#series: glowsticks and music notes
vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
Glowsticks And Music Notes
In which Hakyeon is a fansite master, Taekwoon is the silent admirer but intense fanboy all the same, Jaehwan causes mayhem intentionally and unintentionally, Wonshik kills the fandom with sad fanfiction, Hongbin makes the best posters and Sanghyuk doesn't know if he wants to join or run away from the crazy. Except he makes crack videos so he is indirectly a contributor to it.
In short, VIXX as fanboys. The AU no one asked for.
1 - The Fan Sign (Taekwoon)
2 - The Bias Wrecking of Cha Hakyeon
3 - The Struggles Of A Fanfic Writer (Wonshik)
4 - Variety Is The Spice Of Life (Hongbin + OT6)
* written by @biasedwriting who is bae 😘
Cross posted from AO3 
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17 notes · View notes
irwinkitten · 5 years
colours | c.h
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notes: so it’s birthday boi’s birthday and i figured i’d finally finish this. it’s the final instalment of the bi!reader series. mahooooosive shoutout to @burncrashbromance who triggered the entire series off lmao. love u jill. warnings: none word count: 6.4k
luke, michael, ashton
donate to my ko-fi here
“C’mon mate! It’ll be a good laugh and maybe you’ll at least get talking to a new chick. You need to forget about Jodie.” Calum stared at Luke for a full minute before sighing.
“Fine. But I swear to god if you’re trying to set me up Hemmings, I will hunt you down and give Sierra something to complain about.” Calum scowled and Luke smirked.
“I’m a music major, not a football player.” Calum snorted.
“So I’ll just break your hands. Don’t play me Luke.” Luke met Calum’s stare for a full minute before huffing.
“God, why are you so fucking difficult sometimes?” Calum knew that the barb was playful and the smile took away any bite from his words. “It’s colour coded. There are glow sticks at the door, they’re pretty strict on this rule because these parties have had such high success rates and minimal damage.”
Calum raised a dark eyebrow at Luke who grinned from his spot on the couch.
“You could’ve said this at first. I’d have been more inclined to not argue with you then.” Luke shrugged.
“You’re still coming, regardless. Green is single, red is taken. Yellow is looking for friends. They even have colour choices for gender preferences. Pink if you’re looking for ladies, blue if you’re looking for a man. Purple for any.” He continued the explanation and Calum nodded, silently letting him know as he continued through his photos.
“What time is the party?” Calum finally looked up from his finished photos and Luke beamed in relief.
“It starts at eight, curfew is two.” Calum sighed before holding down the home button on his iPhone.
“Hey Siri, set a reminder to get ready for the party at seven thirty.” The automated voice replied with the reminder set and Luke laughed.
“Trust me Cal, you’re gonna love it.” He pushed himself up off the sofa, heading towards the door. “Want me to pick you up any food? I’m gonna get some snacks and a couple of beers?” Calum shook his head at Luke who saluted before disappearing out of their dorm and he sank down into his spot, going through the images.
He enjoyed this side of his work but with the notepad beside him, he made the notes of annotations for later, knowing that he was never going to remember each choice later on.
He’d barely heard Luke returning. His eyes studying each photo until he reached the last one, stretching out his back as he glanced at the time.
Six thirty.
Opening a word document, he re-adjusted himself before he began to type, checking references of each photo and noting down even the smallest changes compared to the original.
It was the shrill reminder going off that jolted him from his annotating and he scowled at his phone for a second before reminding himself that he promised Luke and he could come back to this in the morning. 
Once his work was saved, he collected his stuff and made his way back to his room. It didn’t take much for him to put on a fresh black button up, leaving the top few buttons undone, swapping his grey joggers for the black dress pants, tucking the shirt into his waist as he stood in front of the mirror, eyes studying his blond hair. 
It took him less than five minutes to sort his hair out, fingers running some gel through the strands and pushing it into a quiff. A dab of cologne later and some deodorant, he stepped out of his room just as Luke did who had opted for an olive green shirt, seemingly sharing the same idea as Calum to leave the top few buttons undone.
Luke grinned at him, curls falling to the side.
“Look at you all dressed up.” Calum pushed his friends shoulder with a laugh before they headed into their kitchen, pulling out and sharing a couple of beers.
“Just because I prefer to hide behind the camera doesn’t mean I’m completely useless, Luke.” They both laughed before there was a knock at their door and Luke headed over to open it, letting in two of their other friends.
It was definitely a group that many wouldn’t have thought friends. Ashton was the star football player, majoring in business with a minor in music. Michael was majoring in music with Luke, taking a minor in english. And there Cal was, doing his major in photography and media studies, whilst doing a minor in music. It was the one thing that had joined the four of them together and their friendship had bonded almost instantly and it’d been tight since day one. 
“You’re coming out with us to the party? Wicked!” Ashton greeted Calum, pulling him into a one armed hug before the two pulled away, wide grins on their faces. 
“Luke had me convinced, otherwise I’d have been hidden in my room working on the fuckin’ annotations of every single photo I’ve been editing.” 
“You definitely need to let loose tonight. And I’m going back to Sierra’s place if you do decide to bring any ladies back.” Luke waggled his eyebrows, making the other two laugh as Calum’s cheeks flushed a light pink.
“You’re all assholes and I’m not drunk enough to deal with you all. Who’s up for shots?” 
By the time the four boys had piled themselves into an Uber, once they arrived to the club that was hosting the party, Luke smirked at the line of people waiting to get in. 
Once he’d given their names and they’d flashed their I.D’s to the bouncer, groans erupting from the queue that was steadily growing longer, they shared matching grins as they headed to the small station, a young guy monitoring the glowsticks. 
Calum could see the benefits, snapping a green and pink one around his wrist, watching as Luke snapped red and yellow around his wrists, whilst Ashton followed his lead and instead of a pink, Michael snapped a purple one around his wrist, earning a look from Luke.
“You guys knew.” Michael deadpanned and Luke snorted.
“But tonight of all nights you’re going to practically announce to campus that you like both?” Michael shrugged, a grin on his lips.
“No better way to do it really. And hey, if I meet someone cute, even better.” This made Calum laugh as they headed into the main area, the loud bass thudding through the floor as the four of them reached the bar, Calum raising a twenty to flag down the bartender. 
Once drinks were ordered and paid for, they kept to their group before Sierra showed up and pulled Luke onto the dancefloor. Michael split off not long later and then it was just Ashton and Calum, surveying the group of young adults, dancing, drinking and just generally having fun.
That was when Calum first spotted her, a gleaming purple wristband paired with green, chatting up a pretty blonde who was wearing a pink one. Her eyes met his as she looked around for a second, a smirk flickering onto her lips. He nodded towards her, a smile on his own as he watched the two disappear amongst the crowds and he found himself chatting with a few girls who had the red and yellow bands around their wrist, the conversations easy, even after Ashton had his attention captured by another girl, making Calum laugh.
He continued to drink, content to stay close to the bar as people chatted with him and went, Callie from his class appearing with her girlfriend in tow, wrapping him in a hug as her usual greeting before promising to catch up with him over lunch in the next couple of days.  
Eventually he pushed off from the bar and headed out to the smoking area. Pulling the cigarette to his lips, lighting up, he felt a delicate shoulder tap and his eyes turned to see the same girl he saw earlier, the purple wristband still around her wrist and a bright smile on her face.
“Sorry to bother, but could I borrow your light?” He returned her smile and held the lighter out to her. “Thanks man.” 
“No problem. You enjoying the party so far?” His question set off a smug grin and his brain registered the girl she’d been talking with before.
“I mean, I’ve certainly enjoyed it so far. Enjoying not having any worries or having to take anyone back to my place.” And Calum chuckled.
“Nice. I’m Calum.” 
Despite not originally wanting to go, Calum left the club with her number, piling into an Uber with Michael who had decided to call it quits when it hit one am. Luke and Ashton couldn’t be found and both knew that if they needed help, they’d call. 
Calum fell into bed easily, the silence of his dorm comforting as he fell asleep, head buried in the covers. 
The next morning, he was woken by his usual alarm, a groan escaping and his mouth tasting like cotton as he threw an arm over his eyes whilst he twisted onto his back, determined not to open his eyes as he blindly fumbled for his phone, managing to hit the off button before turning back over to shove his face into the pillow.
He was far from a morning person and he felt annoyance at himself build up for having not switched off his alarm. 
Glancing at his phone, he noticed a new name on his screen, alerting him to a new message. Clicking on it he felt himself remembering the rest of the night before.
‘Thanks for not being a dick when I turned you down. If you’re up for it, how about grabbing some lunch. I want to learn more about this photography exhibition you’re lookin’ to make.’ 
He laughed before replying with an affirmative, to which she sent one of the local cafes which wasn’t inhabited by students. Glancing at the time, he saw he still had a couple of hours, so he allowed himself a couple of more hours rest.
When he finally made his way to the small cafe, he spotted her easily and pointed to the menu board. She lifted her own drink up, indicating that she’d already gotten her order in, so he went and made his order, picking up the iced coffee before making his way to where she sat.
“Nice to meet you properly in the daytime.” She teased and he offered a shy grin in return.
“If I hadn’t left my alarm on, I doubt I’d have left my dorm before sunset.” The comment was casual, making her laugh as their food orders were called up.
“Grab some napkins for us, please?” She asked as she went to collect their food before he had a chance to offer to get hers. Rolling his eyes with a playful smile, he went and did that, collecting cutlery before returning to the table. 
The smell of their food set Calum’s stomach off and he realised how hungry he actually was when he took the first bite of food.
“So, last night.” Calum finally started after they’d both had a few bites of their respective meals. 
“How come you did turn me down? Out of curiosity.” Her eyes turned wary and he held his hands up in a surrender position. “I’m not looking for anything, I’m just curious because I saw you disappear with Lucy.” Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline.
“How do you know Lucy?” 
“Same class.” She snorted at that.
“Should’ve figured. It’s not that I wasn’t interested, I just didn’t particularly fancy sleeping with you last night.” 
He snorted at that as she realised what she’d said her he watched in amusement as her eyes widened.
“Wait, I didn’t-fuck-that came out wrong.” Calum remained silent for a moment longer before he gave in and laughed, her wide eyes closing in embarrassment as she hid her face in her hands.
“It’s fine. It’s nice that you’re honest that you didn’t want to sleep with me. Do you know how many times I’ve had girls throw themselves at me for something? It’s why I mostly talked to girls who wore red bands last night.” 
“So you weren’t out to get laid like Irwin was?” 
“Oh boy, how bad was he?” This made her laugh.
“Let’s just say I wasn’t the only one who took advantage of the restrooms last night and if you didn’t know already, dude has definitely got a daddy kink.” Calum chose the wrong moment to take a sip of his coffee, the drink going down the wrong way and he ended up spluttering, spraying iced coffee over her.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He heaved once he stopped coughing, handing her napkins as she laughed at his reaction.
“You didn’t know? Man has such a dom vibe.” She shrugged, a grin on her lips as he picked up some napkins for himself to clean the spray of coffee down his shirt.
“It’s not shit I like to ask him. I didn’t expect to find it out from someone else.” He was fighting the blush and she knew it, an evil smirk on her lips as she leaned forward.
“Oh and what tickles you pink, Mr Hood?” 
