#not maintagging but it's fine to reblog
daggersandarrows · 1 year
out of curiosity what don’t you like about imo/dna and some of the fans?
i'm extremely hesitant to engage with this at all (learned my lesson last campaign) but basically, and i'm hoping people take this in good faith: i was gonna say there's nothing i don't like about im*dna, but to be totally honest i do find that the direction it went with in canon fell a bit flat for me. which is not to say i actively dislike it, i just don't personally love it. and to be fair all of campaign three is just not holding my attention for whatever reason.
i think the fandom has a very strong tendency to flatten literally any two female characters* into "THEY'RE LESBIANS" and give them the personalities of wet cardboard that occasionally makes out. and i get it, femslash is rare, the og bechdel test, etc etc. the urge to take any two female characters and Put Them Together is strong.
but i think it's such a shame that people feel the need to impose this cookie cutter, cutesie anygirl gay personality onto critical role characters specifically. because we're NOT working with flat cw characters that the writers are gonna queerbait us about on twitter before it gets cancelled five seasons in where the gayest moment is one of them putting a hand on the other's shoulder that gets giffed a million times. this isn't even a well intentioned ship written by gay writers who consistently get screwed over by the network. this is not glee, this is not disney, this is not marvel, this is not star wars.
this is a show with well written canonically queer women that have complex, intimately explored relationships that the fandom is hell bent on flattening into super boring recreations of traditional relationships where they must get married and they must have children and one of them is the breadwinner while the other one is a housewife and there's a white picket fence etc etc etc. and it drives me. fucking. nuts. i was on my phone in the theater during episode one of campaign three and people started shipping im*dna within the first five minutes. and i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that per se, but at that point, what is the ship based on if not stuff you're completely making up and then stuffing into the shell of these character's physical appearance?
beauyasha last campaign was so well developed; they both had strong individual emotional journeys that intersected with each other only once beau was ready to accept that she deserved love and yet they were woven together from the beginning. every single goddamn beauyasha moment hits so hard--the first flight, the letter, the tower date, the cathedral--because the groundwork was laid out and both characters plus the relationship was developed with so much care. kimallura lives in my head rent free as one of my favorite love stories and i haven't even finished campaign one. and both characters are matt! i know those are the "endgame" ships and that's all anyone cares about, but everyone else--keyleth, zahra, vex, reani, keg, cali, fearne, deanna--and those are just the pcs--have been well crafted and complex women who are all over the spectrum of "very promiscuous" to "idk about kissing", who have different priorities and feelings and interests and virtues and flaws. it just breaks me to see them filed down to nothing.
EDIT: i totally forgot about the bright queen and her partner. i haven't read the comic yet, i know, i'm sorryyyy
*massive disclaimer that it's not just the femslash; i have just as long a rant on the m/m ships and i think this is why i've carved out my niche of trans bi m/f ships lol. which is not to say those shippers are automatically good either, there's just literally far fewer people shipping them.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
I have finally finished the fic i wanted to finish before episode 92. now will I finish the fic I want to finish before episode 93? unclear. Anyway it's about Ashton coping, or not, with FCG's death.
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pistachi0art · 10 months
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what a guy 💙
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screamingallium · 10 months
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i've been listening to this same song over and over again please god help me
( writing in image says: "bark like you want it!" in all caps, half of the word "IT" is hidden behind pac )
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Also, this wasn't really relevant to my evidence but you know that post about how Nazis were (and still are) obsessed with the Roman Empire and seek to emulate an ahistorical ideal of what they view as the high point of civilization and claim a divine birthright of that legacy of empire in spite of the fact that every other Roman primary source shits on the Gauls, because they needed a framing to rally around in order to stoke furor over the hardships of post-war Germany?
That's what Ludinus feels like in pretending to be some personal inheritor of the Age of Arcanum.
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fitpacs · 6 months
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longtailcat · 2 years
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The emergence of Miquella Part of my rewrite. he never had the child curse, but is disabled and has always been infantalized and condescended to by others treating him like a child. Mohg abducted him with the intention of making Miquella an heir of sorts, yet another person depriving him of agency. Miquella’s ascension does get influenced by Mohgs blood, but the formless mother does not govern his ascension, because Miquella doesn't will it. He emerges without the influence of any outer god.
