#not my absolute number one favourite couple who i think about literally all of the time
potatoesbasket · 10 months
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I'm not even mad. They've been like this for over 6000 years, what's a few more, right? And we got ineffable bureaucracy of all ships canonised???
What a week to have forgotten to buy my propranolol. My heart might actually explode.
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pixiemunsons · 2 years
for your viewing pleasure (em)
the girl in eddie's favourite porno mag looks real familiar...
over 4k words (i couldn't help it i'm sorry), best friends to lovers, dirty talk, joking about non consensual touching (it's a single line and absolutely a joke), lots of pet names, weed use obvi, eddie's been jerking it to a pic of someone who looks like reader so if that's an issue don't read, no use of y/n. reader’s hair reaches her shoulders. also unprotected sex (even these two idiots know that’s a bad idea)
no vol two spoilers here!
a/n: i'm so horny for eddie munson i just needed to write this. i'm still working on multiple bridgerton one shots so don't worry, i've not neglected them, eddie is just my fave rn
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you quite literally could not believe your eyes.
you had really seen some shit these last few years. visiting your friend robin at work one afternoon had pulled you into an absolute mess of russians and alternate dimensions and kids with psychic powers and numbers for names. if anyone had told you two years ago that steve ‘the hair’ harrington would be dropping you at school most mornings, that your closest friends would be a group of fifteen year olds, that you would be best pals with eddie fucking munson? you’d never believe them. but this was truly the most unbelievable thing you’d ever seen.
you don’t know why. it was unmistakable. uncanny, really. laid out, literally bare in front of you.
the girl in the centrefold of eddie munson’s most dog-eared, crinkle-paged, unnervingly sticky porno mag looked just like you.
you knew snooping in his room was wrong, but you had no idea there were still secrets between the two of you anymore. you’d been joined at the hip since steve had introduced you the year before, and you weren’t really looking through his stuff, you just wanted to find his stash so you could roll you guys something for when he got back from his shower. but then your fingers had closed around something glossy under his bed and you just had to know what was in it. you weren’t expecting anything like this, maybe just some softcore shit you could tease him about for a couple weeks, but the magazine had opened on its own to its apparently most viewed page, and your jaw had dropped with it.
you couldn’t see all of her, just from the lips down to the knees. she was led down, mouth spread in a wide grin, lacy white underwear adorning her hips. her breasts were exposed, nipples pebbled to the seemingly cold air, and she was trailing her hands up her stomach teasingly. her knees were bent to the side in a look-but-can’t-touch sort of gesture. it was almost tasteful compared to the open mouths and hairy bushes of the other photos. and she literally looked just like you. the hair falling over her shoulder was the exact shade as yours, and even her breasts seemed to be the same size. her skin could’ve been matched to yours at a make up counter, and the shape of her hips and thighs was so reminiscent you would���ve believed they were yours had you not known otherwise.
so why the fuck was eddie looking at this photo? there were a couple of possibilities to be pondered. first, it was a second hand magazine. as gross as that thought was, the person who handed it to him might not have even known you. it was also possible that eddie had never thought of what you might look like under your clothes, which whilst a little deflating (god knows you’d thought about what he looked like under his) was a definite possibility. and then there was the alternative, which was that eddie had realised she looked like you and jacked off anyway, which meant…
you didn’t have time to think about it, though, because eddie was making his way noisily back to his room. quickly, you threw the magazine under his pillow and led back on it, rearranging your skirt and pretending to pick at your nails just as he threw the door open. he was still wet and, you were glad to see, completely shirtless. he leant an arm against his doorframe, the very top of his boxers peaking out from under his tight jeans in a way that had your mouth watering just a little bit. you couldn’t deny that eddie was attractive, and more than once you’d woken up in a cold sweat after having certain dreams about him. but he’d never given any indication that your feelings were reciprocated. sure, he flirted with you, and he loved being close to you, slinging an arm over your shoulder in queues and having a hand on your thigh when he drove. but that was just how he was. with everyone.
‘wanna smoke something, babe?’ he winked, and with a roll of your eyes he came and sat next to you, dragging his lunchbox out. of course. he kept it in his underwear drawer.
‘baby, i’m tellin’ you, the lord of the rings is a fucking epic!’ eddie cried out, joint in one hand and the other waving wildly through the air as he tried to prove his point. you plucked it from his fingers, allowing yourself to indulge in the way they brushed yours for a second.
‘dude, i don’t disagree, but i’m saying it’s not long enough for all the lore! like, come the fuck on, it’s two hours long for like, seven books! that’s at least four movies,’ you argued your own back, laughing at how eddie rolled his eyes. ‘some of us can read, munson, and those books are fuckin’ long.’ you smiled at him sarcastically, squealing as his hands reached out to tickle your waist. his body rolled halfway onto yours, pulling the blunt from your hand and taking one final hit before stubbing it out on his bedside table. long fingers clasped around yours, dragging both hands above your head to tickle your arms and you were laughing and from under your head… an unmistakable sound of paper rustling.
you froze instantly, and you knew eddie had heard it. your eyes shot open, and you could feel blood spreading up your chest and neck and across your face.
‘sweetheart…’ eddie looked into your eyes, and in that awful second, you knew exactly what was about to happen. slowly, carefully, with both of your hands still trapped in one of his above your head and his pelvis pressed into your left hip, he reached under his pillow and came out with the magazine. folded open on the centrefold. you were frozen under him, horrified and in shock and vaguely aware of the fact that your skirt had been rucked up to your mid-thigh by eddie’s leg and your underwear was dangerously close to being exposed. no time for that now, though. not when eddie had caught you going through his stuff and he was going to kick you out or call you a weirdo or, oh god-
‘i see you found my dirty little secret, babe. what’d’ya think?’
your head shot up. he asked you like he was asking about the weather, so casual and restrained. not the voice of a man who’d just caught his best friend rifling through his porn collection. your words came out trembling, made worse by the fact that he still had a hold of your wrists.
‘i didn’t mean to, i was looking for your weed.’ 
eddie scoffed, looking down into your face once again. his pupils had blown out, a mix of the high and something else, and his eyes looked black.
‘you sure baby? because you seem nervous. i think you saw something you like.’ his voice was still teasing, but there was something darker lurking there. you swallowed harshly, and he abruptly let go of your wrists, sitting up.
‘was it this one? perv.’ he joked, unfolding the picture to show her in her entirety. even from this angle, she was just like you, and you gulped again.
‘it was open on that one when i found it,’ you murmured, and for a split second eddie looked… embarrassed? the tips of his ears were flushing a bright red under his hair. you took this as an opportunity to sit up under him, and now he was half straddling your left thigh as he sat on his knees. you fiddled with the edge of your skirt, thinking about how he’d called you a perv. perv! after you’d found outthat he had been staring at a picture of you - well, not you, but, you know - naked! and before you knew it, the words were tumbling from your lips and you tried to stop them, you really did but-
‘she looks an awful lot like me, eddie.’
his face, which had been hidden behind his curtain of long hair as he played with the ragged corners of the magazine, shot up, and his eyes met yours once more. this time he seemed even more embarrassed, if possible. his cheeks were bright red, eyes open in shock, and he was gnawing painfully on his lower lip, a habit you’d noticed he kept when he was nervous. he opened his mouth to respond but you had already started now, and the words were falling from your lips like vomit.
‘i mean, you can’t see her face, but that’s what i look like when i’m- well, not exactly like that but her boobs are just like mine and… not that you think about my boobs or anything or you’ve even seen them to know what they look like but it’s actually a bit creepy how alike we look.’ your hands flew to cover your mouth, and you were wide-eyed. ‘not that you’re creepy! god no, i mean, i’m flattered, really, but…’ you shut up then, not because you had realised that you were rambling like robin but because there was a hand on the back of your neck and one on your waist and eddie’s lips were on yours.
they were chapped and slightly raw from him chewing on them, but so soft and his tongue was minty as he eased it into you. he was breathing heavily, and a subdued moan worked it’s way into your mouth when you gripped his bare shoulders and tugged him into you. you had no idea what this meant, mind reeling as he pulled you closer so you were now straddling his thigh, both of you sat up on your knees. the hand that spread over your waist splayed across the expanse of your back, travelling lower until it met the crease between your ass and thigh. his long fingers pinched at the skin there, pulling a whimper from you as you rolled your hips against his leg in response. his own bucked up against you, the denim seam of his jeans rubbing against your soft inner thigh and making you gasp. you pulled away ever so slightly to meet eddie’s eyes, and he tried to chase your lips, letting out a whine.
then he was dragging his lips down your neck to where it met your shoulder, working at the skin with his teeth and chuckling as you whimpered.
‘yes, babe?’ 
his voice came from under your line of sight, muffled against your reddening neck, and you craned it to try and get a glimpse of his face. instead, you saw him pull away, smiling proudly at the mark that he had most definitely left with his mouth. cockily, he dragged his eyes up to yours.
‘the girl in the magazine-‘
‘would you believe me if i told you i bought it because she looks like you?’ he looked almost bashful asking you, a total contrast to a moment ago, and you couldn’t help the way your jaw dropped. 