“Not that.” He deadpanned, making her laugh as they chucked the ruined napkins on their empty plates. 
“Damn.” She muttered before grinning at him. Calum returned the smile with a playful smirk of his own. 
“Gonna have to try harder to get that information from me.” This made her laugh as they both pushed from the table and made their way out. 
“I’m planning on it. I’m gonna get that information one way or another, Hood.” He laughed, throwing his arm across her shoulders.
“Good luck with that, sweetheart. For now, I’ve still got a day to kill. How do you fancy heading to the new exhibit that’s just opened on campus?” 
“Man after my own heart.” 
Over time, she was a frequent visitor to his dorm. 
Meeting the other three seemed to open her to making new friends, Calum’s friends seemingly enjoying winding her up until Luke made a comment about her relationship status.
“Luke, I like you and all-”
“Probably the only person to like him.” Michael interrupted, earning laughter from the group, even Sierra giggling at her boyfriend’s dilemma.
“As I was saying, I like you and all but if you say something like that, I will not heistate to seduce and fuck your girlfriend.” Sierra’s cheeks burst into colour along with Luke’s and the other three weren’t too sure how to react until they saw the smirk on her lips.
“Oh you are so in for it.” Luke groaned when he realised she was teasing him.
“But seriously, I’m happy being single. I’m not good for relationships at the moment.” She explained softly and they realised that they needed to let the subject drop. 
More often than not, she could be found doing her work on Calum and Luke’s table, books scattered as she studied and worked on her assignments. 
“You really detest working on campus?” Sierra teased her once as she sat down next to the girl, her eyes taking in the copious amounts of notes and work that she’d done.
“Not really.” Stretching out, both girls winced at the sound of her back cracking. “I just can't be dealing with the idiots. I know Cal is still asleep and I think your man is either on his way from class or just left it.” This made Sierra laugh.
“The fact you’re around here enough to know when Lu finishes his classes.” She grinned cheekily to Sierra.
“What can I say? I’m a sucker to notice the small details.” This caused the two girls to giggle before she began to pack away her stuff, flexing her hand every so often to reduce the cramp that had built up.
“You gonna see if he’s awake?” 
“Nah, gonna get a cuddle.” She waved to Sierra who disappeared into Luke’s room before gently pushing open Cal’s door after knocking gently.
His room was dark as she closed the door once more, tucking her bag next to his before crawling into the space that he’d made for her. 
It was all too frequent for her to stay around at his, especially on the darker nights, he was reluctant to let her go back, so she always made sure she made it back to her place if she had classes the following day, if not, she more often than not stayed over at Luke and Calum’s.
“Get your work finished?” His voice was tired and heavy. She smiled into the darkness, curling into his back. 
“No. But I’ve only got the citations to do, so I’ll worry about those tomorrow. M’tired.” A yawn escaped her lips, making him chuckle into the darkness.
“Get some sleep princess. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
It was the following morning when she had woken up before their alarms, relieving her bladder and crawling back into the warm bed that she felt something in her mind shift.
She lay there, her eyes studying the way Calum slept, his lips parted as he took in slow deep breaths, his face relaxed from any of the stress of college. And she could feel her heart encompassing him into a list that barely existed. But he sat there, pretty brown eyes and plump lips with a curved smirk as he called her princess.
And that was when it hit her as she lay there, the soft rays of the sunlight breaking through the curtains and hitting his skin, the patches of light giving him an almost golden glow. 
She was crushing on him and there was nothing she wanted to do to stop it.
So instead of worrying or overthinking, she snuggled herself closer to his warm body, his own seemingly adjusting for her intrusion and allowed his slow deep breaths to lull her into an easy sleep, taking advantage of the fact that neither of them had classes that day.
The semester was taking its toll on her. Anyone could see that. 
But what was making it more difficult was the news articles that kept appearing, and the way that people seemed to group together in protection. When she found one of her previous flings, her heart sank as she scoffed in her face when she asked about joining the groups they had going for the LGBT students.
“What, and have you and other straights pretending to be gay, turn up and disrupt the peace of our space? No thanks.” 
She’d hidden the hurt from her features at that one but she still felt the sharp stabbing sensation in her chest.
Calum could see the stress around her eyes when he invited her around for a games night with the guys and their girlfriends. 
He wanted to ask her if she was okay, but she gave him a tight smile, her lips pressed together to stop anything from escaping her lips. She knew that the second he asked, she’d cry. 
But it was when the games were put away and the others were relaxed, catching up when Luke had asked the innocent question.
“What about you, my not-roommate-roommate? How’ve you been doing?” Six pairs of eyes turned to her and she could feel her resolve crack as she whispered,
“Not good.” Before promptly bursting into tears and leaving the six of them shocked at her reaction. Sierra was first to react, being the closest to her, she reached out and took her hand.
“We’re all friends here. What’s going on?” And before she could stop herself, everything came spilling from her lips. From the constant fear she felt, to the disgusted looks she got from people within her own community, to the stress of not being able to complete her work. They quickly realised that she’d been holding onto this for a long time and Sierra didn’t let go of her hand whilst she got everything off her chest.
Five minutes after she’d fallen silent and her tears had stopped, she could feel her embarrassment and frustration, eyes unable to lift up to meet any of theirs. 
“Sorry, you guys didn’t need to hear that.” 
“Yes we did.” Ashton interrupted her. “You’re our friend, and we need to know when we need to step in and help you. How can we be supportive when you’re not even telling us the problems? Fuck those people in the community who treat you like shit.” 
She gave him a watery smile in return. 
Luke and Calum offered for her to stay on their couch but she declined.
“I’ve got things I need to finish up tonight so I can spend tomorrow in bed and not move.” She murmured and he didn’t push it.
The following morning she felt like she’d been hit by a bus as she dragged herself into her living room.
It took far too long for her to realise that her coffee was ready and that she needed to get up for it. She was certainly regretting the four am bedtime, but she knew that with her assignment submitted, she didn’t have to worry.
By her second cup of coffee, she was certainly more alert but let herself sink into the couch cushions as she debted switching on the TV or grabbing her laptop. That was when her phone blared, frightening her for a second before she answered it.
“You better have a good fuckin’ reason, Hood.” She grumbled when she spotted the caller ID.
“I know this is short notice, but my model ditched and I need to get these last shots done for the portfolio. I’ll buy you dinner if you can please be my model?” Her cheeks grew warm at the way Calum had presented the offer, her eyes glancing to the mirror before the clock and sighing.
“Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be at yours.” She caved easily before ending the call and throwing her phone onto the sofa, heading into the bathroom to sort her hair out and get ready for the day. She opted for minimal make-up, remembering Calum’s comment about his portfolio of natural beauty, so it was easy to pick out a warm outfit for the November weather her scarf wrapped securely and her jacket pulled tightly around her as she slid into her own car, heading onto campus to pick him up.
When she pulled up to his row, she was met with a relieved looking Calum, backpack hitched over his shoulder with a camera bag strapped across his chest. 
“You know where we’re going for photos then, or is it just one of those natural ones?” She teased him playfully and he rolled his eyes. 
“Head to the wooded area by the camping ground. Whilst we’ve still got sunlight, there’s a good spot which is mostly meadows and gets good sunlight filtering through the trees.” He explained and she grinned.
“I know the place. So we’re hiking a bit?” And he chuckled as he strapped himself in, jamming his kit between his legs and sitting back.
“So what happened to the other model?” She asked once they were off campus. Calum’s head moved back and hit the headrest repeatedly. 
“Apparently she’s close friends with my ex, didn’t know that bit of information. But I got a text from my ex saying how do I like to feel being left hanging. I still don’t know why she sent that, unless she’s referring to deadlines which meant that yeah, I focused on those instead of her.” 
“Ooo, you might have just hit the nail on the head there, buddy.” 
“It’s not like I ignored her completely! Once I was done with each deadline, I took her out and apologised. I didn’t want her to think I was neglecting the relationship, but apparently five days of deadlines was enough neglect for her to cheat on me.” 
“Harsh. So you reckon they cooked up some kind of plan to basically sabotage your grade?” She concluded and he nodded. “Well looks like you’re about to have the best goddamn model who can look like some sort of wood nymph.” She teased and his lips curved into a smile.
“Knew I could count on you.” 
“Hey, what are friends for? And if you’re lucky and I can find the small stream that runs through the woods, I might even dip my toes in the cold water, but it means we’re bringing towels and blankets with us.” She warned him and he could feel the tension disappear from his shoulders.
He had a plan and he could work with it, especially if they found the stream.
“That’s fine if it means that I get my shots, I’ll gladly look after you if you get sick.” 
“I might just take you up on that, Hood. Regardless of whether I get ill from today or just this weather in general.” She smirked at him as they rolled up to the camping grounds, her car driving across the fields before coming to a rest at the edge of the woods.
As they walked through the forest, she could hear the shutter of his camera going off and so she started to dance ahead, making him laugh. She was no natural for modelling, but being her carefree, silly self was something she could do and Calum found himself enjoying himself even more as he snapped every photo.
As they reached the stream, he instructed her on what he wanted and she followed the instructions he gave her and they kept it up as the sun began to set, bathing her in a golden glow. 
She stood there for a solid five minutes, her eyes shut with a smile on her face as she basked in the last of the warmth, a soft hum escaping her lips. The shutter had gone off a few times but then it fell silent. 
Finally, as the sun set, she turned to Calum who had the softest smile on his lips and she felt her heart skip a beat as they made their way back to the car. 
“You’re a lifesaver, honestly.” He murmured, pulling her into his side and kissing her temple, her arms wrapped around his waist, squeezing him in return.
“Just helping out. It was nothing and I had fun.” She could feel her cheeks growing warm and he scoffed.
“Well I’ll still send you some of the shots that don’t make it onto my assignment. Sound like a good deal?” She felt her lips twist up into a wide grin.
“Only if it means that I can come around to yours and we can have a pad thai night.” She countered and he grinned.
“Wouldn’t be our night without it. Want me to see if Luke and Sierra can join?” She thought about it for a second before nodding her head.
“Yeah, it’d be nice to spend a bit of time with them too. And Luke might even let me do his nails again, since you won’t let me.” She scowled playfully as they finally reached her car and he grinned unashamedly. 
“One day, princess and you might actually get me painting my nails. But for now, it’s a no.” 
She groaned as they got back into her car and she dropped him off at the dorm, heading back to her place for a quiet night with a glass of wine and a new understanding that she was crushing on Calum.
Sometimes she hated boys.
She knew that Calum didn’t date. But it still drove her mad that she knew her feelings for him weren’t going away.
A few times she’d tried to go out and have quick fucks, but she couldn’t even commit to that. It felt wrong for her that it wasn’t him with her.
The first time she’d gone on a Tinder date, part of her hated that she’d done this to try and drive him from her mind. But it wasn’t working as planned.
Her current date was cute. But it wasn’t enough for the lacking personality.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you back to your dorm? You could come back to mine.” She pushed his hand off her waist, shaking her head.
“Thanks, but no thanks. You’re cute and all, but honestly I don’t feel anything for you.” She admitted and he scoffed at her words.
“You’ve not even kissed me, how could you know that?” And before she could say anything else, he kissed her.