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ghostsvignettes · 4 months
the problem with writing for characters with the same issues as you is the Issues
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xomoosexo · 2 years
dteam twitter people migrating here ily but remember to:
reblog! cause we are a home grown economy here, there's no fancy algorithm. the only way people will see your posts is for bigger blogs to reblog you (and then more blogs reblog from them and so on)
liking! a lot of people around here don't like when you like but don't reblog (remember, no algorithm. likes really do nothing) liking without reblogging is fine sometimes but for things like fanart, it's probably best to pop a reblog!
decorate your blog! people might think you're a bot or a troll if you don't slap a little color on the walls! super easy to find a random pic of gnf and make it your pfp lol
tagging! a lot of people use hashtags for thoughts about someone elses post, compliments to an artist, extra notes they don't want on the main post, and also as content and trigger warnings. Not that many people maintag around here anymore unless it's something like fanart or important information!
tags to note:
#dteam fanart- fan art maintag
#dreamblr- dream fan maintag
#dreblr- c!dream fan maintag (positive only)
#dreamwastaken tag for dream since #dream is too broad
#404blr- George fan maintag
#pandasblr- sapnap fan maintag
#dream situation/drituation- discussion of the allegations
"#tw ___" or "#cw ___"- tags for trigger and content warnings, please use! (ex: #tw blood)
"#___ neg" or "#___ crit"- tags for creator criticism and negativity (ex: #george neg)
#mcyt- broad tag for all of minecraft youtube on this site. totally okay for most dtblr posts
#Minecraft- tag for Minecraft fandom. Not a place for mcyt content and they don't appreciate it when we tag this. (though if you want to post your cool Minecraft builds or mob vote stuff that is a okay!)
interact! reblog posts! add something to the post! compliment someone's art in the tags! follow people!
and most importantly:
chill out! people here tend to be a lot more relaxed about what we post because this is primarily a fan space. if you see someone posting something you think is against creators wishes or invasive,
just block them. You should also feel free to block tags for things you don't want to see, and don't get upset with people if you see something that's tagged correctly- it's on you to curate your dash.
now about shipping. people on here tend to be a lot more lenient and comfortable with ship content since they know creators won't see it or interact with it.
the line between shipping/truthing or joke shipping is super blurry. if you don't want to see people talking about dnf /srs then block them! But for a lot of people on here they don't really care and it's very excepted for people to be somewhere between joking and serious.
and finally, just don't be a dick! people on here tend to be a lot less hostile, if you see something you think should have warnings in the tags but doesn't, shoot them an ask! 90% of the time they'll amend it. We have been using Tumblr instead of twitter because we don't like creators seeing what we post. so please respect that boundary by not reposting anything on here to twitter or other sites! have fun!!!
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piningpebbles · 2 years
mcyttwt users: use tag filtering
oh also mcyttwt users make sure to take advantage of the blocked/filtered tags feature. this is in your settings, and you can block crit, neg, or any triggers you just don’t want to see on your dashboard, and it’ll filter the post for you. this is completely private and only helps to make your tumblr experience better.
MAKE SURE NOT TO CENSOR THESE WHEN YOU’RE BLOCKING THE TAG. the blocked tag feature will block these tags EXACTLY and not things similar to them (for instance if you block #self h/rm, it won’t block posts tagged with #self harm.)
so, if you really want to make sure you don’t see anything on a particular subject you’ll also want to block all variations of a tag. this can mean if you want to block #self harm, you should block: #self harm, #self harm tw, #tw self harm, #self harm cw, #cw self harm, #// self harm, #self harm //, #tw sh, #cw sh, etc.
i know it’s tedious, but it’s worth it to take a little time and filter out what you need to. and there’s no shame to what you block. crit of a character you like? go ahead. a ship you just don’t want to see? knock yourself out.
oftentimes, if someone didn’t tag something (trigger/content warning wise) that you think should be, you can ask them to tag it and they most likely will (be polite!) but if you go to a blog centered around a certain character, and ask them to tag any mention of that character, they may just decline and that’s okay! just scroll past their content or even block them entirely if you don’t want to interact with them.
i think twitter has different social ideas around blocking, but here you can block anyone for just about anything and no one really gives a shit. block someone for making takes you don’t like, block someone for filling maintags with unrelated content, most times people block others they haven’t even interacted with, and it’s fine.
block what you need to, reblog content you like (especially from artists), change your profile picture from the default ones, write in the tags, DON’T put mcyt posts in the #minecraft of #mineblr tags, and you’ll be just fine.
