#not me getting teary eyed over seeing my first blog theme.....
asktidethegastrodon · 2 years
I was using the wayback machine to try and find some evidence/credit for something (didn’t find it unfortunately) but just
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looking at the old theme just brought back memories I haven’t had in years... If ya’ll were here during the OG run of this blog and are still somehow here thank you. For sticking with me... for literal years haha))
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kvnyin · 4 years
Sunken Too Deep
Combo; Hyunjin x M! Reader
Wording: 1,027 words
Genre: Angst
Tag/Warnings: cheating, mild nsfw implied
What does the pain feel like?
It feels like time is ticking slowly,
seamlessly your heart stops for what seems like minutes when it hasn’t stopped at all,
your lungs burn as well as your eyes,
you have a lump in your throat unable to form words.
That is what pain feels like.
5;30 pm
Are you coming home tonight hyunnie?
7;50 pm
we’re really busy right now hyung, from the looks of it i’ll be staying at the dorm tonight :<
7;51 pm
Don’t overwork yourself, and eat a hearty meal! I’ll be waiting for you at home with open arms when you get back tomorrow <3
He must be busy tonight. That’s alright, you really couldn’t blame him. He is an idol, after all. An idol who got with a college student with no extraordinary talent; he was much busier than you, with promotions, fan meets, and most importantly his group’s comeback. Even so, you haven’t been seeing him as much anymore, it’s bummy but there’s really not much you could do but be a supportive boyfriend.
Hyunjin arrived home late the next day, around 2 in the morning. He reeked of alcohol and sweat, which was unusual of him, taking in the fact he’s all about everything hygienic. But that didn’t matter, he was home and that was all you could ask for.
“My prince has finally come from his quest, how was it?”
You back hug him only for him to wiggle out of your grasp. It wasn’t aggressive; definitely not gentle either.
“Sorry not right now hyung. I’m a bit tired so I’m gonna go run a bath and then we can talk, is that okay?”
“Uh yeah, sorry go right ahead, I put fresh towels in the cubby so you should be good.”
He said nothing and walked to the bathroom, his silhouette slowly blending in with the dark hallway.
Saying you were shocked would be an understatement. Hyunjin has never been like this before, even on his worst days he would never come near a drop of alcohol, let alone touch it. But here he was covered in the smell of it. He usually comes home and clings to you, whining like a cute puppy, talking about his day or begging for you to cook. You couldn’t forget the look he gave you when he walked in.
It looked.. so grim and dreadful like he wasn’t happy to be home.
You also couldn’t wipe off the hurt look that was plastered on your face.
After he was done with his bath, you were in the kitchen making jjajangmyeon, his favorite dish. Waiting patiently for him to finish, you go on your phone, scrolling through whatever to occupy yourself in the meantime.
Then you came across it.
More so, you came across a recently posted picture of Hyunjin, wearing the same shirt he came back home in, posing with a bunch of guys you’ve never seen before.
“This was posted last night..”
“What was posted last night?”
Hyunjin asked, walking out in your long sleeve companied by white sweatpants.
You looked up at him in confusion. Why was he wearing those clothes when it’s dead hot in summer?
“This picture of you, this was taken 18 hours ago.”
Hyunjin walks over to you, taking your phone in his hands, his eyes immediately widening.
“Where did you get this picture hyung?”
“From your Twitter, where else? Do you not remember posting this?”
Hyunjin goes quiet, looking at the picture without muttering a word.
“Hyunjin. Where were you last night? This doesn’t look to be your dorm.”
The poor boy looks up at you, with the guiltiest look you’ve ever seen.
“Hyung listen I can explain-”
You start feeling irritated.
“What is there to explain? You lied to me saying you were at your dorm for the night. This is a club, not your dorm Hyunjin. I don’t mind you going to these places but this is not like you at all, not even explaining why you’re wearing long sleeves and thick sweatpants in this heat.”
Hyunjin shifted his body to face away from you, your large shirt drooped down a bit from his shoulder, and what you saw knocked the wind out of you.
“What is that on your shoulder..?”
Hyunjin whips around quickly, pulling up the loose shirt in efforts to cover his already exposed shoulder. You quickly grab his wrist, pulling the shirt all the way up, exposing small purple marks on his chest. You look up at a teary-eyed Hyunjin. You let go of his wrist; the look of hurt on your face was bad enough to make him wince, taking a few steps back you shook your head.
“C’mon Hyunjin, if this is one of your pranks, it’s not funny.”