It was only brief, her hands pushing him away from her body, a scowl on her face.
“If you think that’s going to get you a girl, rethink your methods, asshole.” She snapped before walking away, hitting Calum’s name.
“Am I worthy of your time now?” Calum’s teasing voice made her let off a little laugh.
“Mind if I come to yours? Date really was not it.” Calum didn’t hesitate. 
“Come on then princess.” And it was almost like coming home when she got to his, and his arms were open in comfort as she hugged him tightly.
He had a beer ready as well as an ear as she bitched about her date and what he’d done. And if she didn’t already have feelings for him before, his reaction practically secured them in place.
“Who was the fucker? I’ll teach him a lesson on how to treat a lady.” He’d launched for her phone but she’d pushed it out of the way, shifting so that she was straddling his lap.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m with my best friend and I’m safe. It was nothing but an unwanted kiss. It could’ve been so much worse but it wasn’t.” What she hadn’t expected was his arms to wrap around her body, pulling her flush against his chest.
“You’re too important and too fuckin’ precious to get hurt like that. At least let me be your standby if another date goes anything like that?” And she couldn’t argue it. 
When she’d finally gotten off his lap and they’d settled for movies, she was certain about her feelings towards him and she knew she needed to take a leap of faith. 
Calum could see that she was tense in the Uber back to her apartment. His fingers threaded through hers and he squeezed it gently.
“This isn’t where you say you’re an axe murderer, right?” The joke was stupid and maybe a bit off key, but she laughed and her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.
“Damn, you catch onto my plans so fast.” She teased in return and Calum smiled, leaning towards her. She understood the silent message and their lips met in the middle, a soft, single kiss before parting, his cheeks growing warm.
He could see her relax as the uber pulled up and she thanked the driver before getting out. He followed suit and her place looked nice. 
“It’s nothing fancy, but I only have to worry about neighbours below me.” She explained and he smiled at that. As she guided him to the lift and kept a firm grip on his hand as it went up to the top floor. As they stepped out, to his left were stairs heading back down, and in front of them was a plain white door.
“It’s not much, but this is home for me. I-I don’t usually bring anyone back. Friends or otherwise.” Her voice was quiet. Had there been any noise, he would’ve missed her words. But he heard the and his fingers brushed over her knuckles, bringing them to his lips.
“If this is too much, we can head back to mine. I know that Luke is fine with you staying around.” As much as he wanted to see her place, to see what she lived like in her own comfort, he knew that this was an obviously big step for her. 
She could see the curiosity in his eyes, but his honesty touched her heart and she knew that she could bring him into her space, to allow him to see this side of her. A side that did not see the negative judgements, no harsh words or derogatory comments. 
Her fingers wrapped around the slim key and she pushed it in the lock, twisting it before pushing the door open. Immediately his eyes took in her place. It was mostly open plan, he could see that much. 
They stepped into the open living room that connected to the dining room and kitchen. There was a closed wooden door at the back of the kitchen, and an open door in the dining room, his eyes turning to her curiously and she smiled. 
“As you can see, living room, dining room and kitchen. Through that door is my bedroom,” she pointed to the closed door, “through that one is the bathroom. This is my home.” And he could see how she’d made it her home.
There was an L shaped couch, pushed into the corner, his eyes taking in how it was positioned to see the view of the sunset that was shining through the floor length window. 
It was open and light. It was absolutely her and he could feel his heartbeat a little bit faster as he realised that she’d let him into a space that was so her, so free. 
“This is also where I felt I might as well admit to you how much I actually like you.” She couldn’t meet his eyes but when his fingers tucked under her chin, coaxing her to look up, she didn’t argue it.
“Are we talking like, or like like? Because if we’re sharing those kinds of secrets, then I really like you too.” HIs voice was barely a whisper and she could feel her heartbeat stutter as his eyes held hers.
She couldn’t stop herself as she tilted her head towards his, a small smile on her lips and she leaned forward.
He got the idea and met her lips with his and she was certain that she felt her heart practically soaring. 
They traded a few kisses before she pulled away and pulled him further into her place, showing him how she’d decorated it properly.
“I love it.” He whispered softly, watching as her face lit up and shoulders sagged in obvious relief. And he did. He could see the artwork that decorated her walls, the large windows giving the assumption of more space. His eyes drifted over the pieces before they came to a stop at-
“My piece. You’re the person who bought it?” His eyes trailed over the familiar photograph. It had been one of his favourites to shoot, the cold winter with a blinding sunset. She beamed at him.
“When you told me that you were selling it, I had to snap it up. So I may have been sneaky about it and gotten Luce to step in as a third party because I knew that the second you found out that it was me buying it, you’d have either given it to me for free or dropped the price.” 
“Instead you picked the one person I was jealous of over that party and you knew that-”
“You’d make it a bigger price out of spite. Yeah, I figured you out pretty quick.” She teased him and he drew her closer, his arm circling around her waist as he pressed his lips to her cheek.
“I promise to do no such thing if ever you want to buy my stuff again. However, I will not be held responsible for any gifts you may receive if you like a specific photo of mine.” He teased and she giggled, pressing her hands against his chest, turning her head to meet his lips with hers.
“I might be able to forgive you if they’re presented as rightful gifts. So birthdays, anniversaries and christmas presents.” He beamed before she pulled him over to the sofa, the dying sun making for a beautiful sight, but as the sun hit her face, his eyes were captured and he couldn’t look away, not even for something as beautiful as the sun setting across the clear sky.
“Anniversaries huh?” And she found herself falling quiet before glancing at him and noting the grin on his face.
“I mean, if that isn’t too presumptuous of me?” Her voice was hesitant but he grinned at her, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Would you rather I did a song and dance to ask you out?” And he laughed at the look of horror that crossed her face.
“God no, I might like you but I think that would genuinely kill me.” They shared a look before laughing.
“Would you at least let me take you on a proper date? But also would you be my girlfriend in the meantime?” And she snorted before kissing him gently.
“I think I can do that.”
As they settled on the couch together, a sitcom playing in the background, she had her legs thrown across his lap, his fingers tracing lines against her jean clad legs.
“So, what’s off limits in the bedroom then?” His words were a tease, and she could see they were harmless by nature, making her scoff and roll her eyes, a crinkled eyed grin appearing on his lips as one hand reached over, pulling her closest hand to his lips and he kissed the back of it as a silent apology.
“Choking I’m okay with, but not to the point where there’d be visible bruises.” She finally spoke after a few minutes of silence and his hand froze on her leg.
“What?” The choked out word made her smirk.
“You heard me, Hood. I love it when my partner takes control. But not all the time. Girl needs an ego boost from time to time.” His eyes studied her face and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he realised that she was being serious.
She then took him by surprise again, shifting herself so that she was straddled across him, her knees resting on the couch as her hands rested on his shoulders, his hand going for her waist. 
“Also, another thing you should know is the threesome myth with bisexual people is bullshit with me. I’m fucking possessive in the bedroom and I don’t want to share you with another guy or girl.” And the breath of air escaped him as she kissed his lips, her hips grinding down on his visible hard on, a whine falling from his lips.
“Good job I’ve only got eyes for you then, princess.” He breathed out and her entire body relaxed at his words, her lips curving up into a smile.
And she knew whatever the world would throw at her, she had a good man by her side. 
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sorasfishing · 4 years
#Noctislistening - Koushiro Edition (5 of 12)
#noctislistening digidestined series for more!
Brought to you by @earlgreymon​‘s Digidestined FM and @tangledupblue​‘s Digidestined-inspired playlists. Go listen right now!!
I’ve been trying to make a tiny adjustment lately and limiting time staring at screens and working off of notebooks and journals. Contrary to today’s featured Chosen who is constantly looking at screens to stay connected. (side note, have we ever seen him wearing glasses within canon?)
Last time, we drifted along the seaside with Jou (#4). Next up, we will chill out some more with Iori! (#6)  
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That's music he's absorbing into his soul.
Digidestined FM (Koushiro version) @earlgreymon
I would be surprised if anyone within (around?) my generation doesn’t know “Get Lucky,” much less Daft Punk.
Other notable songs of constant radioplay include “Around the World” and “One More Time”. Both catchy and fun for head nods while working or in the car. :D
I must say I can be a lot like Koushiro with my music tastes and habits - I’ve fallen into the habit of playing a song on Youtube and just letting Autoplay work its magic. Plus, lofi streams are amazing for productivity. This kind of music actually first caught my ear when I met up with a friend and it played while we caught up and ate gelato. (This was a few years ago. I miss those times!!)
Anyway, my go-to lo-fi channel is ChilledCow: Just let that play while you’re writing and you’re golden.
Now, Pentatonix is one of my favorite music groups as of recent times! An eclectic group of voices fitting for a guy with an eclectic taste in music. :P I love their sounds together and separately (Mitch and Scott - hoomg they can sing). I try to keep up with their covers and their albums, and I absolutely cannot wait until after Thanksgiving when I can play their Christmas albums on loop!! My favorite medley from them is “The Wizard of Aaah’s” collaboration with Todrick Hall. 
Coldplay was featured in Taichi’s playlist from @tangledupblue​ but I haven’t mentioned my favorite song from them! They’ve got a handful of great tunes but I would have to choose “Yellow” as my fave. :)
Owl City was also featured on that same playlist :D I haven’t listened to him much and have only known two songs (and recently, the third from that playlist). “Good Time” with Carly Rae Jepson is good!
I never thought about space sounds being part of the ‘relaxing sounds’ realm but I am not surprised that Koushiro would be into that kind of thing. I can imagine (Seal of Approval’s) Jou have a conversation with him about these sounds and I’m sure it’ll be an interesting conversation. xD
As far as kpop, I will get more into that when we get to Hikari’s playlist! As for Lana del Rey... I haven’t listened to her much other than what’s on the radio. If anyone’s got a song to recommend from her, feel free! 
~*~*~*~*~*~ Kouzzy @tangledupblue​
This playlist also has some diversity of sounds. In general, these songs have good, funky beats for our computer nerd to listen to. I must be showing my age when I throw out “electronica” and “techno” lol. Also I have a headcanon that some of these songs on both playlists that the other Chosen added their songs without Koushiro realizing because either they sound like his type of music or he’s just too busy paying attention to something else to care. Cases in point: “Stole My Heart” by One Direction (Hikari) and “I Like Me Better” by Lauv (Takeru) (And it’s definitely Takari that mess with his songs).
My Top 6!
Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity // A good song from my youth! Also I remember being so fascinated by the conveyor belt effect in his video lol
Clean Bandit ft. Craig David and Kirsten Joy - We Were Just Kids  // I love this song, it’s so nostalgic
The Killers - Human // One of my favs from this band. 
Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway // I miss this formation of this group with Fergie’s vocals alongside the rest. I chose this one over “I’ve Gotta Feeling” because it’s the one that wasn’t over-over-overplayed. (that was one song that my friends and I had to hear three times a day during our weeklong stay in Las Vegas years ago).
Alan Walker - Faded // My first time hearing this artist. I like it!
MIKA - Elle me dit // I talked about him more in Jou’s playlist, but I have to say how cute this song is and I love that this song is in this playlist! I’ve had to look up the lyrics - and I can totally imagine one of the others telling Koushiro to get out of his bubble and don’t be holed up in his room for too long. (I can see Mimi doing this! Maybe Taichi, too.)