‘i know i’ve never seen you naked, but some of these skirts you wear leave very little to the imagination, and you were wearing a white shirt when we jumped into lover’s lake that time. worst place to pop a boner.’ he chuckled as you hit his arm lightly. he was right though; you’d dived in after steve without hesitation, and eddie had had to lend you his jean jacket for your ‘modesty’.
‘i’m sorry, baby, i thought i’d been makin’ it clear how i felt about you.’ his voice had dropped to a murmur as his eyes explored your face, lingering on the way your lips had swollen with his kiss. without thinking, he reached up to cup your cheek, and he wanted the way your eyelashes fluttered closed imprinted on the inside of his brain forever.
‘thought you were just playin’ with me, eds.’ you gulped as he ran his thumb over your lower lip, tugging on it gently. his forehead creased, eyebrows pulled together in a frown.
‘never playing with you, baby. i wouldn’t fuck with your feelings like that,’ his nose nudged against yours as he pulled you into another searing but short kiss, ringed fingers clutching your chin so that he could commandeer the exchange. he angled your face delightfully, leaning you back so you had to arch your chest against his to follow him.
‘wish you’d made it clearer,’ you gasped when his left hand clutched your ass, pulling your crotch towards his own, ‘could’ve been doing this since that night at the lake.’
a laugh rumbled in his chest, fingers stretching back to grasp the back of your head.
‘wanted you a lot longer than that night, babe. i’ve had that mag since i was sixteen.’ you giggled at this, pulling back to stare at him in disbelief.
‘is that right, munson?’ you arched an eyebrow at him. he held a hand up as if in defense, leaving the other firmly attached to your ass.
‘you said it was flattering! would it make you feel better if i said it’s not just because i think you’re hot?’ he asked, sounding sincere. ‘i’ve wanted you a long time, gorgeous, not just to fuck you. i wanna make you mine, y’know? that’s why i’m always callin’ you baby, and touchin’ you up a little-‘
‘i fucking knew it wasn’t an accident when you grabbed my tit last week!’
‘i didn’t grab it, i brushed it. and anyway, i meant how i’m always draggin’ you closer, tryna keep you under my arm, especially when you wear sexy shit like this.’ he reached down to rub the hem of your short black skirt between a thumb and finger. you had noticed the effect that you had on him when you wore certain items of clothing; long socks, denim shorts, band shirts. you always thought it was because he was just a man - god knows you’d caught harrington staring a couple times. but with eddie, you now knew it was different for you both. if you were honest with yourself, it had been building up to this moment for months. and you knew what you had to do.
‘look, eds, i’m gonna be honest with you. i really want that shit too. i want to get milkshakes in town, i wanna drive in the van with you, i wanna go see shitty bands in shitty bars outta town. but…’ you grabbed his hand and pushed it up your thigh, revelling in the way he groaned when his fingertips made contact with the damp fabric at the apex of your thighs. ‘right now, i really need you to do somethin’ about this.’
suddenly, you were on your back again. the movement made your tummy flip, butterflies erupting when eddie kissed you again. before, he’d been gentle; probing and exploring. this time, the kiss was tongues and teeth, and his hips were rutting against your thigh, pushing your skirt up to expose your underwear.
‘you’re fuckin’ kidding,’ eddie moaned out when he saw that you were wearing white. it wasn’t on purpose, but it was almost identical to the photo, and for a moment eddie munson thought he had died and gone to heaven. you made a move to pull your panties down your legs, but you swore you heard him growl before his hand flew out to stop them.
‘baby, i’m gonna need you to keep these on. turn over for me.’
you did as he said, flipping over so you were face down in his pillow, propped up on your elbows. behind you, you could feel eddie’s eyes burning into you. you could imagine how 
you probably looked right now; skirt flipped up, legs spread for eddie to kneel between them, wet spot between your legs as ringed fingers rubbed over your cheeks. two of them plunged between your legs suddenly, rubbing quickly over where you wanted him most, and you mewled and bucked your hips back towards him. a big hand pushed against your lower back, forcing you back down.
’shh, baby, i’m gettin’ there. just busy looking, you’ll have to wait a minute.’
his voice was hard but you knew he wanted it as much as you did, and you were proven right when, not a minute later, two long fingers pushed under the fabric and straight into your heat.
you couldn’t help the moan that slipped past your lips, hips keening back against his hand again as he searched for the spot that would make you scream. fingers crooked, eddie started stroking up against you, wrapping the other hand around your waist. he yanked you up so your back was pressed against his chest, and the change in angle led him right to what he was looking for.
‘fuck, eddie!’ you cried out, and you could feel his hard cock twitching against your ass through his jeans.
‘is that it baby? right there?’ he asked through gritted teeth, and the hand wrapped around your waist pushed its way down your skirt and into your underwear to rub at your clit. both hands were almost too much, and you would’ve been embarrassed at how quickly he had you working for release did it not feel so good. eddie was so caught up in making you cum that he didn’t even realise you had let go of his arm until your hand was wrapped around his dick, and he choked on a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
‘sweetheart, fuck, i can’t concentrate if you do that,’ he moaned out, clutching onto you even tighter than he had been before. you laughed breathily around a moan, hips grinding down on eddie’s fingers to speed up your impending orgasm.
‘sorta the idea, babe.’ eddie was nosing at your neck, pressing kisses to the back of your ear, and your words just made him work that little bit harder to get you there.
‘god, i really wanna fuck you right now.’
‘so do it.’
he stopped still and you turned around to look at him for the first time since he’d started touching you. he looked fucked out already; his lips were spit soaked and swollen, his chest was heaving and his eyes were wide open, drinking the image of you down.
‘fuck, babe, d’you really mean it? you don’t have to, i’m probably gonna have to beat off after this anyway.’ 
instead of answering, you reached down, stripping off your shirt and shimmying your skirt down your legs, leaving you sat in just your white underwear, pulled to one side. eddie’s knees almost buckled under him, and he grabbed your face to pull you into another kiss. the angle was awkward, you turning over your left shoulder, but it meant you could just about reach his bare cock and rub it through your wet folds. he jumped away like he’d been shocked, eyes pulled like a magnet down to where your bodies threatened to connect.
‘you’re not wearing a fucking bra either. you’re going to be the death of me one of these days,’ he moaned, and you had to stifle a laugh.
‘would it help if i said i never wear a bra around you?’
‘i oughtta put you over my knee and spank you, you dirty girl.’
‘promises, promises, munson. you gonna fuck me now or not?’
he chuckled darkly, swatting your ass cheek with a wink before leaning into his bedside drawer, sighing heavily when he opened it.
‘baby, i’m really sorry, but i’ve got no johnnies.’ eddie rested his chin on your shoulder, nipping at the skin there with his teeth. you leant back into his touch, swallowing heavily.
‘i never did this before,’ you said, and you could almost feel his ears perk up. ‘but i’m on the pill, so as long as you pull out…’
if he died now, he’d be dying a happy man, he was sure of it.
‘fuckin’ hell, babe, you sure?’ he grunted, teeth grazing your ear. ‘i needa hear you say it, sweetheart. tell eddie you want him to fuck you bareback.’ you supposed he was trying to be funny, but it sent a shiver down your spine that he didn’t miss.
‘does it turn you on when i talk to you like that, baby?’ he crooned, and you could just about babble out a ‘shit, yes!’ 
‘then tell me you want me to put it in,’ he teased, rubbing his cock through your folds and bumping your clit in a way that made your eyes roll back in your head.
‘eddie, i swear to fuckin’ god, put it in or i’ll just get myself off.’
‘as tempting as that is to watch, sweetheart,’ he muttered, squeezing your hip, ‘i think i’ll stick to this.’ and with that, he pushed himself in. 
he wasn’t going to put it all in at once; he was gonna spread you nice and slow, fuck it in and out slowly. he knew he was bigger than most girls were used to, and he was gonna use all his self control to make this as easy as possible for you. but as soon as he put the first inch in you were squirming, begging for more and sucking him in like a fucking vacuum and trying to sit down on it. not to mention how wet you were; he’d never known anything like it. so when you leant back and grabbed his arm and looked at him with those beautiful puppy dog eyes and pouty lips and begged ‘baby, please, just fuck me?’ 
well, he was a goner.
you were so turned on you barely even registered the pain of the stretch, but you knew from the way eddie was repeatedly bumping your g spot that he was bigger than anyone you’d ever had before. and he knew how to use it. he was holding it deep, fucking you in slow, grinding thrusts. every part of your body was touching a part of his, as if you were one person, moving together in perfect synchronicity to get you both there. eddie had never been in anyone bare before, and he was starting to feel like he’d never want to use a condom again; he could feel every part of you, and it was bringing him closer and closer to his release with every passing second.