Hyunjin leaps onto you, wrapping his arms around you. The lump in your throat is getting larger by the second, and with Hyunjin so close, you feel like you can’t breathe.
“Hyung, I didn’t mean it, you have to believe me. I’m sorry, I’ll be better, I’ll be the best boyfriend! So, please… whatever you’re thinking, please reconsider it.”
This felt like a dream, like you were in a daze. Your head hurts, your lungs sting, your eyes burn and your mouth feels dry. With whatever energy you had left, you pushed him off, grabbing your keys and leaving the once shared apartment. Walking out, Hyunjin’s sobs subside, allowing you to hear his broken voice say:
“Hyung please don’t leave..”
The once lively home now becomes silent. Hyunjin drags himself to the bedroom you guys had once had silly conversations, deep talks, and intimate moments in. The same bedroom, now faded into an empty, dull room.
Turning on the lights, he spots a box. On top was a little note; picking up the note his sobs became louder.
“Happy Anniversary my prince! Four years and going strong, nothing compares to being with you, I will forever be in love with you, I know you don’t like sappy things but I can’t express how much I love you!
I’ve Truly,
Sunken Too Deep.”
Editor; Hailey :>
a/n; heya! I’m new to tumblr, shout out to the owner for this awesome theme I’m using! This is blog is going to mainly be skz, I love them sm, besides the point I want to make this blog dedicated to male readers since I know there aren’t a lot of those out there! Please welcome me lovingly I’m scared of public things like this haha, this is my first time writing something like this so please give me kind criticism please ;;
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easierlftv · 4 years
Starring Role
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request: I’m so glad requests are open! I was scared to ask lmao, but could I request an imagine where Cal and the reader are dating and she’s an actress and he wants to take her out to see it, and when they do she didn’t tell him she died in the movie so he gets a little teary eyed and it’s cute with a whole lotta fluff?
pairing: calum x reader
warnings: death mention, sad calum :(
word count: 1,083
a/n: thank you so much anon for you request!! you are my first ever request on this blog and I’ve hope i have done your request justice! 
“Hurry up! We are going to miss the previews just because you insist on buttering your popcorn to death.” Tapping your foot impatiently you waved your hand at Calum to hurry up.
“I refuse to eat bland popcorn while I watch my girlfriend in her first feature film.” He shot back, pushing the pump once again and maneuvering the bucket beneath the butter stream. 
“Well we will see if you even get to watch me in the movie since you’re taking forever slowpoke.” 
“Alright, I’m finished, let’s get a move on movie star.” Calum teased as the two of you began to make your way to the screening room that was listed on the tickets.
“I’m far from a movie star Cal, I’ve got basically three lines in a zombie movie as an extra. That is the farthest thing from being a major Hollywood actress.” 
“So what! You’ve got a speaking role, that mean’s something,” Holding the door open to the screening room he wrapped his arm around your waist before letting you go in, “Let me be proud of you alright?”
“Alright, you can be proud of me.” You smiled, pressing your lips to his. After making your way inside, you found your seats as the previews finished and the movie’s theme song filled the theater.
“Here we go,” Calum whispered into your ear as the apocalyptic scene of the movie came into view. For the next hour your eyes remained trained on the screen as you waited for your appearance and it was a while until some scenes and dialogue popped up that you recognized from your script.
“My scenes are coming up!” You whispered into Calum’s ear.
“Can’t wait to see my little movie star,” He whispered, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. A soft blush crossed your cheeks at his comment, and returned your attention to the screen. A loud gasp leaves Calum’s lips as you appear on the screen and the grip on your hand tightens. A quick glance at his face shows you his excited smile but as the scene begins to progress it falters. 
Your eyes lead back to the screen just in time to see your character running from the zombies that are scattered throughout the frame, and it’s only a few seconds later when you’re wrestled to the ground. The sound of your screams funnel out through the speakers, and is eventually followed by the sickening crack of what was to be your neck. The sudden silence gives you chills while the camera pans over your bloodied body as the undead begin to pick it apart. 
A soft sniffle from beside you pulls your focus from the movie again, and this time you look over to see small streaks of tears covering Calum’s cheeks. Unlacing you’re fingers from his you push up the arm rest between the two of you and cuddle into his side, his arm instantly pulling you as close as possible. 
“It’s alright baby, it’s just a movie. I’m right here....” Lifting your hand up your wipes away his tears, “You want to leave pumpkin? There’s not much movie left so we can go if you want.”