Raise your glowsticks or BTS Army bombs (I’ve got one to borrow :P). Which songs (or sounds!) do you like from Koushiro’s playlists?
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glapplebloom · 4 years
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The Top 10 Songs I have heard for the first time in 2020!
Honorable Mentions
Space Oddity by Rare Earth - An amazing cover to a great song.
Highway to Oblivion by Dragon Force - So frikkin impressive to see played on such a high level.
Watts Up Danger by JT Music, Omega Sparks and SWATS - A great opening song for Death Battle.
Hex: Ruin You’ve Been Ruined by the Trapper - Just frikkin fun.
Alexa Bliss by Bowling for Soup - Bliss is just fun.
What Did You Say from Black Friday - Starkid continues to do amazing work.
DOOM CROSSING: Eternal Horizons by The Chalkeaters feat. Natalia Natchan - These two games were robbed at the Game Awards.
Puppets Never Die by Kyle Allen Music featuring Elsie Lovelock - A nice song about a niche game.
Dance Magic Until The End Of Time (Retro Ver) by SU Mashups - Heard this in my first Online Brony Convention.
Mighty Wings and Hadoukens by James Rolfe and Friends - Just a fun surprise to see.
You’re the One from B.E.R. - While this didn’t make the list, the Night Begins to Shine 2 definitely tops my “Best Episode of the Year”.
Black Panther Beat Box 2 by Verbalase - I voted for Sonic because I felt his Beatbox benefited more with his connections. But since this list is not about beat boxing...
Nothing Left to Lose by Caleb Hyles & Rebecca Parham - First time I heard this song I thought it was from Frozen 2.
Future and Enemy from Mystery Skulls - Mystery Skulls continue to be great.
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods - Hero: Song of Hope | FULL ENGLISH VER. Cover by We.B Ft @Caleb Hyles - Hero is just a great song and its nice to see an english cover.
Ikari from Death Battle - A great way to end Death Battle’s Season.
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#10 - Hey, Hey, Hey by Miz and Morrison
There are three types of villains I like: Very Intimidating ones (see Jason), very humorous ones (see Doofenshmirtz) and those who can do both (see the Joker). The Miz is category #2. He has always been (for the most part) an entertaining heel that you can’t help but enjoy to boo. And this video with Morrison is just one example of just how great he is as a heel. I hope next year gives Miz a chance to truly show he is a Main eventer.
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#9 - Don't by NakamuraEmi
So how did I find out about this anime opening from an anime I never seen before? I saw a video called "The Worst Selling Anime | The Laughing Salesman (1989)" by Kenny Lauderdale. And I am very interested in seeing this series. With the newest one using Don’t by NakamuraEmi which has a very fun beat. Even if I don’t know the lyrics, the song is just fun.
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#8 - Always Near by Glowstick Entertainment Featuring Rockit Gaming & MC Goldiloxx
From an Anime I’ve never seen to a game I never played. From the people who brought you the Horror Pacman Game Dark Deception comes a peppy music video about a Chicken who is in love with you. If you want to know what a Yandare is, this is the music video for all of them. And honestly its just fun. I would love to see a music video with Rosy from Archie Comics.
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#7 - You’re Mine by League of Shadows and Let Me Save You With My Love by Up Past Eight
They’re both great songs and I wish I can have the clean MP3s of them. Shame they haven’t been released like another cartoon on the list. But still between the dark and sinister music of the League of Shadows and the hopeful music of Up Past Eight, these two songs are definitely songs I have and will continue to hear in the next year and beyond.
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#6 - You Will Be Okay from Helluva Boss
Speaking of “wishing I have a clean MP3 of songs”, here’s You Will Be Okay from Helluva Boss. As Diregentleman said, this episode turned a one note joke character into a very interesting character having to deal with coming out and the consequences of it. And this song really helps express that. I do hope they eventually release it.
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#5 - Where Evil Grows by the Poppy Family
Is Jim Carey a good Robotnik? Not really. But I will admit it is great to see Classic Jim Carey comedy again. He really made Robotnik his own character and it helped with the movie establishing its own thing beyond being a game adaptation. And this dance sequence is a perfect analogy of the film. Don’t take it too seriously and just enjoy.
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#4 - Luigi's Lament by Huge Davies
You think Mario can pull off a Power Ballad? No! Only Luigi can! Its just fun to see Luigi sing about his regrets with such energy! I enjoy Mashed works and this is just an example of the fun spin they put in video game parodies. I would definitely give them a follow if I was you.
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#3 - Die By My Knife by the Slashstreet Boys
Boy Band Music are bangers, but if only they had lyrics that catered to my likes. Black Panther showed it against Sonic and the Slashstreet Boys prove that those songs are indeed popular for a reason. Just so creative to see horror icons create a boy band. This song is very enjoyable and would have been #1 if it wasn’t for others.
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#3 - Monster by Marceline
I was not a fan of the Adventure Time Finale. To me, it felt like they were basically saying “we got these ideas still and we’re still going to show them” and thanks to HBO Max, they are. But a big positive is their newest one focusing on Marceline and Bubblegum’s relationship. And this song is possibly the best of the series.
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#2 - Another Song About the Weekend Acoustic by A Day to Remember
Is it possible to miss someone you never knew until it was too late? This song plus the end credits can make me constantly tear up and I think that’s a great showing how how much these people miss him. And it was my #1 song of the year for most of it until recently...
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#1 - A Charity Performance of “You Say Run” from “My Hero Academia” (feat. 80+ Musicians & Cast Members)
Days before the end of the year, someone on Discord linked to this song. Almost 9 minutes from a huge collaboration of musical people delivering a cover of You Say Run that is of no other way to describe it: epic. With Everything that is happening, this definitely deserves to be #1.
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my-status-single · 5 years
Tony’s Daughter Part 9
Character Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word count: 943
Warnings: Reader is Tony Stark’s daughter, Slow burn. Tony gets thrown out a window. Things are a bit tense with the reader and Steve, couldn’t tell you why
Synopsis: Part nine in a series.
Authors Note: This is a canon compliant AU. We’re nearing the end of the Avengers arc. But worry not, there will be more. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Side Stories One Two
Tony sends you with Steve to get Natasha. He has his own things to worry about.
When Steve steps into the room Natasha looks uneasy.
“Time to go.” He says.
“Go where?” She asks quietly.
“I’ll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?” Steve asks.
Clint Barton walks out of the bathroom then, he looks tired. But otherwise well, and for that you’re grateful.
“I can.” Clint says.
Steve looks at Natasha who nods once. Clint is back on your side then. That’s good.
“You got a suit?” Steve asks.
“Yeah.” Clint says, his voice a bit weak.
Steve nods. “Then suit up.” He says. It’s an order for everyone.
You make your way to the lockers and pull on your own suit. Its much like Natasha’s, you strap your gun to your thigh and look over at Steve. He puts on his helmet and shield.
“You sure about this, doll?” He asks you. You just nod once. “It’s my job. And Loki made this personal. What about you? Sure you can handle me being there?” You ask.
He hesitates. “I trust you can hold your own. Don’t be a distraction.” He says. You just scoff a bit and walk away from him.
You, Steve, Natasha, and Clint all make your way to a quinjet.
“Hey you guys aren’t authorised to be in here..” One of the pilots says sheepishly.
“Son, just don’t.” Steve says.
You board the quinjet, and take off. Your father flies behind in the suit.
“You’ll meet up with your father to shut down whatever Loki has made.” Steve tells you. “I want you out of the line of fire.” You open your mouth to protest. “You have your orders.” He says.
“I don’t answer to you.” You say.
“You do right now.” He says, eyes hard. He walks away from you and gives Clint and Natasha their orders.
They drop you at Stark tower. Once inside you see that there is some sort of device on the roof with Doctor Selvig.
“Shut it down Dr. Selvig.” You hear your father call.
You make your way to the lab. If the device is electric you may be able to get inside and shut it down.
Out of the window of the lab you see Loki. He begins to make his way inside and then you see your father doing the same. You make your way to the living area but keep out of sight.
“Please tell me you’re going to appeal to my humanity.” Loki says.
“Uh..actually I’m going to threaten you.” Your father says and you hope to god he has an actual plan.
“You should have left your armour on for that.” Loki replies.
“Yeah, its seen a bit of milage and..you’ve got the uh…glowstick of destiny.” Tony says, pointing at the sceptre, Loki smirks down at it. “Would you like a drink?”
Loki chuckles. “Stalling me won’t change anything.” He says.
“no, no, no! Threatening.” Tony clarifies. “No drink? You sure? I’m having one.” He says.
“The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?” Loki muses, walking and looking out the windows.
Your father is actually making a drink, bless him. “The Avengers.” He says, and looks up at the god, Loki looks confused. “That’s what we call ourselves.” Your father says with a slight eyeroll. “We’re sort of like a team. ‘Earth’s tightest heroes’ type of thing.” He finishes.
“Yes.” Loki smirks. “I’ve met them.”
Tony smiles back. “Yeah.” He scoffs. “Takes us a while to get any traction, I’ll give you that one.” He concedes. “But, let’s do a headcount here. Your brother, the demi-god.” Loki scoffs and turns away at the mention of his brother. your father takes the opportunity to put something on his wrist but you can’t see from your position. “A super soldier, living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breathtaking anger management issues, a couple master assassins, and you, big fella.” Tony says and point at Loki. “You’ve managed to piss off every single one of them.”
Loki smirks again. “That was the plan.”
“Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they’ll come for you.” Tony says, making his way toward Loki. He catches sight of you then and fear crosses his eyes.
“I have an army.” Loki says, unimpressed.
“We have a Hulk.” Tony retorts.
“Oh I thought the beast had wandered off.” Loki says, still unimpressed.
“You’re missing the point, there’s no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top.” Tony says walking down the steps. “Maybe your army comes and maybe its too much for us, but it’s all on you.” He says. “Because if we can’t protect the earth you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge it.” He says sipping his drink.
Loki slowly closes the distance between them, raising the sceptre. You grab your gun just in case.
“How will your friends have time for me, when they are so busy fighting you?” Loki hisses and presses the sceptre to Tony’s chest. Nothing happens. Loki tries again, confused. His brows furrow. “This usually works.” He says.
“Well, performance issues, its not uncommon.” Your father says, you roll your eyes a bit. “One out of five-“ He’s cut off when Loki grabs him by the throat and throws him across the room.
“Jarvis, anytime now.” Tony says, wincing. Loki grabs him again.
“You will all fall before me.” He seethes. Your father calls for something to be deployed and then Loki throws him out the window.
@winchestergirl907 @samros95 @booknerd-and-fangirl @boxofteenageideas @sunnyshoes @yougottalovefandoms @peregrinestook @tealeaves-and-witchythings @beckastark @clockblobber @nenabeg111 @the-fangirl-sent-by-cyberlife @shadowsndaisies @spideysbl0g @musicals-n-chill @appreciating-chase-brody @itsanallygator @dreambutdontsleepx
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biasedwriting · 6 years
Variety is the Spice of Life [VIXX, Hongbin]
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None
Word Count - 2290
Summary - In which Hongbin meets his bias and ‘Hormoneys’ unite.