‘eddie, i think i’m gonna cum already,’ you half slurred, half moaned, and he kissed your shoulder, increasing the tempo of his hips. suddenly, you felt the knot break and your orgasm washed over you in a crescendo, and you cried out eddie’s name as he fucked you through it. he was using his hands to guide your hips against his, all while whispering in your ear; ‘so good for me, babe, so fuckin’ good, gonna make me cum aren’t you sweetheart? such a beautiful girl, so naughty just for me, ’s that right?’ you were nodding along with his words, fingers clutching onto him tightly and so wrapped up in the moment that when he stilled his hips and gasped ‘oh fuck, babe, ‘m gonna cum, you need to get off,’ you just couldn’t bring yourself to stop rocking against him. your head was leant back against his shoulder, and you could hear him muttering frantically as he tried to hold onto his orgasm and push you off.
‘eddie, babe?’
‘sweetheart, please, i’m gonna cum, you need to-‘
‘calm down,’ you turned your head, kissing down his neck and stroking his hair gently, ‘just cum in me.’ you felt his thighs still under yours, then tremble as a rush of warmth filled you up. you wished you could bottle up the way eddie moaned into your ear, the way he pushed right up into you and filled you up to the brim, the way he sighed as you kissed his cheek when he finished.
‘babe, that was really hot, but fuck, we really shouldn’t have done that,’ he murmured, pulling out and feeling terrible at the way you whined.
‘’m on the pill, we’re good,’ you whispered, eyelids drooping as you climbed into eddie’s bed, completely naked.
‘shouldn’t you go, like, pee or?’ eddie asked, combing long fingers through your knotty hair, and you noticed he had, at least, pulled his boxers back on.
‘shhh, sleep time. i’ll do that later. we can get a plan b too, if you’re worried.’ you yawned, and eddie’s heart soared when you made grabby hands up at him. ‘now come get in bed, i need a cuddle.’
‘yes, ma’am.’
‘don’t make it fuckin’ weird, munson.’
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reveluving · 2 years
writing milf!Batmom was bound to happen at some point lol I was waiting for the day to finally happen fr fr SO HERE ❤
warnings: smut (18+ content, minors DNI!)
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Look, with that many kids in the household, did you really think no one's going to talk about how sexy of a mother Mrs Wayne is?
Don't get me wrong, Bruce being called a DILF is not uncommon! Just look at him; a rich and respectable hunk of a man, who is also a father of six children and counting? So much hotter than when he was known as a playboy all those years ago. It was only natural for the public to talk about the missus in question as well.
Who could've possibly been the one to finally tame the Bruce Wayne and better yet, encouraged him into the married life?
You, obviously, and boy, did the public understand why.
No matter how much the media tries to deny it, they can never ignore your beauty, your grace, and dare I say, your MILF-ness.
C'mon, everyone's eyes were always on you the second you'd step foot into the gala. Oh, Mrs Wayne is here, in her new silky, silt-cut dress, matchint heels and jewellery that complements your every feature?
Sign me the fuck up!
You may have acknowledged the reputation bestowed upon you, but what you didn't realized was just how strong that power was.
But, of course, your reputation comes with a bit of a price to pay. Not by you, but by your children.
If there was one thing Dick, Jason and Tim were especially too familiar of hearing, especially on social media, it's about you, and the Internet can be very open with their thoughts. People are getting too comfortable on the app, as one would say.
While there was no denying that you were in fact beautiful, they were still your sons, and to see such language about you was almost as traumatic as seeing you and Bruce fooling around in bed.
• 'Mrs Wayne is so hot??? HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HER IN THOSE HEELS??? GYAT'
• 'I've seen her IRL when I was visiting her café and let me tell you; photos do NOT DO HER JUSTICE 🥵'
• 'If my future husband and I don't give Bruce and (Y/N) Wayne energy, I don't want it ☝🏼🤨'
• 'mrs wayne's thighs appreciation: a thread that will having you SCREAMING [includes 10+ photos]'
That last one in particular had an intimidating number of likes, mind you. As if their own set of fans weren't a lot to deal with already.
But hoho, if we're talking about Bruce Wayne's opinion on the matter?
Picture this.
It's like watching an edit of your favourites; going from a random video of you adorably scrunching up your nose to BAM—a slow-mo of you looking like a literal model. How or where anyone's ever gotten that footage from was uncertain, but if you asked Bruce if he's ever seen that video before?
Chances are, he'd say yes.
Repeatedly, even.
Hell, he might've saved it somewhere, amongst other 'tresures', for educational purposes.
He acknowledges the fact that you may be a teenage boy's fantasy, the dream trophy wife of many men, regardless if they were in their lonesome or in a tasteless marriage, but in the end of the day, you were his, just as he was yours.
And while he has the means to save your most intimate moments via his greatest machines, he actually prefers the good ol' polaroid. Saving at least a couple of boudoir photos in his pocket, wallet, the Batmobile, locked away in one of the Batcomputer's rack and much more. Whether they're photos of you lying on your stomach cross-legged in your lingerie, or even a picture of the two of you, glistening in sweat and naked in front of the mirror, he never ran short of his precious 'supplies', and he has more where that came from.
Knowing he was the only one able to not only see you, but make you writhe and scream and cum in his bed—in your bed, around his cock? He could die a happy man, truly. And he'll do just about anything you ask him to, no question?
Want his fingers inside you while he smothers his face in between your breasts? Certainly.
Want him to lie back so you can straddle his face and make you cum with that talented tongue of his? You don't have to tell him twice.
Want him to take your dress and lingerie off so slowly, even though his cock is aching to be touched by those sweet hands of yours? Say no more.
That man is always hungry for you, borderline desperate even, but what's new.
But, if it ever goes down to you, or when the public gets too comfortable voicing out, especially in front of you, and it clearly rubs you the wrong way, best believe he'll do something about.
He doesn't need the comments of others to know how sexy of a woman his wife really is, after all.
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I wanted to write smut for this, considering it is a milf!batmom after all, but we all know how long it takes for me to do that HAHA I hope y'all still liked this one tho! Please don't forget to leave some sugar! ❤
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milfjagger · 10 months
okay so... give us the list of folk horror films that are good please. 🤲
ok this took a while but here we go! it ended up being more than 10 lol
the wicker man (1973) - the definitive british folk horror film. midsommar wants to be the wicker man soooo bad it's embarrassing
the blood on satan's claw (1971) - i haven't seen this one in a long time but it's a pretty chilling early 70s british film centring around a demonic cult in 18th century england
night of the demon (1957) - ok so you know the sample at the beginning of hounds of love by kate bush, where a voice says "it's in the trees! it's coming!" that's from this film!!!! just barely in the folk horror category but it's based on a story by m.r. james who is one of THE iconic folk horror writers so imo it counts
a warning to the curious (1972) - also based on a story by m.r. james, this was part of a long-running annual bbc series called 'a ghost story for christmas'. it's only about 30 minutes long and very dated but I think that gives it extra charm and even a bit of extra creepiness
the juniper tree (1990) - icelandic retelling of the grimm's fairy tale, starring björk and featuring an incredibly beautiful soundtrack
the company of wolves (1984) - based on the short stories of angela carter in her compilation 'the bloody chamber'. this is probably more fairytale horror than folk horror but i LOVE this film and if you like intense psychosexual overtones and incredible practical effects then you will too
the devil rides out (1968) - classic hammer horror with christopher lee so you know it's gonna be a banger
wake wood (2009) - probably the most underrated irish horror film of all time (and that's saying a lot bc there really aren't many). really scary film with the "came back but wrong" premise. watch this one
the hallow (2013) - another one from ireland. it's not amazing but including it bc i don't think i've ever seen another horror film fully embrace the idea that faeries are actually terrifying. practical effects are also cool as hell
kill list (2011) - i'll be honest with you I didn't understand half of what was happening in this film and it's been on my to-rewatch list for ages. it starts out as a cerebral cop drama and descends into absolute madness like it literally has to be seen to be believed
a field in england (2013) - probably the modern folk horror film that comes closest to what british directors were doing with the genre in the 70s. it's trippy, impenetrable and often kinda funny, i really recommend this one
pyewacket (2017) - offbeat canadian indie film that you will either find really creepy or really boring. i thought the ending in particular was incredibly chilling
the ritual (2017) - i feel like everyone has seen this film at this point but i had to recommend it anyway bc it blends folk horror with monster movie and it's super fucking terrifying. i also highly recommend the novel by adam neville which if anything is even scarier
the witch (2015) - again everyone has seen this and has an opinion but it's one of my favourite horror films of all time
pet sematary (1989) - the iconic stephen king classic that is still really scary to this day
pumpkinhead (1988) - another film that is super underrated imo. people who love the creature design in the ritual should remember the OG
men (2022) - controversial opinion perhaps but i think this film was actually kinda brilliant. if nothing else it is super twisted and horrifying
on my list of i haven't watched this yet but people say it's really good: penda's fen (1974), witchfinder general (1968), the lair of the white worm (1988) (i know i know i call myself a ken russell fan and i haven't even seen lair of the white worm)
a radio play: children of the stones on bbc radio 4 (available on spotify hee hee)
and a couple of books: fairy tale (1996) by alice thomas ellis, and the owl service (1967) by alan garner. the owl service is for kids but it really did a number on me aged 12 and it still holds up as a classic. I think there's an old bbc series but i haven't got round to watching it yet :)
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sunshinechay · 1 year
Heyyyy! Just wanted to hop on and say your blog has been bringing me a lot of joy lately. What is your number 1 show and ship atm that you are keeping up with or would like to reccomend?