He nodded quietly and you were quick to grab your things to head out. You kept a tight grip on his hand as the two of you made your way out of the screening and headed out of theater. Once the two of you were outside Calum was quick to pull you aside and wrap you up in his arms. Pressing a kiss to his neck, you ran your hands up and down his back, attempting to calm him a bit. 
“Shh...it’s alright babe. I’m right here with you, it’s okay.” You repeated, as guilt filled your belly. Your onscreen death wasn’t something you’d thought of warning Calum about because the director told you it was likely it wouldn’t make the final film cut. But, now here you stood regretting not mentioning it.
“I-I know it’s not real...” He mumbled quietly, the shake in his voice was still evident as he continued, “But just seeing your....your body and...” 
His voice trails off as you feel your sweater dampen. 
“Oh Cal, sweetheart, it’s okay. I understand you don’t have to explain. I’m right here, and I promise I’ll never leave you. Not for the rest of my life.” Hugging him tighter you placed a kiss against his curls as he nodded into your shoulder. He spent a few more moments in your embrace before pulling away. You watched as he wiped away his tears and took a few deep breaths to collect himself before speaking. 
“I’m sorry I made us leave it was just...” Shaking your head you cut him off. 
“No no love, it’s alright I completely understand. I should be the one apologizing, I didn’t even think...the director said he was going to cut the scene so I just figured...I don’t know.” You trailed off, looking down at your hands as Cal pulled you close once again.
“You had no idea babe, it’s definitely not your fault.” After pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, Cal placed a finger under your chin and lifted your head, “What do you say we head home and have our own movie night? We can watch She’s the Man?”
A  giggle left your lips as he started to press kisses against your cheek, and his hands began to tickle you.
“O-okay, okay!” You playfully pushed him away, “We can have our own movie night at home as long as you promise we can stop by the store on the way home and get some popcorn.”
“Cross my heart sweetie, whatever you want. But I’ll only agree to popcorn on one condition...we get buttered popcorn, none of that ranch garbage you like.” He teased, intertwining his fingers with yours as the two of you headed back to his car.
“You haven’t even tried it, so you can’t say it’s gross ya meanie. Plus you promised.” 
“I guess I did, but even if I didn’t you know you’d get whatever you want baby.” He rolled his eyes, pulling your hand up to his lips. 
“That’s because I got you wrapped around my finger,” You winked, giving him a quick peck on the cheek as he opened the car door for you. Rolling his eyes again he shut the door behind you but not before you heard him mumble “You’ve got that right.”
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tagslist: @haikucal​ @ashisonthefloor​ @kingcals​
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weekendsinmaine · 4 years
I’ve posted a few annual bucket lists to this blog in the past. However, I didn’t for 2020. I needed to step back and think about what my goals were around my bucket list as typically we’d only cross a few entries off each year. That didn’t make me happy. I’m the kind of person who gets giddy when she finishes a to-do list.
Maybe that was the problem. Had I set them up to be just another thing to cross off?
I’ve read the headlines telling us it is better to invest in experiences rather than things. That it will bring us more joy. I don’t need to be convinced. I definitely would pick an experience over a purchase any day.
Why do new experiences bring bliss into my life? Below are five reasons that I love new experiences:
People. Typically, new experiences involve other people. After years of believing myself to be an introvert, I read Quiet by Susan Cain and realized I’m actually a shy extrovert. Being around other people gives me energy. Often new experiences are something that I do with other people which makes it that much sweeter.
Planning. With the financial stress of two girls in college, big trips and adventurous vacations were on the back burner for a bit. We told ourselves we’d celebrate once they graduated. I made it through three and a half years and balked. Even with the wonderful smaller vacations we managed to take, it wasn’t the same. If I’m not planning a big trip, I’m not happy. The excitement of deciding what we’ll do, researching and planning out our days, is so much fun. I live the experience a thousand times before I actually get to do it.
Learning. I recently took the VIA Character Strengths Survey and the results were that my greatest strength is my love of learning. I would agree. I read primarily non-fiction, am obsessed with documentaries and have taken so many craft classes that I’m not sure there are any left in Maine for me to try. I think I’ll have to move onto cooking classes next. I love to learn. New experiences bring the opportunity for new learning.
Memories. I remember the things I did and the places I went much more than the things that I bought. Pictures of previous adventures surround me. As I glance to my right, I see the view from the top of Skellig Michael in Ireland and across the architectural marvel that is Machu Picchu in Peru. I can go back to those moments in an instant and remember the exhilaration and joy of being there.
