying to convince yourself to move on.”
“I…” He drops his head into his hands, raking his fingers through his hair. “You’re right.”
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firetrucks-fastcars · 3 years
Prompt Buck is fascinated by the Buttercup, he adores him. Eddie gets jealous
Buck and Buttercup - a pairing I didn't know I needed
Read on ao3 here
(full story below the cut)
Eddie never considered himself the jealous type. He was protective, and maybe a little possessive, but he wasn’t jealous. And he definitely wasn’t jealous of a fucking dog.
He and Buck were making their annual trip to Texas along with the rest of their team. After they had helped the 126 out during the wildfires a few years ago, it had become a tradition to travel down to Texas for a few days to visit with all of their friends and sometimes help out at the firehouse.
This however was the first trip since he and Buck had “pulled their heads out of their asses” as Chimney so eloquently put it and finally admitted their feelings to each other. They had been dating officially for almost six months even though it felt like way longer considering the prior state of their relationship. TK and Carlos had been the first people they’d told in their Texas friend group, and while they had been overjoyed, TK had a big mouth and it hadn’t taken him long to spill the beans to the rest of the station’s team.
So that brought them here, relaxing in Carlos and TK’s new house, drinking wine, and catching up on the events of the last year. Carlos was filling Eddie in on the details of his and TK’s wedding, but Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off of Buck. That wasn’t unusual for them, he tended to find himself looking at Buck way more than he should have honestly, but this time for a different reason. Since they had arrived, Buck had been sitting on the floor not paying a bit of attention to the others around him. Every brain cell was locked in on the fluffy mutt who had lumbered up to Buck when he entered the house and automatically stole his heart.
“Earth to Eddie.”
He jumped at the sound of fingers snapping in his face. At some point, while he was distracted, TK had come over to perch himself on the arm of Carlos’s chair.
“Are you okay? You seem a little distracted,” Carlos commented.
“I’m good. Just thinking,” Eddie let his eyes drift back to Buck and his new best friend.
TK chuckled, “It’s fine babe. He’s just staring at Buck’s ass.”
“What about my ass?” Buck asked, looking up for the first time in almost thirty minutes.
“Just saying you’ve got a nice one Buckley,” TK teased.
Buck smirked, “Not so bad yourself, Strand.”
TK and Buck had a strange sort of camaraderie that Eddie suspected was born from TK thinking Buck was flirting with him the first time they worked together. If that didn’t prove Eddie wasn’t jealous he didn’t know what did.
Buck finally stood from his position on the floor and walked over to where Eddie was sitting in a chair.
Eddie opened his arms and Buck flopped unceremoniously into his lap and snuggled into his shoulder happily. Eddie wrapped his arms around his waist to keep him from sliding down and continued with his conversation about wedding details with Carlos. Buck stayed perched in his lap, perfectly content to sit in silence and be held by Eddie.
That was until Buttercup lumbered over and placed his head on Buck’s knee.
“Buttercup leave him alone,” TK chuckled, pushing gently at his muzzle.
“He’s okay,” Buck defended, scratching his head with one hand. “It’s a good thing Christopher isn’t here, he’s been begging for a dog.”
Buck turned to give Eddie a pointed look.
“Buck, he's nine. You know who’s cleaning up after that dog, me. Not happening.”
Buck pouted and turned his attention back to the dog. Christopher had been begging for a dog, and frankly so had Buck, but Eddie wasn’t sure his son was ready for it, and while he wouldn’t mind having a pet to keep Christopher company, he had resolved to wait until he was a little bit older.
“He doesn’t like anyone this much, other than TK,” Carlos commented. “You’re special Buck.”
Buck beamed at that and leaned down to nuzzle Buttercup’s head.
“So I’m your favorite huh?”
“No, I'm definitely still his favorite. Buttercup come here buddy,” TK called.
Buttercup turned to look at him, then nudged Buck’s hand to get him to continue petting him.
“Little traitor,” TK grumbled.
Carlos chuckled and kissed his husband’s head, “Don’t take it personally. You either Eddie.”
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
When he and Buck settled in for bed that night in TK and Carlos’ guest room, he couldn’t shake those words. He wasn’t sure what Carlos had meant by taking it personally.
Buck had just emerged from the shower and they were about to call Christopher when the door opened to reveal TK.
“Someone has been sitting outside of your room whining for the last ten minutes,” he opened the door wider to reveal Buttercup. “We couldn’t get him to come to bed with us.”