You have no idea how happy this made me. I’m glad I could help bring you joy!
For my fav show that I’m watching right now…I would have to say it’s A Boss and A Babe. It’s an office romance between Gun (aka Boss), the president and owner of a video game development company and Cher/Laem, who is an intern with the company. They are also my favourite ship from the show. They are absolutely adorable and the acting duo behind them (ForceBook) have such good chemistry. It’s a really nice more mature BL that gmmtv is doing right now, which is a nice break from their usually line up of school bls. It has it’s light hearted moment and it’s serious moments and I absolutely love Cher’s friend group (#foundfamilygoals). Plus the secondary couple (which we don’t get to see nearly enough of) ThreeZo is every level of adorable you can imagine. I would definitely recommend this show if you aren’t watching it already.
My forever rec, of course, is Not Me (The Series). It is a really interesting and enjoyable series that has a lot of social commentary about life in Thailand, especially with regards to poverty, capitalism, disability and LGBTQ+ issues within the country. The found family in this show is something very special to me, especially because we still get to see growth from them even though White walks into an already established group (also #foundfamilygoals). The flag scene changed me as a person, I will never be normal about this show because of it. It also falls in the “Be Gay, Do Crime” type shows that I always end up loving XD. The main ship, SeanWhite, are everything to me. White is someone who manages to surprise everyone with every turn he makes, despite (and likely a little because of) his kind, caring but ultimately rational and calculated nature/personality. Sean is an absolutely babygirl who is here to fuck shit up and love his boyfriend and lucky for him, he gets to do both at the same time…I love him so much. It’s the first bl I watched that forced a ghost ship on me that I don’t talk about enough but am most definitely not normal about (BlackTodd my beloved). It’s OffGun at their finest and definitely worth the watch. (Gun’s acting alone is worth the watch. It genuinely feels like he is two separate people when he plays each of the twins and holy crap this guy deserves all the roles and all the awards.) The rest of cast is made up of equally talented actors who play their roles spectacularly. All in all, it’s a wild ride that I love to watch again and again.
The ship I’m obsessing over atm is KimChay. I just love them so much and I can’t stop thinking about them haha. I think at least a little of that is how open their ending is, which normally I hate but it works for them, especially with the epilogue of sorts they managed to give them during one of the concert shows. Their dynamic (sunshine and sunshine protector) is one of my favourites. They are a perfect match to me, with Chay, despite being so young, being the most emotionally mature, emotionally intuitive character on the show and Kim being an emotion shunning half feral murder kitten who just wants to protect the boy he loves. I mean Kim literally leaves a pile of dead bodies in a bar to show Chay he loves him, which is fucked up but also oddly adorable as he didn’t have to go to help Chay when he could have helped protect his brothers during the attack on the compound. He chose Chay over everyone else and I think in the end, Chay would/will and does chose him back. I mean my boy Kim thought writing a song and releasing it on the internet and publically declaring it was for Chay was a good way to try and make it up to Chay instead of giving Chay what he wanted. You know, an explanation and a conversation about why Kim thought doing what he did was okay. You’ll never convince me Chay wasn’t already ready to forgive Kim for everything during the breakup scene, he just wanted to hear Kim’s side of the story and have an honest conversation with him about it. I think Chay absolutely understands that he did it for his brothers because Chay would also do anything for his brother, he just wants to hear Kim say it (see again, my belief that Chay is the most emotionally mature character in the entire show, every single adult included XD).
Ironically though the ship I’m reading the most fic for right now is probably VegasPete, though both KinnPorsche and KimChay are in there as well :D
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snarkivistfic · 3 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by @heyholmesletsgo, thank you! :) I apologize that this took me literally forever to do!!!
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore? I think probably Alec Scutter/ Maurice Hall from Maurice but I wouldn’t say I don’t care about them anymore
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? I had to think about this really hard. I don’t remember if it was George and Susan San Francisco from Alien Nation or Maurice Hall and Alec Scutter from Maurice.  I loved both of these couples fiercely but especially the former I haven’t even thought of until I started thinking about this. 
3. Your first fanfic was about which couple? I didn’t ever write it down till much later
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of? I apologize to artists – I do not!!
5. Have you ever gotten into ship discourse? With my social anxiety? Heavens no.
6. Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently? I guess I do but I honestly don’t think about it too much. Like I don’t read those ships but honestly can’t be bothered to block any content because I don’t care that much.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? WeiLan from Guardian (Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan)
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? SO MANY (can one have multiple One True Pairings?  Yes, yes you can).  ZiNing (Ouyang Zizhen /Wen Ning) is my absolute number one.  But I also passionately love ChuGuo, BigTay, ChanPol, XiYao, YaoYang (CLs Yao and Ouyang), ZhuiLing, and Qin Su/Bicao.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Okay so this is a bit of a deep cut and I refuse to google the names of the characters lest it upset me again. I adore the actor Rupert Graves (Probably because he plays Alec Scutter) and he was in this movie called Dreaming of Joseph Lees.  His character has sooooo much chemistry with the female lead and they are so good together. But in the end she goes back to her horrible and cruel husband because he’s been injured or something I don’t remember.  I just remember I was sooooo mad and it still upsets me to think about it now.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? I mean probably if you have a really wide definition of ship and it encompasses my whole life of imagining fictional characters together. But I can’t think of one right now.  
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? I can’t think of anything. 
12. What is your favorite crack ship? People consider YaoYang to be a crack ship but like I don’t think I could be so passionate about them if I thought that. I am not writing them as a pairing as a joke.  I think the first time I wrote them seriously (a fic called A Call to Arms) I started it as a joke and a way to play with unreliable characters. But I ended up sort of getting in their heads and now I love them so much. Because I think people in my life find me annoying and a little too much of a know-it-all (who is often wrong about things) so I kind of identify with CL Yao in a way.  So but yeah I guess technically this is my favourite crack ship?
13. What is the couple you read the most fanfics about? Honestly, I guess WangXian just because there are the MOST of them. 
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common? Hmmmm.  I think, and maybe this is in all ships?, that each of the characters sees something in the other that no one else can. Like maybe everyone else thinks they are annoying (lol YaoYang) or just a sweet sexless cinnamon roll (ZiNing), or for whatever reasons the characters don’t think they deserve love or that anyone could love them.  I think that’s the thing.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship? This is hard for me to answer because the whole point of fiction is that you can like things that would be terrible in real life.  So a dynamic that would suck irl could be a great ship dynamic?  I guess I don’t have an answer.
Tagging @unfortunatelycake @jaggededges123 @justacoyote @linacies @zaelriel (no pressure at all! I won't be offended if you're not interested!) and whoever else would like to answer!
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the-sisters-madrigal · 9 months
Hi! Love your blog! My sister and I love love love Encanto (me more so) and it's my favourite ever Disney movie ever!
I have the headcanon set in modern times that after seeing the barbie movie, Luisa buys herself an emotional support barbie so she gives herself the childhood she didn't get. Also in relation to this, after the events of the movie, Pepa and Isabela bond over the trauma of having to suppress their gifts and being seen as perfect to keep up appearances. Isabela finds her old dolls from when she was a kid and seeing how she's not that girl anymore, she goes ham in destroying them and essentially pulls a Sid from Toy Story. Pepa helps in this therapy by using her lightning and its beautiful.
Other hcs include...
Mariano still being a himbo! One Christmas, Alma says they had an important visitor and Mariano deadass asks if it's Santa. It's padre fransico from a neighbouring church. This one is based off my sister at work, who, last Christmas, asked if the special visitor they were getting was Santa as 'christmas' and 'special visitor' usually means him. It was safeguarding people.
Behind the donkey shed is a popular place for couples to have alone time together. Both Pepa and Luisa can attest to this.
Dolores was adamant about wanting a baby sibling for Christmas, to the point where she held the baby who was the baby Jesus in the nativity hostage. Pepa and Félix did not think that negotiating with a three year old would be on their parenting duties and yet there they were.
Antonio is an oops baby. Very much welcomed, but an oops baby nonetheless. Pepa and Félix swore that after Camilo, there was to be no more. Cue Dolores' quinciñera where they had too much to drink and figured they were too old to need protection. The morning sickness five weeks later proved otherwise.