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sleepiestslooth · 1 year
what about a skybound jay?
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*jaya-fies your jay angst*
i’ve had this sketch for a while and planned on finishing it but i just couldn’t find the time or motivation 😭
maybe i’ll clean it up and repost it someday but here you go <3
[not maintagging this but reblogs are fine 👍]
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rinbylin · 11 months
"#their rs is only as equal as he decides it to be" hits the nail on the HEAD for me THANK you. llh and fdb are friends the way parents and children can be friends. fdb makes a very commendable effort at being equals with llh and llh can allow and enjoy it to an extent but there IS a gap. fdb not having access to llh's past puts him in a unique position to understand llh in a way that nobody else does and that IS good for llh, like fresh eyes on such a worn out painful story. but there's also an element of responsibility that llh has for fdb that he doesn't have for dfs. dfs is his equal and can make his own life choices. he only escaped dfs at the end because of dfs's own choice to trust him with the flower, not anything llh could have done. but he can still escape fdb on his own power just fine. ANYWAY EVERY RELATIONSHIP IN THIS SHOW IS KILLING ME IN UNIQUE AND SPECIFIC WAYS thank u for understanding
(for context)
NO THANK YOU for understanding!!!! I didn't even think anyone was going to read [inserts opinion that I think could get me into a situation surrounded by knives] as you can tell I hid it deep in the tags of reblogs of my own non-maintagged post hbhjbhjbhjbj - and even much less agree with something of it
hell yeah. to me their relationship is entirely premised on that gap between them, for better and for worse. that's how fdb can be unique to him but at the same time also puts him out of fdb's reach forever (that's why ep 30 hits hard). it's very likely llh wouldn't have continued with their relationship - at least with the degree of investment he did - if not for finding out his connection to sgd. so the familial element in it is virtually inseparable from the manner they ended up to be with each other. (like also, on top of how how lxy was literally a formative "adult" figure to bb fdb.)
while fdb thinks this is a friendship the whole time, llh actually treats fdb like a younger family member 小辈, with the front of being friends bc he was a Liar hiding his identity. and then post-identity reveal was bc he's just a Liar who doesn't feel the need to load his own problems on a younger member as an elder. (I do think this mismatched perceptions of their relationship is delicious)
also that's such a good add-on regarding dihua's relationship - particularly about the element of trust between them, which is a basis to why I can consider them friends in some dimension even back when they were more of rivals, unlike fdb with llh. like llh/fdb, they contain a paradox: being the ones who understand each other better than anyone else can but also bc they're so up close on each other that they fail to really see each other too. they're equals premised on the circumstance of them being from the same generation with a shared past (that is also part of their tragedy), but also, in a very curious space of it not being entirely mutual - simply due to llh being the person he is with the kind of conflict he's facing. (once again, all the relationships llh have are embedded with a degree of them being unrequited and it's <333 </333)
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utilitycaster · 2 years
In the Locked Tomb series, the villain of the first book ends up being Cytherea, Lyctor of the Seventh House. She, like most lyctors, epitomizes her house. The Seventh House serves to celebrate the beauty found in death and decay: "They draw out moments of beauty, preserving people, places, and times in amber for later dissection and delectation."[1] Cytherea is herself nigh-immortal, as a lyctor, and also eternally dying of a terminal illness. Her plan is to eliminate the heirs of the houses to prevent there ever being other lyctors, destroy the Emperor (and Empire), and in doing so, be destroyed herself.
She succeeds only in her final goal. The Seventh House's predilection for those preserved-amber moments is its undoing, as its heir is slaughtered by its lyctor, and its lyctor driven to seek death because of her unending pain, but unable to do even that with peace and dignity, as ending her life means ending what remains of her cavalier, who, by the nature of the lyctor process, must be an eternal sacrifice.