“He can stay here,” Buck said and Buttercup seemed to take that as his permission. He bounded over to the bed, frankly faster than Eddie had seen him move all day, and jumped up next to Buck, taking up the little space between him and Eddie.
TK chuckled as he moved away, leaving the door cracked for the dog, “Goodnight guys.”
They had a quick call with Christopher, who spent a good ten minutes gushing over Buttercup then settled down to sleep.
“Goodnight baby,” Eddie said, reaching over the pile of dog to brush a hand over Buck’s head, but Buck was already sound asleep, face buried in fur.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Eddie grumbled.
Okay, maybe Eddie was the jealous type. He didn’t like it when others had Buck’s attention. Buck was the same way. He wanted Eddie’s eyes and hands on him at all times. But he certainly wasn’t jealous of the dog.
Except maybe he was.
Thankfully today they were out of the house. Eddie had wanted some time, just the two of them, so they were driving down to one of Eddie’s favorite places for a lunch date.
“Are you okay babe?” Buck asked suddenly.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“You’ve just been kind of distracted lately. That’s all. I was wondering what’s on your mind, you know you can talk to me right?”
“Of course I do babe,” Eddie reached over and grabbed Buck’s hand. “You’ve just been a little preoccupied since we got to Texas.”
“What do you mean?” Buck asked.
Eddie sighed and looked down at the steering wheel as the slowed down for a red light, “It’s dumb.”
“I bet it’s not,” Buck argued. “Talk to me, Eddie. Did I do something to make you upset?”
“No baby, you didn’t. I’ve just noticed that you’ve been a little distracted since we got here, and uh, I just miss you I guess.”
“I’ve been right here. What have I been distracted by?”
Eddie sighed again and grumbled, “Buttercup.”
“Buttercup? Eddie, honey are you jealous of a dog?”
“No. I absolutely am not.”
“Yes you are,” Buck teased poking his side. “I’ve been depriving you of my attention huh?”
Buck chuckled and squeezed his hand, “You know I love you more than any dog right? And I’m sorry you felt left out.”
“I told you it was dumb.”
“Hey, how you feel isn’t dumb. And I’m sorry you felt like I’ve been ignoring you since we got here.”
“It really isn’t a big deal. I know how much you love dogs. Maybe...Maybe we should start thinking about getting one at home. For you and Christopher?”
“We’ll talk about it more when we get to LA. But I don’t think it would hurt to consider it. It might be a good new chore for Christopher.”
“I think so too,” Buck agreed. “We can talk to Carla about it since she’s there when we’re not, see what she thinks.”
“That sounds like a great plan.”
“You know we make a good team.”
“Partners. For life right?”
“For life.”
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iboatedhere · 3 years
25 and/or 33 from the kiss prompt list? 🙂💗
What if it’s the same fic from two different perspectives?
25. Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain.
As far as first (official) dates go this has to be one of his worst.
Which sucks, because out of all the guys he’s dated or attempted to date, he likes TK the best.
He checked (and double checked) the forecast last night and then again this morning and then again just before he left to pick TK up.
Sunny and seventy five. Low humidity. One of the top ten days of the year.
So he went ahead and made plans for them outside so they could enjoy it. Kayaking on the Colorado and dinner at one of the food trucks that park along the water and then, if TK was still up for it, they’d hike to the top of Mount Bonnell and watch the sunset.
It was supposed to be perfect and romantic and set the stage for the rest of their relationship that’s still so new and fresh and quite frankly terrifying. He’s never felt like this before. He's never been on the precipice of something that’s felt so monumental and life changing and TK—who has been through it—deserves good things.
He deserves a nice date.
And that’s how it starts.
The kayaking is fun (and watching TK nearly overbalance as he climbed in for the first time was hilarious) and the tacos from the food truck are amazing and TK holds his hand on the short ride to Covert Park with the windows rolled down and his cheeks pink from the sun.
Carlos has a hard time keeping his eyes on the road and he certainly never notices the storm clouds filling the sky overhead.
TK took one look at the one hundred two steps that led to the summit and issued a challenge and then threw in some trash talk about cops and donuts, grinning the whole time.
“Are you saying I’m out of shape,” Carlos asks, doing his best to sound serious even though he knows he is on the edge of laughter himself.
TK looks him over in a way that certainly was not funny and shakes his head and then takes off up the stairs without warning.