Thank you so, so much! I love me some Encanto, too 🥰 I took a little break for a while, but I'm back on it now 😂
And my goodness, these are some awesome headcanons!! I'll address each of these and number them so I can keep track 💗💗💗
I have honestly never much considered an modern AU for this group, but I have to admit, that's a really intriguing idea! And Pepa and Isabela bonding is pretty awesome, too, even if it's something I've never thought a lot about either (a lot of my thoughts belong to the three sisters 😅) However, I have to admit, the thought of Isabela destroying Barbie's in Sid-like fashion is the stuff that horror movies are made of 😂 However, I could very much picture it 🤣
I absolutely love Mariano being a himbo. He is literally the sweetest and he's got the spirit, but idk 😂
Now all I'm picturing is Luisa walking up after a hard day of gathering donkeys that she shouldn't have to gather in the first place and coming upon Pepa and Félix back there behind the donkey shed 🤣 Poor baby Luisa gonna be scarred for life
My goodness, I could definitely see Dolores wanting a baby sibling 🥺 And holding the nativity Jesus baby hostage is hilarious 😂💖 The question is did she want a boy or a girl or was she good with whichever? I kinda picture her being cool with either, but that might be based on my own experiences as a little kid wanting a sibling.
And my gosh, it's crazy you say this because I was literally telling my dad this the other day. I was forcing him to look at some of the Encanto characters (as you do) and I was looking at those kids thinking, "Dang, somebody done had an oopsie." 🤣
Thank you for sharing these delightful headcanons! 🥰💗💗💗
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phdmama · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
HUGE thank you to @sugareey-makes-stuff @kingsofeverything @xanthippe74 for tagging me in this one!! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to it!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
208! That's not including the large number of Tumblr drabbles I need to post for archival purposes!
2. What's your total AO3 Word Count?
1,066,342 <- which OMG
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I started in 1D (Larry mostly though I've done a couple of threesomes) and then I shifted to HP - I think I've only written main Drarry? I've dabbled a tiny bit in Stucky and I've written one 911 Buddie fic (but I'm working on another one!)
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
My top one is on that's co-written and has that number of kudos due to the other author, so for the ones that are just mine:
I Like the Way You Move for Me (Drarry)
Feels Like Coming Home (Larry)
Beautiful Madness (Drarry)
Tell Me How You Like It (Drarry - outsider POV)
Is This Love? (Drarry)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try but I struggle to keep up with them - not because I get so many comments haha, but I do that "get behind spiral out feel terrible" thing way too often!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to write angst-y endings, because I really need a happy ending but I've got a couple of really short painful things! Unsurprisingly, these are all microfic/vignette sorts of things!
The Ghost of You (Drarry, microfic, post-MCD)
Here Without You (Drarry, vignette, post-breakup)
What's Left Behind (Drarry, vignette, MCD) wow I just reread this one and FUCK ME I AM A MONSTER
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Unhhhh most of them honestly! I will say, I do SOMEtimes VERY RARELY put some pain on the journey to HEA so if I had to guess, I'd say that all of me (loves all of you) (Drarry) is probably my most unabashedly sappy no-angst fluff.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face anyway! I'm sure there are people who don't like my writing but I think they ignore me more than anything! One of the perks of being a very small writer, I think!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do! For kind, I write slash, I guess you'd call it (gay), almost all of it M/M. I have one girl!fic. I don't really write too much kink, I'd say most of what I do is pretty vanilla. Healthy communication is my kink, I guess!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Ummm off the top of my head, no?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. I read one fic that was not a plagiarism of my actual work but was literally the exact same plot, the exact same story beats, the exact same setting etc. I am well-aware there's nothing new under the sun but I read it and was like, unhhh. It's one of my greatest fears honestly - accidentally taking someone's fic!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know. I've been approached, but I'm not comfortable with it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup! Twice! Both in the Larry fandom. One was with one other writer (who's long gone from fandom as far as I know) and one (Wine Not) I wrote with a big group of people who've become some of my absolute closest friends!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't have one specific. The ones I write for, I obviously feel very very strongly about, but the bummer for me is that when I'm writing in a particular pair, I don't read anything in that pairing! I also don't read for the ship, but for the story and the writing, so I read in a LOT of different pairings!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Fuck me, so many.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oof, I'm not sure! I'm not a trained writer by any means. I think I do scene setting pretty well?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing, for sure. It's really hard and I can get bogged down in the "and then THIS happened and then THIS happened and then THIS happened" - I'm so linear, so I have to push myself there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Generally no. I've sprinkled in a few words here and there, but I wouldn't do much of it, and if I had to, I would 1000% find someone to help me with it and not rely on Google translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Larry. Still writing there and kinda following along a bit but I'm not active in that fandom anymore other than the writing.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I'm not sure I have one fav fic - I'd say I'm really proud of my long (for me) fics! Those are hard for me, and there's a couple that are really really personal. But I have to say, Maybe You're the Difference (Drarry) is one I really like and am really proud of. I worked so so hard on it.
I feel like I'm late on this one, so I'll call this a general tag (FOR REAL I HONESTLY MEAN IT) - if you want to do this, DO IT and tag me!! xox
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jojotichakorn · 4 months
ask game - top five favourite female characters :3
ok so we collectively decided that i will do top five from dramas and then top five from other forms of media, so this is gonna be a long post 😌
top five favourite female characters from dramas
number one. koh ae ri from the eighth sense
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she is for real one of my favourite secondary characters of all time. she is so funny and i absolutely love the way she teases her friends, bullying IS a love language yes. i also love how confident and slightly over-the-top she is, she can really stand up for herself and other people as well, which is an admirable quality. also, i am side-eyeing her and her bestie. 🫵🏳️‍🌈⁉️ ykwim
number two. ink from bad buddy
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we all know what i think about bad buddy but that doesn't mean there aren't any characters in that series who i still cherish, and ink is definitely one of them! i feel like everything in the world has already been said about her and i don't even have to explain myself. we all love her.
number three. hashimoto mio from kieta hatsukoi
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she is an icon, she is a legend, etc. etc. she is so so sweet and wonderful but can also hit you across the face so hard that you fly away if you deserve it. i don't even think that's like dramatic effect exaggeration, she will kick your ass if you're acting like a fucking idiot and i love that about her.
number four. choi yu na from semantic error
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true bicon of our generation. greatest fashion sense in the world. so very tired of your bullshit (and that's absolutely fair). a great friend. *bows fifty times in respect*
number five. sunny from our dating sim
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she doesn't get too much screen time but i love everything about what we see of her. she is very no-nonsense and deadpan, but also very emotionally intelligent and compassionate (she literally helps lee wan figure out why he started drawing and why it's still important to him, like she literally changes his life with one small conversation). what a legend.
top five favourite female characters from other media
number one. brienne of tarth from game of thrones (tv show)
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ok yeah yeah horrible tv show. ANYWAY. i am fucking obsessed with brienne. she is SO!!!! KDGJDFJGDFJGKDF. sorry. what am i even supposed to say. she is a warrior both metaphorically and literally. she is the most knight-coded character of all time. no man can compare to her in knightly qualities. she is noble, she is loyal, she is fair. she is fucking iconic.
number two. clementine from the walking dead games (video game series)
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i grew up with clem, actually. i was just a couple of years older than her when i first watched a playthrough of twdg. i suppose we have to make some space for the fact that she is a protagonist in 2.5/4 games, meaning that every player kind of decides what kind of a person she is on their own. but i think overall, no matter what choices you make, she always remains a very strong and resilient person. despite everything she's lost, she doesn't lose her humanity and manages to take great care of her found family (and her adopted younger brother, shout out to our murder baby aj <3). i am very proud of her, almost like she is a literal person who grew up in front of my eyes.
number three. lae'zel from baldur's gate 3 (video game)
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ok, now this one was hard. not because i don't love lae'zel so much, but because there is an insanely long list of female characters from bg3 that i absolutely adore, and choosing just one was hard. in lae'zel's place, there could have been shadowheart or karlach or jaheira or either isobel or aylin from everyone's favourite divine lesbian duo or nine-fingers or or or. i can go on forever. but i picked lae'zel for this post. so, first thing you should know about her is that she can step on you and you will be thanking her for it if she does. she is just 21 years old, yet she goes through a completely worldview-shattering experience and comes out the other side not just alive, but with her head held high. her quote "what good this heart of stone, for it to be shattered?" absolutely kills me every time. i'm gonna stop here, but i could go on forever actually yes.
number four. josephine montilyet from dragon age inquisition (video game)
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very similar situation with the dragon age games and the amount of characters i could choose. morrigan, isabela, and sera in particular were very strong contenders for this space. but i ended up choosing josie for this post. she is a very sweet and romantic character. she used to be a spy (and she actually got into it because she thought it sounded romantic - she's whimsical like that), but then she ended up killing someone she knew and that experience changed her forever. she is now a very successful diplomat, determined to deal with world's problems through any means other than violence. she is very open-minded, understanding, and just an absolutely lovely person overall.
number five. anne elliot from persuasion by jane austen (novel)
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choosing a favourite jane austen herione is like choosing a favourite child, but here we are. the photos are from two different adaptations, and i appreciate both of them in different ways, though i don't think we have a 10/10 adaptation of persuasion just yet. anyway, anne is naturally a rather timid and people-pleasing person, which i think a lot of us can relate to, but throughout the book she really finds her own voice and stands her ground, while simultaneously not having to completely change her personality, which i really appreciate. not everyone can be sarcastic or witty or strong-willed and that's ok. she also definitely shines as the undeniably smartest austen herione, as she figures out all the secrets, decidedly does not trust clearly untrustworthy albeit charming gentlemen, and is overall incredibly sensible, which means it's very easy to read her inner dialogue, because you never find yourself sighing at how blind she is at something that's happening. she sees everything. being inside her head is a great time.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
I’m gonna put in one more request before your 1k celebration is over. Which you definitely deserve!! You are absolutely amazing! But can I also get number 9 pretty please.