This work is a part of the  Glowsticks And Music Notes series by @vixxscifiwritings​ . I had been asked to write this part for her as a part of an agreement that I don’t entirely remember the details of ( a.k.a she loves Hongbin too much to write about him)
Find all parts here
Hongbin grumbled as he shoved the cafe door open. He had been in the middle of editing a mood-board when his sister had intruded with her boyfriend and had promptly thrown him out of the house in the need for “privacy”. Not that he really wanted to hear what would take place after his exit.
He adjusted the strap of his backpack when he heard the bell jingle as the door slammed shut. Still fuming about his interrupted editing session, he looked around the cafe for a seat which was isolated enough to not be disrupted again. Jaehwan had requested a mood-board for Ara and Bora inspired by one of Wonshik’s angsty fics. Plus he had been working on a gif set for the new release (secretly spending time on perfecting Miya’s gif, not that he would admit it). Of course he had also said he’d help Sanghyuk who had recently joined the fandom with some video editing. Hongbin sighed, being technologically sound had its downfalls.
“Welcome! Would you like to place an order?” he heard a voice calling to him, breaking him out of his stupor as his searching eyes shifted to the counter. He gawked as his gaze fixed themselves on the woman standing behind the cash machine. His bias, Miya smiled back at him brightly, he was sure he choked a little bit on his saliva.
Miya tilted her head, looking at the new entrant gaping at her, completely unaware of the cameras trained on him. He was handsome, nearly looking unreal, she was certain this part would be broadcast. She could hear Haneul’s voice in the little earpiece wedged in her ear squeal about how handsome he was.
“Our youngest has gotten such a handsome customer!”
“Makes sense, visual meets another visual,” Ara’s voice crackled “make him say that you’re pretty.”
“That’s a good mission, yes.” Minah’s voice piped up as Miya tried her best to fight the embarrassed blush from creeping up her cheeks.
“Yeah, if he says it, you need to do the key point from Summer Love.” Bora called out. The rest of her group had been monitoring her every move, giving her missions for their variety show. Right before her shift in the cafe, Bora had been sent down to serenade a group of high school boys and dance for a pair of old ladies. But here she was, face to face with this very handsome man who seemed to be gawking right back at her, not making a move to place an order.
“Sir?” she called as he balked, blinking before approaching the counter. He looked a little bit like a lost bunny rabbit and Miya couldn’t help but smile to herself. Shuffling awkwardly, Hongbin tried to form the right words to tell his bias. This was exactly why he had avoided going for fan meets, because he knew the moment he saw Miya in person, all logical ability of speech was out of the window.
“I’ll uh...have uh…” Hongbin frantically looked at the menu.
“Hmmm, are you a tea or coffee person? Maybe I could suggest something for you?”  Miya offered helpfully, wondering if there was some way to make the man speak.
“Uh, I’m so sorry about this... I don’t mind either? I’ll just have a cappuccino please.” he sighed out, internally pleased that he managed to get a sentence out. Miya smiled, he had a pleasant voice.
“Would you like some cake or pastry with that? I’d highly recommend the fruit tart.” Miya rattled off just like she had been asked to. Hongbin paused to consider it.
“Yes, I would like a fruit tart as well.”
“Okay! One cappuccino and fruit tart for the handsome customer!” Miya chirped, trying her best not to cringe at how honest she was being  as Hongbin’s breath caught in his throat. He reached to his arm to pinch himself to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. Clearing his throat, he could feel his cheeks flush. Miya tried to ignore the teasing hoots from her group loud in her earpiece.
“I’m....” Hongbin fumbled for words “a Harmony!”
Miya’s eyes widened as the cheering in her ear piece resounded. Harmony was the name of their fanbase and it was a pleasant surprise to find a fan entering the cafe. Hongbin twiddled his thumbs nervously. Miya’s confidence was now boosted. Handsome man was a fan and she could definitely use this to her advantage.
“Oh! That’s fantastic! Who is your favourite member?” She asked, ringing up his order, sending him a blinding smile. Hongbin could feel his pulse pick up as he stammered. Here he was standing in a cafe he visited regularly having his bias taking his order while casually asking him who his bias was.
“It’s…you…” he mumbled and Miya could feel her attempts to ask him who he thinks is the prettiest being thwarted “you’re very pretty and talented.” Miya could barely hear him over Haneul and Minah screeching into the microphone. She shook her head, trying to deal with the ringing in her ears.
“Ah,” she bowed “thank you so much, I will bring your drink and tart to you.”
Hongbin’s ears turned red as he hurried to a seat, quickly pulling his phone out of his pocket and clicking open the Kakao Talk application. Tapping on “Hormoney” (he blames Jaehwan for this group chat name) he glanced at the chat between Hakyeon and Wonshik about some plot. Ignoring most of it, he took a deep breath.
Jajajaehwan : “Henlo Redbean. How goes it.”
“Who is anywhere near Autumn Cafe?”
Hakyeon: “Taekwoon said he was somewhere in the area. Why?”
“6Keys’ Miya is here. By the looks of it they’re filming a variety show.”
Shikkizzle : “You’re dead.”
Hakyeon : “Stop texting and go talk to her! Miya is the friendliest! Plus I'm trying to call ㅇㅅㅇ but he isn't picking up.”
jajajaehwan : stupid man. I hope he misses out. Go talk to her Bean!
Shikkizzle : Live for us!
“shut up, I'm going to casually open my laptop and continue my work.”
Shikkizzle :why are you such a loser
Jajajaehwan: boo
Hakyeon: you're crazy
Taekwoon : omw
Jajajaehwan: taekwoon you shady fuck
Hakyeon : so much for ‘I am not that into them’
Shikkizzle : taekwoon is a liar we all know that
Taekwoon : this is why I have this group on mute
Hakyeon : I hope you don’t get to meet Minah loser
Jajajaehwan : I’m catching a cab there, my precious Ara will be there!
Hakyeon : i’m heading to the metro station lol, wonder what my mum will say to seeing me on national tv
Shikkizzle : that you’re a dumbass
Hakyeon : you’re heading to autumn cafe too aren’t you?
Shikkizzle : 
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Hongbin sighed as the bickering went on in the group. Praying that this wouldn’t descent into chaos,  he set his mobile phone aside and picked up his laptop from his bag. Opening the lid, the squinted at the screen as his previous work popped up.
“That’s really pretty,” Miya’s voice piped up as Hongbin nearly slammed the lid of his laptop down. Thankfully he had been working on editing a photoset of the different sets that the Summer Love music video had been shot in “I didn’t catch your name though, could you please tell me?” she asked as Hongbin spluttered out his name. Miya quickly set the tray holding the coffee and tart down on his table before stepping back to take a deep breath “if you don’t mind, I need to complete a mission, so may I please take up some of your time?”
Hongbin gaped as Miya burst into the choreography of the chorus of Summer Love, humming along with the tune of the song. She halted as Hongbin continued to gape at her before applauding softly as she bowed “Thank you so much for your time! I signed your napkin, I hope to see you at a fansign soon! Thank you for supporting 6Keys!” she quickly greeted before hurrying away.
Hongbin looked at the spot Miya had previous occupied, wondering yet again if he was dreaming. He realized he was nearly burning a hole into the spot when his eyes began watering. Averting his gaze to the coffee tray, he looked at the napkin which had Miya’s elegant handwriting curving over it in in.
“To Mr. Handsome,
Thank you for supporting us!
Shakily, he reached for the precious piece of tissue, carefully placing it in his wallet. He picked up the coffee, taking a sip, soothing this nerves. He took a deep breath, before looking back at the cash counter to find it unmanned and Miya, missing. Instead, by the counter stands a tall lanky man suspiciously looking at the pastry. The door flew open as Hakyeon walked in nudged the tall lanky man. Hongbin squints, he’d met Hakyeon before. The tall man turned to glare at Hakyeon who grinned back, and Hongbin realized that he had been looking at Taekwoon.
“Are you waiting for Minah, you creep?” Hakyeon grinned as the bell of the door jingled again and Wonshik and Jaehwan walked into the cafe. Jaehwan’s curious gaze turned to fix itself on Hongbin as he waved frantically, thereby getting the group’s attention on Hongbin. A member of the cafe staff approached them to assist them as they shook their heads and Hakyeon looked visibly upset. Hongbin gaped at the group of men approaching his table.
“They left.” Jaehwan mourned as he plopped himself down beside Hongbin.
“Hi! Yes, they left after Miya’s shoot apparently.” Hakyeon greeted him.
“What was it like meeting Miya?” Wonshik asked as he dragged a chair from the table next to Hongbin’s.
“Are you going to eat that tart?” Taekwoon asked softly as he took a seat beside Hakyeon. Hongbin sighed, pushing the tart towards him. Taekwoon began devouring the tart silently completely ignoring the rest of the conversation. Everyone at the table nearly missed the young man hovering around their table. It was Jaehwan who spotted the tall man-child looking person before turning to the Hakyeon who was immersed in Hongbin’s story.
“There’s a dude who's eavesdropping.” he hissed, attracting the attention of the rest of the group, excluding Taekwoon who was still guzzling the tart. The young man approached.
“Hi, I heard you guys talking about 6Keys and I was wondering if you guys were interesting in some merch and a photo card swap for Summer Love? I got Minah and I really wanted Haru. My name is Sanghyuk by the way!”
“...like crack Sanghyuk?” Wonshik deadpanned.
“Uhh...crack videos, not drugs…” Sanghyuk blinked.
“Taekwoon would like to swap cards with you. He’s consistently gotten everyone except Minah.” Hakyeon butted in as Hongbin nudged him.
“Sanghyuk the same Sanghyuk who wants me to help with his crack video?” he gaped at the tall man.
“Are you RedBeans with the awesome edits?” Sanghyuk’s eyes widened as Hongbin nodded before waving at everyone “this is Hakyeon, you may know him as FlytoSky on Twitter and Tumblr.”
“One of the biggest Haneul fansites!” Sanghyuk gaped.
“Taekwoon...who isn’t really active, but maybe you know his blog Beautiful-Harmony?”
“Or his lesser known side-blog fairy-goddess-minah?” Hakyeon added, trying to avoid Taekwoon’s murderous glare as he nearly stabbed him with a fork.
“Stop exposing me!” Taekwoon hissed as Sanghyuk laughed.
“I actually happen to follow that blog, good content for Minah there.”
“Jaehwan here runs Twitter, Insta and Tumblr accounts Ara-sso.” Hongbin continued, undeterred by the violence that was being displayed by Taekwoon. Jaehwan grinned and waved.
“I commented on all your videos!”
“Yes! I noticed! Thank you so much! I loved the ideas you commented,” Sanghyuk returned Jaehwan’s grin before turning to Wonshik.
“This must be Wonshik, I think I saw a picture of yours in a bias x you selfie tag. You made me nearly cry with ‘Clandestine’. One of my favourite fics man.”
Wonshik visibly blushed as Hakyeon suddenly shot up, waving a photocard as Taekwoon now fought the murderous rage of killing his friend who stole his wallet.
“Trading Haru for Minah!”
“Oh yes! Hold on” Sanghyuk fished around in his backpack.
“Hakyeon!” Taekwoon hissed.