It’s easy for Carlos to catch up and just as he’s about to pass him the first clap of thunder rings out and the skies open up.
They both stop and stare at each other for a moment before a flash of lightning cuts across the sky and then it's a scramble back down the steps and toward the car. Carlos fishes the keys from his pocket as he runs and drops them twice before he finally hits the unlock button and they both jump inside.
Now they’re not soaking wet and breathing heavily as the rain pounds against the windshield and the thunder rumbles so loudly they can feel it shaking the earth.
The date is ruined and Carlos feels this precious thing start to slip through his fingers.
“I’m sorry,” he says above the noise of the storm, “I checked the weather, this wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m so, so—.”
He’s interrupted by TK’s wet lips on his as TK nearly dives over the center console to get to him.
It takes a second for the shock to wear off before Carlos gives as good as he gets, kissing TK back with teeth and tongue, just like the first time they spilled through the front door together.
He’s shocked again when TK is the one to slow it down, nipping at Carlos’ bottom lip before he leans back, raindrops dripping down the side of his face and hair falling in wet clumps across his forehead.
He shuts his eyes when Carlos reaches out and brushes his hair back.
“Don’t apologize,” TK says, “this might be the best date I’ve ever been on.”
Beneath the cool rain that’s clinging to his skin Carlos feels himself blush. “Oh yeah?”
“Definitely,” TK tells him. “And you shouldn’t apologize for the rain, you should be thankful. I totally would have beaten you to the top.”
33. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
TK paces the floor in front of the front window as he waits. If his father was here he’d warn him about wearing a hole in the hardwood.
He’s not sure why he’s nervous. It’s only Carlos who already knows his secrets and has already seen him naked and already put up with so much.
For some reason Carlos still seems to want him. At least enough to attempt to make a real go at this…this partnership or relationship…TK’s still fuzzy and a little gun shy about labels but Carlos had asked him out and made it very clear that it was going to be a date l, true and proper, and TK had agreed.
And now he’s sweating it because it’s Carlos who is sweet and funny and incredibly hot. This is a good thing. He is a good thing and TK self sabotaging tendencies run a mile deep and the thought of screwing this up is just as terrifying as everything going smoothly.
It’s overwhelming, he’s overwhelmed, and he thinks seriously about canceling and telling Carlos to run and save himself until there’s a knock on the door and it’s too late.
Carlos kisses him on the cheek and tells him what he has planned as they walk to the camaro and TK likes him so much that he smiles and nods and as Calros opens the passenger side door for him TK feels his nerves bubble away into excitement.
TK’s kind of a crap outdoorsman.
It’s not that he doesn’t like nature, it's just that he never had a reason to be in it all that much. You don’t really kayak in the Hudson or the East River. Or at least he never did.
It’s why his heart nearly stops when he lowers himself into one for the first time and wobbles violently as he tries to center his weight.
Carlos who is already settled and in the water in front of him, looking composed and confident, laughs and TK takes a second to get his balance then dips the oar into the water and splashes him.
“I’m learning!” He yells and Carlos laughs even harder and TK loves the sound so much he doesn’t even feel offended.
Dinner is easier. He listens to Carlos talk about what it was like growing up on a ranch while he demolishes three of the most amazing tacos he’s ever had.
Carlos goes a little quiet near the end and as they’re cleaning up.
“Do you want to take a drive with me,” Carlos asks and TK readily agrees. He’s not ready for the date to be over.
They roll the windows down in the car and TK threads their fingers together. It’s a beautiful day and his skin feels tight and warm from the sun but it could also be the way he keeps catching Carlos glancing over at him.
The stairs that lead to the top of Mount Bonnell don’t look particularly steep or challenging but TK still gives Carlos a sideways look and says “I’ll race ya.”
“You wanna race me to the top?”
“Why not? What are you worried about, Officer? You’ve been eating too many donuts?”
“Are you saying I’m out of shape?”
Carlos raises his brows and squares his shoulders, throwing down his own challenge and TK lets his gaze linger all over his body.
Then he takes off up the stairs without warning.
He doesn’t get very far before he feels Carlos closing in on him and just as he’s about to be passed the thunder rings out and the sky opens up.
They stop and stare at each other for a moment before there’s a flash of lightning and they both scramble down the steps and toward the car.
It feels like it takes forever for the lights to flash, letting them know the car is unlocked but when they do TK yanks the door open and pours himself inside.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos says. TK can barely hear him above the noise of the storm, “I checked the weather, this wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m so, so—.”