Beauty. Obviously, not all experiences carry the same weight, but for those exceptional ones that can take your breath away, it is wonderfully amazing.
Machu Picchu
Skellig Michael
While I was gaining deeper insight into why new experiences bring me bliss, the world came to a screeching halt as the COVID-19 virus reached pandemic levels. With our new world normal of sheltering in place and social distancing, I decided to revamp my bucket list and go virtual, at least for now.
Here are a few virtual experiences I’ll be trying as we stay home and work to flatten the curve:
Learn more about Happiness. I decided to take advantage of the wealth of free online courses that many colleges now offer. I’m in the process of taking The Science of Well-Being, offered by Yale through Coursera. It takes both a scientific and practical approach to happiness. The first time I brought my oldest daughter to elementary school for orientation, I got teary eyed. It wasn’t because I was sad that she was growing up, but because I was so excited for all the new experiences she was going to have as she went through her school years. I’ve always loved school and learning, so taking an academic approach to exploring bliss sounds like fun to me.
Revisit our Honeymoon. As I packed for our honeymoon to the South of France and Italy, I envisioned myself as Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday (1953) and brought plenty of flowing summer dresses to fit the part . I never quite matched her casual, effortless beauty but I did get to wander the streets of Italy and it was Florence that won my heart. It was a beautiful, art-filled city that easily lived up to their reputation as the birthplace of the Renaissance. With so many museums and other sites offering virtual tours, I can now walk through the halls of the Uffizi again. Here’s a short virtual tour of the museum: Explore the Uffizi Galleries. This link is to a longer, thirty four minute virtual walking tour that takes you around the city: Florence, Italy Short Walking Tour.
Stay Active. This is probably one of the hardest areas to focus on right now, especially as many of the trails I typically hike are closed due to the pandemic. Other than walking the dog, I’m not moving my body too much these days. The My Peak Challenge website is offering a free 30-Day Social Distancing Challenge with activities you can do from home to keep moving. Nice, concise lessons on how to keep active each day.
Catch a Theatrical Show. We looked into getting tickets to see Hugh Jackman in the Music Man when it comes to Broadway this fall but sadly at $450 each for the matinee we couldn’t justify the purchase. My girlfriend texted me the link to filmed on stage. Now that Broadway’s lights have dimmed temporarily, they are offering opportunities to watch many of the shows via streaming. The available list changes regularly. While I may catch a show or two, since I already own the video of Hugh Jackman’s London performance of Oklahoma, I think I’ll be playing that on repeat for now. I’ve always been a fan of those Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals.
Join a Book Club. I’ve wanted to join a book club for a few years and there seem to be quite a few options for virtual clubs catering to different interests. I’m going to give The Reddit Book Club a try. It helps that their April book selection, “Devil in the White City” is a book I already own and have been meaning to read. It’s a win-win situation.
Listen to some Ted Talks. There are some riveting Ted Talks out there. I’ve listened to many in the past, most recently The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown which was fantastic. Given my blissful theme this year, I’m going to check out some of the Ted Talks under their “What makes you happy?” topic heading. There are so many interesting ones listed. I’m looking forward to listening to a few.
Enjoy some virtual stops along the Maine Beer Trail. We have been working our way through the Maine Beer Trail for the last few years now.  The Maine Brewers Association puts out a beer trail map which lists all the craft breweries in Maine. You earn prizes by getting stamps in your map for each brewery that you visit. While our visits have been put on hold for now, the Maine Brew Bus is offering virtual tours with local craft brewers on their Instagram page. Previous virtual visits are available on their website.
Why does this bring me bliss? The planning, enjoying and remembering of new experiences all add bliss to my life in different ways. While more traditional bucket list items are on hold for now, there are still many opportunities to find bliss through virtual and at home experiences. There is always something new to try.
Do you have any new adventures planned for 2020? How have you been keeping busy during the pandemic?
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  I’m participating in a Blogging A-Z Challenge for April 2020. I will be posting new content every day this month except most Sundays. Each post is associated with a letter of the alphabet, starting with A and ending with Z. My theme for the challenge is Bliss. To read more of my A to Z posts from this year, click HERE.
My latest blog post... #AtoZChallenge | N is for New Experiences to make my bucket list seem really cool. I've posted a few annual bucket lists to this blog in the past. However, I didn't for 2020.