Given the author's background in fandom (particularly fanfiction) and internet culture[2][3] and the many references to that both textually and metatextually within the series, it is not out of line to assume that the Empire, constructed in-universe in our near future and stagnated for ten thousand years at the start of the series contains commentary for, among many other things, fandom itself. The plight of Cytherea explores the fallacies inherent in a number of common trends in fanon.
Cytherea explores, as do all the original lyctors, the trope of lifespan angst. In Harrow the Ninth, we learn that the requirement of cavalier sacrifice is a profound source of guilt for the necromancers who experience it, even millennia later. It is then revealed that the sacrifice was always avoidable. By the end of Nona the Ninth, only one "imperfect" lyctor remains of the seven there have been, and she is newly ascended within the past few months, underscoring the unsustainable nature of this trope.
Cytherea, and the Seventh House's philosophy, can also be interpreted as a critique of "woobification", of angst for the sake of angst, and of the prioritization of the aesthetic with no consideration of consequence. It is precisely Cytherea's combination of incredible power and endless pain without respite that destabilizes her utterly. The preservation of that which is by its nature ephemeral is itself her destruction - and deconstruction. The attempt to create something from a mortal being that must simultaneously embody fleeting beauty, saintly tragedy, and near godlike power, and which must exist in this state, as a public figure, for eternity, ultimately becomes, not once, but twice, a vehicle through which corruption, failure, and ruin enters what was meant to be a sanctuary.
In the Critical Role fandom, the ultimately impossible ideals imposed upon Cytherea which lead to her downfall are reflected in the similarly impossible expectations some fans have regarding the characters played by the women of the cast (and, in extreme cases, those women themselves), most notably those of Marisha Ray. In this essay I will
Rocket, Stubby the. "Find Your Necromancy Family Among the Houses of Gideon The Ninth". Tor.com. Written Sep 20 2019, Accessed Dec 9 2022.
Grady, Constance. "How Gideon the Ninth author Tamsyn Muir queers the space opera". Vox.com. Written Feb 5 2021, Accessed Dec 9 2022.
Clements, Mikaela. "The Butch Lesbian Sci-Fi Aesthetic: A Conversation With Tamsyn Muir". Los Angeles Review of Books. Written Oct 1 2020, Accessed Dec 9 2022.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
ayo second if you see this spread the message please: all tumblr tags with content in them are currently down, including all organization tags for blogs. anyone in a fandom that relies on liveblogs rn need a temp main tag (maintag[number] works) as long as it didn't have anything in it before the break. ANY CREATIVE CONTENT POSTED RN WONT BE ORGANIZED INTO BLOG TAGS. you'll have to schedule a reblog with the org tags for a day or two from now, when tags should be up again. (the break seems to have happened around 4:30pm EST today. last time tags broke like this it took 7+ hours to fix. it's happened maybe five-six times total now)
ah, i don't know if this is confirmed? my tags seem to be working fine at the moment, but the last hermitcraft post in the main tag was like, an hour ago, so... mileage may vary on this, tag might currently be a little borked? reblogging it again won't make it turn up in the main tags, though, so if you're worried about people not seeing it in the tag, a better solution may just be to wait to post things until later and follow existing liveblogs on your dash? idk, i don't know enough about how tags work to really... understand this... but hopefully it's useful information for other people, presuming it's a universal problem and not just a you problem?
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riacte · 8 months
do you have martyn blocked on here? do you ever worry about him seeing the things you post
If he decides to look into the treebark tag, that’s on him. If he decides to look into some random blog with treebark in the description, that’s on him. If he decides to look into some blog named after treebark, that’s on him. My pinned post has a circle of shipping flames warding the blog lmao.
I think I have a healthy awareness / fear of him here? I don’t maintag a lot of stuff with the assumption he only scrolls through maintags and blogs that he follows. If I have to quote his full brand name, I space it so it doesn’t show in search. And if he sees something he doesn’t like, he’ll just scroll past it with zero comment 💀 (saw this on stream💀). Or comment on it productively (like his recent reblog about his vtuber model).