He’s crazy, TK thinks, before he’s diving over the center console to get to him.
It takes a second for Carlos to respond but when he does he kisses back with teeth and tongue in a way that reminds TK of their first time. He shivers as he thinks about the way Carlos had pressed him to the wall just inside the front door and kissed him like he was starving for it.
TK doesn’t want to lose that passion, ever, but it’s crystal clear not that he wants more than that, too.
He slows the kiss down, and nips at Carlos’ bottom lip before he leans back.
Carlos reaches out and brushes the hair off TK’s forehead and TK shuts his eyes. He’s overwhelmed again but in the best way possible.
“Don’t apologize,” TK tells him, “this might be the best date I’ve ever been on.”
Carlos’ cheeks go pink and TK nearly leans in to kiss them. “Oh yeah?”
“Definitely,” TK says with a smile. “And you shouldn’t apologize for the rain, you should be thankful. I totally would have beaten you to the top.”
Prompt Me Please
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detective-giggles · 2 years
Flufftober 2022 bonus prompt:
Just a short and sweet future Tarlos as dads fic from the prompt “Tucking into bed”.   WC: 800  Warnings: None, just a little injured!Carlos and soft!TK with their daughter.
“Mari, sweetheart, Aunt Nancy is going to take you home. I’m going to stay with Papa and bring him home in a little while, okay?”
Nancy steps forward and holds out her hand. When the girl didn’t immediately take it, Nancy gave her a conspiratorial smile and knelt down, so she was closer to Mari’s level. “I think we can even stop for ice cream on the way, I know your dads won’t mind.”
“No!” Mari wrapped her arms around TK’s thigh. “I wanna stay with daddy!”
“TK, I promise I’m okay. They’re not even keeping me overnight. Take her home, and I’ll be there soon, okay?”
TK nods reluctantly. As many times as Carlos had sat by his bedside when the situation was reversed, the idea of leaving Carlos in the ER by himself was unbearable. He jumps when Nancy touches his shoulder. “I’ll stay,” she assures him.
“Thank you, Nancy. Come on, Munchkin, let’s get you home and to bed!” TK picks Mari up and settles her against his hip, and immediately she reaches toward Carlos. “Not right now, Mari. Papa’s hurt, but you can blow him a kiss.”
Carlos beams as TK and Mari both blow him kisses. His left arm is cradled against his chest but he uses his good hand to catch both kisses and tuck them in his pocket. “Good night, Princess. I’ll be home when you wake up,” Carlos promises. He gives them both a little wave and TK carries Mari out of the hospital.
TK lets out a long, exhausted sigh as he digs through his daughter’s dresser. He hands Mari her favorite pajamas. “Here, get dressed and brush your teeth, then pick out a story. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” TK ruffles her hair and presses a kiss to the top of her head before heading to his own room.  
He pulls off his shirt and tosses it in the hamper—even if Carlos isn’t here to see it—and steps into the bathroom.  He pauses, bracing his hands on the counter and taking a couple of deep breaths-his first since he heard Carlos had been injured.  The adrenaline rush was fading now that he was home and knew Carlos was okay. He takes a minute to wash his face and changes into his pajamas.  
When he gets back to her room, Mari is waiting for him in the doorway with a storybook in her hands. “Why aren’t you in bed?”
Mari looks at him with big doe eyes. “Can we wait up for papa? So we know when he gets home?”
“Like, on the couch?” TK asks. Mari nods and TK shrugs. They didn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow, and if he were being honest, TK would admit he wants to know the moment Carlos comes through the door. Besides, he can always put her to bed once she falls asleep. “Sure. Grab your pillow and your stuffy.” Mari hands him her book, then runs to get the pillow and her stuffed bumble bee off her bed.  She hands it to TK as well and together they pad down the hallway to the living room.
TK tosses the book on one end of the couch and sets Mari’s pillow on the other. She climbs onto the couch and settles in, hugging the large, stuffed insect to her chest. TK grabs his throw blanket off the back of the sofa and drapes it over her, carefully tucking her in. “Good night, Munchkin.”  
“I’m not tired!” she declares. “I’m gonna wait up for Papa!”
TK nods and hums and reaches for the book, then sits just off-center, near her feet. He opens the book and starts reading, but after three pages, Mari is asleep, snoring softly. “Uh huh, sounds about right,” he mutters. TK rests the book on his chest and closes his eyes. He’ll wait just a few minutes before he carries her to bed.