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dumbbelle · 7 years
do you have any favourite blogs??? like any kind of blogs!! (just curious skmfmd)
This got outta hand so quickly. But here was my overall answer:
I follow a lot of seventeen blogs. Like a lot. But I also follow a lot of people who are generally nice and who have cute tags because they help brighten up my day. I like art blogs and those calming aesthetic blogs because they make my dash prettier. And I follow my in-real-life friends like @leechansthighs and @verifiedspheniscidae and @vernaans no matter their content (although their blogs are all still A+ content and I’d probably follow them regardless). And I like @myetie so much that I played Mystic Messenger just to better understand what was going on in her artwork because her art is cute and funny and I stumbled upon it accidentally so I had to catch up. 
But to get specific? Hmmm, well, in no particlar order…. 
Of course I have my mutuals like @miiinghao @kimbapkidding @thatgirlcatt13 @jeonwonxwoo and @kw0njisol who I probably forgot to reply to like 3 billion years ago in chat but are still amazing and I love with my soul but am too nervous to say anything to because I know the only reason we’ve stopped talking is because I’m disorganized af. 
And then, well, @fyhoshi probably dominates my dashboard with HD Hoshi pics (not that I mind, really). Seriously, if you’re a Hoshi stan, follow them (you likely already are). You won’t regret it. In a very similar way, if you’re a Woozi stan, then you’ve gotta follow @woozioppa for all her constant updates and flooding of your dashboard. Just from following her, Woozi jumped like 5 spots on my bias list because of all the Woozi content.
@pristeen-23 is honestly such a good friend (used to write on her blog but not anymore,,, GIRL I’M STILL MOURNING). She’s friends with so many people because she’s a beautiful human being and deserves to be loved and rolled into a warm blanket and fed good food bye. 
OKAY so who hasn’t heard of @woozifi? Honestly, whether it’s for Tessa’s art or Tessa’s writing (CHECK OUT HER AO3), she excels in whatever she does. Talk about multitalented. Her commissions are open here. 
I like art blogs a lot!!! @bodtster was probably the first fan art blog I ever followed and I am lowkey,,, in love,,, with Annie and her work (her personal @sailorpeach is hella aesthetic if you also wanna check that out.) Her commissions are open right here.
@94wnd Graphics man, graphics. She’s the pop of colour on my dash that always makes me stop and go “ooOoOhh” because her graphics are so vibrant and pleasing. And her writing is great too! Definition of that one mom friend who always makes you feel like honey, starlight, and warm hugs on a Thursday afternoon. She makes me feel good about my angst and I love reading her tags okay. 
I frickin love memes and shitposts, and I recently discovered @amemericans [I know, I know, y’all are all like “where have you been?” and ur rite where have I been?]. They’ve got the best memes in the business. We have recently formed the idol group Clickb8,,, and are accepting all applications – so rhymes, limericks, and haikus thx. 
@incorrect7teen always makes me laugh with her incorrect quotes and love for DK,,, She’s really sweet and interactive too. Her little window into her daily life and thoughts is really so entertaining, and one can’t help but want to be friends ^^
@doyomi has some great incorrect NCT quotes, so if any NCTzens are floating around. @gwikimchi is her main blog but she has like a million blogs that I apparently don’t follow even though I know them by heart??? FRICK I’M THE DAMN WORST. ( @lordyoungho for kpop horoscopes and @sebooty-lyfe for writing). 
Choco from @choco-seventeen is such a sweetheart and her writing is stunning. Legit, her writing will probably make you want to cry. Heck, I have cried while reading her writing. And I will continue to cry because she always gets better and better and is always looking to improve and wow everything she does motivates me. 
Did you know that if you looked up talent in the dictionary you’ll get @hansolmates? Legit when I saw her writing for the first time I blanched. I wish man, I wish. Her timing is terrific, her fluff makes me melt, and her angst makes me jealous. I wish I had an ounce of her skill. 
Another art blog I follow is @cutiepatoodieart, who never fails to impress. Joey’s style is absolutely breathtaking and I love her art so so much. As well, she always says what’s on her mind without holding back, which I think is admirable. Her commissions are also very open right here.
@hoshbrownie is precious. Absolutely precious. Eva will talk to you and make you feel like you matter. She will think about you and tag you in things and I’m actually teary-eyed because she’s so precious and every not-so-anonymous anon (hoshbrownie i see u) I get from her makes me so happy. 