That being said, people who go @/martyn on my posts make me sooo stressed. Never check your mentions Martyn. Please.
I had the post about comparing posting Renchanting stuff to being chased by a ravager (Martyn) in Decked Out (Tumblr). And people were like “lol reblog so he has a higher chance of seeing it��. But I never did maintag him so I don’t think he saw it / chose not to do anything. And that’s perfectly fine.
That being said, I’m more scared of False actually 💀 I blocked her before and was like “guess I’ll block Martyn too”, then I got over it, so now they’re side by side on my following list even though I originally followed False way earlier. What if we were next to each other <3 on someone’s followed blogs list <3
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teaveetamer · 1 year
I am curious, I've been watching the discourse going on for a bit without getting involved and at this point I feel like I have to ask.
What is the desired result here? Why are you engaging in the discourse at all? Clearly this is not a discussion, so what do you gain from interacting at all?
(I will send this to several people, just out of curiosity)
Alright anon allow me to explain what's been going on with me on my end.
The year is 2019 (yes, we're doing this). FE3H has just come out. I play it and rather enjoy it actually. I've got a couple of ships that I'm into, some fanfic I want to write, etc.
I go onto Reddit to chat with people about the game. Now I don't really like Edelgard, but I'm chill, I'm open to discussing the game and getting alternate viewpoints. Initially it's more or less fine.
Then some posts start coming up. People start getting really aggressive about this. I'm trying to have a conversation, but it feels like their goal is just to shout me down. I get in arguments, I get in fights, I get misgendered, I get called a bigot, I get frustrated, I get ablest rhetoric spewed at me, and I waste my life.
Stop. Take a look at myself. I'm literally sitting here arguing about Edelgard von fucking Hresvelg for hours of my day. I'm annoyed, I'm irritated, I'm always in a bad mood. Ugh.
Now it's 2020, early times I think. I resolve to stop looking at Reddit so much with regard to this game. It's not worth the hassle and the frustration. I should be, like, out doing things and having fun not wasting my time arguing with a bunch of weirdos on the internet. I want to have fun again, not be angry. I delete the Reddit app from my phone and install a blocker on my web browsers, even.
Start using Tumblr for more than just shippy stuff, and find people who agree with me, who are saying the things I've been saying. I stop feeling crazy for liking the game the way I like it. I make a few posts on my main blog but you know what, I don't really want my main blog embroiled in this shit, though I want to add my voice to the conversation. So I make this side blog.
Make some posts. I get flooded with asks from other people about the game, saying they agree with me and they're thankful that they aren't the only ones who think the way I do. I think within like a month of existing this blog had double the posts of my main blog (which has existed since 2016, so for four years at that point), most of them from asks.
The blog was initially for me to vent and throw in my two cents here and there, but I figure I'll keep it around in regular use because people seem to be benefiting from it.
Early on I tried to establish a rule for myself that 1) I wasn't going to go looking in any main tags (e.g. the Edelgard or Edelgard Positive tags) for stuff to reblog or talk about, and 2) I wasn't going to go into any Edelgard specific spaces looking for stuff to talk about (e.g. r/Edelgard or even Dimitri-critical tags). However, anything maintagged that was looking for a fight (e.g. a Dimitri-critical post in the main Dimitri tag) was fair game.
I'm not perfect, but I did try to stick to that rule. I talked about things that happened on the main FE Sub or FEH sub. I did my best to encourage my anons to not go seeking out stuff to bring back to me from Edelgard spaces. After all, this blog was meant for venting and having my own personal space where I could talk about my views without getting accosted. I thought it would be petty for me to go bring back stuff from other places.
Moving into 2021, I was kind of done with 3H. I was still getting like dozens of asks a day about 3H discourse. I'd answer one and five more would pop up in their place. By now we're like, well beyond 3x or 4x the amount of posts I have on my main blog. I'm getting kind of tired of it. It's a lot of the same points over and over and over. We're in pandemic times, so I can't even walk away from it and do something else IRL for a while before coming back to it. I feel like I'm wasting my life again. I feel like I've said anything and everything I could have possibly said about the subject. I ask people to stop talking to me about Edelgard. Eventually, everyone mostly obliges.