TK wakes with a start and flails, narrowly missing Carlos with his arm. He blinks as, with one hand, Carlos finishes draping a blanket over him.
“Sorry,” Carlos murmurs. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I was just going to join you.”
“No, no. Your arm. You can’t sleep on the couch.” TK yawns, “Come on, I’ll carry her to bed.”
Carlos laughs. “Yeah, but then who’s going to carry you? We can just sleep out here tonight.” He shuts off the light and makes his way back to the couch. TK lifts the blanket enough for Carlos to slide under.
“I’m glad you’re home safe,” TK says softly. “I love you.” He slips his hand in Carlos’ good one, linking their fingers together.
“I love you, too,” Carlos says. They snuggle close and fall asleep quickly, leaning heavily against each other.  
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
What, no sex? | Tarlos
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Prompt: For this weeks @tarlosweeklyprompts prompt: "It’s not that I'm horny all the time. it’s just that you’re always sexy."
Pairing: Tarlos | Rating: Teen and Up | Word Count:
Author's Note: I know this is short, but it's just a fun and silly fic. I hope you all get a laugh out of it. I'll be posting something longer soon!
"It’s not that I'm horny all the time. it’s just that you’re always sexy." TK explains as if that explains it all.
"You are horny all the time and blaming it on me being sexy doesn't change that."
"It's not my fault, I can't control my primal urges to jump you."
"Clearly," Carlos says, looking at TK over his glasses pointedly. TK was currently on his knees, looking up at Carlos with an almost desperate look.
"Come on," TK pouts, "Let me blow you. I'll even get myself off."
"We have to leave in half an hour and you still haven't showered."
"We can be late."
“You can be late, I don’t like being late.”
“What’s up with TK?” Marjan asks a little later that night.
Carlos rolls his eyes, but there’s a teasing look in them. “He’s cranky because he didn’t get what he wanted.
“What, no sex?” Nancy asks.
“Exactly, we would have been late if we did!”
“Man that’s cold,” Mateo laughs, shaking his head.
“He’ll get it in time, he just needs to learn patience.”
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @porscheanakinns @angeltk @noxsoulmate @sivan325 @beautifulhigh @welcometololaland @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
Hello, fic request coming through if you are still doing them! Okay, Carlos has not been feeling well so he stays in and doesn't go to his shift. TK still has his shift, so he wants to stay with Carlos to keep an eye on him but Carlos says he is fine. TK is uneasy at work just wants to go back home, he calls Carlos but he is not answering. Tommy says TK can go check up on Carlos, while he is at home, he finds Carlos in bed and when he goes closer, Carlos is not breathing. Paramedic!TK coming through. Super angst ensues but Carlos makes it in the end after some time in a coma.
holly's august extravaganza day 25: heaving through corrupted lungs
thank you for the prompt!
thanks also to @noxsoulmate for the beta! 💚
ao3 | 2.9k | major character illness, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, brief references to past, canonical character death
“Strand, I know we’re not on a call right now, but you could at least pretend to be focused.”
TK flushes as Tommy’s somewhat less-than amused voice reaches him from the back of the ambulance. He hurriedly locks his phone and shoves it in the glove compartment, though not before checking every messaging app he has for word from Carlos.
There’s none, of course, just like it’s been all day. Logically, he knows Carlos is probably sleeping—god knows he needs it—but that isn’t going to stop him from worrying, or from sending check-up texts every ten minutes. It does, however, stop Carlos from answering, which isn’t very conducive to TK’s ability to concentrate on work today.
“Sorry, Cap,” he says. “It’s just—”
“Carlos is sick and you’re being paranoid, as usual,” Nancy chimes in, audibly rolling her eyes from the driver’s seat. “Look, dude, if he said he’s fine, then he’s probably fine.”
“Well, I’m the paramedic in the relationship, and I say he’s not fine.” TK sighs and forces himself to resist the urge to pull out his phone again. “Carlos likes to lecture me about hiding injuries, but he’s exactly the same when he’s ill; he could be on death’s door and still saying he’s okay. But he hasn’t said anything today, so I’m worried.”
“You’re always worried about him.”
“Welcome to relationships,” Tommy comments. “Seriously though, TK, are you going to be okay to finish this shift? There’s still ten hours to go and we cannot afford for you to be distracted out there.”