@svt-husbands THE WELL OILED AND FAST WORKING MACHINE. You guys know who they are, of course you do. Great quality writing at insane speeds, these guys are everything I want to be bye. I remember first talking to one of the admins @squishteen , and I was like ??? How do such interesting people exist ??? She’s amazing and writes on her main as well, go follow her. I more recently started talking to @jeongguktm, and can confirm that yes she is as adorable and kind as one might expect her to be. ALSO JUST REALIZED THAT I RECENTLY MISSED HER BIRTHDAY and tf is wrong with me, this isn’t how you make friends. Happy belated birthday sweets
Jackie from @tookorean lowkey intimidates me because everything she does turns to gold. She’s hard working and loves Woozi and if that’s not enough reason to follow then I don’t know what is. Sometimes translates, sometimes does this. Another multitalented goddess on our hands, this is getting overwhelming. 
@vitaminniedk just read her tags and you’ll understand why I follow her. She also has probably the best theme around? Vivienne is as much of a sunshine as her bias, and you’ve probably seen her gifs floating around. 
Gen from @wonnhao is a gif goddess that you are probably all aware of and her interactions are really cute too so of course I’m following her. Aren’t you? 
@wasabi-duck who is on an indefinite hiatus but you should still see her writing anyway. She was the sole person who attracted me to the bullet-point style that’s getting more and more popular around here these days. My friends and I would like read her stories out loud at lunch over sandwiches and I feel nostalgic just writing this. She’s also very kind and I like the stuff she reblogs on her main @clockwork-lullaby.
@mounteenbase is back from the dead so check her out! Lots of fun lil blurbs and bullet-point fics. Fluff master and a lowkey meme master. Very cute and easy to talk to, fun and interesting as one can see from her main blog @mounteenbase-main. 
@saythename17scenarios is graceful. Perhaps that’s not the right word but heaven knows my vocabulary isn’t extensive enough to describe how I feel about Kimbap Mom. Her writing is distinctive and tactful, and she often finds the greatest of beauty in the simplest of concepts. One day she might write a full length multi-part fic and I will be here eagerly awaiting each update because I’m trash for her. 
@moodboards-and-profiles flowers and unicorns and everything pure. When we first talked she was legit one of the most encouraging people I’ve ever met, and I’m sure that remains the same despite our lack of communication! Actually has some really cute moodboards (that she should tag because she can gain some major attention winkwinknudgenudgeshoveshove). 
Oh and recently I started following @askjournalismsvt and this is probably my favourite SVT Tumblr AU ever. Sam and Kei perfectly portray Seventeen as members of the “Diamond City University journalism department” and answer questions with the cutest of doodles ack. They’re also hilarious and I want to be this funny. 
And whilst writing this, @puppetwritings popped into my head even though I just followed her like now. She was the first fanfic account that I got into way before I actually made an account and since I didn’t have an account I would just check her Tumblr constantly and put her in my bookmarks. I got busy after a while and then made my account after another while, but I can’t believe I forgot to follow such a phenomenal writer.
Anyway thanks for the question love! This was fun to write up and reflect on :)
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
The Struggles Of A Fanfic Writer
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None Word Count - 1422
Summary -  Kim Wonshik writes 6Keys fanfiction. And like most fanfiction writers Kim Wonshik struggles with that one idol group member.
Find all parts here
“I just saw the music video for Lady Gaga’s paparazzi” Wonshik typed.
“I haven't seen it yet. Brb” Jaehwan responded.
“Go watch it! Because it just gave me a fic idea” Wonshik told him.
“aksjdhs Don't you already have like 50 WIPs already??”
“Kim Wonshik. I swear to god if you leave that high school MiRa (Miya x Ara) fic unfinished and unresolved then I will jump off a cliff and my spirit will haunt you for eternity” Jaehwan swore.
“I will finish it! Eventually! But get this, this might be MinEul (Minah x Haneul)” Wonshik replied.
“Ugh. I hate you but I am listening” Jaehwan said.
“Did you see the video yet??” he asked.
“I just did! Akdjdhskal it was all very rated. You're writing MinEul smut aren't you?” Jaehwan asked and Wonshik could feel the suggestive eyebrow wiggle through text.
“It does have… sexy times in it” he agreed reluctantly.
“HOE GO DO IT INSTANTLY”  Jaehwan yelled over text.
“You are a pervert” Wonshik scoffed.
“You are the one writing it! Besides, I am starved for good MinEul smut okay!! What is the entire storyline?” Jaehwan asked curiously. Wonshik rarely wrote for Haneul so this would be interesting.