I still chat about it here and there, but I'm chatting about other stuff too. This blog is still about venting just about venting about more than 3H. A lot more petty fandom shit in general.
Now we're in, like, 2022. I don't remember exactly, Pandemic Time makes some of this a bit of a blur. I notice a new kid on the block, doing basically what I'd noticed happening on Reddit. Going into the wrong tags. Picking fights. Posting things in the wrong tags. Picking fights.
I'm over it, I'm done, I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. I block the dude. Most people I know block the dude or ignore him. We figure he's new here, he just hasn't learned the etiquette.
He gets increasingly hostile. I'm not really paying that much attention, just getting info about it from the fringes. Again, we figure eventually he'll just go away if we ignore him.
Then Nilsh gets harassed off the platform.
My mutuals are getting increasingly hostile anons and combative reblogs.
At this point I'm relatively unaffected. I guess because I don't tag anything, so he didn't find it.
And you know what? I'm still like "he'll get bored. He'll leave eventually." We were all like "just ignore him, he'll leave eventually."
People try to explain tags to him. Try to help him curate his experience so he quits arguing with people who don't want to talk to him all the time.
Then Moonlitboar gets harassed off of the platform. They take the URL. He's bragging about having done it. He's spreading this vitriol to other platforms and convincing others to join in on the harassment.
And I'm like. Okay. This dude isn't leaving. This is what he wants. His goal isn't to talk about this game—his goal is to hurt us.
I unblock him and respond. We go back and forth. He stops... for a time.
Here's the thing. I didn't re-block him after that, and I didn't do that for a couple of reasons. First, because at this point I'm still hopeful that he's just unaware of what he's doing, and that he'll acknowledge how messed up it was and apologize. I'm all for second chances. The second, because he's dangerous and I'm worried that if I don't keep tabs on him, he's going to try to hurt me.
It's not long until he's doing the same shit again. He tries harassing BWIIDT, he tries harassing FantasyInvader, he tries harassing Ezra, he tries harassing RandomNameless, he tries harassing Emblemxeno, he tries harassing Gascon, he tries harassing people I've literally never even heard of. I keep calling him out, and he tries harassing me. He calls me hysterical, accuses me of acting like a victim. Tries to make me feel stupid and small by saying I don't have anything worth his attention to respond to.
(By the way dude, my point about that was that you were being misogynistic but treating discourse like it was only worth responding to if it came from a man. See, I noticed that you only liked to attack people you thought were cishet white men like yourself, even if we were saying basically the same things at times. The fact that you continue not "debunking" any of my posts doesn't upset me; it proves my point)
He blocks me. I can't say for certain why, but my bet is that he realized people were actually listening to what I had to say, and having a queer woman question the actions he purported to be for the benefit of queer women wasn't a great look for him.
He's still trying to harass me. He's taking screenshots, he's using my name, he's @ ing me. He's casually lying about me. He's using sexist rhetoric implying that I shouldn't be listened to because I'm just too ~in my feelings~ and he's the true victim of my hysterical victimized martyr complex (geez, you sure a a feminist ally for that one, aren't you?)
You know, I did actual research when one of my anons accused him of being a trump supporter and tried to lie about him? I burned an entire evening on that, because I didn't want to be spreading lies about people. Meanwhile he lets his anons casually and repeatedly misgender me without so much as a passing correction, and he hangs out with people who spread lies and slander accusing others of heinous crimes.
And you know what? If I knew it was going to be like this? I'd still waste that evening and correct that anon. It's not about getting a petty win or convincing people he's a bad person for me. It's about being respected.
So to get back to your question. Why am I doing this? Because I have to. Because I know that if I don't he's going to hurt someone else, just like how he hurt Nilsh and Moonlitboar. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, after all. We ignored him and he didn't leave, so now we have to say something.
What's the desired result? I want to be respected, like I've tried to respect them for almost the entirety of this blog's existence. I want my boundaries acknowledged. I want him to stop hurting people for no other reason than to hurt them, because they don't agree with him.
When will I stop? When he stops.
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