TK doesn’t answer right away; on one hand, he’s itching to go home and check on Carlos, to make sure he’s still breathing and actually resting like he’s supposed to be. On the other hand, Carlos would probably kill him if he left work, illness be damned. It’s just… Carlos had looked so ill that morning, skin ashen and voice all but gone, and it had taken a lot of convincing for TK to still go to his own shift. He’d insisted on making sure Carlos had all the blankets and water and snacks and anything else he could possibly want, but even so, he’s still uneasy.
His gut is telling him that something’s wrong, and TK doesn’t think he can ignore it for much longer.
He’s staring out the window, considering his options, when he realises that he knows these streets. Like, actually knows them. They’re right around the corner from his and Carlos’s home, and an idea strikes TK like a lightning bolt.
“Hey, Cap?” he asks, twisting around in his seat to look at her. “How about we take a lunch break now instead of driving all the way back to the station? There’s a great place nearby, and it’s less likely that we’ll be interrupted by a call before we get food.”
Tommy eyes him suspiciously, clearly not buying his innocent act. “What are you talking about, TK?”
“Mine and Carlos’s place is literally two streets away; we could drop by and I could check in on him and make sure he’s okay. Plus,” he continues, already spotting the argument on Tommy’s face, “I’m not lying about the food. Carlos cooks in bulk, so we’ve got loads of leftover casserole in the freezer.”
Tommy pauses, indecision clear in her expression. She narrows her eyes at TK, scrutinising him. “Will this mean you’ll stop being so distracted?”
“Alright.” She sighs and nods, and Nancy switches directions to head towards their home. “I’m holding you to that, Strand.”
TK spends the entire drive, short as it is, drumming his fingers on his knees and trying to keep the ever-growing panic at bay. Carlos is going to be fine.
He has to be.
He jumps out the ambulance before Nancy’s even fully stopped it, cursing himself as he fumbles with his keys. Tommy pats his shoulder soothingly; it doesn’t really calm him down, but TK appreciates the effort and her unconditional support. When he gets inside, he simply waves a hand in the general direction of the freezer, hoping Tommy and Nancy get the message, and barrels upstairs, Carlos’s name bursting from his lips.
“Carlos, babe, you here?” It’s a stupid question; TK had seen the Camaro in the driveway and Carlos is far too ill to want to walk anywhere—or so TK hopes—so he has to be home. But the silence draws out, and TK’s heart is pounding a mile a minute by the time he reaches the door to their bedroom.
“Carlos?” He pushes open the door, sighing in relief when he sees his fiancé sprawled across the bed, dead to the world. It’s a little weird that he hasn’t woken up yet given how loud TK was shouting, but it’s probably just because his body needs the rest. TK would bet that the apocalypse could happen outside the window and Carlos wouldn’t so much as stir.
He tip-toes towards the bed, a soft smile spreading across his lips as anxiety gives way to fondness and love. It’s not until he’s within touching distance of Carlos that he registers just how still he is; just how silent the room is.
This morning, Carlos’s breathing was loud and harsh, punctuated with periodic sniffs and coughs.
Now, he’s not making a sound.
And, as TK drops to his knees and bends over his fiancé’s body, he realises that his chest isn’t moving.
Carlos isn’t breathing.
The panic is back in full force as TK frantically presses his fingers to Carlos’s pulse point, praying for something—a flutter, anything—to indicate that Carlos isn’t… That he’s not…
There’s nothing.
Instinct takes over, TK linking his hands on Carlos’s chest and starting compressions even as his vision blurs with tears and he chokes on the sobs building in his throat.
“Cap!” he yells, not taking his eyes off Carlos. “Cap, up here!”
A minute later, Tommy and Nancy burst into the room, both halting in shock for a moment before jumping into action. Nancy moves to the other side of the bed, already pulling out the ambu bag, while Tommy comes to stand by TK.
“What do we have?” she asks, professional as ever, though there’s a clear worried undertone to her voice.
“No pulse, no respiration,” he manages, voice thick. “Skin is warm to the touch. No clear cause, but patient was congested and moderately feverish during the past few days.”
Tommy nods and gently pushes at TK’s shoulder. “Alright, you did good, TK, but you should let us take over now,” she says gently. “Come on, Nancy and I can handle this.”
TK ignores her, continuing compressions with renewed force. “I have to help him, Cap. I have to.”