“You literally brought this card here to see if someone would swap because you were hoping there would be a hoard of fans.” Hakyeon deadpanned causing Jaehwan to snort as he attempted to control his laughter.
“I’ll throw in a set of Minah lomo cards for fifteen hundred won.” Sanghyuk reemerged from his backpack, with the photocard and a set of pictures.”
“He’ll take it, do you have any Haneul lomo cards?” Hakyeon continued as Taekwoon protested.
“Don’t you mean Bora?” Jaehwan wiggled his eyebrows at Hakyeon.
“Shut up.”
“Yes, I do, but for you I’ll give it to you for a cheaper price of fourteen hundred and fifty only!” Sanghyuk waved another set of cards.
“I’m adding him to our KKT group.” Hongbin declared over the noise, Sanghyuk was getting increasingly cooler and Hongbin knew that he would add some sanity to the group, even if he brought the rest of the group to the brink of insanity.
“This is daylight robbery!” Wonshik exclaimed, eyes still fixed on the set of lomo cards in front of him.
“Gotta pay the bills my bro.” Sanghyuk shrugged “what’s the point of being in a fandom if you can’t make some money.”
“This is exploitation of sentiment.” Jaehwan grumbled, pulling his wallet out. Sanghyuk grinned as he pulled a seat and sat down beside the group, counting the bills in his hands as the rest of them stared at the lomo cards with shiny eyes.
And that's how the first Hormoney meeting came to be.
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tmotalks · 7 years
Kind of a Review of Persona Super Live P-Sound Bomb Concert
Sorry did I say daily posts? I mean bimonthly posts. Sorry for the confusion. For real though, it was a combination of time going by way too fast, me enjoying a lot of games, and interesting conversations of discord that prevented me from making content for the blog. I will say that I shall try to at least post something every week for sure, or every couple of days.. I rather not have this blog be completely empty all the time. I’m only really typing this now because my internet was being quite slow and I figured I might as well work on something that just involves typing up stuff so here I am! I do have a few things in mind I want to talk about out of the stuff I played over the past two months or so since I made this blog. Not sure what order I will talk about stuff in nor how vague or detailed some of my opinion pieces will be. I think if I just feel like talking about something at the moment, I’ll talk about it. I do think one recent thing in mind that was absolutely super cool was the Persona Super Live P-Sound Bomb concert that took place August 2nd in Japan. There was a livestream of the concert which I didn’t watch but a few people put up video’s of the stream onto youtube. The one’s I’ve seen are gone now due to copyright stuff I’m sure, and that you had to pay to watch the livestream of it.
This was a concert dedicated to performing the amazing music from the awesome RPG series, Persona, though specifically only from pPersona 3,4, and 5, and a few songs from a few spin off games. Now. One thing I have to say about this concert is that
Just especially spectacular in every regard.I will also go ahead and say I will be possibly spoiling song titles but won’t be going into detail of actual specific story beats of the games. Just like the Persona games though, the presentation and style of the concert was top-tier, with really great use of lighting during the songs, such as it being very bright and flashy with the more upbeat songs while being more muted, still, and subtle with the quieter, more calm songs. The lighting was especially great when playing Rivers in the Desert and The Almighty, with lots of use of darkness mixed with a multitude of flashing lights to match up with the music. Not only that, there was people dancing along with the songs, cosplaying some of the characters from P3 to P5. It was definitely amusing watching Haru, Anne, Makoto, Yosuke, and Yukari getting jiggy with it and being so animated with the music. Their dancing was not outstanding but they demonstrated a ton of energy and had pretty top-notch costumes which made up for their dancing chops.
There was also a really cool motif of people dressed in outfits that made them look like velvet ghosts or spirits who came out, matching the color of whatever game the current song was playing. For example, blue when it was Persona 3, Yellow for Persona 4, and Red for Persona 5. They usually rushed around in circular patterns, creating a cool, wavy, ethereal effect on the stage with them weaving through the performers and dancers. The last appreciation of the effects for this concert was the glowsticks everyone in the audience had which had a very prominent glow to them and usually matched the colors of the game, as well as other colors from time to time. They also had strobe effects as well, flashing many times with different colors and was a nice indicator of both audience participation with them waving around, as well showing how many people were there. It sure seemed like practically hundreds and hundreds of persona lovers from the looks of it.
Presentation aside, which was bomb.com, all of the songs being played were amazing as well. The concert had all of the lead singers from each of the three main Persona games present, dressed in an outfit representing the school uniform from their respective games.The song quality, even from the live stream, was amazing, hearing every single amazing instrument come into play, as well a lot of flavor and variation that made each song all the more enjoyable. I also appreciated how there was no particular order to the music it seemed, maybe playing twoPersona 3 songs in a row before going to a Persona 5 battle theme and then to the JUnes theme from Persona 4. (This is just an example). This led to a variety of different tunes and thus different rhythms, tempos, sounds, instruments being used, which made the whole con extremely fresh. The singers, just like the animators, ere extremely animated and greatly into their performances, singing their hearts out with very evident emotion. Especially when it came to the more happier or more heart-felt music.
Lyn Inaizumi, the singer for Persona 5, was especially amazing because of her bomb.com high notes that seemed pretty perfect to me or her freestyling at some point of the songs with yeah’s and oooh’s. Though some of her lyrics didn’t come out as clearly (though that’s the case for most of the persona songs with lyrics so it’s not too bad), her energy and enjoyment was very nice to see. Along with the concert was a blast of amazing nostalgia with hearing mass destruction, The Battle for Everyone’s Souls, Heartbreak, and the Persona 4 intro songs again since I have not heard them in quite a while. Especially to hear them in it’s awesome live-concert form. Shogi Meguro, the lead sound designer and musician of Persona, was just absolutely rocking, the camera showing him multiple times doing his amazing thing.
There was a few pauses in the music of the singers and other people talking, which I skipped, but during these they also announced Persona Q 2, likely having Persona 5 counters in it. , as well trailers for Persona Dancing Moon Night and Dancing Star Night. These are new rhythm games of Persona 3 and 5 to join it’s Persona 4 counterpart, Dancing All Night. Not only is there amazing music in this concert but extremely cool announcements as well.
All in all, it was extremely enjoyable concert and one you should definitely give a gander if you love Persona 3-5 and it’s music. I am sure there is a video of the concert somewhere out there you can find! Even if you just appreciate music in general, I do believe you will get a kick out of it. I am definitely going to be giving this concert a good listen a few more times during this year I am sure since it’s so dang good.
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
The Struggles Of A Fanfic Writer
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None Word Count - 1422
Summary -  Kim Wonshik writes 6Keys fanfiction. And like most fanfiction writers Kim Wonshik struggles with that one idol group member.
Find all parts here
“I just saw the music video for Lady Gaga’s paparazzi” Wonshik typed.
“I haven't seen it yet. Brb” Jaehwan responded.
“Go watch it! Because it just gave me a fic idea” Wonshik told him.
“aksjdhs Don't you already have like 50 WIPs already??”
“Kim Wonshik. I swear to god if you leave that high school MiRa (Miya x Ara) fic unfinished and unresolved then I will jump off a cliff and my spirit will haunt you for eternity” Jaehwan swore.
“I will finish it! Eventually! But get this, this might be MinEul (Minah x Haneul)” Wonshik replied.
“Ugh. I hate you but I am listening” Jaehwan said.
“Did you see the video yet??” he asked.
“I just did! Akdjdhskal it was all very rated. You're writing MinEul smut aren't you?” Jaehwan asked and Wonshik could feel the suggestive eyebrow wiggle through text.
“It does have… sexy times in it” he agreed reluctantly.
“HOE GO DO IT INSTANTLY”  Jaehwan yelled over text.
“You are a pervert” Wonshik scoffed.
“You are the one writing it! Besides, I am starved for good MinEul smut okay!! What is the entire storyline?” Jaehwan asked curiously. Wonshik rarely wrote for Haneul so this would be interesting.
“Well… Minah is a famous celebrity and Haneul is her girlfriend who seduces her only for the fame. And Minah comes to know of this but the couple is already very popular and she knows she will lose fans after the breakup so she stays in the relationship” Wonshik explained.
“You cry even when my fics have a happy ending”
“That is besides the point! Why is Haneul always evil in your fics? Are you an anti?? Why can't my fellow Aries sister Minah be happy?!”
“I don't hate Haneul lol”
“She's your favourite and hence she must suffer?!? Is that going to be your explanation?? I hate you fanfic writers. Also I hate myself because now I want to read it!”
“You love my fanfics~ That's how we became friends”
Wonshik laughed as he typed. Jaehwan had been one of the few readers when he had started writing 6Keys fanfiction and the first to read and leave comments. Wonshik had fallen in love instantly and ever since then Jaehwan had been his go to person for all his crazy fanfic ideas.
“One of these days Kim Wonshik… one of these days...” Jaehwan complained.
“Okay. I will be back after I write something”
“Okaii! I shall be fanboying with Sanghyuk over his new crack video”
Wonshik closed the chat window and opened up a doc.
He had the idea in his head. Minah was to be an upcoming singer. Suddenly too famous and with everyone's eyes on her next move. And while she was glad her music was being recognised, she was all alone and easily disillusioned with the bright lights and jazz.
Till Haneul came along that is.
Haneul would be the that girl that stood out in the club. And Minah was inevitably drawn to her. Oh oh oh. Maybe the affair should be secret. A forbidden love. And that would be what drew Minah into the scandal.
Except Haneul wasn't innocent at all. And beneath the alluring smiles lay danger and greed. And Minah took a while to realise it but she does and then she would delude herself into believing that someday Haneul would love her for her. Or maybe get jaded but keep her around for company because she was all alone and didn't have anyone else.
Maybe Jaehwan was right and he was extremely evil for doing this to his girls but… that was the thing about angst fics. It demands to be written. (Somewhere John Green was getting teary eyed over his references. He just knew it)
So Wonshik put his headphones back in and put Paparazzi on repeat. He was going to write a heartbreaker! Honestly the excitement of a story was the best.
What to take as the opening? Hmm… Maybe he could start at the club scene. When Minah first meets Haneul. He could clearly imagine it. Minah would be in one of those private rooms that overlooked the dance floor. And Haneul would be on the said dance floor. Dancing sexily enough to attract her attention.
No no no. This trope was so tacky. And kinda sleazy. Gross. Maybe they should meet at the bar. Get to talk. That would be a more organic attraction. Hmm.
But what would you say to a pretty woman? What would a pretty woman say to another woman? Like how would a girl pick up another girl at a bar? Much less do it artistically enough for a fanfic??
Well Google sucked. Wobshik took a moment to blink. Lesbian pick up lines and tactics was something he had never thought he would google in his life. It ranked above the time he googled how to murder using ball pens in his list of weird things.
Anyhow, back to the topic. Which was embarrassingly still lesbian pick up lines.
Maybe Minah and Haneul should just start at the hotel room after the club. But that would mean starting with the smut right off the bat. And if you thought Wonshik was bad at handling pick up lines…
Wonshik sighed. Maybe he should eat some chocolate pudding. The sugar in his blood would jump start his brains.
Oh oh oh. There was the Ceci shoot from last year which has a lovely gold and black theme. Everyone had looked sexy. Maybe that would work as better inspiration.