Ok! I’m American specifically from the south. I’m gender-fluid and most days dress either like a stereotypical professor or I look like I just crawled outta bed. I come off as a grump because I get uncomfortable easy and shut down. I’m currently working towards a dual degree in history and art. I play video games, collect comics and action figures. I like to build model tanks and things. I get extremely emotionally attached to my things and hate when people touch them. I like to read but only physical books. I really like tea and don’t care for coffee. I’ll eat and or try just about anything any thing I won’t eat usually comes down to texture. I am extremely excitable, and often have a hard time controlling my volume in most situations. Once you brake through my grumpy mask I’m a goofball. I like to learn about others interests. I heavily dislike being in public and usually wear my headphones so I don’t get overwhelmed. I’m always down to do anything with my friends. I get frustrated easily, especially when I know I can do better. I will stand up for anyone and everyone but myself. I swing very heavily between states of hyperfocus and dissociation. I have anxiety and depression along with adhd. I’m the oldest of three siblings and I’m very close with both my brother and sister. I’m a very touchy person with most people I’m comfortable with. Touchy to an absurd degree actually. Once I like you I have no concept of personal space. I also make people 10x mean to me in my head. I love animals and have a single fur baby. A cat named catness. A chronic migraine haver.
I’m so sorry this is so long. And nothing is in order. My brain just ran with it. But keep up the amazing work finnie!! I appreciate you so so much my friend!! 💚💚
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok yep giving it to the cutest little obssessive bean (and i'm so sorry there are so few images of her ;-;) 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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right first of all fluidity and adaptability? super key to this harley. like i don't know she seems ready to flip her whole self up on a whim and be who she wants to be on that specific day
she might seem a tad grumpy too, or maybe rage-filled, but it's just because she's so determined and outgoing so you're like opposites attract in that sense, which would be good for grounding each other!
cutesie nerd couple vibes honestly, i think she'd be a comic book nerd and i can see you both layign on your stomachs kicking your legs and giggling at dumb superheroes together
this harley is super patient, like she'll wait for something and/or work out how to get it exactly and i know from experience this is key when it comes to model building cos those fuckers require a steady hand and the patience of a saint
hello hammer, hello joker, hello you. harley knows a thing or two about being emotional attachment
trying new things is everythign to her, how else are you going to stumble upon brand new favourites or a new arch-nemesis??? so she'd be down to go to different restaurants with you and do that disgustingly romantic, cutesie thing of ordering four dishes and sharing them all while you feed each other with linked arms
harley is the most exciteable little thing to ever walk the planet, and i think the two of you would both be volume control-less wonders together because she can go from 0 to 60 on the volume scale for literally no other reason than she saw something that she wanted to squish with love
same with the grumpy mask hiding a goofball. yeah she might seem terrifyign and quick to rage, but she's just a little clown, just a little harlequin, just looking for a good and fun and silly time
ok so don't worry about standing up for yourself, because harley is 100% there for you on that front, and that includes in public when you're overwhelmed and you need someone to barge through the crowd and make a path for you to safety
literally you're almost the same person here, the touchy thing? very physical attention focused. will squish cheeks, pat heads, grab butts, smoosh tummies, hold hands constantly and go out of her way to not have to let go, she's touching you in some way at most times if you're one of her people
she's definitely an animal lover, anything cutesie that she can hold and pet (you included) are top tier in her world
and hey she might not be the healthiest person in terms of her mind, but she'll try her damndest to make sure you feel supported and at your happiest when you're ready to feel that emotion, otherwise, she'll wallow right there with you until you feel like getting up again
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tracybirds · 1 year
It's New Year's Eve!!
I just wanted to take a little time to reflect on the year and celebrate it and say a ginormous thank you to everyone who has taken the time to drop by around here!! It's been a blast getting to share the Thunderbirds love and I love writing for TAG so much!!
This year had some major highs and lows for me which we're not going to dwell on, because the most important and fun thing is the spreadsheet I set up at the beginning of the year has had it's final update and I have numbers and graphs to happily geek out about!!! Naturally there's some skew - particularly with anything pertaining to AO3 since fics published earlier have had more time in circulation but still, I think it's made for a pretty good overview :D
Numbers and sappy feelings and reflections and things under the cut (there's even some pretty pie charts)
I published 45 separate works this year - many were short ficlets and subsequently gathered into the Thunderbirds Snippets collection which was the "fic" that overall had the most engagement (pretty impressive when you consider the collection only has AO3 stats!). This came to a total of 43,456 published words for complete stories (plus a whole slew for wips! At least another 20,000 is languishing in other documents :D We'll see those come out to play soonish, I'm sure)
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As is usual for me, the overwhelming majority of fic this year was short oneshot stories. In fact I didn't finish any multichapter stories this year! Just didn't have the time for that kind of commitment for most of the year :D I also relied a lot on people giving me prompts and I'm endlessly grateful to them (especially @janetm74 and @katblu42 who sent me prompts nearly every time I asked!). I would have spent a lot more time feeling sorry for myself and languishing in writer's block without them bolstering me along <3
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As you can see, I did make a fic genre graph, but I'll be honest - this is something I need to tweak for next year because I don't feel the genres well reflect what I actually wrote. This is partially because I only made space for each fic to have one genre, and partially because I dont think the genres I picked well described the writing I did. But looking it over, there's a clear emphasis on family dynamics and the ups and downs that go along with them and I do think that's my favourite part of writing.
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When looking over the characters that called to me the most this year - Virgil's our clear winner! Which I think is hilarious because I feel like I wrote with a large Scott emphasis at the start of the year and a large John emphasis towards the end. But the numbers don't lie!! I think partially guiding this is that I wrote a lot more drabbles for Virgil (and Gordon.... lots of them two together!), but Scott and John got more substantial stories on the whole. Maybe. I'd need to check the raw data :D
In terms of people - I am totally blown away by how generous people have been reading my work <3 I see you and it's an absolutely humbling thing to see the same names cropping up over and over again, returning to read my stories which I don't often have a lot of confidence in (fake it 'til you make it, right?). Somehow getting an overview of the whole year only reinforces that and across AO3 and Tumblr I have nearly 4000 thank yous to say; one for every like, kudos, comment, hit, reblog, reply, whatever <3 Many many of which are being given to the same people over and over again, you guys literally rock hardcore and when I think about that number I'm literally so overwhelmed. It's easy to post something that only gets a couple of notes or kudos or whatever and feel discouraged, but when you look at the whole picture? Unreal <3
Now for the fun part; I've gone and taken all that data and figured out what my top 5 most popular fics of the year have been (excluding the snippet/prompt collections :D) so here goes!
Consequences [tumblr] | [AO3]
Cave In [tumblr] | [AO3]
But Not Forgotten [tumblr] | [AO3]
Roommates [tumblr] | [AO3]
The First Time [tumblr] | [AO3] and Hard Places [tumblr] | [AO3] (tied!)
Hey did you know typing [ tumblr ] did that? New things learnt every day lol...
Amazingly, these didn't line up with MY favourites nearly at all! So I've listed my personal top 5 stories below <3
Capture Comfort [tumblr] | [AO3]
The Scare Floor [tumblr] | [AO3]
Consequences [tumblr] | [AO3]
"Prompt Generator #5" [tumblr] | [AO3]
Different Universes [tumblr] | [AO3]
I'm not much for goal setting; it reminds me too much of school and sitting in stupid form classes with zero ideas as to what to say because apparently writing "I want to do my best and enjoy myself" wasn't a good enough goal. So instead I have some ~~intentions~~ that I'd like to carry into 2023 <3
Get better at replying to comments >///< I don't mean to ignore people and I know most of you know that but I do think replying to comments is! an important aspect of community building in fandom and I've neglected my part in that :P I love you all I swear and there's a lot of people I'd like to get to know better <3
Deep breaths here because this one does scare me - I want to write and finish Where Parallel Lines Meet. The scope of this fic scares me but I do love it and I know that it's going to push me a lot. It's going to be great though <3
ARCHIVE AS I GO LIKE WHY DO I NOT DO THAT (it's the titles rip)
This one isn't writing - I just want to rewatch Thunderbirds :D
Finally I've got some specific people to thank. You've all been amazing and kind to me this year and I'm giving you all the giant-est hug. You're also all incredible storytellers and writers and artists in your own right and I am genuinely so thankful to know you all <3
@gumnut-logic - I know I say this constantly but I LOVE getting to geek out about all sorts of different things and I have to say thank you for reading over so many of my fics and picking me up when I think that they're terrible <3 You're the bestest friend and I'm very lucky to have met you :D
@katblu42 - I love your very cheery chats that we've gotten to have, lots of laughter and fun and you always have such sensible advice it's great. Thank you for diving in and not missing a beat when I get randomly dramatic about whatever I'm writing because even when I've completely failed to explain the context you always seem to know exactly what's what :D
@janetm74 - you've been such an incredible cheerleader and every time (because you've done it multiple times!!) that you go through my AO3 and read stuff and comment in quick succession is always so exciting and overwhelming because what the heck?? Remember those 4000 thank yous I have to give - I'm pretty sure at least a thousand of them are yours <3 Thank you as well for sending me all the fun space things you think I'll enjoy and also for egging me on when I'm spouting off silly ideas in response :D I'll need to give them all a proper go someday!!