“Well… Minah is a famous celebrity and Haneul is her girlfriend who seduces her only for the fame. And Minah comes to know of this but the couple is already very popular and she knows she will lose fans after the breakup so she stays in the relationship” Wonshik explained.
“You cry even when my fics have a happy ending”
“That is besides the point! Why is Haneul always evil in your fics? Are you an anti?? Why can't my fellow Aries sister Minah be happy?!”
“I don't hate Haneul lol”
“She's your favourite and hence she must suffer?!? Is that going to be your explanation?? I hate you fanfic writers. Also I hate myself because now I want to read it!”
“You love my fanfics~ That's how we became friends”
Wonshik laughed as he typed. Jaehwan had been one of the few readers when he had started writing 6Keys fanfiction and the first to read and leave comments. Wonshik had fallen in love instantly and ever since then Jaehwan had been his go to person for all his crazy fanfic ideas.
“One of these days Kim Wonshik… one of these days...” Jaehwan complained.
“Okay. I will be back after I write something”
“Okaii! I shall be fanboying with Sanghyuk over his new crack video”
Wonshik closed the chat window and opened up a doc.
He had the idea in his head. Minah was to be an upcoming singer. Suddenly too famous and with everyone's eyes on her next move. And while she was glad her music was being recognised, she was all alone and easily disillusioned with the bright lights and jazz.
Till Haneul came along that is.
Haneul would be the that girl that stood out in the club. And Minah was inevitably drawn to her. Oh oh oh. Maybe the affair should be secret. A forbidden love. And that would be what drew Minah into the scandal.
Except Haneul wasn't innocent at all. And beneath the alluring smiles lay danger and greed. And Minah took a while to realise it but she does and then she would delude herself into believing that someday Haneul would love her for her. Or maybe get jaded but keep her around for company because she was all alone and didn't have anyone else.
Maybe Jaehwan was right and he was extremely evil for doing this to his girls but… that was the thing about angst fics. It demands to be written. (Somewhere John Green was getting teary eyed over his references. He just knew it)
So Wonshik put his headphones back in and put Paparazzi on repeat. He was going to write a heartbreaker! Honestly the excitement of a story was the best.
What to take as the opening? Hmm… Maybe he could start at the club scene. When Minah first meets Haneul. He could clearly imagine it. Minah would be in one of those private rooms that overlooked the dance floor. And Haneul would be on the said dance floor. Dancing sexily enough to attract her attention.
No no no. This trope was so tacky. And kinda sleazy. Gross. Maybe they should meet at the bar. Get to talk. That would be a more organic attraction. Hmm.
But what would you say to a pretty woman? What would a pretty woman say to another woman? Like how would a girl pick up another girl at a bar? Much less do it artistically enough for a fanfic??
Well Google sucked. Wobshik took a moment to blink. Lesbian pick up lines and tactics was something he had never thought he would google in his life. It ranked above the time he googled how to murder using ball pens in his list of weird things.
Anyhow, back to the topic. Which was embarrassingly still lesbian pick up lines.
Maybe Minah and Haneul should just start at the hotel room after the club. But that would mean starting with the smut right off the bat. And if you thought Wonshik was bad at handling pick up lines…
Wonshik sighed. Maybe he should eat some chocolate pudding. The sugar in his blood would jump start his brains.
Oh oh oh. There was the Ceci shoot from last year which has a lovely gold and black theme. Everyone had looked sexy. Maybe that would work as better inspiration.
Wonshik opened up Hakyeon’s blog. He had a sideblog dedicated to Haneul and his tag system was amazing.
Now that he thought about it, he never had this problem with any of the other 6Keys members. Of course it was easiest to write anything for Ara and Bora. Miya was his bias and his longest and favourite aus were dedicated to her. Haru was the youngest and hence he had a strict no mature theme rule for her. But he had an abundance of cute fluff for her.
So why was Haneul a problem?
“Did she have another Ceci shoot?” Wonshik asked out loud when he saw a very different set of pictures appear. This time the theme was red and white and she was wearing a long flowing red gown with red white and pink flower crown.
The set was interesting… The lighting brought out the red very well. It was set in the ruins of old Greek style building. Had they shot this while 6Keys were on tour in Europe? Wonshik kept scrolling and liking the posts. He added a few to the queue on his own 6Keys fan blog.
“Why are you stalking Haneul on my blog??” Hakyeon’s message popped up on the chat window on the page.
“I'm not stalking her!” Wonshik replied indignantly. “I'm just looking for fanfic inspiration.”