Wonshik opened up Hakyeon’s blog. He had a sideblog dedicated to Haneul and his tag system was amazing.
Now that he thought about it, he never had this problem with any of the other 6Keys members. Of course it was easiest to write anything for Ara and Bora. Miya was his bias and his longest and favourite aus were dedicated to her. Haru was the youngest and hence he had a strict no mature theme rule for her. But he had an abundance of cute fluff for her.
So why was Haneul a problem?
“Did she have another Ceci shoot?” Wonshik asked out loud when he saw a very different set of pictures appear. This time the theme was red and white and she was wearing a long flowing red gown with red white and pink flower crown.
The set was interesting… The lighting brought out the red very well. It was set in the ruins of old Greek style building. Had they shot this while 6Keys were on tour in Europe? Wonshik kept scrolling and liking the posts. He added a few to the queue on his own 6Keys fan blog.
“Why are you stalking Haneul on my blog??” Hakyeon’s message popped up on the chat window on the page.
“I'm not stalking her!” Wonshik replied indignantly. “I'm just looking for fanfic inspiration.”
“Why? So you can kill her and break my heart yet again??” Hakyeon asked bitterly.
Wonshik bit his lip. Hakyeon had never forgiven him after Haneul had died in his mafia au. But to be honest the entire story had even been written because Wonshik had imagined that scene first and then written the rest of the story around it. It had also been crucial to Bora’s character development. Haneul’s death would be what prompted her to finally kill their enemies and become the true mafia lord of the city.
“I won't kill her this time. I promise” Wonshik said.
“I don't trust you” Hakyeon replied.
“Fair enough. If it makes you feel any better then I updated the Miya x Ara fic yesterday. It's all fluff” Wonshik told him.
“Yay *__* “ Hakyeon replied and went offline. Wonshik laughed and prayed that Hakyeon would forgive him for the fic to come.
Speaking of which, Wonshik had no idea how to start that. The Ceci shoots had given him an idea for a different au for Haneul altogether. But what to do about paparazzi au MinEul?
Maybe he should start with a different scene and then come back and write the starting. This time he would post his fic only after finishing the entire thing. No more making readers suffer because of his erratic update schedule.
The blank doc stared at him.
Wonshik stared at the blank doc.
He groaned and opened the chat window with Jaehwan.
“I have a writer’s block ;A; “
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
The Fan Sign
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None Word Count - 1619
Summary - In which Hakyeon decides to drag along Taekwoon to a fan meeting and his bias definitely notices him.
Find all parts here
"What am I even doing here?" Taekwoon asked as Hakyeon clicked away with his DSLR camera to check the angles and lighting.
"You are being a supportive friend" Hakyeon told him.
"I don't see why I need to attend the fan meet. You're the fansite master. You go scream yourself hoarse over 6Keys" he grumbled.
"You do realize that I have a photo of you from three years ago when they held their first fan meet and only thirty people turned up so you got to stand next to Minah right?" Hakyeon asked with an angelic smile. "So stop lying. I know you wanted to be here."
"Fine. I was the one who introduced you to 6Keys but whatever" Taekwoon grumbled.
"They’re here!" Hakyeon said excitedly as a black van pulled up to the parking lot.
The fans began to scream as Minah stepped out. The intensity had surprised her and she stumbled backwards a little, bumping into Haneul. Taekwoon smiled to himself at her cute behavior. Hakyeon giggled too because the vocalist x rapper otp was famous.
"It's just the two of them?" Taekwoon asked in surprise.
"Yeah. Bora and Haru are in another fansign while Ara and Miya are filming a drama" Hakyeon explained.
"How are you here and not in Bora's fan meeting?" Taekwoon teased.
"I have no idea what you are saying" Hakyeon replied with a blush. For a long time, Haneul had been Hakyeon’s bias with him being noticed by her as a regular attendee as well. But of late, Taekwoon had noticed signs of bias wrecking. Of course Hakyeon would never admit it. Taekwoon grinned smugly because his bias was Minah and he had stayed loyal.
"Do you think we will get picked for the sign event?" Hakyeon asked him. Taekwoon shrugged. The girls were on stage and ready to start.
"Hello everyone, I am 6Keys leader and rapper Haneul!" Haneul started, bowing as the crowd cheered. Taekwoon smirked at how smitten Hakyeon looked.
"Hello everyone, I am 6Keys main vocal Minah!" Minah said, waving to the fans. She did a small bow as well before Haneul pulled her into making a heart. It looked cuter today to Taekwoon who hadn't taken his eyes off Minah.
"Don't die by her charms Taekwoon!" Hakyeon said dramatically.
"Pfft. That's you not me" Taekwoon protested while there was mental screaming going on in his head.
Hakyeon got busy as the girls continued the introduction. Haneul got Minah to rap her parts from their new song and the organizers made them play a game of dumb charades. While Minah managed to guess everything Haneul acted out, Haneul failed to guess two out of six and got a bop from the toy hammer as punishment. She went down dramatically, entertaining the crowd.
"Cha Hakyeon and Jung Taekwoon?" someone called out.
"That's us" Taekwoon said, pulling Hakyeon along.
"Ah Hakyeon! Long time no see. I thought it was you!" the person who had called out to them said.
"Nice to see you too! Taekwoon, this is Song Hwanhee. She organizes the fan meets" Hakyeon said introducing him. Taekwoon bowed in greeting, not surprised that the organizers had recognized Hakyeon too.
"The good news is that you both were chosen for the sign. I need to verify your ids and take you to the line" Hwanhee told them. Hakyeon mini cheered before holding out his driver’s license. Taekwoon used his college id since he hadn't passed his driving test yet. Hwanhee gave them directions, signaling the guards to let them through.
"I'm so excited" Hakyeon said, pulling out two albums from his bag. Taekwoon nodded in agreement as he took a copy.
"Whoa. They look prettier up close. The pastel shades really suit them" Hakyeon thought out loud. The fan in front of him agreed vocally so the two of them got talking while the stage was being set up.
Taekwoon zoned out, choosing to look at Minah who was waving to a baby in the front line. He couldn't help but smile at the interaction. He had always believed that Minah was the best with children. Of course Haneul was the more strict mother type but Minah was the fun mother. The type who would teach her children good behavior along with spoiling them. Why didn't 6Keys have it's own Hello Baby season yet?
And that wasn't the only thing Minah was good at. She was silent but wise and good at problem solving. Her interaction with the maknae Miya were always the funniest. She was a supportive friend and member to the rest. And did he even need to talk about the singing? Her high notes were the highlights of any 6Keys song. The agency should really give her a solo album contract, he added with a frown at the pavement.
He looked up at the stage again only to see Minah and Haneul looking in his direction. He immediately averted his eyes, missing the look Haneul had given and the way Minah had blushed. They took their places at the table which had markers set up along with flower crowns that the girls immediately put on their head, posing for pictures.
"Gaaaah. I wish I was on the front line. I could have taken those photos" Hakyeon lamented.
"You can ask them for a picture in person in ten minutes" Taekwoon pointed out. They were twelfth or so in line and they would be on stage very soon. Taekwoon could feel his ears grow warm. Why was this suddenly so embarrassing?
"Ah, it's Haneul first and then Minah" Hakyeon pointed out. Haneul was sitting to the left and Minah to the right and the fans would enter from the left entrance, meeting Haneul first. Taekwoon thanked the gods for that.
Hakyeon kept moving, obviously excited to meet the two. He had frowned when he had realized that he had been too broke to buy them gifts for the fansign but he had been happy about attending nonetheless. The line moved at a decent stage and pretty soon it was their turn. Hakyeon went up, dragging Taekwoon along.
"Hello!" Haneul greeted them. "Hakyeon right?" she asked Hakyeon who broke into the widest smile Taekwoon had ever seen.
"I recognized you from the earlier events! Thank you for all the nice pictures! You made me look really pretty" she said with a smile. "Oh look. We're matching today!"
"Isn't pink your favorite?" he asked her. Haneul nodded and the manager had to remind her to actually take his CD and sign it.
"I hop you enjoy the fan sign! It was really nice meeting you again!" Haneul said while writing down a message for Hakyeon as well as the sign. Hakyeon beamed radiantly and might have skipped ahead to greet Minah happily though he would later deny it.
"Hello! What's your name?" Haneul asked as she leaned forward to talk to Taekwoon.
"Jung Taekwoon. I've been a fan since the beginning" he added shyly.
"Thank you for supporting 6Keys! Taekwoon can I ask you a question?" Haneul asked mischievously.
"Yes?" he asked, unsure of what she wanted to say.
"You're Minah biased aren't you? You're totally her fan!" she pointed out. Taekwoon blinked, caught in the act and unsure of what to say. How had Haneul known?
"Hakyeon! Please back me up here! Taekwoon totally likes Minah right?" Haneul asked, leaning towards Minah and interrupting their conversation about Minah’s pet dog Kero.
"How did you know?" Hakyeon asked surprised while Minah blinked as well.
"I like all of 6Keys" Taekwoon answered weakly.
"Too late. You hesitated!" Haneul sang as she signed his album. "Minah when he comes over, please give him a heart and draw loads of cute things in the album!"
Minah protested indignantly while Taekwoon just wanted the stage to split open so he could fall through and die of shame. Haneul just high fived Hakyeon making the fans wonder what was happening on stage. The manager had to remind them not to take too long as other fans were waiting so Haneul just shot Taekwoon an angel look and he frowned before moving to Minah.
"I am so sorry about Haneul" Minah apologized.
"That's okay" Taekwoon said. He was blushing as he handed over the album to Minah who looked shy as well.
"I think its because she saw you looking when I was talking to the baby in the front row. She just likes teasing people" Minah laughed.
"I thought it was kind of cute" Taekwoon said before he could stop himself. Minah smiled in reply and he felt extremely warm and happy seeing it.
"Thank you for coming to the fansign" she said. Minah attempted to make a heart with her hands, managing an awkward shape. The fans cheered when they saw it and Taekwoon covered his face, pulling his cap further down to cover his face.
"Taekwoon si, please keep supporting us!" Minah said with a small smile. He nodded taking the album and rushing off stage before he could be escorted off.
"Is your heart still beating?" Hakyeon asked receiving a glare from Taekwoon. He groaned, jumping up and down to work off his embarrassment. He ultimately gave in and Hakyeon hugged him out of pity, smiling for his friend.
"I was going to drag you to the Hi Touch event next week but I don't think you will survive it now" Hakyeon said cheekily.
From the stage, Haneul looked over to the side to see Hakyeon pat Taekwoon’s back as he regained his composure. She nudged Minah to make her look. Minah did so and caught Taekwoon’s eye again making him groan and look away again, making Hakyeon and Haneul laugh.
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
The Bias Wrecking of Cha Hakyeon
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None Word Count - 1214
Summary - In which Hakyeon has feels but would rather not thank you very much.
Find all parts here
Cha Hakyeon is the world's number one fanboy for 6Keys. Or so he claims. And while that is debatable, it is quite understandable that when 6Keys drops teasers for a new mini album Hakyeon has trouble breathing.
“AAJDHDAKALDGDKSLS” he garbles when his twitter explodes.
“You're both extra” Taekwoon insults them causing them to be offended. But he's looking at the teaser pictures too and that just makes Hakyeon indignant.