“And you have, but now—”
“No!” Later, TK will be ashamed of the way he lost control like that, and he’ll have to apologise to Tommy, but the only thing he can really, truly focus on now is Carlos. He keeps pushing, feeling Carlos’s ribs give under his hands, and forces himself to keep going even though his stomach turns at the idea of causing him any pain. “Come on, baby,” he mutters. “Come on, Carlos, please.”
Time is running out; TK can tell by the way the silence is starting to feel heavier and heavier, by the looks he knows Tommy and Nancy must be exchanging over his head. Carlos’s time is running out, and TK is staring down a future he doesn’t know he can survive, and—
“I have a pulse!” Nancy shouts, and the words don’t register in TK’s head until Tommy’s hands are forcibly pulling him back and Carlos’s chest is moving and his eyelids start to flutter.
Tommy slides into the space left by TK, practiced hands checking Carlos’s vitals. “Carlos, can you hear me?”
She gets no response save for a weak groan, then Carlos’s body goes slack again and his head lolls limply on the pillow. TK takes a panicked step forward, but he’s just as quickly pushed back as Tommy secures an oxygen mask over Carlos’s face.
“Nancy, get the backboard and the gurney ready. Heart rate is arrhythmic and respiration is laboured; radio Austin Memorial and get their cardiac unit on standby.”
Nancy dashes out of the bedroom, and Tommy grabs her own radio. “Dispatch, this is RA 126 responding to a cardiac event at 2204 Allred Drive. Patient is unconscious and breathing, however at the time of arrival, he was in cardiac arrest. Duration unknown.”
“Copy that, RA 126.”
Nancy arrives with the backboard, and TK feels like an invisible observer as he watches his two teammates work. He’s stuck, barely breathing, as he watches Carlos struggle and fight for his life; he doesn’t know what he’s going to do if he dies, here and now.
TK moves as if in a nightmare as they get Carlos down the stairs and into the ambulance, eyes constantly locked on his fiancé. He thinks Tommy might say something to him, but he doesn’t hear it and he doesn’t bother to ask—terrible as it is to admit, he doesn’t care right now. He can’t care; there’s no more room inside him for anything else but Carlos.
He wraps a hand around Carlos’s wrist, two fingers resting on his pulse point, and prays that he’ll never have to feel that absence again.
Tommy sits beside him in the waiting room, a silent show of support while they wait for news on Carlos. Or until they catch another call; whichever comes first. Nancy is…somewhere. TK thinks she might have gone to grab some coffee or a snack, but he honestly has no idea. He’s kind of lost track of things, the hospital’s plain white walls turning time into water as they wait, and wait, and wait.
“I know how you feel, you know,” Tommy says, unprompted. “The night that Charles died, I… I spent so long blaming myself. I wasn’t there, you know? And I just kept thinking that if I had been there, if I hadn’t stayed out at Grace and Judd’s, then I might have been able to do something to save him.” She levels him with a firm, yet motherly look, and TK drops his gaze to the floor. “I know now that there was nothing. It kills me to admit it, but what happened would have happened either way, and it’s the same here. Carlos is young, healthy—there was no reason to suspect anything might happen. Certainly nothing like this. You did everything that you could, TK, and you have to hold onto that, no matter what the outcome.”
TK squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head, giving up on keeping the tears at bay. Tommy reaches out to wrap one arm around him, but he jerks away, curling in on himself. “It’s not the same,” he whispers, voice thick. “It’s not— I knew, Cap. I knew he was ill and I still left him.”
“You said you guys thought it was just a bad cold.”
“No, I knew. I’m a paramedic, how could I have missed this?”
“These things happen, TK,” she says softly. “It’s cruel, and it’s senseless, and, more than anything, it’s unavoidable. We can go in circles blaming ourselves for it—and I know it’s worse for us; we think we should be able to see everything because it’s our job, right?
“The thing is, we’re the most blind when it comes to the people we love. We think we see everything and we always worry over them, but ultimately we just want to believe that everything’s going to be okay. That they’re going to be okay. It’s hard to accept when they’re not.”
“I should have done more.”
“You did all you cou—”
“No, I didn’t.” He lets out a sob, twisting away from Tommy’s touch once more when she tries to comfort him. “I should have insisted on staying home; I should have thought about going to check on him earlier. We have no idea how long he was lying there, dead—he was dead, Tommy—before we arrived, but if I had been there then I could have gotten him help.”