“Why? So you can kill her and break my heart yet again??” Hakyeon asked bitterly.
Wonshik bit his lip. Hakyeon had never forgiven him after Haneul had died in his mafia au. But to be honest the entire story had even been written because Wonshik had imagined that scene first and then written the rest of the story around it. It had also been crucial to Bora’s character development. Haneul’s death would be what prompted her to finally kill their enemies and become the true mafia lord of the city.
“I won't kill her this time. I promise” Wonshik said.
“I don't trust you” Hakyeon replied.
“Fair enough. If it makes you feel any better then I updated the Miya x Ara fic yesterday. It's all fluff” Wonshik told him.
“Yay *__* “ Hakyeon replied and went offline. Wonshik laughed and prayed that Hakyeon would forgive him for the fic to come.
Speaking of which, Wonshik had no idea how to start that. The Ceci shoots had given him an idea for a different au for Haneul altogether. But what to do about paparazzi au MinEul?
Maybe he should start with a different scene and then come back and write the starting. This time he would post his fic only after finishing the entire thing. No more making readers suffer because of his erratic update schedule.
The blank doc stared at him.
Wonshik stared at the blank doc.
He groaned and opened the chat window with Jaehwan.
“I have a writer’s block ;A; “
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puredatingnet · 7 years
Keep it Urgent To Maintain Momentum
Ever see that movie where the woman chases the man, convinces him to love her even though at first, he wasn’t even attracted, and ultimately wins his teary-eyed yes to her marriage proposal?
Me neither. And that’s not just because of gender-typed scripting; it’s due to global, well-documented differences in mating psychology.
One of those differences? Men have the right and the burden of pursuit. Literally, when guys are considering a permanent mate, they’re turned on by a woman who is hard to get for him—assuming she’ll be hard to get for all the other guys too. It’s about paternity assurance; it’s about status; it’s about making a permanent life choice. A true human mating universal.
Let’s say you’ve had a terrific first date. When should the guy follow up?
The ideal answer is, right away. The real answer is, when he wants to–without your prompting.
Now I don’t like this. I wish we could all do whatever we want, whenever we want, and wind up with the love of our lives. But I’m all about the science, and scientifically speaking, that’s not the way to bet. We are animals, and like other animals, we have a mating ritual. We have inherited psychological mechanisms that help us choose a partner, and the wise heterosexual woman learns those mechanisms and sends signals that create urgency.
Here’s what that looks like: He leads. You follow at a pace considerably lagging behind his.
And here’s what that looks like:
He texts. You wait a day to respond.
He calls. You wait a day to call back.
He asks you out. You say yes only if he’s given you a couple days’ lead time, and only if the time and place are workable for you; you do not accept behavior that effectively says you have no life, no standards, and no self-respect.
He calls you after the date. You answer with warmth in your voice and say you had a great time. He is the one to suggest another date, though, and you’re the one who gets off the phone first.
But let’s say you really liked him—and he doesn’t call for a week, or ever again. Don’t reach out to him. Research shows that when men like you, they will reach out; when they don’t, they’re really just not that into you, or they are into you only for the short-term and only if you make it super easy for them.
Sound manipulative? It’s no more manipulative than what research indicates women are doing right now: giving men everything—time, intimacy, home cooking, wife-level commitment before he’s even said the word ‘girlfriend’—thinking that this will make him love you.
And in my opinion, this is much less manipulative. It gives you the space you need in order to carefully and appropriately vet a long-term partner, and it gives him the freedom he needs so he knows whether he is working to have you—so he’s not with you out of guilt.
Yes, guilt. I’ve had a practice for over a decade where I help men and women apply social science to their love lives, and a top theme is men who can’t figure out whether they want to be in the relationship they’re in, because the woman drove the relationship from start to finish.
These men have sometimes taken years of time from the woman they know they’re never going to marry—years they would have spent elsewhere if they’d had the space to connect with their own desires.
So it’s true: men value what and whom they work to have. And most are good people, wanting to make you happy—which ironically makes them easy prey for guilt and thus for wasting your time.
Want a sense of urgency, so you can be fully and completely chosen? Step back. Let him chase you.
It’s better for your self-esteem. It’s better for your emotions. It’s the opposite of manipulative. And it’s better for the guy—who gets the joy of winning your heart and hearing you say Yes to one very important question.
The post Keep it Urgent To Maintain Momentum appeared first on PlentyOfFish Blog.
via Dating Sites http://ift.tt/2qhl37o
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