“I think they have Ara as the main character this time. That's why she is in the centre” Jaehwan theorizes. Hakyeon nods thoughtfully. Jaehwan’s fan theories have known to be true in the past.
“I should share these with Wonshik” Jaehwan nods to himself.
“It’s a standard cute summer concept” Taekwoon says.
“Thank god. We had a horror concept last time. I'm ready for party times” Jaehwan said.
“The intro song still gives me chills when I listen to the album” Taekwoon agreed. Jaehwan nodded in agreement. He wondered why Hakyeon was not saying anything.
“Earth to Cha Hakyeon” Jaehwan said, poking the elder boy.
“Is he ‘dead’ because of how cute Haneul looks AGAIN?” Taekwoon asked. He loved Hakyeon but he could not take days of endless fanboying.
“You guys, is it just me or does Bora look extra cute?” Hakyeon asked, snapping out of his daze.
“Bora?” Jaehwan asked. Bora was the second eldest in the group and the love of every member of 6Keys. She wasn't the most popular in terms of number of fans but she had the most loyal fans. Often silent or sarcastic, the running joke in the fandom was that if you fell for Bora, you would be hooked to 6Keys.
Jaehwan guiltily scrolled up. He had just glanced over the other members’ pictures and gone to Ara’s since she was his bias. The 3rd teaser to be released was Bora's. She was wearing a simple red top and white skirt and relaxing by the pool. Her hair was light brown this time as opposed to black and she did look really pretty in the shot.
“Whoa” Hakyeon said trailing off….
“So… Bora looks pretty” Jaehwan started. Hakyeon nodded in response.
“She looks downright beautiful” he said with conviction. “I can't believe people have been sleeping on her. She's a talented singer and she is so funny and clearly very pretty. No wonder everyone loves her.”
If Taekwoon didn't know any better he would think Hakyeon’s epiphany was about to lead him to nirvana or something.
“Dude. Did you just get bias wrecked?” Jaehwan asked, laughing at Hakyeon’s antics.
“What? No!” Hakyeon protested. “I'm just admiring how talented she is!”
“You've practically been swooning at her picture. You haven't even talked about Haneul since the teasers released” Taekwoon commented.
“That's because Haneul is the love of my life and brightest shining star of the entire universe and that goes without saying!!” Hakyeon replied automatically.
“But Bora is beautiful” Jaehwan put in.
Hakyeon glared but his cheeks were red and that gave Jaehwan the answer he wanted.
“I'm not being bias wrecked” he told Jaehwan.
“No no” Jaehwan said, absolutely assured otherwise.
Hakyeon’s eyes narrowed. He knew that Jaehwan was the most persistent man alive and this was about to come bite him in the back very soon.
“Why aren't you panicking yet?” Taekwoon asked.
“I don't panic. I fanboy. Excuse you” Hakyeon said grumpily. “And I am not looking to my phone because that evil spawn of Satan Jaehwan has been spamming me with Bora's pictures” he added ruefully.
“Well you've just missed the release of Haneul’s pictures” Taekwoon pointed out.
“Haneul? Not Minah? I was so sure they would release Minah’s next!” he said, grabbing his phone. Sure enough, the 6Keys website had new pictures of Haneul at the beach as opposed to Minah. Hakyeon grinned. As expected, she looked very pretty.
“There's one of her and Bora too that she shared on instagram. She was very happy about having convinced Bora to take a picture with her” Taekwoon added. Hakyeon had already opened up instagram and found the picture before Taekwoon had finished that sentence.
“They are both so beautiful” Hakyeon sighed.
“Yeah. Doesn’t Bora look cute in this picture?” Taekwoon asked. Hakyeon glared at him before putting his phone away.
“I hate you. I hope you know that” he added for small revenge.
“I am well aware. You should check out Hongbin’s tumblr. He made some pretty cool summer aesthetic mood boards for the girls” Taekwoon said, scrolling on his phone.
“Really?” Hakyeon asked with a bright smile. Hongbin had one of the best 6Keys dedicated blogs around. He was well known in the fandom for his editing skills. Wonshik wrote the best fanfiction and Hongbin always made posters for him. The duo were legendary.
“Waaah. Red cherry lipstick, strawberry shakes… Haneul’s is totally on point” he nodded.
“So is Bora’s” Taekwoon told him.
Hakyeon scrolled down to find Bora’s mood board. It was a compilation of the recent pictures of her on the beach in a green sundress edited to accentuate the yellow. There was a mint cooler in the sun, pretty yellow flowers spread across the green lawn, a collection of books in dark green covers and vast forests. It was funny how each part could be a character trait. The mint cooler because Bora was a cool and chill person. Yellow flowers across a green lawn because when she smiled the world lit up. She loved to read so the books were always a given. And vast forests because she was philosophical.
Hakyeon sighed. Bora really was amazing. It made him giggle a little that they shared a love for books between them. It was a nice thought. A small cozy home with the biggest room being a library. They could compete to see who had the better book collection. He would steal her books sometimes but never admit to reading it. Or hot chocolate on rainy days where they passionately discussed plotlines and characters. Maybe someone would finally understand his love for misunderstood characters and take part in the feels.
His heart suddenly dropped.
Did he just get feels from a god damned moodboard?!?!?!?!?!
He screamed and threw his phone onto his bed, right next to where Taekwoon lay.
“Oh, did you get to the part of the new chapter that Wonshik uploaded where Haneul dies?” Taekwoon asked smugly.
“HANEUL DIES???” Hakyeon asked, sinking into despair.
“Oh shit. Did I just spoil the new chapter for you?” Taekwoon asked guiltily.
“I hate all of you” Hakyeon cried, jumping onto the bed and burying his head into his pillow. Taekwoon cried when Hakyeon accidentally hit him while flailing.
“Hate Jaehwan. He was the one who has been helping Wonshik with the new fanfic. And probably Hongbin because I saw you daydreaming at the moodboard. Coincidentally, under Haneul’s moodboard Hongbin also thanked Jaehwan for requesting a series” Taekwoon told him.
“Why is he out to get me?” Hakyeon cried into his pillow.
“All Aries men are evil” Taekwoon said, trying to console Hakyeon by patting him on the back. Hakyeon cried in reply and Taekwoon just soothed him over by saying “There, there”.
But to be honest watching Jaehwan bias wreck Hakyeon unintentionally was the funniest thing to him.
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vixxscifiwritings · 6 years
VIXX Story Series
Date - 22 July 2018
Note - All links below link to individual series master posts that are then accordingly tagged with triggers. Please read the trigger warnings before reading!
all pretty things about seasons and you
Summary - In which Taekwoon falls in love with Hongbin the way they describe it in books, Sanghyuk and Hakyeon's love blooms like late flowers and Jaehwan and Wonshik fall in love slowly but as passionately as embers turn to fire.
small towns, faded dreams
Summary -  Hakyeon doesn’t know what will kill him faster, the slowly burning cigarette hanging off his lips or the way Jaehwan’s roguish smile makes his heartbeat erratic.
these deep blue waters
Summary -  Jung Taekwoon resides both on the surface world and in the seas, but he calls Hakyeon’s heart his home.
Summary -  Eunho heals slowly. Deep wounds take time and scarring may remain forever. But every step forward is catharsis.
Satellite Heart
Summary -  Wonshik, Taekwoon and Hakyeon weave in and out of each other’s lives. It resembles the way the third star orbits the binary stars in a triple star system and Wonshik wonders what would happen to him if his satellite heart should fall out of the field of gravity.
Summary -  Cha Hakyeon is the leader of Excelsis Unit, the decorated war hero who saved the world from destruction in the Great War five years ago. The world believes that the entire Excelsis Unit was declared dead in the final battle. And then there are those who wish to make this a reality.
Greed Of Gods 
Summary -  A collection of tragedies, featuring VIXX as gods whose greed/ pride/ ego ultimately ends up causing the downfall of those around them. All of these works are adapted from existing mythological/ folklore stories. Each myth or version thereof is linked with the work.
Glowsticks And Music Notes 
Summary - In which Hakyeon is a fansite master, Taekwoon is the silent admirer but intense fanboy all the same, Jaehwan causes mayhem intentionally and unintentionally, Wonshik kills the fandom with sad fanfiction, Hongbin makes the best posters and Sanghyuk doesn’t know if he wants to join or run away from the crazy. Except he makes crack videos so he is indirectly a contributor to it.
In short, VIXX as fanboys. The AU no one asked for.
Wordsmith For The Heart 
Summary - A drabble series revolving around words picked from  Dictionary Of Obscure Sorrows
[M] Roses And Whips 
Summary -  VIXX smut drabble series based on poetry/quotes I’ve found on the net.
Temple Of Glass 
Summary - Stuck in a small dessert planet on the Outer Rim of the galaxy, Han Sanghyuk dreams of freedom. In the very heart of Coruscant, Jung Taekwoon dreams of days where he can be free of the consequences of the choices he made.Both would never dream of being connected by the Force. Yet here they are, forging ahead on paths that are circles leading them back to one another
Your Weight In Gold 
Summary -  Sanghyuk the Great Golden Dragon of the East has decided that he quite likes Princess Hana. So much so, that he deems her worthy of being his most precious treasure. Things get complicated.
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
Last Update Date - 27 Jan 2018
VIXX Aesthetics
VIXX Headcanons
Detailed summaries and trigger warnings on respective posts for all categories below -   
- A heart that’s broke (is a heart that’s loved) - LeoHyuk angst
- late night conversations - Ken hurt/comfort
- poetry box magnets on the fridge - Leo ghost au
- 3 am negotiations - VIXX vs Ghost au
Drabble Series
- Roses And Whips - VIXX smut series
-  Wordsmith For The Heart  - VIXX - multi genre drabbles
- A Temple Of Glass - LeoHyuk Star Wars AU
- Spiced Honey - Hakyeon x OC royalty au smut
- Gorgeous - LeoBin, romcom
- Welcome To Night Vale - VIXX night vale au (tbc)
- Komorebi - Hongbin x OC, romance
- Mission - Birthday Surprise - Hongbin’s birthday fic
- Apple Cinnamon - Hakyeon x OC, angst
- Versace On The Floor - Hakyeon x OC smut
- Aimonomia - Ken high school au
- We’ll Live in Dollhouses - HyukBin horror - discontinued
Multi Chapter Fics
(These link to individual story’s masterposts)
- Your Weight In Gold -  Hyuk dragon au ft Knight!Hongbin, comedy
- Long Live The King - Jaehwan/Hongbin’s royalty au
- Glowsticks and Music Notes - fanboy!VIXX series
- Say Hallelujah - Kenvi romance Mockumentary
- You can be Alice, I’ll be the Mad Hatter - Hakyeon dystopian supernatural au
- Your words on my skin - 1 | 2 - Ravi soulmates au
Story Series
- Greed Of Gods
Hijo De La Luna - Taekwoon as the moon god
External Prompt Fills
(prompts credited in the respective posts)
- Ken as a Siren 
- candle dragons
In Which I Am Always At War And Failing
- Leo smut for @biasedwriting​ 
Of Wet White Shirts - part 1
Cold Skin - Leo smut part 2
VIXX Tumblr Fic Recs
For Writers - 
Writing… stuff
Writing Reference
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