@gaviiadastra, @the-original-sineater, @godsliltippy, @mariashades, @amistrio - I've so enjoyed getting to know you all this year - you're all amazing writers and totally inspiring and very kind to boot :D I love how unique you all are and how you all bring such amazing ideas to life and I have to say thank you for both chatting with me but also for sharing all your wonderful work <3
@squiddokiddo thank you for be a very consistent source of encouragement and fountain of kindness when I'm having down days in my personal life. You didn't know me at all but that never stopped you from reaching out and checking in and given that this year was beyond shitty in many various different ways it meant the world in ways that I didn't always know how to express <3
oh and there's so many more people - I've had the good fortune to make some amazing friends and I love you all very much.
I don't think I'll get the current chapter I'm working on done today, so this will likely be my final post of the year (although lol I'm sure I'll still be mucking around on my main) and I KNOW this is sappy and you're not meant to put emotion into the data, but it's pretty damn difficult when the numbers are made up out of friendship and people reaching out from across the globe to say "hey, me too <3"
So see you all in 2023!! I can't wait :D
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My thoughts on the first Long-Running Panel Show Friday of 2023.
Would I Lie to You: Obviously, the most important thing about this episode is I went 4-1 in guessing the answers before they were announced, which is a strong start to a new season. The only one I got wrong is the This Is My round... sorry I didn’t guess that Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith play pranks on each other by mimicking autoerotic asphyxiation and urinating in offices.
Anyway, the episode was good. I’m impressed that I don’t feel like this one’s sagged even into its sixteenth season; David and Lee both still appear to be enjoying themselves. They both ran out of stories years ago, but not out of enthusiasm. Also, why is this the first time I’ve ever heard someone on a panel show tell the audience that if anyone on the other team is your friend, get some new friends? That seems like the sort of thing people should be saying all time.
QI: That was a good time. Not a standout episode, but a solid one. Lou Saunders made me laugh almost every time she opened her mouth. Classic play from Alan Davies, getting excited about blue whales and talking shit about Top Gear. He and Ross Noble play off each other well. And I think Rose Matafeo made me laugh literally every time she opened her mouth. I love her style on panel shows, of sort of sitting back (often literally leaning backward a bit) and sounding vaguely apologetic for interrupting every time she interjects, and it’s always funny.
The News Quiz: “We are barely a week into 2024, and I have already broken my two New Year’s resolutions: not to add one to all numbers.” – Andy Zaltzman
I mean, what more can we ask for from a radio panel show than that as the first line? That was so entertaining that I barely noticed anything else that happened. Chris McCausland and Lucy Porter are always good on this show, and they both came well prepared for this one. Had quite a bit of pre-written material on very recent stuff, I guess they were busy over Christmas. And of all the journalists they cycle through on this show, Samira Ahmed has become one of my favourites.
Andy Zaltzman referring to Rishi Sunak as “the first Prime Minister of 2023″ was good too. He had a number of nice lines. I love the little ways he commits to bits; anyone else would have dropped the thing about not giving out points after the first couple of times. I’ll be honest, it was just nice to hear from him. Missed you, Andy. Glad you’re back for another year.
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown: You know what? After I’ve made two posts in the last few weeks about how this show’s gone stale and they need to respectfully lay it to rest, I thought this episode was good. It wasn’t the lineup I saw announced earlier, and I was immediately annoyed when I saw Jonathan Ross, but actually, it worked well. My favourite part of the episode was Ahir Shah, in his Catsdown debut. He was some of the things that used to make it so much fun to watch Jon Richardson on this show - a genuine Countdown fan who was excited to be there and got really into trying to do well. He paired nicely with Roisin, who’s always good on this show (I mean, bad at the actual puzzles, but her type of humour fits well with the format). Even Jonathan Ross, whom I normally dislike, was funny a few times. And I thought Joe Wilkinson was on good form; he made me laugh several times.
I also liked the stand-in for Rachel Riley. I’d be very happy to have her on all the time instead of Rachel. The dictionary corner guest annoyed me at the beginning - I tend to cringe at too much of a millennial/gen Z self-parody schtick - by the end she’d completely won me around and I though she was fantastic.
I hate saying that I think this episode was so good because Jon Richardson wasn’t there, as my favourite versions of Jon Richardson are pretty much my favourite comedy out there. I absolutely love Jon Richardson, when he’s good. He and Sean Lock had something perfect going for a while, on this and 8 Out of 10 Cats. Channel 4 struck gold with that chemistry, and they were right to get as much mileage as possible out of it. But that’s gone now.
Jon had something very good going before Sean Lock too, of course, the radio show with Russell Howard being much, much better than something like that had any right to be. So one of his partnerships ended in the most dramatic breakup of the twenty-first century, and one ended in a premature death. No wonder he’s tired. Anyway, I think Jon needs to find a new challenge if he’s going to be as entertaining as he used to be again. Maybe if he got paired with Ahir Shah sometime it would bring some of the spark back, get him competitive about something.
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For the Pokemon ask do Exp. Share, Master Ball, and then whichever gen is your favorite and whichever type is your favorite!
Exp. Share: Your first Pokémon game & when you played it
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Ruby version for the gba (actually played on my DS lite tho). I did some math and iirc I was like 12/13 at the time. There's actually a funny anecdote about how I got into pokemon in the first place – I was at summer camp and there was this kid one or two years older than me who had brought his gameboy and spent every lunch break playing pokemon Ruby. He was kind of the “cool kid” so everyone naturally gravitated around him. One day me and a couple others went up to him and asked him if he could show us what he was playing. Fast forward two days later and I was pestering my parents for a pokemon game. One of the best decisions I've ever made, honestly asdfghjk
Hoenn still has a very special place in my heart for that very reason and some of my all-time favourite 'mons are from gen III!
Master ball: favourite legendary
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Ho-oh, Latias and Latios
I don't have much to say about Ho-oh, other than I've always really liked how it it looked and, since I was too young to play Gold when it came out, when I finally got my hands on HG I literally rushed it until I could finally get my hands on it.
Latias and Latios, on the other hand, I like both the design, their unique typing, and the lore around them (they're twins, how cute is that??). I think that, despite blue being my favourite colour, I like Latias a little bit more? But they're so similar that picking just one didn't feel right, so yeah.
Favourite pokemon of my favorite gen (gen III)
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My boy. My son. Absolute peak design. Jokes aside, this is very much a case of "I don't know why I like this specific 'mon so much, but I do". I guess I just find its design very unique for a dragon type and very pleasant to look at, not to mention the fact that I've grown even more attached to it ever since having it on my main team last time I re-played B2W2, a couple years ago. It looks friendly and I want to be its friend :)
Favourite pokemon of my favourite type (flying)
You know, up until a few months ago I would have said fire was my favourite type without a doubt. But lately I just sort of realised that in terms of sheer numbers there are actually more flying type 'mons I like using than fire types, so flying it is! I narrowed it down to these three:
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Talonflame, Altaria, Wattrel
Using talonflame a lot is legit one of the few memories I have retained of my pokemon X playthrough (the other is a random shiny Sylveon I got from wonder trade that basically became my ace). The design is simple, but imo it works well for what it's trying to represent. Then again, I might be biased because I've always liked 'mons that are basically "what if this real-life animal had a cool elemental power?" 😂
Altaria is one of those nostalgic faves that bring me back to my early days as a pokemon fan. I vividly remember seeing the Altaria in Winona's team and being like "WHAT IS THAT I WANT THAT". Except it was my very first pokemon game, kid me had no concept of how evolution worked just yet and also had very limited access to the internet. I don't know how it dawned on me that I had to catch a Swablu and train it in order to get one, but I do know that I was ecstatic when I finally did!
Another new entry from SV, I was so excited to see this little guy leaked. I've seen a lot of people online complain that Wattrel is just some bird, which I guess it's true, but I happen to like just some bird. Plus, flying-electric is a very cool type combination that makes it and its evolution a lot of fun to battle with too. I went with Wattrel instead of Kilowattrel simply because, visually, I like the small guy a little bit more.
Thank you for the ask, this was lots of fun!
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culttvblog · 1 month
Armchair Theatre: A Bit of a Lift
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Content warnings: suicide and rape. This post gives away an essential plot point.