TK takes a shuddering breath and looks up at his captain, meeting her eyes for the first time since they were in the ambulance. “Tommy, if he dies, then I swear I’ll never forgive myself. Never.”
Tommy looks like she wants to say more, but just as she opens her mouth, her radio crackles to life. She sighs regretfully but stands, clasping TK’s shoulder gently.
“He’ll be okay, TK. Believe in that.”
Looking at Carlos, TK has never believed in anything less. He’s so still and pale on the bed and TK keeps having to check that his chest is still moving, despite the steady beep of the heart monitor and the constant thrum against his fingertips. He hasn’t let go of Carlos’s wrist since he was allowed into the room, and he doesn’t intend to let go until Carlos is back with him, awake and alive and okay.
He’s trying to believe in that outcome as a certainty, but he knows better than that. Carlos might be young and healthy, but the fact still remains that his heart stopped—coming back from that is far from guaranteed.
It’s been three days since the incident, and Carlos’s parents have been in and out, always bringing TK food and trying to engage him in conversation. He tries, for them, but it’s not easy and the attempts always fizzle out before long; TK just doesn’t have it in him anymore to talk and pretend to be positive. Any hope he ever had has abandoned him, the only thing keeping him afloat his grip around Carlos’s wrist.
A tupperware container drops into his lap, and TK looks up to see Andrea standing over him. She reaches across to caress Carlos’s cheek, then sinks into the chair beside TK, giving him a pointed look.
He sighs, attempting a weak smile for her. “I appreciate it, Andrea, but—”
“No,” she interrupts, shaking her head firmly. “No more buts; I won’t hear them. My son might not be able to make sure you take care of yourself, but I am more than capable of taking over for him. I am very strict about food, ask any of his sisters.” Her stern look softens and she pats his arm gently. “Venga, mijo. You’ll feel better for it.”
TK looks down at the dish in his lap, doing his best to keep a grimace off his face. It looks and smells delicious, like all of Andrea’s cooking, but the sight of it makes his stomach turn, his gag reflex activating at the very thought of putting any in his mouth.
“Andrea, I…” He shakes his head and picks the container up with his free hand, handing it back to her. “I can’t.”
And it’s not just that TK can’t handle any food at the moment, though that certainly plays into it.
But they’re tamales.
The Reyes family recipe tamales, passed down through generations, which Carlos has been slowly attempting to teach TK. Which Carlos always makes on special occasions, and sometimes just for the hell of it.
Which Carlos made the night he proposed.
Andrea looks set to argue, but TK forces an end to the conversation by making her take the container and turning back to Carlos.
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly, knowing he’s disappointed her. “It’s just hard.”
She sighs and rubs his back. “I know. Just don’t come to me when Carlos wakes up and realises you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”
That almost gets a laugh out of him, and TK looks over to smile at Andrea. It’s a brittle thing, but it’s a smile all the same, which is more than he’s managed in three days. She smiles back at him, and it helps him feel not so alone in all this.
A weak groan is all the warning he gets before, “Are you turning down my mother’s cooking?” reaches his ears, and TK gasps, whipping around to stare at the bed.
Right into Carlos’s eyes.
“Oh my god,” he gasps, tears springing to his eyes. “Oh my god.”
“Hey, baby.” Carlos’s voice is rough and rasping, his eyes fluttering closed again a second later, though TK can tell that he’s still awake. He reaches to the table and pours a cup of water, encouraging Carlos to lift his head and drink through the straw.
“Slow sips, that’s it,” he murmurs, rubbing his thumb gently along Carlos’s wrist, still holding on tightly.
Once Carlos has drunk his fill, he opens his eyes again and looks up at TK, gaze searching his face. “I love you,” he rasps, smiling gently, “but did you really just say no to my mom’s tamales?”
TK splutters, but he can’t keep the smile off his own face, shaking his head fondly at Carlos. “I love you too, idiot,” he says. “And tamales don’t taste the same without you there to eat them with me.”
“Good thing I’m here now, then.”
TK hums. “Guess it is.”
(Later, after the nurses and doctors have come and gone, TK will pick up the tub of tamales, left behind by Andrea when she went to tell everyone the good news.
He and Carlos will split one, pressed close together in the bed to avoid getting crumbs on the sheets. Carlos will be smiling at him the entire time, and TK will kiss him over and over, relishing the sensation of Carlos kissing him back.
And it’ll be the best damn tamale TK has ever eaten.)
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