This is a 1973 episode of Armchair Theatre, and as far as I can tell is a favourite of the fans. It is therefore naturally my solemn duty to do a hatchet job on it. Of course my oft-repeated policy is that rubbish won't appear here, and this is still quality drama, despite being deeply flawed in a couple of ways. The main ways in which this is quality drama are in dialogue which literally sparkles, brilliant characterisation and a plot which does actually hang together.
The plot is relatively simple: it's about a man and a woman who meet for the first time at a mutual friend's wedding and decide to book into a hotel for a quickie. At the hotel the man (Alec) goes for a bath, forgets which room they were in, and goes into the room of a second man (Frank), who has gone to the hotel to kill himself, who promises to go to the desk and find out what room he is in, which he does. Then the second man goes to their room, sleeps with the woman (Penelope) and feels so much better about himself. It ends with Frank and Penelope exchanging addresses and he's not going to kill himself any more.
You will of course readily see that this is exactly the sort of thing which would have had Mary Whitehouse up in arms, and strangely I have not found any record of her complaining about it. I think it might not be as famous as it could be (I think it's on the first volume of the DVD releases of Armchair Theatre) because of the problems I'll come to.
It's racy, for a start. As a depiction of planning of casual sex between a man and a woman who have just met it's superb. It's almost a situation comedy, in this respect, the situation being the wedding crossing with the suicide.
It also deals with the planning of the suicide in a completely matter of fact way. We see a fascinating scene of the man recording a record of his suicide note to post to his ex-wife. He does this in a machine where you put a coin in and sit in it like a photo booth. You record your record while the light is on and it gives it to you. It's absolutely fascinating. It's a striking contrast between the preparations for his suicide and the wedding reception taking place at the same time, before Alec and Penlope book into the same hotel as Frank.
And so we come to the problems with this play.
The first is the one that when Frank finds out the number of the room in which Penelope is waiting for Alec, he goes in and finds that she's fallen asleep because Alec has been so long. He then sleeps with her and Penelope is so sleepy that she still thinks she's with Alec. This of course sours the previous happy preparations for consensual sex because she isn't consenting to sex with Frank, and in fact is being raped. There is a lot of discussion online about whether this is related to changing mores, and frankly I have limited patience for this. Making yourself happy by nonconsensual sex with a woman who is expecting someone else has always been serial killer territory, even in the seventies. The fact that she apparently comes round to this idea and gets his address (personally I'd have wanted it to give to Hilda Handcuffs) just means that she's being treated as an object in the middle of a light drama bout making a suicidal man feel better about himself. This is proper screwed.
I'm slightly sceptical about the fact of Penelope confusing the two men because they don't look like each other at all and are built quite differently, no matter how sleepy she was. Would she seriously not open her eyes - the room isn't dark? But of course this problem of credibility fades into insignificance in comparison to the slight matter of rape.
Finally, and this may just be me nit picking. There's something horribly wrong with the wedding, which is that the organist plays Wagner's Bridal March far too fast and the bride charges down the aisle like she's a dog after a rabbit. This was bugging me so much that I began to wonder whether it was me, and started looking for recordings online. I was delighted to see that I was right about this and in fact have found a video of how to do it perfectly. It appears at the end of this post largely because if you can find a husband who looks like that at you and talks to you in front of the Archbishop as if there's nobody else there, you want to keep hold of him. I do say that this blog aims to be instructive as well as entertaining!
So to summarise A Bit of a Lift is a deeply flawed play which is still worth watching, if you can deal with its subject matter, for its brilliant dialogue. I just think that probably not including suicide and making all sexual activity consensual would have made it into a perfect light comedy.
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Image credit: IMDb
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 5 months
5, 9 and 14 please?
Hiya! Thank you so much for the ask!
5. TV show of the year?
Hmmm this one's hard since I've watched so many great shows this year, but I think my number one has to be The Terror (gasp, shock), it's just soooo brilliant and I've gotten something new out of it on every single rewatch, I can praise it enough.
Honourable mentions go to The Bear, Ted Lasso and Yellowjackets because their new seasons this year all made me go absolutely feral I loved them so much
9. Best month for you this year?
This one's tough because I had such a wonderful summer this year, June, July and August were all amazing. But if I had to choose I'd probably say August! I spent so much time with my family and friends - returned to one of my favourite places in the UK for my holiday, and also finally got to visit Hampton Court! I'd been wanting to go for yearsss and it was so worth the wait, I can't wait to go back.
14. Favourite book you read this year?
I literally can't choose just one so I'm not even going to try.
My favourite fiction books I read this year were The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang and Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven. The Poppy War was just brilliantly written all around and pulled me out of my reading slump - Rin quickly became one of my favourite book characters ever, and I'm really excited to continue reading the series. Fantasticland was a really interesting twist on the Lord-of-The-Flies-esque cliche that gets used a lot - the theme park setting was really creative, and the decision to format the book through interviews with different characters was super engaging too.
For non-fiction, I really adored Femina by Janina Ramirez and SAS Rogue Heroes by Ben Macintyre (of course). I absolutely tore my way through Macintyre's book whilst I was on holiday in the summer, and I'm sure my family got tired of me constantly telling them about it and all the insane things that happened to those men. Femina was a bit closer to home in terms of my historical interests, as every section discussed a different medieval woman and was an incredibly accessible and engaging read (shout out to the chapters of Aethelflaed and the women who embroidered the Bayeux Tapestry, those were my favourites). I actually got the privilege of meeting Janina Ramirez a couple of months ago, and she was so lovely! Her enthusiasm really shines through in her writing.
0 notes
mlmxreader · 9 months
Eeee! Hello, hello! Hope you'redoing well, my friend! OMG THE COLLECTION OF BABIES!!!! 😫🥹😭 They're so adorable, I absolutely cannot for my heart can only take so much of the cuteness!
Alright, these are for the "Want to know me better, send a number" asks, if you're still taking them:
5: Book/series I reread?
138: Do I believe in second chances?
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far?
107: Guilty pleasure?
212: Was I named after anyone?
216: Favourite fictional character?
215: What is the weirdest talent I have?
193: What motivates me?
191: What makes me the happiest?
192: What is “home” to me?
78: Early bird or night owl?
98: 3 things I love?
99: 3 things I hate?
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?
60: Pet peeve?
59: Afraid of heights?
41: Do I have any strange phobias?
39: Am I superstitious?
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in?
20: Favourite video games?
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song?
17: Pirates or ninjas?
6: Aliens or ghosts?
Take care and until next time, keep safe! (Will get to the Delaney fic, eventually, hoping I'll be able to get to it this coming weekend or the weekend after but I am so freaking excited to read about our babe James!!)
hi!!!!!!!!!! I am doing well, thank you - I've got work every day this week in the AM, with the exception of Thursday and Friday bc I'm doing double shifts but I've got Saturday and Sunday off, so that's good!
SIX babies!!! Hanzo is the only literal baby, he's only a couple of weeks old and he's 1.2cm so he's a TEENY baby 😭 teeny tiny baby scorpling 🥺
alright!!! let's go!!!
5: American Psycho, All Quiet on the Western Front and The Great Gatsby I tend to read more than once a year, so I'll go w them lmfao
138: it depends. if someone didn't mean any actual harm and they're willing to change and they're doing so ACTIVELY, then yes. but if it's bc of some form of bigotry (racism, transphobia, misogyny, homophobia, classism, ableism, sanism, islamophobia, antisemitism, etc)? no. get fucked.
150: getting tattoos and exotic animals lmao I love my reptilian and arachnid children and I love my tattoos
107: classic Monster!! I personally love Assault the best, but I can never say no to classic!
212: Llywelyn comes from the name Llywelyn ab Iorwerth, aka Llywelyn Fawr (Llewelyn the Great), a Welsh king; it's a chance to show off my culture and my heritage and my history that - for the most part - has been erased by the English.
216: definitely Aragorn. cannot lie. it's Aragorn
215: I have an odd talent for being able to calm down snakes, including wild ones, and getting them to chill out - which I discovered during college whilst working w a 10ft python who was really defensive, but it also happened at work bc we had a load of grass snakes and a few adders in the cat pens
193: spite
191: heavy metal!! you stick on some Sabaton and I'm happy as a pig in shit
192: home is safety. it's the wag of a dog's tail. it's acceptance unconditionally and it's unconditional support. home can be a friend, it can be a family member, it can be an animal.
78: some weird mix like a chronically tired raven
98: heavy metal, tattoos, reptiles
99: Englishmen, the English crown, Tories
62: yes!! I'm vegetarian and have been for... a long while lmfao
60: people who walk their reactive dogs off lead.
59: nope
41: nope, no phobias
39: yes and no; there's some superstitious beliefs that I hold that come from my culture, but I wouldn't say I 100% think they're real
25: Damian Lewis, Tom Hardy, Angela Bassett, Laverne Cox
20: rdr2!!
19: my alarm has been The Last Stand by Sabaton for 2 years now, so I always start my day w that
17: ninjas
until next time!!! (there's no rush!! I'm working on the next chapter as it is, so there's plenty of time lmfao)
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